Open Thread – Wed 8 Nov 2023

Sunlight, Afternoon, La Rue de l’Epicerie, Rouen, Camille Pissarro, 1898

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Cassie of Sydney
November 8, 2023 9:52 pm

So, Monty’s a David Irving fan.

Makes sense.

November 8, 2023 9:53 pm

Nov 8, 2023 9:30 PM
I’m not convinced that the Geneva conventions are even the correct guide to this conflict.
What Hamas did was go into Israel, commit multiple murders and other crimes on civilian men, woman and children, which were of zero military value or justification, then seize hostages and retreat to their own territory.
In fact, the situation is more akin to an active crime scene.
Civilians need to leave, as they would in a active shooter crime scene.

I’m not a lawyer, but much of the time when people bang on about the Geneva (Law of Geneva – which primarily governed the protection of war victims )conventions, they usually mean the Hague (use of means and methods of warfare). And guess what, the Hauge is not quite as “nice” as they expect.
For example:

A “reprisal” is a breach of international humanitarian law, which would otherwise be unlawful but in exceptional cases is considered lawful as an enforcement measure in response to a previous breach of international humanitarian law by the enemy, with the purpose of terminating the enemy’s violation.

Which might apply if said enemy was operating as a uniformed combatant.

November 8, 2023 9:53 pm

Be fair John, some of them wore the green bandannas.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 8, 2023 9:57 pm

It was of its time, at the end of a world war.

Less then a month after nearly 20,000 U.S. soldiers had been killed in the Battle of the Bulge, and three weeks after the discovery of the horrors of Auschwitz…

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 8, 2023 9:59 pm

But hey, history is written by the winners

If one is to accept that proposition, then one single, surefire certainty exists:

mUnter – you will never, ever write history. Your tendency of adherence to the losing side of any argument will be why you are remembered.

If at all.

November 8, 2023 10:01 pm

There were some excellent articles written by a Lt. Col. Tom Kratman that addressed aspects of laws of war. Sadly lost by the site closing, and yes, I did check archives.
He touches on it in some of his fiction, but it is fiction, I don’t expect people to equate it to reality.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 8, 2023 10:05 pm

Four conditions need to be met:

A chain of command. Possibly.

The chain of command enforces the laws of war. Definite fail.

Weapons are carried openly. Partial at best.

A clearly visible identifying insignia must be worn. LOL.

No, they are not.

I’m going back to the argument about whether the Viet Cong in general, and the Nogerian gentleman in particular, who was photographed receiving summary execution during the Tet offensive, were entitled to the protection of the Geneva Convention.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 8, 2023 10:07 pm

…being part of the maintenance team I got to take a compaq luggable home.

Luggable. Meaning a personal computer the weight of three large Besser blocks. Great what the advertising geeks think up.

Someone somewhere invented the laptop. Can’t remember who though.

Watched two episodes of Halt and Catch Fire. Can see what they’re driving at – who will be the genius to invent the next computing Big Thing.

Cassie of Sydney
November 8, 2023 10:08 pm

The priorities of the UK Conservative government…..

Banning ciggies but not jihadists.

The UK is finished.

November 8, 2023 10:09 pm

It really is rather amazing, you know. These corporate sheilas want board seats, senior executive post quotas, and talk about the “glass ceiling.” You see an obvious case of the bint, who is in charge of Optus, who has made two major mistakes and has previously spoken about “work-life balance.” Without the use of quotas or affirmative action, Jacinta Price, in my opinion, single-handedly secured the No vote in a crucial referendum in Australian history.

November 8, 2023 10:11 pm

I think I can alleviate Monty’s concerns.
ADF lawyer to us during pre-deployment training (I didn’t go but I was there for the training): “If we discover any hint that you have contravened the laws of warfare I will personally, cheerfully, prosecute you to the full extent I can. That is my job and I enjoy it”. (Paraphrased from memory).
Pretty sure the IDF will have similar.
Numerous news items of prosecutions of personnel indicate that such is the case.

Cassie of Sydney
November 8, 2023 10:13 pm

Without the use of quotas or affirmative action, Jacinta Price, in my opinion, single-handedly secured the No vote in a crucial referendum in Australian history.”

Yep, that she did. What a gal.

November 8, 2023 10:14 pm

Nov 8, 2023 9:45 PM

Former Australian diplomat Gregory Andrews

Looking at him, I think it’s a disguise for a slimming session.
He must have been grazing in a lush paddock.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 8, 2023 10:17 pm


Nov 8, 2023 6:09 PM

Unless the chap was newly diagnosed with the diabettess (h/t Patrice O’Neal) it’s really odd that his management regime was so poor.

I think the lawyer is throwing it out there as a catch-all excuse.
Not so fast.
There needs to be an extensive investigation of his history. Did it involve regular hypos? Was he aware of the onset? Did he take his treatment regime seriously? Had he been advised to avoid driving in certain circumstances?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 8, 2023 10:17 pm

Pretty simple, I would have thought.

If you are attacked on your own turf by a non-signatory to anything, you aren’t bound by anything you’ve signed that relates to some other country (or entity) that has.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 10:17 pm

I am not so sure Captain Hindsight pundits will look back as sympathetically on Gaza as they do on Dresden. But hey, history is written by the winners.

You raised it, m0nts, so let’s hear it… In what way is what the IDF is doing in Gaza (leaving ENTIRELY to one side motivations, who started it, etc, etc) something like the Dresden firebombing raids in your mind, such that they might be viewed in hindsight as maybe roughly equal (being generous)?

I hear a lot of hand waving from many about “atrocities”, but not much more than that. I know specifics are hard to come by just yet (fog of war and all that) but given you are so obviously convinced, there must be some particularly egregious examples that spring to mind, surely?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 8, 2023 10:17 pm

“If we discover any hint that you have contravened the laws of warfare I will personally, cheerfully, prosecute you to the full extent I can. That is my job and I enjoy it”. (Paraphrased from memory).

“Vooking” and “pogo” are two words that spring to mind….

November 8, 2023 10:21 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 8, 2023 10:22 pm

Almost farter time for today.

I will make one further observation though – the DEW and CGI enthusiasts are noticeably absent from discussions involving a conflict – nay, war – that is absolutely chockers with both kinetic energy distribution and vision of that happening.

November 8, 2023 10:25 pm

Monty is a bit like this:

comment image

November 8, 2023 10:33 pm

I am not so sure Captain Hindsight pundits will look back as sympathetically on Gaza as they do on Dresden.

Gaza is being bombed with extensive care and warning by the IDF. Any and all civilian casualties are caused by the hamas dogs using their civilians as shields, preventing them from escaping and, as many of the hamas top vermin have said, wanting their people to spill their blood to galvanise the rest of the muslim shitheads.

In short gaza is the opposite of Dresden, which is not say dresden was not acceptable.

Now go and grow a dick you little turd.

November 8, 2023 10:42 pm

Without the use of quotas or affirmative action, Jacinta Price, in my opinion, single-handedly secured the No vote in a crucial referendum in Australian history.”

She also mentally wrecked Noel and Stan.

They’re tribal Big Men. This was supposed to be their time.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 10:42 pm

Sancho Panzer
Nov 8, 2023 10:17 PM

I think the lawyer is throwing it out there as a catch-all excuse.
Not so fast.
There needs to be an extensive investigation of his history. Did it involve regular hypos? Was he aware of the onset? Did he take his treatment regime seriously? Had he been advised to avoid driving in certain circumstances?

I don’t wish to get into an argument, and I have exactly zero knowledge of the details, and it is certainly possible that the legal eagle is using “diabetes” as some sort of cover for something else, but this is, frankly, ignorant bulltish.

If this 66yo is insulin dependent, then it is very likely (90ish%) that he is a type 1 diabetic, and has thus been managing his condition for a few decades.

The whole “did he take his treatment regime seriously” question, just by its very asking, shows a misunderstanding of how diabetes works.

It isn’t something where if you take drug A, then bad effect B will not happen. Diabetics are trying to mimic the adaptability of the human body to various inputs (carbs, exercise, rest, stress and others) to create a somewhat stable output (blood sugar between 4 and 8, typically). Which, if you aren’t aware, is a pretty small target.

This is not a science. Even with modern on-body monitoring and/or insulin pumps, this is not even close to a science. It is closer to an art form, and treating it as other than that is, frankly, ignorant.

Ironically, it – if a hypo is what happened – is most likely not about a poor management regime. It is more likely about a good management regime that failed at exactly the wrong moment.

“Had he been advised to avoid driving in certain circumstances?” What “circumstances” would they be? “Fred… if you think you’re going to have a hypo, don’t drive”?????? Just, frankly, a nonsense suggestion.

I could make a good case for SWMBO not driving, but that is more about the lead foot than the diabetes (and don’t tell her I said that!).

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 8, 2023 10:45 pm

Monty’s erection over the past month has been too much even for him to bear, hence his excitement posting over decapitated babies, kids having their limbs lopped off. People set alight. In his warped mind, Israel had it coming.
You loathsome turd. Head on off to Gaza and see how long you last arsehole. They hate you too, but you are too dumb to realise. Phuck off now.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 8, 2023 10:45 pm

On diabetic hypos.
I have had a little bit of third hand exposure and struggle to understand how someone could flip straight into Zombie mode.
I do know one guy who would become very antsy and disoriented when he went too far, BUT he could recognise the precondition before it got to that.
I really don’t know.
But it requires a bit more examination than his lawyer holding up the “diabetic hypo” card.

November 8, 2023 10:45 pm

This clown in Canberra that is hunger striking would be a paid agent providing propaganda for the fiends pushing this economic death spiral. If he really was insane, I’d have pity; But I doubt that.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 8, 2023 10:48 pm

They’re tribal Big Men. This was supposed to be their time.

Well said!

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 10:52 pm

I do know one guy who would become very antsy and disoriented when he went too far, BUT he could recognise the precondition before it got to that.

Absolutely true, so far as my experience goes.

But the next bit is when they actually “get to that”. Whereupon any thought that they are compromised can (not will) disappear. It can be very difficult to get sugars into them when they get uber-low, because they “know” they are “fine”.

I can’t stress enough how non-linear this all is.

November 8, 2023 10:53 pm

Reckon you or I could sit out the front of parliament protesting about whatever for a week? Feds would haul us off after 10 minutes.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 8, 2023 10:53 pm

I think the lawyer is throwing it out there as a catch-all excuse.

The lawyer is in fact a high-end criminal practitioner who has a list as long as your leg of significant career crooks who he has acted for. His bio:

Martin Amad has been a solicitor for over 20 years practicing predominately in criminal law. He also has significant experience in confiscation, civil and family law.

He appears daily in all courts throughout Australia and has acted for clients in all jurisdictions , including many landmark and high profile cases both domestic and international.

Regardless of how much cash the driver has tucked behind the couch, one does not hire a bloke like Martin Amad if there’s been a genuine mistake.

Yes this is speculation. Yes the Sporty Beemer driver may be stupid rich. However, you do not pick this bloke out of the phone book to be your mouthpiece unless you have some explaining to do.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 8, 2023 10:55 pm

She also mentally wrecked Noel and Stan.

I’d add Thomas Mayo to that list.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 8, 2023 10:57 pm

My questions would be around prior “unexpected” hypos, and whether he might have considered handing in his licence.
I wonder if he might avoid serious criminal charges, but face civil action?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 8, 2023 11:03 pm

Yes, Mark.
This guy exhibited similar behaviours to hypoxia. Simply unaware of the condition he was in.
The questions which might be asked would be around history, and whether he had been advised to consider not driving, or perhaps should have volunteered to hand in his ticket.
Like KD and Rosie, I find the choice of lawyer interesting unless he is just a family friend or acquaintance who was the first name to come to mind.
I guess it annoys me that these lawyers will call “sub judice” at the drop of a horse-hair wig, but casually drop supposed extenuating circumstances into pressers left, right and centre.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 11:04 pm


If he has a history of frequent hypos then I’d agree he ought not be driving.

With so much unknown I’m hesitant to draw any conclusions at all.

What I guess I wanted to do was just take the opportunity to explain that this could just be a diligent diabetic in a bad situation, and that absolutely nothing we know, or even suspect, argues against that.

Yes, he has an interesting lawyer, but otherwise, I’m prepared to bet on the “bad situation” option, to be honest.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 8, 2023 11:05 pm

TE, re failing microwaves.
I found them great for cooking pappadums.
Until I blew one up.
They need to have a level of moisture inside to work properly.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 11:06 pm

I guess it annoys me that these lawyers will call “sub judice” at the drop of a horse-hair wig, but casually drop supposed extenuating circumstances into pressers left, right and centre.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 8, 2023 11:07 pm

Yeah, let’s see.
Five deaths and multiple serious injuries warrants an in depth investigation of his entire history.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 11:09 pm

TE, re failing microwaves.

TE, we have owned a Sharp Convection Microwave for, I think, 30+ years.

Well, two. We replaced the first one a decade ago. With pretty much the identical model.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 11:10 pm

Yeah, let’s see.
Five deaths and multiple serious injuries warrants an in depth investigation of his entire history.

Yes, of bl00dy course it does.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 8, 2023 11:11 pm

The front page of tomorrow’s OZ is a credit to them.

November 8, 2023 11:15 pm

KD at 5:06 and Megan at 6:00

Moron. Nowhere at all did I call for any sort of genocide. You’re an even bigger idiot than I previously thought you were. Hard to credit that you have enough brain capacity to breathe on your own.

You get down and dirty into the gutter thinking you are making a coherent argument. 100% wrong. Its all projection, and with the finger you used to point at KD and me, there are three pointing back at you.

You are exactly what you accuse others of. I stand with Cassie – piss off back to whatever filthy hole you slithered out of.

November 8, 2023 11:17 pm

It’s 2023 and we are still running the bloody trolley problem

if only trolleys has never been invented

the world would be a better place

kumbayah, you simpleton

November 8, 2023 11:20 pm

I’m available to Rita

rack off CL

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 8, 2023 11:29 pm

Yeah, the Sharp convection microwaves were good. Then they started lowering the quality and now they are not.

Must be like that fishing reel company. Ya gotta design them so the customer keeps buying. Built-in obsolescence.

November 8, 2023 11:33 pm

From BB at 7pm re Bolt’s ridiculousness…

Yes, you may laugh. Morrison has been scapegoated by his own party since the election loss, but people forget he was a fine Immigration Minister, and he stopped the boats.

Laugh? Laughable is the only adjective you can apply to the idea of resurrecting Marshmallow Morrison to run anything bigger than an ant farm.

His success in immigration was almost entirely due to the man he later shafted…Tony Abbott.

Give up now, Bolta, this idea is a total dead parrot.

November 8, 2023 11:39 pm

On microwaves – we have had 2 Panasonic Inverters that have been brilliant, long lasting workhorses.

Got a good ten years out of the first one. We only passed it on 5 years ago because I wanted the shiny new model to go with our shiny new model kitchen. No turntable so very easy to clean.

Only downside on the new model is that 10 seconds is the smallest interval you can choose, unlike the first one which allowed 1 second increments. Initially as annoying as hell when you want to nuke something for 15 seconds but I’ve gradually got used to it and work around it.

November 8, 2023 11:46 pm

Nov 8, 2023 8:34 PM

Key issue for Optus is not the attack, which is common and known, but the response which was badly managed and poorly communicated.

The ‘work’ from home IT boffins are ‘fixing’ it bro!

Mark from Melbourne
Nov 8, 2023 9:37 PM

Nov 8, 2023 9:00 PM

Lest we start to bore the young ‘uns I shall just post this, then quietly exit (not GOTO) stage left…

I was one of the first/only Australians to own a Lisa. More fool me, but the whole WIMP thing was beguiling to someone who was developing on a PDP. I was also the first (verified, I still have the receipts) to run a multi-user version of Xenix in this fair land… on a 286 with 1MB RAM as I recall. 4 user accounting system.

Nov 8, 2023 9:00 PM

“Resembled a large book”?? Looxoory, lad. When I started we ran an insurance company off an 80MB hard drive and 128KB of RAM. Drive was the size of a washing machine and, like many a washing machine, had a tendency to shimmy all over the floor.

For home use I started with a Sinclair zx81, then the Spectrum then a Commodore 64, then the 80286, and then followed the treadmill to my current beast.

After finishing training, my first real program was hand written on coding sheets and the lovely ladies in the lunch room turned it into punch cards. My 2nd or 3 job was to take a program written in the 70s to structure it properly and eliminate the GOTOs ,it was written for when the mainframe had two K ( yes K) of ram. Our first 1GB hard drive was the size of a fridge.being part of the maintenance team I got to take a compaq luggable home. As we were a large IBM sho, and I was then working as a junior tech consultant I was given an AT computer to evaluate. It was out of the first 24 in the country.

When I changed jobs from the mainframe house, I was given a DG1 512k of Ram and 2x 3.5 floppies. We priced a 5mb hardrive $3500 ( 1983 dollars). Traded that for a Toshiba t3100, which looked like a laptop, but no battery

Boy – What a Bunch of Youngsters

Distinction Physics 1, 1962 at Sydney Uni under Prof H M Messel (I hope you have taken your No Doz Tablets – Yes his Lectures were that Boring!)

Working on Vacuum Tube SILLIAC in Sydney Uni Physics Lab

1964 PDP/11 Elec Eng Sydney Uni

IBM Service Bureau – 1965 – 407 Plug Wire Panel IBM Accounting Machine

Then IBM 1401 with 16K Memory and Aurocoder besides COBOL & Fortran

moved onto IBM 360 Asembler with IBM IPARS Assembler (Still going strong today)

Could Boot Strap Restart IBM 360 on Binary Switches on Front Panel – Had Mate who could do it from memory.

Worked in Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal

Did a lot of work with Z80 Assembler, Hard Wired Boards

Programmed in Cobol, PL1, Fortran, Assembler, C+ etc

Excellent with an Oscilloscope Networking and Device Communications on Multiple Communications Protocols – Ipars 6 Bit, P1024, X25

Was Involved in Uk Teletext, and US DARPA supported the evolution of the ARPANET (the first wide-area packet switching network), Packet Radio Network, Packet Satellite Network and ultimately, the Internet and research in the artificial intelligence fields of speech recognition and signal processing, including parts of Shakey the robot

Amazin how IT has Progressed, but even more amazing, that IBM IPARS/BOAC IPARS Real Time Reservations Systems, developed from American Airlines SABRE in mid 1960s is still in use today as AMADEUS.

November 8, 2023 11:55 pm

Sack her!!!!

Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin’s $15m Vaucluse mansion is the scene of an elaborate photoshoot while Australia grinds to a halt due to massive internet and phone outage

. Photoshoot at CEO’s home as Optus battled network crash
. Stylists ferried in luxury items like furniture and flowers
. Husband spotted overseeing shoot as country ground to halt

A team of stylists staged an elaborate photoshoot at the exclusive mansion home of Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin while her company’s network failure triggered nationwide chaos.

As the nation’s second-largest telco went down for hours – killing all calls, texts and internet access for 10million customers – Daily Mail Australia can reveal the CEO’s family home in wealthy Vaucluse, in Sydney’s east, was a hive of activity.

While Ms Bayer Rosmarin was refusing to get on the front foot and communicate with furious customers, a fleet of vehicles brought in luxury items like throws, shrubbery and furniture for a photography session in the $15million mansion.

Even the CEO’s husband, Rodney, admitted that the photo session – staged for the architect who renovated their 1920s period home – was ‘unfortunate timing’.

Mr Rosmarin – a former executive at Commonwealth Bank – could be seen directing the stylists, along with one of their daughters and the family’s pet dog, a silver-grey Italian greyhound named ‘Vespa’.

Wicker furniture, elaborate floral features and rugs were moved into position along with various bits of camera equipment.

Mr Rosmarin told Daily Mail Australia: ‘They just hadn’t got round to photographing it yet and it was being done today.

‘It was just unfortunate timing.’

He admitted today’s network crash had been ‘hell’ for his wife, and added: ‘Unfortunately, that’s the problem with big organisations and modern technology.’

Ms Rosmarin was not seen during the photoshoot, which commenced several hours after Optus went down across the country.

Services began to be gradually restored after midday.

Several young men and women could be seen staging the photoshoot – ferrying props onto and off the balcony, which overlooks Sydney Harbour.

The family only moved into the home 18 months ago after selling another, more modern-style, luxury home nearby for $7.75million.

They also sold their second home in Bowral in the Southern Highlands for $4million last year, after spending almost $400,000 on a swimming pool renovation.

Since moving into the new Vaucluse home – which is heavily fortified with extensive CCTV cameras – the family have also spent a further $376,00 on a new pool and spa for that property too.

The four-bedroom home sits on 1200sqm plot on a quiet hilltop street, with views to the Harbour Bridge and CBD, and across the water to the lower north shore.

It boasts a grand Great Gatsby-style interior with original feature fireplaces and a spectacular curved stairway for a dramatic entrance to the reception area.

There is also a library and a vault and formal lounge and dining rooms, as well as a living room, sitting room, lift and a butler’s pantry off the expansive kitchen.

The photoshoot was branded a ‘PR disaster’ by critics.

‘Talk about karma coming to get you,’ Sky News Australia commentator Steve Price said.

‘The timing couldn’t be worse – no one begrudges the fact they have a nice house in Vaucluse but the fact they let this photoshoot go ahead is a PR disaster.’

Details of the photoshoot emerged after the CEO faced backlash for taking too long to respond to the crisis.

It took almost seven hours before Ms Rosmarin spoke out about the devastating outage, breaking her silence in a call over WhatsApp to the ABC.

November 9, 2023 12:07 am

And it’s Not m0nty

Meet the Nike Marketing Specialist Who Says Israel, Not Hamas, Is ‘Massacring Civilians’

Nike’s James Rehwald: Israeli claims of Hamas atrocities are ‘pure projection’

<em>A top marketing specialist at Nike responded to Iran-backed terror group Hamas’s Oct. 7 slaughtering of innocent Israeli women and children by accusing the Jewish state—not Hamas—of “massacring civilians.”

James Rehwald, who has worked as a “digital media marketing specialist” at Nike since 2021, on Oct. 16 posted a video to his Patreon account titled, “Why Israel Deliberately Targets Civilians.”

That video, Rehwald wrote in his caption, exposes the “brutal military and settler colonial occupation that Israel has imposed on its native Palestinians for the past 75 years.” Rehwald went on to downplay the atrocities Hamas terrorists committed against Israelis during their attack on the Jewish state, arguing that Israel commits those same atrocities “on a much greater scale.”

“Much of what Israel claims about [the] Palestinian resistance is pure projection,” Rehwald wrote in his caption. “The killing of children, massacring civilians, the r*pe, torture, hostage-taking, and imprisonment that Israel accuses Palestinians of occurs on a much greater scale by the Israelis.”

Rehwald’s dismissal of Hamas’s barbaric attack—which saw some Hamas terrorists gleefully film themselves using a hoe to behead a civilian’s corpse—comes as some employers cut ties with young staffers over their support for the terror group. Chicago-based law firm Winston & Strawn, for example, withdrew an employment offer to New York University law student Ryna Workman, who issued a statement saying Israel “bears full responsibility” for Hamas’s attack.

Many top corporations, however, have offered muted responses to Hamas’s terrorism—or no response at all.

Nike CEO John Donahoe nearly a week after the attack sent an internal email to employees decrying the “horrific attacks in Israel” but did not mention Hamas, prompting pushback from some Jewish employees.

Hamas directly ordered its terrorist fighters to kill as many Israelis as possible, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Neither Rehwald nor Nike returned requests for comment. After the Washington Free Beacon contacted Rehwald, the Nike marketing specialist added a message to his X, formerly Twitter, account stating, “Views are my own, not my employer’s.”

In addition to his work at Nike, Rehwald—a California native who graduated from the University of Portland—has amassed tens of thousands of social media followers thanks to his “leftist comedy and education” videos, which have been described as “anti-imperialist satire.”

Rehwald in his videos discusses topics such as, “How the U.S. bourgeois state co-opts progressive rhetoric to mask class exploitation,” and “How U.S. imperialism is causing climate change.”

Rehwald says he started making those videos in 2020, citing his love for “leftist politics, history, media, entertainment, satire, and video production.” Rehwald in April teased an expansion of his media endeavors, saying a “few big producers/creators recently reached out to me about potentially expanding into bigger projects one day!”

“I aim to develop funny, informational, and at times horrifying content,” Rehwald says on his Patreon account’s “about” page.

The anti-Israel video Rehwald shared to his Patreon followers, meanwhile, comes from a YouTube channel known as GDF. Its video accusing Israel of deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians only once mentions Hamas and refers to the terror group’s assault on the Jewish state as a “devastating surprise attack.”

The channel in other videos has accused the United States of creating the terror group ISIS, a claim that Iran’s government has used as propaganda. GDF has also attacked socialist senator Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) as insufficiently leftist, calling him a “génocidaire” who supports “regime change.”

The Rehwald-endorsed YouTube channel blamed Israel for Hamas’s attack just four days after it occurred.

“It should be common sense that following a terrorist attack in Israel people criticize Israel’s treatment of Palestinians… the cause of the attack,” the channel wrote.

November 9, 2023 12:13 am

Optus Boss Kelly Bayer Rosmarin refuses to stand down as CEO as she is put on the spot about whether businesses will receive compensation for the crippling outage that ‘endangered lives’

. Optus boss says that she will not resign from the job
. Refused to promise any compensation for outage

Watching her tonight on TV – A Classic Example of DEI Gone Wrong – Peter Principle – Incompetence elevated to the Top – Fire her – Totally Incompetent

November 9, 2023 12:16 am

Wallis Simpson The Second!

‘Diminishes daily’: Damning verdict on Meghan’s marriage

Meghan and Harry’s marriage will last “years rather than decades” as his usefulness to her “diminishes daily”, an expert has claimed.

November 9, 2023 12:21 am

Monty supporting the literal head hacking terrorists.

Must be another day ending in Y.

In his address, Erdan showed the General Assembly a brief video of a Hamas terrorist trying to decapitate a Thai worker with a garden tool during the October 7 onslaught.

“I have seen much footage over the past weeks that will be seared into my mind forever, but there is one sight that I keep on seeing when I try to sleep. In the video, one can see a terribly injured civilian – bloodied, yet alive – laying on the ground as a Hamas savage screaming Allahu Akbar repeatedly pummels the
man’s neck with a garden hoe in order to decapitate him,” the UN envoy said.

Monty’s confused, he’s trying to locate the Nazis to punch but the calls ARE COMING FROM INSIDE HIS OWN HOUSE!!!

November 9, 2023 12:21 am

You raised it, m0nts, so let’s hear it… In what way is what the IDF is doing in Gaza (leaving ENTIRELY to one side motivations, who started it, etc, etc) something like the Dresden firebombing raids in your mind, such that they might be viewed in hindsight as maybe roughly equal (being generous)?

Thousands of civilian deaths from indiscriminate bombing.

November 9, 2023 12:28 am

The U.S. Army Gets Desperate, Puts White Men Back In Its Ads

Woke Ads Weren’t Filling The Ranks

Readers may recall some of the U.S. Army’s woke ads in recent years, focusing on diversity, such as this one about a lady soldier who was raised by two lesbians.

The full text of her tweet:

The US Army’s new recruitment ad is so cynical. After 15 years of relentless progessive brainwashing and doing a literal “stand down” to root out “extremists” ( ie white conservatives), they are now facing an existential recruiting crisis and must return again to seducing the children of said “extremists” into fighting for their country.

A country that no longer exists.

Others mocked the Army’s U-turn from diversity.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 9, 2023 12:31 am

That’s it? A bit of hand waving about “thousands of civilian deaths”? Not a shred of anything stronger?

As to “indiscriminate bombing”, I’d have thought that any scholar of war would have agreed that, whatever else the Israeli’s might be, they certainly discriminate when it comes to bombing.

You must have info that I’m lacking to charge into the fray with these sorts of accusations. Come on, spill the beans.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 9, 2023 12:32 am

Nov 8, 2023 11:46 PM

Well, that settled that, then!

I can still do mental arithmetic in Octal, if that helps…

November 9, 2023 12:32 am

Fewer Than 1 In 5 Ukrainian Refugees In Germany Are Employed

Politicians from across the political spectrum have criticized the generous welfare benefits available to Ukrainian refugees which are disincentivizing many from joining the labor market…

Only a fraction of the estimated 700,000 Ukrainian refugees of working age have found employment following their arrival in Germany, a report from German newspaper Der Spiegel has revealed.

According to the report, just 19 percent of Ukrainian refugees in Germany have found work with the rest currently living off the country’s welfare state.

Several politicians from across the political spectrum expressed their concern about the sustainability of providing ongoing support.

Matthias Jendricke, chairman of the Nordhausen district council in Thuringia, described the situation as “disappointing.”

A member of the governing Social Democratic Party (SPD), Jendricke said he thought it would have been easier to integrate Ukrainians into the labor market than other refugees.

In the weeks following the Russian attack, he even bussed Ukrainian refugees from Berlin to his district as the county was in urgent need of labor.

“Things went completely wrong”, he explained, revealing that only a fraction of the refugees were interested in joining the labor market.

Joachim Walter, a member of the CDU opposition and county council president in the Tübingen district of Baden-Württemberg, held a similar view.

“The willingness of Ukrainian refugees to work has been significantly reduced because of the aid,” he claimed.

He accused the federal government of being too generous in relation to the social benefits on offer for Ukrainian refugees, claiming that “high public payments” do not “encourage people to work here.” – No Shit Sherlock!

November 9, 2023 12:38 am

Hamas leaders are billionaires, rolling in the dough

Can someone explain to the rest of us why the leaders of Hamas, the world’s evilest terrorist organization which has just murdered 1,400 innocent people, are actual billionaires living their best lives in Qatar?

According to the New York Post:

While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles.

The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering $11 billion between them and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar.

The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas at the same time as hosting a vast American military presence.

They need to be like Osama bin Laden in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks, wearing rags and hiding in some stinking cave, staring at their stashes of child porn, not living large in Vegas-like Qatar.

Hamas runs an office in Qatar’s capital, Doha, and leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaled Mashal live a luxurious lifestyle.

They have been seen at its diplomatic club, photographed on private jets and traveled widely. The leadership would have been there for the 2022 soccer World Cup.

Instead, Hamas is loaded with characters like this guy, Hamas leader Khalid Mishal, who’s worth more than $2 billion, living in the lap of luxury, and getting glamour shots in Vanity Fair and this magazine cover satire.

Why the heck is that going on?

The 1,400 torture-murders they planned and executed in Israel, and the 200 hostages they are holding now in their filthy tunnels

Burning babies and beheading 10-year-olds is what they do, not what normal people do. They are the vilest of criminals and need to be completely rubbed out.

Yet nobody in Qatar seems to be upset by this evil ensconced at the heart of their regime, nobody wants them out, they and their billions seem to be as protected as ever.

It’s the kind of thing that makes Qatar a state sponsor of terror, but we don’t see any action from the Biden administration to make that declaration.

The U.S. and all civilized nations need to come down hard on these maggots, lay down the law for Qatar, pull U.S. troops from that state, and above all, get hold of Hamas’s ill-gotten gains to pay for reparations to Israel.

They aren’t entitled to that money now no matter how they got hold of it.

How’d Hamas get that money, anyway?

We know they don’t produce anything.

We know that people in Gaza, which they rule over the way Mexico’s cartels rule over some parts of Mexico, are dirt poor.

The only possibilities seem to be foreign aid, whether from the U.S., Iran, hostile states such as China, or various Arab princelings, or perhaps drug dealing and human smuggling, the way Mexico’s cartels do it.

The U.S. needs to start defunding these thugs now.

November 9, 2023 12:40 am

There’s something seriously askew with this old coot.

BREAKING: The judge presiding over Trump’s NYC trial appears to have a peculiar hobby of posting half-naked photos of himself on a high school alumni newsletter he controls as reported on by @MarcoPolo501c3.

The 74-year-old judge Arthur Engoron appeared to even post a “Bonus-Torso-Photo” in what looks like the bathroom of a gym.

One set of images seems to be progress pictures. One picture of a frailer, malnourished male (assumed to be Judge Engoron) is labeled October 2020.

Another picture, labeled August 2021, shows the same body, flexing excessively to try and show off his muscle gains.

Judge Arthur Engoron is the editor of the Wheatley School Alumni Association Newsletter, according to a post on the website where the photos were posted.

This man is not well.

November 9, 2023 12:45 am

Monty studiously avoiding answering ” why don’t hamarse surrender and hand over the hostages”.
Because that, and that alone is the only way to save civilian casualties and end the fighting.

pete of perth
pete of perth
November 9, 2023 12:46 am

I used my first microwave in January 1982. Awe struck was I at the ease of melting cheese on bread.

November 9, 2023 12:55 am

How Is Trump Winning? The Answer Is That He’s Running on the Issues

He’s winning on high gas, grocery prices, and interest rates. He’s winning because Americans don’t want to give up gasoline-powered cars, gas stoves, hot water heaters, dishwashers, and wood-burning pizzas. And that’s just for starters.

A recent editorial from a very conservative newspaper editorial page — not to mention any names here — is asking, “Will Trump Be Indicted Into Office?”

This is their response to the spate of recent polls showing Mr. Trump leading in nearly all the toss-up states and defeating Joe Biden a year from now.

Then, there’s another headline that I will identify from the Washington Post entitled: “Eight columnists discuss: How in the world is Trump winning?” Half of those columnists were conservatives. Just saying.

They too completely missed the point. Mr. Trump is winning on the issues.

He’s winning on high gas and grocery prices. He’s winning on high interest rates on mortgages and credit cards. He’s winning because Americans are sick of the socialist Green New Deal. They don’t want to give up gasoline-powered cars, gas stoves, hot water heaters, dishwashers, and wood-burning pizzas — just because a bunch of 30-something Ivy League bureaucrats tell them they can’t have this kind of stuff.

Mr. Trump is winning because, from Day 1 back in 2015, he warned about illegal immigration, job losses, and falling real wages.

Mr. Trump is winning because his tax cuts generated huge income gains for typical families and lower-income folks.

Mr. Trump is winning because he took out Soleimani and bankrupted Iran, befriended Israel, and changed Middle Eastern politics with the Abraham Accords.

Mr. Trump is winning because he rang the warning bell on China and followed through with tough trade policies.

Mr. Trump is winning because the non-white working class is deserting Democrats and moving into the Republican column, as a result of the issues just cited.

Mr. Trump is winning because Democrats and RINO Republicans thought the election was going to be about his legal problems and they could throw him in jail for over 750 years.

Yet most of the country see right through that as a two-tiered justice system denying his free speech — a problem, by the way, they themselves may encounter.

Mr. Trump is winning because he wants parents to run the schools and cops to run the streets.

President Biden’s Democrats bet wrong big-time on class warfare and attacking success, where ironically, the wealthiest and best-educated voters now will probably go for Mr. Biden more than Mr. Trump.

And then Democrats bet wrong again on illegal immigration, thinking that a pathway to voting citizenship for another 8 million illegals was a terrific idea. But it wasn’t. It was a terrible idea.

In fact, Hispanic voters have basically the same negative view on this as white voters.

Meanwhile, African American voters had Mr. Trump’s record-low unemployment rate and Trump’s upward mobility opportunities. And they liked it.

November 9, 2023 1:00 am

Donald Trump’s fraud kangaroo court trial is the latest display of dirty politics running amok

By Michael Goodwin

The dictionary defines a kangaroo court in two ways.

The first is “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.”

The second is “a court characterized by irresponsible, unauthorized, or irregular status or procedure.”

Both apply in spades to the Manhattan civil fraud trial of Donald John Trump.

If New York’s government were capable of being embarrassed, now would be the time.

The case itself is the scandal.

It’s a strange allegation of fraud where there is no victim.

So what’s the crime?

The charges are based on the assertion that Trump and his family inflated the value of their properties for insurance and loan purposes.

As one real estate lawyer told me, if that’s a crime, two-thirds of New York developers belong in jail.

Ah, but none of the others is named Trump, and so the show trial must go on.

It’s neither a secret nor an excuse that the former president revels in being obnoxious, and he is playing the part to perfection in the lower Manhattan court room.

Scowling, outbursts, insults and name-calling are part of his everyday defense, before, during and after each session.

The outbursts sometimes continue through the night on social media.

These and other assaults on good sense have been part of Trump’s schtick since he first ran for president eight years ago, making it easy to see him as the boy who too often cries wolf.

Anti-Trump crusade

That’s a grave mistake, because this time there really is a wolf.

The case is that bad.

It stinks to high heaven and is more persecution than prosecution.

Trump’s crime is being a rich, loud-mouth Republican who won the White House over Hillary Clinton.

That was unbearable for many blue state leftists, among them New York Attorney General Letitia James.

She repeatedly called him an “illegitimate president” and, according to Fox News, once told him, “I’m going to give you the same level of respect that you gave to President Obama, and that is absolutely no respect at all.”

Revenge anyone?

She reportedly led a chant saying “Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go!” and participated in a chant of “Lock him up!”

After winning her election, she vowed that “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.”

It is to her everlasting shame that she kept the promise, including the part about his family by dragging three of his children into the circus.

In addition, her unrestrained gall is part of the extreme anti-business climate driving the city and state into the ditch.

Bringing the case after her public attacks and threats represent a clear abuse of office that state courts should have blocked.

It’s an abuse she reinforces with her unusual and unprofessional appearances in the courtroom and her mini press conferences at the end of the day.

Monday she told reporters Trump’s testimony was full of “distractions” and “insults” and added the “documentary evidence” shows he “falsely inflated his assets to basically enrich himself and his family.”

The shame of NY

With her conduct, James has put New York’s criminal justice system itself on trial.

Even before the final outcome, the state is obviously guilty of producing a sham spectacle.

From the start, the case has reinforced a suspicion it is rigged.

Beyond James’ conflict of interest, it features a bizarre process where there is no jury and the judge, Arthur F. Engoron, quickly ruled that Trump and the other defendants were guilty, creating the impression of verdict first, trial second.

The same judge now presides over the penalty phase, and also gets to decide the punishment, which could be dramatic.

Trump could be stripped of his business certificates and a receiver appointed to run the company and even sell some of the world-famous properties.

They include Trump Tower, 40 Wall St., Trump Park Avenue and country clubs in Westchester and the Hudson Valley.

Engoron, who initially seemed intimidated by the attention, now seems to enjoy the spotlight and relishes trading insults with Trump and his lawyers.

“No speeches,” he scolded the former president Monday as Trump vented about the unfairness.

Later, the judge told Trump’s lawyers to “control your client,” adding “This is not a political rally.”

He’s right — it’s a political trial, not a rally.

Engoron has fined Trump $15,000 for twice violating an odd gag order that said the former president could not comment publicly on the judge’s court clerk and other staff.

The case, one of five brought against Trump by state and federal prosecutors, all Democrats, is the first to reach the trial stage and the political collisions only get worse from here.

November 9, 2023 1:02 am

Modern Female Worries!

Katie Price’s bum filler leaks out live on stage

Katie Price had $2800 worth of filler injected into her bottom to make it look plumper and perkier. However she was left red-faced when it started to leak live on stage.

November 9, 2023 1:05 am

‘It’s a train wreck’: Millions of Aussies doomed by the latest rate hike, now spending more than they earn

Millions of Australians are now spending more than they earn thanks to the RBA’s rapid run of rate hikes, and some areas are especially struggling.

Half of all mortgaged households in New South Wales have negative cashflows, with the so-called ‘mortgage belt’ in Sydney’s west being hit particularly hard.

The DFA data indicates another 200,000 households across the country were plunged into the red yesterday as a result of the RBA’s decision.

“How are they managing? They’re eating into savings, living off credit, cutting down on other essentials, ignoring bills that do not result in the loss of basic utilities, and relying on food banks,” Mr Samaras said.

He described the unfolding situation as a “trainwreck”.

“They’re unable to keep up with repayments, including bills, with income alone,” Mr Samaras said. “It’s hard to see how these Australians are contributing to inflation.”

November 9, 2023 1:09 am

The Lady is Tone Deaf!

Optus CEO slammed for holding photoshoot at home amid networks nationwide outage

Sky News Australia contributor Steve Price has slammed Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin’s decision to proceed with a photoshoot at her Vaucluse mansion amid the networks nationwide outage.

The photoshoot was staged for the architect who renovated their Vaucluse home.

“Talk about karma coming to get you,” he told Sky News host Sharri Markson.

“The timing couldn’t be worse.

“No one begrudges the fact they have a nice house in Vaucluse but the fact that they let that photoshoot go ahead was again a PR disaster.”

Oh come on
Oh come on
November 9, 2023 1:14 am

Ms Bayer Rosmarin said it was a “very rare occurrence” for Optus’s services to be so widely affected by an outage.

“As a critical infrastructure provider, we strive to have our services available 365 days a year 24/7, and we largely succeed,” she said.

“In my three-and-a-half years as the CEO of Optus, we’ve never had an outage of this nature.

“So it’s a very rare occurrence, but unfortunately, it does happen. It happens to telcos all around the world. It happens to other telcos in Australia.

Does it? Look, I was out of Oz for about 5 years starting from the late 2000s, so I definitely can’t speak for those years. However, since returning, I cannot recall a time when all of the services of a major telco went down across the entire country for 12 hours. That is a massive, massive f*ckup.

It’s on the level of the SA statewide power outage.

I wanted to downgrade my Optus plan because I have a massive data allowance that I no longer use, but their skinny deal is only available to new customers. What I can switch to means I save $10/month whilst losing most of my data. Could switch to Vodafone and save a packet. Optus relies on customer inertia, and I guess they’re correct in doing so (at least in my case) because I’ve said I’ll go for ages.

In fact, I’ve been meaning to switch to Telstra for awhile now because, whilst more expensive, their network is manifestly better with fewer blackspots…and they haven’t just randomly collapsed for 12 hours like some carrier in Mogadishu. This might just be the impetus to say bye to Optus.

November 9, 2023 1:23 am

Oh come on
Nov 9, 2023 1:14 AM

I wanted to downgrade my Optus plan because I have a massive data allowance that I no longer use, but their skinny deal is only available to new customers.

What I can switch to means I save $10/month whilst losing most of my data. Could switch to Vodafone and save a packet. Optus relies on customer inertia, and I guess they’re correct in doing so (at least in my case) because I’ve said I’ll go for ages

I was on Vodafone $40 a Month and had it for $5 per day overseas – but during Covid – total waste

Have gone for the last 3 years with Kogan Mobile 365 Small and same for my Wife

Kogan Mobile Prepaid Voucher Code: SMALL (365 Days FLEX | 120GB) $120.00

and have used Kogan Mobile Roaming add on in Italy/Germany & Wife in Japan

Have never come anywhere near 120Gb Data use over year.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 9, 2023 1:31 am

Optus Global Roaming failed four times when overseas recently – the last time permanently. We switched to the missus’s earlier model iphone and it never failed once – also using Optus.

Weird. They couldn’t fix it and gave us a month of credit on our plan as compensation.

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November 9, 2023 4:09 am

A couple of toons as Tom is away for plumbing repair.

Don’t know how they turn out, don’t blame me.

Reading my news feed, I find it hard to think there is no shenanigans going on in the world behind the scenes.

Not there yet but I have to question a lot of things happening for no conceivable, good reason.
Still using the tinfoil for the roasts but.

November 9, 2023 4:10 am
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November 9, 2023 4:25 am

Sorry Tom, wasn’t trying to intrude.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 9, 2023 5:43 am

Thanks Tom. The Optus toons are clever IMHO.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 9, 2023 5:52 am

Tom is alive and kicking1

November 9, 2023 6:01 am

Amazing, it matters not in the least, but I posted at precisely 4 AM and it was way ahead of Tom’s ‘toones, obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered.
I thought he wasn’t going to post.

Now my post is planted in the middle of his, how can that happen?
As I said, of no import it’s curious that’s all.

November 9, 2023 6:10 am

What news on the health front Tom?

November 9, 2023 6:18 am

Posting this in shock.

Noah Pollak

Important expose by
: Photographers working for AP, CNN, NYT, and Reuters were EMBEDDED with Hamas on 10/7 and accompanied the terrorist group into Israel. They knew the attack was coming, and participated in it.

Honest Reporting is a pro-israel group so the Hamas supporters are poo pooing it.
Here’s the thing, since they posted this their website has been hit with a DDOS attack.
No doubt if this is true they’ll be posting to their YouTube & Rumble channels at some stage.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 6:26 am

Rita Panahi:

The pathetic, petulant display from the Greens in the Australian parliament this week embarrassed the country, the parliamentary party and their constituents.

The antics are an indictment on the 11 senators and reflect poorly on their voter base; if you support that type of infantile, irrational, anti-Australian behaviour then you’ve been failed by the education system, the culture, your parents, or perhaps all of the above.

Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi, draped in a black and white keffiyeh, a symbol that is synonymous with Palestinian nationalism, stood up in the Upper House on Monday and accused Israel of war crimes before raising her fist and shrieking “free, free Palestine”.

“The Coalition is morally bankrupt when it comes to Palestine and Labor has shown itself to be heartless, gutless, powerless. You are watching the massacre of thousands of Palestinians by Israel and you are not condemning Israel,” Faruqi yelled.

“You are not condemning Israel. You refuse to call for an immediate ceasefire.

“Weasel words are not going to stop war crimes. Today, we bring the people’s protest into parliament. Free, free Palestine!”

Immediately following this tantrum, all the Greens senators stood up and walked out of the chamber in unison, with Victorian MP Janet Rice lifting a printed Palestinian flag above her head. It was an unedifying spectacle, an attention-seeking stunt that deserves to be mocked.

Whether at federal, state or local government level, the Greens can be relied upon to push dumb, destructive policies.

We may laugh when the Greens-leaning Yarra Council flies the “asexual flag” at council buildings but there is nothing funny about the damage this extreme Left ideology is inflicting upon the country.

And, for too long this malignant force in Australian politics has been treated with kid gloves.

Perhaps because they have zero hope of ever governing in their own right they are held to a much lower standard than Labor and the Coalition.

Or more likely the lack of censure has more to do with the fact that the Greens’ world view aligns very much with the bulk of the mainstream media.

After all, One Nation has little hope of forming government but is subjected to far heavier scrutiny and criticism than the Greens.

Pretty much sums up everything wrong with Australia right now.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 6:29 am

I just want to clear something up. Since yesterday we’ve been so lucky, our resident Jew hating, pervert apologist Nazi has come out of his hiding place and written his usual litany of lies but amongst all the lies he wrote the following…

Thousands of civilian deaths from indiscriminate bombing.

There is NO indiscriminate bombing by Israel. If there was, Gaza would already be flattened. But there IS indiscriminate bombing by Gaza, shooting its rockets indiscriminately into Israel, including targeting the hospital in Ashkelon more than once with a rocket, and of course on 7 October of this year, Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel, and went on a pogrom of INDISCRIMATE rape and slaughter.

Perhaps our Jew hating, pervert apologist Nazi should be more “discriminate” with the words his chooses to write on this blog, and if he can’t…or won’t, here’s a thought, he should piss off back into his hiding place.

November 9, 2023 6:29 am

Summary from Baris on the elections in the US.
Both parties have a turn out issue.
No Trump = even more GOP don’t show up..
Abortion is the only thing that give DNC a statistical bump in turn out.
Put the two together, no-one should be surprised with the result.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 6:30 am

Good Lord I believe the Israeli Defence Force have more targets on their list to reduce to rubble. FMD

November 9, 2023 6:36 am

Black Ball, it’s good that Ace of Spades has gotten the Honest Reporting story out.
I’m keeping an eye on ZH to see if they amplify it.
Considering the claims, I can understand why people will want to triple check it before it really goes viral.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 6:36 am

Perhaps our Jew hating, pervert apologist Nazi should be more “discriminate” with the words his chooses to write on this blog

Well he is being discriminate Cassie. This is what he truly believes. Diametrically opposite to any semblance of rational thought. In other words, a true arsehole.
You know like the kid who thinks pissing off the teacher in class and the other kids trying to learn but are continually disrupted by what the kid thinks is cool and funny? This is monty, this is his sexual gratification.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 9, 2023 6:37 am

Today in No Evidence of Election Fraud: trust in voting machines at low ebb.
Someone on “our team” did a programming boo-boo that flipped votes!
Who’d a thunk it?

November 9, 2023 6:39 am

I think most urban Green voters would be supportive the stunt walk-out.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 6:39 am

Yes Bern it needs a magnifying glass but if correct, the Grey Whore needs to be put out of its misery. They still haven’t got over the election of Trump.

November 9, 2023 6:41 am

the Grey Whore

Many…many lols.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 6:41 am

From the Oz……

We can’t turn blind eye to extremist, anti-Semitic hate at home

I was raised a devout Muslim. At university I joined student marches chanting ‘from the river to the sea’. Now I truly understand the malevolent nature of anti-Semitism – and we need to stand up against it.

I am a doctor, human rights advocate and secular Australian woman who has spent many years in the Muslim community.

My partner is Jewish, and in my professional life I consult both Muslim and Jewish patients almost daily. Growing up a devout Muslim, I spent years attending mosques and Islamic community centres across Sydney. I studied sharia law, memorised the Koran, performed the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and wore a hijab from the age of 12 to 29.

I recently travelled to Israel, a country I once denounced as a colonial apartheid state. At university I joined student marches chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. I recall during one of those marches we arrived at the Israeli embassy. People were shouting “shame”. I felt a knot in my stomach, something about the energy of the crowd had grown hateful.

But it’s only now, since the October 7 attacks, that I understand what that intuitive gut feeling meant: there is an additional malevolence in today’s anti-Semitism. It comes in the form of hatred towards Israel.

For decades secular Muslims have been forced out of Muslim communities for their divergent views and irreligious lifestyle. This has led to communities becoming more insular over time, where hardline and intolerant rhetoric creates a culture of exclusionism, racism, misogyny, homophobia and anti-Semitism.

We have seen the rise of Islamic extremism across the globe and Australia is in no way safe from that threat. In our society there are hateful men brainwashing their communities to murder civilians based on their religion and oppose the core values that make Australia an incredible country.

Multiculturalism is worth fighting for and the fight has arrived.

Debate has been ignited across the nation following the hateful comments of brainwashed cleric “Brother Ismail”, who said: “The flag of ISIS and al-Qa’ida is the flag of the Muslim community.” Yet another cleric from the Al Madinah Dawah Centre, Abu Ousayd, also known as Wissam Haddad, has now posted a video denigrating Jews and justifying the impending end-times murder of Jews by Muslims quoting a religious prophecy.

There is no place in Australia for these extremist views or this version of Islam. Given the Al Madinah Dawah Centre’s support for terrorism and anti-Semitism, there must be an immediate suspension of activities and events there along with a review of all personnel affiliated with the organisation. The comments that emerged from the centre should bring a sense of shame to Muslims.

I remember when I was a practising Muslim, whenever I heard hate speech such as this reported in the media it filled me with shame and anxiety. I internalised the negativity and the Islamophobia directed at me.

I did not feel empowered to speak up then; I did not have a voice then. But today I do and I want to use it to call out what I see as extremist and incendiary behaviour that runs counter to the national interest.

Since October 7 there has been a deafening silence across much of Australia’s Muslim community. Only a few have condemned Hamas. In my view this highlights the dangerous rise of political and radical Islam. The Lebanese Muslim Association and patrons of the Lakemba mosque in southwestern Sydney, some of the most influential Muslim organisations in this country, have not condemned Hamas. We must ask why.

The NSW Legislative Assembly member for Bankstown, Jihad Dib, who represents a suburb in Sydney with a significant Muslim community, gave a heartfelt and compassionate speech to the state parliament that should set the tone for our religious leaders to follow.

Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun, a mainstream preacher and key member of United Muslims of Australia, stoked raucous crowds with a tone of elation and celebration following the murderous actions of Hamas. He holds four degrees and was, until recently, PR director at the Australian National Imams Council. This man’s words and actions cannot be ignored and must be denounced from across the Muslim community. They cannot be allowed to go unanswered; these communities must have the courage to stand against hate, not hide behind claims of “armed resistance”.

Hamas has been denounced by leading Islamic authorities, including the internationally recognised Islamic Fatwa Council. This alone should make clear to Muslims there is no place for Hamas apologists.

Jihadist groups prey on Australian religious communities. Their game is simple: to isolate vulnerable individuals from the wider community, radicalise them and then use them to further their own political agendas. It’s worth exploring their sources of funding. It’s also vital these extremists feel the full weight of the law, and law enforcement works to update our counter-terrorism laws to prevent this type of violent hate culture and civil unrest in Australia.

I do not agree, however, with the deportation of religious extremists. These jihadists must be studied and deradicalised if we are to deal strategically with the broader risk of extremism and security. Many former radicals, including “son of Hamas” Mosab Hassan Yousef, have become the greatest activists against extremist Islam. Yousef’s father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, was a co-founder of Hamas.

In medicine we know all diseases must be treated at their core; bandages only stop the bleeding. It gets you out of the intensive care unit but not out of hospital. Exporting the problem only risks delivering it to a population more susceptible to radicalisation, only to have them return to our doorstep once again.

This has been a recurrent issue across Europe. Our Muslim youth, who often feel caught between Australian values and what’s being preached to them, must know they are Australian. They must know they were born here, that they’re part of the fabric of our country and that they are loved. We must not allow fanatical clerics to convince them otherwise.

Our Jewish community must also know they are supported, especially as the general atmosphere of anti-Semitism continues to rise. We must come together to root out fringe clerics, expose them for who and what they truly are – so our multicultural country is never divided.”

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 6:42 am

I think most urban Green voters would be supportive the stunt walk-out.

Which says a lot.

November 9, 2023 6:44 am

If someone from the NYT was there on the 7th Oct, it’s all over.
For them.
That entire organisation.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 9, 2023 6:46 am

“The antics are an indictment on the 11 senators and reflect poorly on their voter base; if you support that type of infantile, irrational, anti-Australian behaviour then you’ve been failed by the education system, the culture, your parents, or perhaps all of the above.”
If this continues and grows we will go down the same doomed path as the USA.
Too many bad actors in too many positions of power. When the majority of the media are corrupt, it opens the doors for corruption in politics and the legal system. The fraudulent cases against Trump prove that America is all but over.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2023 6:49 am

Speaking of greens…

A global climate action address by the Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Hon Chris Bowen (Lowy Inst, for 23 Nov)

Minister Bowen will speak on the international dynamics affecting global climate action and how Australia’s ambition to become a Renewable Energy Superpower can help the world in the rapid transformation to reach net zero emissions. After his remarks, the Minister will speak in conversation with the Lowy Institute’s Executive Director, Dr Michael Fullilove AM.

Global climate action address eh Mr Bowen. Renewable energy superpower. You shouldn’t try to hold in your posterior methane, it’s obviously inflating your ego. Any larger and you’ll float away.

Cats can register via a button on the page if you wish to have an hour of stupid rubbish inserted into your ears.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 6:50 am

The UK police are now dhimmi chickens. On Armistice Day they’ve given permission for a full blown Nazi Palestinian march to proceed.

This tells me the UK is over…finished.

November 9, 2023 6:55 am

On Armistice Day they’ve given permission for a full blown Nazi Palestinian march to proceed.

The Met & Khan are trying to goad average Brits into a response.

November 9, 2023 6:56 am

so our multicultural country is never divided

That is an oxymoron.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2023 7:02 am

Indiscriminate bombing news.

‘I had just two hours to save my neighbours from deadly bombings after Israel phoned me’ (8 Nov)

Those living in the Gaza Strip have told of receiving of the ‘most terrifying call of their life’ after Israeli forces phoned them to warn them to evacuate, and save his neighbours, ahead of missiles strikes on their homes.

Mahmoud Shaheen, a dentist from Gaza was one of those who received a phone call from a private number, warning him to evacuate the surrounding area. The call came early in the morning of Thursday, October 19, after eight heavy days of bombing from Israel.

The 40-year-old had been in his flat in al-Zahra, a middle class area in the north of Gaza strip that had managed to avoid the first week of airstrikes.

He left his third-floor flat after hearing screams of “You need to escape” and warnings from frightened people that “they will bomb the towers”.

As he left his home in search of a safe place to hide, he received a phone call from an unknown number.

The man spoke in perfect Arabic to Mahmoud down the line, saying he was from Israeli intelligence.

The call, which lasted over an hour, informed the dentist – who had no idea why he had be chosen to carry out this task – that they wanted to bomb three towers, and they wanted him to evacuate the surrounding area.

The dentist was suddenly responsible for the mass evacuation of hundreds of people, whose lives were in his hands. Mahmoud asked the caller, who identified himself as Abu Khaled, to prove that the threat was real.

He asked Khaled to shoot two warning shots to verify the validity of the call. Two warning shots ensued.

Mahmoud led a mass evacuation of his neighbours, watching his neighbourhood explode in front of his eyes.

Well done to Mr Shaheen getting his neighbours out. Curious though that genocidal Israelis are carefully warning civilians like this. It’s almost like the bombing is not at all indiscriminate. Weird huh?

November 9, 2023 7:03 am

I think this is what they call “cue in the rack”.

Tom Bevan

Biden’s public schedule today: nada.
For those keeping score, that’s 2 public events (totaling about 3 hours) in the last 5 days.

November 9, 2023 7:05 am

BoN @ 5:07pm

You are not covering yourself with glory Monty. Layers of vile evil nastiness would be the better name for it.

I’ve never seen someone defend baby exterminators before. This is eyeopening.

Many of us have seen what monty is.
Like many of his ilk it’s a “something about the house” feeling that seems to pervade his presence here.
The “acceptable to punch a Naz!” statement.
The “you lot”.
The vax mandate and lockdown urging.
The tacit approval of violence to women.
etc, etc.
Then the drenched with post modern relativism idiot, who would think it’s up for interpretation as to whether black is black and not white, asks the following question – “Hey Cranky: do you condemn Israel’s widespread and systematic killing of innocent children in Palestine?

Simple yes or no question.”
At the core of this question is the equivalence between hamas and Israel, or at least trying to draw one.

As my rough diamond truckie mate said during the covid lockdown and mandate pushing period. “Jeez, I thought I was a bit of an arsehole”

November 9, 2023 7:06 am

Something just doesn’t smell right about madam perfect and her self eulogization.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 7:23 am

Deary me. First paragraph in the Daily Telegraph:

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is being urged to use rugby league as a “soft diplomacy” tool as the threat of China continues to loom over Australia’s relationship with the island nations.

And again:

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is being urged to use rugby league as a “soft diplomacy” tool as the threat of China continues to loom over Australia’s relationship with the island nations.

Yes because that will quell the noise of the sabre rattling from Beijing.
Article is about NRL expanding to include a Pacific nations side.
Unrelated from the article, Albo said thusly:

“The Pacific family is also made up of sovereign states, so we respect the fact that sovereign states have a right to make their decisions,” he said.

I guess they are but I wouldn’t have thought cosying up to China wouldn’t be great for those nations. Australia included.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
November 9, 2023 7:23 am

ZAINA CHEEMA’s commentary is admirable and probably brave. Sadly, her suggested solution, inculcating the radicalised with our culture and values as a better alternative is nigh on impossible today.

How can we offer them a nationality to be proud of when we aren’t allowed to be proud of it ourselves.

November 9, 2023 7:28 am

Cassie of Sydney
Nov 9, 2023 6:41 AM

Thanks for the post. I’m glad you’re still seeking some humanity in the midst of horror.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2023 7:28 am

Pretty clear that Russia doesn’t believe in climate fairies.

Russia’s Lavrov Assails West Over Switch to Green Energy (8 Nov)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday accused the West of provoking crises on the global oil and gas market by rushing to switch to green energy and imposing pressure on other countries to do the same.

He said Western boycotts of Russian energy in response to the war in Ukraine had “dealt a serious blow to global energy security. These steps led to the rupture of historical value chains, costly redistribution of global energy flows and rising transaction and logistics costs.”

I think Mr Bowen has his work cut out for him if he wants to be a global climate action organizer. Good luck son getting Russia, India and China on board, none of them appear to want to join your quaint religion.

November 9, 2023 7:34 am

People will be glad to know the greens and Labor united to censure….

For the racism of saying ” go back to where you come from then” to Farouki.

But this wasn’t censured
“The Coalition is morally bankrupt when it comes to Palestine and Labor has shown itself to be heartless, gutless, powerless. You are watching the massacre of thousands of Palestinians by Israel and you are not condemning Israel,” Faruqi yelled.

“You are not condemning Israel. You refuse to call for an immediate ceasefire.

“Weasel words are not going to stop war crimes. Today, we bring the people’s protest into parliament. Free, free Palestine!”

Just in case there was any doubt over Labor’s ” loyalties”, they’d rather tongue Farukis rug to curry favour with the Anti human greens than condemn a barely coded call for the anniahlation of Israel.

November 9, 2023 7:37 am

Regardless of how much cash the driver has tucked behind the couch, one does not hire a bloke like Martin Amad if there’s been a genuine mistake.

Yeah nah don’t talk to cops without representation, NEVER represent yourself, get the best representation money can buy, etc.

I think you may consider the spawdy bimmer pilot a person who is being prudent.

Winston Smith
November 9, 2023 7:38 am


Nov 9, 2023 7:06 AM
Something just doesn’t smell right about madam perfect and her self eulogization.

She’s saying the problem is the radical Islamists are dragging the religion into barbarity.
I’m saying the the problem is the Cult is the problem.
Posing as the ‘sweet voice of reason’ while eulogising the cult is for the Left who want to believe her.
A Mohammedan marrying a Jew? That’s just bullshit.

November 9, 2023 7:41 am

America: Men back in military recruitment ads.

Prepare for war. Make a will, hug the people you love.

Australia: Our DFR ads still look like ads for menstrual products for women returning to work after maternity leave.

We’re on a peace footing.

November 9, 2023 7:45 am

Dots advice is correct.
Lawyer up, stay lawyered up.

Many many years ago a couple of mates were involved in a pissed smash, one died.
Cops had the younger of the 2 in the frame, seen driving away from the party etc.
For whatever reason he called my dad to Help him as his own oldies were out of contact.
Dad just told him to shut up and say nothing and organised the family lawyer to attend.
In the end he skated on the driving offences as ” they had changed drivers just down the road”.

November 9, 2023 7:45 am

Nov 9, 2023 12:13 AM
Optus Boss Kelly Bayer Rosmarin refuses to stand down as CEO as she is put on the spot about whether businesses will receive compensation for the crippling outage that ‘endangered lives’

She doesn’t seem to know how things work, she is an employee though a spectacularly well compensated one and can be fired by the Board. She is more an insight into the Board’s weakness or she would have been gone last year.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 7:46 am

So, Tommy Robinson and his supporters plan to gather on Armistice Day. Good on them, I like Tommy, he’s a working class lad from Luton. However, there are already the usual screeches about this planned gathering, from the usual far-left UK organisations such as “Hope not Hate”, an organisation that is curiously very selective about which hate it monitors and condemns. Ho hum. And watch the dhimmi London Plod either arrest and charge Robinson and his supporters, or move them along, to keep the peace………………………LOL.

Meanwhile, further to peace, or that should be “pieces”, “kill the Jews”, “gas the Jews”, and “jihad against the Jews” will of course be shouted with gay abandon on Armistice Day, and this speech will get a free pass from the dhimmi London plod, who’ll stand back and do nothing.

Dhimmi world, it’s here.

And notice something else, whenever anti-Semitism is brought up, “Islamophobia” is mentioned. Last night Sharri Markson had that all round turd, the member for Parramatta, Andrew Charlton, on her programme. Charlton is the ‘local member’ (cough, cough) who resides in the 20 million dollar house in Bellevue Hill (last I heard the wife and kids are still living in the Bellevue Hill house), who feigns living in Parramatta….yeah you gotta laugh, only an ALP hack could get away with this hypocrisy. Anyway, when asked about Jew hatred, apart from the fact that I found his his oddly milquetoast in his condemnation of Jew hatred, Charlton then quickly brings up the obligatory “Islamophobia”. You see folks, there’s the gas lighting right there, any mention of Jew hatred is going to be countenanced with “Islamophobia” which is all a deflection, very deliberate, until the day comes when a Jewish school is attacked, a synagogue is attacked, and until Jews are attacked on the street…oh wait that’s already happening but when asked about it, Charlton brings up “Islamophobia”. And when there’s a major attack against Jews, and those attackers are found not to be far-right skinheads, no, no, no, but Muslims, will that verminous hypocrite Charlton and his Labor comrades will still rant on about “Islamophobia”, to deflect from the very real Jew hatred in the Muslim community? Oh yes they will.

November 9, 2023 7:50 am


Exclusive: Rasmussen Poll Shows 2/3 of Americans Oppose Ceasefire Against Hamas

Love Americans

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2023 7:52 am

One of these two headlines has to be wrong…

Yellen: GOP-Led Funding Cuts for Israel ‘Damaging’ (8 Nov)

Senate Democrats Block GOP Bill To Aid Israel Over Lack Of Money For Ukraine (9 Nov)

Got to love lefties, they wear their hypocrisy on their sleeve.

November 9, 2023 7:52 am

That’s it? A bit of hand waving about “thousands of civilian deaths”? Not a shred of anything stronger?

Thousands of civilian deaths not strong enough? Oh dear.

I wasn’t the one who brought it up. Ask your mate Bear Necessities.

November 9, 2023 7:54 am

CEO of Optus HAS to go. If internal sabotage, the saboteurs will not rest until she is gone. Suggest a Optus customers get Sat phone or change providers. We will stay with Optus because we have a Sat phone & not worth the trouble to change .

Irrespective, the CEO is hopeless. Sad to say – but too many women are promoted beyond their expertise these days.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 7:59 am

Oh look here’s here. Thanks for down ticking my comment about “gas the Jews” and “kill the Jews”. You’ve confirmed your bias, Nazi.

November 9, 2023 7:59 am

IowaHawk is amplifying the NY Times reporter being with the Hamas butchers on Oct 7th.

November 9, 2023 8:00 am

Optus Boss Kelly Bayer Rosmarin

It’s the multiple no show jobs, screwing up operations and then claiming to be a risk expert which is insufferable.

Everyone makes mistakes. These people turn them into a CV.

November 9, 2023 8:02 am

Re Islamophobia:

Well yes…. when I see Islamists preach the extermination of some sections of the population & when I see them be heading their opponents in the Middle East ….I certainly fear the rise of Islamic extremism in this country.

So many pollies & others mouth platitudes like Islamophobia without thinking about it. For the same reason the term Anti- Semitism is a term that describes something real & threatening.

November 9, 2023 8:04 am

Monty’s sandy mangina keeping him up again?

Back for another day of fellating a terrorist organisation devoted to the extermination of an entire people.

In its original 1988 charter, Hamas states that “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.”

November 9, 2023 8:07 am

Nov 9, 2023 12:13 AM

. Optus boss says that she will not resign from the job
. Refused to promise any compensation for outage

As things stand I don’t think anyone is giving her any authority to promise anything. She is now just a figurehead until the Board can find another one though I don’t think anyone wants the job in the middle of a catastrophe. Personally, I think an ambitious someone should come forward and upstage her which should not be hard.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 8:08 am

You’d think this hypocritical skank would shut her mouth….but no….

Blanchett urges stand against ‘dangerous migrant myths’

The EU must lead the way in rejecting “dangerous myths” fuelling a rise in hardline anti-migration policies as the world grapples with mass displacements, actress and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Cate Blanchett said.

The call was all the more urgent given the deadly war in Gaza, where Israel is conducting intensive bombardments in retaliation for Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israeli communities, Blanchett told the European Parliament in Brussels.

“The conflict has claimed, and is still claiming thousands of innocent lives,” she said, reiterating a UNHCR plea for “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the immediate release of all civilians held hostage”.

While that conflict dominated the news, violence, political turmoil and repression around the globe has resulted in 114 million people being forcibly displaced, she said.

While around half were uprooted within their own countries, 36.4 million were forced abroad to seek refuge, most of them to neighbouring countries, she said.

Blanchett expressed concern over a stoking of “fear and hostility that each and every refugee is headed here in Europe” a misconception she said had prompted some governments to claim the 1951 Refugee Convention was outdated and ill-suited to address the challenge.

“I urge each and every one of you here today to stand firm in challenging the dangerous myths peddled far too widely,” she told the full chamber of the European Parliament.

“The 1951 convention is a landmark human rights instrument that is not only still relevant but foundational to our common humanity,” she said.

Blanchett emphasised that, as UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, she was a “witness” to the cost of war on human lives, and she recounted meetings she had with several refugees, many who had no choice but to move abroad for sanctuary.

“Imagine just for a moment your own sons and daughters, your own children and grandchildren, in the same situation. Then perhaps you can understand that walls, barbed wire, pushbacks are no answer,” she said.

“You have to understand that no one puts their children in a boat unless water is safer than the land.”

The Australian actress said she felt “shame and regret” over her country’s hardline policies that for years has seen asylum-seekers sent to detention centres in Papua New Guinea and Nauru and barred from settling in Australia.

She did not point the finger at any EU countries though some, including Italy, Hungary and Poland are toughening their stances against refugees. Former EU member Britain has also made cracking down on “small boats” carrying asylum-seekers a priority.

UNHCR, Blanchett said, was in dire need of funding to carry out its mandate of protecting and assisting refugees.

“Humanitarian work needs resources. UNHCR alone urgently needs $600 million before the end of the year,” she said. -AFP

Any condemnation of the atrocities on 7 October, skank? By the way, when the skank used to live in this country (she hasn’t lived here for years), this skank lived in Hunter’s Hill, not many migrants there.

November 9, 2023 8:09 am

Nov 9, 2023 6:44 AM
If someone from the NYT was there on the 7th Oct, it’s all over.
For them.
That entire organisation.

Not at all, the NYT will simply claim that it’s a stringer, a freelancer and they have no obligation due to his work. They will simply announce they are no longer doing business with him.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 9, 2023 8:11 am

Nov 8, 2023 9:53 PM
Be fair John, some of them wore the green bandannas.”

Does that mean that everyone with a green bandana is a legitimate target?

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 8:11 am

Yes Cassie the Islamophobia which never equates to lopping off heads and limbs. Which monty approves. His lot.

November 9, 2023 8:12 am

The River to the Sea can happen peacefully.

Bear with me.

Israel gives up/gives up on gains in the Negev, Gaza and Beersheba.

Palestine gives up Hebron.

East Jerusalem is shared and held under trust by the UN.

“Almost everyone gets what they want and nobody is happy”

I’m almost certain my simple solution is not what the militants mean by “the river to the sea”.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 8:14 am

Lol Cate Blanchett still in Galadriel mode 22 years on.

November 9, 2023 8:14 am

“There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.”

Ambiguous statement. Do they mean for or against?

November 9, 2023 8:15 am

Nov 9, 2023 7:45 AM

In the end he skated on the driving offences as ” they had changed drivers just down the road”.

If true, good luck to him.
If not, then I wonder how he feels about it?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2023 8:17 am

One for Monty. A warning: just reading the story is sickening.

Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war (8 Nov)

The article is in Arutz Sheva, and is SFW, but the atrocities Hamas terrorists committed are horrible beyond belief.

November 9, 2023 8:20 am

I’m almost certain my simple solution is not what the militants mean by “the river to the sea”.

Gallows humour, literally.

November 9, 2023 8:20 am

Nov 9, 2023 7:54 AM
CEO of Optus HAS to go. If internal sabotage, the saboteurs will not rest until she is gone. Suggest a Optus customers get Sat phone or change providers. We will stay with Optus because we have a Sat phone & not worth the trouble to change .

Irrespective, the CEO is hopeless. Sad to say – but too many women are promoted beyond their expertise these days.

This woman ticked all the woke boxes which mean zilch when real competence is required.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 9, 2023 8:21 am

The 1951 convention is… foundational to our common humanity
She actually believes that. She actually thinks that the UNHCR is eclipses Aristotle and Jesus of Nazareth. Bloody FAG, born-to-rule, sanctimonious skank.

November 9, 2023 8:22 am

Thousands of civilian deaths not strong enough? Oh dear.

Dickless has risen for another day of putridity.

The palli deaths in gaza are entirely due to hamas; and the numbers given to the retards in the media and little dickless nazis like dickless come from hamas so they’re lies.

Let us wish dickless catches a disease.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 9, 2023 8:22 am

Monty’s sandy mangina keeping him up again?

Early morning chortle.
Script can be interchangeable of course

November 9, 2023 8:22 am

Nov 9, 2023 8:02 AM
Re Islamophobia:

Well yes…. when I see Islamists preach the extermination of some sections of the population & when I see them be heading their opponents in the Middle East ….I certainly fear the rise of Islamic extremism in this country.

Phobia is an irrational fear of something, taking people at their word is not irrational.

November 9, 2023 8:23 am

Dots advice is correct.
Lawyer up, stay lawyered up.

Correct! – and I would add ‘always film the police’ – I am sure it kept me out of jail at least once in the last several years, and possibly more. In addition to proving the AFP lied about my ‘traffic incident’ in Canberra last year, I think it also saved me from being set up during a ‘routine firearms check’ last year also. Said ‘routine check’ involved 4 police attending in 2 cars including a utility (all the better to seize your guns sir). All proceeded uneventfully but when I reviewed my hidden CCTV vision later, I discovered that, half way through, when my back was turned, one of said popo spotted my hidden camera. His response – he looked like a busted shoplifter, took a sharp intake of breath, stepped back, then hurriedly pointed it out to the 3 other cops.

Why were they shocked to find security cameras watching a gunsafe? What were they planning. What did I abort by having the cameras?

Take home message for gun owners and any citizens – always film the police!

November 9, 2023 8:24 am

Today’s video update from Gaza ….

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 9, 2023 8:24 am

“Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 8, 2023 10:55 PM
She also mentally wrecked Noel and Stan.

I’d add Thomas Mayo to that list.”

Putting aside that the new BFFs of the local indigs are the newly settled Mueslis, how long before the Mayos of indig politics decide that, as in South Africa (Kill the farmer, kill the Boer.) and Israel (They are only settlers.) all whites in Australia are also only “settlers”, and therefore fair game?

November 9, 2023 8:25 am

FTC! FTC! FTC boys!

November 9, 2023 8:28 am

Yesterday I was on utube watching the development of future weapons being developed for the Austrian corporal. It featured a smal clip of the Nuremberg rallies. For some reason which I’d never really thought about was not there are maniacs bent on power or just straight up looneys. They are in all walks of life but of the mass of people that go along with them. The looneys are not actually the problem but follower’s. The likes of the Hitlers, Stalins and Maos can be eliminated but are not due to being protected by the supporters wanting their tiny bit of the action. Not necessarily physically but emotionally as well. The events of covid showed us the supporters of the Nuremberg rallies live next door and are our relatives. On this blog we’ve seen mutley and friends make excuses for humus, what is in it for them? Is it just trolling, mutley isn’t bright enough, long held belief, probably not as the left doesn’t appear to have any beliefs coz it just onto the next thing and if it contradicts previous belief. No it is change for change sake. Would they be making the same excuses if it were their families. We all know the answer.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 9, 2023 8:41 am

Zelensky is the War Criminal

“I do not care about those claiming Ukraine is fighting for freedom. They had their freedom; they are denying that to the Donbas, where the Mink Agreement was to let them vote on their independence from Ukraine. Ukrainian Nazis were never prosecuted for their involvement BECAUSE they killed not just Jews and Polish, but also Russians. That is why the CIA protected the Ukrainian Nazis.

Back in 2013, I warned that Ukraine was the place where everything would begin. Our computer targeted Ukraine for where this would begin. From the outset, my position was that Ukraine should have been split according to language. Politicians have drawn borders, and this policy has given us so many problems over the years. It is language and culture that should define a national border. It is also wrong for the refugees to enter Sweden and then refuse to adopt the culture of that nation, demanding their own laws will apply in specific regions. This is not like colonizing the Moon.

The Ukrainians are fighting for the territory that was never theirs. They want Russia out, along with all other minorities they hate and do not trust. Make no mistake about it: if Russia loses, the Ukrainians will massacre all Russians in the Donbas territory. The West ignores the fact that the Ukrainians carried out a massacre of ethnic Russians who lived in Odessa as soon as their 2014 Revolution, and that is what started this entire civil war that the Western Press will not address. Merkel admitted that the West NEVER negotiated in good faith and conceded that the West wanted this Civil War to kill Russians and never intended to allow them to vote or have peace.

The 2014 Massacre of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Odessa, where they killed them grabbing them on the streets, was a Neo-Nazi event. That was the turning point. It revealed that the Donbas had to separate, for the Neo-Nazis wanted their death, not their submission. That began the civil war. They set fire to the building and burned all the Russian-speaking Ukrainians alive. For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians was carried out and even filmed by numerous people. This has been documented in extraordinary detail, and the Neo-Nazis did not even fear any negative consequences in world opinion.

If Ukraine ever got Crimea, you will see wholesale genocide worse than the Middle East. There, the civilians are not the direct target. In Ukraine, they were killing people for just being Russian. That is why the separatist movement began, and they armed themselves against the Ukrainians who attacked FIRST, starting the civil war on the order of the American Neocons. John McCain and Victoria Nuland were at Maidan, cheering them on and promising the USA would back them. Remember her leaked phone call when the EU objected: “FU-K the EU.”

John McCain, who was the leader of the pack of Neocons, was promoting Nuclear Power for climate change to end the US dependence on oil and that of Europe. McCain used climate change to cut off Russia, whose 50% of GDP was energy. Thus, McCain could care less about the climate. He used it as a weapon against Russia.

McCain hated Russians, and that was before Putin, as Politico documented back in 1996 – three years before Putin. McCain used climate change as a weapon to undermine Russia. The Neocons blew up the Nord Stream. This has been the objective for decades. We must understand that there are Neocons in America, Russia, and China. They may be small in number, but they tend to be very manipulative. What we have is the Climate Zealots who want to end all fossil fuels, where their goals support the Neocons who want to annihilate their enemies – Russia and China.

The 2014 Massacre of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Odessa set in motion the separatist movement. The West is behind this atrocity because they hate Russians. Over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers are now dead for what? Territory? The Donbas is overwhelmingly ethnically Russian. This is like Mexico demanding back California and Texas, and anyone who speaks English should be shot. This is ethnic cleansing, and the West is as guilty as every other such government throughout history. This is the legacy the West will be labeled with all because of a small group of Neocons who just hate Russians because they were once communists.

Zelensky is the war criminal for over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers are dead. Over 8 million Ukrainians have fled, never to return. When the history books are written, Zelensky has betrayed his own people for a territorial grab when the Donbas has always been Russian. The Ukrainians have already demonstrated their hatred of Russia, and they will slaughter those people there as they have done from the outside in 2014 as soon as they gained independence. Anyone who thinks this will end with a whimper is insane. Ukrainians hate Russians – it’s in their blood. We employed staff in both Kiev and Donbas. They two would NEVER talk to each other. When the one from Kiev attended our conference in Greece, they refused to take the shortest route, which was a connection through Moscow. This is as deeply divisive as Sunni vs. Shia in the Middle East or Protestant vs Catholic in Britain still.

The real war criminals are those who order wars. Zelensky refuses peace. Even the Pope offered to mediate, and Zelensky refused. Zelensky constantly wants to address the American people, always asking for more and more money. The Republics finally said enough already. He sends 16-year-old boys to their deaths, all for land. Meanwhile, Ukraine was the richest agricultural land in all of Europe. We have dived deep into who suddenly is buying everything up, trying to hide their investments through fake local companies.”

People are Expendable

November 9, 2023 8:41 am

she recounted meetings she had with several refugees, many who had no choice but to move abroad for sanctuary.

I wonder if any of those several refugees were Albanians fleeing war torn Albania.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 9, 2023 8:45 am

Said ‘routine check’ involved 4 police attending in 2 cars
Like the sting on the Trains- far too ginned up to be routine policing. Luckily I can’t afford to get as many guns as my license would allow, or I’d be attracting attention. Building a recessed safe- ie, hidden- into renovations. Am I obliged to tell the plod?

November 9, 2023 8:46 am

Top o’ the mornin’ Cats. It’s Cairns, it’s still cool from last night’s rain, but I will be long gone before it becomes a tropical sauna.

I see from dispatches than right on the heels of the Melbourne Cup, the Dresden Distraction Squirrel was given a run.

Too bad it was pointed in exactly the wrong direction and mired in b/s.

November 9, 2023 8:47 am

I had an email from Telstra this morning.

“Helping to keep you connected through disasters”.

Heh. Someone in marketing has a sense of humour.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 8:51 am

Sky News host Liz Storer has taken aim ….

She’s causing me tremendous loss of sleep as I can’t resist staying up to watch the full hour of it now. Videoing it for the morning just wouldn’t be the same. The beautiful Storer’s drawl is so droll. The show is great, with James McPherson playing the role of holding-it-all-together dad to two squabbling adult siblings who sling kid barbs at his dad jokes. It’s a hoot and a delight to watch Liz Storer play the scornfully goading sister to Caleb Bond’s know-it-all brother who can’t be put down, ever. Like many a kid brother, Caleb has her measure. So fun.

You have to watch it to get the full flavour. Simple transcripts lose a lot.

November 9, 2023 8:56 am

Bespoke @7.39. That cat parasite that causes frailty on older people. Is it mutley disease? I’ve heard it causes your dick to fall off and have no power of reason. A mate of mine knows his missus, she calls him “dumpy stumpy”.

November 9, 2023 9:05 am

The Fat Freaks whatabout Dresden? Like all lefties only has selective memory, whatabout Coventry? Wrong side no doubt. Nazi’s forever. You truly are a POS.

November 9, 2023 9:08 am

PM Overseazy now in the Cook Islands, I believe.

No doubt handing out our dosh to grifters.

Evidently nobody in his office is bright enough to consider how the “optics” play at home.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 9, 2023 9:08 am

Phobia is an irrational fear of something, taking people at their word is not irrational.

Can hardly be said too much.
None of the potential bad actors appear to feel any need to be indistinct. At some point society should perhaps believe they mean what they say, or urge – preferably before the event.

But carry on.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 9:09 am

Today’s video update from Gaza ….

Definitely worth a look.

No sources, and some may be wishful thinking, but it covers all attack points.

November 9, 2023 9:09 am

What Hamas did was go into Israel, commit multiple murders and other crimes on civilian men, woman and children, which were of zero military value or justification, then seize hostages and retreat to their own territory.

the (grotesquely) hilarious thing now, is that Hamas is claiming they only went after soldiers, and it was the Gazan civilians who came through and perpetrated the horrors.

November 9, 2023 9:11 am


Knowing the chap involved nearly 0% chance of him not driving.
A lot of guilt after the event though.

It’s always hard to say what’s a just outcome, other blokes family was supportive of him though.
Slamming him inside for 5 years would have been a net negative.
18 year Olds making 18 year old pissed decisions

November 9, 2023 9:12 am

Breaking: AP, CNN, NY Times, and Reuters had journalists embedded with Hamas terrorists on October 7th massacre

November 9, 2023 9:13 am

The Lebanese Muslim Association and patrons of the Lakemba mosque in southwestern Sydney, some of the most influential Muslim organisations in this country, have not condemned Hamas. We must ask why.

It’s truly a mystery.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 9, 2023 9:13 am

PM Overseazy now in the Cook Islands, I believe.

What better time – while the golden glow of his win-win meeting with Emperor Xi is fresh upon him.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 9:14 am

Like all lefties only has selective memory, whatabout Coventry?

Indeed. My mum, pregnant with my Big Sis, was pushed down under a train seat while the train was being strafed as part of that raid. She was lucky to survive. My dad, a foreman in the Coventry car factories before the War, was pulled out of these at Rolls Royce to work on the Spitfire Merlin engines, in the massive production of planes that Churchill told Beaverbrook to get into motion – and bugger the niceties of class and education, pull out people who knew how to work on the inside of engines – hence my dad.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 9, 2023 9:15 am

The Scourge of the Swastika –

Scourge of the Swastika: short History of Nazi War crimes
by Lord Russell of Liverpool.

Publication date 1954

I’m not too sure who pasted this weblink on the Blog the other day but this should be recommended reading for Monty Pox Virus. He/She/It/Whatever might actually. finally learn something about War Crimes that were conducted on a monumental scale.

It’s a very difficult read though as the original Poster pointed this out.

Never again surely.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 9:19 am

journalists embedded .. on 7th October

That poor terrified lady on the bike between those two thugs while these ‘journalists’ reported a massacre for CNN and AP. Why are we only finding this out now?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 9:21 am

It’s a very difficult read though as the original Poster pointed this out.

Never again surely.

I read it long ago, while I was studying at tech for my Leaving Certificate when I was 20. We had a very good history teacher who knew a thug when she saw one. She told us to read it. There was also another one, with some dreadful photographs in it.

Never Again. I will say that now to CNN and AP.

November 9, 2023 9:21 am

It gets worse Lizzie.

Here’s the archived article linked from that tweet.

Note in particular photo #4 “Palestinian militants drive back to gaza with the body of an Israeli soldier”.

That Israeli Soldier is clearly a woman wearing fancy ladies leather boots.

November 9, 2023 9:23 am
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 9, 2023 9:25 am

Breaking: AP, CNN, NY Times, and Reuters had journalists embedded with Hamas terrorists on October 7th massacre

Stringers, stupid enough to be attributed, now presumably on a list somewhere suitably ruthless.

Given Hamas set this up as a media circus from the get go, hopefully useful US editorial bums will be twitching in anticipation of being mysteriously shot in the face one evening.

November 9, 2023 9:27 am

Comms Minister still in the dark as to reason for Optus outage.

Rosmarin gets out of bed early to tell Optus customers they won’t be compensated.

I think future MBA courses will feature a whole chapter on her.

November 9, 2023 9:30 am

Why are we only finding this out now?

Shocking news, but perhaps not surprising; it’s known that accredited photo-journalists have been serving as propaganda agents for Hamas for years.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2023 9:32 am

The World Health Organization gets their antisemitic terrorist-loving boots on.

World Health Organization Accused of Putting Out Hamas Propaganda With Shocking Video (8 Nov)

Not only are their proposed health emergency policies full-on fascist but now they out themselves as Jew-hating Nazis. It must be abolished.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 9:36 am

“That Israeli Soldier is clearly a woman wearing fancy ladies leather boots.”

That “soldier” was Shani Louk, an Israeli-German visiting Israel. Her father Israeli, her mother German. Shani was one of the hundreds of young people who were attending the rave concert when Hamas terrorist scum glided in.

Further to “discriminate/indiscriminate, there was nothing “discriminate” in how the Hamas scum terrorised the attendees at that concert.

Shani was raped and decapitated. But as our resident Nazi would say, “legitimate grievances” and all of that.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 9:36 am

Front page in Israel but not on The Australian. It should be though.

Israel, showing deep concern for civilian lives, protects refugees from Gaza City against Hamas bullets which are trying to stop the refugees leaving through a humanitarian corridoor opened up by Israel.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 9, 2023 9:37 am

Hamas really does hate losing its human shields. What a despicable organisation.

Cassie of Sydney
November 9, 2023 9:38 am

Shocking news, but perhaps not surprising; it’s known that accredited photo-journalists have been serving as propaganda agents for Hamas for years.”

Yep, their ABC and SBS have been caught out in the past.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 9, 2023 9:40 am

‘Never have we, the survivors of the Holocaust, felt the need for such a statement … until now’

A wave of anti-Semitism here and overseas after the Oct 7 Hamas attack has deeply disturbed many of the nation’s remaining Holocaust survivors, prompting more than 100 of them to publish an unprecedented letter

In his unexpected century on Earth, Abram Goldberg has ­endured the worst of humanity – and embraced its best.

As one of Australia’s oldest Holocaust survivors, he has dedicated much of his long life to ­warning against the perils of ­hatred, “never again” becoming the mantra of his adulthood.

A new wave of anti-Semitism in Australia and overseas after the October 7 attack by Hamas in ­Israel has deeply disturbed many of the nation’s remaining Holocaust survivors, prompting more than 100 of them, including Mr Goldberg, to publish an ­unprecedented statement. Calling on Australians to denounce anti-Semitism and hatred, the 102 signatories warn of the consequences of a repeating history.

As the last witnesses to the ­brutalities of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, the elderly survivors write: “We are witnesses to the anti-Semitic propaganda that turned our friends, neighbours and the general public against us in Europe. We remember the six million Jewish lives lost because of this hatred.”

‘I hear hatred on the television. I read it in the press, I can feel it. And it pains me.’

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of anti-Jewish pogroms deemed the turning point in Nazi plans to annihilate European Jewry, they urge humanity to reject hatred, bigotry and violence, to recognise and condemn the agenda of Hamas, and to call for the immediate release of all its hundreds of hostages.

“Never have we, the survivors of the Holocaust felt the need to make a collective statement such as this until now,” the statement says. “Never did we think that we would witness a re-enactment of the senseless and virulent hatred of Jews that we faced in Europe.

“The actions of Hamas are so familiar, so barbaric, yet instead of condemning this, the response across the globe is a shameful spike in anti-Semitism.”

They stress their learned experience of the values of resilience, unity and hope, and the power of remembrance and education – many signatories are volunteers at Holocaust museums around the country – to prevent a recurrence of past atrocities. “We ask all Australians to denounce the anti-Semitism and hatred that we see today in our beautiful country and across the globe. We ask you to stand with us,” they say.

Mr Goldberg, who found a haven in distant Australia after World War II, has lived in Melbourne since 1951 and for the past 40 years, through the city’s Holocaust museum, he has told tens of thousands of people about his devastating past, the importance of speaking up and the value of hope.

Hamas’s attacks on Israel a month ago rekindled his wartime nightmares, with details of murdered babies and mothers mirroring his own wartime experiences. “You can imagine,” he says quietly, “it all came back. I never expected all this to be happening in our wonderful country: the demonstrations, the anti-Semitism and racism. I hear hatred on the television. I read it in the press, I can feel it. And it pains me. My children were born here and I have been here for 80 years. I saw a better Australia than I see now.”

From demonstrators chanting “F..k the Jews” to the pasting of Hitler posters, hate-filled sermons and brazen calls across social media for Jews to be gassed, the furious and unrivalled wave of anti-Semitism in Australia of ­recent weeks was “history repeating itself”.

Queensland Holocaust Museum chairman Jason Steinberg – whose organisation is part of the Australian Holocaust Museum Alliance which instigated the statement – said: “That’s why the survivors are so passionate, because they have been educating Australians for decades to protect society against this.”

For 84-year-old Nina Bassat, adding her name to the statement was imperative. “It’s the total absence of moral fibre that’s coming through in this. There’s no logic. It’s just ‘we hate Jews’,” said Mrs Bassat, a child survivor, who unlike some signatories, has not become fearful over the past month, as a result of the swell in anti-Semitism, of being identified publicly.

“I don’t want to live in a country where I can’t have my full name published.” Ms Bassat endured 18 months as a toddler in a Polish ghetto before she and her widowed mother, having been miraculously saved on their way to a concentration camp, were harboured by a Ukrainian woman until liberation.

As a former president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Mrs Bassat has long been aware of the existence of local anti-Semitism. But only now has she been shocked by its breadth, compelling her to add her name to the letter. “It hurts me,” she said. “We were given a haven here. We just wanted to get as far away from Europe as we could. And it has been a wonderful country … I did not think in Australia I would ever hear the words ‘kill the Jews’.

“Australia is one of the last bastions of civility, of living multi­culturally in a much more friendly environment, and this is now being put at risk.

“I’m frightened for our society. Hatred is insidious and contagious and you don’t know where it will manifest itself.

“It’s not a Jewish issue. I wish people would understand that anti-Semitism starts with Jewish people. But the hate then translates to any group that is perceived as being the other; in the Holocaust that was the Romani, homosexuals, people with disabilities.

“Any group that you feel doesn’t measure up to your ­requirements then becomes the victim.”

Go somewhere and reflect on your total and utter insignificance as a human being, Monty.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 9, 2023 9:41 am

Stuffed up the bold, again.

November 9, 2023 9:43 am

On a lighter note, Tesla tells their biggest lie ever.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 9, 2023 9:43 am

Nov 9, 2023 7:52 AM
That’s it? A bit of hand waving about “thousands of civilian deaths”? Not a shred of anything stronger?

Thousands of civilian deaths not strong enough? Oh dear”

We all understand that your intellect is somewhat limited (failed Economics 1), but surely even you are not so stupid as not to understand that you were asked for supporting evidence. Clearly you have nothing but the assertions of raving anti-Semites.

Ask Joseph Goebbels for help. He seems to be one of your idols.

November 9, 2023 9:44 am

Qatar has hosted a political office for Hamas for more than a decade, and has been one of the group’s principal backers.
The ruling Qataris are a fat and lazy tribe. They just pay for security, no doubt at cheap rates from Bengal. I am surprise the Israelis haven’t exterminated the Hamas leadership or spirited them back to Tel Aviv.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 9, 2023 9:45 am

C#nt Blanchett. That miserable streak of pelican shit.

Made famous, not from being in pictures, but because KRudd visited her in hospital after she punched a kid out when the photo Op was better than going to a funeral.

  1. My personal belief is that – predictably – you are whistling past the graveyard. No personal animosity, but look at…

  2. That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem. What a…

  3. There is no such thing as an upper class comie, they are headonists, and as been pointed out here they…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x