Open Thread – Wed 29 Nov 2023

At The Moulin Rouge, The Dance, Toulouse-Lautrec, 1890

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H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 12:09 pm

If the LNP get in they should set up a $billion kitty for “totally genuine rape accusations”

Hard to think that payment and everyone associated with it doesn’t get its feet held to the fire at some point. Straight out of Victoriastan.

November 30, 2023 12:10 pm

‘Despicable’: Pro-Palestinian protesters ambush Israeli hostage families and friends at Melbourne hotel

A group of pro-Palestinian activists have been branded “despicable” after ambushing friends and families of Israeli hostages at a Melbourne hotel.

Frank Chung

The protesters, some wearing Palestinian keffiyeh headscarves, unfurled signs reading “Stop Arming Israel, Free Palestine” and “Zionism is Fascism” and placed fake babies covered in blood on the ground, while shouting through a loudspeaker.

David Southwick MP

Victoria is a multicultural, inclusive state – but these anti-Israel bigots have embarrassed us on the world stage.

Traumatising the families of Hamas’ victims is despicable.

How did this happen? What are the consequences? How can we ensure this never happens again?

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan condemned the protest.

“Yesterday, I met with a mother whose son was murdered,” she wrote on X on Thursday.

“She — like so many others — has experienced the heartbreak that is every mother’s nightmare, at the hands of terrorists. I condemn the extreme behaviour on display last night, in the strongest possible terms.

I condemn the anti-Semitism. I condemn targeting people in their moment of grief.

Whatever your views, we all expect Victorians to act with decency and humanity.”

November 30, 2023 12:11 pm

“Tuna casserole and savoury mince?

When I was a kid, we were so poor we couldn’t afford a fire – so Dad would suck a peppermint, and we’d all sit around his tongue.

H/t Kevin Bloody Wilson.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 12:14 pm

“I declare it now, if I have actually finished the book, I will donate or 200 and whatever, to charity,” Ms Higgins replied. “I don’t care about the money.”

Does that mean she’ll be returning the three million quid?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 30, 2023 12:16 pm

‘I’m here to get things done’: Albanese blasts Liberal Party during Question Time

Mr Albanese criticised the Liberal Party for their constant blocking of measures put forward by the Albanese government.

“Those opposite continue to interject, continue to vote against everything, continue to be totally against everything measure that is done,” Mr Albanese said.

Constant blocking of measures put forward by the Albanese government?

Last time I looked, Handsome Boy had full control of the Lower House and, working with the Greens and Indies, control over the Senate. In fact, unless the Government is trying something stupid that offends the Parliament generally, the Coalition has no blocking power at all.

The little fellow appears to be soiling himself over his own dismal record.

November 30, 2023 12:17 pm

Incredible. The stupid, ugly fat NY AG is trying to terrorise Trump, who along with the incel judge, are wanting to fine him US$400 million.

The bank loved the business.

Deutsche Bank Gained Lucrative Business From Trump, Former Executive Testifies
The ex-banker, in a 2011 email read during civil fraud trial, described the billionaire as a ‘whale’ to be reeled in

“We are whale hunting,” Vrablic wrote in a 2011 email that was read in court, a reference to landing the billionaire as a client. By that December, Trump had parked $20 million into a Deutsche Bank account. The next year, Deutsche had lent Trump more than $200 million, financing his acquisition of Miami’s Doral golf resort. By 2013, the bank was generating millions in revenue from its business with Trump, she said.

Vrablic said Trump fit the profile of a real-estate “entrepreneur and investor with a successful track record” that the bank was trying to target.

On cross-examination, she said she never examined Trump’s financial statements herself but had an expectation that her clients wouldn’t submit false or misleading statements to the bank, as the state alleges Trump did.

Her testimony came a day after David Williams, a Deutsche Bank loan underwriter who worked on annual credit reviews of Trump, testified that it wasn’t unusual for the bank and a client to arrive at sharply different net-worth estimates. In 2013, Trump estimated his net worth at $4.9 billion while the bank put the figure at $2.6 billion after doing its own analysis, according to documents cited in court.

Williams said he saw nothing out of the ordinary with the bank’s downward adjustment.

Trump lawyer Chris Kise said the testimony from bank officials showed that New York Attorney General Letitia James had no case.

November 30, 2023 12:17 pm

Special delegation of families of Israeli hostages and victims blocked from entering Melbourne hotel by pro-Palestine protesters yelling, waving flags in lobby

A man visiting Australia with a special delegation from Israel has detailed to feeling “insecure” after the group were briefly blocked from entering their hotel rooms by pro-Palestinian protesters overnight in an alleged “ambushing”.

Laura Grassby – Digital Reporter

Comments Not Kind to Palestinian Protestors – Australian Muslims will lose Badly from this sort of Activity

– This is the lowest of the lowest, I am ashamed to be called Australian. What is happening to this country utter destruction of the Australian way of life. Disgusted!

– Just what will it take for these demonstrations to be outlawed. These activists are supporting a terrorist organisation. Where were the Hotel Security people??

– these people yelling shame shame after all Hamas started this War now their getting their backsides kicked they’re complaining.

– Welcome to this “New” Australia! Unfortunately it is nothing like the wonderful country where I grew up. How could our leaders let it all come to this?

– Phone Albanese and ask him to come and sort it out.

– Australia is a joke now.

– Do these people know they are in sympathy with terrorists?

– despicable behaviour And disgusting of Hamas that a little baby, his brother and mother who enjoying life in Israel are now all dead, a direct result of Hamas kidnapping them on October 7. Justice for Israelis

– Thanks to weak Labor from federal to state this is what we end up with. These pro Palestinian/Hamas protests should have been stopped at the very beginning, Why were these people even allowed entry to the Crown Plaza?? If their own security couldn’t deal with them then the police should have been called. The Australia I grew up in is slowly disappearing,.

– No wonder the Australian public are turning their backs on this hopeless left wing socialist Albanese Government the majority have had a gut full of these society destroying monitories

November 30, 2023 12:20 pm

I recall some ‘yes’ talking head saying “not all ‘no’ supporters are racist but all the racist are on the ‘no’ side.

How about this for irony.

Not all critics of Israel are anti Semites but all the anti Semites are on critics side.

November 30, 2023 12:20 pm

Anal finds it hard to conceal his true nastiness. Liddle filth managed to do so with the conivence of the meja. We only found out about the butler and the cigars much later. I despise the meja.

November 30, 2023 12:22 pm

“I declare it now, if I have actually finished the book, I will donate or 200 and whatever, to charity,” Ms Higgins replied. “I don’t care about the money.”

There goes David’s Christmas Land Rover.

November 30, 2023 12:22 pm

Beanies are not stylish in the remotest except on skibunnies and I assume you’re not one.

November 30, 2023 12:22 pm

Nov 30, 2023 1:34 AM

The children you refer to in your above comment have a good Catholic mother and attend a Catholic school.
IMO your comment is uncharitable.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 12:22 pm


Nov 30, 2023 8:41 AM
I’m with Cali on the Greens wench. Deeply inappropriate and deliberately provocative.

One day we will wake up to the mohammedan tactic of provocation. They do it to provoke a reaction so they can then claim victimhood.
And it’s worked for centuries.
They are still unable to accept the Reconquista happened because the tactic of the eternal victim ran up against someone who was sick of it.

Cassie of Sydney
November 30, 2023 12:23 pm

While I have lots of sympathy for you Cassie, I don’t think you should get hung up on claiming the “Nazi” comparison. Humans are smart, we can learn stuff in real time, we can hold lots of nuance in their head”

Nah, the Nazi label is very accurate. As an historical footnote, Palestinian nationalists, the most infamous being Amin al-Husseini, allied themselves with Hitler and Germany during World War II. Husseini cuddled up to Hitler, he even formed SS squads made up of Bosnian Muslims to murder Jews.

There’s no nuance needed, only last night Palestinian and leftist Nazis stormed a hotel in Melbourne where Jews are staying. Jewish businesses are being targeted as I write.

I call them what they are…Nazis.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 30, 2023 12:26 pm

NSW planning Minister Scully said planning rules had grown unwieldy due to “ten years of that other mob being in government”. No mention of Peter Dutton this time.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 12:26 pm

There goes David’s Christmas Land Rover.

Be interesting to see how much longer he’s on the scene….

Cassie of Sydney
November 30, 2023 12:27 pm

The children you refer to in your above comment have a good Catholic mother and attend a Catholic school.
IMO your comment is uncharitable.”

How do you know she’s a good “good Catholic mother”? Earlier this year he wrote that she voted Greens. He was proud of that. He’s also written here that she agrees with everything he says, so she must also think that the late Cardinal Pell was a “rock spider”.

IMO your comment reeks of sanctimony.

November 30, 2023 12:28 pm

America – The Countries in the Very Best of Hands

Biden Sparks Serious Concern With Comments About ‘Code to Blow Up the World’ and Who Chinese Leader Is

But that wasn’t all. It got worse, especially when Biden started talking about the nuclear codes. “Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world,” he told the workers at the plant. Seriously, he said that.

BIDEN: “Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world”

Oh my. Why did he even talk about that? And how are our nuclear codes in the hands of such a man?

We all know that had former President Donald Trump said anything like this, the Democrats would be screaming their heads off, crying that he endangered national security, and drafting up more articles of impeachment or calling for the 25th Amendment to be employed.

But here’s Joe Biden talking about Xi Jinping and confusing him with Deng Xiaoping, and getting very angry in the process.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 12:29 pm

Husseini cuddled up to Hitler, he even formed SS squads made up of Bosnian Muslims to murder Jews.

Husseini received a personal guarantee from Hitler that, in the event of a Nazi victory, “The Jews will be yours” and had an extermination camp planned, to be located near Nablus..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 12:29 pm

Science fiction is more believable.

Hostile actors could weaponise climate change: Bowen (Paywallian)

Chris Bowen will warn hostile actors could weaponise climate change to sabotage Australia’s ‘fragile’ energy networks, as severe weather events increase threat of global political instability.

What hostile actors Chris? China? They’re your blue-eyed boyfriends, saving the planet. Russia? North Korea? The UN? And why are our energy networks ‘fragile’? They used to be really robust. And that severe weather thing – all the climate data says there’s less and less of it. Does that mean global warming is a good thing?

Bowen is the worst government minister I’ve had the misfortune to experience in my entire life, worse than Jim Cairns.

November 30, 2023 12:30 pm
November 30, 2023 12:32 pm

This guy is really a horrible person.

Pope Francis kicks conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke out of his Vatican apartment and strips him of his salary after he criticized pontiff’s pro-LGBT stance

Get a load on his antics. He’s just repulsive.

November 30, 2023 12:33 pm

Yes Jim Cairns didn’t destroy the power supply and Morosi was hot.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
November 30, 2023 12:33 pm

Re the blockade of the Melbourne pub where families of Hamas hostages are staying:
How many of the blockaders are in hospital? How many are at home nursing horrific bruises?

Asking coz over the past 2 yrs I’ve seen the Victoria Police attitude toward Nazis, & I’ve seen the Victoria Police methods of dealing with protestors who won’t move.

November 30, 2023 12:34 pm

Bowen is the worst government minister I’ve had the misfortune to experience in my entire life…

I seriously believe he’s a blade short of a wind turbine.

November 30, 2023 12:35 pm

The first truly evil Pope in my lifetime.

November 30, 2023 12:36 pm
November 30, 2023 12:37 pm

Trading terrorists for hostages

Israelis agreed to a bad deal for a good reason

“Swaps of captives resume after brief protest by Hamas,” read the top headline in the Washington Post on Sunday.

But the “captives” set free by Israel had all been arrested or already convicted of such crimes as stabbing, shooting, and attempted suicide bombing, while the “captives” released by Hamas are all innocent women and children dragged from their homes in flagrant violation of international law.

In what legal or moral universe is there any equivalence between the two?

The Israelis are releasing three terrorists for every civilian hostage returned. Other components of the deal include Israelis allowing hundreds of truckloads of fuel and other supplies into Gaza, knowing full well that Hamas will steal as much as possible from the Palestinian civilians for whom the aid is intended.

That’s what Hamas’s “protest” was about. The terrorist group wanted aid supplied to areas the Israelis have declared military zones. The delay ended when the Israelis made clear they would be pushed no further.

So long as at least 10 hostages per day are released, the Israeli Defense Forces are “pausing” military operations against Hamas commanders and fighters, most believed to be sheltering in a network of multi-billion-dollars tunnels.

Will this deal result in more Israeli soldiers being killed? Almost certainly. But Israeli soldiers believe it is their duty to save civilians.

Hamas’s leaders, by contrast, believe it is the duty of civilians to save them.

And Hamas leaders know that dead Gazans produce propaganda wins.

“Hamas has spotted something about the modern world that has meant that instead of demonstrations against their atrocities and hostage-taking, the largest demonstrations globally have taken place against the victim, Israel,” writes the award-winning historian Andrew Roberts in a provocative essay titled, “What Makes Hamas Worse Than the Nazis.”

More than a few European leaders personify this “modern world.”

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, in a statement that never mentions Hamas, called the release of Emily Hand, a nine-year-old Irish-Israeli, “a day of enormous joy and relief. …An innocent child who was lost has now been found and returned.”

Lost and found? Is he under the impression Emily wandered away from a Girl Scout troop and was taken in by a kindly shepherd?

Israelis agreed to a bad deal for a good reason: to save the lives of as many hostages – especially children – as they can.

When Hamas runs out of human cards to play – or just stops trickling them out – Israelis will come under intense pressure to extend the “humanitarian ceasefire,” a euphemism for letting Hamas survive to slaughter another day.

If Israelis are thinking strategically, they’ll resist that pressure, understanding now more vividly than ever how much of the “modern world” neither opposes Hamas’s openly and explicitly genocidal ambitions nor even believes that Jewish lives matter.

Clifford D. May is founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and a columnist for the Washington Times.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 12:38 pm

There goes David’s Christmas Land Rover.

Thus saving him from 12 months of grief (wherever he is).

November 30, 2023 12:41 pm

In reports of these protests it is seldom mentioned that socialist groups are present and actively stirring the pot. I think the SFLs could profit by highlighting this at every opportunity

November 30, 2023 12:41 pm

todays outrage … apparently ~31bn in profit is way too little to pay for cash management services by the big 4 banks.

And the Armaguard company can’t afford the run the service unless $190m is paid by someone, anyone ….

Normally I’m not the one to support punitive levies on finance biz, but this one is a no-brainer. Levy big 4 banks for providing cash services and charge them double for towns where they close branches, for about 5 years or so.

This industry needs a good hit to remind it where they make their money … shame Albo & team are so unskilled in real business and low-IQ they have no capacity to bring the banks to order.

November 30, 2023 12:42 pm

mOnster, not so much. On the bright side, his kids must be about at the age where they are considering murdering him in revenge for their socialist indoctrinated childhood. Hope is eternal.

Poor little bastards are probably at some pro Hamas meeting as I type.

Taking a shot a someone’s kid is crossing the line, Cassie.

P’s protest was in her typical genteel style not sanctimonious at all, unlike yours.

November 30, 2023 12:43 pm

Chris Bowen will warn hostile actors could weaponise climate change to sabotage Australia’s ‘fragile’ energy networks, as severe weather events increase threat of global political instability.

I’m speechless at this. Wow, paranoia? This is the type of tin foil hat hyperbole you’d expect from fringe dwellers not a minister of the crown.

What an imbecile.

Cassie of Sydney
November 30, 2023 12:48 pm


Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 12:49 pm


Nov 30, 2023 10:13 AM
Freed Thai hostage reports that Jewish hostages were beaten with electric cables and starved.

I repeat my belief that hostages should be treated as if they were dead, or if not dead, to be assumed to be living in a state of brutalisation and despair that they would prefer to be dead.
I would hate to be rescued after being captured only to find out a soldier had been killed while rescuing me.

November 30, 2023 12:49 pm

You’re so judgy, wheelspoke.

November 30, 2023 12:51 pm


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 30, 2023 12:51 pm

In Shock Horror Racist Royalty news:

At 8:24, Piers Morgan reveals the names (as ‘accidentally named’ by a strangely androgynous Markel-adjacent journalist) of the senior royals who allegedly somehow and in some way speculated on the potential skin colour of Mr. and Mrs. Markel’s children.

King Chaz 3.0 and Princess Kate of Wales.

The House of Windor has fallen.

November 30, 2023 12:52 pm

Still the hardest man on the internet:

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 12:52 pm

Court can be quite good entertainment, if you’re not the one paginating volumes of evidence. My Mum, when training as a nurse in one of the London teaching hospitals would go down to the Old Bailey on days off. The ushers would send them to one that had potential.

November 30, 2023 12:54 pm

Omid Scobie sounds like a tropical venereal disease.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 12:57 pm

Chris Bowen will warn hostile actors could weaponise climate change to sabotage Australia’s ‘fragile’ energy networks …

Presumably from underground lairs while stroking a white cat.

November 30, 2023 12:58 pm

The House of Windsor has fallen

fellas, its been good to know ya.

seriously, Megan + Partner “H” seem to be some of nastier bits of work in the flotsam and jetsam drifting around in the putrid waters of CA celebrity.

November 30, 2023 12:59 pm

You’re so judgy

I remember another neurotic chick accused me of that on the old cat.


November 30, 2023 1:00 pm

Take That Australian Peasant Taxpayers – I am so above You! – What Cost of Living – Isn’t Life Free on the Canberra Taxpayer Teat – Doesn’t Everyone’s Son get to Join the Qantas Chairmans Club?

Albo infiltrates the elites: Former housing commission kid gains entry to one of Australia’s poshest clubs

. Anthony Albanese will attend $30,000-a-year golf club
. PM is a member of elite Royal Sydney Golf Club in Rose Bay

Anthony Albanese is now a member of The Royal Sydney Golf Club, a highly prestigious golf club that holds a prominent status as one of the most esteemed in the country.

Situated in Rose Bay within Sydney’s exclusive eastern suburbs, membership to the golf club typically requires an invitation. However, prime ministers are automatically granted membership privileges.

In the case of Mr Albanese, it is understood that he won’t be subject to any membership fees.

November 30, 2023 1:02 pm

JC, don’t worry too much about Cardinal Burke.

The US hierarchy owns a pile of Roman real estate.

There are several disturbing videos of wacko Francis humiliating people who want to reverence the Ring of the Fisherman. They’re always elderly, pious folk.

When they’re rich people like Leonardo DiCaprio, no worries.

If Bergoglio doesn’t like the custom, he should have his attendant announce to the waiting faithful not to do it.

Cassie of Sydney
November 30, 2023 1:02 pm

Lizzie is always genteel but I don’t recall Bespooky ever gallantly jumping in to defend her.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
November 30, 2023 1:03 pm

Oh my lordy lord. Our Brittany seems to be making a greater hash of her testimony than she did in the criminal trial.

She’s reneging (i.e. changing her story to the diametric opposite) on all manner of things.
Whybrow is worth his fee, that’s for sure.

November 30, 2023 1:03 pm

Some comments on the tribulations of Trump from Jim Rickards:

Good news, bad news for Trump’s re-election chances

We’ve written extensively about the non-stop efforts of Trump’s enemies to make sure he never becomes president again. These efforts began with Hillary Clinton’s Russia hoax in 2016 that paralysed Trump for the first two years of his presidency. This was followed by the first impeachment that involved a brief Trump phone call to President Zelensky in Ukraine about investigating corruption by the Biden Crime Family. It turns out that all the allegations about bribes to the Bidens were true, but somehow just asking about it led to the impeachment of Trump. Then there was the second impeachment that concluded after Trump was already out of office; an unprecedented violation of due process.

Since then, Trump’s enemies have not rested. He has been indicted on over 90 felony charges in Washington DC, New York, Fulton County Georgia and Palm Beach. These charges are also bogus. But his odds of being convicted of at least one felony in one of these cases are high because the jurisdictions were all hand-picked by Democrats to make sure the juries were reliable Trump-haters. On top of that, a civil case in New York seeks to revoke Trump’s business licences, put his properties in receivership and sell them off one-by-one, net of a $250 million fine. This would practically bankrupt the Trump Organisation, which is the whole idea.

Just when you think there’s nothing else they can throw at Trump, along comes the craziest idea of all. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution has a clause that was designed to prevent Confederate rebels from holding office in the US government. It was based on participation in an ‘insurrection,’ which was clearly a reference to the Civil War. Democrats are trying to use this clause to ban Trump from the ballot in many states (now you know why Nancy Pelosi kept yelling ‘insurrection!’ after the January 6 riots. It was all part of a plan).

These so-called insurrection clause cases are now reaching the courts. An important decision came down in Colorado a few days ago. It was good news and bad news for Trump. The good news was that the judge said Trump’s name would remain on the ballot because he was not ‘an officer of the United States’ as required by the 14th Amendment. The bad news is that the judge ruled that Trump did participate in an ‘insurrection.’

While Trump won on a technicality, the Colorado judge’s finding of insurrection could be cited by courts in other states that take a different view on the ‘officer’ clause. If another court rules that Trump was an ‘officer’ and that he did engage in ‘insurrection’ (relying on the Colorado case), then that’s enough to kick Trump off the ballot. This issue is pending in about 10 other states. We have not heard the last of it.

November 30, 2023 1:07 pm

“It’s not a competition-Lizzie”, Cassie.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:07 pm


Nov 30, 2023 10:32 AM
“Can anyone remember last El Nino/La Nina when we got lots of rain and the Indonesians had a bit of a drought,…”
El Nino / La Nina is one part.
Second part is IOD – does cloud from Indian Ocean move from WA/NT to NSW/Vic, or does it not.
Third part is Antarctic – on the east coast, do we get “Southerly Busters” or not.

Kneel, the point I was making was about the Indonesians being stirred up about “Australia Stealing Our Rain” by cloud seeding. Not the mechanics of the weather – the politicisation of the weather by unscrupulous state and religious actors.

November 30, 2023 1:07 pm

Banks call for crisis talks as cash transport firm teeters

James Eyers – Senior Reporter

Lindsay Fox-owned cash transport firm Armaguard is seeking an injection of funding to ensure it can operate its banknote distribution services profitably, just five months after it merged with rival Prosegur to create a near-monopoly that was supposed to prop up the industry.

Banks filed an urgent application to the competition regulator on Wednesday to allow them to meet and discuss a joint response to the possible crisis in distributing cash around the nation.

As the banks push customers towards digital payments and cash use declines, Armaguard is making heavy losses.

The percentage of payments in cash has plunged from 62 per cent in 2010 to 13 per cent in 2021, and is expected to continue to fall.

This has jacked up the unit cost of delivering banknotes to bank branches and retailers in fleets of trucks.

The decline in cash payments has come despite the value of banknotes in circulation hitting records last year, as people stuff it under their mattresses for emergencies such as natural disasters or telecommunications outages.

The banks want the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission decision on waiving competition laws to allow the talks by the end of next week, reflecting the urgency of the situation.

“Last month, Armaguard advised banks that the challenge of rapidly declining cash use has now put the continued viability of their business at risk,” the Australian Banking Association said on Wednesday.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers told The Australian Financial Review the federal government is “working closely with Australian banks, the RBA and industry to ensure Australians can continue to access cash”.

The merger between Armaguard and Spain’s Prosegur – approved by the ACCC despite creating a company with a 90 per cent share of the cash distribution market – was supposed to relieve financial pressure on Armaguard, by allowing it to consolidate truck routes and cash-distribution centres.

But the merged company is still operating at a steep loss, with projections pointing to a $190 million cash deficit over the next three years.

Armaguard’s request for industry support was made at a meeting initiated by Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock on October 30. Armaguard told representatives from the major banks, along with officials from Treasury and the RBA, that it had insufficient self-generating funds to reinvest in the future sustainability of its distribution networks.

The private company, owned by billionaire trucking magnate Mr Fox, also expressed concerns about the ongoing viability of its business model – notwithstanding the merger – and indicated there was a real risk that it would cease to supply services in the short term without further financial support, according to people at the meeting.

Armaguard asked for an extra $190 million cash injection over three years to ensure it could operate profitably over that period.

ABA staff were in Canberra on Tuesday and Wednesday to brief politicians on the situation.

Access to cash remains a key pillar of the government’s payments policy and the banks said they wanted to back a “sustainable model” to ensure cash continued to circulate for those who wished to use it.

“The challenge facing our economy and society is that as the use of cash for payments declines, the unit cost of transporting and distributing it escalates,” ABA chief executive Anna Bligh said.

“The reason the ABA is seeking authorisation from the ACCC is so banks can be part of the solution to design a sustainable model for people to access cash in the long-term future.”

If the ACCC provides authorisation for the banks to collectively negotiate with Armaguard, their meetings are likely to discuss not only the short-term issue of extra financial support for Armaguard, but longer-term solutions for the troubled industry.

Sources said this could include the banks – potentially alongside the federal government – creating a public utility to provide cash services.

But the banks in the past have not been keen to recreate a version of Armaguard, due to the logistical and security challenges, and the sector’s pressured economics.

The government may also be asked to help fund the services.

Forecasts by Accenture indicate the cash spiral will continue over the coming years, with use for transactions projected to reach just 4 per cent by 2030.

“Banks have been working with the RBA to better understand the problems facing Armaguard.

However, these services are subject to commercial-in-confidence contracts and banks will require ACCC authorisation to hold the joint discussions necessary to develop a sustainable long-term solution,” Ms Bligh said.

“Treasurer Jim Chalmers has made it clear the government considers access to cash as a priority for the Australian economy. Banks are determined to do everything they can to ensure that their customers, including large retailers and small businesses, can continue to access cash when they need it.”

According to the ACCC application on Wednesday, the banks are concerned “any suspension, exit or default by Armaguard in the supply of [cash delivery] services could reduce the availability of cash to the major banks at a distribution level, and other participants in the retail cash distribution chain such as other commercial banks, Australia Post, major retailers and ATM services providers”.

“This in turn could reduce the availability of cash to consumers and businesses across Australia,” the banks have told the regulator, calling for it to decide by December 8.

When the ACCC approved the merger deal in June, it said without the combination, either Armaguard or Prosegur would likely exit the market and cause “significant disruption” to the distribution of cash across the economy.

The deal approval included measures to subject Armaguard to a court-enforceable undertaking to guarantee existing service contracts with banks and large retailers, capping price increases and ensuring geographical coverage and ATM services are maintained for the next three years.

The undertakings stipulate no changes to existing contracts can be made for three years and for contracts rolling off during this period, price rises will be capped at CPI plus 7.5 per cent.

Armaguard was acquired by the Linfox Group in 2003. Prosegur, whose parent company is based in Madrid, entered Australia via the acquisition of Chubb Security Services in late 2013. The tie-up was first announced in July 2022.

Armaguard, via its atmx subsidiary, has been buying out-of-branch ATM fleets from major banks, including ANZ and CBA. The ACCC undertaking included commitments that cover ATM services.

The merger was approved despite opposition from Commonwealth Bank and Woolworths. CBA told the ACCC in its submission that post-transaction, “the combined entity would not be incentivised to ensure high ATM availability, which could be detrimental to consumer choice”.

In a related matter, the Senate’s standing committee on rural and regional affairs will report on rural bank closures on Friday.

Banks have been under growing political pressure this year after the committee heard evidence that cash-banking is an essential service for many members of the community, particularly the vulnerable and marginalised who lack digital skills and financial literacy, creating a new political pressure point for the banks.

November 30, 2023 1:08 pm

Nah, the Nazi label is very accurate

Actually, I’d argue it’s not a strong enough descriptor. The current terrorist enemy is far worse and they are only just getting going. They have the same stated aim as the Nazis are are willing to go further, harder and faster.

Plus they have managed, in the space of less than 6 weeks to psychologically entrap the many weak-minded elements of supposedly civilised societies across the globe to support their disgusting barbarous butchery. Which they do not hide behind neat German euphemisms or silent complicity.

These excreble excuses for human beings that support them are being given free rein by political, judicial and security ‘services’ (once known as police forces) worldwide to threaten and harass all who disagree.

We are at a very dangerous point in history. Those of us who oppose these monstrous savages must win the mental battle in order to emerge victorious over evil.

Compare them to Nazis if you must, but be very clear that they are worse and will wreak havoc that the Nazis could have only dreamt of if they get their way.

November 30, 2023 1:09 pm

. Anthony Albanese will attend $30,000-a-year golf club
. PM is a member of elite Royal Sydney Golf Club in Rose Bay

‘Fighting’ Tories the new-age way by playing golf with them.

I seem to have missed that tactic in my lefty trot training sessions at Uni.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:09 pm

Boambee John

Nov 30, 2023 10:33 AM
The vice-president of Labor’s Auburn-Lidcombe branch, Dr Mohamad Assoum [Hello!], said many within Australia’s Arab, Muslim and Palestinian communities were feeling “disenfranchised with our political system at this point in time”.

Perhaps the good doctor might like to piss off then, to another nation that gives him this enfranchisement – Iran seems like a good spot.

John H.
John H.
November 30, 2023 1:09 pm

Nov 30, 2023 12:59 PM
You’re so judgy

I remember another neurotic chick accused me of that on the old cat.


Shock! Horror! Someone on the cat is being judgemental!

November 30, 2023 1:11 pm

Oh my lordy lord. Our Brittany seems to be making a greater hash of her testimony than she did in the criminal trial.

Good. It’s time the permanently gullible woke up to the fact that she’s a lying liar who lies.

November 30, 2023 1:13 pm

Bowen says 43pc emissions target ‘within striking distance’

Jacob Greber – Senior correspondent

Labor has rejected calls from the government’s independent climate think tank to impose a ban on traditional car sales no later than 2040 and remove existing residential gas connections even as the latest official emissions projections show the country falling short of its 43 per cent target.

The government’s annual climate change statement released on Thursday says cuts to industrial and resources emissions from reforms to the safeguard mechanism and last week’s decision to underwrite up to $60 billion in renewable energy projects mean Australia will reduce emissions by 42 per cent on 2005 levels this decade.

A year ago, the government’s projections were for a 40 per cent reduction on 2005 levels.

“The updated emissions projections we are releasing today show good progress but that we must stay the course in implementing our policies,” Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen told parliament. “I’m pleased to update that this year, we have seen progress and are within striking distance of 43 per cent by 2030.”

Despite Mr Bowen’s growing confidence from government modelling, the latest greenhouse inventory data shows overall emissions rose in the 2022-23 financial year by 3.6 million tonnes, or 0.8 per cent, to 465.2 million tonnes. Pollution from cars, utes and SUVs led the increase, as well as agriculture that offset twice the reductions delivered across the electricity-sector thanks in part to rapid rooftop solar installations.

The numbers mean Australia’s annual current emissions are still 116 million tonnes above the 2030 target, which was legislated by parliament just over a year ago as part of Labor’s promise to put the country on track to help keep global temperature increases below 2 per cent, according to the latest annual progress report by the Climate Change Authority, the statutory agency that reports to parliament on climate matters and on Thursday made 42 recommendations for action.

Hitting the 43 per cent target means decarbonising at an annual average rate of 17 million tonnes, the authority said.

The recommendations emphasise the need for greater Commonwealth, state and territory cooperation, as well as support for investment in technologies such as carbon capture, utilisation and storage.

Ban proposed on new petrol cars

However, Labor has said it would not adopt three specific items from the authority’s list.

The first would place an effective ban on sales of new internal combustion engines via the introduction of a fuel efficiency standard no later than 2040.

It is understood the government has rejected this recommendation because it is still working up the parameters of a fuel efficiency standard.

The Australian Financial Review revealed this month that the government was delaying release until next year of an efficiency standard – which would spur carmakers to sell more EVs by driving up the cost of high-emissions vehicles such as utes and 4x4s – amid political fears of a backlash from voters suffering from cost-of-living pressures.

Mr Bown told parliament on Thursday a fuel efficiency standard “cannot be rushed”.

“The government is committed to the introduction of a FES for new light vehicles, and we are working through the design and implementation to get it right,” he said. “Without one, Australians will continue to miss out on the cleaner, cheaper-to-run vehicles available elsewhere.”

He said Labor has not yet set specific net zero targets for individual sectors of the economy and “it would be premature to set a target for new light vehicles”.

Labor will also ignore a call from the authority to conduct a cost-benefit analysis for a fuel efficiency standard for trucks by the end of next year.

An end to household gas

In the energy sector, the government rejected a recommendation that it work with state and territory governments to agree on a national plan for the “phase-out for existing gas connections”.

Mr Bowen said the federal government was pro-consumer choice on gas connections.

Climate Change Authority chief executive Brad Archer said the country is “not yet on track to meet its 2030 targets”, including Mr Bowen’s goal for 82 per cent renewable energy by 2030.

“Achieving the 82 per cent renewable energy target is going to be crucial for Australia’s ability to meet the 43 per cent emissions reduction target. This will require some heavy lifting.

“Renewables have been rolling out at a fast rate, but we have to go even faster, all around Australia to hit the 82 per cent target.”

At least 3612 kilometres of new transmissions lines will be needed by 2030 to absorb the new renewable energy generation, according to the agency, which expects a doubling of solar and wind capacity from current levels.

Cars, utes and cows

Electricity accounted for around one-third of total emissions, or 152 million tonnes in 2022-23, representing a 3.5 per cent reduction from the previous year driven by coal closures and strong renewable energy uptake.

Emissions from industry and resources that generate around 40 per cent of the national total, were largely stable, up less than 1 per cent to 185 million tonnes.

Fugitive emissions from coal and gas production stood at 47 million tonnes, down 1.7 per cent.

Transport emissions – equivalent to 21 per cent of the national total – jumped 8 per cent to 98 million tonnes from the previous year, with half coming from light vehicles such as cars, utes and SUVs, according to official data.

Agriculture emissions rose 3.8 per cent to 82 million tonnes, which equates to 18 per cent of total emissions.

Much of the increase comes from recovery across the sector after drought ended in 2020.

“With 2030 only seven years away, we believe the time is right for a new commonwealth-state agreement process that would provide a framework for cooperation on the response to climate change, including where coordinated action is required in the national interest,” said Mr Archer.

“There is broad community support for strong action on climate change, but delivering the changes needed in the economy and in society to meet our emissions reductions targets are immense and urgent.”

“These are the changes that will underpin a successful transition to a net-zero economy and ensure Australia’s future prosperity and resilience.”

November 30, 2023 1:15 pm

The koran is a world domination handbook and
Islam’s the master race at slimy underdog play acting.
The current game of hostages falling in love with murderous rapists takes the cake.
Incidentally do like how the IDF trolls hamasassas with tales of all girl tank crews and heroic dogs.

November 30, 2023 1:17 pm

Must learn to scroll back after pauses to work to find Andrew Roberts has already made my point about Hamarse being worse than the Nazis in the link posted upthread.

Back to lurking then.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 30, 2023 1:18 pm

Kissinger brown bread

November 30, 2023 1:20 pm

seriously, Megan + Partner “H”

Please Alamak! It’s Meghan. I need that H included to avoid any possibility of confusion.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:20 pm

Multiple authors:
My deal for Israel:
From West to East –
Sinai Peninsula + Suez Canal,
Gaza strip,
All points West of the Jordan River to be Arab Frei,
+ Golan Heights
Lebanon to be Arab Frei Christian Nation, just like it was before they were stupid enough to invite Black September in after the Jordanian King got the shits with them.
I’ve had a gutful of this lunatic cult. They can learn the hard way.

November 30, 2023 1:24 pm

Please Alamak! It’s Meghan. I need that H included to avoid any possibility of confusion.

This total lack of respect paid to the House of Sussex will result in my beheading, if I should ever show my face in the Grand Duchy of Meghan & “H” a.k.a. LA.

November 30, 2023 1:25 pm

France could be on the brink of civil war

For decades, governments have avoided looking too closely at the worsening situation. We are now reaching a tipping point


Two years ago, after yet another couple of nights of rioting in the banlieues, twenty retired French generals wrote an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, then about to run for a second term, warning that the divisions between communities and increasing “violence and nihilism” in France would eventually cause a social breakdown, with a risk of “chaos” leading to a “civil war” that would then “require” a military “intervention… in a dangerous mission to protect our civilisational values and safeguard our compatriots”.

Strong stuff, co-signed by some 100 senior officers and about a thousand other members of the military, in a country where the Army is known as “the Great Mute”, i.e. never expressing a preference in national politics.

In the one instance, during the Algerian independence war, when four generals attempted a putsch against President Charles de Gaulle on April 21, 1961 to protest the projected departure of France from her rebelling colony, they were followed by a pitiful number of the military, and the coup petered out within three days.

Six decades later, the Lettre des généraux was received with contempt, with most commentators calling its authors “irrelevant”, reading its apocalyptic predictions as a “threat” against the Republic.

Yet this week Olivier Véran, the cabinet spokesman, seemed to share those conclusions as, on a visit to the village of Crépol, south of Lyon, he warned that France might be at a “tipping point” after the fatal stabbing of a local 16 year-old boy.

Condemning both the knife attacks during a Saturday evening dance and the subsequent march by right-wing activists intent on a fight into the neighbourhood where the suspects live, the minister vowed that the government would stand with the bereaved family and called for a harsh sentencing, “up to a life sentence [with] no mitigating circumstances”, for the culprits.

He reportedly added that the government is “clearly” aware that violence from “packs” is ratcheting up “tensions… you can’t stand these gangs any more… neither can we”, promising the “full mobilisation” of the state to “guarantee the safety of all citizens”.

Too little, too late:

the minister’s well-meaning words were badly received. One of the villagers reportedly shouted to Véran: “You’ve done much more for them than you do for the hard-working people in the countryside, who get no benefits and raise their children with values.”

“Them” means the problem groups in council housing, many of whom are children or grandchildren of Muslim immigrants, like the Crépol knife-wielding attackers who disrupted the Saturday evening dance, allegedly shouting “we’ve come to get whites”.

The Valence judiciary refused, against general custom, to give first names for the suspects they arrested.

The entire country suspects why the names were not given: in the well-meaning aim not to “stigmatise” an entire community whose immense majority is law-abiding.

This time, several newspapers chose to question that decision (the centre-left Le Parisien, which belongs to Bernard Arnault, the luxury magnate, printed the Arabic first name of the suspected killer).

To say the French public are getting fractious is understating the current perception, supported by many sociologists and statisticians, that the country has failed badly in assimilating all citizens.

To use a word coined by novelist Michel Houellebecq, France is increasingly “atomised”.

France’s top pollster and political analyst, Jérôme Fourquet, talks of the “French archipelago”, a country of discrete islands, each inward-looking.

For almost three decades, government after government chose not to look too closely at a worsening situation.

France was for centuries a land of successful assimilation.

Italians, Spaniards, Russian Jews, Poles came and became French.

But sheer numbers, as well as the change from a requirement to “assimilate” to the easier one of “integrate”, mean the French model is broken.

Each separate failure concurs to the general breakdown of the national compact.

The long-admired French education system is no longer fit for purpose: our schools have slid from the top to the bottom of the PISA rankings in just a few years, especially in those areas where non-French-speaking children account for the majority in most classes.

School teachers are less and less respected by both the body politic – which allowed their salaries to fall by half in real terms – and by their pupils, disruptive and often violent.

In some areas, the history of the 20th century, especially of the Holocaust, has been near-impossible to teach for years: inroads by Islamism in the classrooms, long denied, have contributed to the murder of two teachers in three years.

The police, meanwhile, are badly paid, badly considered, often afraid for their lives in the areas where they must keep order, they resign in droves.

(The profession has one of the highest suicide rates in France.)

As a result, training time has been reduced from a year to eight months, so bad is the need for boots on the ground.

As a result, trust between the ruling classes and the people has declined in lockstep with France’s economic and cultural decline.

(If you live in the centre of Paris or Lyon, even Marseille, you can send your children to good private schools and Grandes Écoles, almost guaranteeing good jobs that will enable them to keep living where the crisis is not felt.)

Like his predecessors, Emmanuel Macron first displayed indifference towards the chaotic immigration system:

the new Immigration Bill, about to be debated by the National Assembly, tries to correct the laxist trends of recent years, but it will neither address the problem of French-born citizens who profess hate for their country, nor the rising arrivals from troubled areas.

It may not take much for the next round of riots, or for an equally violent blowback from a hard-right deciding to take matters into their hands.

That civil war the generals prophesied two years ago may be around the corner.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 30, 2023 1:26 pm

Barking Toad

Nov 30, 2023 11:31 AM

Knickerless getting tied up in knots now with discrepancies between evidence yesterday and now today.

Going to be a lot of interruptions due to objections from counsel for Ch10 and Wilkinson to Whybrow SC questions to her.

“Embarrassment of my client” is not a point of law warranting an objection.

November 30, 2023 1:26 pm

I don’t imagine Luigi the Unbelievable joined the Royal Sydney Golf Club to play golf. First tee, “where’s my balls?”. The others making up the group, ” we were wondering too. Maybe with the Tories”. I love the cartoons of him and Turtlehead. The most pathetic and insignificant creatures, everyone gets the in the same manner.

November 30, 2023 1:26 pm

Nov 30, 2023 10:33 AM
The vice-president of Labor’s Auburn-Lidcombe branch, Dr Mohamad Assoum [Hello!], said many within Australia’s Arab, Muslim and Palestinian communities were feeling “disenfranchised with our political system at this point in time”.

Sometimes the world around me seems so bizarre that the cognitive dissonance is dizzying.

So….a man representing Islamic communities, members of which recently violated public space with vile threats to Australian Jews, feels “disenfranchised”.

By whom, for heavens sake???!!!!

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:29 pm


Nov 30, 2023 11:08 AM
How many of you lot are wearing knickers?

My excuse. I threw them away at the last rock concert.

Questioning minds are questioning:
.1 Because they were not fitting well?
.2 Because they were soiled?
.3 Because you were fond of the singer/drummer/guitarist?
.4 Can’t remember?

November 30, 2023 1:30 pm

Retired French generals are always threatening civil war.

A bit like second amendment-loving Republicans who swear if the government ever gets out of hand, they’ve got the guns to do something about it. Many of them are in fact too lazy even to vote.

November 30, 2023 1:30 pm

.5 drinking xxxx.

November 30, 2023 1:30 pm

France was for centuries a land of successful assimilation.
Italians, Spaniards, Russian Jews, Poles came and became French.
But sheer numbers, as well as the change from a requirement to “assimilate” to the easier one of “integrate”, mean the French model is broken.

Douglas Murray’s “The Strange Death of Europe”, written in 2017, was indeed a brilliant analysis & deadly prophetic.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 30, 2023 1:32 pm

The Mocker in the Oz is on fire again.

As for the sonar incident, the best you could say of Albanese’s response was that he empathised with the RAN members concerned. He did what any navy diver would do when danger appears on the horizon. He went to water.

November 30, 2023 1:33 pm

Omid Scobie’s attack on Kate couldn’t be any bitchier

Scobie has been unable to dig up any real dirt about the Princess of Wales, but that doesn’t stop him belittling or patronising her


While plugging Endgame, his new book about the Royal family, Omid Scobie has insisted that – contrary to popular belief – he isn’t friends with Meghan Markle. All I’ll say is: the book makes it sound as if he’d desperately like to be.

Whenever he mentions her, he’s rapturously gushing. And he seems to spend a lot of time fighting her battles for her. Especially during the chapter about the Princess of Wales.

In fact, that chapter couldn’t be any bitchier if it had been written by Meghan herself.

The author, it soon becomes clear, has been unable to dig up any real dirt about the Princess.

But that doesn’t stop him belittling or patronising her.

The outright insults (“the sometimes Stepford-like Royal wife”) have already been widely reported. Most other putdowns, though, are at least a touch more subtle.

He seems keen to tell us that – unlike the “supremely comfortable” Meghan – the Princess is hopelessly nervy (“Naturally timid… She often stumbled on her words”), even before the simplest challenges: for example, appearing on Blue Peter. Although this task was “low-pressure [and] designed as a slow pitch for Kate to hit a crowd-pleasing home run”, there were “difficulties getting her up to the plate… Kate was ‘a bag of nerves’… ‘well out of her comfort zone’…”

In the event, the Blue Peter slot turned out fine. “Given that Kate was in a public-facing role for eight years up to this point, the journey to this breakthrough took longer than anyone expected,” comments Scobie, cattily. “Still, progress is progress.”

Elsewhere, it’s suggested that she’s cold (“A side of Kate that rarely gets written about”), hypocritical (“Advocating for mental health causes… but ignoring her own sister-in-law’s cries for help”) and even, somehow, at fault for the Government’s closure of Sure Start centres (“Campaigners say this could have been avoided if prominent figures such as Kate helped advocate for their importance”).

Scobie does toss her the odd crumb of praise. But his compliments tend to be double-edged. The princess, he graciously concedes, is “coachable”, “pliable”, “an institutional dream come true” who has “successfully sublimated her authentic self”. In this “age of oversharing”, she “seems content as a voiceless symbol of courtly resolve”. She’s also on “the Royal A-team” for “daily drudgery: ribbon-cutting, ceremonial piffle, and well-timed photo ops… Always elegant and serene, she wore her role well.”

Does that sound like a compliment? Or a sneer?

Rather less subtly, Scobie says the princess can “draw a crowd and land a front page like no other (working) Royal”. Note those brackets, which are plainly there to remind us of a certain someone who’s no longer a “working Royal”.

Among many other things, Meghan is hailed for her “outgoing nature and leadership potential, qualities for which Kate isn’t known… Meghan assuredly took to her role as a working Royal… [She] was becoming the star of the show… It was Princess Diana all over again…”

Despite all this, I suspect that fair-minded readers will side with the princess.

Especially over the implication that she’s workshy. “In 2022, she attended just 90 engagements,” sniffs Scobie. “[Princess] Anne, on the other hand, topped out at 214… [A] source told me that Kate doesn’t plan to increase her workload for another 10 to 15 years, once the children reach adulthood. It’s a privilege most parents can only dream of… The children will always come before duty, several sources commented…”

To which most people, I imagine, would reply: quite right, too.

November 30, 2023 1:34 pm

Retired French generals are always threatening civil war.

But when a system, any system, is completely overstressed CL, chaos follows, before an eventual rearrangement of its elements.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:34 pm

Doc Faustus:

But this was ‘mince out of the fridge, smash the onion, spoonful of fat from the chip pan, quick sizzle, slosh of ketchup, sprinkle of nondescript dried herbs bolognaise ’ – all done in the time taken to overcook a pan of spaghetti.

Oh dear.

November 30, 2023 1:36 pm

Daily Mail running good live commentary on No Knickers Higgins

12:45 – Brittany Higgins lied about not wearing underwear

Brittany Higgins has confessed she lied to The Project about whether Bruce Lehrmann removed her ‘panties’ on the night he allegedly raped her.

The Federal Court heard part of a five-hour recording between herself, fiance David Sharaz, Lisa Wilkinson and Ten producer Angus Llewellyn in January 2021.

During that meeting, Wilkinson asked if Mr Lehrmann had removed her underwear before the alleged rape, and Ms Higgins agreed.

In October last year, Ms Higgins told the ACT Supreme Court that she wasn’t wearing underwear that night.

In the Federal Court on Thursday, she told the court: ‘I was too embarassed to admit I wasn’t wearing underwear that night.’

Mr Lehrmann’s barrister Steven Whybrow SC asked: ‘It was a lie, wasn’t it?’

Ms Higgins said: ‘Yes.’

John H.
John H.
November 30, 2023 1:37 pm

Nov 30, 2023 1:30 PM
France was for centuries a land of successful assimilation.
Italians, Spaniards, Russian Jews, Poles came and became French.
But sheer numbers, as well as the change from a requirement to “assimilate” to the easier one of “integrate”, mean the French model is broken.

Douglas Murray’s “The Strange Death of Europe”, written in 2017, was indeed a brilliant analysis & deadly prophetic.

Why are futurists so often pessimistic and wrong?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 30, 2023 1:39 pm

Chris Bowen will warn hostile actors could weaponise climate change to sabotage Australia’s ‘fragile’ energy networks, as severe weather events increase threat of global political instability.

I’m speechless at this. Wow, paranoia?

This is probably the least nonsense part of Bowen’s twaddle. Companies controlled by ‘hostile actors’ (ie China) run most of Australia’s east coast network infrastructure. And Australia’s networks are indeed fragile – thanks to 20 years of government climate and renewables fluffing while reliable coal-fired generation progressively retires.

The exciting bit (as reported by the OZ):

The climate change statement said natural disasters were exacerbating risks to the power grid, with coal-fired power plants shut down by floods, transmission lines threatened by bushfires and hydro-electric generation and coal plants affected by drought.

I’m not aware of coal-fired power being flooded or curtailed by drought.
Probably only a matter of time…

November 30, 2023 1:39 pm

by George Weigel
12 . 29 . 23

With the God of the Bible having largely disappeared from public consciousness in Great Britain, the closest thing to a replacement deity is the British National Health Service.

Great Britain has not (yet) embraced euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. But its National Health Service personnel seem to believe that some of their patients have a duty to die, and if their relatives won’t cooperate, then the docs and the law will take control of the situation and see that the duty to die is fulfilled. Thus does the godlike status of the NHS express itself through its medical personnel.

I am the odd man out in a family of doctors: My maternal grandfather was a doctor, my mother was a medical technologist, my brother is a doctor, my daughter is a doctor, my late son-in-law was a doctor, and I have a doctor son-in-law today. So please don’t question my esteem for the medical profession. But when doctors imagine themselves deities who de facto know “what’s best” in these difficult neo-natal cases, the ethics of the ancient Hippocratic Oath seem to crumble, as the godlike medicos assert an authority that properly belongs to parents—and do so in the name of a pseudo-divine compassion.

November 30, 2023 1:41 pm

Plenty of people bad-mouthing Amin al-Husseini on the basis that he was besties with Adolf, recruited Arab brigades to fight alongside Adolf, and gave his full support to Adolf’s undertaking to eradicate Jews, but no-one here wants to discuss more pertinent issues…like….

What about Husseini’s nephew, who said….often…that his greatest inspiration was his uncle Amin? No-one on the New Cat care about the germane issues? Why is that?

November 30, 2023 1:43 pm

Fiery scenes as another local council pushes to get rid of Acknowledgement of Country: ‘The Australian public are sick of this virtue-signalling and tokenism’

. Council rejects ditching Welcome ritual
. Indigenous bodies mount opposition

The Shire of Harvey, which covers 1,800 square kilometres of southwest Western Australia, rejected a bid last month by Councillor Craig Carbone to ditch the rituals after strong opposition by Indigenous groups but decided to review the practices.

From the Comments

– The comedy skit has reached its use-by date.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:43 pm


Nov 30, 2023 11:31 AM
Digger has posted his email addy upthread.

I also would like a copy of you book. Will be in touch.

Yes. But I was hoping it was available on, say, Amazon/Kindle, as a rather nasty comment was made about getting someone’s email when I gifted an item that I had no use for.

November 30, 2023 1:44 pm

The world’s most expensive cities to live in revealed: Zurich and Singapore are the joint priciest in 2023, followed by New York, while London ranks ninth and Damascus in Syria is the cheapest

November 30, 2023 1:46 pm

Pro-Palestine activists storm hotel in Melbourne’s CBD where loved ones of Israeli victims are staying

From the Comments

– Is it any wonder Egypt and Jordan wont take any of them?

– This is NOT Australia!!!!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 30, 2023 1:51 pm

Incidentally do like how the IDF trolls hamasassas with tales of all girl tank crews and heroic dogs.

The IDF really need war pigs.

November 30, 2023 1:52 pm

1004 days and counting: North Sydney’s $89m pool revamp has come undone – again

The revamp of North Sydney’s historic Olympic pool complex has been further delayed until July next year after defects were discovered during construction of the beleaguered $89 million project.

North Sydney Council said the roof frame for the project’s 25-metre indoor pool had to be pulled down after the “significant design and construction problem” was detected with the steel structure.

Mayor Zoe Baker said the council launched a review into the matter after the “defects” were identified.

“It’s really disappointing that these issues are continuing to arise. That said, I’m confident [the council and external project managers] will be able to manage the project to completion.”

The pool closed on February 28, 2021, work began that March, and it was originally meant to reopen in November 2022.

The project to overhaul the venue, built beside Sydney Harbour in 1936, has long been plagued by controversy over its scale and design, heritage impacts, cost blowouts and protracted delays.

The most recent estimated date for its completion had been May next year.

On New Year’s Eve in 2020, the council signed a contract with construction company Icon, which built the cracked Opal Tower at Sydney Olympic Park, to build the new complex designed by Brewster Hjorth Architects.

A report to councillors at Monday’s meeting said the blowout to the date for the “practical completion” of the pool was due to “ongoing design and construction issues across the project”.

A council summary of PwC’s confidential report in April was critical of the council’s decision to have separate design and construction contracts for the project.

Baker, a critic of the previous administration’s handling of the pool project, said the council had identified, following the consultants’ report last year, that there would be delays and cost overruns.

“The crux of the ongoing issues this council has inherited with the pool is … the early planning resulted in two separate contracts. As I raised at the time, it would have been a simpler and better process to have a single design and construct contract.

November 30, 2023 1:53 pm

Interesting that a detail in the Lehrmann testimony was let slide by: getting on the blower to arrange a delivery of coke after a stressful day.

How many of us do that ? Or is it only political advisor flunkies shaping the destiny of the nation who can so indulge ?

I’d like to hear Brittany’s take ? Ever indulged herself for instance ? Noticed others in the charmed circle lining it up ? Ever met Wayne Carey ?

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
November 30, 2023 1:53 pm

Don’t worry, Australia, Albo has it under all control

It may be synonymous with terrorism, mass murder, rape and kidnapping, but there are some things even Hamas and its sympathisers definitely won’t do. Lie on an Australian visa application? Not on your nelly…


You will be much relieved to learn the Albanese government, at least according to its members, is doing absolutely everything possible to ensure your safety.

“Safety of the community has been and remains the utmost priority of this government,” says Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

Likewise, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus: “Our first commitment is for the safety of Australians”.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong: “Our first priority is to make sure we keep Australians safe”.

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles: “Community safety is front and centre in … every action that we are taking here”.

And not only is keeping Australians safe foremost in the mind of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese: it is his government’s “first, second and third priority”. Yes, I think we can agree there is no doubt the government’s top priority, self-interest aside, is to repeat incessantly this talking point.

As part of its ‘keeping Australians safe’ strategy, the government has decided to throw open the doors to hundreds of Palestinians. It began approving the first of the 860 visas in question on October 7, but we did not learn of this until last week. We can only assume the government intended keeping us safe by keeping us in the dark.

Admittedly the Gaza Strip is a haven for terrorists and their enablers, who last month conducted the largest targeted massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. But as the supercilious Wong reminded us last week during an interview with Sky News presenter Peter Stefanovic, “Just as not everybody from Afghanistan is linked with the Taliban, not everybody who is Palestinian is a member of a terrorist organisation.”

Wong is right, of course. According to a survey published this month by the Arab World for Research and Development, only 75 per cent of Palestinians said they were either ‘extremely support[ive]’ or ‘somewhat support[ive] when asked ‘How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7th?’ And 74.7 per cent of those surveyed were in favour of a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea”. Applying those figures to the 860 Palestinians that Labor has invited to stay, over 640 condone Hamas’s methods and long for the destruction of Israel.

Worry not though, for Wong assures us that “all appropriate security checks, character checks and identity checks have been undertaken”. When Stefanovic put to Wong that the applicants could have lied regarding links to or support for Hamas, her response said much about this government’s ability to keep Australians safe. “In relation to any visa application, it’s an offence to give false information to authorities,” she said.

There you have it. Hamas is synonymous with terrorism and mass murder, including that of women and children; rape and kidnapping, but there are some things even its members and their sympathisers will baulk at doing. Lie on a visa application? Not on your nelly, they say. And as you can tell from the increasing number of security guards outside synagogues in this country, there has never been a safer time to be a Jewish-Australian.

Pressed by journalists last week on the integrity of this process, Albanese’s repeated assertions that everything was tickety-boo were belied by his agitated manner. “[They] are the same security checks that are in place for people, for Australians that have been in place, this regime, for a long period of time,” he insisted.

A long period of time? Presumably then Albanese is referring to same checks originally conducted on the 141 unlawful non-citizens released from detention this month. Among them were murderers, rapists, paedophiles and other undesirables, yet some of them had been issued visas upon coming to Australia. Forgive me for having no confidence in this process.

Exhaustive checks in six weeks?

Albanese would also have us believe the responsible agencies completed exhaustive checks for 860 people in a warzone in just six weeks. How this was supposedly accomplished is a mystery. The region’s public institutions are corrupt and unreliable, record-keeping is haphazard, and we have no diplomatic presence in the region. It would be impossible to confirm the identity of the applicants in that timeframe, let alone conduct the necessary character and security checks.

Was it done by Zoom? I can just picture it. “Now remember, Fahad, pinky promise. You have never engaged in terrorist activities?” Or “Salman, you say your Qassam rocket launcher is used only to ward off aggressive plovers, correct?” Or “So just to clarify, Mrs Hamouda, your eldest son was a suicide bomber, your second son is serving time in an Israeli jail for murder, but your youngest boy, Hassan, aspires to be a pastry chef?”

Equally laughable is Albanese’s insistence the visas in question are “not permanent” and only “temporary”. Granted, that category of visa allows for a maximum stay of 12 months in Australia, but you can bet the claims for asylum will swiftly follow. As The Australian reported in August, the number of asylum claims have surged since Labor assumed government. Of the 75,000 unsuccessful asylum-seekers in Australia in July, only 12 were deported that month.

As for those who point out many of the visa holders in question are young children and thus not instilled with Hamas propaganda, dream on. Undoubtedly, many of the atrocities of last month were committed by those who grew up watching children’s shows such as Tomorrow’s Pioneers. It featured characters such as Nahoul the friendly bumblebee, who declared, ”We will liberate Al-Aqsa from the filth of the criminal Jews. We will go on jihad when we grow up.”

Then there was Assoud, a Bugs Bunny-like character who tells children, “I will finish off the Jews and eat them,” and Nassur, a bear, who says of Israelis, “We want to slaughter them so they will be expelled from our land.”

The Danish example

Look at the Denmark experience. In 1992 the country admitted 321 Palestinians who claimed refugee status. According to the Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration, 64 per cent of that group had been convicted of a crime by 2019. So too had 34 per cent of their children.

Yet again under a Labor government, economic migrants are exploiting the immigration system in great numbers. Last week we learned a vessel from Indonesia containing 12 asylum seekers had arrived undetected in WA’s Kimberley region. Instead of coming clean, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil’s office referred media inquiries about the incident to Australian Border Force, which refused to comment. It is for our protection, you see.

Speaking of O’Neil, her recent performances have caused me to reconsider my assessment that Energy Minister Chris Bowen is the most incompetent member of cabinet. Hopelessly unprepared for the High Court’s ruling this month resulting in the mass release of unlawful non-citizens who had committed appalling crimes, she has since proved unable to ensure all were fitted with ankle bracelet monitors in accordance with recently enacted legislation. Perhaps she was too busy tweeting, as she did yesterday, that the government is “keeping Australians safe”.

As for Albanese, little needs to be said regarding whether he has the resolve to fix this debacle.

Responding in parliament on Monday to Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, he continued to obfuscate when asked whether he had raised with President Xi Jinping, during his APEC summit meeting with the Chinese leader, the incident this month resulting in sonar-inflicted injuries to Royal Australian Navy divers by a People’s Liberation Army warship.

“What we will not be doing is taking lectures on how to build diplomatic relations from those … who could not get a phone call return for the entire term of the last government,” he said.

To be fair, the Prime Minister has a point. Unlike him, the Coalition cannot claim that when its leaders got Xi on the blower, he greeted the caller by saying, “How’s it going, Handsome Boy”. But if I were Albanese, I would not be advertising that.

As for the sonar incident, the best you could say of Albanese’s response was that he empathised with the RAN members concerned. He did what any navy diver would do when danger appears on the horizon. He went to water.


November 30, 2023 1:55 pm

I am beginning to think that there is nothing short of physical violence that the Hamas inspired protesters here in Australia could do that would move the police to take action against them.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 1:57 pm

Old Ozzie:

Special delegation of families of Israeli hostages and victims blocked from entering Melbourne hotel by pro-Palestine protesters yelling, waving flags in lobby

A man visiting Australia with a special delegation from Israel has detailed to feeling “insecure” after the group were briefly blocked from entering their hotel rooms by pro-Palestinian protesters overnight in an alleged “ambushing”.

Do we know how the protesters knew where the delegation was staying?
Tipped off by someone working at the Crown Plaza?
That knowledge should be at least “Commercial in Confidence.”

November 30, 2023 2:00 pm

Excellent news.

Now that Henry Kissinger has shuffled off this mortal coil Roger will be able to move up from being a UNESCO ambassador to something more worthy of his talents.

November 30, 2023 2:01 pm

So….a man representing Islamic communities, members of which recently violated public space with vile threats to Australian Jews, feels “disenfranchised”.

By whom, for heavens sake???!!!!

By the Labor Party.

November 30, 2023 2:05 pm

Family members of Israeli hostages visiting Melbourne

Are they Australian relatives or Israelis visiting Australia.
And how did the Hamas supporters know about this?

November 30, 2023 2:08 pm

By the Labor Party.

Because the party hasn’t adopted the Israel policy of the Lakemba Muslim Association.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 30, 2023 2:10 pm

Michael Smith’s website provides an enormous belly laugh.

Interviewer: “You don’t want them to advertise”?
Musk: “No”
Interviewer “What do you mean?”
Musk: “If somebody is gonna blackmail me with advertising……blackmail me with money? Go f%$k yourself”
Interviewer: deathly gobsmacked silence.
Musk: (repeats for effect) “Go f%$k yourself”.

November 30, 2023 2:10 pm

Questioning minds are questioning:
.1 Because they were not fitting well?
.2 Because they were soiled?
.3 Because you were fond of the singer/drummer/guitarist?
.4 Can’t remember?

All of the above.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 30, 2023 2:12 pm

Marty, I fear even physical violence wouldn’t move the police to take action.

November 30, 2023 2:13 pm

Oh my lordy lord. Our Brittany seems to be making a greater hash of her testimony than she did in the criminal trial.

Good. It’s time the permanently gullible woke up to the fact that she’s a lying liar who lies.

Don’t be too sure that these “mis-statements” (aka: lies) are seeping through-#hugsforbrittany has been a trend on X since she took the stand.

Even is he stood up in the box and shouted ” I made it all up because I thought I was going to get fired and went on with it so I could make a few bucks out of an interview” this would only be more evidence of Lerhmanns’ guilt.

There is a huge proportion of people that have such a visceral hatred of the men/the LNP/ lerhmann himself, that any vindication will just be further proof that old white men hate women.

November 30, 2023 2:22 pm


You may remember that in early October Albanese visited Lakemba mosque to request support for the Voice from the Muslim community.

Sure enough, on Friday 6 October, imams around the country directed their congregants to vote Yes.

After the horror of 7 October, when Albanese spoke of Israel’s right to defend itself, the Lakemba Mosque Association issued a press release saying they felt betrayed by Albanese.

Obviously, these people are quick to take offence, but it does make one wonder whether Albanese offered a quid pro quo for Muslim Voice support along the lines of advocating more for Palestinians.

Whatever the case in that regard, Labor has courted the Muslim vote in western Sydney for decades & now the chickens are coming home to roost.

November 30, 2023 2:23 pm

A montage has been put together of a number of white, mostly female, elected officials in Ireland giving speeches about white privilege and what’s wrong with being Irish.

November 30, 2023 2:23 pm

What about Husseini’s nephew, who said….often…that his greatest inspiration was his uncle Amin? No-one on the New Cat care about the germane issues? Why is that?

Probably not the right venue – Quadrant provides space for lengthy debates proceeding from in depth articles – as you know.

But good to see you here Mantaray!

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 30, 2023 2:23 pm

Glenn Shorrock is having a 60th anniversary tour?
It’s getting harder and harder for me to pretend I’m young.

November 30, 2023 2:25 pm

When women don’t like each other…

So, the ABC bailed, clearly deciding they couldn’t win against Lehrmann’s defamation claim. Not good news for the lady in the swish pink pantsuit. And the tension showed, even in her heavily reworked face, as the court watched her interview on The Project with Higgins, with everyone knowing many of her heroine’s allegations had since fallen apart.

Bettina Arndt: Narrow escape for Lisa Wilkinson.

November 30, 2023 2:26 pm

You may remember that in early October Albanese visited Lakemba mosque to request support for the Voice from the Muslim community.

Sure enough, on Friday 6 October, imams around the country directed their congregants to vote Yes.

After the horror of 7 October, when Albanese spoke of Israel’s right to defend itself, the Lakemba Mosque Association issued a press release saying they felt betrayed by Albanese.

Yes, of course. I hadn’t looked at the sequence of events. It has been informative to note the response of individual Labor “heavies” to the events of 10/7.

November 30, 2023 2:27 pm

Nov 30, 2023 9:30 AM
Go woke…

Publishers losing huge amounts of money on woke flops.

The same used to be noted in late 80s/early 90s when even prize winning books didn’t sell as they were politically correct and boring. Then along came JK Rowling with Harry Potter books and kids and young people were reading again, couldn’t wait for the next instalment. Then along comes wokism, drives out Rowling and we are back to nobody buying the woke crap. Hm, a pattern is discerned but not by the smart people running the publishing industry.

November 30, 2023 2:33 pm

It has been informative to note the response of individual Labor “heavies” to the events of 10/7.

For example, Tony Burke saying he was proud of pro-Palestinian protesters.

The Muslim ALP official quoted will be well known to Burke, as it’s one of his local branches.

November 30, 2023 2:35 pm

The utterly discredited BoM is now telling us that Summer might be hot and there could be bushfires somewhere in this vast country:

Australia is not off the hook for hot summer temperatures and a heightened bushfire risk, despite heavy rain currently falling across the east.
Key points:

Large parts of Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory have an “increased risk of fire” this summer
AFAC says the recent rains are welcome, but unlikely to undo the damage of a dry September and October
BOM’s official summer outlook will be released later on Thursday

The Bureau of Meteorology’s (BOM) summer outlook, released on Thursday, paints a picture of a scorching summer, with all corners of the country strongly tipped for above-average temperatures.

A significant portion of the country is also likely to be “unusually warm”, particularly WA.

This is particularly likely for the southern half of Western Australia, Queensland’s east coast and tropical north, and the far north of the Northern Territory.

“So in terms of the temperatures that we’re forecasting for summer, we’re still looking at really quite emphatic odds for warmer than average temperatures, and reasonable odds for extreme temperatures,” BOM’s national manager for climate services Karl Braganza said.

And on and on the dribble goes. Since the concept of averages is no longer taught in Australian schools, it is unlikely that many readers would understand that averages comprise points above and below – that’s what an average is. There must be above ‘average’ numbers to create an average. They probably think that the average is an immutable number.

Following Australia’s driest ever September and October period, and a surprisingly wet November, the rainfall signals have softened to a promise of more “normal rain” for much of the country from December to February.

The exception is the northern part of Queensland and most of Western Australia, which is still likely to have a drier-than-normal summer.

The fetishisation of ‘normal’ in relation to the Australian climate is something no decent scientist should approve of. People here do not need to be reminded of the ‘droughts and flooding rains’ that characterise our climate. There is no ‘normal’, no perfect weather mean.

Whenever TheirABC promotes someone saying that they have never seen anything like the latest drought/flood/bushfire in their lifetime, the correct response is – so what?

Remember how one of the first things Turnbuckle did was shut down Tony Abbott’s inquiry into the BoM?

Meanwhile, their senior executives fly around to ‘climate conferences’ at our expense, presumably offsetting their fart emissions via a plantation in Upper Volta.

In keeping with their chutzpah, I fully expect that they will blame the failure of thei latest predictions on inadequate funding.

Oh, and calli – chin up. 🙂

November 30, 2023 2:37 pm

in case it hasnt been posted a hundred times already…
Elon Musk to advertisers who are trying to ‘blackmail’ him: ‘Go f— yourself’

November 30, 2023 2:40 pm

After the horror of 7 October, when Albanese spoke of Israel’s right to defend itself, the Lakemba Mosque Association issued a press release saying they felt betrayed by Albanese.

Are they unable to separately assess two unrelated issues? Are their modes of thinking sunk in the morass of deals and contra deals rather than independent rational thought.

November 30, 2023 2:47 pm

Chris Bowen will warn hostile actors could weaponise climate change to sabotage Australia’s ‘fragile’ energy networks …

I’m speechless at this. Wow, paranoia? This is the type of tin foil hat hyperbole you’d expect from fringe dwellers not a minister of the crown.

What an imbecile

Respectfully, I disagree. It’s a sound and predictable tactic. When you position yourself on the moral high ground by questioning the motives of your opponent, you divert attention from any flaws in your own policy to the perceived integrity of your opposition. You keep them so busy and on the defensive with emotion-based allegations (which will appeal to the media), that they cannot seize the initiative and shift the public focus onto you using rationality and logic.

If they do manage to use an assertive approach, your response will be along the lines of ‘It’s not surprising that proven liars with a poor track record of integrity will make desperate and unfounded allegations to escape the consequences of their behaviour, etc.’

By highlighting the fragility of our energy grid, Bowen reduces the sting from any future attacks on his management of the same topic: ‘It’s ludicrous to suggest I had any responsibility in destabilising our energy grid, because I was the one who highlighted it’s fragility!’

Tactics like these ensure that it is never the message/policy that is examined, but rather the messenger/policy maker. It’s a very simple, but successful distraction.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 2:47 pm

Nov 30, 2023 2:40 PM

Are they unable to separately assess two unrelated issues? Are their modes of thinking sunk in the morass of deals and contra deals rather than independent rational thought.

No they are not.
Islam is a cult. It cannot be rationalised, it cannot fit into a logical or moral framework because it doesn’t define itself by logic or moral standards.

November 30, 2023 2:50 pm

Then along comes wokism, drives out Rowling and we are back to nobody buying the woke crap. Hm, a pattern is discerned but not by the smart people running the publishing industry.

I reckon a lot of publishing and print media like Grauniad and the Age/SMH et al is being propped up by Globohomo™ capital just to spew forth its propaganda.

November 30, 2023 2:54 pm

Knickerless has admitted many times that she was wrong about the details and she’s starting to get narky and shouty “I was more concerned about the penis in my vagina than the details of the morning after”

The tears are coming on..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 2:54 pm

The same used to be noted in late 80s/early 90s when even prize winning books didn’t sell as they were politically correct and boring.

The in-your-face thing I think is the biggest problem. I’m currently rereading some SF novels by Melissa Scott. Completed the Five Twelfths of Heaven trilogy and now onto Big Sky Mine. May read one or two others of her’s after this one. She bats for the wrong side, as it were, but doesn’t rub it in. And her world construction and ideas are really very good, even prophetic perhaps with Big Sky Mine.

So I don’t mind that someone should not be like me, so long as they write interesting stories and aren’t obnoxiously pushing their proclivities.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 2:57 pm

Oops, that should’ve been “Night Sky Mine”. It’s from 1996 but is very topical with how AI and the virtual world is going right now.

November 30, 2023 2:59 pm

Israel conflict: two state solution sparks fierce debate |
Melanie Phillips and Hugo Rifkind

13,662 views – Nov 30, 2023

“There are ten times more settlers in the West Bank than there were at the time of the Oslo Accords.”

“They are Jewish residents of that territory, to which the Jews alone in law and in history, only the Jews have an entitlement.”

Melanie Phillips and Hugo Rifkind debate the two state solution.

November 30, 2023 3:03 pm

I’ll take those as rhetorical questions, Katz.

(Have you read this?)

November 30, 2023 3:04 pm

Nov 30, 2023 12:20 PM

I recall some ‘yes’ talking head saying “not all ‘no’ supporters are racist but all the racist are on the ‘no’ side.

How about this for irony.

Not all critics of Israel are anti Semites but all the anti Semites are on critics side.

The only irony is that it’s a false analogy and I don’t like it when you’re thinking too hard. Stop thinking too hard.

1. The premise of the first part is laughable nonsense. The entire premise of the Squeal was actually based on racism. It was an racist based attempt to have a small group wanting to lord it over the rest of us through a constitutional change. Therefore while there would be racists in the NO camp, ALL those who voted YES were in fact racists. The author of that crap left that part out.

2. Go ahead, criticize Israel. There are plenty of things to criticize a liberal, democratic country at times. However, the difference in Israel’s case is that is also has to defend its existence.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 3:10 pm

Day Seven: Lehrmann v Network Ten, Lisa Wilkinson

Thursday’s main points so far:

Liberal senator Michaelia Cash told Brittany Higgins she was with her ‘every step of the way’ after she learned of her staffer’s alleged rape
Ms Higgins felt ‘relieved’ after finding out Bruce Lehrmann planned to argue the pair never had sex, saying the suggestion was ‘preposterous’
Ms Higgins admitted she was ‘not always correct’ in evidence she gave during Mr Lehrmann’s criminal trial
Ms Higgins promised to donate any money she gets through any future book pursuant to her earlier book deal to charity
Ms Higgins said the bruise in an image aired in The Project interview could have been from the alleged rape, or could have been from falling over
Ms Higgins said she gave incorrect evidence in the criminal trial over how long she spent in a bathroom while having a panic attack
Ms Higgins admitted to lying to Lisa Wilkinson about whether or not she was wearing underwear on the night of the alleged rape

Bruce Lehrmann has vehemently and consistently denied raping Brittany Higgins

November 30, 2023 3:11 pm

Glenn Shorrock is having a 60th anniversary tour?
It’s getting harder and harder for me to pretend I’m young.

Hang on to your tatty flat cap…

The lovely Kate Ceberano is having a 40th anniversary celebration of her career at the Sydney Opera House in January.

November 30, 2023 3:14 pm

Nov 30, 2023 1:08 PM
Nah, the Nazi label is very accurate
Actually, I’d argue it’s not a strong enough descriptor. The current terrorist enemy is far worse and they are only just getting going.

I still maintain islam is a virus introduced to slowly and painfully wipe out humanity by some aliens with nothing better to do and who have a sadistic streak.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 3:16 pm

Hang on to your tatty flat cap…

Watching an 80 year old Mick Jagger dancing around on stage would be a fine thing. Not sure I could afford a ticket though.

November 30, 2023 3:18 pm

Aussie basketball player in US, saw the chatter this morn.

Maybe one of our US lurkers could explain this to me and how the law works there as I know there are some markedly different protocols in areas.

21 has relations with 16yo, morals aside if the relations occurred in a jurisdiction like Oklahoma, which has an age of consent at 16yo but she’s a California resident and they are 18yo for their age of consent. Which jurisdiction wins out if outside CA?

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 3:34 pm

Bowen is beyond ridicule at this point. It is like watching somebody on their last day at work before joining Adolf and Eva in the bunker.

November 30, 2023 3:37 pm


Brittnah admits she told police lies!

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
November 30, 2023 3:37 pm

Nov 30, 2023 1:39 PM
by George Weigel
12 . 29 . 23

With the God of the Bible having largely disappeared from public consciousness in Great Britain, the closest thing to a replacement deity is the British National Health Service.

God may have disappeared from the public consciousness but He hasn’t disappeared and the public (in this case Doctors) will have a reckoning to undergo when they stand before Him.

A great descriptor of what awaits them is the Puritan pastor Jonathan Edward’s sermon, ‘Sinners in the hands of an angry God.’

November 30, 2023 3:39 pm

I understood that no knickers britnee in her statement to plod said she was so pissed she didn’t remember but must have been graped coz naked. This is a young person employed to be an advisor, advisor of what? Advice given to Minister…. if you don’t remember make something up and swear its true. I’m pretty sure young ones are only employed for easy rooting coz 99 out of 100 have no idea.

November 30, 2023 3:41 pm

Yep, Rockdoctor, this guy was let off again and again from being a menace to young women. Senior execs in Basketball told the court what a good guy he was.

It happens again and again in sport.

Decades ago I worked with a revered (now deceased) former player and senior executive in the NSWRL.

One day in his cups he told me that someone called ‘Benny’ had raped a woman, but thanks to pals in the NSW cops, and a generous payoff to the victim, it went away.

Not commenting on the specifics, but Showbiz Sport and the Entertainment Biz have a lot in common – they probably share the same lawyers,

November 30, 2023 3:43 pm

She said she had two meetings with AFP and she can only recall the details of one meeting.

I always had an open mind on this case (as anyone should) but her credibility is in shreds, whether it’s enough for a win or loss, who knows.

I’m still scarred by Justices Maxwell and Ferguson who claimed “more inconsistencies made the person more credible…”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 3:44 pm

One day in his cups he told me that someone called ‘Benny’ had raped a woman, but thanks to pals in the NSW cops, and a generous payoff to the victim, it went away.

I hear the going rate, these days, is $3 million.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 3:46 pm

Anyone else wondering how long it will be before Brittany pops up, as a Greens candidate?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 3:48 pm

Anyone else wondering how long it will be before Brittany pops up, as a Greens candidate?

I thought she said she wanted to rise up in the Liberal hierarchy?
Oh, um, yes. As you were.

November 30, 2023 3:49 pm

H B Bear
Nov 30, 2023 3:34 PM
Bowen is beyond ridicule at this point.

Turtle is the most dangerous pollie in Australia right now; and that is saying something. The only consolation will be the inner city shitheads who support this pus-ridden, decaying bullshit screaming their tonsils out when the darkness comes.

November 30, 2023 3:51 pm

When you position yourself on the moral high ground by questioning the motives of your opponent, you divert attention from any flaws in your own policy to the perceived integrity of your opposition.

Everything hinges on strength.

When you’re strong, outbursts are “passionate” and “withering”. When you’re weak, the exact same outbursts are “hysterical” and “desperate”.

Right now, the Labor government does not have the appearance of strength so these sorts of outbursts only compound the damage.

November 30, 2023 3:52 pm

Brittnah admits she told police lies!

She is not a great witness for her own case. Her preparation for the criminal case and this case does not seem to be all that thorough – plenty of tears when things get tough, tho.

November 30, 2023 3:52 pm

Picked up a book on sailing ships, Amazon had one cheap second hand, wouldn’t sell it to Australia but one for twice the price would. Get effed. Brought one from NZ at the same price but in aussie dollars. A mint original $560 US. Now for vol II. A bit harder to come by.

November 30, 2023 3:56 pm

I always had an open mind on this case (as anyone should) but her credibility is in shreds, whether it’s enough for a win or loss, who knows.


You can tell from first principles that, in the absence of physical evidence, you should always assume the woman is making it up.

There is a huge backlog of rape cases – that means that prosecutors can triage the weakest cases. But here’s the thing. They *still* bring forward terrible cases. Lehrmann, Hayne, Pell – all backed up with nothing other than incoherent “victims”. Two even got convictions.

Why would prosecutors bring forward terrible cases if they had a huge plethora of genuine cases in the backlog? They wouldn’t. The backlog are even worse. Yes. Even worse than the Pell case (which required him to have three hands and be able to force two almost men to fellate him (using magic)).

It’s just a guess but I suspect at least 95% of accusations are false. If they make it to court it probably comes down to about 80%.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 4:02 pm

Hard not to have some sympathy for Brittany who is like those dolphins who come up for a feed in the “wild”. She has given so many “recollections” of events to so many people there are bound to be inconsistencies. This is why the justice syste is set up to ensure any criminal prosecution takes precedence over everything else. Including The Project interviews and book deals.

November 30, 2023 4:06 pm

I’m not doing a Stairman Dan in saying “I see you, I believe you.”

I’ve always been sceptical about her claims but, as many who live a busy life, I’ve got other things to worry about. This is the first time I’ve really ever paid attention to this case (other than what Cats have informed).

November 30, 2023 4:13 pm

Hard not to have some sympathy for Brittany who is like those dolphins who come up for a feed in the “wild”.

She seem immature and out of her depth. I’d feel some sympathy for her making up a story to avoid losing her job but surely you’d realize a story will get found out eventually.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 30, 2023 4:22 pm

The first truly evil Pope in my lifetime.

A maelstrom of evil is upon our world, and this bloke’s not helping – it does not bode well.

November 30, 2023 4:26 pm


“I buried it (in my mind)”
“I don’t remember”
“I remembered later”
“Yes, I lied”
“Potentially, I don’t know”

Brian Burke School of Law Training.

November 30, 2023 4:26 pm

Henry Kissinger has left the building

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 4:29 pm

Teh Paywallian reporting that Reynold’s Chief of Staff has made an application not to be called as a witness. Potentially one of the more interesting 3rd Party witnesses. Will be interesting to see which way the Judge goes on that one when it falls due.

November 30, 2023 4:29 pm

Court ruling on telehealth euthanasia ‘win for commonsense’ says Bishops’ delegate
By Marilyn Rodrigues -November 30, 2023


Bishop Timothy Harris of Townsville, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference delegate for euthanasia, has welcomed a ruling that telehealth appointments for euthanasia are illegal as a “significant win for commonsense and decency.”

Federal laws ban using video or telephone calls, or email, to counsel, help or incite suicide, and a Federal Court case examined whether euthanasia was in breach of those laws.

Monica Doumit, director of public affairs and engagement for the Archdiocese of Sydney also welcomed the Federal Court decision as “commonsense.”

“It is worth celebrating when courts make decisions that protect life,” she said.

“But we cannot be complacent—Kate Chaney’s proposed bill will be a test for the Albanese government.

“It is the first test for the bracket creep that euthanasia advocates told us would not occur.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 30, 2023 4:35 pm

Brian Burke School of Law Training.

Burke was let down by the limited intellect of his colleague Norm Marlborough who just couldn’t get the hang of burner phones.

Davey Boy
November 30, 2023 4:35 pm

Here (from FB) are a bunch of Labor wymyn (federal, state and Council) pictured at Lakemba mosque on October 6.

In this FB post, state Labor MP Lynda Voltz pays tribute to the late Sheikh Taj El-Din Hilaly, who has passed away recently.

Perhaps these Labor wymyn forgot the good Sheik’s comments, about women not wearing the hijab being seen as “uncovered meat”.

Labor wymyn will do and overlook anything, to court a certain demographic’s vote, it seems.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 30, 2023 4:35 pm

Old School Conservative
Nov 30, 2023 2:12 PM
Marty, I fear even physical violence wouldn’t move the police to take action.

Unless, of course, the violence is directed at the Muslim/pro-Pally demonstrators. Then watch the action.

Robert Sewell
November 30, 2023 4:43 pm

I just went down to the IGA and was wearing my latest Tshirt:

“Hard times create strong men…etc”
Three people saw the shirt and pulled me up to read it. I asked each person where they thought we were – all picked “Weak men create Hard times.”

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
November 30, 2023 4:43 pm

I could live in this place. The walk up the steps would be good daily exercise. A classic Airbnb.

The owner didn’t muck around building the joint.

OVERNIGHT in Cozy Lookout Tower (playing FEARS TO FATHOM)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 4:46 pm

Henry Kissinger has left the building

Always good to make a century.
Sadly Mrs Carter was out on 96 last week.
Nervous nineties.
Mr Carter is still batting though.
He has to get to 1 Oct 2024 for his ton.

Henry Kissinger Dies at 100 (Newsmax, 29 Nov)

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
November 30, 2023 4:48 pm

“Bowen is the worst government minister I’ve had the misfortune to experience in my entire life, worse than Jim Cairns.”

Cairns was indeed hopelessly ineffective and his thought process was ruled by an organ other than his brain, but the most amateurish clown, in the Whitlam shitshow, must surely be Rex Connor.

Exhibit A: The Khemlani Affair.
(For all those who may not be familiar with the Minister for Minerals and Energy).

I cannot however, think of any Whitlam Minister, or backbencher for that matter, who were as mean spirited, vile and vacuous as Bowen, Burqua, Tanya, Dreyfus, Marles and especially our intellectually challenged PM and Foreign Affairs Minister.

The devil can practice on Kissinger, because he will have a lot of fun with that lot in years to come.

November 30, 2023 4:49 pm

With just an hour to go before the truce was due to expire, Hamas said its offer to free another seven hostages, and hand over the bodies of another three it said were killed in Israeli bombardment, had been refused. Reuters reported that Israel was yet to comment on that development.

Further negotiation and hamas now have another 24 hour reprieve, don’t know what they put on the table. Guess we’ll find out.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 30, 2023 4:53 pm

Ms Higgins admitted she was ‘not always correct’ in evidence she gave during Mr Lehrmann’s criminal trial

Is this an open admission of perjury? False in one thing, false in everything?

November 30, 2023 4:54 pm

It was an attempt to though there own slogans against them, madam.
Not ment as a thesis.

November 30, 2023 4:56 pm

Yep, Rockdoctor, this guy was let off again and again from being a menace to young women. Senior execs in Basketball told the court what a good guy he was.

Johanna, RD was asking about the Josh Giddey beat-up, not the Tiny Pinder scandal.

November 30, 2023 4:57 pm

Both the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader have condemned the Hamas supporters who harassed and intimidated families and friends of Israeli hostages in Melbourne.

However, their condemnations are just air will not make the slightest bit of difference. No one has been arrested, no one has been charged and this sort of thing will continue to happen whenever the Australian branch of Hamas feel like it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 4:57 pm

With just an hour to go before the truce was due to expire, Hamas said its offer to free another seven hostages, and hand over the bodies of another three

Sounds like they’ve run out of actual hostages, which suggests the other couple hundred are no longer alive.

If so the next week, or year, is going to be very painful for them. I won’t be sad about that.

Johnny Rotten
November 30, 2023 4:58 pm

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

– Henry Kissinger

No need for a Schedule now ‘Enery.

November 30, 2023 5:01 pm

At least some are alive, else hamas have nothing left to negotiate with.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 5:03 pm

At least some are alive, else hamas have nothing left to negotiate with.

Yes, except offering bodies, instead of living hostages, seems to me to be a tell.

November 30, 2023 5:03 pm

Or it could be the Bibas family and Hamas were trying to hang on to mum.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 30, 2023 5:03 pm

Israel distinguishes itself as the sole guarantor of Jewish life.

Hence Hamas takes children and the elderly, to turn the vicious screws on hard.

I hope Israel resumes tunnel destruction asap. No matter what else, miles of tunnels left operative in Gaza is an invitation to future trouble. No doubt they have already sought engineering advice about disabling them, by floods or other methods.

November 30, 2023 5:04 pm
November 30, 2023 5:05 pm

I just went down to the IGA and was wearing my latest Tshirt:

Same here

Nobody pulled me up though. Unwilling to contest my assertion, I’m sure.

Johnny Rotten
November 30, 2023 5:06 pm

The Fate of the World – Answering Questions

COMMENT #1: Marty, I want to thank you for an excellent conference. I have attended every WEC since 2012. I did not make the 2011 one. Your sources are always the best. I want to thank you for your report on Israel for it said it all. There was advance information just as 9/11. Your report explained the backdrop, which you never get from mainstream media. I would vote for a London WEC after the May 7th turning point. All the events that have happened on the precise day of your Economic Confidence Model are just mindblowing. I hope Scotty does not beam you up. We need you for 2032.

REPLY #1: Nothing but nothing ever seems to be what it seems. You always have to pick up the rug and look for the dirt they swept beneath.

COMMENT #2: I want to thank you for an enlightening WEC. The chief of staff from Congress attending your session on Saturday was very informative. I understand why you mentioned what he said about how things work that most people would never have believed if you said it. I have followed you since the 1980s. Your ECM has identified turning points to the day where nobody can argue there is no order to events. The wave that peaked in 2007.15 was the very day of the high in the Shiller real estate index, and we had the recession after that. It looks like a recession from 2024.35 into 2028.65.

REPLY #2: Yes, the ECM has impressed me. As I have said, I never expected to create a model that could forecast wars and major events. Even 9/11 took place on the precise target date. Hitler became chancellor on the precise day. The examples are endless—even the Battle of Actium between Octavian v Mark Antony & Cleopatra. We will enter a recession, but this one is more likely to be STAGFLATION, where the prices continue to rise, but the economic growth is below the inflation rate, much like the wave during the 1970s.

November 30, 2023 5:08 pm

They have lots of bodies they took with them for Gazans to play with, Shani Louk, at least three Israeli soldiers and an elderly man (someone posted gazans stomping his body on twitter today) that I know of, as well as the elderly man who died of a heart attack a week or so ago.
Though the IDF removed a few bodies from Shifa last week and have said nothing since, other than confirming the deaths of two Idf from 7 October.
As Cassie would tell you burying the dead is very very important.

November 30, 2023 5:16 pm

Marty Fart.

Lies about Super-computer
In Institutional Time Share Martin Armstrong claimed:

We have constructed the First Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System Correlating the Entire World Economy 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. There is simply nothing like this model in the financial world….

We are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia, which is the fastest Supercomputer in the world with 16 thousand trillion calculations per second monitoring everything that beats and moves worldwide. You can put your entire portfolio into the system and it will monitor everything far more intensely than any human staff are even capable of accomplishing and without the risk of pure opinion…..

Time Share slots will be available at $5 million up to $100 million annually depending upon the size and international scope of the portfolio. Our actual annual cost just in energy to run such a system is in excess of $6 million…..

This page can be also be viewed at the WayBack Machine, dated October 11th, 2012
Institutional Time Share

The glaringly obvious problem is that IBM Sequoia is a project contracted by the US Government Department of Energy. That unique project and hardware configuration certainly wasn’t made available for any other commercial purposes.

According to Wikipedia, Sequoia is used for energy and scientific research (i.e. academic institutions only). It is a single custom computer installation – not an IBM model that anyone could buy.

Armstrong claims that, HIS annual cost just in energy is in excess of $6 million. It is the same number reported by Time, except that it’s the full energy cost of the Sequoia super-computer. Based on the same Time article, only researchers get to submit their proposal to run on Sequoia. And yet, Martin Armstrong’s team are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia.

I have never heard of any instances where the USA government actually sells their spare capacity of their equipment to the public let alone close to 100%. What is the chance that Armstrong’s Socrates can be run on Sequoia? I would say that it is ZERO.

Not only that, Martin Armstrong’s energy cost of $6 million is at about 86% to 100% of the capacity of Sequoia (total energy cost for Sequoia is $6 to $7 million). What is the chance that the US government allows Martin Armstrong taking 86% to 100% of the capacity? I would say that is is FOR SURE IMPOSSIBLE.

So it is a big lie, a confidence trick. To boost his credibility, Armstrong simply makes outlandish claims for his “Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System”, while his Socrates is not even a system, still plotting charts using bar-height without numbers in timing arrays which need human guesswork for interpretation.

If running software on a super-computer is a lie, and his office is a lie, and his readers’ comments are lies, what would preclude Martin Armstrong from lying about any of his forecasting “successes”?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 30, 2023 5:17 pm

Or it could be the Bibas family and Hamas were trying to hang on to mum.

I think that was that the poor babes were crying loudly, and the Hamas guys did what you would expect, to shut them up. Then, since they couldn’t let her go to tell the story of what they did they executed her too.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 30, 2023 5:17 pm

Albo says you are (or at least Peter Dutton is) somehow a bad person if you (or Peter Dutton) attends a conference with a principal participant called Jordan Peterson.

Australia is veering, slippin’ and sliddin’ towards totalitarianism.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 5:20 pm

Daily Mail. Isn’t that the sort of club Tories belong to?

Albo joins the elites as housing commission kid gains entry to one of Australia’s poshest golf clubs where membership costs $30,000/year

Anthony Albanese will attend $30,000-a-year golf club
PM is a member of elite Royal Sydney Golf Club in Rose Bay

November 30, 2023 5:22 pm

Nov 30, 2023 2:40 PM

Are they unable to separately assess two unrelated issues? Are their modes of thinking sunk in the morass of deals and contra deals rather than independent rational thought
After many years of dealing with this, there is no rational thinking except when it is expedient. The hierarchy is Islam>family>feelings.
Rationality assumes long term consequence and a logical flow and has no place in Islam. Their saying for the future is maktub, meaning it is written.
This is why women are the first to ’embrace’ Islam. Just look at the pro Hamas demonstrations around Australia.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 30, 2023 5:25 pm

I wonder who’s kissinger now?
(old David Frost show joke)

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 30, 2023 5:27 pm

There’s a report in The Oz that the Federal Court has determined that telehealth for VAD is illegal because it’s suicide. Can’t open it. Maybe someone can post.

November 30, 2023 5:27 pm

The judge in Brucie’s trial made a statement, this afternoon, about the illegality of broadcasting and social media discussing of the streamed proceedings…

Apart from the wide broadcasting from some “Court.. something” website, discussing the Court proceedings must be legal, for maybe he should have a chat with the Daily Mail about their detailed summaries. These are much more detailed than anything reported on this blog..

In any case, Hoggins’ testimony under cross examination is as solid as a stream of steaming diarrhoea.
Changing her mind, adjusting her “truth” to fit solid transcripts and recordings by her and others is clearly good and proper.
Nooooo problems with credibility, no, not at all.
Being feisty and combative when called out on her BS, interspersing this with crocodile tears, is all A-OK, it seems..

I mean.. who could possibly be troubled by the inconsistencies in her story of being found by the security guard with the white dress scrunched up around her chest, vs being found naked in Reynolds’ office, as has been widely reported?
Let alone the multiple inconsistencies dating back years, and cleverly skated-over by the Channel 10-Leesa team as recently as yesterday.

Just piffles, mere, inconsequential details, when compared to her claims of traumatic distress of having been r0ped, without any supporting evidence.

Neither her or Brucie should ever get another job, except as 3rd-rate actors.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 30, 2023 5:33 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Nov 30, 2023 5:17 PM
Or it could be the Bibas family and Hamas were trying to hang on to mum.

I think that was that the poor babes were crying loudly, and the Hamas guys did what you would expect, to shut them up. Then, since they couldn’t let her go to tell the story of what they did they executed her too.

I hate to be a pedant, but Hamarse did NOT “execute” her, they murdered her, and many, many others.

November 30, 2023 5:35 pm

Here you go, BBS

Landmark VAD court ruling: telehealth illegal

A push to allow Voluntary Assisted Dying medical consultations to occur via telehealth has been rejected by the Federal Court, in a blow to voluntary euthanasia advocates.

Melbourne VAD doctor Nick Carr had sought a ruling from the court on whether or not a federal law banning the use of phone or internet to “counsel” suicide applies to state VAD systems.

Justice Wendy Abraham KC on Thursday ruled that the relevant section of the commonwealth criminal code act does apply to ending someone’s life under VAD.

It is a blow to VAD doctors and advocates who argue the federal law has prevented VAD access by many regional and remote patients and in some jurisdictions stymied online VAD training for doctors.

The decision will add impetus to a push by states, all of which have now passed VAD laws, for amendment to the federal law, which was introduced in response to the activities of voluntary euthanasia advocate Dr Philip Nitschke.

Justice Abraham rejected key arguments advanced by Dr Carr’s legal team, including that the legal meaning of the phrase “commit suicide”, in the context of the federal law, was to intentionally take one’s life “other than in the exercise of a legal right to do so conferred and regulated by law”.

“The better interpretation of those words is that they simply bear their ordinary and natural meaning, the intentional taking of one’s own life, and the act of doing so,” Justice Abraham ruled.

“At the time of their introduction, it was well understood that the offence provisions could apply to individuals engaging in private communications, including by telephone and by email, and potentially encompass discussions in the context of a doctor-patient relationship.”

The judgment will be welcomed by opponents of change, who argue telehealth consultations do not allow adequate assessment of a person’s state of mind and whether or not they are being coerced into VAD.

Dr Carr said the focus would now switch to a private members bill, put forward by independent MP Kate Chaney to amend the federal law.

“I’m extremely disappointed at Justice Abraham’s findings,” Dr Carr told The Australian. “The argument in court was all about words and dictionaries and language.

“There was never any mention of a patient and the huge gulf between the horrors of suicide and the comfort that is VAD.

“But now at least we have clarification under law and we now go to Kate Chaney and her private members bill and pursue the matter through parliament.”

Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said the Albanese government “must urgently act to amend commonwealth laws that are standing in the way of people’s lawful access to VAD”.

“Medical professionals should not face prosecution for fulfilling their duties, nor should people be denied access to medical support based on where they live,” she said.

“Today’s Federal Court decision reinforces Queensland’s long held position that legislative change is essential.”

Matthew Denholm Tasmania Correspondent

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 30, 2023 5:35 pm

The Amway salesman and convicted fraud crook, earlier:

Even 9/11 took place on the precise target date

Aha. Aaaahahahahhaaaaa.

Not so long ago, this charlatan would have been an End-Of-World, doomsday cultist grifting people out of their life savings because they wouldn’t need it, as The End Is Nigh.

Which would have been followed by ‘oh yeah but nah yeah nah, I did the calculations again so it’s all good’.

Subscribe now! Premium content!

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 30, 2023 5:35 pm

One day in his cups he told me that someone called ‘Benny’ had raped a woman, but thanks to pals in the NSW cops, and a generous payoff to the victim, it went away.
He’s Foreign Minister now.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 30, 2023 5:36 pm

If the Al Aqsa mosque is the claimed to be an absolute sticking point in proclaiming a wider Israel (as argued above), with the Muslim world unable to countenance Israeli control on the Temple Mount site of the mosque (a site which is also holy to Jews and some Christians) then there is a simple answer. Israel could have designated visa arrival points at Tel Aviv airport where a regular dedicated helicopter service flies in Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount with a visiting visa for the day only. Apply for the visa six months in advance. No staying on in Israel; out the same day. Muslim custodians permitted to stay in the Mosque subject to conditions.

Currently, as we did, visitors who are not Muslim have to apply for entry at the site entrance and Muslims can become choosy about the times and people they admit. The Hamas massacre on 7th October should put all of that off the table now. Israeli control via Israeli visas.

November 30, 2023 5:37 pm

(Have you read this?)

excellent link Roger

thank you !

November 30, 2023 5:40 pm

Without the ability to deny admission to Australia for outright crims and spivs you don’t have a border policy.

A flight to the UN in new yawk would be a good outcome for all. They get suitable enrichment and we get rid of rubbish people.

November 30, 2023 5:42 pm

Wow what a grub, I had never heard of this tiny Pinder bloke till mentioned upthread. Short of citizenship how hasn’t someone like him been deported already, his a serial sex pest and rapist. Certainly not of good character and the Judges should have told Basketball Australia to take a long walk off a short pier, like they like lecturing us about judicial independence and all that, when we complain about their decisions…

November 30, 2023 5:43 pm

Sky’s Sharri Markson is onboard with the sisterhood. She believes Bruce Lehmann raped Britnah and has invited one of Britnah’s female lawyers Rebekah Giles on her show to support Britnah’s fabrications.

Like blokes making decisions with their dicks, Sharri ultimately thinks all women should be believed when they lie in court.

Sharri has lost me. Which is sad since I have been one of her supporters.

November 30, 2023 5:49 pm

the Al Aqsa mosque…

Should have been razed a long time ago.

November 30, 2023 5:50 pm

If the Al Aqsa mosque is the claimed to be an absolute sticking point in proclaiming a wider Israel (as argued above), with the Muslim world unable to countenance Israeli control on the Temple Mount site of the mosque (a site which is also holy to Jews and some Christians) then there is a simple answer.

This bloke had a simple answer.

But then they said he was a looooony!

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 30, 2023 5:53 pm

After Hawke’s death the stories started to emerge. In an article I read some time back he was referred to as a “sex maniac”.
I told Mrs. Bee (much to her surprise) that most of us men are sex maniacs.
We just don’t tend to act it out like some do.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 30, 2023 5:55 pm

Sharri has lost me.
How many has Chris Kenny lost?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 30, 2023 5:55 pm

I presume that, by now, everyone has heard what Elon has said in an interview regarding the advertisers who had withdrawn their advertising from X: “Go fvck yourselves!”

Mind you he prefaced this with comment that these people were trying to blackmail him, and it was to that that he said it.

He also made a special shout out to Bob Iger at Disney, who seems may have been in the studio.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 5:56 pm

If the Al Aqsa mosque is the claimed to be an absolute sticking point in proclaiming a wider Israel (as argued above

My understanding is that the Prophet Mohammed DREAMED that he ascended to heaven on a winged horse, and the Al Aqsa mosque was built on the site where that ascension was supposed to have taken place…

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
November 30, 2023 5:56 pm

Jason Morrison: we have crap people in the parliament.
Fact check – true.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 5:58 pm

Should have been razed a long time ago.

Moshe Dayan gave specific orders, following the capture of the Old City, in 1967, that the mosque was NOT to be razed…

November 30, 2023 5:59 pm

Another detail from yesterday’s sympathetic questioning of Hoggins by Matt Collins, somewhat also noted during the ACT criminal trial but not remarked on the Daily Mail Online summary:

When she was first called into Fiona Brown’s office, just after Brucie got the boot, she was confronted with the accusation of severe misconduct, for accessing Parliament after hours without cause.

She then brainstormed the assault claim (later fine-tuned to r0pe)..
A brilliant move!
Brown was blindsided by this and, in keeping with the modern Bible according to HR, Hoggins instantly became a Supreme Victim, She-Who-Can-Do-No-Wrong, in proximal time, perhaps in perpetuity.

BANG! No more misconduct!
Any threats of sacking over her stupidity went down the toilet.
And… she was given the green-light to expect unlimited help/support/understanding by all around her, including the PM.
From victim to aggressor in one quick lie. No conscience or ethics required.

That’s how it’s done, peasants!

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  2. Canula not in right. Had a porta-cath implanted for my chemo course, way back when. The first “stab” missed the…

  3. Israel will have done that because they’ve basically won. Ukraine is more nuanced. Much as I like Trump he has…

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x