These are all good foods, Roger. You just need to ensure they are not prepared by an English cook.
These are all good foods, Roger. You just need to ensure they are not prepared by an English cook.
Rosie March 7, 2025 12:09 pm Another scammer this one claiming to be Jane from Commbank security (don’t have an account)…
Hand typed out from my copy of The New MAGA Deal, Peter Navarro, 2024: …a foreign policy based on the…
vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
Downgraded to cat 1.
The peaceful US march for Israel. Compare and Contrast to team-head-hackers.
Total Truth re Muslim Palestinian Gazan Hamas – Team Head Hackers – Thai Man would agree
From the Comments
– That’s no march ! Where’s the flares and angry faces ?
– Bet there were no threats to behead, gas or kill there.
– Yes, like virtually everything, one side id well behaved and the other side show their hatred in one form or another. And which is which is usually quite predictable.
– Today I watched Peter Dutton rip the hide off that useless moron Albosleazy at Question Time.
Albosleazy’s reply was to yell abuse, blame shift and deny his uselessness as he prepares to abandon the problems here at home while he flys off overseas yet again to another equally useless gab-fest.
Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary says 59 US personnel have been injured in attacks on troops in Iraq and Syria.
One of the US bases is co-located at an oil refinery.
Saw footage of it last week on twitter.
Dunno if it was in Iraq or Syria.
Nice to see the sheltering civilians were able bodied military aged men.
No women, no children, no elderly and hopefully no babies.
Still hopeful some hostages will be freed.
“Egypt will take the 36 premature babies “
How nice, any news on the Jewish babies kidnapped into Israel on 7 October 2023?
Elbow trying some elbow grease to have it both ways…
‘No qualification, whatsoever, in my condemnation’: Mr Albanese
Tessa Flemming profile image
3h ago
By Tessa Flemming
You just heard Opposition Leader Peter Dutton saying Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was “missing in action” when the Jewish community “needs him most”.
Mr Albanese was quick to respond, saying it was an attempt for Mr Dutton to “weaponise anti-Semitism”.
He called the speech “beyond contempt”.
“I spoke in this chamber on Monday about the events in Caulfield and about the events in the eastern suburbs of Sydney,” Mr Albanese said.
“There was no qualification, no qualification whatsoever, in my condemnation.
“At a time when there is social division, leaders have a choice, they have to either bring people together or divide them.”
Mr Albanese added he was against the “idea of selective human rights”.
“Now, Jewish Australians are fearful at the moment,” he said.
“The sort of activity that is occurring is scaring them and I stand with them.
“No-one should threaten people because of their religion or their race in this country.
“But it is also the case that Arab Australians, and Islamic Australians, and women wearing hijabs in the streets of Sydney and Melbourne are being threatened and I stand against that as well.”
The legendary hijab pulling Jews of Sydney at it again.
Faster than a CCTV
Stronger than a gust of wind
its: SuperYid!!!
Yo Albanese: Some verifiable examples, & now;
Pull the other one.
I’ll take – Things That Never Happened – for $500
Im sorry, but IDF need to go the full TE Lawrence on any member of Hamas.
Israel on Tuesday confirmed the death of a 19-year-old female soldier abducted by Hamas who spoke to the camera in a recent propaganda video released by the terror organization — before the video cut to reveal her dead body.
Al Shifa Hospital raid information.
My article “The lost ships and men of the Navy” over at Military History and Heritage of Victoria: https://www.mhhv.org.au/the-lost-ships-and-men-of-the-navy/
Might interest some. It was written primarily to counter a myth there is only one ship of the RAN, that was lost in combat, remaining to be found.
“But it is also the case that Arab Australians, and Islamic Australians, and women wearing hijabs in the streets of Sydney and Melbourne are being threatened”
To borrow from the Beeb and Their ABC, “This claim could not be independently verified”.
The worst PM during my lifetime is Fraser. What he did cannot now be undone.
I would like to believe that would happen.
Unfortunately, unless rescued by the IDF as they advance on their objectives, i would presume them to have been murdered.
We can always hope, but i doubt any of those poor souls will survive.
You missed Shitlam ?
“But it is also the case that Arab Australians, and Islamic Australians, and women wearing hijabs in the streets of Sydney and Melbourne are being threatened and I stand against that as well.””
BULLSHIT. I’m reminded of that dreadful day in 2014 when ordinary Australians were held hostage by a Muslim maniac, Man Monis, and in order to deflect from the fact that a Muslim has taken innocent men and women as hostages, leftist scum started a Twitter hashtag to deflect from the real crime in the Lindt Cafe. As with the Lindt cafe, Sleazy’s words trivialise the real victims of Muslim terror.
i would presume them to have been murdered.
Any recoveries of the 200+ hostages would be a blessing.
Unfortunately, tragically, I would be expecting them all to have been murdered by now.
Unfortunately no, Cassie. But since the IDF is supplying the incubators I thought it worthy counter to the heartless Israeli properganda.
I live in Sydney. I’ve just listened to today’s TV news.
That should read….”kidnapped into Gaza on 7 October 2023″.
For crimes committed on Israeli soil, just run them through the criminal system in Israel.
For those they capture in Gaza, forcibly extradite them and ditto.
For those in Qatar and elsewhere?
Well, you know …
Nah, these Hamas demons need to be taken out like the post Munich games clean up.
“But it is also the case that Arab Australians, and Islamic Australians, and women wearing hijabs in the streets of Sydney and Melbourne are being threatened and I stand against that as well.”
First the Pacific Islands are sinking now this complete and utter BS. Rub and tug left the best of him in the knock shop.
Israel needs to start offering bounties.
You offer a Pali $5mill to give info on the local Hamas leaders, things get cleaned up.
Too good not to enter into:
I’ll give this one the Thatcher to Negus treatment:
‘Uhhh…. well…’
I’d be surprised if they weren’t already doing it.
I will be soaking by brain in paint stripper to remove that mental image.
Mal and Tammy used to stop in at the roadhouse I worked at in old home town. I’m going back 10 years here etc. It was on the way to their ranch out the back of Hamilton.
He was just a miserable old clapped out geriatric, but Tammy was very spritely and posh. Could talk shit (genuinely) with average peasants and riff-raff, as equally as with heads of states and royalty I would guarantee.
Nov 15, 2023 6:19 PM
Elbow trying some elbow grease to have it both ways…
Well, he can have it right up the arse the same as Wenny Pong. Just look at them both sitting on the fence in that brilliant Leak Cartoon that Tom posted this morning.
Always liked Tammy and thought she was too good for Fraser trash.
Even more style than Zara Bate.
Grandson in the weekend throwing things around when its not going his way. Trying not to laugh I said to if he behaves like that at my house I don’t want him to come. Head down, lip quivers, runs to his bedroom. I go in, well what are you going to do? Walks out, butter wouldn’t melt. He’s just like me. He’s getting better behaved. Luigi is getting worse.
Sounds like Dutton pushed right buttons on Albo. After what we have seen of the Muslims marauding through out cities screaming out the most abominable and unhinged Jew hatred – stuff so vile that most Australians were shocked to hear it here – Albo has to put in they ‘Islamophobia’ bit.
Being worried about Islam does not look so irrational at the moment.
And as for the Jews, again we have never seen people subject to such menace, but Albo felt he had to equivocate. What a worthless gelatinous polyp of a creature.
He thinks flying around the world for photo ops and incontinently shitting out money for any fashionable victim he encounters is what a leader does. But a situation in his own country it is spluttering rage that anyone is putting him on the spot by insolently asking for leadership.
‘I would dearly like both Jews and Muslims to vote for me, as although my polling – along with my judgment – is shithouse, I wish to pump myself up with no justification whatsoever as a statesman of Churchillian – nay, Ghandi-esque proportions.’
Tammy is a top woman. I remember as a kid the media used to paint her as some out of touch posh weirdo. Not the case.
Other than not allowing Qatar access, what mechanism is the government using to keep airfares high?
Q, Delta, American, United and Jetstar fly direct routes to and from Australia and the prices are comparable.
Indirect routes.
Take your pick. There’s plenty of them. My cousin’s relatives recently traveled from Italy to Oz for a holiday with China Airways through Shanghai.
Europe would have an even larger selection in terms of direct and indirect routes.
Did anyone ask Mr. Turner that if he thinks about Q’s government protection is like, really bad, what does he say about Qatar Air receiving massive fuel subsidies and allowed to piggyback off the Qatar government’s credit rating when raising debt to buy or lease planes?
Fares are up because, costs have risen, people are traveling a lot and there are still staff shortages around the world.
Markets = shit happens.
I’d be surprised if they weren’t already doing it.
You’re probably right.
Keep in mind, Zero Dark Thirty was a total pile of shit.
It was a Pakistani walk-in who told them where Bin Laden was.
Who is now living a nice life in the US with $US25mill in his skyrocket.
Elbow, calling from the conservatory;
‘Jenkins? JENKINS!
‘Fetch the Bentley, will you? The peasants are getting uppity again – I will adjourn to the club.’
Obviously the raid took place.
But it wasn’t the work of a strong, female CIA agent going up against the patriarchy.
Social licence was an emergent quality of a business as defined by the market, not a pre-requisite set by the State (directly or indirectly).
Rubbish. The “social” bit is a dead giveaway that the concept was invented by a pinko, and the “license” bit makes it obvious that it was designed to be enforceable, ie retracted by the Lizard People at their will.
Nov 15, 2023 6:30 PM
– Now we see the true Albo – the hysterical uncontrolled maniacal socialist who’s been exposed as a shameful bludger who sponges off the taxpayers of Australia. The worst PM in living memory.
The worst PM during my lifetime is Fraser. What he did cannot now be undone.
were you not old enough at “It’s Time” ?
– Hanging Head in Shame, I fulfilled the prophecy and Voted for Whitlam – the beginning of the Destruction of Australia – Sorry Whitlam is the Worst Australiam PM Ever
Tough Call – many come close – Malcom Fraser, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Malcolm TurdBull & ScoMo from Marketing “I haven’t a Clue”, but Thai Tug Albosleezy is going for Runner up to Whitless
Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.
Nov 15, 2023 6:54 PM
Other than not allowing Qatar access,
And that is the rub. What valid reason (or reasons) has the Feral Guv’ment given to the Australian voter/taxpayer for not allowing Qatar greater access. It all seems to have been pushed to the background with other recent events having now taken over.
This Feral Guv’ment promised to be transparent. LOL. FFS.
I was never a lefty.
Tammy had Zara Bate fully covered, bro.
Sounds like Kahsham, aka Conoco Fields.
Where Wagner Group bit off more than they could chew back in 2018.
Young Aussie reveals the secret perks of attending a private school that the rich struggle to admit: ‘There’s a huge difference’
. Entrepreneur reveals harsh reality about public and private schools
. He claimed private school students receive three key advantages
A publicly-educated entrepreneur has revealed the three crucial advantages he believes are only accessible to those who attended private schools.
Zane Marshall, founder of marketing agency Lux Social, claimed that 70 per cent of the CEO’s who ran the nation’s top 100 companies were privately educated.
Mr Marshall said private schools offered their students three things – a good education, a high level of self-worth and exclusive networking opportunities.
‘When you look at the difference between public and private schools there’s a huge difference, despite what people say,’ he said in a TikTok video.
‘Where I think private school students get the biggest advantage is it’s who you know, it’s the network that you are exposed to. Obviously the level of education plays a huge part but it’s the network that is the most important.
‘When I compare my friends that went to private schools, they all went off into really high paying jobs or got these amazing opportunities early on through their network from the private school.
‘Whether it was from the sporting team, whether it was from a friend of a friend that they went to school with, someone’s uncle, someone’s dad, they all got really good opportunities through the network in the school.’
Mr Marshall said the level of self-worth instilled in students at private schools was the most important ingredient for future success.
‘The level of confidence and the high level of self-worth that is instilled in private school students by their teachers. I didn’t get that at public school,’ he said.
They won’t be staying. Notable no adult Palis allowed. They’re not Robinson Crusoe there either. The Muslim not so Brotherhood
Malcolm Roberts. On the money, again.
Federal Government Enables the States to Steal Property
The only rub there is, is when you’re rubbed down after your soiled diaper is removed. One heavily subsidised airline wouldn’t make a dint to airfares when there is a huge array of direct and indirect choices. If there were why aren’t the North American routes less expensive than the European routes, which is the towel headed airline’s main focus? They’re comparable. STFU Wodney because you’re a fat mouthed annoying limey imbecile. You shit for brains, go ask Socrates.
‘Shot Dead’: Stories of Children who’ve been Killed by Covid Injections
Robin Monotti
Professor of Oncology at St George’s Hospital Medical School, London:
Wind and Solar Investors Cut and Run
For food motivated Sydney Cats, today I popped into Lobster House on Pitt Street.
I had the truffle lobster roll.
Five stars.
It’s around the corner from the Downing Centre so the next time you are fighting a speeding ticket, worth walking the block to partake.
Nikki Haley Calls to Outlaw Anonymous Social Media Accounts in Troubling Comments
The Alliance between Palestine and the Left | Niall Ferguson
Exactly what I said.
Suella Sacked for Being Right – Konstantin Kisin
The Lovely Peace Loving Australian Mislims & Labor PM Thai Tug Alboslezzy”AwaysOverseasy” and Labor Fence Sitter Wong support this!
Israel is investigating ‘several cases’ of sex attacks by Hamas terrorists during October 7 massacre including woman who was gang-raped then shot at festival
– Witnesses told Israeli police they saw instances of sexual violence on October 7
From The Comments
– Hamas is vile!!
– Full support for Israel.
– Typical modus operandi of groups like Hamas.
– Palestinians will probably still support them as freedom fighters.
Remember What Malcolm Fraser gave Australia
Sins of the brothers: How Australian Mohammed Skaf rapists shocking acts continued behind bars
The vile behaviour of the Skaf brother rapists did not stop when they were jailed, as can be revealed in their shocking prison files and Bilal’s sordid jail art.
President Newsom.
After beating Haley in the most boring campaign in modern history, I wonder what his first order of business will be.
Nov 15, 2023 7:08 PM
I was never a lefty.
Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa – I failed as an under 30 and was swayed by the “It’s Time ” Crap – I blame Little Pattie for my downfall – “I Have Sinned”
Semi final time in the World Cup (of crikkit, not luigi-ball).
Call centre operators vs Kiwis. A few empty seats, but not many.
The subcon betting markets would be absolutely frenetic right now.
I was. I remember well the week before the election attending the Musicians Christmas picnic at Concord Park which was attended by many well known musicians and their families.
Little Pattie was on the mic encouraging all to vote for Whitlam. Someone handed a box full of It’s Time badges to my two young boys 5yrs and 3yrs to hand out while I was attending to my daughter in the stroller. My husband nearly died when he saw his sons handing out the badges. It did them no harm, they have grown up as conservative as him and some of the grandchildren at this stage as well.
Tucker Carlson Tonight | November 14, 2023
That naughty ACT MP again:
Another person has come forward about a former Greens MLA facing allegations following an intimate relationship with a 17-year-old.
ACT Greens Leader Shane Rattenbury confirmed on Wednesday another person reached out to their party to share information with them about former Member for Brindabella Johnathan Davis.
Mr Davis resigned from the Legislative Assembly and the ACT Greens after allegations emerged in the media on November 10.
An internal review completed by Mr Davis’ party released on Monday stated they received allegations the 31-year-old was “engaging in inappropriate behaviour with younger people” .
The age of consent in the ACT is 16.
These allegations have not been substantiated. No charges have been laid, with ACT Policing confirming they received a referral in relation to the matter.
Daily Tele
Sounds like Kahsham, aka Conoco Fields.
Where Wagner Group bit off more than they could chew back in 2018.
So Trump would have had to have approved that.
But the liberal chumps in the US still think he was a Russian puppet?
What a pack of retards.
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 38 The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. We talked to him right before his sentencing. Remember as you watch that this could be you.
The Tucker item I posted above must be an earlier one reposted on YouTube by someone else.
What a pack of retards.
biggest retards in the US must be in Massachusetts and Delaware for continually reelecting Kennedy and Biden year after year.
And Ed Markey
But who knows, it might be rigged in those states like it is in Penn
Braverman’s letter was written in fire – none of us can doubt what a snake Sunak is
In sacking a woman who dared stand up to shrill Leftists and dangerous Islamists, the PM has forever destroyed his reputation
Flipping heck, talk about being stabbed in the front. Suella Braverman’s letter to Rishi Sunak must count as one of the most devastating epistolary verdicts ever pronounced on a Prime Minister by a sacked member of his Cabinet.
Hell hath no fury like a woman used as leverage to get a man into Number 10 who then sees all the promises he made her ignored.
It reads like she typed it in fire.
Conservative Party members had their suspicions that Rishi Sunak was a disingenuous, untrustworthy opportunist who lacked Conservative instincts.
That’s why they called him “snake” and chose Liz Truss instead.
Well, if there was ever any doubt about the man there sure as hell isn’t now.
Braverman has not merely penned a bitter rant, as some Sunak defenders are bound to claim.
This is a nailed-down, factual account of how Suella agreed to serve as Sunak’s home secretary in October 2022 “despite you having been rejected by a majority of party members during the leadership contest and thus having no personal mandate to be Prime Minister”.
In other words, Rishi really needed the darling of the Right to get him over the line into Number 10, but she would only give him her crucial support if he agreed to a number of conditions.
They included reducing legal migration by increasing salary thresholds on work visas (something that should have happened anyway after we were promised an Australian, points-based system) and reforming the international students route.
To make sure that Sunak followed through on his pledge to “stop the boats” Braverman asked for a “notwithstanding clause” to be put into the legislation which would exclude the operation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the Human Rights Act and “other international law that had thus far obstructed progress on this issue”.
She didn’t want to leave the snake any wiggle room.
There was also a commitment to issue guidance to schools that protected biological sex and safeguarded single sex spaces.
Guidance that we have repeatedly been promised since the spring of this year; the PM must have splinters in his posterior from all that fence sitting.
(Sounds like Labor Thai Tug Albosleezy & Labor Ping Wong on Palestine)
Anyway, there is no way Suella was going to let him duck out of their arrangement.
She says she wrote “numerous” letters to him on the key subjects, demanded meetings with the PM and his team and worked out ways he could deliver his promises. “Either your distinctive style of government means you are incapable of doing so.
Or, as I must surely conclude now, you never had any intention of keeping your promises.” You have to love that deliciously wounding “your distinctive style of government” – in other words: evasive, backside-covering and bloody useless.
The truly damaging thing for the Prime Minister is not Braverman’s sense that she has been used by a duplicitous man nor her personal disappointment.
It’s that Sunak was also reneging on promises made to the British people in the 2019 election manifesto and during the 2016 EU referendum.
One of the most devastating charges, as far as the public is concerned, is that the PM had no intention of “doing whatever it takes to stop the boats”.
Warned by Braverman that they would need to come up with a Plan B if the Supreme Court were to reject the Rwanda plan (ironically, we will know the verdict on Wednesday), she says the PM “opted instead for wishful thinking as a comfort blanket to avoid having to make hard choices”.
Those of us who have long suspected that many in our Tory Government simply don’t have the stomach to fight the bien pensant elite and deliver what the people voted for can now see it confirmed in black and white.
Braverman accuses Sunak of irresponsibility, magical thinking – “believing that you can will your way through this without upsetting polite opinion”.
The sting in the (snake’s) tail is that, even if the Supreme Court does give the go-ahead to Rwanda on Wednesday, Braverman says Sunak agreed so many compromises in the Illegal Migration Act that the deportations will face endless delays and legal challenges, propelling us back into a frustrating waiting game.
Another con.
The final page of the letter is one of the most damning things I have ever read.
It casts Fishy Rishi in the most appalling light as he fails to rise to the challenge of dealing with the “increasingly vicious anti-Semitism and extremism displayed on our streets since Hamas’s terrorist atrocities of 7 Oct”.
As I read, I found myself sharing Suella’s mounting anger and screaming frustration.
“I have become hoarse,” she says, “urging you to consider legislation to ban the hate marches and help stem the rising tide of racism and intimidation and terrorist glorification threatening community cohesion.”
What a woeful picture she paints of a weak, vacillating man who is unable to show leadership, to confront the very real problem of extremism and radicalisation, an existential threat to the British way of life.
“You sought to put off tough decisions to minimise political risk to yourself,” she says, and then, with one final twist of the knife, “in doing so you have increased the very real risk these marches present to everyone else.”
A Prime Minister who doesn’t put the security of the public and the nation first does not deserve to be Prime Miniser.
That is what Suella Braverman’s letter is really saying, and it is profoundly shocking. It lays bare, in the most electrifying way, the power struggle between two senior politicians and the vast deceptions practised on a trusting population; something we rarely glimpse because the rules of the boys’ club forbid this degree of raw, intimate disclosure.
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but Braverman’s is piping hot, a vindaloo of vituperation for the British Indian whom she sees as having betrayed not just herself, but Conservative voters.
I must say I found it entirely convincing.
The letter casts a whole new light on the turbulent events of recent weeks.
With the sacking of Suella Braverman, the Chapocracy is firmly in control again.
The four great offices of state are occupied by privately-educated men, two of whom have no electoral mandate (a whopping rejection over Brexit in the case of David Cameron).
Now, I have no objection to boarding school boys (I live with a lovely exemplar of that breed), but the chummy distribution of plum posts does grate.
Meanwhile, the bully boys continue their pattern of chucking women with strong views and Conservative principles – Priti, Liz and now Suella – overboard.
One Tory donor emailed me in disgust about “a pervasive misogyny” in the party’s higher echelons. Like me, the woman donor was “incandescent” about Sunak sacking Suella.
My, how delighted Rishi must have been to be shot of that wretched woman nagging him to keep his promises.
But it was a huge mistake.
The shrill Leftist progressives and the Islamists who pose a threat to our way of life now know they can bulldoze a weak Tory PM into dumping the only minister who dared to call out their ideology for the poisonous hatred that it is.
And, no, however much they briefed against her, Suella Braverman was not to blame for “inciting a mob of far-Right hooligans”.
Far from causing the weekend’s clashes, she warned this would be the outcome if the Metropolitan Police and their dripping wet Commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley, continued to appease the pro-Palestine marchers.
Failure to ban the deeply disrespectful protest on Armistice Day triggered a few hundred young white, working-class men to travel to London.
If their capital and its monuments were not being defended by the police, then they would have to defend it themselves.
I would never condone violence, but the fact is millions of us look on with mounting dismay as London becomes the backdrop for hostile sentiments that were summed up by one large banner on Saturday. I
t read: “You’re Either On the White Side of History (illustrations of a Union Jack, US and Israeli flags) or the Right Side of History (Palestinian and Iranian flags).” Bear in mind, the British taxpayer was footing the bill for the policing of those anti-Western banner-wavers who got away with blatant racism.
It’s called a “hate crime”, but only if you vote the wrong way.
No wonder Suella Braverman was at the end of her tether with the PM.
A week before, she tweeted: “The sick, inflammatory and, in some cases, clearly criminal chants, placards and paraphernalia openly on display mark a new low.
Anti-Semitism and other forms of racism together wth the valorising of terrorism on such a scale is deeply toubling. This can’t go on. Week by week, the streets of London are being polluted by hate, violence and anti-Semitism.
Members of the public are being mobbed and intimidated. Jewish people in particular feel threatened. Further action is necessary.”
Every word she wrote was true, of course, but nothing was done.
Now we know why: Sunak was frit to offend anyone. Compare and contrast with Germany where Nancy Faeser, the interior minister, this week implemented a formal ban on any groups or demonstrations that show support for Hamas “a terrorist organisation whose aim is to destroy the state of Israel”. Danke.
After the entirely predictable fracas on Armistice Day, Sunak said: “I condemn the violent, wholly unacceptable scenes we have seen from the EDL and associated groups and Hamas sympathisers attending the National March for Palestine … That is true for EDL thugs attacking police officers and trespassing on the Cenotaph, and it is true for those singing anti-Semitic chants and brandishing pro-Hamas signs and clothing… All criminality must be met with the full and swift force of the law.”
It was wrong of the PM to draw an equivalence between the rather pathetic group of white working-class lads I saw on Saturday and the vast army of anti-Semitic protesters calling for a “ceasefire” that would mean Israelis putting down their arms while Hamas murdered them.
If you believed the media reports, you would think that “far-Right yobs” had invaded the Cenotaph. They did not. I was about 300 yards away and, apart from a few beer cans being thrown after the two-minute silence, things were respectful and dignified.
What I did witness was police officers “kettling” the white demonstrators on the approach to Westminster Bridge in a provocative manner.
Had they tried the same strong-arm tactics with the pro-Palestine marchers – although they wouldn’t have dared, of course – there would have been a much more violent backlash.
Yet, within hours, the myth was written that the EDL and football holigans had caused all the trouble while the march by the coach-loads from Bradford and Batley had “passed off peacefully”.
Unluckily for the police, people now have cameras on their phones which gave the lie to the official version.
Numerous videos showed aggressive, frightening behaviour by Muslim protestors – including a poppy-wearing couple being threatened at Victoria Station (where poor Michael Gove was pursued by a mob) and one young woman shouting: “Death to all Jews!”
In a particulary disgraceful episode, pro-Palestine thugs assaulted white people in Trafalgar Square while riot police stood by and watched.
This was the Met’s response: “Having reviewed this footage, it’s clear the reaction of the officers was not what we would hope to see. We are making further enquiries to understand what happened.” Don’t bother; we know exactly why they didn’t intervene.
The police were quite clearly “playing favourites” with protesters, as Suella Braverman wrote in her controversial article for The Times.
Our former home secretary was spot on when she claimed the Met employed a “double standard” by taking a softer approach towards “pro-Palestinian mobs” than Right-wing and nationalist protesters.
I saw it with my own eyes and it was really disturbing. Islamist groups, organised in several cases by Hamas supporters, are allowed public “assertions of primacy” because they heavily outnumber the coppers who are instructed to “take steps to avoid community tension”.
More like: “Do nothing while offences are being committed and rely on photos to try to arrest the miscreants later on.”
The political class knows that they are sitting on a powder keg caused by mass immigration and a failure of multiculturalism that Braverman outlined in a recent speech in Washington DC.
While white working-class lads undoubtedly caused a fair bit of aggro, and some deserved to be arrested, the rush to pin the blame on them was a handy way of distracting the public gaze from hundreds of thousands of people who live in this country but profess their allegiance to a genocidal death cult in the Middle East while terrifying British Jews.
Suella Braverman was prepared to speak these unpalatable truths.
A proud Brexiteer, her patriotism and desire to protect Britain was never diluted by the nervous liberal platitudes murmured by the cowardly custards around her.
Talking to people of all backgrounds at the Cenotaph, I found widespread support for Suella and her robust brand of Conservatism.
It was what people voted for in huge numbers in 2019. What on Earth would they be voting for today after the sacking of a sirloin-steak home secretary and a skimmed-milk Cabinet reshuffle of Centrist Dads allegedly designed to shore up support among disenchanted voters in the Tory shires?
Braverman has, in effect, declared war on the Prime Minister.
The Chapocracy will be coming up with lines to defuse her grenades; she’s an emotional woman, you know, highly ambitious and bitter.
Well, I stand with Suella.
By sacking her, and ignoring the policies on which they were elected, the Conservative Government has declared war on its voters, the few of them that remain.
On Tuesday, the New Conservatives group of around 20 MPs said: “The Conservative Party now looks like it is deliberately walking away from the coalition of voters who brought us into power with a large majority in 2019.”
After Suella Braverman’s incendiary letter, we know that’s the truth, don’t we? What complacency, what arrogance to bank our votes and pretend to be “stopping the boats”, delivering a full Brexit, reducing immigration and guidng against pernicious gender nonsense in schools when you are not minded to do anything of the sort.
Richard Holden, the new party chairman, was on the radio on Tuesday and insisted: “The Conservative Party is a broad church.”
No, I’m afraid not, Mr Holden.
The Conservative Party is a church in which the choir has been sectioned off because true believers were singing too lustily from the wrong hymn sheet and the choir mistress has been sacked becaue the vicar thought she had too much faith and was showing him up.
Rishi Sunak’s reputation will never recover from these revelations, and nor does it deserve to.
I am furious with him and I won’t be alone.
He should leave for the US as soon as possible; he’s been using and abusing the electorate just as he used Suella Braverman.
Already plummeting in popularity, the Prime Minister’s nickname is Sunk – well, he is now.
Now, I have no objection to boarding school boys (I live with a lovely exemplar of that breed), but the chummy distribution of plum posts does grate.
Boarding school boys Summed up in 15 Secs Blackadder goes forth – Captain Cook – Row, row, row your boat
They were saying on SEN that Aus vs. Seth Ef might be put back a day because of a cyclone etc near Calcutta.
I posted Tucker Carlson Ep. 38 while watching. It is absolutely essential viewing, unless you have blood pressure problems.
What you are seeing is an intellectual midget under pressure to keep his job.
His whole strategy seems to be based around a mistaken view that Dutton is a cardboard cut-out who can be knocked over at will.
He made that mistake with da Voice. It was going to be the nulla-nulla Luigi was going to beat Dutton into submission with.
Same as this immigration detention fiasco. He knew it was coming but did nafink. Luigi thought he would just have to point across the despatch box and say “It wuz all his fault!”, release his tame MSM hounds and away we go.
Of course, the events in Israel and the Liar’s half-arsed response hasn’t helped.
Because Joe Public sees a direct corelation between Hamas thugs and the dregs let out of detention by the High Court.
This is the direct link to the Martin Shkreli interview I linked above which was from 7th November. Another person whose life was destroyed by opposing Hillary Clinton.
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 36 What happens when you give Hillary Clinton the finger? Ask Martin Shkreli. He did four and a half years in prison. That may be why Sam Bankman-Fried just asked his advice on doing time.
Australians Don’t Need & Don’t Want to be Welcomed to Their Own Country
Rub and tug left the best of him in the knock shop.
I will be soaking my brain in paint stripper to remove that mental image.
I may share that with many ferals I know 🙂
Quote fail; everything from 2nd para on is me …
These are great – I have three of them in the garage for when they’re needed. A drum of 20Liters of Blue Kero costs about $90.
You can fill them now or wait if it’s hot and the kero evaporates.
Very simple to use, just don’t overfill them.
Do try not to make yourself look stupid by commenting on something you have nfi about, Wally.
That the term was -later- coopted does not change its origin.
Johnny Rotten
That’s too late – he’s been in for nearly 18 months and look at the damage he’s done already. He’ll wreck the place in the next 12.
Mole at 6:19.
That is classic Luigi dog-whistling.
BoM and the boiling frog fuktards bleating about the summer from hell based on El Nino poking its head up like Kim Kardashian’s twerking arse are probably going to be disappointed. The latest SOI is heading towards neutral territory:
Where are the White Sub references?
Since the screech disappeared into the merk Kenny is implacable against the leftoids. Tonight he was ferocious about rub and tug’s claims about the muzzies copping it on the streets like the Jews are: where are the attacks and the gas the muzzies chants he frothed. No doubt some of it has to do with the fact that the divine Liz Storer’s pointed jewel encrusted high heel is up his quoit.
Which the author of later admitted was a complete and utter fabrication.
It was “the sort of thing which might happen”.
First of all they use footage of Mr Fafo, not on his selfie stick though, and if you look closely at the massed dead bodies waiting for burial there is movement, someone rolled? at the top to the left.
US ABC on Gaza
Nov 15, 2023 6:30 PM
Yes it can, but the price that will need to be paid is way too high for the average man to pay.
Up yer bum, Brumble.
It walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck- it was, and is, a truncheon invented and wielded by the Gramsci gang.
Next you’ll be telling us that “incel” is a term invented by lovelorn Dungeons & Dragons fans in an online chat forum in ’92. Go on, go on.
Could the BBC stoop any lower? This has to be deliberate.
Ten years ago?
The Fraser property (Nareen) was sold in 2000 to pay debts from a failed investment.
They moved to Mount Eliza. Tammie was later quoted as saying “We never went back. It was too painful.”
The political comment and world events on the NewCat is far superior to any news outlet. Thankyou for all the contributors for improving my day.some of you must spend much of the day scouring websites. The toing and froing in opinion is quite illuminating. In the age of the internet it is remarkably hard to get a complete picture of events with most sources inserting their own opinions instead of facts. “You lot” go a long way sorting the crap out. Thankyou me hearties.
I forgot to mention most of the MSN lie by omission.
Is that true? I’m not doubting you, but they were regular customers for a while, heading towards Hamilton.
As the Slim Dusty song has always said.
In circumstances where they’re forced off, after a lifetime, it would be logarithmically more painful.
I feel for her.
I commend you on your restraint. I remember at the height of the sheep mulseing debate, being told by some sniveling little girlieman that “my social licence to run a farm was being revoked” – when I pointed out that we had never mulsed a sheep in forty years, he looked blank…
Tammie was later quoted as saying “We never went back. It was too painful.”
as they say, don’t look back but treasure the memories.
Nareen website is quite interesting.
‘Raise your hands’: Israel raids hospital in centre of Gaza war
Israeli forces, some wearing facemasks and firing guns into the air, raided early Wednesday Gaza’s biggest hospital which was packed with thousands of Palestinian patients and displaced people, in the army’s battle against Hamas.
“All men 16 years and above, raise your hands,” a soldier shouted in accented Arabic through a loudspeaker, to those sheltering inside Al-Shifa hospital, which has become the centre of fierce urban combat for days.
“Exit the building towards the courtyard and surrender,” the soldier ordered, according to a journalist who visited the embattled hospital several days ago for interviews and was trapped inside because of the fighting outside.
About 1,000 male Palestinians, their hands above their heads, were soon led into the vast hospital courtyard, some of them stripped naked by Israeli soldiers checking them for weapons or explosives, the journalist told AFP.
The army labelled the raid a “precise and targeted” operation against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that launched the October 7 attacks and which Israel claims is running a command centre in tunnels beneath the clinic.
As Israeli forces raced through the corridors, hundreds of young men emerged from different wards, including the maternity section, which was hit in a strike a few days ago, the journalist reported.
The Israeli army, in a statement early Wednesday, described it as “a precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a specified area” of the facility.
The army said it had delivered incubators, baby food and medical supplies to the hospital during the operation.
“Our medical teams and Arabic speaking soldiers are on the ground to ensure that these supplies reach those in need,” it said.
Winston in the 90’s I was paying that for 205 l. of Jet A1 kero.
hamas as low as you could go
Overseas Again – Albo Smashed in Debate
Anthony Albanese accused of being missing in action as dangerous criminals are released
The prime minister has faced unflattering allegations after 83 criminals behind “disgusting crimes” were released from prison.
Samantha Maiden
Overseas Again – Albo Smashed in Debate
This is just my gut feel from the occasional look at fare aggregator websites and promos I get, but I reckon fares are on the slide.
shifa floodlit
Possible Sancho that war in ME has gotten people worried about terror attacks anywhere.
Muslims on extwitter tend to go with America Satan chasers.
Very very angry that US supports Israel.
Speech by the American mother of one of the Israeli hostages.
Cassie earlier you mentioned Albo saying to Dutton he was ‘politicising’ the release of violent criminals and anti Semitic behaviour.
Old Ozzie has just linked to that and what a sorry tale it is.
Of course it’s politicised Albo you dumb khunt. In what way, shape or form is any of this not political? Did you learn on the High Court to have these people released? Have you given money to UN outfits that are openly anti Israel?
There’s 2 questions for a start. Yet he’s orf to the US in short time. Lord have mercy.
“Anybody know why the oz has launched Project Rehabilitate Marcia “intifada” Langton? Seems a tad soon.”
Taking the Albanese Route: Botox, filler, hair, designer outfit >>>>>> “Governor General”??
Walli Dali and Bumble, re “Social Licence to Operate” , things have moved on and SLO is a bit last century and not a term of much utility in the real world. Great for seminars and PowerPoints though.
Lean on the High Court. FFS
“Rub and tug left the best of him in the knock shop.”
Old Army joke: Why did the Army stop circumsising Duntroon cadets?
They realised that they were throwing the best part away.
It was always insane to trust the SOI to be “normal” given the amount of water vapour thrown up by the Tongan volcano… their fervent hope was that that might raise temperatures and they could then attribute that to cow farts and SUVs and diss any reasonable discussion as “deniers!”.
Now that it would appear (for now) to be heading the “wrong” way, watch for intense discussion of this natural event if things continue…. how if it wasn’t for that, it would have been the hottest, yada, yada, yada.
At least they are predictable, I guess.
looks like hamas leaders have leaked south and taken hostages with them.
Speaking of Kim Kardashian, I see she is named GQ magazine Man Of The Year. FMD
Indians look like making a comfy 400 at the rate they’re going. In fact, 450 is not beyond the realms of possibility.
This is great (the Hun):
Gold. Further:
The very fact that Andrews is experiencing opposition to exclusive membership rights is enough. I look forward to this cage fight between well-to-do members on both sides, if for no other reason that it will remind this pillock that he is, in fact, deeply unpopular with those outside the lobbyist brigade.
The call centre operators are 1/203 after 29 overs. Traditionally (in recent times) you can count on a team doubling their total after 30.
That India have apparently asked for – and received – a slow, dry pitch suiting their spinners doesn’t seem to matter at present.
You know my response already.
Parade a bloke, go broke.
Ha! You didn’t expect that, did you!?
The SOI was pretty groundbreaking statistical model in the nineties. I still use the SOI and it does track access-s pretty well, but never use less than the 30 day average, and ideally the 90 day average. you should not read a temporary decoupling from the sea surface temps.
Here are the current SSTs. The pacific is in a classic El Niño pattern with a warm central pacific and a cold coral sea. The warm water of nwwa is interesting. It suggests the IOD is collapsing earlier than a lot of people thought. TBF, I was at a BoM briefing a month or so ago and the IOD guy thought that could happen. No one is suggesting a negative IOD as the after off Arabia is even warmer, but a neutral IOD might attenuate the El Niño event.
Anyway, back to the El Niño, this series of pacific subsurface temps would indicate the El Niño will be around some time. That warm water has to rise to the surface and get replaced by cooler water.
And he used to cheat playing golf. That’s enough for refusal at an exclusive place like Portsea.
Have they tried being gay?
Has Julian Lesser of the Libs said anything about the events of Oct 7 and the weekly anti-Semitic marches?
Has Julian Lesser of the Libs said anything about the events of Oct 7 and the weekly anti-Semitic marches?”
There will be no cage fight.
What valid reason (or reasons) has the Feral Guv’ment given to the Australian voter/taxpayer for not allowing Qatar greater access.
As you know Qatar Airline is owned by the Qatari government. The government harbours HAMAS sub human pigs, Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaled Mashal and for that the airline should be banned globally for ever… Let the bastards eat sand…
Nov 15, 2023 9:45 PM
Good analysis. This:
No one is suggesting a negative IOD as the after off Arabia is even warmer, but a neutral IOD might attenuate the El Niño event.
A +ve IOD produced the 2019 drought. The opposite produced the recent floods. We’ll know for sure what the IOD is doing if the mid summer monsoons arrive.
What do your BOM friends think the MJO is going to do?
Great to have the Master Blaster in the commentary box on Kayo for a chat.
The call centre batsmen have looked so relaxed this series. I recall hearing Kohli a couple of years ago saying we do what we can, sometimes it works other times not. We’re not going to lose sleep over it. That is an attitude our cheats could do with instead of believing their own bullshit.
Yeah 430 on or so the cards if they give it a crack; albeit someone just bowled a maiden.
Even Mark “How can we help you Prime Minister” Riley couldn’t help Albo on the Channel Stokes News. Albo disappearing up the airline steps a terrible look. Advantage Spud.
Wednesday … Hump Day … not the end (of the week); not even the beginning of the end; but perhaps the end of the beginning. (H/T Winnie)
Hasn’t been a good week pour moi; I found out I have some serious hip degeneration that is currently restricting my ability to walk and limiting me to <1 hour behind the wheel before I just have to get out and move. While being X-rayed today, the young radiographer asked me to roll over on my right side. I told her the last time I did that was on the beach … and the bast@rds kept trying to roll me back into the water!
So, I thought to myself, self, I thought, what about someone who CAN move … or at least could back in the day.
Hence my tribute tonight to Sloopy girl.
Whoever down ticked my Master Blaster comment will burn in hell!
Hump day is Thursday.
Nope, always been Wednesday … Wodin’s Day … here in the West for as long as I can remember. Supposedly at the end of the middle of the week (Wed night), you’re “over the hump” and it’s all downhill from there on.
Brian Lara was probably the best batsman I have seen. But he was shaky early on until he got his eye in. Viv Richards was never shaky. Would pick Viv to bat for my life.
Story behind the “Sloopy Girl” dancer…
That’s a good story ZK2A. Thanks.
Oh, give me a bucket of strength! Just walked past the teev to catch the opening of the ARIA Awards. First words out of their mouths?
“We acknowledge that we are on Gadigal land. Our Indigenous people were the very first storytellers and music makers in this land” (paraphrased).
Sancho Panzer: Where are the White Sub references?
In the classified version of the paper.
Only available to Freemasons, and the rest of the Top Men.
Viv certainly didn’t worry about colonialism.
I would certainly hope so.
Banging two bits of wood together, and making pharting noises blowing through a hollow log are hardly a Beethoven symphony…
Simon Doull Kiwi commentator on Kayo thinks Ravi Jadeja might be a factor bowling in the NZ innings. Reallly? That’s revelatory.
Nareen was sold to pay for a failed investment. Possibly the Lloyds of London debacle ? Seem to remember Fraser was a ‘ name ‘
Ian Smuth, the old NZ wicket keeper from back in the day is a great commentator.
He also holds a test record. KD or any other fans want to have a crack?
The same rumour reached my ears.
Who said John Wayne couldn’t be romantic; his fist kiss scene with Maureen O’Hara in the incomparable The Quite Man:
first FFS.
excellent sense of of rhythm
and manages to express with movement so much of what I remember of that time
Mme Zulu says her shorts were as tight and brief as any back in the day. I asked for photographic evidence.
What’s a “male chauvinist pig?”
India 397. Hard to see that getting chased down.
Late last night it occurred to me that while aspirin offers protection against some cancers and for those with cancer I thought of two other components that would probably help and the research supported my intuition. Ginkgo Biloba and ibuprofen studies also point to possible benefits but comparison with aspirin isn’t possible because the research community has focused mostly on aspirin, another example of the availability heuristic fallacy. I don’t like the bleeding risk with aspirin. The reason why doctors are not keen on aspirin now is because of that risk, not because it is cheap.
from the ot
JC … Nietzsche never said that it was
But, but Tammy had you gone back to Nareen didn’t you realise all that pain would have been relieved by being welcomed to country.
Your white pain could never equal their pain, y’know.
good to see that yr reading again though
*big thumb
OK Ian Smith from NZ holds the test record for highest score by a batsman at no.9.
That’s because the vast panoply of other instruments (some of which whiteys have not yet conceived) were destroyed in the Border Wars. As were the intricate scores therefore.
Like the rest of that rich, intricate, peaceful and idyllic culture, not even one shred remains.
So not up Tartaria then, but it’s all in Bruce Pascoe’s next book.
We’ve lost Sting-
very sad, I was really getting into all his stuff lately. Thought he might have a lot of good years still to come, he was looking like he was making good decisions healthwise- goes to show, you never can tell
Nov 15, 2023 11:06 PM
Must have been a cute owl.
Allanstan (lately Danistan)’s is workers’ comp scheme is utterly rooted if the numbers in this Oz article are anything to go by.
It suggests that one set of consultants estimated that the IFR (Insurance Funding Ration, essentially premiums vs claims) would have dropped to 38% in 7 years, absent any meaningful change. There really hasn’t been much meaningful change, but that is probably also a worst-case estimate.
A 38% IFR in the private sector – however you play with the figures – would mean you make FAI look like a model of insurance financial rectirude. People would already be in prison.
The state gov has already tightened things, a bit, and “bailed them out” to the tune of $1.5b, but the report suggests that another quiet $54b was possible.
This from a broke state.
Did In mention this?
What amazes me is how fast these squander moneys can screw things up. If only they’d turned their talents too goodness and niceness instead of evil (h/t Maxwell Smart).
I never suggested he said those exact words but he most certainly has and can be interpreted that way.
How about you worry about acting like a Nietzschean good oracle to fellow switch flickers and we’ll worry about the rest. You’re drunk as usual and there’s no point engaging with drunks.
I remember going to the WACA . I was staying with my oldest sister who was living in Perf etc.
Larry Gomes and Jeff Dujon put on this masisve parternership. It was great bowler Courtney Walsh’s debut too IIRC
First test of 84/85 series when Kim Hughes ended up losing his shit, then AB took over.
Greetings from Flam, Norway. It is currently minus 6 outside, it’s dark, and it’s 4:45 pm.
Travelled one of the great railway journeys of the world today, the Flam railway. Frozen waterfalls, snow dusted “Christmas” trees everywhere, little villages painted what we would call “Federation” colours of red, mustard, off-white, green and blue. Snow everywhere, weighing down the branches, covering the fields, making strange mounds and hillocks and domes. The lakes are rimed and soupy with frost, the freeze starting at the shoreline and gradually extending out onto the surface. Soon it will be thick enough to walk on.
Being a complete Christmas nut, I have purchased still more gnomes to delight the grandchildren when they visit. How could I resist?
I saw a stone troll yesterday on the way down from the ski jump. He was hunched by the roadside, looking malevolently at the passing traffic. The sun had clearly blasted him. Observing the size and angle of the jump, my only thought was…are you serious? Anyone who attempted it must surely be crazy. On the side of the fence was one of those warning signs – a circle with a stroke through it. What were they prohibiting?
Tobogganing on the ski jump. 😀
When one isn’t enough:
1 in 50 Million Chance: US Woman With Rare Double Uterus Is Pregnant in Both
You’re fired.
I don’t like cancellations, but this one is so well deserved.
Telling an American to get leave. The freaking nerve!
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
David Pope.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Daily Mail: Turkey’s President Erdogan declares Israel to be a terrorist state and he aquits Hamas.
Thanks once more Tom. Sterling efforts.
Regarding discussions last night about Tammy and Malcolm Fraser.
Back in the mid 70s my late Dad was a rusted on Labor man – later to be a Pauline Hanson supporter.
He used to get political bumper stickers from union mates at the pub. Some of them ended up on the rear window of the Kingswood. In particular “You’ve got my job, Fraser. You’re next!”
There was one sticker that mum forbade him from displaying and stayed in his sock drawer. It went:-
“Tammy has one, Mal is one.” Short and punchy.
Meanwhile in other news,
India 397 d Un Zud 327.
Conricus inside shifa hospital. I wonder if that’d Mr Fafo ‘s mri machine.
Idf have lined up the mri room loot.
There was some Norwegian doctor claiming he’d worked there off and on for 16 years. No terrorists. Adamant.
hamas apologists demanding evidence that hamas use tunnels (in the comments). What?
Nick Cater in yesterday’s Paywallion on the shitweazels that are the British Bashing Corporation:
No voice of reason in BBC’s bungled hit job on referendum
Nick Cater
15 Nov 2023
If the BBC really wanted to understand last month’s voice referendum result, it would’ve been a good idea to talk to Australians who voted No.
That appears not to have crossed the minds of the producers of the BBC World Service podcast The Inquiry, who instead assembled a panel of experts whose sympathies lay with the Yes case.
It began with a cartoonish history of Australian settlement with the assistance of John Maynard, emeritus professor of Indigenous education and research at the University of Newcastle. Aboriginal people had first been driven to the brink of extinction by colonial settlement before suffering “more than a century and a half of discrimination and exploitation … herded on to worthless areas of land … given inadequate housing, clothing, inadequate diet, which has impacted on to Aboriginal health right up to today”.
But things began to look up in 2008 when the presenter told us, “prime minister Paul Rudd (not a misprint) made a formal apology to the country’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”.
The referendum proposal was a chance to take reconciliation to the next level. Still, it had been inexplicably knocked back in what host David Baker described as “yet another setback in the Indigenous fight to be heard”.
Expert number two was Tim Soutphommasane, well known to readers of this newspaper as a former Australian Human Rights Commissioner, who attacked the late cartoonist Bill Leak for racially stereotyping Aboriginal Australians. Soutphommasane is now chief diversity officer at Oxford University.
Professor Soutphommasane told us that campaigners had assumed “that the better angels of Australians’ nature would prevail”. Yet many Australians didn’t have an Indigenous friend, colleague or neighbour: “So understanding the significance of the voice … was something that many people just simply could not grasp.”
Andrea Carson, of La Trobe University, took up the underlying stupidity of non-expert Australians. “Australia is still very much a materialist country,” the professor explained. “They’re not thinking about higher-order issues such as human rights and equality.”
The No camp had generated “a lot of myths and disinformation”, and had a clearer social media campaign, and Australians had fallen for it.
The final expert was Thomas Mayo, the pro-voice campaigner who has previously said the “embarrassing” referendum had made it “hard for Australia now to talk about human rights to other countries like China”.
He laid the blame on Peter Dutton and an egregious misinformation campaign. He singled out the claim that the voice would have divided Australians by race, which he said was false and misleading. “It wasn’t about race,” he said. “Indigenous peoples aren’t a different race. We are a distinct people with a heritage and culture.”
Mayo’s social media posts claiming the voice would pave the way for reparations, forcing non-Indigenous Australians to pay the rent, were a setback for the Yes campaign. Yet Mayo told the BBC: “It was a simple message, just recognition through an advisory committee.
“We kept repeating that, but we just couldn’t get through. We are a nation frozen in time.”
If the podcast aimed to confirm the comfortable prejudices of social justice campaigners, the producers did a first-class job.
The referendum result confirmed in their minds that Australians are indeed stupid, borderline racist, selfish and uncaring.
Australians had stubbornly refused to understand what the referendum was about and had been duped by a slick misinformation campaign.
It reinforced their dark view of history, a long struggle for liberation from the forces of evil, an unequal contest between the oppressors and the permanently oppressed, from which we will only emerge when the vision of the anointed holds sway.
The show confirmed the expert class’s high estimation of itself. They are the people concerned about higher things whose ears are more finely tuned to the voices of the better angels.
Never once did the show take a detour from this self-serving narrative by asking if the 60 per cent of Australians who voted no might have had a point. Nursing historical grievances and locking a race-based institution permanently into the Constitution may indeed have been measures that would push Australians further apart. It may have led to more racism, not less, and denied Aboriginal Australians the path towards integration as fellow citizens.
Yet the die had been cast at the top of the show when Baker framed the question the experts were on hand to answer: “What went wrong with Australia’s Indigenous call for a voice?”
It ruled out any possibility that voters had got it right.
Nick Cater is senior fellow at the Menzies Research Centre.
Nick Cater is senior fellow at the Menzies Research Centre.
Which is why you tried to push racial division down our throats with the invoice referendum, is it?
The thing that worries me most about the world right now is the leaders we need are not in office.
White House slams IDF for violating hospital? Laws of war do not protect hospitals used for military purposes.
BBC: “What went wrong with Australia’s Indigenous call for a voice?”
More pertinent: what has gone wrong with the BBC?
BBC forced into humiliating apology after claiming Israel were ‘attacking medical teams’ (15 Nov)
Pouring petrol onto a dumpster fire. Muzzos and lefties will now be believe Israel has been shooting doctors because they heard it on the BBC. Despicable lies.
John H @11.35pm (way past my bedtime!)
Thanks John for comments on Aspirin. I still think it is much maligned now that other drugs are available. Eg it was the drug of choice -,at low dose- as cardio preventative. But now statins are all the go.
How solid is the research on bleeding problems- & are they related to high dosage?
There has been an, unconfirmed, report of security at Al-Shifa Hospital immediately called 000 for, immediate, Vic plod intervention after several uniformed & armed individuals entered the hospital foyer without masks …… as you are all aware entry into any area of the hospital precinct requires a mask to be worn …… carrying weaponry is routine but to endanger the health of patients & staff by not wearing a mask is unacceptable …….!
Paul Homewood doing good work.
BBC forced to correct misleading flood scare (15 Nov)
Rapidly getting to the point that if you hear something on the BBC or the ABC you can be totally sure it is a lie, a misdirection or propaganda.
There had been little attention given to the large number of foreigners & non Jews indiscriminately slaughtered by Hamas butchers on 7/10.
There were many foreign agricultural workers on the kibbutzim – the most notorious execution being the poor Thai worker that a butcher tried to behead with a garden hoe. And as was mentioned yesterday here – the large number of Bedouin – whose presence in the Negev I was not aware of.
I don’t know why various governments are not raising this issue – although it is more likely that our press is simply not repeating it.
Again, re this issue of foreign nationals slaughtered: why is there not total outrage by their governments?
Vicki, Bedouin families were slaughtered as were Thai and Philippino nationals. The Bedouin have roamed southern Israel, Sinai and Northern Arabia for thousands of years.
That’s because the governments of the countries where these people come from don’t care about them.
Top Ender, this might be of interest to you.
Australians in the Battle of Britain
when the Bullshit Mining Company made their IPO, reckon JC bought the lot
they instantly made him Chief Scatologist
War Criminal Tony Blair is working with the WEF & Bill Gates to make Digital IDs Mandatory to Live a “Normal” Life around the World