Sleep it is.
Sleep it is.
The change of weather in Perth has been a blessing.
Mark Dice: FEMA BUSTED – And More GREAT News! Haha!
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…
Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…
Just watching those shopping lunatics makes me anxious. Shopping centres need to have ticketing like the galleries. Quarter hour entrance gaps.
My girls used to work at DJ’s when they were at Uni. One in the handbag department, the other in cosmetics.
It was like a crime scene when the store closed.
Yet, you’re still apparently with us, Squire?
Chadstone Boxing Day sales update. Phew, found a quiet cafe, having a nice cup of tea. Ah.
La Dolce Vita!
@Roger. I think im being more precise this time around.
Does a church that no longer conforms to its established belief system deserve to exist. C.f. Pope and other leaders elevating the climate religion and qwertyism among other things.
You may find yourself with a beautiful woife
In a beautiful house
And funnily enough, you may ask yourself – this is not right … 😕
While lamenting all those potential beautiful woives, just gorn … 😕
Large shopping centres rival Magistrates Court for an insight into the human condition. Neither are particularly uplifting.
did Bill Lawry or Ian Chappell ever crap on about Vietnam or whatever else was a concern back then?
There was a lot of player unease against apartheid at that time.
In 1971 seven Rugby players refused to play against the touring South African team; that protest and the anti-apartheid demos were instrumental in Don Bradman, chair of the Australian Cricket Board, issuing a statement cancelling the 1971-72 South African cricket tour.
Is there anything in the world better than beef Wellington leftovers after Christmas, other than beef Wellington on Christmas Day?
You can ask “who are your people.” Religion for most in the world isn’t like European Christianity where someone elects themself into or out of it. Druze, Yazidi, Assyrian, Parsi, Maronite, Chaldian, Coptic, Bahai – for these, religion and personal & communal identity are a very different cluster than the idea of religion in western Christian based society.
I often ask the second question and they appreciate that a stranger understands national borders are not the whole story.
I visited both ladies apparel shops in my small shopping centre and bought an item of clothing at each. My reasoning is that if they make money they will stay in the shopping centre. I would hate them to close and then I will have to drive further to shop.
… are best avoided.
Especially if you’re looking for a good place to take your hot li’l potential future woife for a real good meal … 🙂
Just try and explain that here, Tinta.
what you said makes a lot of sense. I have never thought of it that way.
It’s hot in Oz, but it’s Winter in America, Cats. 🙁
So let’s pretend we’re someone else! 🙂
Christ made a promise regarding the Catholic Church.
He is not a liar.
Thanks, Bazinga.
If you’re specifically referencing the current pope I’ll have to leave that for Catholics to answer. I have a view, but I’d rather let Catholic Cats go first.
More generally, if a church body departs formally (i.e. in an authoritative written statement which rescinds former teachings) from its historic teachings that provides reason for one to leave it with a good conscience provided the new teachings depart from scripture (the “canon” or rule of Christian teaching).
In my own church, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s decision to bless same sex relations has caused the majority of the world’s Anglicans to reject his authority and in effect declare that he has left the church.
I’ll check back tomorrow for any further discussion.
Just stumbled across some correspondence in my inbox forwarded from a cat.
Which contained a very kind offer.
You know who you are (I don’t get kind offers in general so if you are reading this it’s you) and I appreciate it.
Must decline, but you are bloody brilliant.
Sorry for the delayed reply and circuitous delivery of said thanks.
Tom at 6.23:
I offer the following:
1. In more recent times, police (and particularly the brass – see below) have developed the selective tendency to enforce laws, or in the case of covid, ‘laws’, on groups of people less likely to offer resistance than others. Exhibit A is, of course, the closure of Christian houses of worship during 2020 and 2021 where mosques had no such restriction – or where those restrictions were not enforced;
2. I have heard it said that the senior jacks are employed on contract, rather than salary. These contracts have KPIs (apparently) that are spoken of whenever these contracts come up for renewal, and the contracts are first approved by the Cheefa Po-lice before being signed off by… government;
3. The brass, therefore, are effectively part of government and will thus do what people in government do – hold off or fudge on problems in a Hail Mary that they will go away before said brass are properly held to account for them. This also results in Chinese flags being flown above Vicco jack shops and advising subordinates to bend the knee during BLM rallies (see point 1 above); and
4. These directives – i.e., ‘leave the Pali cars alone in Caulfield and Sydney’s eastern suburbs’ will be almost always verbal, and never issued in any written format.
There will be appropriate action taken by individual jacks from time to time, which will force the brass into making some weak show of public support.
I am told there were times past when Chief Commissioners were actual policemen instead of errand boys for government. If true, they must have been better times.
Yep, all that cancelling of the white racists in Seff Efrica has just worked out so well, hasn’t it?
Inevitability. You will not be able to escape it, try as you might, you soft western self-righteous imbeciles.
*A notorious anti-Catholic bigot.
Large shopping centres rival mass brawls in crowded pubs on pay-night, for an insight into the human condition…
And yes – I’m in the mood to be controversial, Cats …
For a change …
There has to be something wrong in the brain of anyone who hates a whole bunch of people most of whom he’s never met. Oh, you can reasonably hate terrorists and murderers because of what they do, but hating people for their relationships and ideas can only happen in a malfunctioning brain.
I’m not in favour of just being nice to the deranged. They are undoubtedly a menace. Which is why I want to lock the loonies up. That applies to Jew-haters, Blokes who think they are chicks, and plenty of others who have lost contact with reality.
Thank you. From other comments it looks like you live near Goulburn. If you wish, please email me via the address near the gate of the rare historic Jewish cemetery in Long Street.
Mrs TE has ordained we’re going to watch Maestro.
The review are….mixed.
Dec 26, 2023 7:08 PM
Melbourne’s having another heatwave, and according the the BOM, today is the hottest day on record.”
Unfortunately, most of the earlier records were lost in the great floods of 196*, and much of the modern records in the computer crash of 2022.
Bradman cruelled the O’Reilly’s test career.
The latter being as he was, an orelly man … 🙂
Phew indeed,
Crossie, I only shop when it is safe to do so. 😀
“Other than Toowoomba (long since closed) I don’t think there’s ever been a synagogue in QLD outside of Brisbane and in more recent times the Gold Coast.”
I lived in Toowoomba in my early years, and my parents had Jewish (Holocaust survivors) friends, but I never knew that there was a Synagogue there.
Knuckle dragger:
It makes one want to carry around a voice activated recorder so that evidence can be collected when that situation arises. Depending on State regs of course.
From what I call in the 1960s there was a US Senator Moynihan who was concerned that about 21% of black babies were born to single mothers (i.e. fatherless homes) now it is over 70% of black children come from fatherless homes — Obummer ignored the issue of black children in fatherless homes. This covers it nicely and in the Grauniad too
“There has to be something wrong in the brain of anyone who hates a whole bunch of people most of whom he’s never met.”
Indeed. While I despise mUnty and hold him in contempt for the stupid political ideas he pushes, I have never met him, and so cannot hate him.
Go to https://ajhs.collectiveaccess.au/Journal/Index and search the Australian Jewish Historical Society journals for “Toowoomba”.
Another short life regional Synagogue was in Forbes NSW during the 1860s gold mining period.
The malarkey isn’t part of the magisterium.
Exactly Dot.
Cats, speaking of big, bigotty bigots:
A very short history of the Bankstown Synagogue:
I knew Rabbi Benson (of the Bankstown Synagogue) and his very funny woife when a kiddie growing up in the 1970s and my dad (who was one of his mates) had a practice in Bankstown – along with my dad’s many contemporary professional confreres.
Rabbi Benson’s Carpet Warehouse was at the intersection of the Boulevarde and Liverpool Road. They also owned one of the most legendary pieces of Australian real estate ever – the Fire station on Ol’ South Head Road opposite the Macquarie Lighthouse …
We will never see their like again, Cats. Mighty pillars of strength to their community, they were. 🙂
*Never investigated – gee, this stupid, stupid country never fails to let down its friends while enthusiastically fellating its enemies.
Interesting study, suggesting one parent black family has always been elevated.
It also talks about how blacks often organize themselves as extended families.
more here:
It’s always safe to shop at my small local shopping centre though getting a parking spot is a different matter particularly the few days leading up to Christmas or Easter.
Will it help if I say these two words? George Floyd
Bankstown – Your family possibly shopped at our health and bulk foods store on North Terrace. Did you bring your own jars to be filled with jams and honey.
The Synagogue
I was optimistic when Obama got elected the first time thinking that he will surely take up the black community’s cause. I thought that as he was married with children that he would promote the same to the black youth of America. It was really disheartening when all he was interested in was weaponising the black youths’ discontent and aiming them at his political enemies. Truly a sadly missed opportunity.
who could it be, I suppose they think it might be Sinwar
Marquee Moon … 🙂
Never for a moment did I think Obummer would improve the lot of Black America
oops formatting fail
Barron’s asks an auto analyst what’s going to happen in 2024.
It’s the time of year for reflection and predictions.
CFRA automotive analyst Garrett Nelson published his list of predictions for 2024 on Tuesday evening. Some are provocative while others align with the current Wall Street consensus. All are worth examining to help set investor expectations heading into the new year.
Here is the list
Remarkable drop. Nobel winning scientists here, were telling us price parity was impossible.
BJ, how can you despise mutley, he’s just a pathetic fat freak. I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone I hate. No one worthy yet, that’s not to say I wouldn’t rip their head off and shove it but most I’d do that to have already done it themselves.
I wasn’t aware of the synagogue fire in 1991, Rabz, and would have expected better of the NSW police.
In Yarragrad, by contrast, a spare of arson attacks on churches over the last decade has gone unpunished – which is only what you would expect from the Socialist Left lickspittles who run the Victorian police and DPP. The pissweak response to the Carols by Candlelight disruption (with children on the stage) was all too true to form. Be very afraid in Melbourne.
To say that the Bible was only formalised by the Catholic Church in the 1550s is to imply that there were disagreements and confusion about teachings and beliefs. In fact, the sacred texts had been identified clearly long before:
Never investigated – gee, this stupid, stupid country‘s power elite never fails to let down its friends while enthusiastically fellating its enemies.
Katzenjammer – thank you for this – I never expected to see it again. 🙂
Now, we need some Marvin …
So, which Russian battlefield, tactical and strategic weapons systems defined the outgoing year? Sputnik asked leading military experts for their takes.
I don’t think it was the weapons on the battlefield which defined the outgoing year at all. It was more like those that were missing…
A-10 Warthog
Long range Army Tactical Missile System (300ks)
GPS M777 Howitzers
M1A2 Abrams
AH-64E Apache
AC-130 Spectre Gunship
Hi-tech guided weapons
To name just a few…
Total air superiority will win every time. Plus the limitations placed on Ukraine regarding firing into Russia… The bloody Russians invaded Ukraine…
Watch the 70s movie The FJ Holden. Bankstown wasn’t a bad place in the 70s.
The FJ Holden 1977
Maestro is all about some showtunes guy struggling to reconcile his homosexuality with married life. I pity you.
Yes, yes, Milts – so how the f*ck do we stop it?
Back on the Chain Gang …
FJ Holden – Banky in Excelsis …
Top Ender
Dec 26, 2023 7:58 PM
Mrs TE has ordained we’re going to watch Maestro.
Don’t do it. Loud, over the top people with endless gayness. The whole thing is ugly for over two hours.
Encourage the dinosaur meja to hurry up and die for starters Rabz. Maybe the cane toad is assisting with this.
Milts – two of my best mates, brothers, Banky boys. Their lovely ol’ mum, who’s nearing 90 still lives there. They both live in Wollstonecraft.
However, I exist less than three kilometres from the suburb I was born in and grew up in.
I don’t do Keato.
Humiliating our Trot PM was a good move too. I’m sure anal and his Marxist mediocrities are out for revenge against the electorate too.
I dig Rabz.
I have a bit of an association with Chullora-Bankstown myself.
I know in the early 00s the coffee guy at Bankstown Stn may an A1 flat white.
Jihad Watch
what you said about Obama x 1,000.
His ancestors were slavers and he has never forgotten that.
what you said about Obama x 1,000.
His ancestors were slavers and he has never forgotten that.
Plus he is a poofta and michelle is a bloke.
Far out!
I’ve been watching this channel for the last two weeks and I’m mind blown at the daily work load needed to keep these place operational; maintaining water supply to the cattle; camel control and just maintenance in general.
It just never stops.
I was going to post first on camel control, but that can wait. So much flesh goes to waste but only allowed from WA.GOV for personal consumption. Want to go commercial, forget it. With that said, it is cost prohibitive to get the carcass to the butchery and very little market exists for camel meat. I’ve yet to taste it but want to now.
Thankfully the channel is now on rumble … Y-tube and censorship is kicking in. Not all clips have been ported over at this stage.
Nothing but respect for these station owners and staff. Jack and Jasmine are JETS.
Jack Out The Back:
Return to the Rodeo: Mustering Season Begins!
Cats, nothing changes in the Cottage … 🙂
Dec 26, 2023 9:03 PM
BJ, how can you despise mutley, he’s just a pathetic fat freak.”
I despise him because he tries to force his freakiness on others, who have clearly indicated multiple times that they are not interested.
His arrogance I’s exceeded only by his stupidity.
On This Day:
2004 – The 9.1–9.3 Mw? Indian Ocean earthquake shakes northern Sumatra with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). One of the largest observed tsunamis, it affected coastal and partially mainland areas of Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Indonesia; death toll is estimated at 227,898.
Mossad bastards*.
*According to some.
Tinta, I quickly lost any illusions about him though I still think he could have been a force for good, the choice was his. This cause could be taken up by any black media personality in the US yet nobody is ready to step up to be an example for young black people. It seems the world is short of virtuous leaders.
According to him the first order of business was closing Gitmo. Racial harmony seems a bit taxing by comparison.
Can you please explain the basis on which you say that Obama’s ancestors were slavers? If the reference is to his Kenyan ancestors, then I think you’re wrong. There was a massive and cruel slave trade in East Africans, but Muslim Arabs from the Gulf area ran that trade.
“Thank you. From other comments it looks like you live near Goulburn. If you wish, please email me via the address near the gate of the rare historic Jewish cemetery in Long Street.”
A quest! I’m in. Although, I must tell you, I have never been good at puzzles. I can untangle the biggest, most knotted skein/ball of yarn or string, but clues or puzzles, hopeless.
I am off to Canberra in the next day or two as one of my three favourite perfumes is on special for less than half price and I intend to stock up. So, I will stop by Long Street and do my best.
I hope you will hear from me. 😀
BTW, have been meaning to tell you that, the Katzenjammers was one of my favourite cartoon strips in the Sunday Telegraph. Do you remember when they used the Katzenjammer family in a Kentucky Fried Chicken ad on the box?
Don those M12s, Cats.
Broken windows … 😕
not long after Obama settled into his Presidency, I read a long and interesting article about his forbears. It is most likely still available online if you google it.
The person who wrote the article had done their research.
Mombassa in Kenya was a slave port. Obama was a Luo so not of the right tribe to be one of them. As to the ancestors on his mother’s side, who knows.
Daily Mail.
Bank cheque for 130 grand – enough to pay Mum and Dad’s mortgage.
Obama is half anglo-saxon, his family has been in USA a long time.
I’ve a feeling that’s where we’ll find the slave owning branch of the family tree.
I don’t give a rodent’s about my public image Cats … 🙂
Hmmm, yes Maestro is too weird. I must admit I thought Berstein a genius for West Side Story, but we get a passing reference to it in the movie, and one track. Too much on his gay and straight relationships as well.
LBJ, the “great society”, rumours and tap-dancing:
no, it was his Kenyan ancestors that were the slavers.
Every single African nation sold their people into slavery to the Arabs.
It is no different to the Thai’s, Filipino’s and other assorted Asian nations that sell their surplus children into Sexual Slavery so they can eat or buy a big screen TV.
Fantastic! 🙂
Thank you.
Sacré bleu, Cats – a pair of full spectrum bimbages, lookin‘ very much like they might just not be turning up to the office on Monday mornin’ … 😕
and on and on and on … 🙂
Whoops, this 2007 article in Das Guardian says his whitey ancestors in USA owned slaves.
Didn’t his Kenyan grandfather spend two years in maximum security, after 1949, as a suspected Mau Mau?
To let go of these feelings
Like a bell to a southerly wind …
The Kate, some li’l ballerinas and the Gilmore …
Yeah! 🙂
If obuma is not a muzzie then he supports them.
Training film for hangmen, sorry hang persons. Subtitled in Hebrew.
Beef Wellington?
Boxing Day sales?
Have youse all lost your minds?
But yes, I sawed off a chunk off that eye fillet from yesterday, warmed it slightly and converted it into open steak sandwiches with fried shallots, tomato chutney and lettuce on toasted sourdough.
2004 – The 9.1–9.3 Mw? Indian Ocean earthquake shakes northern Sumatra with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). One of the largest observed tsunamis, it affected coastal and partially mainland areas of Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Indonesia; death toll is estimated at 227,898.
Wow that long ago now. 19 years.
I was on DFAT’s missing list for about a week after that. Was partying in Thailand, honestly had no idea of it as I accepted an offer to head up country to one of the provinces just before Christmas. Was close to needing a visa run as we had 2 more weeks in country after our visa expired so the location was convenient.
My family different story, all my gear including phone back in Bangkok as we had trust in the hotel owner. Phone when I saw it had over 200 missed calls and double messages, old Nokia. Family happy when I popped up on the radar but they had already tried to locate me through DFAT who had me entering Thailand on 4 Dec 2004 and nothing else after.
I fortunately am here still to speak and we were actually planning to go to Phuket before we changed minds and went up country.
One of those sliding doors moments I suppose.
By 1968 I was a hip young adult who barely avoided conscription and would never have permitted a US commercial food franchise to sully my gullet. But I remember Toto’s, the first pizza shop in Australia in Carlton.
Not having it, I tells ya! Reality being as it is just a construct of evil capitalist personages … 😕
When they’re not pretending to indulge in a bit o’ Rock ‘n’ Roll!
Be firm with me, baybeee! 🙂
Cats – I wanna love like …
A bit more sassy Siren … 🙂
New OT up.
Yes, there was.
One of Aquinas’s principal goals with his great Summa was to harmonise the teachings of the Western church up until that point.