Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
And out in the open, no hidden frauds like the American ones embedded in USAID.
I remember Frank Sinatra was not impressed either with our media.
Ace Of Spades lol. Did see that
This is a silly criticism. How many different descriptions of reality are out there? If someone finds questions regarding the nature of reality ‘uninteresting’ simply because there are a number of them I’m just going to facepalm.
Well said Dover.
For the most cogent and informed analysis of the Gazan war and its aftermath – watch the Sydney Institute video of the address of Ehud Yaari – a very astute observer of Israeli politics and history. All I can say is I learned an incredible amount of vital knowledge in the space of an hour.
I just wish I had been there to ask questions.
How do you link pictures? I need technical help with this new format. Pretty please.
Calli, by and large if you paste a raw url that ends in .jpg or .png it gets rendered as a picture. Best if it is at the end of your comment. That’s what I did for the mask photo at 11:32am, which Dover has kindly now okayed. I think I got moderated for too many links.
That method works for pictures from secondary sources on the internet.
As no. 2 option the little picture icon in the RH corner works if you have a graphic on your own computer hard drive, phone or camera. It’ll let you upload the photo into the comment.
That’s what I’ve worked out so far anyway. I’m sure more internetty Cats could say more.
Cheap hot cross buns are like instant coffee. Not to be written off out of hand.
You could add – And Dick Emery is his Butler whilst Kenny Everett shines his shoes, the Trinity of Comedic Excellence
I’m strangely ok with this
Everything on the Internet is funnier with the Benny Hill soundtrack. Except Rotten.
At top of page anyway, so will comment.
Excellent Tina Turner doco on NITV now (Ch 34 here) – what a star she was.
Oh, and good to see you back, calli.
I’m on a version of your break because of shady lawyer’s disclaimer font, absurd placement of comment box, mysterious quote formula and now no longer required demand that commenters ‘register’ with the evil outfit known as WordPress.
Nesting doesn’t work here, and the ability to fix up typos is hardly a dealbreaker.
Falling traffic numbers indicate that I am not Robinsona Crusoe.
It reminds me of my time in the bureaucracy, when the email telling us that an ‘upgrade’ was being installed over the weekend attracted a collective groan.
Come Monday morning, the system, if it was working at all, was invariably slower and full of bugs.
BTW, the new version doesn’t load any faster for this user. About the same as the old one.
They taste like shyte and give you the squirts??
I hope not.
Just like last time I was critical of the ‘upgrade’ I have been bounced into ‘awaiting for approval’. Bloody Yanks don’t even know basic grammar.
Ten seeks to call fresh evidence about Bruce Lehrmann days before judgmentBy Michaela WhitbournMarch 31, 2024 — 4.29pm
Listen to this article
1 min
In a sensational development in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case, Network Ten is seeking to call fresh evidence about the former federal Liberal staffer just days before the judge is due to deliver his decision.
Federal Court Justice Michael Lee was to deliver his decision in the multimillion-dollar case against Ten and high-profile presenter Lisa Wilkinson on Thursday.
Lee had adjourned the case in December following a month-long trial.
Lee will very very pissed off, I imagine.
I have no need for a religion or an ideology to tell me what to think or feel. I tell what’s good for me by internal sensors, like taste-buds. And in particular a conscience. I have learnt over the years, after some experiments, that going against my conscience is a very bad idea.
I have also discovered that the great majority of people are not like me. They mostly do need a religion. I note that Christianity asks people to be their be best selves, while Marxism and wokeness are founded on envy, greed and hate. So it’s quite simple for me, I want to see Christianity rise up again and defeat completely the competing ideologies; I do not believe in the resurrection, but I rather approve of the general conduct of those who do.
So happy Easter one and all.
You’re culturally Christian with traditionalism-based humanist and conservative to classically liberal leanings, whilst being atheist or agnostic.
Like it or not, that’s your ideology.
That’s possibly a set of habits. You are seriously confused if you think it’s an ideology. They are different. I don’t deduce from principles as ideologues do, I look to consequences and decide which I like best
Hmm yes, that means you’re a consequentialist.
Also, Classical liberalism as a set of habits? I think you’ve been on Bentham’s utility juice for too long.
I accidentally came to embedding pix.
For me, I click “open image in new tab”, then I click “copy image” on the pic in the new tab.
Then I click “paste” when I am in the comment box.
Sometimes it embeds, sometimes the link address shows instead.
It is a bit of a lottery.
I am always excited when the photo shows in the comment box!
I hope this helps.
Cheers. 😀
I’ve worked it out. If you mention the wp name spelled out in full, you go into instant moderation.
Nice people you’ve teamed up with there, Dover.
This sort of conservatism needs to be crushed underfoot.
Very, very scary. And abominable.
If he feels that strongly about it then maybe he should go first.
Despicable and hideous comment.
Matthew Parris is a CINO.
Thanks Pogs. I shall try one of my favourites.
Didn’t work because it doesn’t end in .jpg. Like this.
If you click on the photo and bookmark the link it should paste in and work in the future.
They shall forever be in “stealth” mode. Which is probably just as well. 😀
It worked, call.
Wodney earlier:-
Ah, yes.
A whingeing nobody riding on the coat-tails of the explorers of old.
The sun never sets on Wodney’s misplaced hubris.
So why does it wind you up so, Wodney.
Relax, champ.
So according to the NT chief plod, policing of Alice Springs is all about a pissing contest between him and the feds.
Defund the Territory.
Matthew VII
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I’ll try again to comment without being thrown into the naughty corner.
Re hot cross buns – for years, a baker at a location I won’t disclose in Canberra won the prize for best buns. He owned a modest suburban bakery.
He was an alcoholic who spent most of his time sitting outside the shop smoking and drinking cans. Now and then he would pop in to see how things were going.
He was a sort of John Bonham of baking.
Sebastian Milbank ??????????
Populism not working — I think a large part of why is intellectual incoherence and the failure to conceive of an alternative mode of economics. It’s all very well to want to revive national life, but you have to will the means
This is a hard truth.
Is it possible to have more context for this assessment please.
An Italian PM can hardly turn birthrates around in less than two years (!).
Her complete failure on immigration. Her pandering to US on Russo-Ukraine war when Hungary’s position made more sense for Italy.
Ah…I though that might have something to do with it.
As for immigration I read she’s just signed a deal with Tunisia, which was hitherto the largest source of illegals to Italy.
Interesting contrast between Meloni, who’s been a bit of a disappointment, and Milei, who has been looking pretty good.
Maybe it’s the difference between a man and a woman. The latter only rarely can rise to a Thatcher level of stuff it, I will do this and damn the torpedoes. It seems easier for a man to go really postal.
Let’s see where Argentina is under Melei in 2 years.
So far he’s been doing good stuff, but the Left will be hyper furious with him and you know what they’re like. Going to be very hard to stay the course, but if he doesn’t Argentina will fall into complete misery like Venezuela.
Again, it’s a tall order to expect one leader to correct decades of bad policy and effect a cultural change in just two years. Milei is making a good start
Milei is both a populist and a classical liberal.
A chainsaw in every razor gang base.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I also gave it a go to see if it were any different from my end, nah.
Looks like the old dears need an introduction before viewing.
The old dears appeared both times. I clicked on both links. There is that delay that everyone complains about.
Vomit time.
SICK! 50-Year-Old Transgender Woman ‘Breastfeeds’ Grandchild Using Experimental Hormones | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew
Pogs, I gave you a “like” but some kindly soul negated it.
A lurking sociopath.
On that subject, another recommendation on Netflix – I Came By. I won’t say anything about the plot but it’s a nice psychological thriller. A few holes you could drive a semi through, but too bad. Excellent performances paper over all that.
I watched the latest iteration of Death on the Nile last night and it was horrider in a cohesive sense, as well as taking the usual D and I liberties with the Divine Agatha’s original story.
That’s OK, I negated the negation. A bit like “pooh-pooing the poo-poo” in Blackadder Goes Forth.
Sure, but in a world that is shifting away from globalism that’s an increasingly difficult agenda to pull off.
Davos has been decreasing in size and significance for a few years now.
The next thing you know they’ll be hiring rock bands to get the crowds in.
Oh, wait…they already are.
Hard to believe such evil is tolerated but it’s coming down from on high with the convivence of the meja as usual. The legacy meja is steaming filth.
I hope all had a good Easter.
“In the year Churchill was born, General Sir Garnet Wolsely signed a treaty forcing the defeated King Koffee of the Ashanti to end human sacrifice ;in the year he died, the spaceship Gemini 5 orbited the earth, and the Beatles released “Ticket To Ride.”
“Churchill: Walking With Destiny”: Andrew Roberts. Page 966
the piece you posted is not surprising in the least.
These ideas have been humming along for a number of years. They are being given voice now because of Canada’s MAID, and let’s not forget the UK’s “Liverpool Pathway”.
The Liverpool Pathway is lying low for now, awaiting its resurrection.
Around ten years ago, my Mum was in Hospital for three months. What Right from the start, the Geriatrician was at me to sign a “Do not resuscitate” directive.
I kept telling him to shove it. Fortunately for Mum, I was not working at the time, so was at the Hospital everyday. I had to fight to arrange Physiotherapy for her as she had been written off as not worth it.
I shudder to think what would have happened to her if I had not been there everyday. Apart from the ongoing dementia, Mum was pretty healthy. I found an excellent care home where she was lovingly cared for, for four and a half years. If I had “believed all doctors”, Mum would have been cheated of four and a half years.
What happens to many other older people who don’t have family members or good friends to look out for them in Hospitals doesn’t bear thinking about.
Sorry for the long screed but I still get angry when I think about that time.
Capt. ‘Sully’ on Boeing’s aviation safety: ‘They have lost their way’
I have been up ticking you all day.
Your down ticker has been at it since you came back yesterday.
Sad, desperate little excrement must have been out of its mind with its enforced period of Lent. 😀
Calli check my reply to your comment and all will be clear!
That old Bolton fella is really cranky.
“How come I’m smarter than Trump and I wasn’t President”
Because you’re unelectable, champ.
I have saved that thank you BoN.
I did try the little “picture” icon in the right hand corner with the same image downloaded into a folder on my iPad. It came up underneath the text box.
My obvious concern is how it appears once I post the comment. Does clicking on it link back to my device in any way, or does WordPress simply copy the image into the space.
Calli I tried that out yesterday on the old OT here.
That was a new photo I uploaded direct from my ancient camera. There may be metadata in the photo file but it lives on Dover’s space, and has no links to my camera whence it came.
When you use the pix icon it only works if you add some text .. won’t accept a pix on its own …
Cali, long time no see…
Welcome back.
What is representative of globalism here?
Neoliberal, trans-national market globalisation.
The GAE then.
Ive found the perfect mardi gras outfit for next year..

desperately sorry. I accidentally hit the down tick.
I love the T-shirt.
As endorsed by Hamas.
“In a survey of 3,000 British teenagers in 2008, no fewer then 20% of them thought Winston Churchill to be a fictional character. (In the same survey, 58% thought Sherlock Holmes and 47% thought Eleanor Rigby were real people.)
“Churchill: Walking With Destiny” Andrew Roberts Page 982.
For Calli, Pogria and other interested Kittehs..
Ten seeks to reopen Bruce Lehrmann defamation case after ex-Seven producer Taylor Auerbach’s evidence
By stephen rice
In a dramatic last-minute move, Network Ten has launched an urgent application asking the Federal Court to reopen its case in the defamation action brought against it by Bruce Lehrmann, after it received sensational new information from former Seven producer Taylor Auerbach.
The application by the network will be heard by Justice Michael Lee on Tuesday, just two days before the judge was due to deliver his verdict in the long-running trial.
On Sunday, Ten filed an application for “leave to reopen the … case for the purpose of adducing fresh evidence be granted”.
It is understood Ten has been given new evidence about how the Seven Network’s Spotlight program came into possession of material it used in its interview with Mr Lehrmann, including recordings of a five-hour pre-interview meeting between Lisa Wilkinson, her producer Angus Llewellyn, Brittany Higgins and her partner David Sharaz.
Mr Lehrmann has long denied that he was the source of the recordings, and of vision of Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann inside Parliament House which was used on the program.
However it is believed that affidavits have been provided to Ten by Taylor Auerbach, who left the Spotlight program last year, claiming that the source of the information was from Mr Lehrmann.
Mr Lehrmann was provided with evidence obtained by police during their investigation of the rape allegations against him by Ms Higgins, but such evidence is provided on the understanding that it is not to be used beyond the scope of the criminal trial.
Mr Auerbach used Seven’s corporate credit card to allegedly spend thousands of dollars on Thai massages for himself and Mr Lehrmann, claims Mr Lehrmann denies.
Auerbach is now threatening to sue Lehrmann for defamation after the former Liberal staffer claimed the suggestion he received an expensive massage at the TV producer’s house was “bizarre and untrue”.
It’s also understood Auerbach is considering legal action against other parties relating to reporting of his alleged interactions with Lehrmann. At the time, Auerbach had been tasked with trying to woo Lehrmann, who was accused of raping Brittany Higgins, to agree to an exclusive interview with Spotlight, which he did. Mr Lehrmann has consistently denied raping Ms Higgins.
Auerbach was identified by the ABC’s Media Watch program last Monday as the source behind a series of stories relating to the appointment of journalist Steve Jackson as the head of the NSW Police Force Media Unit.
Auerbach and Jackson were colleagues at Spotlight but are no longer on speaking terms.
It was reported last week that Jackson, who had nothing to do with nor any knowledge of the procurement of the Thai masseuses, had advised Auerbach in November 2022 on how to pay back the debt he had incurred on the company credit card.
On Thursday, NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb cancelled Jackson’s contract.
The Australian has sought comment from Mr Lehrmann and Mr Auerbach.
Could Bruce’s love of a Thai massage be his undoing? Yet another twist in the Brittany Blob.
Far out! Check out the underwater vision going here. The fish are thriving. Put it up on the big screen.
Their ability to stay under water with one breath for long periods of time is impressive.
B2B Castaways (Strick and Fran)
March 31, 2024 4:23 pm
Language based descriptions of reality are also vacuous. Mathematical ones not so much because mathematical descriptions of phenomena are the powerful explanatory accounts we can create. People have been discussing God and reality and for thousands of years. Reminds me of Feynman: people haven’t found a meaning to life so go out do something useful. Try a mathematical approach to the question, perhaps Godel was onto something.
Yet another reminder (if it is needed), never put massages on the credit card.
Especially FTA TV execs or HSU corporate cards.
Accept that you probably can’t expense it but try to relax and enjoy it all the same.
Jordan Peterson: I WARNED You Something BIG Was Coming…
Latino voters scoff at CBS News reporter asking if Trump’s a threat to democracy: ‘Don’t buy that argument
Is that statement vacuous?
As it happens, I have a friend who’s done some work on Godel and theology for his doctorate.
Gilas, thank you.
Will try it your way. 😀
Nice bit of analysis in favour of Jesus rising from the dead.
One of the Most Overlooked Arguments for the Resurrection (28 Mar)
He mentions Simon bar-Giora (AD 66-70), and Simeon bar Kochba (AD 132-135). Barabbas is another of course.
“I don’t find it to be a compelling argument because faith is not a human choice.”
No Roger but I’m not offering it as an argument, just a matter of fact.
I thought that was Pogria, rosie?
Not to worry; I was merely trying to advance the discussion.
Language based descriptions of reality are also vacuous. Mathematical ones not so much because mathematical descriptions of phenomena are the powerful explanatory accounts we can create.
Not vacuous, but fluffy and vague, because natural language is. Mathematics is far more precise and unambiguous.
The habit of seeking clarity is a good one. Most mathematicians and hard scientists care about truth, and this seems to make them happy people. The collectivists who want to conform and say and write whatever the other collectivists want to hear or read are generally a miserable bunch of losers.
Someone has put forward a mathematical argument but the name escapes me. I don’t know why DB invoked “reality” as an example because the vast majority of people don’t give a hoot about reality. I like Cromer’s idea that progress in understanding took huge strides when humans focused on discrete phenomena. That is, asking little questions might seem trite to people like DB but answering little questions solves more problems than talking about big problems.
Thanks Gilas.
More words of wisdom. 😀
I was talking to a woman the other day who didn’t want money spent on space travel, but wanted it spent down here on earth. I asked her if she thought dollar bills were sent into orbit or dropped on the moon. I pointed out that the money was spent on earth. The difference was that it was spent on winners who in turn made useful, new powerful machines which directly or indirectly improved our lives. She, on the other hand, wanted to give it to losers who’d use it for beer at best or debilitating drugs.
What a loser attitude.
They may be right or wrong but they aren’t vacuous simply because they fail to be useful in the way you expect.
So what? People have been discussing the nature of matter for thousands of years too, but the fact that the most recent theories happen to be useful hasn’t quite meant they reflect the truth about matter.
And yet Einstein presented his relativity theory – special & general – in 150 odd pages of text with mathematical formulae interspersed only as necessary.
His expectation was that any reasonably educated person of the time would be able to grasp his theory by reading the text.
Evidently he had some faith in the explanatory power of language in regard to the natural world.
People have been discussing the nature of matter for thousands of years too, but the fact that the most recent theories happen to be useful hasn’t quite meant they reflect the truth about matter.
Yes it does. Truth is unattainable for certain, but theories which keep getting confirmed in new ways are as close as we can get. In this world, you can never be certain you are right, but occasionally you can be pretty sure you are wrong. If you keep not being wrong, you can legitimately believe you have at least a little bit of the truth.
Truth may be unattainable, but it exists.
Humans seek it, and sometimes get useful nuggets of it.
Once you have a piece it is a foundation upon which you can build great structures, since truth can never be overturned.
I used reality as a something apart from God about which people have differed over centuries and millenia. I used matter as another example in another comment just above. I have no problem with discrete questions, small or large. But it’s also true that small, discrete questions can arise out of asking or addressing big problems and vice versa.
And yet Einstein presented his relativity theory -special & general – in 150 odd pages of text with equations interspersed only as necessary.
That was the pop version, Roger.
That was the pop version, Roger.
And it was probably a mistake to write it. It gave people who read it the wrong impression that they understood it. Rather like Hawking’s brief history of time.
There are mutually exclusive theories of QM that appear to be affirmed by reality. If the above were true how could this be possible?
That’s beside the point.
The individual reader’s level of understanding would have been dependent on a number of subjective factors, but Einstein had confidence in the power of language to objectively set forth his theory in an intelligible manner.
Else he wouldn’t have bothered.
That’s the point.
The Rog, expounding … 😕
Sssshhh. Trying to keep up.
Let’s pick this up tomorrow.
Good night!
Pounding is better than expounding.
Peter, Paul and Mary – If I Had A Hammer (1963)
(I can’t believe I just linked Peter, Paul and Mary. Blame early high school music classes where we had to sing it.)
Dover, much of the problem with QM is that people try to understand it in terms of Classical Mechanics. i.e wave – particle duality etc. Just look at the rules and the results.
I did QM five times at uni. Twice in physics, twice in chemistry and once in mathematics. I suspected after all that that they thought it was important.
I still don’t really understand it though. 😀
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADeU6qz37B4 Magic To Do – Pippin – Ben Vereen- we sang this in year 7
My understanding is that QM undermines CM and thereby also atomism/ physicalism.
Yeah, well, let’s not get all statin’ the bleedin’ obvious, Milt – otherwise it’s like, forget about cultural landmarks, such as this film clip. 🙂
communists – seriously Cats, why they are they still on this planet, I asks ya? 😕
Hmmm. Just the type of “mature” media personalties needed as reliable witnesses.
Most j’ismists carry on like they are still in high school.
Three bulls heard the Rancher was bringing another bull onto the ranch.
First Bull: “I’ve been here five years. I’m not giving this new bull any of my 100 cows.”
Second Bull: “I’ve been here three years and have earned my right to 50 cows. I’m keeping all my cows.”
Third Bull: “I’ve only been here a year, and so far, you guys have only let me have 10 cows. I may not be as big as you fellows, but I’m keeping all 10 of my cows.”
Just then an 18-wheeler pulls up in the pasture carrying the biggest bull they’ve ever seen.
At 4,700 pounds, each step he takes strains the steel ramp.
First Bull: “I think I can spare a few cows for our new friend.”
Second Bull: “I actually have too many cows to take care of. I can spare a few. I’m certainly not looking for an argument.”
They look over at the third bull and find him pawing the dirt, shaking his horns and snorting.
First Bull: “Son, don’t be foolish, let him have some of your cows and live to tell about it.”
Third Bull: “Hell, he can have all my cows. I’m just making sure he knows I’m a bull.”
There are mutually exclusive theories of QM that appear to be affirmed by reality. If the above were true how could this be possible?
Dover, you don’t know what you are talking about. This is garbage. Likewise your subsequent remarks. Stay away from physics and mathematics. Stick to philosophy, you are less likely to expose yourself.
It’s on, Cats – Dover and the Beauges! 😕
I appear to be directly over the target.
Test of picture function.
(The most recent book brought down from the shelf. A bit of TLC before reading.)
Testing in the nested comment if can post front & rear cover.
Didn’t somebody, who was on the Cat, write a book about that type of stuff?
I bet Digger’s read it
Kiss them for me …
Ep. 87 Gerhard Müller is one the few Catholic Cardinals who’s happy to remind the world that the Church doesn’t actually belong to the Pope.
But, but … returning to the most important topic facing us (sex) … why is “abrosexual” worthy of a separate name from “bisexual”?
It’s just someone who wants to skate from one to the other, which is what bi is all about anyway!
Ordeal by Passion – she was a martinet Headmistress at a Junior High School in rural Brittany with a firm hand and even firmer buttocks. But could the men in her village soften her heart and discipline her wanton desires?
cohenite, am I doing this right?!
Pictures of the book, or it didn’t happen.
Speaking of QM I am drawing up plans for an Einstein-Rosen Portal between Earth and Mars. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Happy Mondays and the Banshees! Most excellent Rabz, especially Siouxsie. All I can offer in return is this.
ZZ Top – Legs (Live)
I love the guitars.
I’ve found a place, Cats … 😕
cohenite, am I doing this right?!
There’s a lot to unpack there.
I appear to be directly over the target.
Sutor, ne ultra crepidam.
By popular demand, titles for the jaded:
Knitting With Dog Hair: better a sweater from a dog you love than from a sheep you don’t.
Toilet Paper Origami: delight your guests and enliven the tedium of the rest room.
Natural Harvest: waste not want not: a collection of semen-based recipes for all tastes.
Outwitting Squirrels: stratagems to reduce the misappropriation of seed from your bird feeder by the cunning little rodent.
cohenite, I’d consult Marvin the Martian for advice. Watch out for the earth shattering Kaboom!.
Your Gold Dress … 😕
Everythang’s gone green, Cats! 🙂
Liberated from a reader’s comment/meme on Powerline’s most recent Week in Pictures:
Leaving aside the use of ‘progressive’, the simplistic left-right dichotomy, and that ‘dead’ may be literal fully or partially (reputation, financial ruin, etc.) this is spot on, yet still largely ignored by the B-Orcs who pose as, or try to lure (groom?) conservatives.
There is no debate to be had with these people.
(The bolding in the quote above is mine).
After consulting a Martian, here’s some Cocteau Twins … 🙂
Carolyn’s Fingers … 🙂
Wodney seemed angry today.
But I am sure God will forgive his outburst.
There is no debate to be had with these people.
This is a fundamental starting point in dealing with them. You are dealing with something like a loony cult.
Newspoll: Labor sinks in WA, losing support among younger voters
By simon benson
Support for federal Labor has nosedived in Western Australia, with the Coalition now ahead in the key resource state and drawing level in NSW for the first time since the last federal election, as male voters turn against the Albanese government.
That dip in support has been offset by a lift in support in Queensland.
Younger voters have also swung towards the Coalition, with Labor’s traditional advantage significantly eroded in a 10-point turnaround towards the Liberal-Nationals.
An exclusive Newspoll demographic and state by state breakdown shows that while the average national vote remains unchanged since the final quarter of last year, with Labor leading 52-48 in two-party-preferred terms, it is down 6 per cent on its election result in WA and sliding in NSW.
The most significant demographic movement in voting intention nationally since the beginning of the year has been among male voters and younger voters.
For the first time, the Coalition and Labor are equally split among men at 50-50, marking a six-point fall to 31 per cent in the primary vote for Labor and a three-point two-party-preferred swing against the government since the end of last year.
This is set against a one-point fall in support for the Coalition among female voters, with Labor ahead 53-47 two-party-preferred.
Among the younger voting group – the 18 to 34 year-olds – the Coalition has gained five points to a primary vote of 27 per cent, with Labor falling five points to 33 per cent.
This is the strongest result for the Coalition in this age group since the election, with its primary vote now higher than the Greens, which fell a point to 24 per cent.
However, Labor has pulled further ahead in the 35- to 49-year-old age bracket following the Prime Minister’s campaign to target “Middle Australia” with cost-of-living relief and tax cuts.
On a state-by-state comparison, the Coalition is leading Labor on primary vote in Victoria for the first time, with the government losing ground to the Greens, which have risen to 16 per cent. That churn of votes on the left has maintained Labor’s 55-45 two-party-preferred lead.
Both parties declined in South Australia, with Labor falling three points and the Coalition two points, reducing Labor’s two-party-preferred lead by a point to 54-46.
The analysis shows the Coalition ahead of Labor, two-party-preferred, in WA and Queensland and drawing level in NSW.
The analysis of the electoral landscape over the first quarter of 2024 shows Labor still leading nationally by 52-48 when averaged over polls conducted since early February. This is unchanged on the last quarter of 2023.
However, with gains in WA and a lift in support in NSW, the analysis points to a net loss of seats for Labor if the vote was repeated at an election.
Anthony Albanese remains confident Labor will be able to hold on to a majority at the next election but on the current trend, the possibility of a minority Labor government remains high.
Indeed, which is why I will now post the definitive Simple Minds line up:
The Kerr
The Burchill
Mickey McNeil
Derek Forbes
Mel Gaynor
Accept no substitutes, Cats. 🙂
Get in, get out of the rain … 🙂
Select the image icon on the right.
Go to your image folder or place the image you want to the desktop for easy access and select it, click open and it will load.
The “Museum of Amsterdam” is in the former “House of Correction For Fallen Women.” There’s a painting of the Governesses on the wall. I’m reminded of that painting, every time I see that image.
Which one is Rotten’s Mum?
Select the image icon on the right.
The crucial issue is, which one is Calli?
A goil – just driving various wallies crazee, it could be alleged … 😕
A fine maxim but inapt in this circumstance given my earlier statements aren’t based on my own judgements alone but of those with relevant expertise.
March 31, 2024 6:12 pm
Should’ve scrolled up before posting my version of posting pics.
Estoy esperando a mi hombre, Gatas
Llevo 26 dólares en la mano 😕
Spectacular own goal:
‘Deluded’ sovereign citizen’s fight against a $183 speeding fine spectacularly backfires as she’s ordered to pay $1800 with the judge throwing out her ‘pseudolegal arguments’
Daily Mail
I’ve said it before. Gotta plead the Magna Carta.
A fine maxim but inapt in this circumstance given my earlier statements aren’t based on my own judgements alone but of those with relevant expertise.
Either you have failed to understand them, or they have failed to understand the subject. That’s the inclusive ‘or’.
Beyond disgusting.
Australia’s Left-Wing Govt. Celebrates Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
Trooble …
Surveillance Footage Exposes Polling Place Manager Bringing Blank Ballots into Lorain County Bar on Eve of Election, Investigation Underway
Nullius in verba.
Sacré bleu!
Nullius in verba.
You bet. The issue here is that you are confusing two very different things, the theory of QM and the varied interpretations of the theory. The former is a collection of algorithms, the latter are various bits of verbiage which make the believers think they have a handle on the meaning. The sternest interpretation is that there is nothing beyond the algorithms which leads to the ‘shut up and calculate’ position. Others, like the many worlds interpretation, entail a certain amount of dubious metaphysics. There are plenty of these, some fairly preposterous.
Physicists and engineers are generally unhappy with the bald algorithms and need an interpretation to feel comfortable. The counterargument is that the universe is under no obligation to make them feel good about themselves. The function of a theory is to allow you to predict the quantitative results of measurements of bits of the universe before you actually make them. End of story, for the more positive minded. If you ask someone of this persuasion whether a tree makes a sound in the forest when it falls, when nobody is around to hear it, he will say this is a silly question. Others will say ‘of course it does you daft bugger’. These are philosophical positions, which one you sympathise with will depend on your temperament and background.
My point is that the interpretation is not physics and not part of the theory. It’s a philosophical adjunct. I’ve no objection to people having one, or hopping between different ones, if they get a warm inner glow. But they are not part of QM.
And incidentally, I have devised a new interpretation of QM which is far too weird to be described here, and possibly anywhere else. It hinges on the uncertainty principle which in effect asserts that certain information is simply not in the universe. It’s not just that there are things no human observer can know, the universe doesn’t know. The information does not exist.
The crucial issue is, which one is Calli?
I’m the thin one.