Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…
Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…
You need to get out more, Dover.
“We don’t need no steenking customers!” Sounds like they’ve taken on the business model of the underpants gnomes.
The Tories do not, although the members voted for the lady who most does – Ms Badenoch. Wrong again. The…
You never hear about the time it took six years to come out from underwater after 2008 or whenever. Good…
100% sure. Olanzapine. Horrible drug that. I had some raging thyroid going on which was making me manic and loose. They gave me treatment for that, with nut house pills an added extra.
The reason why the wankocracy in the EU isn’t afraid of Russia is the Russian Army has been bled white. There’s nothing left in the tank. And tanks no longer work, btw, they’re just death traps.
The Tank Is Dead? (9 Feb)
Combat aircraft are similar. I suspect a wide roll-out of laser based antidrone and antimissile systems may change the battlefield equation, and the tank might then return, but until that happens drone tech is going to be very nasty on both infantry and armour. Which will massively favour defense, since the attackers have to come out into the open to attack, either as PBI on foot or in highly vulnerable vehicles.
Meanwhile tactical air support is also completely snookered on a battlefield where every guy in a trench has a manpad that can take out any aircraft. And vehicle mounted systems can do the same to combat aircraft hundreds of km behind the front line.
Putin has been really unlucky. He ordered the attack on Ukraine at exactly the wrong phase in the battlefield tech cycle, when the defender was hugely advantaged. But that is hindsight.
Daily Mail:
The situation is now so bad that a median-priced house is unattainable for a single, average-income earner,
Hey, even in the 1970s I would not have contemplated buying a house on one income.
We bought while the missus was still working, and were able to get on the property escalator before having children.
Now, if you can’t afford Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide, there are bustling regional cities where houses cost half what they do in the big smoke. I have friends who have done just that, and they are having a wonderful time.
Believe me, when my 7 yr old worked out after two weeks that she could best a 13 yr old high school boy, it was on for young and old. Innate competitiveness – the woke can try to suppress human nature but they will never win in the long run.
Germany and Poland are currently spending huge amounts to increase military capacity. Given Russia’s performance in Ukraine I don’t know what they are worried about.
This Swift is a very rare bird, she has managed to keep young music fans happy and not offend their parents. She has managed to avoid the the skank trap of so many contemporary female singers.
We don’t know that he didn’t consider that but found it impossible to put into effect.
I don’t imagine Ukraine is the easiest place to govern and, unlike Putin, Zelensky is not an autocrat who’d had two decades to consolidate his power.
Zat, you probably know it’s typical cynical NY humor. It was meant in a humorous was way, but most Americans don’t live in NY and the mainstream toilet makes hay from the comment. And on we go.
Stamp duty is five times more expensive than a generation ago
Sydney and Melbourne’s stamp duty costs for a median-price home equate to about six months of income, forcing home buyers to delay major life decisions.
Campbell Kwan – Commercial property reporter
The stamp duty burden has risen fivefold in just one generation, becoming an impost that holds back people from moving, changing jobs and even having children, new research by e61 Institute and PropTrack shows.
Even after adjusting for inflation, the hefty increase in the property transfer duty levied by state and territory governments now equated to five months of income for an average full-time worker, said e61 research manager Nick Garvin.
“Housing costs comprise more than just stamp duty, but five months of take-home income is a sizeable cost,” Mr Garvin said.
“Particularly so for owner occupiers that move, who can pay for the new home by selling the old one, but incur stamp duty on top.”
The findings are the latest piece of evidence against the tax that economists and property experts say holds back the economy, but upon which state governments rely heavily as a source of revenue, especially in times of booming housing markets.
The NSW Labor government last year scrapped plans to reform stamp duty by its Coalition predecessor.
Victoria and SA have introduced plans to scrap it on commercial property, but not housing.
The ACT’s two-decade-long reform of stamp duty is stumbling.
In Melbourne, where stamp duty costs have grown the most, buyers needed the equivalent of six months of average full-time post-tax income, or $42,500, to cover stamp duty on a median-priced home.
That equates to a six-fold increase from the mid-1980s.
This was followed by Sydney, where stamp duty for a median-price home recorded a five-fold increase, up by $44,500 or half a year’s income.
According to an e61 survey of 3000 Australians, higher stamp duty has forced one-quarter of Australians under 40 to delay changing jobs, one in five 30 to 40-year-olds to delay having children, and people of all ages to reconsider moving homes.
The delaying of these major life decisions due to stamp duty was concerning for the Australian economy, as it had slowed productivity, Mr Garvin said.
“It seems reasonable to conclude that higher stamp duty costs has at least contributed to Australia’s productivity slowdown,” he said.
“By overhauling the current stamp duty system, some of these pressures on individuals and the economy more broadly could be eased.”
Stamp duty bracket creep worse than stage three tax cuts
PropTrack senior economist Angus Moore said the growing affordability problems had arisen from two sources; house-price growth outpacing income growth and stamp duty bracket creep.
House values in capital cities have risen by over 450 per cent over the past 30 years while unit values have increased over 300 per cent during that period, according to CoreLogic data.
As a result, most home buyers have been pushed into higher stamp duty brackets, driving up its share of a home purchase cost taken up by the impost.
Since the early 1990s, the proportion of home buyers nationally paying a stamp duty cost equivalent to 3 per cent or more of a home’s purchase price had risen from about 12 per cent to 95 per cent, Mr Moore said.
“While conversations about stage three tax cuts have been about bracket creep in the context of income tax, we see bracket creep even more acutely with stamp duty because property prices have grown quicker than incomes over the past few decades,” Mr Moore said.
Despite the latest research indicating that “stamp duty is bracket creep on steroids”, reforms were unlikely to come due to the tough politics behind it, said consultancy Corrina’s Saul Eslake, a former ANZ Bank and Bank of America Merrill Lynch chief economist.
“Removing stamp duty sadly has the political reputation of ‘taxing the family home’ which in some circles is akin to slaughtering sacred cows,” Mr Eslake said.
While it was unlikely that stamp duty reforms would be made, he said the next few years were arguably the best time given every federal and state jurisdiction except for Tasmania is governed by Labor, he said.
“You’ve got seven out of the eight governments from the same political persuasion.
So there probably isn’t a better time to get the federal and state governments to co-operate on something than now,” Mr Eslake said.
Well TS to save the environment only uses paper straws no matter how many lies she flies.
“Johnny please read out the name of the animal on the page in front of you”
“A frikkin’ elephant”
“What did you say?”
“A frikkin’ elephant”
“Let me see that”
” African elephant”
many people here, as Hairy notes with his elephant memory, do not wish me well.
I’ve been waiting to meet you two for years, and I certainly wish you well.
“Dude, where’s my TV station?”
I do hope the individual lawyer who signed Cane Toad’s legal opinion fronts up in court tomorrow for an episode of “Who do you think you are?”
Purists will be appalled, however I am on a bit of a ham and cheese croissant kick at the moment. In a sandwich press naturally. Lucky Sneakers does not buy my morning tea.
On Their ABC, advertising for Nemesis continues to dominate their news cycle:
Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg were friends, colleagues and housemates — but there was something the PM had not told his treasurer
This event happened several years ago. The story of the event broke in 2022, if I recall correctly. None of it is news.
This, of course, doesn’t bother the members of the ABC collective, who have no problem exploiting the taxpayer-funded platform they control to promote their own projects and interests. Hence the death of a former afternoon slot radio broadcaster on ABC Perth radio (long retired and forgotten) becomes national news on the national broadcaster. These people are absolutely shameless.
When Zelensky has one of these we can refute the false equivalence accusation of the two.
Just watched the official vid of Train’s “Drops of Jupiter”, then the Taylor Swift live acoustic cover.
Chick can’t sing.
Yes, as we say … phrasing.
I think he would have broad support for saying, “Hey, you want to freeload on NATO and have the US do the heavy lifting? If it goes pear-shaped you are on your own.”
Saying something like he supports a Wussian attack on the financially recalcitrant states is something else.
Que? It won’t happen because State Governments (and their ALP for now constituents) are addicted to spending.
Eslake might actually be worse than The Kouk and Gittens. Big call.
Richest man in the world, imparting knowledge about something all men know to be true.
Boobs just rock, it’s a fact
Reading/Writing/Math vouchers which can be applied at any school with a decent teaching record. Extra teachers to be imported and/or trained up in phonics and Singaporean Maths. Bonus for those teachers who can get consistent solid passing grades. Extra bonus for those who can get family on a reading program for adults && kids.
I don’t know one Taylor Swift song. I would no doubt recognise some of them if I heard them, but yeah nah. I grew up on AC/DC and all the other great rock bands.
All this clap-trap is fully foreign to me. Kids these days. That feral idiot with tatts on his face that ‘sung’ before the super bowl etc. Spare me!
Zafiro at 12:16
Red herrings for lunch?
Some drugs do have unwanted side-effects, and some of those impact mental and cognitive capacity.
Side effects.
Not the surreptitious insertion of “mind control drugs”.
The meds I was talking about have no such side-effects.
What we are talking about is a pompous old know-it-all who nearly killed his “mate” through ill-informed rabbit-hole “research”.
H B Bear
Feb 12, 2024 12:27 PM
Western Australia bans ham and cheese sandwiches from school canteens as new dietary rules come into effect (Sky, 12 Feb)
The sandwiches are now to replaced by ham and pineapple pizza.
Some of the policies put into effect both before and after Feb ’22 would suggest otherwise.
Cheers Sancho. Yes I understand, and happy old mate’s dad has been intervened and sorted etc.
Hence the death of a former afternoon slot radio broadcaster on ABC Perth radio (long retired and forgotten) becomes national news on the national broadcaster.
But not the deaths of the ABC’s own convicted pedos Bill Hurrey and Jon Stephens.
A croissant in a sandwich press…Nooooooooo!
I doubt that very much.
Zelensky is no Putin; he has many more interests that he has to consider & balance and they are more fractious than any Putin has to tame.
The airlines making economy class bearable
It’s never going to feel as good as turning left.
But finally, many airlines are putting thought into the economy experience. From the upcoming launch issue of Highflyer magazine out on February 23.
Ciara Seccombe – Newsroom Assistant
Most Australians know the agony of long haul in economy – the sore neck, the compression socks, the sleepless all-night horrors.
And extra points if you bear witness to a baby’s first flight without the sweet muffling cocoon of business or first class.
Part of the solution I’ve found over years of practice is to adopt a low-expectations mindset.
I approach my sardine-tin seat with the grim confidence of a true cattle-class lifer.
There’s a lot to be said for the old mantra of grin and bear it – and as much to be said for box-set drama.
And yet, things are changing.
Amid the ongoing debate in Australia over high ticket prices and hard-to-book in-demand seats, at least – finally – some airlines are trying to sweeten the deal up the back end of the plane.
Take Air New Zealand’s move to bring flat beds to long-haul economy (even if for a price). From September, you can book its Skynest sleep pods for a four-hour snooze block from around $NZ400-$600 ($370-$560).
You can also reserve Air New Zealand’s Skycouch, which transforms a row of seats into a sofa, offering passengers added comfort for the entire flight. Again, it adds a few hundred dollars to the price tag (the cost varies depending on the route.)
But it’s perfect for a couple with a young child, and gives economy passengers a little extra legroom with a seat pitch of 81 to 83 centimetres (the distance between the back of your seat and the back of the seat in front).
Qantas had a similar, if more modest, idea with Project Sunrise. Its new fleet of A350s that will fly from the nation’s east coast to Europe and America from 2025 will feature foot nets in economy (similar to the 787s that do the Perth direct flights into London and Rome). The A350 economy class will also have extra storage space, and free Wi-Fi in all classes.
Japan Airlines, Emirates and All Nippon Airways tend to offer the most legroom in economy class.
Seat pitch is up to 86 centimetres on ANA and Japan Airlines’ 787-9s and Emirates’ A380s, though this may vary by a few centimetres pending the age and configuration of the aircraft.
Tall passengers (or those wanting to stretch their legs) might want to book Etihad’s Economy Space option, which offers up to 12.7 centimetres of additional legroom.
If legroom is important, research what aircraft types the various carriers fly on your chosen routes before booking, and pay for the extra room.
As for seat width, quite a few carriers offer 18 inches across (45.7 centimetres). A notable few even do 19 inches (48.3 centimetres) – including Singapore Airlines’ A380 and 777-300ER, and Japan Airlines’ 787-9s.
Air New Zealand’s Skycouch.
Nostalgics will love that a report by the American not-for-profit Consumers Union showed that in 1985, no American carrier had a seat narrower than 19 inches.
Today, a number of major carriers, including Qantas, United Airlines, Qatar and ANA have seats that come in at 17.5 inches (44.4 centimetres) or slightly below on some aircraft types.
The increasingly narrow seats have been subject to a few legal challenges on safety grounds.
In 2018, the American organisation FlyersRights unsuccessfully challenged the cramped conditions, claiming it was likely to hinder an emergency evacuation.
If you intend to drink in the sky in economy, far better news. Most full-service carriers, including Emirates, Qantas, Qatar, Singapore Airlines and Etihad all provide complimentary beer and wine on international flights. Air France even offers free champagne in all its cabin classes – the label changes every few months, but this January, economy class received Vranken Heidsieck Monopole Silver.
More carriers are moving to limit choice and availability, for example, United Airlines only offers complimentary beer and wine on certain routes.
In terms of food, Qatar Airways seems to be the current darling of the airline ranking community, and reviewers are praising its catering and customer service.
If movies are your thing, Cathay Pacific got top billing in 2023 from Skytrax for its entertainment system and selection. Cathay’s economy class boasts an 11.6-centimetre HD touch screen and an extensive library of Asian and Western movies and television box sets, plus Bluetooth headphone connection, so you can bring your preferred headset.
Is economy class ever going to be a delight? Unlikely. But a bit of homework can go a long way.
High Court NZYQ decision: How many sex offenders, murderers and kidnappers have been released into the community by Anthony Albanese’s government
Documents tendered in Parliament reveal shocking figures
The exact number of murderers and sex offenders released into the community after a bombshell High Court decision has been revealed.
Seven detainees released from immigration detention were convicted of murder or attempted murder.
Another 37 released detainees had been convicted of sexual based offending, including child sexual offences, documents tendered during Senate Estimates in Canberra on Monday showed.
Another 72 were convicted of assault, violent offending, kidnapping or armed robbery, and 16 were convicted of domestic violence or stalking.
There were also 13 others who have been convicted of serious drug offences and up to five who were convicted of people smuggling or crimes of serious international concern.
The documents also show 24 detainees have breached their visa conditions or been charged for serious offences against Australians.
One of the documents reveals that ‘As of 1 February 2024 six individuals have been arrested and charged for offences against the Migration Act 1958 for breach of visa conditions.
‘Additionally, the ABF (Australian Border Force) is aware that 18 individuals have been charged by state and territory police for state and territory offences.’
The same document also revealed that as of January 31, nobody ‘has been re-detained in an immigration detention facility on the basis that there is a real prospect of their removal from Australia being practicable in the reasonably foreseeable future’.
More to come…
“I suspect this is the grounds on which this decision gets overturned – there isn’t a finding against the proposed electors.”
Nah, I reckon it’ll get turfed alright, but on the grounds that the President is NOT an enumerated office in the 14th amendment (your argument), or that there was no due process to convict Trump of insurrection and so it can’t be applied, or that it relates so heavily to federal matters that state courts do not have jurisdiction on such matters – all three of the above reasons seemed to be made much of by the SCOTUS justices during oral arguments the other day. I suspect they’ll find on the last, because that causes them (SCOTUS) the least headaches in the long run.
Of course, Trump could also have called attention to the 20th amendment, which seems to imply that someone not eligible to be president can be on the ballot and can even be elected, but unless and until they become eligible, cannot assume the office. Since there is a legal path for those disqualified under the 14th amendment to assume office anyway, there is no reason Trump cannot run (unlike, say, someone who is not a natural born citizen, which cannot be “fixed”).
Another argument Trump could make is that the framers of the 14th amendment were interested in baring positions where positions were decided based on state electors only – that is, so that Confederate states could not unilaterally install congressmen, senators etc that had warred against the union. The president requires national approval via the electoral college system, so “everyone” gets a say in it.
This punter wants it dead because of the way it has pissed on our traditions and ignored our society’s norms. Push the boundaries a bit, yes, otherwise we will never change. We would remain as dead as the dodo.
But the Woke departments don’t want boundary testing – they want to crush our standards and us. They want to show us their contempt for us while waiting like a herd of vultures for us to croak.
Up Bud Lights collective arses, and Gillette’s, and Bonds. Until the people who signed the authorisations all along the line are sacked there will be no forgiveness.
When I was at primary school in 70s early 80s, it was Devon and tomato sauce sangas, dimmys, pies and sausage rolls. The odd roll with some ham cheese and tomato cucumber etc. Kids were all lean and fit. You expended energy as kids back then. Weekend came. Left home on your bike at 8am. See you back at tea time.
Now kids just sit on their quoit looking at their phones or playing Xbox etc. Rarely see kids outside in the streets. It is a shit scenario. Very sick.
Let’s not forget Andy Muirhead in all this.
Ukraine and Russia are pretty much identical these days, except in size. The only difference is Ukraine has stopped bothering to have elections at all whereas Russia has fake ones.
The Ukies are even doing the same thing as Russia with their state church.
Zelensky Moves To Subordinate Romanian Churches In Ukraine To His New State Religion (11 Feb)
This new emphasis on state religions is interesting geopolitically. Fairly medieval. On the other hand if it has national stability benefits perhaps it isn’t too bad a thing, especially if it keeps Islam out.
Western leaders and pundits panicked by the looming cessation of funding to Ukraine (and the inevitable collapse that will follow) are propagating a modern-day domino theory that if we let Ukraine be overrun, the Baltic states then Poland and then the rest of Europe are on Russia’s menu.
This is laughably stupid.
Firstly, the Baltic states have little value to the Russians. The cost/ benefit ratio in holding this territory is dominated by the ‘cost’ column. The Balts sure aren’t acting as though they’re concerned about a Russian invasion, given they gleefully seize upon just about every opportunity presented to them to piss of the Russians, from demolishing Soviet war memorials to persecuting their Russian minorities. If the Balts aren’t concerned about the possibility of a Russian threat to their sovereignty (as measured by their deeds rather than their words), I don’t see why anyone else should be on their behalf.
As for Poland and beyond – this is just nuts. What is the population of Russia; around 150 million, correct? Not a large population, considering the size of the Russian landmass. There simply aren’t enough Russians to secure their borders AND occupy/ pacify what would be extremely hostile territory such as densely-populated Poland (let alone Germany and beyond).
Given that neither Putin nor any credible post-Soviet Russian political leader has ever spoken of or even hinted at waging an expansionist war against these nations, there is no reason to think the Russians would not be aware of the natural limitations imposed by the burden of having to defend the largest nation in the world with a relatively small population.
There is also scant evidence that the Russians covet these territories, in any event. There’s no upside for Russia in possessing these lands. It’s all expense. Maintaining the Eastern Bloc meant constant resource transfer from the USSR to its satellite states in Europe – an ultimately unsustainable subsidy that resulted in citizens of many countries behind the Iron Curtain having a better standard of living than Soviet citizens. And even then the Soviet hold over the Warsaw Pact countries was brittle. It is absurd to think that the current Russian leadership, or any future Russian leadership, would not be keenly aware of this history.
No. State churches are early modern.
why are European NATO states not spending on defence as required?
All those new consumer consumption units wont pay for themselves!
Seven detainees released from immigration detention were convicted of murder or attempted murder.
Another 37 released detainees had been convicted of sexual based offending, including child sexual offences, documents tendered during Senate Estimates in Canberra on Monday showed.
Another 72 were convicted of assault, violent offending, kidnapping or armed robbery, and 16 were convicted of domestic violence or stalking.
Doing the jobs Australians wont do!
Western Australia bans ham and cheese sandwiches from school canteens as new dietary rules come into effect
Which has turned school canteens from a minor profit maker to a loss maker in most places.
HGH, DHEA, Metformin
Sample too small but long time study, very good results.
These Molecules Reversed Aging by.
Reversal of epigenetic aging and immunosenescent trends in humans
Andy Noncehead seemed like a nice young chap. I recall my old mother saying that.
Putin wants them back.
He wants Poland back too.
And Moldova.
He’s said all this himself. He wants to re-establish the Tsarist Russian Empire. He is emulating Peter the Great, something he’s also said himself. That’s all fine, except that all those countries have really bad memories of Russia from the Soviet period.
He’s doing it the wrong way around. Nations clamour to be let into the EU. He should’ve made Russia into an attractive destination like that. It would’ve been possible. Instead all the bad memories are fresh again and he’s reset Russian diplomacy back to the Stalinist 1950’s.
Stamp duty is effectively an upfront capital gains tax, paid before any capital gain is actually realised.
Good thing we’re a “low tax country”, innit?
Oh – and Easlake is a notorious imbecile, like pretty much all “media economists” – with the possible exception of Leith van Onselen, who revels in documenting some uncomfortable truths about the staggering stupidity and incompetence of the quisling crackpots destroying this country.
Feb 12, 2024 12:59 PM
The airlines making economy class bearable
And all provided by liquid hydrocarbon fuels to move you from A to B.
Batteries not included BTW.
Hamas a future partner for peace, says Northern Ireland’s First Minister
Astounding ignorance and lack of awareness.
Tell us Miz O’Neill, were the Nazis partners for peace? How about Mussolini’s fascists? Imperial Japan? The Taliban? Boko Haram?
If not why not?
James Michener wrote a book “Poland”. It is thick as an old phone book. That place has been betwixt and between forever.
I was avoiding the R word Dot, in deference to sensibilities.
Oh come on
Feb 12, 2024 1:13 PM
IRA cough oopsSinn Fein. They rather liked the Nazis.Strike fail. But yes Sinn Fein now are in charge of Northern Ireland’s government. It won’t end well.
There is a significant separatist movement in Kalingrad so the Baltic states are attractive because Russia needs a year round ice free Baltic port and Kalingrad is geographically too easily isolated.
He can’t move anywhere else because the military isn’t capable of that. Ukraine has demonstrated the parlous state of the Russian military. That will take decades to rectify and can’t happen while sanctions are in place because modern military equipment is heavily electronically and digitally dependent(TSMC says NO!)
In the Baltic states Putin is probably perceived as Stalin lite. There is no advantage for them becoming part of Russia. I suspect Putin’s foreign policy and history is for the domestic market and he knows further territorial ambitions are impossible. On the other hand he does seemed possessed of the desire to resurrect historical ambitions … .
You were thinking of a church state. 🙂
Why would this shock anybody? It’s been going on since the 80’s when our governments brought in millions of these people to terrorise the European populace.
BLM v Pfizer.
Which was worse ?
Pfizer wins as they had the Government fully onside to take job away if did not comply.
“49ers had Kaepernick who initiated the Take a Knee evil psyop”
I can’t believe Eslake was not far off the C suite of a major bank.
No wait, I can.
Northern Ireland should be reunified with the republic. Three counties of Ulster still clinging to UK is a wank. Modern folk are over all the sectarian shite from back in the day. Should be a no brainer.
Dave Sabbens Books have arrived
An Infantry Platoon in Viet Nam
June 1966 – June 1967
by Dave Sabben MG
A day-by-day account of an Infantry
platoon in the first year of the Australian
Task Force at Nui Dat in Viet Nam.
(Hardcover; Quality hi-res photos on art paper;
400+ A4 pages; 500+ images; 30+ maps/diagrams)
Buyers of this book have also asked
about my first book
(published in 2005 and now out of print – he has had a reprint).
A ‘faction’ account of how Long Tan came about
as seen through the eyes of the enemy commanders.
As Dave Sabben said – “Nothing could prepare you for it”
Thanks Zulu or was it TopEnder?
Removing stamp duty sadly has the political reputation of ‘taxing the family home’ which in some circles is akin to slaughtering sacred cows
People take investment properties for a few reasons.
1: Secure investment
2: Easily understood
3: Able to be liquidated when needed.
4: Governments have made starting many other investments/businesses difficult through excessive regulation and credentialism.
5: People would rather “lose” money on a home to improve it rather than give their hard earned to the squandermonkies in charge via taxation.
John – He’s expressed an interest in recovering Kazakhstan also.
That’s a fine “what if?” If instead of Ukraine he’d gone after Kazakhstan he probably would’ve been successful. The West wouldn’t be as uptight about it.
But of course if he did that he’d have the entire muslim world after him with scimitars. It would be Afghanistan 1980 all over again on a vaster scale. Yes Russia would own Kazakhstan, but rather than losing Russian Army guys in the trenches in Ukraine he’d instead be losing them to jihadi guerrillas flocking in from all over the world.
Ireland will reunite, the demographics make it a dead cert.
The reunification is a good end.
It is a shame the Poms did later colonialism and sectarianism so ham fisted, the British and Irish have a shared economy and should share a currency.
The problem with Ireland and their “nationalists” is much like Sco’ish “nationalists”, they’re woke leftist loonies past Stalin and careening towards Trotsky.
The bad ends like “cannibalistic” pro trans protesters and spiteful snti citizen, pro (low quality) “refugees” policies are already in full swing.
This can’t be understated.
Imagine if we had no super, 10% income tax and most retirees owned a swathe of homes and flats.
Oh the humanity! Personal responsibility! Expanded housing supply! No more ticket clipping by Bill Ludwig etc.
Nah. Ireland should be invaded and conquered by His Imperial Majesty Nigel Farage the First, and incorporated into the new British Empire. If it can work for Vlad it can work for Nigel.
Judith Sloan speaks a fair amount of sense on matters economic and adjacent. So much so that I sometimes wonder if she studied the dismal science at all.
I have read a couple of books on Long Tan. Dave Sabben gets some good mention. Will have to buy his book. 21 year old one-pip nasho thrown into that shit. Is it at Dymock’s etc or only online?
Unfortunately not entirely.
While murals such as the one in that article still abound it’s obvious that society isn’t over it, rather it is shoved into their faces daily.
Oh, and the Orangemen still march on 12 July annually. Rather hard not to see that as unpeacelike and provocative if you are Catholic.
Alamak – agreed about Dame Judith Sloan.
Dave Sabben or Bob Numbers. It was a broad church. I respect all who ventured there.
Some slightly more than others.
Cheer up Lizzie. You have friends and family and some of us here.
If ticks (or pedant thumbs, for that matter) are to return, my thought is that they should only be accepted from those registered to the site (i.e.: your comments get posted and your name and email in the posting box are pre-filled), one tick/thumb per comment per registered user, and the list of tickers/thumbers be public via clicking the counter.
I’ve no idea of what’s required to implement that in terms of coding or the overhead it would demand in operations.
Nesting comments would be a real pain to those of us used to scrolling through once and not going back. How could that be overcome without a Discord – type interface? Actually can a Discord – type interface be built that scrapes the site via an API and presents it accordingly?
Feb 12, 2024 1:54 PM
I have read a couple of books on Long Tan. Dave Sabben gets some good mention. Will have to buy his book. 21 year old one-pip nasho thrown into that shit. Is it at Dymock’s etc or only online?
I believe only online – https://sabbenmidbook.com/
Dave is very reactive and wrote the inscription I request on the inside cover
From Nonno to My Grandkids – “Lest We Forget” signed by Dave Sabben MG and dated
Both Books posted Saturday Australia Post Parcel Post & arrived today at Front Door
Ham on tuesdays and thursdays only. Lest we unleash menu freedoms that can never be taken back once the Mob gets a taste.
Saul Eslake at a job interview. Thank you Mr Eslake, please limit your answers to three hours per question.
Thanks OldOzzie.
I have Weary Dunlop’s autobiography signed by Weary himself. He was at Myer in Melbourne CBD when my sister got me it for Christmas present. That’s a mad read.
A rope is cheap and reusable.
LvO is the only one I take time to read.
She’s Sinn Fein, so the answer to your hypothetical would probably be yes.
What used to be the sectarian divide between the Protestant North and the Catholic Republic of Ireland is rapidly becoming a sectarian divide between the Protestant North and the Green-Islamic Caliphate of Ireland.
It’ll be interesting to see if Catholicism is defeated in the south by the new syncretic religion before Northern Ireland becomes majority Catholic, which the demographics suggest is happening. Which’d be ironic if it resulted in a Catholic Northern Ireland resisting being consumed by a substantially Muslim Irish Republic.
Hairy Festeringpenis uterus status: Wandering the outer reaches of reality.
The Kuwaiti hospital is where people seek safety, in the ‘safe’ zone Israel ordered them to go to.
There is NOWHERE to go from Rafah.
Israel is staring down Egypt to force them to let the Palestinians into the Sinai Desert where they will die.
I have gently replied.
Or Hamas could release hostages/ surrender.
And given all the aid is apparently on the other side of the border letting them through would not result in them “dying in the Sinia desert”.
You hyperventilating, wandering uterus.
For the hundredth time…it was a feint!
For the hundredth time…it was a feint!
Putin said he withdrew… not was pushed back after his tanks started spontaneously disassembling in real time.
The question wasn’t whether she liked or approved of the Nazis.
It was whether she believes that they voluntarily chose to swallow their hateful aspirations and make peace rather than being thoroughly beaten and wiped off of the earth to the maximum extent possible.
And whether she actually believes that Hamas would do likewise.
Because if so she needs to be more careful which mushrooms she consumes.
The speed with which Catholicism collapsed in Ireland has parallels with what happened in Quebec somewhat earlier. It would make for a valuable comparative study for anyone interested in the future of the Catholic Church in Western countries.
Oh, I think that’s part of it in respect of Hamas and historically in regard to the Nazis.
The Chiefs.
Jones should be MVP but defensive players don’t often get it.
Barak Ravid
BREAKING: A special IDF and Shin Bet force rescued two Israeli hostages who were held by a Palestinian faction in the city of Rafah, IDF says
Great news if true.
NKP I don’t even know why people are so bothered by all this. I’m here because there are some people here whose expertise and general knowledge I greatly appreciate being able to learn from, discuss with, and have the occasional biff. On occasions I’ve regretted my viciousness towards commentators but fortunately most if not all have forgiven me and we continue the exchange of views. Ticks or no ticks I’m going nowhere and will continue to make a sincere effort at contributing to the site. Hopefully with less spite and more respect for people here!
Roger – FWIW and in deference to my Catholic friends I suspect the Irish Republic is like everywhere in the West: the urban elites are the green-progressives and the imported voteherds muslim. The ordinary Irishmen in the countryside are still proudly Catholic.
Where this all goes I don’t know. But I suspect on the island of Ireland it’s going to make things even messier than they have been hitherto.
The interwebs says Chris Jones is 141kg & 1.98m tall.
Brock Purdy will be having nightmares about him.
Chalmers has just eclipsed Treasurers Frydenberg (- 2% over 4 years) & Willis (- 4% over 4 years) in presiding over the steepest fall in real wages since 1983.
Chalmers sits at – 4% in just 18 months.
And the prospects for a reversal aren’t good given Labor’s policies, as discussed yesterday.
Soucers; ABS, RBA.
Not really a laughing matter, but…
Kansas City Chiefs beat the Sans Francisco49s hippies in extra time 25 to 22.
7th longest game in history of NFL. Start 10:30am then finish 02:45pm.
I better get off me arse and do promised weeding before she gets home .
I came equal 3rd out of 55 in my NFL tipping.
The winner had a percentage of 49.5.
Vegas spreads are either voodoo magic or set by the smartest super computers on the planet.
Went up the shops when it was 19-19 heading into overtime. Came back and old mate said it was sick. Will youtube it later. Mahomes is a freak.
That may be.
In Quebec I’m told the church collapsed in the countryside as well. It only survives in urban areas thanks to immigration of Catholics from Philippines, Latin America and Africa. Parallels but perhaps not direct analogies between the two.
Certain Soviet space, missile and nuclear test facilities, notably the Baikonur Cosmodrome, were/are located in Kazakhstan. Starting a fight there would have significant ramifications for the International Space Station. Probably not going to happen.
Irrelevant. Firstly NASA intends to deorbit it fairly soon and secondly Elon is now doing pretty much all the supply duty anyway, plus sending up space tourists.
I wish NASA would sell it to Elon and be done with it. He could usefully use it as a staging station for wider destinations.
I brought my copy through “Books On War Australia.”
Douglas Murray has written & spoken extensively about the key issues currently with Ireland/Northern Ireland/the UK.
One of the key issues (but not the only one) is the law fare going on regarding alleged crimes.
There’s a situation where former IRA members (& their dozens of splinter groups) are now sitting in positions of power where there is clear evidence of them either committing murders or being directly involved with them.
Whereas their Northern Ireland & English counterparts are being pursued either criminally or civilly.
On a podcast last year, Murray was saying how they are now having to use super injunctions in some of the cases because there’s been threats against the families.
It’s not the only issue.
But the English & Northern Irish are livid over it.
So their appetite for anything Sinn Fein is negative.
Following Bern’s post above:
[Times of Israel].
I’m extremely surprised that these two remained alive. I hope that we eventually find out what Shin Bet has been up to, if and when it is safe to reveal such information. I have no doubt they have been working hard to show their value after the intel holes that lead to 7 Oct.
The Jerusalem Post:
Watching the ESPN post game show.
Kelce has zero class.
Mahomes is all class.
Feb 12, 2024 1:48 PM
Yes – under the guidance of Grand Imam Mohammed O’Shaughnessy.
Visiting Long Tan in 2013, our driver said he had met David Sabben many times, and described him as a “gentleman.”
The driver also said that the Vietnamese authorities were becoming so fed up with the lack of respect, and the boorish behaviour displayed by Australian backpackers that they were considering limiting access to the Cross.
A cautionary note to anyone phoning around to get better energy deals:
After an “innocent” inquiry about what rate an energy company could provide as opposed to our current provider, we suddenly found that the company “inquiry” had resulted in them taking over our account from our existing provider without our consent! It took considerable effort – including a call to the Ombudsman – to get our account back to the original provider.
Now we have just received an email from a gas provider seeking to take over our gas account from our current provider. When we contacted them they tried to get details of drivers licence numbers etc . “What for ?” we asked. No answer,just an insistence that it was needed to proceed. We were assured no supervisor was available to discuss the matter.
These companies are borderline “crooks”.
Cool! The Argies have been saying nice things lately also.
Argentinian President Milei Said He Wants to See the Reconstruction of the Third Jewish Temple (12 Feb)
He’s pissing off all the right people!
Unfortunately I don’t know any French people to tell this to. “This is for Mururoa Atoll.”
The first gay Muslim prophet, possibly the Madhi too.
I will just accuse them of being French.
EPSN presents the Chiefs coach with a box of burgers as they wrap up their interview.
Gaelic Football Is Something Else | Televised Éireann – Qxir
A boisterous game commentated by a hilarious, hungover legend of a man.
Thanks Zulu Two. I will order a copy.
Israeli forces entered the compound clandestinely and used explosives, heavy fire and highly intimate intelligence [my bolding] about the exact placement of the hostages versus their guards to rescue Herman and Norbeto without Hamas being able to kill them first.
Wonderful news.
I can’t understand why we don’t hear more outcry from the countries of foreign hostages taken in the 7 October raids.
Cool! The Argies have been saying nice things lately also.
Argentinian President Milei Said He Wants to See the Reconstruction of the Third Jewish Temple (12 Feb)
He’s pissing off all the right people!
Ah! That is my answer. Thanks BoN!
They better be vege burgers or he/it is going to be in a lot of trouble.
No doubt Paris would be more enjoyable without the French.
Feb 12, 2024 3:50 PM
I don’t understand why you don’t understand.
Think it through… these are difficult times and the Information Battle space is the only one any one cares about these days.
People that have been intimately involved in that sorry conflict have tried to speak out.
Gag Order.
Do you really imagine that the information you are getting represents reality .
everyone knows you give it 30 seconds in a microwave
Who had syphilitic babies on their 2024 bingo card?
Thirty-five babies in Queensland have been diagnosed with congenital syphilis since 2009, 13 of them dying.
“There are a number of theories as to why this is occurring. The most likely theories are people having increased numbers of sexual partners and that’s probably related to dating apps,” Dr Gerrard said.
“Among gay men, they probably don’t see HIV as big of a threat as it used to be. And women are likely to use the reversible long-acting contraceptives now … so condom use has gone down.”
Dr Gerrard said the true extent of the problem was unknown.
Australia records highest number of syphilis cases in 10 year period
A Kirby Institute report on sexually transmitted infections reveals five children died from congenital syphilis in Australia last year, with disease cases tripling over the past 10 years.
He said many cases were undoubtedly going undiagnosed, describing the recorded infections as “probably just the tip of the iceberg”.
People can remain asymptomatic for up to two years but can still transmit the disease to others during that time, through unprotected sex or intimate skin-to-skin contact.
Where did the last 6 hours go?
We had an unauthorised change of account a few years ago.
I was flat out working at the time and didn’t even notice we didn’t get a bill for months. When I finally discovered the trickery I rang the old provider and asked why they transferred my account out. Apparently I authorised it.
Show me the signed form, I said.
Err, yeah, nah.
The consensus between the two companies was that I just had to pay the bill to the new company.
I refused.
Two options.
Waive the bill because no contract.
Transfer the billing back to the original company at contracted rates.
They eventually did the latter.
The Irish have their own “star chamber” court (Special Criminal Court) which gives the Gardai (probably too much) a lot of credence, the Irish are not afraid to use it and in the past it even gave out death sentences to IRA members.
I did not know that Dot.
When was the last death sentence?
We had an unauthorised change of account a few years ago.
I was flat out working at the time and didn’t even notice we didn’t get a bill for months. When I finally discovered the trickery I rang the old provider and asked why they transferred my account out. Apparently I authorised it.
Show me the signed form, I said.
Err, yeah, nah.
Their effrontery really is astonishing. Husband is on the phone to one of the providers at this very moment. They are an electricity provider involved in this merry-go-round & we sell them more electricity than we use. But – surprise, surprise – since this trouble we suddenly realised we had not received either a bill or a notification of payment TO us in many months.
BTW it is almost impossible to understand or converse sensibly with some of the OS operators – particularly the Asian ones. Thank goodness, I can hear a good Aussie accent on the intercom.
I’m clearing out some emails & found some research from almost 12 months ago saying it was time to long China/short S&P500.
May God have mercy on their souls.
with pineapple.
Feb 12, 2024 3:58 PM
Syphilis is an horrific affliction . Apparently spiking lately.
All the sniggering about how “hung up” the Victorian English were about sex.
“Not amused “and etcetera.
If one were to consider the place they lived , who they were .. the potential for contracting horrific diseases if one choses not to keep ones todger in one’s trousers .. well one might see it with their eyes.
remember 25 years ago when the GST came in – stamp duty was supposed to be removed.
Of course they didn’t.
Had to look it up
Last execution 1954
Last death sentence 1976
Feb 12, 2024 3:58 PM
and Yes what Aborigional children are being subjected to in dysfunctional communities , is an utter nightmare. If they were white .. Childrens Services would whisk them away in an instant. But given that they are “nurtured” in such circumstances … what got done to them becomes what they will go on to do to everyone else. And themselves by utter dereliction …
This is sort of cool/horrible.
WW1 weapons being pulled out of mothballs to fight a 2020s threat.
Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Force:
“On Feb 24th 2022, 30,000 Maxim machine guns were retrieved from storage
The water-cooled weapon proved to be very efficient as air defense against suicide drones as it can fire for many minutes in a row”
It did remind me
N Ireland still also has their own star chamber courts, Diplock Courts.
The N Ireland DPP/ must certify cases. The courts are not as powerful as they used to be.
Unless the N Ireland DPP is ex IRA, I wouldn’t worry.
A ham and cheese croissant is just a calzone lacking a sandwich press, marinara sauce and pineapple.
@ thefrollickingmole
Feb 12, 2024 4:18 PM
This ridiculous story has more to do with how embarrassed our “Slava Ukraine” media are about what a disaster the thing they were once barracking so hard for ..a Ukie flag on every lawn … … pom poms akimbo .. has turned out to become .
Join some war/conflict that has nothing to do with us.
Send in the SAS. Many SAS soldiers did 3/4/5 rotations in the shit hole.
Shit will happen when you deploy the SAS. That is the whole point.
Shit happens. Years later woke people with power are upset and court cases etc.
Many people in Australian power need kicking off a cliff. Idiot scum.
Ireland will reunite, the demographics make it a dead cert.
But the economics don’t. Eire cannot afford to absorb Northern Ireland.
Feb 12, 2024 4:26 PM
“Shit wont happen” if the SAS has anything to do with it. They are honourable men and warriors when they have to be. Well at least the ones I knew were .
I wouldn’t put the house on it, but I thought the GST was supposed to take out stamp duty on financial transactions etc, but not on real property.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it was promised with no real intention to follow through.
I’ve heard of anywhere up to nine deployments.
And here it comes.
Labour being “forced” by the greens to do what they want to do anyway.
Greens demand negative gearing and capital gains tax phase out in ‘help-to-buy’ negotiations
“Since the federal election we’ve seen house prices and rents continue to skyrocket, we’ve seen more and more people fall into serious housing stress, fewer and fewer people being able to afford to buy a home,” he said.
“The question for the government has to be: If you’re willing to shift on the stage 3 tax cuts, then why not on negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions?”
On Sunday, Treasurer Jim Chalmers was pushed on whether he had sought advice from Treasury on reforming negative gearing, as the government had done with stage 3 tax cuts.
Mr Chalmers responded that he regularly spoke with Treasury about “all aspects” of the tax system, and it would be strange if there were parts of the system he could not discuss.
The greens are just the stalking horse for 90% of Labours most heartfelt desires.
The “white van man” fraud case laid bare
A couple of days ago, when irrationality and the New Identitarianism were wreaking havoc on the blog (thanks mainly to the Attack of the Drama Queens), calli asked me to follow up on a comment I made along the lines of ‘stop emoting and do something.’
At the time, I didn’t respond because I was on a hiding to nothing – ‘Oh, so now you’re telling Jews what to do’ yada yada.
Now that the dust has settled, I did have some suggestions, but will stick to one for now.
The collective firepower of Jews in the legal profession is massive. Many of the best brains, the biggest firms (or the smaller but dominant in their field ones) have a significant Jewish presence.
So, how about bombarding every ‘human rights’ body in Australia with carefully drafted complaints? How about taking action against Police Commissioners and even Ministers who have permitted blatantly anti-Semitic demonstrations and other acts? How about suing the media outlets who promulgate anti-Semitic propaganda? Just a few examples, a good lawyer could find more.
I don’t understand why this is not happening. If it did, it would scare the living daylights out of a lot of powerful people.
Emoting in public may be personally satisfying for some.
Me, I would prefer the ‘thud’ of a writ dropping into the inbox of a collaborator.
Oh, and Lizzie, your trying to bully me into apologising is a lost cause.
Unfortunately, mine of wishing you would live up to your ‘threats’ to leave us in peace are also a lost cause. You’ve done it so many times, it has the currency of a ‘Bob Dole for President’ button.
While I’m here, nobody believes your ‘I lied about myself to protect my family’ nonsense. You chose to regale us with details and anecdotes about your personal life, emphasising your ex-husband’s academic credentials to make yourself look good. Nobody made you say a word about any of it.
As somebody upthread said, why can’t ‘Dear Lizzie’ and ‘Dear Cassie’ communicate directly, unless it is performative?
As for calling calli a coward, apparently that is the new word for someone who doesn’t unconditionally adore you – an epithet which was later extended to many (quite likely puzzled) readers.
Others have expressed their views about that remarkable, 100% inaccurate, slur.
I concur.
I can’t believe that this bullshit Leftist tactic was being tried here.
@Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 12, 2024 4:33 PM
I differ to your better knowledge .. you bloke know a lot more about the military than I do .. alls I am saying is that SAS bloke I knew socialy and as a naive civilian came across as blokes that had a heart and would never pursue the “proffession of arms ” in any way that would disshounour themselves or Australia … If I am wrong about this I can cop the hard news …
Ukraine and Russia are pretty much identical these days, except in size. The only difference is Ukraine has stopped bothering to have elections at all whereas Russia has fake ones.
About like the US and Australia then? No matter what we get “progressive” socialists. Some make “progress” at a very slightly slower rate than others.
Ben Roberts-Smith is a VC recipient. He has my highest regard. That is the highest military honour. If he kicked some dodgy goat herder off a cliff, then so be it.
Wallet wizzard did a thesis on Keating but seems to have learned nothing. Economy is in safe hands.
The below caught my eye.
The exact number of murderers and sex offenders released into the community after a bombshell High Court decision has been revealed.
Parliament over to you even if it means clipping the wings of the HC, Fed court & AAT for non citizen criminals. Certain their top men will be all over it.
Feb 12, 2024 4:41 PM
Well said and thank you, Johanna.
Send in the SAS. Many SAS soldiers did 3/4/5 rotations in the shit hole.
Shit will happen when you deploy the SAS. That is the whole point.
Shit happens. Years later woke people with power are upset and court cases etc.
The secondary tragedy is that (I believe) most Australians understand the unenviable role that our SAS had. This is not acknowledged by most pollies (even sympathetic ones will no longer acknowledge) – & certainly not by the woke media. But, except for writing letters, the public has no way of making this apparent in the larger sphere of public life.
And the media & the polls wonder why recruitment into the armed forces is at an all time low.
cut in half burger-like and toasted under a grill.
I don’t know the exact stuff, but I would imagine that SAS soldiers have a bit more executive freedom than regular grunts etc.
Suddenly a bit lost without the ticks. But this popped out for some reason-
Feb 12, 2024 1:41 PM
BLM v Pfizer.
Which was worse ?
Pfizer wins as they had the Government fully onside to take job away if did not comply.
“49ers had Kaepernick who initiated the Take a Knee evil psyop”
I’ll point out Kaepernick only perverted the personal and humble habit of college gridiron star Tim Tebow.
Vicki. Cheers. Yes.
And while we are at it, I will not let this crap go without comment.
Cassie of Sydney
Feb 11, 2024 9:13 PM
Perhaps if you HAD read the full post, Cassie, you may have noted that Calli did not bother to c and p the entire entry, deliberately or otherwise. I was being quoted – not that it matters with regard to your hysterics.
Feb 11, 2024 8:27 PM
Calli, you owe me an apology for bringing me into this crap.
As for this comment, Cassie:- “likes to target JC” Oh! This IS cute. I target JC, do I? There’s a biased statement if ever I read one. I can’t help if you are so anti JMH as to not recognise that it is, in fact, the other way around. I have every right to defend myself against disgusting attacks initiated by an obsessed JC.
Oh and before your launch into another of your anti-semite accusations, I was one of the first here to post ”#istandwithisrael” when we first learnt of those horrific events on October, 7 plus several comments since in support of Israel’s response to Hamas.
Grow up and get over yourself.
Bruce re Putin:
Citation needed, including for the claim that Putin said he wants Moldova, the Baltic states and (especially) Poland.
I would be amazed if he has ever said any of these things.
I recall, on several occasions, similarity challenging m0nty to back up that creaking cliché he frequently deployed about Putin stating he was seeking to re-establish the territory of the USSR, and he was never able to provide a source.
I’m waiting for the journo’s to start complaining that the Special Forces guys don’t give them interviews any more.
Feb 12, 2024 4:49 PM
This isnt a new thing either … SAS guys I knew were witness to some utter horrors during the conflict in Indochina.
One bloke I know held a pistol to the head of an American ,some stripe or other, and told him. “Fight this war like it is an honourble endevour ” and stop murdering civillains .. Should you fail to do this me and my blokes will come out of the bush and deal with you.
When in the Reserve in the 80s most of our cadre were ex SAS Wo2s and captains. All bar one were top blokes and fantastic mentors. The exception was a rolled gold arsehole. He was featured in one of the Weekly mags as he was Skase’s bodyguard and helped him flee Oz with a lot of portable wealth.
Help needed .. been at stage 2 for an hour and can’t work out how this locks into stage 1 ..
I’d have torn my hair out but, thankfully, I haven’t any ….. driving me mad .. I can understand the pix I’ve got the right parts seperated but can’t fathom how the black surround blocks lock themselves into part 1 … the other colours fit on top of 1 but the black are around the smooth edges ……… ?
Probably something simple but eluding me the longer I stare at it ….. duuuuuuuuh!
I sort of wondered about the lawfare bit as well.
Is it a case of the wider Jewish community choosing to hunker down and hope it all goes away?
There are tactics which could be used if people wanted to go there..
Turn up to a scumbags shop and get them to “Bake me a cake celebrating the expulsion of Hamas from Israel” while wearing a little hat should see you on your way to headlines.
The RDA makes it unlawful to discriminate in the provision of services, such as banking and insurance services; services provided by government departments; transport or telecommunication services; professional services, such as those provided by lawyers, doctors or tradespeople; and services provided by restaurants, shops or entertainment venues.
This means that it is against the law for a provider of goods or services to discriminate against a person by:
refusing to provide a person with goods, services and facilities
providing them with goods, services and facilities on less favourable terms and conditions, or
providing the goods, services and facilities in an unfair manner
because of his or her race.
Examples of racial hatred could include:
racially offensive material in print or on the internet (including e-forums, blogs, social networking sites and video sharing sites), such as:
displaying racist posters, or
posting racially offensive cartoons, ‘memes’ or other images, or
racially offensive behaviour or language in a public place, like a workplace or a shop, such as:
calling people racist names, or
making racially offensive comments, jokes or gestures.
Four blokes got the VC from Afghanistan. Same as Vietnam. One of the Afghanistan recipients was a choco. 2nd Commando Regt.
It’s agreeing . So agreeable. Always in agreement.
The funny think about crazy Karen is that she preaches for good behaviour here. Someone mentioned how it / she makes chilli over at the furniture store appear sane. Apparently the demonic princess does a performance here and then goes over to red neck central for praise.
It’s female too apparently. I’m guessing there’s a severed head in the fridge formerly owned by some poor bastard who said “I do”. The hauntress.
Horrible story that should not be repeated .. but it happened …and Old Mate never once lied to me …
The Americans had captured a VC chick … had all raped her … and now were having fun chopping bits off her … Hey another lazy day in the jungle … what to do to remain entertained … ? Sure she had no worthwhile intell to divulge ..
Old Mate came out of the bush … went up to the VC “captive” and blew her brains out … she was done already .. then had reasons to remonstrate with the Officer in Command..
There is lawfare going on with cases being brought to the “Herman” Rights Commission and civil cases from reading the Oz a free weeks ago.
“OK…but worth pointing out that he wasn’t the Atlanticist’s choice but was a peace candidate given a mandate by the Ukrainian electorate to solve the Donbas situation.”
Indeed Roger.
Since 2014, the Ukraine Govt has shelled the Donbass.
The Russian SMO began on Feb 24th 2022. On Feb 23rd, yet another shelling was initiated, by St Volodymyr the Pure.
Still, those filthy Russian speakers deserve no better, ….., do they?
I know that Dot concurs wholeheartedly.
Having decimated two generations of Ukrainian men, the puppet clown is now starting on the women and Ukrainians with Polish, Hungarian and Romanian accents.
This, is the tragedy of having a clown puppet in charge of a country.
There will be no recovery for Ukraine, they will now join Iraq and Libya as failed states, thanks to the efforts of Nuland, Von der Crazy, Borrell, Johnson et al.
This could all have been avoided, as Merkel, Bennet and Hollande testified, if ‘elensky had negotiated in March 2022.
The rivers of gold proved too much for him to refuse.
Typing correction:
“they don’t like it up ’em, Sir”
@ Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 12, 2024 4:57 PM
Yeah Old Mate will never be mentioned in dispatches .. last thing he ever sought .. He just wanted his blokes to go home in one piece ..Body .. but more importantly Soul …
That is why when I visited VN recently, abundantly displaying I was Australian there were no hard feelings.
Feb 12, 2024 5:06 PM
The Stalker!
When we contacted them they tried to get details of drivers licence numbers etc . “What for ?”
I contacted my local Fed member , Dai Le, by email over a gummint matter last week and the 1st reply asked for .. full name/address/phone .. DoB .. and a photo copy of driving licence/similar ID front & back ……
I’m on her seat electoral roll so why would she need a licence pix? ………
I also told them I was “DEAF” so to msg/email .. to date I’ve had 5 missed phone calls .. NO emails/msgs ..
And we wonder why Oz gummin tis a joke …… FFS!
Feb 12, 2024 4:59 PM
Indeed … in my early working life a great many of my crew leaders ex SAS and now “going straight” .. and every single helicopter pilot had forged thier skills in VN .. they were amazing blokes .. None of them glory merchants or wankers. ..
They tought me to work in the bush without breaking my legs …
They were just Australian … any better compliment?
I can’t understand why we don’t hear more outcry from the countries of foreign hostages taken in the 7 October raids.
I think they prefer Israel to take all the heat .. frightened of negative publicity . so prefer to sit on the fence .. after all, their hostages aren’t, obviously, related to anyone of note so just ordinary folk ….. out of sight. out of mind .. standard gummint tactics when trying to avoid an issue ………!
One time that I had a downtick , I wept for days. I wuz soooo upset.
I cannot forgive those who dared to disagree with me. Instead they could have just grovelled before me.
…and WHY did they do that, you gibbering idiot?
I have been suggesting lawfare, albeit not using that word, for some time.
I suspect that the ‘Ooman Rites Commission, at the least, would do anything to avoid taking action, but forcing them to do so publicly would start the necessary process of delegitimising that odious organisation.
And putting the acid on police and politicians about “hate speech” would have a similar effect.
Tine for some cancellations, and your mention of the high Jewish presence in the law shows the means to do it.
Cassie, Calli: What have you to say? Or do I expect silence?
Of course, and the it goes over to the furniture store to be shared with the other loons. More like asylum seekers central, with asylum referring to mental asylum.
It does, because it felt rejected once when I told the demon-possessed loon to stop groveling to Adam Lollipop.
I’ve only recently begun to initiate comments against this lunatic, whereas previously, every other time has been in response to the ugliness she posts here. But as a side note, can anyone imagine having ever been married to this black widow and survived?
If she did, it was nothing original, as it would have been one of those useless “I agree” comments that are as interesting and unforgettable as trash on the street.
I bet the remains and the severed heads aren’t “growing up.”
Vile creature.
Am I to take it that this is not being done already?
Why the heck not?
I’ve just spent half the day ripping the council & some contractors a new one, for closing off access to part of the pub.
Likewise to the coppers for doing nothing about one of the staff copping a hard one up the ribs.
You go in to bat for your people, hard.
Then again, we’re talking about lawyers here. I think even my dog can spot the problem.
Last execution 1954
Last death sentence 1976
Dot, Douglas Murray is referring to multiple cases being held now (or as at last year) for events from the 70’s onwards.
Hence the outrage over Adams getting a pass when some private is getting hauled over the coals.
I don’t know the legality of it but Murray said the spirit all the agreements was to not pursue participants like this.
Ie both all parties would get a pass.
I reckon she uses poison mushrooms too against the victims as the first act.
Oh Gawd !!! What about all those babies those Hamas insects beheaded … ? I saw it with my own eyes …
Still no apology. Attack is her only mode d’emploi. And Roshomon much?? She’s the most entitled drama queen I’ve ever seen, with Dutch Identitariansism running riot and leading her into deep anti-Semiism with contrastive regard to Jewish culture. As head of a large university department of academics, believe me, I’ve seen a few drama doozies, but none to match this treatsure to the blog.
Don’t bet on it.
Already being done by many Jewish organisations. However, look at the ‘list’ circulating of the Creatives who are gathering forces democratically; Jewish people have to be careful in their responses where overwhelming threats can be made real and if they work at high power within the law, the old Protocols argument is used to imply ‘tentacles’ – and haven’t we seen that already? If you have ‘no idea’ why lawfare to your taste not happening, where it is, but subtly, maybe someone should hand you a cluebat. Secondly, it happens at considerable risk of violence.
IIRC, the Reserve commando units is 1st Commando Regiment. Because it was raised later (initially from 4 RAR), the Regular unit is 2nd Commando Regiment.
If he kicked some dodgy goat herder off a cliff, then so be it.
Copy that Zafiro
And we’re back to the pub routine.
Interesting life experiences.
1. I sacked two people today. Aren’t I a real boss.
2. I’m going after the Mud Island council and winning.
Always winning. True that.
And in a fantasy of mine…if he was allowed to go into western Sydney with SAS mates to sort out the filth that lined the steps of the Opera House.
I’d like that.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Feb 12, 2024 5:34 PM
FFS. There is no end in sight, is there?
I got through the first few lines and couldn’t be bothered reading the rest of the… um…. unhinged ranting.
If he kicked some dodgy goat herder off a cliff, then so be it.
This original claim that set everything off is ridiculous.
Now run along and go tell Chili how you’re stalking Liz for 2 1/2 years, and it’s the black widow is still trying it on.
Not very agreeable.
Listen to this thing, sitting in the middle of the Mallee desert with a bunch of severed heads in the freezer and wanting acknowledgement.
Sorry, blockquote issues. That last line is the end of Johanna’s justificatory spray. and it is clear that the words above it are mine.
In claiming anti-Leftism for her own, she is trying to garner support for her ‘right-thinking’ views. Which in her case is a very big ask.
If she gave up her silliness about me, and by proxy, Cassie, and stuck to letting everyone here be themselves, without trying to ape Madam Lash as blog dominatrix, the blog would be the better for it.
Oh God !!!
Exactly as stated. Satanism seems to be the in thing.
Nothing to see here, just Taylor Swifts guest Ice Spice throwing up demonic signs while wearing a upside down cross making sure the world sees it on the big screen.
Bookmarked, to assist JC when next he whinges that he doesn’t stoush troll & all stoushes he’s involved in are started by others.
Seriously – how would you know?
Girls, give it a rest!
And JC, go to bed. You’re on the turps a bit early.