Open Thread – Wed 6 Dec 2023

Summer Day, Ivan Shishkin, 1891

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H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 5:39 pm

Nobody looking forward to the start of the Big Bash more than Albo.

December 6, 2023 5:39 pm

Karen’s alter ego ( serial killer,John Wayne Gacey) makes an entrance. We could say the same thing about Karen: that during years of haunting Liz and getting away with it until it was stopped (by me), Dover must have been on the take. But he wasn’t, of course.

If Karen believes Dover is so bought and corrupt, it’s incredible why Karen doesn’t just f..k over to the furniture store and perform there Others have alerted me he does after his performances at the Cat. Quite the little actor, apparently basking in applause.

Is there anything this virus has ever said that’s worthwhile other than telling other commenters he agrees with them or trying to start a stoush?

December 6, 2023 5:41 pm

They get very precious if the favour is returned.

Ray Martin

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 6, 2023 5:43 pm

Dec 6, 2023 4:47 PM
BJ, they were there, all you have to do is scroll down. Horrible stuff. What isn’t exactly clear is who did it and who stood by and let it happen.

Back then there wasn’t the availability of information that is now part and parcel of our lives. We consumed what was dished out to us. Even Wiki, as we well know, can be manipulated.

I have no doubt though that the atrocities as described were documented.

Cassie has summed it up well. There were IDF present, they were not permitted to intervene, but I have a distinct memory of reports of IDF soldiers nudging western jísmists to investigate.

As Cassis said, does anyone really thing that Hamarse will investigate (and punish) the events of 7 October. If they do not, then under the conventions accepted in the 1980s/1990s, no Hamarse personnel can be counted as lawful combatants, because their chain of command does not enforce the laws of war.

Live by torture, rape, mutilations and hostage taking, die by the sword.

December 6, 2023 5:43 pm

Nobody looking forward to the start of the Big Bash more than Albo.

I look forward to Elbow being booed at the cricket.

Sports fans hate politicians using sport to grandstand — and they’re very astute in picking out the bullshit artists in Canberra, Spring Street and Macquarie Street.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 6, 2023 5:43 pm

think, not thing!

December 6, 2023 5:45 pm

I look forward to Elbow being booed at the cricket.

My heart leaped.

I read that as “booted”.

If only.

December 6, 2023 5:48 pm


If Karen states you’re corrupt that you’d sell comments for cash, then just do the right thing and get rid of this filthy little rat. It’s not as though he’s ever contributed. It’s not as though this Gacey thing adds much value to any discussion.

December 6, 2023 5:48 pm

Nobody looking forward to the start of the Big Bash more than Albo.

I wonder if he’ll sneak in an o/s holiday while no one’s looking?

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 6, 2023 5:48 pm

Labor yet again puts it’s balls into a dingo trap, SFLs won’t get around to snapping the trap closed, lest the Kean/Turnbull faction be upset.

The more this happens, the more, I hope, Dutton (and whatever other sensible folk might be around him) will realise that events have conspired to mean that an actual conservative(ish) message now has a chance of getting through the woke nonsense.

Crash through or crash, to quote Gough. At least this time we’d be crashing though in something approximating the right direction.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 6, 2023 5:50 pm

I hesitate to post this as I haven’t read a column of Wronglesen for centuries – I deserve a bravery award! From the Oz.


How did Mark Dreyfus — an Attorney-General and KC no less —not see this detention disaster coming?


The government’s hopelessness in the way it has managed the fallout from the High Court decision concerning the permanent detention of stateless people reached a new low today. Which after all the lows before now seemed improbable.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus branded a journalists’ question about the saga “absurd”, chastising them as they interrupted, seeking to redirect his answer back to relevance.

We all know journalists sometimes ask stupid questions. Sometimes those questions are theatre, or designed to provoke a reaction. Today’s question: “Do you owe an apology to the members of the community who have been subjected to misdeeds by some of these people?” was pretty standard stuff, leaving the minister in an awkward position.

Apologise and that’s the new story, fail to do so and a lack contrition for the failures becomes the answer.

But Dreyfus went further than credibility allows in his refusal to answer: “I want to suggest to you that your question is an absurd question, you are asking a cabinet minister, three ministers of the crown, to apologise for upholding the law of Australia, to acting in accordance with the law of Australia, for following the instructions of the High Court of Australia.”

(Mark Dreyfus fires back at reporter during press conference
Australian attorney general mark Dreyfus was asked if the government owes an apology to Australians allegedly affected by detainee misbehaviour. He shot back “I will not be apologising for pursuing the rule of law”. Source: ABC)

No actually, the question, asking for an apology, is not about whether or not ministers should or should not uphold the law. That is a red herring response. Part of the cover-up of failure. The question went to the utter failure of all three ministers to be prepared in the most basic of ways for the possibility the High Court decision went against the government. Which it did, with disastrous consequences. About how they could have done better responding to the courts decision. Because they should have done so much better in response.

Rapists, child sex offenders and murderers went free. All with convictions not mere allegations. And there are now allegations of these lowest of the low cretins re-offending after being released. That is on the ministers who didn’t properly plan for the judgement.

The criticism fairly directed at these three incompetent ministers is that they weren’t ready for what the High Court might do. For example, have legislation immediately ready to avoid the decision regarding one detainee cascading to impact more than 100 others, as it did. Public policy 101. How could an Attorney-General not have systems in place in their office to be at the ready for court decisions that impact governance, with strategies at the ready to swiftly respond?

We know the political arm of government was briefed about the possible court outcome and what it would mean. Justice Gleeson in a procedural hearing even flagged the likelihood well in advance, yet these ministers did nothing, didn’t prepare, let it happen, being left to rush belatedly to legislate around the decision. Caught flat footed leading to the scenario we saw: rapists, murderers and child sex offenders hitting the streets. Allegedly reoffending, some whose whereabouts was unknown.

Disgraceful failures of process by this government.

Dreyfus wasn’t being asked to apologise for abiding by the decisions of the court. That’s his false narrative and spin. He was being asked to apologise for being so incompetent as to not know the law well enough to plan for the worst. Him, his office, the triumvirate of hopeless ministers and their offices let this country down. His only a KC after all.

Damn right they should all apologise to the alleged victims of those released, because of their inability to take basic preparatory steps for something they were warned about and provided with possible solutions in advance to avoid what we have seen transpire.

This disaster speaks to profound incompetence, nothing less. Dreyfus frilling out his neck like a lizard to try and scare off fair questioning at a media conference just proves that he’s learnt nothing, the government has learnt nothing. And those who don’t learn from their mistakes will make them again, which is why Anthony Albanese has a duty of care to Australians to axe his incompetent ministers and find MPs in his ranks who can do better.

December 6, 2023 5:50 pm

Spine-tingling haka by NZ Hastings Boys’ High School students for beloved head teacher who died of throat cancer

. Students perform haka at head teacher’s funeral
. Rob Sturch was headmaster at Hastings boys’ school for 21 years

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 6, 2023 5:50 pm

More detail from the Hun:

A fourth detainee has been charged after his release from immigration detention following a High Court ruling last month.

Australian Federal Police arrested and charged the man, 45, after finding him at a Melbourne hotel on Wednesday.

It is alleged he breached conditions of his Commonwealth visa on December 1 by failing to observe his residential curfew obligations.

He also allegedly went to Melbourne Airport, where he is accused of stealing luggage from a traveller who was asleep in the terminal.

Charges include a single count of theft, which carries up to 10 years jail, and a count of failing to comply with curfew, carrying a maximum 5 years jail and $93k fine.

He will face Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday afternoon.

December 6, 2023 5:51 pm

On Sky News: Andrew Charlton MHR: who thought it was a good idea having him defending the government as it heads for defeat? What a sleazebag.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 5:52 pm

I wonder if he’ll sneak in an o/s holiday while no one’s looking?

He doesn’t hold the hose. Look out for a guy in Groucho Marx glasses and moustache in the Chairman’s Lounge.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 6, 2023 5:53 pm

On large class sizes (miles above)…

This fetish with small sizes really is a load of old tosh. I spent three years in a combined 4/5/6 class, having previously spent two years in a combined 2/3 class.

It was ideal.

Those who could do more than their assigned year level got to be interested in new stuff. Those who struggled effectively got a year to review.

And in Grade Six, well, I’d done all the work previously, and had just discovered that those fellow-students with the ponytails and whatnot were, well, interesting.

Ahh, Patricia Desmond…… ahem!

The ONLY people large class sizes don’t suit are lazy teachers.

Win, win, win!

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 6, 2023 5:53 pm

Senator Babet has a petition up re: Misinformation Bill — if there are any other petitions going please let me know — in the meantime this is Senator Babet’s petition

December 6, 2023 5:55 pm

Brittany Higgins’ $2.3million compo payout was ‘never justified’: Scorching attack on Labor’s payment to ex-political staffer by 2GB’s Ben Fordham

. Ben Fordham slams Brittany Higgins $2.3m payout
. 2GB host said payment was not ‘properly explained’

A radio presenter has slammed the $2.3million compensation payout to former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins that was revealed in the Federal Court on Tuesday.

Ms Higgins got the payout after she alleged she had been raped in a government minister’s office in March 2019 by fellow political staffer Bruce Lehrmann.

The criminal trial into Mr Lehrmann – who has always denied the allegation – collapsed in October 2022 due to juror misbehaviour and was subsequently abandoned due to fears for Ms Higgins’ mental health.

Speaking on 2GB radio on Wednesday morning, Ben Fordham said the payout had ‘never been properly explained and it’s never been justified’.

‘The former political staffer has confirmed the figure in the Federal Court, and it begs the question, what was the reason for that compensation being paid to Brittany,’ he asked.

Fordham said he objected because Ms Higgins’ ‘shocking allegation about that night in Parliament House has never been proven’.

But the shock jock said what Ms Higgins previously said ‘about what happened in the days and weeks after that night in Parliament House, well, that story’s been torn to shreds under cross examination in court’.

‘But if we leave to one side, the she-said, he-said about the night in Parliament House, this was a political issue too because Labor was milking it for all it was worth.

‘And a senior figure, Labor (Canberra MP) Katy Gallagher, even received a briefing about the allegations before they were made public,’ Fordham said.

He said that Ms Higgin’s boyfriend David Sharaz said in a message that then prime minister Scott Morrison was about to be ‘effed over… just wait’ and that she had replied ‘We’ve got him’.

Fordham said that after Labor won power in the May 2022 federal election, ‘a compensation payment was approved for Brittany.

It happened at lightning speed’.

‘Her former bosses, (Senator) Michaelia Cash and (Senator) Linda Reynolds were barred from being part of that process and it happened without a compensation claim ever being filed in court.’

He said Ms Higgins ‘had claimed that she would not be able to work for 40 years.

The Albanese government paid the 2.3million without challenging the veracity of that claim …

‘Brittany claims that Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash failed her and exacerbated a toxic and harmful work environment.’

Fordham said Ms Cash and Ms Reynolds deny any wrongdoing, and ‘In fact, it was Linda Reynolds and her then chief of staff, Fiona Brown who encouraged Brittany to go to the police.’

He said legal experts his show had spoken to said they had never seen something settled so fast. ‘So why was the money paid? That remains the $2.3million question.’

Fordham said ‘The matter of compensation is a political issue because the Labor Party made it one. They were receiving briefings before the allegation was aired on TV.

‘So from Labor’s point of view, this was a conflict of interest. Brittany’s supporters handed them all of the info they needed to put a bomb under the Coalition.

‘And when Labor was sworn in, they handed Brittany Higgins $2.3million.

‘That’s never been properly explained and it’s never been justified,’ Fordham said.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 6, 2023 5:56 pm

The Days of Our Lives has just popped up in my newsfeed.

After Brinny, came a stream of 20-somethings who are apparently paid to be shitfaced in Canbra and are allowed into Parliament House without escorts to do social media, or something.

One thing that struck me was that the males in the group are all similarly plump, soft, puffy-looking creatures. It’s like the whole unappetising tribe live under a rock.

December 6, 2023 5:58 pm

Guess Who is Leading Australia & The Australian Labor Party? – It is Toto the Dog being held by his Pet – AlboSleezy

Body language expert reveals subtle clues about how Australia’s most powerful leaders are feeling in a group photo – and singles out one who looked like an ‘awkward school girl’

. Annastacia Palaszczuk looked ‘shy’ in state leader meeting
. Dr Louise Mahler pointed out body language issues

December 6, 2023 6:01 pm

On Sky News: Andrew Charlton MHR: who thought it was a good idea having him defending the government as it heads for defeat? What a sleazebag.

His head is too small for his body.
Reminds me of Beaker from the muppets.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 6, 2023 6:01 pm

The local Palais d’Piss has run out of the German beers I like.

Not to worry… plenty of Bud Lite to be had I’m sure.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 6:02 pm

Not much “How can we help Prime Minister?” there. Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

December 6, 2023 6:03 pm

Germany refutes claims about halting UNRWA Gaza aid
‘UNRWA plays an essential and important role in delivering assistance to Palestinians,’ says Foreign Ministry
Burak Bir |
28.11.2023 – Update : 29.11.2023
Germany refutes claims about halting UNRWA Gaza aid


Germany dismissed claims Tuesday that it halted aid to the UN Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) “following an internal review.”

The claim, reported on X by Open Source Intel, said Germany halted UNRWA Gaza aid following an internal review.

“Widespread German support for the funding freeze arose from discoveries that Palestinian educational materials were employed to propagate hate, glorify jihad, and promote antisemitism,” it said.

The German Foreign Ministry said: “This is not true.”

“UNRWA plays an essential and important role in delivering assistance to Palestinians,” it wrote on X.

that claim seems to have been debunked Roger in fact they’ve kicked in another 25 mill for food relief

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 6:08 pm

Dutton slams PM on rising anti-semitism
Jess Malcolm
Jess Malcolm

Peter Dutton has attacked Anthony Albanese for failing to stand up for Jewish people after he chose not to place rising anti-semitism on the agenda for National Cabinet.

The Opposition Leader on Wednesday indicated it was a missed opportunity to condemn hate speech, as he re-iterated calls for the Prime Minister and state premiers to denounce antisemitism.

“This meeting should have had on the agenda, the issue of anti-semitism, there should have been a strong statement that came out from the premiers and the chief ministers of this country and the prime minister that we don’t have any tolerance whatsoever for anti-semitism in this country,” Mr Dutton said.

“You can’t have kids going to Jewish schools or people going to a synagogue or people going to a neighbourhood where there are a large number of Jewish presidents….where they don’t feel safe.

“This is a Prime Minister that needs to stand up and send a very clear message, and the premiers need to instruct the police that if there are neo Nazi lunatics or others on the hard left that are out there peddling this nonsense.”

Johnny Rotten
December 6, 2023 6:09 pm

Heart Failure Among Pilots Up 1000% in 2022

“New data from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) indicates a significant increase in heart issues among pilots, with heart failure spiking nearly 1,000% in 2022. Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer with the U.S. Navy Medical Service Corps, raised concerns about the health risks associated with the COVID-19 shots, including heart-related ailments. The data, obtained from the Pentagon’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, shows drastic spikes in various diagnoses for serious medical issues, prompting questions about the potential impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on the health of service members.

In addition to serious cardiovascular issues, the Pentagon saw significant spikes in numerous ailments well beyond their five-year averages including hypertension (2,181%), neurological disorders (1,048%), multiple sclerosis (680%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer, (487%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism (468%), migraines (452%), ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), and tachycardia (302%). Heart-related ailments have soared over the past 5 years as well including hypertension (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), cardiomyopathy (152%), and other non-specified heart diseases (63%).

The findings have reignited discussions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine mandate for military personnel. A 1000% increase in heart failures among pilots in just one year is cause for major concern. Why must we continually force service members to take these vaccines when we know they are likely unsafe?”

December 6, 2023 6:10 pm

And thanks, Roger for seeing. It’s a profound truth that often wings its way over many heads.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 6, 2023 6:11 pm

Dec 6, 2023 4:54 PM
The lack of references in Wiki to mass rape, torture, mutilation and hostage taking.

There are first hand accounts of each of them apart from hostage taking, and the latter are missing only because they had no need for them.

Indeed there are, but were these acts deployed, en masse, as weapons of war, and contrary to the laws of war, or were they the opportunistic acts of individuals? The difference is significant. On 7 October, they were part of the Hamarse plan. I doubt (but am open to evidence) that they were at Sabra/Shatila.

December 6, 2023 6:13 pm

One of the most things in analysis
Anyone posting simple percentages without the raw numbers is promoting a fraud. No surprise seeing the source.

December 6, 2023 6:13 pm

Seven News just committed libel.

They called the interaction between Lehrmann and Higgins as “her rape”.

It’s “alleged” you numpties. Put your catcher’s mitts on. You have now contributed to his defamation.

December 6, 2023 6:14 pm

that claim seems to have been debunked Roger in fact they’ve kicked in another 25 mill for food relief

Or the cut may still be playing out politically. What’s interesting is that the German Greens and Social Democrats have been the loudest voices, calling for a total cut in funding.

December 6, 2023 6:16 pm

What is it with the left and farting: eric swalwall, who was rooting the chunk spy fing fang doodle donger for years, let one rip while being interviewed; biden shits himself regularly and now john kerry blew a hole in his pants and traumatised some bint sitting next to him at COP 28:

Loud fart sound erupts during John Kerry’s speech at climate panel

December 6, 2023 6:17 pm

And thanks, Roger for seeing.

We’ve evidently been meditating on the same subjects, calli.

December 6, 2023 6:19 pm

‘Israeli female soldiers shot in crotch, vagina, breasts on October 7’

“It was often impossible for families to be shown faces – and it seems as if mutilation of these women’s faces was an objective in their murders.”


(Warning: This story describes deeply disturbing events and testimonials in graphic detail.)

Expressions of agony survived their deaths, army reservist Shari Mendes said as she described what experts saw when they identified and prepared for burial the bodies of female victims of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

“These women arrived with their eyes open, their mouths grimacing, their fists clenched,” said Mendes, whose IDF rabbinical unit worked with the bodies, all of which were brought to the IDF’s Shura base.

“The soldiers that we dealt with had expressions of agony on their faces still,” said Mendes. “I remember one young woman whose arm was broken in so many places it was difficult for us to lay her arm in the burial shroud, her leg too. In her case, the entire left side of her body was shredded, torn apart, most likely by a grenade.”

Gender-based violence

Mendes spoke Monday at a sidebar event at the United Nations in New York, organized by Israel’s mission to the world body. “Hear Our Voices: Sexual and gender-based violence in the October 7 Hamas terror attack” was meant to highlight stories of Hamas rape and gender mutilation during the attack, which have been largely swept under the rug by the international community, including the UN.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN Women issued condemnation of such acts only last week.

“Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch – intimate parts/vagina – or shot in the breast. This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,” Mendes said.

In a filmed testimonial played at the event, a survivor said she watched a terrorist who had cut off a woman’s breasts and played with them – after he had raped her.

“Our unit has seen bodies that were beheaded or had limbs cut off, mutilated,” Mendes said. “One young woman came in with no legs: they had been cut off. We saw several severed heads, one with a large kitchen knife still embedded in the neck.”

“Charred remains arrived and had to be identified and prepared for burial. These bodies were burned beyond recognition, often without arms or legs; they did not resemble anything human,” Mendes said.

“Sometimes we sifted through piles of ash that disintegrated as we touched them.

These soldiers were burnt alive at very high temperatures.”

Terrible disfiguring

Among bodies that were not burned, the heads were often badly disfigured. “Heads and faces were covered in blood.

They were shot in the eyes, face, and skull,” she said. “It was often impossible for families to be shown faces, and it seems as if mutilation of these women’s faces was an objective in their murders.”

Some had their “heads bashed in so badly that their brains were spilling out,” Mendes continued. “Some were shot in the head so many times at close range that their heads were almost blown off.

“In some cases, this was done after death, just out of cruelty,” she said, explaining that the absence of blood in the wounds showed that none was left in the body to drain out.

Shura base personnel’s grim work

Mendes arrived at Shura the day after the Hamas attack in which the terror group massacred over 1,200 people, including hundreds of soldiers stationed on the southern border, and kidnapped about 240 people.

The scene that greeted her that morning was “unimaginable in scale,” she said.

“Body bags were piled to the ceiling, lining the corridors in every room. Refrigerator trucks were waiting outside, also full.

“Body bags just kept coming in all shapes and sizes. Many were oozing liquids and the floors were wet. The smell of death was already unbearable. It is impossible to overemphasize the number of bodies we were dealing with; the sense of shock and despair,” she said.

Teams have been working to identify bodies at Shura around the clock since that day, Mendes said.

Hamas “did not show these women any honor in life, but it was important to us and our teams, groups of women, that we showed them deep love and gentleness as we prepared them for burial.”

Female IDF teams who prepared the bodies for burial were often the last to see the bodies.

“We held them in our hearts even just for a moment, as if they were our daughters; we really loved them,” she said.

As the child of a Holocaust survivor, she added, “I understand the importance of bearing witness. I am here to be the voice of those who cannot testify.”

Sheryl Sandberg: We can all agree—nothing justifies rape

Others who addressed the event about the importance of condemning the use of rape as an act of war included former Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton; the latter sent a taped message.

Sandberg said that rape was recognized as an illegal act of war only 30 years ago, but not enough has been done since. “That is why this moment is so critical. We have come so far in establishing that rape is a crime against humanity, and we have come so far in believing survivors of sexual assault in so many situations,” she said.

“That is why the silence on these war crimes is dangerous. It threatens to undo decades of progress, to undo an entire movement.

The world has to decide whom to believe.

Do we believe the Hamas spokesperson that rape is forbidden and that therefore it could not have possibly happened on October 7? Or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last moments of their lives?”

Sandberg said that the victims of those rapes could have told their own story if only they had been allowed to live, and that in their names, the principle that rape should never be used as an act of war should be recognized.

“This truth must be upheld despite the politics of our time. No matter what marches you are attending, what flag you are flying, what religions you are practicing…there is one thing we can all agree on. There is no circumstance that justifies rape.”

Clinton said that as a global community, “we must respond to weaponized sexual violence wherever it happens, with absolute condemnation. There can be no justifications and no excuses.

Rape as a weapon of war is a crime against humanity.”

“Organizations, governments and individuals who are committed to a better future for women and girls have a responsibility to condemn all violence against women,” she stated.

“It is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of Hamas.”

From the Comments

– I think that the next step should be to begin vocally protesting at every gender studies class in elite US universities. It is time to take the fight to the enemy as it were.

– To demand that all women organization main officers, all around the world, watch the videos. Otherwise to push to stop any contribution to them and publish any organization that refuse to watch the video.

– If anyone still believes Hamas had any justification for doing this, if there is any moral equivalency… that one is as evil as those who committed these inhuman acts. Because of this, there is no other path but the complete and total annihilation of every member of Hamas and every one of their supporters.

– This is the most shocking and devastating news article I have ever read. I am truly shaken by it. If the people of Gaza will not remove Hamas (they had 18 years to do this) then the only option is for Israel to do it for them. The world will be a better place. Gaza needs to be permanently returned back to Israel. No more cease fires.

– I only went through this article in leaps and bounds, disgusted as I am, but for me it’s more than complete proof that Arab terrorists from the bottom of their heart (if they’d have a heart) are hating women who dare having jobs of power over men instead of sitting veiled at home, obedient to their husbands, and producing babies.

That’s why they’re attacking these police or soldier women’s female characteristics – being for the private use of their men only, according to their Muslim brainwashing – and also destroying the womens faces to eradicate their female traits as an extra punishment for daring to be empowered over men and to proove that they therefore are no longer women.

There is something deeply wrong with their religion that brainwashes its underlings into becoming women-hating monsters.

Can’t we make an article about this that will alarm all those Muslim countries concerned?

December 6, 2023 6:23 pm

Yes, Roger hopefully unwra in its current form ceases to exist.

December 6, 2023 6:27 pm

Yes, Roger hopefully unwra in its current form ceases to exist

It’s certainly going to get some much overdue attention at the very least when the dust settles.

That report came to me via The Speccie, btw. Perhaps they jumped the gun.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 6, 2023 6:27 pm

H B Bear

Dec 6, 2023 5:06 PM

On people who should not be trusted on matters reffo the Liars, in particular the Liar Left, would be right near the top. Who could forget those Gillard press conferences, with an Admiral in the background, telling us it was push factors and boat turn backs wouldn’t work?

Ah, yes.
I still remember the Conga line of essperts on 730, Insiders and various “serious political commentary” TeeVee shows earnestly telling us turnbacks “just won’t work”.
Nek minnit, Abbott gets in and suddenly, just like that, turnbacks do work.
Lot’s of handwringing about the safety of towing unseaworthy boats back to Indonesia.
Then came the master-stroke.
“Don’t you worry about that. If the boat is cactus, they can have a brand shiny new orange lifeboat which we will tow to the edge of Indonesian waters with plenty of fuel (well, plenty to get to an Indonesian port, that is).”
The anger of the Left at not having a flotilla of dead bodies floating in the ocean to stick to Abbott was almost palpable.

December 6, 2023 6:27 pm

the massacre at Sabra and Shatilla

The massacre was in response to the PLO having initiated the civil war that ripped apart Lebanon, and slaughtered thousands of Christians. Read “PLO In Lebanon; Selected Documents” ed by Raphael Israeli, pub 1983. Abebooks lists a few copies available.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 6, 2023 6:29 pm

I’m surprised that Van Oscillating did not headline his story about Dreyfus as “J’accuse”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 6, 2023 6:30 pm


Dec 6, 2023 5:18 PM

I have tried to scroll the vomit. 

You don’t read your own stuff?

December 6, 2023 6:30 pm

I see I’ve attracted the attention of your down ticker, calli.

Could be an anti-Christian animus.

December 6, 2023 6:31 pm

Holy cow! This one even downticks commenters who “speak” to me.

It isn’t an adult. It’s a nasty schoolgirl.

December 6, 2023 6:31 pm


December 6, 2023 6:33 pm



December 6, 2023 6:35 pm

One thing that struck me was that the males in the group are all similarly plump, soft, puffy-looking creatures. It’s like the whole unappetising tribe live under a rock.

yes eloi

December 6, 2023 6:37 pm



December 6, 2023 6:38 pm


Had I known there was a competition I would have volunteered “Sir Les”.

The detritus magnet.

December 6, 2023 6:40 pm

Dec 6, 2023 6:19 PM
‘Israeli female soldiers shot in crotch, vagina, breasts on October 7’

“It was often impossible for families to be shown faces – and it seems as if mutilation of these women’s faces was an objective in their murders.”

A nuke in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and a few more in iran should settle the dust. The saudis and their allies will be very happy.

December 6, 2023 6:40 pm

You don’t read your own stuff?

Obviously scrolls by his own filthy vomit.

I can’t believe, this weird little creep attacks Dover like that. Dover is one of the most, ethical, decent guys to ever run a blog. He lets us go with our foibles and interferes little, allowing open free flowing speech to continue on.

In point of fact, I can’t recall any discussion when Dover and I have had and ever agreed (on contentious topics).

And he calls Dover, dishonest and corrupt! This nasty weird little creep ought to get the size 10 and permanently exiled to the furniture store.

December 6, 2023 6:41 pm

There is nothing unique about what happened in Israel on 7 October.

Opportunistic rape in war is well known, What was unique on 7 October was the strategic use of extremely degrading sexual torture to extress the utter disdain Hamas holds for Jews. They relish it. Use that term – “sexual torture”. The word rape is too common and doesn’t resound with the uniqueness of this occasion.

December 6, 2023 6:41 pm

*testing* *testing*

The sky is blue.

December 6, 2023 6:43 pm

A nuke in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and a few more in iran should settle the dust. The saudis and their allies will be very happy.

Houthis in Yemen have raised their hand – they want one too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 6, 2023 6:43 pm

Had I known there was a competition I would have volunteered “Sir Les”.

Mungo Man II.

(“Mungo Man I” was the first moon lander 40,000 years ago. It’ll be in Mr Pascoe’s next book)

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 6:48 pm

miltonf at 6:35 – so it’s not just a Brittany thing?

December 6, 2023 6:49 pm

Let’s see if Juan, a simple man who enjoys a modest existence, can understand.
The “libertarian” who mistrusts government sooooo much that he is on a never ending series of “booster” shots for a pandemic which for healthy people never really was, believes we should pander to the green frauds.
It’s OK to abandon the fight for sensible energy policies keeping a complex, intricate network of mines, wells, generation and transportation infrastructure.
Instead, we should trust the two major parties in this country will license a new nuclear technology in time to save us all. Yay.
The lunatic fringe of screaming brats currently standing in front of traffic and vandalising art galleries across the Western world and who’s activism drives our mindless, scientifically illiterate political class’s decision making, will bow to the inevitable logic and reason that if they want to lower CO2, nuclear is the only option. Because they are so well known for their logic and reason and are genuinely driven by a true but misguided belief in climate change and not by a suicidal desire to wreck the world they were born into.
I smell a huge success in the making.
Something to rival the spectacular success of Nixon going to Beijing. You remember that. Back in those days China was a one party communist state that sponsored anti- Western insurgencies across the region and had ambitions to dominate the world and instal sympathetic Marxist regimes in every country.
Thank you Nixon for your wisdom in seeing that gifting Beijing our entire f*cking manufacturing base would result in a free and democratic China.
Let’s do the same thing with our energy infrastructure and expect similar results.
Then we can capitulate to the lunatics demands on agriculture as well. Those insane screams to “decarbonise” agriculture must have some clever libertarian dodge to help us capitulate with a degree of grace into the poverty and oblivion J.C.s green mates demand of us.

December 6, 2023 6:51 pm

Testing Out the Delta Miter Saw- Episode 8

No wonder my tool reviews suck.

December 6, 2023 6:52 pm

Let’s try this…

Jesus is Lord.

December 6, 2023 6:53 pm

I’ll just bring this across so people needn’t bother going back a page to read what I said.

Dec 6, 2023 5:18 PM
I have tried to scroll the vomit. I cannot any longer. It is obvious to me why dover doesn’t drop the hammer on the major blog wrecker. It comes down to $$$. There you have it, folks. The maggot buys his way.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 6:59 pm

The Dreyfus In tray overfloweth. Four Corners won’t need 30 year old rape allegations in spiral writing this time.

December 6, 2023 7:00 pm

Hi Digger,
I collected your book from the Post Office today. Great cover photo.
Had a quick squiz through and had a good giggle at one of the photos.
Sign on the wall;

Australian Vietnam Bubblies Branch.
We specialise in

*Bomb Disposal Fluent Americanese
*Grog Disposal Spoken Here
*Muff Diving

Will be diving into the book this evening.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 7:00 pm

Corruption watchdog examines Brittany Higgins compo payout

By stephen rice
NSW Editor
Updated 6:35PM December 6, 2023, First published at 5:04PM December 6, 2023

The national anti-corruption watchdog is now examining a complaint by former Liberal minister Linda Reynolds against Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus over his handling of the $2.3 million compensation payment made to Brittany Higgins, to determine if an investigation should be launched.

The development comes as lawyers question claims made by Ms Higgins that the Commonwealth had admitted it breached its duty of care to her when it paid the multimillion-dollar settlement.

Under cross examination on Tuesday in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case, Ms Higgins said the Commonwealth “came to an agreement that a failure of a duty of care was made, and they did pay me.”

“The commonwealth admitted that they breached their duty of care and that they didn’t go through proper processes, so that’s actually why they settled with me,” Ms Higgins told the court.

Several lawyers approached by The Australian said it was highly unusual for a party such as the Commonwealth to admit liability in circumstances where it was seeking to prevent a potential litigant bringing a claim for personal injuries.

On Wednesday the deed of settlement was made available to the parties in the defamation case but not to the public or media.

The Australian asked Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus whether he could confirm that the Commonwealth admitted liability in the case, but received no response before deadline.

Mr Dreyfus has previously declined to answer multiple questions from The Australian about the settlement, saying only: “The parties have agreed that the terms of the settlement be confidential. All claims against the commonwealth are handled in accordance with the Legal Services Directions 2017.”

However, several questions did not seek information about the confidential content of the settlement, including whether Mr Dreyfus had any input into the settlement, and why Senator Reynolds was effectively barred from attending the one-day mediation that led to the payment.

Mr Dreyfus threatened to tear up an agreement to cover Senator Reynolds’ legal fees in the dispute if she turned up at the mediation, meaning that Ms Higgins’ claims of mistreatment in Senator Reynolds’ office were not contested.

Senator Reynolds lodged her submission to the National Anti-Corruption Commission after issuing a public statement in June highlighting her concerns about the “unusually swift” mediation and Mr Dreyfus’s role in the process.

The NACC has the power to investigate any conduct by a minister that constitutes a breach of public trust or an abuse of their office. The Commission declined to answer questions from The Australian.

December 6, 2023 7:00 pm

No, he/she went there.

Anti-Christian animus, calli.

Blessed are you…

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:02 pm

Alice Springs airport. Again.

A balmy 42 degrees, and guaranteed to be a bit bumpy on the way into D-Town later. Had a bit of time for Cat-scanning, which was as usual excellent.

I also note the angry uncle HJM has been on the Marsala once more, having hidden it from his carer.

December 6, 2023 7:03 pm

What was unique on 7 October was the strategic use of extremely degrading sexual torture to extress the utter disdain Hamas holds for Jews.

It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

December 6, 2023 7:06 pm

It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

I blame their mothers.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 6, 2023 7:07 pm

It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

Islam seems designed for all the worst male impulses.
I don’t know what it is that attracts women to it though.

December 6, 2023 7:07 pm

It is obvious to me why dover doesn’t drop the hammer on the major blog wrecker. It comes down to $$$. There you have it, folks. The maggot buys his way.

I doubt it. Dover is tolerant, to a fault, perhaps.

I agree with you that the incessant abuse thrown about late at night is irritating in its inanity. But you don’t have to read it. JC has some sort of Tourette syndrome problem, combined with great rationalisation skills, but there are those who enjoy provoking him.

Dover puts up with it. All part of life’s great tapestry.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:09 pm

‘Why aren’t the people I don’t like banned?’
‘Why don’t people talk about what I want to talk about and agree with me, even though I contribute no specific points of view on any subject?’
‘These stupid people’
‘These stupid rules’
‘Everyone is wrecking this blog except me’
‘Your trousers are hanging too low’
‘I’ll have you know’
‘Where the hell is my fortified sherry’

– Angry Uncle HJM

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 7:09 pm


Dec 6, 2023 4:32 PM
Beyond what happened in Sabra and Shatila, the accounts I’ve heard of the Lebanese Civil War are sobering.

I remember that one – there were Europeans flying to Lebanon and partaking in Big Game Hunts – with Lebanese being the hunted.

December 6, 2023 7:15 pm

I can’t believe, this weird little creep attacks Dover like that

what’s that slurping sound?

… and that’s a real nice pony btw

December 6, 2023 7:18 pm

Hi Digger,
I collected your book from the Post Office today. Great cover photo.

Just wait until you get to the centrefold.

December 6, 2023 7:18 pm

I blame their mothers.


Not that that provides an excuse for them, at all.

December 6, 2023 7:19 pm

JHM is okay. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I’m a tad sceptical about blog financing though.

I remember when Sinc did an audit of comments. The trifecta was Gab, JC and Tom. Back in the day, they had a lot to say for themselves. But that was in SlapperWorld, and they did things differently there.

December 6, 2023 7:19 pm

Bother. JMH.

December 6, 2023 7:20 pm

Elon Musk

Quality Elon.

December 6, 2023 7:21 pm

DrBG, I think you’ve expressed what many of us were thinking.

And thanks to dover for the blog.

I don’t read the stoushes because I retire early, but I note JC makes many positive contributions otherwise.

December 6, 2023 7:22 pm

Double bother. The claims of blog financing.

Perhaps I should stop digging.

December 6, 2023 7:22 pm

Speaking of Dover, the Cat hamsters must have found that one of BL’s bags of coke.
The place is flying.

December 6, 2023 7:24 pm

Australia is meant to have a certain amount of oil on country, known as the strategic fuel reserve, (I think)

Some time ago I remember a coalition government announcing that reserve included oil NOT on country, that is, it also included what might be on sea, travelling to Australia and also what was still down the well in the USA as it was guaranteed supply.

Is that still the case?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:24 pm


You just know that Angry Uncle HJM’s remaining arteries are pumping like fire hoses at a rave party in January.

December 6, 2023 7:25 pm

One of my favourite things to do is much down on 3 or 4 cobs of fresh corn with a smattering of butter.
No wonder those corn fed chickens are so happy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 7:26 pm

The Liars being hoist by a Cth NACC would be exquisite. Please let it happen.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 7:29 pm

Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt: Why there’s doubt over motive for Brittany Higgins’ payout

The more Brittany Higgins speaks, the more the mega payout she received from a grateful Albanese government stinks.
Andrew Bolt
Andrew Bolt
3 min read
December 6, 2023 – 7:00PM
Current Time 0:38
Duration 9:11


Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Bruce Lehrmann and Brittany Higgins case “stunk from the start” after Ms Higgins received a taxpayer-funded payout for…
Andrew Bolt

Brittany Higgins on Tuesday finally revealed how much a grateful Albanese government paid her – an extraordinary $2.3m.

What’s still a mystery is why. In fact, the more Higgins speaks, the more this mega-payout stinks.

Higgins has just finished giving three days of evidence in court, trying to prove she was indeed raped by a colleague, Bruce Lehrmann, after a drunken night out, in the Parliament House office of the Defence Minister.

I say “trying” because Lehrmann denies it and Higgins’s story of what happened keeps changing. Both of them have admitted in this court hearing to telling lies, and getting details wrong.

She lied to police and friends about going to a doctor after the rape. Falsely claimed she’d had a three-hour panic attack.

Claimed she was “fall-down drunk” that night when CCTV footage from Parliament House shows her steady on her feet, and even scampering down a corridor.

Yet the Albanese government last year agreed, after just one day of mediation, to give her these millions to compensate her for terrible treatment she claimed she got from the then Morrison Liberal government after she allegedly told them she was raped.

Was this in fact a political pay-off by Labor to a woman whose allegations helped it to destroy the Morrison government?

Labor sure had lots of reason to thank Higgins after her boyfriend fed ammunition to frontbencher Katy Gallagher to smear Prime Minister Scott Morrison as anti-women.

“I say to the prime minister, listen to it,” jeered Labor leader Anthony Albanese back then. “Listen to what Brittany Higgins had to say.”

The suspicion that this was a political thankyou grows by the day because none of Higgins’ three main claims in getting this payout has
been proven, and one has turned out to be false.

First, was there even a rape?

In fact, even Higgins this week admitted she didn’t think she could convince a criminal court she was indeed raped, beyond reasonable doubt. But this hearing is a civil case – Lehrmann is suing Channel 10 for defamation – and Higgins said she knew there was now a lower standard of proof: the balance of probabilities. But even here, she’s faced multiple challenges to her story.

Second, what about the key part of Higgins’s separate claim for compensation – that her Liberal bosses supposedly treated her badly when she told them she was raped?

Again, none of that has been proved.

While neither of them are giving evidence in the trial, Higgins’s immediate boss, then Defence Minister Linda Reynolds, denies Higgins even told her she was raped. Her next boss, then Attorney-General Michaelia Cash, also denies being told of the rape, and was even secretly recorded by Higgins telling her staffer she had her support, with no sign Cash knew of any rape.

The two ex-bosses also deny Higgins’s claims, repeated in this defamation hearing, that they subjected her to “victimisation, ostracism” and left her feeling she had to choose between her job and going to the police.

Indeed, Justice Michael Lee was curious about that, asking Higgins what Reynolds and her chief of staff, Fiona Brown, had actually said that stopped her reporting the rape until two years later.

The best Higgins could say was that they’d asked her to tell them if she went to the police, and “it was framed in the context that it was pertinent because of the election”. Reynolds’ office also later offered to pay her out of her job before the election.

So, again, plenty of reason to at least question Higgins’s story. Yet the government last year banned Reynolds and Cash from coming to the mediation over Higgins’s payout and challenging her story.

Finally, what about the third element to Higgins’s claim for this payout – that the Liberals treated her so badly that she might not work for 40 years, as she confirmed in court this week?

Well, that’s clearly wrong. Higgins has since worked in unpaid jobs and got a $108,000 advance to write a book about her alleged rape.

Separate to these proceedings, text messages uncovered by the Daily Mail even show a friend at Victoria’s First Peoples Assembly telling Higgins she could work there as a media adviser, apparently after telling her bosses Higgins had Aboriginal ancestry. Higgins replied that her grandfather was connected “to either the Nyawigi or Gugu Badhun people”, but “we’re not entirely sure which one” because he’d stopped checking his family history.

Higgins got the job. And she got the cash. Why?

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 7:30 pm

Who is Karen? that JC wants to get banned from the site?

December 6, 2023 7:30 pm

Germany dismissed claims Tuesday that it halted aid to the UN Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) “following an internal review.”

Germans cowed into handing over to terrorists money they couldn’t afford to give to their old age pensioners for heating bills this winter. Who exactly is running Germany?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:30 pm

‘I. Will. Mash. That. Downtick. Button. Until. Someone. Finds. My. Sherry!’

This is brilliant.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 6, 2023 7:31 pm

I look forward to Elbow being booed at the cricket.

Steady on.
Let’s just reserve that for the midget cheating houso ranga.

December 6, 2023 7:31 pm

I agree with you that the incessant abuse thrown about late at night is irritating in its inanity. But you don’t have to read it. JC has some sort of Tourette syndrome problem, combined with great rationalisation skills, but there are those who enjoy provoking him.

Fair comment Dr. BG but I will take issue on the “provoking” comment. It is JC who instigates the vomit. Time after time after time and has done so for many years. I think the majority of contributors and readers here have had an absolute gutfull. I also disagree you can sheet this disgusting behaviour home to some sort of Tourettes. It nothing like that. It is malevolence. Vitriol. He has an uncontrollable vindictive personality. Now, the thing is bringing his crap onto every page. Enough is enough.

December 6, 2023 7:34 pm

JMH, just scroll.
It’s not hard.
The Cat is a footlong hotdog made up of many meats.
Some you’re gunna like.
Some you’re not.

December 6, 2023 7:35 pm

Is that still the case?

Afaik, yes, Helen.

Not “down the well” in the US but in storage in Louisiana and Texas.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 6, 2023 7:37 pm

Not to worry… plenty of Bud Lite to be had I’m sure.

A contrite Anheuser Busch is desperately seeking absolution without having to actually explicitly admit to their specific crime – not entirely surprising if they have decided the most long term profitable response is to resume a sort of ‘average Joe’ bonhomie and the thing with that Dylan creature as a misstep that friends can tacitly forgive by a nod of the head between pals.

They have recently sponsored an MMA league in the US. At first people reacted despondently that the MMA, filled with what is now commonly called ‘based’ athletes (as in based in reality and unwoke) would associate itself with the Mulvaney tainted losers of AB.

However, the fellow who runs the league came out saying that as far as he is concerned he and the people in the MMA can say any unwoke thing they want and AB will be paying for it.

There was an exchange in Yes, Minister where Sir Humphrey is explaining how all the nations joining the EU we’re not doing it from some pan-European ideal but instead for strictly national interests – after running through various self-serving explanations as to why different nations joined they come to the Germans: “ They went in to cleanse themselves of genocide and apply for readmission to the human race.”

I think AB is doing a version of this.

December 6, 2023 7:38 pm

Excellent video & storyline on the extremely wealthy Hamas leaders residing in Qatar, while Gazans don’t see much of the international donations.,times%20as%20large%20a%20turnover.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 6, 2023 7:38 pm

He also allegedly went to Melbourne Airport, where he is accused of stealing luggage from a traveller who was asleep in the terminal.

At this rate there will be one re-arrested every day for the next three months.

Enough to keep the story on the front pages.

Brilliantly handled, Labor. Almost as good as energy management, and submarine acquisition.

December 6, 2023 7:38 pm

Dec 6, 2023 6:13 PM
Sally Kornbluth, president of UPENN Elizabeth Magill, and Harvard President Claudine Gay were asked whether calling for the murder of Jews is considered a violation of the university’s code of conduct or an act of harassment, all three responded that it depends on the context.

Something struck me about this statement. I noticed all three presidents are women yet they cannot muster up a grain of empathy for other women who were raped and kidnapped. But then again none of the professional feminists have said a word in support either. So much for sisterhood blah, blah.

There is no such thing as feminism or sisterhood, these are useful tools to get upper class women into positions of power without having to justify their promotions with competence. I noticed their lack of sisterhood decades ago when they bragged how they employed other women to perform the menial housekeeping and child rearing tasks in their homes. It never seemed to occur to them that those women might also aspire to be a president or CEO or that they are even entitled to those ambitions.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:40 pm

‘Enough is enough.’


‘Goddammit Dover, do as you’re bloody well told!’

The absolute temerity of it. The demands, because that’s what they are.

This place is private property. I am privileged to be here, as is everyone else. I have been called all sorts of things by various people over time – including being a child molester – and I have refused to call for anyone to be banned.

I find screamy, demanding people – who, by the way, contribute nothing of substance themselves – who continually call for bannings AND then jack up about it when management doesn’t bow to their edicts – supremely funny.

It’s more than funny. It’s hilarious watching the rage grow. You can feel the frustrated fury through the screen.

December 6, 2023 7:42 pm

Wow, the NSW govt in talks with the ATC about selling Rose Hill race course.
That’s one way to get Fed Labor’s migrant problem off the front page & off talk back radio tomorrow.
Albo owes Minns a fruit basket.

PS, will not happen.
Canterbury racecourse & in time, Warwick Farm.
Rose Hill & Randwick, never.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:42 pm

‘The Cat is a foot long hotdog made of many meats.’

Preach it, brother.

HJM – can I get an amen?

December 6, 2023 7:42 pm

Mostly it looks like poor Gazans have to buy donated food, sometimes it’s for sale in shops, today I saw a short video where it was being sold on the street, hadn’t even bothered to take it out of the unwra boxes.

December 6, 2023 7:43 pm

I noticed their lack of sisterhood decades ago when they bragged how they employed other women to perform the menial housekeeping and child rearing tasks in their homes.

It’ll be Mexican lady’s on $7 an hour.

December 6, 2023 7:44 pm

Dec 6, 2023 7:34 PM

JMH, just scroll.

I do 99.9% of the time. I am just fed up with the nasty commentary consuming every page of this blog.

December 6, 2023 7:45 pm

I have been called all sorts of things by various people over time – including being a child molester

The worst one was when a spud peeler referred to Darwin as a god forsaken place.
I thought that was quite racist tbh.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 6, 2023 7:46 pm

Who is Karen? that JC wants to get banned from the site?

Who cares? Could be anybody.
The demented hypocrite uses weird nicknames for everything. One or two may take notice. Sane people wouldn’t.

December 6, 2023 7:47 pm
December 6, 2023 7:48 pm
December 6, 2023 7:49 pm

‘The Cat is a foot long hotdog made of many meats.’

My lasting memory of Oslo, before all hell broke loose at home, was a Norwegian hotdog + glögg at the Christmas market.

Delicious. Spicy, saucy, scrumptious. And mildly intoxicating.

The comparison is tempting.

December 6, 2023 7:50 pm

GFS latest run has TC Jasper early Tuesday morning crossing (night time again!!!) between Townsville and Ayr. BOM forecast mentions Jasper dependant movement & intensity in tonight’s forecast for Townsville.

LOL so really meaning Innisfail or Tully, least we’ll get some good rain from it.

Regardless good time to recheck the genset and roof security…

December 6, 2023 7:51 pm
December 6, 2023 7:52 pm

I suppose you’ve all heard the reason the hostages looked a bit dreamy and managing to smile on the videos is because hamas had given them drugs.
Then of course hamascum spammed all the Israeli accounts with pathetic memes like ‘he won’t marry you’
As if.
More chance that Bruce and Brits will elope at the end of the civil suit.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 7:54 pm

The BOM’s new cyclone information system is crap, incidentally. They appear to have given up on any realistic track prediction or system intensity and have just gone with ‘maybe’.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 6, 2023 7:54 pm

‘The Cat is a foot long hotdog made of many meats.’

My friends told me of a time they went out and, toward the end of the night and standing outside near the hot dog vendor, a car swept past with one guy calling out from an open window “A pound of bread and a pound of meat, and all the sauce you a*de holes can eat!” which set the vendor off.

All my friends could think was what a perfect vending-slogan it was. After a night on the grog it was the perfect finish.

December 6, 2023 7:55 pm

‘The Cat is a foot long hotdog made of many meats.’

Some of the meat comes from cockroaches.

I’m thinking of Calli’s mad downticker in particular.

Yes, there’s a certain amount of sheer nastiness, and I don’t like it, but you get humanity here, and human beings are a very mixed bunch.

December 6, 2023 7:55 pm
December 6, 2023 7:55 pm

Dec 6, 2023 7:06 PM
It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

I blame their mothers.

I saw a quick clip of one hijabbed older woman saying that she just wants the old life back. I thought then you shouldn’t have taught your children to hate Jews.

December 6, 2023 7:55 pm

Some of the meat comes from cockroaches.

Just eat around that part.

December 6, 2023 7:56 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 6, 2023 7:56 pm


Some repeats here.


Steve Inman:

Non-essential Commentary Best of 2023

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 6, 2023 7:57 pm

a*de holes

Okay, that was definitely ‘a*seholes’ when I clicked ‘Post Comment’.

December 6, 2023 7:58 pm

Just eat around that part.


Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 7:59 pm


Dec 6, 2023 6:51 PM
Testing Out the Delta Miter Saw- Episode 8

No wonder my tool reviews suck.

Nearly all the males here are tossing up “Will I comment about ‘cute pussies’ or will I count how many others fall to temptation?”
Tough decision…

December 6, 2023 7:59 pm

Economists see Fed keeping rates at 22-year high until at least July

FT-Booth survey respondents think US central bank will remain more hawkish than market expects

The US central bank will hold off on interest rate cuts until at least July 2024 and deliver less relief than financial markets expect, according to leading academic economists polled by the Financial Times. 

While most of those surveyed thought the rate-raising phase of the Federal Reserve’s historic monetary tightening campaign was now over, almost two-thirds of the respondents thought the central bank would only begin to cut its benchmark rate by the third quarter of 2024 or later.

Three-quarters of the economists, polled between December 1 and December 4, also expect the Fed to lower the federal funds rate from its current 22-year high of 5.25-5.5 per cent by just half a percentage point or less next year.

That is a much later and smaller move than Wall Street is wagering, with traders in futures markets ramping up bets that the Fed will begin to cut as early as March and will lower the federal funds rate to about 4 per cent by the end of the year — more than a full percentage point below its current level.

The survey of 40 economists, carried out in partnership with the Kent A Clark Center for Global Markets at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, underscores the divergence of views about the Fed’s grip on inflation amid fresh signs that the world’s largest economy is beginning to slow down.

Officials at the Fed and other central banks in advanced economies are now grappling with how long to keep interest rates high to restrain demand from households and businesses — and when they can start reducing borrowing costs.

“I still see a lot of momentum for the economy, so I don’t see a need for lowering rates right away, and I don’t think the Fed plans to do that either,” said James Hamilton, a professor of economics at the University of California in San Diego who participated in the survey.

Robert Barbera, director of the Center for Financial Economics at Johns Hopkins University and another respondent, said the Fed would need to see both steady improvements in inflation and a more significant cooling in labour demand before it considered cuts.

For the past five months, the US economy has added an average 190,000 new jobs a month — a pace Fed governor Christopher Waller recently noted was near the 10-year average since 2010 but still higher than needed to absorb all the workers entering the labour force. New data released on Friday is expected to show an increase of 180,000, according to Refinitiv, compared with 150,000 in October.

Laura Coroneo, an economist at the University of York, said that aside from a “still tight” labour market keeping wage growth elevated, she was also concerned about the potential of an oil price shock to affect how quickly inflation would fall.

The Opec+ cartel recently agreed to make cuts to crude output in 2024 in a bid to boost oil prices. The ongoing war in Ukraine and escalating conflict in the Middle East have also bred fears of further inflation in energy costs.

Most of the economists surveyed thought it unlikely that the Fed’s preferred inflation gauge — the personal consumption expenditures price index, once food and energy prices are stripped out — would remain above 3 per cent by next December, but they did expect it to exceed the central bank’s 2 per cent target at that point. Their median estimate for the end of 2024 stood at 2.7 per cent. The gauge registered a 3.5 per cent annual pace in October.

According to the median estimate, the economists predicted US gross domestic product growth once inflation is factored in of 1.5 per cent next year, well below the clip so far this year.

In addition to keeping interest rates elevated for an extended period, the economists also do not expect imminent changes to the Fed’s plans to shrink its nearly $8tn balance sheet.

More than 60 per cent of the economists polled reckoned the central bank would not slow its quantitative tightening programme until the third quarter of 2024 or later. As part of its efforts to tighten financial conditions in the economy and damp demand, the Fed has since September 2022 aimed to cut up to $95bn a month from its asset holdings.

Most of the economists did not think there was a high chance of a recession starting next year, while a little over half said there was at least a 50 per cent chance that a recession would start in the third quarter of 2025 or later.

The participants were roughly split on the outlook for the unemployment rate, with a slim majority expecting it could hit 5 per cent or more over the next three years. The remaining 46 per cent expected it would stay below that level.

The employment rate has defied expectations of a sharp rise over the past year, nudging up only marginally, to stand at 3.9 per cent.

December 6, 2023 8:00 pm

The U.K. is now doing exactly what the U.S. did to destroy the car industry.

Forget being able to afford a car!

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 6, 2023 8:00 pm

Then of course hamascum spammed all the Israeli accounts with pathetic memes like ‘he won’t marry you’

THAT was about as sick & depraved as it is possible to be online.

December 6, 2023 8:00 pm

The BOM’s new cyclone information system is crap, incidentally. They appear to have given up on any realistic track prediction or system intensity and have just gone with ‘maybe’.

Agreed KD, got to drill down into subheadings that used to be on the opening page. Made for mobile phones IMO.

I’m currently keeping eyes on JTWC out of Hawaii. Their arc has it pretty well much making a bee line to somewhere in the Herbert/Lower Burdekin, plenty of Althea talk around town at the moment. That hit as a Cat 4 on 21 Dec 1971.

Still 6 days, long way to go but I’m less inclined to be complacent after Yasi that pretty well much didn’t deviate its path too much for two weeks.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
December 6, 2023 8:01 pm

‘The Cat is a foot long hotdog made of many meats.’

I think it is more a cheese kransky on a baguette with kimchi and bacon.

December 6, 2023 8:01 pm
December 6, 2023 8:02 pm

I think it is more a cheese kransky on a baguette with kimchi and bacon.

Not all of us have Japanese 7/11’s on every corner.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 6, 2023 8:02 pm


Dec 6, 2023 6:13 PM

Seven News just committed libel.

They called the interaction between Lehrmann and Higgins as “her rape”.

Nein nearly as bad.
For the second night this week they have devoted a considerable chunk of their report to Lehrmann getting his rent paid by Channel Stokes.
Apparently $140k paid by a private entity for an interview is big news.
Any interest in $3.2 meg of taxpayers money paid to Britnah for imagined hurty feelings?
Not so much.

December 6, 2023 8:02 pm

Airbus: political kite flying not needed to get new plane aloft

Numbers suggest project could proceed without state support

When the going gets tough, the opportunistic appeal for help. That is one way to read Airbus boss Guillaume Faury’s suggestion that the company may need state support to develop a replacement for the A320, its omnipresent narrow-body jet.

Eyebrows will have shot towards hairlines, especially in the Arlington, Virginia, headquarters of rival Boeing. Its European rival has been performing strongly. But, with technologies evolving, development costs mounting and demand fluctuating, risks for aircraft manufacturers are rising.

For one thing, it is by no means clear what a replacement to the A320 might look like.

The next generation of single-aisle aircraft needs to be 25 to 30 per cent more efficient than even the newest aircraft.

That means a lot of work must go into wing design — a UK speciality — propulsion systems, electronics and materials.

Development costs might end up nudging towards the $25bn Airbus spent on the massive, unsuccessful A380.

Airbus might launch the new aircraft between 2035 and 2040.

This would imply starting work in earnest towards the end of this decade.

Such a long runway heightens risk. Zero emissions aircraft, such as Airbus’s own ZEROe hydrogen plane, are still in their infancy and face huge technological challenges to boot. If successful, they would eat into demand for the traditional kind.

That said, it should still be perfectly possible for Airbus to develop a next-generation single-aisle aircraft without support.

Imagine such a project ended up costing $15bn over 8 years.

Assume that Airbus then went on to sell 10,000 planes, ju

Pencil in Airbus’s current pre-R&D profit per plane, which Sash Tusa, partner at Agency Partners, puts at €10mn across all lines.

The project would make a respectable IRR of 14 per cent.

The problem is that this return could easily nosedive.

Suppose capex doubled — which is not unusual for such projects — and the number of planes sold fell to 8000, the return would halve. And that is before factoring in possible delays.

But rough-and-ready numbers suggest the project could proceed without state support.

This would reduce scope for trade tensions with the US. But you can hardly blame Airbus for flying a kite — even as it works out how to get the A320 replacement airborne too.

December 6, 2023 8:03 pm

Trump blasts Kerry’s climate activism for ‘destroying our country’ in Iowa town hall: ‘He has to be stopped’

By the way, another Royal busybody was swanning around at COP28 – Prince Frederick of Denmark. Black mark.

December 6, 2023 8:06 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 8:06 pm

For the second night this week they have devoted a considerable chunk of their report to Lehrmann getting his rent paid by Channel Stokes.

The sort of thing that get remembered for a long time till the opportunity presents itself.

December 6, 2023 8:07 pm

Under cross examination on Tuesday in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case, Ms Higgins said the Commonwealth “came to an agreement that a failure of a duty of care was made, and they did pay me.”

“The commonwealth admitted that they breached their duty of care and that they didn’t go through proper processes, so that’s actually why they settled with me,” Ms Higgins told the court.

What exactly were the “proper processes” that the commonwealth should have performed? I presume here that she feels she should not have had her employment terminated in the way it was?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 8:07 pm

THAT was about as sick & depraved as it is possible to be online.

I don’t have a reference, but the IDF did have a unit dedicated to fighting the war with the Palestinians in cyber space. Don’t know if they are still on the Israeli Order of Battle.

John H.
John H.
December 6, 2023 8:09 pm

Dec 6, 2023 7:48 PM
Why we Don’t Trust our Governments | Johnathan Haidt

John Anderson

I like Haidt but perhaps he misses the obvious. The reason people are losing faith in government is because the quality of leadership has declined so much. Perhaps we are in the 4th turning(youtube summaries available). I’m a not a great fan of historical cycles and haven’t investigated it but it accords with something I read long ago. When leaders everywhere are failing it says more about the times than the leaders.

December 6, 2023 8:11 pm

What exactly were the “proper processes” that the commonwealth should have performed?

At least two of the witnesses who said they did follow the process were not allowed to appear without opening themselves up to massive personal financial cost.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 6, 2023 8:13 pm

Channel 7 are paying Lehrmann’s rent. I don’t care. How much is this costing Channel 7? I don’t care.
Channel 9 are paying this or that. I don’t care.
Is either or any Channel paying Our Britney’s rent, tucker bill (huge) for her holidays, jet setting, her cottage in France?

I don’t care. It is the station’s money & they can do what they please with it. They may have to answer to their shareholders, or praps in certain circumstances to the broadcasting authority or the stock exchange.

I don’t care.

The Commonwealth govt slung Britney $2.5 million under the table, in shady circumstances, for no publicly acceptable reason.

THAT I do care. It was the people’s money & sans a valid use for it, should never have been taken from them in tax.

For that, & the circumstances in which Anal & co handled it, I’m prepared to get the medieval torture equipment out of storage.

December 6, 2023 8:13 pm

It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

It’s as through islam breeds sexual sadists and serial killers. Islam is based on 3 things:

Sexual perversion
Forced reproduction
Conquest (against infidels or non-muslims to begin with but if there are no infidels then against itself)

December 6, 2023 8:13 pm

I saw a quick clip of one hijabbed older woman saying that she just wants the old life back. I thought then you shouldn’t have taught your children to hate Jews.

Hatred of the Jews is part of the Muslim catechism and identity. If the mothers don’t teach it the schools will.

Just read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s recollections of her education posted here this morning.

And it goes back to their authoritative religious text.

By comparison, the de-Nazification of Germans after the war was a stroll in the park.

This is but one reason why Muslim immigration poses a serious problem to Western countries.


December 6, 2023 8:14 pm

Dec 6, 2023 7:18 PM
I blame their mothers.


Boomers and traffic lights.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 6, 2023 8:15 pm

Trump blasts Kerry’s climate activism for ‘destroying our country’

I was amused that Kerry and Kamala each went to Dohar in their own private jets. Then Kerry blasted the place with methane. Maybe he paid for offsets for that though. Could they be more hypocritical? Would that be possible?

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 6, 2023 8:15 pm


In case you are not aware, your book is advertised in the December edition of VetAffairs.

Bad news for those from the Sinc Cat, so is Numbers’ book. $32, he is an optimist.

December 6, 2023 8:16 pm
Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 8:17 pm


Dec 6, 2023 7:03 PM
What was unique on 7 October was the strategic use of extremely degrading sexual torture to extress the utter disdain Hamas holds for Jews.
It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

You may be closer to the truth than you realise.
Picture the home environment in Saudi Arabia at least –
Males are brought up to the age of 5 in the womens areas of the house. They are then presented to the males to live in the males area. The only access to female company from that age is in the common area.
Using your imagination, can you think of why young men in many Muslim households are so irrationally angry and sexually warped?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 6, 2023 8:21 pm

By the way, another Royal busybody was swanning around at COP28 – Prince Frederick of Denmark. Black mark.

He’s been caught being naughty lately. Bit of a scandal. She’s Mexican. Our Taswegian Princess Mary has been keeping a stiff upper lip. Poor lady, it’s a bad situation to be in with four kids.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 8:22 pm

Bad news for those from the Sinc Cat, so is Numbers’ book. $32, he is an optimist.

Numbers’ book would be one of the very few accounts of the Australian involvement in the “Fun Factory” that I’ve never bothered to read.

December 6, 2023 8:26 pm

Dec 6, 2023 8:00 PM
The BOM’s new cyclone information system is crap, incidentally. They appear to have given up on any realistic track prediction or system intensity and have just gone with ‘maybe’.

Agreed KD, got to drill down into subheadings that used to be on the opening page. Made for mobile phones IMO.

I rate the BOM with the abc as government bureaucracies which are destroying Australia. The BOM bastards got rid of this graph of cyclone activity which clearly showe a decline in both numbers and intensity (2nd graph at Jo Nova). This is the site now at the fuking BOM.

Thank goodness Ryan Maue is still doing great wok with cyclones.

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 8:26 pm


Dec 6, 2023 7:06 PM
It’s as through gaza breeds sexual sadists and serial killers.

I blame their mothers.

Consider what their mothers go through in their lives, they then bring up sons they take their anger and frustration out on.
The entire Muslim family dynamic is about breeding sexually deviant, angry and uncontrolled citizens.
It’s truly Satanic and I won’t tell you of the things I’ve seen and heard.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 8:28 pm

Using your imagination, can you think of why young men in many Muslim households are so irrationally angry and sexually warped?

Particularly in the West when you’re not getting any of that poon tang.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 6, 2023 8:33 pm

A good beating.

He only kicked him in the head once.


Steve Inman:

December 6, 2023 8:33 pm

He’s been caught being naughty lately. Bit of a scandal. She’s Mexican. Our Taswegian Princess Mary has been keeping a stiff upper lip. Poor lady, it’s a bad situation to be in with four kids

Idle gossip.

December 6, 2023 8:35 pm

Well yes, men and women live their lives separately and fathers can do what they like with their children.

December 6, 2023 8:36 pm

Australian Vietnam Bubblies Branch.

We specialise in

*Bomb Disposal Fluent Americanese
*Grog Disposal Spoken Here
*Muff Diving

Thanks Pogria,

Almost right…
“Australian Bubblies, Vietnam Branch
Bomb Disposal
Grog Disposal
Muff Diving

Fluent Americanese spoken here…”

December 6, 2023 8:36 pm


Just looked at DM who have an expose on Rose Hill. I’m dubious as you, unless V’landys has done a deal to sell out Racing. Does James Ruse dve still have all the stables on the other side to the race course. Been years since I’ve been down that way, I remember there were 2 horse crossings. The you hit Parramatta rd.

Warwick Farm though, nah can’t see that ever being swallowed up, too much racing infrastructure there, especially round Gov Macquarie dve. Also that whole area is a flood plain worse than areas out near Chipping Norton and Henry Lawson dve. Build on at own risk.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 8:37 pm

Teh Paywallian reporting the ALPBC-Lehrmann settlement figure as $150k. Presumably they didn’t think the public interest defence would fly over a NPC address. Doesn’t bode well for future j’ismist luncheons.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 6, 2023 8:40 pm

Idle gossip.

Um, no. Quite a lot of stories, if you look. I’m sad for Mary, she doesn’t deserve this.

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 8:44 pm

Top Ender:

Enough to keep the story on the front pages.
Brilliantly handled, Labor. Almost as good as energy management, and submarine acquisition.

Submarines? We have submarines? You mean apart from the ones we can’t man, or get enough spare parts for?

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 6, 2023 8:47 pm

I think AB is doing a version of this.

…and Annheuser-Busch will continue to do the same sort of non-apology apology right unto the end, it would seem. It is all about THEM. Customers be damned. The true essence of “woke” is the abiding belief that reality can be made to conform to beliefs. Which is why it is utterly bonkers.

The only question is will Disney go first into that good night, or will they?

December 6, 2023 8:49 pm


In case you are not aware, your book is advertised in the December edition of VetAffairs.

Thanks Boambee John.

I wasn’t initially aware because I am away from home where my copy would be sent. I sent them a note some time ago but wasn’t advised that they were acting on it.

A bit of a quandary I guess because I am down to my last box of books and I received some responses generated by that ad today so I reckon a second print run is in the offing…

Cassie of Sydney
December 6, 2023 8:50 pm

Just further to my earlier post about the Sabra and Shatilla massacres in 1982, and whether it compares to the events of 7 October 2023, I would just like to say this.

When IDF soldiers returned home after being stationed in Beirut during that time, many were met with disdain and fury by ashamed mothers and fathers, mothers and fathers who were themselves Holocaust survivors and had survived massacres in Nazi occupied Europe. The Israeli government set up by the Kahan Commission which investigated the atrocity and the IDF’s role in it. The Commission didn’t pull any punches, and it found that Ariel Sharon bore “personal responsibility” for “ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge” and “not taking appropriate measures to prevent bloodshed“.

Contrast this with the mothers and fathers of the Hamas rapists, murderers and decapitators of 7 October 2023. Whilst merrily undertaking the rapes, murders and decapitations, they live streamed the carnage and many rang home to gloat to their their mothers and fathers about what they were doing, and their parents unashamedly praised their murderous butchery and savagery, and they lauded their sons as good servants of Allah.

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 8:53 pm

Dec 6, 2023 7:44 PM

Dec 6, 2023 7:34 PM
JMH, just scroll.

I do 99.9% of the time. I am just fed up with the nasty commentary consuming every page of this blog.

When the next door neighbour continues throwing his dogshit over the fence, and has been doing it for more than a decade, and then verbally attacking you each time you protest, it is more than just dogshit – it’s a sign that the dogshit thrower is mentally unstable and can no longer be ignored.
It becomes a situation that requires police or legal intervention before it gets way out of hand.

December 6, 2023 8:55 pm

Exactly Cassie.
One lot of parents filed the behaviour in the sin column and the other lot filed it in the blessed column.

December 6, 2023 8:59 pm

When the next door neighbour continues throwing his dogshit over the fence, and has been doing it for more than a decade,

But if you see a giant, greasy, stinking dog turd with a few rancid blowflies hovering around it laying on the pavement, you would be smart to step around rather than, say, stomp on it and splatter shit all over yourself and everyone else.
It’s a fine line.

December 6, 2023 9:00 pm

Idle gossip in scandal sheets.
I don’t read them, you might.
I do recall even shortly after they married an allegation he’d gone back to an older women he knew before he met Mary.

I did take a very mild interest then because I visited Denmark a month or so after the wedding.

December 6, 2023 9:00 pm

Channel surfing and 9 has series one of Clarkson’s Farm on.
They must have bought it on the cheap from Amazon as it’s from 2021.
But I am surprised as he drops a lot of f-bombs.
Can you say that on FTA TV at 8:30?

December 6, 2023 9:01 pm

There is no such thing as feminism or sisterhood, these are useful tools to get upper class women into positions of power without having to justify their promotions with competence.


explains the Optus mess and a lot of Labor failings too – aviation, home affairs, foreign policy.

Cassie of Sydney
December 6, 2023 9:02 pm

I think Fred and Mary’s marriage is solid.

Idle gossip in scandal sheets.


December 6, 2023 9:02 pm

FMD, how wrong can I be.
I just got an email from the ATC.

The NSW Government has today agreed to commence negotiations with the Australian Turf Club on a proposal to develop Rosehill Gardens racecourse, creating 25,000 new homes around a new Sydney Metro West station.

Members will revolt over this.
If it’s put to a vote, I shall be voting against it.

December 6, 2023 9:05 pm

Full email.


I write today with the most significant opportunity in the history of Sydney racing.

The NSW Government has today agreed to commence negotiations with the Australian Turf Club on a proposal to develop Rosehill Gardens racecourse, creating 25,000 new homes around a new Sydney Metro West station.

It is a compelling, once in a life-time opportunity to transform our racing industry, completely securing its future.

An estimated $5 billion in revenue will be returned to the ATC and the racing industry.

These funds will ensure all our racecourses and facilities, and Member and raceday experiences are the very best in the world – for many decades into the future.

Importantly, today’s announcement is just a first step.

Members will be fully informed and consulted throughout this historic journey.

The proposal has the potential and scope to see:
A new training Centre of Excellence at Horsley Park alongside the Sydney International Equestrian Centre to cater for current Rosehill Gardens stables and extra trainers
Several sites across Sydney will be earmarked and investigated for a new, world-class racecourse
Warwick Farm racecourse fully redeveloped as a state-of-the-art racing, training, Member and spectator facility:
New grandstand, conference and an entertainment precinct will be established generating recurrent funds
New Members only club, cafes and restaurants
New world class tracks
New stables on course
Canterbury Park racecourse will be redeveloped with a new state of the art racing, stables, Member and grandstand facilities:
New grandstand, conference and an entertainment precinct will be established generating recurrent funds
New Members only club, cafe and restaurants
New track increasing the size and circumference of the course proper
Royal Randwick racecourse to be improved further:
Complete upgrade of the Official Stand
New and additional stables and training infrastructure
It is envisaged Rosehill Gardens will continue to host racing and training for at least the next 4 to 5 years, until such time as the new facilities are ready for use.

This proposal will involve careful and extensive due diligence with a full business case developed by ATC and the NSW Government.

Along with these once in a generation improvements to our racing, training, stabling and spectator facilities, we are playing a major role within the community to help ease the housing crisis across Sydney.

ATC and the entire racing industry on every level stands to benefit as we fully secure the future of Sydney racing into the next century.

Rosehill Gardens will forever own the legacy of future-proofing Sydney racing for decades to come.

Should you have any questions you may email our Head of Membership and Corporate Affairs, Steve McMahon directly on

Yours sincerely

Peter McGauran
ATC Chairman

December 6, 2023 9:07 pm

This is ridiculous.

Several sites across Sydney will be earmarked and investigated for a new, world-class racecourse

How far out will they have to go to find a comparable plot of land to Rose Hill?
Once Rose Hill is sold, that’s it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 9:08 pm

But I am surprised as he drops a lot of f-bombs.
Can you say that on FTA TV at 8:30?

SBS2 from 7:30. My TV watching habits even appall me.

December 6, 2023 9:09 pm

PS, will not happen.
Canterbury racecourse & in time, Warwick Farm.
Rose Hill & Randwick, never.

I bike past Warwick Farm, regularly, given the amount of tax payer/private money spent on development of, and around, the place over the last 3 years it’ll be a long time before it gets the chop .. most of the racecourse infrastucture has been rebuilt/renovated, new stables & a multi storey hotel added .. and Chipping Norton Road dug up, re-laid & widened along the entire racecourse frontage (at least 1km) ..

December 6, 2023 9:11 pm



Have you tried our acacia wattle bark infused persillade with your haunch of elk meat?

December 6, 2023 9:14 pm

Several sites across Sydney will be earmarked and investigated for a new, world-class racecourse

Very costly and with marginal benefits.

Why not just knock down the SCG or build on North Sydney Oval if we’re that desperate for residential greenfield land.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 6, 2023 9:14 pm

Idle gossip in scandal sheets.
I don’t read them, you might.

Absolutely everywhere Rosie.
A quick search gets you the story.
I haven’t been that interested.
It’s a royal thing, goes with the territory.

December 6, 2023 9:16 pm


This place is not flying’, bern.

It’s farkin’ flyin’, bern!

December 6, 2023 9:19 pm

My racing WhatsApp group is blowing up.
The members are revolting.
The Rose Hill members were always very wary of the Randwick members when the merger was first proposed.
I don’t know anyone who has gone to Canterbury races ever.
I’ve been to a wedding reception there, that was it.
Horrible place to get to & get out of.
Sell that.

December 6, 2023 9:20 pm

The net effect of porn in terms of sexual assault must be marginal to thoroughly negative if you look at Japan. It’s odd because the MENA also has a higher porn consumption per capita than you may expect.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 9:21 pm

Few make or break decisions required for Sydney. Not sure the people required to make them are necessarily the ones you want to make them. 2nd airport will throw the cat among the pigeons. Bit hard to get a feel for it from the West.

December 6, 2023 9:23 pm

and Chipping Norton Road dug up, re-laid & widened along the entire racecourse frontage (at least 1km) ..

Oops! ..should be Governor MacQuarie Drive …….! .. duuuuuuh

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 9:27 pm

That Rozelle thing suggests there is a limit (&cost) to what you can engineer your way out of. Sydney geography may already be approaching those limits. Not really my area I’ll concede.

December 6, 2023 9:27 pm

Last time I was at Warwick Farm was pre COVID.
Decent set up.
Motorways take you most of the way there.
If it’s been done up since then, great.

December 6, 2023 9:29 pm

So now it’s just the one story smeared around the msm which all of a sudden is a fountain of truth.
You should stop digging (and repeating salacious gossip).

December 6, 2023 9:29 pm

The NSW Government has today agreed to commence negotiations with the Australian Turf Club on a proposal to develop Rosehill Gardens racecourse, creating 25,000 new homes around a new Sydney Metro West station.

Article I read stated 2033 at earliest & ATC retains control for on-sale rights …
Pie-in-the-sky stuff from NSW gummint part of the, standard, look-at-us-we-is-doing-something when media igoes into a 3 dayz new scyle frenzy ……..!

December 6, 2023 9:29 pm
December 6, 2023 9:33 pm

That Rozelle thing suggests there is a limit (&cost) to what you can engineer your way out of.

I used another part of it today.
Again, no problems.

The people who drive down Parramatta Road to avoid the toll on the M4 & crawl down the west link through Haberfield & Leichhardt, suffer in your jocks.
Pay the toll, zip around, it’s awesome.

The only part that seems trouble is for the city bound punters coming down Victoria Road.
I haven’t done that leg yet.

To be clear, every other part of it has been fantastic so far.

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 9:33 pm


Dec 6, 2023 8:02 PM
Airbus: political kite flying not needed to get new plane aloft
Numbers suggest project could proceed without state support
When the going gets tough, the opportunistic appeal for help. That is one way to read Airbus boss Guillaume Faury’s suggestion that the company may need state support to develop a replacement for the A320, its omnipresent narrow-body jet.

I know it’s a radical concept, but instead of designing a new aircraft, why not just keep the old one in production?
Yes, there may be some upgrades that can be done, but it won’t cost the billions a new aeroplane will.
The factories are already there, the pilots are trained up on it, the only thing that has changed is the government rules that demand a new aircraft.
How about telling government to piss off?

December 6, 2023 9:35 pm

Apologies if that last post reeked of privilege.

December 6, 2023 9:38 pm

Wonder how much V’landys has benefited or sold out racing to further RL’s ambitions.

I had reservations about the dudes ego when he took over the NRL. His choice in people rivals Trumps with the appointment of teflon Peter Beattie who has a track record of passion fingers on anything he touches.

December 6, 2023 9:42 pm

The solution set to Sydney’s woes is not feasible.

Gargantuan spending on underground fast rail for intercity, freight, metro loop & regional trains, the same for road transport.

The cost to simply build the Northern Beaches line surely would be close to 100 bn by now.

The other thing is the rail lines are under utilised for freight and passenger trains into Sydney. In part that would require redeveloping or building “another” Central Station and sufficient intermodal infrastructure.

December 6, 2023 9:42 pm

“Thank Christ,” Joe Hildebrand?


I enjoyed Chris Kenny’s chat with the great and lovely Marcia Hines.

It was a shame he interrupted her when she was about to speak on how America isn’t what it used to be. A classic Sky example of not shutting TFU. Learn from Tucker Carlson, people.

Good to see something other than politics and gloom on prime time. Kenny is pretty good at these sort of interviews.

December 6, 2023 9:43 pm

The only part that seems trouble is for the city bound punters coming down Victoria Road.
I haven’t done that leg yet.

Don’t worry, there’s no cops, where are they going to pull you over at?

  1. I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…

  2. Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x