Open Thread – Wed 13 Dec 2023

The Triumph of Judas Maccabeus, Rubens, 1634–1636

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December 14, 2023 6:53 pm


Because of China’s hissy fit iv had to change job.

Site clean up, hardest work iv done in a long time.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 6:54 pm

incidentally trying out the new Rozelle interchange.

Did you take the tolled bit? That seems to be the key to the problem. Unsurprisingly.

December 14, 2023 6:55 pm

Dr. John Campbell

No protection against death

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 6:55 pm

JC Dec 14, 2023 6:49 PM
Anything you’ve ever said that’s honest?

You oft state you feel I’m dishonest, yet are not able to back up your mouth on this, not once.

When you get battered so often, why keep coming back for more?
(You’re not here for the hunting, are you?)

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 14, 2023 6:59 pm

Iv never been crude.
Never criticised you things you can’t change.
Or aquesd you of enything illegal.

Sigh! Every time you start something you end up telling me to stay in my lane or some derivative.

Type in ‘aquesd’ and Google quickly gets the message and returns the correct spelling of ‘accused’. So you can change some of your spelling and I am not the only one on this thread who thinks you exaggerate your phonemic displays.

You accuse me all the time, Bespoke, with your ‘sighs’ about God knows what. Drop them. Just upthread you accused me of schizophrenia or neuroses, not seriously I hope. If you left me alone I would be pleased, so why not try it? Perhaps what you interpret as me saying stay in your lane is my request that you get off my back.

I have always recognised that you sometimes make good comments. Genuine dyslexia has my sympathy if you wish to share more of your declared problems with it which might assist your case with others here too. But hostility shouldn’t be part of that. Ease up. You will be OK.

December 14, 2023 6:59 pm

Even the concern trolling is fraudulent.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 14, 2023 7:02 pm

Did you take the tolled bit?

No. Hove off to Annandale, no toll, all fairly smooth actually.
The old railway sidings have been turned into a public park.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 14, 2023 7:02 pm

Three old spinsters die and go to heaven and at the Pearly Gates, they are met by St Peter.

He says: “Ladies, you all led such wonderful lives that I’m granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you want to be.”

The first spinster says: “I want to be Sophia Loren.” With a bang, she’s gone.

The second says: “I want to be Madonna.” She also disappears immediately.

The third says: “I want to be Sara Pipalini.”

St Peter looks perplexed. “Who?” he says. “Sara Pipalini,” replies the old spinster. St Peter shakes his head and says: “I’m sorry, but that name just doesn’t ring a bell.” The old woman then takes a newspaper out of her purse and hands it to St Peter. He reads the paper and starts laughing. He hands it back to her and says: “No, my dear woman, the paper says it was the ‘Sahara Pipeline’ that was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months.”

Boom, boom.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 14, 2023 7:04 pm

‘enything’ quickly turns into ‘anything’ on Google too. Just saying.

December 14, 2023 7:06 pm

The severity of dyslexia does seem to fluctuate, depending on a variety of factors

I live with one
funny, exasperating, quirky, odd, creative and brilliant

the missus will blast the Saturday Cryptic crossword in a day or two

but every time she thinks i don’t understand what she’s saying … she goes, “well, let me re-literate for you”

she’ll also staple somebody’s invoices to the Business Activity Statement and then spend an hour looking for them and blaming me.
the funniest thing is that she prolly knows at some level

literally today, she put the Activity Statement in front of me and started asking me questions
I tuned the page and went What The Actual are these invoices here for?
and she didnt skip a beat .. oh, thanks, that’s where they are

you wouldn’t know it but when it comes to really really paying attention and focusing she can write like a daemon
her honours submission was a masterpiece

go figure, its hard to understand unless you live with it

I tend to take bespoke at his word … whether they’re scrambled or not
I like that ‘spoke thinks more than says
still waters run deep as they say

besides that I know a couple that post in this very forum from time to time under the same alias
how would anybody which person was doing the talking?

it’s just a forum
and weird stuff creeps in
jokes fall flat
people don’t get what yr getting at

and sometimes the truly paranoid let their puppies off-leash to piss in all the corners

December 14, 2023 7:10 pm

FWIW this is my take.
Whether and what advice Wilkinson got before her Logies speech is not relevant to the facts about whether Lehrmann raped Higgins. I recall that Lee J said that it is relevant to her credibility; that is, (my words) as a witness of truth as to whether she was raped.
Lee J said that he could not believe that a lawyer would have advised her to go ahead with the speech, so when she says she got advice he inferred that it was not from a lawyer. And if this is so, then her credibility is affected adversely. In effect, Lee J told Chrysanthou that client legal privilege would need to be waived and the advice revealed if Wilkinson’s case is that she got legal advice.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 7:11 pm

He hands it back to her and says: “No, my dear woman, the paper says it was the ‘Sahara Pipeline’ that was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months.”

Dave Allen, IIRC.

December 14, 2023 7:11 pm

Lots to unpack there Trans. If I’m reading it correctly, you’re in dire need of a BAS statement expert. Driller is there to help you.

December 14, 2023 7:14 pm

stfu JC, you antagonistic toss-pot

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 7:17 pm

stfu JC, you antagonistic toss-pot

Succinct & incisively accurate. Well said.

December 14, 2023 7:18 pm

Just trying to help, Trans in that:

funny, exasperating, quirky, odd, creative and brilliant


Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 7:20 pm

Just trying to help, Trans in that

Do you need any help with money?
Just that you don’t seem to have any whenever it comes to time to get the chequebook out.

December 14, 2023 7:22 pm

In effect, Lee J told Chrysanthou that client legal privilege would need to be waived and the advice revealed if Wilkinson’s case is that she got legal advice.

I think the constant appeal to “legal advice” without a shred of proof over a number of issues is wearing thin.
And Id also imagine if the toad had received legal advice from a channel 10 lawyer it might subtract a zero from her liability and add a zero to tens.

But then she has a reason to want to waive and ten wouldnt, so I dont know how that would work out.

December 14, 2023 7:26 pm

I don’t need phoney sympathy Elisabeth.
Nor your ignorant help.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 14, 2023 7:33 pm

Lizzie, don’t be hard on Bespoke, in the early days he hammered away very valiantly at left-wing trolling.

lol, Sal, perhaps I was a little too kind to JC in saying that, tho’ it’s true.

I’m not going hard on Bespoke. I have more scorn for published authors (she wasn’t backward in letting us know of her educational publishing superiority) who are ultra-patronising headmistress types always standing on their dignity as above others (such as me, equally qualified actually), than I have for Bespoke, who for whatever his reasons struggles here.

December 14, 2023 7:34 pm

Upthread, a few people agreeing with muddy that we seem to be heading into an abyss and it’s easy to understand why you could come to that conclusion.

Funny that people in Israel don’t suffer the same despondency. Plenty of joie de vivre as was noted the other night. I wouldn’t mind emigrating – though am not vaxxed which might be a problem.

John H.
John H.
December 14, 2023 7:34 pm

you wouldn’t know it but when it comes to really really paying attention and focusing she can write like a daemon
her honours submission was a masterpiece

Thanks MT. That mirrors my comment that just because someone has a condition does not mean the manifestation is not variable. Effort matters.

Bespoke can take heart. With the pile on he has become a fully-fledged member of the Cat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 7:36 pm

Should you dump your husband? Clementine Ford thinks so

As Clementine Ford attempts to prosecute the case against marriage by celebrating her own separation, the degree of disgust she expresses for men is more than disturbing; it should be illegal.
By Antonella Gambotto-Burke
From Arts
1 hour ago
5 minute read

In the light of the recent massacre by terrorist group Hamas of 364 twenty-somethings celebrating peace at a rave in the desert, Clementine Ford took aim at “Zionist” women, saying: “I don’t care that you felt betrayed or let down, and I especially don’t care that you want to have a big crybaby rant … You’re pathetic, you disgust me, and I pity you for being so basic and gross … Honestly, you actually can’t get any whiter than that.”

Actually, I’m not sure you could get any whiter than Ford – a queer, bleached blonde agony aunt whose father ran for One Nation in Queensland, but: tomayto, tomahto.

Ford also displays a deep, sustained, and ugly rage against men, which she justifies as an appropriate reaction to misogyny (although one assumes there isn’t anyone from Hamas in her orbit; if so, I could perhaps understand her rage.) While there is no question that some of the points she makes in I Don’t: The Case Against Marriage are accurate, the degree of disgust she expresses for men is more than disturbing; it should be illegal.

Ostensibly about the “corrupt and oppressive institution” of marriage, the book is, in fact, little more than a celebration of her own separation. Ford, who likes to pose with baseball caps printed with the happy legend “Leave Your Husband” says she has never “felt like more of a family” since separating from her son’s father.

Like all extremists, she is not only immature but almost entirely self-involved.

“I am a marriage abolitionist because I cannot in good conscience support an institution that has enslaved women sexually, reproductively, financially and domestically,” Ford writes, adding: “Marriage is a system whose foundations are built on the erasure of women, and the exploitation of everything that we are.”

Throughout the text, such projections and generalisations are presented as fact. “An enormous amount of research has been undertaken to ensure the arguments I make … are supported by historical fact and feminist scholarship,” she said.

An example of this rigorous, fair-minded scholarship? “How dare any modern man compare the long-overdue and still-not-far-enough uprising of women against the rapists, abusers and misogynists who have terrorised us for millennia as a witch-hunt. F —k them all to hell.”

Unsurprisingly, Ford fails to mention the women who abuse and torture children. The only reason women are, on the whole, less overtly violent than men is because the only ones vulnerable to their physical aggression are children, whom – curiously – they do regularly attack.

As the Australian Institute of Criminology reports, filicides are most commonly committed by custodial mothers.

While Ford happily shares grotesque male violence visuals, she consistently fails to present the big picture. Men, as a sex, are in serious trouble globally.

In Australia, men account for 75.6 per cent of suicides (my 32-year-old brother and a number of male friends among them). In Australia, 92 per cent of prisoners are male. Multiple studies show that illicit drug use is “significantly” more prevalent among men than women, both here and overseas.

Given this – and to share Ford’s enthusiastic use of expletives – what the f —k is she on about? Wherefore, then, the Toxic Patriarchal Utopia against which she rails? Is her entire philosophy – if it could be called that – a sustained episode of red-faced foot-stamping against Daddy?

Women, in Ford’s universe, are responsible only for their triumphs. If a woman succeeds, it is on the basis of her courage, determination and vision (“I have fought the odds to get here, empowered by the knowledge that every single woman who has come before me has fought her own battle in order to survive”); if a woman fails in any way or experiences a negative feeling, it is almost always because of a man (“Women hate men because they force us to”).

Ford doesn’t want equality. In 2017, she signed a fan’s book with the words, “Have you killed any men today? And if not, why not?” And, as she tweeted in 2020, “Honestly, the coronavirus isn’t killing men fast enough.”

Imagine, if you will, if the same comments were made of women.

Imagine, if you will, how her son may feel on reading her words as a man.

Ford’s primary interest is not understanding, or philosophical evolution, but an extremely profitable divisiveness.

Like an American television evangelist, she whips her audience – for the most part, hurt, lonely, overburdened, or vulnerable women – into a frenzy of fear and loathing for men (unless they’re trans, gay, or have facial piercings and pink hair). Is it any surprise that so many men now want to be women? Who would be a man in such a world?

In the chapter dealing with her visceral aversion to a woman’s adoption of her husband’s name, Ford writes, “Apart from anything else, we should be robust enough to consider why it is we make the choices we do, and how we come to the conclusion that they’re the things we want. How many women who insist they chose to change their name can really say they would have made that choice if they hadn’t already been socialised into a system?”

Women, Ford emphasises, have a “name already”, a name with which they were born, a name inextricably entwined with their identity. Their birth names are meaningful, important.

Oddly, the same principle does not extend to genitals.

Ford passionately supports the trans community, one in which the genitals with which they’re born are lopped off in the name of an identity determined by the very socialisation she claims to question. Similarly, her mandate of sufficient “robustness” to consider why choices are made apparently relates only to issues that don’t affect her book sales demographic. As she stated on social media in 2022, “I will instantly block anyone who spouts their transphobic, trans exclusionary bullshit”.

The hypocrisy’s delicious. Fancy a slice?

Ford’s Thomas Kinkade pipedream of women desiring to be “left to grow old in peace, tending to their gardens and their cats, sharing their hearths and homes with friends they knew would leave at the day’s end” is not only whiter than white, but, in effect, a suburban-retirement-home ad campaign. As most of the women on the planet would be asking, What hearth? What garden? What cat?

It also ignores crucial findings, such as the Mayo Clinic research showing that unmarried women in rural areas (“gardens”) suffer poorer mental and physical health, never mind the countless reports linking unmarried women with higher mortality rates. In 2019, for example, a British Office for National Statistics report revealed a staggering disparity: single females have the highest mortality rate (4360.7 deaths per 100,000), whereas those who are married or in a civil partnership have the lowest (2429.1 deaths per 100,000).

But why mar fun propaganda with facts?

While I’d like to say that I accepted my muscular, heavily tattooed, martial artist, record producer boyfriend’s proposal as a reaction to Ford’s “angry toddler” views on marriage, I really didn’t. I accepted in part because he understands that Hamas is a terrorist organisation. And he does all the cooking and the dishes. He’s tender. He’s funny. He is magnificent with my gloriously headstrong academic whirlwind of a daughter.

The main reason, however, is that he opens all my jars.

In the $2 dollar remainder bin, just after Christmas.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 14, 2023 7:36 pm

I don’t need phoney sympathy Elisabeth.
Nor your ignorant help.

Good on you then, Bespoke. As you were.
I don’t wish you any ill.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 7:36 pm

I think the constant appeal to “legal advice” without a shred of proof over a number of issues is wearing thin.

Appears Lee J shares your feelings. I expect claims of legal privilege might be met with a rather strict interpretation.

December 14, 2023 7:38 pm
December 14, 2023 7:42 pm
December 14, 2023 7:43 pm

The new-ish head of the ACCC has called for legislation requiring all businesses to inform the ACCC of any mergers or acquisitions.
It doesn’t work like that honey.
If you’re big enough, you pre-empt the ACCC by seeking approval.
Other wise the onus is on the ACCC to do the work.
What a sheltered work shop.

December 14, 2023 7:44 pm

Last word.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2023 7:45 pm

Sandman of Randwick gets 150.

December 14, 2023 7:46 pm

I’m old enough to remember when Banon was arrested & shackled when he refused a congressional subpoena.
I wonder why Hunter Biden is different.

December 14, 2023 7:48 pm

“I am a marriage abolitionist because I cannot in good conscience support an institution that has enslaved women sexually, reproductively, financially and domestically,” Ford writes, adding: “Marriage is a system whose foundations are built on the erasure of women, and the exploitation of everything that we are.”

A surrogate costs 30k – 60k USD.

A wedding can easily cost 20k – 30k USD here in Australia.

Men don’t care if the western women all go batshit. They can choose redundancy if they want. There is competition and it is intense.

The alternative is men drop out of the workforce. That’s bad for everyone.

December 14, 2023 7:48 pm

The US just disgusts me now.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 14, 2023 7:50 pm

Ford’s primary interest is not understanding, or philosophical evolution, but an extremely profitable divisiveness.

She’s just a shit-stirrer. I pity her poor son, as does Antonella in her review of Ford’s recent work, which I noted in the bookshop today isn’t selling like hot cakes.

Who wants to read crap like that? Let alone gift it to someone else?

December 14, 2023 7:50 pm

Has Gambotto got a gig with the Oz now? FMD.

local oaf
December 14, 2023 7:51 pm

Johnny Rotten
Dec 14, 2023 7:02 PM

Sara Pipalini/Sahara pipeline

Reminds me of an old joke about a musician playing from the dots when a bystander walks over, inspects the sheet music and remarks to the muso “I see you’re playing Paganini”

Muso: No, actually that’s page nine!

December 14, 2023 7:52 pm

I read many years ago that Marxists captured meja, arts and ejucashun. All the evidence suggests that this is the case.

December 14, 2023 7:54 pm

Phlegmentine hates her own baby..

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 7:54 pm

I would expect the nature of any legal advice and the reasonableness of Mrs Pirate’s reliance on it will come under some scrutiny when the Ch10 barrister gets a crack. Stephen Rice has a story on the relative positions of them both in Teh Paywallian.

December 14, 2023 7:56 pm

H B Bear
I have watched a lot of the trial, and as I recall claims of legal privilege have been rare.
If Wilkinson sought legal advice as to whether her Logies speech would be in contempt of court, that advice is certainly within the realm of client legal privilege.
My take is that there is some ambiguity about the nature of the advice she says she got. Lee J says that he can’t accept that its was from a lawyer, which exposes Wilkinson as lacking credibility given that she gave the speech. So if Wilkinson says that she got advice from a lawyer, and waives the privilege, to deal with Lee J’s statement, then that lawyer is badly exposed. If he/she’s a Ten lawyer, that’s bad for Ten’s defence of qualified privilege.

Have I missed something?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 7:57 pm

Rape, Torture, Mutilation and Murder by Hamas Nazis – of Both Men and Women

An Australian soldier , speaking after the death sentence had been passed on a group of Japanese soldiers, for the murder of some Australian nurses, expressed the wish that the hangman wasn’t too meticulous about where he placed the rope, so the condemned could dance a little jig, while they thought about what they had done to those Aussie girls…..It’s a sentiment that suggests itself in this situation..

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 7:58 pm

and remarks to the muso “I see you’re playing Paganini”

Muso: No, actually that’s page nine!

I have the same problem ordering gelato.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 14, 2023 7:58 pm

• Ms Wilkinson said she thought Senator Reynolds and her chief of staff Fiona Brown were part of a “systemic cover up” of Ms Higgins’ rape allegations’;

So Justice Lee asked her about how “systemic cover up” claims between Cash, Reynolds & the Office of the PMO and could fit with Brown offering to and taking Britts to see the AFP at Parliament House. But, again, Lisa insisted she knows politics. Pity she didn’t say it was THE VIBE…

There was also a moment when she asked about Reynolds & Brown having a meeting, which Britts had said was about her. When challenged Lisa said that according to Britnee they didn’t really meet much but Richardson (I think) said since Britts had only been working for Reynolds for 3 weeks, how could she know that this meeting was unusual for them.

John H.
John H.
December 14, 2023 8:00 pm

Dec 14, 2023 7:34 PM
Upthread, a few people agreeing with muddy that we seem to be heading into an abyss and it’s easy to understand why you could come to that conclusion.

Funny that people in Israel don’t suffer the same despondency. Plenty of joie de vivre as was noted the other night. I wouldn’t mind emigrating – though am not vaxxed which might be a problem.

But we should resist that level of despair …

Optimism is a duty. The future is open. It is not predetermined. No one can predict it, except by chance. We all contribute to determining it by what we do. We are all equally responsible for its success.


The problems are global. Running away is a temporary solution.

I get it. I fall into the same state of mind. From a psychological perspective it is fascinating that futurists so often portray doom and disaster. The same phenomenon occurs with the news. There are some deep fundamental problems in our culture but almost invariably people blame other people or other tribes. We’re not the bad guys!

A great strength of Western culture is its flexibility, its ability to respond to emergent contingencies and develop new strategies. We shouldn’t give up. There is still time, there remains the possibility of renewal, a period of creative destruction will occur. The answers probably won’t come from my generation and most certainly won’t come from people who only preach doom. That is why Popper’s admonition is as true today as it ever was.

Bruce in WA
December 14, 2023 8:02 pm


My favourite T-shirt, black, with bold white block caps on the front:


On the back, much smaller:


December 14, 2023 8:03 pm

Young warnie going well; apparently he employed a motivator to get over his slump; and the motivator advised him to imagine the ball was sonny bill’s testicles. It’s worked a treat.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 8:06 pm

BBS – gotta get up pretty early to slip anything past Brittany (and Dave).

December 14, 2023 8:07 pm

Oops, sonny bill’s nuts just got their revenge.

December 14, 2023 8:09 pm

They need to beef up on the acting.


H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 8:10 pm

The Summer of Dave off to a flyer. cf The Summer of George.

December 14, 2023 8:10 pm
December 14, 2023 8:14 pm

Thanks BBS re HR earlier, I missed the subtlety, it’s fascinating how much LW knows about the dodging and weaving of “politics” !

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 8:15 pm


On a personal level, I’ve never felt this disconnected and bitter. Certainly I’ve felt cynical previously, but not the seething rage initiated by the covidiocy.
I often find that I cannot locate the words that match my state of mind anymore.

I have never forgotten being asked to leave a pub I had been frequenting for a decade on the basis that I had exercised my body autonomy right to refuse a medical intervention.
At that point I realised our Constitution may as well have been a piece dunny paper for all the protection it gave against a government that was determined to treat us as subjects to be ruled.
I’ve never forgotten the police response against us and the difference they have shown against the muslim hordes they protect. Tools of a Quisling Government.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 8:16 pm


Dec 14, 2023 6:28 PM


I haven’t been up to speed on the trial, however I read about Mrs. Red Bandana’s testimony today.

The busted phone and the miraculous appearance of the bruise pic appears to have placed both 10 and Mrs R.D in serious trouble.

The judge’s earlier question was also pretty instructive I think.

The phone thing is interesting.
Firstly Britnah claims her phone was completely wiped. She tells Ten it is a government phone with all sorts of apps on it which she suspects Mossad used to scrub her phone.
But one image survives.
The infamous bruise photo.
What are the odds, eh?
Of course, just a screenshot. No metadata to verify details of the image, particularly when it was taken.
Nek minnit, Britnah manages to miraculously recover all her phone data.
BTW, it apparently was all on a personal phone, not a work phone.
But not one of the super-sleuths at Ten thinks to say, “Hey, Britnah, now that you’ve recovered your data, is there any chance we can have a look at that original image?”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 14, 2023 8:16 pm

A renowned psychologist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their little children.

After a few hours of talking and analyzing their words and behavior, he said: “I believe that you all suffer from some obsession.”

He turned to the first mother and said, “You obviously have an obsession with food. You’ve even named your daughter Candy.”

He turned to the second Mom. “Your obsession is money. And it manifests itself in your child’s name, Penny,”

He turned to the third Mom. “Your obsession is alcohol. Again, it manifests itself in your child’s name, Brandy.”

At this point, the fourth mother got up, took her little boy by the hand and said, “Come on, Willy, let’s go”.

December 14, 2023 8:16 pm

Bruce in WA
Dec 14, 2023 8:02 PM


I must get one to add to the collection

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 8:18 pm

At that point I realised our Constitution may as well have been a piece dunny paper for all the protection it gave against a government that was determined to treat us as subjects to be ruled.


December 14, 2023 8:18 pm

Have I missed something?

The toad has waived PP by her speech. She claims she got legal advice about the content of the speech so what was in the speech obviously reflects the advice. I agree with the Judge: no lawyer in their right mind would ok a speech about an allegation of rape in the proactive way that speech was made, especially amidst the torrent of media whispers already occurring.

December 14, 2023 8:18 pm

BBS – gotta get up pretty early to slip anything past Brittany (and Dave)

Only if it’s in the shape of a Macca’s breakfast.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 14, 2023 8:20 pm

Winston Smith
Dec 14, 2023 8:15 PM

Something similar happened to me and I have not been back to that Pub ever since and never will. Friends have also done similar.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2023 8:21 pm

Sandman holes out at deep square leg for 164.
Pretty good day of putting Pakis to the sword.

December 14, 2023 8:22 pm

Its Cat sundown and the ancient & epic battle between Titans named with 2 letters and those who can afford full names is kicking off.

Time to take cover with supplies of alcohol & nibbles while the battle rages …

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 8:23 pm

I’ve never forgotten the police response against us and the difference they have shown against the muslim hordes they protect. Tools of a Quisling Government.

Never forget. Never forgive.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 8:24 pm

… it’s fascinating how much LW knows about the dodging and weaving of “politics”

J’ismists have always fancied themselves as playas since Mr La Tingle (dec’d) was around.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 8:26 pm

Sentry, at Northam Army Camp, in 1941, was supposed to have halted a car, and asked the driver and the passenger to show their identity cards.

“Don’t be a fool. “snapped the passenger. “You know who I am – Colonel Fitz Trumpet, District Commandant. Driver, go on.”

“Sorry, sir” said the sentry, as he unslung his rifle. “I’m new to all this. Who do I shoot, you or the driver?”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 8:28 pm


Dec 14, 2023 6:30 PM

If there was legal advice provided, big if, there would be no obligation for saint lisa to hand it over.

Justice Lee has acknowledged that.

My guess, saint Lisa will have to walk back her comments ie she had a chat with a lawyer friend.

Lee has already indicated he has formed the view that, if such advice exists, it was reckless or incompetent.
Or both.
Whether he gets an explanation of the “legal advice” or not, I think he holds the view that the speech was somewhat malicious.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 8:30 pm

Johnny Rotten Dec 14, 2023 8:20 PM
Something similar happened to me and I have not been back to that Pub ever since and never will. Friends have also done similar.

It is not the pub’s doing.
Unless you got yourself slung out for “disorderly conduct”

Patt Mac
Patt Mac
December 14, 2023 8:31 pm

That ford POS has a kid??
Who in God’s name would even think of procreation with that?
Shocked I am.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 14, 2023 8:33 pm

Delta A.

You take the passenger seat, I’ll jump in the back.

I have a sneaky suspicion the cops enjoyed this … no chance of catching him though.

Keep an eye on the speedo.


Ghostrider The Real One


December 14, 2023 8:37 pm

From a psychological perspective it is fascinating that futurists so often portray doom and disaster.

Bad news sells.

If my recollections are correct, most of the predictions of the futurists of the 1970s – be they for good or ill – failed to come to pass.

December 14, 2023 8:40 pm

I think he holds the view that the speech was somewhat malicious.

If Channel 10/Lisa are found to be malicious by the judge, does that not open them up to the jackpot (for BL) of damages?
Isn’t that what you want (as the applicant) in Oz?

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 14, 2023 8:41 pm

Labor considers local, regional voices after failed voice referendum

Labor is considering rolling out local and regional voices across the country using an existing model and without legislation, as it prepares to unveil “next steps” following the failed referendum as early as February.

The Australian understands one option being looked at by the Albanese government is ­expanding Empowered Communities – a program that puts Indigenous people from remote, regional and urban areas in the same room as government decision-makers – to act as local and regional voices.

While no decision has been made on whether to pursue a Makarrata commission to oversee truth-telling and treaty-making, which was a federal Labor election commitment and has been partly funded, The Australian understands the government will focus in the new year on practical policies such as remote housing and overhauling the work for the dole program.

There is a view within government that local and regional voices, which Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney has conceded remain on the table after a constitutionally ­enshrined national voice was rejected by 60 per cent of voters, do not need to be legislated.

Instead, Empowered Communities – which covers 10 regions – could be supported and scaled-up through more public funding and administrative support to ensure grassroots voices across the country are heard by all levels of government.

Federal governments have provided $47m to the program from 2016 to mid-next year.

Ms Burney has met with several Aboriginal leaders and groups, including Empowered Communities, since the referendum was voted down on ­October 14 but is facing increasing pressure to outline the government’s plan B.

Opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price accused Ms Burney and Anthony Albanese of “failing Indigenous Australians” by being “missing in ­action” since the referendum and with no plan to address disadvantage.

While referendum working group member Sean Gordon has previously advocated for Empowered Communities to be the voice “independent of the Constitution or legislation” called for by Indigenous leaders in the wake of the referendum, on Wednesday he said some form of legislation was needed.

“The reason for legislation, ­although it doesn’t give the guarantee the Constitution would have provided (for an enshrined voice), it guarantees these voices would be created and supported. The guarantee is crucial,” he said.

“The beauty of legislation is it would broaden its scope to other departments (beyond the ­National Indigenous Australians Agency) that up until now haven’t been engaged in Empowered Communities.”

Mr Gordon, Noel Pearson, Ian Trust, Richie Ah Mat and Chris Ingrey are some Indigenous leaders who have developed and championed the Empowered Communities model.

Indigenous lawyer and member of the Uluru Dialogues Eddie Synot pushed back, saying local and regional voices would represent “more of the same” in implementing policies. “My fear is probably that that’s what (the government) is trying to push ahead with,” he said. “That was one of the fundamental flaws of the (Marcia) Langton and (Tom) Calma report … that it had to be within existing structures. So all they were really doing was shifting the deck chairs.”

In the Kimberley, Indigenous leaders aren’t waiting for the government to act and are progressing plans for a regional representative body that would talk to government.

Empowered Communities leader Des Hill said the body could become a regional voice but the No vote had put a spanner in the works. He stressed the Kimberley body had been called for by elders for 30 years and had been worked on before and separately to the voice referendum.

Mr Hill said the government should have put two questions to voters at the referendum, one on constitutional recognition and the other on the voice. “Right now it doesn’t tell us if the No vote was on recognising us in the Constitution or if it was they didn’t want a voice to parliament. It could be either/or. I think the Prime Minister, Mr Albanese, stuffed up on that one.”

Former social justice commissioner Mick Gooda, who is co-chair of Queensland’s interim treaty and truth-telling body but hasn’t yet been consulted by the Albanese government, said it was appropriate the country have a break between the lost referendum and a new Indigenous ­affairs blueprint. He urged Labor to “get back to basics” on where it spent its energy next, such as the housing crisis.

“You need to take a really considered approach and you’ve got to take Aboriginal voices into ­account. They’ve got to guide this process, it can’t be just government,” he said.

Professor Calma, Reconciliation Australia co-chair, said there hadn’t been much discussion about the way forward after the referendum but the conversation over reconciliation had never stopped.


December 14, 2023 8:45 pm

Labor is considering rolling out local and regional voices across the country using an existing model and without legislation

Plan B.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 8:45 pm


Dec 14, 2023 6:47 PM

If Lisa has lied about the advice pre giving the speech, Lee will view that dimly.
If her fall back is the Drumgold conversation, hells bells.

I think it is likely he will view any explanation dimly.
My money (in no particular order) is on:-
1. An informal chat with a suburban solicitor friend over lunch at Chateau Bandana;
2. Google;
3. The grad lawyer chick in procurement at Ten;
4. Re-runs of Carson’s Law;
5. Dumgold.

December 14, 2023 8:46 pm


I think that she said simply that she “got advice”, and did not specify that its was legal advice.

Moreover, a client does not waive the privilege merely by saying that they got advice. They need to add what that advice was, if only in very general terms.

December 14, 2023 8:49 pm

Professor Calma, Reconciliation Australia co-chair, said there hadn’t been much discussion about the way forward after the referendum but the conversation over reconciliation had never stopped.

And when your generous tax payer funded salary package is dependent upon it never stopping, why would you want it to?

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 8:51 pm


New Self Replicating “sa-mRNA Vaccine” Approved For Mass Production

If this new technology also contains a gene for continued production of the protein, what turns it off? This sounds like a synthetic cancer.

December 14, 2023 8:51 pm

If my recollections are correct, most of the predictions of the futurists of the 1970s – be they for good or ill – failed to come to pass.

Julian Simon arguing Erlich’s end of times predictions were crap.

examples of Simon’s work that disputed Ehrlich:

The Ultimate Resource (1977): This book argued that resource prices had been declining for centuries, not rising as Ehrlich predicted, and that technological innovation would continue to mitigate resource scarcity.
The Resourceful Earth: Nature’s Response to Global Challenges (1994): This book further developed Simon’s arguments against resource depletion, citing historical trends and specific examples of resource abundance.

Both sides appear to do the end of times thing. We see it here coming from the Right.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 8:53 pm

Dunny Brush

Dec 14, 2023 6:50 PM

Wilko taking umbrage as being compared to a tabloid hack is a huge tell.

I maintain that is key to all this.
This was to be Toad’s Walkley moment. Sure, Logies are fine, but I need recognition as a serious j’ism.

December 14, 2023 8:53 pm
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 14, 2023 8:53 pm

5/346 off 84 overs. Not too bad at a bit over 4 an over on day1.

December 14, 2023 8:53 pm

At that point I realised our Constitution may as well have been a piece dunny paper for all the protection it gave against a government that was determined to treat us as subjects to be ruled.


you mistake our constitution for that of the US. Our constitution is a nothing more than than a power sharing agreement between the states and this thing called the “Commonwealth of Australia”.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 8:55 pm

Patt Mac Dec 14, 2023 8:31 PM
That ford POS has a kid??
Who in God’s name would even think of procreation with that?

Apparently conceived naturally.
As difficult as that may be to believe.

December 14, 2023 8:59 pm

Nek minnit, Britnah manages to miraculously recover all her phone data.
BTW, it apparently was all on a personal phone, not a work phone.
But not one of the super-sleuths at Ten thinks to say, “Hey, Britnah, now that you’ve recovered your data, is there any chance we can have a look at that original image?”

There is a distinct lack of facts regarding the phone(s). How many, which were personal or work, which dept issued the work phone(s), when were the work ones were returned, what is office policy on wiping phones, what happened to personal app data e.g. Whatsapp backups, photos, apple ID accounts & data, what happened to chat logs, were personal apps allowed on work phones, ….

And what is Channel 10 process for verifying content such as images, word docs, whatsapp messages, … If there is no digital forensic capability deployed by Channel 10 and no defined process then it seems more than just careless …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 9:02 pm


Have I missed something?

Just this.
Cane Toad says she sought legal advice.
She did not say she received legal advice or, if she did receive it, that she followed that advice.
Or very careful coaching to leave an impression without committing perjury in this case.

December 14, 2023 9:02 pm

Julian Simon arguing Erlich’s end of times predictions were crap.

Norman Borlaug was already engaged in successfully increasing crop yields in Mexico & India before Ehrlich’s book was even written.

His ‘green revolution’ saved hundreds of millions from starvation.

Bad news sells, good news gets forgotten.

December 14, 2023 9:03 pm

OK…good night!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 9:07 pm


December 14, 2023 9:09 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2023 9:12 pm

Hamas announced its readiness to recognize Israel.

Haha, they’re bleeding out. So sad.
Mercy mercy they cry after raping Israeli women to death.
It might be pathetic if they weren’t so evil.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 9:14 pm


Dec 14, 2023 8:40 PM

I think he holds the view that the speech was somewhat malicious.

If Channel 10/Lisa are found to be malicious by the judge, does that not open them up to the jackpot (for BL) of damages?

There is a mounting pile of contrary evidence being ignored, and an equally large pile of “reading between the lines” to create supportive “evidence”.
So yeah.

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 9:14 pm

Johnny Rotten
Dec 14, 2023 8:20 PM

Winston Smith
Dec 14, 2023 8:15 PM
Something similar happened to me and I have not been back to that Pub ever since and never will. Friends have also done similar.

I go back there, but I realise the owner was not given a choice about the issue.
In fact what the government did is a form of civil conscription whereby the government coerces a business to carry out a government function.
I thought Civil Conscription was not allowed under our Constitution, but it appears it can be cancelled whenever the government feels like it.
Can someone else provide information on this?

Delta A
Delta A
December 14, 2023 9:18 pm

I have more scorn for published authors (she wasn’t backward in letting us know of her educational publishing superiority) who are ultra-patronising headmistress types always standing on their dignity as above others

Oh darnit! I was about to offer you a job as my publicity agent.

But while on the subject, I must add that, in addition to educational publications, I have two hard copy novels, first published by Random House, second by Openbook and two online thingies – don’t know much about all that stuff, but Daughter is pushing every day for me to edit my next one.

I mention the above because you, not I, raised the topic. I posted about it once, as a point of interest and relating to a different post. I won’t mention it again and, since it upsets you so much, I suggest you don’t either.

December 14, 2023 9:18 pm

If my recollections are correct, most of the predictions of the futurists of the 1970s – be they for good or ill – failed to come to pass.

Self proclaimed oracles only need to be partly right for vindication, Roger.

Look a hover board!

1984 and Firefly?

December 14, 2023 9:19 pm

I have been watching the rebooted Frazier with Kelsey Grammer and enjoying it enormously. It is as good as the original and just as funny, great laugh lines. It was so refreshing watching comedy that didn’t feel it had to include every crazy minority or even any at all, just funny storylines.

The plot has Frazier returning to Boston to teach at Harvard and be close to his adult son. The designated Pom is a friend Frazier knew from his student days at Oxford. I kept looking at the British friend when it finally dawned on me that it’s Rodney from Only Fools And Horses.

Cant wait to watch the rest of the episodes.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 9:20 pm


Dec 14, 2023 8:46 PM


I think that she said simply that she “got advice”, and did not specify that its was legal advice.

I could be mistaken, but I am 93.1% sure she said “sought legal advice”.
If the advice wasn’t from a lawyer, the privilege thing goes away.
There is no such thing as hairdresser-client privilege.

December 14, 2023 9:22 pm

I think I heard on BBC radio that some Agricultural workers had been recruited from Kenya and one other African country recently, in order to release Israelis for other duties (medical help, psychological assistance, forensics – there must be a zillion jobs to do).

December 14, 2023 9:24 pm

OK…good night!

Me too.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
December 14, 2023 9:24 pm

Golly, call me a cynic if you must – I wonder where the majority of these grants (see below) will end up – I suspect this is pork barrelling by another name, which is likely to mainly benefit religious establishments that are common in Southwest Sydney, as opposed to the city’s East. Perhaps to assuage those who are ‘annoyed’ by Labor’s ‘call’ for a cease fire you-know-where.

Announced on the FB page of my local state Labor MP (Lynda Voltz, Auburn, who is related to Laurie Ferguson).

How does one trace the allocation of these grants?

“The NSW Government has committed $15 million to support the safety and security of places of worship and other places where faith communities gather regularly.
The Safe Places for Faith Communities Program provides grant funding for places of worship and other eligible places where faith communities gather regularly.
The program aims to enable faith communities to:
– Come together safely to profess, practice and maintain their faith and religious heritage.
– Reduce the risk of harm to people or damage to property
– Build community resilience, wellbeing and cohesion.
The grant amount available for application is $5,000 to a maximum of $250,000, exclusive of GST.
Applications close 3pm on Thursday 15 February 2024.

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 9:24 pm

Patt Mac

Dec 14, 2023 8:31 PM
That ford POS has a kid??
Who in God’s name would even think of procreation with that?
Shocked I am.

Never underestimate the power of Beer Goggles, young feller. Along with a large helping of testosterone, it means ugly people of either sex get laid occasionally. And thank God for that otherwise – as any walk along a beach will teach you – the human race would go extinct in a couple of generations.

December 14, 2023 9:26 pm

Gutfeld’s Monologue today on Chesterson’s Fence and how the left are destroying the fences and structure of the West though open borders, crime and every woke issue was one of the best statements on the decline of the West.

Prior to Gutfeld’s brilliant statement Watters had interviewed Eric Trump and compared what had happened to his family and what is not happening to the vile bidens.

Only watch if you want to be depressed. I think 2024 will be terminal for the US and therefore the West.

December 14, 2023 9:28 pm

She did not say she received legal advice or, if she did receive it, that she followed that advice.

All that matters is that legal privilege has limits, she might be lying or the advice she got was just nonsense, let alone a wink and a nudge. It goes to the purpose of any communication, etc. I’m guessing “ooh yes I have client legal privilege so don’t ask me any more questions” won’t cut it anymore. Is she a party to proceedings or a third party? Was it really a direction from her employer? Did the in-house counsel, counsel unwisely? Who actually advised her? Is there a record of this?

This is a goddamned circus.

December 14, 2023 9:29 pm

I could be mistaken, but I am 93.1% sure she said “sought legal advice”.
If the advice wasn’t from a lawyer, the privilege thing goes away.
There is no such thing as hairdresser-client privilege.

Correct. My point was even if she obtained legal advice before making her logie speech, the making of that speech would be a waiver of legal privilege.

December 14, 2023 9:35 pm

Rodney from Only Fools and Horses is in New Tricks as well.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2023 9:37 pm

The Red Cross are a disgrace to humanity, in the nine weeks that the Nazi scum in Gaza have been holding Jews as hostages, NOT ONE WELFARE VISIT. Just like they did in World War II, when the Red Cross was complicit in Nazi war crimes. Please watch, it’s from Avi in Melbourne. There was a protest in Melbourne outside the Red Cross headquarters. Good. The Red Cross are SCUM.

On Sunday I’ll be attending a rally here in Sydney. The title of the rally is…

#Metoo unless you’re a Jew.

I’m so proud to be Jew, we take our dogs to rallies!

Am Yisrael Chai.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2023 9:38 pm

oops, forget the link to Avi…

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 9:39 pm

The Red Cross are a disgrace to humanity, in the nine weeks that the Nazi scum in Gaza have been holding Jews as hostages, NOT ONE WELFARE VISIT.

Worse than that Cassie. Red Cross have refused to make welfare visits.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 9:40 pm

feelthebern at 8:40

If Channel 10/Lisa are found to be malicious by the judge, does that not open them up to the jackpot (for BL) of damages?
Isn’t that what you want (as the applicant) in Oz?

My understanding is that would had to have been pleaded by Lehrmann’s lawyers to be open to make a finding on motive. I have not looked at the pleadings filed. Others may have done so.

December 14, 2023 9:40 pm

Someone posted a picture of Turtlehead Bowen, can’t remember who. Now people can’t help the way they look but he has to have the stupidest face I’ve ever seen. How many times has that head been down the dunny as school?

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 9:41 pm


you mistake our constitution for that of the US. Our constitution is a nothing more than than a power sharing agreement between the states and this thing called the “Commonwealth of Australia”.

No I understand the huge difference between the US and Australian Constitutions, I’m looking at the concept of Civil Conscription regarding the ability of the government to force a business to carry out a government function like refusing service to a member of the public when said refusal entails a cost to the business.
And no, I’m not a lawyer but this seems wrong to me.

December 14, 2023 9:42 pm

big day today,

first, about 50 of our LTE Routers all over the country got hacked by Lithuanian script-kiddies and the damned things started sending spurious SMS message to the universe

second, the father-in-law has been missing since Monday

so it goes like this …

the missus’ brother rings and goes, I just spoke with step-brother and apparently dad’s taken a turn and is in hospital

country-ish step-brother had apparently just ran into somebody in the street who inquired about his welfare after having talked to MiL who has dementia

MiL didnt tell anybody that FiL had busted his stents (duh, dementia) and she keeps phoning Wagga hospital wondering wtf is going on

meanwhile, FiL has been moved from Wagga to Griffith and then to Sydney

but nobody knows except MiL … did I mention she has dementia?

so BiL rings Wagga and they cant tell him anything because you know, next of kin (who has dementia) … but suggest he could try Griffith

and Griffith cant tell him anything because, you know next of kin ( who happens to have dementia) etc

eventually we get to Sydney, they’re all business and dont wanna talk about nuthin’… so they patch you straight trough to the room

no answer

I suppose no news is good news


Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2023 9:42 pm

I see that earlier today a nasty person called OldOzzie a “dickhead”.

Hear this, OldOzzie is NOT a dickhead.

December 14, 2023 9:46 pm

OldOzzie is one of the best contributors.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 9:46 pm

My point was even if she obtained legal advice before making her logie speech, the making of that speech would be a waiver of legal privilege.

By virtue of the loss of confidentiality? I’m a bit rusty on this stuff. Handing stuff over to actual lawyers for too long.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2023 9:51 pm

How many times has that head been down the dunny as school?

Clearly not enough. I wasn’t at school with him so don’t blame me. Apparently I may have been at school with Roger Cook but I have no memory of him (I’m sure it would be mutual).

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2023 9:51 pm

One thing is for sure.
Toad and Llewellyn in the box has been the best entertainment on Australian TeeVee since Abigail got her hooters out on Number 96.
It’s a pity Working Dog have pretty much ruined the chance of anyone saying “it’s the vibe” in a courtroom ever again. I guess “read between the lines” is as close as we’ll get.
Although I suspect, “Is that really your answer?” might become my new catch-phrase.

December 14, 2023 9:54 pm

The jurdge indicated the advice might need clarifying as it was being leant on so much.

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 9:56 pm


Only watch if you want to be depressed. I think 2024 will be terminal for the US and therefore the West.

I doubt it will be terminal, Cohenite. But it will be a series of very large and rapid changes, more for the worse than better.
But maybe – just maybe – it will be the equivalent of the drunk waking up in the gutter, covered in shit and vomit and not having a clue as to how he (or she) got there and then taking concrete steps to deal with the issues that put them in that spot.
The West has rebuilt itself before, and with a lot of hard work can do it again.
But this time the price will, I suspect, very high.

December 14, 2023 10:01 pm

Worse than that Cassie. Red Cross have refused to make welfare visits.

Red Cross has been causing questions to be asked about their practices since the Yugoslav wars in the early 90s. I seem to remember that they had some dubious methods of distributing aid in the warring states.

Winston Smith
December 14, 2023 10:01 pm

Salvatore, Iron Publican

Dec 14, 2023 9:39 PM
The Red Cross are a disgrace to humanity, in the nine weeks that the Nazi scum in Gaza have been holding Jews as hostages, NOT ONE WELFARE VISIT.

Worse than that Cassie. Red Cross have refused to make welfare visits.

Even worse than that, they refused to give medication to one of the prisoners when they invited the family to a meeting ostensibly to receive the medication and then harangued the family for not caring about the Gazans.
Fvcking Red Cross. Not worth a bum full of cold water.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 10:08 pm

Crikey, Lisa Wilkinson performed well today:
Feminist Twitter is predicting that Lehrmann is “done for” now.

1/. She exposed what really goes on in parliament house.
2/. Took every opportunity in her responses to mention Parliament House, her experience in journalism and the power dynamics in politics. And by god, didn’t the lawyer hate it!
3/. Was a compelling and powerful witness, leaving Richardson SC visibly frustrated.
4/. A confident does Lisa Wilkinson means there are many who might be a little worried about what she’s saying & knows. There are, of course, many who feel threatened by her. Good. There’s strength in the truth.
5/. Confirmed she found and still finds the behaviour of senior government MP Linda Reynolds deplorable!
6/. Gave a master class in sexual politics and media manipulation… using the witness box in a truly expert way.
7/. Blew Justice Michael Lee’s mind by succinctly and calmly explaining how the Federal Government engaged in a “cover-up” over Brittany Higgins’s allegations of rape.
8/. Handed Richardson SC’s arse to him on a plate!
9/. Her determination is amazing. She was unbreakable against Richardson SC.
10/. Lehrmann chose the wrong person to sue, Lisa Wilkinson is very articulate, knowledgeable & focused.
11/. Had the courage to say what we all suspect – that the Scott Morrison government covered up the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins by Bruce Lehrmann.
12/. You could hear a pin drop in this court room. Lisa Wilkinson is outlining in great detail the roadblocks to a police investigation of the assault of Brittany Higgins.

December 14, 2023 10:10 pm

Sorry to read that, Matrix. Lotsa stress ain’t good for the body. (We can endure a heck of a lot, but there’s always a limit).

December 14, 2023 10:15 pm

Red Cross has been causing questions to be asked about their practices since the Yugoslav wars in the early 90s

Since their report of the Nazi hosted holiday camp for Jews at Theresienstadt.

December 14, 2023 10:19 pm

#Metoo unless you’re a Jew.

Is there a link to this, please.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2023 10:19 pm

Since their report of the Nazi hosted holiday camp for Jews at Theresienstadt.”


December 14, 2023 10:23 pm

Thanks for the responses above.
My understanding is that client legal privilege in respect of a communication is waived (lost) only if the content of it is revealed. Her Logies speech didn’t do that.

My main point above is that Lee J has created a dilemma for Ten and Wilkinson. If Wilkinson says that got legal advice from a Ten lawyer, Ten is then shown to have been unreasonable in respect of the Logies speech. If Wilkinson admits the advice was not from a lawyer, then her credibility is damaged.
It might be clarified tomorrow.

December 14, 2023 10:23 pm

Hamas announced its readiness to recognize Israel.
Deputy head of the Hamas Politburo Musa Abu Marzouk in an interview with Al Monitor: “Hamas is ready to recognize Israel for the sake of unity with the PLO”.

This is like Arafat’s “strategic peace” as he called it. The strategy of “peace” to gain ground for the next genocidal foray.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2023 10:23 pm
December 14, 2023 10:26 pm

7/. Blew Justice Michael Lee’s mind by succinctly and calmly explaining how the Federal Government engaged in a “cover-up” over Brittany Higgins’s allegations of rape.

If she knew about the fake police stations, why didn’t she blow the whistle before? I mean, “it happens all of the time”.

Bruce in WA
December 14, 2023 10:30 pm

Uh-oh! Something’s gone kerplunk.

All of a sudden, sand warning, when I try to open the cat, I get:

Request Header Fields Too Large

The server refused this request because the request header fields are too large.

Safari, iMac, MacOs Sonoma 14.1.2 (23B92)

But, same computer, using Firefox, no probs?

Any ideas anyone? Bueller? (I hate Firefox!)

Bruce in WA
December 14, 2023 10:32 pm

sans warning …

December 14, 2023 10:39 pm

Labor considers local, regional voices after failed voice referendum</blockquote

Never let democracy get in the way of ideology

December 14, 2023 10:43 pm

Thanks Cassie

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 10:44 pm

Since their report of the Nazi hosted holiday camp for Jews at Theresienstadt.”

I used to work with one of the “Ten Pound Poms” who served with the tank unit that liberated one of those hellholes. He didn’t talk much about it, but once a year, on the anniversary, he would go out, and drink himself “out of his wife’s favor.” He would have next day off, to recover. The manager, himself an ex soldier, would pay him for the day off, and it never appeared on any of his records….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 10:51 pm

‘Gas you’, ‘kill you’: surge in anti-Semitism incidents

By cameron stewart
Chief International Correspondent
8:55PM December 14, 2023

Reports of serious incidents of anti-Semitism across Australia since the Hamas terror attack on Israel of October 7 have surged a staggering 738 per cent, a figure that Jewish leaders warn is “only the tip of the iceberg”.

The most comprehensive report yet on the backlash against Jews from October 7 and the ­Israel-Hamas war, contains numerous shocking examples of how the scourge of anti-Semitism has taken hold in mainstream Australia.

In one instance a prominent Jewish figure in Sydney last month received a letter saying: “I will f..king find you. Hunt you down. Gas you. Kill you … Teach you a lesson. You f..king Jew … I will come after you. I know where you live.”

In another recent example, a bomb threat to blow up a synagogue stated: “There are multiple bombs in the Jewish Centre (and they) will explode in a few hours. You will all DIE. I will also slash your family’s throats, I will slash their veins with a knife.”

The report to be released on Friday by the country’s peak Jewish body, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, found that anti-Semitic incidents continued to grow, with 316 incidents reported in October, rising to 346 in ­November.

The total of 662 compares with just 79 in the same period last year, a 738 per cent rise.


December 14, 2023 10:54 pm

In another recent example, a bomb threat to blow up a synagogue stated: “There are multiple bombs in the Jewish Centre (and they) will explode in a few hours. You will all DIE. I will also slash your family’s throats, I will slash their veins with a knife.”

These people are insane. They should be locked up for their own good.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 10:57 pm

The total of 662 compares with just 79 in the same period last year, a 738 per cent rise.

About time for a report of muslim chick having her headscarf tugged on the train.

Or if that isn’t good enough, a report of a Ballarat Nazi burning a Koran.
(Or even worse, using one to roll durries)

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 14, 2023 11:08 pm

A British group has become the first in the world to test a male contraceptive pill that scientists believe could transform how responsibility for birth control is shared between the sexes. (The Oz).
Australian schoolboys invented the male pill aeons ago.
You put it in your shoe and it makes you limp.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 11:09 pm

About time for a report of muslim chick having her headscarf tugged on the train.

Or a dead pig thrown into a mosque..

December 14, 2023 11:11 pm

‘Gas you’, ‘kill you’: surge in anti-Semitism incidents

The depraved Hamas slaughters has been taken as a rallying call for a world wide antisemitic pogron to whatever level local constabulary permit. And they permit far too much.

Muslims dine out on the past persecution of Jews, where well meaning people now say “we shouldn’t restrict Muslims the way we restricted Jews”. And the good people pat themselves on their back, complementing themselves for learning a lesson about their prejudices while condoning far worse.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 11:11 pm

(Or even worse, using one to roll durries)

I’d suggest a more fundamental use, but it would probably block up the sewerage …

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 14, 2023 11:14 pm
Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 14, 2023 11:20 pm

Or a dead pig thrown into a mosque..

Mmm… too much actual handling of a filthy pig has to happen.
Someone from the mosque actually has to go & buy a pig somewhere, for it to be exhibited as the pig that was “thrown into” mosque.

And there’s the possibility of an awkward public moment when nearby exterior CCTV from an infidel business turns up, showing Mohamed walking up to the mosque during the night with a pig under his arm.

Much easier for a “report” of a chick having her scarf tugged at, or a blurry phonecam video of a koran being ignited.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2023 11:35 pm

Mmm… too much actual handling of a filthy pig has to happen.

Dunno – from memory, at the time of the Lindt Cafe siege, there were complaints that a dead pig had been thrown into a Perth mosque.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 15, 2023 12:01 am

a blurry phonecam video of a koran being ignited.
October 7 is now “Burn a Koran for Faruqi” day around here.

Bruce in WA
December 15, 2023 12:08 am

Problem appears solved … cleared the Safari cookies and cache which seems to have done the trick.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 15, 2023 12:12 am

October 7 is now “Burn a Koran for Faruqi” day around here.

Love it!
Not having access to an actual Koran, would dressing up some other book do?
(the way kids schoolbooks are covered in brown paper, with a label cut from the Women’s Weekly)

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 15, 2023 12:15 am

Labor considers local, regional voices after failed voice referendum
Ok, let’s map it out for say a ten-year lifespan.
Choose a local- and regional- area for Voice.
One which has got lots of First Nationses Disadvantage and White Debbil Racism.
And somewhere which is Labor through and through, so Voice won’t be derailed or deranged by eeeebil Conservatives being racist or wonking on about “due process” or “transparency”
Lets say… Alice Springs.
Full Voice, big Voice. Voice all over everywhere, schools, hospitals, police.
Give it five years- not much more than an election cycle- and we’ll surely see Closing The Gap in all those terrible areas blighted by racism, like literacy, foetal alchohol syndrome and child rape.
Ten years, Gap gone i reckon.
Albanese can jet home, say “See, I thold youse tho”, voice goes coast to coast and he can retire a hero and/or become First President of the Republic of Aoteastralia.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 15, 2023 12:18 am

Dear ebay Buyer Rat_from_Ballarat, may Allah bless you for your purchase. Your copy of the Holy Qura’an will soon be heading your way. Would you like to choose the express post or gift wrap options for only $10 extra?
Kind regards & may Allah bless your chequebook.

Dear ebay vendor Iman Talwedi, Nah she’ll be right mate, just send ‘er any old how. I only want the ruddy thing to burn for an anonymous prank video I’m making.
Regards Andy, flat B, 143 Grampian st, Ballarat.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 15, 2023 12:25 am

I think he pretends to be illiterate to diss people he dislikes, particularly if they are notably quite literate types.

Delta, contra to your insulting finger-pointing and those who applaud it, I think my statement above was quite a legitimate thing for me to say, to allude with some pride to my own literacy (as one of many quite literate writers here) by correctly noting Bespoke’s intent to diss it. Bespoke’s attitude towards me, expressed via his ‘dyslexia’, has always been a mocking one, mocking of my own hard-earned literacy by deliberately turning on his unschooled phonemic ‘everyman’ mode as some sort of parlay and parry against anything I write here.

I say my literacy is hard-earned because it was. I think I can be justifiably proud of the good level of self-taught literacy I have achieved, having left school and home at fourteen in dire circumstances. People like you Delta A, from middle class homes with books and schooling, can have very little real appreciation of how difficult that achievement was back in those days, and how valuable literacy was to me then. Literacy saved me. Thus Bespoke’s snide attacks of this sort have been called out. Dr. BG certainly didn’t enjoy them either. We both had our suspicions re their intent.

There is support here for Bespoke now that he has claimed true dyslexia. He certainly has no need to continue with what seems like deliberately aberrant usage, not to me anyway. Google is his friend. I wish him well of course in his future commenting here. This is a good place for learning, as I have found.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 15, 2023 12:47 am

Sorry about your stressful day, Matrix. Massage is great for de-stressing. This morning I had a really good remedial massage, where they dig deep into sore tissues that you didn’t realise were quite so sore, and after that the relevant area feels better. I like to get a massage after every long trip o/s where there is a lot of walking and a lot of sitting in aircraft for hours in the stratosphere, all playing havoc with neck, hips, back, legs, but only just found the time this morning to get one after our latest trip, to the Italian Dolomites and Austrian Alps. This one got rid of all the stressed bits of me that resulted from doing ‘passenger driving’ (braking hard to the floor my side, great intakes of breath tensing up the body etc) as Hairy sped down alpine roads that ended in a hairpin bend around a precipice. All good now.

December 15, 2023 6:14 am

What a stupid thing to propose. It blog not a clinic or school.
Just further proof you are ignorant on the subject.

December 15, 2023 6:26 am

That was directed to whatever spouse or personality.

December 15, 2023 6:26 am

thanks for the well wishes.
reckon we’d all know if FiL was in big trouble

it’s not all that stressful tbh
always in the sh!t here … it’s just the depth that varies

December 15, 2023 6:28 am

bespoke … you need a another coffee ?

December 15, 2023 6:41 am

Got one, Matrix.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 15, 2023 6:50 am

Tim Blair:

It is reasonable for a journalist to be asked about the level of public interest in their work.

After all, public interest is central to a reporting career. Journalists who are unread tend also to be unpaid.

Yet media veteran Lisa Wilkinson, defending herself on Thursday in a defamation trial launched by Bruce Lehrmann, was hostile to questioning about interest in her coverage of Brittany Higgins’s rape claims — claims strongly denied by Lehrmann.

“You were thrilled by the riveting commercial appeal of the story that she told,” Lehrmann’s lawyer, Matthew Richardson SC, put to Wilkinson on Thursday.

Wilkinson’s response was one for the ages: “Please don’t make me sound like a cheap tabloid journalist, Mr Richardson.”

Given that Wilkinson has been getting by on a reported annual salary of some $1.7m, even after taking a leave of absence from her hosting ­duties at The Project, she clearly isn’t cheap.

But The Project is as tabloid as television news can be.

Likewise, Wilkinson’s previous roles on Nine’s Today show and as editor of Dolly and Cleo magazines speak to a rich tabloid heritage.

Exactly why Wilkinson should want to disown her hugely successful tabloid accomplishments is anyone’s guess.

Even her husband, author Peter FitzSimons, writes for the tabloid Sydney Morning Herald (except the SMH describes itself as “compact”, which is what a tabloid is called if you’re on seven figures and live on the other side of the Bridge).

Size matters.

But Wilkinson presumably rejected the notion that she is a tabloid figure in the sense of favouring sensationalism and scandal over rigorous research.

If that was so, Wilkinson certainly didn’t do herself any favours when she launched into a terrific conspiracy theory about cover-ups and high-level political intrigue over the Higgins case.

It was sheer tabloid gold, no matter how “tabloid” may be interpreted.

“Did you believe,” Justice Michael Lee asked Wilkinson at one point, “that there had been a systemic cover-up of a rape allegation or not?”

“Yes,” non-tabloider Lisa replied.

“I believed there was a lot of damage control going on within the Prime Minister’s Office to keep this whole thing under wraps.”

Wilkinson’s supportive evidence for this belief, she revealed to the court, was that members of then-PM Scott Morrison’s staff had been in contact with former minister Linda Reynolds’s office after the rape allegations were made.

All of this added up, Wilkinson said, to something “pretty significant”.

Yet Wilkinson, as Lehrmann’s lawyer pointed out, had no idea about the content of those meetings.

“I know how politics works, Mr Richardson,” Wilkinson replied.

What a perfect tabloid kicker.

December 15, 2023 7:29 am

Turkish MP Dies After Having Heart Attack During ‘Wrath of Allah’ Tirade
Most of the comments are that, basically, this disproves Allah. But the mathematics of islamist is exponential. To the Muz, his death was already written by Allah. He has been welcomed to paradise. It proves the might of Allah. Which is a simple feedback loop that increases belief. I can’t see anyway out of this. It is the perfect ideology for conquest and war.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 15, 2023 7:54 am

I thought we got a new Open Thread on Saturday morning. But luxury, so over we go.

December 15, 2023 8:46 am

A dear friend has been a dedicated Red Cross volunteer all her life.

Australian Red Cross, not International Red Cross who she describes as a bunch of rich European cocktail circuit wannabe dictators.

She claims that the only relationship that exists between the two is when the Aussies tell the Swiss to go jump. She also claims that the Aussies contribute no money to the Swiss mob – I doubt that.

She has some interesting anecdotes about the behaviour of the Red Cross during the Cold War when they were a bought and paid for agency of Moscow.

Apparently the International Red Cross had control here until the 70’s when the local membership seized control and pursued their own path. Or so she says.

December 15, 2023 8:53 am

Oh, as a PS to above, Gillard was, of course, a fan of the Internatonal Red Cross and attempted to boost their authority locally which caused a number of local volunteers to quit. A similar storey to what State Governments did to the CFS.

December 15, 2023 9:26 am

“…What do you think Russia would do, if Israel attacked Iran?
Sit back and say, ……, “fair cop tovarich!””

BRICS – both China and India are likely not too keen on any Islamic state, and neither is Russia. If Russia can get what they need from either of those two, they wouldn’t hesitate to throw Iran under the bus, methinks.

December 15, 2023 10:25 am

“Harry and Meghan’s £88m Netflix series is ‘LESS popular than Peppa Pig’”

Well, one is full of boring, one dimensional characters that are asanine and predictable, and the other is a children’s animated cartoon.

1 6 7 8
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  2. I note with interest that Alfred is slowly,slowly making its way towards land. Very slow indeed. Perhaps he’s waiting for…

  3. Lizzie, the rubber suits in which the Gimp spends most of his time, suspended from the ceiling, are simmering Petrie…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x