Open Thread – Thurs 2 May 2024

Eastman Johnson, Fiddling his way, 1866

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Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 2, 2024 12:21 am

First cab off the rank!

Bruce in WA
May 2, 2024 12:52 am

Shit! Late to the party again! Story of my life.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 2, 2024 1:27 am

Looks like everyone’s gone to bed. Might do the same.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 2:37 am

Impressive. Thanks Dover for all these art links.

Once upon a time, I didn’t care about this stuff.

Eastman Johnson, Fiddling his way, 1866

May 2, 2024 4:00 am
May 2, 2024 4:01 am

Mark Knight.

May 2, 2024 4:01 am
May 2, 2024 4:02 am
May 2, 2024 4:03 am
May 2, 2024 4:04 am

A.F. Branco. Brilliant.

May 2, 2024 4:05 am
May 2, 2024 4:06 am
May 2, 2024 4:07 am
May 2, 2024 4:07 am
May 2, 2024 4:08 am
May 2, 2024 4:09 am
May 2, 2024 4:11 am
May 2, 2024 4:11 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 2, 2024 4:47 am

Thanks Tom.

May 2, 2024 5:14 am

Checking my youtube list to see who’s loaded anything new.
The Hoover Institution has an interview with Paul Wolfowitz.
I thought he would have died of shame years ago.

May 2, 2024 5:54 am

A recent column from Rex Patrick via Michael West Media on AUKUS.
From April 26th.

I think a few Cats have raised these issues previously.
Looks like even the shiny bums realise these issues exit.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 2, 2024 7:34 am

I see Robert Farquharson is launching an appeal for freedom. On what grounds I didn’t quite hear from the radio but this bloke should never breathe free air again

Cassie of Sydney
May 2, 2024 7:41 am

You know, the revolutionary tyrants of recent world history, men such as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and so on were usually (although not always) men of the working class who had grown up in dire poverty, who had experienced brutal economic and social conditions and so on Many knew poverty firsthand, many knew deprivation firsthand. All of the above spent time in prison and or exile for their nefarious revolutionary activities. Let’s be clear here, the aforementioned names were evil, their existence and their legacies are dark stains on world history but these men were not cowards. No, as evil as they were, they were brave. You can understand why many turned to Marxism.

But not in 2024. The pro-Hamas, pro-rape, pro-murder, wipe Jews off the planet protests across the West, particularly those on US university campuses, are being orchestrated, led and participated in by the children of privilege. The adolescents running around campuses across the West have zero experience of poverty and deprivation.

I was reminded of this last night watching Sky and seeing the interview with the well spoken Columbia University “revolutionary” who was demanding that food be delivered to them. I laughed out loud. When these young adults are not screaming “death to America”, “Free Free Palestine” and “Hamas are freedom fighters” they are busy planning their next ski vacation, their next semester trip to Europe, what fashionable halal vegan restaurant they should next frequent. Their bourgeois habits indulged by their wealthy mummies and daddies.

Across the West in 2024 university campuses and our streets have been hijacked by feral Toffs for Terror, and not to be outdone by dystopian nonsense, last week Sydney University hosted a ‘Tots for Terror’ event!

I reckon Lenin, Stalin and Hitler are all laughing in hell.

Here’s the indulged Columbia university protester…

A pro-Palestine Columbia University protester has been mocked for demanding the Ivy League school provide students who had occupied a building with food and “basic humanitarian aid”.

In an impassioned plea, Johannah King-Slutzky, a PhD student in English and comparative literature, warned that students illegally occupying university property could “die of dehydration and starvation” if they were not given supplies.

“Like, could people please have a glass of water?’’ Ms King-Slutzky, 33, told reporters outside Hamilton Hall, which had been overrun by protesters.

“Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you? If the answer is no, then you should allow basic… I mean, it’s crazy to say because we’re on an Ivy League campus, but this is like basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for,’’ she added.

There are a number of rather acute observations that can be made here. Miss King-Slutzky is ’33 years old’, and this begs a question, will this woman ever grow up? Probably not because this is yet another problem across the West, we indulge perpetual adolescence. In just eighty years we have gone from a time when young men aged only 18 and 19 years old stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight Jew hating fascists and Nazis, yet now in 2024 we are witnessing their great-grandchildren of these men morph into Jew hating fascists and Nazis who now spend their time illegally storming Columbia buildings and then demanding refreshments! Well, for want of a better word, it’s chutzpah!

Forget about the Peace Corps, we now have the Jihad Corps.

May 2, 2024 7:44 am

Got swamped by a wave of nostalgia by the YT algo.
Peter Wherrett and the time that never came.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 7:49 am

Johannah King-Slutzky, a PhD student in English and comparative literature

Instapundit put up her bio yesterday, it was entertaining.

comment image

May 2, 2024 7:57 am

It’s no wonder “fitba” struggles to compete with AFL & thugby for recognition in Oz .. Last night the Mariners finished top of the A League with a 2 nil win over Adelaide .. Yet this morning 10 hours after the game finished the A League’s main web outlet only has the score result up .. no match report .. in fact all the front page stories are the same ones from yesterday afternoon ..
Apparently, no one does after hours updates .. and this mob wants to be taken seriously as a “big” sport .. LOL!

May 2, 2024 8:07 am

Across the West in 2024 university campuses and our streets have been hijacked by feral Toffs for Terror, and not to be outdone by dystopian nonsense, last week Sydney University hosted a ‘Tots for Terror’ event!

Cassie, Toffs for Terror is an inspired tag. It makes sense that the children of the rich have the time and the money to indulge their most vile impulses and then the arrogance to insist that they are doing it for our own good, to save the world. They also know that no matter how awfully they act they will not suffer any adverse consequences because their rich parents will protect them. Maybe the workers of the world should unite against them. I wonder how that would go down.

May 2, 2024 8:15 am

Read a gummint report that states ..
3 out of 4 Oz children access internet porn before they turn 18 ..
My concern is what is the 4th one doing? .. no details provided .. LOL!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 8:15 am

The protesters are amazingly tough and resilient people. There’s nothing they won’t sacrifice for their cause!

UCLA Encampment Requests Vegan, Gluten-free Food; ‘No Bananas,’ ‘No Nuts’ (1 May)

Last edited 4 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
Boambee John
Boambee John
May 2, 2024 8:16 am


Go over to Quadrant On-Line, read Johanna Hacker’s article What Was It All For, it will bring a year to your eye.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 2, 2024 8:19 am


Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 2, 2024 8:19 am

PM under pressure to solve domestic violence crisis ahead of national cabinet meeting | Watch (
Yeah, the midwit Trot can solve a wholly confected crisis. If only he could seize smartphones, social media, the Internet, alchohol, and gambling. I’m reminded of Disney’s version of the Sorceror’s Apprentice, but with a spluttering Porky Pig cast as Mickey.
All our “National Cabinet” leaders now have the featherweight gravitas of a Nikki Gemmel or Clam Ford. Helpless in the shadow of their own Hobgoblins, desperately grabbing money and flailing around with the promise of… call centres and endless Raising Awareness.
I wonder if the other year’s Philosopher King, Malcolm Termite, is dusting off his “not all disrespect towards women…” extended brain fart?
But I genuinely believe these idiots are also addicted to Announceables.

May 2, 2024 8:20 am

Idiotic headline of the week (thus far):

‘PM Albanese must pick his industry winners with more care’

John Quiggin, Financial Review

May 2, 2024 8:22 am


 May 2, 2024 8:15 am

Read a gummint report that states ..

3 out of 4 Oz children access internet porn before they turn 18 ..

My concern is what is the 4th one doing? .. no details provided .. LOL!

I thought we had an eSafety Kommissar, being paid lots of money, to protect our kids from such dangers. Of course, she may be too busy these days stopping people from seeing the truth on X about terrorist attacks.

May 2, 2024 8:34 am

Just listen to the tape. Unbelievable!



“So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…” A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the @CIA and an @NSAGov contractor with top-secret clearance working for @Deloitte, Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details…He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.” @mikepompeo

Amjad reveals to OMG’s Undercover American Swiper that intel agencies not only kept intelligence information from a sitting United States President and Commander-In-Chief, they also used FISA to spy on realDonaldTrump
and his team and are still monitoring President Trump according to Amjad who says, “We monitor everything.” Amjad adds “we also have people that monitor his ex-wife. He likes to use burner phones” – information only an insider with access to highly sensitive information would state.

“We steal it [information]” and “We hack other countries just like that,” Amjad, who states he currently works on the CIA’s China Mission Center, explains how intel agencies obtain information. He also describes a broken intelligence system where “We don’t share information across agencies” because the CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA.

O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (@FBI) official probe, “Crossfire Hurricane,” which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign. @shellenberger @mtaibbi @galexybrane

Contractors like Fseisi hold the duty to withhold sharing confidential or national security information. In denying his statements, Fseisi may have realized he could be held liable for violating internal agency provisions and federal laws like the Executive Agency ethics provisions, which restrict what he may share with others outside of his contracted-to agency. Additionally, any government worker or agency head who withheld information from a superior (i.e. President Trump) may violate: (a) obstruction of justice by deception (18 USC 1512); (b) conspiracy to obstruct (18 USC 371); and false statements (18 USC 1001). Agency regulations may also provide offenses related to insubordination, reflecting poorly on the agency in public, or misrepresentation or dishonesty.

When James O’Keefe caught up with Amjad Fseisi on the streets of Washington, D.C., Fseisi could not tell O’Keefe whether he had top secret clearance, denied making statements clearly caught on camera, and would not even confirm it was him on the video saying only “It looks like me.” When asked directly if he works at the CIA, Fseisi said, “I can’t tell you that.”

Last edited 4 months ago by Indolent
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 2, 2024 8:35 am

Go over to Quadrant On-Line, read Johanna Hacker’s article What Was It All For, it will bring a year to your eye.

She was the lady selling “Don’t Welcome Me To My Own Country” bumper stickers before the referendum.

May 2, 2024 8:36 am

I thought we had an eSafety Kommissar, being paid lots of money, to protect our kids from such dangers

Now there’s the first mistake…relying on the government to protect children.

Ms Inman Grant’s agenda, as she explained in an interview, is actually to expunge “bias” from society.

What is bias? She will decide.

Truly Orwellian.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
May 2, 2024 8:36 am

Miss King-Slutzky is ’33 years old’…

In the crowded market of useless degrees, Mz Slutzky
probably thought some national exposure
could earn her an academic career beyond community college.

May 2, 2024 8:36 am

An extra letter for her Joannah, an Adelaide surname and still young and naive at 33.
Just echoing hamas in demands that the revolution be subsidised.
Imagine the Axis or the Russians feeding the enemy, they starved their own citizens and those of neutral countries they occupied, whose produce was stolen to feed Germans first.
The Netherlands Hunger Winter a prime example. (Though I note the Germans at least allowed some Allied deliveries of food to starving Dutch).

May 2, 2024 8:37 am

‘AFL” issues anonymous quote declaring ‘they’ support females

?anyone in AFL management remember a former player called Goodes … !

May 2, 2024 8:40 am

‘Albansleazy must pick his crony winners with more care’

Qui-Ggin Jon, Financial Review

Ah yes, one of those “economists” that are wrong about everything, all the time. Nice to see the obnoxious ol’ commie crackpot has found a comfy lean-to at the AFR, Oz’s leading anti business daily (h/t Tom).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 8:42 am

Gaia demands burnt offerings.

EV crash victims could be left to die in battery fires without training for responders, inquiry told (30 Apr)

The NSW government’s Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Batteries Inquiry heard testimony from fire and rescue services, paramedics, the Motor Traders’ Association, and TAFE on Tuesday in its second public hearing.

In the most serious incidents, firefighters said crews could be forced to abandon rescues or crudely rescue passengers from vehicles, and were being left “flying blind” at battery fires.

VRA Rescue NSW Commissioner Brenton Charlton told the inquiry worse outcomes were also possible, including battery explosions in which a rescue operation would put emergency workers at risk.

“We need to prepare ourselves and our volunteers… for the point in time we have to do a tactical disengagement, meaning if someone’s trapped and it does high order (explode) you might not be able to do anything,” he said.

“That will be a tragic, horrible thing to take part in.”

Wow. You can now actually say things like this in public. Couldn’t do that maybe a year ago, they’d lose their jobs instantly. The MSM probably still aren’t going to report this news though, or they’ll bury it as fast as possible.

(via Jo Nova today:
EV Hell continues: Crash victims might have to be “left to die”, Hertz dumps another 10,000 cars, Tesla sacks whole charging team)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 2, 2024 8:42 am

Sharaz could be bankrupt if he loses: Reynolds’ lawyer
By stephen rice

  • NSW Editor
  • 8:12PM May 1, 2024

Brittany Higgins’ fiance David Sharaz could “go bankrupt” if he loses the defamation claim lodged against him by former Liberal minister Linda Reynolds, following his declaration he was abandoning his defence of the case.
In the midst of a directions hearing in the West Australian Supreme Court on Tuesday, Mr Sharaz posted a statement on social media saying he could not afford to pay the costs of a six-week trial fighting Senator Reynolds’ legal action.
Senator Reynolds has made it clear through her lawyer, Martin Bennett, that she has no intention of abandoning her case against Mr Sharaz or Ms Higgins without an apology over their allegations she was involved in a cover-up of Ms Higgins’ rape by Bruce Lehrmann. Senator Reynolds says the cover-up allegations – found by Justice Michael Lee to be false – destroyed her reputation.
Mr Sharaz tweeted his decision to abandon his defence – and an appeal for Senator Reynolds to “settle her litigation with Ms Higgins, a rape victim” – while the court hearing before Justice Paul Tottle was still in session.
Outside the court, Mr Bennett described the timing of the tweet as ironic given Mr Sharaz posted it while his defence to a defamation action over tweets was being heard.
“It seemed to be staged … You’ve seen the terms of the post – it’s another attack on Senator Reynolds,” Mr Bennett said.

“That’s what Mr Sharaz does best,” he said, noting the legal action would go ahead regardless. “He defamed my client. You can jump off litigation but it’s a costly exercise.”
Mr Bennett ridiculed Mr Sharaz’s claim that he could not afford his defence, observing he now lived with Ms Higgins in a five-bedroom country house in the south of France. “He lives in a chateau. He hasn’t got a job and he’s got a QC and a junior solicitor, two solicitors representing him,” he said. “If he’s impecunious as he asserts in France, he’ll go bankrupt.”
It is understood Mr Sharaz’s lawyers have thus far been working on a pro-bono basis.
Earlier this year, Senator Rey­nolds took steps to freeze Ms Higgins’ assets after she and Mr Sharaz went to live in France, to ensure the $2.4m, or any part of it, was not beyond the reach of an adverse defamation judgment.

May 2, 2024 8:43 am

Yes Wally, thats all politicians can do is announcements. Whether a town council or a PM. Its got to be new, shiny, state of the art, bigger, better. Never fit for purpose or maintaining what we already had. Here in Toytown the Homo in Chief has had a sign along the Monaro Hwy announcing upgrades coming to the road. About 4 years its been there. Work started about 6 months ago, must be an election coming.

May 2, 2024 8:47 am
May 2, 2024 8:47 am

Rabz, I believe you’re an economist. Does the company you work for actually pay attention to what you say or do they take advice on notice and do whatever they were going to do in the first place?

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 2, 2024 8:48 am

Check out the tone:

A Perth grandfather who says he was promised $11 million to bring ‘a little gift’ into Australia from Laos is now accused of being a major heroin trafficker.

Barry James Calverley, 68, who returned from South East Asia in January, is now potentially facing life in jail – but his lawyers claim he was duped.

The mining industry consultant said he was instructed in a WhatsApp message to travel to Laos and meet a man called ‘Privham’ in a hotel to collect documents.

When he was asked to take a green camping chair bag along with an envelope back to Australia, a court heard he was ‘suspicious’ and ‘was aware something was not right’. 

When Calverley’s return flight from Hanoi touched down at Sydney Airport on January 24, Australian Border Force officers allegedly found $2.25million of heroin inside the bag.

Magistrate Mark Whelan was told Calverley was carrying documents in the envelope which promised him the reward of US$7.2million.

Legal aid lawyers said Calverley, a 30-year oil, gas and resources industry safety officer, ‘was suspicious of “the little gift” and he would not have taken anything illegal.

‘This is a classic case of a senior man being duped,’ the court was told. 

‘A person planning to import these substances would not be carrying around the envelope.

‘(The) materials support him believing he had a reason to be going to Laos thinking he’s going to get this very large sum of money and then carrying these documents that … any well-planned importer wouldn’t even think about having.

‘They make a nonsense of the whole arrangement. Sadly he has succumbed to this belief and if not granted bail, is at great risk in the prison system.’

Appearing via audio visual link on Wednesday from maximum security Macquarie prison near Dubbo NSW, the grandfather’s lawyer pleaded for him to be released on bail.

Downing Centre Local Court heard that Calverley, a wine connoisseur from Ferguson, WA, was finding prison life difficult.

‘He would be detained in custody for a very significant time before going to trial,’ the court heard. 

‘He has a long history of medical concerns.’

These included cardiac issues, dermatitis and psoriasis, which was argued, could not be adequately treated at Macquarie jail.

Surely, surely, surely, that would be enough for grandpa not to go to the slammer.

Let’s find out.

Magistrate Whelan denied Calverley’s bail application and ordered him to appear on remand on January 29 next year. 

The defending lawyer and the magistrate probably had a good laugh over the whole dog-and-pony pretence show later.

Daily Mail

May 2, 2024 8:51 am

Paulo Freire and the Marxist Transformation of the Church

May 2, 2024 8:51 am

This is something that needs serious consideration. Israel was too careless, not to mention complacent.

Report: Many IDF posts on Gaza border failed inspections in days before Oct. 7

May 2, 2024 8:54 am

Definitely no need for nuts. Plenty there already. In fact, why supply them at all?
UCLA Encampment Requests Vegan, Gluten-free Food; ‘No Bananas,’ ‘No Nuts’

May 2, 2024 8:57 am

Ranga – it’s a tough one as I’m about the only non collectivist in the “policy analysis” unit where I’m employed. However, being viewed as an increasingly cranky and cynical ol’ curmudgeon has its advantages, shall we say.

May 2, 2024 9:06 am

Anyone else noticing the appearance of “Let’s blame Israel for Oct 7” stories appearing in the media to coincide with the university “occupations” .. Starting to look like a bit of planning and money went into this distraction ..
I’m 76 and never expected to see a “let’s legitimize terrrorism” campaign gathering credibility .. but between the “students’ & media they are really giving it a go ……
C’mon “Benny” get into Rafah and finalize this campaign before they (protesters) manage some serious traction ……. FFS!

May 2, 2024 9:08 am

Telling the truth is the greatest crime.

Dora Moutot: Why France is censoring my book

May 2, 2024 9:16 am

Anyone else noticing the appearance of “Let’s blame Israel for Oct 7” stories appearing in the media to coincide with the university “occupations” .. 

I don’t think reports of IDF security failures fall into that category.

There appears to have been a culture of complacency which is a luxury Israel cannot afford.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
May 2, 2024 9:18 am

Let’s blame Israel for Oct 7

Or as stupid li’l Beatrix of the ANU was opining yesterday – “like, the Isreallees lied about what happened on October 7, there were no dead babies and the IDF like, killed most of the people who died that day, I tells ya! The pallyweirdos deserve our full support!”

If you ever wanted to see some very obvious examples of how stupid university students are nowadays, just listen to the garbage spewing out of their gobs, watch the ridiculous stunts they engage in and look at the horseshit they’re supposedly studying. The cost of which will all ultimately be offloaded onto taxpayers, as that syphilitic ol’ geriatric in the US is desperately trying to do.

What a sham.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 2, 2024 9:18 am

How nice to be an ABC hack and get free advertising (which I thought the ABC wasn’t supposed to do) for your commercial ventures:

And I don’t see how anyone could describe Milligan’s excretions on the Pell case as ‘non-fiction’ with a straight face.

May 2, 2024 9:33 am

Bruce of Newcastle
 May 2, 2024 7:49 am

Johannah King-Slutzky, a PhD student in English and comparative literature

Instapundit put up her bio yesterday, it was entertaining.

Fuking outrageous. The Romantic poets, Byron, Keats, Shelley, Coleridge, Tennyson were, apart from Shakespeare and our Jane, the greatest literary figures in English history; and now we have their legacy shat on by human viruses like this twot on legs. She does have a great surname though.

Byron thought women were like prickly porcupines. In this respect he was the precursor to Joyce’s vagina dentata and emasculation. Kunts like King-Slutsky are the inevitable progeny of this feminine quality. Their capacity for destruction of Western society is limitless.

May 2, 2024 9:34 am

Slutzky-King sounds like it’s a spoof. Ha ha.

May 2, 2024 9:35 am

PETA CREDLIN explains how the Arab immigration lobby — and the terrorists of Hamas — have Australia’s national government by the balls (Paywallian):

In a new and disturbing first, immigrant communities are now driving Australia’s foreign policy in ways that are at odds with the national interest.
The Albanese government’s changing policy towards the Middle East is the result of pressure from Muslim activists. There are now three websites, which this paper reports are “circulating among political and community circles”, seeking to mobilise the country’s almost one million Muslims to use their local voting power to force the government to change Australia’s long-held and previously bipartisan support for Israel as the only liberal, pluralist democracy in the Middle East.
This was most memorably expressed in Bob Hawke’s immortal statement that if the bell tolls for Israel, it tolls for all mankind.
Labor frontbenchers, such as Tony Burke and Jason Clare (whose electorates are more than 30 per cent Muslim), failed to condemn unequivocally the October 7 atrocities, have supported local councils flying the Palestinian flag and have told local Muslims that they’re advocating for them in cabinet. The Albanese government only briefly suspended aid to the UN agency active in Gaza, despite clear evidence that much of it has been channelled to Hamas and that staff were involved in the October 7 killings.
Anthony Albanese was very slow to make a solidarity call to his Israeli counterpart after October 7, despite the terrorist murder of an elderly Australian, but was almost immediately in critical contact when an Israeli drone strike mistakenly killed an Australian aid worker.
Worst of all, our Foreign Minister has called for the recognition of Palestine even though this would reward the apocalyptic death cult that has been running Gaza.
This is not the first time that foreign fights have seeped into Australian politics and it’s not the first time that religious activists have influenced our public life. But it is the first time in our history that religious pressure has been put on our leaders to take a position that’s at odds with our national interests and our national values. And this eruption of ethnic politics into what’s best for Australia should be a reminder that migration doesn’t just build the country; it can change it, too, sometimes in unwelcome directions.
It’s hardly surprising that cultural roots should play a part in people’s contemporary attitudes. Think Irish Australians and the 1916 conscription debates and the involvement of the Catholic hierarchy in the anti-communist campaigns in the union movement of the 1940s, later playing out in the ALP split in 1955. What’s new now, though, is this unabashed appeal to a transcendent religious loyalty, with partisans in a foreign quarrel trying to drive a change to our national policy.
Exhibit one is the Muslim Votes Matter website: “The Muslim community,” it declares, “is the largest and among the fastest growing minority groups in Australia. Our collective voting bloc is the most valuable, yet under-utilised asset we have.” Muslim Votes Matter aims to unlock “this highly influential tool”, as the website call it, in the “over 20 (federal parliamentary) seats where the Muslim community collectively has the potential deciding vote”. That may not sound like much, says the website, but “in the last 25 years no federal government has been elected by a margin of more than 15 seats”.
It specifies 32 federal seats (all bar two currently Labor held) where Muslim votes “have the potential to move the needle” and for each one shows the Muslim vote against the seat’s margin.
Unsurprisingly, the MVM website claims discrimination against Australian Muslims, complaining that “Islamophobes” have protested against the opening of mosques and declaring that Australian Muslims “have had enough” and “will no longer tolerate bias and veiled racism”.
Harnessing religious solidarity with Marxist militant minority tactics, and cleverly pitched to culturally adrift adolescents and young adults, the aim is to have the 4 per cent of voters who are Muslim change the national position, not just on Palestine but “on a broad range of issues … which resonate most with the Australian Muslim community”.
The most critical, of course, is “Australia’s foreign policy response to the growing atrocities in Gaza”. “A more engaged Muslim voter base,” says the website, “benefits all Australians, and in particular those from under-represented and disadvantaged backgrounds.” Even though the website also claims to be politically independent and “solely dedicated to serving the best interests of the Muslim community in Australia”.
Then there’s My Vote Matters, a website run by the Islamic Council of Victoria that says it has “run four successful campaigns”. It says 70 per cent of Muslims are “extremely” or “very concerned” about right-wing extremism and 82 per cent of Muslims think their political representatives “don’t care” about Islamophobia. Its 2022 Victorian election scorecard heavily preferred the Greens and Labor over the Coalition.
As well there’s The Muslim Vote, urging Muslims to vote in accordance with MPs’ position on the “genocide” in Palestine. Those stated to have shown “support for Palestine” include Labor’s Ed Husic, Graham Perrett, Tony Zappia, Julian Hill, Maria Vamvakinou and Anne Aly. The “our campaign is backed by” section of the website merely says “coming soon”, although it also says “our supporting organisations enjoy the support of hundreds of thousands of Muslims”.
Muslim leaders and community organisations are not the only recent immigrant groups seeking to change Australian government policy and, sometimes, foster grievances against broader Australian society. A decade or so back, the local Indian community felt not enough was being done to protect Indian students against attacks by gangs. There are various “united front” groups active inside the Australian Chinese community in support of Beijing that were thought to have used their influence strongly against the Morrison government, particularly in online Chinese language spaces.
What’s striking, though, in this push by Muslim leaders to change Australia’s policy on the Middle East is that there’s no attempt to appeal to Australia’s long-term national interest. It’s taken for granted that what matters most is local Muslims’ solidarity with their fellow Muslims abroad.
Australia’s Muslim leaders (and also much of their communities), it seems, aren’t thinking as Australians who happen to be Muslims but as Muslims who happen to reside in Australia. If they were thinking as Australians, there would be at least as much emphasis on the return of the hostages as on an immediate ceasefire. Perhaps this is to be expected given Islam’s lack of any notion of the separation of church and state and its “death to the infidels” instinct that many local leaders seem to be playing up rather than down.
Most troubling has been the pressure put on politicians and law enforcement to change the language on Islamist terrorism: first to drop any mention of “Islamist” and call it “religiously motivated extremist violence”, and now, as advocated by an alliance of peak Islamic groups, to drop any mention of religion at all and refer to it as ”politically motivated extremist violence”.
Even when the teen­agers arrested in connection with the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel quote the Koran and have images idolising Osama bin Laden. Coupled with the hate speech spewing from influential mosques and websites, we can’t pretend away the links between radical Islamist theology and terror­ism.
Right now, at 765,900 last year, immigration is far too high. It is depressing wages, boosting housing costs and clogging infrastructure. And without a much greater stress on the importance of migrants joining Team Australia, we’re at risk of importing all the troubles of the wider world, of which the Gaza conflict is just the most obvious immediate example.

May 2, 2024 9:36 am

Dover, could you please approve Peda Credlin’s Oz column, which I’ve just posted?

May 2, 2024 9:36 am


May 2, 2024 9:41 am

How nice to be an ABC hack and get free advertising (which I thought the ABC wasn’t supposed to do) for your commercial ventures

Par for the course for the ABC, Old Lefty – Richard Fidler, Leigh Sales, Annabel Crabb have all been granted generous publicity for their books – interviews, features, reviews, podcast “tasters.”

The co-op takes good care of its own.

May 2, 2024 9:42 am

Tulsi continued her book tour with a Joe Rogan appearance.
2 & half hours, not much new in it.
I downloaded her book, only 242 pages so can’t imagine it will be tough going.

While I was there I downloaded Dune as well.
I recently saw the second movie.
Considering I read the book 25 years ago, my memory of it are a little faded. I’m not sure of some parts of the movie(s) were in line with the text.
Anyway, my new 2024 goal is to read the entire Dune series.

May 2, 2024 9:43 am

The Romantic poets…

…have a case to answer themselves when it comes to the destruction of Western society.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 2, 2024 9:44 am

BobtheBoozer at May 2, 2024 6:34

This all stemmed from the fact that when she could have thrown herself on the mercy of her boss the day she was asked to explain her actions, Britaknee chose to lie.

And the entire circus rode into town on that lie.

I thought I might pull this forward from the old thread. I have previously said the whole thing reads like the Bonfire of the Vanities which I enjoyed as a book (never saw the movie). It would make a great Shakespeare tragedy but alas taxpayers are the only real victim so far.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 2, 2024 9:55 am

Tom at 4:00 am –John Spooner . Love the horses, look at their eyes. His cartoons have a beautiful aesthetic.

May 2, 2024 9:56 am

It would make a great Shakespeare tragedy but alas taxpayers are the only real victim so far.

Given there’s no hero in this drama perhaps a morality play would be a better fit.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 2, 2024 9:57 am

I put this up on CL’s site on a thread about ‘diversity’ hires, with regard to such hires in TV dramas made recently. Under the benighted view that skin colour should be ‘normalised’ regardless of context (which I think is insulting to ‘people of colour’) people are chosen for roles which do not suit them. This colour normalisation only works one way though, so I would be unlikely to be chosen for a role as a spear-wielding Zulu grandmother; good, because I clearly have no merit for that role.

So rather than write a book review here, I’ll just say this as on CL’s:

Looking down at my fingernails I muse that my nail polish done last week has chipped and peeled far more on my left hand than my right. This is something up with which we southpaws should not put, and so where is my diversity badge? Climate change likely has something to do with it too.

This is no sillier than the sorts of claims leftists make to ‘equalise’ society. The only equality we should have is equality of opportunity; and in hiring, merit should be the only criterion. We have moved a long way away from these precepts now though due to ‘woke’ influences. Will we ever return to normal? It will take some time.

In this long interim (which will see me out) I have to watch one of my favorite books (A Gentleman in Moscow, a tale lauding Russian heritage) in an otherwise good production be ruined due to a weird British insistence on ‘normalising’ race in all dramas. Who knew that a fair sprinkling of Muscovites in the Stalin years, in a range of social positions within the communist hierarchy and society at large, were black Africans? Seems like the casting was done by AI in the belief that Stalin’s Communist Moscow was located in Louisiana, USA.

So very disappointing. The novel is a fable, but it is not a fable about any diversity of phenotypes, which sits very uneasily in this historical drama, but about conservative individualist politics and traditional cultural values winning out against the brutalities of communism.

May 2, 2024 10:00 am

The Romantic poets…

…have a case to answer themselves when it comes to the destruction of Western society.

Please elaborate.

Delta A
Delta A
May 2, 2024 10:21 am

Dover, thank you for releasing my spammed comment re Katherine Burbalsingh 6:36 pm last night.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 2, 2024 10:24 am

Jeremy Clarkson on EVs – “They’re RUBBISH!”

Then again he could have added:

  • when they catch fire good luck
  • their resale value is terrible because battery tired
  • if they catch fire in your apartment basement carpark then even more good luck needed
  • and please don’t trail that extension cord across the pavement.
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 10:29 am

Too cheap to meter news.

Victoria backs away from offshore wind power timeline (Paywallian)

Victoria has placed offshore wind at the heart of energy transition plans, but the state is considering delaying the first auction as concerns arise that few companies would bid.

I take that to mean no companies would bid. That’s been the case lately all over the world, companies which bought rights have been dumping them and fleeing. Even with ginormous subsidies they just don’t make financial sense.

A nice thing is the court system is also starting to take notice of the environmental damage offshore wind projects do.

WASHINGTON, DC (May 1, 2024) — An order by a federal judge on Monday delayed the start of “pile driving” construction for a massive wind project off the Atlantic Coast by Dominion Energy. Judge Loren L. AliKhan convened an expedited status conference hearing in response to a coalition of three public interest groups—The Heartland Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), and the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC)—suing Dominion and the Biden administration, claiming they have not done the legally required research to determine the project won’t harm the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.

Since the geotech surveys and blasting do clearly kill whales it’s good to see the greens being put under some pressure. It may be though that the project will collapse anyway because of the bad financials.

May 2, 2024 10:35 am

Some interesting observations of conservative think tanks etc about what is happening in the West and in US university campus’s in particular. Links are being made with the WHO & UN plans for using global health concerns to promote what has been called euphemistically the “New World Order”.

While most of us may be a little sceptical about the success of the plans of the globalists, recent events give you pause for thought. Outrageous propositions now don’t seem so outrageous. Indolent – you may be a prophet! Just kidding.

But for now, a salient quote from Ephesians 6.11 :

“Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes”.

May 2, 2024 10:37 am

 May 2, 2024 10:09 am

 Reply to  cohenite
Romanticism marked a shift inward in Western consciousness, away from the objective to the subjective, which led to the rise of self-expression and the emotions as more “authentic” expressions of humanity than self-restraint and the intellect.

Byron and Shelley had a tinge or patina of socialism about their verse but it was a minor player. Keats was the prince of the Romantics and I refer to his incomparable Ode to a Grecian Urn. Folks says this tethered the theme of naturalism prevalent in the Romantics. It is true the Romantics did have a reverence for nature but only because the technological shift away from nature had created so much initial pollution and problems that the benefit of technology as a means of elevating humanity had been obscured.

In Grecian Ode Keats works at the dominant theme of the Romantics which is the apotheosis of humanity. There is a poetic logic in this poem which is beautifully expressed in the metaphor of the Urn: the figurines on the URN represent that apotheosis: they are Godlike and immortal and almost beyond the ken of humans; only art, in this case poetry, can come close to capturing the ineffable quality of the apotheosis to this Godlike state. For Keats the great emotions which define humanity, the so-called subjective qualities are the essence of being human: love, hate, fear pleasure all occupy a dichotomy which is based on independence: you can’t know love without the knowing hate, fear and pleasure etc. However the apotheosis is not based on this dichotomy: humanity who have undergone apotheosis appear to humans to have not undergone the elevation to be frozen. God and immortals do not need the psychological justification which humans do. The negative emotions have been discarded and pure bliss remains. In short Urn is a description of heaven.

The Romantics would be aghast at the feral woke wretches today. And the Romantics were insatiably scientific and concerned with the limits of description to define and express the ineluctable. In short they represented the true ambition within humanity to be better. They were the antithesis of the subjectified left today.

May 2, 2024 10:39 am

If you scroll back to 9.35am, you can now read this:

PETA CREDLIN explains how the Arab immigration lobby — and the terrorists of Hamas — have Australia’s national government by the balls 


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 2, 2024 10:54 am

In So What, You Reap news:

The number of school students identifying as neither male nor female is now 20 times higher than before the pandemic, as new school rules warn teachers against calling students boys and girls, or referring to parents as mothers and fathers.

Data released by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority reveals that at least 2560 students enrolled as non-binary last year – up from 128 in 2019.

[Unlinkable OZ]

Data released by the Faustus Authority reveals 2432 students are grasping the opportunity offered by Education Departments to terrorise teachers and be deadshit classroom nuisances.

May 2, 2024 11:01 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 2, 2024 11:04 am

May 2, 2024 8:20 am

Idiotic headline of the week (thus far):

‘PM Albanese must pick his industry winners with more care’

John Quiggin, Financial Review

Dear Feral Guv’ment,

Please provide me with a list of all the ‘industry winners’ picked since the year 2000 (for a start) that were actually winners.

Thanking you in anticipation as my PhD Thesis is on ‘The Effectiveness (or not) of Big Guv’ment’ and I am eager to finish my Thesis asap.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
May 2, 2024 11:05 am

“I don’t suppose any of you hignerant buggers know what a Keat is.”
Spike Milligan’s sergeant, from one of his war memoirs

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 2, 2024 11:16 am

Dover, could you please approve Peda Credlin’s Oz column, which I’ve just posted?

Thanks for posting that Tom.

Credlin is right. Labor politicians prostitute themselves to be paid by muslim votes..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 11:26 am

Mossad spy rats.

UCLA protester says ‘Zionist thugs’ released rats into anti-Israel encampment (2 May)

UCLA “encampment media liaison” and political science Ph.D. student Vincent Doehr said protesters repeatedly warned the college about harassment and death threats against students before violence broke out Tuesday night. Fights began after a group of pro-Israel protesters arrived at the demonstration. 

“We have warned the university about the threats of rape, death threats against our students, physical harassment, the release of rats on our encampment by Zionists during the nighttime,” the student said.

I wonder whether he knows Johannah King-Slutzky? As for the rats, there’s a history of such dastardly stuff.

First it was dolphins, then it was rats, now Palestinians are accusing the Israeli Mossad of training cows to spy on them (Jan 2023)

I could think of a cows-with-guns joke, but I’ve probably exceeded my silliness limit for one comment.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 2, 2024 11:37 am

If you scroll back to 9.35am, you can now read this:

PETA CREDLIN explains how the Arab immigration lobby — and the terrorists of Hamas — have Australia’s national government by the balls 

If you click on the Moslem Votes Matter link, you can see which balls are in Mohammedan hands.

Which seats are you focused on?

Where we have the potential to move the needle, in particular:

House of Representatives

Blaxland, Watson, Calwell, Werriwa, McMahon, Bruce, Scullin, Holt, Parramatta, Wills, Lalor, Macarthur, Chifley, Barton, Burt, Fowler, Gorton, Gellibrand, Rankin, Cowan, Banks, Greenway, Fraser, Swan, Mitchell, Fenner, Makin, Moreton, Isaacs, Spence, Cooper, and Hawke.


All states and territories of Australia.

By my rough count, of the 32 MHR seats in the cross hairs, 29 are Labor. Drop this ball, Sheikh Albanese, and Labor never gets another go in the yummy driver’s seat.

It follows, without hyperbowel, that the ALP is a Servant of the Prophet.

Prepare ye for dhimmitude (and enjoy the fireworks as Labor backtracks on the internal contradictions of 7th century vs salon-progressive policy-making)

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 2, 2024 11:37 am

I could think of a cows-with-guns joke, but I’ve probably exceeded my silliness limit for one comment.

Haha – nice one BoN.

May 2, 2024 11:45 am

Article from Gatestone, The Ottoman Infection: How Great Nations Die.

Don’t agree with half of it, but it has a few valid points.

Importantly, the Ottoman empire was not an highly industrialized one, simply no match for the west.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 11:53 am

Who of you lot guessed that Mr Tedious is an antisemite? Um, everyone. Ok as you were.

W.H.O. Chief Tedros Demands Israel Stop Pursuing Hamas (1 May)

World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday that Israel’s proposed “full-scale invasion on Rafah” would be a “humanitarian catastrophe.” “We appeal to Israel not to proceed. We urge all parties to work for a ceasefire and lasting peace,” Tedros said in a statement on Twitter.

Maybe if you ask nicely Hamas will unconditionally surrender and release all the hostages. What you didn’t say that? How odd! Must be an oversight.

May 2, 2024 11:54 am

Went to Nandos for lunch yesterday and F…me if they didn’t have a sticker next to the door handle “”Nandos would like to acknowledge the first nations elders blah blah blah””. I haven’t been there for a month two at the most and I’m sure that sticker wasn’t there last time. It does seem to me that there has actually been an uptick in this activity since the Voice referendum. It makes me think there is something akin to the “Journolist” network they had/have in the States in Aust that has told them to double indoctrination efforts since the failure of the voice referendum. That’s purely anecdotal, nothing empirical to back my claim up, but it does seem the case.

May 2, 2024 11:55 am

Par for the course for the ABC, Old Lefty – Richard Fidler, Leigh Sales, Annabel Crabb have all been granted generous publicity for their books – interviews, features, reviews, podcast “tasters.”

Indeed. NilAgain was given months of paid leave to write her damning, fact free, book on Pell and was then became the primary reporter of the “case.”

John Brumble
John Brumble
May 2, 2024 11:59 am

“You know, the revolutionary tyrants of recent world history, men such as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and so on were usually (although not always) men of the working class who had grown up in dire poverty, who had experienced brutal economic and social conditions and so on Many knew poverty firsthand, many knew deprivation firsthand. “

Sorry, Cassie, but that’s an absolute load of rubbish. Each of those men you name came from a childhood of (relative to the era) comfort or were even quite well off.

May 2, 2024 12:07 pm

enjoy the fireworks as Labor backtracks on the internal contradictions of 7th century vs salon-progressive policy-making

The ALP will be hitching its wagon to the wrong horse.

The Hindu bloc is the real nascent power in the coming pseudo-democratic, neo-collectivist Australian political landscape.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 2, 2024 12:14 pm

Dr F earlier.

Data released by the Faustus Authority reveals 2432 students are grasping the opportunity offered by Education Departments to terrorise teachers and be deadshit classroom nuisances.

Further to that, studies by the Panzer Foundation Inc have found that, once gender fluidity reaches a critical mass of 2.845% of the student population, students will start identifying as trans-species – mostly cats and rabbits. The Panzer Foundation is currently studying the possibility that students will eventually identify as sedimentary rock formations.

May 2, 2024 12:14 pm

Agree John Brumble struggling to think of a leftist revolution which wasn’t led by the university educated.France has a lot to answer for.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 2, 2024 12:17 pm

Barking Toad
 May 2, 2024 11:16 am

Dover, could you please approve Peda Credlin’s Oz column, which I’ve just posted?

Thanks for posting that Tom.

Credlin is right. Labor politicians prostitute themselves to be paid by muslim votes..

The question is, will they save the furniture in a few inner-city shit-hole seats, only to be smashed in the outer-suburban non NDIS bludging seats?
That is the gap for the SFLs to exploit.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 12:19 pm

The hip pocket nerve is screaming! Do I detect a rapidly approaching election?

Qld Premier announces cash splash of $2.5b to target power bills (Sky News, 2 May)

Queensland Premier Steven Miles will announce a $2.5 billion cash splash on Thursday targeting power bills.

The state’s government will almost double the power rebate, meaning every single household will save $1,000 on their power bills from July.

The measure will be funded by coal royalties and is expected to provide Queenslanders cost-of-living relief ahead of the state budget in June.

There’s this Occam’s Razor thingie which says that if you just let the coal miners burn their coal in power stations you wouldn’t have to tax them, electricity prices would be a lot cheaper, and you wouldn’t then have to give the punters $1,000 of their own money back to them.

May 2, 2024 12:19 pm

Indeed, Roger, Hindus and Sikhs have no love for the followers of The Prophet – with good reason.

Labor could find itself in a nasty cleft stick if those populations mobilise as well – many of them are also in marginal seats.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 12:23 pm

The Hindu bloc is the real nascent power in the coming pseudo-democratic, neo-collectivist Australian political landscape.

The muslims don’t like the Hindus, so a bit of Hindu-bashing might go down well in certain Sydney electorates.

Espionage a ‘constant threat’: Australian authorities expelled two Indian spies (Sky News, 2 May)

What a coincidence that the Labor Government finds a nefarious Indian spy ring just when they’re under such pressure from their religious base.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 2, 2024 12:24 pm

Labor could find itself in a nasty cleft stick if those populations mobilise as well – many of them are also in marginal seats.

That was my point at 12:17.
Nothing happens in a vacuum.
Even though the Triggsters at the HRC would rather we didn’t, people do talk around the dinner table.
And knowing nods are exchanged when stories of rampant NDIS fraud and spontaneously combusting tobacconist shops pop up on the news.

May 2, 2024 12:24 pm

Bruce in WA
May 2, 2024 12:03 pm

It was the very first announcement made over the PA system on our last cruise ship, before we even left Sydney Harbour.

I wonder why they do that?
They most likely alienate half of the patrons in the best case, not to mention the foreign passengers who wouldn’t have a clue what all that was about.

May 2, 2024 12:31 pm

The measure will be funded by coal royalties and is expected to provide Queenslanders cost-of-living relief ahead of the state budget in June.

I wonder what Queenslanders will think if the indigenous activists demand minerals royalties (as they have in VIC) in the upcoming treaty negotiations (supported by the LNP, btw) and what the politicians (whoever wins) will do?

May 2, 2024 12:42 pm

I download Dune.
Then I’m scrolling twitter & see this from Malice.

Michael Malice

“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for my freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.” –Frank Herbert


May 2, 2024 12:48 pm

 if you just let the coal miners burn their coal in power stations you wouldn’t have to tax them, electricity prices would be a lot cheaper, and you wouldn’t then have to give the punters $1,000 of their own money back to them

A perpetual cycle of blockheaded anti-scientific idiocy, reality denial, taxpayer extortion and staggering incompetence.

May 2, 2024 12:50 pm

BoN it can’t have been Mossad releasing rats. They would have taken one shoe instead.

May 2, 2024 1:13 pm

“3 out of 4 Oz children access internet porn before they turn 18 ..
My concern is what is the 4th one doing?”

Reading Jane Austen, maybe? 

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 2, 2024 1:20 pm

seeking to mobilise the country’s almost one million Muslims to use their local voting power to force the government to change Australia’s long-held and previously bipartisan support for Israel as the only liberal, pluralist democracy in the Middle East.
We are on the slippery slope.
Be careful how you vote. It has consequences.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 2, 2024 1:21 pm

Roger@ 12:07 pm

enjoy the fireworks as Labor backtracks on the internal contradictions of 7th century vs salon-progressive policy-making

The ALP will be hitching its wagon to the wrong horse.

The Hindu bloc is the real nascent power in the coming pseudo-democratic, neo-collectivist Australian political landscape.

Yes, arguably so.
However, politicians in full flight generally don’t think as widely, or as far forward as you do.

In Canbra, the Event Horizon is no further away than the next election.

Issues beyond four years hence (maximum) are simply cans that can be kicked down the road with a politically modest cash splash*: in support of this heresy, I give you NDIS welfare, NetZero, renewables, Hydrogen Superpowerdom, Made in Australia, global Quantum Compuder supremacy, AUKUSubmarines, and unrestricted immigration as prop to apparent GDP productivity growth.

The Balkanization of Australia – which is essentially a ‘boiling frog’ issue for all but the older cohort of Australians – is only relevant to our ‘leaders’ if it sits inside the near-term political headlights. Which Islam clearly does; but other blocs don’t. Yet.

*I’m old enough to remember when a single digit $meg dropped on the political roulette table raised eyebrows. Now, a flushed $bn hardly gets attention.

May 2, 2024 1:23 pm

Cohenite, I draw to your attention The Eve of St. Agnes, by Keats. I once described it to my poetry tutor as soft core porn for Victorian maiden ladies. It is set in a mediaeval castle, but unfortunately Keats knows bugger all about mediaeval castles. At one point he writes that the moon through the ‘casement threw gules on Madeleine’s fair breast’. As I pointed out to my tutor, the issue of what light it threw on the unfair one is not addressed by the poet. Who used heraldic terminology to impress us with his mediaeval knowledge, but didn’t know that coloured glass casements were not a feature of mediaeval castles.

Altogether, the poem is sentimental drivel and not untypical of the romantics. That’s where the preference for feelz over facts came from.

Wordsworth is worse. Occasionally funny, but not intentionally.

May 2, 2024 1:29 pm

We are on the slippery slope.

The question is, what will the SFL’s do differently? To change our circumstances will require courage and conviction.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 2, 2024 1:29 pm

*I’m old enough to remember when a single digit $meg dropped on the political roulette table raised eyebrows. Now, a flushed $bn hardly gets attention.

Really funny episode of Utopia, where the Minister’s advisor dick is desperate for a distraction “announcable” major project.
The Rob Sitch character goes through various projects (mostly re-heated leftovers) and projects between $500m and $900m. The advisor is soooo not interested in the substance of the projects, until he hears the magic number … $1.2 billion.
“Yes. That one. Send the Minister a briefing and announcement.”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 2, 2024 1:49 pm

The Brinny Blob splatters over more shoes in Lee J.’s courtroom:

A referee has also been appointed to decide how much of Ms Wilkinson’s legal costs were reasonable and will be picked up by Channel 10, after her decision to hire outside counsel.

The same referee will decide how much former Spotlight producer Taylor Auerbach will be reimbursed for his legal bills.

According to an affidavit filed with the court by Mr Auerbach’s lawyers, he claimed that he incurred legal costs of $39,176 in complying with a subpoena and another $19,371 in preparing to give evidence.

Justice Lee said that Mr Auerbach would not receive the full amount.

“I’ve got to tell you, it’s not going to be anything like this,” Justice Lee said.

Crying shame.
And Toad’s claim for preferential payment also hits a wall:

Justice Lee on Wednesday questioned whether: “She [Toad] is entitled, to put it bluntly, to get a cheque from Network 10 prior to waiting to see if Mr Lehrmann comes up with any money or is placed in bankruptcy.”

Loathsome people.

May 2, 2024 1:49 pm

what will the SFL’s do differently?

Waffle interminably about imaginary nookular reactors (i.e. they will never exist, much like the mythical AUKUS untersee coffins) while more stealthily enacting the policies of labore and the greenfilth.

May 2, 2024 1:56 pm

waiting to see if Mr Lehrmann comes up with any money or is placed in bankruptcy

Those braindead televisual imbeciles (BIRM) will be waiting an indeterminately long time for the former eventuality. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of forkwits.

May 2, 2024 1:59 pm

“Funny” how the govt has found evidence of an Indian spy ring but not a single shred of evidence anywhere for a Chinese one…

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 2, 2024 2:03 pm

Guests on ABC RN were just seriously discussing the idea of elevating journalism to a public good on the same level as roads and powerlines and funding it accordingly.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 2, 2024 2:08 pm

Guests on ABC RN were just seriously discussing the idea of elevating journalism to a public good on the same level as roads and powerlines and funding it accordingly.
But only if they write and say the approved things?

May 2, 2024 2:09 pm

For BoN:

Our aggressive lorikeet visitor trying to bluff our nonchalant water dragon visitor. Hilarious. Our TV playing in background with movie dialogue very suited to the bird/dragon confrontation!


Last edited 4 months ago by Vicki
Top Ender
Top Ender
May 2, 2024 2:12 pm

From the Pauline Hanson vs the Other Senator trial:

Senator Faruqi was approached by independent journalist Chris De Bruyne outside the Federal Court in Sydney this week where she gave the eyebrow-raising response to what he said should have been a simple question.

‘Are all white people racist?’ Mr De Bruyne asked.

Senator Faruqi shook her head and replied ‘no comment’. 

‘That’s not a no,’ Mr De Bruyne pushed.

Senator Faruqi’s solicitor then advised her not to respond and the pair walked away.

Daily Mail

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 2, 2024 2:24 pm

Bungonia Bee
 May 2, 2024 2:08 pm

Guests on ABC RN were just seriously discussing the idea of elevating journalism to a public good on the same level as roads and powerlines and funding it accordingly.
But only if they write and say the approved things?

And funding accordingly by who/whom? Not the long suffering taxpayer again?. Who are these listeners and are they blind to the MSM which is always up to no good. A Public Good? LOL. FFS

May 2, 2024 2:46 pm

For music fans, Duane Eddy is brown bread.

His first hit in (I think) 1959 pioneered the twangy guitar sound for which he became famous and influenced countless other artists. But as the clip shows, Duane and the boys were innovative in other ways as well:

If you’re interested, the next clip on Youtube is an interview with him by Ray Stevens. Ray is best known for novelty songs like Ahab the Arab, but he also did IMHO the best version of Sunday Morning Coming Down. It’s a good interview.

The other thing worth mentioning is his version of Peter Gunn. It’s sensational:

Vale, Duane.

May 2, 2024 3:04 pm

Reading a novel by EDWARD MARSTON from his Home Front Detective series .. never come across him before but a very good writer .. seems to prefer writing in series as the HFD is only one in several themed series .. quite a prolific writer …. worth a gander if you’ve never heard of him ….

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 2, 2024 3:10 pm

Jerome Powell on Stagflation

“I don’t see the ‘stag’ or the ‘-flation’,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said during his Wednesday address.

Powell believed inflation would be “transitory.” He believed that the economy would come down for a “soft landing.” He believed we would enter the year and see numerous cuts due to waning inflation coming closer to the fictional 2% target. Yet again, Chairman Jerome Powell has missed the mark on stagflation.

If you really look at it, objectively, interest rates always rise during boom periods, and they decline during recessions and depressions. We will see increased inflation, probably into 2028 caused by shortages and war. But you’re looking at a declining economic growth, so that ends up being more like the economy of the 1970s, and you’re looking at what we call “Stagflation” where the inflation rate will be higher than economic growth.

May 2, 2024 3:14 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare

May 2, 2024 9:57 am

I put this up on CL’s site on a thread about ‘diversity’ hires, with regard to such hires in TV dramas made recently.

I was looking forward to Gentleman in Moscow set during the rise of the soviets.

They have several black actors purporting to be Russian in positions of power. I found it so disgusting I looked it up on the web.

Why does the show “A Gentleman in Moscow” cast black actors for Russian characters?

Creative Interpretation: One possible reason for casting black actors in Russian roles could be a creative interpretation of the source material. Expanded Character Backgrounds: Challenging Historical Accuracy: It is worth noting that historical accuracy in casting can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to representing diverse populations in a specific time and place.

I stopped watching it because I actually find this level of woke-ism objectionable.

Last edited 4 months ago by JC
May 2, 2024 3:17 pm

I don’t know why Credlin is surprised that the SFL are where they are. Her husband ably assisted them. Never try to be all things to all people, you’ll end up being nothing to anyone. Have basic policy and don’t vary. The tweaky bits really don’t matter. No need to insult your opposition just don’t accept them insulting you. You don’t need to kick them when their down, just don’t give them a hand up.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 3:18 pm

For music fans, Duane Eddy is brown bread.

Likewise ELO’s keyboard player.

Richard Tandy dead: Electric Light Orchestra keyboardist dies aged 76 as Jeff Lynne pays tribute to ‘dear friend’ (1 May)

I liked Mr Eddy’s stuff but I didn’t buy any of his LPs. Had several ELO ones though. Rockers are dying of old age, it’s sad, especially when modern music is such rubbish. Vale Mr Eddy and Mr Tandy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 2, 2024 3:31 pm

Dr F

The Balkanization of Australia – which is essentially a ‘boiling frog’ issue for all but the older cohort of Australians – is only relevant to our ‘leaders’ if it sits inside the near-term political headlights. Which Islam clearly does; but other blocs don’t. Yet.

The Mueslis might be making their move a bit soon, we can but hope.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 3:35 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 3:18 pm

Rockers are dying of old age, it’s sad, especially
when modern music is such rubbish. Vale Mr Eddy and Mr Tandy.

I call it muck.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 3:45 pm

It is fun watching young people react to old school music

‘RUSSIAN Reacts to Men at Work “Down Under” | FIRST TIME HEARING

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 2, 2024 3:48 pm

Steve trickler
 May 2, 2024 3:35 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 3:18 pm

Rockers are dying of old age, it’s sad, especially
when modern music is such rubbish. Vale Mr Eddy and Mr Tandy.

I call it muck.

Yes and Rap Music is really CRap Music.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 3:52 pm

Only early afternoon, but I think these need a run.

The Art of Noise featuring Duane Eddy – Peter Gunn (1959/1986)

Electric Light Orchestra – Here Is the News (1981)

May 2, 2024 3:55 pm

H B Bear

May 2, 2024 3:49 pm

Reply to  Boambee John

France is at the coal face, with the UK close behind. Outside Sydney, and to a lesser extent Melbourne I’m not sure it is really a political focus in Australia just yet. I may be wrong.

I wouldn’t count out the frogs. The frogs have a very quick temper, and once it’s lit, they won’t stop. The next election will likely be the fuse as Le Pen will likely win.

local oaf
May 2, 2024 4:12 pm

“I liked Mr Eddy’s stuff but I didn’t buy any of his LPs.”

The Twang’s the Thang!

My older brother had that album of Duane’s – great stuff in 1962 🙂

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 2, 2024 4:23 pm

This is going to be a running sore for Elbow’s so-called government right up into election time:

A former detainee will front a Perth court this afternoon charged with failing to comply with his visa conditions, amid mounting criticism of the Albanese government’s handling of the immigration detention crisis.

The Burundi-born man was charged with five counts of failing to comply with his curfew and one count of neglecting to maintain a monitoring device, both of which were required under his visa conditions.

The 42-year-old man was arrested in Perth on Wednesday and is expected to front the Midland Magistrates Court today, according to the Australian Federal Police.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 4:37 pm

Johnny Rotten
 May 2, 2024 3:48 pm

Steve trickler
 May 2, 2024 3:35 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 3:18 pm
Rockers are dying of old age, it’s sad, especially
when modern music is such rubbish. Vale Mr Eddy and Mr Tandy.
I call it muck.
Yes and Rap Music is really CRap Music.

 Reply, not at all. Kool Kieth is cool.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 2, 2024 4:50 pm

Top Ender
 May 2, 2024 4:23 pm

This is going to be a running sore for Elbow’s so-called government right up into election time:

One of many, many, many thousands and thousands. And who let them all in? What points score did they all have to add value to Australia?

C’mon down Tennis Elbow/ScoMo/TurnBullShite/Gizzard/KRudd. (I left Abbott out)

Please explain to the Australian Public.

And Elbow, what are you going to do about it? Sweet FA I bet.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 5:00 pm


I class this as comedy.

Kool Keith – Operation Extortion

May 2, 2024 5:04 pm

 May 2, 2024 1:23 pm

Cohenite, I draw to your attention The Eve of St. Agnes, by Keats. I once described it to my poetry tutor as soft core porn for Victorian maiden ladies. It is set in a mediaeval castle, but unfortunately Keats knows bugger all about mediaeval castles.

You really are an old curmudgeon aren’t you. You say there were no coloured glass in medieval castles so Poor Porphyro could not see the colours of the rainbow covering his love. Coloured and stained glass began in the 11th century but you miss the point. The colours are not physical but symbolise transcendence, the dominant theme of the Romantics.

And this:

Altogether, the poem is sentimental drivel and not untypical of the romantics. That’s where the preference for feelz over facts came from.

There’s nothing sentimental about it at all and the narrative metre of the poem is nonpareil. As I said before the Romantics were concerned with the potential of humanity whether through poetry/art, love or with Byron and Shelly utopia and idealised nature with Coleridge.

The 2 lovers, Porphyro and Madeline are not escaping bestial relatives but the constraints of the current state of reality through imagination and controlled passion.

Now go and read your latest copy of Stogie Monthly.

May 2, 2024 5:32 pm

Cohenite I think stogie is spelt stoogie.

May 2, 2024 5:33 pm

Guests on ABC RN were just seriously discussing the idea of elevating journalism to a public good on the same level as roads and powerlines and funding it accordingly.

Why don’t we ask the taxpayer what they’d be willing to pay for the ABC’s journalism?

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
May 2, 2024 5:43 pm

This Civic Circles movement focused on establishing community organizations across the nation to bring people together in grassroots civic action, volunteer work, and education in practical self-governance. Its chapters of local volunteers collected trash, and helped with childcare. They founded new parallel educational and media institutions, and provided forums for intellectual discussion. They promoted art and culture that celebrated national pride and conservative values, and served as a patronage network to help launch promising young talent throughout society.

May 2, 2024 5:53 pm

Another one!!!

Another former detainee arrested, charged with failing to keep monitoring device in working order (

I’m beginning to think these people can’t be trusted.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 5:55 pm

I never knew what the Doomlord saw in Andrew Leigh. He’s a cut-and-paste Labor liar.

Australians ‘paying too much’ for beer because of ‘duopoly’ (Sky News, 2 May)

Assistant Competition, Charities and Treasury Minister Andrew Leigh has discussed the beer “duopoly” with Australians paying “too much” for the alcohol.

No son, Australians are paying too much for beer because of a monopoly, not a duopoly. A monopoly of government. You.

The excise on a pint will increase to about 90 cents, and the tax on a $55 carton of beer will exceed $20 plus GST.

Australians are paying a frigging $20 in excise out of $55 for a slab, then paying another 10% GST on top of that. Amazing. And he’s blaming the brewers for this? Where does Labor get these mendacious nitwits from?

‘Shocking to see’: $15 pints to become new normal (19 Jan)

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 2, 2024 6:01 pm

In Vicious Legal Infighting and Virtue-Signalling News:

A proposal for mandatory Indigenous cultural awareness training has caused a stir amongst Victorian barristers after the Bar Council told the Yoorrook Justice Commission about a series of initiatives to support barristers who “identify as Indigenous” including subsidised chambers rent and waiving a $7000 admissions fee.

An email circulating amongst barristers on Tuesday afternoon criticised the Victorian Bar Council for touting the initiatives that “have not been costed nor put to members for consultation”.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission, described as Australia’s first “truth-telling” body, is charting Victoria’s road map towards an Indigenous treaty, and has been tasked with investigating and creating a public record of injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the state.

King & Wood Mallesons lawyers acting for Yoorrook penned a letter to Bar President Georgina Schoff KC in early March requesting the Bar provide a response in relation to initiatives encouraging Indigenous cultural awareness and supporting Aboriginal barristers.

A 19-page response was sent to Bar councillors for a vote last month, indicating that the Bar is considering “including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness training as a mandatory requirement of continuing professional development for practising legal practitioners.”

The response said the Bar was collaborating with the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner on an “an Indigenous cultural capability training project” with aims to improve “the quality of legal services provided to Indigenous clients by barristers” and boost “barristers’ understanding, skills and confidence to engage with Indigenous peoples in a holistic, culturally safe and effective way.”

It also said the Readers’ Course – a compulsory program for barristers joining the Bar – had incorporated “dedicated and recognised training” in Indigenous cultural competency, as per recommendations made as part of an inquest into the death of Yorta Yorta woman Veronica Nelson in custody in early 2020.

Barristers who “identify as Indigenous” can have the $7000 fee associated with the Readers’ Course waived, the response stated.

“In 2022 and 2023, the Bar waived the fee for three Indigenous Readers who completed the Readers’ Course and were provided information about subsidies and financial support available for Indigenous people at the Bar,” it reads.

Indigenous barristers can also receive subsidised rent for chambers “for the first twelve months after they leave their mentor’s chambers at the conclusion of their Reading period.”

But barristers last month raised serious concerns about the way in which the Bar responded to the Yoorrook request.

Bar councillor Mark Robins KC sent an email to council members saying he was “troubled by responding to interrogatories as to matters, both past, present and future, which interrogatories extend well beyond a power to request document production.”

As such, he chose to abstain from a vote on whether the Bar’s response should be given to Yoorrook.

Lana Collaris, on the same email thread, said she was concerned that two councillors who had been briefed by the State of Victoria in the Yoorrook Justice Commission may be conflicted in voting on the response, but her concerns were not discussed further.

The Bar Council ultimately voted in favour of the response being provided to Yoorrook.

Days later, Ms Collaris sent an email to a separate group of barristers raising further issues about the Bar’s response to Yoorrook.

“The response promises a range of initiatives that have not been costed nor put to members for consultation and was provided to Yoorrook in circumstances where it was unnecessary to do so,” she wrote.

Oz complete article – no comments allowed of course

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 6:02 pm

Another former detainee arrested, charged with failing to keep monitoring device in working order

The government is working INCREDIBLY HARD on this problem. Andrew Charlton told me so, so it must be true.

Govt working ‘incredibly hard’ to ensure community safety amid scrutiny over detainee debacle (Sky News, 2 May)

Labor MP Andrew Charlton says the government is working “incredibly hard” across a whole range of fronts to ensure community safety.  … “The government is working incredibly hard to ensure that the consequence of the High Court’s decision to have these detainees released results in a situation of community safety.”

I’m finding it incredibly hard to believe Mr Charlton. Indeed “incredible” is a word that immediately comes to mind.

May 2, 2024 6:03 pm

Where does Labor get these mendacious nitwits from?

In Leigh’s case the Economics dept at ANU.

May 2, 2024 6:06 pm

‘Shocking to see’: $15 pints to become new normal (19 Jan)

Won’t bother me, I drink champagne and droplets from the fevered brows of maidens.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 2, 2024 6:09 pm

Bruce of Newcastle

 May 2, 2024 3:52 pm

Only early afternoon, but I think these need a run.

I’ll see your ELO and raise you this …

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 2, 2024 6:13 pm

Labor MP Andrew Charlton says the government is working “incredibly hard” across a whole range of fronts to ensure community safety. … “The government is working incredibly hard to ensure that the consequence of the High Court’s decision to have these detainees released results in a situation of community safety.”

The High Court case was about a single named individual. The government chose to expand the ambit of the decision to almost 250 others.

On their heads be it.

May 2, 2024 6:14 pm

UCLA protest … live

third dispersal order

sky news

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 2, 2024 6:14 pm

Not nice, not polite, but not racist: Hanson’s lawyer defends tweetA tweet telling Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi to “piss off back to Pakistan” was “not nice” but it did not fall foul of racial discrimination laws, Pauline Hanson’s lawyer says.

May 2, 2024 6:18 pm

Listened to a podcast this morning. In order to get AI up and running in the US, the country will need 6 times more electricity than current consumption by the mid 30s or earlier. The dude who created Chat GPT (forget his name) reckons electricity will become a currency.
This means the poor are going to get royally screwed because massive demand will favor allocation to those that can pay the most. For the past 30 years, we’ve been told nuclear is evil and we need to go with renewballs. This lot should be treated like vermin.

May 2, 2024 6:24 pm

 and droplets from the fevered brows of maidens.

That sounds like they could be crook, don’t catch anything too nasty.

May 2, 2024 6:29 pm

try this one … UCLA link

Last edited 4 months ago by MatrixTransform
May 2, 2024 6:30 pm
May 2, 2024 6:38 pm

Professor Tim Wilson. Very short clip. There is something ominous about the whole situation.

why is the Daily Mail publishing nasty speculation about the Princess of Wales?

One of the comments –

Maybe they are setting the stage for another permanent disappearance to another Princess. The media and RF are evil.

Oh, and the other thing they’re all saying now is that Kate just loves to swim in cold water even in the dark. Just imagine.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 2, 2024 6:41 pm

Won’t bother me, I drink champagne and droplets from the fevered brows of maidens

I thought droplets from the fevered brows of maidens was champagne.

May 2, 2024 6:44 pm

just search twitter and youtube … UCLA live

they’re kicking off

May 2, 2024 6:47 pm

try this then … abc7 live … they have a helicopter

Last edited 4 months ago by MatrixTransform
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 2, 2024 6:56 pm

“Neurofen will change the gender pain gap”. Advertising copy!
I think we’re into the realms of fantasy now. As Captain Mainwaring used to say, when things were way past the realms of fantasy.

May 2, 2024 6:56 pm

If Trump wins what is the most likely scenario for crude?
We all think it’ll be “drill baby drill” and the price will drop, as well as a resolution in Ukraine. (Hopefully)
What’s the word out there?

A lot of canola planted this year and because so much of it gets used for biodiesel globally the crude price can have a big influence on what the farmer gets, or doesn’t get.

May 2, 2024 6:56 pm

ELO triggered me

You gotta get up in the morning, take your heavy load

And you gotta keep goin’ down the long black road

long black road (albo’s song …)

May 2, 2024 7:02 pm

 May 2, 2024 6:12 pm

 Reply to  cohenite
Maidens or tannies?

To assist you in your confusion a cute owl.

May 2, 2024 7:03 pm

Those Nurofen ads are a hoot.

Girls, have you never heard of a Supermarket or Chemist, where you can get pain relief medication? Are you so DUMB that you can’t purchase and take a tablet?

Pity help these silly buggers when they front up to give birth.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 2, 2024 7:05 pm

To assist you in your confusion a cute owl.

Criminy jeepers.

I am confident that’s actually Mr Hungary 1974.

May 2, 2024 7:05 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
May 2, 2024 6:24 pm

Not really into opera unless there are swords and stuff.

Or, since I’ve been doing it just now, beer.

Carlton Beer Draught – It´s a BIG Ad (2005)

Watching that ad and just after that, an André Rieu piece came up with Carmina Burana ~ O Fortuna | Carl Orffvery nice but you couldn’t miss a couple of trans singers pretending to be woman.

May 2, 2024 7:08 pm

Just watching Bolt on Sky. He’s put up some photos of a bearded Rudd.

The guy is Claude Greengrass’s less attractive twin!

May 2, 2024 7:14 pm

I see Charlton is another ‘doctor’. Why are PhDs at Oxford DPhil-pretentiousness? Went to Knox too I see- what is it about leftists and snotty nosed skools?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 2, 2024 7:32 pm

Surprise, surprise! Bolt highlights the elevation of Ant Lowenstein, someone who featured regularly in conversations past, particularly on Catallaxy Files.
It seems young Ant is now a high profile champion of what the ABC stands for.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 7:37 pm

Good stuff from Cleetus.

I can already envisage HeavyD flying in with his Blackhawck

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 7:46 pm


So… We Bought an Airport

May 2, 2024 7:55 pm

The dim, distant past … when men were men and beer ads were funny

Fosters at the Ballet
Bud light at the Opera

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 2, 2024 8:06 pm


Black hawk.

May 2, 2024 8:24 pm

Its good to see Albanese has garnered global coverage

May 2, 2024 8:31 pm

Chubb, the insurer of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, is preparing to make a $350 million payout to Maryland, the upper limit of the state’s coverage for the structure.

That’s left a mark.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 2, 2024 9:01 pm

Reading Brian VanDenMarks “Road to Disaster – A New History of America’s Descent into Vietnam.”

As the first U.S. Marines landed at Danang, in 1965 “Danang’s mayor had mobilized a bevy of pretty young Vietnamese women wearing close-fitting silk ao dai tunics who showered the newcomers with garlands of yellow dahlias and red gladiolas. Spectators silently watched the spectacle beneath darkening skies. An elderly Vietnamese villager muttered “Ah, the French are back.” (Page 273.) Good reading.

May 2, 2024 9:14 pm


If Trump wins what is the most likely scenario for crude?

We all think it’ll be “drill baby drill” and the price will drop, as well as a resolution in Ukraine. (Hopefully)

What’s the word out there?A lot of canola planted this year and because so much of it gets used for biodiesel globally the crude price can have a big influence on what the farmer gets, or doesn’t get.

Sure Bush. He would dismantle all the crap introduced by this criminal enterprise of an administration. One of best things the US could for the world is increase energy supplies and cause prices to move lower. He’d also remove the bans on the Keystone pipeline, which vital for getting supplies to the eastern seaboard.

Modular nuclear is also something that we will see in the nest term.

May 2, 2024 9:23 pm

I’m not a magpie, Bespoke. 🙂

May 2, 2024 9:27 pm

One other thing. I believe a world with cheap oil&gas is potentially a safer world as it brings the producers like the mideast, Russia etc back earth. Trump’s oil policy was sending the Iranian arseholes into financial Armageddon.

May 2, 2024 9:34 pm

It’s true.

Mr Elston’s tweet linked to a February Daily Mail article which made reference to Cook’s use of private social media accounts to post material relating to bestiality, public nudity, bondage parties and transgender orgies, as well as the transgender activist’s contribution to a 2022 paper in the International Journal of Transgender health, which found transgender people were more likely to enjoy sex while “using illicit drugs.”

“This woman (yes, she’s female), is part of a panel of 20 ‘experts’ hired by the @WHO to draft their policy on caring for ‘trans people.’ People who belong in psychiatric wards are writing the guidelines for people who belong in psychiatric wards,“ Mr Elston’s tweet read.

Last edited 4 months ago by JC
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 2, 2024 9:47 pm

EXCLUSIVEThe eye-wateringly high legal bill the former Seven staffer who blew up the Bruce Lehrmann trial wants the rapist to pay

  • Taylor Auerbach charged Bruce Lehrmann and Network Ten 
  • In court, Justice Lee said: ‘That ain’t gonna happen’ when referring to the amount claimed from Ten
Oh come on
Oh come on
May 2, 2024 10:06 pm

He holds the white sign in his right hand, while his left pulls a buggy with two children in it. 

Alongside him, his partner also holds a sign. Their children each have signs of their own.

In red letters his sign reads: REAL MEN RESPECT ALL WOMEN. Below it in black font: BE BETTER MY DUDES. 


No, literally. The likelihood that this male achieves gratification by watching his ‘partner’ being pleasured by a person who isn’t (or people who don’t include) him is very high relative to the mean.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 2, 2024 10:07 pm

Mexico news (the Courier-Mail):

Concerns are growing for two Australian brothers who have gone missing while on a surfing and camping trio in northern Mexico.

Jake and Callum Robinson, both aged in their 30s and from Perth, are believed to have gone missing in the Baja California region, near Ensenada, The West Australian reports.

The siblings failed to arrive at their holiday accommodation in the city of Rosarito four days ago.

They’re okay. They’ll just be having a sleep, with a dirt blanket.

Lacrosse Australia has also spread the word about the missing brothers.

Ah. Nothing to see here. Move along.

May 2, 2024 10:07 pm

I can’t remember where but I recently heard that Keystone may not go ahead regardless now. (It might have been here)

You can’t count the ways the US is suffering under this administration. The Bidency.

May 2, 2024 10:33 pm
Last edited 4 months ago by Indolent
May 2, 2024 10:35 pm
Black Ball
Black Ball
May 2, 2024 10:36 pm

Good Lord. 30 year reunion next year and on Facebook there are bulk pics of us as younger members of the community. And it’s absolutely fantastic.
Fair to say bulk piss will be sank just as it was 10 years ago. Which is the only time I get to see these stars I grew up with. Excited already

May 2, 2024 10:40 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 3, 2024 12:42 am

Interesting character. At least he is honest about himself …. big mistakes made.


Spanian Uncut: Raw interview with criminal turned social media star | 2GB Sydney

  1. Those aren’t the difficult lessons here, Makka. It isn’t DEI preventing the USN regaining control of the Red Sea. It…

  2. Interesting article from two points of view. 1) Aussie Dr Phil Nitschke, who at one stage was working in…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x