Open Thread – Wed 29 Nov 2023

At The Moulin Rouge, The Dance, Toulouse-Lautrec, 1890

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November 30, 2023 11:13 pm
November 30, 2023 11:18 pm

Serious thought must be given by all western societies if our civilisation is to survive.

It it not now, never was and never will be sustainable to accept Islam as an inclusive religion capable of integration in our society.

It is a hate filled ideology gaining a critical mass of numbers in many non islamic countries, on the back of western welfare, to seriously threaten our future, especially in a deteriorating mentally deficient woke western world.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 30, 2023 11:18 pm

McGowan dead.

Curse you, that’s a large single malt and a new keyboard you owe me.

November 30, 2023 11:21 pm

I’m so very sorry for the leaving of your beloved Dad, calli. To be with a parent with love during the hushed moments of the transition to the everywhen is the last gift you can give. It’s a deeply personal privilege.

It does not diminish the pain of loss. I hope your lifelong memories of your Dad always make you smile. Wishing you peace and the blessing of grace in the days ahead.

November 30, 2023 11:29 pm

Well said, Megan.

To Calli, (one of this blog’s shining lights) my sincere condolences.

November 30, 2023 11:34 pm

Nov 30, 2023 1:41 PM
Plenty of people bad-mouthing Amin al-Husseini on the basis that he was besties with Adolf, recruited Arab brigades to fight alongside Adolf, and gave his full support to Adolf’s undertaking to eradicate Jews, but no-one here wants to discuss more pertinent issues…like….

What about Husseini’s nephew, who said….often…that his greatest inspiration was his uncle Amin? No-one on the New Cat care about the germane issues? Why is that?

Calm down Mant.

Most of us would have seen that pic of the towel head meeting with the swine. But most of of us wouldn’t know his family tree down to who his cousin was.

Was that germane or German enough for you?

November 30, 2023 11:34 pm

Condolences Calli.
I still think of my OId Man…the good times and the bad times and everything in between.
He was ex Navy and I joined the Army, so that set off a lot of interesting discussions between us on the merits and/or lack of between our respective service branch. Especially on ANZAC Day.

November 30, 2023 11:39 pm

My condolences Calli. It was a blessing to get home in time to be with your Dad.

November 30, 2023 11:45 pm

Imagine the outcry and the squealing of this happened under the Libs.

Gap fees highest since Medicare’s inception

New data shows a drop in the bulk billing rate for GPs in a reversal of a 15-year stable trend, as doctors fear ordinary healthcare is increasingly out of reach of battlers.

November 30, 2023 11:46 pm

Sad to hear Calli. Keep well.

November 30, 2023 11:47 pm


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 30, 2023 11:51 pm


Nov 30, 2023 11:45 PM

Imagine the outcry and the squealing of this happened under the Libs.

Gap fees highest since Medicare’s inception

We don’t have to imagine.
Abbott tried to introduce a $7 co-payment for otherwise bulk-billed doctor’s visits.
It included all manner of exemptions for pensioners etc, and annual caps.
A modesht proposhal, one might say.
From the ensuing frenzy you would think the sky was about to fall in.
And here we are.
Paying a lot more than $7.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 30, 2023 11:53 pm

He was ex Navy and I joined the Army

Navy is the only thing which saved Army from being the gayest arm of the services.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 30, 2023 11:55 pm

This McGowan chap who passed on.
I have never heard of him.
A member of a musical ensemble going by the name of “The Rogues” I understand.
It all sounds a little unsavoury to me.

November 30, 2023 11:59 pm

It is a hate filled ideology gaining a critical mass of numbers

probably true but

the real problem for the west that there is another “hate filled ideology gaining a critical mass of numbers”

post -modernism-structuralism-colonialism


it’s gonna fnck yr shit up

and they’re all aligned. islam, chiner, palestine, and your kiddies

the Axis is back baby

except that this time

we’re the baddies

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 1, 2023 12:03 am

Er, who do you think is paying for our subsidized healthcare?
The NHS? BlackRock?

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 12:06 am

Nov 30, 2023 10:43 PM

Do you like Kipling.
Don’t know. I’ve never kippled.

Mr Kipling does a very nice line in cakes.

No French Tarts or Randy Tarts though –

December 1, 2023 12:08 am


What’s structuralism have to do with the price of tuna? Don’t you mean leatards.
Nietzsche wept.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 12:14 am

Nietzsche bursts into tears at the drop of a hat.
A right little Britney, he is.

December 1, 2023 12:16 am

A deadset flamer.

December 1, 2023 12:19 am

JC, do you mean leotards?

you’d do well to read a little and find out instead of mouthing off

you really have no clue what yr up against do you?

December 1, 2023 12:28 am


We’ve been talking about the ascendency of the left every single day in various Catallaxy iterations for the past 20 years. Not a day has gone by.

You obviously haven’t noticed because you’re too busy trying to pick fights with people when you’re drunk.

Yeah, leotards. You’re very good at picking the smallest detail and running with it.

Nietzsche was a bawler.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2023 12:28 am

Australian 7-11 sells for $1.7bn. How do you go about spending that?

December 1, 2023 12:37 am

We’ve been talking about the ascendency of the left every single day in various Catallaxy iterations

the argument has escaped you

you crap on as if you know it;s the “left”

it isnt the left

it’s something else entirely

December 1, 2023 12:42 am

Oh yeah, what is it then, trans?

Don’t keep us in suspense like you always do when you bigmouth something and have nothing to show for it except abuse.

Go for it, tell us what’s different and nothing to do with the left. What’s this unique discovery you’ve observed, Einstein?

December 1, 2023 12:46 am

Don’t keep us in suspense like you always do when you bigmouth something and have nothing to show for it except abuse.

tomorrow cock-head …tomorrow

now try not to pretend you know how things really work

you toss-pot

December 1, 2023 12:49 am

Tomorrow lol. Don’t forget.

Nietzsche wept.

December 1, 2023 12:52 am

one more spazz ….

December 1, 2023 12:54 am

Fill the glass one more time.


December 1, 2023 1:01 am

quick, quick … there’s time for another spazz

go and read the intersectional and post-colonial texts you stupid man

the world no longer works like you think it does

December 1, 2023 1:15 am

Trans, ummm is that it, or are you’re going to post this amazing thesis tomorrow?

You’re very argumentative in the evening.

I’m not passing judgement. If you’ve come up with an incredible dissertation then you should be pleased people are asking for it and not calling them names.

You’re one of the brightest, most insightful people on the Cat, so please help understand all this new world, Professor Trans.

December 1, 2023 1:20 am

Big whistle-blower news out of NZ from the guy who ran the data base for all NZ covid jab payments.

Reveals some very interesting information about excess deaths, worst death rates and batch numbers. Even names specific vaccine locations and their death rates. Some 30%.

Spreading around Twitter but I saw it via Twitter Aussie 17 who is ex Pharma.

December 1, 2023 1:48 am

I don’t care who does it, but I hate it when people assert something but fail to back it up with facts or with links.

It’s like tapping the side of your nose, ‘I know something you don’t and not telling’.

Custard, at least provided links to support his mostly strange ideas, grant him that.

December 1, 2023 1:58 am

I mean crikey, Professor Trans has arrived at a theory on a new dominant political movement, which he describes as not being leftwing, but something else. And now leaves it to his students to figure out what it is. So unfair.

December 1, 2023 3:08 am

Gratitude when it’s deserved. Thank you Geoffrey Robertson for taking NSW ICAC to the UN Human Rights Commission and hopefully sending this terrible regime into the trash, where an accusation is enough to blight a reputation without evidence. All ICACs need to be scrapped asap. They are authoritarian star chambers and have no place in Australia.

United Nations puts arrogant ICAC on notice

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has just issued a ruling that will ruin Christmas for this country’s anti-corruption commissions. Their days of avoiding the scrutiny of a full appeal process may soon be over.

Unlike courts, the decisions of anti-corruption commissions are not subject to a full appeal on the merits – a ludicrous privilege that has watered down one of the most effective checks on the these quasi-judicial bodies.

Some of these commissions also delight in subjecting innocent people to public show trials without saying why such reputation-destroying procedures are necessary.

Nobody should ever forget that when former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian was subjected to one of these performances she was confronted with questions that had already been asked and answered at an earlier private hearing. But all that might be about to change.

And if it does, primary responsibility will rest with the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption and the highhanded manner with which it dealt not with azal, unlike most of ICAC’s innocent victims, had the resources to recruit star human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, KC, who has just persuaded the UN Human Rights Committee that certain procedures at ICAC violate international human rights.

The result is that Australia’s record on human rights has been damaged. This will play into the hands of our adversaries and hamper this country’s efforts to promote the rule of law.

This is not what Kazal was after. After examining ICAC’s case against Kazal, prosecutors refused to charge him with anything. At law, he is an innocent man. But that was not enough. He wanted his reputation back.

He had already tried and failed with the only permissible challenge – a narrowly based judicial review that was limited to questions of law.

NSW governments, past and present, must share the blame for the fact that this ruling has diminished the entire nation’s record on human rights.

The Coalition, when in office in Sydney, rejected a recommendation from the late David Levine, an ICAC inspector, and refused to introduce an exoneration protocol to restore the reputations of innocent people who had been trashed by ICAC only to be acquitted in court or not even prosecuted.

That would have given Kazal a remedy. It would also have recognised the fact that in free societies everyone enjoys a presumption of innocence until an real court – not a government agency – rules otherwise.

Robertson’s advocacy has persuaded the UN committee that certain procedures at ICAC violated Kazal’s rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The committee has ruled that the federal government should compensate Kazal and prevent similar violations.

This is where things get interesting. ICAC is the nation’s oldest anti-corruption commission and other agencies – including the National Anti-Corruption Commission – have adopted many of its structures.

So if the federal government is to comply with the Human Rights Committee’s ruling and prevent similar rights violations, this might require the Albanese government to initiate changes at other anti-corruption commissions – including its own.

Mark Fowler, who is one of the nation’s leading human rights lawyers, believes the UN committee’s decision is momentous not only for ICAC in NSW but for every state and territory anti-corruption commission.

“The committee’s ruling in Kazal v Australia that the Commonwealth ‘is also under an obligation to take all steps necessary to prevent similar violations from occurring in the future’ necessitates an immediate review of all federal, state and territory corruption commission regimes,” says Fowler, who is an adjunct associate professor of law and principal of Fowler Charity Law.

“Where that review locates dissonance between domestic law and Australia’s international obligations there are three potential replies open.

“First, states and territories may elect to amend their own laws. Second, the Commonwealth may pass legislation, relying on its external affairs power, overriding the inconsistent state or territory anti-corruption laws.

“This was the course of action taken by the Keating government in 1994 in response to the UNHRC’s view in Toonen v Australia that Tasmania’s laws criminalising sodomy breached Article 17 of the ICCPR, the same Article on which the UNHRC now relies in the Kazal matter.

“The third option is for the Commonwealth and any offending state or territory to take no action. That would leave Australia in breach of its international obligations and risk damaging its international standing on human rights,” Fowler says.

When this country ratified the ICCPR it willingly took on the obligation under Article 2(3)(a) of that treaty to provide Australians with an effective remedy whenever their rights under that Covenant are violated.

In the Kazal case, the UN committee summarised the problem with ICAC’s procedures like this: “ … the inquiry conducted by ICAC, and its adverse public findings made against [Kazal] which he could not challenge, amounted to a violation of (Kazal’s) rights under Article 17 of the Covenant”.

The absence of reasons for ICAC’s decisions to hold a public hearing and make its findings public amounted to an arbitrary interference in Kazal’s right to privacy.

The federal government, of course, cannot be forced to live up to its treaty obligations. But unless it does it will be appeasing ICAC and similar bodies by sacrificing human rights.

December 1, 2023 3:10 am

Now looking far more like Kfir, Ariel and their parents were murdered by their captors, possibly some time ago.
Apparently Gazan police haven’t been paid so have stopped working, just looking after their own, and order is breaking down, aid trucks being looted.
In a society where might is right, nasty, getting worse.
2 hostages freed; Blinken to PM: Protect civilians before ground op in south Gaza

December 1, 2023 3:53 am
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December 1, 2023 4:07 am
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December 1, 2023 4:12 am
Fair Shake
Fair Shake
December 1, 2023 4:43 am

Welcome to Summer one and all.

Looking forward to global boiling and blackouts driving a great big pin into Bowens unreliable expensive environmentally disastrous wasteful energy scheme.

Meanwhile todays weather forecast for Melbourne Max 18c 68% chance of rain. Aah Summer gotta love it.

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 4:49 am

Thanks Tom.

December 1, 2023 5:00 am

My sincere condolences, calli.

December 1, 2023 5:12 am

Mr Garrison can’t have an abortion

This was South Park from 2005.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 1, 2023 5:24 am

Sky News UK anchor Mark Austin got done over by Niall Ferguson when he proposed that Kissinger had been involved in the US’s “carpet bombing of Cambodia” which led to the Pol Pot regime.
Ferguson said that was a stupid bit of historical rewriting; the bombing over the border was limited to supply trails that were being used to resupply the Viet-cong, and that the genesis of the Pol Pot regime had nothingto do with it. Austin also stuck his foot in it by mentioning Rolling Stone magazine as a source, which met with instant dismissal by Ferg.
Elsewhere, the Beeb floated the meme that Kissinger was implicated in the takedown of the Chilean socialist government of Allende and supporting Pinochet. This is a favourite of the left media, that Pinochet was some sort of monster rather than the saviour of Chile. A point of reference is Maggie Thatcher’s admiration of Pinochet.
The Beeb has also – trying to curry favour – been interviewing “Palestinians” about their relatives being released from Israeli prisons, as if there was some sort of equivalence between convicted criminals and innocent children, teenagers, parents and grandparents murdered or held hostage by the unspeakable Hamas operatives.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2023 5:26 am

A new dawn is just creeping over from the ocean as I look out of my window to the east, Calli. Death is life’s burden. Grief is the way we carry it and I am glad your strong faith is there to strengthen you through every new day without him.

Sincere condolences.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2023 5:34 am

Apparently Gazan police haven’t been paid so have stopped working, just looking after their own, and order is breaking down, aid trucks being looted.
In a society where might is right, nasty, getting worse.

I thought this as I watched the intensifying of the mob hatred surrounding the Red Cross convey with the latest release of hostages. They were not under any control. Armed Hamas thugs are all that is left and there were not enough of them to do the job.

Maybe the Saudi’s can stump up some ready cash to pay the police, with delivery organised by Israel as the only force on the ground with a moral base to it?

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 1, 2023 5:38 am

The federal government, of course, cannot be forced to live up to its treaty obligations. But unless it does it will be appeasing ICAC and similar bodies by sacrificing human rights.
Giant wedgie for Labor at state and federal levels. They lurv the UN longtime.

December 1, 2023 5:41 am

David Burge

Apparently they’re not too keen on reminders that Jews were being born in Judea 2000 years ago

Iowahawk commenting on the pro-Hamas mob interrupting the Christmas tree lighting in NY.

December 1, 2023 5:47 am

Navy is the only thing which saved Army from being the gayest arm of the services.

I was always under the impression that was the RAAFie claim to fame.
The one thing the RAAFies did get right is sending their ‘Orificers’ to do the fighting.

However back in the day before the ‘woke inclusivity shit’ and marching in uniform at the annual ‘Oxford St. Rainbow Gayness Shitshow’ kicked off, there were a few lezzos living in the female lines at Enoggera that were causing problems for the non lezzos such that the non lezzos wanted to move out of the female lines and into the male lines to escape from being hit on.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 1, 2023 5:49 am

The next phase of the Climate Scam is being talked up at COP, in the middle of an area that might be called Fossil Fuel Central. Never mind that India and China are going full steam ahead on coal, it’s time to make the West pay!
Pay for what? Pay for the damage resulting from every flood, drought or hurricane in a relatively undeveloped country, because those things have only happened due to industrialisation dating back to the 19th century.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2023 5:50 am

Thanks Tom for the toons. Leak superb again. Nails those irritating earrings too.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 1, 2023 5:56 am

Perth doctors want to be movers and shakers in Energy, and have called on the government to repent and stop fossil fuel usage, thereby knobbling the entire nation.
But they aren’t “stepping outside their lane”.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2023 6:03 am

Airhead earrings. OK at a beach BBQ but not in Parliament.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 1, 2023 6:05 am

Iowahawk commenting on the pro-Hamas mob interrupting the Christmas tree lighting in NY.

Firs they came for the Jews …

Now they’re after the Christians and the civilisation of the West.
Symbolised by Christmas trees.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 1, 2023 6:07 am

Netball Australia turns down a player demand for an 11 percent increase in wages. Kate Maloney sez they aren’t asking the body itself, rather getting sponsorship money to provide the increase.
Now if only there were a rich benefactor to kick in $40 million…
Actions have consequences ladies.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 1, 2023 6:09 am

Now they’re after the Christians and the civilisation of the West.
Symbolised by Christmas trees.

Yes Lizzie, the start of the decline was when we started saying Happy Holidays to appease these dickheads.
It’s Christmas, not Xmas either.

December 1, 2023 6:10 am

Black Ball
Dec 1, 2023 6:07 AM

Now if only there were a rich benefactor to kick in $40 million…
Actions have consequences ladies.

Funny that.

Stephen Williams
Stephen Williams
December 1, 2023 6:25 am

I haven’t seen much news or current affairs for some time, can someone explain Leak to me?

December 1, 2023 6:31 am

Stephen Williams
Dec 1, 2023 6:25 AM

I haven’t seen much news or current affairs for some time, can someone explain Leak to me?

Thanks for asking, I don’t get it either but was to timid to ask.

December 1, 2023 6:34 am

It’s Claire O’Neill.

Here is the story. Sorry it’s Aunty.

December 1, 2023 6:36 am


Battery fire in a cart?

December 1, 2023 6:59 am


The image on the left is the blurred image and the legal code name for the criminal asylum seeker. The one on the left is the brain dead Claire O’Neill saying something like “no fcking idea”.

Can you explain that to Constable Buttonhead as he doesn’t speak to me, or so he claims until he tries a jab from behind.

December 1, 2023 7:04 am

I must say, O’Neill is a decent looker for a pol, so she should automatically get a pass for being a brain dead nonce.

December 1, 2023 7:09 am

A sad day for you calli , remember all the good times you shared with your dad

December 1, 2023 7:10 am

Just to remind the blog owner and Cats of what we’re dealing with here.

And no, I’m not given to drama, nor fear. But it is disturbing and persistent and a little bit mad.

December 1, 2023 7:13 am

But at this moment, there was joy. As the helicopters landed, traffic stopped, and people got out of their cars and broke into song. They clapped and their voices rang out as they welcomed back the hostages with songs like “Hevenu Shalom Alechem.” (“We brought you peace.”)

December 1, 2023 7:15 am

Thanks min. Today we deal with all the nuts and bolts of the formal farewell. Family pow wow set for this morning over much morning tea. Following the lead of the Divine Agatha (The Hollow) it will be sandwiches.

Appropriate and wholesome. We’re all Christie buffs, so it will be good for a laugh, such as it is. Dad wouldn’t be impressed with hand-wringing and long faces.

December 1, 2023 7:17 am
December 1, 2023 7:19 am

I must say, O’Neill is a decent looker for a pol,

If only you had gone to Specsavers.

December 1, 2023 7:20 am
December 1, 2023 7:21 am

Sincere condolences Calli; you’ve been very fortunate to have such long lived parents, but that doesn’t make the immediate sense of loss easier.

December 1, 2023 7:21 am

No shortage of “top men” prepared to defend Oz to the braid ….. LOL!

there are now 68 senior officers in the Royal Australian Navy, consisting of 50 Commodores, 15 Rear Admirals, and 3 Vice-Admirals which include the Chief of Navy, the Vice-Chief of Defence, and head of the Australian Submarine Agency.

The Australian Army, which boasts more than 27,000 personnel, has a total of 58 Brigadiers, 22 Major-Generals, 5 Lieutenant-Generals (including the ADF’s Chief of Joint Operations) and one General, Angus Campbell, who serves as Chief of Defence.

In the Royal Australian Air Force, there are currently 50 Air Commodores, 14 Air Vice-Marshals, and two Air Marshals — one who serves as RAAF chief.

ADF total strength has dropped from 62 429 t0 41 079 since 1983

December 1, 2023 7:21 am

Fo5 your own sake I th8nk you should ignore it,calli.

December 1, 2023 7:23 am

For anyone following the Brucie/Brittnah case via livestreaming on youTube, the experience can be enhanced by examining documents read or tendered in Court on the
publicly available Online File here:

December 1, 2023 7:24 am

I was taught to call a spade a spade, bespoke. This one’s more like a pichfork.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
December 1, 2023 7:27 am

Black Ball
Dec 1, 2023 6:09 AM
Now they’re after the Christians and the civilisation of the West.
Symbolised by Christmas trees.

Yes Lizzie, the start of the decline was when we started saying Happy Holidays to appease these dickheads.
It’s Christmas, not Xmas either.

I am not having a go, but Xmas originated from early Christians, using the Greek letter “Chi” (X), as the first letter of Christ. So, Xmas is historically accuate shorthand for Christmas.

BTW, Black Ball, me and my family love your work on the Cat. Keep it up, please.

December 1, 2023 7:29 am

Talk that the 2 hostages released Wednesday out of respect for Putin would be added to Thursday’s total.
Should Putin feel insulted if that is the case?

taking a long time to release the balance of today’s hostages

December 1, 2023 7:30 am

No it’s not, calli.
Of all the crazy things going on, it shouldn’t evan register.

December 1, 2023 7:31 am

One to interfere with all the usual doom & gloom .. ENJOY..!

December 1, 2023 7:36 am

Sincere condolences, Calli. Indeed, no-one can replace your dad.

Cassie of Sydney
December 1, 2023 7:38 am

I’m never been a fan of Piers Morgan but I believe he was right to name the two so-called “royal racists”. Morgan is a friend to the royals, he’s an admirer of Camilla and Charles, he’s a admirer of Will and Kate, he’s long been a fervent critic of the two vile whores, the ginger and the whinger, who now live in a twenty bedroom mansion in Montecito, and he has long called out one of their puppets, that grotesque, Thunderbird looking parasitic ‘author’, who has a name that sounds like a venereal disease…”Omid Scobie”.

Neither of the two royals named are “racist”….the whole thing is simply ludicrous and has always been bullshit, since the ‘revelation’ first emerged back in early 2021 when the two Montecito whores first appeared on fatso flatulent Oprah’s show. It is all about attention…look at me….and they did it purposely, deliberately weaponising a smear, an accusation, a lie, in order to intimidate, scare, corner, strangle and I believe to emotionally blackmail the royals, knowing full well that the royals will not say a word. Nobody likes being called a racist, just like that other word ‘Nazi’ has been thrown around by progressive scum over the last decade to taint, demonise, intimidate and scare people, so is the word “racist”.

What Morgan has done, quite rightly I think, is to finally neuter the two whores from Montecito and their endless verbal diarrhoea and sludge. Like parents dealing with badly behaved children, he’s taken away their toys, in this case with the two whores from Montecito, he’s removed their weapon.

December 1, 2023 7:42 am


What’s the rumor about who it was supposed to be?

December 1, 2023 7:46 am

For Tom. The Age report on Australian Open, round one. As far as I can see, no mention of where the event is being played. Jim Webster wept.

December 1, 2023 7:48 am

What Morgan has done, quite rightly I think, is to finally neuter the two whores from Montecito…

Thanks, Cassie. I hadn’t been following the latest gotcha gossip, I’m glad you were so I didn’t have to.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 1, 2023 7:49 am

Nov 30, 2023 11:11 PM
Biden DOJ Collects List of Every Person Who Followed, Retweeted or Mentioned Donald Trump on Twitter

The fascist left were only ever against government surveillance of the population until they got control of the bureaucracy.

December 1, 2023 7:49 am

The King and the Princess of Wales.

December 1, 2023 7:53 am

The Australian Army, which boasts more than 27,000 personnel, has a total of 58 Brigadiers, 22

We had around 60 general officers for all of WW2 , when we fielded 4 divisions and 2 corps, as opposed to 2 understrength divisions and no corps .

December 1, 2023 7:54 am

I had imagined it was the late Duke of Edinburg and the Princess Royal as the “culprits”, both being straight shooters.

The King? Hardly, given he’s as woke as the next progressive. And the Princess of Wales*? Now that’s the green eyed monster if ever there was one.

* I use their titles for added spice and annoyance for the aspiring trailer trash

Louis Litt
December 1, 2023 7:54 am

Bespoke 29/11 @ 11:49am
Re Euthenasia – I don’t understand to get rid of Centrelink recipients.
Lefties love welfare recipients.
Euthenasia is just to snub their noses at Christian values.
People saw what a dreadful life it is for family to look after some one 24/7.
There are cases where this becomes the persons life and it provides them with purpose. For others it’s a misery.
Bringing some one in to be killed/put to sleep, is difficult to adjust to. It’s like the death penalty, but people who commit these crimes are protected.
What I find contradictory is lefties bang on about people with disabilities, conditions etc who are championed at the same time they say they should have the right to be euthenised.
This becomes dangerous as the able bodies person can say the disabled person said this to them.

December 1, 2023 7:55 am

It would help if I could spell though.

Although this time it’s Edinburgh.

No leaving out those impressive “aitches”.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 1, 2023 7:56 am

Kind regards to you and your family.

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 8:00 am

The Fate of the World – Answering Questions – Part 2

COMMENT #3: Thank you sincerely for another amazing WEC. I think that I’ve either attended (or bought tickets to get videos) for all WECs except for first one in Princeton in 2011(?) and maybe one or two in Europe.

In listening carefully, you said that you expect “news” in mid-December. Will they lock us down again?


REPLY #3 I reviewed several markets on the Private Blog, which you have probably seen under the title:

Ukraine on the Edge of Victory or Defeat
We have a Double Directional Change in gold during December as well.

COMMENT #4: As a retired Army Officer (1990) I am expected to be a “Soldier for life.” according to the Army Retirement publication called “Echoes”. Well, the Retirement Services has a board that meets occasionally discussing retirement issues and does recommendations. Not one mention of the woke programs and their effects were mentioned on the possible issues facing recruiting. Based on my years of active-duty service, I can tell you the LGBQT indoctrination, and DEI forced training has a severe negative impact. I, in good faith, cannot recommend any service at this time. I told Retirement Services that.

REPLY #4: That was a stupid idea, just like putting transgender on a BudLight can. If you do not know who your customers are, you do not deserve to be in business. The US military made a major mistake with the vaccines and their WOKE programs.

December 1, 2023 8:04 am

Gap fees highest since Medicare’s inception

Assuming they are talking gross (ie number of $) not %, this is hardly surprising. It is a feature of our constantly bleeding currency that the dollar ‘numbers’ are constantly devalued. It usually works in the govt favour – ‘ GDP went up 4%, your wages went up 3.3%’ etc.

Not one in a hundred understands that its all a con – if inflation (ie the rate of loss of value of the $) is 5%, and GDP ‘rose by 4%’ , you went backwards, and thats even before accounting for population increase and bracket creep. This is one of the prime ways our wise rulers have been able to claim, for most of the last 50 years, to have avoided a recession.

December 1, 2023 8:05 am
Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 8:05 am

Dec 1, 2023 7:19 AM

Agreed and many, many Up Thumbs.

December 1, 2023 8:06 am

Awful time for you and the family, calli.

Very best wishes.


December 1, 2023 8:06 am
December 1, 2023 8:06 am

Thanks BBS. I know I have many well-wishers here. As I said earlier in the week, I don’t want to turn the blog into a soap – most of you have been where I am now.

I might have to call on some feline wisdom navigating some of the shoals of bereavement. Life comes at you fast and families (the extended ones) can sometimes blindside you.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 1, 2023 8:08 am

Just catching up.

Calli, sincere condolences. Very glad you were there for your Dad, yourself and your family.

An interesting perspective:

December 1, 2023 8:08 am

Based on my years of active-duty service, I can tell you the LGBQT indoctrination, and DEI forced training has a severe negative impact. I, in good faith, cannot recommend any service at this time. I told Retirement Services that.

Same same, I told a close friend a couple of years back ‘why sign up to defend a country that constantly steals from you, insults you, blames you for all its ills, and now trashes your right to bodily integrity’ – vax mandates I’m looking at you.

December 1, 2023 8:09 am

Reply to Marty Gas release above

The Fan Email Confidence Trick
Many of Martin Armstrong’s blog posts start with fake manufactured fan email questions like the following in

Understanding Cycles

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I met someone who used to work for you. He said your models are far more complex than anyone imagines and that it is not a simple algorithm. He said you have relied on quantum mechanics which is why nobody has been able to duplicate what you do. Would you care to comment?


In the following response, Martin Armstrong sidesteps the question but confirms the complexity of his models, talks about Energy and his “Schema Frequency” without any reference to what all that means practically. Above the question, there is a video explaining Quantum Theory.

However what I can say with 100% certainty is that Martin Armstrong is not using quantum mechanics technology, and that he did not ever use it.

I have to dig a little deeper here. He uses an old confidence trick where he manufactures a fake fan email that suggests this Quantum Mechanics claim. With that, Martin Armstrong does not actually have to claim it himself, giving him perfect cover, perfect deniability. He can always say he did not claim this while at the same time scoring credits from phantom followers, creating the illusion of being trusted by his readers. In other words, it is a shill technique.

In Are we Heading into a Food Shortage? he uses the trick as part of a scientific fraud as described in The Myth of the Martin Armstrong Global Cooling Prediction.

In The Real Implications of Forecasting Are More Profound Than you Think, Martin fabricates a comment with the aim of promoting his upcoming conference. Between the lines we can read that he tries to sell the conference based on the hope of many users to get a better understanding of the rather useless forecast arrays because he is aware of the fact that many of his clients have problems with them.


Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference and I must say, you told us to expect a move between the Benchmarks in gold, and that the first quarter looked to be a countertrend move. You seem to be able to map out the direction of markets all the time. I am still working out the best way to read the arrays. But I have to ask. Why have you not been given the Noble Prize with such a long track record that is unbeatable?


The fact that we can forecast any event to the day PROVES that markets are by no means RANDOM.

In this blog bost, an attendee of that conference testifies that the comment is manufactured (emphasis addded):

Blog/Basic Concepts Posted Feb 10, 2016 by Martin Armstrong BUY-SELL COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference and I must say, you told us to expect a move between the Benchmarks in gold, and that the first quarter looked to be a countertrend move. You seem to be able to map out the direction of markets all the time. I am still working out the best way to read the arrays. But I have to ask. Why have you not been given the Noble Prize with such a long track record that is unbeatable?

I was at this WEC, and have evidence of what has been said by MA.

He never said such thing ! It’s fabricated answer afterward to make the promotion of the next WEC

Martin Armstrong may in fact (selectively) use received comments that suit his agenda. And he may use those to try to unsettle critics, or he may even use shills to make false claims about them. Obviously that does not legitimize his fraudulent practice (false advertising, fraudulent misrepresentation of performance of his products and services).

Do your own research about the use of his technique, assisted by the power of Google. Click on:

Advanced Google Search that detects the advertisement of his upcoming $2,750 conference, hidden in his fake client emails.

See also:

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill

Martin Armstrong Fake Fan Email Imitation

More links here:

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 8:10 am

You can’t say civilizations don’t advance… in every war they kill you in a new way.

– Will Rogers

December 1, 2023 8:13 am

Johnny Rotten
Dec 1, 2023 8:05 AM

Dec 1, 2023 7:19 AM

Agreed and many, many Up Thumbs.

Claire isn’t a Thai Ladyboy, Wodney, so how would you know who is or isn’t good looking? Remain in your ladyboy lane, you incontinent little limey crook.

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 8:17 am

Market Talk – November 29, 2023


China will likely unleash 2.28 trillion yuan ($319 billion) of next year’s special local bond quota by the end of December, state media reported, a sign Beijing is moving early to boost growth in 2024. Authorities are expected to distribute 60% of next year’s special local government bond quota to provinces ahead of time, according to the Securities Daily. The newspaper cited Feng Lin, a senior analyst with Golden Credit Rating, in its report, along with several key members.

The major Asian stock markets had mixed day today:

NIKKEI 225 decreased 87.17 points or -0.26% to 33,321.22
Shanghai decreased 16.87 points or -0.56% to 3,021.69
Hang Seng decreased 360.70 points or -2.08% to 16,993.44
ASX 200 increased 20.10 points or 0.29% to 7,035.30
Kospi decreased 1.95 points or -0.08% to 2,519.81
SENSEX increased 727.71 points or 1.10% to 66,901.91
Nifty50 increased 206.90 points or 1.04% to 20,096.60
The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:

AUDUSD decreased 0.00323 or -0.49% to 0.66157
NZDUSD increased 0.00169 or 0.28% to 0.61529
USDJPY decreased 0.191 or -0.13% to 147.289
USDCNY increased 0.01213 or 0.17% to 7.14413
The above data was collected around 16:13 EST.

Precious Metals:

Gold increased 3.16 USD/t oz. or 0.15% to 2,044.05

Silver decreased 0.001 USD/t. oz or 0.00%% to 25.003

The above data was collected around 16:15 EST.

Some economic news from last night:


Construction Work Done (QoQ) (Q3) increased from 0.4% to 1.3%

New Zealand:

RBNZ Interest Rate Decision remain the same at 5.5%

December 1, 2023 8:17 am
December 1, 2023 8:19 am

This thread carries marty fan mail parodies.

Martin Armstrong’s Fake Fan Emails are so ridiculous and implausible that his readers have been writing parodies such as this one:

Re: Looks like yet another charlatan

Now, let me expand on his made-up letters since you brought it up and some others mentioned them elsewhere. All those letters could be broken down into three main categories:

1. Dear MA. Thank you for your existence. Our whole family has been reading your blog for years. It is so great that my 97-year-old grandma decided to learn how to read so as to be able to follow your blog. Occasionally on big family gatherings such as Thanksgiving or Christmas we even read your blog out loud (uncle Derek reads it because he has a strong voice and a better diction than our grandma). My children don’t go to school anymore because they have your blog. What else can you ask for in life, right? Thanks to your unique knowledge and extraordinary insight, we now know that politicians are not good as they claim during election campaigns and also that something bad is going on in Europe. It was really an eye-opener. Could you please elaborate on why grass is green and water is wet? Thank you.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 1, 2023 8:20 am

Mr. Armstrong, I met someone who used to work for you.

Apparently you get to meet quite a few people when in jail.

He said your models are far more complex than anyone imagines and that it is not a simple algorithm.

The first ever Commodore 64 to predict 9/11.

eric hinton
eric hinton
December 1, 2023 8:21 am

Um, what’s the Leak Jnr cartoon all about?

(I normally pay enough attention to current affairs to decipher Tom’s ‘toons and the East Darlo girl’s (et. al.) rants… but household has been having the odd medical adventure and I’ve lost touch.

And just between you and me re Qld Health; It’s the bureaucracy baby, the PA hospital staff have been fantastic…. These days you have to venture well beyond the Tesla curtain to find old school “love and darl” country – “Sure I can do that for you love, not a problem darl” – anyway I’ve found a thriving remnant inside the curtain.)

December 1, 2023 8:21 am

Six more hostages now on route to Israel. Almost out of civilian women and children. They still have at least two men in their eighties.

December 1, 2023 8:21 am

This one is pretty funny

3. Your majesty. Words can’t express how grateful I am for living in the same time with you. Your knowledge of economics and physics is so amazing that you should be awarded the Nobel prize for both. I am just one of millions of your loyal followers and has been attending your conferences since the Civil War. I remember you once said gold would go up and down. And it did! You also said that there would be wars in the world. And then they happened! The world best forecaster indeed! Now everybody steals your predictions and claims as their own all over the place. They are so dishonest. At your last conference there were tens of thousands of people and you could not place them all so you had to turn thousands away. Will you hold your next conference in a larger place say exhibition halls or convention centers to accommodate all participants? Thank you.

December 1, 2023 8:22 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 8:24 am

What Morgan has done, quite rightly I think, is to finally neuter the two whores from Montecito…

The “naming” of the “racists” who speculated on where the offspring of Ginge and Whinge might sit on the Dulux colour card is really the death throes of the We’re Moving to Canada project.
They have now reached the point of fabricating stories about paparazzi car chases (no white Fiat Uno though) and attending every C-grade woke conference or awards night to garner attention.
But, as predicted, the circus has moved on, and no-one in the US much cares about what they have to say. Reviving the racism claims via their poncey buddy is all they have left.

December 1, 2023 8:24 am
Cassie of Sydney
December 1, 2023 8:25 am

Just remember, the odious smears of “waaaaaacism” against the royal family blighted the last few weeks of the late Prince Phillip’s life, blighted the last year and a bit of the late queen’s life. The accusations were, of course, manufactured and deliberate, smears designed to scare and intimidate the senior royals. Nobody, royal or commoner, deserves being on the end of such febrile and disgusting fabrications.

December 1, 2023 8:26 am

Great news. COP has decided that climate change only occurs in poor nations, and that the Western world should pay for it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 1, 2023 8:28 am

Dec 1, 2023 7:53 AM
The Australian Army, which boasts more than 27,000 personnel, has a total of 58 Brigadiers, 22

We had around 60 general officers for all of WW2 , when we fielded 4 divisions and 2 corps, as opposed to 2 understrength divisions and no corps .

There were 12 numbered infantry divisions, of which two were short lived and saw no real action, one armoured division and wo cavalry/later motorised/later armoured divisions, none of which saw any action as divisions, though a small number of armoured regiments did.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 8:30 am

Same same, I told a close friend a couple of years back ‘why sign up to defend a country that constantly steals from you, insults you, blames you for all its ills

For the overseas deployment salary uplift maybe?

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 1, 2023 8:32 am

Sorry, five of the infantry divisions (1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th and 12th) did not see significant action, though the 12th was for its short life the Darwin garrison.

December 1, 2023 8:38 am

there are now 68 senior officers in the Royal Australian Navy…

Plus the rest.
Some newly retired bloke took a couple of weeks off
before returning to work on the Reserve List.
“There’s always work for a Commodore.”

December 1, 2023 8:39 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 8:44 am

JC at 8:09.

I have to dig a little deeper here. He uses an old confidence trick where he manufactures a fake fan email that suggests this Quantum Mechanics claim. With that, Martin Armstrong does not actually have to claim it himself, giving him perfect cover, perfect deniability

His whole “sentient AI compuda” claim is based on the same con.
If he ever gets sued or prosecuted for a dodgy prediction, he simply says, “Not me. Socrates thought that up all by itself.”
How do you sue or prosecute a Big Website?
Of course, when anyone demands to look under Socrate’s toga, he will resist because IP.

December 1, 2023 8:51 am

“Honour” killings should have mandatory life sentences.
For the person who commits the act.
And anyone who has assisted (the driver in the video linked above).
And if the family are not permanent residents, they should have their visa’s cancelled.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 8:52 am


Dec 1, 2023 8:19 AM

This thread carries marty fan mail parodies.

Martin Armstrong’s Fake Fan Emails are so ridiculous and implausible that his readers have been writing parodies such as this one

In terms of transparent fabrication, Marty’s fan mail would make the in-house authors of “letters” to Penthouse Forum blush.

December 1, 2023 8:53 am
December 1, 2023 8:54 am

Dec 1, 2023 8:47 AM


He deserves credit for this.

December 1, 2023 8:54 am

Methinks Israel will make a big mistake if they do not obliterate hamarse, while they can.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 1, 2023 8:54 am


Historical context? Journo’s open letter is an exercise in historical distortion

Late last week, a “Letter from journalists to Australian media outlets” urged newsrooms to “adhere to truth” rather than “both-sidesism”, including by “providing historical context” in reporting on the Middle East.

As a prime example of the “important contextual references” which “it is the media’s responsibility” to provide, the letter cited “the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their native lands in 1948 to make way for the state of Israel”.

That now endlessly repeated claim clearly implies that the founders of the state of Israel deliberately provoked the refugee outflow. But far from accurately portraying the historical context, it grotesquely misrepresents, in a manner exemplary of the letter’s “one-sideism”, a complex reality.

Writer Tony Thomas has called out specific journalists who signed a letter demanding media outlets treat information from Israel with the… same scepticism as if it were from Hamas. “They bang on about how journalists must do the right thing,” Mr Thomas told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “They’re advocating More
Thus, when a majority of the UN General Assembly endorsed a partition of the British mandatory territory of Palestine on November 29, 1947, the major Zionist forces reluctantly accepted the proposed plan, despite its draconian conditions.

But the Arab states not only rejected the plan; they launched what the Arab League described as “a war of extermination” whose aim was to “erase (Palestine’s Jewish population) from the face of the earth”.

Nor did the fighting give any reason to doubt that was the Arabs’ goal.

(READ MORE: Truth is the casualty of journalists’ letter on Hamas | As a prime example of the “important contextual references” | Journo union’s war: ‘Treat Israel like Hamas’ | ‘For my son, please stop all the hate’ | Will Israel, Hamas agree to extend hard-fought ceasefire? | Youngest hostage killed in strike: Hamas.)

At least until late May 1948, Jewish prisoners were invariably slaughtered. In one instance, 77 Jewish civilians were burned alive after a medical convey was captured; in another, soldiers who had surrendered were castrated before being shot; in yet another, death came by public ­decapitation.

And even after the Arab armies declared that they would abide by the Geneva Convention, Jewish prisoners were regularly murdered on the spot.

While those atrocities continued a long-standing pattern of barbarism, they also reflected the conviction that unrestrained terror would “push the Jews into the sea”, as Izzedin Shawa, who represented the Arab High Committee, put it.

A crucial element of that strategy was to use civilian militias in the territory’s 450 Arab villages to ambush, encircle and destroy Jewish forces, as they did in the conflict’s first three months.

It was to reduce that risk that the Haganah – the predecessor of the Israel Defence Force – adopted the “Dalet plan” in March 1948, which ordered the evacuation of those “hostile” Arab villages, notably in the surrounds of Jerusalem, that posed a direct threat of encirclement.

The implementation of its criteria for clearing villages was inevitably imperfect, but the Dalet plan neither sought nor was the primary cause of the massive outflow of Arab refugees, which was well under way before it came into effect.

Nor was the scale of the outflow much influenced by the massacres committed by Irgun and Lehi – small Jewish militias that had broken away from the Haganah – which did not loom large in a prolonged, extremely violent, conflict that also displaced a high proportion of the Jewish population.

Rather, three factors were mainly involved. First, the Muslim authorities, led by the rector of Cairo’s Al Azhar Mosque, instructed the faithful to “temporarily leave the territory, so that our warriors can freely undertake their task of extermination”.

Second, believing that the war would be short-lived and that they could soon return without having to incur its risks, the Arab elites fled immediately, leaving the Arab population leaderless, disoriented and demoralised, especially once the Jewish forces gained the upper hand.

Third and last, as Benny Morris, a harsh critic of Israel, stresses in his widely cited study of the Palestinian exodus, “knowing what the Arabs had done to the Jews, the Arabs were terrified the Jews would, once they could, do it to them”.

Seen in that perspective, the exodus was little different from the fear-ridden flights of civilians that have always accompanied wars, including the vast population movements associated with the collapse of the Ottoman, Habsburg and Russian empires, the capitulation of Nazi Germany and the dismemberment of Yugoslavia.

And it pales compared to the suffering caused (at almost the same time as the war in Palestine) by the partition of British India – a blood-soaked catastrophe, displacing tens of millions of people, which the distinguished Indian judge and essayist G.D. Khosla recalled as “an event of unprecedented horror”.

But while the mass outflow was not unusual, its sequel was. In the other major cases, refugees were ultimately absorbed into their country of refuge.

By 1960, the 12 million ethnic Germans who, after centuries of settlement, fled or were forcibly deported at the end of World War II from central and eastern Europe had fully merged into West German society. Equally, the illiterate Hindus who flooded, entirely destitute, into East Punjab underpinned the Indian Punjab’s momentous transformation into the country’s breadbasket.

And the 750,000 Jews – a number slightly greater than that of Palestinian refugees – brutally expelled (and comprehensively expropriated) during and after 1947 by the Arab states eventually became an integral part of Israeli society.

Moreover, in none of those instances, or even of the vast population transfers between Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria, were there durable revanchist movements, much less any expectation of a “right of return”.

Not so in respect of the Palestinian refugees, who became permanently homeless. That was, at least in part, the UN’s fault.

(Hamas ‘no better than ISIS’: The Guardian Australia slammed for anti-Israel letter
The Guardian Australia’s Editor-in-Chief Lenore Taylor has raised concerns about the signing of an anti-Israel letter by 24 of her publication’s journalists and staff. The letter is part of a media campaign urging people to treat… information from the Israeli government with as much scepticism as information put forth.)

As many studies have shown, a central element in the remarkable success of the Turkish-Greek population exchange of 1922-23 was the tying of all international resettlement assistance to the unfettered integration of refugees into the country of refuge. The Refugee Settlement Commission (1923-1930) was therefore explicitly based on the principle that help would never suffice unless refugees were “forced to prosper”.

Operating under a strictly time-limited mandate, the RSC depended entirely on loans that could be repaid only if the refugees, rather than devoting their lives to terrorism, were productively employed.

But instead of heeding that precedent, the UN established the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, a bloated, grant-funded bureaucracy whose survival depended on endlessly perpetuating the Palestinians’ “refugee” status, regardless of the fact that they and their parents were actually living in the land of their birth.

Yet the UN was merely doing the bidding of the Arab states, which increasingly relied on the issue of Palestine to convert popular anger at their abject failures into rage against Israel and the West. Terminally corrupt, manifestly incapable of economic and social development, the Arab kleptocracies elevated Jew-­hatred into the opium of the people – and empowered the Islamist fanaticism that has wreaked so much harm worldwide.

Of course, none of that matters to the open letter’s signatories. Flaunting their keffiyehs, these armchair warriors, who are far removed from any risk of being butchered by terrorists, have convinced themselves that they are the guardians of the truth, and that anyone who calls out their grievous errors is in bad faith. To say they are one-eyed would be wrong; drenched in bias, ignorance and self-righteousness, they are no-eyed. The tragedy is that anyone would follow them in their blindness.

December 1, 2023 8:59 am

A tricky one for the Shinners.
It’s emblematic of the Crown’s oppression in Norn Iron
and necessary for social cohesion in feckin’ Oirland.

December 1, 2023 9:00 am

In terms of transparent fabrication, Marty’s fan mail would make the in-house authors of “letters” to Penthouse Forum blush.

LOl. I can’t believe anyone could be so gullible, so blind to evidence that Wodney isn’t a crook trying to suck people in trying to earn a few dollars (from Marty). The only problem is that Marty won’t cough up.

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 9:01 am

People’s minds are changed through observation and not through argument.

– Will Rogers

December 1, 2023 9:02 am

For the overseas deployment salary uplift maybe?

Might be a boost for the regulars, but I was a Medical Specialist – I always dropped pay when deployed, compared to my normal income.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 1, 2023 9:03 am

Nov 30, 2023 10:40 PM
My understanding is that the Israelis will not raze it as they are unsure of where the position of the Holy of Holies is situated and do not wish to risk defiling it unintentionally.

Take your pick – Have we Jews (a) become more timid since Biblical times when travesties against devine decrees were slaughtered as they deserve, or (b) we mistakenly reserve a modicum of respect for the upstart religions that believe they’ve somehow usurped ours, or (c) we just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Hmm, decisions, decisions. Probably a bit of all three. Recent events may eliminate the ‘timidity’ you refer to in the future.

I also read that there was much research into the purple dye for the High Priest’s robe and the breeding of a red heifer. The clincher would have to be if the Ark of the Covenant was found. It would, as one commentator said, “Demand the rebuilding of the Temple!” That is another rabbit warren as to the supposed whereabouts of the Ark.

I also understand that thanks to the awesome genealogical records of the Jews, that there are lists of descendants of Levi who can carry the Ark and serve in the temple. Also descendants of Aaron to serve as High Priest if ever that comes to pass.

Interesting to me if only in an obtuse way. It would certainly create a stir in certain circle.

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 9:07 am

Dec 1, 2023 9:00 AM

So, you read Penthouse Forum letters. That figures.

Johnny Rotten
December 1, 2023 9:11 am

There’s no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.

– Will Rogers

This works for Cartoonists as well.

December 1, 2023 9:12 am

Um, what’s the Leak Jnr cartoon all about?

A criminal asylum seeker, known by the code NZYQ, has been set free by the Elbow regime (on the urging of the activist High Court) and the minister for home affairs, who got the job because she has a vagina, has no frigging idea where the criminal is.

Hope that helps.

December 1, 2023 9:12 am


My thoughts are with you – Sincere Condolences – Think of all the Great Years with Your Father!

December 1, 2023 9:12 am

The Australian Army, which boasts more than 27,000 personnel, has a total of 58 Brigadiers, 22


Can someone remind me of the name of the brilliant English writer who charted the ever-reversing decline of the ratio of Navy sailors and ships vs Admirals and other senior ranks? This was more than 50 years ago, so no doubt things have got worse. nIt is an inexorable trend in peacetime military forces everywhere.

As we have seen again and again throughout history, it is only when something serious happens that the incompetence is exposed, very often after many unnecessary deaths.

It’s the paradoxical price of peace.

December 1, 2023 9:14 am

Yesterday it took three seconds to load, today it’s 30 seconds.

December 1, 2023 9:15 am

Johnny Rotten
Dec 1, 2023 9:07 AM

Dec 1, 2023 9:00 AM

So, you read Penthouse Forum letters. That figures.

Except, I never said that and neither did the author of the comment, you dishonest little limey crook.

Sancho Panzer
Dec 1, 2023 8:52 AM

In terms of transparent fabrication, Marty’s fan mail would make the in-house authors of “letters” to Penthouse Forum blush.

Wodney now has to rely on outright fabrication.

December 1, 2023 9:17 am


December 1, 2023 9:22 am

His whole “sentient AI compuda” claim is based on the same con.
If he ever gets sued or prosecuted for a dodgy prediction, he simply says, “Not me. Socrates thought that up all by itself.”
How do you sue or prosecute a Big Website?
Of course, when anyone demands to look under Socrate’s toga, he will resist because IP.

He also claims the FBI has it. That’s not a defence, that’s potential perjury.

eric hinton
eric hinton
December 1, 2023 9:23 am

Thanks Tom.

December 1, 2023 9:24 am

Writer Tony Thomas has called out specific journalists who signed a letter demanding media outlets treat information from Israel with the… same scepticism as if it were from Hamas.

Instead, their letter proves we should treat information from those journaltwits with the same scepticism as if it were from Hamas, which it most likely is. Thanks for supplying the list of names.

December 1, 2023 9:26 am

The first ever Commodore 64 to predict 9/11.

Which he also said on Zeeeeee Media was an inside job like 7/10.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 1, 2023 9:33 am

This rant is spot on.

Reverend Simon Sideways:

BBC presenter can’t stand his white workmates, rant!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 1, 2023 9:33 am

Can someone remind me of the name of the brilliant English writer who charted the ever-reversing decline of the ratio of Navy sailors and ships vs Admirals and other senior ranks?

C. Northecote Parkinson? Formulator of the classic “Parkinson’s Law?”

December 1, 2023 9:35 am
December 1, 2023 9:35 am

In the Royal Australian Air Force, there are currently 50 Air Commodores, 14 Air Vice-Marshals, and two Air Marshals — one who serves as RAAF chief.

Even funnier is that we sabotaged any reuse of the F-111s for the pilot killing 200 mn + USD F-35s that can barely fly.

Look just cap 1 – 3 star officers at 1:1000, 1:2000 and 1:8000 personnel and make the RAAF operate with drones and SSM/SAM batteries outside of airlift missions.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 1, 2023 9:39 am

The Australian Army, which boasts more than 27,000 personnel, has a total of 58 Brigadiers, 22


Can someone remind me of the name of the brilliant English writer who charted the ever-reversing decline of the ratio of Navy sailors and ships vs Admirals and other senior ranks? This was more than 50 years ago, so no doubt things have got worse. nIt is an inexorable trend in peacetime military forces everywhere.

As we have seen again and again throughout history, it is only when something serious happens that the incompetence is exposed, very often after many unnecessary deaths.

It’s the paradoxical price of peace.

There is evidence of the decline has come out of our Afghanistan engagement. Multiple SAS non commissioned officers have been accused of war crimes. Whether they occurred or not is open to debate but it is interesting that no commissioned officer or officers have been officially fingered as being responsible for letting these alleged incidents occur. Letting many SAS go on up to 3 tours of Afghanistan is the height of negligence given the physical and mental trauma some of them incurred.

The treatment of these men is the biggest scandal but that is not the narrative at the moment.

December 1, 2023 9:41 am

People’s minds are changed through observation and not through argument.

– Will Rogers


Armstrong is a conman and his followers are accomplices or morons.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
December 1, 2023 9:45 am

“Might be a boost for the regulars, but I was a Medical Specialist – I always dropped pay when deployed, compared to my normal income.”

How did that work Duk?
Specialist or not, you shouldn’t drop in pay.

I would ask Bespoke or K-dragger, ….., but of course, they wouldn’t know.
How are the costumes going for the next Mardi Gras chaps?

December 1, 2023 9:48 am

“Thunderbird looking author”

that has had me guffawing and cackling for the last ten minutes! I nominate that for “Best description of a lefty retard for the month award.”

Thanks for the laughs, don’t ever stop. 😀

December 1, 2023 9:54 am

I would ask Bespoke or K-dragger, ….., but of course, they wouldn’t know

Only speaking for myself, McFly. You are correct, so what?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 9:55 am

Wodney now has to rely on outright fabrication.

Now, where do you think he picked up that habit?

December 1, 2023 9:56 am

Dutton: The ALP has crossed the line!

He’s right. So when is he going to punch back?

December 1, 2023 10:01 am

This is what a professional overnight summary looks like that I receive each day.

§ WTI tumbled as the OPEC+ meeting disappointed traders. The biggest news so far is that Brazil will join next year without participating in output curbs. The alliance agreed to make 1 million barrels a day of additional supply cuts, alongside the extension of Saudi Arabia’s voluntary reduction of the same size. Angola rejected the new quota and will produce above the target.
§ The US economy is shifting into a lower gear. Core PCE inflation eased to 3.5% year on year in October from 3.7% previously, while personal spending and income both cooled to 0.2% from September. Recurring jobless claims rose to the highest in about two years.
§ US stocks managed to close higher, capping a blistering November rally that added 8.9% to the S&P 500. Treasury yields jumped across the board on signs the market has moved too far in predicting Fed easing, helping to boost the dollar. Gold weakened. Asian equity futures are little changed.
§ Fed officials pushed back against rate cut bets. John Williams expects policy will stay restrictive “for quite some time,” but reiterated that the central bank’s benchmark is at or near peak. Mary Daly told Börsen-Zeitung that rates are in a “very good place” and it’s too soon to say if hikes are done.
§ The EU is leaning toward offering concessions to the US in an ongoing steel trade dispute out of fears the fight could boost Donald Trump’s campaign against Joe Biden. The two sides have so far failed to reach an agreement that would end a Trump-era conflict that saw the allies put tariffs on up to $10 billion of exports.
§ The Caixin manufacturing PMI for China is in focus after the official index came in below expectations Thursday. While consensus is for a slight pick up to 49.6 — still a contraction — from 49.5 in October, Bloomberg Economics is predicting further weakening due to soft demand abroad.
§ Tesla’s cheapest Cybertruck will start at $60,990 and will be available in 2025 with a 250-mile battery range. The most expensive of the three models, the Cyberbeast, will reach up to 320 miles and be available for sale next year. Elon Musk delivered the first vehicles to customers as part of a live-streamed launch event. Shares declined.
§ Larry Tisch’s grandson is starting his own hedge fund after spending more than a decade at Millennium.
§ ImmunoGen surged 83% after AbbVie agreed to buy it for an equity value of about $10.1 billion.
§ Citadel and other multimanager hedge funds face more scrutiny as crowded trades may lead to widespread losses if all of them head for the exits at once.
§ OpenAI is sticking to a plan to let its workers sell their shares via a tender and extended the deadline to Jan. 5.
§ Antony Blinken pressed Benjamin Netanyahu not to repeat the scale of destruction and displacement inflicted on northern Gaza as Israel prepared a military push farther south to eradicate Hamas. International negotiators worked to extend the fragile truce, and eight more hostages were released by the militant group.

Summary of the movers is missing as it’s too big.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 1, 2023 10:02 am

Letting many SAS go on up to 3 tours of Afghanistan is the height of negligence given the physical and mental trauma some of them incurred.

Aren’t there those with up to nine or ten tours?

December 1, 2023 10:03 am

Will be interesting to see what our government announces as our contribution to the COP 28 emergency fund to repair damage allegedly caused by climate change driven natural disasters in developing countries.

I believe some residents of Lismore still don’t have homes to live in.

December 1, 2023 10:04 am

Dover think you need a new thread – very slow to load currently

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 1, 2023 10:05 am

Calli: I sincerely hope the pain of your grief leaves you quickly so you are able to enjoy looking back on your father’s life with you.

December 1, 2023 10:06 am

Dec 1, 2023 8:54 AM
Dec 1, 2023 8:47 AM


He deserves credit for this.

Bespoke, NO, he doesn’t. He was merely reciting what some speech writing flunky wrote for him. He recited it on the the advice that, after not giving a rat’s arse over the last six weeks about the raging Jew hatred in Australia, it may be a good idea to make a few soothing mumbles to con the serfs.

Anal is a snake. If he said hello, I would punch him in the face.

December 1, 2023 10:07 am

it is interesting that no commissioned officer or officers have been officially fingered as being responsible for letting these alleged incidents occur. Letting many SAS go on up to 3 tours of Afghanistan is the height of negligence given the physical and mental trauma some of them incurred.

The treatment of these men is the biggest scandal but that is not the narrative at the moment.

Yes it’s class warfare. The army is controlled by canbra so it figures.

December 1, 2023 10:07 am

Yet another hit job by TheirABC on the logging industry here:

They used an apparently infallible AI model. Nobody actually went there and looked at the places under discussion.

To butress this usual suspects case:

“The logging industry is basically walking away and handing this forest back in a disgraceful manner,” said Trent Patten from Wildlife of the Central Highlands, a conservation group that commissioned and funded the analysis.

Legally, VicForests is required to regrow forests like-for-like. In its marketing material VicForests says it regrows every tree, and those regrowing trees are “closely monitored to ensure future enjoyment of the forest”.

“The forest is allocated to VicForests for timber harvesting by the state and under law they are required to return it in a state of recovery,” said Simon Ramsey, a PhD student from RMIT University who conducted the analysis.

RMIT – the home of ‘fact checkers’ that even the global ‘fact checkers’ won’t accredit.

Meanwhile, so-called ‘environmentalists’ continue to push policies that guarantee more and worse and more destructive of property and lives bushfires.

BTW, does anyone know whether those Victorian councils that banned people from clearing around their homes have changed their policies?

For example:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 1, 2023 10:08 am


Dec 1, 2023 9:41 AM

People’s minds are changed through observation and not through argument.

– Will Rogers


Armstrong is a conman and his followers are accomplices or morons.

In Wodney’s case, embrace the power of “and” as a conjunction.

December 1, 2023 10:09 am

From what I’ve seen of the ‘scholars’ at the ADFA, they seem to be common or garden canbra marxist dons.

December 1, 2023 10:11 am

Anal is a snake.

indubitably, Pogria.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 1, 2023 10:12 am

10m ago
Higgins ‘tried to reclaim’ dress worn during ‘rape’
Ellie Dudley
Ellie Dudley

Brittany Higgins says she wore the white dress she was allegedly raped in to Linda Reynolds’ birthday function to “shake off the association” of the garment to the alleged assault.

The Federal Court has been shown a photo of Ms Higgins seated beside Senator Reynolds at her birthday dinner in Perth during the 2019 federal election campaign.

Ms Higgins told the court she was seated next to Senator Reynolds because it was the only seat available when she got to the table. She previously gave evidence that Senator Reynolds had been avoiding her during the election campaign.

Bruce Lehrmann’s barrister Steven Whybrow SC put to Ms Higgins that she “voluntarily sought out to speak sit next to and speak with Linda Reynolds that evening.”

Ms Higgins responded “no”, saying that by the time she got to the table after taking photos of herself in the bathroom to send to her ex-boyfriend Ben Dillaway, all the seats were taken.

“I was taking (photos) in the bathroom at the start of the night because I was awkward and didn’t want to socialise with anyone at that point,” she said.

“And so by the time I came back after taking those photos, everyone had kind of already seated, and so I just took the only available seat at the time.”

Mr Whybrow asked Ms Higgins why she would wear the dress she claims she was raped in to the event.

Mr Whybrow: “Do you have any recollection of your thought processes in wearing the dress that you say you were sexually assaulted in to the birthday party of the person you say for the last several weeks had been isolating you and treating you poorly?”

Ms Higgins said it was her “favourite” dress.

“I used to wear it all the time. and I guess I was trying to reclaim it,” she said. “I’ve done that … a lot.”

Ms Higgins said she also had tried to reclaim clothes she wore to court during the ACT Supreme Court criminal trial of Mr Lehrmann.

Today, she is wearing a blue Scanlan Theodore dress she wore under cross-examination with Mr Whybrow one year ago.

“You sometimes can kind of shake off the association from an article and try and make it yours again, and in (the white dress) instance, I thought I could,” she said.

“I couldn’t, and so I never wore it again after this event. But it was my favourite dress and I thought maybe I could disassociate it from the right, but I never could.”

December 1, 2023 10:12 am


It was obvious from day one that the types of masks being used were ineffective. I wrote several papers on the topic for NSW health back in May 2020.

The physical virus size ranges from 70 to 90 nano metres (0.07 – 0.09 microns)

The Medical N95 mask is designed to be 95% efficient against 300 Nm particles (0.3 microns). The virus is 1/4 the size of what the mask was designed and tested to protect against (N95 masks were basically designed to protect medical staff against fluids emitted from a patient, not viruses)

The Industrial P2 mask (which most people wear) is designed to be 94% efficient against 200 Nm particles (0.2 microns). The virus is 1/3 the size of what the mask was designed and tested to protect against.

Just like trying to keep flies out with chicken wire…

December 1, 2023 10:12 am

The idea that forestry isn’t sustainable is just moonbattery.

December 1, 2023 10:20 am

Tony Burqa’s responses rather low-key during Albanese’s speech as posted by rosie.

No doubt wondering how he’ll explain this to the local branches of the Muslim Brotherhood when he gets home.

Oops…local branches of the ALP, that should be.

December 1, 2023 10:22 am

Imagine the outcry and the squealing of this happened under the Libs.
Gap fees highest since Medicare’s inception
New data shows a drop in the bulk billing rate for GPs in a reversal of a 15-year stable trend, as doctors fear ordinary healthcare is increasingly out of reach of battlers.

Socialised healthcare working its magic, again.

ordinary healthcare is increasingly out of reach of battlers

Well, there’s always VAD. Obtain a referral from JC’s suicide helpline.

December 1, 2023 10:24 am

It was obvious from day one that the types of masks being used were ineffective. I wrote several papers on the topic for NSW health back in May 2020.

They might have well as told us to wear red underpants on our heads.

And many would have obliged.

Cassie of Sydney
December 1, 2023 10:24 am

“Brittany Higgins says she wore the white dress she was allegedly raped in to Linda Reynolds’ birthday function to “shake off the association” of the garment to the alleged assault.”

I’ve just fallen off my chair laughing! Look, can I just say this, I’m pretty sure I can speak for most women, including those here, and that is to say that NO woman who’d been truly really raped or sexually assaulted in any way whatsoever would ever again wear the dress/outfit she’d been raped in.

Interesting that she’s now referring to the events of that night in Linda Reynolds senate chambers as “the association”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 1, 2023 10:29 am

I love the Marty Armstrong emails. But I used to read the Penthouse letters page.

  1. One communist supporting another.UK Labour Party Paying Staffers to Campaign for Kamala Harris The ALP does the same.

  2. One of the most revered and beloved women in Jewish history was a convert. Her name was Ruth, the great-grandmother…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x