Open Thread – Wed 6 Dec 2023

Summer Day, Ivan Shishkin, 1891

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H B Bear
H B Bear
December 6, 2023 9:44 pm

Deceptive how much brownfield land is around for development once planning restrictions are “relaxed”. I think they are looking for 30 storey residential on both the old Subiaco footy oval and Princess Margaret childrens hospital sites in Perth which is a step up in scale for here and would test the limits of what could be done locally I would think. The WACA periodically comes up with new master plans which seem to go nowhere.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 9:46 pm

A bit of a quandary I guess because I am down to my last box of books and I received some responses generated by that ad today so I reckon a second print run is in the offing…

Digger, the evening’s activities are consisting of a couple of single malts, and reading your book. So far, I’m finding it a damn fine piece of literature. Well done!

December 6, 2023 9:47 pm

The cost to simply build the Northern Beaches line surely would be close to 100 bn by now.

Neville Bartos is chief negotiator to purchase the required land.

December 6, 2023 9:48 pm

Apologies if that last post reeked of privilege.

Are you a closet ‘progressive’, burn?

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 10:01 pm


Dec 6, 2023 9:20 PM
The net effect of porn in terms of sexual assault must be marginal to thoroughly negative if you look at Japan. It’s odd because the MENA also has a higher porn consumption per capita than you may expect.

I suspect the family centered formative years are quite different between Japan and the MENA.

December 6, 2023 10:04 pm

Digger, the evening’s activities are consisting of a couple of single malts, and reading your book. So far, I’m finding it a damn fine piece of literature. Well done!

Thank you ZK2A, I’m humbled by your kind words…

Winston Smith
December 6, 2023 10:10 pm

The sport administrators are allowing psycho males into a position where they can hurt and damage women under the protection of the law. Soon will come deaths at their hands and they will exclaim “Who would have predicted that?!”

December 6, 2023 10:12 pm
December 6, 2023 10:24 pm

Wray admits that the FBI now regards Catholics as terrorists but he hasn’t sacked anyone. I saw someone on Twitter say that he’s sick of Republican interrogators sticking it to the FBI but they never do anything to de-fund and abolish Hoover’s terrorist gestapo. It’s all for show; all red meat for the base.

Cassie of Sydney
December 6, 2023 10:36 pm

I enjoyed Chris Kenny’s chat with the great and lovely Marcia Hines.”

Me too. My God she remains gorgeous. And I loved her comment about still being God fearing.

Marcia Hines was brought up well.

December 6, 2023 10:42 pm

Remember how a minor detail in the AUKUS submarine deal was that the Australian education system was required to produce a whole new crop of shiny graduates with the mathematical and technical skills needed to keep the nuclear subs from turning into SS Chernobyls.

Well I guess we have plenty of time. We’ll need it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 10:44 pm

Thank you ZK2A, I’m humbled by your kind words…


December 6, 2023 10:53 pm

The sport administrators are allowing psycho males into a position where they can hurt and damage women under the protection of the law

lemme fix it

The sport administrators psycho women are allowing psycho males psychos into a position where they can hurt and damage women normal people under the protection of the law psychos

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 10:53 pm


“We’re No Awa to Bide Awa’” which Scottish soldiers sing, after the first few drinks..

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 6, 2023 10:56 pm

Before we went off to Asia a fortnight ago I had just finished installing a 3000L rainwater tank under the eaves.

Just got back to find a) it had not fallen over, and b) it is now full.

More climate change please!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 6, 2023 11:20 pm

This one’s for Cassie.

This is the Israeli National Anthem, with English subtitles.

Israel for ever, and fvck all Palestinians. They’ve forfeited any right to be called human beings.

December 6, 2023 11:35 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 6, 2023 11:50 pm


Only 30 degrees instead of 42. However, 74% humidity instead of 11.

Oh well.

December 6, 2023 11:54 pm

Dec 6, 2023 11:35 PM

how to find a mate

That’s neither fair nor accurate. There are women with a sense of humour. I’ve met several. Undeveloped and primitive, I concede, but definitely there.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 7, 2023 12:11 am

My Lunch Break:

Today, we look into the mainstream history of the Swedish construction team, Donkey’s Incorporated. We investigate the story’s that we are given and come to conclusions, finding more evidence that there was a powerful civilization right before us….and much more!

“The 1773 Swedish Lie?

December 7, 2023 12:37 am

State and federal police have dropped their investigations into a series of hate-fuelled anti-semitic sermons in NSW, saying the clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.

Green light.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 7, 2023 12:40 am

…clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.

By that yardstick, all & sundry can STFU, properly, about a few blokes clad in black togs strolling down a Ballarat street, carrying a banner expressing an observation about who they’d like as neighbours.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 7, 2023 12:42 am

Green light.

We can pretty well work out from that, how the investigations are proceeding, into who may have chanted “Gas the Jews”

December 7, 2023 12:49 am

This is the same AFP that decided the ACL van-bomb attack by a gay rights terrorist was just a garden variety suicide attempt.

This was a deliberate lie. AFP top brass knew his agenda within a few hours of the blast. He told them from his hospital bed in no uncertain terms.

These ‘clerics’ have been cleared because the security state fears deportations and raids will only ‘stir up trouble.’ Throughout the West, the lesson is unmistakable: violence works.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 7, 2023 1:05 am

State and federal police have dropped their investigations into a series of hate-fuelled anti-semitic sermons in NSW, saying the clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.

Anyone game to pop down to New South, publicly call for a crusade* against Islam, & publicly call for people to all spit on Lakemba sufficient to drown any muslims there.

Then see how it works out?

(* 12th century definition please)

December 7, 2023 1:08 am

Let’s see if Juan, a simple man who enjoys a modest existence, can understand.

It’s the other way around.
It’s all us simple folks unable to understand a thought leader with incredible analysis skills.

The “libertarian” who mistrusts government sooooo much that he is on a never ending series of “booster” shots for a pandemic which for healthy people never really was, believes we should pander to the green frauds.

What’s with the quotes around the word “Libertarian”, Juan? It’s my decision what medication I take. Not yours, not Struth’s or no one else. We’ve been through this argument before with the stupid Struth, so it’s no surprise you got on that bandwagon because like that idiot you always take the wrong fork in the road. Lastly, you’re unemployed and therefore had the luxury of not having to follow the mandates. Others were forced to or lose their jobs and businesses.

That’s not to say that I wouldn’t have taken the shots as I felt totally comfortable doing so. Even if I was not compelled to follow the mandate (and I was), I would’ve happily taken the shots and regret not doing so recently even if there was only a small chance of avoiding COVID.

It’s OK to abandon the fight for sensible energy policies keeping a complex, intricate network of mines, wells, generation and transportation infrastructure.
Instead, we should trust the two major parties in this country will license a new nuclear technology in time to save us all. Yay.

Go ahead, fight for non-retarded energy policy as much as you want. However, fighting for a decent energy policy doesn’t mean posting comments on a blog as the energy blog warrior and the always insightful mufti. Show us exactly what you’re going to do to reverse the policy instead of just posting retarded nonsense. Share with us, General Peron.

The lunatic fringe of screaming brats currently standing in front of traffic and vandalising art galleries across the Western world and who’s activism drives our mindless, scientifically illiterate political class’s decision making, will bow to the inevitable logic and reason that if they want to lower CO2, nuclear is the only option.

Nuclear is NOT the only option. No energy policy and letting it rip is the best option. However, with the constraints have wrapped around this sector, we need a mufti to direct us. Where do we go from here, Juan? Where do we go from here leaving aside the depressed whining we always get from you. Bullet points is fine.

You know, show us the courage.

Because they are so well known for their logic and reason and are genuinely driven by a true but misguided belief in climate change and not by a suicidal desire to wreck the world they were born into.
I smell a huge success in the making.

You smell success, do you? Interesting.

Something to rival the spectacular success of Nixon going to Beijing. You remember that. Back in those days China was a one party communist state that sponsored anti- Western insurgencies across the region and had ambitions to dominate the world and instal sympathetic Marxist regimes in every country.

Oh yeah, the country where the inhabitants were eating grass and using human shit accumulated in the towns and cities as manure. A mufti like you though had it all figured it out in 1971, that in 2023 we’d be here. If only we had the insight and you around to swing us in another direction.

Thank you Nixon for your wisdom in seeing that gifting Beijing our entire f*cking manufacturing base would result in a free and democratic China.

Nixon’s China gambit was to split China away from the Soviet Union. It had nothing to do with economics or re-industrializing China, you peronist doofus. If the Gang Of Four had won out, Chinese would be still eating grass and sprinkling human shit on the ground.

Let’s do the same thing with our energy infrastructure and expect similar results.

You go tell the EU and the US administration that you,Juan Arky Peron will not to take it anymore and refuse to allow Australia to take that pathway. Go on, open the window and start screaming that out in the neighborhood.

Then we can capitulate to the lunatics demands on agriculture as well. Those insane screams to “decarbonise” agriculture must have some clever libertarian dodge to help us capitulate with a degree of grace into the poverty and oblivion

Oh it’s a clever Libertarian dodge is it. Care to take your view to the good doctor, who’s hospitality you’ve enjoyed and used, and ask him. As a libertarian would he agree with your prognosis? Go ahead, and ask him.

J.C.s green mates demand of us.

You delusional bullshit artist. You peronist idiot. Go shout at the moon.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 1:13 am

Oh fark, JC’s awake.

Get ready to scroll.

December 7, 2023 1:19 am


I noticed you weighed in earlier. It appears you’re taking the view that I’m the one who starts these stoushes. I would’ve thought better of you in being more analytical. This weeks open threads are a good example.

Every stoushing comment I’ve made has been in response to the likes of Driller, Turtlehead and a few others provoking needless argument. There’s no way I will ever walk back away from this vermin and lowgrade human scum. If they provoke fights I will always respond and hit back harder.

It would be better if some of these useless morons took themselves over to Faulty’s blog and do their whine there as they offer zero insight on anything.

Lastly, what are your thoughts on Marty and how the crook keeps pushing that bullshit here. Happy?

December 7, 2023 1:24 am

Barking Toad
Dec 7, 2023 1:13 AM

Oh fark, JC’s awake.

Get ready to scroll.

I love the scroll-by comments because it means exactly the opposite.

December 7, 2023 1:36 am

Incredible. A month or so ago, the US 10 year bond touched 5% yield. People like the CEO of JPMorgan were telling us that in view of the weight of massive new issuance, inflation stats, GDP growth, high employment levels etc, we would see the yield break through 5% and trend higher to 6% or even 7%. We’re now at 4.12%.

All life in earth is now currently dependent of the US 10 year bond yield.

December 7, 2023 2:01 am

…clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.

No doubt the HRC is pulling out all stops to use 18C to fill the gap.

December 7, 2023 2:02 am

Bill Ackman

The world will be able to judge the relative quality of the governance at
and @MIT
by the comparative speed by which their boards fire their respective presidents.

December 7, 2023 2:03 am

Is the fam over the COVID JC?
If not, you know you need to get them laksa’s.

December 7, 2023 2:17 am

LOl Yeah Bern. It’s all clear, just as we’re heading back 🙂

Basically, we came here to contract and then get over covid.

Wifey booked non-refundable tickets to Miami and back, so we lost that too. United is keeping the money.

December 7, 2023 2:19 am


You likely saw Ackman’s letter to the Harvard bint. It was brilliant even though he’s a dick.

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 3:59 am

Every stoushing comment I’ve made has been in response to the likes of Driller, Turtlehead and a few others provoking needless argument.

Rubbish comment.

December 7, 2023 4:00 am
December 7, 2023 4:01 am
December 7, 2023 4:02 am
December 7, 2023 4:03 am
December 7, 2023 4:03 am
December 7, 2023 4:04 am
December 7, 2023 4:05 am
December 7, 2023 4:09 am

Johnny Rotten
Dec 7, 2023 3:59 AM

Every stoushing comment I’ve made has been in response to the likes of Driller, Turtlehead and a few others provoking needless argument.

Rubbish comment.

Typical lying crook. There are days and days and even more days of your random, offensive abuse, splattered on the open threads against myself, Sanchez and KD, who you referred to as c..t in that non-humorous way of yours ( with the……………… LOL, suggesting you’re such a humorist), and in direct violation of the blog owner’s request to not use such language. You pathetic, dishonest two-bit limey wog.

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 4:24 am

Dec 7, 2023 4:09 AM

You really are deluded. You are the one who starts things off but you seem to have short term memory loss in not remembering what you are doing.

Yesterday morning i replied to a Poster with the comment that that person’s post was ‘rubbish’. You then weighed in with a ‘Marty’ comment. I then replied to you. You didn’t like my reply.

“Tough titties” as you poked your nose into my reply comment to another poster. Something that you usually berate other Posters for. You hypocrite.

And as to being a crook – Where is your proof? Either provide proof or STFU.

As to other Posters and my comments, I never started the ‘argy bargy’. However, if they can’t stand the heat, then they should get out of the kitchen.

So just go away you paranoid up thumb/down thumb dumb dumb bum bum.

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 4:25 am

Thank Tom.

December 7, 2023 4:25 am

Thanks Tom.

December 7, 2023 4:27 am

JC, I find some of the Armstrong comments quite astute, but I wouldn’t pay for them.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 4:28 am

JC still on the turps.

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 4:34 am

Should Argentina Peg its Currency to the Dollar?

QUESTION: What about Argentina willing to peg pesos to USD? THANKS for all you are doing for us! ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND FAMILY


ANSWER: First and foremost, what collapsed Bretton Woods and the gold standard was persistent deficit spending. They fixed the price of gold to $35 but then spent recklessly every year. you CANNOT have a fixed exchange rate, a pegged exchange rate, or any sort of a gold standard as long as you retain a Marxist/Socialist agenda where you spend more than you have.

In addition, any Pegging of a currency is significantly different than a Fixed Exchange Rate. Under a Fixed Exchange Rate, the main purpose is to facilitate trade. However, you are not expressly subordinating your economy to the economic trend of everyone else in the system. Each nation is still independent, and if their balance of payments falls out of line, then they alone have a monetary crisis.

Sir Thomas Gresham was the agent for the English Crown in Amsterdam, the Wall Street of Europe at that time. Henry VIII was debasing the currency, and nobody wanted to lend money to him, fearing that what they would be repaid with was debased. Hence, Gresham’s law.

A Pegged currency is far worse for the host currency’s economic conditions are imported. If Argentina pegs to the USD, then raising or lowering interest rates by the Fed and the boom-bust business cycle are automatically exported to Argentina. It would be better to peg to a basket of currencies that would be a hybrid system closer to a fixed currency regime for trade.

Napoleon had actually summoned the best minds and talents from all over Europe into his service. His court was deliberately filled with able men from all over Europe: Dutch, German, Italian, and even Polish. These foreigners worked in the highest offices of his imperial civil service – not exclusively French.

It was Napoleon who created the first single currency in Europe following the Roman Empire. He standardized the weight of the coins so that 40 francs equaled 40 Lire in Italy and 320 Reales in Spain. This was really Napoleon’s idea of resurrecting the Roman empire. Please take note of his coinage. He is pictured wearing a laurel wreath as a Roman emperor. He was far more than just a general. The new movie was interesting, but they overlooked his economic decisions, which were decades ahead of anyone else in Europe.

The unification of Europe was the accomplishment of Julius Caesar. However, it was Napoleon who standardized the monetary system post-Rome after the Dark Age, which became the inspiration for the Latin Monetary Union by 1865 and later the Gold Standard post World War II.

Even the United States’ $5 gold coinage was equivalent to the standardization of world coinage during the 19th century.”

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 4:37 am

Dec 7, 2023 4:27 AM

All of the Martin A posts that I have posted here are from a FREE Blog. I do not pay for them.

December 7, 2023 4:42 am


When you start posting random senile, racist and abusive comments day after week after month that’s only meant to provoke don’t ever expect any mercy from me or others.

Evidence that you’re crook? Marty’s deranged crap you spam here everyday. Only someone with the ethics of a rabid skunk would post such swill as well as referring to the fraudulent clown as a “top bloke”. Moreover, you were caught promoting his venue on your stupid blog nameplate, which you removed out of embarrassment.

Would any honest person promote a worthless fraud like that? You’re a crook. Stop asking too. Now, give yourself 40 upticks. I honestly can’t imagine the worthless life you lead getting up in the middle of the night furiously finagling ticks to suggest you’re the most popular limey in the street. You’re disgusting and cannot imagine how dragnet calls you a pal.

December 7, 2023 4:45 am

Johnny Rotten
Dec 7, 2023 4:37 AM
Dec 7, 2023 4:27 AM

All of the Martin A posts that I have posted here are from a FREE Blog. I do not pay for them.

But you’re trying to get paid.

December 7, 2023 4:54 am

Putin flew to UAE with an escort of four Su 35s.

Nobody called him a war criminal.

December 7, 2023 5:02 am


The fraud doesn’t understand what Argentina is attempting. The Leavenworth scholar doesn’t understand that Argentina is not trying to peg the currency. Argentina is going to Dollarise, which means it would eliminate the peso out of circulation and the dollar would become the one recognised medium of exchange.

I also think that Milei would be wily enough to understand that the Argentine economy needs to be at least as deregulated as that of the US, which is why he’s proposing massive reforms.

Marty is a no idea fraud.

December 7, 2023 5:16 am

Dec 7, 2023 4:54 AM

Putin flew to UAE with an escort of four Su 35s.
Nobody called him a war criminal.

Are you sure about that?
No fighter aircraft has that sort of a range and in flight refueling over foreign territories might be a problem.

December 7, 2023 5:17 am

JC, I find some of the Armstrong comments quite astute, but I wouldn’t pay for them.

Some of his work is lifted straight from other people.
There have been two occasions of stuff that has been posted here that has been lifted from a chap I follow on LinkedIn called Andrew Glenn who writes defence & defence tech pieces.

December 7, 2023 5:20 am

Ackman will force some king of action.
Even if it’s a change of frontman (front woman) at Harvard.
Until the endowments are threatened, there will be no change at US institutions.

December 7, 2023 5:20 am

Oops, they (SU-35s) can just make it, sorry about that chief.

Forgot to check the distance. used to our distances.

December 7, 2023 5:22 am

Hopefully the missus was berated for the non refundable tickets.
If you’re flying Melb-Syd, sure.
In another country?
You need to build in some form of flexibility.

December 7, 2023 5:23 am

Kind of action.
Not king.

December 7, 2023 5:40 am

Some of his work is lifted straight from other people.

Very likely. He has hit on the business model of turning stupid into cash, (H/T Tim Blair) which is reliable because of the vast supply of stupid. I don’t think all fraud should be illegal, it’s the only way of curing gullibility. Still, he’s not altogether stupid himself, and wherever he gets his material, some of it is interesting. Shallow, rather often, but not always.

The stuff about Socrates is obvious flim-flam. But if it brings in cash from the credulous, you can’t entirely blame him. The discovery that the world is full of fatheads can lead to intoxication.

JR, I never thought you were paying for the Armstrong comments. Or shilling for him.

December 7, 2023 5:48 am

On the infidelity of Frederick and the consequences to Mary, I have minimal interest. But anyone marrying into royalty should expect infidelity. It goes with the territory. In the past, us peasants never got to find out what kings, princes and presidents were really like. Now we know they are every bit as bad as we are. In many cases, a lot worse.

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 6:04 am

Today is the 82nd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on the 7th of December, 1941 –

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 6:33 am

Thanks for the reminder Johhny.

December 7, 2023 6:39 am

Get a load of the croaky old toad, non-scrolling all night, pointing out others are up all night and he’s been up all night monitoring the site.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 6:47 am

JC still on the turps

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 6:54 am

Barking Toad
Dec 7, 2023 6:47 AM
JC still on the turps

Is he/she/it/whatever ever off it? LOL.

December 7, 2023 6:56 am

In any given conflict, the way to tell who the good guys are is whoever has the best sense of humorElon Musk

Israel is taking full advantage of being the Good Guys.


Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2023 7:24 am

…clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.”

Oh I get it, Muslim clerics that use rhetoric calling for jihad against Jews and for “spitting on Israel so Jews can drown” is quite okay because such rhetoric fails to meet any criminal threshold but but but the same NSW Police are presently still conducting inquiries into independent MP Mark Latham because of Mark Latham’s very accurate tweet from earlier this year in reply to the utterly sinister, creepy and vile homosexual MP for the state seat of Sydney.

NSW Police and Anti-Discrimination NSW are conducting inquiries into Mr Latham after he published a largely graphic and offensive tweet directed towards Mr Greenwich on March 30.

Don’t you just love Australia in 2023?

By the way, the above just adds to me and other Jews’ wretchedness, depression, and sadness. And last night I watched footage of how a Jewish woman on that dreadful day in October fought off her Nazi Gazan attackers, the whole time kicking and fighting before they held her down and wrapped her in a sheet ready to rape and then butcher her. All filmed in prime time. And the left across the West regard such Nazi maggots as “heroes”, and happily turn a blind eye to such savagery.

Me too except if you’re Jew. And some wonder why I feel wretched, depressed and sad.

The Nazi maggots in the above footage were no different to serial killer Ivan Milat. You see, here’s the bottom line, Israel has to contend with a culture on its doorstep that extols, praises and lauds creatures like Ivan Milat.

December 7, 2023 7:28 am

Police selectively enforce the law.
Next time Paul Murray looks all serious & says “we back the blue”, this is what you’re backing (if you still bother with the show).

December 7, 2023 7:30 am

Explanation of how the sea water pumping into the tunnels will work & the Hezzies secondary front not fairing well ..
Gaza today ……..

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2023 7:31 am

Next time Paul Murray looks all serious & says “we back the blue”, this is what you’re backing (if you still bother with the show).”

I don’t bother. I have absolute visceral contempt for the lot of them….which is why I now call them the NSWaffen Police. But part of the problem is that we have a useless female police minister (who is a Jew hater) and an equally useless female police commissioner, both of whom should have been sacked after the elderly woman was tasered months go.

December 7, 2023 7:33 am

Looking forward to some Hamass bloopers with a Benny Hill theme.

December 7, 2023 7:38 am

…clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.”

I would rather not have to share a country with these people.

December 7, 2023 7:39 am

RESPECT!!! .. 70 years old and went terrorist hunting on Oct 7 ….. 25/10 ..

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 7, 2023 7:39 am

Is anyone able to post the SMH story on Alan Jones?

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2023 7:41 am

I would rather not have to share a country with these people.


December 7, 2023 7:43 am

NSW Plod threatened Lauren Southern with revoking her visa if she continue to film in Lakemba.
Not some plod either.
They had some big wig mucketty muck there to threaten her.

Compare that to how NSW Plod has gone out of their way to accommodate the pro-Hamas mob, especially since Oct 7th.

This is the “backing the blue” that Paul Murray constantly parrots.

December 7, 2023 7:44 am

Explanation of how the sea water pumping into the tunnels will work

Sharks would enjoy that environment.

December 7, 2023 7:44 am

132andBush Avatar
Dec 7, 2023 7:38 AM

…clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.”

I would rather not have to share a country with these people.

Agreed, how do we do it?

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2023 7:44 am

Is anyone able to post the SMH story on Alan Jones?”

Oh wait, is it accusing Jones of sexual abuse? I note the composer of the fiction is one Kate McChlamydia.

Jones will be Pell Take Two.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 7, 2023 7:45 am

This week’s Teal Tubster Finger Wagger Award was easily won by Mark Dufus.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 7, 2023 7:47 am

The GayBC will leap to Jones’ defence any minute now; it’s a clean cut close shaven case of homophobia.

December 7, 2023 7:48 am

Alan Jones is gay?
Stop the press!

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 7, 2023 7:49 am

Oh, wait a minute. Jones is conservative, so they won’t, any more than they defend conservative women.

December 7, 2023 7:51 am

clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown”

I foresee an ironic twist to this statement coming to Gaza some time soon.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 8:03 am

From the sea to the rivers – cop that Hamarse!

Tunnels are good for filling with water.

December 7, 2023 8:07 am

Police selectively enforce the law.

Whenever Oz (whatever state) plod behavior is queried .. this answers any questions ..!

December 7, 2023 8:09 am

Morn all,

This morning track map for Jasper with another northward adjustment, has Innisfail in the firing line. Weakening too. Getting distinct feeling now Queensland will miss out all together including much needed rain except for up the cape…

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2023 8:10 am

Oh, wait a minute. Jones is conservative, so they won’t, any more than they defend conservative women.

Or Jewish women.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 8:14 am

Sunak has just lost his Immigration Minister because he’s still vacillating on country shoppers.

‘Triumph of hope over experience’ Robert Jenrick savages Rwanda bill in resignation statement (6 Dec)

Robert Jenrick has dramatically quit as immigration minister over Rishi Sunak’s emergency legislation on Rwanda plunging the Government into crisis. … Home Secretary James Cleverly later confirmed in the chamber that the senior minister had walked because he did not believe the draft legislation goes far enough to get the Rwanda plan up and running.

Meanwhile disgusted base voters are walking. The election is going to be a wipeout of Biblical proportions.

December 7, 2023 8:15 am

America currently has a government which has total disregard, even contempt, for the law that they’re supposed to uphold.

Wendy Patterson

Breaking News: Mark Lamb (R) Pinal County AZ Sherriff says that every illegal crossing the border receives a $5,000 gift card.

December 7, 2023 8:16 am

Tremble ye plebs, crown prince turtehead , first of his line is jetting to Dubai today to lock in more climate mongdom.

In the sights are livestock ( farting cows/ sheep) as well as trying to insert his wisdom into global binding agreements which will touch every segment of the economy.

Bowen, when even mediocrity is aiming too high.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 7, 2023 8:19 am

oh I see it now:

Sydney broadcaster Alan Jones has denied all allegations of indecent assault, following a newspaper report that’s emerged this morning.

. emerged what? like maggots from a maggotty Nine newspaper?

December 7, 2023 8:21 am

Sharks would enjoy that environment.

sharks with fricken Laser Beams on the heads, of course. 😀

December 7, 2023 8:21 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 7, 2023 8:22 am

Miss Understood is the president of Harvard. I note that the university heads who disgraced themselves in a Congress hearing are all women, steeped in a hell-broth indeed of their own making — amazing and there were three of them too — -Hmmm puts me in mind of Shakespeare for some reason.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 7, 2023 8:24 am

Isn’t Bowen know as Casanova Bowen?

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 7, 2023 8:26 am

“The invocation of Article 99 allows the UN secretary-general to bring the attention of the security council to “any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security,” per the UN.”
The old commo would have more cred if he’d done this on October 7 or 8.

December 7, 2023 8:27 am
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 8:29 am

Bowen, when even mediocrity is aiming too high.

The narcissistic Blackout Boy is expecting his defining moment on ruinables to elevate him to Labor glory with Albo in tow.

They’re both f@rked.

December 7, 2023 8:29 am
December 7, 2023 8:31 am
December 7, 2023 8:33 am
December 7, 2023 8:33 am

It isn’t about light and communications, and Dowden is being deliberately evasive about the real threat when blackouts occur…in Britain…in winter. It’s about life-saving warmth.

They will kill many with their stupid and putrid Gaia worship.

December 7, 2023 8:35 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 8:50 am

sharks with fricken Laser Beams on the heads, of course

Mossad sharks…

It’s a bird, it’s a shark, it’s a Mossad spy (2011)

While the Mossad conspiracies usually spread through the blogosphere and in the popular press, a spate of shark attacks in the waters off the Sinai coast resort of Sharm el-Sheikh prompted a government official to hint of an Israeli conspiracy. Mohamed Abdul Fadil Shousha, the governor of Egypt’s South Sinai province, said it was “not out of the question.”

“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark in the sea to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question. But it needs time to confirm,” Shousha told a press conference.

No lasers though on Mossad’s sharks, although maybe with enough time to confirm it’ll be proved that Shit Bet’s sharks have them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 8:52 am

Oops, that was supposed to be Shin Bet. Sorry spooks for my very unfortunate typo.

December 7, 2023 8:53 am

From the sea to the tunnels
Now, where did I put that funnel

December 7, 2023 8:53 am

A brilliant young Jewish Stanford student clearly sets out what we, and they, are facing.

There’s hope yet if some young people at least can still see as clearly as this, despite the indoctrination.

December 7, 2023 8:55 am

If Israel floods the tunnels the press will switch seamlessly to characterising it as a war crime.

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 7, 2023 9:00 am

The issue for SMH is that Jones must have to be outed. He can’t live a public life where his sexuality is none of anyone’s business.

So they have another crack at him. Strangely enough, the SMH were very mute on the subject of their own, Peter “spanker” Roebuck.

December 7, 2023 9:01 am

Poofter-bashing is fine when undertaken by the left.

December 7, 2023 9:01 am

Bowen, when even mediocrity is aiming too high.

It seems like all the photographs of him suggest he is covered with a thin slick of aspic. Either that or flop sweat from all the booze, it would help to explain the grin. Moving now to the physiognomy, some chromosomal anomaly appears to be in play.

December 7, 2023 9:03 am


It’s slime.
He’s so slimy slugs pour salt on him.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 9:03 am

Britons should stock up on torches and candles in case of power cuts, says Dowden

Might need a few extra cardigans too.

Leading Russian Polar Scientist: Cooling Begins In 2030…Climate Crisis A ‘Globalist Scam’ (6 Dec)

According to leading polar scientist Andrey Fedotov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), “the warming is about to end” and “The Earth is about to enter an ‘ice age.’”

The period of “unfavorable cold” will begin around 2030. Fedotov issued the warning in a statement published by the RAS, the country’s leading scientific institution.

Fedotov said the warming is about to end and the cause is not humans. The Russian scientist says the cooling will be brought on by solar activity.

I doubt it will be as fast as all that since if you look at the ice core data the cooling rate into a formal ice age is only about half a degree per century. But the AMO is due to flip soon, and when it does it tends to be fast. The ice age scare in the seventies coincided with the bottom of the AMO cycle. The AMO is sea surface temperature based, and the accompanying land temperature swings tend to be larger.

December 7, 2023 9:03 am
December 7, 2023 9:05 am

There’s hope yet if some young people at least can still see as clearly as this, despite the indoctrination.

Indeed, Indolent.

December 7, 2023 9:09 am

St Mary’s Cathedral set to shine with more than 30 million Christmas pixels


‘Twelve Days of Christmas’

From 14-25 December, the cathedral will be shining with Christmas projections and entertainment runs from 5.30 to 10.30pm each day.

The forecourt will once again feature the cathedral’s glorious Nativity scene, delicious food, and gift stalls as well as a stage on the steps of the Cathedral, featuring world class entertainment like a capella choir “Soulfood.”

For the multi-award-winning Australian ensemble, boasting 55 singers from across Sydney, it is the highlight of their year.

“Christmas Lights at the Cathedral is an event that brings so much happiness, drawing together people of all ages and backgrounds from across our community.
As families struggle with rising costs of living, Williams believes it’s important CBA help provide such an amazing event free.

Winston Smith
December 7, 2023 9:09 am


I noticed you weighed in earlier. It appears you’re taking the view that I’m the one who starts these stoushes. I would’ve thought better of you in being more analytical. This weeks open threads are a good example.

Every stoushing comment I’ve made has been in response to the likes of Driller, Turtlehead and a few others provoking needless argument. There’s no way I will ever walk back away from this vermin and lowgrade human scum. If they provoke fights I will always respond and hit back harder.

JC, the fact you don’t see that you start these fights is indicatative of your refusal to grasp reality.
It’s obvious to nearly everyone who starts the fights, but you’re incapable of accepting it and you twist reality around like a pretzel to justify your abuse of anyone who stands up to you.
Admit it, J.C. – you have highly visible anger and coping issues. Get some help.

December 7, 2023 9:20 am

Bruce of Newcastle
Dec 7, 2023 9:03 AM

I doubt it will be as fast as all that since if you look at the ice core data the cooling rate into a formal ice age is only about half a degree per century.

I thought there were some faster cooling periods than that?

December 7, 2023 9:21 am

all women, steeped in a hell-broth indeed of their own making — amazing and there were three of them too — -Hmmm puts me in mind of Shakespeare for some reason

vengeful scheming wymynsys have been a ‘thing’ in literature for quite a while

don’t forget Medea

cuts her own brother up into little pieces and chucks him into the sea
convinces King Pelias’ own kids to chop him up into little pieces as well
tortures and murders Jason’s new mole
does her own kids in
and finally rides into the sunset

take that!! toxic masculinity
you go girl

December 7, 2023 9:22 am

These ‘clerics’ have been cleared because the security state fears deportations and raids will only ‘stir up trouble.’ Throughout the West, the lesson is unmistakable: violence works.

May I remind Cats of the time the spokesman for Brisbane’s Muslim community, Ali Khadri, told the nation via ABC’s The Drum that if authorities continued to refer to ‘Islamic terrorism’ then Muslims would no longer report suspicious activity to them.

It wasn’t an observation, it was a threat.

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2023 9:29 am

“The issue for SMH is that Jones must have to be outed. “

Except there’s nothing to “out”. Jones’ sexuality has long been known, he just prefers to keep it private, much like a former PM. However, unlike that former PM, Jones is a proud conservative and thus the left have spent decades trying to smear and silence him.

December 7, 2023 9:30 am

The Alan Jones story is covered at Daily Mail

Meanwhile Taylor Swift is Time person of the year. Beat Putin, Xi, the Trump prosecution team, Barbie, Sam Altman.

December 7, 2023 9:32 am

Dec 7, 2023 8:21 AM
UN chief Guterres invokes Article 99 of charter over Gaza crisis

Guterres is a POS. You look at the swine pushing global boiling: gutterres, king chuck, Casanova turtle, Soros etc and you wouldn’t feed the bastards to pigs. The highlights of COP28 were john kerry farting and the Arab leaders telling kerry and the rest of the shitheads to piss off with their demand to top using fossils.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2023 9:33 am

Rool Dool at 9:00.

So they have another crack at him. Strangely enough, the SMH were very mute on the subject of their own, Peter “spanker” Roebuck.

Both SMH and ABC.
I remember I was in the car on a long trip when Roebuck’s suicide was reported on ABC. The “tributes from colleagues” all sounded a bit guarded and heavily sprinkled with “complex character” and “very private individual” and “sometimes idiosyncratic and obviously troubled”.
They knew.

December 7, 2023 9:37 am

Roger mentioned Ali Kahdri.

I first noted him on Q&A several years ago. It was the episode about legislation regarding ISIS fighters returning to Australia. The audience was heavily loaded with Muslims and he was head spokesman for Holland Park mosque.

His question was why did the legislation not also refer to returning Aussies who had been serving in IDF. Told me all I needed to know about him.

I think he is now spokesman for all Muslims in Qld or for all the mosques.

Naturally he was the one Noel Pearson went to visit for support for referendum.

December 7, 2023 9:39 am

I thought there were some faster cooling periods than that?

What sent the vikings out of Greenland was a cooling over less than 5 years. (So I read somewhere a long time ago.)

December 7, 2023 9:39 am

I thought there were some faster cooling periods than that?

Rapid cooling periods are called Heinrich events; rapid warming Dansgaard–Oeschger events. Both have featured in the recent past, geologically speaking, 12000 bya, temperature increases and decreases of up to 15C in 50 years.

December 7, 2023 9:40 am


Don’t worry turtehead will fly in and sort gerbil worming out before lunchtime by agreeing Australia should pay for everything.

The cult is at the stage where it is intentionally ( in the UK) going to kill people.
It’s also worth pointing out that there has been much wailing of teeth and gnashing of garments over the sudden, unexplained, mysterious outbreak of black mould through a lot of the housing.
Blamed of course of those eeeeevil landlords.

The reality is houses are colder, damper and more sealed up because people can’t afford to heat homes.

It’s a deliberate choice the UK conservative government has made to immiserate millions, and cause health problems for tens of thousands.

They all need Rabzing.

December 7, 2023 9:41 am

I doubt it will be as fast as all that since if you look at the ice core data the cooling rate into a formal ice age is only about half a degree per century.

I read (In National Geographic FWIW) around 50 years ago about the potential for a quite rapid onset of an ice age. Ten years was mentioned and I have quite vivid memories of the article because it sort of played against all the narratives at the time.

If the earth does enter a cooling period it belies the past several decades of global hysteria pointing to rising CO2 causing global warming.

The article focused on cooling actually being caused by a spurt of global warming because if the world warms enough to melt significant volumes of Antarctic (30 million cubic kilometres) and Greenland (3 million cubic kilometres) terrestrial ice, the resultant colder water is denser and therefore heavier than warm water and it sinks into the very important and massive thermal controlling deep ocean currents. When that cold water moves through the warm currents it cools everything including the land.

Under the premise of the current hysteria the heating is exponentially linked to rising CO2 levels so cooling when the CO2 levels continue to rise totally debunks Gore and his hundreds of millions of acolytes. If it does cool because of melting ice (which there is not much evidence of) I think it will take a long time to rewarm.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 9:47 am

I thought there were some faster cooling periods than that?

Gabor – actually I was too fast by a factor of ten. It’s more like 0.05 C per century.

The 800 year lag in CO2 after temperature – graphed (Jo Nova, 2011)

She has the Vostok data at a higher resolution than the usual graphs you see. Typically the cooling period is 10 C in 10,000-20,000 years. So not something to worry much about, although the little ice ages like the Maunder and Dalton Minimums are quicker.

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 7, 2023 9:50 am


They knew.

Oh yes, they did that alright.

What for one man is alleged sexual assault, for another is “complexity” “inner demons” and “tortured and sensitive soul”.


If Ivan Milat had been a presenter of PM in the 80s I imagine he would have been a “gifted man with deep complexities” who battled the better angels of his nature and lost.

December 7, 2023 9:53 am

Soros-Funded Group Complains Israel “Summarily Executed” Oct 7 Hamas Terrorists Killing Israelis

When you realise the web of evil this toad of a man is controlling you realise there is no justice but what you make. Soros will die peacefully in his stinking bed.

December 7, 2023 9:53 am

There are very few problems that cannot be solved with more fossil fuels.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 9:54 am

Admit it, J.C. – you have highly visible anger and coping issues. Get some help.

When you get bottom germs you always blame someone else letting them plug the butt.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2023 9:54 am


December 7, 2023 9:55 am

A Pegged currency is far worse for the host currency’s economic conditions are imported. If Argentina pegs to the USD, then raising or lowering interest rates by the Fed and the boom-bust business cycle are automatically exported to Argentina. It would be better to peg to a basket of currencies that would be a hybrid system closer to a fixed currency regime for trade.

Dollarisation is not the same as pegging a currency.

This is a success story of dollarisation.

The absence of a central bank in Panama has created a completely market-driven money supply. Panama’s market has also chosen the US dollar as its de facto currency. The country must buy or obtain their dollars by producing or exporting real goods or services; it cannot create money out of thin air. In this way, at least, the system is similar to the old gold standard. Annual inflation in the past 20 years has averaged 1% and there have been years with price deflation, as well: 1986, 1989, and 2003.

Panamanian inflation is usually between 1 and 3 points lower than US inflation; it is caused mostly by the Federal Reserve’s effect on world prices. This market-driven system has created an extremely stable macroeconomic environment. Panama is the only country in Latin America that has not experienced a financial collapse or a currency crisis since its independence.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2023 9:56 am

G7 reaffirms support for two-state solution
Agency writers
Agency writers

G7 leaders have reaffirmed their support for a two-state solution to the long-running Israel-Palestinian conflict in a statement issued after a virtual meeting on Wednesday.

“We remain committed to a Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution that enables both Israelis and Palestinians to live in a just, lasting, and secure peace,” the statement said.

The Palis have rejected five attempts at a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s. They are only interested in the total destruction of the State of Israel.

December 7, 2023 9:56 am

From what we are saying there seems to be two potential reasons for global cooling.

One, which seems to be playing to the current narrative, is caused by reduced solar activity and the other is the melting of the terrestrial ice caused by higher solar activity or global warming.

They are significantly different with potentially significantly different onset times and different resolution times.

December 7, 2023 9:57 am

Is condemning Soros for funding anti- semetic Anto Jew hate groups anti semetic?

Asking for a friend.

December 7, 2023 9:57 am

I think [Ali Khadri] is now spokesman for all Muslims in Qld or for all the mosques.

And CEO of the Islamic College of Brisbane.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 7, 2023 10:00 am

Brandish a knife and suffer the consequences.


Steve Inman:

BLM Member takes a helmet to the dome after wielding a knife

December 7, 2023 10:01 am

The historical temperature proxies (e.g.sediment formation, isotopes etc) generally have a smeared response to rapid temperature changes. The spread it out over decades or even sometimes centuries.

This is why modern high resolution temperature measurements look more “peaky” since we’re comparing a high frequency temperature measurement with a low frequency temperature proxy.

Oceanic heat only changes slowly over millennia – the earth doesn’t give a damn about decadal changes.

December 7, 2023 10:02 am

The country must buy or obtain their dollars by producing or exporting real goods or services; it cannot create money out of thin air.

That noise you heard was Caberrrrahhh sharting itself if it ever lost the ability to fund ” essential ” stuff like transgender toddler sex toy parties and ” numbers against climate change” and all the associated iron rice bowls on 6 figures administering the patronage.

Living within your means… How barbaric.

December 7, 2023 10:03 am

Cassie mentioned McClymont earlier.

I don’t trust any of these journalists. Chris Masters was lionised then he brought shame on himself with the SAS furphies. I’m sceptical of Hedley Thomas’ abilities to tell the truth or actually solve a crime either.

Just keep Walter Duranty in your mind when politics is involved.

December 7, 2023 10:03 am

The Dem machine is really ramping up the “end of times” if Trump is elected again.

Psyche priming the non thinking masses to eventually vote for the person who will ride in and stop him at the last minute.
And that person will not be Biden.

December 7, 2023 10:04 am

Dec 7, 2023 9:03 AM

for the comments

IDF found a brothel in #Gaza complete with a Jacuzzi.

A BROTHEL in the Islamic #Hamas Caliphate known as #Gaza .



but in that Brothel, the question is were the Islamic/Muslim Palestinan Gazan Hamas Barbarians serviced by Men dressed in Women’s Clothes? – Goats dressed in Women’s Clothes or Perhaps a Camel or two?

Since Muslim/Islamic Men obviously don’t like Women!

Depravity that defies comprehension:

Women raped – whether alive or dead. Others tortured until every organ was removed. The horrifying accounts of Hamas ‘rape genocide’ that left survivors so traumatised some have taken their own lives

December 7, 2023 10:06 am

Chris Masters was lionised then he brought shame on himself with the SAS furphies.

And what furphies would those be?

December 7, 2023 10:08 am

Dec 7, 2023 7:30 AM
Explanation of how the sea water pumping into the tunnels will work & the Hezzies secondary front not fairing well ..
Gaza today ……..

So rather than bring Hamas to the river and the sea, they brought the river and the sea to Hamas?

December 7, 2023 10:09 am

Hamas uses rape as a weapon of war – and the BBC has only just noticed

Warped morality where Israel is concerned leaves the broadcaster on the side of those who see little wrong with vile anti-Semitic abuse


Many Jews and decent non-Jews are continually expressing shock at Western reactions to Hamas’s orgiastic pogrom in southern Israel on October 7. Well-meaning people are struggling to believe how ubiquitous are vicious lies designed to legitimise and even valorise the harming, killing and raping of Jews.

These lies, as the good-hearted are finding out, underpin the beliefs not just of mobs waving Jihadi slogans, but the responses to 7/10 of some heads of Ivy League universities, UN leaders and special envoys, women’s groups, statesmen, prominent Anglo-American politicians and famous journalists.

By contrast, to those of us who have long been tracking anti-Semitism both within Islamic societies and among their Left-wing admirers in the West, there has been nothing of surprise.

Not in Hamas’s tactics, its unbounded bloodlust and zest for torture and murder and rape, and not in the silence of feminist groups and activists, of the BBC, or of UN Women.

Details have been emerging this week of what was done to women on and after October 7, too grim to be described here.

There is every fear, then, that the Jewish-Israeli women who remain alive in captivity in Gaza are enduring unspeakable sexual crimes.

But it took the most respected broadcaster in the world, the BBC, until just recently to run a report on Hamas’s pre-meditated use of sexual violence in the October 7 attacks.

Once again, I can’t say I’m surprised.

This is an organisation whose star Middle East and war correspondents have long track records of anti-Israel bias.

It has refused to budge on its decision not to describe Hamas as “terrorists”, has a well-documented record of employing and giving platform to terror sympathisers, such as Sana Ebrahimi, and since October 7 has reported as fact unverified stories straight from Hamas, just as it has long used Palestinian sources of dubious legitimacy to shape its reportage and news narratives about Israel.

Hanging over the landscape in which the BBC’s foreign news outfit has played such a key role is an odious moral equivalence: that Israel’s just war to destroy Hamas in Gaza, complete with inevitably tragic and numerous civilian casualties, is the same as, or worse than Hamas’s terrorism.

The disgusting nature of such a moral equivalence has been crudely visible in the silence surrounding Hamas’s use of rape as a war tactic.

The silence implies: rape, torture and murder is bad unless it’s Jewish women being raped, tortured and murdered by Islamists.

Because they deserve it.

They deserve it because those who raped, tortured and murdered them were merely “resisting by any means necessary” – a favourite slogan on college campuses and on marches.

Or showing what “decolonisation” looks like. Or taking the Palestinian struggle “from the river to the sea”.

Not only is there no general moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel and the IDF, but their approach to women couldn’t be more fundamentally opposed.

In Israel or in the IDF, rape is not glorified, it is not legal, it is not common, accepted, and it does not go unpunished when found out.

Any IDF solider who is found guilty of rape, of any woman, including a Palestinian of any type, innocent or terrorist, is tried and locked up.

Hamas, by contrast, revels in its use against the enemy, and condones it against its own women.

The IDF has female soldiers, including combat soldiers, some of whom have been instrumental in the Gaza ground campaign.

Female tank crews from the mixed-gender Caracal brigade mowed over dozens of terrorists on October 7, saving the whole community of Kibbutz Holit.

It’s true that Israel’s record where women are concerned is far from rosy, and some say a long-standing culture of machismo and misogyny led to key warnings about October 7 – from a female analyst and soldier – being dismissed and ignored.

Even so, Israel is the best place in the Middle East for Arab and Muslim women to live their lives. Israeli Arab women are the best educated, have the best shot at wealth, political power, and safety protected by law.

So the irony of making Israel out to be on a par with Hamas – in any sense at all – is a sickly one indeed.

Israel and Hamas occupy different moral universes where all human life, including that of women, is concerned.

But then, as I have found out all too well, the foul treatment of women is standard operations among the pro-Palestine lot.

In the last few weeks I have received the vilest abuse from people with the Palestinian flag in their profile pictures for my public appearances defending Israel.

All of it, almost to the person, whether from women or men, concerned by body, appearance, gender – and, of course, coarsely worded wishes for my demise.

When it stays quiet on the rape of Jewish-Israeli women, and presents falsehoods about Israel as fact, the BBC is siding with these types of people. It’s not surprising, but it is disappointing.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2023 10:09 am

Consider sticking with cable connection if you live in a brick house with solid internal walls.
Ours is intermittent at best when the signal has to make it through 4-5 solid brick walls.

I think this is why Hairy hasn’t actioned wireless here yet; we have brick walls and it may or may not work well. Plain old inertia has also come into it. It’s down the list on things to do.

December 7, 2023 10:12 am

And what furphies would those be?

The ones leading to BRS’s lawsuit which he lost and the appeal is due to be heard in February.

You know, the ones supported by honest Injun Ali Jan and a Canadian soldier who didn’t see anything but heard something loud in a war zone on a helicopter.

If Masters had nothing to do with the lawsuit he sure used the court steps as a podium after the trial was over.

December 7, 2023 10:16 am

Geological timescales are on at minimum 10K years. We were just getting going with farming and settling down 10K years ago. The Sahara was a wet tropical jungle. Climate changes, so gradually most humans wouldn’t notice much. However accelerate that over 10K years and you get events like the Sahara changing into a desert.

I don’t buy into the CO2 gloom, plenty of records in the geological timescale where CO2 was higher, in fact much higher but temperatures were about present levels or lower. The sun has a major part, orbit changes/wobbles and movement of the continents blocking/unblocking sea currents.

Then we have events like the Tongan volcano throwing curveballs in.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
December 7, 2023 10:17 am

I suspect the family centered formative years are quite different between Japan and the MENA.

No goats?

December 7, 2023 10:19 am

Hamas uses rape as a weapon of war – and the BBC has only just noticed

Warped morality where Israel is concerned leaves the broadcaster on the side of those who see little wrong with vile anti-Semitic abuse


From the Comments

– Violent, Hamas-style Islamists have been welcomed to this country for decades.
As a result, today there are millions living in our midst. And that is completely unacceptable.
We must do everything we can to deport them. No ifs, no buts. No questions asked.

– Just watched three Ivy League presidents evade the question: Is chanting ‘genocide to the Jews’ against your university rules? They would not answer yes/no to the question. It was moral bankruptcy

– The Left’s anti-Semitism trumps women’s safety in the same way as trans issues trump women’s safety! Truly shocking.

– All Muslims worldwide know that Hamas have kept Palestinians in poverty for decades! They’ve had totalitarian rule! If they really cared about the people of Palestine they’d be calling for Hamas to surrender so they can actually be free! Anything else is propaganda.

– Sadly most Muslims are killed by other Muslim

– It’s amazing listening to the heads of top universities in America refusing to condemn anti-semitism.

– The BBC is becoming indistinguishable from Al-Jazeera. And that is no compliment

– I don’t know exactly what Hamas claim to worship, but based on their actions on October 7, it could never be anything I would dignify with the word “God”. They belong in a zoo – preferably in with the lions and tigers.

– Even they Zoo’s have rules……

– it was not just women that were raped. the commentry about some of the hostages is absolutely brutal and terrifying. the people sympathetic with hamas are insane and just as dangerous as hamas.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2023 10:19 am

Bowen, when even mediocrity is aiming too high.

If Plibbers and Stephen Conroy had a lovechild.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 7, 2023 10:19 am

A few hospital visits here.


Steve Inman:

Charma: Charbroiled Karma Compilation

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2023 10:22 am

Gabriel is a very courageous woman.

Brigitte Gabriel (see link to Rubin’s interview on previous page) reminds me of Cassie in her knowledge, her passion and her fortitude. She is a Lebanese Christian now a US citizen by marriage, who has lived through Palestinian wars and outrages and clearly identifies what the problem is with Palestinian entrenched hatreds.

The Middle East was quiet when a very strong leader – Trump – was in the White House, she opines. Since the left took over in the US, the usual suspects (Iran, China, Russia and their acolytes) have all raised their territorial ambitions, creating chaos.

I hope the US can get back that Big Stick and wield it towards treaties for peace. For the next year, a dangerous time until the US recovers its mojo, I’m hoping that Israel can destroy the Hamas tunnels and leave Gazans and the West Bank begging for a new dawn. I don’t want that new dawn to include more Pallie refugees in the West. Let the Middle East take them and Albo’s 850 be the last of them here. As Brigitte is the first to admit, war is horrible and inhuman, but sometimes is the only answer to eradicate sheer evil. My feelings exactly.

December 7, 2023 10:26 am

Andrew Bolt asks why Brittany Higgins was handed $2.3million based on 40 years of lost wages, when she kept working in politics

Andrew Bolt has asked why Brittany Higgins was handed $2.3million in compensation, partly based on 40 years of lost wages, when she kept working in politics after making her rape allegations.

The political commentator raised the question in a column in the Herald-Sun on Wednesday evening.

Ms Higgins secured the hefty payment in December last year after the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions dropped the charge against Bruce Lehrmann – citing fears for her mental health.

The payment was settled following just one day of mediation with the Labor government.

Higgins claimed she was not supported by her former Parliament House bosses, Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash, after she disclosed her alleged rape to them.

Ms Reynolds and Ms Cash have denied any wrongdoing, but were not given the opportunity to defend themselves during mediation.

Johnny Rotten
December 7, 2023 10:26 am

Dec 7, 2023 9:56 AM
From what we are saying there seems to be two potential reasons for global cooling.

One, which seems to be playing to the current narrative, is caused by reduced solar activity and the other is the melting of the terrestrial ice caused by higher solar activity or global warming.

They are significantly different with potentially significantly different onset times and different resolution times.

The Madness may end around 2030:

World’s Top Arctic Scientist Warns Climate Crisis Is a ‘Globalist Scam’

One of the world’s top Arctic scientist’s has spoken out to debunk the “climate crisis” narrative and warn the public that the Earth is actually about to enter a period of “global cooling.”

Top polar scientist Andrey Fedotov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences declared that “warming is about to end” and Earth is about to enter an “ice age.”

found at Notrickszone

Courtesy of Poster Krishna Gans at Jo Nova this morning –

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 7, 2023 10:28 am

I thought the story of the crewman from one of the midget submarines deployed at Pearl Harbor might be of interest. He survived and became a vice-president of Toyota post-war.


Five Type A midget submarines took part in the Pearl Harbor raid. Launched near the entrance to the Harbor the night before the attack, one was spotted and sunk by USS Ward in the first combat action of the new theatre of war. At least one submarine entered the harbor and was later sunk by USS Monaghan. Another drifted around to the east coast of Oahu and was captured there a day later.

Sub-Lieutenant Kazuo Sakamaki’s submarine had technical problems from the start. The gyrocompass was out of order, but with flotilla commander Captain Hanabusa’s permission, Sakamaki proceeded anyway. The vessel rolled, went 90 degrees off course, was depth-charged, grounded twice, and then drifted ashore. Sakamaki and his crewman escaped the craft, but only Sakamaki made it onto the beach, where unconscious, he was captured.

As the first Japanese forces prisoner of war (POW) taken by the Allies, he was in a difficult situation. He was unconscious when found and so had no way to die fighting; this was the honourable end that the Japanese military usually preferred. He therefore petitioned his captors to be allowed to commit suicide, but this was denied.

As the news of the midget raid spread in Japan, Sakamaki was left out of the accounts of what had happened to the midget submarine crews. While his nine fallen comrades were elevated to ranks, and venerated everywhere, his name was not mentioned. His portrait was not even included in the paintings and photographs and pictures that were featured in newspapers.

Sakamaki was photographed as per normal before his captivity. He looks cheerful, although it is said he had burned his cheeks with a cigarette before posing for the booking photograph. He co-operated with his captors, having had no training in resisting questioning. His confinement was uneventful. He spent the rest of the war in prisoner-of-war camps in the continental United States.

Having survived the war, Sakami was eventually returned to Japan. He began work with the Toyota motor company, married his wife Sadako in 1946, and began raising a family. Soon he wrote his memoirs entitled Four Years as Prisoner of War Number One, and in 1949, his story of the Pearl Harbor attack, which was published in English, I Attacked Pearl Harbor. He eventually became the president of Toyota’s Brazilian overseas section. Some reports say he was shunned in his home country, but then again there was a great turning against those who had taken Japan to war. He apparently spoke little of the past conflict, but in 1991, he attended a Texas historical conference and saw his midget submarine that had been taken to the United States. He died in 1999 aged 81, in Japan.

(Text taken from Attack on Sydney Harbour)

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 7, 2023 10:28 am

James Morrow:

It’s fair to say that not since the days when Scott Morrison struggled to answer questions about the experiences of women at Parliament House has a government found itself so under water with the press gallery.

And at least back in those heady days, the PM fronted the press himself.

Instead, with the government struggling to manage the story around the 141 immigration detainees set free by the High Court (three already picked by the cops) and why they failed to plan for this eventuality, the ministers responsible fronted the media.

To borrow a phrase, it did not go well.

Under repeated questioning from a press gallery that had clearly lost its patience with the government, ministers refused to answer even basic questions about how many of the released detainees had committed murder.

Seemingly clutching at straws, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles simply gibbered on about making applications before the court.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil reverted to her usual strategy when pressed and went through a laundry list of grievances against the Coalition, even bringing up the Morrison family’s ill-timed trip to Hawaii.

Quite an exercise in deflection to be sure, but the true leader of the pack in what can only be called a race to the bottom was Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

Smug and arrogant on a good day, Dreyfus was clearly rattled by a series of questions including whether he anticipated that when he began his legal career he anticipated that one day he would assist in writing laws that attempted to pre-emptively detain someone on the basis they might one day commit a crime.

“If someone buys a Ferrari, could they be arrested for pre-emptively …” the reporter asked, though he was cut off before listing all the various fun ways one could land in trouble behind the wheel of an Italian supercar.

But it was another question to Dreyfus – would he apologise to those affected by deeds committed by those released – that caused him to lose it.

“Do not interrupt,” he yelled, jabbing his finger at the young female journo in a way that would have led to accusations of misogyny and bullying had it been committed by a male Coalition frontbencher.

“I will not be apologising for acting in accordance with a High Court decision. Your question is an absurd one!”


Two further points need to be made here.

One, there was always a risk that Australia’s indefinite detention regime would be struck down, yet the government appeared to have been entirely unprepared for that eventuality.

Two, Dreyfus himself backed in the Australian Human Rights Commission’s intervention in favour of the Myanmar refugee who served his time for raping a ten year old but couldn’t be sent back to a country that didn’t recognise him.

Perhaps this explains why the Attorney-General was so cross.

And just maybe instead of lashing out at journalists just doing their job, he should take a look in the mirror and wonder if there is someone else to blame for this mess.

Article came with a pic of the three dickheads. Dreyfus, O’Neill and Giles. They are your best and brightest apparently who know the mood of the country. Like Bowen. And Albanese.

December 7, 2023 10:28 am

I’m hoping that Israel can destroy the Hamas tunnels and leave Gazans and the West Bank begging for a new dawn. I don’t want that new dawn to include more Pallie refugees in the West.

Strangely, the Arab countries don’t want them either.

And whatever their champion Erdogan says, neither do the Turks.

December 7, 2023 10:29 am

‘Albo’s three useless amigos’: Paul Murray unleashes on Labor’s ‘wider tactic of bullying’

Sky News Australia host Paul Murray has delivered a blistering rebuke of Mark Dreyfus’s attempts to “intimidate” a reporter accusing the government of fostering a “wider tactic of bullying” in its approach to critical media coverage.

December 7, 2023 10:29 am

The ones leading to BRS’s lawsuit which he lost and the appeal is due to be heard in February.

You know, the ones supported by honest Injun Ali Jan and a Canadian soldier who didn’t see anything but heard something loud in a war zone on a helicopter.

If Masters had nothing to do with the lawsuit he sure used the court steps as a podium after the trial was over.

A huge legal travesty and a frankly perverse verdict. The background is even more indictory of these media bastards. The whole thing started when whistle blower David McBride came to masters and his hyena pack with evidence of over-investigation of war crimes by Australian troops. This was ignored and instead McBride’s evidence was used for war crimes used against BRS who was pursuing the pigshit deserter hekmatullah who shot 3 Australian troops in the back. BRS was cleaning up hekmatullah’s associates but never got the bastard. The US forces had him locked up but released him to the taliban when biden crawled out of Afghanistan.

3 things: Mcbride was at best a naive fool; there is never any mention of what BRS was doing or the death of those Australians; thirdly, we don’t know what BRS’s ROE were; if they had been open ended as black ops usually are and not restricted to the general ROE.

December 7, 2023 10:34 am

I’d like to see a TV channel pick up and show in prime time the Palestinian indoctrination programmes that they had for kids.

Shine some light on what a sewer the place is.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2023 10:35 am

Just watched three Ivy League presidents evade the question: Is chanting ‘genocide to the Jews’ against your university rules? They would not answer yes/no to the question. It was moral bankruptcy

I think we’d get the same weasel-word answers from our Vice-Chancellors here too. They are moral cowards, worthless leaders. My poor, sad Alma Mater, the University of Sydney, where long ago I took two worthwhile degrees, is currently swirling down the woke moral plughole. It is teaching and encouraging historically one-eyed post-modern nonsense about colonialism, its Arts Faculty captured by transgender zealots and Marxist historians, its Medical Faculty not far behind in limping towards fashionable orthodoxies.

Winston Smith
December 7, 2023 10:36 am

Steve trickler

Dec 7, 2023 10:19 AM
A few hospital visits here.
Steve Inman:
Charma: Charbroiled Karma Compilation

It’s sometimes a bit difficult watching these videos and feeling sorry for the idiots who damage themselves.
Oh, who am I kidding – I think they are getting their just desserts and believe they should be locked up. Not to keep them away from us, but to keep themselves away from flammable liquids, sharp objects, and high velocity car crashes.

December 7, 2023 10:37 am

Australia’s population growth has been off the charts this century, adding 7.6 million people.

The 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR) projected that Australia’s population will grow to 40.5 million people by 2062-63…

We can probably handle [a Big Australia] but we it won’t be very good for living conditions. We’ll basically be living in high-rise shoe boxes. We’ll have permanent water shortages. And we’ll have to spend tens of billions of dollars on water desalination because we just simply won’t have enough water.

The Australian Way of Life is Over
Leith van Onselen

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 10:38 am

All aboard the magic bus!

Biden-favored EV bus maker Proterra goes bust and leaves a trail of broken and irreparable buses (5 Dec, via Lucianne)

Early on, the company’s customers were noticing issues with the buses. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority purchased five Proterra buses in 2019. The company promised ranges of 100 to 120 miles on a single charge, but the authority found they ran as little as 60 to 100 miles on a charge — even less in cold weather.

The problems with the Proterra buses go back to well before the company’s bankruptcy. PBS/NPR affiliate WHYY reported in July 2021 that South Philadelphia transit system purchased some of the buses, which stopped running when their chassis cracked.

In August 2021, the Minnesota Reformer reported that Duluth’s planned transition to an all-electric bus fleet also ran into problems with cracked chassis. The buses were also failing to drive up steep hills.

In a quarterly filing this summer, just before it announced its bankruptcy, Proterra remarked on how important government funding is to its business model.

This particular tale of woe goes on and on and on. It’s rather fun. Unfortunately companies relying on government money are especially vulnerable to the whims of bureaucrats, and it certainly doesn’t help if your buses can’t get up a hill.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2023 10:39 am

Shine some light on what a sewer the place is.

If shown on free-to-air TV, such programs should also state that thanks to Penny Wong, Australia is still funding these programs via a special UN authority operating in Gaza, with its hireling teachers spouting Jew-hatred to kids on a daily basis as well as actively engaging in hostage-holding for Hamas and other terror groups.

December 7, 2023 10:41 am

Dec 7, 2023 8:16 AM
Insider Paper

NEW: Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admits he twice flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet and wife had ‘relationship’ with Ghislaine Maxwell

It was smart of him to thus remove himself from the FBI’s blackmail list.

December 7, 2023 10:42 am

‘The federal government will consider an application by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) to add 21 Medicare items for gender-affirming surgeries, such as chest surgery and genital reconfiguration.’

– ABC News

December 7, 2023 10:43 am

Dec 7, 2023 8:33 AM
It isn’t about light and communications, and Dowden is being deliberately evasive about the real threat when blackouts occur…in Britain…in winter. It’s about life-saving warmth.

They will kill many with their stupid and putrid Gaia worship.

Some years ago when there were heatwaves in Europe statistics still showed that more old people died from cold in winter than from heat in summer.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2023 10:44 am

We’ll have permanent water shortages. And we’ll have to spend tens of billions of dollars on water desalination because we just simply won’t have enough water.

If we haven’t built some more dams by the end of this century to capture the huge amounts of water we have from rivers that flow into our seas all up the NSW coast then we will know that the left has in those intervening years simply tightened its grip.

Dams. Build them. ASAP. The Israelis would engineer a way to do it.

December 7, 2023 10:47 am

Re the three Nazi Ivy League college presidents…


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2023 10:48 am

‘The federal government will consider an application by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) to add 21 Medicare items for gender-affirming surgeries, such as chest surgery and genital reconfiguration.’

Those surgeons had better up their medical malpractice cover.

Or would the entire burden of ‘insufficient information when gaining consent’ fall upon the Federal government, as those whose lives have been ruined start to get legal?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2023 10:48 am

Eat the damn bugs, peasants.

Wagyu Burgers, Asian-French Fusion And More: Here’s What’s On The Menu At The UN Climate Confab (5 Dec, via Lucianne)

Some of the options for nourishment at the conference include smoked wagyu beef burgers and “melt-in-your-mouth BBQ,” even as the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is poised to issue a report this month that will call on Americans to counter climate change by cutting “their excessive appetite for meat,” according to Bloomberg News.

Beyond the expected report from FAO, the conference has already drawn criticism for perceived hypocrisy and elitism as wealthy delegates from around the world have flown into an oil-rich country to discuss ways to change global economic systems to counter climate change.

Representatives for the UN did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

Funny that. Paging a Ms Marie Antoinette and that French guy in the black hood who helped her massively reduce her cake consumption!

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2023 10:52 am

… gender-affirming surgeries, such as chest surgery and genital reconfiguration.’

In gardening terms “chop and drop”.

December 7, 2023 10:59 am

The main surprise about this disclosure is .. neither of the two are .. a former PM, various former Social Security ministers or senior public serpents ……..!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2023 10:59 am

Liberal staffers continue with evidence
Ellie Dudley
Ellie Dudley

Two Parliament House security guards present on the night Brittany Higgins was allegedly raped by Bruce Lehrmann are due to appear in court this morning, as another day of the trial ensues.

Nikola Anderson, who found Ms Higgins naked in the office of Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds, is expected to be first in the witness box, followed by Mark Fairweather.

December 7, 2023 11:00 am

If we haven’t built some more dams by the end of this century…

The end of this century will be too late.

In 2019, then Water Minister David Littleproud issued a press release stating that the states, who bear the primary responsibility for building dams, had failed to match water storage to population growth since 2003. At that rate, by 2030 there will be a shortfall in water storage of 30% per person.

Mind you, he wasn’t working with this year’s immigration figure, the highest ever.

  1. “civilian objects should not be weaponised” He means like schools, kindergartens, hospitals, residential housing and clothing. Right?

  2. How about a blanket in-principle condemnation of this ghastly piece of legislation that is not worthy of any kind of…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x