Open Thread – Weekend 25 Nov 2023

On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt, Claude Monet, 1868

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November 26, 2023 12:26 pm

Looks like the hostages are being released based on location within Gaza as today Kibbutz Be’eri dominated and yesterday it was Kibbutz Nir Oz.

From where did Hamas learn how to keep precise lists of Jews captives.

Oh come on
Oh come on
November 26, 2023 12:27 pm

The Irish are an interesting case. They’re white Europeans but they have none of the guilt about their shameful colonial past that is pushed on the rest of Europe by its elites. That can’t fly in Ireland given their history and the Irish national identity. The ‘you owe us, whitey’ mentality that many refugees and their leftist enablers peddle on the locals has no truck there.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 26, 2023 12:28 pm

Here’s the Liberal twat who did the welcome to country at the Liberal Party Conference.

Thanks Pogria, I knew it would be a dumbass porker and a fake blonde too — get off the stage you bimbo

November 26, 2023 12:28 pm

What is hurkle-durkling?

The sound the Swedish Chef makes as he’s cooking.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 26, 2023 12:28 pm

And then of course two had to be posted in less than 2 minutes before I could post mine. Obviously.
Critical delays in info getting from front lines back to Berka HQ and orders getting back out to the field.

Will look at empowering the sergeants to make their own calls independently.

November 26, 2023 12:29 pm

Bespoke, you don’t know any Catholic clergy do you ?

Not clergy but lots of Catholics.

You’re basing this on what you’ve heard from the media.


H B Bear
H B Bear
November 26, 2023 12:30 pm

Even talking about 9 Gw as a measure of capacity is an indication that you are dealing with a j’ismist.

November 26, 2023 12:32 pm

Nov 26, 2023 11:38 AM
The best IMO is Waterloo but that only covers a few months of his life.

Also directed by Bondarchuk.

As noted here recently, Napoleon is the second most written about historical figure after Jesus Christ. If biographers can’t nail him down, film directors stand no chance! ?

Bondarchuk’s 2 films involving Napoleon – War And Peace and Waterloo are both superbly directed. War And Peace is excellently viewing (ie watching it in its 4 parts).

Unfortunately the commercial failure of Waterloo probably cost us the definitive Napoleon biopic when the backers of Stanley Kubrick’s long cherished Napoleon project from the early 1970s pulled out.

Kubrick’s obsessive attention to detail led him to literally categorise every day of his life whilst completed a screenplay and having pre-production completed.

With the help of assistants, he meticulously created a card catalog of the places and deeds of Napoleon’s inner circle during its operative years. Kubrick scouted locations, planning to film large portions of the film on location in France, in addition to the use of British studios. The director was also going to film the battle scenes in Romania and had enlisted the support of the Romanian People’s Army; senior army officers had committed 40,000 soldiers and 10,000 cavalrymen to Kubrick’s film for the paper costume battle scenes.

Given Kubrick’s astoundingly high quality of his limited output it is often quoted as the best film never made.

In February 2023, Steven Spielberg reaffirmed that the miniseries he was planning based on Kubrick’s script was still in development and was being in worked into a “large production” of a seven-part limited series.

November 26, 2023 12:32 pm

Urban dictionary, for once no need for brain bleach:

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 26, 2023 12:34 pm

J’ismists fall into the same problem when they read the nameplate capacity of win projects.

November 26, 2023 12:34 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Nov 26, 2023 11:59 AM
As for Ridley Scott I find him exceedingly over-rated.

Wolfman – To the list of excellent Ridley Scott movies I would add Kingdom of Heaven, Thelma and Louise, Black Rain and The Martian, although I haven’t seen the last of the four. Heard many good things about it though.

I haven’t seen Black Hawk Down, so can’t say whether it’d be on the top table or not.

All good movies but not exceptional.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 26, 2023 12:34 pm

I’ve just read Troy Bramson’s interview with retired Cambridge classicist Mary Beard re her latest book, a study of Roman Emperorship. She downplays their influence rather overmuch for my liking, mainly relying on any expansionary work they did (not much) after she says the Empire was set by Augustus at the latest. She seems to neglect though the various sterling attempts made by emperors to hold it all together (or in Diocletian’s case, to administratively cut it up), for emperors were variable in quality, but I’ll read the book to be sure of her true perspectives as an interview is limiting.

Have to agree with her though on Marcus Aurelius’ meditations. I used the Penguin version with footnotes. Aurelius was as she says, merely expressing “second-rank stoic platitudes” which are much changed by later translations. She intends to pursue this by looking at all translations against the Greek. But that much is clear from the Penguin version and its footnotes. I think she is doing it just to be controversial. She enjoys very much being a media performer and is seeking new business. As Bramtson notes, many on the Oz live by Marcus, sitting ducks for her next book.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 26, 2023 12:35 pm

Oh, and Bramston is spelled as Bramston, not as in my two differing typos.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 26, 2023 12:35 pm

Had to put me wee best mate down yesterday.

Bloody sad GreyRanga. At least you got to bury him at home.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 12:39 pm

Hurkle-durkle is from the WIP this morning. Thanks Tom!

(My faves are the green technology and the ‘are there any actual sheep here?’ ones. J6 seems more and more like the latter.)

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 26, 2023 12:40 pm


Bill Gates Imagines What Society Will Be Like as A.I. Eliminates More Jobs

“The purpose of life is not just to do jobs. So if you eventually get a society where you only have to work three days a week that’s probably okay, if the machines can make all the food and stuff and we don’t have to work as hard…You have a lot of leisure time and we’ll have to figure out what to do with it.”

Here is Big Bill to tell us the purpose of our lives. What if we told Big Bill it’s not the purpose of his life to tell us the purpose of our lives?
Unfortunately, as we saw with the overhyped Trump-endorsed Operation Warp-Speed, when you have Gates-level money behind a plan it tends to happen no matter how risky and unwanted it is.

And all these land lords who paid for housing as an investment and still expect to be paid off… will they stop demanding rents, councils will lower rates and property taxes, simply because people won’t be earning as much income?
Just call the whole thing off? The Automation Jubilee?

There’s a name for this idea.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
November 26, 2023 12:40 pm

(Mentally calculates 800-795. Then uses calculator just to be sure.)
(Puts down map and compass and looks out at the battlefield.)
There are FIVE more comments until the page turn!
(Scurries back into officers’ tent hoping it all turns out well.)

This is the sort of mental horsepower required in the annual Sword of Honour recipient.

Men will have confidence to follow you to the mess hall, as they’ll be confident you’re able to find it, no matter which corner of the parade ground is used as a starting point.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
November 26, 2023 12:40 pm

They’re skipping the storage part and hoping that tens of thousands of kms of transmission lines everywhere will act like a flowing river of power with a few big batteries acting as circuit breaker protection in the case of faults.
Big batteries around the major cities would be able to pick up all the wasted roof top solar. What they don’t own they don’t value or utilise, except as a stop gap until big boys build is complete.

November 26, 2023 12:41 pm

Old men in the army. Mate told me about an older dude he saw in a sister platoon of the one he was training at 1RTB when posted there.

In his 50’s, very sharp for an older guy and was beating most of the younger guys in PT and even the training. They apparently had him corp allocated to Transport. Mate asked him what the hell are you doing here? Older guy replied always wanted to do it but relationships, life got in the road and he had the chance now and was surprised he got accepted.

Mate said he was an exception to the norm though as he saw over 45’s generally struggle with even learning new skills by observations when in an Army Reserve posting.

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 12:42 pm


Nov 25, 2023 7:25 PM
Yaffa Adar being taken hostage, check out the young boys behind the cart.

The photo doesn’t give me much information. What do you see?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 26, 2023 12:44 pm

H B Bear
Nov 26, 2023 12:30 PM

Even talking about 9 Gw as a measure of capacity is an indication that you are dealing with a j’ismist.

Those 9GW only need to be able to be there for two hours to win a prize.

November 26, 2023 12:45 pm

BTW it wouldn’t hurt anyone to say a few prayers for the hostages to be released.

I gather Baal is out of favour, but I expect you could ask the Wagyll rainbow serpent for help too.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 26, 2023 12:50 pm

‘Fully automated luxury communism’ – says it all.

Luxury idiocy rides again.

This ‘a paradise of no work awaits us all’ is such a fantasy of those who have no idea of how economies work and of how countries across the globe have differential access to resources and must trade to their competitive advantage. It entirely ignores the real politik that human distribution across the planet has to encounter.

In my reading re some fifth century writings I came across the fact that in Christian writings of the time the word ‘luxury’ was a proxy for sinful beliefs. Not wrong these days either.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 26, 2023 12:50 pm

Spent a week in Dublin in August, and rode around a lot in public transport. Gives you a bit of a look at a city.

There were woke flags everywhere. The most prevalent was the LGBTI alphabet people flag. Lotsa posters etc for various causes.

By contrast the rest of Ireland, which we toured by car, was refreshingly anti-PC.

November 26, 2023 12:50 pm

My dad had some brilliant Scots words and phrases and hurkle-durkling was strictly forbidden to us wee ‘uns growing up.

My two favourites, were cocklesnorum, an endearment if you can credit it, and scunnered which means fed up.

Scunnered often makes it into my mental conversations when I’m amongst the increasingly ignorant drivers of the Melbourne suburbs. See also: Munty’s attempts at coherence.

November 26, 2023 12:50 pm

In February 2023, Steven Spielberg reaffirmed that the miniseries he was planning based on Kubrick’s script was still in development and was being in worked into a “large production” of a seven-part limited series.

Yes, you’d need a mini-series to even begin to do justice to Napoleon.

Bondarchuk’s 2 films involving Napoleon – War And Peace and Waterloo are both superbly directed.

Bondarchuk’s use of the camera in War & Peace really has to be seen on the big screen for best effect. He was a hard taskmaster, leading to complaints to the Soviet authorities by the film crew, but I doubt they ever did better work.

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 12:51 pm


Democrats know their system is on the verge of being destroyed: Newt Gingrich

When the American people voted in Barack, the candidate they could not refuse because black, they voted in the criminal Left of the Democrat Party. Everything that has happened since – the politicisation of the institutions, the destruction of the economy, and the race war that is destroying the US were put in process at that point. Now that the criminal and lunatic left are in control of this process they have no choice but to hang on for dear life – literally. Treason is still covered by the death penalty and as the scab is ripped off their maladministration of the country, their options are closing down.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 26, 2023 12:52 pm

no matter which corner of the parade ground is used as a starting point.

Smoke, rain, darkness, or shine,
A whiff of bacon and I will find!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 12:52 pm

Lidia Thorpe takes stage at pro-Palestine rally
Tricia Rivera
Tricia Rivera

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters have gathered for the seventh Sunday in a row in central Melbourne.

The crowd chanted “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” while waiting for speeches to begin.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the time for us to stop our advocacy. it is time for us to double down on our efforts,” one of the speakers said.

“Let us send a clear message that even with today’s weather, that whether it is rain, hail, sunshine, that we will not rest and will show up every Sunday.”

The crowd erupted into applause when independent senator Lidia Thorpe took the stage.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t been here, I have been under police protection for being a black woman speaking out,” she told the congregation.

“I haven’t been able to go to parliament to do my job and stand up against the racist colonial system that we have to endure in this country every day.

“But I’m going back tomorrow, in fact today, and I’m going to bring your heart and soul into that chamber tomorrow morning.”

Some protesters shouted “thank you Lidia”.

“I take everyone very seriously into my heart and I will fight for you,” Senator Thorpe said.

“Showing up is what you have to do everywhere, every day.”

Posters advertising a school strike for Palestine on December 7 were seen plastered the city.

“On November 23 thousands of students walked out of school to protest Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. We’re doing it again on December 7,” the poster read.

Here’s another Green, who should be booted out of the Senate.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 26, 2023 12:54 pm

In Ho Chi Minh/Saigon city – first time in 15 years.

The harbour has come on a lot. They are building a huge bridge across it. Not finished yet – the centre spans are yet to be done. In the design of the Tasman Bridge, but the spans to allow ships through are a lot wider.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 12:55 pm

All good movies but not exceptional.

Wolfman – Kingdom of Heaven and Thelma and Louise certainly are (and I don’t like Susan Sarandon). I liked Black Rain, which was a nice clash between cultures, something which had rarely been done well before then.

November 26, 2023 12:56 pm

You have a lot of leisure time and we’ll have to figure out what to do with it.”

Humanity isn’t doing well with the time it has know.

November 26, 2023 12:57 pm

The Irish are an interesting case. They’re white Europeans but they have none of the guilt about their shameful colonial past that is pushed on the rest of Europe by its elites.

The fact that they have been colonized themselves for much of their existence might account for that.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 26, 2023 12:59 pm

There were woke flags everywhere. The most prevalent was the LGBTI alphabet people flag. Lotsa posters etc for various causes.

Perhaps best to think of Dublin as representative of Ireland as Melbourne is of Australia.

November 26, 2023 1:02 pm

I’m not, and never have been, deeply into ancient Roman history except for what I’ve picked up on my various jaunts to their many sites across their former empire, but even I raised an eyebrow ar some of those claims in the Bramston/Beard article.

I finally forced the SP to see sense and cancel the Herald-Sun delivery last week and give the Oz a go. It’s nowhere near perfect but it has 1000% better coverage of issues and events. The current Hun would not even give the old fashioned ladies pages of the ’50s a run for its money.

I’ve not once managed to conquer their sudoku though. Designed for higher puzzle intellects I fear.

November 26, 2023 1:05 pm

Here’s another Green, who should be booted out of the Senate

Green = deeply ignorant.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 1:10 pm

Daily Mail. I’ve made my pile out of the coal industry…

I’ve made a killing working the coal mines for the last 40 years. Now I’m taking a stand against the industry – here’s why

Coal miner to join climate port blockade
Says transition from coal is inevitable

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 1:10 pm

On some further thought perhaps the problem is that fillums are so wretched lately that earlier good films now look great by comparison. There’s been nothing for years and years that would be regarded as a really good movie. Perhaps No Country For Old Men, which I haven’t seen more than a few clips of, but even that one is now 16 years ago.

November 26, 2023 1:11 pm

I am sorry to hear that “Napoleon” is a dud as we would have gone to an actual cinema to see it. We enjoyed “Oppenheimer” and missed “Golda”( or perhaps it didn’t show locally).
Came across this on youtube last night, enjoyed it very much. I was always partial to Eli Wallach and in fact met him and Ann Jackson, which was a thrill.
Anyway if you are into spaghetti westerns this doco has a lot of characters in it Sergio Leone- the way I see things a documentary movie By Giulio Reale.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 26, 2023 1:13 pm

I gather Baal is out of favour, but I expect you could ask the Wagyll rainbow serpent for help too.

Dr. BG, as a feeble agnostic, in times of fear and distress I tend to go for whatever major deity presents itself to mind as custodian of events. Caught in a tropic storm on a Chinese junk I saw the Bhudda statue set up at the front and sent a few prayerful words in his direction and the storm calmed. Giving birth naturally at the age of 42 and counting through ferocious constractions, wanting to give up the ghost, the spire of Newtown’s St Stephen’s church through the hospital window was the beacon that got me through, thanks to this saint’s intercession with the Christian god. And only recently, flying in a precarious wobble along the border of Jordan and Israel was sufficient to prime my deistic longings, due to fears of a stray rocket and heavy turbulence in a plane ready for the wreckers yard. Looking down over to the lights of Jerusalem, I spoke to the god of the Jews to please take care of Jewish lands and people in their time of peril, and incidentally, allow me to make a safe landing too.

I am a firm believer, at least of the fact that there are no atheists in a foxhole.

November 26, 2023 1:14 pm

Coal miner to join climate port blockade
Says transition from coal is inevitable

Former coal miner turns to gaslighting.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 26, 2023 1:15 pm

I’ve not once managed to conquer their sudoku though.

Sudoku, you say?

Go here.

If you never thought sudoku could be a spectator sport, these guys might just prove you wrong. Also, great logic training.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 26, 2023 1:16 pm

Another exciting feature of Bowen’s Capacity Investment Scheme is that it expressly allows investors in Big Batteries to suck in power from the grid, contaminated with 60% – 100% of filthy coal and gas electrons, but send out 100% pure Green Renewable energy.

This miraculous transmogrification will allow CIS projects to claim Renewable Energy Certificates – and more munni from the productive economy.

A Net Zero laundry.
Top Men have had their hands on this.

November 26, 2023 1:24 pm

DrF the Top Men have had their hands on each other’s dicks.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 26, 2023 1:27 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 26, 2023 1:10 PM
Daily Mail. I’ve made my pile out of the coal industry…

I’ve made a killing working the coal mines for the last 40 years. Now I’m taking a stand against the industry – here’s why

Coal miner to join climate port blockade
Says transition from coal is inevitable

“The mining class can kiss my arse, I’ve got my super payout at last.”

Cassie of Sydney
November 26, 2023 1:30 pm

I’ve just returned from a rally at Sydney’s Martin Place. The rally was organised to bring Sydney’s Jewish community and friends of the Jewish community together to call for the freeing of EVERY SINGLE HOSTAGE IN GAZA.

There were several thousand of us in attendance, it really was uplifting and heartwarming for Jews and non-Jews alike.

The speakers included the marvellous Freya Leach, who is a Young Liberal at Sydney University and she is the daughter of Anglican Reverend Mark Leach (who is himself halachically Jewish), Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg who was impressive, former State Labor MP Eric Roozendaal who is Jewish also spoke well, and yep, I regret to say, Allegra da big Spender.

I hope everyone is sitting down, and I would suggest swallowing hard before you read this. I’ll just preface this by saying that I’ve known Allegra Spender to be a complete flake, a complete phony, and a complete fraud from the very beginning. It isn’t rocket science. She and her Teal sisters are the puppets of creepy Svengali Simon. They do his bidding. Anyway Spender got up to speak, I will say firstly that she has no speaking voice, she babbles like a spoilt Ascham bimbo which of course she is and she speaks like she’s talking to friends in a cafe in Double Bay or Rose Bay. Now, I can forgive her for her poor speaking voice, but what I can’t and won’t forgive her for is her forked tongue about the Jew hatred running amok in this country. In her speech, which was like watching a car veering left, right and centre, she decided to bring up climate change, yes you read that right, at a rally about Jewish hostages, she brings up climate change, and then she babbled on about how a Palestinian woman had contacted her office to complain about abuse…..YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT. Now correct me if I’m wrong but I’m yet to hear of any Jewish convoys heading out from Caulfield, or Coogee, or Dover Heights to Muslim suburbs to intimidate Muslims in their suburbs. No siree, we don’t do that, but Spender, a fraudulent flake, decides to engage in moral equivalence.

What a f*cking disgrace.

Many, if not most of us were shocked by Spender’s complete vacuousness. Afterwards Senator Andrew Bragg spoke, it was like chalk and cheese, he vociferously condemned the Jew hatred running amok.

I wonder if Hamas cares about climate change? I think not.

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 1:31 pm


Nov 25, 2023 8:21 PM
She’s got the moves. But why do they have to spoil the video by having the prancing poofs in there? My theory is that the producers are trying to turn blokes gay. They give you a pretty girl to watch and sneak in a couple of poofs too, in the hope that they’ll turn you on by association.

I do like your brand of paranoia, beauges.

November 26, 2023 1:36 pm

The obsession with Climate Change is astonishing to me, especially coming from people who hardly know how clouds are formed.

November 26, 2023 1:36 pm

This miraculous transmogrification will allow CIS projects to claim Renewable Energy Certificates…

Yet another great contribution to the nation from John Howard.

November 26, 2023 1:38 pm

I am sorry to hear that “Napoleon” is a dud as we would have gone to an actual cinema to see it. We enjoyed “Oppenheimer” and missed “Golda”( or perhaps it didn’t show locally).

We saw “Napoloen” yesterday. I thought the historical context of scenery, some events, clothing, etc – but particularly battle scenes – was excellent. And, I agree with others, that the performance of Joachin Phoenix was amazing.

However, it was curiously unsatisfying in its explanation of the particular skills & character of the man which alternatively led him to success and defeat. The obsession of there filmmaker with the reationbship between Napoleon & Josephine diminished the portrayal, I think.

November 26, 2023 1:39 pm

Many, if not most of us were shocked by Spender’s complete vacuousness.

As you say, Cassie, entirely predictable.

So, who invited her to speak?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2023 1:42 pm

The obsession with Climate Change is astonishing to me, especially coming from people who hardly know how clouds are formed

All will be clear when you realise that climate is Direct Energy Weapon-borne, and designed to reduce land prices so the elites can take it over and enslave the normie children in tunnels.

All for the red leather shoe market. A shame, really.

November 26, 2023 1:42 pm

Thanks Mark. I’ve been a follower of CTC since I first got into Sudoku. I clearly need to move it up a notch as the Hun sudoku only requires basic logic. Complacency is too comfortable.

November 26, 2023 1:45 pm

The rally was organised to bring Sydney’s Jewish community and friends of the Jewish community together…

… she brings up climate change, and then she babbled on about how a Palestinian woman had contacted her office to complain about abuse

Which should make one ask: “who invited her to speak and why?”.

November 26, 2023 1:45 pm

didn’t anybody give the stupid bint a very vocal and verbal serve?
Now is not the time for politeness.

Oh come on
Oh come on
November 26, 2023 1:45 pm

The fact that they have been colonized themselves for much of their existence might account for that.

Yes, I didn’t think it needed to be said.

November 26, 2023 1:45 pm

Rosie, surely Spender will be banished in the next election ????? What was the reaction of the crowd? Do you think they shared your views?

BTW “Outsiders” was SUPERB this morning on the question of the appalling demonstrations of school children & others against Israel and Jewish communities. As usual, they had brilliant interviews with international supporters of Israel. Also segments of the rise of conservatism OS as demonstrated in the election in The Netherlands & Argentina.

Cassie of Sydney
November 26, 2023 1:48 pm

Nov 26, 2023 1:45 PM
didn’t anybody give the stupid bint a very vocal and verbal serve?
Now is not the time for politeness.”

I would have given her a serve, I’ll be emailing her office tonight.

F*cking disgrace. I presume the slag was invited by communal organisations.

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 1:49 pm


Nov 25, 2023 9:22 PM
It gets even better.
Pallies are stateless, meaning they can’t be deported unless a 3rd party agrees to take them.

They came from somewhere. Make it so they go back to the port/airport they embarked from. I don’t particularly care if they speak Swahili and came through Hong Kong. Send ’em back to Hong Kong. they can work it out. But they aren’t coming here.
If that government won’t accept them, not our problem.

November 26, 2023 1:49 pm

I don’t know Robert, whats your point?
In the background yet more boys too young to shave happily joining in rape, looting, massacre and kidnapping.
With adults who are more than happy to let the kids join in.
But that’s okay.
Islam puts all this in the non sin column, as long as the victims are in the kafir/infidels.

November 26, 2023 1:50 pm
November 26, 2023 1:53 pm

I presume the slag was invited by communal organisations.

Well, they need to learn that the worst thing that can be done at such gatherings is to invite a speaker who will dilute the message.

November 26, 2023 1:54 pm

I second Vicki in recommending this morning’s Outsiders, it had quite a few things I had not come across before during the week. I think they replay an abridged version at 6pm tonight, hopefully it contains all the excellent bits from the first half of the show. I wish Rowan Dean’s segment on climate would reveal a few teaching moments rather than just a rundown of the weather this week all over the planet. A perspective over the eons of the planet’s existence might develop people’s understanding that we are not all going to boil or freeze tomorrow, and that chopping down a tree or boiling the kettle today is not going to influence anything in the long run. Surely banks and insurance companies will wake up soon. As much as capitalism has drawbacks, living in the stone age is worse, surely.

November 26, 2023 1:55 pm

Seeing Napoleon in a few minutes so will be interesting to compare with Wolfs review which I don’t doubt.

However can we have less of the Ridley Scott bashing? As far a director’s go his movie CV is pretty impressive, especially for guys who like history and sci fi.

As for Blackhawk Down I found it a great movie. A good cast. If you watch it now 20 years later you will be surprised at how many of the then less well known actors went onto major starring roles. Tom Hardy, Ewen McGregor etc.

Then you have his soundtracks which have often been done by Hans Zimmer (ie Blackhawk Down and Gladiator). For me a good soundtrack is a major part of the enjoyment and I will often listen to them whilst on the computer.

Who could not like the Blackhawk Down helicopter scene as they fly to the city over the beach to the sound of Zimmer,?

Plus Scott is 85 ! Pretty good effort to be making such movies at that age. I saw Napoleon budget was US$70m when Scorcese’s Killers of the Flower Moon was $200m plus ($40m for DiCaprio).

Will report back.

November 26, 2023 1:56 pm

Sounds like makingg a female pivotal to the plot ran the narrative and ruined the film. I was going to go see it but not now after reading and seeing some reviews.
I’ve visited his birthplace, his natal home, even touching the font in which he was baptised as well visiting his tomb.
After reading 1812 he don’t impress me much.
I still might day trip to St Helena though.

November 26, 2023 1:56 pm

BTW it wouldn’t hurt anyone to say a few prayers for the hostages to be released.

This morning at coffee (Sydney) I commented to some friends who were fresh from Sunday mass that I think I should maybe start attending church. This clearly startled a table next to us (all of us mostly know each other at coffee) who all stopped talking. Me seeking God must have been a starling concept. I explained to my friends at my table that the events of 10/7 had so challenged my faith in humanity that I feel I need some solace.

I suggest that we should all raise the issue of the barbarity of that day to anyone and everyone. Once again, my friends at the table had refused to view the photographs or really address what occurred. Thy bloody well must. And I will continue to tell them the truth, whether it upsets people to not.

November 26, 2023 1:57 pm


November 26, 2023 1:58 pm

I wonder if Hamas cares about climate change? I think not.

That despicable little POS, Greta Thunberg, recently revealed her anti-Semitic colours, posing with a stuffed blue octopus (a Nazi trope), and other pro-Palestinian activists.

At a recent climate change conference she was ranting on about “no climate justice on occupied land.”

I am sure “climate justice” is a number one priority in the Islamic world (insert eye-roll).

November 26, 2023 2:04 pm

Geez suspenderbelt is sounding like a Stepford wife.

November 26, 2023 2:04 pm

yes you read that right, at a rally about Jewish hostages, she brings up climate change, and then she babbled on about how a Palestinian woman had contacted her office to complain about abuse…..YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT.

That’s like a German woman complaining in 1945 to one of the few Jewish death camp survivors, “yes, too bad, but I was abused and robbed by Russian soldiers!”

November 26, 2023 2:05 pm

Nov 26, 2023 1:55 PM
Seeing Napoleon in a few minutes so will be interesting to compare with Wolfs review which I don’t doubt.

However can we have less of the Ridley Scott bashing? As far a director’s go his movie CV is pretty impressive, especially for guys who like history and sci fi.

Not really bashing him . . . just thing he’s over-rated in that he’s made a number of good films but only a few which I’d rate as top-drawer (and 2 of those were made over 40 years ago).

But I will grant you that at his age (85) he’s going remarkably well.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 2:05 pm

Northbridge curfew trial extended after 800 kids removed from Perth CBD streets
Joe SpagnoloThe West Australian
Sun, 26 November 2023 2:00AM

More than 800 kids — two a day — were taken off the streets as part of the Northbridge curfew trial, prompting an extension of the highly successful program.

Community Services Minister Sabine Winton told The Sunday Times the Home Safe trial, started in October 2022, would be extended until June 2025. The Government has credited the program with a massive drop in youth crime this year.

“By extending the trial until June 2025, we have a greater opportunity to support children and young people who may be at risk and further evaluate the effectiveness of the program,” Ms Winton said.

The Home Safe program — launched last year and involving WA Police, the Department of Communities, Mission Australia and Nyoongar Outreach Services — aims to stop unaccompanied children under the age of 16 from roaming the streets of the Northbridge precinct after 10pm.

The aim of the program is to prevent children from getting themselves in trouble with the law by taking them off the streets before they get into strife.

Kids picked up by authorities under the program are taken home or are found a “safe place” to stay. The average age of children involved was 141/2 years, with the youngest picked up just nine years old.

November 26, 2023 2:06 pm

Isn’t hyperbole today’s theme?

November 26, 2023 2:18 pm

I still might day trip to St Helena though.

Uh huh.

November 26, 2023 2:19 pm

A great Irish Christmas ad, via Michael Smith.
I’d wager Climate Change was not part of the conversation.

November 26, 2023 2:20 pm

Don’t know if someone posted this buy short speech that says everything about socialism.
I’m in love, if I was a poofter I would marry this guy!

November 26, 2023 2:21 pm

Nov 26, 2023 12:45 PM
BTW it wouldn’t hurt anyone to say a few prayers for the hostages to be released.

I gather Baal is out of favour, but I expect you could ask the Wagyll rainbow serpent for help too.

Let’s say you are right and appeals to God don’t work because either he doesn’t exist or just don’t care.
Which would be the easier and more profitable task: convincing people to do the generally right thing most of the time in the knowledge of the absence of God, or convincing them to follow some lunatic murderous moon god?

November 26, 2023 2:21 pm

but not buy

November 26, 2023 2:28 pm

I’ve known Allegra Spender to be a complete flake, a complete phony, and a complete fraud from the very beginning. It isn’t rocket science. She and her Teal sisters are the puppets of creepy Svengali Simon.

The Teals are so hopelessly out of touch with mainstream Australians it’s not funny.

They are the Marie Antoinettes of Australian politics, with almost the wealth and lifestyle of hers to match.

November 26, 2023 2:30 pm

Community Services Minister Sabine Winton told The Sunday Times the Home Safe trial, started in October 2022, would be extended until June 2025. The Government has credited the program with a massive drop in youth crime this year.

She’s clearly not listening to the experts.

November 26, 2023 2:36 pm

Uh huh Grigfromgeelong?
I’m going to Corsica in January so it’s quite possible I’ll do more than look at St Helena from a restaurant patio in Bastia.
Only if I can be bothered though.

November 26, 2023 2:39 pm

Uh huh Grigfromgeelong?
I’m going to Corsica in January


You don’t know where Saint Helena is, do you? LOL

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 2:41 pm

Top Ender

Nov 25, 2023 10:16 PM
Winston: Was the “Malmedy Massacre” a war crime?

Yes it was Winnie. What’s your point?

It was declared a war crime after the war, however a strict reading of the events -at least to me – puts it in the ‘military necessity’ category.

November 26, 2023 2:41 pm

They came from somewhere. Make it so they go back to the port/airport they embarked from.

Spot on. And they can keep bouncing them back to the first moronic country that accepted them.

Don’t bother asking them for passports and such, they destroyed or hid them ages ago.

November 26, 2023 2:50 pm

WIP had a cute little meme of a child listening to this for the first time.

Last time all the Carthusians collaborated on an album. Got the original on vinyl.

November 26, 2023 2:53 pm

Which would be the easier and more profitable task: convincing people to do the generally right thing most of the time in the knowledge of the absence of God, or convincing them to follow some lunatic murderous moon god?

You are right, Arky, which is why I do not preach atheism and generally regret the passing of Christianity. But permit me the odd whinge in the presence of fanaticism. It’s mentally unhealthy and disturbing.

November 26, 2023 2:55 pm

On St Helena, I doubt whether you could see it from anywhere else, except space.

A nice spot to dump a troublemaker. Always reminds me of The Count of Monte Christo and the cause of all his pain, or at least the catalyst of it.

November 26, 2023 2:56 pm

I’ve made a killing working the coal mines for the last 40 years. Now I’m taking a stand against the industry – here’s why

What a dead set effwit. Sooo mr smarty pants are you going to give up the premium above the median wage in your trade/profession you earned to a green NGO as a donation to atone for your sins because of coal? Yup thought not.

November 26, 2023 2:57 pm

As for Blackhawk Down I found it a great movie.

Totally agree. I found it matched many of my first hand memories and the musical score really made it work for those who weren’t exposed to the realities of the event.

November 26, 2023 2:58 pm

I’ve been scrolling extwitter again.
Usual pallimuppets and hamas apologists piling on about every Israel related post, mostly with outright lies.
The edited footage of the female stabber, the pretence that the 13 year old male stabber was fitted up even with video evidence of him and his cousin stabbing people, claims that Israelis were only killed by IDF tanks and helicopters, that footage live streamed by hamas was faked by Israel and demands that it be ‘verified’, that Israel build the tunnels under the qatari building (in 2014), that no one was raped not even Naama Levy despite that video that has been widely circulated (and the one of her being raped inside the jeep that has not), so many AI images and palliwood productions, the stupid 1947 coin meme, the outright outrageous anti semitism.
So bad that Trey Yingst no longer allows comments on his posts.
Though if they think that is going to win the war for them, they should if they could, think again.
I still occasionally report some, so the bots have to create new accounts.
Musk’s minions must be flat out.

November 26, 2023 3:00 pm

The Teals are so hopelessly out of touch with mainstream Australians it’s not funny.

The Rich Bitches party represents Australia’s oppressed inner-city property millionaires.

In their spiritual home, Gaza, they would never get to see their Hamas keepers as they would be holed up as sex slave in a luxury apartment in Doha.

November 26, 2023 3:01 pm

in the presence of fanaticism

I have only ever been tempted to use my big Bible for its percussive qualities.

November 26, 2023 3:03 pm

Oh my bad, I meant Elba, obviously, but trust you Grigpendantic to make a song and dance about a trivial mistake.

November 26, 2023 3:08 pm

Don’t bother asking them for passports and such, they destroyed or hid them ages ago.

Interesting though how they suddenly recall they are “palestinians” or whatever when it benefits them.

November 26, 2023 3:09 pm

Rosie, I try not to look at all the distressing anti-Semitism, but couldn’t help it when I tried to find a linkable image of the WIP “Feminist” three wise monkeys. The only one I could find was on 9Gag…and gag I did.

I can’t remember when I read such a parade of hideous talk and vile slanders. People whinge about some of the knock down drag outs here. Meh. The stuff I read came straight from satan’s butthole, posing as human opinion.

Just finished That Hideous Strength, and again impressed with what happens to weak people who allow themselves to be controlled – it was blatantly obvious.

November 26, 2023 3:11 pm

It’s okay rosie. I knew you were thinking of Elba.

At least you didn’t mistake it for somewhere off Brisvegas. 😀

Now that would have been cruel and unusual, even for Napoleon.

November 26, 2023 3:13 pm

OK, I confess that I have always thought that women should be assigned to logistics, and not combat, in wars. But the extraordinary accomplishments of Israeli women on 10/7 may have changed my mind. I was impressed enough with the young woman on one of the frontline kibbutzim who seized an automatic gun & linked 5 terrorists. But I have now discovered that a tank unit of female Israeli combatants arrived in time to engage and destroy many invaders.

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL, November 26, 2023

“Female IFD tank crews ran down dozens of Hamas terrorists on October 7″

When a group of young Israeli women were woken up at 6:30 a.m. on October 7, they had no idea they would be making history as the first female armored crews in Israel, and perhaps the world, to participate in active battle.

In an interview with Channel 12 this week, the combat soldiers spoke of thundering along main roads to get to some of the 20 southern Israeli communities that came under massive assault that morning, running down terrorists, and securing breaches on the border with the Gaza Strip.

One of the officers in the unit, identified as Hagar, told Channel 12: “[My commander] comes into our room at 6:30 a.m., wakes me up and tells us that there’s a terrorist infiltration. We didn’t really understand the enormity of the event.”

The soldiers are part of a company of all-women tank operators, which was made permanent in the Israel Defense Forces in 2022 after a two-year pilot program. The company, in the Caracal mixed-gender light infantry battalion, usually operates along the Egyptian border — not in wars or in fighting behind enemy lines.

On the morning of October 7, they left their base at Nitzana, on the Egyptian border, and drove north as fast as they could, in tanks and an armored Humvee. In one of a number of highly irregular decisions IDF commanders were forced to make that day, the tanks were given the okay to drive on civilian roads — at speeds far higher than recommended.

At first, they discovered breaches along the border with Gaza, along with dozens of terrorists. Leaving a tank there to protect the border and prevent more Gazans from flooding into Israel, they headed to Kibbutz Holit, while also sending a tank to battle Hamas terrorists at Kibbutz Sufa.

Another of the armored crew commanders, Karni, spoke of the devastation they witnessed on the approach to Kibbutz Holit: “We realized we’re at war.”

“They told me there were terrorists in all the trees around me, so we just started firing. We started firing bunker busters at the terrorists that were up close, and then mortar shells at those further away,” Michal, another officer in the unit, said in the Channel 12 report.

“I could see the hits, I saw [the terrorists] fall down,” she added.

Hila, also a commander, told Channel 12 that none of them had been trained on the weapons system installed on the armored Humvee. “Within 10 minutes, we’d all become experts: how to run it, how to fire, how to slam the brakes,” she said.

“We approached the border and saw burned bodies of terrorists hiding in the trees. We were still firing as we went through to make sure we got everyone,” Michal said.

Another commander, also called Michal, described her experience at one of the border breaches at the southern end of the Gaza Strip. “As we continued we realized that those 50 terrorists — that was just the beginning. Then we started getting eyewitness reports from Kibbutz Holit, so I left a tank at the border, told [the operator] she had permission to fire at will, and then set out for Holit.”

“We saw terrorists everywhere, and I told the driver — just run them down… We get there and the gate is closed, a shell-shocked soldier runs out shouting “terrorists, terrorists!… So we smashed through the gate,” she said.

Asked about their first time shooting at terrorists, the soldiers were stoic.

“I feel like it’s exactly what we trained for. We were really prepared for everything,” a commander identified as Tamar told Channel 12. “We just did what our brains and our hands knew how to do.”

“In the moment you don’t think, ‘Am I saving that person, or that home?’ You understand — there’s a terrorist and I have to kill him before he gets into one of the border communities,” she added.

The newly appointed commander of the Paran Brigade, Col. Shemer Raviv, couldn’t be prouder of his female armored crews, who battled terrorists for some 17 hours straight on that day.

“When the tanks arrived, they broke up the battles,” Raviv told Channel 12. “Once they took those two positions… the terrorists understood they could either run or they would die. And the girls in those tanks, the warriors, with three tanks at that point in the attack, they fought in a most impressive way. They operated in such a way that they were seemingly not trained for. They fired inside Israeli communities, drove on main roads, and I believe that thanks to their actions in that area, we prevented the attack from moving further south.”

But these soldiers weren’t quick to accept accolades for their “historic” battle.

“So what? What does it matter? Did the terrorist know there were girls in the tanks? No. You think they saw Michal’s hair sticking out of the helmet? No. Boys, girls — what does it matter?” Hila said.

Tamar agreed. “You keep saying ‘heroines’ and ‘historic’… I don’t feel like a hero. I feel like I’m a soldier that was given a job, and I did my job. I think anyone would have done that.”

“This was not a battle with human beings. There was no humanity here, and my aim is to protect people. Their aim was to kill people,” Hila added

For her part, Hagar said that there was no time to be scared. “You think about the civilians trapped in their homes and the people that needed us. You understand that there was no room for fear.”

Critics of gender integration in the military often decry it as a dangerous social experiment with potential ramifications for national security, while defenders generally trumpet it as a long-needed measure, one that has already been implemented in many Western countries.

Detractors note that some requirements for female combat soldiers have been lowered — which they say is a sign that effectiveness is being sacrificed — and that servicewomen suffer stress injuries at a higher rate.

The army insists that it is allowing more women to serve in combat positions out of practical considerations, not due to a social agenda, saying it requires all the woman- and manpower available to it.

For Raviv, the battle was proof that female combat soldiers are in the IDF to stay.

November 26, 2023 3:21 pm

I’m heartened that the IDF gals got a chance to practice parallel parking.

I hear it’s very difficult to do in a tank, but they did a sterling job.

As for the speeding, I trust fines will be waived.

November 26, 2023 3:24 pm

For Raviv, the battle was proof that female combat soldiers are in the IDF to stay.

Vicki, many thanks for posting that — the most rivetting news item I have read this week.

November 26, 2023 3:25 pm

Thanks for the report Vicki. It was truly humbling.

November 26, 2023 3:25 pm
November 26, 2023 3:25 pm

Oh, and I wish I could have been there to get some practice in too.

Our disgusting, despicable government has granted visas to 800 people who are pre-programmed to murder my grandchildren.

That’s Man Monis x 800, fresh out of a war zone.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 26, 2023 3:26 pm


One of the reasons that those woman soldiers are in the Caracal Battalion is to minimise the chances of them being taken prisoner, and subjected to the treatment meted out to too many Jewish women and children on 7 October.

That said, they did a good job on the day. May all of the Pallies they killed that day learn in their paradise that they were killed by women. Oh, the humiliation, no 72 virgins for them!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 3:28 pm

OK, I confess that I have always thought that women should be assigned to logistics, and not combat, in wars.

Israeli women soldiers, who were captured during the Yom Kippur War, of 1973, were gangroped and murdered…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 3:28 pm

I believe another Israeli owned ship was commandeered overnight

Hit by a Shaheed 136 not commandeered, as I read it. Not sure the drone was Houthi or directly Iranian. The ship was a fair way out in the Arabian Sea.

Houthis are Shi’ite Iranian clients and have been for a long time. They were firing Iranian versions of the Silkworm at USS Mason in 2016. The good ship learned them that that wasn’t a good idea. SIlkworms don’t just fall off the backs of trucks willy nilly.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 26, 2023 3:31 pm

[Ho Chi Minh harbour bridge] In the design of the Tasman Bridge

Presumably the Lake Illawarra is being kept at a safe distance.

November 26, 2023 3:36 pm

Israeli women soldiers, who were captured during the Yom Kippur War, of 1973, were gangroped and murdered…

Yes, I was aware of that Zulu. As I recall, this also happened the US female combatants in other Middle Eastern combat zones – eg was it the case of the young woman captured in Afghanistan? My memory fails me, but I can recall the broad aspects. It wasn’t pretty, though I think she survived.

This will always be the case for female combatants in such war zones, and is the one reason I oppose their role. I know this issue of the role of women in combat has been argued ad infinitum.

November 26, 2023 3:39 pm

Another thing they do is make it about skin tone, in this case Israelis are honory white people and Palestinians are honory black people.
Thus people like Piers Morgan expressing sympathy for hostages and their families do so because they are racist.
Interesting that video of a little boy being tormented, that was a fair Palestinian being tormented because he looked ‘Jewish’.
And Shirley Temper is a blue eyed blonde who’s family emigrated from Bosnia less than 100 years ago.
Always was always will be
quite a few in Israel and the west bank.

November 26, 2023 3:42 pm

I have no problem if they can do the job and aware of the consequences, Vicki.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 26, 2023 3:44 pm

Nov 26, 2023 3:36 PM
Israeli women soldiers, who were captured during the Yom Kippur War, of 1973, were gangroped and murdered…

Yes, I was aware of that Zulu. As I recall, this also happened the US female combatants in other Middle Eastern combat zones – eg was it the case of the young woman captured in Afghanistan? My memory fails me, but I can recall the broad aspects. It wasn’t pretty, though I think she survived.

There was a well reported case in the First Gulf War (the Christian name Jessica lurked at the back of my mind, just checked, Jessica Lynch). She was rescued.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 26, 2023 3:44 pm

Sorry, in 2003, not 1991.

November 26, 2023 3:45 pm

Vicki, good on the girls for this one, suppose you do what you need to when the enemy are at the free fire line but have noticed the “you go girl” push going on with some of these articles.

Some ex Infantry types I have come across including a close friend who served when they started pushing them through Singleton don’t have a high opinion of it unless they are segregated in their own units which I believe most of the small amount of the world that allows females in combat roles does.

November 26, 2023 3:46 pm

Well done, Tankies.
No wonder palliterrorists are so angry about tanks and helicopters.
They stopped them from overrunning the border in their tens of thousands.

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 3:50 pm


Sharon in 2005. I always find that bit of clue batting amusing.

Ta. I’d been celebrating for too many hours and parts of my memory had the wobbly boot on.

November 26, 2023 3:52 pm
Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 3:53 pm


Oh, and nothing makes “sharp manoeuvres” at those speeds.

Yes – that made me giggle a bit.

November 26, 2023 3:55 pm

It was declared a war crime after the war, however a strict reading of the events -at least to me – puts it in the ‘military necessity’ category.

The German unit involved was, in the main, new recruits fresh from training and led by veteran Eastern Front NCOS & officers .. they followed orders learnt from past experience in Russia ……. definitely a “war crime” in the European theatre but accepted practise in the East ……….

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 3:57 pm

Boambee John

Nov 26, 2023 9:11 AM
“Anti-Semitic” is a bit squishy as a criticism. Let us instead use the more honest term, “Anti-Jewish hate speech”.

I love hearing that one – “What have you got against the Arabs>”
They shut up when they find out thar Arabs are Semitic Peoples too.

November 26, 2023 4:04 pm

There was a well reported case in the First Gulf War (the Christian name Jessica lurked at the back of my mind, just checked, Jessica Lynch). She was rescued.

That was the one, BJ!

November 26, 2023 4:04 pm

Earlier trip to Willow Shopping centre in Kirwan for a gander at our new Aldi opening. When I lived in Singleton we hardly graced to doors of Colesworths as Aldi had everything we needed and at a comparable price.

Well I think they need more stores in the north, there was a long line up at 1:30pm and they had a taped off area with 2 young guys with a pace counter counting people in & out. Personally I think the store is too small as well but knowing how Woolworths has acted using anchor rights to crush a couple of cheap independent supermarkets in this part of the world I wouldn’t be surprised there was some back room dealing going on.

Anyway a good start.

Johnny Rotten
November 26, 2023 4:07 pm

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

– John F. Kennedy

November 26, 2023 4:09 pm

Some ex Infantry types I have come across including a close friend who served when they started pushing them through Singleton don’t have a high opinion of it unless they are segregated in their own units

Spot on. It is probably more of a problem in peacetime. But even so, I am a bit squeamish about it – call me old fashioned. But, in any case, I wouldn’t like my very beautiful granddaughter to be on the battlefield.

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 4:13 pm


Nov 26, 2023 9:28 AM
Many on both sides of the aisle believe that Chauvin deserved his sentence and that his actions caused Floyd’s death. Nevertheless, those celebrating what some are calling “Shanksgiving” should be ashamed of themselves:

Floyd was dead the moment his system absorbed the drugs he voluntarily swallowed – as the autopsy showed.
Among many other trials this one was a disgrace and Chauvin deserves a USSC hearing, but under Roberts, that isn’t going to happen.

November 26, 2023 4:18 pm

The women in the IDF are in the same mold as the women in the French Resistance, not the Dykes’sR’Us’ as in the ADF. The first two mentioned know and knew what was required, the third, not a clue. Seeing the young Israeli women in the WIP and their grandmothers from Auschwitz put a lump in my throat.

November 26, 2023 4:21 pm

They aren’t sockpuppets of Iran, they’re allied to Iran.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 4:23 pm

O/T – regarding one Robert Gordon Menzies – it was alleged that, during his first term as Prime Minister, he lacked the people skills, that he went on to master. According to anecdote, he made one political enemy on his own side, when, at a dinner, a senator suggested he did not suffer fools gladly.

Menzies replied “And what, pray, do you think I’m doing now?”

“Menzies At War” by Anne Henderson.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 4:26 pm

Dover – They’re sock puppets in that Iran supplies them and tells them what to do. They are attacking Israel right now because they have been ordered to. They are attacking Israeli with munitions supplied to them by Iran. If they didn’t do what Iran ordered they would no longer be supplied. Which would be bad, for them.

The exact same thing is currently occurring in Iraq and Lebanon where Iran has ordered the Iran-backed Iraqi militias to attack US bases, and Hezbollah to attack Israel.

All three clients are doing figleaf stuff though. It isn’t serious. But there is a strategic plan behind it to spread Israel out as much as possible. That has been working to some extent. On the other hand none of them do actually want to get serious because they know exactly what Israel will do to them if they do that.

Gallant threatens Hezbollah: ‘What we can do in Gaza, we can do in Beirut’ (11 Nov)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 4:29 pm

Some ex Infantry types I have come across including a close friend who served when they started pushing them through Singleton don’t have a high opinion of it unless they are segregated in their own units

From memory, it was over on the old Cat, where it emerged that, for all the prior preparation, the majority of ladies “pushed” through Singleton were discharged on medical grounds soon afterwards?

November 26, 2023 4:31 pm

Ranga, girls in the military here is more or less a vanity project, a means to an end. For the girls in the IDF, it’s a serious business, life and death. They all know people who have died serving their country.

I came across a young IDF female on a border check on the West Bank in 2018. We were going to return to Jerusalem via the coast road, but a bike race had the driver detouring down the alternative route inland. A bonus…we got to pass Jericho.

She boarded the bus, examined our passports and gave us all the once over, returned all but two. Fixed the couple with a pair of brilliant blue eyes and enquired, “Are you Muslim?”. No, no, we are Christians was the reply. Nod, returned passports, left the bus.

She scared the tripe out of me, and I was innocent! Then I reflected that she reminded me of both of my daughters. 😀

November 26, 2023 4:33 pm

Guterres is a fool but too foolish to see that. Either that or he is trying to make an opportunist grab.

Tongan volcanic eruption fun facts.

It had very little sulphur for a volcanic even, sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere reflects sunlight so has a cooling effect.

What did put into both the troposphere and stratosphere is 146 megatons of sea water some 40km up, a highly active greenhouse gas. It will raise the moisture content of the stratosphere some 10-15% and that will last for at least 5 years.

What that means is global temperatures will be above average for at least that time, even the global warming mob are recognising that fact.

November 26, 2023 4:36 pm

Casablanca on 7Flix.

For the usual suspects only.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 4:36 pm

Pro-Israel protesters in senator Mehreen Faruqi rubbish bin office rally after anti-Semitic placard
Pro-Israel protesters outside Senator Mehreen Faruqi’s office on November 25, after the senator posted a picture with an anti-Semitic placard suggesting Israel and Israelis should be put in the bin. Picture: Supplied

By alexi demetriadi
NSW Political Reporter
4:13PM November 26, 2023

Jewish protesters have voiced their disgust at Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi standing next to an anti-Semitic sign, taking out bins to the front of her office to show her “what it means to put Jews in the bin”.

“We wanted to show the senator what it physically means to put Jews in the bin … and the hate we fear exists,” organiser Ofir Birenbaum told The Australian.

The senator deleted the picture from her Instagram page soon after.

On Saturday, a small band of pro-Israel protesters took to the senator’s Sydney office with a message of their own.

Standing in bins, decked in Israel flags, Mr Birenbaum said he felt compelled to show the senator the fear among the city’s Jewish community.

“They (pro-Palestine supporters) are pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable to say (about Israel and Jewish people),’ Mr Birenbaum said.

“I’ve seen that sign going around, and for the senator to post it publicly, it was proof of what we all suspected.”

Mr Birenbaum said he wanted to have a “visual representation” of “what it means to put Jews in the bin”.

“It (the sign and message) was the most un-Australian thing, it is the definition of racism,” he said.

Mr Birenbaum said it was signs and – even if implicit – endorsements of that type of message that “enables the hate we fear exists”.

“It’s disappointing and scary, reaffirming what we are all afraid of,” he said.

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg, who spoke at a rally in Sydney’s CBD calling for the release of all Hamas-held Israeli hostages on Sunday, told The Australian it was an “appalling” piece of judgement by Ms Faruqi.

“It’s an appalling business to be in, associating with people who are promoting the removal of Israel,” the senator said.

“It was horrendous judgement and reinforces the danger that the Jewish community in Sydney are feeling at the moment.”

Mr Bragg said a senator circulating that sort of imagery and views also brought into the mainstream.

“You have a senator going to hang out with people who want to destroy the Jewish state and the Jews,” he said.

“Not something I’d ever thought I’d see in Australia and it won’t be accepted into the mainstream.”

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin slammed the senator, calling on her to at least apologise.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 4:37 pm

Some ex Infantry types I have come across including a close friend who served when they started pushing them through Singleton don’t have a high opinion of it unless they are segregated in their own units which I believe most of the small amount of the world that allows females in combat roles does.

Pretty much what the IDF does with the Caracal Battalion. It is mixed so the ladies can benefit from training by veterans.

They were the unit on the spot and they shone. Well done Caracallers!

November 26, 2023 4:51 pm

the majority of ladies “pushed” through Singleton were discharged on medical grounds soon afterwards?

Mate tells me say 10 started training, by half way was down to about 6 due to injuries/missing benchmarks, 3 march out without meeting the gateways the males had to, by 2 years down to about 1 in 10 left and those got boyfriends or opted out in the end. From what he said in the first 5 years not one made it to NCO level and SNCO’s quietly muttered at the absolute waste of resources that were poured into it but it was one of those kryptonite type subjects.

From what I have been told infantry training still to this day with the relaxed standards is tough enough to break a third of men who attempt it. My mate went through Singleton in the early 90’s and they started off with a posted strength of over 40 and marched out with around 30 but that’s with backsquads filling in the final numbers.

From what I have been told the Israelis have a smart realistic approach to using females at the pointy end, as Cali rightly points out it is not a vanity project for them.

November 26, 2023 4:55 pm

Some ex Infantry types I have come across including a close friend who served when they started pushing them through Singleton don’t have a high opinion of it unless they are segregated in their own units

In the context of Israel it wouldn’t hurt to have the female population comfortable with handling a rifle for defensive purposes at least, if not for offensive ones. It would double the number of guns behind every door that hopefully slows down the barbarians.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
November 26, 2023 4:59 pm

Forget who it was posted at some length on the old Cat, on the problems the IDF had regards the combat readiness of integrated tank crews.

A turret is a very confined space, the crew can be in squeezed in there for quite some time, in far from ideal micro climatic conditions, and be managing all matters of personal hygiene & bodily functions in almost intertwined personal proximity to each other. Made more undignified due to crew members being on differing levels, i.e. one crew members head may be level & quite close to another’s hips, etc etc.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2023 5:01 pm

My mate went through Singleton in the early 90’s and they started off with a posted strength of over 40 and marched out with around 30 but that’s with backsquads filling in the final numbers

Did Singo in 89. Sounds about right – just over half the platoon went through from start to finish, and previously-injured backsquadders made a few numbers up at the end.

November 26, 2023 5:02 pm

Watching Casablanca, the editing is so tight, the story line developing at a fast pace, the cinematography atmospheric and gloriously limpid. Bergman radiant, Raines ratty and delightful.

Black and white excellence.

Why can’t today’s flaccid, boring, indulgent, grotesque movies be like this? With access to all the technology surely they can match it?

November 26, 2023 5:06 pm

Don’t forget the Yazidi and Kurd women fighting against ISIS.

November 26, 2023 5:09 pm

Also, Casablanca runs 1hr 43 minutes. Average movie length in 2023 2hrs 23 minutes.

Bladder bursting boring.

November 26, 2023 5:12 pm

Going to church when you are sure or in fact completely certain God does exist is lying. You can just pray for the gift of faith.
Cassie wasn’t asking for mere numbers and fakery.

Not the god thang, again, peoples!

November 26, 2023 5:14 pm

Bladder bursting boring

While snoring with the mouth agape – see Frank the Barber’s ol’ Italiano assistant, for example … 🙂

November 26, 2023 5:19 pm

It’s Sunday, Rabz. We can’t help it.

November 26, 2023 5:21 pm
November 26, 2023 5:23 pm

Here’s another Green, who should be booted out of the Senate.

You mean the country.

My faith in Western democracy will be restored when obuma is dangling from a rope. Others as well, but I have to say he is most responsible for not only the US mess but the world’s as well.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2023 5:24 pm

17m ago
Sharma wins Liberal senate preselection
Alexi Demetriadi
Alexi Demetriadi

Former Wentworth MP Dave Sharma has won a Liberal preselection to replace retiring senator Marise Payne in a return to front-line politics.

Mr Sharma, a former Australian ambassador to Israel who was a late entrant into the field, beat widely presumed frontrunner Andrew Constance in the final round of voting, 251 votes to 206.

It had appeared to be Mr Constance’s spot to lose after the moderate faction of the party predominantly fell behind the former NSW Transport Minister.

Zed Seselja, the right faction’s candidate, was eliminated on the third-round of voting in the party’s preferential voting system.

Mr Sharma, who was ousted at the previous federal election by teal Allegra Spender, has returned to radio and TV since the onset of the Israel-Palestine war as an authoritative voice on the conflict.

November 26, 2023 5:25 pm
November 26, 2023 5:27 pm
November 26, 2023 5:28 pm

Just putin’ it out there, Cats – and it’s “a big call”, as our yankee confreres might opine:

Frank the Barber is the greatest male comedy character since Signor Basil Fawlty …

Very expediently pragmatic when he’s not being an unrepentant ol’ sexist dinobore. 🙂

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
November 26, 2023 5:28 pm
November 26, 2023 5:28 pm

Why can’t today’s flaccid, boring, indulgent, grotesque movies be like this? With access to all the technology surely they can match it?

Simple. Hollywood has abandoned story-telling and now, like the rest of the media, considers its mission is to lecture its audience what to think.

That’s why Hollywood audience figures are imploding.

Intelligent people could fix the problem quickly. But Hollywood, like the rest of the media, is now driven by radical political ideology, which makes it as dumb as dogshit.

What’s more, the new ideology can never admit it is wrong, so Hollywood can’t pull out of its nosedive, which inevitably means it is finished as an industry.

It’s sad. There is nothing more powerful than great story-telling, which Hollywood has voluntarily relinquished.

November 26, 2023 5:30 pm

the majority of ladies “pushed” through Singleton were discharged on medical grounds soon afterwards?

I dont know about Singleton, being only a 4-year Reserves guy in WA, but I know also of a female candidate roped by her male WO instructor, with many years of subsequent psych issues.
Some of the damage of mixing men and women in the Service is outright criminality that would be less likely if they were not thrown in the pressure cooker together.

And we expect skewed justice, but justice does not undo crimes against the person.

November 26, 2023 5:32 pm

School administrators and the NYPD, which responded to the school at about 11:20 am, got wind of their plans just in time to rush the teacher into an office and lock the door, another educator said.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 5:33 pm

Not the god thang, again, peoples!

Heh, Rabz, it’s Sunday and less than a month from Christmas.

Just been reading about Martin Rinkart, who wrote the hymn that Catherine Winkworth translated to English: Now Thank We All Our God. Just as much a mindworm as any we linked last night. He wrote it during the 30 Years War, where the god thang was being fought over with cannons and muskets and pikes. Interesting history.

November 26, 2023 5:36 pm
Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 5:38 pm

Old Ozzie:

On Friday morning, Ireland’s migration heritage, pro-migration prime minister — Leo Varadkar — quickly described the rioters as hateful and suggested he would clamp down on free speech and Internet-organized protests:

Well. That was predictable, wasn’t it?
Or to use a simile:
The Irish have the same perspective as the man standing in a crowd, who gets punched in the back. He turns to find a grinning idiot who immediately holds his hands up -“It wasn’t me.” When the man who has been struck turns back, he is punched again. The grinning fool has a copper standing beside him wagging his finger “Don’t you dare retaliate.”
What’s he to do?

November 26, 2023 5:39 pm

sharma gets the senate vacancy

Grate 😡

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 26, 2023 5:40 pm

I gather a lot of people like Kingdom of God.

I remember when it came out hearing of some obligation being placed on the film by some actor or the government of some filming location to present Saladin in as positive a light as possible.

I later saw the film and felt it was very unfair in its depiction of the Christians and, therefore, of Muslims and, therefore, of their interactions.

Then I found this.

November 26, 2023 5:43 pm
November 26, 2023 5:43 pm

Tom, I love it when I get sensible answers to my rhetorical questions!

There was a time when Academy Awards were given to movies about women arguing over shoes. Fine movies that had stood the test of time.

But 1939 was another country.

November 26, 2023 5:43 pm


We were often called “cockles” as an endearment. Scottish grandmother word, passed on to our mother. I still use it for my grandkids on occasion.

November 26, 2023 5:46 pm

But there is a strategic plan behind it to spread Israel out as much as possible.

Iran doesn’t wish to use its real resources, the ring they’ve formed around Israel with Hezbolla, Syria, & Iraq, and Yemen as too remote for Israel to touch, unless Israel gets bogged down for months in Gaza with internal division rotting Israel’s spirit. For Iran, Hamas is as disposable as their own youth were in sending them into the Iraqi mine fields.

November 26, 2023 5:47 pm

sharma gets the senate vacancy

SFLs will be SFLs- they just don’t get it. Beyond their life experience.

November 26, 2023 5:49 pm

Hey, Ticklers – Mazzy Star, “Disappear” 🙂

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 5:49 pm

No, they are homegrown movement at least 30 years old that are quite content to leverage common interests with Iran to their mutual benefit.

Who are now sockpuppets.

If they weren’t they’d all be dead.

The Sunni Shia schism ain’t going away. The only reasons the Houthis survive is (1) their territory is very good for defense (2) Saudi troops don’t like fighting muslims and (3) Iran has been abundantly supplying them in a proxy war with Saudi for dominance of the Middle East.

In return they do their master’s will, like shooting up USS Mason – which was completely irrelevant to their war with the Saudis and the Aden regime. And they’re doing the same this time. It’s the price they pay to survive, which doesn’t stop them from being sock puppets.

(Things have been going well for the Houthis lately. Saudi and Iran have sort of kissed and made up. Sudan, which supplied many of the mercenaries the Saudis were using, since their Army refused to actually, like, fight, has dissolved into chaos. And the Saudi Air Force seems to’ve stopped bombing everything that moves in North Yemen. Pretty much a stalemate. But now the Houthis have been asked to pay back the promissory note to Tehran. So that’s what they’re doing.)

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 26, 2023 5:51 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Nov 26, 2023 5:33 PM
Not the god thang, again, peoples!

Heh, Rabz, it’s Sunday and less than a month from Christmas.

Just been reading about Martin Rinkart, who wrote the hymn that Catherine Winkworth translated to English: Now Thank We All Our God.

I read a story about that hymn a few years ago.

The time was December 1944, and Germans and Americans were fighting over a small village in the Vosges Mountains in SE France. The Americans had taken, then lost, the village, and those who could retired to their cold foxholes in the nearby forest.

The German commander did the rounds of his position, checking on his men, then ended at the village church, being used as the medical aid station, where medics from both armies were treating casualties from both armies.

After talking to the medical staff and the wounded, the German commander noticed the church organ. A quick check showed that it was undamaged. He sat at the organ, and, with no music, played Now thank We All Our God.

Many years later, a reunion of men from both sides, and their families, was held in the village. After a service of remembrance in the church, the veterans were chatting together. Some of the Americans mentioned that they had been comforted by the music, as they shivered through the night.

The former German commander was present, and after gaining the permission of the parish priest, again sat at the organ, and still without music, played the hymn again.

November 26, 2023 5:53 pm

On Friday morning, Ireland’s migration heritage, pro-migration prime minister — Leo Varadkar — quickly described the rioters as hateful and suggested he would clamp down on free speech and Internet-organized protests:

Interesting how the same sort of people who condoned the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 (in which dozens died) are far more outraged about the Dublin riot in which no one died, than they are about five people (including three children), being stabbed.

November 26, 2023 5:53 pm

Visited Vic markets and Flagstaff Gardens this afternoon. People using the tennis courts in the spring sunshine. Majestic elms with spring foliage. A taste of Melbourne’s former charm and majesty. Getting a park in King Street straight away was a plus.

Is Andy Capp still going to demolish Cook’s cottage in Fitzroy Gardens I wonder?

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 5:57 pm

Davey Boy

Nov 26, 2023 10:50 AM
If big splodey things happen in Iran, here is some research indicating the possible fallout:
visual summary:

Does it say in any of those models if they were ground or near ground detonations? They look like surface detonations from the shapes of the fallout plumes, but otherwise good work.

November 26, 2023 5:58 pm

We were often called “cockles” as an endearment. Scottish grandmother word, passed on to our mother. I still use it for my grandkids on occasion.

Scottish word passed down in our family is dreich, meaning dismal or dreary.

November 26, 2023 5:59 pm

It’s sad. There is nothing more powerful than great story-telling, which Hollywood has voluntarily relinquished.

err, Tommy – “Hollyweird”, Squire.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2023 6:00 pm

Hezbollah’s ‘non-serious’ escalations have led to evacuations of dozens of communities in the north, while also having strategic implications. Sure, makes sense.

Dover – The Hezbies have noticed, somehow, that the IDF has an entire frigging armoured brigade just over the border. Who are sitting and itching to kick Hezbie ass.

But the Hezbies have to keep the IRGC sweet and support their side, so they’ve been erratically shooting missiles and AT munitions with not much success. In response the IDF has so far sent a hundred or so Hezbie fighters to Hell. It isn’t serious.

If it were to be serious the IDF would be in Beirut right now, as per the article from the Israeli Defense Minister that I linked for you. The Hezbies know that would be an existential disaster as the Leb in the street hates their guts.

The IDF are not so stupid as to fight a two front war unless they have to. So they are just doing effective counterbattery ops and a few strategic air strikes where necessary. But if the Hezbies really commit they will suffer just as badly as Hamas currently is doing. It’s a tell that Hamas has been desperately trying to whip up a full-on multifront assault on Israel and no one is coming to the party, except for this tiddly wink stuff we’ve been talking about.

November 26, 2023 6:01 pm

On Friday morning, Ireland’s migration heritage, pro-migration prime minister — Leo Varadkar — quickly described the rioters as hateful and suggested he would clamp down on free speech and Internet-organized protests:

Interesting how the same sort of people who condoned the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 (in which dozens died) are far more outraged about the Dublin riot in which no one died, than they are about five people (including three children), being stabbed.

Yes- all reading from the same script. Mass migration-UN-WEF-EU (where applicable)- one world government-open borders (western countries only of course)

November 26, 2023 6:01 pm

Scottish Peoples – unintelligible and incomprehensible

Och aye the noo!

November 26, 2023 6:02 pm

Now Thank We All Our God.

That was one of our assembly hymns at Willoughby Public School. Yes, you read that right. A state school.

I can still rattle it off. As well as He Who Would Valiant Be. Bunyan.

Like Dorothy and her ruby slippers, it’s another country.

November 26, 2023 6:02 pm

Nov 26, 2023 5:28 PM

Nailed it !

November 26, 2023 6:03 pm

sharma gets the senate vacancy

Meanwhile, NSW Libs are proposing to amend state Labor’s carbon emissions reduction legislation…to 70% by 2035.

With the enthusiastic backing of the Greens.

November 26, 2023 6:03 pm

Sir Scottish Drunk – Legendary.

November 26, 2023 6:06 pm

Leo Varadkar would fit in nicely in the NSW lieboral pardy. It’s a world wide club and Joe Citizen either here or in Ireland is not invited.

November 26, 2023 6:06 pm

Scottish word passed down in our family is dreich, meaning dismal or dreary.

While I’m here, I’d be curious if any Cats of Scottish descent can recall dreich being part of their household’s vocabulary…?

Robert Sewell
November 26, 2023 6:07 pm


Nov 26, 2023 10:57 AM
Sounds like the rods of god a little, power pole sized tungsten rod launched from orbit, both US & USSR messed with these in the cold war.
Chinese more recently and the boffins weren’t excited about the results:

Rockdoctor, it was a direct offshoot of the Project Thor “Rods From God Program”.
The Pentagon scrapped it because too expensive. Imagine the cost of putting up a couple of hundred 20 – 30 ton slugs.
But some engineers had a second look at the program and realised they should be able to get acceptable results with an air launched to 90k to 120k rocket with solid fuel and terminal homing against targets that would otherwise require tactical level nukes to take out.
I’ve heard little over the last couple of years so don’t know what they’re up to.

November 26, 2023 6:08 pm

…you’d need a mini-series to even begin to do justice to Napoleon.

Which is exactly what Scott will do after this fake cinema run.

See Luhrmann’s Australia – coming to a small scree near you as a six-part mini-series called Faraway Downs.

November 26, 2023 6:09 pm

BTW, the ship commandeered is the Zim Luanda.

How fast was it going?

November 26, 2023 6:12 pm

the Academy awards were occasionally give to quite good, but obscure films. To wit, a film about an old bloke and his cat, Harry and Tonto.
Actually, I quite enjoyed that film.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 26, 2023 6:13 pm

With access to all the technology surely they can match it?

. Technology without imagination is just technology.

  1. Also learnt today that my SIL has Jewish “descent”, if that is even a thing. Apparently her maternal great grandmother…

  2. Remembering the TITANIC .. the “iceberg” defends itself .. LOL!

  3. Al Smith dinner speeches: Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Al Smith dinner ( Pretty funny stuff!!!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x