Open Thread – Mon 27 Nov 2023

Fifth Avenue in Winter, Childe Hassam, 1890

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November 27, 2023 12:01 am

love youse long time

November 27, 2023 12:01 am

Good moaning.

November 27, 2023 12:33 am


/Shorten Off

November 27, 2023 12:48 am

I shall say zis only vunce.

November 27, 2023 12:48 am

As predicted at the Cat, the Incredible Luigi circus is now on the nose in the suburbs after the Voice fiasco (Paywallian):

Labor’s primary vote has tumbled to below its 2022 election result for the first time with both major parties now neck and neck on a two-party-preferred basis as cost-of-living pressures escalate and the Albanese government faces a mounting list of political and policy crises.

An exclusive Newspoll conducted for The Australian shows Labor’s primary vote falling four points to 31 per cent in the past three weeks.

The government now heads into the final parliamentary sitting of the year with its primary support lower than its election result of 32.6 per cent. The Coalition’s primary vote has lifted a point to 38 per cent – its highest level of support since the election.

In two-party-preferred terms, this puts Labor and the Coalition at 50-50 for the first time, on the back of a four-point turnaround since the last Newspoll on November 3.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 27, 2023 1:02 am

6 and not out. Aussies may be though in T20

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 27, 2023 1:42 am

Hope Maxwelll can put an innings together.

Bowling has been shit. 2 overs, 38 runs.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 27, 2023 2:08 am

Just got back from 12 hours around Saigon.

Unfortunately not much has changed in 15 years. Still swarms of motor scooters everywhere; toll roads for the tourists and big trucks, and sadly everywhere you look there is discarded rubbish by the sides of the road. Then again the Vietnamese are cheerful and get on with life – most of them seeking to make a buck and move ahead.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 27, 2023 2:10 am

Abbott (who?) trying to outdo Maxwell.

3 overs, 56 runs.

Sensational bowling by Aussies.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 27, 2023 2:25 am

Chasing 235 of 20 overs.

As much chance as a fart in a hurricane. I’m off to bed.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 27, 2023 2:49 am

Just gave up on WWII TV series All the Light we Cannot See on Netflix.

So many cliches they fall over each other. All of the Nazis have German accents; none of the French have Froggie ones. The SS officers feature odd haircuts with long fringes that get in their eyes. There is a “good” SS trooper who is a radio genius. There is also a blind girl – metaphors fall over each other everywhere. Hugh Laurie features as a wise professor. If you’re wise you’ll give this a swerve.

pete of perth
pete of perth
November 27, 2023 2:50 am

Lightning and thunder over here. Now raining and I just hung up the washing 🙁

pete of perth
pete of perth
November 27, 2023 2:55 am

Optus down according to the missus.

November 27, 2023 3:08 am


Stop spamming the site.

November 27, 2023 4:00 am
November 27, 2023 4:01 am
November 27, 2023 4:01 am
November 27, 2023 4:02 am
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November 27, 2023 4:04 am
November 27, 2023 4:05 am
November 27, 2023 4:06 am
November 27, 2023 4:07 am
November 27, 2023 4:13 am

Thanks Tom.

November 27, 2023 6:20 am

Labor governments get support through virtue signalling when times are good and lose support gradually but more or less monotonically as their incompetence and economic vandalism makes lives tougher.

Albo is stuffed.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2023 7:27 am

Walk the streets of London screeching, screaming and shouting jihad and genocide against Jews, and the London Plod will stand back and do nothing.

But when Tommy Robinson walks the streets of London, his own capital city, and attempts to join a march against Jew hatred, the London Plod will pepper spray you and swiftly drag you away.

Hmm, I just can’t help but notice some double standards here. Does anyone else also see it?

But you know, we shouldn’t cast stones, we’re no better here in Oz. On Friday afternoon we witnessed a “School Strike for Jew haters” here in Sydney, a protest populated by ugly adolescents and an even uglier fat Greens politician, a politician who should piss off back to that goat f*cking paradise she was born in, and they screamed, screeched and shouted genocide, and our NSWaffen Police stood back and simply “monitored the situation”…yet when a lonesome pesky Jew turned up carrying an Israeli flag, there was zero monitoring of him, he was quickly grabbed and dragged away by our NSWaffen Police.

Sydney Town Hall and the area around it is now Judenfrei on certain days!

November 27, 2023 7:36 am

Hmm, I just can’t help but notice some double standards here. Does anyone else also see it?

I don’t think it has to do with any standards at all, single or double.
It is simply a policy decision by the people in power and that isn’t necessarily the government.

I know it sounds like… but they follow orders.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 7:42 am

Tiny bit of spine from NSW plod.

Over 100 climate protesters arrested after 30-hour protest at Port of Newcastle (27 Nov)

About 3000 climate protesters assembled at one of the world’s largest coal ports, the Port of Newcastle on Sunday to protest governments inaction on climate change ahead of the global COP28 summit.

However, when dozens of protesters refused to leave the port at the approved 4pm finish time, police started to make arrests.

Police will allege in court that a number of protesters purposely entered the harbour channel despite appropriate warnings and directions by police.

They were all issued court attendance notices for operating a vessel to interfere with others use of waters.

Two men, aged 23 and 65, were refused bail to appear at Newcastle Local Court on Monday, while the remainder will appear on January 21.

Since they were committing a crime the companies should now sue them personally for damages. Start with Adam Bandt, since he was organizing it and was in his kayak.

November 27, 2023 7:43 am

Albo is stuffed.

Like the Whitlam government, the Elbow regime is chock full of radicals running amok with social and economic policy and, in less than two years has become hugely unpopular. It would probably be thrown out if an election were held now (see today’s Newspoll in The Australian).

The difference between Whitlam and Elbow is that the current clown isn’t a leader’s bottom. He’s a time-server who waited in line for the party leadership.

Whitlam was thrown out after one and a half terms. In the 21st century, the trade union party’s Faceless Men have no tolerance for leaders who can’t lead and – even though the party’s leadership cupboard is threadbare – have no option but to dump Elbow to try to stave off a crushing defeat.

Now that Dutton has drawn level, expect the lefty media to shortly start the gotchas against him – that he’s “unelectable” (because lefties would never vote for him, etc, etc, etc).

The next year and a half is going to be fun in Australian politics.

November 27, 2023 7:54 am
November 27, 2023 7:58 am
November 27, 2023 8:02 am

However, when dozens of protesters refused to leave the port at the approved 4pm finish time, police started to make arrests.

We know state courts will just slap them on the wrist so if they were within port boundaries be interesting to see if any Federal charges apply. Including Brandt, love to see him in the Federal Court explaining himself

November 27, 2023 8:02 am

There are about 40 women and children who are not being held by Hamas.

So much for “innocent” Gazans.

Faruqi said she wouldn’t shut up about “freeing” Palestine ten days ago. She seems awfully quiet about it now. Can’t imagine why. Another Marcia.

November 27, 2023 8:03 am

So Liugi & “plenty wrong” claim all the “terrorists” they’ve allowed in from Gaza have been thoroughly vetted ……. so how come NONE of them had paperwork but came in on Gummint script ….. they aren’t, classified, “refugees” so they should have had proper documentation … if they’d been approved in the normal way …… Oops! .. “normal” would have meant 2027 at the earliest ……….!

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2023 8:06 am

Two thoughts from the Weekend Thread.

Don’t say “Anti-Semitism”, say “Anti-Jew Hate speech”.

Refer to the Arab/Muslim conquests of the Levant, North Africa, Spain and India as “settler colonialism”. Same for the current migration of large numbers of Muslims to the nations of the west. All “settler colonialism”.

Use the language of the leftards against them.

November 27, 2023 8:07 am

There are about 40 women and children who are not being held by Hamas.
So much for “innocent” Gazans.

True to their nature.
What’s the ransom?

November 27, 2023 8:13 am

And as they leave being harassed by innocent civilians.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2023 8:14 am

Don’t say “Anti-Semitism”, say “Anti-Jew Hate speech”.”


Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2023 8:16 am

Nov 26, 2023 11:36 PM
Napoleon was a pretty amazing psychopath. Sent into exile on an Island off the Italian coast, takes flight, regroups and then puts together an army with the potential of winning against the Brits. That’s no small effort, nor organisational skills.

Marshal Ney, formerly one of Napoleon’s loyalists, swore to the restored Bourbon king that he would arrest Napoleon and bring him before the king in an iron cage.

The magic of Napoleon dissuaded Ney, who swapped sides, and led Napoleon’s cavalry at Waterloo.

The again restored Bourbon king ordered Ney’s execution. When ordered to kneel before the firing squad, Ney is said to have responded “One such as I does not kneel”, and stood facing the firing squad to be shot.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 27, 2023 8:17 am

Don’t say “Anti-Semitism”, say “Anti-Jew Hate speech”.”
Nope, the “hate speech” thought crime is a false friend.
Let’s say “anti-Jew incitement to genocide”. Go medieval on the death cult.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 27, 2023 8:19 am

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.

– George Washington

November 27, 2023 8:23 am

The magic of Napoleon


He lived a tortured life though. He supposedly one of the worst cases of haemorrhoids.

November 27, 2023 8:27 am

Yemenis have commandeered a tanker overnight.

They are starting to be more than an irritation, wonder if there will be some airstrikes anytime soon.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2023 8:28 am

Wally Dalí
Nov 27, 2023 8:17 AM
Don’t say “Anti-Semitism”, say “Anti-Jew Hate speech”.”
Nope, the “hate speech” thought crime is a false friend.
Let’s say “anti-Jew incitement to genocide”. Go medieval on the death cult.

That “thought crime”, and all the others, will be abolished only when leftards have been burned by them.

November 27, 2023 8:33 am

Nov 26, 2023 5:09 PM

Also, Casablanca runs 1hr 43 minutes. Average movie length in 2023 2hrs 23 minutes.

Bladder bursting boring.


purchased Sondheim last night on Prime – Seems a bit Bit slow, as you said re tight editing of Casablanca – Only 146 Mins to go

November 27, 2023 8:35 am

Dr. John Campbell has a long form interview with pathologist Dr Clare Craig who has written a book called Expired.

Expired with Dr. Clare Craig

Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far.
Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2023 8:42 am

I don’t believe Albo the Trot was ever really ‘popular’, he rode high in the opinion polls for two reasons, firstly he was treated with kid gloves by a partisan MSM, and secondly he wasn’t Scumbag.

There is no where for him to hide any more, his nastiness is on full display.

November 27, 2023 8:43 am

Yemenis have commandeered a tanker overnight.

This is what happens when you don’t react to the opening hi-jacking .. they get emboldened and “easy peasy let’s do that again” .. terror handbook #101

November 27, 2023 8:46 am

I don’t believe Albo the Trot was ever really ‘popular

Labor was alwayz gonna win cos “not BRADBURY” .. Luigi got lucky, he was PM designate at the ‘right” time …………

November 27, 2023 8:50 am

pete of perth
Nov 27, 2023 2:55 AM

Optus down according to the missus.

Okay for me now, but seemed to be flakey for a large chunk of yesterday. Web pages half loading, texts and WhatsApp messages getting delayed or lost. Then it came good…

November 27, 2023 8:51 am
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 27, 2023 8:53 am

Albo is stuffed.

Like the Whitlam government, the Elbow regime is chock full of radicals running amok with social and economic policy and, in less than two years has become hugely unpopular. It would probably be thrown out if an election were held now (see today’s Newspoll in The Australian).

All true.

However the polling numbers don’t point to a radical-free future; in fact quite the reverse.

On a uniform swing against the Handsome Boy Government, Labor would lose 5 to 7 Lower House seats – probably going to the Coalition although possibly one additional Green and maybe a Teal.

Which sets Bandt up as a weird little kingmaker, with his four, or five MHR’s propping up an ALP minority government (maybe with a bribable Independent as Speaker) with intermittent Teal support – and retaining control of the Senate.

The damage done to Australia in terms of scale and speed would be unimaginable.

The only Christmas Joy is the image of Albanese, alone in the library with a bottle of brandy, shaking with rage and contemplating the Webley.

And even that will be as short-lived as a Christmas puppy; Plibersek or Shorten rallying the troops for 2025.

November 27, 2023 8:56 am

This is what happens when you don’t react to the opening hi-jacking .. they get emboldened and “easy peasy let’s do that again” .. terror handbook #101

Pretty well fits modern day state piracy and they aren’t even hiding behind letters of marque.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2023 8:57 am

Over the weekend, someone mentioned the positioning of the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Flags in the Cabinet Room.

The described position, with the Aboriginal flag in the centre, flanked by the National and TSI flags, both breaches protocol (the National Flag should be in the centre) and denigrates the TSI flag by making it appear less important that the Aboriginal one. I suspect that it is also a breach of the Flags Act, as well as the formal protocol.

While I am certain that such details as the law and protocol would be ignored by leftards when there is virtue signaling to be done, I am a bit surprised by the open downgrading of the TSI flag.

November 27, 2023 8:58 am

Not all migrants are good for Britain. We should only let in the ones who are

Immigration is a numbers game, but some groups also contribute more to the country than others


Advocates of mass immigration often argue that we should accept the huge changes it brings to our country because such immigration brings unalloyed benefits.

“If it wasn’t for immigration,” the argument often goes, “there would be no NHS.”

By the same logic, we might also argue that the prison population would be considerably smaller.

It is patently absurd to treat all immigration as though all immigrants are uniformly good or bad.

Yet that is how the debate proceeds. Immigration, we are told, brings growth and dynamism, it is fiscally positive and helps to avert the demographic crisis we face thanks to an ageing population and falling birth rate.

Yet none of this is really true. Immigration increases the size of the economy by increasing the size of the population, but does nothing in itself to increase our prosperity on a per capita basis.

Immigration does not magically increase productivity: low-paid migrant workers kill incentives to train resident workers and invest in labour-saving technology.

Fiscally, immigration is broadly neutral, although there is a lag effect as infrastructure and services take time to recognise and meet rising demand.

The idea that immigration can fix demographics is a widely debunked myth.

If piles of academic research and evidence do not persuade you, consider this.

Last year, net migration totalled an unprecedented 745,000.

We still had no growth, flatlining productivity, a fiscal squeeze, struggling infrastructure and services, and a difficult old age dependency ratio.

With net migration running at many multiples of the levels promised by successive governments, it is right to focus on the overall numbers.

With consequences for housing, roads, schools and much else besides, immigration is a numbers game, and the current inflow is a disgrace.

But the focus on numbers should not cause us to neglect the profile of immigration.

A brain surgeon, quite obviously, brings benefits an unskilled labourer does not.

A foreign criminal brings costs a law-abiding migrant does not.

In such individual and clear-cut examples, the point is self-evident.

But in large numbers and in more subtle ways, the argument still holds.

Making it is fraught with danger – for the most zealous of immigration advocates are quick to make accusations of bigotry and racism – but that only means that it is more important that we do not flinch from doing so.

The post-Brexit points-based system claims to be highly selective.

Taken at face value, it appears that only skilled people with the right number of points can come. But the reassuring language is made meaningless by official definitions.

The salary threshold, used as a proxy to determine high-skilled migration, is only £26,200 and for some £20,960.

The shortage occupation list includes welders, bricklayers and “arts officers”. For many jobs, migrants can be brought to Britain on “skilled worker” visas for salaries as low as the National Minimum Wage.

Our universities finance themselves by selling long-term immigration to Britain.

Foreign students – whatever the institution, whatever their qualification – are automatically allowed to stay to live and work in Britain after study.

At some universities, a majority of students is now foreign. Several have now established satellite campuses in East London, where it is easier to attract international students keen to work.

Then there are dependants, for whom the rules have been radically relaxed since Brexit.

Forty per cent of work visas – 218,000 – are given to dependants.

About a quarter of student visas – 154,000 – are for dependants.

With the health and care visa, which was introduced in 2020 as a supposedly temporary measure to bring in tens of thousands of workers, more dependants arrive than workers.

Last year, 121,000 brought 138,000 family members.

These migrants have the unfettered right to work here, and there are no conditions based on skill or qualification.

There are other costs to our lack of selectivity.

As the Tory MP Neil O’Brien has demonstrated, repeat academic studies show that non-European migrants to Britain are overall net recipients of public spending, not contributors.

Yet the post-Brexit immigration system has deliberately shifted the profile of migration, causing the Office for Budget Responsibility to change its models, explaining “the participation rate of migrants under the post-Brexit regime will be lower.”

Britain does not publish data as the Danish government does.

There, official figures show that Danes and European migrants are net contributors to the public purse, but at no point in their life cycle are migrants and their descendants from the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Turkey.

Income tax data we do publish suggest a similar story would apply here.

Bangladeshis receive more in child benefit and tax credits than they pay in income tax and National Insurance, for example, and that is before we get into the cost of education, housing, healthcare, pensions and so on.

Seventy-two per cent of Somalis here live in social housing.

Fifty-seven per cent of Bangladeshi and Pakistani women are economically inactive.

Forty-six per cent of Pakistani-heritage babies born in Bradford have parents who are cousins.

Proportionately, Albanians are 10 times more likely than the public as a whole to be in prison.

The number of people unable to speak English well or at all has increased in the past 10 years by more than 20 per cent to more than a million.

Academic research shows, in the words of Robert Putnam, that “immigration and ethnic diversity challenge social solidarity and inhibit social capital”.

Other studies show that cultural attitudes – from family roles to trust in others – survive several generations after migration.

And we know that mass immigration brings significant cultural change and that social integration is more likely for some than others.

The ability to speak English, attitudes to women and minority rights, and familiarity with the norms and laws of open and democratic societies all matter.

Here, the behaviour we have seen at the rolling anti-Israel protests in London is a case in point.

So the profile of immigration matters as much as the numbers.

Yet we act as though it does not. For economic and social reasons, we need to become radically selective.

Migrants, as one author puts it, can make their new countries a lot like those they left.

November 27, 2023 9:01 am
November 27, 2023 9:01 am

How did I not know you had returned!? Warms the cockles of my heart…

November 27, 2023 9:02 am

Seems Pfizer is sueing Poland for beach of contract. Poland does not want to pay for all the jabs they had signed a contract to buy. Over $1 billion involved.

Going to be an interesting court case.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 27, 2023 9:02 am

Nov 27, 2023 7:36 AM

[Cassie said:]

Hmm, I just can’t help but notice some double standards here. Does anyone else also see it?

I don’t think it has to do with any standards at all, single or double.
It is simply a policy decision by the people in power and that isn’t necessarily the government.

I know [what] it sounds like… but they follow orders.

The banality of it all!

November 27, 2023 9:04 am

The again restored Bourbon king ordered Ney’s execution

Ist arraigned before the *Council of War (fellow marshals) he demanded to be tried by the Council of Peers …..
Ney was then tried by the Council of Peers and found guilty 107-47 votes and then by sentencing vote, rising to 109, sentenced to death …..
5, former, marshalate colleagues voted for the death penalty …
Kellermann, Perignon, Serurier, Victor & Marmont .. He never got on with either Victor or Marmont so no surprise there but the other three .. who knows …..!

* if he’d left his fate to the Council of War there is little chance a majority of his fellow marshals would have returned a guilty verdict ………

November 27, 2023 9:07 am

Optus down according to the missus.

On Saturday in Danisbad we had a 4 hour Optus outage.

November 27, 2023 9:10 am

Migrants, as one author puts it, can make their new countries a lot like those they left.

Fact check: TRUE …….

November 27, 2023 9:13 am

Black Friday Sale in the US. 100% off!

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2023 9:17 am


* if he’d left his fate to the Council of War there is little chance a majority of his fellow marshals would have returned a guilty verdict ………

Extremely brave, but not very smart.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
November 27, 2023 9:18 am

This is a readout of Prof Biden’s phone call with the Egyptian President El-Sisi.
The third sentence may be of interest, to the hawks like Lizzie, Katz, Dot et al, who think that the Israeli operation in Gaza, is in Israel’s best interest.
No doubt, you will all recall my position that it was NOT in Israel’s best interest.
Naturally, that makes me anti Jewish, ….., right?

Does that sentence look like a reversal of the initial position to you?
Note also, he does not call for the elimination of Hamas, but merely a curtailment.

Of course, Prof Biden has made many statements that he has no intention of following through:
“We will support Ukraine for as long as it takes”, springs to mind.

What this shows is the massive pressure, at home and abroad, that his pathetic administration is subjected to.
He has no interest whatever in the middle east of course, it is simply by mis-handling the situation from day one, his numbers at this point in the election cycle are devastating. He has managed to piss off both sides and in states like Michigan, (large Arab vote), his numbers have fallen through the floor.
Incredibly, he has also lost a significant portion of the Jewish vote in NY, by pushing for a cease fire. It takes a special politician to achieve that outcome.

The overview in the middle east has turned disastrously against the US and Israel.
For the first time, ALL of Israel’s neighbours are on the same side, because of Bibi’s ill conceived action. This has never occurred before.
The result will inevitably be, the reduction of US influence in the region.
Is that good for Israel?

Though FAR from being instigated, BRICS have put forward a plan, to provide a peacekeeping force, to work with the UN, to be deployed to Gaza.
This is far from where the US and Israel want to be.
The US has lost control of the narrative and of the voting in the UN.

So, are you all still happy with the incursion so far? Just asking for a friend.

November 27, 2023 9:20 am

Nov 27, 2023 6:20 AM

Labor governments get support through virtue signalling when times are good and lose support gradually but more or less monotonically as their incompetence and economic vandalism makes lives tougher.

Albo is stuffed.

Conservative governments end in apathy and disappointment.
Labour governments end in tears and bare larders.

November 27, 2023 9:22 am

The magic of Napoleon dissuaded Ney, who swapped sides, and led Napoleon’s cavalry at Waterloo.

In reality, it was the realization that the troops he was leading to capture Napoleon began cheering Napoleon ,,,,,, Discretion outweighed valour and instead of imprisoning the Emperor he re-joined with him ….

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 27, 2023 9:26 am

The shortage occupation list includes welders, bricklayers and “arts officers”. For many jobs, migrants can be brought to Britain on “skilled worker” visas for salaries as low as the National Minimum Wage.

The current UK shortage occupation list also includes “artists – all jobs”, musicians, dancers, and archaeologists.

Not at all sneering at those occupations, but it’s emblematic of where the UK currently sits that the country needs to import them as a matter of policy priority.

Probably more worrying is that the top of the list (ranked by salary) is “Health services and public health managers and directors – all jobs” and “Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors – all jobs”.

The apparent economic value of these apex service occupations comfortably beats out scientists, engineers, and technicians – who might make a contribution to the productive economy.

Yet not grown locally.
How very fallen.

November 27, 2023 9:31 am

Has Argentina finally elected a president who can sort out their economy?

This is a very good start

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 9:36 am

Yemenis have commandeered a tanker overnight.

This is what happens when you don’t react to the opening hi-jacking

I read a few articles about this one, and it seems a bit unclear what the situation is. The USN says there’s a ship of theirs doing unspecified stuff, which makes me think there could be some more muscular action this time.

The other interesting thing is hijackers seem to be from the south as the attack was by a couple of small speed boats and was near Aden. Not altogether surprising if the Sunnis are going after Israeli linked vessels, since they dislike Israel just as much as the Shi’a do.

One of the problems with the Houthi hijacking last week is they tend to scoot the ship into a harbour they control, which makes it difficult to mount a recovery action. This one may not have had that happen if the USN has arrived on scene quickly.

Israeli-Linked Oil Tanker Seized off the Coast of Aden, Yemen, Private Intelligence Firm Says (Newsmax, 26 Nov)

An oil tanker linked to Israel has been seized off the coast of Aden, Yemen, by an unknown force, a private security firm said Sunday.

The Central Park, managed and owned by Zodiac Maritime, was seized in the Gulf of Aden, private intelligence firm Ambrey said.

It wasn’t immediately clear who was behind the attack. Aden is held by forces allied to Yemen’s internationally recognized government and a Saudi-led coalition that has battled Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels for years.

The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, which patrols the Mideast, did not immediately respond to questions from The Associated Press. Ambrey said that it appeared that “U.S. naval forces are engaged in the situation and have asked vessels to stay clear of the area.”

November 27, 2023 9:38 am

For the first time, ALL of Israel’s neighbours are on the same side, because of Bibi’s ill conceived action. This has never occurred before.

You are over egging this. Israel has been in far deeper sh*t than it finds itself now and still managed to manage. It will do so now after Hamas has been exterminated and the Gaza operation concluded.

You cannot sit idly by contemplating the voices and opinions of those who will only ever at best tolerate your existence under sufferance, when your sworn enemy has invaded and slaughtered your babies, toddlers and women. It’s time then to raise the flag and slit throats.

November 27, 2023 9:40 am

Stop sooking McFly!.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 27, 2023 9:40 am

A former Malaysian elite police bodyguard convicted of killing a politically linked Mongolian model and translator – allegedly on the orders of “powerful” ­people – has pleaded for Australian authorities to let him stay in the country, insisting “I am not a murderer”.

Sirul told The Weekend Australian his only involvement in the murder of Shaariibuu was to remove her from outside the Kuala Lumpur house of her ex-lover Razak Baginda, a close confidant of Najib, drive her from the area and hand her over to his police superior, Azilah Hadri, who is on death row in Malaysia for her murder.

“I knew she was going to be killed but I did not do it. Azilah had already told me it was some mission but I didn’t want to be ­involved,” he said.

Why, Sirul looks like a model citizen.

Sirul told The Weekend Australian in an exclusive interview that he was now a “free man” not subject to any curfew, despite new legislation imposing strict visa and monitoring conditions on many detainees, and he was seeking a second chance from Australia.

Australia doesn’t seem to be managed quite as one might hope.

November 27, 2023 9:41 am

Extremely brave, but not very smart.

Definitely ..! the Council of War consisted of, fellow, Marshals ..
The House of Peers was a majority of “nobles” restored to their former titles following the re-investure of the Bourborn throne ……….

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2023 9:43 am

Yep, Newspoll isn’t good news for Albo going into killing season.

November 27, 2023 9:47 am

For the first time, ALL of Israel’s neighbours are on the same side, because of Bibi’s ill conceived action. This has never occurred before.

Ok , Mr oh so clever, what were the alternatives, that would be palatable to everybody or even anybody?

Israel had only bad choices, they chose what they considered the least bad.

November 27, 2023 9:50 am

Ok , Mr oh so clever, what were the alternatives, that would be palatable to everybody or even anybody?

Something to do with cattle cars I’m sure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 27, 2023 9:52 am

The again restored Bourbon king ordered Ney’s execution

Didn’t they send Ney’s family the bill for the “gratuity” for the firing squad?

November 27, 2023 9:52 am

Ok , Mr oh so clever, what were the alternatives, that would be palatable to everybody or even anybody?

When I read it my impression was someone else’s ideal is your supposed to roll over and have your tummy tickled rather than bark and bite back ……..
They talk among us .. FFS!

November 27, 2023 10:02 am

DrF this is what happens when sitdown money is paid to the non productive. The desire to improve your lot is removed. The truth of immigrants improving the economy was once right as they worked their collective arses off after being given a chance. The sugar on the table was ‘opportunity’. Today importing bum wipers are given housing, free medical, spending money and still don’t wipe bums. How this is improving the economy is a fallacy promoted by grifters based on taxpayers funds. The taxpayers see nothing for their exorbitant tax paid.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 27, 2023 10:03 am

1 hour ago
Lehrmann back in hot seat for defamation case
Ellie Dudley
Ellie Dudley

Bruce Lehrmann will return to the witness box on Monday morning to continue his mammoth cross-examination, with Brittany Higgins expected to take the stand later this week.

Mr Lehrmann is suing Network 10 and presenter Lisa Wilkinson for defamation over her interview with Ms Higgins on The Project in 2021, detailing claims that Mr Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins but not naming him as the alleged attacker.

Last week, Ten’s barrister Matthew Collins KC began attempts to unpick Mr Lehrmann’s version of events from the night Ms Higgins was allegedly raped on the couch of Linda Reynolds in Parliament House.

Throughout the cross-examination, Mr Lehrmann confessed that he bought Ms Higgins drinks at The Dock Hotel that night, despite previously claiming to only have bought drinks for himself and one male colleague.

Mr Lehrmann was also confronted with two lies he told, as to why he returned to Parliament House with Ms Higgins in the early hours of the morning after being at two different bars: he told Linda Reynolds’ chief of staff Fiona Brown he was there for an alcoholic drink and told the security guards he was there to collect documents.

He told the court he lied to Ms Brown in a meeting the Monday after the alleged rape because her tone was “tense”. He said he lied to the Parliament House security guards because he was worried they would not accept his real excuse, which was that he was there to pick up his keys.

The court was shown CCTV footage from the Dock Hotel on the night of the alleged rape, which showed Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins socialising with each other, and a large group of staffers.

In one snippet, Mr Lehrmann was seen amassing three alcoholic drinks in front of Ms Higgins.

Dr Collins suggested to Mr Lehrmann that after amassing the drinks, he pointed to them and said “All hers, all hers”. Mr Lehrmann denied saying this, and denied intentionally trying to get Ms Higgins drunk.

Mr Lehrmann also denied kissing or touching Ms Higgins later that night at the 88mph nightclub, despite their colleague Lauren Gain saying she saw the pair kiss.

Mr Lehrmann’s cross-examination is expected to last all day today. Ms Higgins will likely be the next witness in the stand, after Dr Collins and Wilkinson’s barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC open their respective cases.

Court will begin sitting at 10.15am.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
November 27, 2023 10:04 am

Have any of the hostages taken at the Nova music festival been released? The estimates I’ve seen are that there were about 180 of them.

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 10:07 am


Nov 26, 2023 7:45 PM
are you the bloke with the long lens I’ve seen at the far end of my paddock? This is an outrage!


Nov 26, 2023 7:49 PM
No that’s Winston, Pogria.

Bespoke that’s a lie of magnificent proportions – I haven’t used my 6″ telescope for non astronomical purposes for years.
Well, not since I got my drone that does 4K stereo video, that is.

November 27, 2023 10:07 am

For the first time, ALL of Israel’s neighbours are on the same side… This has never occurred before.

Except when It happened continuously since 1947.

November 27, 2023 10:10 am

For the first time, ALL of Israel’s neighbours are on the same side…

Study the history, then get back to us.

November 27, 2023 10:11 am

magnificent proportions

That’s funny. My wife tells me that all the time.

November 27, 2023 10:15 am

Which sets Bandt up as a weird little kingmaker, with his four, or five MHR’s propping up an ALP minority government (maybe with a bribable Independent as Speaker) with intermittent Teal support – and retaining control of the Senate.

A dreich prospect indeed.

November 27, 2023 10:18 am

PHOTOS: Christmas celebrations canceled in Bethlehem in the midst of war
CNA – By Marinella Bandini – Jerusalem, Nov 26, 2023

November 27, 2023 10:18 am

How is this any different to US sanctions?

For one thing, sanctions aren’t acts of war. Attacking a flagged ship of another country is.

November 27, 2023 10:20 am

How is this any different to US sanctions?


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 27, 2023 10:21 am

Daily Mail.

Screwdriver horror at Melbourne wedding: Guest fights for life in vicious neck stabbing – chaos erupts as rowdy attendees cause mayhem, venue damaged, and police hunt for answers

Man, 25, stabbed outside venue in Melbourne
Wedding held at Croatian Centre in Sunshine West
Staff described the group of 700 guests as ‘rowdy

November 27, 2023 10:22 am

High contrast between the (Instapundit republished) London Telegraph review of Napoleon (Epic) and the rest of the reviews we have seen (tedious point-missing relationship pron).
Can’t help wondering if the Tele writer got a weekend on Fantasy Island as payoff!

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 10:23 am


Nov 26, 2023 8:17 PM
Van Nuys Boulevard 1972

A lot of memories there, Zafiro.

November 27, 2023 10:27 am

The truth of immigrants improving the economy was once right as they worked their collective arses off after being given a chance. The sugar on the table was ‘opportunity’.

The change came about when the hordes of Vietcong boat folk invaded .. prior to that “immigrants” mostly came from Europe “for a better life” and were prepared to work for it! .. but with the Vietcong it was immediate housing, health cover and welfare with NO obligation ..
Most SE Asian “housos” around me arrived circa 1987 thru 1992 and the majority have never had a job and quite a few still don’t speak English ..
I haven’t had an English speaking “neighbour” in the past 25 years ………

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 27, 2023 10:28 am

Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.

– Ronald Reagan

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 27, 2023 10:34 am

The Shift to the Middle is Coming

All the media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called “FAR RIGHT” as if they are Nazis. Never in all my years have I ever witnessed the mainstream media so FAR LEFT that they are destroying the very foundation of civilization, and they do not care. The position MUST be their view, and anything to the contrary is evil. This is NOT a free society, nor is this how civilizations are maintained. When you divide the nation in such a manner and impose your will by sheer dictatorship, the end is near.

TIME Magazine characterized the Dutch election as a “FAR RIGHT” victory. They want to exit the EU and retake their sovereignty. They are flooded with immigrants, and crime has soared all because Merkel opened the borders unilaterally. The EU was never asked to vote on this policy – NEVER. But if you dare object, you are the dangerous and evil FAR RIGHT. Friends there will not allow their daughter to walk to the bus station for fear she will be raped.

What the EU has done to the Dutch farmers is insane, and they are so braindead they fail to understand that the planet goes through cycles and reducing food production as we head into solar minimum risks food shortages and rising disease as well as starvation. But if you oppose that, you are now the evil FAR RIGHT. As they told the people, and they agreed, the Netherlands “has been seriously weakened due the ongoing asylum tsunami and mass immigration.” They also pledged to stop sending aid to Ukraine. Their country is being transformed into an Islamic State, and they called for a ban on the Quran and for shutting down mosques. France is generally projected to be an Islamic nation within 40 years. Our computer shows that can happen as soon as 2032, thanks to an 8:1 birth rate in favor of Muslims. But if you want to retain Europe as a Christian continent, you are the dangerous evil FAR RIGHT.

The violence has already begun, from attempts to burn down Christian churches in Southern Europe to killing a 16-year-old boy, stabbing him to death, and injuring 17 others. The assailants declared, “We are here to stab white people’ before the rampage, according to a report. ” Mobs in Eastern Pakistan target Christian churches. In Jerusalem, extremist Jews were chanting, “Death to Arabs … Death to Christians.” Then, in Europe, there has been a surge in Quran burning in response to the influx of Muslims. We are looking at the beginning of a religious war brewing everywhere. This contributes to our Civil Unrest Model, which turned up here in 2023.

CNN also called Javier Milei the “FAR RIGHT” who won Argentina’s presidential elections. They reported that was “wrenching his country to the right with a bombastic anti-establishment campaign” and said that he was comparable to Donald Trump. They admitted that this was against the backdrop of one of the “world’s highest inflation rates.” Argentina once was the economic star until it turned left. But if it tries to improve the economy, it is the dangerous evil FAR RIGHT.

In Bavaria, the press also reported that “FAR-RIGHT” Afd won back in June. So, unless you are for lockdowns, the war against Russia, high inflation, and the lowering of our living standards, then you are one of those loathful, FAR-RIGHT, dangerous people who must be eradicated and suppressed.

Anyone who wants to return just to normal life is now disgusting FAR-RIGHT. You have to support World War III, high taxes, end of lifestyle for climate change, and if you do not tell your son in 1st grade that maybe he is really a girl then you are guilty of child abuse, and your children should be taken from you by force.

Any suggestion that we should return to when there was an immigration requirement and when transgender was a private decision not celebrated on a beer can, and we understood that Mother Nature had cycles all by herself and warming periods marked the rise in civilization and cold periods population declines and nations contracted, that is no longer middle ground; it is FAR RIGHT.

During the Panic of 1869, when they were dragging the bankers out and hanging them, which was the first BLACK FRIDAY, I fear when this all starts to come unglued after 2024, this time they will be dragging journalists out to the streets and hanging them for destroying civilization where both sides are supposed to co-exist.

November 27, 2023 10:40 am

Which sets Bandt up as a weird little kingmaker, with his four, or five MHR’s propping up an ALP minority government (maybe with a bribable Independent as Speaker) with intermittent Teal support – and retaining control of the Senate.

How depressing can it get .. Luigi and the “pardy” are proving themselves useless at governance for the people but the reality that Dudzy & co are sooooooo pointless they aren’t the answer makes for at least one, possibly two more terms, of Labor incompetence and the real horror .. the “globe-trotter & occasional Oz visitor” is only the 1st of several, guaranteed, failures at the “pardy’s” hem ……..
Ya noze we is in trouble when Chloe still has the curtain measurements ..!

November 27, 2023 10:41 am

They are just seizing the private property of a country’s nationals.


November 27, 2023 10:43 am

Not at all.

Yes it is.

November 27, 2023 10:44 am

Well, you could argue that neither is this. They are just seizing the private property of a country’s nationals.

Careful, DOVER, this is the sort of idea that’ll get you “head-hunted” for a “top men” UN position .. LOL!

November 27, 2023 10:46 am

How is this any different to US sanctions?

Houthi insurgents aren’t the official government.

Whether a policy of doing so constitutes an act of war is an interesting question.

Go ahead then, attack the US.

November 27, 2023 10:50 am

Not at all. I’m just pointing out that the US does something like this too.

That is precisely whataboutery.

I’ve expressed reservations about state imposed sanctions and particularly the targeting of individuals before, but to equate that with acts of piracy is morally obtuse.

(Adopting a headmasterly tone & looking down nose over spectacles)

I expect better of you, young man.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 10:51 am

Can’t help wondering if the Tele writer got a weekend on Fantasy Island as payoff!

Maybe on especially good behaviour since the CNN guy is looking to buy the bankrupt UK Telegraph and Spectator.

Which means you probably can add them to the do not read list.

Ex-CNN chief fronting Abu Dhabi’s Telegraph bid accuses critics of ‘slinging mud’ (25 Nov)

Zucker to fly into London as government probe into Telegraph deal looms (26 Nov)

November 27, 2023 10:55 am

This is something you refuse to understand. The guys with the biggest guns set the rules. If you don’t like that then declare war against the US.

November 27, 2023 10:55 am

I guess they swapped her in because of her untreated wound.
There is also a young man from Nova who had his forearm blown off by a grenade, surely he is no military threat (if still alive).
Not sure if the wounded Thai gentleman has been freed either.
Nor has the red headed baby and his family, who could not be that hard to find, considering there is footage of the family’s captors.

Have any of the hostages taken at the Nova music festival been released? The estimates I’ve seen are that there were about 180 of them.

One girl who had been shot in the foot, and without her 18 yo brother who was eligible, in terms of the agreement.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 27, 2023 10:56 am

Primary school teacher who took off deaf child’s socks and shoes reinstated after court appeal

A primary school teacher who was sacked for removing the socks and shoes of a deaf and developmentally-delayed child has won her career back after taking the Education Department to court.

The teacher, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, took the Department of Education to the Industrial Relations Commission to fight her dismissal after being fired over multiple allegations of mistreatment of students with special needs.

Her appeal was successful, with Commissioner Janine Webster finding three of the four claims – that the teacher dragged a deaf child out of a canteen line by the wrist, restrained the same child in a highchair unnecessarily, and left another outside a classroom in the cold as a punishment – could not be substantiated and that key witnesses to the alleged incidents were unreliable.

However the teacher did admit to removing the socks and shoes of a profoundly deaf, vision impaired Year 5 student with significant language and developmental delay and complex behavioural issues, which prevented him from joining other students on a break.

The boy, 10 years old at the time of his teacher’s sacking in 2020 and given the pseudonym ‘Jack Andrews’, was known to become aggressive at times and “work himself into a heightened emotional state”.

Both the teacher and a School Learning Support Officer regularly took his shoes off as a safety measure.

“[Jack’s] behaviour had been escalating and he would lash out at staff by kicking, screaming, and spitting,” the teacher submitted.

“To reduce the likelihood of injury to staff when [Jack] was in a heightened state, his shoes would be removed as he would kick staff in their shins … if he was heightened when the bell sounded for lunch, it was unsafe for [Jack] to enter into the playground as he was a risk to himself and others.

“Once [Jack] became calm his shoes were returned and staff assisted him with replacing and retying them. [Jack] was then able to participate in his outside play.”

The Department of Education argued the “unnecessary and inappropriate” strategy “could amount to misconduct” because it prevented Jack from taking designated breaks for students’ wellbeing, an allegation Commissioner Webster upheld.

“The appellant’s conduct was inappropriate and unfair to Jack and fell short of the standards expected of teachers,” she said.

In her decision, Commissioner Webster said disciplinary action was “warranted”, but described termination as an “excessive” punishment.

Instead, she ordered the teacher be rehired but transferred to a role not at the school, issued with a written warning and be placed on “a performance improvement plan”.

She also found “a systemic failure” in leadership and governance at the school “was a significant contributing factor in the conduct”.


November 27, 2023 10:56 am

Hmm, I just can’t help but notice some double standards here. Does anyone else also see it?
This is inevitable. The most brooding violent group with the greatest number will rule. Once the Police Force became a ‘service’ we were done for. Enforcing the law is long term peace and stability for the society. ‘Keeping the peace’ is immediate. This is what the coppers are now taught in the academies.
The change to a ‘service’ is because:
1. The Universities got their hands on police training.
2. Women are now in control – i.e. keeping the immediate peace is nesting.
3. Dramatic changes in society structure ( i.e. work) means long term ethical standards are gone. Combined with the death of Christianity as a guide for Australia.

Unless there is a dramatic change then the Muz will rule. Sorry end of story.
The only way it was stopped in history is to employ their techniques (Crusades, The Hammer and the Mongols) . And I am afraid Dave Sharma ain’t it.

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 11:00 am

Cassie of Sydney

Nov 26, 2023 9:56 PM
Newspoll bombshell: 50-50.”
How sweet it is. I’ve waited eighteen long months for this. This disgrace of a PM and government have been given the easiest ride ever by an equally disgraceful and compromised MSM but I knew that sooner or later the wheels would start to fall off and since da Voice defeat, his smirk is gone and he’s not coping.

The downside is that now him and his dreams to marxify Australia are falling into the turdpile, he’ll get nasty and do as much damage as he can. That’s the Trotskyist in him.
We’re going to see what a vicious little shit he is as he blames us for his failures.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2023 11:05 am

The Liars will have to move soon if they want to be competitive by 2025. KRudd 2.0 didn’t for that reason (among plenty of others).

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2023 11:06 am

*didn’t work

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 11:09 am


Nov 26, 2023 11:45 PM
Hamas confirms military commander of northern Gaza killed

Israel needs to release all of the 7800 Palestinian prisoners in Israel immediately, in exchange for the 240 odd hostages. The Palestinian prisoners need to be released into the West Bank (a legitimate war zone). Let’s see what happens.

I can see it now – the released terrorists line up for the run across no mans land and shelter in the ruins, while the entire IDF stands by their artillery tubes.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 27, 2023 11:09 am

I’ve expressed reservations about state imposed sanctions and particularly the targeting of individuals before, but to equate that with acts of piracy is morally obtuse.

The vessel owner will almost certainly be covered for piracy under the standard conditions of its hull insurance. The freight presumably under cargo insurance.

However the international crew on board are in actual peril. Aside from their wages they probably have no interest in the voyage – other than not dying as a demonstration of someone else’s religious and political zeal.

November 27, 2023 11:10 am

Newspoll bombshell: 50-50.”

half of australians are either leeches or morons or both

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 11:12 am
November 27, 2023 11:13 am

I watched an address by the IDF’s Arabic speaking spokesman (with subtitles) reminding Gazans not to return north (too late) not to go to sea and not to approach within one kilometre of the border with Israel.
It’s going to be difficult but if Gazans are so willing to die in order to kill Jews.
Death cult.

cnn article

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 27, 2023 11:16 am

Just watching the grilling of Bruce in Federal Court.

Bloody hell, the line up of silks gouging thousands by the hour is incredible.

Hammering Bruce on the most innocuous discrepancies to build a case of him as a liar. Seems to be holding his own.

Can’t wait for knickerless thunder thighs to put the hand on the bible in the box.

November 27, 2023 11:17 am

Alma Avraham 84, released yesterday is in now in an Israeli hospital in a critical condition.
Say no to islam.

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 11:18 am


The next year and a half is going to be fun in Australian politics.

2024 will be the year of decision for the Democracies.
There’s too much shit coming to fruition for it not to happen.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 11:20 am

The trouble with trying to do deals with an amoral, savage terrorist regime

Enough about Joe Biden!

That’s the whole idea of this mess, giving the Biden Administration no reason to get nasty – which his staffers want in the worst way. There’s also a secondary political aim of preventing the Israeli Left and deep state from causing mischief during the middle of an existential war. They want to do that in the worst way also, but Netanyahu is carefully making sure they don’t dare.

500 Biden Democrat Staffers Signed Anti-Israel Letter (23 Oct)

Lapid calls on Netanyahu to quit, says ‘government isn’t functioning’ during war (15 Nov)

The Left just never stops, not even a war will get them to behave. No wonder they love Hamas so much, they’re brothers under the skin.

November 27, 2023 11:21 am

Just gave up on WWII TV series All the Light we Cannot See on Netflix

Shame. The book was quite lovely.

Far too complex though to translate to the Netflix screen.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 27, 2023 11:21 am

Tim Blair:

Everything is happening exactly as the climate experts said it would. Our planet truly is bursting into flames.

“It’s always fire season now,” the New York Times solemnly reported last week.

“The world has always experienced fire year-round, but these are a lot harder to ignore.”

The climate-frightened New York Times is right for once, but just not in the way it imagines. Let’s take a quick look at some recent hard-to-ignore combustion episodes.

Just last month six fire trucks raced to a Darlinghurst backpacker hostel after the joint caught alight.

Security footage showed justifiably alarmed young tourists fleeing a sudden blast of doorway-filling flame.

Then an entire Melbourne golf clubhouse was incinerated, despite the efforts of 20 attending fire crews. In the previous month, five cars were destroyed in a fire at Sydney Airport.

Also in September, the ABC reported “loud bangs, ‘multi-coloured’ flames and a smell of burning plastic” at a Queensland energy facility. Thirty people fled a South Sydney apartment blaze in October.

Overall, from January 2023 until the end of July, Fire and Rescue NSW officers were called upon to battle nearly 120 fires of a certain type. That’s an increase of about 20 per cent compared to last year’s figure, just in NSW alone.

But none of these fires were the fault of climate change. Exactly the opposite, in fact. Every one of those fires, plus many thousands of fires worldwide, was caused by advanced technology that is supposed to help us fix climate change.

They were caused, either directly or indirectly, by lithium-ion batteries – the primary power source for all of our fossil fuel-replacing electric cars, e-scooters, e-bicycles and e-toys.

This creates quite the dilemma for our government/managerial/media classes, who believe climate change is an immense danger – but who now must deal with a much more real and immediate threat.

“We are concerned by increasing reports of lithium-ion battery fires resulting in property damage and serious injuries, including burns, chemical exposure and smoke inhalation,” Australian Competition and Consumer Commission deputy chair Catriona Lowe said in a September interview with SBS.

“We recommend that government and industry continue to develop solutions to ensure lithium-ion batteries are safely designed and can be sustainably disposed.”

Tellingly, that SBS article adds: “Lowe said the product’s safety was critical as the batteries were a major part of the transition to net-zero emissions.”

But the fires keep happening – and, unlike climate change, lithium-ion fires have a direct and proven death and injury record.

In 2021, four New Yorkers were killed and 79 injured by lithium-ion fires. In 2022, those numbers respectively increased to six and 142. In 2023, lithium-ion deaths by the end of July stood at nine and 64.

Imagine the distress among Greens and other climate doomers if global warming was taking out an average of six people a year in a single, admittedly very large, city.

If it’s local “fire seasons” they’re worried about, the Greens and their mates should consider these words from a Fire Rescue Victoria spokesman: “Victoria’s fire services are responding to an average of one significant lithium-ion battery fire each week.”

Besides Lowe, others in the decarbonista community are urging lithium-ion caution.

“I’m not trying to demonise them at all,” UK electrochemistry academic Paul Christensen, told earlier this year. “They’re regarded as essential in our fight to decarbonise the planet.”

But, he added, “the penetration of these fantastic devices into all levels of our society has far outstripped our knowledge of the risks and hazards.”

One “fantastic device” likely won’t be penetrating Australian society. Ford’s lithium-ion electric F-150 Lightning ute previously seemed certain for Australian release after winning Chris Bowen’s admiration during a US visit last year.

“Range of around 500km,” the Energy Minister gushed. “Can tow boats and caravans and goes like you wouldn’t believe.”

Sadly, Bowen wrote at the time, the physically massive and equally expensive Lightning wasn’t available in Australia “due to poor policies”.

Despite Labor’s presumably better policies, however, it won’t be here any time soon. Lightning sales in the US are down so much that Ford has cut production and is offering rebates on some models of more than $11,000.

It seems the US vehicle market worked the Lightning out in the same way the Australian electorate is working out Chris Bowen. The market discovered the Lightning didn’t offer a 500km range, couldn’t tow much of anything and is therefore going unsold. As for Bowen, he’ll probably go the way of lithium-ion batteries. The man is very rapidly flaming out.

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 11:23 am


Nov 27, 2023 7:58 AM
Some good news at last.

CDC Issues Warning: Just 14 Percent Of US Adults Have Received An Updated COVID 19 Vaccine

The issue here is that now a potential aggressor is aware of how successful or not a biowarfare immunisation measure would be.
And getting that information just may be why the Covid episode was run.

November 27, 2023 11:27 am

ALL of Israel’s neighbours are on the same side, because of Bibi’s ill conceived action. This has never occurred before.

They all agree with Netanyahu that neither Hamas or Abbas should rule Gaza

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 27, 2023 11:29 am

The man is very rapidly flaming out.

The sooner the better.

November 27, 2023 11:39 am

Mario Nawfal

? U.S. NAVY SEALS DOMINATE GULF OF ADEN: Daring Rescue from Pirates’ Grip!

In a display of decisive military action, U.S. Navy SEALs have snatched an oil tanker right back from the clutches of pirates in the Gulf of Aden.

Yemen’s Coastal Patrol has verified the success of this high-stakes operation.

This show of force reaffirms the U.S. Navy’s strong stance against the threat of piracy on the open seas.

The implications of this operation are now a hot topic.

Will this be a warning to sea marauders or just the opening salvo in an escalating conflict against piracy?

Source: Al Masdar Online.

November 27, 2023 11:40 am

half of australians are either leeches or morons or both

WRONG! This poll shows nearly ALL Australians are either leeches, morons or both because Communist Labor and slightly less Communist LNP comprise nearly 100% of the electorate. The handful of freedom loving contributors on this blog don’t even register in the statistics.

November 27, 2023 11:42 am

Everyone just relax, the big issues are being dealt with:

Adelaide Oval scoreboard’s famous face gets gender neutral facelift
The face of Adelaide Oval’s iconic and heritage-listed scoreboard has received a major change, 112 years in the making.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 11:44 am

“It’s always fire season now,” the New York Times solemnly reported last week.

“The world has always experienced fire year-round, but these are a lot harder to ignore.”

Lies as big as the great outdoors. No NYT, not only is that not occurring but the current US fire season is the weakest for about* century.

Lowest Burn Acreage Of The Century (24 Nov)

The evil of these propagandists knows no bounds these days. They should be bankrupted and the NYT building bulldozed.

(* I saw a longer timescale graph, not sure where, which shows one year lower than 2023, but that was getting on towards a century ago. It’s looking like 2023 will be the second lowest in the dataset.)

November 27, 2023 11:48 am

Three unenviable economic records broken in November

If the Albanese Government genuinely cared about ending the nation’s housing crisis and curbing inflation, it would moderate net overseas migration to a level that is below the nation’s ability to supply housing and infrastructure, not run it at record levels.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 11:48 am

Arab countries demand that Abbas “get out of his comfort zone”

They don’t have long to wait. He’s 88 and in poor health.

I suspect his soon-to-be-reached discomfort zone will last for eternity.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 27, 2023 11:49 am

H B Bear

Nov 27, 2023 11:05 AM

The Liars will have to move soon if they want to be competitive by 2025. KRudd 2.0 didn’t work for that reason (among plenty of others).

The best of times.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2023 11:52 am

Just watching the grilling of Bruce in Federal Court.

Bloody hell, the line up of silks gouging thousands by the hour is incredible.

Most heavily scrutinised Friday night in Australia’s history. Glad a few of mine aren’t under the microscope.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 27, 2023 11:54 am

The mainstream media has hijacked (and is holding it hostage) the story again!
It’s now all about the hostages, not the awful actions of Hamas.

November 27, 2023 11:54 am

Good morning swim .. easiest 1500 mts in quite awhile .. good job I’m into 5.30am starts these dayz! .. pool closed at 8.30am/3.00pm for school “carnival” .. and so the summer joke begins Monday thru Friday becomes school priority until the holidays ….. duuuuuh!

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2023 11:56 am

The Adelaide scoreboard is the 2nd most iconic thing after a poofta in the Torrens.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 11:56 am

U.S. NAVY SEALS DOMINATE GULF OF ADEN: Daring Rescue from Pirates’ Grip!

I wasn’t sure that was a real story, but Reuters is now saying the ship has been recovered.

Tanker in Middle East safe from attackers after US Navy responds, officials say (27 Nov)

One of the U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the USS Mason warship had responded to the distress call and the tanker was now free.

Zodiac Maritime said in a statement Central Park, which is carrying a full cargo of phosphoric acid, was involved in a suspected piracy incident while crossing international waters, approximately 54 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia.

Which suggests the hijackers were bog standard Somali pirates rather than someone more sophisticated. Maybe they were #metooing after the Houthi hijack though.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2023 11:58 am

Whoops (the Hun):

Michael Pezzullo has been terminated from his position as Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs after an inquiry found he had breached the public service code of conduct.

In September, Mr Pezzullo was stood aside from his role over a series of explosive texts alleging he sought to influence government affairs. The WhatsApp messages, which spanned five years, appeared to show the top public servant attempt to undermine political and public service enemies, promote conservative politicians, and seek to muzzle the press. The prime minister’s office issued a statement on Monday confirming the top bureaucrat had been fired.


The Australian Public Service Commissioner confirmed that an independent inquiry found Mr Pezzullo broke the APS code of conduct on “at least” 14 occasions, including using his power to gain benefit or advantage, engaging in “disrespectful” gossip of colleagues, and failing to act apolitically and disclose a conflict of interest.

Stephanie Foster will continue to act as interim secretary until a “permanent appointment is made”, Mr Albanese’s office confirmed.

I wonder what sort of cash Pezzullo was on?

November 27, 2023 12:01 pm

It’s now all about the hostages, not the awful actions of Hamas.

I’ve no doubt that HAMAS figured this into the negotiation “set-up .. they’re getting hammered on the ground so know & need they have to screw as much media attention as possible .. if you lose top billing with the media ………………..!
What is really needed, but ain’t gonna happen for whateve rreasons, is USA put some serious pressure on Qatar .. Iran is the hardware provider but Qatar is the terrorist money banker yet they are getting a free pass year in, year out ………!

November 27, 2023 12:01 pm

Not at all. This is precisely what is being contested in the ME right now.

Yes all. Since WW2 we’ve lived under the rules set by the guys with the biggest guns. It’s generally worked out well with respect the rules of the sea. There have been some inconsistencies such as seizing property owned by Russian oligarchs, which is obviously where you’re driving, but overall, it’s worked out well. If you don’t like the rules then set your own , which is what the Houthis have done and see how well it goes for you. You’re playing this whataboutism (and it is, no matter how much you protest and come up with excuses), but let’s see who far it gets you or the Houthis.

November 27, 2023 12:02 pm

I wonder what sort of cash Pezzullo was on?

Just short of $940 000 a year …………!

November 27, 2023 12:03 pm

Interesting combination of tactics you have RADM Dover.

Trying to Nudge the class into your way of thinking without clearly declaring your own. Like Leftist teachers do.


Tokyo rose announcement of shipping loses.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2023 12:07 pm

Pezzulo must be a graduate of the Godwin Gretch School of Public Administration. Too long in Canberra you suspect. Actually any day in Canberra is too long.

November 27, 2023 12:09 pm

So the Taliban/Mudjahadeen had the biggest guns? Interesting.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 27, 2023 12:10 pm

Stanley Milgram – The Reality of Society -|

comment image

November 27, 2023 12:11 pm

That’s a really stupid comment, Petros.

November 27, 2023 12:13 pm

Another release of Marty gas by a crook for a crook.

Armstrong is a convicted fraud.

More here.

November 27, 2023 12:13 pm

The net time somebody declares Australia and and must “stand up to China,” send them this:

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 27, 2023 12:14 pm

Tucker Carlson Interviews Argentinian Presidential Candidate Javier Milei Part 1 & 2

November 27, 2023 12:16 pm

” Hmm, I just can’t help but notice some double standards here. Does anyone else also see it?

I don’t think it has to do with any standards at all, single or double.”

Me either.
I think it is a “numbers game” – it’s just “easier” to arrest one counter-protester than 1,000 protesters.
Who is braking the law is irrelevant, it’s about how to keep the “clashes” from becoming violent, and that means take away the “weakest” (ie, side with the least numbers). That is all.
Pretty disgusting, but that is what we have come to. We don’t protect the “weak” (outnumbered) from the “strong” (the majority at that place and time), we don’t arrest those potentially breaking the law, we just keep the two sides apart, and if that means the law abiders are dragged away while the law breakers get to stay, that is what will happen.
That is, of course, assuming that there is no “political” interference from grubby politicians who want to get (re)elected – always a possibility.

November 27, 2023 12:17 pm

The net time somebody declares Australia and and must “stand up to China,” send them this:

Stay long i/o.

November 27, 2023 12:20 pm

Zodiac Maritime said in a statement Central Park, which is carrying a full cargo of phosphoric acid

a direct threat to the production of Coca Cola.. therefore immediately actioned by the US.

November 27, 2023 12:20 pm


Seeing a bunch of guy riding bikes to work and from suggests relative poverty and low level technology with respect to transportation.

There’s this:

Which looks more advanced to you?

November 27, 2023 12:20 pm

Daily Mail.

Screwdriver horror at Melbourne wedding: Guest fights for life in vicious neck stabbing – chaos erupts as rowdy attendees cause mayhem, venue damaged, and police hunt for answers

Man, 25, stabbed outside venue in Melbourne
Wedding held at Croatian Centre in Sunshine West
Staff described the group of 700 guests as ‘rowdy

They forgot to mention that the wedding was Sudanese. I wonder why?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 12:27 pm

Funny that the most effective opposition politician is Jacqui Lambie.

Senator Jacqui Lambie unleashes on Albanese government after Newspoll reveals slump in Labor’s primary vote (Sky News, 27 Nov)

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie has blasted the Albanese government which she claims has been “sitting in a corner” since the Voice referendum, with “no idea” what to do next.

Speaking to Sky News Australia on Monday, Ms Lambie reacted to the Newspoll and claimed the Albanese government had failed to address cost of living concerns.

“The Prime Minister himself is going to have to be on the ground next year… we’re going into Christmas, people are going to start getting power bills after that, then they’re going to start getting their credit card bills, and then we’ve got kids going back to school,” she told host Pete Sefanovic.

“February, March next year is going to be looking really unpleasant for a lot of families out there already doing it tough. In the next four months, you’re really going to see it, and once you see that, you will see those polls moving everywhere.

“They are going to want to blame somebody and he (Anthony Albanese) is going to get the blame for it. They are now the government of the day, they are in power and it’s up to them to be able to make people’s cost of living out there easier, and I just don’t think they are doing that.”

So far she doesn’t seem to have made the connection between Bowen’s giant green energy fiasco and those electricity bills, but she has oodles more cut through than any one in the Liberal Party. It’s almost as if the 50:50 Newspoll result is all about the punters being undecided which side is worse.

November 27, 2023 12:28 pm

Sounds like a lot of people.

There are approximately 165,000 workers employed in shipyards in the U.S., spread across 26 states bordering coastal and inland waters. Between 2011 and 2017, there were at least 45 fatal accidents (4.0 per 100,000) among shipyard workers,8 higher than the rate for all U.S. workers.

November 27, 2023 12:30 pm

Which looks more advanced to you?

The society where thousands of men ride bikes to work without rioting to build aircraft carriers.

November 27, 2023 12:36 pm

Rioting? Rioting at American naval shipyards?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 12:37 pm

“Shock” is a word these days which means “totally expected”.

‘A real privilege’: Dave Sharma reacts to shock Senate preselection win (Sky News mainpage headline, 27 Nov)

The former Australian ambassador to Israel pulled off a stunning victory to secure the spot on Sunday, defeating firm favourite and former member for Bega Andrew Constance.

He also beat former ACT senator Zed Seselja who had the support of Liberal heavyweights Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and former prime minister Tony Abbott.

“Stunning” also now seems to mean “completely unsurprising”. Of course the soppy wet Photios/Textor Libs were always going to keep Zed out. He’s an actual conservative not a Teal. They would reflexively do the same to anyone backed by Dutton and Abbott. Even Constance wouldn’t be wet enough for them I suspect.

I like what Sharma is saying about the Gaza situation, credit where credit’s due.

Sadly though I can see I’m going to need my big black Artline texta again for the next Federal election.

Robert Sewell
November 27, 2023 12:39 pm

It appears Tommy Robinson was arrested at a demo this morning – the police demanded his address in front of media. It’s quite obvious this was a threat to his family, and since he wouldn’t give his address live on air, he was arrested.
What a bloody disgrace.

November 27, 2023 12:41 pm

You’re being obtuse, JC.

I’m talking about social stability.

The United States is no longer a stable society. It’s a toilet.

November 27, 2023 12:42 pm

The United States is no longer a stable society. It’s a toilet.

Ditto UK.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
November 27, 2023 12:42 pm

When attending a wedding, I too carry a sharpened screwdriver, for dealing with any other wedding guest who may displease me.
After stabbing that person, or anybody who happens to be handy, in the neck, I & my circle then threaten to kill the function centre staff.

Nope. What the heck have we imported into this country?

Crikey, civilised people leave their major feuds at home when attending a wedding. It’s the bride’s day & even the most veil sons of bitches I know, or families/neighbours who have long standing bitter hatreds, conduct themselves with decorum at a wedding, no matter the extent of the revelry or how free the bride’s father is with the wine jug.

November 27, 2023 12:51 pm

I’m not being obtuse at all. I was trying to understand what you’re saying.

China isn’t as stable as you’re making out with millions of Uighurs living in slave like conditions. The only sense of stability that exists in China is because of the advent of the social credit system. Before that, China’s policies came under attack, actually through rioting. The stability we see now is bullshit and only because people are too frightened to express themselves.

The US may appear politically unstable but economically it’s in relatively good shape. This place has always gone through bouts of instability. It wasn’t exactly roses during the civil rights movement for instance. Let’s see what the 24 elections bring.

November 27, 2023 1:01 pm

I dunno, I’m not witnessing any amount of social dysfunction in New York except for some homeless you occasionally see around. In fact, I was remarking to wifey today, how polite place this is. There’s always an “excuse me”, or “sorry if I’m in your way” from people of all colors and shapes. Maybe, what I’m seeing is all anecdotal, but perhaps it isn’t.

This is a place bordering on full employment and people’s main preoccupation is going to work and earning a paycheck. Social media tends to create an extreme view at times.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 27, 2023 1:02 pm

The “just stop oil” people should not be allowed to use products derived from oil, and the “just stop coal exports” people should not receive welfare, which this nation has to pay for by a mix of export types.
The “just stop using coal for electricity” people should be made to go off grid.
That’s the sort of social credit they all deserve.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 27, 2023 1:02 pm

Nov 27, 2023 12:42 PM
The United States is no longer a stable society. It’s a toilet.

Ditto UK.

All Western style countries are heading for the kazzi (the Bog) courtesy of Socialism and imported problems. That includes Australia.

November 27, 2023 1:07 pm

That settles it, a 71 year old imported crook wearing an adult diaper and just after an “accident”, reckons we’re living in period of massive instability.

November 27, 2023 1:09 pm

All Western style countries are heading for the kazzi (the Bog) courtesy of Socialism and imported problems. That includes Australia.

Of the Anglo nations, Australia and the UK have serious problems. Because unlike the US with the Trump option, we and the UK only have the dominating and disastrous UNiparty as our choice. Canada may be able to correct itself- maybe. NZ doesn’t really matter but they see some sense now.

November 27, 2023 1:10 pm

Cafe Arroni. That’s the cafe near me that had a bunch of leftwing loons leave because the owner was pro-Israel.

I’d say that 50% of the time I’ve gone past or got a coffee, there’s a NYPD car sitting outside the premises with a couple of cops doing what they do best -sitting in cop cars.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 1:20 pm

Canada may be able to correct itself- maybe.

Unlikely. Two thirds of the voters vote for left wing parties.

When the US revolution comes they can invite Alberta to join the victorious side. The rest of Canada can rot.

November 27, 2023 1:25 pm

The “just stop oil” people should not be allowed to use products derived from oil,

Quite so. I worked at a place in Anglesea ’18-’20 etc. Had a surfer/hippy/woke waitress on staff. She had, among other virtue signalling stickers on her car, one that proclaimed “BIG OIL DON’T SURF”

“I gather you ride a wooden surf board?”

Salvatore, Iron Publican
November 27, 2023 1:26 pm

When the US revolution comes they can invite Alberta to join the victorious side. The rest of Canada can rot.

Saskatchewan, New Brunswick & Manitoba ask to be also considered.

November 27, 2023 1:29 pm

I wouldn’t worry about Canada. Castro’s son is basically done. The provinces are quite powerful and can tell the central government to get lost much more so than we can in Australia. The provinces have more power than US states in some ways.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2023 1:30 pm

Saskatchewan, New Brunswick & Manitoba ask to be also considered.


Ok, they’re better than the rest, but “better” in this respect is relative. Even Alberta has a distressing proclivity to vote for lefties from time to time.

November 27, 2023 1:31 pm

The “just stop oil” people should not be allowed to use products derived from oil, and the “just stop coal exports” people should not receive welfare, which this nation has to pay for by a mix of export types.
The “just stop using coal for electricity” people should be made to go off grid.
That’s the sort of social credit they all deserve.

This shouldn’t even be controversial.

If the Libs weren’t completely useless the first thing they would do in power is to have a referendum banning self-described commies from owning any property. It might not get up, but it would be completely humiliating for commies to be forced to extol the virtues of property.

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