Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
I’m upset about the removal of the tickometer because I had just decided to always downtick my comments and the very next day the ticks were removed.
I couldn’t care less and I agree with you. An endless discussion about the death of the tickometer is boring. What is to be done? I try to put links relevant to my interests but no-one responds. However I know a few people are interested in the material I post and that’ll be enough; at least for now, maybe, perhaps I’ll get crybaby like at the lack of response and stuffyaall I’ll go my own way.
All the useless things governments find money for and yet they can’t find money for sixteen modest units to house homeless service veterans until they are back on their feet.
Feb 10, 2024 4:03 PM
I am so glad that you keep tabs on me. Very impressive and I feel so honoured.
My point being that I had no interest or consideration in the Up Thumb/Down Thumb shite show. You lot got it all wrong by calling it ticks. Get to Spec Savers and they should help you out one day.
Was looking about for some examples of the crap Pallis are taught in schools – someone beat me to it.
UN hides behind “our textbooks are clean” – while ignoring “enrichment” material added later on.
Chitty Chitty Chang Bang Bang now on Ch 92.
Universal, unofficial fine, from the days when the Australian Army was a gang of heavily armed, mildly alcoholic sex maniacs was a carton of beer.
Wodney says he wasn’t alive yesterday and we have this in the White House.
Lord, I hope he runs in 24. It would hilarious if he does,
How often have we heard MPs say that entered politics to help the nation? It’s a cliche with them. Let them prove by allowing the collective investment properties federal MPs own being offered for homeless veterans.
The really interesting scenario re WW2 is letting Germany take Poland. There was no attempt to save Poland and the war fatally weakened both the British and French Empires. What would have happened then is open-ended. Most likely being a grinding war between Germany and Russia but who knows; without having to worry about the West, entirely possible the Germans may have not felt the need to drive East.
The adults are in control now, Trumpoid.
I’m imagining the howls of protest from the Greens could be heard on the moon!
2. Putin sounded like a person who has never had to face tough questioning.
He looked so uncomfortable for the entire 2 plus hours.
As JC said, there was nothing new in it.
In one interview Tucker pushed him more on the WSJ journo than the entire White House press corps has pushed Biden on Assange since he became president.
Popcorn shares would skyrocket. 🙂
Most likely being a grinding war between Germany and Russia but who knows; without having to worry about the West, entirely possible the Germans may have not felt the need to drive East.
Germany was always going east.
Slave labour & plundered resources from the east was the only way to fund the insane practices of the socialist society Hitler was running.
TIK has done hours of videos on this.
As a small contributor here I would be pleased if Dover, the owner of this blog, would reconsider his decision re ‘ticks’ in view of the many who have expressed their disappointment with the removal of the facility for us to express our views easily by way of a click on the thumb up or thumb down.
And also with a regard the the comments of Delta A at 1:44pm and bons:
The Guardian finds a new scary story…
Mmm…let’s double check that computer modelling, shall we?
Starting with that 10 000+ y.o. data…
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 10, 2024 4:34 PM
Thank you Zulo Kilo Two Alpha.
I’m just a Pommy Bar Steward.,,,,,,,,,,LOL
Dude i laughed so hard i near wet myself.
Champagne Comedy
Passenger on plane pukes up blood & dies.
Plane returns to Bangkok.
So obviously they quarantine everyone on board to ensure no one was going to start World War Z.
Wrong, they send them on their way (back to Munich) on the first available flight with a stop over in Hong Kong.
Well this is special.
UK, from 24 hour party people to wobbling on the spot with headphones on while holding lightup gaybow dildoes in less than 20 years.
Sounds like EBOLA-24 and lockdowns!
Watching Chitty Chitty Chitty Bang Bang so Fark off Junior Cretin.
Now that has a nice ring to it. LOL,
Sounds like EBOLA-24 and lockdowns!
Mail in votes again.
Just to be safe.
Passenger on plane pukes up blood & dies.
99.99% likely to be medical related to burst ulcer or oesophageal issues.
.01% likely to be the new Wu Flu.
Nobody tell Elbow or we will all be back in lockdown tomorrow.
I remember TIK arguing that. I mentioned it here yonks ago and was yelled down but the data supported TIK’s argument.
phht … ebola
more likely were reading the Catallaxy Open Forum
Dot, you might like this expansive discussion on AI from the All-In podcast.
Lined up at 41:06 when the discussion takes place.
I thought the 30mins was worth it.
One throw away line was the prospect of Open AI buying Reddit.
Apparently this is how they were gaming the ticks.
Open Google Chrome. Click on history and go to Show Full History. Click on that. Tick all the boxes on Clear Browsing Data and then click on Clear Data.
Refresh Chrome and you’re good to re-tick.
It appears people like Woddenhead spent their entire days doing this. What a life.
You are kidding, surely????
Suggest adding spare rooms in Canbra(while on ops incountry), back yards (granny flats) and holiday homes whereever they may be.
Everyone must do their part!
It is supported by The Wages of Destruction to an extent. A key motivation to seize the remnants of Czechoslovakia (Czechia, [“Bohemia and Moravaia”]) was to seize their gold, in 1939.
I mentioned it here yonks ago and was yelled down but the data supported TIK’s argument.
The data did.
The German war machine was expensive.
And the wage setting/subsidies, price fixing/subsidies, controls on labor via the biggest single union the world were more so.
The only way to fund the socialist paradise in gay Germania was to have 100mill serfs (slaves) in the east.
I know a once fairly decent young fellow who went into state politics here.
It’s a Faustian bargain…and that’s with the LNP; Labor is worse.
You’d need to have great strength of character and rock-solid principles to survive with integrity intact.
Feb 10, 2024 4:52 PM
Well this is special.
UK, from 24 hour party people to wobbling on the spot with headphones on while holding lightup gaybow dildoes in less than 20 years.
I saw a lot of flashing lights. What did you see? Please elaborate.
It is supported by The Wages of Destruction to an extent. A key motivation to seize the remnants of Czechoslovakia (Czechia, [“Bohemia and Moravaia”]) was to seize their gold, in 1939.
100 upticks.
Studying the economic retardedness of Germany does not take away from the horror of fascism.
Germanys funding for its pre war buildup was economic suicide, unless it could plunder others.
This extremely positive growth trend continued to 1936, at which time the economy reached full employment.6 The Gross National Product (GNP) increased 9% annually while state demand as a share of GNP increased from 14% to 31% between 1933 and 1938.
MeFo bills..
To make sure that the bills were never exchanged for RMs, which would lead to inflation, the ninety-day maturation period for the bills kept being extended until the actual maturation period became five years.
From 1934 to 1938, the Nazis funded rearmament through 12 billion RMs worth of MeFo bills.19 These MeFo bills allowed the government to exclude this figure from their official expenditure statements (so no inflation could occur) and to circumvent the Central Banking Law, which prohibited the Reichsbank from funding the government.
I didnt know about this little poison pill – no-one show Chalmers or he will be all over it like Barnaby on a Canberra pavement.
For example, the Loan Fund Law of December 1934 capped dividend payments at 6% of reserves and taxed the surplus.
That looks like interesting reading – I’ve ordered a copy.
no, seriously Vicki
one thing we know for sure is that it deffo is NOT a bunch of meta-cats collaborating on discord and targeting people
and they would never continue to moan about it
and they absolutely would NOT openly gloat about the methodology in the forum
no, no, no.
they the tormented witnesses to a faceless and victim-less crime
and besides, they are above all that … on a higher plane … they’re saving the forum
Well said Delta A at 1.44pm – perfectly summarizes the stupidity of what was going on yesterday between Cassie, Lizzie and Johanna. Johanna’s criticisms were certainly harsh but not antisemitic.
On the matter of upticks I always found them very helpful in deciding which of Tom’s toons I would open. 3 ticks or less and it was a scroll. I’ll miss them.
Feb 10, 2024 4:34 PM
Wodney says he wasn’t alive yesterday and we have this in the White House.
Once again ‘Jer Cough Cretin’ is an idiot. I have nothing whatsoever to do with any White House, And this poster/imposter still has that lisp. And a speech impediment no less.
After Stalingrad Hitler knew it was over.
The military aspect was only one part of it.
They knew without the entire east being a permanent slave class, the fat pensions he’d promised to the German population would never be able to be delivered.
What did he actually say and what was the context?
Me too.
Very hard to figure out what is going on.
Why has the protection racket suddenly been dropped and he is being exposed?
My theory is they are trying to convince him to quietly drop out and endorse an anointed successor. I don’t think he knows whether he is running for President or Homecoming Queen.
I think Dr Jill is the fly in the ointment and is digging those 5 inch heels in.
Feb 10, 2024 5:13 PM
You are kidding, surely????
no, seriously Vicki
one thing we know for sure is that it deffo is NOT a bunch of meta-cats collaborating on discord and targeting people
Mind you, I will boot into Junior Cretin and Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and everyone else at the drop of a hat, As well as the Neanderthalperson.
For a peppercorn, I hope.
I don’t know about you, but it is easier to induce incontinence these days than it used to be.
Except for Wodney’s stolen Benny Hill jokes.
The sluices remain firmly closed for those.
Love it.
Hillary looks like she’s had some work done since I last saw footage of her.
Surely she wouldn’t be eyeing off a run?
Not Uh oh
Feb 10, 2024 5:13 PM
Not uh oh gets it.
Feb 10, 2024 1:59 PM
Anyway, I finally endured the Putin Interview and here’s my take.
1. Putin is a rambling old man.
2. Putin sounded like a person who has never had to face tough questioning.
3. Tucker, at times looked like he felt he was going to be murdered before he left the room.
4. Half of Putin’s answers were total bullshit.
5. Nothing out of the interview came out that we didn’t already know.
It’s very rare I want to uptick you but I couldn’t for some reason. Anyone I know no one gives a rats arse about fuking ticks but consider yourself upticked.
Vicki at 5:00.
Kidding about what?
The multiple ticking methodology.
That wasn’t the one which was floating around the group-chat I was in, but they all follow the same principle – trick the site into thinking it is a fresh interaction by clearing history and changing in and out of various modes on your device.
The really bizarre thing is that, some time ago, there was detailed advice given on here on how to beat online media polls and vote multiple times, yet we still had people swearing it couldn’t be done for voting on the Cat.
Feb 10, 2024 5:00 PM
Apparently this is how they were gaming the ticks.
Exactly. And they had no idea that they were thumbs. What dumb dumbs.
Entirely possible but how that plays out and over what timetable is quite interesting. No declaration by Western Allies in ’39 means no Western Campaign in ’40. Does that bring forward Barborossa from ’41 to ’40 or delay it as Polish territories are integrated? Does Hungary/ Romania join sooner or later or not at all? And so on.
Hillary looks like she’s had some work done since I last saw footage of her.
Surely she wouldn’t be eyeing off a run?
I can’t believe anyone has ever rooted her even slick willy who root a rotted pineapple. No demorat woman is capable of being fuked which makes you wonder how the bastards reproduce. Binary fission like germs do no doubt.
Roger @ 4.47 pm
I got deja vu reading that about the Atlantic currents. I recall that (or something very similar) was doing the scary stories rounds back in 2010. If that’s so, do they really think people are that dumb to swallow it again 13-14 years later.
Oh ….. wait
I generally flick them all open.
I used to scroll David Rowe, and I find the last guy on the list (Ramirez?) a bit tedious with his convoluted OTT style, so I sometimes give him a miss.
You’ll work it out.
Had a nice meal today with a few folk at Yellow Billy up at the vineyards. Top meal, good service and excellent wine.
Guy came in from the old days, a biker. We used to not get on but we let bygones be bygones and had a drink. It saved a mess.
Feb 10, 2024 4:47 PM
I agree, P.
Upticks/downticks please, Dover.
Does that bring forward Barborossa from ’41 to ’40 or delay it as Polish territories are integrated?
The sooner they could go east, the sooner they could plunder it.
People go to that much trouble just to create higher values on various forums? Makes me feel preeminently sane.
If anyone thought that I was ever playing around with Up Thumbs or Down Thumbs then they are Nutters like Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and the other Cretins. How could I?
Anyway, Bang Bang Chitty Chit Bang Bang is on now now.
Were the Asian waitresses making eyes at you?
The Guardian is preaching to the choir.
Ordinary working folk are now more concerned about their livelihoods.
Had a nice meal today with a few folk at Yellow Billy up at the vineyards.
That place has had a few decent write ups whenever they are rating country NSW feeds.
Plunder requires resources; going east involves a huge gamble and costs. The benefit in ’41 was potentially unlocking the resources necessary to take on Britain (and US) so long as you win quickly.
Does that bring forward Barborossa from ’41 to ’40 or delay it as Polish territories are integrated?
Could Japan have been convinced to “strike North” in 1940?
Or was getting smashed at Khalkhin Gol enough for them?
. there might be something in this to consider.
sancho, you’re confabulating again
your meta / discord / group-chat sounds interesting
who is the chief wanker there ?
Were the Asian waitresses making eyes at you?
Don’t be racist; everyone makes eyes with me.
Over nine years now I’ve read Catallaxy. I’ve encountered during these years much adversity. I’ve continued on. Now I find that the wishes, or more rightly demands, of a couple or even perhaps a few reign here over and above all others. Sad.
As an 84yr old with eyesight on the wane my time here is nearing an end I feel.
Nonetheless I would like to think that any contributions I’ve made here have always been for the betterment of all.
I therefore feel the need to speak up when something appears to me to be to the detriment of the openness and freedom of this blog.
VIZ Ticks Etc …
Maybe a Header on posts that says;
“Yes this will be in house Social Drivel and childish insulting Badinage and with absolutely nothing of interest – so skip”
That might free up the flow. ?
Someone gave me a similar methodology, albeit not exactly the same (but it does involve clearing histories).
I can tell you exactly when I tested it – 37 days ago.
Because that is my current Wordle streak. It blew away a lot of my histories, including my previous Wordle streak of 160+.
Not worth the gutsache when I had to re-establish my log-ins for a dozen other sites.
@ P
Feb 10, 2024 5:45 PM
“Hear Hear !!!!
The menu sounds good for a rural joint 🙂
What did you have?
Seems like that is exactly what you are trying to do.
I am not sure how the restoration of ticks will markedly improve your quality of life.
Maybe you could duke it out with Lizzie on another thread?
Suvorov said Stalin intended to invade Germany in 1941. He seems to have had documentary evidence of that. I can’t find the reference but I have seen that pre WW2 Germany expected to be invaded by the USSR by 1945. Either way it seems like Germany expected that Stalin would pull the trigger when he was ready, so they got in first in 1941 themselves. The rest, as people say, is history.
I’ve said here a few times that Mussolini may’ve lost the war for Germany by forcing Hitler to bail him out in Greece, thereby delaying the Barbarossa kick off by nearly 2 months. What ifs are always fun but.
Bird is not amused.
Hitler gambled Britain wouldn’t honour the treaty with Poland. German couldn’t attack the USA. There was a design for a bomber that could cross the Atlantic but it was never built, possibly because it was going to be a one way trip. So much more to be gained going east, especially oil and agricultural resources. Oil was desperately needed. Germany had to devote considerable resources to defend the Western front, the African front, and against allied bombing. Minus those resource commitments would have made the eastward push much easier. Hitler was encouraged by how Poland so quickly turned the tables on the SU and how poorly Russia fared in Finland. Additionally in the late 30’s Russia’s hardware was pitifully outdated and Stalin’s purge of the military upper echelons weakened strategic and tactical planning.
Propps to The Cat !!
I have been learning from wiser and more amusing folks on the Cat since I was young and stupids… Now i am a lot less Young and only slightly less stupid. Talking decades.
You have a legacy to uphold.
Folks make this place worthwhile again please?
Feb 10, 2024 5:44 PM
The Chief ‘Wan Car’ here is Junior Cretin and the chief A licker here is Mrs Stencho Pantyhose.
well that’s weird
is P one of Meta-Cat’s imagined masqueraders too ?
Please stay on as long as you can, P.
I’ve routinely checked your links to keep up with news on the Papist front.
And we need to hear what younger people are thinking.
[Pardon my sense of humour. I really do check your links!]
They can rig elections, rig the legal system, but boy the American Left are stupid. One of the leading lights.
@ Roger
Feb 10, 2024 6:04 PM
and CC to P !
Blokes like you are why I come here …You have a perspective that is vital to our continuing to remain informed and questioning.
Best to you Old Mate !!!
Anthony Beevor and David Glantz make a pretty convincing case that the Soviets were in no position to mount an invasion in 1941, but may have considered spoiling attacks in late 1941, or 1942.
“I brought my own mike!” Maddow said.
Feb 10, 2024 6:02 PM
Hey let’s do it here. So Junior Cretin, where are you?
Probably at the Fat Pizza Bar moaning about the cost of a glass of white wine and there was no takeaway. You Fat Arse Slob.
Watching some TV & I am surprised with how dumpy the Secret Service agents around Biden & Kamala appear to be.
Standards have dropped.
Clementine ford, its like a self saucing pudding of idiocy.
James Gordon: Why is she posting, Dad?
Commissioner Gordon: Because she has no self control.
James Gordon: But shes a mong.
Commissioner Gordon: Because she’s the mong Australia deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we’ll mock her, because she can take it. Because shes not our tard: Shes a empty head, a ignorant projector… a Dork allright..
Woddenhead, I say this without any intended mischief in mind.
Have you been assessed for cognitive decline?
@ Johnny Rotten
Feb 10, 2024 6:13 PM
I have pointed this out before but the Nick “Johnny Rotten” refers to a certain stage name of an IRL “John Lydon” ..who is clever, polite and Red Pilled . Very much a Leftie …
Persuasive intelligent and eloquent.
Puzzles me what you think you have in common with Him when you use that Nick?
Perhaps the word “Rotten” excites you for the reasons it did him them … only not just the sound of the word.
C’mon, man!
The menu sounds good for a rural joint ?
What did you have?
Not sure; it was a bit tense with the biker for a while. The wife and her chums made the selection. I remember a couple of the dishes being ok: Saltfish Croquettes, Pork Rillette and the Manning Valley MB3 Braised Brisket.
The joint has a very extensive wine list.
Or Tourette’s?
After Court Victory for Freedom Convoy, Canadians Ready to Sue
This article hits the mark on the terrible decision of western governments to turbo charge immigration.
Why Politicians Refuse to Hit the Brakes on Immigration: They Can’t Afford To
By Nick Hubble
Editor, Strategic Intelligence Australia
The least popular prediction of my career was that Western governments would soon engage in a desperate fight for more immigrants. They’d reverse policies designed to keep people out, and implement incentives to bring people in.
This might seem like heresy now — even more so than when I first wrote it a few years ago. The hate mail was glorious enough at the time.
But what if I’ve already been proven right?
What if my claim actually explains the bizarre divergence we are seeing between what voters want on immigration policy, and what their elected politicians are giving them?
After all, immigration rates are soaring in many developed nations around the world, even as the population turns ever more against them. For years people have been wondering why governments can’t and won’t get a grip on this rapid influx in the population. In every country’s news media I follow, immigration is the top story. It’s become the main political issue too.
The political consequences are on show…
In the Netherlands, an anti-immigrant party recently won the elections, but nobody will work with them in government because of their anti-immigrant stance. The Swedish population has turned from welcoming vast numbers of migrants to voting for anti-migrant parties in the space of a few years.
In the UK, the pro-migration control Reform party are gaining rapidly while the others dither on migration policy. In France, Marine Le Pen is likely to win the presidency next time around. In Italy, the anti-immigration Giorgia Meloni is now Prime Minister. At the EU level, anti-immigrant parties are set to become the major political force after this year’s parliamentary elections. In the US, immigration is turning into the main political issue dividing Trump and Biden. A news item on my Facebook feed reads, ‘Sky News host Andrew Bolt has urged the Liberal Party to shift the debate from tax to immigration.’
In Germany, on the other hand, protestors were recently out in force demonstrating in favour of the government’s pro-immigration stance and against a new upstart party’s anti-migration policy plans…
In so many countries, politicians presiding over immigration booms could so easily have stemmed the loss of their political support by stemming the tide of immigration with basic policies. In some cases, they only needed to enforce the law already in place to rescue their government.
Instead, they opened the border and demonised those worried about immigration rates as far-right. The end result was the end of many political careers and the downfall of some governments already. Ironically enough, this could result in genuinely anti-immigration policies rather than just controlled immigration.
But what if there’s something deeper going on here? What if out-of-control immigration is entirely deliberate? Not as some sort of conspiracy theory, but because immigration is seen as a solution that fixes an even bigger problem than…immigration itself?
Although I did not foresee that immigration would become such a divisive and dominant political issue, I did foresee that immigration would surge and governments would go from trying to keep people out of the country to trying to get them to come in.
I was right about what has happened, so perhaps my prediction explained why this has happened too?
The reason why I anticipated the immigration wave was fairly simple. The easiest way to keep our economy growing, our national debts affordable and our asset prices inflated is to import a lot of people.
Do you remember when Biden and Trump were busy arguing desperately about whether the US was in recession? Well, one way to goose GDP figures is to add more people to the country…
German GDP has flatlined, but what would the reading be without immigrants adding to GDP? And what would the political implications of a recession be?
Do you remember when Australia evaded a recession in 2008? That was only because immigration from other parts of the world surged.
If Australia were to shut off the immigration tap today, what would happen to house prices here? What would that in turn do to retirement plans, government tax revenues and mortgage defaults?
We are reading about labour shortages everywhere, but that’s with immigration at high levels. What would the shortages be like with low immigration rates?
Governments and economists are becoming increasingly concerned about the debt/GDP ratios of various countries. What would those ratios look like without immigration to goose GDP and tax revenue relative to the debts incurred in the past?
What would our economic projections of the future look like if the population stopped growing? Could we afford our national debt in the long run?
My point is that immigration can and is being used to cover up political and economic failures elsewhere: on GDP growth, government debt, vocational education, the housing bubble and much more.
The negative consequences of immigration are the lesser of two evils, especially if you’re not allowed to talk about them.
Only in Japan has the government stuck to its guns on tightly restricting immigration. It provides the counterfactual we need to figure out what’s really going on in the West.
Japan’s debt to GDP ratio makes other developed economies look boring. Their house prices fall instead of going up over time, as does their stock market, until very recently. Large parts of the country are depopulating fast, leaving all sorts of bizarre economic and social phenomenon we might want to avoid. ‘Our nation is on the cusp of whether it can maintain its societal functions,’ Japanese Prime Minister Kishida recently said. That’s about as bad as your worst right-winger’s description of too much immigration.
The Japanese have prioritised social cohesion over economic and financial stability. And so their fiscal situation is precarious, their economy suffers from bizarre phenomenon, asset prices don’t go up, there is deflation instead of inflation, and their GDP is described as having a lost decade for decades now.
Of course, Japan is only the opposite extreme that illustrates the point I’m trying to make. And it’s not like migration has delivered its promises very well everywhere. But can you see how politicians have chosen to use migration policy as an economic lever? They’d rather deal with the issues posed by high immigration rates than those issues which high immigration covers up.
Of course, things are changing in Japan. Immigration is slowly being accepted as a solution. One that other developed country politicians have been squeezing every last drop out of for decades, whatever the cost.
I’m moving to Japan next month, for about six months. And I lived there for a few years from 2020. I noticed how even a small amount of immigrants impacted social cohesion in the local town. The Brazilian age-care workers didn’t walk on the side-walk, they walked on the road. This caused traffic chaos.
The Vietnamese immigrants sat outside their shared house and smoked — something Japanese people find very intimidating and would cross the road for.
When I tried to join the local trampoline lessons, a lady almost had a heart attack because she had never spoken to a foreigner before. (Two years later, she came to the airport to say goodbye…)
The Azerbaijani bus crew which man the Haneda to Narita airport shuttle behave like Japanese robots. They go through all the motions of Japanese body language perfectly, but with none of the same meaning.
And I have no doubt the local contingent of Vietnamese and Brazilians will have grown from one shared house in the neighbourhood and a local church congregation to a much more noticeable presence when I go back. I wonder if this has increased the discomfort in the local town too.
I wonder how Western countries would change if they adopted a much stricter immigration policy…
And let me ask you this: what would Australia, the UK, US, Canada and many other countries look like today without their vast immigration intakes over the past few decades? Again, I was one of those immigrants, coming to Australia in 2003 and the UK in the 90s.
Sure, Australian social cohesion might be a lot better today if we hadn’t allowed in so many of my extended family…houses might be more affordable too.
But you have to accept that high immigration has delivered a lot of prosperity in other ways, just as we demand that others accept the impact on social cohesion. Without such high immigration, I suspect our government debt would be much higher relative to our GDP, and I suspect we would’ve had many more recessions over the past 30 years, for example.
I’m not asking which option you prefer. It’s obvious we’d all choose some differing level of immigration, not the two extremes. But, as anyone who has lived in both Japan and Australia understands, know there is a trade-off between immigration’s costs and benefits.
So, when it comes to managing the economy with immigration as an accelerator, we need to accept that, in the words of Thomas Sowell, ‘there are no solutions, there are only trade-offs.’
The refusal to see the costs of one side of the argument, and the benefits of the other, is what’s really wrong with the debate.
Netanyahu Orders IDF to Plan Evacuation of Southern Gazan City of Rafah and Destruction of Hamas
Johnny Biden. Excellent.
REPORT: Annalena Baerbock’s Grandfather Was a Hardcore Nazi Fighter – The ‘Green’ German Foreign Minister Is a Radical Supporter of Ukraine
What is the point of importing a bunch of welfare cases? Stupid article by Nick Hubble.
Another War May Be About to Break Out in America’s Backyard
I don’t get the biker tension. Did you legally biff him in a divorce entanglement?
the Manning Valley MB3 Braised Brisket.
How good is it that top chefs are delivering incredibly prepared brisket.
It’s now one of my go to dishes if I see it on the menu.
Another one is 180 day chicken.
Miranda Devine
‘Incredibly suspicious’ Hunter Biden email may be based on classified info: GOP senator
Vietnameese Immigrants are fine by me. As to the rest ..I have had some dealings …the Sudaneese seem to be less than worthwhile. AFAIK they arent really all that efficacious in Sudan.
That said I have known some Sudaneese who were reliable and intelligent and worth having on the crew. But sure ? Not all?
Feb 10, 2024 12:10 PM
Digger if he is around might be interested in recent Club Grubbery (via their com au page) where they discuss visit to Canberra.
Thanks Bourne, just got home and completed some cattle chores. Will have a look shortly.
You no not of what you speak.
I first encountered Lizzie in the first half of 1964 at Lorenzini’s.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 10, 2024 6:09 PM
Suvorov said Stalin intended to invade Germany in 1941
Anthony Beevor and David Glantz make a pretty convincing case that the Soviets were in no position to mount an invasion in 1941, but may have considered spoiling attacks in late 1941, or 1942.
What saved those Conveys was the British Royal Navy. The farking Russians along with Stalin never gave any of those people any recognition. And they sank the Scharnhorst.
Stalin was a Murderer, Thankyou GB. Thankyou USA. But Stalin took all the credit.
Hellfire and damnation, no more downticking Mark Bolton.
Speaking of brisket, and other food-derived products:
Pigmalion (King of the Hill episode) is exceptionally good as TV.
Pretty dark though.
If China had a massive oversupply of housing stock maybe they could take immigrants from Canada and Australia, where there are housing shortages.
It’s a global village.
Feb 10, 2024 6:19 PM
Go to NYC and then come back here when you can say the word Aussie.
Or, as a bloke in town calls it, “fkn shit Tourettes c-nt dick”.
The same Stalin who had signed a non- aggression pact with the Nazi’s?
How is that relevant to your opposing positions on upticks in 2024?
Can’t find it now, but there was a report (in the Daily Telegraph?) this week on an economic study that calculated that in the UK now even employed migrants might draw more from middle class welfare payments, NHS subsidised healthcare, etc. over their lifetime than they pay in tax.
Feb 10, 2024 6:32 PM
I only know Lizzie from her open hearted homely posts on The Cat .. Life with Hairy and such. I dont find them like minded but I do find them endearing and honest… Good for Her!!
I suspect our government debt would be much higher relative to our GDP, and I suspect we would’ve had many more recessions over the past 30 years, for example
It would have forced government to reform rather than continuing to be squandermonkies and bad economic management would have seen bad government s turfed earlier.
Bulk immigration has been and continues to be a way of 3rd rate polly (masny) ticks (bloodsuckers) snuffing at the trough forever.
Its like congratulating a junkie for avoiding withdrawal symptoms and getting clean because they managed to jab another 10ccs of junk up the vein in their todger.
The proles are revolting.
Khan-linked Candidates Stun By Outperforming In Pakistan Election Against Military-Backed Nawaz Sharif (10 Feb)
So the Paki elites put Imran Khan in gaol on a bunch of trumped up charges, banned his party and even banned the use of a cricket ball in election material, since that’s the logo of his party. Yet his not-existing party is the largest in the Paki parliament by a wide margin. That’s fun. The ISI and the elites are going to be tying themselves in knots trying to keep Imran’s bunch, oops all those independents, out of power. Could be quite a bit of entertainment in prospect.
Knuckle Dragger
Feb 10, 2024 6:25 PM
Have you been assessed for cognitive decline?
Johnny Biden. Excellent.<If there is there a Johnny Rotten Biden then I hope there is NOT a Knuckle dragger for any other appointment…………..LOL
Today is the 60th anniversary of the sinking of HMAS Voyager.
Speaking of cognitive decline.
A definition of racism so dumb…it requires a degree.
I remember that one – the Navy went to great lengths to cover up the fact that the Captain of Voyager wasn’t fit to command a toy boat in a bathtub, then the former executive officer of Voyager – Peter Cabban – came out and said Stevens drank like a thirsty camel ashore, but he’d never known him to drink at sea.
Australian Jews alarmed after list of ‘Zionists’ publicized, fueling harassment
yr not Perry Mason are you sancho?
Jonathan ‘Buck’ Rogers GC DSM
Yes, it is.
Putin to Tucker Carlson: ‘Ukraine Is Obviously a Satellite State of the U.S.’
The downthumb function allowed cowardly spiteful imbeciles a free (anonymous) kick.
if you have a problem with my comments, then at least have the guts to identify yourself and try and explain why.
I think he’s got it backwards. He should look in a mirror.
Boris Johnson calls Tucker Carlson a ‘traitor’ over ‘ludicrous interview’ with Vladimir Putin
And Hitler was in no real position to invade Poland in ’39. His Generals and Admirals wanted another 2-3 years to continue to build up the Kriegsmarine, Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. If the Vozdh had ordered an invasion, it would have happened regardless of what his Generals and Marshalls said.
Watchdog Unveils FBI Officials’ Misconduct With Foreign Sex Workers
Re Biden,
All they need do is increase his workload by 5mins a day and watch him disintegrate completely.
The Putin interview is basically great PR for Tucker, not much else.
That was a thing of beauty, Rabz. Saved in my “Notes” for the posterity of my (ephemeral) iPad. You have cut to the nub of it.
It isn’t that difficult really, but some want to weave a web of bullsh*t around it.
The upticks are simply endorsing a decent, or sometimes a grotesque and cruel comment. But the commenter themselves is always revealed.
+ 42 x pi r squared.
It was very telling a few weeks back when you said you had admin rights and you were going to out the manipulators.
A couple of people went of their tree.
(You know who you are).
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 10, 2024 6:48 PM
The little I have read about Imran Khan’s conviction are Orwellian and bizzare. Havent had the chance to check it properly but so far the “charges” just seems a damnation on the Pakistani Parliament “Rules Based Order” .. the actual Pakis wont be quiet over this I foresee. They see CIA all over his and are pissed. This will get messy.
Guys like Nick Hubble are part of the problem.
What I’m more interested in is why the change of mind however half hearted it is?
Interesting post, Rodger, thank you.
From memory, as late as 2010, the survivors of that episode were doing battle with the system for compensation.
The Duran. Rather longwinded but interesting.
Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
Sancho, was that the “do it and you’re finished” comment? It struck me as very out of character.
As I used to say long ago, I may be wrong. I usually am.
no they didn’t sancho you confabulating clown
nobody gave a toss
I love the way you re-imagine the past as if only you have some magic time-defying telescope
you know what?
I can log into the back-end of this joint too (not that I’ve bothered for months)
and I’ll tell you what I can see … a whole lot of very poisonous gibber that never got through to be printed here
and … youse know who you are
Thanks, calli and pancho.
Yeah, something like that.
To be clear, I argued against it.
I don’t think you can retrospectively out people (even anonymous bloggers) when that wasn’t the deal when they did their tickety thing.
But it was a bit of a hoot to see the hares running.
(You know who you are).
See my comment earlier.
If only Mark Dreyfus knew.
Put simply, if you are such a slacktivist couch potato that you can’t be fagged typing a few words of agreement or disagreement, you don’t really value your own opinion very much.
So why should the rest of us.
They should have claimed they were buggered in the Wardroom by a Liberal staffer.
Candace Owens
The EU Wants to SANCTION Tucker Carlson
Other uses of the up/down affirmations have been listed on this thread. And not everyone here can or even wants to attend dinner parties in Sydney.
Today is the 60th anniversary of the sinking of HMAS Voyager.
Are they still squealing and demanding even more compo.
Ships sink every day but the crews are not members of the Voyager industrial union so they don’t access endless grift.
This is like watching a family of sedated bogan turtles fight for the last iced vovo.
Visiting my best mate in NZ, for being one of the most intelligent blokes I know he is beset by TDS. I tell its irrational. His wife is even more looney tunes than last time I was here. She doesn’t seem to be interested in anything. Watches TV all the time. Doesn’t like too think about things, makes her mind up before she’s heard the premise. He’s started to repeat himself so I wonder if dementia is on the way. Its a worry. At least he thinks Luigi is useless.
I read somewhere last week that Anal was playing the working class warrior (talk about show biz for ugly people). Something about the ‘right skools’ or sumpin. When you look at the members of this despicable marxist country wrecking abomination that went to snotty nose skools- two from Scotch and one from Geelong grammar just off the top of my head.
That last iced Vovo is mine, Muddy!
and one from Xavier of course
Loss of HMAS “Voyager” after collision with HMAS “Melbourne” – 10th February, 1964. Report of Royal Commission re.
[Link goes to the National Archives of Australia].
If ‘Soft Hands’ Albanese has their interests in view the working class had better batten down.
All those immigrants aren’t going to do their chances of a wage rise much good, just for starters.
A lot of the recent immigrants here and in Canada came from China. Perhaps President Eleven should give them cash incentives to return?
Neither is the fact that worker productivity is presently at 2016 levels (funny that, given the unprecedented migrant stimulus over the last 18 months).
We’re in reverse gear, comrades!
I’ve already dribbled on it, Calli. Too slow!
Interesting the EU wats to sanction Carlsson Tucker. They can FOAD. He had the opportunity and took it. People can make their own minds up, but thats not the way of the EU. We hear endless dribble from the Sniffy Thief that isn’t coherent which has nothing to do with being right or wrong, he’s actually got nothing to say. Haven’t heard the Pute interview but some reports are that he’s wrong on some things. I can make up my own mind, I don’t need someone to tell me what to think. I intend to find out what he said for the other 1:50 minutes. Its quite possibble he’s right about other things.
Apropos of nothing (from the NAA RecordSearch database):
Not accessible online unfortunately.
Feb 10, 2024 7:51 PM
Today is the 60th anniversary of the sinking of HMAS Voyager.
Are they still squealing and demanding even more compo.
Ships sink every day but the crews are not members of the Voyager industrial union so they don’t access endless grift.
What is this endless grift the survivors received?
I know a bloke who was a Lt on the Voyager, he was off duty in the mess, then was in the water with people dying and the living screaming, with confused panic all around.
Reckon he had PTSD?
I met him in the late 1980s and his and other survivor’s bitterness at the lack of contrition, compensation and recognition by the RAN and government was epic. He died before any compensation was awarded to him.
Quite seriously, someone who says “Are they still squealing and demanding even more compo.” should GFTS!
I’ve never felt such dissappointment at a comment here before about our military.
Does anyone wonder why our young don’t join up and we have the worse recruitment crisis in our history?
bons, go take a good look at yourself, that is a disgusting comment.
Seven second rule! I care not for dribble.
It’s the EUSSR now. Yes they can FOAD but canbra loves their economy wrecking totalitarianism.
It was me who said that.
Don’t buggerise around. If you had something to say then or now, come out and say it straight to my face.
Sure P. You said it.
Bwah ha ha ha.
Start with the Chunk apologists in their ABC and watch them do the Michael Jackson moonwalk away from it.
Serious question – how are they going to ‘sanction’ him, and why?
Would they do the same thing if Maria Zeeeee, of ‘four foot copper cables found in corpses and DeaTh CamPs’ fame interviewed him?
Carlson: “Who blew up the Nordstream gas pipe?”
Putin: “You did.”
Carlson: “I was doing something else that day.”
Putin: “You may have an alibi but the CIA doesn’t. ”
Two intelligent people with a sense of humour. Good to see.
Why did you threaten Rabz? You don’t seem to be that type of person.
I have never threatened anyone on this blog.
That’s why your comment was so out of character.
IIRC, there was a major court decision on the matter in the early 1990s. It was then complicated by men who had been on the Melbourne at the time of the collision coming forward to claim emotional trauma.
Hello, Peoples who are now free of anonymous judgements! 🙂
My children all went to single sex secondary schools, no capacity to compare but I’m happy with how they went, except possibly the youngest boy, who should have been out to an apprenticeship after year ten, but apparently without a driver’s licence would have been impossible.
He probably didn’t learn much the last two years, but he does still read non fiction for leisure, so that’s something.
Oh, Sacré bleu!
Downtick me.
I have no intention of taking a hard look at myself. Prove me wrong.
Resembles the Cafe. I have a plague of really friendly cockies atm. Was tempted to take a photo of a dozen of them wandering around my toes on the back lawn this arvo. They fight over bits of stale bread.
Sadly three or four of them have beak and feather disease, which means they won’t survive winter. They die of hypothermia since they lose all their feathers. It’s a bastard of a virus, and there’s no cure. Rainbow lorikeets get it too.
As well as cockies I’ve a bunch of baby grey butcherbirds who’ve decided this week that I’m the local butcherbird Maccas. Two are already accepting food from my hand like veterans and the third went within millimetres today of doing likewise. Mum and dad are very friendly also.
Free EU elections in June.
The USSR never had those.
Going to be ‘interesting.’
But you’ve also lost your Britpop grav, Rabz.
Mere chaos loosed, end of days etc, signs in the sky, dogs and cats cohabiting, &c
Biden is brilliant
Biden is a superager
Biden has a stutter
Biden sometime misspeaks
Ok, biden is bordering on senile – But TRUMP IS OLD!!!
‘Two men three years apart’: Democrats highlight Trump’s mental lapses after Biden report
Trump faces less scrutiny over his age than his contemporary does. Biden’s challenge is to change that
Next on NBC/ABC/BBC – why are people turning away from traditional media – and what bans should be put in place to prevent people from reading disinformation.
You may hate the media
But you dont hate them enough.
I do not accept your inference in this regard.
An Australian Army doctor captured in Timor with the 2/40th Battalion had many Japanese guards coming to him. asking to be circumcised. I can’t remember (I read the book, Samurais and Circumcisions, iirc, many years ago) if he traded for medications or food as payment.
And it would be delicious if Xi imposed a border closure to prevent them from leaving, as he has done in the past.
That’s why so many Western expats are done with China.
At what time on Saturday night (or most nights) dies the blog go into Circular Firing Squad mode?
I’m early to bed, early to rise (can’t say there are any verifiable benefits of that, as the BBC might demand) so I’ll just have to assess the damage on the morrow.
Sometimes the animal kingdom delivers some gems.
Donkey gets a rubber chicken as a toy
Life is good, given all that is happening in the world sometimes the simple joy of a pet is a delight
It would seem that the majority prefer the upticks / downticks function and it was taken away on the request of a minority without adequate debate.
It has long been apparent that JC and Sancho did not like the system as the downticks often reflected how upopular many of their comments were. I am sure it is no coincidence that both have today commented upon how ticking could be gamed and how it is done.
I think both very happy the function has gone. When JC spends a whole day attacking multiple people there is no longer going to be visible evidence that people disagree with him. So what is the solution? Let him carry on or join in and make the stoush even bigger?. Then he plays his “piling on” card and tries to imply the the response is co-ordinated and so it goes. As it has for years.
I see multiple people have reacted to Cassie’s comment about people’s silence being noted. As has been noted some did not want to get involved in yet another day in the never ending saga between Lizzie and Joanna. Personally in that saga I am definitely on team Lizzie. Now I don’t get to downtick Johanna or uptick many of the excellent “rants” by Cassie about politics in general or Oct 7th.
bons at Feb 10, 2024 3:43 PM summed it up well. The blog has gone backwards in this move as I do believe people do appreciate seeing a response if they have taken the time to make an interesting comment or post an interesting article.
Just look at today. A repeat of yesterday with JC being the blog bully. His post quoting multiple Johhny Rotten posts says more about him than it does about JR. Just incredible. With people less inclined to post the ratio of JC’s non stop attacks is going to become far more noticeable.
However as everybody says it is Dover’s blog so he can do whatever he likes.
but he does still read non fiction for leisure, so that’s something.
No small thing, Rosie. A very good indicator of intellect.
Why did you say Rabz was “finished”?
These are your words, not mine.
Was he finished as a commenter? On the dashboard? As a person?
Only you know what the “inference” was. Buggered if I know.
On Voyager, I worked once with an ex-sailor who, during a posting in Navy Personnel, allocated many of the junior sailors to Voyager. He thought that the Melbourne claimants, who largely started coming forward after the early-90s favourable court decision, had less of a case than he had, as he had in effect sent so many men to their deaths. And he didn’t think he had any case at all.
I used ro work in a country town and helped with Anzac Day services. Lots of cooperation with the local RSL branch. The main guy I dealt with was a retired officer who served in name. Although I highly esteem vets, this bloke was a pompous old windbag who was a thorn in the side of many.
The nicest veteran was a Navy vet who was deeply traumatised. He was on Melbourne both times – when it ran over Voyager and when lightning struck twice with the Frank E. Evans. He never forgot what happened of JB, the sorrow of which aged him early. He’s still going, bless him but it deeply impacted him and others.
Name is “Nam”. ro is to. Sorry.
Every day! I give mince to currawongs and they’re like this. One alpha male lands on the roof of my car when he sees me: I give him some mince, which he then disintegrates all over the car roof and consumes the bits with relish. To see innocent critters enjoying themselves is a blast.
Name is “Nam”. ro is to. Off not of. Sorry.
There’s lots of building and renovating going on in Corsica and Sardinia, though a lot I’m sure it’s for the tourist trade they love to hate.
The old town in Olbia is extraordinarily quiet, when I caught the bus out to the hospital there was a bit of hustle and bustle in the outer burbs, like the French they seem to prefer new, spacious, well lit with efficient plumbing.
Can we assume from Zulu’s comment at 2037 that a major problem in the Voyager compensation issue is not the Commonwealth, but a single Victorian law fair that seems to have been less than diligent?
You’re back to mind reading again. You ought to start a business as a mind reading mufti.