Open Thread – Mon 8 Jan 2024

November Moonlight, John Atkinson Grimshaw, late 19th C

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January 9, 2024 8:27 am

‘women’ – which women? How many of them? Who exactly?

Possibly 99% of women in sport allowing men. pretending to be women, participate in sporting activities instead of walking away. Women have participated in boxing and UFC bouts allowing these men to belt the living daylights out of them.

Some women have walked, not enough to call off these events.

January 9, 2024 8:28 am

There has often been rampant misogyny on this site,

Back to the kitchen with you!

January 9, 2024 8:29 am

Cassie of Sydney
Jan 9, 2024 8:02 AM
After all, if women vote to allow the trans movement to exist – and they do

When was that vote? I must have missed it. Lizzie, calli, rosie, Pogs….did you vote for this? I doubt it very much.

I never voted for SSM or Trannies. However, in the interest of making a few extra dollars, I have offered my services to help the transitioners. I was a dab hand at castrating calves and a demon with an elastrator.

Their choice, instant off, or Political rubber band. The latter is so you have time to regret your decision as your jewels swell, turn black, then shrivel and drop off. 😀

I just had a thought! I will name it “The Bowen Band”. hmm, sounds good.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 9, 2024 8:30 am

Julie Burchill.
Not the root anything, child abandoning, cocaine fuelled one?

January 9, 2024 8:34 am

Do I really need to point to polls showing women are more supportive of trans “rights” than men? The Democrat party in the US and the Greens/Teals here would cease to exist if women didn’t vote.

And yes, I’m aware that the women here are smart and courageous but you’re extreme outliers. The men on this site are outliers too – just not as much as the women. I know plenty of men whose views would not be out of place here. I know exactly one woman other than my wife.

As for Andrew Tate I don’t know much about him but I appreciate he tries to shift the Overton window from our current society that holds that all men can be thrown in prison immediately following a “j’accuse” from a woman. When that changes, I’ll happily ask the Andrew Tates of this world to reel it in.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 9, 2024 8:35 am

The problem for the RNC is if Trump voters stay home then all the other elections held on the same day will produce Democrat winners. Senate, House, governors, mayors, fire chiefs, dog catchers, you name it. The catastrophe for the Republicans would be vast.

Since the Left intend to steal the election anyway it actually would probably be the best political outcome, since if Biden led the Democrats to a massive sweep of all the races it’d be so totally unbelievable that the Dems would not be able to govern without going full fascist. Which they probably would do, but at least then there would be no doubt that the US republic was dead.

January 9, 2024 8:35 am

French Prime Minister resigns as Macron reshuffles cabinet in a move to the right.

January 9, 2024 8:39 am

The Democrat steal is a certainty.

Emboldened by their success in the last election, you can expect them to go over the top this time.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 9, 2024 8:42 am

Not the root anything, child abandoning, cocaine fuelled one?

Multiple child-abandoning. And lesbian of convenience.

Cassie of Sydney
January 9, 2024 8:43 am

Cassie – he got the highest number of votes of any Presidential candidate in history.

So what? That doesn’t mean he got the required electoral college votes.

Hilary Clinton got more votes than Trump did in 2016. People forget, she won the popular vote in 2016.

Cassie of Sydney
January 9, 2024 8:44 am

Johanna is right.

January 9, 2024 8:46 am

Johanna is right.

About what, exactly?

January 9, 2024 8:46 am

Cassie of Sydney
Jan 9, 2024 8:02 AM
After all, if women vote to allow the trans movement to exist – and they do

When was that vote? I must have missed it. Lizzie, calli, rosie, Pogs….did you vote for this? I doubt it very much.

It was the same sex marriage plebiscite where women voted for it in greater numbers than men. Opponents kept pointing out that approving SSM will simply lead to demands for more and more obscene acts to be given the nod. That was poohpoohed by all SSM proponents and yet here we are.

January 9, 2024 8:49 am

Pardon me, but wasn’t the case at the last election, with a different opponent, ensconced in his bunker?

How did that turn out?

with a rigged election, a demented puppet in the White House, and further inroads into the destruction of freedom and prosperity in America… and the world.

January 9, 2024 8:50 am

Hilary Clinton got more votes than Trump did in 2016. People forget, she won the popular vote in 2016.

Just a hunch. The popular vote is finagled in blue states so they can use the popular vote schtick to change the voting system in the future away from the electoral college.

You can’t prove me wrong because American elections can’t be audited . They’re designed that way particularly in blue states. Not an accident but design!

January 9, 2024 8:51 am

How about incrementalism in ‘progessive’ movements, where attaining one objective requires finding another one to keep the gravy train going?

You, ummm, do understand that the progressive movement is dominated by women don’t you?

I should say that there’s one movement where women have been amazing. The anti-vax movement has been largely led by mothers. Men are, overall, slightly less supportive of the vaccine crime than women are but the explicit anti-vax movement – aka the bravest movement in history – is quite gynocentric.

So it isn’t unambiguous but for the most part, women shouldn’t vote.

January 9, 2024 8:52 am
January 9, 2024 8:53 am

I was a dab hand at castrating calves and a demon with an elastrator.


January 9, 2024 8:55 am

It comes as the state government is being urged to reconsider plans to introduce pill testing across the state.

A bill currently before parliament, introduced by the Greens, is expected to be debated soon after parliament resumes next month.

Of course it’s a Greens bill.

It’s hard to think of a more stupid, useless and dangerous idea than pill testing (unless you look at all other Green slime policies of course).

These drugs are illegal substances sold by criminals. they are either produced in filthy backyard clandestine labs or in large plants overseas and smuggled into the country. There is no quality control or concern about “safety” (whatever that is) or consumer satisfaction. Repeat business is assured despite anything governments do.

Pill testing not only de-facto legitimises drug taking but it has technical flaws that introduce a false sense of security and make taking the pill quite dangerous. These include:

* variable composition of pills so scraping off a little piece is not representative of the whole

* variation in composition in pills in a batch and between batches

* testing can’t detect all possible substances including new drug variants, toxic chemicals and legitimate therapeutic drugs present in pills

* testing one pill as “safe” encourages taking more pills that might not be the same

* testing does not stop people taking many pills and/or in combinations that interact with other substances including alcohol and therapeutic medications.

I’m quite sure that if and when pill testing is introduced there will still inevitably be another incident of mass toxicity. When that happens there will be entertaining lawsuits to be observed with lots of legitimately produced popcorn to hand.

January 9, 2024 8:55 am

Jan 9, 2024 8:39 AM
The Democrat steal is a certainty.

Emboldened by their success in the last election, you can expect them to go over the top this time.

Last two election, people forget the 2022 midterms when Republicans were expected to do well and then nothing. Even a vegetable like Fetterman became a senator over a sane Republican candidate.

Yep, November is going to be catastrophic not just for Republicans but for the world. Democrats insist their opponents are Nazis while goose stepping and throwing their opponents into gulags. Just think how empowered they will feel to throw their weight around the world to push their green and gay/trans/pedophile agendas.

January 9, 2024 8:55 am

From x so dont know how reliable it is..

It’s 5.30am and I’m still laughing!!!

I congratulate the young men involved!

Bruce Lehrmann fled the Sydney Cricket Ground when a pack of men spat and hurled abuse at him and his best mate, days after a woman lobbed eggs at his house on Christmas Day.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 9, 2024 8:59 am

Because of the down-ticket races the Republicans and Rupert Murdoch should be getting behind Trump and pushing, right now, since it would be better to lose the Presidency and keep the House and Senate than lose everything when all those base voters fail to turn up to vote. Maybe they will once the primaries are complete. But I don’t think the elites are thinking with their brains – they’re too terrified of having the Tea Party take the Republican Party reins away from them.

January 9, 2024 9:01 am

Jan 9, 2024 8:55 AM
It comes as the state government is being urged to reconsider plans to introduce pill testing across the state.
A bill currently before parliament, introduced by the Greens, is expected to be debated soon after parliament resumes next month.
Of course it’s a Greens bill.

How about putting a huge sign at the entrance to these concerts that says “FAFO if you drug is the deadly one”

January 9, 2024 9:02 am

Your drug, sheesh.

January 9, 2024 9:02 am

Just think how empowered they will feel to throw their weight around the world to push their green and gay/trans/pedophile agendas.

Germany 1933.

January 9, 2024 9:04 am

as a supporter of the idiot named Andrew Tate.

Cmon maaan.

Its “the strangely small craniumed idiot named Andrew Tate”.

The pimp.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 9, 2024 9:04 am

days after a woman lobbed eggs at his house on Christmas Day

Clearly some sort of fertilisation ritual.

January 9, 2024 9:04 am

Also, aren’t the Trans people…men?

there are plenty of grrls out there that are hamming it up as faux-blokes

January 9, 2024 9:08 am

Women in sport didn’t realise the threat that was burgeoning against them. Now that the truth is coming out, the tide is turning.

Mind you, I’d like to see some fourth rate Rugby player line up against the Maori/Islander gels team we had staying here a while back. May God have mercy on his soul. Still, they’re never going to beat the All Blacks.

On a completely different note, TheirABC ran an article this morning about ant invasions into homes. As it happens, exactly that occurred here last night. A busy line of tiny sugar ants appeared above by bed, where the wall meets the paneling.

This stupid article claimed that it was all about leaving food around, i.e. your typical grubby, unhygenic, unwashed masses. Probably don’t consume TheirABC.

Well, as someone who has lived in many houses and flats experiencing ant invasions, as usual, you are full of it.

My current one is on a wall with no access to food. There’s a big nest nearby and they are looking to expand.

I’ve had several ant invasions in areas where there was no food available,

Years ago, my olds bought a house in the Blue Mountains and after moving in discovered that there were a lot of small black ants, especially in the workshop/garage downstairs (it was a split level). They called in the pest controllers, who gassed the whole house.

Afterwards, there was a coating of ants on everything downstairs, and I’m not exaggerating that there were piles of ants the size of a football. Millions and millions of them. Billions.

I doubt that leaving a few crumbs on the benchtop had anything to do with it.

TheirABC – blaming humans for everything.

Cassie of Sydney
January 9, 2024 9:09 am

Last two election, people forget the 2022 midterms when Republicans were expected to do well and then nothing. Even a vegetable like Fetterman became a senator over a sane Republican candidate.

Most of the Trump backed candidates in 2022 fizzled because they were highly unimpressive.

January 9, 2024 9:09 am

There has often been rampant misogyny on this site,

This argument was kicked off when Burchill was quoted as not only implying Tate was representative of the men’s rights advocates but that such a movement was worthless, in very demeaning terms, questioning this led to hen pecking umbrage and gaslighting.

January 9, 2024 9:10 am

When fellas say women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, obviously it’s a short cut to what is really meant. It doesn’t apply 100%.
Unfortunately, we can’t tell who should.

It’s estimated the over half the sheilas voting Demonic in the US have issues with mental illness. In other words, stark raving lunatics who shouldn’t be anywhere near a ballot box.

Tell me this isn’t a problem.

Cassie of Sydney
January 9, 2024 9:10 am

The pimp.

Well, it appears the pimp has some supporters here.

January 9, 2024 9:11 am

I wonder if all of those losers who simped for Israel in October are going to apologise for supporting and encouraging an actual genocide.

Your dreams have come true.

Thousands of kids are dead.

Well done.

Also quintuple vaxxed.
Also says only good women are daughters.
All women are daughters.

January 9, 2024 9:12 am

Jan 9, 2024 8:24 AM
There has often been rampant misogyny on this site,

Utter bullshit.

Curb your Denialist ManPrivilege sir!

January 9, 2024 9:12 am

there are plenty of grrls out there that are hamming it up as faux-blokes

A big part of the problem IMO. The prog Sistah’s in quiet support and sympathy for their mates in the LGBTQI freakshow universe remain far too silent in condemning these trans deviants, allowing the movement to thrive and gain influence. Gain power far far beyond their number would sensibly allow.

January 9, 2024 9:12 am

Tate, is a classic weirdo brain dead misogynist, no wonder he found his natural home in islam.

January 9, 2024 9:14 am

simped for Israel

Normies should never learn these words. I can’t imagine supporting terrorists shooting kids with an automatic weapon at a dance party from a home made gyrocopter.

What did they expect Israel to do in response? Sign a peace treaty?

January 9, 2024 9:14 am

Simply an observation, calli.

January 9, 2024 9:15 am

Pill testing

got to listen to too much talk-back radio and a drug harms ‘expert’ yesterday

waffled on about reducing the potential harms from elicit drugs and yay, pill-testing

I might have suggested out loud to the radio, “how about not taking the drugs in the first place? … ya retard”

January 9, 2024 9:18 am

Creatine has brain benefits. In this experiment remarkable brain benefits in energy provision.

My daughter did her Molecular Biology and Genetics dual degree Honours year thesis at Sydney University over 20 years ago on exactly that topic. The findings for Creatine were quite astonishing and support what you have said.

January 9, 2024 9:20 am

I observe lots of stuff too, Makka. As Joh says, most goes through to the keeper, as it should.

It pays to see the humorous side of these freakishly generalised arguments.

I love this song.

January 9, 2024 9:24 am

telling joke at the expense of the fairer sex is ‘rampant misogyny’

and anybody that ever laughed at something Tate said is ‘brain dead’

squawked the women on the forum

all at once

… they’ll probably spend the rest of the day humming to themselves while day-dreaming about ponies

January 9, 2024 9:25 am

calli, playing the misogyny card here is still as piss weak now as it was when TLS tried it on. The comment wasn’t generalised.
So sorry too much, I didn’t let it go through to the keeper.

January 9, 2024 9:30 am

So sorry too much, I didn’t let it go through to the keeper.

That sounds like a very “female” response, Makka! 😀

And Matrix, I’m not given to squawking. My responses were to Figures’ amusing generalisations.

January 9, 2024 9:31 am

I’m still mooching around here while the banana cake cooks. We women are good for many…many practical things after all.

January 9, 2024 9:31 am

Jan 9, 2024 9:12 AM
Tate, is a classic weirdo brain dead misogynist, no wonder he found his natural home in islam.


One Tate and there’s 106,5321 female mental cases. The ratio is too lopsided to ignore.

In a non-feminized society who would tolerate mental cases like bug-eyes AOC, Pelosi and the rest in the female Demonic party? They would be in strait jackets and padded cells at the local mental asylum. These are examples of mentally ill women given a podium.

In an only male voting system, you’d eventually end up with small government where voting would become a non-issue. No one would care.

January 9, 2024 9:33 am

Perhaps our sarc metres need adjusting , calli.

January 9, 2024 9:35 am

I have nothing against women voting.
But the universal franchise has been a catastrophe.

If you derive most of your income from the government- no vote
If you are a net taxpayer – get a vote.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 9, 2024 9:37 am

Bruce Lehrmann fled the Sydney Cricket Ground when a pack of men spat and hurled abuse at him and his best mate, days after a woman lobbed eggs at his house on Christmas Day.

If this happened then it is a disgrace. Who are these ‘men’ and who organised them?

What do the police have to say about lobbing eggs at someone’s home?

Nothing, of course.

I don’t think much of Bruce, but I suspect he may be innocent of rape.
More to the point, he has never been found guilty of it.

January 9, 2024 9:38 am

In a non-feminized society who would tolerate mental cases like bug-eyes AOC, Pelosi and the rest in the female Demonic party?

Harris. This air headed slapper one stroke or heartbeat from the OO. How TF did she get there other than with dominant female support- because vagina?

January 9, 2024 9:40 am

Hilary Clinton got more votes than Trump did in 2016. People forget, she won the popular vote in 2016.

I think Trump won the PV and EC both times, but I’ve been assured dead people voting, typically living in communities on vacant lots, is completely normal and not fraudulent in WI, PA, etc.

To be serious for a moment I don’t believe the latino and black votes in CA either. The scrutineers could be adding +20 D in those communities.

January 9, 2024 9:41 am

Getting rid of the US Electoral College is much harder than some think as it requires an amendment to their constitution.

Just proposing it requires 2/3 of both houses of congress or a constitutional convention where 2/3 of the states approve. Then 3/4th of the states legislatures (38 states) have to pass it to actually be approved.

Historically, Congress has passed six amendments that never received ratification by the states. The most recent was to give full voting rights to the District of Columbia, which expired unratified in 1985.

There have been 27 successful amendments since 1788, the first 10 of which are the US Bill of Rights. The latest one was in May 1992 and supposedly prevents members of Congress from raising their own salaries.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 9, 2024 9:41 am

I have nothing against women voting.
But the universal franchise has been a catastrophe.

Indeed. There are stupid men as well as stupid women.

But how would you arrange things otherwise and still be democratic?
A property or taxpayers franchise existed once, but those excluded felt voiceless and argued for a franchise extension. Do we go back to there again? Tinkering with who is in and who is out is very dangerous. Imagine the left deciding only ‘educated’ people could vote, wish I’ve heard some of them push for.

January 9, 2024 9:44 am

When fellas say women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, obviously it’s a short cut to what is really meant. It doesn’t apply 100%.
Unfortunately, we can’t tell who should.

Does that apply to those who identify as male who vote Green/Labor?

Or does it only cut one way?

It’s such a stupid argument, and running it here is even more stupid.

In the sport arena, especially in individual sports, athletes (a) as an old Rugby League official friend of mine used to say, ”he’s not a Rhodes Scholar” and (b) they focus on their speciality and don’t always plug in to what is happening more broadly.

But, it is starting to percolate through. I read the other day that the Olympic Committee has tightened up the rules for alleged ‘trannie’ athletes. If they went through puberty as boys, they’re boys.

Which they are.

Your ‘women are lesser beings’ schtick is better suited to a Hamas site,

Off you f*ck then. 🙂

January 9, 2024 9:44 am

On franchise:

Perhaps this best applies in the US. Let’s apply this to the US.


Net taxpayers vote for the House of Representatives.

The States appoint their own Senators.

The President is elected by military veterans.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 9, 2024 9:45 am

Peter Dutton pushes stronger stance on hate speech

By alexi demetriadi
NSW Political Reporter
9:48PM January 8, 2024

Peter Dutton has called for tougher hate speech laws to stop anti-Semitism, saying Jewish leaders should not have to pay legal bills for taking radical hate preachers to court.

It comes after The Australian revealed how the Executive Council of Australian Jewry has said it would take legal action against Sydney clerics who called Jews “monsters”, “descendants of pigs and monkeys”, and urged people to spit on Israel so “Jews would drown”.

The Opposition leader said it was “time to take this issue seriously” and the Albanese government should cover the costs of any case pursued by the ECAJ.

“Jewish community leaders should not have to plead for help to have the law enforced when their community is under siege,” Mr Dutton said.

“(And) should not have to foot the legal bill for actions the government should be taking.”

He said his party would support the government if it chose to strengthen legislation against hate speech.

“Not only should the government be strengthening the laws – for which I offer the federal Coalition’s full support – they should be reimbursing the Jewish community for legal action against these vile and repugnant attacks,” Mr Dutton said.

The ECAJ has previously brought cases to the Australian Human Rights Commission and Federal Court under section 18C of the civil Racial Discrimination Act, which outlaws racial hatred – including insulting, offending, intimidating and humiliating.

The Australian understands that this was one possibility being considered by the ECAJ – but that all legal options remained open – and it would soon announce what specific legal path it would pursue.

In 2000, it successfully brought a case to the commission, who determined that high-profile Holocaust denialist Fredrick Töben had contravened the act by publishing material online that racially vilified Jewish people.

Holocaust survivor and former ECAJ president Nina Bassat said it was a “total failure” that a community organisation was having to be proactive amid authority inaction.

“This (legal action) should not be something a community organisation has to take up,” the 84-year-old said. “It’s a total failure of the system.”

Ms Bassat, a 30-year lawyer, said it “should have been addressed long before January”.

“It (existing legislation) is not working, there’s a failure either in its drafting or interpretation, or both,” she said.

“When hatred gets normalised, and not prosecuted, it tells people they can get away with it.”

Senator Dave Sharma, a former Australian ambassador to Israel, said it was a “fundamental role of government” to keep people safe.

“It’s a damning indictment of the state and federal government, and law enforcement, that the Jewish community is being forced to undertake private legal action to protect itself against incitement and intimidation,” he said.

Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said there was “no place” for anti-Semitism and hate speech, but also pointed to Labor’s “long record” in tackling it.

The Australian previously revealed how Mr Dreyfus could include hate speech provisions in the government’s new religious discrimination bill, which would make it illegal to ridicule someone for their faith.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 9, 2024 9:45 am

How TF did she get there other than with dominant female support
The Lizard People. Duh. Don’t let the League Of Monstrous Women blind you to the obvious facts about who really has their tentacles on the appointments to power in this world.

January 9, 2024 9:46 am

I’m not given to squawking

hmm … but have you ever done the Chicken Dance and enjoyed it?

January 9, 2024 9:51 am

Imagine the left deciding only ‘educated’ people could vote, wish I’ve heard some of them push for.

It’s hilarious that they imagine themselves to be the educated ones.

January 9, 2024 9:54 am

…which would make it illegal to ridicule someone for their faith.


One man’s ridicule is another man’s joke.

Where do we draw the line and who’s going to draw it?

January 9, 2024 9:54 am

Getting rid of the US Electoral College is much harder than some think as it requires an amendment to their constitution.

Zat, I can’t recall where I read it. I think the Federalist, sometime ago. It suggested the blue states are attempting a work-around away from the college to a popular vote system, but I can’t recall the mechanics.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 9, 2024 9:55 am

Bruce o Newk touched earlier on wind installations being scrapped. Buck Throckmorton at Ace Of Spades has more..
Includes a clip of one in Scotland which I think was the basis of Bowen’s continued floggery in a tweet which Bolt referenced yesterday.
See if you can spot the problem in the video.
And this is Bowen’s fevered wet dream for Australia.

January 9, 2024 9:59 am

Peter Dutton has called for tougher hate speech laws to stop anti-Semitism,

That’s unusual for a politician – a sentence with “antisemitism” without “and Islamophobia”.

January 9, 2024 10:01 am

One man’s ridicule is another man’s joke.

With one exception most religious groups can laugh at themselves.

January 9, 2024 10:04 am

Ask a Greens member:

Do you support public (primary and secondary) education?
Is it better than private education?
Do you support a state curriculum?
Does it work well?
Do you think only (tertiary) educated people should vote?
Does that not mean that public school education is a dismal failure?
Would that not mean supporting such a franchise scheme, whilst admitting to said failure beforehand, ought to preclude you from voting?

January 9, 2024 10:04 am

But how would you arrange things otherwise and still be democratic?

Net taxpayer as only consideration.

You could tinker a bit with single mums etc being based on splitting tax paid between ex & her etc.
But not complicated.
You pay over a certain % of tax (or voluntarily contribute) you vote.

January 9, 2024 10:07 am

You pay over a certain % of tax (or voluntarily contribute) you vote.

So we buy votes. This is not new.

January 9, 2024 10:07 am

One man’s ridicule is another man’s joke.

With one exception most religious groups can laugh at themselves.

Yes, my concern would be that the most censorious group, which is also the group our politicians fear the most, would be given the most input into any such legislation or that it would be framed to assuage their feelings over and above all others.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 9, 2024 10:07 am

Cassie of Sydney

Jan 9, 2024 8:44 AM

Johanna is right.

And what do you mean by that?

January 9, 2024 10:09 am

Does that apply to those who identify as male who vote Green/Labor?

Or does it only cut one way?

Of course it would apply. Genetic females wouldn’t be allowed to vote.

This wouldn’t eliminate loons contaminating the voting system because obviously a number of leftwing males are. We’re not talking about elimination, but just harm reduction.

January 9, 2024 10:16 am

Not to go the full Andrew “microcephaly” Tate but am i a bad person for wondering what sort of noise she makes in the bedroom?

Quite a performance.

January 9, 2024 10:16 am

Not the root anything, child abandoning, cocaine fuelled one?

What she did, in print, to Martin Amis was an atrocity. Pretty funny though.

January 9, 2024 10:17 am

My wife is really smart, known her 52 years. “Known” is a misnomer as I should be able to know what the answer is to a simple question. A yes or no involves all the variables in between. Almost impossible to go shopping with as I don’t want to see all the things she doesn’t like but nothing of what she does. She doesn’t do visual, a written description of something means more. Has no perception of danger. Thinks everyone is as nice as she is. She can’t read people which leads to people taking advantage. Maybe all these things is what still keeps me interested apart from the T&B.

January 9, 2024 10:17 am

Perhaps our sarc metres need adjusting , calli.

I was going to get an upgrade at the Boxing Day sales. Sold Out.

So I opted for a new B/S one. Still in the trial stages.

January 9, 2024 10:18 am

With one exception most religious groups can laugh at themselves.

That may be but you also forgot Scientologists and South Sydney fans.

January 9, 2024 10:22 am

So we buy votes. This is not new.

The caveat is, you derive your income from the government – no vote.

January 9, 2024 10:25 am

Looks like the lost panel/door wasnt a one off.
Somewhere in the design or manufacture there has been a stuff up.

United Airlines finds loose bolts on multiple Boeing 737 Max 9 planes
Aircraft model has been grounded after a panel blew off an Alaska Airlines-operated plane mid-flight on Saturday

The industry publication Air Current reported that United found discrepant bolts on other parts on at least five panels that were being inspected following the accident. The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Boeing declined to comment.

“Since we began preliminary inspections on Saturday, we have found instances that appear to relate to installation issues in the door plug. For example, bolts that needed additional tightening. These findings will be remedied by our Tech Ops team to safely return the aircraft to service,” United said in a statement.
Boeing shares sank 8% on Monday as the company reckons with the aftermath of the surprising panel emergency. It was the latest setback for Boeing following a series of production delays that have hampered its recovery from a lengthy 737 Max safety grounding in 2019.

January 9, 2024 10:27 am

The Lehrmann attacks. Who are the planners? So many suspects.

The Left are now comfortable in their belief that public violence is a legitimate tactic that can be implemented with impunity. They are correct.

The Government sanctioned attacks on civil society by the Jew haters has opened the flood gates.

The perpetrators well understand that Labor will never permit investigations into attacks upon the person that they spent millions to have destroyed. Labor want relentless Alinsky guided attacks on Lehrmann in order to divert attention from their corrupt perversion of justice.

The Left has happily threatened our culture by importing US style sanctioned political violence. What’s next? Aboriginal violence? Which would of course be sanctioned by the Trot as a payback against the disobedient electorate.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 9, 2024 10:28 am

With one exception most religious groups can laugh at themselves.

Yes, green-progressives are the most humourless critters on the planet.
Oh you mean that other religion.
As you were then.

(I am amused the Golden Globes last night were so desperately awful that Taylor Swift gave up and left early.

Golden Globes Fail: CBS Broadcast Slammed as ‘Unfunny,’ ‘Near-Total Disaster,’ a ‘New Low’ (8 Jan)

Some Pauline Kael-level snark in some of the reveiws. 😀 )

January 9, 2024 10:28 am

What a load of crap.
I judge Tate on his constant bilge about women on twitter.
The comment about the only good women were daughters was his, and it wasn’t intended as a ‘joke’.
It was me pointing out that all women are also daughters.
His views on Israel alone put him in the don’t bother department.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 9, 2024 10:30 am

Meanwhile in the Territory:

Alice Springs has “a suspected murderer on the loose” and police have been urged to do more to ­assure its ­Sudanese community that it would find justice for a teenager found dead at a roadside.

Just days after new Northern Territory Chief Minister Eva Lawler said crime was under control in the trouble-stricken town, Alice Springs is on edge over the lack of progress in catching the killer of Yiel Gatluak, who was found with “horrific stab wounds” on New Year’s Day.

The puzzled and frustrated community is awaiting answers from tight-lipped authorities that have left locals and the African community “incredibly concerned”.

The Melbourne-born 19-year-old’s body was found dumped on an access road to Undoolya Station in the early afternoon of New Year’s Day.

Many locals The Australian spoke to on Monday said they were struggling to understand why there was more transparency on crime interstate than there was in the Territory, with the community at heightened levels of fear after an avalanche of youth crime over the past few weeks.

Alice Springs mayor Matt Paterson called on police to give more assurances and transparency to the public and claimed the wider Alice Springs community was scared.

“I understand the police can’t put all the information forward with a continuing investigation, however I think it is imperative that information that can be shared is,” Mr Paterson said.

“At the moment the community are none the wiser with what is happening around a suspected murderer on the loose in Alice Springs.

“The community is rightfully under stress, and just want some answers.”

Ms Lawler landed in Alice Springs on Monday morning for the first time since she took over from Natasha Fyles, who was forced to resign over claims a small share ownership resulted in a conflict of interest.

Ms Lawler, who is less than three weeks into the job, opened a school holiday program ice skating rink on Monday.

Last Tuesday Ms Lawler said crime issues seen in Alice Springs last year were under control, citing higher police presence and more government agency representatives on the ground.

However, of the handful of ­locals The Australian spoke with on Monday, all disagreed.

The Chief Minister doubled down on the remarks on Monday, saying there had been a reduction in anti-social behaviour and a ­reduction in assaults.

Former Territory Labor MP and Alice Springs resident Scott McConnell said he “absolutely” believed crime was now worse in the town than the same period last year.

“Myself and the people that I am speaking to on a regular basis do not believe crime is under control in Alice; people are selling their properties, leaving their jobs ­because they believe there is no control on crime in Alice Springs,” he said.

“I believe that people are right but I respectfully disagree with the Chief Minister that crime is under control.

“There’s a growing hostility among the general members of the community … we’re talking about a fundamental breakdown in civil society, it’s very concerning.”

In the days following the death of Yiel, who was being remembered as a “good bloke full of jokes and laughs”, relatives have gathered at the site where his body was found, praying, singing, holding hands and laying flowers.

“Yiel was a wonderful and a loving son, brother, nephew, uncle, cousin and a true friend to many, who touched the lives of those around him,” Nyakuoar Gatluak wrote on a GoFundMe page set up to raise money for funeral costs.

“His heart was pure and he was always happy and kind to everyone.”


January 9, 2024 10:33 am

Thai ladyboys obviously wouldn’t get the vote.

January 9, 2024 10:33 am

So we buy votes. This is not new.

It’s literally the exact opposite.

January 9, 2024 10:33 am

I’m not going to argue with your stats JC.
Seems to me on twitter I encounter more male swivel eyed loons but then that might be because muslims don’t let their women use social media.

January 9, 2024 10:36 am

This is pretty cool. They’ve invented/discovered a new form of magnetism. Published 15/12/23…

Altermagnetism represents a new type of collinear magnetism distinct from ferromagnetism and conventional antiferromagnetism.

It will be interesting to see if this can raise the Q factor for metals, dielectrics, capacitors, diodes, etc. It might lead to the creation of new metamaterials.

January 9, 2024 10:37 am

Not biting.

The anti-women crowd here refuse to admit that both Tony Abbot and Donald Trump got significant support from women voters. The ‘having a problem with women’ trope was entirely confected by the MSM, and still is. And you ‘my dick proves I’m right’ morons continue to believe it.

Women voters, who get lumbered with caregiving of children, spouses, parents, grandparents and other relatives are not being irrational in voting for financial help. All those economic rationalists suddenly lose their rag when women do it. Get over it, and stop being selective about what and what is not rational, you big girl’s blouses!

Both here and at Sinc’s, I have had to explain the origins of the Deserted Wives Pension to dickheads who apparently believe that all men are heroic figures. Here’s the news – some of them are arseholes who left their wives and children with nothing but debts and no income.

Please put your superiority where only gay bats congregate.

January 9, 2024 10:39 am

Jan 9, 2024 10:27 AM
The Lehrmann attacks. Who are the planners? So many suspects.

It’s disgraceful. It seems organised and the Twitter trolls are only laughing because he was working for the “wrong” side of politics.

He is innocent in the eyes of the law and Higgins’ deception is quite apparent if you read the Moller memo.

January 9, 2024 10:39 am

Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said there was “no place” for anti-Semitism and hate speech, but also pointed to Labor’s “long record” in tackling it.

How long do we have to go back, then, to see Labor “tackling” antisemitism, instead of merely ticking a box in a speech or press release?

January 9, 2024 10:40 am

Yes, green-progressives are the most humourless critters on the planet.

Not a religion. It is a cult.

January 9, 2024 10:45 am

Coupla years ago I came back from my regular bike ride and found 2 gi-normous cartons at the front door .. I hadn’t ordered/bought anything but with my address (no name) .. contacted the carrier who gave me the sender’s address .. tried phoning but business no longer there so put the boxes in a spare room out of the way …. checked the markings on the side(s), on the net, and discovered I had a “new” lounge for nuttin’ ……! LOL!
Anywayz, last night watching fitba (Macarthur/Adelaide) and decided I’d had enuf of my clapped out lounge .. sooooo .. bugger it! ..
out with the old and in with the new ..

January 9, 2024 10:46 am

I’m all for equality, reading a hard copy map and parallel parking should be a necessity for finding the polling booth.

January 9, 2024 10:48 am

Jan 9, 2024 9:12 AM
Tate, is a classic weirdo brain dead misogynist, no wonder he found his natural home in islam.

Funny how like gravitates to like and that goes for the left that has just declared its allegiance to Islam with their nasty pro-Palestinian protests.

January 9, 2024 10:49 am

The anti-women crowd here refuse to admit that both Tony Abbot and Donald Trump got significant support from women voters.

I think the vote rigging in CA also suppresses the level of female support for Trump.

Women voters, who get lumbered with caregiving of children, spouses, parents, grandparents and other relatives are not being irrational in voting for financial help.

It’s a game theory problem. They are being rational at the small scale. The NDIS on the other hand is a massive waste and it is irrational. You don’t think men get saddled with this too, less so for the children?

Get over it, and stop being selective about what and what is not rational

No. I refuse to give up my gift of discernment.

Both here and at Sinc’s, I have had to explain the origins of the Deserted Wives Pension to dickheads who apparently believe that all men are heroic figures.

How common was this really?

Why is it even relevant now?

Here’s the news – some of them are arseholes who left their wives and children with nothing but debts and no income.

I’m not sure how that debt would be transferred or in what circumstances the wife could always be worse off.

I can’t see a third party being saddled with unsecured personal debt but on the other hand not being able to gain an interest in the net equity of a real property.

January 9, 2024 10:50 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Jan 9, 2024 9:37 AM
Bruce Lehrmann fled the Sydney Cricket Ground when a pack of men spat and hurled abuse at him and his best mate, days after a woman lobbed eggs at his house on Christmas Day.

If this happened then it is a disgrace. Who are these ‘men’ and who organised them?

All they had to do is say that he is a Jew and the left would have leapt into action.

John Brumble
John Brumble
January 9, 2024 10:51 am

Needs to be thoroughly investigated and those responsible named and jailed.


January 9, 2024 10:51 am

Vignette from a JP..

Signed a paper yesterday allowing investigation of phone call from chap in prison.

Genuis is in there for flogging his wife.
The call – from prison- was to his wife, who he was promising a flogging when he gets out.

A case to tax the grey matter of even Sherlock.

Winston Smith
January 9, 2024 10:55 am


Boeing shares sank 8% on Monday as the company reckons with the aftermath of the surprising panel emergency. It was the latest setback for Boeing following a series of production delays that have hampered its recovery from a lengthy 737 Max safety grounding in 2019.

.1 Bring in accountants who claim they can increase profit margins.
.2 Sack most of the engineers.
.3 Find multiple engineering blunders that cost a fortune to fix and ruin the company reputation.
.4 Hire more Lawyers to deal with being sued.
.5 Hire back the engineers to fix the problems.

Perhaps they should have stopped and reversed up at .1.

January 9, 2024 10:56 am

John H.
Jan 9, 2024 4:05 AM
Creatine’s Secret Benefit.

Creatine has brain benefits. In

Creatine is good but it gives you elevated kidney function results.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
January 9, 2024 10:59 am

Sky News has a “security expert” on – he just trashes Trump.
Nothing of value to offer.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
January 9, 2024 10:59 am

Blockade a Jewish suburb in Toronto while professing support for Hamas, & the cops will provide valet and butler services to you, lest you become hungry or thirsty.

Across town a reporter on the street points a microphone at the Deputy PM, who is walking by, and asks a question. Immediately gets kinetically arrested by cops.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 9, 2024 10:59 am

Galaxies hate women.

The Thrill Of Word-Policing (8 Jan, via Instapundit)

A galactic hug [rather than a galactic “collision”] is scientifically truthful, and it’s led me to believe that astronomers should reconsider the language we use.

Referees, editors, and editorial boards can step up to… stop the use of violent, misogynistic language that is now pervasive.

Terms deemed “needlessly vicious,” and which render Dr Madrid indignant and reaching for tissues, include cannibalism, harassment, starvation, strangulation, stripping and suffocation

The blog post is from David Thompson so read it all. I live in fear of being eaten by a misogynistic cannibal galaxy. It’s sad that astronomy is going woke. You wouldn’t think that would be possible, but it is.

January 9, 2024 11:01 am

John Brumble
Jan 9, 2024 10:51 AM

I’m calling bullshit on that. On a par with all those complaints by hijab wearing skanks that they had to endure abuse from the public. No evidence, just their lying word it happened.

Winston Smith
January 9, 2024 11:04 am

Jan 9, 2024 10:45 AM
I bought one of those about two months ago for $2k only it’s in a lighter grey.
Yours sounds cheaper.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
January 9, 2024 11:05 am

Yep, they got away with it last time and they’ll do it all again. Plus they wokeyfied the military, who under normal circumstances would be a source of common sense and er, muscle?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 9, 2024 11:07 am

I’m calling bullshit on that. On a par with all those complaints by hijab wearing skanks that they had to endure abuse from the public. No evidence, just their lying word it happened.

With you on that one.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 9, 2024 11:08 am

No evidence, just their lying word it happened.

Jussie Smollett?

January 9, 2024 11:09 am

I’m calling bullshit on that. On a par with all those complaints by hijab wearing skanks that they had to endure abuse from the public. No evidence, just their lying word it happened.

My BS detector is certainly pinging.

ABC RN this morning used the story this morning to give Nasser Mashni of the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network a platform.

January 9, 2024 11:09 am

They both decided to leave the flags and sign up.

“My partner and I are committed in our support for Palestine,” he said.

Stunning and bwave.

Now try wearing an Israeli flag in Lakemba, just to test how bwave you really are, Mr Botany. Or, you might bwavely dwive your ute through Dover Heights, chanting “Death to Jews”. Or bale up some school kiddies at Queen’s Park, which is probably more your style.

He did it himself. Or one of his sympathising mates. By the look of him, he’s sure to have a Bunnings account. Now that would be worth checking.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 11:15 am

Interesting move by Plibbers, now the whale’s friend.

January 9, 2024 11:16 am

Good paper about the 930-940 Icelandic volcanic eruption which nearly did humanity in.

Alarmism is so stupid. If you were really worried about threats to life on this rock you would be studying volcanoes and have satellites in orbit with LASERs to destroy asteroids heading our way.

We are led by morons.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 11:19 am

cohenite at 11:01 – from the ALPBC’s barbecued refugee correspondent.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 9, 2024 11:22 am


Albo Sleaze finally found out where South East Qld is.

Then realises that there is a far North Qld.

Now he’s realised there is country Victoria.. Boy Qld child now speaking.

Sleazy tells us that the science knows about weather. FMD!

No wonder we drink.

January 9, 2024 11:23 am

Been off the grid for a day (i.e. the internet) and I see 2 sporting legends (and heroes of mine) from the 60s and 70s have passed on.

JPR Williams – magnificent Welsh and British Lions rugby union full back.

Franz Beckenbauer (Der Kaiser) – imperious football sweeper and one of only 3 men who have won the World Cup as a player and as a coach.

RIP to them both.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 9, 2024 11:28 am

Plus they wokeyfied the military, who under normal circumstances would be a source of common sense and er, muscle?

Yep, that’s to prevent a Pinochet style coup overthrowing the Dem one-party state regime. Obama went hard at this and Biden’s guys have been doing likewise despite rearguard action from Sen. Tuberville.

Erdogan did the same thing in Turkey, to protect his islamist takeover from the Kemalists in the military. In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood didn’t have time to stack the military and were thus booted by Al-Sisi as head of the army.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 9, 2024 11:28 am

Fatty Watt now telling us how good the BoM is with forecasting.

Suggesting climate change makes it hard to predict weather.

FMD! I’m heading to the fridge.

January 9, 2024 11:28 am

Sleazy tells us that the science knows about weather.

If only the BOM did.

January 9, 2024 11:29 am

Fatty Watt now telling us how good the BoM is with forecasting.

Suggesting climate change makes it hard to predict weather.

Now, wouldn’t that be preempting the review into BOM he’s just ordered?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 9, 2024 11:30 am

And now grinning Chalmers is spruiking.

Albo Sleaze has seen the polls and is dragging everyone in to help him.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
January 9, 2024 11:30 am

I don’t believe for a second that Hillary genuinely won the popular vote in 2016 – they just underestimated how much popular support there was for Trump and the margin of cheating required to prevail. They then pulled out all stops for Biden / Obama’s third term, which Hilary is still dirty about.

January 9, 2024 11:32 am

Peter Dutton has called for tougher hate speech laws to stop anti-Semitism, saying Jewish leaders should not have to pay legal bills for taking radical hate preachers to court.

Just great, arsehole politicians wanting to bring in more laws to fix the problems they created – and inviting Labor to strengthen hate speech laws, what could possibly go wrong. How about you and your fellow prior immigration ministers fund the Jewish leaders’ legal bills as it is chiefly you who have created this problem in Australia.

January 9, 2024 11:33 am

John Brumble
Jan 9, 2024 10:51 AM

“Theo was taking his rabbits outside when he discovered an item attached to the bonnet of his ute”

As one does.

January 9, 2024 11:33 am

Also, that warning was done by an illiterate dumpster dumbo. Had it been and actual enemy of “Palestine”, it would have been scribed on a tidy piece of white corflute in flowing Italics.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 9, 2024 11:34 am

Our esteemed Premier Jussie Allan on the ABC trying to explain the how Plibbers scuttled the great offshore wind swindle.
It’s just possible that the whole renewable transmission is a desperate rushed job that lacks any prudent planning oversight. The absence of cost/benefit analysis is a given in Victoria.
Victoria – The State of Disarray.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 9, 2024 11:36 am

It’s so obvious. The spruiking in Qld.

They know they are farked in Qld but still having a last ditch effort.

Failing miserably.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 11:36 am

Albo Sleaze has seen the polls and is dragging everyone in to help him.

Circling the wagons.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 11:38 am

That “bomb” looks like something from the Palliwood props department.

January 9, 2024 11:38 am

Jan 8, 2024 7:49 PM

I dont mean to give the impression I approve of the virtual girlfriend bit, they will be a enormous catastrophe and emotionally stunt millions.

The only blokes who want a virtual girlfriend will have to be emotionally stunted to start with.

We all start life emotionally stunted, until we meet reality and grow up.

January 9, 2024 11:40 am

The NSW government, spending our money wisely.

164k + super and leave loading for laying in the cut.

Senior Team Leader Koala Science
Department of Planning, Housing and Industry
Sydney NSW
Environmental, Earth & Geosciences (Science & Technology)
Government – State (Government & Defence)
$153,138 – $164,031 + super and leave loading

The Koala Science program is a high priority, high profile and complex program of works nested under the broader NSW Koala Strategy. Koala science priorities are to design and drive the strategic delivery of projects for koalas for DCCEEW. Key priorities for the Koala Science team include leading the establishment of a baseline of distribution and abundance of Koalas across NSW; establishment of effective koala population monitoring programs in an adaptive management framework; and review and delivery of the Koala Research Plan.

The successful applicate will be responsible for continual improvement of the Koala Science program to archive best practices, plans and policies. They will liaise with other Teams within DCCEEW and other Government Agencies…


It’s pretty funny because River Red Gums went from numbering in their billions and being commercially logged to being critically endangered by the stroke of a pen.

If these numpties aren’t surveying the Barrington Tops and forests between Kyogle and the QLD border, they’re making it up as they go along.

January 9, 2024 11:41 am

Immediately gets kinetically arrested by cops.

watching the baldy inform the fella with the hat, whom baldy DID crash into, that “I am a Police Officer”, deserves the rejoinder, “you’re a Canadian copper, that doesn’t count for sh*t.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 9, 2024 11:42 am

One for BB.

‘He’s a fake’: Details emerge of late Indigenous scholar’s heritage (Sky News, 8 Jan)

Dark Emu Exposed’s Roger Karge reveals the details he has uncovered about the heritage of the late Indigenous academic Professor Eric Willmot.

“So the family gave me some information, I got our genealogists to work on it, and he’s got quite a simple family tree but all their ancestors come from England, Scotland, Ireland and one from Germany – there’s no Aboriginality at all.

“He’s a fake basically.”

Nothing like enormous honeypots full of money for attracting all sorts of interesting critters.

January 9, 2024 11:44 am


I suppose that’s grammatically correct, but AI?

What about a political candidant?

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 9, 2024 11:47 am

thefrollickingmole Avatar
Jan 9, 2024 10:04 AM
But how would you arrange things otherwise and still be democratic?

Net taxpayer as only consideration.

You could tinker a bit with single mums etc being based on splitting tax paid between ex & her etc.
But not complicated.
You pay over a certain % of tax (or voluntarily contribute) you vote.

ADF members don’t get a vote?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 9, 2024 11:48 am

Jan 9, 2024 11:23 AM

Very well said WolfmanOz.

100 Up Thumbs.

January 9, 2024 11:50 am

There is serious money to be made in de-installing windmills and disposing of all the toxic bits. Doing it offshore .would be a challenge.

What do you do with all those blades?

January 9, 2024 11:51 am

I’d propose that veterans vote for the executive and unambiguously retired military get to vote for the House.

January 9, 2024 11:52 am

What do you do with all those blades?

Sink the stupid things and make fish shelters.

January 9, 2024 11:52 am

ADF members don’t get a vote?

On first glance, no.
If you are government funded you dont get to vote for MOAR GOVERNMENT!!!

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 9, 2024 11:52 am

Jan 9, 2024 10:27 AM
The Lehrmann attacks. Who are the planners? So many suspects.

The Left are now comfortable in their belief that public violence is a legitimate tactic that can be implemented with impunity. They are correct.

Not quite. Only leftards get a free pass on public violence. Anyone else gets a ton of bricks dropped on them.

See BLM vs the (hardly violent at all) 6 January protestors.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 11:56 am

Net taxpayer as only consideration.

Well, that’s probably me out. Certainly post FY 1990.

Winston Smith
January 9, 2024 11:59 am


Jan 9, 2024 9:29 AM
I am not Franx whoever that is.

Nor is your wife.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 12:09 pm

On first glance, no.
If you are government funded you dont get to vote for MOAR GOVERNMENT!!!

Yep. See Victoriastan and US Democratic counties and cities for why.

Winston Smith
January 9, 2024 12:09 pm

Always right:

There is serious money to be made in de-installing windmills and disposing of all the toxic bits. Doing it offshore .would be a challenge.

What do you do with all those blades?

Drop them in the water and call them GBR Wave Breaks. Then charge the government for saving the Little Reef That Could.
Make a motza, you will.

January 9, 2024 12:09 pm

I’m calling bullshit on that.


January 9, 2024 12:13 pm

In infinitely sad news I’m not flying out tonight.
Done some nerve damage to right hand/wrist.
Ridiculously painful last night so I rang emirates and rebooked for two weeks hence.
No problem and only $224 oop
Three out of five apartments were a painless reshuffle.
Two I’ve taken little hits on as not available on my new dates.
All in all not so bad assuming hand continues to get back to normal quickly.
I should change my return date too fingers crossed it will just be a rebooking fee.

January 9, 2024 12:14 pm

Good luck with the ending universal suffrage guys.
I’m all in for a benevolent dictatorship myself.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 9, 2024 12:15 pm

Nothing like enormous honeypots full of money for attracting all sorts of interesting critters.

Bolt made a very good point – all those exposed as fakes, are still sucking on the Government teat. Bruce Pascoe, for instance.

January 9, 2024 12:16 pm

Jan 9, 2024 11:52 AM
What do you do with all those blades?

Sink the stupid things and make fish shelters.

That’s probably not such a bad idea as there is no way to recycle carbon fibre blades and the alternative is dumping them whole, not cutting them up because that apparantly creates yet more sharp edged bits to endanger everything basically.

Yet another Green product with a relatively short life, being kicked down the road as far as disposal goes. Marianas Trench?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 9, 2024 12:16 pm

Murray Watts.
Nickname – “20 Watts”

January 9, 2024 12:17 pm

Ending compulsory voting is the low hanging fruit.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 9, 2024 12:19 pm

The great JPR Williams played in an era when most of the Welsh national side were names Williams or Jones – or so it seemed to this impressionable schoolboy.
Only 74 when he died.

Wolfman’s post led to some reminiscing, including reading this with hairs on the back of my neck standing up:

Cliff Morgan’s commentary of the opening try (BaaBaas v NZ 1973) is considered to be among the best ever.

“Kirkpatrick to Williams. This is great stuff. Phil Bennett covering. Chased by Alistair Scown. Brilliant! Oh, that’s brilliant! John Williams, Bryan Williams. Pullin. John Dawes, great dummy. To David, Tom David, the half-way line! Brilliant by Quinnell! This is Gareth Edwards! A dramatic start! What a score! Oh, that fellow Edwards! […] If the greatest writer of the written word would have written that story, no one would have believed it. That really was something.”

The You-Tube video of the try is just as terrific.

January 9, 2024 12:19 pm
January 9, 2024 12:20 pm

I don’t want to start a grammar war but I hate it when people use the term “orientated.” I’ve always preferred the term “oriented” as the former seems redundant.

A Bishop in Venetia told me the term comes from “having everything in order” in facing Christ. That is, facing the orient (a reason most Churches, early ones anyway, faced East).

In that context, “oriented” seems more appropriate? No?

January 9, 2024 12:21 pm
January 9, 2024 12:21 pm

In todays edition of “Answers you never wanted to questions you never asked”…

Can people not unacquainted with the taste of penii be simps?

Yes, oh yes.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 9, 2024 12:22 pm

Thank you for the reminder of what a backward, primitive religion this is, and why it has no place in a civilized society.

January 9, 2024 12:24 pm

It’s Devon Tracey
Attention world, these are the people who committed mass shootings in America during the year 2023. I’ve made a thread showcasing each month.

Use this information as you see fit. Do not blame the messenger, I didn’t kill anyone, these people did.


H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 12:30 pm

Good luck with the ending universal suffrage guys.

It’s not at the top of my list.

January 9, 2024 12:31 pm

We have a great many issues today that herald major global upheaval. As conflict zones are dominating headlines, the disturbing ascendancy of bureaucratic structures during Covid has faded into the background. We should be aware that the proposal of WHO to get global agreement for its control of health mandates is to be consummated in May this year. This is an historically significant moment for all democratic nations.

Bret Weinstein, the evolutionary biologist and one of the first to signal safety issues in relation to the mRNA vaccines, believes that this is a seminal moment for the integrity of future medical and scientific research. He reflects upon this and the way that the pharmaceutical giants ran the Covid debacle at the behest of ignorant and frightened governments.

He explores all of these issues in an extraordinary interview with Tucker Carlson. The transcript is below – I think it is more illuminating than the interview, since the “devil is in the detail” in comprehending the importance of what is outlined by Weinstein.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 9, 2024 12:32 pm

Jan 9, 2024 12:14 PM
Good luck with the ending universal suffrage guys.
I’m all in for a benevolent dictatorship myself.

With all humility, I hereby offer my services … for a term of three years.

January 9, 2024 12:32 pm

Old School Conservative
Jan 9, 2024 12:19 PM
The great JPR Williams played in an era when most of the Welsh national side were names Williams or Jones – or so it seemed to this impressionable schoolboy.
Only 74 when he died.

Wolfman’s post led to some reminiscing, including reading this with hairs on the back of my neck standing up:

Cliff Morgan’s commentary of the opening try (BaaBaas v NZ 1973) is considered to be among the best ever.

“Kirkpatrick to Williams. This is great stuff. Phil Bennett covering. Chased by Alistair Scown. Brilliant! Oh, that’s brilliant! John Williams, Bryan Williams. Pullin. John Dawes, great dummy. To David, Tom David, the half-way line! Brilliant by Quinnell! This is Gareth Edwards! A dramatic start! What a score! Oh, that fellow Edwards! […] If the greatest writer of the written word would have written that story, no one would have believed it. That really was something.”

The You-Tube video of the try is just as terrific.

That Try is probably my all-time favourite sporting moment and soccer if my first love.

I remember watching it live on TV back in january 1973 as the family wa die to emigrate to NZ in a few months time.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 9, 2024 12:33 pm


Jan 9, 2024 10:25 AM

Looks like the lost panel/door wasnt a one off.
Somewhere in the design or manufacture there has been a stuff up.

United Airlines finds loose bolts on multiple Boeing 737 Max 9 planes

Loose bolts you say?
Someone raised that possibly here last night and was criticised by God Oracle, who had nothing alternative to offer up.
Aeroplanes are a little more complex than aircon I guess.
It is hard to know exactly what happened, because they aren’t saying if it was a panel replacing the door (which should be fixed to the airframe all round the perimeter) or an installed door which was covered on the interior with the mechanism locked and disabled.
I assumed it was a panel.
If it was the full door, it has hinges at the bottom and I imagine this hinge has some sort of cam mechanism to slide the stop fittings on the door up behind the stop pads on the fuselage frame as the door reaches fully closed position.
Either way, it appears that someone has a few extra parts in their bin back at the assembly plant.
Interesting that, overnight, Boeing cancelled some big management conference and called a company wide safety briefing. Not the actions of people who think they can pin this on a dusky pilot or a maintenance mechanic.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 9, 2024 12:35 pm

Ending compulsory voting is the low hanging fruit.

Compulsory preferential voting would be a start. Although hard to see that ever losing bipartisan support anytime soon at a Cth level. Not with primary votes for the majors hovering around the mid 30s.

January 9, 2024 12:35 pm

Some may recall the Aussie Cossack guy who became well known during Sydney lockdowns. Mildly amusing at first.

He has now been holed up in the Russian Consulate for over a year since he sought asylum after a minor assault on a pro Ukraine supporter. He is wanted for the assault.

Despite being a full on propagandist for Russia he was given his own show on TNT Radio. Much to my surprise people like Craig Kelly, Ross Cameron, Avi and Rushkan appeared on his show. They must have thought he was still the anti Vax campaigner they knew from the early days. He became very anti Israel and the few times I saw him everything he said was to benefit interests of Russia. He particularly took shots at Avi.

Finally TNT Radio have woken up as he and his show are no longer showing on their web page. For me it was a serious credibility issue having him feature so prominently on their station.

Hopefully he will fade into oblivion and people like Craig Kelly etc stay away from having anything to do with him.

January 9, 2024 12:35 pm

infinitely sad news I’m not flying out tonight.
Done some nerve damage to right hand/wrist.

Damn bad luck, rosie. Hope it can be fixed up sufficiently to resume your plans.

January 9, 2024 12:39 pm

9 minute highlights from the greatest rugby union game played – 1973 Barbarians vs All Blacks.

January 9, 2024 12:41 pm

Just great, arsehole politicians wanting to bring in more laws to fix the problems they created – and inviting Labor to strengthen hate speech laws, what could possibly go wrong. How about you and your fellow prior immigration ministers fund the Jewish leaders’ legal bills as it is chiefly you who have created this problem in Australia.

Good point, Anders. Past conservative leaders should not get a free pass on this one.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
January 9, 2024 12:42 pm

Useless information day….pop. of USA 330mill….number of cars 280 mill….80% of pop. has a car. pop. of China 1.4 bill…number of cars 312 mill….25% of pop. has a car. If the number of car owners goes to 80% in China they will have 1.12 bill. cars on there roads.
All numbers are rounded.

January 9, 2024 12:44 pm

This Baba “fella” seems dumber than Monty.

(If that’s possible)

January 9, 2024 12:49 pm

The US strategic nuclear arsenal is apparently in MUCH worse shape than we were falsely told Russia’s was.

The Russian nuclear arsenal was and is in bad shape, as the US apparently is too.

January 9, 2024 12:49 pm

That’s to smuggle children for their disgusting rituals.

In the comments to your link Dover

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
January 9, 2024 12:53 pm

New fast train from Jakarta to Bandung..350klm a hour. This track is planned to continue on to Surabuya on the east coast of Java.

January 9, 2024 12:55 pm

Department of Planning, Housing and Industry

Which area of “Housing” does this cover? .. all my official “houso” mail comes from NSW Communities & Justice …….

January 9, 2024 12:56 pm

I’m not sure a Lubavitch shenanigan over a tunnel connecting two shuls in Brooklyn is particularly noteworthy.
Is there supposed to be some parallel with hamas terror tunnels?

770 Bochurim Breach Wall to Prevent Tunnel Closure

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 9, 2024 12:56 pm

Jan 9, 2024 12:14 PM
Good luck with the ending universal suffrage guys.
I’m all in for a benevolent dictatorship myself.

Some of the other proposals are never going to happen either. For example, re military veterans/ retired military and the senate, net taxpayers only (which would exclude most military) and an “education” level, which would be open to the wildest manipulation by leftards.

Stick with universal suffrage, try to minimise the inpacts of the dubious voters.

The two options that, while retaining universal suffrage, might ameliorate the worst of its undesirable effects, would be non-compulsory voting and optional preferential voting. Push for those, not for some imagined nirvana that will never get up.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 9, 2024 12:58 pm

Dot at 1217


January 9, 2024 12:58 pm

This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything.

I recognise that; its from when Martin Luther King bombed the Alamo, right?”

MLK couldn’t have bombed the Alamo, he was behind a grassy knoll at the time – are you some sort of conspiracy theorist or something?

January 9, 2024 12:58 pm

Thanks Vicki
Getting better by the minute.

January 9, 2024 1:02 pm

Here’s a great update on the Nevada Judge Mary Kay Holthus.
The Judge that was attacked last week by a three time loser. Great photos and the video clip is worth watching. He was presented to the court in very different apparel to what he wore last week. Lol

John H.
John H.
January 9, 2024 1:02 pm

Or maybe phucktards, just ban drugs. If you need to take anything to heighten the excitement of listening to some electro music, then you must lead a rather ordinary life.

Illegal drugs are now cheaper and more accessible than 20 years ago. Ordinary life or not drugs can enhance certain experiences. There is no easy solution to this problem. People get drunk and become violent, people take drugs and do stupid things. Most people are sensible. How much must we ban to protect the sensible people from the morons?

January 9, 2024 1:02 pm

You Tube (I don’t know why) keeps on pushing me to watch a video essay about how Falling Down is propaganda against becoming “too” dissatisfied with society.

I’ve never considered that. It was hugboxing and tone policing us all along?

January 9, 2024 1:03 pm

What do you do with all those blades?

Sink the stupid things and make fish shelters.

I think I know where to shove them.

The number of r-soles in CBR exceeds the number of windmills.

January 9, 2024 1:06 pm

I’ve always thought voting should not be compulsory and should be held on a week day, not a weekend.

January 9, 2024 1:08 pm

Illegal drugs are now cheaper and more accessible than 20 years ago. Ordinary life or not drugs can enhance certain experiences.

I want to know if those who OD’d took copious amounts of MDMA – as in three to four times the normal amount of pills.

I mean, if you go suddenly from getting blotto on half a bottle of gin (11+ standard drinks) to downing two in a night (44+ standard drinks) you’re going to have a bad time. You will likely die without medical attention.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 9, 2024 1:09 pm

On the subject of Islamophobia, a phobia is an irrational fear.

It seems to me that the main sufferers of Islamophobia (irrational fear of Islam and Muslims) in Australia are politicians (particularly leftists), police, bureaucrats, academics and the media.

Most other Australians have an entirely rational concern about the actions of far too many Muslims in Australia. That is NOT Islamophobia.

January 9, 2024 1:10 pm

I despise preferential voting.

Having it compulsory is just rubbing salt into the wounds.

January 9, 2024 1:11 pm

Jane Caro beclowns herself

Jane Caro
Here they are again with their dystopian propaganda. They spout ‘patriotism’ but I’ve never seen anything less Aussie in my life. Bullshit metres will be ringing incessantly. (I bet they’d spell it meter)

January 9, 2024 1:13 pm

The niceties are observed. The women are buried up to their waist after being stoned to death so their modesty is preserved.

January 9, 2024 1:13 pm

It’s so obvious. The spruiking in Qld.

They know they are farked in Qld but still having a last ditch effort.

I trust the Albotross packed his Akubra.

Because nothing says “man of the people” like a $300+ hat.

January 9, 2024 1:14 pm

The Soviets and Russians had well publicised false alarms from their EW radar systems in 1983 and 1998.

Papering over these near catastrophic disasters that fortunately did not eventuate is Kremlin copium.

January 9, 2024 1:14 pm

Someone raised that possibly here last night and was criticised by God Oracle

you do realize what a retard you sound like don’t you?

January 9, 2024 1:16 pm

Illegal drugs are now cheaper and more accessible than 20 years ago. Ordinary life or not drugs can enhance certain experiences.

I’ve no idea how much “pills” cost but with beer at upwards of $10 a schooner ( and you don’t get drunk on one .. LOL) maybe doing dope is a sight cheaper for getting high ………..!

January 9, 2024 1:16 pm

What’s dystopian about their messaging? I think kero has sniffed too much of her own supply here.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x