Open Thread – Weekend 13 Jan 2024

Harvest, Ivan Shishkin, late 19th C

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Mark Bolton
January 14, 2024 1:38 am

Jan 14, 2024 1:33 AM

Beautiful Music can help stitch Us back together ?

Mark Bolton
January 14, 2024 1:53 am

Jan 14, 2024 1:33 AM

I am going so mental and angry about what got done to Gonzalo Lira .. That slice of music helped me back it off a bit … much thanks…

January 14, 2024 1:55 am

@ salvatore, yoo bourketown?

January 14, 2024 2:44 am

I have to agree with Lizzy, Bolter is not Bird, not nearly bright enough, just a poor sad-sack, looking for something even he doesn’t know what.

January 14, 2024 4:01 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 6:07 am

Thank you Tom – loved the spirit level earrings

January 14, 2024 6:10 am


Today’s Sunday Tele:


14 Jan 2024

A forensic breakthrough has helped a family lay to rest a World War I veteran nearly a century after he disappeared.

On Christmas Day in 2017, a human skull was discovered by a snorkeller at a remote beach on Victoria’s south coast.

Below the water, police soon found an almost intact skeleton. But despite a coronial inquest, the remains, which came to be dubbed the “Sandy Point skeleton”, were unable to be identified – other than they belonged to a caucasian male aged between 21 and 37.

This year, the inquest was reopened after the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine’s Dr Dadna Hartman, sought to use a “new and emerging forensic tool”.

Dr Hartman’s team was able to extract DNA from the remains, which was then sent to a Texas laboratory which produced a DNA profile matched to Kathryn Hogan.

From there the skeleton was identified as Ms Hogan’s great uncle, Christopher Luke Moore, who vanished while swimming with his brother 95 years ago, aged 29.

A 1929 coronial inquest found the Great War veteran had drowned shortly after 5pm on December 30, 1928, in rough conditions.

On another note:

But despite a coronial inquest, the remains, which came to be dubbed the “Sandy Point skeleton”, were unable to be identified – other than they belonged to a caucasian male aged between 21 and 37.

Gender is male or female.
Facts do not care about your feelings.
Good old hard science and biology.

January 14, 2024 6:25 am

Some good ones in ‘Week In Pictures’ Tom.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 6:30 am


Neither the MSM, nor the “historians”, can admit that Pius XII saved many Jews without acknowledging that they were taken in by Soviet propaganda, and continued to believe it long after the Soviet Union was gone.

Pride will not allow them to admit to being taken in so effectively. They will continue to ignore recent evidence, change will come only after the deaths of most of the prominent ones.

It’s begun — John Pilger went a couple of weeks ago — that’s a start

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 6:33 am

Cassie of Sydney
Jan 13, 2024 8:02 PM

. Cassie you are such a sweetie, thank you I really appreciate the compliment

January 14, 2024 6:51 am

Today’s Sunday Telle:


14 Jan 2024

I don’t buy my politics or opinions at Woolworths, or Aldi for that matter.

Given that the bulk of the Australia Day products they are now refusing to sell would have been made in China, probably by forced or even slave labour, why would I trust these retailers to sell anything that might add value to the lives of Australians?

Yet the woke who continually bleat their concerns about some ethnic minorities, including all Aboriginal Australians, are prepared to endorse the anti-Australian virtue-signalling propaganda pushed by Woolworths and Aldi.

Woolworths has a lot of form in this area as it, like most of the major law firms, insurance companies, almost all universities and the bulk of the media organisations, are suckers for anything that smacks of feel-good wokeist nonsense, ranging from human-induced climate change to the failed Yes case in the now sunken Albanese referendum.

The issues that most Australians are concerned about are not those which the big grocers get their knickers knotted over.

Ask anyone searching for products in any aisle and they’ll tell you that the cost of living is their biggest worry and that this anxiety is not being addressed by the supermarkets, let alone the federal Government, which is still to deliver on its $275 electricity price cut, among other election promises.

Australia Day marks a lot more than the end of the long summer holiday for schoolchildren and many workers.

For most Australians, it is a special day on which, in the company of family or friends – and particularly new immigrants – a collective thanks is given for the privilege of living in one of the oldest liberal democracies on earth and for the freedoms that are the legacy of the British settlement.

There’s little wonder that this island continent is a magnet for people from everywhere else.

The queues for Islamic, Buddhist or Hindu countries are non-existent.

Yet there exists a handful of activists who persist in viewing January 26 as a black day for those who, prior to 1788, were living a Palaeolithic tribal existence.

The fantasy that pre-European Aboriginal life was an idyllic pastorale relies on a most extraordinary and increasingly elaborate interpretationof history, including by the author Bruce Pascoe, who identifies as Aboriginal although studies of his genealogical record reveal no Aboriginal antecedents.

For his extremely creative work in providing an alternate history to the records of Aboriginal life from the time of first contact, Pascoe has been awarded a position at Melbourne University and numerous contracts for books and programs by the principal woke propagandist, the ABC.

While Aboriginal inhabitants lived Stone Age lives, Pascoe and the revisionists now claim that they were the inventors of parliamentary democracy, as well as aeronautical and navigational arts.

Talking up these fantasies may make some who have self-marginalised themselves from the mainstream feel better about themselves, but they are inaccurate.

Australia Day, according to the woke, should really be called Invasion Day but Salvation Day or Enlightenment Day would be more accurate descriptions of the arrival of Western culture on the continent named Australia by the great navigator and chart maker Matthew Flinders.

The year 2024, coincidentally, marks the 250th anniversary of Flinders’ birth, and will be celebrated by those who sail the seas around Australia and Tasmania, which Flinders and his friend, the British naval surgeon George Bass, first identified as an island.

Aboriginals weren’t versed in offshore navigation, as they had no seagoing craft capable of going more than a few hundred metres from a beach, unless it was in very sheltered waters.

This is not to dismiss the skills needed to exist as hunter-gatherers and certainly not to ignore the extensive identification of native toxic plants that was developed during the thousands of years of pre-settlement existence.

But other claims made for them, including their care for the environment, are palpably false or at best debatable.

Pandering to activists like the ranting Senator Lidia Thorpe and her trade union allies, including Voice advocate Thomas Mayo, by ignoring the benefits of Western civilisation and traducing Australia Day is a slur on the millions who have made homes and lives for their families here, many with Aboriginals, since Captain Arthur Philip hoisted the Union flag at Farm Cove.

Roll on Australia Day, celebrate this great country, the opportunities it has provided and will continue to offer to those who seek a bright future and not a bleak one.

January 14, 2024 7:16 am

Today’s Sunday Tele:

Credlin: Make a resolution to keep political leaders to account

Your personal new year’s resolutions need to be matched by those we make to keep our country strong and to hold our political leaders to account, writes Peta Credlin.

14 Jan 2024

The new year is often time for a personal stocktake – if you’re like me, the wardrobe gets a clean-out and the pantry too. But often it’s a much deeper, more thoughtful stocktake about where we are headed and are we living the life we hoped.

And that’s also a useful habit for a country, especially one like Australia, which is still the best place in the world to live, but won’t remain that way if we keep talking ourselves down and squandering our country’s natural blessings.

But before getting into some new year’s resolutions for Australia, here’s some of the significant economic, cultural and security developments that you might have missed over the holiday period.

In Victoria (where else?), there’s now a new tax on empty houses (the holiday home tax). It’s supposed to free up housing stock, but is really just an expression of green Labor’s inexorable need for more revenue due to their debt addiction, as well as dislike of aspiration. There’s also a ban on any new home in the state getting a gas connection for the oven or for heating.

There was the announced closure of Western Australia’s Kwinana alumina refinery, because of high energy prices, meaning another step towards the deindustrialisation of Australia.

On the Indigenous front, the Albanese government said it was considering legislating local and regional Aboriginal Voices, notwithstanding the resounding popular vote against Indigenous separatism.

Ahead of our national day on January 26, 81 councils are now refusing to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day, in another manifestation of the hard Left’s embarrassment about our history.

And while pro-Hamas and often anti-Semitic demonstrations are continuing in our large cities, the government ostentatiously refused to provide a frigate to protect commercial shipping in the Red Sea. This is the first time in four decades that an Australian government has refused a US request for military support, even though we need the Americans more than ever if we are to get the nuclear submarines that an effective military deterrence now requires, and despite the fact many other nations have stepped up to protect this key shipping route that feeds our supply chain.

Over the summer break, Labor hard heads clearly showed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese polling that his post-Voice brand was in trouble, evidenced by his attempt at a new year’s reset. But it fell flat because everyone was still on holidays, he had nothing much to say and then he blew it by heading back to sit in the stand at the Test cricket rather than get to work on real issues such as the biting cost of living. With the Australian Open tennis starting on Sunday, expect more of the same.

A country needs to be economically strong, culturally cohesive, and militarily secure if it is to flourish. And all of these need a lot of serious effort if the Australia of the future is to be as successful as the Australia of the recent past.

With power prices, grocery bills and housing costs all surging, everyone’s focus is rightly on cost of living. But instead of Band-Aid measures that merely mask the problems, like selective subsidies for household electricity bills, what’s needed is an end to the government policies that are driving up the cost of everyday life.

Such as reconsidering the legislated move to 82 per cent renewable energy in just seven years, up from scarcely 30 per cent now, which is going to require huge investment in more weather-dependent electricity, more rare-earth-hungry batteries to try to keep the lights on when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining, and new powerlines to make a decentralised grid work.

Such as ending the reluctance of governments (and activist courts) to permit the new gas and coal developments needed if we are to sustain the export income on which our prosperity depends (because other countries, whatever they might claim at climate conferences, don’t really share our emissions obsession).

Such as revisiting the union-driven assault on businesses’ right to run their own workforce that is the key to the higher productivity we need to stay a First World economy.

And such as cutting record immigration, which is putting downward pressure on wages, upward pressure on housing costs and big pressure on infrastructure, because governments have subcontracted out our immigration intake to universities hungry for fee-paying foreign students and to businesses that are too lazy to train their own workers or too greedy to pay them an Australian wage.

So, our first new year resolution should be to elect governments (and councils!) that understand that their job is to serve the people and not special interests.

Then there’s the sustained assault on pride in our country that nothing in our past or present justifies. Immigrant nations such as ours succeed if people are encouraged to join Team Australia. If not, many newcomers tend to stay in their ethnic “tribes” and that spells trouble.

We can’t let the Left turn patriotism into a dirty word. Resolve among your friends and family to do something this Australia Day that pushes back on those who hate our country. Fly our national flag high and be proud of a country that is the envy of the world.

Finally, given the world is becoming a much more dangerous place, with Russia’s dictator thinking the US has lost interest in helping Ukraine, Iran’s proxies threatening to enter the war against Israel, and China’s increasing belligerence against Taiwan, we need a collective resolution that freedom is worth defending and our country can’t shirk its duty to help fellow democracies.

All those personal new year’s resolutions need to be matched by those we make to keep our country strong and to hold our political leaders to account.

January 14, 2024 7:24 am

Peta Credlin cont’d/:


The problem with so many so-called “expert” individuals and institutions is that any real expertise they have is often tainted by politics. Take the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). Once, people trusted that the BOM was doing its best, partly because it admitted that weather forecasting was inherently uncertain given all the variables.

But these days, the BOM that can’t get its forecasts right for next week, or this current summer, is also the same BOM that shrieks alarmism about climate change decades and decades down the track.

Last September, the BOM confidently predicted that “the long-range forecast indicates warmer and drier than average conditions are likely across most of southern and eastern Australia from October to December”.

With near record floods in Victoria and southern Queensland, and good rains nearly everywhere else, so much for the bureau’s “expertise”. The problem is that many farmers, fearing a lack of feed, sold their stock for rock-bottom prices on the strength of this advice.

Others were on their harvesters around-the-clock to beat the coming rain that they had been told not to expect.

The BOM knows its work will only get favourable notice if it panders to political correctness. Hence its references to the impact of climate change, and constant playing up of “extreme weather events”, as if Australia has never before known floods, droughts, storms and fires. Naturally, the ABC was there to beat up the BOM’s forecasts claiming that “El Nino reaches strong intensity pointing to a scorching 2024 ahead for the planet”.

We all have an interest in the weather but the constant predictions of climate doom and the endless dwelling on imminent storms is starting to resemble weather porn. When the experts are so frequently contradicted by observed facts, you’ve got to fear that “the” science has been contaminated by green prejudice.

Watch Peta on Credlin on Sky News, weeknights at 6pm

Peta Credlin
Peta Credlin

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 7:24 am

Gender is male or female.
Facts do not care about your feelings.
Good old hard science and biology.


Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 7:26 am

The BoM has been destroyed by leftist/progressive ideology.

Like a virus, leftism/progressivism destroys everything.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 7:42 am

All aboard the electric bus!

Fleet of Electric Buses Suspended in London After Sudden Fire in Wimbledon (13 Jan)

On Thursday, an electric bus caught on fire on Wimbledon Hill Road in London. While no injuries were reported and investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing, the office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan — a chief proponent of the green agenda in Britain — announced the suspension of the same model of electric busses from the route.

In addition, the Mayor’s office said that all electric busses active in London produced by the firm Switch “will be checked thoroughly as a matter of urgency,” the Evening Standard reports.

Following the electric bus fire in Wimbledon, a hybrid bus caught on fire on Friday morning in North Woolwich. Fortunately, the bus was not occupied at the time, however, it took firefighters over an hour to get the fire under control, the Daily Mail reports.

I recall there was a spate of fires in diesel busses a few years ago, so this wouldn’t be too unusual in the normal course of events. But all the press coverage lately of EV fires may well cause the public to be leary of such critters. Whether true or not a perception that electric vehicles are prone to catch fire could easily become a viral meme amongst the travelling public that would be very tough to get rid of.

January 14, 2024 7:45 am
January 14, 2024 7:50 am

Overslept and can’t find Noah.

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. 😀

Thanks Tom. The White House/nursing home memes are freshly baked too.

January 14, 2024 7:56 am

Piers’ column, or parts thereof, is regurgitated by right of centre journalists and commenters here every Australia Day and all the days in between.

No one’s listening. They don’t care about the truth. Too much money and influence is involved, plus a great big dollop of pride and wilful blindness.

The people who want to celebrate Australia Day don’t matter. The spiteful few who don’t wish to impose their views on the many, and they’ll do it by hook or by crook. This crapola won’t stop until they have achieved their goal.

January 14, 2024 8:00 am



Don’t worry they’re jealous pissants who hate the wealthy and poor people.

What they like is…Defined Benefits Schemes.

(Made in reference to constant class bashing of people from Charnwood. Post I responded to:

Oh yay, more redditors bagging Charnwood with banal useless response, There’s literally three ” just another day in Charnwood” Style responses.

That roundabout is in Charnwood, Macgregor and Latham; and is metres from Dunlop.

As a Charnwood resident of twelve years, I can tell you, I feel perfectly safe, my neighbours are friendly, and the crime is minimal. It is quiet and we’ll established.

Current Crime stats show the crime rate for Charnwood is 50% lower than Holt, Hawker and Kaleen, and this is a usually trend from other periods. Also, we have a group shopping centre, which skews the overall statistics compared to suburbs that don’t

I would much rather live here, on 700 m2, with a 4 bedroom house with views to black mountain/ belconnen and the brindies, than in a cardboard box on a postage stamp in Gungahlin)

Got me banned from r/canberra

What a bunch of wankers.

More gold from me:

Why didn’t the rescue org vett the cat cafe laydee?
I blame ICON Water. Only in Canberra!
Please stop spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories about the Chabad tunnels.
Canberra shouldn’t exist if you hate Australia Day. No Federation, No Australia, No Canberra.

January 14, 2024 8:05 am


Reported anyone for Hate who shat on Charnwood, hopefully being banned from Reddit is devastating to these terminally online mask wearing smug DBS arsewipes.

January 14, 2024 8:06 am

The experiment is very likely complete.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 8:07 am

Truth be told, the best butter is home-made.
But use cold full cream which is not homogenised, otherwise it won’t split.
Takes about five minutes in … The Thermomix.

i note there was discussion of butter last evening – I agree with Sancho – the best butter is home-made. We had three cows which we children milked twice a day. My papa was a banana grower and any left over bananas unsuitable for market were fed to the cows – the milk was so creamy.

We were really high tech- had a separator (what a task it was to wash the darn thing) the cream would then be put in the fridge and the butter made from that in a butter churn (an other bugger of a task, it took quite a time to make it) mamma figured out that by putting ice into the churn it was much quicker to turn the cream to butter.

As children we only ever had unsalted butter — how I yearned to have a scraping of salted butter and yet in the almost half a century of marriage salted butter never makes it to my fridge (I do, from time to time, buy Lurpak as a gift for one of my son’s support workers because he really likes it) otherwise no margarine and no salted butter in our house. —

After the cream was extracted the remaining milk was then made into cheese and the leftover whey was reheated again to make ricotta – and what the leftover whey after the making of the ricotta was mixed with bran to fed to the poddy calves as a supplement to their cow’s milk until they were 11 months old after which they were given to the butcher for veal — the deal was the butcher would keep half the beast as payment for the abattoir fees and for his butchering craft and the other half was ours all beautifully cut up and put in the freezer.

Growing up we only ever ate white meat: fish, chicken, veal and pork. Thanks to my bounty of Nature in this fantastic county and my wonderful resourceful parents.

January 14, 2024 8:08 am

If Reddit is so pro transsexual they give trans people referential treatment, if I get banned in toto can I get a new account as a trans woman?

If they ban me again, they have just $&@king deadnamed me!

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 8:15 am

Think of it as an alternative to mashed potato.

. IMHO the only alternative to mashed potato is polenta and better still white polenta. Yum so versatile and delicious — I do make my own version adding herbs and parmigiano which horrified my Italian cousins to which I said don’t knock it til you try it.

January 14, 2024 8:16 am

Groceries in Trudeau’s Canada are so expensive that they’re driving up the poverty rate

The seemingly ever rising food prices come amid Trudeau’s ongoing carbon tax, which has been projected to cost farmers $1 billion by 2030.

January 14, 2024 8:17 am

I have now asked ask Reddit if r/Canberra is an online hate group.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 8:22 am

Mark Bolton
Jan 14, 2024 12:35 AM
I was the bloke that helped the quacks with the “Machine” and they were terrified to even put thier hands on .. it .. the premed … oh gosh they were so happy …. and after the ECT got administered…
Mum is back home… Happy …
The “One flew over thr Cuckkos nest … ” well that is fiction … Much and all as it might rev you up …
Seeing Mum go Home …well that made me happy too .

I assisted in several administrations of ECT during RN training. Yes, no one can explain how it works, but I’ve seen elderly women who were so depressed, they couldn’t even change their position in bed at home, to the extent they got bed sores.
Then to see them walk out with their family the next day, to go shopping or visit friends, certainly made it worthwhile.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 14, 2024 8:24 am

It’s so wet and mild on farm that we have clover growing strongly in paddocks.
This is not normal in the Wimmera.
BoM – Bureau of Maybe.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 14, 2024 8:25 am

Jan 14, 2024 8:04 AM
The International Court Of “Injustice” Begins Its Blood Libel Trial Against Israel

Very good article by Brendan O’Neill at Spiked on this farce.

January 14, 2024 8:26 am

BoM – Bureau of Maybe

Bunch of Mongs

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 8:28 am

Jan 14, 2024 7:56 AM

Yes, I would also add that these large business, organisations and corporations, be it Woollies or whatever, have been empowered over the last decade, and some of this empowerment has come from the right, because they’ve refused to fight any culture wars. This unwillingness or as I prefer to call it, cowardice, under almost nine years of Coalition government, directly fuelled this.

I’m glad Peter Dutton is stepping up, very glad, but I wonder if it’s too late.

January 14, 2024 8:28 am

WTF is wrong at Delta Airlines?

Important safety tip:

Do not fly on Delta Airlines.
Your pilots and dolly trolly crew are ‘diversity hire,’ not ‘competent hire.’

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 8:29 am

Bureau of Marxists.

January 14, 2024 8:30 am

This is one of the most racist companies in America today.

There’s a competition going on.

January 14, 2024 8:31 am

The spiteful attacks on Dutton from the offices of Watt and Sheldon were just nasty and lame.-toxic trash

January 14, 2024 8:31 am

With respect, trolley dolleys aren’t going to save me.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 8:32 am

To this day feel funny seeing bread in a fridge.

. Otherwise some mass-produced bread like Tip Top bread goes mouldy. My ciabatta bread just goes hard becomes breadcrumbs in my Thermomix

January 14, 2024 8:33 am

The way to screw with Delta and others is if consumers demanded the resumes including pics of the flight crew before the flight.

It only takes one of the large US carriers to do this and it would fck with rest.

January 14, 2024 8:33 am

Both been to the Uni of course- if there’s one type I despise it’s Uni unionists

January 14, 2024 8:34 am

Gender is male or female.

I believe you are talking about *sex* , not gender.

January 14, 2024 8:35 am

The ICJ’s genocide travesty
Melanie Phillips – Jan 12, 2024

What’s on trial in The Hague is international “human rights” law itself

January 14, 2024 8:35 am

Tintarella di Luna
Jan 14, 2024 8:07 AM

We were really high tech- had a separator (what a task it was to wash the darn thing)

We were really high tech- had a separator

It was hand cranked?

(what a task it was to wash the darn thing)

You mean washing the disks? 😉

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 8:39 am

One for Mr Bowen.

India plans to double coal production, ignoring climate pledges (12 Jan)

“To meet growing demand,” the Indian government said on Dec. 11 it expects to roughly double coal production, reaching 1.5 billion tons by 2030. Later, the power minister Raj Kumar Singh set out plans on Dec. 22 to add 88 gigawatts of thermal power plants by 2032. The vast majority of which will burn coal.

India doesn’t believe in climate fairies, not least because the head of their space program for many years, Prof. U. R. Rao, was a climate sceptical astrophysicist.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 14, 2024 8:41 am

Week in Pics – Claudine Gay – hired for the colour of her skin, and fired for the content of her character. Very well noted.

January 14, 2024 8:42 am

It’s so freaking dangerous..

The problem is that all these big US firms are falling over themselves trying to hire minorities. The very definition of minority is just that and therefore they’re all rushing to hire the best in this group when there’s not enough supply. They quickly end up at the bottom of the barrel and potentially in the cockpit.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 14, 2024 8:43 am

How many light bulbs does it take to change a meteorologist?

January 14, 2024 8:44 am

With respect, trolley dolleys aren’t going to save me.

Mandy will.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 8:44 am

About five years ago I was told that the Mafia had taken control of the Italian tomato system and were importing barrels of tomato’s from China and repackaging them.
JC, you lying prick Here’s what I said:

About five years ago I was told that the Mafia had taken control of the Italian tomato system and were importing barrels of tomato’s from China and repackaging them. It sounds like the information was correct.

Here’s what you have reframed it as:

Turtlehead, how do you import “barrels” of cheap unprocessed tomatoes that would take about 30 days in a ship without the contents going the same color as Driller’s motel walls – grey and moldy.?

You are the one who used the terms “Cheap unprocessed tomato’s” which you then used as an excuse to verbally abuse me.
You are a liar, JC. And I’ve just proven it with your own words.
But that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
You get the chance to screech abuse at someone you think you will never meet, and that lets you feel you’re powerful and in charge.
You tick many, many boxes on the sociopath scale.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 8:45 am

Fresh Turkish tomatos were the very best thing about Istanbul. Glorious flavours.
Served in a restaurant overlooking the Bosphorus. That was good too.

I felt the same about the tomatoes wherever we went in Macedonia (the real one) We had a great tomato salad seated in a restaurant in Plostad Makedonija, Skopje’s central square where sits the magnificent statue of Alexander the Great on rearing horse with sword unsheated – what a sight and what tomatoes.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 14, 2024 8:46 am

We were really high tech- had a separator (what a task it was to wash the darn thing)

On our very small ten-cow dairy, my father’s fantasy that eventually failed, a ‘bluey’ would arrive, meaning the milk was rejected due to bacteria, and my father would do screaming and shouting at my mother for not cleaning the separator well enough. She’d spend hours in the cool room in sullen tears scrubbing it.

A thirteen, I’d hand milk our Jersey for home use, and hand skim the cream off the top to churn up some butter in a hand churn. No separator for me.

Still gives me the shudders to think back on those times.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 14, 2024 8:50 am

OMG, the Tomato Wars have overtaken the Pineapple on Pizza Wars.

At least both are biologically fruits.

When we hit fruits vs vegetables it will be the nadir for the Cat.

January 14, 2024 8:51 am

Turtlehead fck off, you clown. If you’re too drunk too respond to discussions in reasonable time, then piss off, you crazy old sheila.
We know what you’re up to as you’ve never been complicated, you freak.
Carrying this nonsense over to a new day shows what a grudge filled old woman you are.

January 14, 2024 8:52 am

Fitzsimian – the mongs mong.

Peter FitzSimons
Australia’s aggressive approach to suppressing COVID-19 vindicated in saving thousands of lives, leading to a death rate 33 times lower than the United Kingdom and 46 times lower than the United States.

January 14, 2024 8:53 am

I believe you are talking about *sex* , not gender.

Yes Duk, that is what I meant.
Tried me best.
The point I was trying to make, probably not very well as it turned out, is that if some one dies, years later if the skeleton is exhumed, dug up or found, it will be classified according to known scientific biological differences of characteristics between males and females.
Not based on the ‘feelz.’
As in the crap that is prevalent these days:
Male: Female: Other:

January 14, 2024 8:53 am

Do you get mushrooms on your pizza in Korumburra?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 14, 2024 8:54 am

I believe you are talking about *sex* , not gender.

the two are inextricably combined.

Lots of variation in gender, but only within one of the two sexes.

A screaming fairy with balls is still a man.
A hairy muff-munching Lezzo is still a woman.
Lots of other combos too. All on the basic frame of sex.

January 14, 2024 8:56 am

Pineapple on pizza?

What about burgers with pineapple and beetroot?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 8:58 am

How many light bulbs does it take to change a meteorologist?

NOAA is just as bad if not worse. They keep forecasting warmer than usual summers and winters and it just does happen. That’s the problem when you have computer models so wacko that they don’t match reality.

Windshield Wiper Seasonal Forecasts…NOAA Revises Its February Outlook For Europe Downward (13 Jan)

Back on December 22, last year, the National Weather Service (NWS) forecast a warmer than normal February 2024 … But it has since turned out that their models for Europe weren’t working out very well. Now what follows is the latest, made 2 days ago, on January 11, 2024

All of Europe’s earlier projected February forecast mean temperature have been cooled down. Now it looks like February will be near normal. So does that mean we’ll be holding off on those spring projects? The answer is of course is nobody knows. These seasonal forecasts change like a windshield wiper.

Just over two weeks after a warm forecast for winter they have had to revise it to neutral. Given the frigid cold in the US (which NOAA also missed), and the snow that the UK Met Office is predicting for the UK next week you have to think the EU forecast will have to be lowered again soon.

January 14, 2024 8:58 am


You are right about Charnwood. Back in the nineties, I had a girlfriend who lived there, and even then it was reasonably gentrified, despite its reputation. Same with Queanbeyan.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 8:58 am

Be fun if all those private jets at Davos get snowed in.

January 14, 2024 9:01 am

Dumbest Reddit post ever.

Completely conflates child discipline, domestic violence etc, complete garbage.

January 14, 2024 9:03 am


If you doubt the iodine soaked feral he immediately tags you as a liar. The things he’s said, like the melbourne airport invasion, injuns “stoll” me petrol, loading up on iodine in case of a Tongan nuclear attack: and he wants to be taken seriously. He then carries over arguments 24 hours later and ticks himself to heaven. No wonder, the Discord crew are always making fun and mocking the feral cretin.

January 14, 2024 9:07 am

You are the one who used the terms “Cheap unprocessed tomato’s” which you then used as an excuse to verbally abuse me.

That’s because he was really inferring expensive fully processed tomatoes, even though the feral used the word tomatoes (only) in his stupid comment. It’s another case of injuns stoll me petrol.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 9:08 am

We were really high tech- had a separator

It was hand cranked?


(what a task it was to wash the darn thing)

You mean washing the disks? ?.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 9:08 am

Haha, blowback!

How Voice failure has silenced republican movement for years (Tele, paywalled)

Australia’s Republican movement has been set back years by the “utterly disastrous” campaign for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, according to new polling.

Ironic, since with greenie Charles in the big chair, and Harry acting like a twit, it is the first time that Righties might start to think about voting for a Republic.

January 14, 2024 9:08 am

A hairy muff-munching Lezzo is still a woman.

Saw a vomit inducing horrid looking butch thing the other day.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 14, 2024 9:08 am

We were really high tech- had a separator

It was hand cranked?


(what a task it was to wash the darn thing)

You mean washing the disks? ?.


January 14, 2024 9:10 am

Cassie of Sydney
Jan 14, 2024 8:28 AM
Jan 14, 2024 7:56 AM
Yes, I would also add that these large business, organisations and corporations, be it Woollies or whatever, have been empowered over the last decade, and some of this empowerment has come from the right, because they’ve refused to fight any culture wars. This unwillingness or as I prefer to call it, cowardice, under almost nine years of Coalition government, directly fuelled this.
I’m glad Peter Dutton is stepping up, very glad, but I wonder if it’s too late.

Malcolm Turnbull was not only a disaster for the Libs but for the whole country, at times he went even further left than Labor and Greens, see the same sex marriage plebiscite. That he was no good was evident during Rudd’s government when Turnbull did not oppose any of his green policies, he even promoted them. Turnbull is still pulling strings by those he installed in the NSW Liberal party leadership so any change will have to come outside NSW. Dutton is not beholden to them and is able to fight the good fight, may he continue and succeed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 9:11 am

Probably from the same poll:

Shock new poll: Voters say Albo is ‘no help’ with cost of living (Tele, paywalled)

More than half of Australians believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, two-thirds expect no budgetary relief in the next six months and 80 per cent say the Albanese government has failed to address the cost of living crisis.

Eighty percent of the punters have now decided Albo and Chalmers are lying? Well that’s an improvement at least.

January 14, 2024 9:14 am

Farmer Gez
Jan 14, 2024 8:43 AM
How many light bulbs does it take to change a meteorologist?

None of them are able to do it anymore, they don’t have the skills. I mentioned this before that because of the research funding only going to climate change studies applications real weather forecasting has been pushed aside thus nobody now has those skill. This has been further exacerbated by BOM recruiting only from the ranks of climate changers. That’s how dark ages happen.

January 14, 2024 9:16 am

The problem is with Chinese tomato paste. Which, according to some reports, doesn’t contain tomatoes!

The best response – buy Aussie canned tomatoes/paste. Although I have bought the Italian whole ones, and they are definitely tomatoes. Unfortunately they were unable to tell me exactly where they were grown. 🙂

I’ve driven behind the “tomato trucks” in Italy. Basically bogie and dog full to the brim with fruit, leaving a trail of juice behind as the ones lower down succumb to crushing. Those ones are definitely local!

January 14, 2024 9:21 am

That he was no good was evident during Rudd’s government when Turnbull did not oppose any of his green policies, he even promoted them.

Yes I remember him being labelled the Leader of NO opposition at the time. Total Manchurian candidate that fiend.

January 14, 2024 9:22 am

The family dairy used boiling water and steam under pressure to clean out the tanks and separator. That was the late sixties. They kept it all clean as a whistle.

My delightful job was mucking out the bales before the whole lot was sluiced out ready for the next milking. For that I got extra cream on my porridge. Dairy farmers are like Hobbits. There’s First Breakfast pre-dawn, then Second Breakfast around 8 o’clock. Then Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Snack, (second milking), Dinner and Supper.

And all the hard work in between eating.

January 14, 2024 9:22 am

I notice Andrew Probyn, who wasn’t woke enough for the ABC, is now working for Sky News.

I think the ABC’s brain drain is becoming a crisis, with only the dumbest remaining and TV and radio ratings going through the floor as the ABC no longer reports news — it “curates” it.

January 14, 2024 9:23 am

Ironic, since with greenie Charles in the big chair, and Harry acting like a twit, it is the first time that Righties might start to think about voting for a Republic.

Just No

The insanity of King Charlie and the antics of juvenile Harry has no impact on this country. Voting for lunatic fascist government does.

January 14, 2024 9:24 am

I forgot…feeding the poddies. No one had the heart to tell me about their final destination.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 9:24 am


As children we only ever had unsalted butter — how I yearned to have a scraping of salted butter and yet in the almost half a century of marriage salted butter never makes it to my fridge (I do, from time to time, buy Lurpak as a gift for one of my son’s support workers because he really likes it) otherwise no margarine and no salted butter in our house.

We’d get farmed out to families around the Lismore area during school holidays, and on several occasions went to dairy farms and I can agree with you that cleaning the separator was a pain. But the unsalted butter thing – why don’t you buy it now?
The amount of salt in it would be miniscule, and the unsalted butter could be separate from the salted stuff.
I understand a lot of people use unsalted butter for cooking, I get that. I don’t understand why you’d deny yourself salted butter for other uses.

local oaf
January 14, 2024 9:25 am

Australia-Hungary? Orban for PM now!

January 14, 2024 9:37 am

I emailed my support over Oz day to Fairfield mayor Frank Carbone ..
main text of his reply ….
It’s import that we send a message, that it’s ok to be Australian and proud of it.

Thank you again for the message,
It was really nice to receive from you and it’s really appreciated,
Have a nice day,
Frank Carbone

January 14, 2024 9:39 am


It’s just not the EU but also national requirements.

Yes, the EU places importance on knowing the origin of ingredients in food products. This information is often required for regulatory purposes, including traceability and adherence to quality and safety standards. The origin of ingredients is a key aspect of the labeling and documentation requirements for food products within the EU.

Its another case of them Injuns stoll me tomatoes.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 14, 2024 9:43 am

Do you get mushrooms on your pizza in Korumburra?

Dunno about the ‘Burra.

They almost certainly do in the ‘Booka.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 14, 2024 9:44 am

We were really high tech- had a separator

It was hand cranked?

(what a task it was to wash the darn thing)

You mean washing the disks? ?

Eleven little metal cones with strategically placed holes.
That was the magical bit.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 14, 2024 9:46 am

Hey Dover. Can I get a heads up on why that went into moderation. It’s probably defamatory (I would hope) but doesn’t seem to contain any naughty words.

January 14, 2024 9:55 am

Tintarella di Luna
Jan 14, 2024 6:07 AM

Thank you Tom – loved the spirit level earrings

I can imagine you wearing a pair for fun. 🙂

January 14, 2024 9:57 am

My first purchase on my first visit to Walmart was a packet of mac and cheese. It seemed appropriate. Naturally, the ‘cheese’ was a sachet of orange powder, neither yellow nor white.

I actually kept the carton as a souvenir…

January 14, 2024 9:59 am

Jan 14, 2024 9:22 AM
I notice Andrew Probyn, who wasn’t woke enough for the ABC, is now working for Sky News.

No wonder daytime Sky sounds more like ABC. I find it hard to watch any daytime shows, morning ones not so bad but midday and afternoon are unwatchable.

January 14, 2024 10:03 am

Jan 14, 2024 9:57 AM
My first purchase on my first visit to Walmart was a packet of mac and cheese. It seemed appropriate. Naturally, the ‘cheese’ was a sachet of orange powder, neither yellow nor white.

I actually kept the carton as a souvenir…

My first purchase in Walmart was in a Denver store, I bought three pairs of socks. Still have the socks.

January 14, 2024 10:04 am

Thoughts on BTC ETF?

January 14, 2024 10:06 am

CCP ambassador back to verbal bullying, I see.

The vaunted rapprochement lasted…what, six months?

It’s a clue bat, Australia.

January 14, 2024 10:06 am

Wind turbines FREEZING in the cold

During several days, they lost more than 1,000 MW of power because of ice on the blades. Essentially the wind turbines froze.

On the 5th of January, seven wind power parks reported a loss of 1110 MW out of their total production capacity of 2316 MW.

In other words, the wind turbines froze and lost almost 50% of their capacity in the cold weather. Perhaps if we had some global warming and the temperatures were a little warmer they would work better.

Ever get the feeling that they really didn’t think these things through too well?

January 14, 2024 10:06 am

Although it’s14th January today, Mary will not become Queen until tomorrow, our time.
I am so pleased for her. It is sad though that her father will not be there. Apparently he is a frail 82 year old instead of a robust like Lizzie.
I hope they have zoom on a big screen at home for him.

If that grifter married to Harry had any sense, she could have learnt a lot from Mary on how to comport herself. But nooooo, I believe in Fairy Tales and True Love’s First Kiss. LOL.

January 14, 2024 10:06 am

Jan 14, 2024 7:56 AM

The people who want to celebrate Australia Day don’t matter. The spiteful few who don’t wish to impose their views on the many, and they’ll do it by hook or by crook. This crapola won’t stop until they have achieved their goal.

Last year on Australia Day, Lysterfield Lake park was packed with picnicing families of Australians, mostly of the ‘new’ variety. Great to see and probably a more realistic representation than what appears in the press.

January 14, 2024 10:10 am

as a gardener, you will understand the gravity in this photo.
They are learning people, and they are coming for us! 😀

January 14, 2024 10:11 am

bugger, should have been “of” this photo. 😀

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 10:15 am

Jan 14, 2024 8:51 AM

Turtlehead fck off, you clown. If you’re too drunk too respond to discussions in reasonable time, then piss off, you crazy old sheila.

I went to bed. Don’t imagine you can dictate to me when I decide it’s time to do so. You don’t have the authority to set my sleep time even if you think you do.

We know what you’re up to as you’ve never been complicated, you freak.

Tell me, you tosser, what am I up to? Do you have thoughts that I’m out to get you or something? Paranoia is one of the traits of a sociopathology – box ticked.

Carrying this nonsense over to a new day shows what a grudge filled old woman you are.

You’ve been on a vendetta for 13 years and complain about one day? Did I kick your sandcastle over on the beach one day in 1968? To carry on a grudge for 13 years against someone you’ve never met* is irrational especially when it seems to dominate your postings here.
You really are delusional – that’s another box ticked.
Now go on – scream at me. Use capitals.
Does it make you feel powerful? In control?
Call me ridiculous names, go on.
Crazy old sheila.
Grudge filled old woman

* Unless I did kick your sandcastle over in 1968 – not that it’s something I’ve ever done.

January 14, 2024 10:17 am

The BOM knows its work will only get favourable notice if it panders to political correctness. Hence its references to the impact of climate change…

How’s that working out for them?

The BOM’s work will get favourable notice when its correct.


January 14, 2024 10:22 am

Week in Pics – Claudine Gay – hired for the colour of her skin, and fired for the content of her character. Very well noted.

Yes, that nailed it!

I see someone at UnHerd is trying to make the case that her failings were merely intellectual, not moral.

No; plagiarism is not only theft, it’s fraud.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 10:25 am

Please don’t all be surprised at once.

Toronto Sun details how pro-Palestinian protesters are getting paid to take to the streets (13 Jan)

The Plenty Collective is a Victoria, B.C., organization that has set up a “Solidarity Fund” to cover the costs “related to supporting or organizing actions in solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian people.”

Their “About Us” page says:

Plenty is currently made up of Wren (she/they) and Jewel (she/her). We are two white, queer settlers currently living on the lands of the Lekwungen peoples.

We each came to these lands at different times over the last 2-9 years. Each of us relates to and embodies queerness in a unique way, but all of us believe in the centrality of queerness in community building and future visioning.

Together we founded Plenty Collective, and are passionate about building loving communities and creating moments of abundance, while centering accessibility and food security.

Passionate about building loving communities who want to rape, torture and kill Jews. Ironic that these self-described queers (I don’t know what sex, gender, race or even species they think they are) are paying protesters and people who would cheerfully throw them off the nearest roof.

January 14, 2024 10:31 am

Malcolm Turnbull was not only a disaster for the Libs but for the whole country, at times he went even further left than Labor and Greens, see the same sex marriage plebiscite. That he was no good was evident during Rudd’s government when Turnbull did not oppose any of his green policies, he even promoted them.

Yes, Howard’s poisonous egg. He really betrayed his most ardent supporters. I wouldn’t give Howard the time of day after that and that’s even without examining his record from ’96 to ’07.

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 10:35 am

It is 100 days since 7 October 2023, when Jewish men, women and children were murdered, raped and kidnapped by Muslim Nazis.

It is 100 days since 7 October 2023, when Yarden Bibas, 34, his wife, Shiri, 32 and their two boys, Ariel, 4 years old and Kfir, then 9 months, were kidnapped into Gaza by Muslim Nazis.



January 14, 2024 10:37 am

ABC News Brisbane:

Brisbane could be harder for drivers but easier for cyclists and pedestrians under a sweeping proposal by the Greens to “de-prioritise” cars in favour of people.

The promise comes ahead of the Brisbane City Council election scheduled for March 16

Cars drive themselves, apparently.

January 14, 2024 10:37 am

That’s how dark ages happen.

And communism. Lysenko.

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 10:37 am

Malcolm Turnbull was not only a disaster for the Libs but for the whole country

Scott Morrison did more damage to the Liberals and this country.

January 14, 2024 10:44 am

Maps can be very educational:

Stunning map shows extent of native title.

– Daily Mail

January 14, 2024 10:45 am

Speaking of communism and the destruction of the West: this:

Elon Musk Responds, “This Must End!” After Woke Johns Hopkins DEI Office Puts out “Hit List” Against Males, Whites, Christians, Mid-aged people, Able-bodied people, Middle & owning class, English-speaking people

Elon is great but the devil is in the detail. Look at the face of diversity officer: it has been useless all its life and is now in a position to wreak its perverted destructiveness. It’s in that position because average folk don’t defend their society. Case in point: Ronald Joel Daniels CM is a Canadian academic and the current president of the Johns Hopkins University. Ronnie is a Jew.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 10:48 am

Criticises me for replying to a lie he made last night:

If you doubt the iodine soaked feral

Brings up a subject on a different blog made about five years ago.

loading up on iodine in case of a Tongan nuclear attack

Lies about a Civil Defence measure* and blames Tongans. Tongans were never mentioned.
*Switzerland is mailing out iodine tabs that are given to every family just in case. The ones they have in their home medical kits are getting to their use by date. Australia is assuming that they can send tabs out after a nuclear attack/radiological decontainment. They could do it now, but our Civil Defense Department – last time I looked – has been subsumed into the Stop Smoking Department** somewhere.

He then carries over arguments 24 hours later and ticks himself to heaven.

Which is precisely what JC is doing – carry argument out for 13 years. Projection much?
Meanwhile, the real downticker is having a laugh at how he’s creating mayhem on a Right Wing/Libertarian site.

It’s another case of injuns stoll me petrol.

Rant rant rant. And using bold now. Feeling more in control JC? Getting moist yet?

Sancho, check your email. J.C. needs help.
Personally I’d suggest Largactil.
** Probably not its name any more, if anyone can give a link, I’d appreciate it. Civil Defence that is – not the Stop Smoking Department.

January 14, 2024 10:49 am

Jan 14, 2024 10:04 AM

Thoughts on BTC ETF?

Blackrock’s ETF?

It’s just another way of playing with bitcoin. It doesn’t change the landscape one bit (pun).

Dot, there is no intrinsic value in Bitcoin other than it’s scarce with only 21 million coin available. It has “value”, obviously because its price above zero against fiat currencies. However, scarcity doesn’t mean it has any intrinsic value. Moon rock is scarce too, on earth, but it’s utility is zero.

Don’t ever play around with crap that has no real solid underlying value. I’m not suggesting you short it, because there are too many devotees. Just leave it alone.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 10:52 am

There’s a sucker born every minute.

‘Non-human’ alien corpses are just dolls made of human and animal bones, paper: experts (13 Jan)

The results are in. The tiny “non-human” mummified remains found in Peru over the summer that spurred dozens of alien conspiracy theories are nothing more than dolls, forensic experts ruled. The creepy figures — with only three fingers on each hand and elongated ET-style heads — are made with paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones, the country’s prosecutor’s office said Friday.

It’ll be fun when AI really gets going with undetectable deep fakes. The punters will get red-pilled as they won’t be able to believe anything. Forcing people to actually be sceptical of what they see, and work to discern truth from lies, will be a good thing for civilization. I hope so, anyway.

January 14, 2024 10:56 am

Dear lord.

Turtlehead, I’m not holding grudges. It’s just believe that you’re an idiot with zero to add to any discussion. However, I will respond, most times, when you post really stupid add-ons. You post really stupid shit, so forgive me, if I sometimes call it out.

January 14, 2024 10:57 am
January 14, 2024 11:00 am

When I get to Corsica in a couple of weeks I’m going to buy a fresh baguette and a packet of that French butter with visible crystals of sea salt.
Second best lunch ever (after lemon granitas in Palermo).

January 14, 2024 11:01 am

You know…

Scepticism has turned into debunking.

Let’s figures may have been a relict hominid population, the debunkers had an agenda and ruined the evidence without any malice, because they assumed they were faked LGM.

Look they were probably faked aliens but science and academia are beleaguered with the inability to prove anything at all except in pure mathematics.

There is an inability to accept any extreme event or data until it happens unless it comes out of a black box.

January 14, 2024 11:07 am

Dot, there is no intrinsic value in Bitcoin other than it’s scarce with only 21 million coin available. It has “value”, obviously because its price above zero against fiat currencies.

$0 in 2008 and 64k AUD now.

16 years is not a bubble or a fad for a currency.

January 14, 2024 11:08 am

…science and academia are beleaguered with the inability to prove anything at all except in pure mathematics.

You mean to say the experts have no clothes!?


January 14, 2024 11:11 am

When I get to Corsica in a couple of weeks I’m going to buy a fresh baguette and a packet of that French butter with visible crystals of sea salt.
Second best lunch ever (after lemon granitas in Palermo).

Oh God Rosie, I am so jealous! 😀
All you need is a half bottle of an excellent red and you have one of the greatest meals of all time. The salt crystals really make that butter. Australian butter isn’t as salty as it used to be. Damned health wowsers.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 11:19 am

build that wall

It’ll be interesting to see what the Egyptians do about this:

Report: Israel told Egypt it plans to take control of Philadelphi Route (13 Jan)

Israel has informed Egypt of its intention to begin a military operation along the Philadelphi Route in southern Gaza, the Wall Street Journal reported, quoting current and former Israeli officials and Egyptian officials.

According to the report, the military operation would likely include removing Gazan officials from crossing points, and placing Israeli forces along the border area.

The report noted that Egypt is concerned that such an operation on Israel’s part could violate the terms of the 1979 peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, which limits the number of troops both nations can place near the borders in the area.

The Israelis have to do it to control access into Gaza, but Egypt is going to be torn in two directions: the government hates Hamas, who’re Muslim Brotherhood bros, but the Egyptian-on-the-street is a fervent Pali supporter.

January 14, 2024 11:20 am

I’m so sick of this bullshit:

A rarely seen smoked bark etching dating back to the 1800s has been briefly displayed as part of a bid to secure Commonwealth heritage protection for Victoria’s largest inland saltwater lake.

For many of the elders and traditional owners present, it was their first opportunity to view the artefact from the Lake Tyrell area.

“For me, it was first time [seeing it]. I was very emotional, trying to hold back, not to show my soft side,” Uncle Bob Nicholls, a multi-clan elder, said on Saturday.

“My first thought… was, ’Why has a white institution got this control over our cultural heritage artefacts. It should be kept in our own keeping place and more accessible to its own people.”

A fuking scruffy piece of burnt bark. And WTF is a multi-clan elder? Useless grifters.

January 14, 2024 11:21 am

The Bureau of Mythology didn’t get its forecast wrong, the forecast was for the wrong country. LOL!!

Parts of Spain are in drought. The article is worth reading for the comments alone.

January 14, 2024 11:23 am

I’m so sick of this bullshit

It’s just another tactic of the left to trash the economy and isn’t ‘uncle’ a whitey word?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 14, 2024 11:25 am

And WTF is a multi-clan elder?

A multi-clan elder is an ancient and revered position, usually attained by virtue of bribery.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 11:27 am

Look they were probably faked aliens but science and academia are beleaguered with the inability to prove anything at all except in pure mathematics.

Always entertaining to keep an open mind Dot.

Congress Says UFO Claims ‘Have Merit’ (12 Jan)

Following a top secret meeting with the House Oversight committee and the U.S. Intelligence Community Inspector General Thomas Monheim, several members of Congress now say the claims from UFO whistleblower David Grusch “have merit,” the Daily Mail reported.

The meeting was a follow-up to Grusch’s claim last year of an illegal UFO crash retrieval program which included the retrieval of UFOs, alien beings, and a retaliation campaign implemented to ensure the secrecy of the program.

Sounds like fun! So far I’ve seen zero evidence of anything reverse-engineered, and Congress, as we know, believes in climate fairies. Which makes me a tad sceptical about how much ‘merit’ the claim really has.

January 14, 2024 11:29 am

Malcolm Turnbull was not only a disaster for the Libs but for the whole country

Scott Morrison did more damage to the Liberals and this country.

Taking the end of the Menzies era as a turning point, we haven’t been served well by our prime ministers since. Arguably, only Hawke and Abbott come out with their ledgers in the black, so to speak, having on balance done more good than harm.

Otherwise, our once bright future has been squandered by the incompetence, laziness, cowardice, and in some cases the downright malevolence, of our prime ministers and the cabinets they have led.

January 14, 2024 11:32 am

Jan 14, 2024 8:06 AM

Chief Nerd

Olympic Great Mary Lou Retton Opens Up About the Mystery Illness That Almost Put Her on Life Support

“She was tested for everything – COVID, Flu, RSV, everything [was] negative. The X-Rays, you couldn’t even see her lungs, completely white. And I’ve never had a lung issue in my life…They know it’s a rare form of pneumonia but they’re perplexed and they don’t know what she has exactly. It just came out of the blue. She was perfectly fine one day and the next day she’s on her back.”


well before Covid same thing happened to me

I had Legionnaires’ disease contracted overseas in 2013 and was hospitalised at St Vincents on return

In 2014 I was supposed to be travelling to Capri with my wife, but unlike She was perfectly fine one day and the next day she’s on her back.”, I had been getting weaker over a couple of months and my CLL Haematologist had recommended I start Chemo, and my elder Daughter was coming up from Melbourne to look after me

I got to the point where I stood up and collapsed & was rushed to St Vincents – They were unsure what the problem was, and given Legionnaires’ disease in 2013, put me in an Isolation Room – after a couple of days of non stop tests where The X-Rays, my lungs, completely white. and inserting needles to check lung fluid they worked out that my lungs were totally full of fluid, and it had damaged my heart trying to push against the fluid in the full lungs.

Lungs were drained and Heart Repair took 4 years – My Specialists had no idea what or why the problem had occurred – Chemo never done till after 2018 Parotidectomy

January 14, 2024 11:33 am

Good article update on mass attacks in the US. This stood out for me.

Eighty-two percent of the attacks since 1998 and 94 percent since 1950 have occurred in places where guns are banned. For those who read these murderers’ diaries or manifestos, these numbers aren’t too surprising.

If crooks, gangs, commies and mad people have guns and you don’t you’re fuked.

January 14, 2024 11:35 am

$0 in 2008 and 64k AUD now.

16 years is not a bubble or a fad for a currency.

Dot, I’m not saying it has no value as it obviously does. It’s valued at the market price. What I said is that it has no intrinsic value, which is different (as you know).

I didn’t suggest it’s a bubble, but just because crap has a market value doesn’t suggest it has utility. As I said, moon rock here on earth has market value and is very scarce, but it us as useful and as moon rock.

January 14, 2024 11:36 am

Bruce there are anoraks on Wiki who police it so you’d think Great White sharks never grow past 4.5 metres.

They are mini Dr Panglosses, they want an unremarkable world they are in total control of.

January 14, 2024 11:36 am

And WTF is a multi-clan elder?

Something that didn’t exist in traditional aboriginal life, I can assure you of that.

Numerous taboos would have had to be broken.

As for the bark artefact, dare I say it wouldn’t exist if not taken under the wing of a “white institution”?

January 14, 2024 11:43 am

It’s an arduous process to become an ‘elder’.

– Age
– Hire a good publicist

January 14, 2024 11:44 am

Macaroni cheese. Ugh! Boarding school.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 11:49 am

Meeow! Roar! Woof, woof!

Animal sounds in most nature documentaries are made by humans. How they do it and why it matters (, 13 Jan)

Wildlife documentaries like the BBC’s recent series, Planet Earth III, are renowned for offering breathtaking images of animals in their natural habitats. You’d be forgiven for thinking these shows offer an unmediated portrayal of these animals—an objective window into their lives as they hunt, rest and rear their young. But this isn’t quite the case.

While the images we see are filmed on location, many of the sounds are recorded and added to the programs later. The sounds of animals walking, chewing food and panting, for example, are almost always recorded by human “Foley artists” in a sound studio far away from the filming location, often weeks or months later.

One of the sadder things about the 21stC is the previously reknown BBC nature documentaries have all turned into crude propaganda. It’s fun therefore to find out that the soundtrack is as fake as the rest of the program is.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 14, 2024 11:50 am

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
A meteorologist
F..k off!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 14, 2024 11:50 am

“When I get to Corsica in a couple of weeks I’m going to buy a fresh baguette and a packet of that French butter with visible crystals of sea salt.
Second best lunch ever (after lemon granitas in Palermo).”

Don’t forget to sprinkle a bit of salt on top.
A few years back we visited the salt pans in, I think, Ston, Croatia. Ancient stone ponds set up to drain and evaporate sea water. Much sought after stuff.
I seem to recall somewhere in the region a group of Top Men thought they could improve productivity by putting some sort of bitumen on the bottom of the pans to hasten evaporation.
Didn’t improve the taste of the salt though.

January 14, 2024 11:54 am

The aviation industry is one of the leading producers of carbon emissions — and travel journalist Helen Coffey is determined to prove that going flight-free is possible. Learn how to break up with airplanes without giving up on adventure in this energetic, helpful guide!.

No comment.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 11:56 am


Jan 14, 2024 10:56 AM
Dear lord.
Turtlehead, I’m not holding grudges. It’s just believe that you’re an idiot with zero to add to any discussion. However, I will respond, most times, when you post really stupid add-ons. You post really stupid shit, so forgive me, if I sometimes call it out.

The Bullshit King speaks.
You’ve been stalking and abusing me for thirteen years. And the reason is that I refuse to allow you to drive me off the site like you’ve done to so many others.
So you have a choice – cease your useless and petty vendetta because I’m not leaving.
This time think rationally and stop letting your out of control ego make decisions for you.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 14, 2024 11:58 am

And WTF is a multi-clan elder?

It is a self-bestowed title which is somewhat redundant. If da Voice had got up there would be the thorny issue of representing 300 “nations” through less than 300 representatives. This is where a “multi clan elder” comes in useful.
Also, if you keep it at the generic “multi clan” and avoid the specifics of “proud XYZ man” it avoids the embarrassment of another XYZ guy saying “never heard of him, cuz.”

January 14, 2024 12:02 pm

I understand a lot of people use unsalted butter for cooking,

The only salt in our cooking comes from the butter.

January 14, 2024 12:04 pm

This Is How Pilots Are Being Chosen To Fly. You Should Be Concerned.

From the Comments

– I honestly don’t understand how airlines would be willing to destroy their reputations for safety, competence and security by relaxing their standards because of the skin tone of a person.. let alone literally gambling with peoples’ very lives.. it’s not about trying to hurt anyone’s feelings because of their appearance..

There is a skillset standard to meet to make sure people don’t die.. that’s it!!


Boeing 737 MAX crisis escalates: More and more parts are leaving subcontractor Spirit AeroSystems with defects, insiders claim – and improved stats are due to ‘staff being too scared to report issues to bully bosses’

– Key Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems is in spotlight after recent incident
– Insiders say quotas are unrealistic and there is pressure to ignore defects
– Spirit denies the claims as FAA steps up its investigation after door plug incident

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 14, 2024 12:04 pm


Jan 14, 2024 12:02 PM

I understand a lot of people use unsalted butter for cooking,

The only salt in our cooking comes from the butter.

If the recipe calls for unsalted butter and a pinch of salt, guess what … ?

January 14, 2024 12:05 pm

And WTF is a multi-clan elder?

Gotta luv these media inspired titles .. “our” ABC this morning has a story on Palestinian-Australians ….. whinge-ing about rellies stuck in Gaza .. notice these “multi” nationality Oz tales only ever occur when whinge-ing involved ……!
Whatever happened to .. “We is one.. We is Australian” .. LOL!

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 14, 2024 12:07 pm


** Probably not its name any more, if anyone can give a link, I’d appreciate it. Civil Defence that is – not the Stop Smoking Department.

National Emergency Management Agency

January 14, 2024 12:15 pm

The Bullshit King speaks.

Sure does, but all from you, you feral.

You’ve been stalking and abusing me for thirteen years

Your attempt at joining countless pile-ons, defamatory comments like the numerous times you dishonestly brought up “Brian”. Ignoring previous calls to stop posting to or about me. All ignored. That sort of stalking, you feral pos

And the reason is that I refuse to allow you to drive me off the site like you’ve done to so many others.

And now it’s mind reading. The feral thinks he knows why people come and go. How about this. Your stupidity drives people away because they don’t want to be associated with a lowlife feral posting absurd nonsense? Let’s also recall the bullet to the head to teach people a lesson.

So you have a choice – cease your useless and petty vendetta because I’m not leaving.

Turtlehead, you were begged to stop talking to me and about me to others. Now that I respond to your idiocy it’s all this bravery schtick. You’re the biggest piker here.

This time think rationally and stop letting your out of control ego make decisions for you.

It’s been nicely explained to you many times. What you want is a clear road to post negative comments towards me without a response.
Not happening champ. Now go take the iodine and find out if those Chinese are landing commercial airliners at Melbourne airport attempting an invasion. You ridiculous clown.

January 14, 2024 12:17 pm

Salt was added to butter as a preservative.

Nothing wrong with that!

But bakers of cakes and biscuits prefer fresher, unsalted butter.

I use unsalted butter in cheese sauces because the cheese already has sufficient salt to add flavour, according to my tastes. If a person at the table wants it saltier, a salt shaker is supplied.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 12:17 pm


Jan 14, 2024 11:36 AM
And WTF is a multi-clan elder?
Something that didn’t exist in traditional aboriginal life, I can assure you of that.
Numerous taboos would have had to be broken.
As for the bark artefact, dare I say it wouldn’t exist if not taken under the wing of a “white institution”?

I wonder if they are going to claim – as ridiculous as it sounds – if each tribe is a ‘nation’, then logically, a Multi Clan Elder is the leader of multiple nations – I.e. an Emperor. And thus an Aboriginal Empire can be created out of nothing but twisted words.
I wouldn’t put it past them. I wonder who would be the First Emperor? The infighting and bribery would be most entertaining.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 14, 2024 12:21 pm

They are mini Dr Panglosses, they want an unremarkable world they are in total control of.

They are being quite candide well they tell us the world we are getting is the best it can be.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 14, 2024 12:21 pm

I wouldn’t put it past them. I wonder who would be the First Emperor? The infighting and bribery would be most entertaining.

For shame, don’t you know Bruce Pascoe’s already got the job?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 14, 2024 12:26 pm

I wouldn’t put it past them. I wonder who would be the First Emperor?

Someone who can formally sign the surrender….

January 14, 2024 12:29 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 14, 2024 10:52 AM

It’ll be fun when AI really gets going with undetectable deep fakes.

I’m surprised that no-one has yet spliced grainy footage of Trump (where his lips cannot be read) with a cut-and-paste of his own words, stating something considered incriminating. Surely the media organisations would have the money to source something like this? The Jan 6 Committee certainly would have appreciated it.

January 14, 2024 12:34 pm

Learn how to break up with airplanes without giving up on adventure in this energetic, helpful guide!.

Take a short cut and fly Boeing.

The aircraft will break up with you.

And you get adventure thrown in. For a few minutes anyway.

January 14, 2024 12:36 pm

Mother Lode
Jan 14, 2024 12:21 PM


Smile! You’re on candide camera!

January 14, 2024 12:37 pm

The Long Fight to Disarm Hamas
by Jonathan Spyer

The Australian
January 13, 2024

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 14, 2024 12:38 pm

No wonder, the Discord crew are always making fun and mocking the feral cretin.

I’ve lost the key to the Discord door, JC, and haven’t been there for ages.

I prefer to stay here because of all of the peace and harmony. lol.
You might have gathered that I don’t greatly enjoy shouty conflict.

Also, downtickers, I am not mean to Hairy. He is an angel.
I just don’t want him to get poisoned by rotting sauces.
We can afford better these days. 🙂

January 14, 2024 12:38 pm

I wouldn’t put it past them. I wonder who would be the First Emperor?

Oh dear God.

January 14, 2024 12:38 pm

And WTF is a multi-clan elder?

Please, please let one of the clans be the Whistlecock tribe.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 14, 2024 12:40 pm

Calli in top form today. Tres amusant.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 14, 2024 12:42 pm

On the colour of butter.
Way back last century I took my first trip to the US for work. I had to meet up with a couple of colleagues who had other earlier engagements so I lobbed in a particular Mid-West city on my own for the first night.
Next morning at breakfast in the hotel I surveyed the vast array of condiments and flavourings arrayed before me on the table. Most I could identify except for the little pale pink and pale blue cubes in a dish.
“What are those?” I asked the waiter.
He looked at me like I was from another galaxy and said, “Why, that’s butter, sir.”
I asked what they feed to the cows to produce butter that colour. He just replied deadpan, “I don’t really know, sir. But I can ask the kitchen.”
Err, don’t bother.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 14, 2024 12:43 pm

Good luck with the colostomy tomorrow Lizzie.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 12:43 pm

Jan 14, 2024 12:04 PM
This Is How Pilots Are Being Chosen To Fly. You Should Be Concerned.

From the Comments

– I honestly don’t understand how airlines would be willing to destroy their reputations for safety, competence and security by relaxing their standards because of the skin tone of a person.. let alone literally gambling with peoples’ very lives.. it’s not about trying to hurt anyone’s feelings because of their appearance..

There is a skillset standard to meet to make sure people don’t die.. that’s it!!

I’d suggest anyone who flies regularly watches this video.
It’s bloody scary!

January 14, 2024 12:44 pm


The Houthis are the last straw.

Iran’s mullahs are behind just about everything bad that is happening in the Middle East–Hamas, Hezbollah, interference in Iraq and now the Houthis.

With serious threat of a wider war, and now an unacceptable disruption of international shipping, the mullahs have to go. And they need to go now, since they are very close to having nuclear weapons, which will complicate any effort to depose them.

I don’t pretend to know the best way to topple Iran’s government. Selective strikes? Invasion? Cooperation with internal forces that are numerous and anti-mullah, but of unknown resolution and organization? I don’t know.

The U.S. military is said to have contingency plans for all kinds of unlikely events.

No doubt there is a plan or two for getting rid of the mullahs, although in recent years planning has probably turned more toward pronouns and sex change operations.

In any event, those plans should be dusted off and updated. Presumably the Israelis would partner with us in any effort to rid the Earth of Iran’s theocracy, and I have no doubt that they have contingency plans that have not been gathering dust.

Probably no one else would participate, as the major European countries are all afraid of their Islamic minorities. But probably no one else would be much help, anyway.

The important thing is to resolve, right now, on regime change in Iran. Then select a plan and execute it at the earliest opportunity.

The world can no longer tolerate the power of the mullahs.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 14, 2024 12:44 pm

You’re on candide camera!

Laughed so hard I pulled a muscle.

Better put some voltairen on it.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 12:50 pm

Boambee John
Jan 14, 2024 12:07 PM

** Probably not its name any more, if anyone can give a link, I’d appreciate it. Civil Defence that is – not the Stop Smoking Department.

National Emergency Management Agency

Thanks for that, BJ. Just had a quick look.
Iodine not mentioned. 🙂
See – I can laugh at myself too.

January 14, 2024 12:50 pm

It’s odd that none of the elders, past, present and emerging never seem to be part of that particular tribe.

Considering the “initiation” was well documented by the evil invaders, and reasonably widespread, you’d think they’d want to identify with their tribal roots. Being Proud and all.

It’s almost as if they aren’t genuine. But that can’t be right, can it?

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 12:50 pm

This morning I attended a rally in Sydney’s Centennial Park for the hostages. As I wrote here earlier, it is now 100 days since they were kidnapped into Gaza by Muslim Nazis.

Prior to the rally, there was a 60km bike ride for the fit, followed by a bagel breakfast in the park. Yes, many, many Zionist canines in attendance, what’s a Jewish rally without our Zionist canine friends?

The wonderful Freya Leach, daughter of a Jewish Anglican minister, spoke. She described how she went to watch the weekly festival of Jew haters on Sydney’s CBD yesterday, she saw placards justifying the rapes, murders and kidnappings of 7 October 2023. Meanwhile, of course, our NSWaffen Police force continues to ‘monitor’ the situation. And as I’ve said here before, the NSW government under Chris Minns talks the good talk but doesn’t walk the good talk.

In the park was a line of photos and artwork, showing the faces of the kidnapped men, women and children. Israeli and local Australian artists have painted pictures of the kidnapped. There was one painting that took my breath away and I gasped at its beauty. An Israeli woman, maybe a Christian Israeli woman, had painted a picture using Christian iconography, of Shiri Bibas as a Madonna surrounded by her halo, holding her two Jewish boys, Ariel and Kfir, each boy’s red hair surrounded by a halo.

I cried.

Their voices are becoming distant, but we can still hear them, and we will always hear them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 12:51 pm

I’m surprised that no-one has yet spliced grainy footage of Trump (where his lips cannot be read) with a cut-and-paste of his own words, stating something considered incriminating.

Muddy – TD ubersuffer Mark Ruffalo got sprung last week. Hulk is angry!

Mark Ruffalo blasts Musk’s X for allowing ‘disinformation’ after sharing AI fakes of Trump on Epstein flight (9 Jan)

January 14, 2024 12:52 pm

How pro-Hamas rhetoric infected US high schools

“He alone who owns the youth, gains the future.” (Adolph Hitler, 1935)

We are witness today to anti-Israel and antisemitic protests on college campuses, sometimes violent, always repulsive.

Their rants are passionate, intense, and filled with hate … and misinformation.

Questions are being asked: “How did we get to this point?” “Did it start in college?” Shockingly, the answer is no. The indoctrination begins far earlier … in high schools.

As a parent, are you aware of what your child is being taught? Have you read their textbooks or attended a school board meeting?

Most have not — I certainly did not.

This is why so many families would be surprised to learn that our high schools have become centers of pro-Islamist indoctrination masquerading as education.

That is not just an observation.

While we all know that pro-Arab/anti-Jewish sentiments are rife across college campuses, the problem is just as dire in America’s elementary and high schools.

Across the nation, hate is being TAUGHT in American schools, by American teachers, using American textbooks.

It is pervasive. It is intentional. It has been going on for decades.

As far back as 2008, the American Textbook Council was reporting: Textbook editors “adjust the definition of jihad and sharia or remove these words from lessons to avoid inconvenient truths … Explicit facts that non-Muslims might find disturbing are varnished or deleted … Terrorism and Islam are uncoupled and the ultimate dangers of Islamic militancy hidden from view.”

The weapons of choice … the textbook and social media.

For decades, young people have been bombarded with words and phrases such as genocide, occupier, apartheid, “from the river to the sea,” “they stole our land” and “they put us in an open prison.”

Our children are being raised within a culture of no accountability — where “facts” are no longer necessary and feelings are taken as truths.

Such is the case with the Islamist indoctrination in our children’s schools.

January 14, 2024 12:52 pm

Many jaded comments so some titles for the jaded:

The Authentic Confessions of Harriet, an English Governess: Jane Austen meets Tom Jones and nary a stiff upper lip to be seen.

Sex and the Divorced Woman: true confessions, true regrets, and a longing for more!

Everybody Slept Here: she had a lock on her heart but no lock on her door.

Wanton Venus: his hands carved the clay and stroked the flesh, and a masterpiece was created.

January 14, 2024 12:53 pm

Better put some voltairen on it.

But definitely not a pacquette of the stuff. Goodness knows what you’ll catch.

And always wear your Doc Martins around live power cables. But you knew that.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 14, 2024 12:54 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 14, 2024 12:55 pm

Their voices are becoming distant, but we can still hear them, and we will always hear them.

Their voices will be heard, long after the Gaza Strip is rubble, and the inhabitants driven into the Sinai Desert.

January 14, 2024 12:56 pm

I think we’re now done with the Swiss handing out iodine to the populace. It’s not because why the feral thinks is the reason.

I mentioned this one other time, but he chose to use it again to defend the insane bullshit that Micronesia is targeting rural Queensland shitnholes with nuclear missiles.

On behalf of the army pharmacy, Swiss Post is distributing iodine tablets to all households, businesses and public institutions within a 50-kilometre radius of Swiss nuclear power plants.

A hyperbolic moron.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 14, 2024 1:00 pm

Considering the “initiation” was well documented by the evil invaders, and reasonably widespread, you’d think they’d want to identify with their tribal roots. Being Proud and all.

Still practiced ten years ago, if the “Australian” can be believed.

January 14, 2024 1:02 pm

It’s almost as if they aren’t genuine. But that can’t be right, can it?

You’ve heard of stolen valour…this is stolen status.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 14, 2024 1:03 pm

On secret men’s business in outback Queensland

By ross bilton
The Weekend Australian Magazine
12:00AM April 5, 2014

SPENDING 10 days out bush with a secret society of Marrinyama men was an eye-opener for photographer Brook Mitchell, a white city boy.

He was taken around their dreaming places, and watched them wake up the ancestors with sacred dances. He saw ritual blood-letting and scarification. And he learned of their key initiation rite, circumcision with a sharp stone — including the variation known as subincision, or “whistle cock”, in which (cross your legs now, fellas) the underside of the penis is split wide open.

Tradition is everything to the group’s leader, Lance Tjupurrula Sullivan, 43, pictured painting an acolyte. Anyone who breaks the rules — who drinks or smokes weed, for instance — gets a spear in the leg, he says. That’s their justice. And their medicine? Red ochre mixed with the ashes of burned corkwood and ti tree is the only antiseptic a man needs, Sullivan insists. The father of five, who has a degree in archaeology and anthropology from James Cook University, says he eschews modern materials in the making of those magnificent dhoeri hats, too, relying only on paperbark and feathers.

Mitchell got on well with the group, even after learning that the name of their camp — surrounded by silver and copper mines hard up against sacred sites — translated as “Big Tallman Flesh Eater Place”. (He’s 1.85m.) And that wasn’t all. “They kept saying they should circumcise me because they were showing me all this secret stuff,” says the photographer, 35. His girlfriend Jessica, in a phone call, put her foot down in no uncertain terms. That was a relief. “Because they really would have done it,” he says.

Cassie of Sydney
January 14, 2024 1:05 pm

Overnight in London supporters of Hamas and Houthis run amok in London near Parliament.

Why has this happened? Years of mass immigration, both legal and illegal from Muslim countries.

Today in London there will be a rally against Jew hatred, a rally to STAND WITH ISRAEL’, organised by “Christian Action Against Anti-Semitism”. This same organisation is also organising the rally here in Sydney on Sunday 4 February 2024.

January 14, 2024 1:08 pm

Germany issues free iodine tablets

The western German city of Aachen has started issuing free iodine tablets to some 500,000 residents and people living nearby because an ageing Belgian nuclear plant is seen as a risk.
People can register on the city website to receive coupons exchangeable at pharmacies stocking the pills.

January 14, 2024 1:10 pm

Tradition is everything to the group’s leader, Lance Tjupurrula Sullivan, 43, pictured painting an acolyte. Anyone who breaks the rules — who drinks or smokes weed, for instance — gets a spear in the leg, he says. That’s their justice. And their medicine? Red ochre mixed with the ashes of burned corkwood and ti tree is the only antiseptic a man needs, Sullivan insists. The father of five, who has a degree in archaeology and anthropology from James Cook University, says he eschews modern materials in the making of those magnificent dhoeri hats, too, relying only on paperbark and feathers.

FDD I’m sick of this bullshit.

January 14, 2024 1:10 pm

Netherlands, same reason

Dutch Ministry of Public Health is distributing iodine tablets in provinces located near nuclear plants. The pills are intended to protect against a certain type of radiation should there be a nuclear disaster

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 14, 2024 1:13 pm

The more I read about the US strikes against Yemen the more ineffective and counterproductive they appear.

The US strikes will stop when the Houthis stop attacking passing ships.

Same as Gaza, which will stop when Hamas surrenders unconditionally and releases the hostages dead or alive.

The onus is on the aggressor, Hamas and the Houthis. Until they stop they will get rained on by steel and TNT. Scuttle little creatures, as death rains upon you.

US carries out further strikes against Houthis in Yemen one day after hitting nearly 30 locations (12 Jan)

They can make it stop whenever they want. If they refuse to stop they will suffer. From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli pirates will be erased.

The fun geopolitical aspect is that Iran is hiding behind the Houthis. So the US has decided to play that game and is pasting the Houthis as proxies for Iran, who are the actual enemy. Therefore Iran cannot easily respond to the Houthis being turned into tomato paste. I wonder when the Houthis will get tired of being the sacrificial victims for the IRGC?

January 14, 2024 1:14 pm

France too

France to give iodine tablets to more people living near nuclear plants

France distributed free iodine to people living within 10km of a nuclear plant in 2016, but it is now widening that radius.

Winston Smith
January 14, 2024 1:18 pm


Jan 14, 2024 12:56 PM
I think we’re now done with the Swiss handing out iodine to the populace. It’s not because why the feral thinks is the reason.
I mentioned this one other time, but he chose to use it again to defend the insane bullshit that Micronesia is targeting rural Queensland shitnholes with nuclear missiles.
On behalf of the army pharmacy, Swiss Post is distributing iodine tablets to all households, businesses and public institutions within a 50-kilometre radius of Swiss nuclear power plants.
A hyperbolic moron.

You are demented, J.C.
Seek help. Quickly – you are living in a fantasy world, which by definition isn’t real.

January 14, 2024 1:18 pm

What does AI say and the reasons why iodine tablets are distributed

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, several countries around the world have implemented or considered programs for the distribution of free iodine tablets as part of their nuclear emergency preparedness. It’s important to note that specific policies and programs can change, so it’s advisable to check for the latest information. Some countries that have historically adopted such measures include:

Belgium: Due to its nuclear power plants and proximity to neighboring countries with nuclear facilities.

France: Given its significant reliance on nuclear energy, France has implemented iodine distribution programs.

Germany: Due to its nuclear power plants, though it has been phasing out nuclear energy.

Switzerland: Given its nuclear power plants and the potential for cross-border effects.

Sweden: As a precautionary measure due to its nuclear power plants.

Finland: Has considered iodine distribution as part of nuclear safety measures.

United Kingdom: Has plans in place for the distribution of potassium iodate tablets in case of a nuclear incident.

Japan: After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, Japan has taken measures, including the distribution of iodine tablets.

South Korea: As a precautionary measure given its nuclear power plants.

United States: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recommends and provides guidelines for states with nuclear power plants to have plans for distributing potassium iodide to residents within a certain radius in case of a nuclear incident.

January 14, 2024 1:20 pm

Dr. John Campbell

Disease X

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 14, 2024 1:20 pm

Good article by Peter Smith at Quadrant, about alternative approaches to Section 18c and the vexed issue of hate speech/calls for violence.

January 14, 2024 1:20 pm

I wonder if multi-clan elder Bob Nicholls is up for a bit of scarification in the bush?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x