Open Thread – Mon 22 Jan 2024

The Angel Standing in the Sun, William Turner, 1846

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January 22, 2024 12:18 pm

This newer generation are actually activists. Not journalists.

Yes, I was going to say they’re prepared to lie for the cause, or at least they are easily manipulated to do so (groupthink) on account of their aforementioned ignorance and woke pre-programming.

Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 12:19 pm
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) wants to know who at the Department of Treasury approved searches of Americans’ private financial accounts for transactions for “religious texts”; which books, if any, were singled out; and why such purchases were assumed to indicate that an individual was involved in “domestic violent terrorism.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 12:22 pm

Triple J was hugely popular and influential in the 1980s. The Big Day Out virtually started the idea of an annual summer music festival and broke a number of US college bands in Australia. Now it would be lucky to rate 4th or 5th in most metropolitan markets. Pick any market segment and the story would be the same.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 22, 2024 12:23 pm

On the subject of an indigenous GG, AnAl’s priority will be the same as Keating’s when he appointed Sir William Deane

Sir William Deane? Wasn’t he the individual who apologized for a “frontier massacre”, perpetrated by a man, who had been dead for two years at the time?

January 22, 2024 12:24 pm

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) wants to know who at the Department of Treasury approved searches of Americans’ private financial accounts for transactions for “religious texts”

Tipped as a possible Trump VP.

January 22, 2024 12:27 pm

It always amazes me that when the wise heads on Sky screech their outrage regarding the ABC, they all propose torturous, and impossible ‘reforms’. None are prepared to enunciate the reality that reform is impossible and the obvious only solution is defunding.
The innate culture of submission to authority, even if that authority is invalid, is strong in journoland.
The exception of course being Australia’s Milei, Liz Storer.

January 22, 2024 12:29 pm

Tipped as a possible Trump VP.

Meets the black criteria.
But does not meet the cool brother criteria.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 22, 2024 12:31 pm

On the subject of an indigenous GG…

Will be amusing watching Albo and Co wriggle their way through that one.

If they do go for it they risk angering the electorate that said they didn’t want any more virtue-signalling by race.

If they don’t they risk angering some of the more leftie voters.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 22, 2024 12:33 pm

This newer generation are actually activists. Not journalists.

Let’s not use the “activist” word.
People like Latoosh “bring a unique perspective to matters of national and global importance” and “are a voice for the voiceless and disadvantaged”.
Although I sometimes wonder at what point “the voiceless” have so many spokespeople that they can cease to be considered “voiceless”.

January 22, 2024 12:34 pm

Judging by what I see of the ABC’s semi-print articles, it is not worse than it was 20 years ago.

I wonder whether that opinion would be widely held. Most people would put the real decline from the 70s and 80s I suspect.

and Roger

You’re not seeing enough then.

Not that I would recommend it.

Actually what bugs me these days what I see on the TV when I go to eat in the Mess, is generally visuals of expensive-looking women congratulating each other, perhaps for ‘being concerned’, and a few pictures of lesser humans curated to support the tilty-headed, furrowed- brow ‘concern’.

January 22, 2024 12:35 pm

“they have a suite of software which does what all software development does – expands to fill the available schedule and absorb all the resources.”

I’ve used Jira (embedded projects) from both the tester and developer side – not bad. Not great, but does what it has to do. Maybe better for big teams, dunno.

First rule of software development: the first 90% of the project takes the first 90% of the time, the other 10% of the project consumes the other 90% of the time. (not a typo)

January 22, 2024 12:36 pm

Read that one more time numbnutz. This time for comprehension.

Zatara believes everything on the Internet, LOL.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 22, 2024 12:39 pm

We watched “American Nightmare” on Stanflix last night.
I won’t publish spoilers here except to say that a victim of a miscarriage of justice ultimately received a payout of … ta-dah … $2.5 meg!
OK, it’s USD not AUD, but when you compare the circumstances to Britnah’s payout, it is laughable.
And they actually had to take it to court in the US, not some tricked up backroom deal.

January 22, 2024 12:39 pm

Intellectual charity requires that… I offer you some of my IQ points, m0nty.

You likely measure as having a good few, but you are clearly not using them.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 22, 2024 12:50 pm

First rule of software development: the first 90% of the project takes the first 90% of the time, the other 10% of the project consumes the other 90% of the time. (not a typo)

Bwah ha ha ha.
I used to work with a PM who had the nick-name “Mr 99%”.
His projects all sailed through to 99% complete without a hitch, then got mysteriously stuck on 99 whilst he spent another 40-50% of the budgeted sum (plus schedule blowouts).
His mantra seemed to be, “if I’ve spent 90% of the budget, I must be 90% complete on progress”.
Strangely enough, he was very resistant to the idea of predetermined earned value milestones.

January 22, 2024 12:53 pm

First rule of software development: the first 90% of the project takes the first 90% of the time, the other 10% of the project consumes the other 90% of the time. (not a typo)

Second Rule is that software is never finished and the more code you write the more bugs there are.

Re Jira: It used to be a good tool for managing requirements on agile projects. Now its been “improved” to the point where a Phd in Jira and mucho consutancy required to even do the simplest stuff. Thanks Atalassian!

January 22, 2024 12:56 pm

Looks like ‘you lot’ has been retired.

January 22, 2024 12:58 pm

all sides of politics/ generations are prepared to lie

Sure, but I’d maintain it’s particularly egregious in publicly funded media and increasingly in privately owned media (down to the local rag). The introduction of AI into journalism and the efforts of government to counter so-called alternative media sources will magnify this bias, as difficult as that is to imagine.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 22, 2024 1:00 pm

Also, “American Nightmare” is well worth a look.
It is a complex story which runs for three episodes of, I think, about 40 minutes. It builds suspense nicely simply by the order in which the events are presented – roughly chronological, but with some revealing “flashback” snippets which help tie it together in the third instalment.
However, it doesn’t have those annoying 5-10 minute “recaps” at the start of episodes 2 and 3, which assume the viewer has the memory of a goldfish.
Four stars for me, Margaret.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 22, 2024 1:00 pm

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) wants to know who at the Department of Treasury approved searches of Americans’ private financial accounts for transactions for “religious texts”; which books, if any, were singled out; and why such purchases were assumed to indicate that an individual was involved in “domestic violent terrorism.

Why do I suspect that the Koran and quotes form it were not on that list?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 22, 2024 1:02 pm

Re Jira: It used to be a good tool for managing requirements on agile projects.

“Agile” sounds like a synonym for “no spec”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 22, 2024 1:02 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Jan 22, 2024 12:23 PM

On the subject of an indigenous GG, AnAl’s priority will be the same as Keating’s when he appointed Sir William Deane

Sir William Deane? Wasn’t he the individual who apologized for a “frontier massacre”, perpetrated by a man, who had been dead for two years at the time?

IIRC, the MSM and leftards (BIRM) sometimes described him as the “conscience of the nation”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 22, 2024 1:06 pm

Jan 22, 2024 12:39 PM
Intellectual charity requires that… I offer you some of my IQ points, m0nty.

You likely measure as having a good few, but you are clearly not using them.

It is possible that Fat Boy Fascist has multiple neurons, but extremely doubtful that he has synapses to connect them. Hence, he can use only one neuron at a time.

January 22, 2024 1:12 pm

Jan 22, 2024 10:55 AM

A few days ago Senator Rennick posted on his Twitter about recent Federal Health purchase of shingles treatments.

$826 million for treatments for 5m people.

Seems shingles has recently become a major issue. Wonder why ?!


at annual NSW over 75 GP Drivers licence check late November 23, my Female GP asked me if I wanted Shingles Vaccine – I replied no, I would stick with Anti-Viral approach that got me through Covid unvaccinated

January 22, 2024 1:14 pm

Finally, there were the folks who are doing their level best to make sure the party stays deeply divided. Apparently, they believe this kind of rhetoric will convince DeSantis voters to join up with the Trump coalition. I have my doubts. Primaries are ugly and their feelings are hurt. Honestly, they should take their cues from Trump. His response to the DeSantis concession was measured and respectful. It struck the necessary tone to help DeSantis voters join his fold.

January 22, 2024 1:15 pm

I don’t see a multi-billion dollar company in that.

You know Reddit is going for a 15 bn USD IPO?

It’s insane. It’s stupid fun and antisocial parasocial interaction, but it isn’t worth a dime.


The chances of it paying dividends are extremely low.

January 22, 2024 1:15 pm

“Agile” sounds like a synonym for “no spec”.

Can be the case. Frequent Demo(s) and testing should show if thats the case.

For 90% of projects a spreadsheet can handle what Atlassian does. But thats not “Agile” …

January 22, 2024 1:25 pm

The Face Book is 20 years old this year.

Some people may have an account their whole life, and into adulthood.

Also, on the exact day The Face Book was born, DARPA/CIA’s “Life Log” was shut down.

:insert suspicious sideways eyes emoji here:

January 22, 2024 1:26 pm

at annual NSW over 75 GP Drivers licence check late November 23, my Female GP asked me if I wanted Shingles Vaccine – I replied no, I would stick with Anti-Viral approach that got me through Covid unvaccinated

Though I’m not over 75, I was also asked in a questionnaire by my local health centre nurse last week whether I wanted the shingles vaccine.

After the Kung Flu fiasco, I said no as I simply no longer trust the Australian medical system or any vaccine it recommends.

January 22, 2024 1:33 pm

The Reddit IPO is like buying a house as an investment property in 2005 with a cumulative capital base up until 2021 of 350,000 AUD in Liverpool or Penrith, never earning any net rent from it, and in 2024, expecting to sell it for 4 million AUD.

On the other hand, investors in the US can earn 5.5% now on certificates of deposit, pre-tax.

Absolutely bonkers, these idiot sandwiches, f@#$ me!

January 22, 2024 1:35 pm

The Reddit IPO is like buying a house as an investment property in 2005 with a cumulative capital base up until 2021 of 350,000 AUD in Liverpool or Penrith, never earning any net rent from it, and in 2024, expecting to sell it for 4 million AUD.

Cat site must be worth a mil or two, based on same business model as Reddit.

January 22, 2024 1:37 pm

The Reddit IPO is like

Can I pick up some Myspace futures?
I have been wrong so often about things that have no underlying value that I am tired of all the ‘winning’.

January 22, 2024 1:38 pm

I don’t think this is unique to the Left or to any new generation.

Perhaps not but with the Left having such a stranglehold on the MSM and education/academia, the leftist lies get the most airplay by far.

January 22, 2024 1:39 pm

never earning any net rent from it

Let me rephrase that.

At best, breaking even, but never earning net rent from it.

January 22, 2024 1:42 pm

Watched a decent Oz drama .. a Paramount offering ONE NIGHT .. a 20 years ago unsolved rape getz a new lease of life when one of those connected writes a tell-all “fiction” novel and the consequences for those associated ..
set in Coaldale/Wollongong .. 6 episodes … 8/10

January 22, 2024 1:54 pm
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 22, 2024 1:57 pm

Dominion voting machines –

“To dream the un-hackable dream”

“BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS”


Courtesy of ‘another ian’ at Jo Nova Blog.

January 22, 2024 2:01 pm

In the absence of a major Sunday sports broadcast, Sky News’s first Outsiders show of the year (0900-1100 Sunday) re-established its record as the network’s most popular weekly show with 55,000 cable TV viewers yesterday. Link.

January 22, 2024 2:04 pm

If we switched out ‘Leftist’ for ‘regime’ I would agree but that has always been true.

No it hasn’t. Conservative right “regimes” have had a hands off turn the other cheek approach towards the MSM and academia/education for decades. Allowing leftism to flourish. Conservative forces are now pushing back with some success but still, the ground lost to the left in these spaces is enormous. That may change if Trump is successful but only to the point of getting within reach of a balance. Leftism is deeply entrenched in the MSM and academia/education to the point where I don’t see it being overtaken.

Mallee Miss
Mallee Miss
January 22, 2024 2:16 pm

In view of the article in today’s Paywallian about childcare (indoctrination) centres requiring children to do a welcome to country every morning, I thought I would explore the ACT cent mentioned. For convenience of parents they have a recipe page listed under their services. I was particularly interested in the traditional aboriginal damper recipe. Forgive the clumsy link:
Who knew traditional aborigines had powdered milk, self-raising flour or butter?

Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2024 2:37 pm

Jan 22, 2024 2:04 PM


The oracle in me says that the corrective will be Islam.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 22, 2024 2:42 pm

Mallee Miss

Who knew traditional aborigines had powdered milk, self-raising flour or butter?

Bruce Pascoe?

January 22, 2024 2:46 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Jan 22, 2024 11:24 AM
Haley is a RINO

DeSantis is not a RINO

He took their money and listened to their advisors. I said this before, he is very young but in too much of a hurry, had he sat out the primaries he would now be the natural front runner for the VP position. Republican voters are now not sure he is who he says he is.

January 22, 2024 2:52 pm

The BOM has the cyclone surviving inland for four days then regenerating to the 970’s and popping out again on the Sunshine Coast.

Well maybe. That is the trouble with BOM. Are we looking at what will happen, or what they want to happen. They have become dangerous.

That sort of track did occur about eight years ago, although 970’s is an extreme forecast in my view.

I think I’ll leave the battening down for a while yet.

January 22, 2024 2:53 pm

Who knew traditional aborigines had powdered milk, self-raising flour or butter?

How did they write down the chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate?

January 22, 2024 2:54 pm

People like Latoosh … “are a voice for the voiceless and disadvantaged”.

There are strict prerequisites for the parasitic ventriloquism however.
Thus the adjective ‘selective’ might be placed before ‘voiceless.’
We might also add an asterisk directing readers to the footnote: * It is not the responsibility of parajournoventriloquists to propose or assist practical solutions with measurable outcomes.

By the way, one suspects the definition of ‘voiceless’ has been changed from ‘no voice’ to ‘not enough voices to achieve the desired collective volume.’

January 22, 2024 2:55 pm

Jan 22, 2024 12:24 PM
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) wants to know who at the Department of Treasury approved searches of Americans’ private financial accounts for transactions for “religious texts”

Tipped as a possible Trump VP.

I don’t think he is the right choice. Should Trump win, this will be his second term so he will need an energetic and MAGA-committed VP who will carry on the good work. Ben Carson would do it as would Kari Lake and Elise Stefanik and even Vivek. DeSantis maybe but he has raised too many doubts with his recent choices.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 22, 2024 3:04 pm

Went to a Coles in a northern Teal electorate today to get my Australia Day BBQ supplies. We will be ten at table. I liked the heavy glass beer mugs that had Aussie decals on them and big handles for holding, but they only had four left, so other beer drinkers will have to have stubby holders or a normal beer glass. I got the last two Australia day plastic tablecloths, and a couple of the few remaining flags, but no serviettes left nor toothpic flags for nibbles. Picked up a few hard plastic Aussie Oi Oi Oi plates which will do for Attapuss later, for handing around said nibbles. Went to the local 2 dollar shop nearby and got plenty of flag serviettes and the flag toothpicks. A goodly amount of offerings left, but selling well, says the saleswoman. We have our own proper big flag to go out of the window to the harbour traffic. In general, the selection of merchandise was less varied than in previous years. Rohan Dean got Aussie thongs, but Coles only had plain blue ones. The 2 dollar shop had a bushie’s hat with bits of corks bobbing from the rim. Didn’t get it for Hairy out on the BBQ, but maybe I should have done, as a last gasp to the swaggies and bullockys who made this country and whom I recall seing wearing their corkies and humping their Matildas as sad old swagmen on back roads around Penrith back in my days.

With the inflection of the glorious long ago days of the Sydney Olympics with its Oi Oi Oi Okkerism on the trains and the flag everywhere, the smallish stands in both shops and the iconogrqaphy seemed rather a come down. I wonder if any under forty even know what a corked hat is, and thongs are designer items these days, quite costly some of them. We shall still do the right thing by Australia Day and its symbols, but I wonder how many others will still feel that call. Brave men died for our flag, so I hope at least that stands true and meaningful as the kitsch of recent years disappears into memory. Even the meaty BBQ is under threat as a climatic disgrace.

We don’t teach our children Australian history any more, about explorers and pioneers and inventors and stir in them the great pride we had in a being a small but definitive democratic nation. Our population hits 28 million, more than expected, this week. What do we stand for now?

Unity under the one flag is my best hope with Australia as our ‘home’ for all of us.
Patriotism has to rise again, and be heard. The Voice has tried to split us in two.
A separate aboriginal flag, let alone any other sort, has been a wrong turn.

There should never be a separate Indigenous aka ‘Invasion’ day.
It will be a redux of The Voice, separating us. We need uniting symbols.
I’d be happy to include some dot painting Aust Day beer mugs next years.
This is a day for ALL of us. The young Asian man on the chekout at Coles asked me when Australia day was. He’d obviously never heard of it. Its on Friday, I said. It’s a public holiday. You go to the beach, or have a backyard BBQ and and celebrate living in the best country in the world. Everyone’s invited, doesn’t matter who you are as long as you live here. He gave me a big smile back.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 3:05 pm

How did they write down the chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate?

Of course they didn’t write it down. They got the possums to do it.

God, you people.

January 22, 2024 3:08 pm

That is the trouble with BOM. Are we looking at what will happen, or what they want to happen? They have become dangerous.

The trouble with the BOM is the same trouble we have with the media: we’re paying them to understand facts and science and they are curating facts and science with (communist) ideology, meaning we can no longer trust anything they say.

Until BOM cleans out its activists and reinstates public trust as its No.1 priority, it is as useful as tits on a bull and a giant waste of public money.

January 22, 2024 3:11 pm

Jan 22, 2024 1:12 PM
Jan 22, 2024 10:55 AM
A few days ago Senator Rennick posted on his Twitter about recent Federal Health purchase of shingles treatments.
$826 million for treatments for 5m people.
Seems shingles has recently become a major issue. Wonder why ?!

I have been going to my current GP, who is a member of a large practice, for about 15 years and in all that time the only seasonal ads in the waiting room were for flu vaccines. Now they have a permanent poster urging shingles vaccine. Shingles was such a rare affliction that most people didn’t even know what it was yet suddenly it is commonplace. The way things are going could tuberculosis be far behind?

January 22, 2024 3:13 pm

Ben Carson would do it as would Kari Lake and Elise Stefanik and even Vivek.

Dr. Ben & Candy Carson
8 h ·

As we head into the week, I urge everyone to pray for our country. Pray for God’s providence from sea to shining sea. With the many problems we face, it will take a fighter to fix them. Donald J. Trump is the fighter we need. The GOP (the entire GOP) needs to unite behind him and stop wasting money that could be used to help take back our country in November.

(Not on facebook but accessed this by clicking on the X)

He is a member of the SDA church and that may help Trump with the evangelical voters.

Vivek is a Hindu so I don’t think this will help with the evangelicals. He is also a vegetarian as is Carson.

Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 3:14 pm

Monty appears and takes over 50% of the blog.
Can’t you lot ever bloody well learn that’s precisely why he’s here?

January 22, 2024 3:15 pm

Jan 22, 2024 7:33 AM
It’s school holidays Cranky, I am doing family stuff. You know, family that loves you? Or perhaps you don’t really understand that concept.

Do recall, this from the person that spent his honeymoon trolling the old cat.

January 22, 2024 3:19 pm

The so called “Vaccine Economy” can’t operate without billion dollar injections every few months. Just ask Dictator Dan who spewed untold hundreds of millions into Vic vaccine hubs.

Unlike any real market economy.

Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 3:21 pm

Jan 22, 2024 12:29 PM

Tipped as a possible Trump VP.

Meets the black criteria.
But does not meet the cool brother criteria.

Trump doesn’t need to pander to the black vote – he already has it by showing he can get them jobs.
Get Vivek in, instead.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 22, 2024 3:24 pm

A rich young woman sat beside a poor elderly man on a plane. She alerted the flight attendant upon taking her seat.

The flight attendant answered warmly, when the woman abruptly said, “Please find me another seat immediately.” The flight attendant responded, “I’m sorry Ma’am, but the economy cabin is fully booked.”

The rich woman replied, “But I’m not going to travel beside a worthless bum. Do something.”

While the elderly man stared in disbelief, the flight attendant responded, “I’ll talk to the Captain about this.”

The flight attendant went to the Captain and asked, “Captain, a woman feels uncomfortable sitting beside a poor elder man. What should we do?”

Surprisingly, the Captain’s face changed. He looked amused and said, “This woman is interesting. I’ve never encountered an issue like this before. I have a plan. Listen..”

And the Captain relayed to the flight attendant what he wants to do. The flight attendant was stunned at his plan. In fact, she was amazed.

A few minutes later, the flight attendant returned. “The Captain said we could use an open seat in First Class. He also wants to apologize for having to travel with such a terrible person.”

As the woman rose out of her seat, the flight attendant reached out her arm towards the poor elderly man. “Sir will you please follow me?” To which the plane applauded.

Never look down on other people. Regardless of what you have achieved in life, stay humble. Keep your feet on the ground. The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 22, 2024 3:24 pm

I see Japan has become the fifth nation to land a spacecraft on the moon.

It’s appalling how the space story of early Australians has been whitewashed out of history.

Make it “sixth nation”!

January 22, 2024 3:25 pm

Ben Carson would do it as would Kari Lake and Elise Stefanik and even Vivek.

Ben Carson is the wisdom Trump needs, but not the fighting smarts.

The fighting smarts Trump needs are in Kari Lake, the former TV journalist cheated out of the Arizona governorship in 2022 by the corrupt Democratic Party state apparatus.

Even more than Vivek Ramaswamy, Kari Lake not only understands media corruption, but can throw it back in the faces of the media establishment who will again try to bring down Trump after he is elected in 2024.

Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 3:28 pm

What is Reddit?
Is it like Facebook or something?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 22, 2024 3:31 pm

Thanks to whoever recommended “The Attack”, by Kurt Schlichter. My copy was delivered this morning – damnfine reading.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 22, 2024 3:32 pm

had he sat out the primaries he would now be the natural front runner for the VP position.

Nikki Hayley is throwing more than 35 million at this primary, she’s heavily funded. DeSantis is not. Running out of money is the main reason people withdraw.

January 22, 2024 3:32 pm

What is Reddit?
Is it like Facebook or something?

Bigly sad.

January 22, 2024 3:38 pm

I am doing family stuff.

So getting strangers to ream your kids nostrils in carparks because you are a rampaging lardbeast who lacks the self discipline to drop 20 kg?

That family stuff?

January 22, 2024 3:42 pm

Oh dear. Stick to lurking, old cock.

Dickless projecting. Say something of interest dickless: are you ill, for instance?

January 22, 2024 3:45 pm

a rampaging lardbeast

The “rampage” mainly taking the form of a slow motion stampede whenever someone opens the fridge door. The one with a lock on it.

Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 3:49 pm

I’ve never looked at Reddit, so today I decided to.
Jesu Cristo.
Everyone the prime actor in their own movie that no one else would pay a cent to see.
Look at me! Lookatme! Look!

January 22, 2024 3:54 pm

Everyone the prime actor in their own movie that no one else would pay a cent to see.
Look at me! Lookatme! Look!

I don’t use Reddit, but I think its a forum format. Is that any different to Whirlpool or any number of old fashioned hobby forums? Any more narcissistic?

Before forums were Guestbooks. Remember the original Matilda? One thread, basically the Cat Open Fred, open forever. Also capable of being ignored as an ego display for most participants. Worth being there, I thought.

Like here.

January 22, 2024 4:03 pm

The problem with using ‘Leftism’ or ‘Conservative’ here is their imprecision.

Like everything else there is some evolution in these mental states but the fundamentals remain the same. The left are superior minded people who are almost universally useless and depend on the society which they are willing to destroy to enable their superiority to be rewarded by being in power. They use great causes to prove their superiority: femininity until it clashed with the gender freaks; blackness; islam/pallies and the big one, man-made climate change and ruinables. The only thing that has changed with the left since Trump is that they have been exposed and are now much more aggressive and obvious due to that exposure.

Conservatives believe in traditional values and the gradual introduction of technology to benefit society. The left selectively use that technology to consolidate their power. The problem with conservatism is that it has lost its aggression and lazily assumed the social infrastructure can withstand the left: it can’t. Conservatism, like all other aspects of the West, has also been infiltrated by the left. This has produced the impotence of conservatism today where many conservatives openly oppose people like Trump who represent a return to muscular conservatism.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 4:03 pm

IIRC, the MSM and leftards (BIRM) sometimes described him as the “conscience of the nation”.

The “conscience of the nation” and the Liars on the green leather. Sounds expensive.

January 22, 2024 4:03 pm

Stay classy, mole.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 22, 2024 4:08 pm

Monty appears and takes over 50% of the blog.
Can’t you lot ever bloody well learn that’s precisely why he’s here?

Winston, Winston, when a punching bag presents itself you do not just thump it one time. You go for a nice workout and release of your pent up energy. Unlike most punching bags Monty never wears out.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
January 22, 2024 4:08 pm

I don’t even know what this means:

I don’t use Reddit, but I think its a forum format. Is that any different to Whirlpool or any number of old fashioned hobby forums? Any more narcissistic?

Before forums were Guestbooks. Remember the original Matilda? One thread, basically the Cat Open Fred, open forever. Also capable of being ignored as an ego display for most participants. Worth being there, I thought.

It reads like random word generation.

Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2024 4:09 pm

Stay classy

Now that’s what I call chutzpah coming from someone who earlier wrote ‘Oh dear. Stick to lurking, old cock‘.

January 22, 2024 4:12 pm

I am thinking the same. No more jabs for me. Health Depts and the experts credibility totally destroyed in past 4 years. If the media had done its job and actually questioned them they might have realised early they could not get away with it and salvaged some of the early damage.

Nearly every time you see somebody talking about Covid hospitalisation you know it is bulldust. How come after nearly 4 we still get fed admitted in hospital “with”. I have seen this commented upon hundreds of times under mainstream media online articles and still they do it.

The only state that I noted had useful Covid hospital admission stats was TAS which showed how many admitted with Covid but followed by those just for Covid. The real Covid admission cases was about 33%. However that is not so scary when trying to get people to take the next one.

Combine with can’t talk about vaccine injuries as might discourage people from taking the jab.

Meanwhile the Health Ministers believe everything they are fed.

Meanwhile the head of EU at WEF said number one priority was fighting Misinformation.

For those who have not seen it yet I highly recommend the Brett Weinstein interview with Tucker Carlson. Watch on X if you can as YouTube cut a bit which just happened to be boss of WHO talking about misinformation. Covers what happened and what is coming.

“After the Kung Flu fiasco, I said no as I simply no longer trust the Australian medical system or any vaccine it recommends”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 22, 2024 4:12 pm

Comment posted over on the Oz website – 21 reactions – 1 reply – Comment rejected…

January 22, 2024 4:13 pm

Should be after nearly 4 years.

January 22, 2024 4:15 pm

My most recent one had over 50 likes before taken down. Somebody over ruled the initial moderator.

“Comment posted over on the Oz website – 21 reactions – 1 reply – Comment rejected…”

January 22, 2024 4:17 pm

Stay classy, mole.

FOAD dickless.

January 22, 2024 4:17 pm

Make it “sixth nation”!

Nah -132nd ……….as at least half of our 251 first nations had active space programs and landed on the moon.

Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2024 4:17 pm

“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Jan 22, 2024 3:04 PM

Lovely comment, Lizzie.

January 22, 2024 4:19 pm

This has produced the impotence of conservatism today where many conservatives openly oppose people like Trump who represent a return to muscular conservatism.

Trump isn’t a conservative more old school democrat with some libertarian.

January 22, 2024 4:24 pm

It reads like random word generation.

Sorry about that.
If you know, you know.

January 22, 2024 4:26 pm

That’s interesting, bespoke. In what ways?

January 22, 2024 4:26 pm

My most recent one had over 50 likes before taken down.

The Paywallian’s J-school grads, who get the job of moderating reader comments, are at war with the paper’s readership, who the J-school fascists think shouldn’t be allowed an opinion.

The Paywallian has a growing readership in spite of the human trash being hired to do the journalism.

The editors probably wouldn’t mind if the J-school kiddies weren’t illiterate and innumerate.

January 22, 2024 4:27 pm

If anything, what has happened over the post-WW2 period is that the Regime has outwardly become more liberal as it has made society more liberal, and that this movement is simply reflected more and more in the MSM.

I don’t see it that way. The Regime did not become more liberal out of thin air. The collectivist/communist/Marxist drive through the institutions and MSM has accelerated with the fall off the USSR, the deployment of new technology and the internet. It’s now bearing fruit big time. Conservative (INO) Govts mostly have put any counter to that in the too hard basket, preferring to go along to get along. Wanting and seeking to be loved. And falling into the left’s hands in doing so. This Regime you refer to is expanding / growing Marxism and it’s sub-variants such as wokeism and the LGBTQI freakshow.

Bruce in WA
January 22, 2024 4:30 pm

Jetstar flights cancelled after plane crashes into ute at Sydney Airport

While the exact circumstances of the crash unknown [sic], the ute belonging to Sydney Airport ran into the wing propeller of a grounded plane at about 5.30am on Monday.

Photos of the vehicle show the crash shattered the car’s windscreen and crumpled part of the side and bonnet of the car.

Dramatic photos show the front of the ute crumpled under the plane’s propeller. Photo: 7 News Credit: Channel 7


Here’s the page. Since when do jet engines have “propellers”? And why was the aircraft “grounded”? In fact, if you read on, you’ll see it was being towed to another location, to be boarded for flights.

Ah, journalism; the profession you have when you’re not having a profession.

Bruce in WA
January 22, 2024 4:33 pm

ZK2A said:

Thanks to whoever recommended “The Attack”, by Kurt Schlichter. My copy was delivered this morning – damnfine reading.

Heading down south for a week tomorrow. My copy’s sitting on my iPad waiting for me …

January 22, 2024 4:33 pm

The fighting smarts Trump needs are in Kari Lake, the former TV journalist cheated out of the Arizona governorship in 2022 by the corrupt Democratic Party state apparatus.

President Trump predicted on Monday that Kari Lake would do well in the Senate which appears to rule her out her role as VP.

January 22, 2024 4:34 pm

All I’ve done is hold up a mirror showing your actions.
If you are revolted by it it suggests your actions were actually foul.

Best to pretend it never occurred eh?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 22, 2024 4:35 pm

“The Attack”, by Kurt Schlichter.

Thanks for the heads up ZK2A. Will order it.

January 22, 2024 4:38 pm

I thought it was called a nacelle.

I know this because of Star Trek. 🙂

January 22, 2024 4:39 pm

Lake lost in 2022 because of rules passed by the GOP controlled state house.
The Arizona McCain GOP controlled statehouse.
In January 2022 that they had months to reverse but did not.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 4:39 pm

A B J’ism has substantially less value than even a BA. Someone who says they studied j’ism is really saying their opinion isn’t worth bothering with.

January 22, 2024 4:40 pm

Didn’t mutley do jism when econ 101 was too hard after a couple of weeks. Mutley has been giving our Jet, star reporter lessons.

January 22, 2024 4:42 pm

Good grief. I ask a question and get a burp back.

I’d be really interested in why Bespoke thinks Trump is an old style Dem cum Libertarian. It’s not as if the assertion doesn’t require some backup argument and examples.

Or is that too much for the deadbeat downticker to process?

Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2024 4:45 pm

Lake lost in 2022 because of rules passed by the GOP controlled state house.
The Arizona McCain GOP controlled statehouse.
In January 2022 that they had months to reverse but did not.


January 22, 2024 4:45 pm
Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 4:46 pm

Jan 22, 2024 4:03 PM

The problem with using ‘Leftism’ or ‘Conservative’ here is their imprecision.

I prefer to use “Collectivism” because it refers to the collection of people as more important than the individual. That way it all lines up neatly, and you don’t get sucked into the leftist trap of deflection – e.g. was Hitler a Right or Left winger?
Simple – like Mao and Stalin, Hitler was a Collectivist – a position that can be defended unlike the Left/Right description. (Which is why the Left like the term so much. Once you accept their parameters, you’ve lost the argument.)

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 22, 2024 4:47 pm

Daily Tele:

Moves to sideline Australia Day at sporting matches has been branded “disappointing” by critics including former cricket great Greg Ritchie. VOTE in our poll.

Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2024 4:48 pm

Most of Trump’s picks in the midterms in 2022 did not do well.

January 22, 2024 4:50 pm


I’ll track down some articles the would better explain then I can asap. Start with watch his early interviews.

January 22, 2024 4:53 pm

Greg Ritchie LOL. He was given his hat and his coat and told to rack off a long time ago.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 22, 2024 4:55 pm

Vote at present:

Should Cricket Australia be snubbing Australia Day?
Yes 3 %
No 97 %
611 votes

January 22, 2024 4:56 pm

Thanks, Bespoke. He’s never been a good “fit” with the Republicans, but they grit their teeth and pretend to tolerate him. Then do their best to undermine him.

The only way is via the two party system, so they get the power and have to hold their noses. It all unfolded during his Presidency. Pence was probably the best example I cane think of, but there will be better ones.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 4:57 pm

… critics including former cricket great Greg Ritchie

Fat Cat!

Robert Sewell
January 22, 2024 4:57 pm

Bruce in WA
Jan 22, 2024 4:33 PM

ZK2A said:
Thanks to whoever recommended “The Attack”, by Kurt Schlichter. My copy was delivered this morning – damnfine reading.

Heading down south for a week tomorrow. My copy’s sitting on my iPad waiting for me

When I read my copy, I pulled my rifles out for a clean up, and moved some ammo into the house. I can’t believe just how expensive a cheap plastic mag costs these days.

January 22, 2024 5:05 pm

Tom Jan 22, 2024 4:26 PM

The Paywallian’s J-school grads, who get the job of moderating reader comments, are at war with the paper’s readership, who the J-school fascists think shouldn’t be allowed an opinion.

They probably expect to be able to ‘educate’ you as easily as they’ve been educated…

January 22, 2024 5:15 pm

Jan 22, 2024 4:39 PM
Lake lost in 2022 because of rules passed by the GOP controlled state house.
The Arizona McCain GOP controlled statehouse.
In January 2022 that they had months to reverse but did not.

Trump endorsed Kari Lake which was a red rag to Cindy McCain who owns and controls Arizona GOP so of course she let the Dem vote steal go through. Cindy loathes Trump with the heat of a thousand suns. Arizona is lost to Republicans until Cindy carks it.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 5:15 pm

Predictably, mUnted:

Greg Ritchie LOL. He was given his hat and his coat and told to rack off a long time ago

hurr hurr hurr. Oh wait:

Should Cricket Australia be snubbing Australia Day?
Yes 3 %
No 97 %

Sure you’re on the right side of history here, porky?

January 22, 2024 5:17 pm

Jan 22, 2024 4:33 PM
The fighting smarts Trump needs are in Kari Lake, the former TV journalist cheated out of the Arizona governorship in 2022 by the corrupt Democratic Party state apparatus.

President Trump predicted on Monday that Kari Lake would do well in the Senate which appears to rule her out her role as VP.

Opinion polls mean nothing in Arizona where Cindy McCain rules and she will make sure Kari loses again.

January 22, 2024 5:20 pm

Cindy loathes Trump with the heat of a thousand suns.

He managed to achieve what her husband could not.

What a spiteful individual.

January 22, 2024 5:25 pm

Trump endorsed Kari Lake which was a red rag to Cindy McCain who owns and controls Arizona GOP so of course she let the Dem vote steal go through. Cindy loathes Trump with the heat of a thousand suns.

Insulting her husband being the major cause of the 1000 suns heat. The biggest and most effective opponent of trump is his own mouth.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 22, 2024 5:31 pm

Cricket Australia (used to be the Australian Cricket Board) has identified itself as the most insipid, spineless, and woke national sporting body in Australia.

Just defeating the AFL.

Gormless pandering to some activist minority about Australia Day and gibbering about inclusivity.

What about including the 97% that don’t cop your bullshit!

Bruce in WA
January 22, 2024 5:33 pm

Robert Sewell said:

When I read my copy, I pulled my rifles out for a clean up, and moved some ammo into the house. I can’t believe just how expensive a cheap plastic mag costs these days.

Hope I have to do the same. Mainly because Papalia is going to take my rifles off me as I no longer have a valid property letter. (The folks on my original have died/sold the farm. 🙁 ) I will clean them then have a massive ammo burn off at the range one day …

January 22, 2024 5:33 pm

OK Victorians, here is a chance to be useful. Now now, calm down, you may even become attracted to the concept.

We have guests coming. They are grain farmers from near Metz in Eastern France. We thought that it would be nice to take them for a trip through a grain growing area.
The Wimmera came to mind, it being somewhat more presentable than say Moree, and more extensive than the Downs. SA is too far.

The question being if you were taking folks though the Wimmera, where would you go?

January 22, 2024 5:35 pm

The biggest and most effective opponent of trump is his own mouth.

And yet it’s this mouth that attracts support.

A shrinking violet will never be President. Unless he’s a geriatric ice cream and child sniffing enthusiast with a wealth of dutiful, soulless drones prepared to do anything, however evil, to get him over the line.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
January 22, 2024 5:43 pm

A B J’ism has substantially less value than even a BA.

Troops a degree in J’Ism sits below a Diploma from Barber College.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 22, 2024 5:49 pm

A degree in J’lsm means you passed English Expression in primary school.

January 22, 2024 5:50 pm

A degree in J’lsm means you passed English Expression in primary school.

But not veggie maths.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 22, 2024 5:51 pm


‘We need the best’: Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan defends huge salaries of North East Link project executives, including one role paid $126,446 over threshold (Sky, 22 Jan)

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has defended the salaries of three North East Link project executives after it was revealed their pay packets exceeded the limits for taxpayer-funded positions.

The Herald Sun revealed on Monday that the state’s pay-setting tribunal has recently green-lit large pay increases for the three executives, providing special exemptions from the strict pay limits set for their taxpayer-funded roles.

Opposition major projects spokesperson David Southwick has criticised the salary increases of the North East Link project executives.

“At a time when the cost of North East Link is blowing out by billions, it’s unfathomable that Labor would give such huge pay rises to executives,” Mr Southwick said.

Nothing is unfathomable for maaaaates.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 5:52 pm

if you were taking folks though the Wimmera, where would you go?

Fitzroy Crossing.

January 22, 2024 5:54 pm

I know someone who, unfortunately, appears to be experiencing this first hand. She had cancer decades ago which suddenly to seems to be reappearing in all directions. She is seriously unwell. I’m well aware this is always a possibility but I can’t help but suspect that it was helped along by the shots and boosters she had.

The New Zealand data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 22, 2024 5:57 pm

I have been listening to the podcast ‘The Rest is History’. They have discussed over 4+ episodes (45min) how the Nazis rose to power and how they were able to make their warped view of the world into a reality. Not enough to just say they were evil, as this is too simple and glosses over the ‘could never happen again’.
I have found it truly unsettling and how modern day Govmints utilise similar strategies… examples:
1. Using science to promote their cause. Who can argue with 97% ?
2. Create emergencies, seize opportunities and roll out new laws or extend use of precedents. ‘I make no apologies for my decisions!’
3. Indoctrinate the young. Teachers and students are very useful activists to drive the agenda and burnt most of the books back in the day.
4. Make people uncomfortable talking about certain issues, isolate those on the other side, then proceed to make it illegal. Sounds familiar.
5. Have an arm of your party willing to do the violent works but far enough away to keep from tainting your image. Browns shirts / Antifa anyone?
6. Push the boundary until you encounter resistance. Then step back a little, pause, then push quicker and further next time.
7. If the world is visiting, clean the place up, put the controversial policies away whilst the media is in town. Then catch up once useful idiots have left. Olympics are great for this.
8. Divide your enemies and do side deals with each when needed.
9. Stay the course. Western allies soon get tired and worn down if not directly impacted.
10. Most of all, frighten the population. They will do anything to ‘stay safe’.

There are many more but they were the standouts for me.

Of course one lesson they didnt learn was know your limits. If they had of stopped at reclaiming the Rhineland and Annexing Austria, old Adolf may have gone down as a great leader. Unfortunately his penchant for murdering people and invading others knew no bounds. Finally the Allies pushed back and as the say The Rest is History and no one remembers his second rate paintings.

January 22, 2024 5:57 pm

I just had an extensive read of the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum website, pdfs blog and newsletters.

I have not taken much interest before except to approve their existence.

Now I am reading up the history of manufacturing and want to relate it to arms-making organisation and quality management processes before Toyota and Deming.

But the Lithgow SAF website is terrific, and I am going to go and have a look in real life as soon as I can.

By the way, who remembers in the old Victorian Science and Technology Museum a room full of guns housing a row of forgings being process steps from the Lithgow rifle factory? Nearby I saw Phar Lap too.

January 22, 2024 5:57 pm

The biggest and most effective opponent of trump is his own mouth.

What a really stupid thing to say.

January 22, 2024 5:58 pm

Fitzroy Crossing.

Save two cans.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 5:59 pm

Watsa Madda You news (the NT News):

A Darwin racehorse owner who blamed his “European heritage” and legal training for his use of “inappropriate language” towards stewards has lost an appeal of a $5000 fine over the incident.

Former lawyer

There’s one red flag.

and one time mayoral candidate

There’s another.

Paul Masten copped the partially suspended $5000 fine after he was found guilty by stewards of speaking in an “abusive manner” and using “offensive language” towards racing officials in March last year.

This was his written defence:

“The appellant is a legally trained commercial lawyer and of European heritage, and is expressive in his communication when passionate about an issue,” he wrote.

There’s a picture of this bloke accompanying the piece. He’s as ‘European’ as a dingo.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 22, 2024 6:00 pm

The biggest and most effective opponent of trump is his own mouth.

And is also the reason why we love him.

January 22, 2024 6:02 pm

On the subject of an indigenous GG…

Indeed, it is a quandry for the PM

Will it make his name?
How will Labor’s history see him?

PM Rudd, a bullshyte artist, apologised for something that didn’t happen and tradies died installing insulation Batts, (said he took total responsibility, but then didn’t resign – so much for that) Gave us the NBN with no business plan, on a wink and a nod from a mate on a flight long forgotten. Yelled at hosties

PM Gillard, a woman, with an interesting legal career, a great Labor parliamentry performer (because she insulted people), lied about introducing a carbon tax, (eventually broke down in a massive hissy fit over a man observing the time)

I propose:
PM Albo, a lazy man, dodged anything resembling hard work, completely misread the Australian people on the Voice, became more and more obvious he didn’t understand the role of a PM. (Never had a job outside the unions and Labor party)

*I don’t want to attempt Liberal PMs, such dissappointment.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 6:02 pm

Mr Masten, from 2017:

DARWIN mayoral candidate, convicted thief and struck-off lawyer Paul Masten was arrested on election day in the city, NT Police confirmed.

Mr Masten was bailed and is due to appear in Darwin Local Court in September charged with disorderly behaviour and being armed with an offensive weapon after he was arrested on Mitchell St near the Darwin Entertainment Centre.

The arrest highlighted an unhappy day for Masten, who had only polled 118 votes out of the 31,816 counted in the Darwin mayoral race by Saturday night.


January 22, 2024 6:02 pm

The question being if you were taking folks though the Wimmera, where would you go?

If they’re golfers, the Horsham Golf Club — one of the best country courses in Australia. They’ll think they’re somewhere in inland Scotland.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 6:07 pm

DARWIN mayoral candidate, convicted thief and struck-off lawyer

That’s quite a CV. Even for the NT.

January 22, 2024 6:09 pm
January 22, 2024 6:11 pm

Chortle. Two more drones want to identify with the contents of a eunuch’s underpants.

How I love Blackadder!

January 22, 2024 6:12 pm

the Horsham Golf Club

Is there such a thing?

Got stopped by the cops in Horsham in 87 in a car full of longhairs. Basically it was a case of “the road out is that way, keep on going boys, if you know what’s good for you”. Fat sarge missed someone’s bong on the floor in the back so that was good. As a result, we never did get to sample the local delights.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 22, 2024 6:13 pm

The arrest highlighted an unhappy day for Masten, who had only polled 118 votes out of the 31,816 counted in the Darwin mayoral race by Saturday night.

I think plod may find he likes the lines.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 22, 2024 6:20 pm

Thanks to whoever recommended “The Attack”, by Kurt Schlichter. My copy was delivered this morning – damnfine reading.

Cassie, you weren’t the ghost writer for a couple of those scenarios, were you?

January 22, 2024 6:22 pm

JC, Alec Baldwin has his Hamptons mansion on the market – if you’re interested. He has cut the price a few times. Wanted $29m, now asking 20.

Pretty nice.

January 22, 2024 6:23 pm

English Expression at primary school? What’s that? Saying willy and fart.

January 22, 2024 6:24 pm

I think the WEF should be more concerned about speeding Pb.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 6:26 pm

Three days before journalist Antoinette Lattouf signed with the ABC she boasted on social media that she could not be fired over her views relating to the Israel-Gaza war because she was a freelance journalist and said “f..k them” to anybody who did not want to work with her as a result.

You can’t fire me, you stupid skips! I’m a Person!

Of Colour! Of Colour, I say! Hang, on, just let me get that text….

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 22, 2024 6:27 pm

English Expression at primary school? What’s that?

You can write a basic sentence that someone else can read and you can speak English

January 22, 2024 6:30 pm

billie, I take it thats a list of Liar PM’s good points. Marginally worse than the SFL’S.

January 22, 2024 6:35 pm

BT, i think my description is apt in respect of churnalists.

January 22, 2024 6:38 pm

We truly are living in Bizarro World. Fatty Michael Moore is encouraging people to vote for the Donald.

Language warning.

January 22, 2024 6:41 pm

Three days before journalist Antoinette Lattouf signed with the ABC she boasted on social media that she could not be fired over her views relating to the Israel-Gaza war because she was a freelance journalist and said “f..k them” to anybody who did not want to work with her as a result.


January 22, 2024 6:41 pm

The biggest and most effective opponent of trump is his own mouth.

And yet it’s this mouth that attracts support.

Asset and Liability in equal parts. Or maybe not equal, depending on the audience.

January 22, 2024 6:44 pm
January 22, 2024 6:46 pm

Speaking of journalists….SBS..Five months since the Voice was
” silenced “…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 22, 2024 6:54 pm

Jetstar flights cancelled after plane crashes into ute at Sydney Airport

Err, what ran into what?

January 22, 2024 6:55 pm
Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 22, 2024 6:59 pm

No more jabs for me. Health Depts and the experts credibility totally destroyed in past 4 years

A couple of people (late 60s) I spoke to on the weekend haven’t yet seen the light.
Had Covid recently (the new strain they insist) despite having 5 or 6 shots.
When I asked “do you still think the shots are effective” they quickly responded “of course. I would have had it much worse without the boosters.” No proof, just a feeling.
In searching further for a rationale to keep having shots, they opined that it had been 3 weeks between the last shot and getting crook so that wasn’t enough time for the effectiveness to set in.
There are none so blind…

January 22, 2024 7:06 pm

I see Japan has become the fifth nation to land a spacecraft on the moon.

It’s appalling how the space story of early Australians has been whitewashed out of history.

Make it “sixth nation”!

It’d be built in Adelaide with union labour.

And unmanned, obviously.

January 22, 2024 7:08 pm

In the early 90’s, we got a quote to reno a house in Southampton, which we’d bought with another couple. It was the time when real estate had fallen by about 30%. The quote we received was from a boastful nimbus builder who told us he’d worked extensively on the “killer’s” (Baldwin) house. His was about 30% higher than the next quote we went with. We were supposed to be impressed.

The imbecile has about six or so kids with the current baby factory wife, all at school age, and he probably has little chance of ever making it back into the film business again, I suspect. He has to sell the house, and I bet he won’t be getting US$29 million either.

Amagensett is okay, but it’s not, or was not, a great area, as the travel time by car from the city can take ages in high season. I never liked it. Southampton and East Hampton were always superior.  🙂

January 22, 2024 7:08 pm

I kind of support parents receiving a boot up the rear. Responsibility for their kids should also cut both ways.

Get a load of these “responsible” parents.

Hours before Ethan Crumbley killed four students at Oxford High School north of Detroit, his parents met with a school counselor who showed them a picture their son had drawn in math class of a handgun with the words “blood everywhere,” “the thoughts won’t stop” and “help me.”

James and Jennifer Crumbley refused to take him home to get psychological help and didn’t tell school officials they had recently bought him a gun resembling the one in the drawing or search his backpack for the weapon, according to prosecution filings. After 15 minutes, they cut the Nov. 30, 2021, meeting short and went on with their day.

On Tuesday, the first of the separate trials for the couple will seek to determine whether they were merely harried and inattentive parents or guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter—the first time that parents of a school shooter have faced homicide charges linking them directly to their child’s deadly rampage. Ethan Crumbley, who was 15 at the time of the shootings but charged as an adult, pleaded guilty to 24 felony counts and is serving a life sentence without possibility of parole.

In the years since the 1999 Columbine High School massacre brought the threat of school shootings into the national spotlight, the question of parental responsibility has often been posed, but few parents have faced criminal charges as a result of the attacks.

January 22, 2024 7:10 pm

Wanted $29m, now asking 20.

Oh, he’s probably going to settle for 18 if he’s lucky. Everyone would know he’s running low on cash. 🙂

January 22, 2024 7:13 pm

Here’s a question.

What do airlines do with the ‘carbon offset’ that they attempt to scam off passengers?

January 22, 2024 7:15 pm

Old School, this year someone said they could be coming out with an inhaler vax. There’s also hope for a vax with a wide spectrum, which covers all viruses. This last one would be interesting.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 22, 2024 7:15 pm

That’s a weird one, JC. My gut feeling is, if both parents had been called into a meeting with a counsellor- but not in the presence of the kid- it’s obvious that the school had serious concerns, but could not exclude or have the kid committed without a restraining order.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 22, 2024 7:17 pm

ie, good on the school for Looking Back In Anger.

January 22, 2024 7:18 pm

In one of his rare complaints about Germany in Why the Germans Do it Better, Kampfner laments Germany’s failure to live up to its lofty environmental ambitions. Ordinary Germans are as fixated on their petrol cars as Americans are on their guns, he complains. This is one reason why emissions from transport are at the same level they were in the 1990s. They are also too hung up on preserving ‘real jobs for real men’, in coal mines and other polluting industries, apparently.These effete deadshits really hate the working class

January 22, 2024 7:19 pm

What do airlines do with the ‘carbon offset’ that they attempt to scam off passengers?

They bulk them up and then go buy offsets in the wholesale market. They are audited, so there’s some hope they’re not pocketing the cash. The problem for big firms is that have to be straight unless the CFO and the CEO get together (alone), which is always possible. If there’s a racket being run and more people know, you always run the risk of whistleblowers, and then you’re royally rooted.

January 22, 2024 7:21 pm

Wally, they bought the little prick a freaking gun and were told by the school he’d been scrawling threatening notes (to himself).

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 7:23 pm

Mz Lattouf might want to check that definition of freelance j’ism. Bit of a stretch, even at a taxpayer funded worker’s cooperative.

January 22, 2024 7:30 pm

Reddit discussion?

Take a look at Jessica Ashooh their director of policy. Previous role was for the Atlantic Council as a deputy director for Mid East- a fact which will get you banned from reddit if you post it.

January 22, 2024 7:31 pm

Just watched Javier Milei’s speech at the WEF slime fest. How did he get out alive? Amazing stuff. It’s good to know that Trump and some Europeans are not the only leaders with testicles. But Trump is the key because the US is the key. The other guys like Milei are brave but lack the size and influence that Trump will have.

And who does Australia have? SFA.

January 22, 2024 7:40 pm

Mz Lattouf might want to check that definition of freelance j’ism.

Not to mention what it means to sign a contract with clauses re social media.

January 22, 2024 7:41 pm

she boasted on social media that she could not be fired over her views relating to the Israel-Gaza war because she was a freelance journalist

It reminds me of someone who boasted about really needing a “sex scandal” to liven up the election.


Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2024 7:41 pm

From the Oz…

Anthony Albanese has refused to support calls by NSW Labor Premier Chris Minns for Cricket Australia and Tennis Australia to reconsider their decision to snub Australia Day, instead urging the nation to stop looking for reasons to be “outraged”.

Remember how, not long ago, before da Voice vote on 14 October 2023 when Sleazy and his fellow progressive grubs were beautifully smacked down by the Australian people, we were constantly assured by Sleazy and his fellow progressive grubs that they weren’t going to cancel ‘Australia Day’?

I remember. I remember their sanctimonious lies. Just think how emboldened they would be had da Voice won.

As it is, we are living in the middle of a far-left, ultra woke, progressive culture war. It is no different to the Cultural Revolution. We are being targeted in this war, be it by fascistic corporates such as Woollies, KMart, Aldi and so on, and by scum like Sleazy and his coterie of inner-city far-left grubs. They’ve declared war on us, and they have no respect for our vote on 14 October 2023. They’re going to implement everything regardless, and that begins by cancelling Australia Day.

January 22, 2024 7:42 pm

The Lithgow Small Arms Factory made sewing machines as well as firearms.

Beware the sewist. They work every day with sharp implements. 😀

January 22, 2024 7:43 pm

Kerry calls for greenie restrictions on farming, or people will starve

I’m so old I remember when liberals used to worry about third world starvation.

Now they want to cause it.

January 22, 2024 7:45 pm

ZK2A, after “The Attack” you have another 6 or 7 Kurt Schlichter novels to go dealing with the Split of the USA into the United States and The People’s Republic. All good.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 22, 2024 7:45 pm

Minns sniffs the breeze.

January 22, 2024 7:47 pm

It is no different to the Cultural Revolution


January 22, 2024 7:49 pm

Correct Cassie and Anal wants revenge against the electorate.

January 22, 2024 7:51 pm

The Lithgow Small Arms Factory made sewing machines as well as firearms.
Calli, before making aircraft engines the Lycoming Company were making sewing machines. Apparently on some of the same machine tools as later were used for aircraft engines.
Gives new meaning to “running like a sewing machine” as the trusty O-320 was today.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 22, 2024 7:52 pm

I’m so old I remember when liberals used to worry about third world starvation.

The dissonance is amazing. Kerry thinks by farming less there will be more food produced than if farmers farm more. He has gone completely insane.

January 22, 2024 7:53 pm

This lady is one of my Brave tabs.

She is talking about North America but much translates directly to Australia.

January 22, 2024 7:53 pm

If I had Leak’s talent, I’d caricature Minns standing with arms outstretched against a vast tidal wave of the electorate clad in Aussie flags, brandishing barbecue implements, with creepy Sleazy cowering behind him.

“Hold ‘em back Comrade!”

January 22, 2024 7:53 pm

I’m so old I remember when liberals used to worry about third world starvation.

At the time, agronomist Norman Borlaug (Nobel Peace prize, 1970) was already quietly implementing his “green revolution” in south Asia, which effectively saved hundreds of millions, if not billions of people over decades since, from starvation.

January 22, 2024 7:54 pm

Beware the sewist. They work every day with sharp implements.

As an equestrienne, beware the horse girls, they come equipped with whips and spurs, bridles and bits. 😀

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 22, 2024 7:55 pm

she boasted on social media that she could not be fired over her views relating to the Israel-Gaza war because she was a freelance journalist

It reminds me of someone who boasted about really needing a “sex scandal” to liven up the election.


Stand by for Ms Lattouf to discover the wonderfulness of thirteen cheeseburgers per day, and move to France with her latest handbag dog.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 22, 2024 7:56 pm

Minns sniffs the breeze.

There’s apparently a pill you can take which will help with that. Or, alternatively, he could wear activated carbon impregnated undies.

January 22, 2024 7:56 pm

Yes, Eyrie. A precision piece of engineering. The hook rotates back and forth as the needle drops and returns, making a lock stitch. The one I have goes at 1500rpm. A piece of magnificence that revolutionised the domestic world.

January 22, 2024 8:04 pm

Anthony Albanese has refused to support calls by NSW Labor Premier Chris Minns for Cricket Australia and Tennis Australia to reconsider their decision to snub Australia Day, instead urging the nation to stop looking for reasons to be “outraged”.

It’s the activists who are outraged.

Another massive misstep from Elbow.

As with the Voice, he’s ignoring the advice of Labor pollsters like Kon Samaras.

This might be strike two.

January 22, 2024 8:04 pm

calli, Mrs Eyrie sews extremely well and as well as being a former RN is a qualified garment designer. Her female siblings and nieces do well out of her talents.

January 22, 2024 8:05 pm

Blackstone’s Scharzman reckons US inflation rate is at or below target.

Why? Here.

If he’s right we’re going to see a decent move, but it could actually be down because the market may grasp that it means recession. I don’t think it does, but you cant fight the tape.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
January 22, 2024 8:08 pm

Got my usual propaganda email from Cricket Australia addressed to Australian Cricket Family.

Email replay was as follows:

Cricket Australia.

You insipid, spineless, weak, woke cowards on your treatment of Australia Day for the Gabba Test.

You are a pathetic embarrassment to great Australians who have played for their country over decades.

I hope the weather treats you unkindly.

Eff off,
Cxxxx Dxxxx.
(former test cricket fan)

Weak pricks.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x