Open Thread – Weekend 4 May 2024

Reading, Julius LeBlanc Stewart, 1884

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Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 4, 2024 5:14 pm

Saturday afternoon/evening early music –

New Order – 1963

May 4, 2024 5:18 pm

It would have been out of the question once appoint a mediocrity like Scott as VC at Sydney Uni. I thought a VC was meant to have a record of high achievement as a scholar. Scott’s achievements maybe escaping the blame for Metherell’s ejucashun reforms?

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 5, 2024 1:44 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

He was also the head of the Marxist pervert worker soviet at the ABC.

May 4, 2024 5:21 pm

I thought a VC was meant to have a record of high achievement as a scholar.

That world – along with respect for disinterested scholarship in the pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness – is long gone, milt.

Last edited 9 months ago by Roger
H B Bear
H B Bear
May 4, 2024 5:30 pm
Reply to  Roger

They are management, which 99% of the time means managing people. Disputes dont get much more petty than academics. Actually the ALPBC would be a useful background being full of Marxists AND prima donnas.

May 4, 2024 5:45 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

And PR, attracting funding.

A “name” like Scott with his government connections would be ideal in that respect.

May 4, 2024 6:22 pm
Reply to  Roger

Ability is a second or third consideration, connections are driving all these appointments,

May 4, 2024 5:22 pm



I’m moving to Mars.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:01 pm
Reply to  cohenite

That a lot of entertainment at half time at the footy.
ps – the motorcycle rider is that the type of girl who would be attracted to me – I am a English literature critic

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 4, 2024 5:28 pm

I’d love to be a fly on the wall with Scott’s appointment. Wouldn’t have thought it would be too rigorous

May 4, 2024 5:33 pm

Not too familiar with Sydney Uni VCs but I know Scott wouldn’t be fit to tie someone like Sir Phillip Baxter’s shoelaces.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 4, 2024 6:37 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

I am familiar with them from past times. They are not scholars these days. That all ended earlier in this millennium.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 5:33 pm

Saturday afternoon/evening early music

Jumping the gun Mr Rotten! Rabz’s radio show is up later.

Meanwhile your namesake has been stirring the pot again.

John Lydon asked to leave Loose Women after F-bomb slip-up on air (1 May)

Loose Women viewers were treated to special guest John Lydon who joined fellow panellists Janet Street-Porter, Coleen Nolan and Brenda Edwards. He discussed his personal life from the grief of losing his wife Nora Forster and his upcoming tour.

But just seconds into his appearance on the programme the rock musician admitted he didn’t want to “F up on live television” in a candid admission. …

Viewers flocked to comment as @Hawaii_Fife_0: “Say what you want about ‘Jonny Rotten,’ he’s had a full and colourful life to date #loosewomen.”

The Sex Pistols were all about loose women and F bombs. After a lifetime of that I can imagine it’d be hard to keep it sanitary on television…

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 4, 2024 5:51 pm

He got himself banned by the BBC years ago for daring to tell the truth that everybody in the business knew, but no one wanted to admit, about Jimmy Savile.

May 4, 2024 5:41 pm

At times it is difficult to know into which category certain people fit. For example, my father is a Fabian socialist who went to Sydney University in the late sixties. He seems, in some ways, not completely stupid, but is completely fixed in his ideology, which would have him in the gulag if it were ever seriously implemented. Sometimes I think he might have been just enamoured of some hot bird in the Fabian society.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:06 pm
Reply to  Hugh

Huge – miraculous – you are so normal and decent – are you a rebel from brave new world?

Cassie of Sydney
May 4, 2024 6:02 pm

but there is no way Prosciutto will be making any waves if he gets into the big chair.

Yes, IF elected he’ll be in the same vein as former premier Ted Baillieu, that unlamented Marshmallow character from South Australia, and Fatty O’Farrell, Mickey Baird, Gladys and Parrothead here in NSW.

I also expect Crisafulli in QLD to be the same.

They are ALL pathetic.

May 4, 2024 6:13 pm

Crisafuli and the LNP voted for truth telling and treaty in QLD.

The Voice result came as a great surprise to them – that’s how disconnected they are from their constituencies.

May 4, 2024 6:28 pm
Reply to  Roger

So what use are their advisors when they don’t provide any useful input? Even if the MP is too busy in parliament the staffers are supposed to interact with the voters and provide background.

May 4, 2024 6:08 pm

Sometimes I think he might have been just enamoured of some hot bird in the Fabian society.
I remember some pathetic diminutive scrawny wretch saying he was in the Libertarian society so he could root Germaine Greer. My only comment was I hope he had a ladder.

May 4, 2024 6:11 pm

In directly refusing to condemn anti-Semitism on Australian campuses this week, the nation’s universities have passively accepted the hate speech that is a feature of the pro-Palestine, pro-Hamas rallies.

These are the creme de la creme of our intelligentsia yet they cannot see what they are doing is mirroring what their predecessors have vowed must never happen again. Events like this make me doubt the theory that humanity is always progressing.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 5, 2024 1:47 pm
Reply to  Crossie

If your young relatives are interested in the humanities, give them a prospectus for Campion College.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 4, 2024 6:17 pm

Petition urging review of tough new firearm laws attracts record number of signatures for WA ParliamentJake DietschThe West Australian
Sat, 4 May 2024 2:39PM


More than 30,000 people have signed a petition blasting WA’s tough new firearm laws. Credit: WA Police

More than 30,000 people have signed a petition blasting WA’s tough new firearm laws, shattering the record set during an ultimately successful campaign to repeal the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act.
The document, launched by former Shooters and Fishers MLC Rick Mazza and facilitated by conservative Liberal MLC Nick Goiran, has attracted 31,076 ahead of its closure on Monday.
That means it breaks the 29,714-signature record set by a 2023 petition calling for the delay of the ACHA.
Premier Roger Cook, who had been in the top job for just two days when that petition was launched, initially dismissed it in parliament; saying “I thought it was a proper petition. It is just an e-petition, is it?”

Bruce in WA
May 4, 2024 7:05 pm

Sadly, they will steamroll right over those 31 000 signatories because they are desperate for some … any … “victory”.

May 4, 2024 6:19 pm

Events like this make me doubt the theory that humanity is always progressing.


It’s a progressive dogma that should be discarded.

May 4, 2024 7:41 pm
Reply to  Roger

There dilution is in thinking progress is linear not the belief in progress, Roger.

May 4, 2024 6:19 pm

There is no confidence that Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles and Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil will keep the people safe.

Just think, a blonde ditz has been given the super-ministry of Home Affairs which used to be handled by Peter Dutton, a former policeman, who knew what the job entailed, Clare O’Neil is not even in the same universe.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:11 pm
Reply to  Crossie

whats her past – her gig – she’s not a blonde – no one in labor is blonde.

May 4, 2024 10:12 pm
Reply to  Crossie

Factions at work….

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 6:24 pm

Jocks rule!

College Fraternities Rise Up Against Marxist Protesters Chanting For ‘Socialist Takeover Of America’ (4 May)

However, out of all this chaos this week, there was a glimmer of hope as fraternities at universities stood up to protect Old Glory. 

The most notable were the boys at Pi Kappa Phi at UNC – who protected Old Glory from protesters. The boys turned around and raised $500,000 on GoFundMe to throw an epic rager for their heroic patriotic duties. 

The smelly lefties have some competition! I’ll see if this one pastes, it’s Lucianne’s cartoon of the day:

comment image

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 6:25 pm

Alas no, but it’s a great toon!

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 4, 2024 8:09 pm

Showed for me.

May 4, 2024 6:29 pm

Oh Lord O’Neil was a ‘manager’ at McKinsey’s.

May 4, 2024 6:51 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

The damage O’Neil has done to Australia in her short tenure in the ministry really is of Whitlamesque proportions.

May 4, 2024 6:56 pm
Reply to  Roger

Dregs of the middle class. More dregs of the upper middle class really. That foul trio have an aristocratic demeanor.

May 4, 2024 6:45 pm

“These are the crème de la crème of the intelligensia”.

Crème de la crème. Hardly. Going to University these days is not what it used to be in the earlier decades when it was for the intelligensia Anyone can get in nowadays, barely able to speak English – they want the money. Combine that with the propaganda and brainwashing in Arts, Media, Social Science departments and it explains a lot.

May 4, 2024 6:48 pm

Those hiya ‘degrees’- Grad Cert/Grad Dip/Masters are for sale imo. Pay your money and you’ll get your cert/dip/degree.

May 4, 2024 6:51 pm

Remember the soft marking scandal at Wollongong Uni. As Perfesser Marvin said in The History Man, ‘we have a very high standard of nothingness’.

May 4, 2024 6:56 pm

Of cause the DV fuss is a distraction squirrel.

But it was brilliantly planned and implemented.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 7:02 pm
Reply to  bons

Distraction squirrels can cause your appendages to drop off.

In medieval England, leprosy spread between red squirrels and people, genome evidence shows (, 3 May)

Last edited 9 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 7:02 pm

The intelligentsia believe in the dogma of human progress.

That makes them very dangerous.

See the Russian revolution, for example, and just about every modern revolution.

May 4, 2024 7:05 pm

I recall from reading Robert Conquest that the very word ‘intelligentsia’ was coined by the Bolsheviks.

May 4, 2024 7:06 pm

Grate – no radio thread at the scheduled time. 🙁

May 4, 2024 7:28 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Locked, loaded, misfire!

May 4, 2024 7:08 pm

Coined in Poland, taken up by the Bolshies according to Wikipedia.

May 4, 2024 7:19 pm

The intelligentsia

There is no such thing. If there was, humanity wouldn’t be devolving at the rate it is.

May 4, 2024 7:22 pm

You can despise or love Putin and yet still think it’s idiotic to be unnecessarily drawn into a conflict that will destroy your country.

You made this claim.

Looks like the attempt to open a second front via Georgia by the GAE failed this week,

This second front is 80% of the Georgian people want to distance themselves from Russia no matter what nonsense you spout about a second, third or even fourth front. This is something you can’t even bare thinking about because it’s anti-Putin.

They would be unnecessarily drawn into a conflict means the Georgian people should simply lay down and what, think of England?

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:16 pm
Reply to  JC

Given what happened in Armenia what are the Georgians really thinking.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 7:29 pm

Grate – no radio thread at the scheduled time.

Ah well. I was keeping this for the Radio Show, but in absence it might make our muso Cats happy. Like as being in a candy shop full of Fenders.

New chapter for Musos Corner (Ncl local news, 3 May)

It’s excellent news. Any Ncl denizen will’ve seen the Muso’s Corner ads on television. The shop is amazing, you have to look at the vid in the news item. Ax heaven!

May 4, 2024 7:47 pm

The Sex Pistols were all about loose women and F bombs

The Pistols singlehandedly derailed the monstrous bland disco and MOR shitegeist of the seventies. I witnessed it happening in real time on the 10 inch B&W tellie in my best friend’s parents’ kitchen, circa ’78.

It was then that I realised there was more to contemporary music than Jilly Bowl and Chris Cross and all the other excruciating MOR shite we were being shovelled by 12 inch flares wearing coke and syphilis addled Californian A&R deadsh*ts.

One of the greatest revelations of my life, Cats. 🙂

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:33 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Ha- mor , Californian a&r .
great record but I did think at the time where do these people come from .

Bruce in WA
May 4, 2024 10:05 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Holy shit … what drugs were you on? Cacophonous expletive-laden squawking masquerading as “music”? Yeah, nah!

May 4, 2024 7:52 pm

BoN, NKP, 8:00pm, hopefullee. 🙂

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 8:06 pm
Reply to  Rabz


May 4, 2024 7:53 pm

11 deadliest spiders: no 3:

Brazilian wandering spider
© phototrip/iStock/Getty Images
Commonly referred to as armed spiders or banana spiders (as they tend to be found hiding within shipments of bananas), the Brazilian wandering spider is one that you’ll definitely want to avoid. They belong to the genus Phoneutria, Greek for “murderess,” which is quite apt as they are one of the most venomous spiders on Earth.

This arachnid is aggressive, and rather than camping out, the Brazilian wandering spider actively hunts its prey, searching the jungle floor at night. If you ever find yourself in Central and South America, such as Costa Rica or Argentina, watch out! Their neurotoxic venom is extremely painful and affects the nervous system, causing increased sweating and drooling, loss of muscle control, breathing problems, and, in some cases, unwanted prolonged erections.

I am currently organising a shipment of them to Australia.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:36 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Drinking beer on Saturday morning does this – it’s physically draining

May 4, 2024 7:53 pm

Sure, but so what? The fact is you find most of the news and analysis in these mastheads typically supporting the power interests behind the mastheads.

I don’t limit my reading to just well known mastheads whereas you appear to limit your reading to a couple of anon Twitter accounts. I found it amusing that Taurus the Warlord actually linked to an Iranian vid showing everything was supposedly calm. The vid as fake news. Even though he was shown clear evidence it was bullshit Taurus couldn’t bring himself to make a correction.

 There is plenty of opinion in Russia critical of Putin.
Here’s a list of oligarchs dying in mysterious circumstances since the Ukraine annexation attempt.
 This list is incomplete.

Under Putin (2000–2008; incl. 2nd Chechen conflict)2000–2002comment image
Anna Politkovskaya was assassinated at her home in Moscow on 7 October 2006.

  • 1 February – Vladimir Yatsina, a photocorrespondent with ITAR-TASS. On his first and only trip to Chechnya he was kidnapped and later killed (by a group of Wahhabis some suggest).[82] Homicide [J].
  • 10 February – Ludmila Zamana, Samara. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 9 March – Artyom Borovik, Sovershenno sekretno periodical and publishing house, director and journalist. Sheremetyevo-1 Airport, Moscow. Incident not confirmed [?J].
  • 22 March – Luisa Arzhieva, correspondent for Istina mira newspaper (Moscow). Avtury, Chechnya. Crossfire [?J].
  • 17 April – Oleg Polukeyev, Homicide.
  • 1 May – Boris Gashev, literary critic. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 13 May – Alexander Yefremov, Chechnya. A photojournalist with west Siberian newspaper Nashe Vremya, he died when militants blew up a military jeep in which he was travelling. On previous assignments, Yefremov received positive attention for his news photographs from the war-torn region. Crossfire [J].
  • 16 July – Igor Domnikov, from Novaya Gazeta, Moscow. Struck over the head with a hammer in the stairwell of his Moscow apartment building, Domnikov was in a coma for two months. His murderer was identified in 2003 and convicted in 2007.[83] The men who ordered and organised the attack have been named by his paper but not charged. Homicide [J].
  • 26 July – Sergei Novikov, Radio Vesna, Smolensk. Shot in a contract killing in stairwell of his apartment building. Claimed that he often criticized the administration of Smolensk Region. Homicide [?J].
  • 21 September – Iskander Khatloni, Radio Free Europe, Moscow. A native of Tajikistan, Khatloni was killed at night in an axe attack on the street outside his Moscow apartment block. His assailant and the motive of the murder remain unknown. A RFE/RL spokeswoman said Khatloni worked on stories about the human-rights abuses in Chechnya.[84] Homicide [nJ].
  • 3 October – Sergei Ivanov, Lada-TV, Tolyatti. Shot five times in the head and chest in front of his apartment building. As director of largest independent television company in Tolyatti, he was an important player on the local political scene.[85] Homicide. Gang responsible on trial [nJ].
  • 18 October – Georgy Garibyan, journalist with Park TV (Rostov), murdered in Rostov-on-Don [nJ].
  • 20 October – Oleg Goryansky, freelance journalist, press & TV. Murdered in Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast. Conviction [nJ].
  • 21 October – Raif Ablyashev, photographer with Iskra newspaper. Kungur, Perm Krai. Homicide [nJ].
  • 3 November – Sergei Loginov, Lada TV (Tolyatti). Incident not confirmed [nJ].
  • 20 November – Pavel Asaulchenko, cameraman for Austrian TV, Moscow. Contract killing. Conviction of perpetrator [nJ].
  • 23 November – Adam Tepsurkayev, Reuters, Chechnya. A Chechen cameraman, he was shot at his neighbour’s house in the village of Alkhan-Kala (aka Yermolovka). Tepsurkayev filmed most of Reuters’ footage from Chechnya in 2000, including the Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev having his foot amputated. Homicide (war crime) [J].
  • 28 November – Nikolai Karmanov, retired journalist. Lyubim, Yaroslavl Oblast. Homicide [nJ].
  • 23 December – Valery Kondakov, freelance photographer. Killed in Armavir, Krasnodar Krai [nJ].


  • 1 February – Eduard Burmagin, Homicide.
  • 24 February – Leonid Grigoryev, Homicide [nJ].
  • 8 March – Andrei Pivovarov, Homicide.
  • 31 March – Oleg Dolgantsev, Homicide [nJ].
  • 17 May – Vladimir Kirsanov,[87] chief editor. Kurgan. Homicide [J].
  • 2 June – Victor Popkov, Novaya gazeta contributore, died in Moscow Region hospital. Wounded in Chechnya two months earlier. Crossfire [J].
  • 11 September – Andrei Sheiko, Homicide [nJ].
  • 19 September – Eduard Markevich, 29, editor and publisher of local newspaper Novy Reft in Sverdlovsk Oblast. Shot in the back[87] in a contract killing, homicide [J].
  • 5 November – Elina Voronova, Homicide [nJ].
  • 16 November – Oleg Vedenin, Homicide.
  • 21 November – Alexander Babaikin, Homicide [nJ].
  • 1 December – Boris Mityurev, Homicide.


  • 18 January – Svetlana Makarenko, Homicide.
  • 4 March – Konstantin Pogodin, Novoye Delo newspaper, Nizhny Novgorod. Homicide.
  • 8 March – Natalya Skryl, Nashe Vremya newspaper, Taganrog. Homicide [?J].
  • 31 March – Valery Batuyev, Moscow News newspaper, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  • 1 April – Sergei Kalinovsky, Moskovskij Komsomolets local edition, Smolensk. Homicide [nJ].
  • 4 April – Vitaly Sakhn-Vald, photojournalist, Kursk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 25 April – Leonid Shevchenko, Pervoye Chtenie newspaper, Volgograd. Homicide [nJ].
  • 29 April – Valery Ivanov, founder and chief editor of Tolyattinskoye Obozrenie newspaper, Samara Oblast.[87] Contract killing [J].
  • 20 May – Alexander Plotnikov, Gostiny Dvor newspaper, Tyumen. Homicide.
  • 6 June – Pavel Morozov, Homicide.
  • 25 June – Oleg Sedinko, founder of Novaya Volna TV & Radio Company, Vladivostok. Contract killing, explosive in stairwell [nJ].
  • 20 July – Nikolai Razmolodin, general director of Europroject TV & Radio Company, Ulyanovsk. Homicide.
  • 21 July – Maria Lisichkina Homicide [nJ].
  • 27 July – Sergei Zhabin, press service of the Moscow Oblast governor. Homicide [nJ].
  • 18 August – Nikolai Vasiliev, Cheboksary, Chuvashia. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 25 August – Paavo Voutilainen, former chief editor of Karelia magazine, Karelia. Homicide [nJ].
  • 4 September – Leonid Kuznetsov, Periodicals of Mari-El publishing house, Yoshkar-Ola.[89] Incident not confirmed [?J].
  • 20 September – Igor Salikov, head of information security at Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper in Penza. Contract killing [nJ].
  • 26 September – Roderick (Roddy) Scott, Frontline TV Company, Great Britain. Crossfire [J].
  • 2 October – Yelena Popova, Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 19 October – Leonid Plotnikov Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 26 October – Tamara Voinova (Stavropol) and Maxim Mikhailov (Kaliningrad), Moscow theater hostage crisis . Terrorist Act [nJ].
  • 21 December – Dmitry Shalayev, Kazan, Tatarstan. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].


  • 7 January – Vladimir Sukhomlin, Internet journalist and editor,, Moscow. Homicide. Off-duty police convicted of his murder. Those behind the contract killing were not convicted[J].
  • 11 January – Yury Tishkov, sports commentator, Moscow. Contract killing [nJ].
  • 21 February – Sergei Verbitsky, publisher BNV newspaper. Chita. Homicide [nJ].
  • 18 April – Dmitry Shvets, TV-21 Northwestern Broadcasting, Murmansk. Deputy director of the independent TV-21 station (Northwestern Broadcasting), he was shot dead outside the TV offices. Shvets’ colleagues said the station had received multiple threats for its reporting on influential local politicians. Contract killing [nJ].
  • 3 July – Yury Shchekochikhin, Novaya gazeta, Moscow. Deputy editor of Novaya gazeta and a Duma deputy since 1993. He died just a few days before his scheduled trip to United States to discuss the results of his journalist investigation with FBI officials. He investigated the Three Whales Corruption Scandal that allegedly involved high-ranking FSB officials. Shchekochikhin died from an acute allergic reaction. There has been much speculation about cause of his death. The investigation into his death has been opened and closed four times. Homicide [J].
  • 4 July – Ali Astamirov, France Presse. Went missing in Nazran [?J].
  • 18 July – Alikhan Guliyev, freelance TV journalist, from Ingushetia. Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  • 10 August – Martin Kraus, Dagestan. On way to Chechnya. Homicide [nJ].
  • 9 October – Alexei Sidorov, Tolyatinskoye Obozreniye, Tolyatti. Second editor-in-chief of this local newspaper to be murdered. Predecessor Valery Ivanov shot in April 2002.[87] Homicide. Supposed killer acquitted [?J].
  • 24 October – Alexei Bakhtin, journalist and businessman, formerly Mariiskaya pravda. Mari El. Homicide [nJ].
  • 30 October – Yury Bugrov, editor of Provincial Telegraph. Balakovo, Saratov Oblast. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 25 December – Pyotr Babenko, editor of Liskinskaya gazeta. Liski, Voronezh Oblast. Homicide [nJ].


  • 1 February – Yefim Sukhanov, ATK-Media, Archangelsk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 23 March – Farit Urazbayev, cameraman, Vladivostok TV/Radio Company, Vladivostok. Incident not Confirmed [nJ].
  • 2 May – Shangysh Mongush, correspondent with Khemchiktin Syldyzy newspaper, Tuva. Homicide [?J].
  • 9 May – Adlan Khasanov, Reuters reporter, died in Grozny bomb attack that killed Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov. Terrorist Act [J].
  • 9 June – Paul Klebnikov, chief editor of newly established Russian version of Forbes magazine, Moscow. Contract killing, alleged perpetrators put on trial and acquitted. Homicide [J].
  • 1 July – Maxim Maximov, journalist with Gorod newspaper, St Petersburg. Body not found. Homicide [J].
  • 10 July – Zoya Ivanova, TV presenter, Buryatia State Television & Radio Company, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Homicide [nJ].
  • 17 July – Pail Peloyan, editor of Armyansky Pereulok magazine, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  • 3 August – Vladimir Naumov, nationalist reporter, Cossack author (Russky Vestnik, Zavtra), Moscow Region. Homicide [nJ].
  • 24 August – Svetlana Shishkina, journalist, Kazan, Tatarstan. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 24 August – Oleg Belozyorov, Moscow-Volgograd flight. Terrorist Act [nJ].
  • 18 September – Vladimir Pritchin, editor-in-chief of North Baikal TV & Radio Company, Buryatia. Homicide [?J].
  • 27 September – Jan Travinsky (St Petersburg), in Irkutsk as political activist for election campaign.[92] Homicide. Conviction [nJ].


  • 23 May – Pavel Makeyev, reporter for TNT-Pulse Company, Rostov-on-Don. Run down while photographing illegal street racing. Incident not Confirmed [?J].
  • 28 July – Magomed Varisov, political analyst and journalist, shot dead near his home in Makhachkala, Dagestan. He “had received threats, was being followed and had unsuccessfully sought help from the local police” according to Committee to Protect Journalists. Sharia Jamaat claimed responsibility for the murder.[94] Homicide [J].
  • 31 August – Alexander Pitersky, Baltika Radio reporter, Saint Petersburg. Homicide [?J].
  • 3 September – Vladimir Pashutin, Smolensky Literator newspaper, Smolensk. Not Confirmed [nJ].
  • 13 October – Tamirlan Kazikhanov, head of press service for Anti-Terrorist Center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs‘s Main Department for the Southern Federal District, Nalchik. Crossfire [J].
  • 4 November – Kira Lezhneva, reporter with Kamensky rabochii newspaper, Sverdlovsk Oblast.[95] Homicide. Conviction [nJ].


  • 8 January – Vagif Kochetkov, newly appointed Trud correspondent in the region, robbed and killed in Tula. Acquittal [nJ].
  • 26 February – Ilya Zimin, worked for NTV Russia television channel, killed in Moscow flat. Suspect tried in Moldova. Acquittal [nJ].
  • 4 May – Oksana Teslo, media worker, Moscow Oblast. Arson attack on dacha. Homicide [nJ].
  • 14 May – Oleg Barabyshkin, director of radio station, Chelyabinsk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 23 May – Vyacheslav Akatov, special reporter, Business Moscow TV show, murdered in Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast. Killer caught and convicted. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 25 June – Anton Kretenchuk, cameraman, local Channel 38 TV, killed in Rostov-on-Don. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 25 July – Yevgeny Gerasimenko, journalist with Saratovsky Rasklad newspaper. Murdered in Saratov. Conviction [nJ].
  • 31 July – Anatoly Kozulin, retired freelance journalist. Ukhta, Komi Republic. Homicide [nJ].
  • 8 August – Alexander Petrov, editor-in-chief, Right to Choose magazine Omsk, murdered with family while on holiday in Altai Republic. Under-age murderer charged and prosecuted. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 17 August – Elina Ersenoyeva, reporter for Chechenskoye obshchestvo newspaper. Abducted in Grozny, Chechnya. Missing [?J].
  • 13 September – Vyacheslav Plotnikov, reporter, local “Channel 41” TV, Voronezh. Incident not Confirmed [nJ].
  • 7 October – Anna Politkovskaya, commentator with Novaya Gazeta, Moscow, shot in her apartment building’s elevator;.[97][98][99][100] Four accused in contract killing, acquitted in February 2009 [J]. Five were convicted in 2014, Rustam Makhmudov pulled the trigger, aided by his uncle Lom-Ali Gaitukayev and two brothers, Dzhabrail and Ibragim. Sergei Khadzhikurbanov, a former Moscow police officer was also involved, and he was pardoned in 2023 after agreeing to fight for 6 months in the Russo-Ukrainian War.[101]
  • 16 October – Anatoly Voronin, Itar-TASS news agency, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  • 28 December – Vadim Kuznetsov, editor-in-chief of World & Home. Saint Petersburg magazine, killed in Saint Petersburg. Homicide [nJ].


  • 14 January – Yury Shebalkin, retired journalist, formerly with Kaliningradskaya pravda. Homicide in Kaliningrad. Conviction [nJ].
  • 20 January – Konstantin Borovko, presenter of Gubernia TV company (Russian: “????????”), killed in Khabarovsk.[47] Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  • 2 March – Ivan Safronov, military columnist of Kommersant newspaper. Died in Moscow, cause of death disputed.[103][104] Incident not Confirmed. Investigation under Incitement to Suicide (Article 110) [?J].
  • 15 March – Leonid Etkind, director at Karyera newspaper. Abduction and homicide in Vodnik, Saratov Oblast. Conviction [nJ].
  • 5 April – Vyacheslav Ifanov, Novoye televidenie Aleiska, cameraman. Previously attacked by local military. Aleisk, Altai Krai. Incident not Confirmed [?J].
  • April – Marina Pisareva, deputy head of Russian office of German media group Bertelsmann was found dead at her dacha outside Moscow in April[105][106]

(Putin’s final months as president in his first term)

  • 8 February – Yelena Shestakova, former journalist, St Petersburg. Killer sent to psychiatric prison. Homicide [nJ].
  • 21 March – Gadji Abashilov, chief of Dagestan State TV & Radio Company VGTRK, shot in his car in Makhachkala. Homicide [?J].
  • 21 March – Ilyas Shurpayev, Dagestani journalist covering Caucasus on Channel One, was strangled with a belt by robbers in Moscow.[107][108] Alleged killers tracked to Tajikistan and convicted there of his murder. Homicide [?J].

TMagomed Yevloyev was shot and killed while in police custody in Ingushetia on 31 August 2008.

  • 31 August – Magomed Yevloyev was shot dead while in police custody in Ingushetia. Yevloyev was the founder of the opposition website and was known for his regular criticism of Ingush President Murat Zyazikov.[109][110][111] The police officer involved in the killing, Ibragim Yevloyev, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to two years in prison and was released after serving three months.[112][113]
  • 2 September – Abdulla Alishayev was shot several times by unknown assailants in Makhachkala, Dagestan, and died in hospital.[114] Alishayev was the television host of TV-Chirkei and was known for his opposition to Islamic fundamentalism within the republic and Russia as a whole.[115]
  • 30 December – Shafig Amrakhov was shot and wounded by an unknown assailant at his apartment in Murmansk and later died in hospital. Amrakhov was the editor of the RIA 51 news agency and criticized the economic policies of Yuri Yevdokimov, the governor of Murmansk Oblast.[116]


  • 4 January – Vladislav Zakharchuk died in a fire that engulfed a newspaper office in Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. Zakharchuk was the advertisement manager for the newspaper Arsenyevskie Vesti. The newspaper was known for its criticism of the authorities in the krai and its chief editor and journalists had previously faced fines and imprisonment.[117]
  • 19 January – Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova were shot and killed by a masked gunman in Moscow. Markelov was a lawyer who worked with Novaya Gazeta and brought many cases against the Russian military, Chechen warlords, and neo-Nazi groups. Baburova was a journalist-in-training for Novaya Gazeta and was known for investigating neo-Nazi activity in Russia.[118][119] Nikita Tikhonov (29) and Yevgenia Khasis (24), reportedly members of the Russian National Union, were charged in 2009 and convicted in 2011 of the murders.[120]
  • 30 March – Sergei Protazanov was found unconscious at his home in Khimki, Moscow Oblast, and later died in hospital. Authorities and relatives believed he was poisoned. Protazanov was the page designer for Grazhdanskoye Soglasiye, the only opposition newspaper in the city, and was seriously beaten by assailants a few days prior to his death.[121]
  • 29 June – Vyacheslav Yaroshenko died of wounds he received from a severe beating by an unknown assailant in April in Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast. Yaroshenko was the chief editor of the Korruptsiya i Prestupnost newspaper and prior to his beating, the newspaper published multiple articles alleging corruption in the Oblast’s government, police, and prosecutor’s office.[122]
  • 15 July – Natalia Estemirova was abducted and then killed in Grozny, Chechnya. Her body was later found near Nazran, Ingushetia. Estemirova was a human rights activist for Memorial who worked with journalists of Novaya Gazeta and occasionally published in the newspaper herself. She was known for investigating murders and kidnappings in Chechnya and was a colleague of Anna Politkovskaya.[123]
  • 11 August – Malik Akhmedilov was found shot dead near Makhachkala, Dagestan. Akhemdilov was the deputy chief editor of Khakikat and the chief editor of the Sogratl newspapers, which focused on civic and political issues in the republic.[124]
  • 25 October – Maksharip Aushev was shot dead in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria. Aushev worked on multiple human rights cases in neighboring Ingushetia and was the operator of following the death of Magomed Yevloyev in 2008.[125]
  • 16 November – Olga Kotovskaya died after falling out of a window on the 14th-floor of a building in Kaliningrad. Authorities classified the death as suicide while colleagues believe she was murdered for her work. Kotovskaya was the co-founder of the Kaskad radio and television station, which was embroiled in an ownership lawsuit brought by Vladimir Pirogov, the former vice governor of Kaliningrad Oblast.[126]


  • 20 January – Konstantin Popov died from a beating received by Russian police while in custody in Tomsk. Popov was the co-founder and director of the Tema newspaper and was allegedly tortured prior to his death.[127]
  • 23 February – Ivan Stepanov was stabbed to death at his dacha in Khilok, Zabaykalsky Krai. Stepanov was a local correspondent for the Zabaikalsky rabochy newspaper and the author of three books that were popular in his district.[128]
  • 20 March – Maxim Zuyev went missing and was later found murdered in a flat he was renting in Kaliningrad. Zuyev was a reporter for multiple newspapers in Kaliningrad Oblast and was a moderator for the Koenigsberg journalist society.[129]
  • 5 May – Shamil Aliyev was shot and killed by unknown gunmen in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Aliyev was the founder of the Priboi and Vatan radio stations and director of the TNT-Makhachkala television network and was known for his anti-Wahhabist views, which were reflected in his radio and TV stations.[130]
  • 13 May – Said Ibragimov was shot dead while travelling with a team of repairmen to restore a television transmitter that was damaged by militants the previous day in Ayazihis Niva, Dagestan. Ibragimov was the director of TBS, a local television channel.[131]
  • 25 June – Dmitry Okkert, Moscow. A presenter with the Expert TV channel, Okkert was found stabbed to death in his own apartment. The director of the Expert media holding, Valery Fadeyev, does not believe that the brutal killing of his colleague was linked to his journalistic activities.
  • 25 July – Bella Ksalova was fatally injured and later died in hospital after being hit by a vehicle near her home in Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkessia. Ksalova was a correspondent for the Caucasian Knot website and news agency and wrote highly critical articles of local authorities. The driver, Arsen Abaikhanov, plead guilty and was sentenced three years in a penal colony.[132]
  • 1 August – Malika Betiyeva was killed along with four members of her family when a speeding vehicle hit hers on a highway in Chechnya. Betiyeva was the deputy chief editor of the Molodyozhnaya smena newspaper and a correspondent for Dosh magazine. She was known for writing about lawless behavior of government agencies in Chechnya and her worked had to be published under an assumed name for her own safety.[133]
  • 11 August – Magomed Sultanmagomedov was killed in a drive-by-shooting in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Sultanmagomedov was the director of the Makhachkala TV station and was previously a target of an attempted bombing in 2008.[134]
  • 23 October – Yevgeny Fedotov died in hospital due to head injuries he received in a violent quarrel with his neighbor in Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai. The latter was charged with manslaughter.[135]


  • 15 December – Gadzhimurat Kamalov was shot six times in a drive-by shooting outside his newspaper’s office in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Kamalov owned the media company Svoboda Slova and was known for investigating corruption and rebel activity in the republic.[136]

Under Putin (since 2012; including Russo-Ukrainian War)2012

  • 7 February – Victor Afanasenko died after sustaining a mysterious head injury at his home in Rostov-on-Don. As editor-in-chief of Crime and Corruption newspaper, Aphanasenko had been investigating raids in Kushchyovsky District and Rostov Oblast. While the official explanation was that he had slipped, a colleague who examined his body said that the injury could not have resulted from a fall.[137][138]
  • 7 July – Alexander Khodzinsky was stabbed to death by local businessman and former deputy mayor Gennady Zhigarev in Tulun, Irkutsk Oblast. Khodzinsky had campaigned against abusive and illegal practices in the construction of a shopping mall in the town center since 2007 and regularly complained to President Dmitry Medvedev and governor Dmitry Mezentsev about the issue.[139]
  • 5 December – Kazbek Gekkiev was shot dead at a street in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, after receiving death threats from local extremists. Gekkiev worked for local TV programs in the republic.[140]


  • 9 July – Akhmednabi Akhmednabiyev was killed while driving just 50 metres from his house on the outskirts of Makhachkala, Dagestan, after receiving numerous death threats. Akhmednabiyev was the deputy editor of the newspaper Novoye Delo and wrote regularly about the politics of the republic and human rights issues in the North Caucasus. He was previously the victim of an attempted assassination in January 2013.[141][142][143][144]


  • 1 August – Timur Kuashev was abducted from his home and later found dead in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria.[145] Kuashev worked for the magazine Dosh and received death threats and was previously stopped by local police a number of times.[146]


  • 31 March – Dmitry Tsilikin was stabbed to death in his flat in Saint Petersburg. Tsilikin wrote for many independent media outlets and mainly focused on social issues and human rights.[147] The suspected killer is neo-nazi Sergey Kosyrev. The murder was attributed to Tsilikin’s homosexuality.[148]


  • 17 March – Yevgeny Khamaganov died of unexplained causes in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Khamaganov was known for writing articles that criticized the federal government and was allegedly beaten by unknown assailants on 10 March.[149]
  • 19 April – Journalist and former prisoner of conscience Nikolay Andrushchenko died in Saint Petersburg from wounds that he received from a severe beating by unknown assailants on 9 March. Andrushchenko was the co-founder of the newspaper Novy Petersburg and was previously jailed in 2009 by a city court for “libel and extremism”.[150]
  • 24 May – Dmitry Popkov was found dead from gunshot wounds at a bathhouse close to his home in Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Popkov was the chief editor of the newspaper Ton-M and was known for investigating police corruption.[151]
  • 8 September – The body of Andrey Ruskov was found in the Bira River in Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Ruskov worked for the Bestvideo Broadcasting Studio.[152]


  • 15 April – Maksim Borodin died of injuries from falling out of a window at his apartment in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, on 12 April. Authorities classified the death as suicide while colleagues reject the notion. Borodin regularly wrote on crime, corruption, and the recent involvement of Russian mercenaries in Syria.[153]
  • 23 July – Denis Suvorov was found dead after being stabbed by an unknown assailant in Nizhny Novgorod. Suvorov worked for the Vesti-Privolzhye television station and was an editor for the Vesti.Nizhny Novgorod internet portal.[154][155]
  • 30 July – Three journalists, Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguyev and Orkhan Dzhemal, were murdered in the Central African Republic while reporting on the involvement of Russian Private military companies and arms dealers in that country’s civil war.[156]
  • 31 July – Sergei Grachyov went missing in Nizhny Novgorod on 21 July after taking a reporting trip there from Moscow. His body was found 11 days later. Grachyov worked for the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper.[157][158]
  • 10 September – Yegor Orlov disappeared on 7 September after leaving for work in Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan. His body was found later in a river in the Yelabuzhsky District. Orlov was a correspondent and presenter at Chelny REN-TV.[159]



  • April – Vladlen Tatarsky a blogger with over 500,000 followers was killed by a bomb in a cafe in St Petersburg.[164]
  • July – Rostislav Zhuravlev was killed by shellfire in the front line in the Zaporizhia region of Ukraine whilst working for Russia’s RIA news agency.[165]
  • 23 November – Boris Maksudov, war correspondent for Rossiya 24 TV channel, died of shrapnel wounds after a drone strike in southeastern Ukraine.[166]


  • 5 January – Zoya Konovalova, editor-in-chief of the Internet group of the state-controlled Kuban broadcast company, was found dead alongside her ex-husband. Preliminary reports suggested she was poisoned.[167][168]
  • 7 January – Alexander Rybin, journalist working with Rabkor, was found dead on a roadside in Shakhty after criticizing Russia’s reconstruction efforts in Mariupol. Investigators claimed he died of cardiomyopathy.[169]

Journalists killed reporting on ChechnyaT
2nd Chechen war, 1999 onwardsA counter-terrorist operation by the federal authorities began in the region in September 1999. It was declared over on 16 April 2009.

  • 27–29 October 1999 – Journalist Supyan Ependiyev. On the evening of 27 October 1999, several short-range ballistic missiles hit a crowded outdoor market in central Grozny, killing and wounding hundreds of people. About an hour after the attack, Ependiyev went to the scene to cover the carnage for his paper. As he was leaving the site, a new round of rockets fell about 200 meters from the bazaar. Ependiyev suffered severe shrapnel wounds and died in a Grozny hospital the next morning. According to other sources, he died two days later.
  • 29 October 1999 – Cameramen Ramzan Mezhidov and Shamil Gigayev. The journalists were part of a civilian convoy, including Red Cross workers and vehicles, which was attempting to leave Chechnya. Turned back at the republic’s eastern border, they were travelling along the highway from Grozny to Nazran in neighbouring Ingushetia when their vehicles came under attack. As the convoy approached Shami-Yurt, a Russian fighter fired several time from the air, hitting a busload of refugees. Mezhidov and Gigayev left their vehicle to film the carnage. As they approached the bus, another Russian rocket hit a nearby truck, fatally wounding both journalists.
  • 19 July 1999 – Photojournalist Vladimir Yatsina, an
May 4, 2024 7:54 pm

And since it’s Saturday night one of my favourite cute owls:

May 4, 2024 7:58 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Ya sick!

May 4, 2024 7:59 pm
Reply to  Bespoke

Ya jealous!

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 4, 2024 11:04 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Nice tuck.

May 4, 2024 7:56 pm

Axe heaven!

Sacre Bleu – that is a guitar shoppe, BoN – might have to head on up there and check it out …

May 4, 2024 7:57 pm


That’s a ripped Bruce Jenner, right?

May 4, 2024 8:01 pm
Reply to  JC

Don’t be stupid. Jenner never had biceps like that.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 4, 2024 9:38 pm
Reply to  JC

List of Aussies swept out to see in armchairs after drinking beer

May 4, 2024 11:01 pm
Reply to  Louis Litt

What a stupid response.

May 4, 2024 8:04 pm

The antidote to the Cronkite’s (not so) cute Owls – Miss Betty Brosmer … 🙂

May 4, 2024 8:13 pm

The Radio Show May 2024 – The Fifties
The Fifties were a decade of unapparelled optimism, especially in the USA, which cast off wartime production necessities and redirected that mighty industrial capacity (barely two thirds of which had been utilised during the war) into production of consumer goodies for a large and hungry domestic market.
This optimism was also reflected in a particular aesthetic, which moved well away from the grimness of the preceding decades.
The Fifties also gave us two unique and hitherto unknown concepts – the Teenager and Rock ‘n’ Roll
For those of us who came of age in the 1970s, the popular portrayal of the decade was encapsulated in the mighty comedy “Happy Days”, which showcased a wondrous suburban idyll where, if one was ambitious enough, sharks could be jumped.
Anyway, here’s some classics from that decade:
Bill Haley and the Comets – Rock Around The Clock
Buddy Holly
Cats, let’s see some classics from that decade – those posting Miles Davis and Elvis go into the draw for a free subscription to my monthly economics newsletter! 

May 4, 2024 8:15 pm

David Seville – Almost Good

May 4, 2024 8:17 pm

Shake, Rattle and Roll – Bill Haley and his Comets

May 4, 2024 8:18 pm

<iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”306″ frameBorder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=””>via GIPHY</a></p>

May 4, 2024 8:21 pm

And since it’s Saturday night one of my favourite cute owls:

I once had an arts academic tell me, and my then girlfriend, that he wanted to be used and abused by a strong woman.
I look at your cute owl, shudder, and wonder; do you feel lust for her, or do you have a fetish to be strangled between those muscled thighs?

May 4, 2024 9:37 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Are the only 2 options?

May 4, 2024 8:22 pm
May 4, 2024 8:29 pm
May 4, 2024 8:37 pm
May 4, 2024 8:37 pm

I thought this a very good comment on the Waleed Ali article, which Gray Connelly has captured if you would like to read it.
Apart from the muslim distraction basically it is that DV is not a man problem it is an alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn and growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment problem, which if that was where the effort was focused might lead to positive change.
I wonder which parts of Australian society have the biggest problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn and growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment?

Last edited 9 months ago by rosie
Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 5, 2024 1:50 pm
Reply to  rosie

Aly also broke the woke Omerta code by pointing out that DV is occurs in same-sex marriages.

May 4, 2024 8:40 pm

My immediate reflection on ’50s music as a 1970 model is the aesthetic as much as the songs. The predecessor of jazz was born of the era where big sound required multiple instruments. Rock and roll, with the benefit of electrical amplification meant a big, or even bigger, sound could come from a handful of virtuosos or even a handful of beginners with the right three cords and a half-decent drummer. Still of the concept of bass being a big cello rather than a specific guitar. As with Rabz, a regular dose of Happy Days was my early conduit and while I’ve never dived deep into the music of that era, I love the simplicity and catchiness it brings.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 8:43 pm

The hardest working man in show business

He’s got serious moves! Crazy…

Seal – Crazy (1990)

Cassie of Sydney
May 4, 2024 8:48 pm

Apart from the muslim distraction basically it is that DV is not a man problem it is an alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn and growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment problem, which if that was where the effort was focused might lead to positive change.

I wonder which parts of Australian society have the biggest problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn and growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment?

Yes, this arvo I discussed similar with my mother and sister.

Another thing we discussed, a point of course no one wants to raise or talk about, is the fact that some women are attracted to and like to be around violent men…..

‘The like that dare not speak its name.

May 4, 2024 8:48 pm

If anyone is interested I recommend the book,Blood Sweat and Beers a history of Aussie pub rock.Deals with Thorpie !Lobby Lloyd,Tatts Angels etc etc.
Great t nostalgic read for those of a certain age.

May 5, 2024 9:21 am
Reply to  Morsie

Remember seeing dragon at the Wollongong uni bar!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 4, 2024 8:51 pm

Pretty goil – beware of this heart of gold

Cool! Loved the movie.

Neil Young – Heart of Gold (1972)

I had a lot of fun working in two actual gold mines. I even had the chance to pour molten gold into ingot molds. I have heart of metal.

May 4, 2024 9:44 pm

DV is not a man problem it is an alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn and growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment problem

with all the tutt-tutting, marches, t-shirts and forum posts, I’m surprised these are still causes

have you tried global warming?

May 4, 2024 10:27 pm

“have you tried global warming?”
Why would I need to try global warning?
I was quoting Waleed Ali verbatim.
If it wasn’t clear from my comment, which I thought it was, you could have read the linked article before jumping in your usual trolling.
No doubt you’ll now share your special insight into the causes of DV with your enormous intellect and defacto phd on everything.

May 4, 2024 11:12 pm
May 4, 2024 11:17 pm
Last edited 9 months ago by Zippster
May 4, 2024 11:37 pm

I was quoting Waleed Ali verbatim

well, tell him I reckon he’s a dick-head

Last edited 9 months ago by MatrixTransform
Wally Dali
Wally Dali
May 5, 2024 12:26 am

Waleed Ali is a smooth talking big brain who occasionally gets things right. Now he’s come to the realisations, re cultural practises which invite violence, that all us mere proles beyond the goats cheese curtain know in our bones.
More often he’s a sanctimonious twat and an islamic supremist, so he’s right on song for the confected DV pandemic, don’t look now at the chanting ragheads all over universities.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
May 5, 2024 12:29 am

ps I don’t think women’s sexual attraction to psychopaths is related to arseholes swinging at their women- ( very high correlation with sexual jealousy, as germaine greer discovered half a century ago)-

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 2:29 am

Trust me. This is a great 58 minutes.


Animal Adventures:

Can Animals Have Friendships With Humans? | Animal Odd Couples | Animal Adventures

Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin sets off on a worldwide journey of discovery to find out why animals of different species make friends with each other, and even fall in love.

Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin goes on a journey of discovery to find out the science behind unusual interactions in the animal kingdom. Some of the surprising associations include a polar bear befriending huskies, a cat mothering ducklings, and an orangutan who keeps a pet dog. These odd pairings are not just limited to different species; animal relationships with humans are also explored, as people have been known to keep exotic pets such as lions, hippos and buffalos. Bonnin investigates the root of the affectionate connections and tries to uncover the reasons for the behaviours.
Some people have sought out unusual, and even potentially dangerous relationships, with some very surprising animals.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 3:23 am

I remember rolling of the jetty in Monkey Mia in 1979 … I was laying on the edge. I was 4 at the time.

Dad jumped in and within a minute, the local Dolphin mum Nikki, escorted us to the beach. She knew something was up. We fed her family a lot of fish afterwards.

You could swim with them and feed them back then.

Not today.

May 5, 2024 4:00 am
May 5, 2024 9:59 am
Reply to  Tom

Thanks a lot Tom.

May 5, 2024 5:45 am

These numbers are probably wrong.
That said, the case can be made for Federal funding of state owned colleges in the US.
I just can’t see why tax payer money goes to private colleges.

End Wokeness

Federal funding of universities, 2023:

Columbia: $1.2 billion
Penn: $955.6 million
NYU: $805.5 million
Yale: $776.8 million
Cornell: $736.2 million
Harvard: $676.1 million
UT Austin: $645 million
Berkeley: $451.4 million
Princeton: $403 million
GWU: $200.2 million


May 5, 2024 12:52 pm
Reply to  feelthebern

I think it would be a great idea for the US government to confiscate all the US Universities Endowment funds, and use the money to give a tax cut to the wukkas.
Considering the universities stated goals of bettering the working class, they wouldn’t object, would they?

May 5, 2024 5:47 am

While the attention has been on the Tories getting smoked at the council elections, the real issue is chaps like this taking seats from safe Labour councils.


This dude who praised October 7th just won an election in the UK because Western countries are suicidal.

There is no assimilation here. Domination is their goal.


May 5, 2024 6:44 am

May 5, 2024 5:47 am

While the attention has been on the Tories getting smoked at the council elections, the real issue is chaps like this taking seats from safe Labour councils.

I was among the few here who stated that the UK is stuffed beyond rescue.
Somewhat similar goes on in a few US states. The EU? not even worth talking about.
Sadly we are not far behind.

May 5, 2024 6:47 am

On a lighter note

I always thought that “day light robbery” was just a phrase about how brazen a thief is… can’t even have the decency/discretion/patience to wait until it’s dark.

I was corrected, according to her its origin dates back to when window taxes were introduced, hence robbing daylight.

Didn’t bother asking Mr Google.

May 5, 2024 6:59 am

The Age reports that the labor government has changed how HECS debt is indexed and thereby lowering the debt load (not a subscriber, so I am going by the headlines). If this is correct, they are using the same playbook as democrats.

This is policy of the party that claims to care about the working class.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 8:21 am
Reply to  vr

Has mUntard yet paid off his HECS debt (Economics 1 and J’ism)? Will he support this if he has?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 7:15 am

Best laugh I’ve had in ages. Comedy gold right here.



We Opened a Tow Yard (ended very bad)

May 5, 2024 7:22 am

This is true love.

Edith Steiner, a Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust, and John Mackay, the Scottish Soldier that saved her. They were married July 17th, 1946, and will be celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary this year!

May 5, 2024 8:05 am
Reply to  KevinM

Beautiful. A very bright piece of Starlight in these troubling times.

May 5, 2024 7:28 am

May 5, 2024 6:59 am

The Age reports that the labor government has changed how HECS debt is indexed and thereby lowering the debt load (not a subscriber, so I am going by the headlines). If this is correct, they are using the same playbook as democrats.

This is policy of the party that claims to care about the working class.

Can we hope that the same will apply to housing loan interests?
Or heavens help us, being made tax deductible?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 5, 2024 7:29 am

BBC Business Matters reports that they are after Elon Musk for “security fraud” that they say relates to his plan to take Tesla private. More likely they are simply after him for buying and making twitter into X, no longer a big tech ally of the left.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 7:36 am

RUSI Report Quietly Validates Russia’s Strategic Superiority: A Breakdown – Russia/UKR War –

The very ethos of the arguments they make is stated outright from the beginning:
comment image
The entire report revolves around an urgent plea for the West to remold its strategic concept of warfare, which has been badly degraded and fallen out with the times by several decades of lazy misallocation of resources and reorientation toward colonial policing actions.

Its over, give Putin what he wants and move NATO back to where it was in the 1990s.

Last edited 9 months ago by Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 7:55 am

Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 7:15 am

Best laugh I’ve had in ages. Comedy gold right here.



We Opened a Tow Yard (ended very bad)

You either laugh easily or have a weird sense.
Tried to watch that video, but lasted less than 4 minutes and even those 4 mins I want back.

May 5, 2024 7:58 am

Hecs story at the abc.
3 billion to be wiped off.
“For almost 35 years indexation has been calculated based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is now at historic highs.”
Why is that?
Sort of a rhetorical change because a lot of that debt will never be paid.
My older son will be happy, I think one of my daughters still has some hecs to pay too.

Last edited 9 months ago by rosie
Black Ball
Black Ball
May 5, 2024 8:10 am

Is there a Ms Inman Grant in the house? Daily Telegraph:

The federal government body responsible for mediating complaints by the Jewish community against a number of Islamic preachers is employing a ­lawyer who has posted support for Hamas and asked what would be left of Jews as a people without “their violence, their toxicity, their racism?”

In March, Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), the peak body representing the Jewish community nationally, lodged a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) against two preachers in Western Sydney over speeches that were made late last year that it says were anti-Semitic.

The AHRC is responsible for mediating those complaints under the Racial Discrimination Act.

But Jewish leaders are concerned the AHRC is employing lawyer Sara Saleh, a former employee of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network and who has claimed — among other things — that “Israel is connected to the oppression of Indigenous people worldwide”.

On one occasion Ms Saleh said: “Looking at Israel’s psychopathy today, October 7 should make a little more sense to ya’ll” and on another: “Israeli colonial violence is illegal, immoral and illegitimate. Resistance is the only legitimate form of ‘violence’.

She has reposted a statement that described Hamas as “an effective political player in the struggle against apartheid, oppression and colonisation” which has “achieved remarkable success in preventing Israeli violence in Jerusalem and freeing Palestinian hostages abducted by Israel”.

In an apparent reference to Jewish people, last month she tweeted: “What are they without their Zionism? If we take it away, their violence, their toxicity, their racism … What is left of them as a people?”

Jeremy Leibler, President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, said those comments were deeply disturbing.

“It’s inconceivable that the body responsible for resolving disputes as to racial discrimination has an employee who has shared a defence of Hamas, a listed terrorist organisation that intends to end Jewish life on earth,” he said.

“If this employee has seriously suggested that Hamas’ massacre of 1200 Israelis on 7 October can make any sense at all, then they need a new job.”

A spokesman for the AHRC said Ms Saleh’s posts had already been brought to its attention. “The Australian Human Rights Commission takes seriously the obligations for employees set out in the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct,” he said.

“The commission is aware of some of the posts at the centre of your inquiry, however it is inappropriate to comment on individual staff matters.”

Ms Saleh was also contacted for comment.

Shut it down. Fire them all.
How the phuck is it inappropriate to comment on individual staff matters? A woman who practices Islam and writes shit about Israel, inflammatory remarks and we cannot question the appointment?
Good Lord what a country.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 5, 2024 7:53 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

Huperoffspring Rights Commissions are, and always have been, nothing but Marxist pervert terrorist brain laundries. Abolish them asap!

May 5, 2024 8:19 am

It’s Sunday!

comment image

May 5, 2024 8:20 am


Thank you for shedding some light on RFK Jr, @catturd2. There seems to be a lot of ignorance regarding RFK Jr.

First, he’s not a Conservative. He’s a Liberal Democrat. Second, he’s the scion of a political dynasty that birth the modern Democratic Party and ushered in progressive ideas.RFK Jr is Pro-Abortion, Pro Gay Marriage, and vehemently opposed to the Second Amendment. That’s right, he’s been a strong advocate for gun control his entire life.On banning assault weapons, RFK Jr said, “I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns….but “if a bipartisan bill to do so passed Congress”, he’d sign it. Years ago, he called the NRA a “terror group”.He’s for Socialized Medicine and expanding Obamacare to a single-payer system. He also wants to raise the minimum wage, which will increase unemployment and raise prices.RFK Jr stated in 2011 “climate deniers” should be put in prison for destroying the Earth. He also eschews tax cuts and believes in the welfare state. Oh, yeah, he also believes that the children of illegals should have citizenship, that illegals should receive government sponsored healthcare, he supports sanctuary cities, believed LEOs should not be allowed to detain illegals…do I need to go on?Until just a few weeks ago, his 2024 campaign manager was Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich who said he had a “close encounter” with an alien spacecraft and hears “voices” speaking to him. Kucinich’s daughter’s godmother is liberal actress and psychic Shirley MacLaine. This is the kind of people RFK Jr. associates with.The ONLY reason the left hates him is the ONLY reason the right loves him: he’s opposed to vaccination and questioned the COVID-1984 narrative. And this makes him a Constitutional Conservative?Look, I’ve said it before, I like Kennedy as a person. He’d be a nice guy to have a beer with. He comes from a patriotic family who loves America. Believe it or not, some Democrats really do respect the flag.But that doesn’t make him fit to be POTUS.

And let’s stop the low-IQ hero worship who reinvent the Kennedys like a marvelous family. They were not all that. Joseph P. Kennedy made his fortune in organize crime. JFK stole the 1960 election – no serious historian doubts this. His brother RFK was at Marilyn Monroe’s flat, with Secret Service, the day she “committed suicide.” His younger brother Teddy was one of the biggest liberals in Senate history, and murdered a woman at Chappaquiddick and got away with it.RFK Jr. embraces his family history. Ok? That’s like Michael Corleone embracing his family’s business. It’s not ok.Having said all of this, does anyone actually believe MAGA will vote for him? And the NeverTrumpers? They may vote for him, but they didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020, so it doesn’t matter.But we must make sure that every single Conservative we know understands this about him. ~Max

Last edited 9 months ago by Indolent
May 5, 2024 8:23 am

Geez ..! .. I’m starting to feel guilty for raising 4 kids as a single Dad in “houso” .. 4 kids , 8 grandees ( 6 at school & 2 pre-school) with no problems or on any CentreLink benefits .. 3 of the 4 are millionaires, 2 own businesses and employ folk and the 3rd is a corporate high=flyer .. all own, at least, one home .. my two eldest own several each .. My 4th although renting (from one of her siblings) and holding down a “normal” job has no trouble getting by either ……
Where did I go wrong..? .. Raised in a drug addles western Sydney “houso” estate and yet they lead normal lives .. I feelz soooooo ashamed ..! depriving them of,not only, a life on the DSP/NDIS or even the “dole” and the joys of CentreLink queuing … yet worse … no media publicity to highlight the pitfalls of their upbringing ………
A terrible, terrible Daddy .. I has been ….. LOL!

May 5, 2024 8:24 am

The federal Liars are copycatting the US Dems by wiping student debt, so it’s really about stopping the kiddies voting for the Greenfilth in inner metropolitan seats like Elbow’s (Grayndler).

Once again, the Liars are saying they couldn’t give a stuff about middle Australia and the cost-of-living crisis, leaving an uncontested path for the Stupid Frigging Liberals to steamroll the Liars in the suburbs.

The Liars will be concentrating on fighting the Filth and appeasing muslims on western Sydney. Up yours if the cost-of-living crisis is hurting you.

If they want to win the next election, the SFLs have a clear path — if they’re not actually the Stupid Frigging Liberals.

May 5, 2024 11:26 am
Reply to  Indolent

I don’t mind RFK but about AGW his brain is full of shit.

May 5, 2024 11:27 am
Reply to  cohenite

I would be wary of any recovering addict being in a position of genuine power.

May 5, 2024 8:35 am

They seem happy to vote for their own destruction. Or perhaps the great replacement has reached a historic level.

London mayor election: Sadiq Khan clinches historic third term

May 5, 2024 8:37 am

I’m missing the bit about his being a wonderful child and the apple of his mum’s eye .. OCT 7 never forgive, never forget ..

May 5, 2024 8:38 am

Dingo lives matter.

Hereabouts, the state government has a high rotation Ad
on local radio, warning of the dangers of dingo attacks.
However, any suggestion that dingos are an
introduced species and should be treated as such
is unacceptable.
And probably racist.

May 5, 2024 8:48 am

If they want to win the next election, the SFLs have a clear path 

To win and do what, exactly? What grand plan do the SFL’s have to roll back the tide of Marxist impositions that we have seen?
Let’s not ever forget their last term, crowned by Scummo’s National Cabinet. Dutton was 100% behind the lockdowns.

May 5, 2024 8:53 am

I knew there was something I didn’t like about you Shatterzz, you’re normal and apart from some problems in life have done what so many have done. Succeeded. You should hang your head in shame that you’re depriving the social assistance machine of a lucrative career having cups of coffee while discussing the icky subject of their charges. How are they going to purchase second and third properties if continue in this vein. At your age I suppose its too late. Fortunately there are druggie, pisswreck and generally useless families to fill the gap. Mind you you are now doing your bit being a burden on the health system.

May 5, 2024 9:01 am

Forget it Jake. It’s Portland.

May 5, 2024 9:04 am

Got bad news for you Tom, they are actually the Stupid Frigging Liberals. Never look a victory in the mouth when you can have magnificent defeat, again. It doesn’t matter where you are along the trough, its as long as you’re in it. There’s no real incentive to try.

Cassie of Sydney
May 5, 2024 9:06 am

To win and do what, exactly? What grand plan do the SFL’s have to roll back the tide of Marxist impositions that we have seen?

Precisely, when the SFL’s win government (usually accidentally), they do nothing, absolutely nothing to curb, counter, wind back and repeal years of Labor legislation and policies. In fact, they are so craven, so spineless, and so supine, they go about enacting leftwing policies!

And the proof, without even having to mention the do nothing federal Liberals from 2013 to 2022, just look locally… the states, here in NSW we had the do nothing mint Green Labor lite Fatty O’Farrell, Baird, Gladslag and Parrothead, Victoria had the mute Baillieu, and SA had Marshmallow or whatever his name is. I could go on. And as I wrote the other night, watch Crisafulli become premier and do nothing about winding back and repealing years of disastrous QLD Labor economic and social policies.

I fail to see any good reason to vote for the Liberals, state of federally. Oh, wait, they are good at something, they excel at squandering electoral mandates and spitting in the faces of the very people who vote for them.

No thank you.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 5, 2024 7:57 pm

Victoria also had Naptime…sorry, Napthine.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 5, 2024 9:10 am

The term “activist” has been over-used and has become a smoke screen.
Bring back the term anarchist.

May 5, 2024 9:24 am

Bungonia Bee

 May 5, 2024 9:10 am

The term “activist” has been over-used and has become a smoke screen.

Bring back the term anarchist.

They’re not anarchists. They crave the bosom of and coercive control of government.

I must say, in my advancing years, I’m leaning towards the minimal government version of anarcho-capitalism.

May 5, 2024 9:24 am


 May 5, 2024 8:35 am

They seem happy to vote for their own destruction. Or perhaps the great replacement has reached a historic level.

London mayor election: Sadiq Khan clinches historic third term

I just saw on Sky that one of the winning Muslim councillors was shouting Allahu akbar. No wonder the Brits are escaping to the country, to the continent, anywhere. I think there are three or more versions of “Escape to the Country” programs on TV now.

May 5, 2024 9:27 am

Please donate generously.

May 5, 2024 9:39 am

I fail to see any good reason to vote for the stupid forking gliberals, state of federally.

Yep, never again. I haven’t voted for them for over a decade and that was last in 2013, after which the Abbottbeast decided he wanted to be loved by people who hated his guts and who would never have voted for him in a pink fit.

Useless unprincipled gutless jellyfish. They exist for reasons that are beyond my comprehension.

May 5, 2024 9:42 am
May 5, 2024 9:43 am
May 5, 2024 9:44 am

 May 4, 2024 4:55 pm

Yes, that was my point Roger. The people who voluntarily support the current transformation of society either do not fully understand what they are supporting, or else they are unwitting subjects of psychological manipulation. I have encountered both types.

Perhaps they DO see the transformation and want to be in on the top floor?

May 5, 2024 9:50 am

They seem happy to vote for their own destruction. Or perhaps the great replacement has reached a historic level.
London mayor election: Sadiq Khan clinches historic third term

The eligible voters for Mayor of London are mainly corporate, very few individuals live in the CoL voting area .. It’s harder to lose that Mayoral job than it is to win it ……!

May 5, 2024 10:05 am

Article in today’s Sunday Mail about group of “experts” having a go at CHO Qld over his Covid policies and asking for his sacking. All academics naturally. Not a great fan of CHO but in hindsight far from the worst and way better than Janette Young who came up with wearing mask even if in car on your own.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 12:01 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

And closing schools to teach the peasants a lesson.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 5, 2024 10:35 am

However, if Eva Vlardingerbroek wants to identify as an activist that’s fine by me. Whatever Eva wants is fine.

May 5, 2024 10:36 am

I paid off my HECS debt pretty quickly.
It was a stupid thing to do as it delayed me buying my first property by a couple of years.

Anyway, any HECS relief should be means tested & one off.
For lower income households it’s quite stimulatory.

May 5, 2024 10:43 am

Keep in mind this HECS “relief” only is based upon AWOTE being lower than CPI moving forward.
Ie doesn’t undo the hikes over the past 3 years.
So it compounds at a lower rate.

May 5, 2024 11:01 am

They seem happy to vote for their own destruction. Or perhaps the great replacement has reached a historic level.
In my experience of the Poms they are very ‘localised’. The Frogs are the same. They just don’t see, they don’t stop at those stations and they don’t walk down those streets. I have no idea what they are thinking as there are huge Islamic areas and plenty of mosques.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 5, 2024 11:13 am
Reply to  johnjjj

As usual, the impact of immigration (not necessarily Muslim) is felt most at the bottom of the heap – unskilled jobs and what remains of affordable housing. Amongst this demographic the impact is well understood. Expect it to be a significant election issue going forward, not just for Pauline Hanson types.

May 5, 2024 11:21 am
Reply to  H B Bear

Rapid population growth with out a pre build up in infrastructure & housing only benefits the existing asset (land) owners.
Always has been, always will be.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 5, 2024 11:03 am

If you get a decent job HECS looks after itself. It’s an issue because banks look at it in determining borrowing capacity and inflation is back.

May 5, 2024 11:23 am
Reply to  H B Bear

I think that equation started to change about 10 years ago.

May 5, 2024 11:05 am

Nothing government spends is stimulatory, it is always added to the cost. I’ve never needed the government to help me by taking my money to then give it back minus government costs. I am an economic illiterate, thank goodness. I have wasted a motza on things I shouldn’t have spent a cent. I don’t need government to help me lose money. Made a heap off government doing things they were quite capable of doing but chose not to. For that always charged a premium.

May 5, 2024 11:17 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

When poorer people have more disposable income they tend to spend it.
That the very definition of stimulatory.
There is a multiplier effect.

May 5, 2024 11:06 am

I’ll probably let my preferences flow to the SFLs next HoR election- senate probably UAP and/or PHON. I still want Dutton to win with Advance Australia and Jacinta to push him in the right direction. Can’t see any other way forward.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 5, 2024 11:21 am
Reply to  Miltonf

Unless you spoil your vote, in most electorates placing the Lieborals ahead of the Liars and the Greens means that is what happens. The Lieborals usually get my 4th preference (and no AEC funding). The only real issue in Curtin was to put the Teal candidate near the Greens – which clearly not enough people did.

May 5, 2024 11:36 am
Reply to  H B Bear

Yes. Now, what personal effort do we make towards this end. Does it extend to nabbing out HTVs for PHON that ensure a preference flow to the SLS? I think it has come to this.
I will look for a way to donate to support Jacinta in the NT.

May 5, 2024 12:42 pm
Reply to  Rafiki

The relationship between the coalition and Advance is interesting

May 5, 2024 11:07 am

watched a coupla movies over the weekend ..
IN THE LAND OF SAINTS & SINNERS .. Liam Neeson’s latest .. watchable &, probably, his best since TAKEN .. Ireland 1974 and the 2 terrorist organizations get intermingled .. thought the ending was telegraphed a bit too early but that’s me! …. 7/10

LAND OF THE BAD .. an American Seal team hostage rescue mission goes sidewayz .. gung ho shoot ’em up fest but quite well dun .. and as a surprise .. “Rusty” does an excellent “over-the-top” role as a US Air Force drone operator .. whilst 2 of our “heroes” are Hemsworths, Liam & Luke (how many are there..?) .. overall a good “America tuff guys win out” stuff .. lotza good blow-it-up computerization, mayhem & gore .. again 7/10

May 5, 2024 11:09 am

Today being a Sunday, I have time to peruse most of my internet feeds and came across this,

“Since Korea was split in two after World War II, the Korean language spoken in North and South Korea has diverged enough that around 45 percent of North Korean defectors struggle to understand the Korean spoken in South Korea, and 1 percent of them can’t understand it at all.”

I find that hard to believe, anyone here of other then English language background who visited the home country after say 20 or more years absence and found it difficult to communicate?

I don’t mean new slang, that happens, but in general conversation.

May 5, 2024 1:07 pm
Reply to  KevinM

We watched some UK ambulance rescue thing randomly on tv last night and I couldn’t understand the English spoken by a couple of the elderly participants.

May 5, 2024 4:27 pm
Reply to  KevinM

The Sicilian Prince’s family visited Oz in 2001 and struggled to understand the old aunties and uncles who were still speaking both Italian and the village dialect as it was spoken in 1950 when they emigrated here.

With added Oz bastardisation. Carro for car and yarda for garden, for example. Hilarity ensued.

May 5, 2024 11:19 am

The greatest limiting factor to my wealth creation has been my aversion to debt.
If I could go back to the late 90’s I would tell my younger self to take on more debt.
Not a stupid amount.
But I’ve always been under geared.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 5, 2024 3:09 pm
Reply to  feelthebern

Yep. Debt + inflation is a winning combination. Can’t really change your inbuilt attitude to risk though.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 5, 2024 11:22 am

The eligible voters for Mayor of London are mainly corporate, very few individuals live in the CoL voting area .. It’s harder to lose that Mayoral job than it is to win it 

About 2 million votes were cast in the London Boroughs – a 48% turnout, which is high for the Brits.

The Conservative candidate was a victim of years of truly crap Westminster government – Cameron through to the present idiot – that saw the conservative vote bleed away to Reform and the LibDems.

Failed conservatism is the thing that’s hard to survive. Because of Conservative inconsistency, the UK is shortly about to step an a landmine and elect Labour for an exciting 15 years of economic and social destruction.

May 5, 2024 11:33 am
Reply to  Dr Faustus

Unless the boundaries have changed the City of London electorate used too be around 1 square mile of the CBD area …… mostly the business, retail area ……..

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 5, 2024 12:08 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

The City is the traditional ‘square mile’ but isn’t an electorate for the Assembly. It’s part of an electoral area which stretches way out to the east of Greater London.

The boundaries change all the time.

May 5, 2024 1:13 pm
Reply to  Dr Faustus

I got this from an article I read way back when Khan was 1st elected and the writer was explaining the nuances of CoL voting rights and why so many folk couldn’t understand how he’d got in …….

May 5, 2024 11:30 am

They seem happy to vote for their own destruction. Or perhaps the great replacement has reached a historic level.

Growing up in 1950s/60s County Durham coalfields 98% of the population was white and 95% spoke with the “Geordie”accent .. there were blek/brown folk around, mostly on-the-buses conductors/drivers but no idea where in the area they lived, never saw any on the streets, but going back in 2013 1 in 4 folk were ethnic & a lot had “Geordie” accents so sometime between my leaving(1967) there must have been quite a Northern population explosion .. you don’t pick up a “Geordie” accent over time your born into it …….

May 5, 2024 11:34 am

BTW this ALP MP who’s allegedly been sexually assaulted.
Im not across the entire story, however her immediate reporting & getting a rape kit done is exactly what needs to happen.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 5, 2024 11:37 am

 May 5, 2024 11:06 am

I’ll probably let my preferences flow to the SFLs next HoR election- senate probably UAP and/or PHON. I still want Dutton to win with Advance Australia and Jacinta to push him in the right direction. Can’t see any other way forward.

H B Bear
 May 5, 2024 11:21 am

Unless you spoil your vote, in most electorates placing the Lieborals ahead of the Liars and the Greens means that is what happens.

Like most, I will face the same quandary. I really don’t think I can hold my nose and preference the SFL’s ahead of the Liebor/Greens trash such that the SFL’s eventually get my vote. I cannot reward bad behaviour.
Probably futile (to spoil? my vote), but I intend not to number all the boxes and instead, just number PHON and any other similar candidates, being very wary of so-called Independents.

May 5, 2024 11:50 am
Reply to  Mak Siccar

Mak, it is beyond frustrating.
Our electorate has a political tragic who publishes articles about who your preference will end up supporting. Scary stuff. He says that he cops a lot of flak.

May 5, 2024 11:38 am

 May 5, 2024 8:35 am

They seem happy to vote for their own destruction. Or perhaps the great replacement has reached a historic level.
London mayor election: Sadiq Khan clinches historic third term

That is fuked. But as I say the problem is not with the liars and the filth: what they are and what they are doing is plain. The problem is with the gutlessness of the conservatives, Trump apart, and the stupidity/laziness of the sheeple.

When Trump loses/is arrested/meets with an accident in November the takeover of the West will be complete.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 5, 2024 11:42 am

Maybe he could take up being a clown in a circus – fully qualified:

Alice Springs based and globally acclaimed filmmaker Warwick Thornton has revealed his next project will focus on the rejected Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

The globally acclaimed Alice Springs director behind films including Samson and Delilah and The New Boy will make his next project about the failed Voice referendum.

Appearing on the ABC’s Creative Types, Warwick Thornton said the idea was sparked when he cast his vote in London last year.

“I thought, ‘The pen that I write Yes with, I’m going to steal it from the election commission, and if Australia says No, I’m going to use that pen to write a movie about that day’,” he said.

“And I’ve kept that pen and I’m writing a movie about that day, and it’s an incredibly angry movie.

“We’re still getting the scraps. We asked for Australia to walk with us. We asked to have that dialogue in parliament and Australia proceeded to feel … that they know better and said No.”

As Indigenous youth crime continues to plague his hometown, Thornton said measures like the emergency curfew would make no difference to the neglect, violence and racism that defined the young people’s lives.

“These kids are bored shitless – there aren’t enough community centres, they close at 6pm, there is never a long-term solution,” he said.

“There is no respect from a lot of these children but that comes from being treated like shit and that will be passed down.

“It’s generational, these kids, their parents are in their 20s and they saw the same crap, their grandparents are in their 30s and they saw the same crap.

“The authorities say, ‘Oh no why is this happening?’ It’s been happening for 50 years.”

Thornton said he wished policymakers and services would spend more time talking to young people.

“We should be asking them, ‘Why are you being such little shits?’ Talking to them is not a solution, but it’s a start.”

NT News

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 12:58 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

“It’s generational, these kids, their parents are in their 20s and they saw the same crap, their grandparents are in their 30s and they saw the same crap.

Keep picking at the scabs, the wounds will never heal.

May 5, 2024 4:32 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

He’s utterly deluded. They are little shits because their parents and grandparents were big shits who failed to raise them right and ensure they went to school.

They much prefer the Gimme Money rort. Working hard and paying taxes is for whitey suckers.

May 5, 2024 11:42 am

I have unsuccessfully campaigned at my expat Pommie Daughter to pull out and move back to Oz.

She is completely (perhaps deliberately) oblivious to the tsunami that is about to be unleashed by Labour Green Islam.

Being a Kent farmer she lives in a bubble. She absolutely rejects my arguments that Labour will destroy her business.

Her in-laws are more influential than I am. They live in the Chilterns bubble and would have fitted comfortably into a Mrs Miniver movie. Absolutely naive regarding Islam which is surprising given that her Mil was a deputy commissioner for public order.

Then again, she may be well informed about what Labor will do to Oz and that our SFL clone of the Conservatives will offer no protection.

It is frustrating.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 5, 2024 11:46 am

‘Radicalised’ teen shot dead after stabbing in Perth

A 16-year-old boy who was believed to have been radicalised has been shot dead in Western Australia after allegedly stabbing another person and charging at police.

WA Premier Roger Cook and police commissioner Col Blanch disclosed details about the incident at a press conference in Perth on Sunday morning, saying the teen called police just after 10pm on Saturday to let them know he was going to “commit acts of violence”.

Mr Cook said members of the Muslim community had made multiple calls to 000 concerned about the boy shortly before the incident occurred. He said authorities believed that the boy had been “radicalised”.

The incident took place in a carpark outside a Bunnings store in Willetton.

The Premier labelled the incident as “extremely confronting’.

“A 16 year old male with a knife who had already wounded a member of the public rushed attending officers. In response, a police officer discharged his firearm.

“There are indications he had been radicalised online. But I want to reassure the community at this stage it appears that he acted solely and alone.

“Members of the WA Muslim community who were concerned by his behaviour contacted police prior to the incident, and I thank them for their help.”

Commissioner Blanch said police received a call from the young man before the attack.

“That male indicated that he was going to commit acts of violence. He didn’t provide his name nor location and the phone was in a phone call was in terminated.,” Mr Blanch said.

“Some minutes later, police received another triple zero call from a person … stating that a male with a knife was running around the car park.”

He said three officers attended the location within three minutes of the call and were confronted with the man who was wielding a large kitchen knife.

“Two officers drew the tasers and one of the officers drew his firearm and challenged the male to put down the knife which he did not comply.”

The 16-year-old allegedly rushed one of the officers who tried to deploy a taster on him.

Commissioner Blanch said a second taster was also used but it did not have the “full desired effect”.

“The male continued to advance on the third officer with a firearm, who fired a single shot and fatally wounded the male,” he said.

“He was taken to hospital and declared deceased at approximately 11pm.

“It’s a very tragic event in Western Australia. It saddens me that I have to be here today talking about it.”

He said that the officers acted in line with their training,

Anthony Albanese said their was no place violent extremism in Australia.

“My thoughts are with those who have been affected by the incident in the Perth suburb of Willetton overnight,” the Prime Minister said in a statement.

“I have spoken with WA Premier Roger Cook this morning, and I thank the WA Police for acting swiftly to contain the incident.”

Mr Albanese said he had received a briefing on the incident from ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess and Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw and that there is “no ongoing threat” to the community at this time.

“We are a peace-loving nation and there is no place for violent extremism in Australia,” he said.


Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 5, 2024 11:47 am
Reply to  Top Ender

Snap TE.

May 5, 2024 1:09 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

This guy acted alone but he had been radicalised. Who radicalised him? The keys on his computer keyboard?

This could easily been far worse. The cops got it right on the third attempt. Next time they might not be so lucky.

The ASIO numpty says there is no ongoing threat although he admits that the kid was radicalised but it’s comforting that he was the only one /sarc.

May 5, 2024 4:35 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

“We are a peace-loving nation and there is no place for violent extremism in Australia,” he said.

So why are we seeing it on an almost daily basis then?

They deliberately ignore the elephant rampaging round the furniture.

May 5, 2024 5:39 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Role out the script:
Acted alone
Mental issues
Nothing to do with Islam

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 5, 2024 11:47 am

Words fail me because of my anger.

‘Radicalised’ teen shot dead after stabbing in Perth?



  • 11:37AM MAY 5, 2024

A 16-year-old boy who was believed to have been radicalised has been shot dead in Western Australia after allegedly stabbing another person and charging at police.

WA Premier Roger Cook and police commissioner Col Blanch disclosed details about the incident at a press conference in Perth on Sunday morning, saying the teen called police just after 10pm on Saturday to let them know he was going to “commit acts of violence”. 

Mr Cook said members of the Muslim community had made multiple calls to 000 concerned about the boy shortly before the incident occurred. He said authorities believed that the boy had been “radicalised”.

The incident took place iin a carpark outside a Bunnings store in Willetton.

The Premier labelled the incident as “extremely confronting’. 

“A 16 year old male with a knife who had already wounded a member of the public rushed attending officers. In response, a police officer discharged his firearm.

“There are indications he had been radicalised online. But I want to reassure the community at this stage it appears that he acted solely and alone.

“Members of the WA Muslim community who were concerned by his behaviour contacted police prior to the incident, and I thank them for their help.”

The state’s police commissioner, Col Blanch, said police received a call from the young man before the attack.

“That male indicated that he was going to commit acts of violence. He didn’t provide his name nor location and the phone was in a phone call was in terminated.,” Mr Blanch said.

“Some minutes later, police received another triple zero call from a person … stating that a male with a knife was running around the car park.”

He said three officers attended the location within three minutes of the call and were confronted with the man who was wielding a large kitchen knife.

“Two officers drew the tasers and one of the officers drew his firearm and challenged the male to put down the knife which he did not comply.”

The 16-year-old allegedly rushed one of the officers who tried to deploy a taster on him.

Commissioner Blanch said a second taster was also used but it did not have the “full desired effect”.

“The male continued to advance on the third officer with a firearm, who fired a single shot and fatally wounded the male,” he said.

“He was taken to hospital and declared deceased at approximately 11pm.

“It’s a very tragic event in Western Australia. It saddens me that I have to be here today talking about it.”

He said that the officers acted in line with their training,

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 5, 2024 1:42 pm
Reply to  Mak Siccar

Another Darwin Award has been won.

May 5, 2024 4:00 pm

No Bruce.
It was all an act in four parts.

May 5, 2024 11:50 am

There are Muslims in Perth?
But seriously, two radicalised teens in a month.
How does that compare to the Grampian Nazi tally?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 12:30 pm
Reply to  feelthebern

Forty thousand Mooslimes living in Western Australia..

May 5, 2024 11:59 am

Top Ender
 May 5, 2024 11:46 am

‘Radicalised’ teen shot dead after stabbing in Perth

It is a complete superfluity to use the term radicalised with the word muslim. Compared to Western values ALL muslims are radicalised. The only distinction within islam is that some muslims are more violent than others.

May 5, 2024 3:15 pm
Reply to  cohenite

“Compared to Western values ALL muslims are radicalised. The only distinction within islam is that some muslims are more violent than others.”

Best succinct summation of islam I’ve come across and I’ve read a lot of Robert Spencer’s books.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 12:04 pm

‘Radicalised’ teen shot dead after stabbing in Perth

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes..

May 5, 2024 12:05 pm

Everyone will have their opinion on HECS debt and Sleazy’s latest cynical Billion$ splash to buy votes with OPM.

That aside, it’s hard to criticize the execution of the hard nosed strategy being employed; Don’t be coy, use the power of the mandate to go HARD and implement policy regardless of the screaming and wailing of your opponents.Don’t be concerned about making friends with your enemies.

Until this is learned and practiced by the SFL’s , I can’t see any prospect of real change here. Only a variation perhaps in the rate of our decline. The way I see it, the SFL’s strike out on 2 key levels. 1) Their policies are Labor Lite. Unappealing to many conservatives.2) In power they have demonstrated weakness and fear, no conviction with implementing even these token “conservative” policies.

May 5, 2024 12:10 pm

Just called husband who is at the moment in a Bunnings store in Sydney. It seems incomprehensible that one has to be on Knife alert anywhere in this country.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 12:10 pm

“We are a peace-loving nation and there is no place for violent extremism in Australia,” [AnAl] said.

So stop importing extremists.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 5, 2024 12:53 pm
Reply to  Boambee John

Stop importing muslims

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 1:05 pm
Reply to  Barking Toad


May 5, 2024 12:20 pm

There are a lot of good memes but this one of the best:

May 5, 2024 12:21 pm


May 5, 2024 8:24 am

The federal Liars are copycatting the US Dems by wiping student debt, so it’s really about stopping the kiddies voting for the Greenfilth in inner metropolitan seats like Elbow’s (Grayndler).

Tom, I don’t think it will be wildly popular with just the kids. The parents would probably like it too.

May 5, 2024 12:44 pm
Reply to  JC


Last edited 9 months ago by JC
May 5, 2024 12:24 pm

Top Ender, I saw both Samson & Delilah & Charlie’s Country which was also, I think, made by Thornton. Personally I thought both were brilliant movies. They depicted contemporary Aboriginal society warts and all – not shying away from the culture which is both violent and the source of much of their inability to progress. They pinpointed the policies of artificial communities and lack of responsibility that perpetuates much of the hopelessness.

Further, I think that white culture – particularly the authorities – are depicted as well meaning ( except for some who exploit opportunities) but not capable of rising above dead end policies.

May 5, 2024 12:25 pm

From last night:

These are the creme de la creme of our intelligentsia yet they cannot see what they are doing is mirroring what their predecessors have vowed must never happen again. Events like this make me doubt the theory that humanity is always progressing.

Humanity seems to be one of those cyclical civilisations* that make it’s greatest advances as a result of the hard lessons made when society goes mad and does stupid shit that believes in Cargo Cultism, Marx, and Global Warming, then has to dig its way out of the chaos to advance further.
We appear to be in a pre collapse situation currently, where the path we are taking is as obvious as hell, but no one is prepared to do what must be done now to prevent what is obvious to anyone who has read even a modicum of history and can see it coming.

*The Crazy Eddy Cycles come to mind.

May 5, 2024 2:58 pm
Reply to  Bobtheboozer

I wonder if Duterte would be willing to be PM for a term

May 5, 2024 4:03 pm
Reply to  Philby

Or even just for a week.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
May 5, 2024 12:27 pm

Tacit admission by the premier that “members of the M*slim community” exist separate from, you know, the community community.

May 5, 2024 12:36 pm

The Crazy Eddy Cycles come to mind

Mote in God’s Eye reference?
After my comment the other day about a Carrington event, I have my answer to the Fermi Paradox. Civilisation advances technologically until it depends on large amounts of solid state electronics. Then a Carrington type event occurs and wipes it out back to simple machinery.
Any bets if we were sent back to the mid 19th Century by one, how long to recover? By the time solid state electronics were re-invented, would anyone remember to take precautions?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 5, 2024 1:40 pm
Reply to  Eyrie

Crazy Eddie is one of the most excellent concepts in those novels.

Our Crazy Eddie is Chris Bowen.

May 5, 2024 12:48 pm

Why is it that it seems only boys from within the ‘muslim community ‘ seem to be getting radicalised online?
Is there some sort of common denominator?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 12:56 pm

And for those lovers of Raquel Welch,1,000,000 Years BC now on CH 92 GEM.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 5, 2024 1:00 pm

A 16-year-old boy who was believed to have been radicalised has been shot dead in Western Australia after allegedly stabbing another person and charging at police

I wonder why people are surprised that 16 year old males are capable of extreme violence. It’s what they’re designed for.

Males in their mid-to-late teenage years are a) overflowing with testosterone, and b) in their own perceptions, immortal. I certainly was.

There is innumerable empiric data to confirm that the best shock troops in armies throughout the ages were between 16 and 19 years of age. They are physically fit, will follow orders and because their brains have yet to fully mature they will absolutely believe their chosen ideology – whether it be religion or nation-based, or both.

This weekend there are tens of thousands of males of this age competing in sports where physical strength and agility are valued, if not actual combat sports. A thousand years ago they weren’t doing that – instead, they were offing each other en masse with swords, axes, mallets, maces and halberds. Team sports of this type merely channel that hard-wired instinct.

Technological and medical advances combined with greater media voices to hand-patters have convinced a great many people that we have somehow become more civilised.

We haven’t. The underlying thirst for combat and conquering is still there – it’s just been masked by an ephemera of nice clothes, abundant food and shelter and a belief that people have rights to things.

As someone said upthread – savagery is the status quo.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 1:00 pm

Apparently, Tennis Elbow has been using AI in order to put together Feral Guv’ment decision making dictates.

That’s AI as in AnAl Interference. Seems to be working like a treat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 1:00 pm

1 hour ago

No place for violent extremism in Australia: PM
Tricia Rivera
Anthony Albanese says there is “no place” for violent extremism in Australia after a 16-year-old boy, who was believed to be radicalised online, was shot dead after he stabbed a man in the back in Western Australia.
“My thoughts are with those who have been affected by the incident in the Perth suburb of Willetton overnight,” the Prime Minister said in a statement.
“I have spoken with WA Premier Roger Cook this morning, and I thank the WA Police for acting swiftly to contain the incident.”
Mr Albanese said he had received a briefing on the incident from ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess and Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw and that there is “no ongoing threat” to the community at this time.
“We are a peace-loving nation and there is no place for violent extremism in Australia,” he said.

May 5, 2024 2:28 pm

What about the Islamic preachers who promote violence against Jews?

Crickets from the cynical, lying social activist.

Fuck off Albomemsie.

Even your friends are embarrassed by you.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
May 5, 2024 3:10 pm

The only sure fire (no pun intended) way to ensure de-radicalization.

Last edited 9 months ago by Perplexed of Brisbane
May 5, 2024 1:01 pm

Chris Rufo from the Manhattan Institute is always a good read. In fact all of Manhattan Institute is a really good read.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 1:03 pm

And for a Lazy Sunday Afternoon here in Gloomy Sydney waiting for the downpour to come – The Small Faces from 1968 –

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Cassie of Sydney
May 5, 2024 1:03 pm

Just returned from meeting some friends at Fox Studios. They now have a monthly French markets at Fox. Tres bon! Had coffee and a delicious crepe covered with strawberries and icing sugar. Scrummo.

Walked back towards the city, along South Dowling Street, and I watched in dismay as a long convoy of cars festooned in Pallie flags came along, they were blowing their horns loudly. I witnessed about thirty or more of the cars, filled with men and women, the women wearing hijabs. The cars were headed towards the CBD for yet another Jew hating festival. Went to cross the road and came face to face with a car, its hood covered in a Pallie flag and there was a hijabi female driving. I yelled out “Go Israel”, “Am Yisrael Chai” and the hijabi started screaming at me, so I responded by raising my middle finger upwards and I screamed back………


I’m not really one to swear in public, but I make an exception for Jew haters.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 1:14 pm

Cassie, I am surprised that a lady, such as yourself, knows such words.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 2:46 pm

Give it to them, Cassie. They thoroughly deserve it.

May 5, 2024 4:39 pm

Keep serving it up to them, Cassie. They are pig ignorant, gutless cowards.

May 5, 2024 5:08 pm

I usually don’t like the look of a woman swearing in public.. but in this case, most excellent!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 1:03 pm


14 minutes ago
“Anthony Albanese says there is “no place” for violent extremism in Australia”

Of course there is. It’s the court yard in front of the Sydney Opera House.

Have you forgotten already?

May 5, 2024 1:06 pm

“These kids are bored shitless – there aren’t enough community centres, they close at 6pm, there is never a long-term solution,” he said.

Since when did alleviating boredom become everyone else’s problem ..”
I grew up in the mid1950s’60s and apart from, the weekly, church youth clubs you made your own enjoyment .. I don’t recall going on the rampage cos .. bored ….!

May 5, 2024 2:14 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

You also very likely had a job or home chores and responsibilities therefore not much time to be bored. The indigenous adults in these communities, let alone the kids, don’t have any responsibilities so of course boredom will be an issue. Functional families also have routines for their children which are expected to be followed and are even enforced. In the indigenous communities where food, clothing and housing are taken care of there is no need for discipline in order to earn those things. As things are there is no possibility of change or improvement.

Cassie of Sydney
May 5, 2024 1:10 pm

Anthony Albanese says there is “no place” for violent extremism in Australia after a 16-year-old boy

Weasel speaking weasel words.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 5, 2024 1:19 pm

no place


Weasel speaking weasel words.

Up next:

‘Zero tolerance’
‘Not okay’
‘We are us’

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
May 5, 2024 1:19 pm

There’s a meme, long extant in the UK, which is “gives”. Signifies the blunt entitlement of the welfare class, the pillaging immigrant, the purple-haired undergraduate, the recidivist crim, everyone who wants to reap the bounty of Western society by exploiting its generosity without reciprocity.
i think we should drag Gives into currency here, for one it sums up Thornton’s career in making boring films which would never get a guernsey or gong outside of Grantsville, and now it seems that’s his clairvoyant solution to societal decrepitude in aboriginal communities.
If i hear it right, he’s actually asking for aboriginal kids to be raised en masse by town councils?
Most importantly without ever acknowledging the source of the wonders of the west- self-respect, self-examination, self-improvement- and while being told by everyone in media, education and government that they are extraordinarily special because of their genetic make-up, the Gives generation will be around for a long long long time.

May 5, 2024 1:32 pm

 May 5, 2024 12:36 pm

The Crazy Eddy Cycles come to mind
Mote in God’s Eye reference?
After my comment the other day about a Carrington event,

A Carrington equal to the 1859 event would be devastating; but to mitigate the damage advance warning would be up to 48 hours. The exact time would depend on the speed and energy of the coronal mass ejection. The main damage mitigator would be shutting down the grid to protect the transformers. Nuclear and fossil power plants would be protected and some but not all computers have built in Faraday cages. Mobile phones and pay TV would suffer because the satellites would be knocked out. Guns won’t be affected; nor tinned food. Nor books.

May 5, 2024 4:09 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Surely there must be some disadvantages?

May 5, 2024 6:35 pm
Reply to  BobtheBoozer

Yep, no power for some time; third world nations worse hit.

May 5, 2024 1:33 pm

This popped in to my X feed.

It’s potential news on a serious subject. Potential bs too. A cure for alzhiemers using ultrasound?

Can’t hurt to follow. RTW to understand where the project has reached. He claims the “cure” has been demonstrated, the next step is duplication of prior results through publication.

Big Pharma will be watching closely.

We made it – we fucking made it

This is really going to happen

Holy shit

Dementia and Alzheimer’s is as good as cured as of Today

We are coming to rescue your microtubules – hang on just a few more months

Hang on to your loved ones – you must not let them slip away

May 5, 2024 1:36 pm

dover, can you please approve the comment I posted re:Sterling Cooley? Thanks.

May 5, 2024 1:36 pm
May 5, 2024 1:37 pm
Last edited 9 months ago by Indolent
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 1:40 pm

“Fossil fuels don’t cause bad weather, rather they protect us from the bad weather that has always occured”

Tony Heller.


Record Climate Cynicism

The people behind climate alarmism want to shut down the fuels which make air conditioning affordable and available. They say they are shutting down air conditioning to protect people from the heat.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 5, 2024 1:43 pm

The stabber was ‘radicalised’ on line by people with a ‘religious’ motivation:

No mention of which religion, of course. This is the Labor left and the ABC. But we can be pretty sure it wasn’t the Holy Name Society or the Anglican Boys’ Brigade.

May 5, 2024 1:47 pm

A very dark view but not impossible.
The Danger of Co-option and False Prophets

May 5, 2024 1:50 pm

“Anthony Albanese says there is “no place” for violent extremism in Australia”

“The vote herd agrees with you, Luigi, but you keep on importing it” .. FFS!

Salvatore - Iron Publican
May 5, 2024 2:05 pm

Article in today’s Sunday Mail about group of “experts” having a go at CHO Qld over his Covid policies and asking for his sacking. All academics naturally.

They’re livid that he wasn’t demanding longer harder lockdowns, more masking, more business closures & longer school closures.

I haven’t read the article, how did I do?
He is sane, which will be driving the authoritarian left up the wall.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 2:10 pm

Far faarkin out!

This channel is interesting. He needs to ditch the ref to flat earth Dave.

With that said, this clip gives me the creeps. I sense evil at work.

Make up your own mind.


My Lunch Break:

Today, we go underground and find a massive clue to where the previous civilization may have gone. We find that there are thousands of miles of catacombs present, all over the world. All because the cemeteries were over crowded? Or…is there a much darker secret to these tunnel systems that hold bones of the past, that are placed into geometric patterns. Are you ready to take this research to another level? Are you ready to go into the Catacombs? Here we go.

May 5, 2024 2:11 pm

The UK Economy May Never Recover From The Damage Done by Boris Johnson

How is the UK worse than other developed countries? Did they spend, in per capita terms, more than other countries?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 2:19 pm

 May 5, 2024 2:11 pm

The UK Economy May Never Recover From The Damage Done by Boris Johnson

How is the UK worse than other developed countries? Did they spend, in per capita terms, more than other countries?

The Australian Economy may never recover from the damage being done by Tennis Elbow, Blackout Bonehead Bowen, Dim Chalmers and many others. Not only that but when the Libs/Nats win in mid 2025 they will just carry on with the damage.

They all have NFI.

May 5, 2024 2:48 pm
Reply to  Johnny Rotten

I listened to what that gentleman had to say. It was an anti- Tory rant. Went on and on about Johnson & Sunak lying. Isn’t that what all politicians of all stripes do? Why have a higher bar for Tories/Liberals/Repubs than the left?

May 5, 2024 2:32 pm

Most importantly without ever acknowledging the source of the wonders of the west- self-respect, self-examination, self-improvement- and while being told by everyone in media, education and government that they are extraordinarily special because of their genetic make-up, the Gives generation will be around for a long long long time.

Wally Dali, I would add discipline and responsibility with adverse effects such as loss of income if these are not followed. By providing all the essentials such as food, clothing and housing, even most of the luxuries, for free what else is there to achieve by sacrificing? Consequences are what keep people in line so the same must be applied to indigenous communities.

By providing everything for the indigenous communities we have infantilised them, nothing is expected of them so they act up and then are shocked when the rest of the country disapproves and doesn’t want them near. The only thing that will work is full integration with all of them having to earn a living unless ill or disabled.

Native Title process is also contributing to the indigenous problems as it advantages certain individuals, or families in some cases, and even where it is nominally communal there are no equitable outcomes. Best solution, cancel Native Title, return it all into Crown land and once again everybody earn a living and look after their own families. Continuing in the current way simply causes apartheid with the working majority being disadvantaged and nobody happy.

May 5, 2024 2:44 pm

Headline in the West Australian, 16 yo Teen Deradicalised. Never to cause a problem again. 1.9 Billion to go.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 5, 2024 2:55 pm

 May 5, 2024 11:19 am

The greatest limiting factor to my wealth creation has been my aversion to debt.

If I could go back to the late 90’s I would tell my younger self to take on more debt.

Not a stupid amount.

But I’ve always been under geared.

It always feels like that in retrospect.
Talking about $750k to $1 meg in debt seems to be no biggy now, but that was some load to take on back in the ’90’s, with Paul “Eighteen Pussent” Keating fresh in our minds.

May 5, 2024 2:58 pm


What’s really wrecked the UK economy was Brexit. The Brits essentially stuck a moat around the island without thinking it through or what it meant to move away from the European market, which was their largest trading partner by far. There was no planning around the decision. Moreover, the main driver for Brexit was immigration, and that hasn’t stopped in any material way. A mess. To top it all off, they’re on their way to a Labor government, which is probably the worst time to have the Left as the government.

And things are really extreme there, according to anecdotes.

A friend told wifey that her husband, wearing a t-shirt with a mining Co. logo, was told by his gym trainer that she couldn’t work with him any longer because of the logo.
The same couple frequently donated a decent amount of money to a well-known British charity. She was called into their office and told face-to-face that they could no longer take their donations because he works for a fossil fuel company.

Bad immigration alone isn’t screwing up the place; it sounds like the indig are doing a very fine job too.

May 5, 2024 3:16 pm
Reply to  JC

JC — Don’t disagree with what you have to say but there is a commonality across all developed countries. Doesn’t matter left or right, they all seem to be follow the same policies. Take immigration — in all developed countries it is the same story. Here the current government can’t bring itself to talk about the plight of their own people with regards to housing.

About the experiences of your friend in the fossil fuel industry, its FUed up.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 5, 2024 2:59 pm

That tunnel system in Odessa is mind blowing.

May 5, 2024 3:03 pm

It wasn’t crystal clear, at least from the 80s, Bern.

We bought a house in Neutral Bay, in the mid 80s, and a month later after signing the contract, the Liars introduced capital gains tax. It looked really bad for a short while there.

And don’t forget the interest rates. I actually think house prices began to move up in the late nineties.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 5, 2024 3:03 pm

The stabber was ‘radicalised’ on line by people with a ‘religious’ motivation:

The cryptic word of the day – Islam.

May 5, 2024 3:07 pm

You would have thought Howard might have got rid of capital gains tax- he had ten years to do it. Instead he brought in a new tax.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 5, 2024 3:07 pm

Anthony Albanese says there is “no place” for violent extremism in Australia

Oh, but there is, Luigi.
And it is a place created and nurtured by you and your fellow travellers on the far left.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 5, 2024 3:09 pm

watched a coupla movies over the weekend .

Thanks for the tip shatterezz. Watched the first, now onto the second.

Overcast gloomy afternoon – ideal for easy watching.

No interest in AFL today after Collingwood bashed Caaarrton Friday night 🙂

May 5, 2024 3:10 pm

Despite assertions to the contrary, Islam is not a religion.It is an ideology aimed at world domination.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 5, 2024 3:30 pm
Reply to  damon
May 5, 2024 4:15 pm
Reply to  damon

Despite assertions to the contrary, Islam is not a religion.It is an ideology cult aimed at world domination.
And the sooner we manage to start applying cultish answers to cultish problems, the less will be the price in tears and blood.

May 5, 2024 3:11 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 5, 2024 3:13 pm

I have been watching AFL on Kayo.
It is the most useless, clunky piece of shit known to man.
The Ozemail of streaming.

May 5, 2024 3:15 pm

When I was a scholar at UWA, the VC was someone who appeared once a year, shook your hand, and disappeared back into the Chancery.

May 5, 2024 3:17 pm

 May 5, 2024 3:10 pm

Despite assertions to the contrary, Islam is not a religion. It is an ideology aimed at world domination.

You have 3 choices with islam:


Islam is the ultimate 5th columnist. No muslim comes to the West to adopt Western values: they all come to spread this vile, alien eschatological ideology.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 3:19 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Well said!

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 5, 2024 3:32 pm
Reply to  cohenite
May 5, 2024 3:50 pm
Reply to  cohenite

They were removed from Europe before by force so they will have to be treated in the same way again. I just hope it doesn’t take 300 years this time.

May 5, 2024 4:25 pm
Reply to  Crossie

It appeals to any male who on getting out of bed in the morning is happy to know even though he cannot master the knot that holds his shoelaces together, he is superior to 50% of the worlds population – that 50% being women.
It is a Cult of Losers.

May 5, 2024 5:51 pm
Reply to  BobtheBoozer

Actually it is women who are attracted to Islam. Watch the pro Hamas demonstrations. There will be converts.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 5, 2024 4:52 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Four choices, not three.


I quite like the forth option myself.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 5, 2024 3:19 pm

The West Australian:

Commissioner Blanch said the boy, who was known to police, had mental health issues and was undergoing a police deradicalisation course. He was one of a handful of teenagers in WA participating in the program.

Might need a bit of a review there…

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 5, 2024 4:35 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

This won’t help with attendance.
”I’ll put him down as absent, Achmed?”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 3:24 pm


‘Radicalised’ teen shot by police after horror stabbing ordeal in Willetton, PerthA 16-year-old boy shot dead after a Bunnings’ carpark stabbing was enrolled previously in a deradicalisation program.

May 5, 2024 3:51 pm

So much for the effectiveness of this program.

May 5, 2024 8:12 pm
Reply to  Crossie

The follow up check worked though.

From the Glock school of deradicalising.

May 5, 2024 5:30 pm

Well look on the bright side, he finally enrolled in one that worked.

May 5, 2024 3:27 pm

‘Radicalised’ teen shot by police after

One shot and dead. At least one WA copper paid attention during weapons training.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 3:36 pm
Reply to  Eyrie

That makes one Western Australian copper, and one New South Wales copper that paid attention during weapons training.

May 5, 2024 3:32 pm

 May 5, 2024 10:36 am

I paid off my HECS debt pretty quickly.

It was a stupid thing to do as it delayed me buying my first property by a couple of years.

Anyway, any HECS relief should be means tested & one off.

For lower income households it’s quite stimulatory.

No. It’s the thin edge of the wedge for removing protections from the person loaning the money, and giving advantage to the person who signed a contract, who then voted for removing those protections.
Retrospective changes in Laws will be a disaster for people who want to lend money, and those who want to borrow.
Because the chances of the lender adjusting the loan terms to make sure they don’t get caught out, have just been magnified.

May 5, 2024 3:40 pm

 May 5, 2024 11:42 am

I have unsuccessfully campaigned at my expat Pommie Daughter to pull out and move back to Oz.

She is completely (perhaps deliberately) oblivious to the tsunami that is about to be unleashed by Labour Green Islam.

Being a Kent farmer she lives in a bubble. She absolutely rejects my arguments that Labour will destroy her business.

You could point her to the South African Whites who woke up, wanted to come to Australia, and found out our Green Laboral Australian Government won’t let them in.
So now they’re stuck in the shit heap they didn’t create and can’t escape being the New Jews in Nazi Germany.
It doesn’t look too rosy for them at the moment.

Last edited 9 months ago by BobtheBoozer
May 5, 2024 3:45 pm

It disturbs me that knife attacks by Muslim youth are being attributed to “radicalisation”. This response is just another example of the refusal of authorities AND the media to attempt any degree of understanding of Islam. There are basic tenets of Islam that put it at odds with western liberal democracies.

While Muslim immigrants may fashion their lives in the West to accomodate their Islamic faith, the complete integration of many immigrants will fail. Few religious faiths express the degree of intolerance and hostility to other faiths as Islam.

Unfortunately, most of our leaders are in denial is respect to the militance of contemporary Islam. This has led to a generation of legal and illegal immigrants settling in multi-faith western democracies.

What can possibly go wrong?

May 5, 2024 3:45 pm

odious pommy journo

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 4:20 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Who is he?

May 5, 2024 4:26 pm

dunno was wondering myself

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 3:47 pm

Anti-Israel slogans mean different things: Minister
Noah Yim
Education Minister Jason Clare has declined to take a stand on slogans that Jewish leaders say call for the annihilation of Israel, including calls for “intifada” and chants of “from the river to the sea”.
“Any words that stoke fear in our community or make people not want to go to university are intolerable,” Mr Clare said. “I’ve seen people say that those words mean the annihilation of Israel. I’ve seen people say that it means the opposite. I’ve seen people say that they’re slogans that Israeli political parties have used.
“What I’d say is this. What I want all Australians to be arguing for, to be calling for, is a two-state solution. Two countries, two people, two states side by side where people can live in peace without fear, without terrorism, without checkpoints, without occupation.”

The Palestinians have rejected five offers of a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s. What makes this fool think they are interested in such a solution now?

May 5, 2024 4:21 pm

Bloke’s a politician .. commonsense isn’t high on the agenda ..

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 3:56 pm

NSW Police warrant for anti-terror raids circulated, terror accused teen’s home targetedWestern Sydney leaders have warned people against committing vigilante revenge attacks after a warrant containing personal details that police used in anti-terror raids began circulating.

2 min read
May 5, 2024 – 2:16PM

Western Sydney leaders have warned people against committing vigilante revenge attacks after a warrant containing personal details that police used in anti-terror raids began circulating in the community and the family home of one of the teens arrested was targeted.
The Daily Telegraph can reveal the warrant – which contains the names of some of the teens arrested, phone numbers, home addresses and number plates – was issued by police and started to spread online within the western Sydney community following the raids on April 24.
Among those arrested was a 17-year-old boy, who was accused of having Islamic State beheading and pro-Hamas military videos on his phone.
While he was in custody on remand on Anzac Day, his car that was parked outside his parents’ suburban home was damaged in a vandalism attack.
Photos taken after the incident, supplied to The Telegraph, show the 17-year-old’s car with a smashed-in windscreen and the front bumper and a side mirror torn off.

May 5, 2024 4:11 pm

Good, too bad they didn’t bring a jerry & a match…

May 5, 2024 4:46 pm

My care factor is struggling to reach zero.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 4:49 pm

Are they certain that the damage was not the result of bad driving, re-purposed for political reasons.


May 5, 2024 3:58 pm

Top Ender:

Mr Cook said members of the Muslim community had made multiple calls to 000 concerned about the boy shortly before the incident occurred. He said authorities believed that the boy had been “radicalised”.

Alternative story:
The Muslim Shia* Community have radicalised a young man, and before they sent him on a mission, they called the authorities and let them know a member of their community had been radicalised by a Sunni* sect member.

  1. A ‘martyr’ is created.
  2. The Sunni* community gets the blame.
  3. The Shia* Community is seen as the victim.
  4. The civil authorities are seen as impotent at playing a game Islam has played for 1400 years, and will gratefully accept the apologies of the stupid Dhimmi’s, along with some Jizya.

*It doesn’t matter which sect they belong to, they know the game rules, and we don’t.

May 5, 2024 4:00 pm

Feelthebern – re debt & gearing:

While husband & I did borrow to buy land ( on which we built our first house) & then a business ( using the house we built as collateral), our goal was always to be debt free. Throughout those years in business, in spite of the high interest rates and 22% on overdraft, we eventually paid off that debt. Then we started again by borrowing to buy investment property, again with the aim of paying the debt down – which we did.

In spite of friends’ advice to remain geared up, we stuck with our plan & have never regretted it. As the global economic skies darken, we are comfortable in our decisions.

While our family initially followed our example, & fully owned a great property, like many others, they couldn’t resist the “fabulous upgrade” and now have a mortgage again – admittedly small. No sympathy from us if things go pear shape.

May 5, 2024 4:16 pm

Jeremy Clarkson had a dig at Brexit because no more EU subsidies are making farmers diversify.


May 5, 2024 4:18 pm


 May 5, 2024 3:41 pm

1970 interview with Israel’s Prime Minister Golda Meir – as relevant now as it was then. – Michael Smith News

one hell of woman

One thing that stood out for me in that interview was how interviewing styles have changed since1970. Even though the interviewer was not friendly to Golda Mier he still asked questions and then let her speak as long as she wanted.

Current style is to interrupt and prevent the interviewee from presenting their case. In many if not most cases the interviewer is debating the guest which does not add anything to the debate though it does reveal the interviewer’s prejudices.

May 5, 2024 4:25 pm
Reply to  Crossie

I found the whole interview fascinating. Agree interviewers are much much worse now but I found him supercilious in that smug oxbridge way.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 5, 2024 4:51 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

The ABC style.

May 5, 2024 4:38 pm
Reply to  Crossie

Interviewing is one of the arts of journalism and the best interviewers, in my opinion, are the best journalists because they’re genuinely curious about their subjects and unobsessed with their own view of the world — unlike giant TV egos, such as Andrew Bolt, who shout down and interrupt their subjects because their no.1 mission is to ram their opinions down your throat.

May 5, 2024 4:49 pm
Reply to  Tom

Bolt always came across much better in print

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 4:18 pm

The Palestinians have rejected five offers of a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s. What makes this fool think they are interested in such a solution now?

Ever since the British Mandate was approved by the UN in 1947 the Arabs have started all the Wars since then and have LOST them ALL.

Keep going Israel. You are winning and need to keep winning always.,into%20two%20states%2C%20one%20Jewish%20and%20one%20Arab.

Last edited 9 months ago by Johnny Rotten
May 5, 2024 4:20 pm

Nuclear and fossil power plants would be protected and some but not all computers have built in Faraday cages.

Any cables negate the shielding unless they are protected where they enter the shielding. You also need to deal with the magnetic fields for which you need mu metal shielding. I don’t think this is common except in certain military computers hardened against EMP.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 5, 2024 4:34 pm

The article from the Courier Mail on the doctors asking for the CHO to be given the arse:

A collection of respected scientists and clinicians has made an unprecedented call for the sacking of chief health officer John Gerrard.

The group has made shock claims Dr Gerrard’s office adopted an “unscientific let-it rip” approach to the Covid pandemic and these policies cost lives and put many thousands of Queenslanders at risk of serious long-term illness.

More than a dozen international, interstate and Queensland academics, researchers and medics have penned a letter to Premier Steven Miles and Health Minister Shannon Fentiman outlining what they claim are several false and uninformed Covid statements from Dr Gerrard that have purportedly minimised the seriousness of the virus.

“He has repeatedly made public statements that are objectively untrue and which failed to reflect the substantial scientific evidence available at the time,” the letter, which was sent this week, states.

A senior doctor employed by Queensland Health backs the call for Dr Gerrard to be replaced and has signed the letter.

“Thanks to his downplaying of the need for basic mitigations in healthcare, we now see patients exposed to infections from staff, visitors and fellow patients, with Australian data demonstrating a 5 to 10 per cent mortality rate from hospital-acquired Covid seemingly being ignored,” the doctor said.

“Dr Gerrard has used his position of authority as chief health officer to promote falsehoods about Covid such as droplet mode of transmission and that recurrent infection will lead to population-wide immunity, neither of which are accepted science,” they said

Health Minister Shannon Fentiman stands by her chief health officer and credits him for keeping Queenslanders alive during the pandemic.

“Queenslanders can thank both Dr John Gerrard and Dr Jeannette Young for their expertise and leadership during the pandemic. Queenslanders are alive today because of them and their actions,” Ms Fentiman said.

“Dr Gerrard is a renowned clinician and continues to provide expert advice around managing Covid-19, in line with agreed national and international approaches. When he says people should get vaccinated, to test if you have symptoms, to stay home if you’re infected and to mask up when needed, I take that advice seriously and so should Queenslanders,” she said.

A Queensland Health spokesman has also rejected the claims in the letter. saying it was important to judge the state’s response to the pandemic by the results

“With more than 20 per cent of Australia’s population, Queensland has fortunately seen only 14 per cent of the nation’s Covid-19 deaths. This is one of the lowest mortality rates in the world,” he said.

Dr Gerrard is on leave.

Dr Alan Baxter, another registered medical practitioner, and an Emeritus Professor in Cellular and Molecular Biology at James Cook and Monash Universities signed the letter and told The Courier-Mail that Dr Gerrard’s position is one of great responsibility which affects the welfare and longevity of most people in the state.

“His recent announcements trivialising and dismissing long Covid, for example, has left many people — and not just in Australia — wondering. In most occupations, this would be more than enough to trigger review of performance; in a position of this nature,” Dr Baxter said.

The academic who is living with multiple sclerosis, claims policies adopted by the CHO’s office failed to protect people at high risk of death and disability.

Dr Baxter’s view and the views of all signees are entirely their own and not the view of associated institutions.

Dr Gerrard was appointed chief health officer for Queensland Health in December 2021. He was the long-term director of Infectious Diseases at the Gold Coast Hospital.

“Dr Gerrard has continually been an advocate for robust, proven and clinically supported measures aimed at protecting people from infection, mitigating the impact of infection with precision and unwavering dedication,” the QH spokesman said.

The CHO was the target of criticism by long Covid sufferers when he released findings of long Covid research and issued a statement that said the name “long Covid” implied the long-term viral symptoms were unique and exceptional to other viral infections and that the name should be scrapped as it stirred up unnecessary fear.

But QH insists that this amounted to a misreading of the official’s comments and Dr Gerrard has said that long Covid symptoms are real.

“The long Covid study, presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) acknowledges that the symptoms of long Covid are real.

“Dr Gerrard has previously said, “I want to make it clear that the symptoms that some patients describe after having Covid-19 are real. We believe they are real”.

So what I glean are that the people asking for the sack think Gerrard didn’t go hard enough.

May 5, 2024 4:45 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

Bit rich Baxter calling Garrard unscientific. A lot of unscientific BS came out of the COVID years from both sides and Baxter plus his ilk were responsible for some of it as well. FFS let it go!

Que relevance depravation syndrome perhaps?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 5, 2024 4:39 pm

22 minutes ago

Perth Imam thanks community for swift action
Staff writers
The Imam of Perth’s largest mosque, Nasir Mosque Imam Syed Wadood Janud, has thanked WA Police and members of the local Muslim community for preventing an incident similar to the Westfield Bondi Junction attack, after a ‘radicalised’ 16-year-old stabbed a man in Perth last night.
In a press conference on Sunday afternoon, Imam Syed Wadood Janud said members of the Muslim community who knew of the 16-year-old boy became concerned about his behaviour and called police before the attack took place.
“We would like to appreciate the local community, the local Muslim community that actually called the police in advance,” he said.
“We would like to appreciate the WA Police as well who were able to tackle this whole incident in a matter of minutes and it did not transpire like it did in the east coast.”
The Perth faith leader confirmed the 16-year-old was not a member of the Muslim community, but the larger WA Muslim community were aware of him and had reported him to police.

May 5, 2024 4:41 pm
May 5, 2024 11:09 am

Today being a Sunday, I have time to peruse most of my internet feeds and came across this,
“Since Korea was split in two after World War II, the Korean language spoken in North and South Korea has diverged enough that around 45 percent of North Korean defectors struggle to understand the Korean spoken in South Korea, and 1 percent of them can’t understand it at all.”
I find that hard to believe, anyone here of other then English language background who visited the home country after say 20 or more years absence and found it difficult to communicate?
I’ve been reading a compendium of three Aurelio Zen novels by the very talented Michael Dibdin. Three novels for $4 – a steal – never go to a bookshop when there is a charity shop nearby. 🙂

Anyway, in it Zen encounters, more than once, dialects that he can’t understand. This is in Italy and adjacent islands, not the difference between Sydney and Perth. Also, it’s in very recent memory.

I learned Glaswegian because I loved Taggart.

20 years seems like a very short timeframe.

  1. I remember seeing an Asian here in Sydney having a hole in the face mask so that he could smoke…

  2. Wasn’t hand sanitiser made from booze at Gin Joints? LOL. Oh well, back to the more expensive Gin and Booze…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x