Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
From the OOT:
Where is this poll re Russian intervention you speak of? Apparently I couldn’t stop posting about it in March ’22.
So you’re saying there is no problem with the transparency law?
The Russians don’t need to propagandize. They just want the status quo maintained. Again the smartest thing to do if your Georgian is to sit tight, not make your country a war zone by siding with the US. Remain geopolitically neutral and trade with whoever and see how things pan out in the short to medium term.
This thread dedicated to work health and safety (the NT News):
How is a council going to make improvements to its tip if the people using it can’t stand on a trailer without falling off it?
Sorry, re the question, this one?
I don’t live in the other countries, I live in the West. My only concern with these other countries is what they can achieve regarding a change in the political situation of the West.
Good afternoon from Barcelona. Nearly didn’t make it.
Got to the gate and BA Karen informs us that our roll aboard bags have to go in the hold because “full flight”. I inform her that I have camera batteries and a power cell in the bags so not suitable to stow. Okay, says she, just see the guys at the plane (no air bridge but a bus ride to the tarmac).
So we get there and dutifully repeat the story. Confusion, like no one has ever done this before. Wait. Okay, we waited while the entire lot of passengers hop on. Bugger it, I lay my rollaboard on the tarmac and remove the batteries and power cell. Now the bag is safe to stow.
But no! Apparently this is not allowed because reasons. Next thing, seated in the plane, the Captain approaches and tells us to get off. So off we get.
It then takes on Pythonesque features. Seven Metropolitan Police, a bevy of airport security and various drones descend upon the unsuspecting old Aussies. When I asked what I had done wrong, no one could tell me. I had been reported for doing “something” but no one would tell me what it was. Our big bags were unloaded and sent back to the terminal to be re-screened and our small bags were searched again.
Finally someone decided to ask me a question. What exactly did you do? I told them.
Oh. What the?
Finally, after an hour, we did the walk of shame back to the plane and our seats, our small luggage with us. And here we are.
Some observations…the police were pleasant and couldn’t work out what the problem was either. Meanwhile the airport staff were busy having a pow wow to get their stories straight about how they were to justify delaying an aircraft at one of the busiest airports in the world over a passenger declaring having batteries in their luggage, ie. doing the right thing.
It’s a long story, but I hope it’s an amusing one. And a warning not to assume Airport Karen has a brain when she is triaging your roll-aboards prior to embarking.
Postcards from the Edge!
Keep up the travelogue. I enjoy my armchair travelling through the various exploits of the Cats and Kittehs.
That’s not what I said.
I’m not going back two years to check what you said. I distinctly recall you said, several times in fact, that the people in the border regions were distinctly in favor of annexation, also how they were rising up without even affording the reality that it was Putin causing most of the problems.
In another sovereign country, it not there’s to want or have.
If only those intolerable Georgians did as they were told, except they want to go their own way.
No one’s asking you to move there. You were simply asked if you conceded that at least things were were better in the West.
List some of these changes. You’re always telling us how bad it is, so list a few.
And…I’ve just received a generic apology from BA for the delayed flight.
Ahhhh…Heathrow. 😀
A British comedian – I can’t remember who – on e quipped that he didn’t know what terminal illness meant until he went to Heathrow.
May 6, 2024 1:17 am
Thanks for that calli, I hope the rest of your travels will be less adventurous.
I bet 93.7% of passengers would’ve just let it go about the batteries.
Still, I learned two new terms today I didn’t know before, “roll-aboard”, not surprising as I don’t travel by plane if I can help it.
The other one is “vocal fry“, that’s a link to a video, probably nothing new for the rest of the cats.
Me, back to to work now.
You, enjoy your holiday.
By the way, the Russian bot, Wally the Armchair Warlord, was caught lying again. Just straight out making shit up.
Christian churchgoers celebrating Orthodox Easter thrown out of temples and arrested by Ukrainian officials.
Precipitation: 2%
Humidity: 34%
Wind: 11 km/h
No one was wearing heavy coats today, as the vid shows. The lying bot was making it out it was contemporary.
Johannes Leak.
Brett Lethbridge.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Ben Garrison.
Many Thanks Tom.
Central Coast Mariners have won the AFC CUP, 1-0, becoming only the 2nd Oz club team to take out an Asian final after Western Sydney Wanderers won the ACL in 2014 ..
The reaction from people is a joy to watch.
Smiles galore.
woof bark growl:
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Simi Valley Spring Street Fair 2024 (1 of 12)
I use them as extreme examples to point out to others what owe leaders are copying such as lock downs, anti free speech and the social credit system. Including the US and its obsession with race.
What do you see them achieving?
I suspect some geographical shift but to what end?
Well that sounded like fun Calli.
I only take a backpack on board planes so never get picked to get my luggage stowed plus always have a free hand, which is handy.
He must have converted some time ago to already have been part of a deradicalisation program.
And muslims , don’t be actively proletizing and boasting your successes amongst ‘Caucasian’ young people then try to distance yourself when they are particularly enthusiastic about jihad.
China has learnt the lessons of WW2 well, and not only undermined western manufacturing but has been stockpiling strategic reserves of commodities. Joe Biden has at the same time run down the US strategic oil reserve and is allowing the military to be white anted from academy level upwards. Australia has no manufacturing of significance left and no depth in stock of petrol. No steel. Old submarines. No aircraft carrier. Read about China here:
News – Jamie Seidel
And Dover, we need a more user friendly link function.
Pinched it from elsewhere ..
Prime Minister Albanese visits a remote Northern Territory Aboriginal Reservation. With news crews following him around as they tour the place, the Prime Minister asks the chief if there is anything they need.
“Well,” says the chief, “We have three very important needs. First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to man it.”
Albo whips out his phone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes and then hangs up. “I’ve pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now what was the second problem?
“We have no way to get clean water. The local mining operation has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We’ve been flying bottled water in, and it’s terribly expensive.”
Once again, Albo dials a number, yells into the phone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. “The mine has been shut down, and the owner is being billed for setting up a purification plant for your people. Now what was that third problem?”
The chief looks at him and says, “We have no mobile phone reception up here!”
Obviously repurposed from an American story. Last time I looked we didn’t have chiefs.
Lol all the same.
Latest version is that Albo gives him a Billion for each issue. Plus a Billion for his “Voice”.
Andrew Bolt:
Shame is what the ABC are incapable of Mr Bolt. What an appalling man this Loewenstein is.
Over the last week or so two sub stacks I subscribe to have been saying there were issues with the supply of ammunition from the US to Israel & Ukraine.
I’m not a paid subscriber so haven’t been able to read the full columns.
I took the view that if this was a real issue it would find it’s way onto twitter at some stage (and then into the legacy corporate media in some form later).
Overnight David Sacks has linked to a less than fantastic chap on twitter who is running hard with this story.
A few conclusions, in no particular order.
1) it’s horse shit and there are no supply issues.
2) the delays are straight out political.
3) the delays are military politics (the DoD is the reason for the delay).
4) there are genuine logistical issues (moving the stuff).
5) there are genuine supply chain issues (building the stuff).
Time will tell but if supply two (not big) war zones is causing either of points 4 & 5, the US really needs to pull it’s finger out.
PS, all previous claims from twitter generals about delays have been wrong.
This developing story seems to have some meat on the bones.
Again, time will tell.
I seem to recall the Nice truck terrorist committed his act of terrorism to atone for past sins, drinking alcohol and various other things because he was faced with dying as a martyr as his only way to ensure he arrived in Jannah, if he, a North African muslim believed that then why shouldn’t a sixteen year old boy watching English language islamic teachers not believe such things?
Who are these online preachers?
Where is the esafety commissioner?
Why isn’t she taking legal action to shut them down.
She is too busy dealing with dangerous misgendering. Think of the radicalisation that could occur as a result of misgendering.
Why isn’t she moving to shut them down?
To ask the question is to answer it. She is not there to shut down those opposed to Western civilisation, she is there to support them.
Thank you to whoever it was who recommended the operational art of war. Finally got a chance to watch it all. All very different to the jungle warfare I learnt as a OR and subaltern in the 80s.
At the start of the Ukraine invasion, Peter Zeihan, who is no fan of Russia, said Russia needs at worst a neutral Ukraine, or at best a Russian aligned Ukraine as it sits on one of the traditional invasion routes.
The Operational art chap, makes that case in episode 4 (Terrain), about 20 minutes in. Doing a staff officers analysis, he shows that between the Dnieper River, which is a good way into Ukraine, and Moscow there is little defensible terrain on either side of the border. No wonder the Germans advanced so quickly in Barbarossa, and then in turn could not defend when the Russians finally got their stuff together.
Looks like they’ll get neither, excepting the eastern rump they’ve bitten out.
Maybe if Russia made fiends instead of enemies it would not need to be so fearful for its safety.
plenty of fiends within Russia, given the body count of Putin (ex)buddies who seem prone to falling out of windows
I think he meant they all moved to Australia and New Zealand.
Okay Harvard.
I don’t want a doctor who can rap, I want one who knows what they are doing. I hope hospitals weed their applicants accordingly.
And then all the females will get married and work one or two shifts a week and people will be wondering why it’s so hard to see a doctor.
Someone in comments getting ratioed for complaining about excessive whiteness of these Roman reconstructions.
Rosie, its because the deradicalised 16 yo was just another useful idiot. Muzzie leaders priming him, letting him loose, then warning plod he’s a danger. Look how helpful we’ve been. We’re not the problem, Taqiyya! Muzzies are so used to lying they do it even if not required to further their ambitions of dominance. Never ever trust a muzzie.
I have a suspicion that, were someone to investigate staffing in Immigration in detail, different cabals (Chinese, Indian, Sunni, Shiite, Somali) would be identifiable. Each would have staffers of recent citizenship, competing to support their fellows.
And the senior leadership would be unable (or unwilling) to control these cabals, leading to the current flood of new arrivals, far beyond any national capacity to house, support or employ them.
To Labor, they are a potential vote-herd, and the other issues are simply kicked down the road.
Remember the VicRoads rorts hopefully of the past. Exactly what you said. We have been sh#t on for many years
rosie, further comment on the HECS debt left under your comment on the OT
“On Perth knife attacker. Compare the pair:
The Australian:
“Brothers please forgive me for any time I have wronged you, I am going in the path of jihad tonight for the sake of allah azzawajal, I am a soldier of the mujahideen of al-qaeda and take responsibility for the actions that will in sha allah ta’ala take place tonight,” he wrote.””
Muslim community of Perth please explain how this young man’s understanding of jihad was incorrect.
An informed review of Scott Morrison’s memoir which exposes the shallowness of the man and his faith.
Bound for the remainder bins at your local bookshop.
He just made a wink and a nod to the premiers by funding their shutdowns and letting them impose vaccine mandates. Not once did he object to what the premiers were doing.
Pence is so wholesome that almost all Republican voters revile him as a traitor, pretty much like Morrison.
Roger you may be right but I have taken to checking who writes things. So a bit like the ABC finding an Israel hating J:w, the Conversation did not have to go far to find a Morrison hating professor.
How is this for balanced evaluation of the 2022 federal election
Frank Bongiorno
May 22, 2022
Morrison hating? I thought he was quite fair and he justified his criticisms.
Oh dear – the arrogant title “Plans for your good” Straight out of lefty land. Knowing what’s best for the hoi polloi, with God’s help. $2 bin.
I’m currently getting around 2.7% interest on my savings account.
CPI was 7.1% which is why HECS debts went up so much last year.
Can I get a piece of that action please Mr Albanese?
Anne Aly rolled out again by The Guardian.
She has written a book & academic papers, produced videos and began a university program in which students “brainstorm” anti-terror messaging.
Has she ever actually deradicalised anyone?
It’s amazing she can do all this given the long arduous hours being an MP. (Lol) all of this is done on the taxpayers dollar. What a joke.
Actually, her career as an “expert” on terrorism predated her poltiical career, Jock.
Morrison’s book was always intended for the evangelical market, they’ll sell it at the mega church inhouse book shop, if he taps into the US market as he obviously plans to, he’ll do all right.
Which will assure him, once again that God is in his corner.
He’ll only ever be a B-lister in that shrinking market.
Pro-Palestianian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors
Politico mocked for being surprised on who is funding anti-Israel protests: ‘Surprising to who?’
Yep, pro-Palestinian protesters are bred and paid for by the Democrats. Hope it bites them on the bum and leaves a big scar.
I am 50 years old and have lived my life completely ignorant of politics. I have never voted and I had a wake up moment. I have kids that I want to leave a better country for. I will be voting unapologetically for Trump in November.
Israel to close Al Jazeera, confiscate news channel’s broadcast equipment, block website
Anti-Israel slogans mean different things to different people: Minister
[Unlinkable OZ]
At least nobody can accuse Clare of being a useful idiot.
No, he’s a useless idiot.
He’s using his head.
At 33 percent muzzie in his electorate, beats losing it.
Pro-Hamas Protests Funded by Biden’s Own Political Donors
No wonder they’re desperate to get rid of him.
PM Netanyahu to the world: ‘We will fight alone if we have to. Never again is now’
The sinister underbelly of the student protests
Maybe if Russia made fiends instead of enemies it would not need to be so fearful for its safety.
Do you mean like when Putin got in, he asked to join NATO? Bill Clinton was agreeable until the neocon warmongers got to him.
The west has done nothing but rebuff Russian overtures since. A lot of people don’t like Putin because he stopped Uncle George and his ilk from looting Russia.
Putin can’t ask to join NATO and then annex part of Georgia and expect his request to be considered.
Putin’s request was back in early 2000/1. The troubles with Abkhazia and South Ossetia reignited – there have been separatists in both since the 1990/1 – in 2008 following Bush’s decision to push through with NATO entry for Ukraine and Georgia. You could say that Putin in the intervening years learnt that NATO was effectively an arm of the GAE and that its primary purpose was the containment and dissolution of Russia.
Now let’s all join hands and sing Kumbaya.
Gazans had exactly that, their own state, being governed by Hamas whom they elected. They had the independence they asked for and instead of looking after their people they attacked their neighbours who were supplying them with water and electricity and well paying jobs.
Someone said the palis never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Linda Reynolds seeks to overturn Brittany Higgins trust
[Unlinkable OZ]
Old Faustus’ Almanac: An illness will shortly prevent someone from attending to legal paperwork, far less travelling to Australia from the healthful air of Provence. This person will require 24hr care from a close friend of her money.
Linda Reynolds seeks to overturn Brittany Higgins trust
By janet albrechtsen
and stephen rice
Linda Reynolds is preparing new legal action to set aside a trust established by Brittany Higgins that the former Liberal minister asserts may have been set up by Ms Higgins to protect the money she received in a $2.4m commonwealth compensation payout.
Senator Reynolds’ move is designed to ensure that in the event she wins her upcoming defamation case against Ms Higgins, she is able to access any assets still held by her former staffer.
In a draft of an application to be filed in the Western Australian Supreme Court on Monday Senator Reynolds demands a copy of the Brittany Higgins Protective Trust deed, set up in February last year, to ascertain who is the trustee – and who to sue in the event Ms Higgins claims not to be able to meet any costs or damages awarded.
If the court grants the order, Senator Reynolds would then be able to bring an action under section 89 of the WA Property Act – or other similar provision in the relevant jurisdiction where the trust was established – to have the trust set aside.
The trust should be set aside, Senator Reynolds asserts, because it was made to potentially deny future creditors when Ms Higgins made representations to the commonwealth.
Marty is on the case. No stone left unturned.
If you view litigation as total war (as you should), there is possibly no one better to have alongside than Martin Bennett.
Fair move, given Reynolds has mortgaged her house according to media sources. Skin in the game and all that.
Snap, Dr Faustus.
Grate minds, and all that…
May 6, 2024 8:42 am
Now let’s all join hands and sing Kumbaya.
There was a two State Solution (Partition Plan) agreed to by the UN General Assembly in November 1947.
And then the Arabs started all their wars losing every one of them to date.
I’m currently getting around 2.7% interest on my savings account.
You need to shop around a bit.
Dr. John Campbell
Encouraging movement
Russian loot is for Russian thieves.
(I’m an equal opportunity realist.)
Thumbs down!
Is that you, Rufus?
Dr Faustus
May 6, 2024 8:44 am
The expanding Britney is a cunning basket, isn’t she?
Looking ahead to avoid future financial problems.
More to her than meets the eye, well you have to look around a bit but.
The most scheming young woman of our times, a contemporary Lucrezia Borgia*.
*Supposedly much maligned, like out Britt.
Would love to know when the trust was established. Before or after the alp bequeathing of the dosh?
Ex gratia dosh received: December 2022
Protective Trust formed: February 2023
May 6, 2024 1:17 am
Roger at 752am
Roger you may be right but I have taken to checking who writes things. So a bit like the ABC finding an Israel hating J:w, the Conversation did not have to go far to find a Morrison hating professor.
How is this for balanced evaluation of the 2022 federal election
Frank Bongiorno
May 22, 2022
I thought his criticisms were quite fair and justified.
“A decent man will be prime minister.” How come we got Albo, then?
He’s half right.
From the Oz.
No doubt these “people in the local community” were dismissed as Islamaphobic members of the Jack Van Tongeren faction.
Islamophobia saves lives.
Has she ever actually deradicalised anyone?
We deradicalised a lot of terrorists in Iraq in 2006.
At least, they weren’t going around being radical any more when we had finished.
Thank you for your service, TE!
You did great work, TE!
Now surely that would have drawn the attention of authorities.
Did they perhaps conclude he was just “letting off steam”?
Government Retaliation is Out of Control
Institute for Justice
suggests Biden’s dog should be shot
… I think the dog is a metaphor
And a very good one.
Useless cow couldn’t train a 14 month old puppy.
May 6, 2024 8:41 am
Sitting on the fence here, but I think, the rationale always with the US and the west’s politicians was, that they needed an ‘enemy’ Not too big mind you, like China, but still formidable to keep the fear of the populace alive and the military machine rolling.
(Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four)
They picked Russia, for a variety of reasons.
Russia has made quite a few diplomatic and military decisions that make me shake my head, latest was to abandon Armenia against the Azeris, but so did Israel, they supported the muslim Azerbaijan instead of the christian Armenia.
The reasons behind these decisions we probably never know but they have consequences.
Are those consequences important in the scheme of things in the long run?
Buggered if I know.
Our Rafe has an article in the Spec about how great CO2, the stuff of life, is:
Put coal back in the Coalition energy policy | The Spectator Australia
However the title might as well be:
Put Brains back in the Coalition heads.
From Black Ball’s 6:59 a.m. comment above:
Spot on.
This is why I’ve been arguing ad nauseam that the present tactics of conservatives and those nominally right of centre – to fact-check, highlight hypocrisy, and appeal to logic and reason – are a waste of energy and resources (at least when used as the tip-of-the-spear), and desperately need revision.
Yet despite the lack of positive outcomes, these tactics are persisted with, decade after decade, as the world our ancestors built crumbles and burns. Why?
UF President Ben Sasse Leads The Way: “We just don’t negotiate with people who scream the loudest”
On deradicalisation: again I refer to professor Clive Kessler, Australia’s and one of the world’s leading expert on the religion of pieces:
Deradicalisation of militant Muslims not a viable option (unsw.edu.au)
Kessler also examines the % of muzzies who support the goals, if not the methods of the terrorists; and guess what he estimates 85% of ALL fuking muzzies support these goals.
Importing muzzies into Australia is akin to injecting yourself with HIV.
The myth of the moderate Muslim.
I read the Azeri-Israel thing as Israel trying to divide the muslim bloc as much as possible. The Abraham Accords have been similar.
It has worked to some extent since the Azeris seem to’ve been pretty quiet about the Gaza War. And so far no 1973-style invasion has eventuated.
There’re creaking noises coming from some of the countries though, like Jordan.
Queen Rania of Jordan defends the pro-Hamas riots on US campuses: ‘They are protesting for justice’ (5 May)
Arabs on the street in all those countries are pretty much fully behind the Hamas rapists and murderers. The Hashemites must be terrified of the Palis in Jordan, which are a majority of the population. The monarchy may control the Jordanian Army but quantity has its own quality sometimes.
Deradicalisation is a con, because it cements the concept of ‘radicalisation’ – that an individual underwent a transformation from purity (the starting point) to radical, against their will and natural inclinations. This process of radicalisation frames the individual as a victim; a victim of circumstances and powers that overwhelmed them. The perpetrator then becomes a co-victim, and is absolved of any significant responsibility for their actions because the radicalisation monster chose them instead of someone else.
This is not to say that individuals cannot become slaves to certain ideologies – we see that all around us.
Radicalisation, however, is a selectively-applied term designed to re-orient the focus of a society, particularly the elements which possess great authority: the media, the policy makers, and the legal structures.
Let’s call it like it is, please.
Not going to happen unless the bugmen are evicted from the Lib organization. That isn’t going to happen either, not with our system.
An encouraging story today:
Breaking: Grassroots Revolution Overthrows RINOs at Missouri State GOP Convention (5 May)
It is actually also a depressing story in some ways since it illustrates just how entrenched these creatures are, and how tough it is to boot them out. If the Tea Party grass roots people are having this much difficulty despite being 80% or more of Republican voters, the we here have absolutely no chance.
Not a lot of point putting the brains back in the head cohenite when they’ve got no backbone to support the head.
A body in rigor mortis has no ability to move, so there’s that too.
Bruce of Newcastle
May 6, 2024 10:26 am
I have a different reading on this, but I have to say that this is only my opinion and as such is worth little without prove.
Here goes; the Azeries are basically Turks (speak the same language if a different dialect), both Russia and Israel needs to keep Turkey on their side, even if it is for a short time.
If I want to be cynical about it, I can ask, what does a relatively smaller number of killed Armenians matter?
They had endured bigger and they are still here aren’t they?
Reminds you of an other, more recent one?
Meme of the Day #68
Crossposted from the Main page.
Arkancide. Not just for Arkansas.
Morrison’s memoir ..
Books like this are my favourite once they hit the $1 stand for bookshelf safes. I give them as presents to friends and family.
Instructions online for hollowing out such tomes and using as a stash for your favourite chocolates, or other goodies.
Very safe as no one is going to touch political memoirs on your bookshelf, especially by unpopular politicians.
An old favorite was Dr Jim Cairns book, how I miss his blandness, his mention always makes me shake my head in wonder. Wondering what the fork he thought he was doing!
Recommended books by Julia Gillard, whatsisnameTurnbull, the Ruddster and I look forward to Albo’s, though it might be thinner than usual.
But with Albo’s thinner tome, you will get appendices with MAO’s Little Red Book, Thoughts of Lenin, Marx’ manifesto, the Koran and possibly a bit of Mein Kampf.
De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals
May 6, 2024 10:52 am
Morrison’s memoir ..
Books like this are my favourite once they hit the $1 stand for bookshelf safes. I give them as presents to friends and family.
Yes, and they make great door stops at keeping doors open.
Pompous Windbags at their BEST.
The question was rhetorical.
But go for it!
Currently reading Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations.
Might one consider the regulatory burdens, the payroll taxes and the all the other fees, charges and interference placed upon Western industries as well as the green nightmare, as being such a tax imposed at home?
Examples of taxed or soon to be taxed to “equalize” the burden imposed by those pesky efficient foreigners selling goods & services such as:
** … to be taxed once they figure out how to do it.
Adam Smith states two cases where tariffs are valid.
Item 1. covers almost everything done by Albo & his gang since winning last election.
We can, of course, tax our way to prosperity …
There would be two ways to satisfy Adam Smiths point.
Either raise tariffs on foreign industries, or lower taxes on domestic industries.
What certainly does not satisfy Smith’s thesis is keeping high internal taxes and low tariffs on foreign goods,
Which is why I repeated the question because you’re previous answer was beating around the bush.
No, the reality wasn’t Putin causing the problems, but on the point at hand, people can ‘distinctly recall’ things and still be misremembering. None of the polls mentioned in the first half of ’22 were about annexation.
It’s as much their business as it is the US’s promoting NATO membership.
Oh please, you have one poll and you’re crowing about it like an ABC listener a year out from the Voice referendum pretending its already a lay-down mesire.
Kevin – That fits pretty well I think. Israel went through a fairly long phase of buttering up Erdogan, with a fair bit of success. Turkey and Azerbaijan are fairly close (Turkey was supplying the Azeris with drones and suchlike for the NK offensive).
Of course Erdogan has been under a lot of political pressure lately and has jumped fully onto the Hamas bandwagon. A cynical play to his voters.
Turkey suspends all trade with Israel over war in Gaza (4 May)
In a perfect world I suspect Israel would be nice to Armenia, but they live in a rough neighbourhood and Armenia can’t offer much that Israel could use, whereas Turkey has one of the largest armies on the planet. So far Erdogan isn’t doing anything but be mouthy, at least.
29m ago
‘River to sea’ slogan not helpful to Palestinian cause: PMStaff writers
Anthony Albanese has rebuffed Education Minister Jason Clare‘s comments that the protest slogan ‘from the river to the sea’ carried different and contradictory meanings.
Mr Clare declined on the weekend to take a stand on slogans that Jewish leaders say call for the annihilation of Israel, including calls for “intifada” and chants of “from the river to the sea”.
“I’ve seen people say that those words mean the annihilation of Israel. I’ve seen people say that it means the opposite. I’ve seen people say that they’re slogans that Israeli political parties have used,” Mr Clare said.
Today, the Prime Minister appeared to take a harder line, saying the slogan was not helpful to the Palestinian or Israeli cause, or reaching a peaceful two-state solution.
“It is a slogan that calls for opposition to a two-state solution. My position is very clear and the government’s position is clear and it has been a bipartisan position for a long period of time,” Mr Albanese said.
“… The long-term solution in the Middle East requires a two-state solution, the right of Israel to continue to exist with insecure borders but the right of Palestinians to have justice as well, to have self-determination and also to be able to live in security, peace and prosperity.
“The government’s position is that … we will continue to put that forward as well and I think the slogan that you refer to dismisses that, which is not in the interests of Israel but it is not in the interests of Palestinians either.”
Jewish groups say the slogan is anti-Semitic and fundamentally a call for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the State of Israel, which would mean the dismantling of the Jewish state.
May 6, 2024 11:01 am
De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals
Exactly. Why would you buy US Bonds when the US could decide not to honour the US Debt that you hold.
The US has also seen fit to cut off some Nations from the SWIFT system as well and hit Nations with Sanctions. Not that that always works as intended.
This is why China has been dumping US Debt and has been doing it for a while now.
The US Dollar is still the best currency of a World of shite currencies though.
An aspirational term thought up by people with not only a commercial interest in making cash from it, but also good for making endless media mileage out of while simultaneously being absolutely unachievable.
Another term that fits the above definition to a T:
Net Zero.
Less belligerent and more realist internationally; less liberal and more based/Christian, domestically.
From https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-06/compass-not-in-my-name-gaza-antony-loewenstein/103789964
Which side in this war decided the battle was between the ethnic groups of Jew vs Palestinian (or religious equivalent) and not between the two states of Israel and Palestine. Who decided the war was not confined to a national border? Because I don’t think it was Israel.
Loewenstein exhibits all the characteristics of any expert commentator on Australia’s most trusted news network. I’m surprised it has taken so long to wheel him out.
Well, here I am, reporting from sunny Candidasa (well, cloudy actually) on the east coast of Bali, about two hours north of Denpasar. A sleepy somewhat rural town/village sandwiched between the thickly wooded hills and the ocean.
We’re staying at a beachside resort owned by a friend, an ex-pat Aussie. A chef by profession, he insists on extremely high standards of service from his staff and teaches them how to reach and maintain those standards. The resort is ultra-clean and maintained and the staff unfailingly cheerful and professional. Food is second to none.
The flight up from Perth with Jetstar was, for a change, completely uneventful and we even landed five minutes ahead of schedule! The requisite 3.00 am start wasn’t as pleasant however.
A tip for anyone contemplating visiting Bali … get your eVOA visa online, complete your eCD (Customs dec) online, and pay your tourist levy online BEFORE you leave home. Your arrival and transit through Imigrasi and Customs will then be fully automated and should take no more than five or six minutes at the most! It’s well worth the effort.
Today looks like a reading day on the veranda of our poolside bungalow. If anything actually happens, I’ll let you know.
Good wreck diving further north up the coast – maybe worth a day trip
I’m guessing the perforated terrorist and his radicalised chums weren’t radicalised at the local high school – I haven’t seen any dots joined yet as to which local congregation led by an austere scholar they all attended?
I could be accused of a lot of things, but I don’t think beating around the bush is one of them.
Oh, so let’s narrow it down and play word games. It wasn’t about annexation, but all indicators showed this amazing, incredible, out of this world support for Russia, while Russia had been fomenting trouble in those areas as a pretext for annexation. No kidding, how much of this base Russian propaganda have you bought into?
Except that the US hasn’t tried to take over parts of present-day Russia and is providing defensive equipment so Ukraine can turn back the orcs.
When the Soviet Union dissolved, there was a line outside of NATA headquarters submitting their joining application. It was the closest thing to a stampede, and you would’ve been bowled over if you weren’t careful.
There is nothing at all unique about Ukraine, Georgia, etc. wanting to join the EU and NATO from the past history of COMICON and former republics. It’s amusing, looking back and watching the rush out the door and the long line at NATO headquarters.
I was going to ask, but I thought better of it.
Why fly half or even a quarter of the way around the world to do that?
I still did ask, didn’t I?
Naughty me.
Fair enough question. If we stayed home, the Leader of the Opposition would find so many things for me to do my ar$e would be dragging in the dirt. It’s cheaper than the equivalent in Perth. We’ve joined friends who were already holidaying up here.
It was a bit of a tongue in cheek question. Enjoy visiting with friends and the good weather.
Because it’s the best-value holiday for Australians who don’t want to be ignored by Australian waiters looking down their noses at the tourists; it’s where accommodation and food is a third of the cost in Australia or better; it’s where you get Darwin/Cairns weather 365/24/7 and the beaches are as good as Noosa or Broome; and the cops let you ride motorbikes without helmets and there’s none of the nanny state looking over your shoulder.
Have a great time, Bruce!
Enjoy Bruce. It is a relief to take a break from the Oz nanny state, its moronic micro-managers and net zero fanatics.
May 6, 2024 11:36 am
It will only work if the constant demands by the Muslim Cohort are refused.
No Halal meals from the barracks mess bain marie, Choose what you want from the menu like everyone else. No disruptive prayer mat intimidation, no special bullshit just because you are a Muslim or Calathumpian, Jew, Sikh or Hindu.
The army will give you a hat and you will wear it like the rules say.
No ceremonial daggers, no special treatment.
If you don’t like it you can spend your two years in the glasshouse.
Some people are incapable of self discipline which is why it has to be imposed on them.
We are a Christian Nation, if you can’t cope with that, then piss off.
Sort of funny but instructive that you throw the book at the retweeter and not the author of the tweet, AF Post. Still, apparently the timestamp for the video is Sat 4 May so it falls within Easter, and given temps in early-mid morning would be somewhere between 5-15C depending on where the video is taken, old women in heavy coats isn’t unbelievable.
‘Disgraceful’: Melbourne private school students suspended over list ranking female classmates
From the Oz – comments have suddenly gone down the memory hole….
I commented, that is how facebook started
We are constantly told that this generation is very smart. But their inability to learn is easy to see. I dont know the language these kids were using but putting it online was stupid. How many more online incidents like this do they need to see before they just talk at the Cafe or in the boys locker. And before anyone has a go at me, about the “mysogeny” involved I would point out that things never really change. I was in HS in the early 70s. There was always talk about who you would like to lay and who was a 2 bagger. But it was always a private converstion, unrecorded and unwritten We were no better than these kids, but we had anonymity and privacy.
Your suspicion has been my experience with Immi. Your suspicion is the regular workday of a contact inside Immi.
A fair dinkum investigation would be very revealing, alarmingly so.
What you’ll find, Salvatore, is that different sections of the Immigration Department are staffed in the majority by one sect/religion/mob.
Entryism is alive and well in them. They all vote the same way and no one can shift them as they close ranks.
The only way out is to disband the entire department.
What’s the problem with this one? You either highlight the word or phrase you want to put the hyperlink, press the link button, cut and past the web address and the press save, or, you just cut and past the link into the comment window.
The Imam of Perth’s largest mosque has said “there is no place for violence in Islam.” He sounds reasonable and even likable on 6PR radio interview.
But a quick check of his twitter feed shows no condemnation of Hamas, plenty of criticism for Israel and even support for Iran.
Of course, 6PR didn’t raise this at all.
Lying is virtually a commandment of the Koran. Muslims call it “taqiyya”.
Keep in mind, to them it is not lying. The will of Allah is beyond our reality. They believe it. They will say whatever is expedient.
Taqiyya, from what I understand is a particularly Shia trait as they needed to lie to the Sunni majority in Persia and the likes. So it is more an internal Muz thing.
While absentmindedly browsing youboob, I came across an AGL ad: A family receives a message from AGL on one of their devices and immediately shuts down lighting, cooking, children’s online use, and hibernates in their living room to read to each other. Yay! We’ve saved money, or the planet, or something!
It makes me wonder what AGL would have done had the family not responded immediately and constructively with the instruction from Big (Dark)Green?
We really are already within the gulag, aren’t we?
If you post an item like this on your twitter feed, you kind of own it too.
Still, it wasn’t just a temp issue. Another commenter mentioned that it was something else entirely that occurred and had nothing to do with the Russia vs Ukraine in a church. Way to push Russian propaganda by Wally the Warlord.
As an aside, you lived in NYC, so you would know full well that you could own 1/2 dozen items of outerwear for different seasons etc. No one is wears a full-metal jacket winter coat in spring and especially on a day with 23c temp.
Freudian slip, or deliberate?
Sitting on the fence here, but I think, the rationale always with the US and the west’s politicians was, that they needed an ‘enemy’ Not too big mind you, like China, but still formidable to keep the fear of the populace alive and the military machine rolling.
(Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four)”
In the USSR days, the left liked Russia because socialist.
Putin is a traditionalist, and supports church and family, hence enemy of socialists.
The establishment (left and right) were (and remain) neck deep in Ukrainian bribery and corruption, in competition with Russia.
The Military Industrial Complex doesn’t care as long as they can sell lots and lots of weapons.
Anyone left after all that is taken into account is significantly a political minority, and can be ignored.
And here we are…
Parse that sentence in light of Islamic jurisprudence’s division of the world into three houses or abodes – house of Islam, house of treaty and house of war – with particular attention to the preposition “in” and what do you think he is saying?
He could mean “in the house of Islam there is no place for violence.”
That would explain why he doesn’t condemn Hamas and supports Iran’s attacks on Israel. Israel is – obviously – not in the house of Islam. Nor is it subject to a treaty imposed by an Islamic power. It is in the house of war.
Good point. But I am sure he says whatever works for the Faranji (us). Ask him what he thinks of the Shia. That is the only way to deal with this mob and get the truth. As the Chinese (Manchu actually) saying goes, “control one group of barbarians with another group of barbarians”
“I bought 3 pieces of paper for 100k and nobody will pay me a positive rental charge for the certs”
Starting to think anyone spending more than a couple of years on generic Yartz studies is almost 100% certain to be dumber than average peoples.
None of which are useful in the real world. Cry me a river.
The Daily Chart: College Regrets | Power Line (26 Apr)
When I left Uni people may have done an honours year but Masters degrees were usually attempted later on after some workplace experience, usually moving into managerial roles and presumably paying off some of the HECS.
From what I can deduce, postgrad were charged upfront in most cases and that is my memory. However this looks to have been tinkered with by Brenden Nelson and now we get this mess. Nothing I note about the uni again fleecing the people, like the overseas scam. At what point did someone not sit her down before her Masters degree and explain very clearly that having a masters is no guarantee of a high paying job, if you have zero experience probably quite the opposite till you get runs on the board. I seen it and frankly the recent masters types I worked with at the bottom were no better than a simple bachelor degree.
That doesn’t excuse her bitching though. Shut up and get a second job like I did on breaks to pay off your debt. You are not unique.
Also maybe time to put a ceiling on HECS like their used to be as well.
Indeed @rockdoctor. The need to earn a wage moved me on from Uni asap, despite offers for honours and masters programs … my glorious academic career cut short by economic factors and probably a good thing too.
The learning industry appears to be out of control and students could greatly benefit from the HECS cap you mentioned or mandatory 2-3 year gap between initial and later HECS-supported studies.
In the workplace (finance && tech) we’d automatically reject anyone staying at Uni longer than 4 years or so. From experience learned that Uni softens the brain and inflates the ego such that most real work is far beneath the highly certificated elites.
Really? Here’s a traditionalist, or is that what he pretends he is? He divorced his wife and now shacking up with a much younger former gymnast.
The proportion of religious observance in Russia is about 25%, which is about the same rate as Western Europe. Meanwhile, in the US, it’s about 30%.
There’s no real separation of church and state as the Russian Orthodox church is closely aligned with the regime.
Abortion. The rate of abortion in Russia approximately matches that in the West.
Is honesty a prerequisite for being a traditionalist, supporting church and family? Putin has a net worth of US$200 billion equivalent, owns a country shack that cost around US$1 billion and an ocean liner costing US$700 million. Yep, a real traditionalist living on an official salary of 145K a year.
Agreed, JC. OK, Putin is against gay marriage and corrupt Western values. OK. He still seems to like his own form of corruption and arranging to murder his political foes. Nice guy.
The answer you provided didn’t actually answer the question asked.
It’s not word games. ‘Russian propaganda’, now from whom have I heard the continuous repetition of this phrase before?
“Really? Here’s a traditionalist, or is that what he pretends he is?”
It is what he projects as, both to Russians and to foreigners.
With very few exceptions, all politicians are not what they project themselves as, as you well know.
Russian leaders have traditions involving war on adjacent countries and murder of opponents. Putin is merely following the traditions faithfully.
So did Stalin.
In 1936 he reversed the revolutionary era anti-family policies, imposed bans on abortion and a fine for divorce and introduced a bevy of financial policies aimed at subsidising family life.
In 1943 he restored the Moscow Patriarchy (suppressed under the Tsars) and allowed seminaries and churches to re-open.
Putin is, as we know, a great student of Russian history who has learned its lessons well.
‘Kind of’ doing a lot of work there.
And how do you know that comment to be true?
People in NYC wear coats in spring and take them off when it warms up in the afternoon, and it wouldn’t have been 23C in early-mid morning. And something tells me, given the economic situation in Ukraine, that 6 coats isn’t in everyone’s wardrobe.
Seething, check your email.
Raw Story via MS start up screen:
“Donald Trump is making America stupid.”
Need I say more?
Raw Story is an activist media website founded around 20 years to preserve the political power of the Democratic Party. Therefore, 90% of its content is attempted gotchas against the No.1 threat to the Democratic Party’s power, Donald Trump.
Its Trump Derangement is quite comical in its dementia. Raw Story is not intended to inform but to reinforce the political prejudices of Democratic Party voters and cheer the impending jailing of DJT.
Any day now. LOL.
Should be “Donald Trump is showing America is stupid.”
“Putin is, as we know, a great student of Russian history who has learned its lessons well. “
Indeed – and applied it to make himself relatively popular as well.
So he’s a canny politician, if nothing else.
Why deny it?
And why hide behind “is he really” type questions – they all lie all the time, as per Biden being a Catholic, Hawk being a man of the people, Morrison being a conservative and so on ad nauseum.They all bend reality to present a persona that keeps them in power – and why not, if it works?
It doesn’t matter what Putin is, what matters is how we respond to the circumstances Putin, etc. bring about. It may be nothing but renewed doubling-down and stupidity but there is more of a chance of something more positive than the current shitshow.
So Stalin wasn’t all bad and was in some ways non-ideological in the face of reality. Based.
Not sure Solzhenitsyn would have agreed.
As with Putin, best not to get on the man’s bad side.
And, as with Putin, Stalin kept the church on a tight leash.
The CIA is the mechanism, the vanguard for ensuring the never-ending-war goes on, and on. Draining the US Treasury into the pockets of the chosen maaates.
Every President since Ike knows this. And they all fear the CIA because there’s no chance at all they can get their domestic agenda done without being waved through by the CIA. Or worse – JFK. The beast must be fed.
I was watching a new show the other night- The Veil. French Intel running an op in Syria/Turkey going pear shape and the CIA weren’t in the loop so they send their troubleshooter from Langley to Paris to sort that shit out. A great quote, to the DGSE operative who is getting his toes jumped on;
Frog: “But I don’t work for the CIA!”
Yank: “Sooner or later EVERYONE works for the CIA.”
And that’s how it is for all Govts and institutions anywhere- everyone.
Jhibat al-Bunnings, where highest prices are just the beginning.
AI now training AI
Cool Vid.
AI has been educating(training) AI since the GAN approach was developed in 2014. Latest AI models are way beyond self-training though. Which is why OpenAI allows & charges 100M humans to help correct and improve their models.
You can tell this by the way he supports traditions such as using hypersonic missiles.
A carefully curated image for the consumption of gullible Westerners.
God this is sad:
Police reveal the bizarre reason why American man and two Australian brothers were targeted during surfing vacation in Mexico – before ‘their bodies were dumped in a remote well’ | Daily Mail Online
The scum suspects need to be executed asap.
What a dump mexico is.
As I look at the amazing photos of the 2 Aussie boys I see 2 big, strong, confident guys uninfected with a knowledge that the world has shitholes which should be avoided. I compare their innocence with the bog ignorance of the shitheads protesting in support of the pallis; nothing happens to the palli supporters but these 2 guys are dead.
That encaptures it, cohenite – it is so bl—y sad. Good people whose lives were ended by evil scum for reasons that belittle life itself.
Agnotology is the study of deliberate, culturally induced ignorance or doubt.
That is some ideas produce social ignorance and stupidity: examples include:
Stalin is just another misunderstood Russian leader and the West is all to blame for the Cold War.
Have I got that right?
Reports of a man trying to shoot a pastor delivering a sermon in Pennsylvania…
Man arrested after allegedly attempting to shoot pastor during sermon – ABC News (go.com)
I knew it wasn’t Texas, just by the word ‘arrested’.
Putin is Bolshevik royalty.
Ex – KGB, his NKVD grandfather was live in personal chef and companion to both Lenin and Stalin.
That’s his problem. He’s a spook, and he thinks like a spook not a statesman. It’s obvious when you think back on his decision making.
That was ok until this war, when his mindset caused him to overestimate his chances.
And as a spook he tends to trust a certain type of insider, like Shoigu, and he is suspicious of the military. So the army generals aren’t given the trust they need.
Very hard to escape one’s own brain.
I agree Bruce.
Quite a few commentators are getting their knickers in a knot over Putin – especially DB’s assessment of Putin/Russian policy.
Reminder to all: you can analyse Russian policy towards Ukraine with our being “a Putin supporter”. It is very unwise to adopt uncritical ideological positions when assessing the vagaries of historical developments.
I am on record as saying this war does not interest me greatly, as the Ukraine is a pub mole who’s been actively coming on to (and getting free drinks from) both the West and Russia for quite some time, and is now in the car park with a broken jaw after getting in the way of an inevitable punch on between the two.
However, if I was a Russian billionaire KGB dictator with all the scruples of Wayne Carey at a teammate’s BBQ, I would be very careful to publicly promote an image of a family man. A traditionalist. Even – a conservative.
It is – and has always been – about the optics.
It would be safe if you controlled the media in such way – one foot wrong and you’re over the hotel balcony.
if there is such a thing.
Seething explains the thought behind Bumtree.
funny, I read that exact same thing on his wiki page about an hour so ago.
All the images of political leaders are carefully – some more carefully then others – curated.
The Courier-Mail:
Clearly the level and/or tone of conversation at the Captain’s table, combined with slightly below average lobster quality led to this disaster.
More to come from the society pages.
I’ll bet he found out the new passenger list had a greater than normal amount of Chins, and the prawn trawler that had been working 24 hours /day had lost its netting.
Went to see Golda. Thought it might cover her career and Munich Olympics etc but only covers Yom Kippur war 1973.
The ‘action” is portrayed by her being in Army command centre listening to ground commanders communications.
Helen Mirren does a good job. They have Lieb Schreiber as Henry Kissinger but no attempt to bulk him up a bit. Moshe Dayan does not come out looking good from the way he is portrayed.
Starts off with her appearing before the inquiry commission a year after the war and then going back.
Interesting real clip with Golda sitting next to and laughing with Sadat.
Covers the Syrian attack when Israelis over run but does not mention they actually won as depicted in series Valley of Tears.
I looked up the commision of inquiry into how Israeli intelligence failed and initial part of fight back. Netanyahu and his military leadership probably going to get a similar result when the inquiry into 7 October takes place.
I enjoyed it.
Saw a great meme the other day.Activist ” A transwoman is a woman”.Response so go and have sex with them.
Variations could be used on anyone pontificating – would you date a transwomen .No ?Why not?Because they have a dick?I would love this discussion with my lesbian sister in law who is all “anyone is what they call themselves” but the ructions in the family would reverberate for years.
Morsie, it’s worthwhile doing it just for that.
I revel in my ability to get asked “Are you going to behave yourself tonight, Bob?”
Who would ever have imagined five years ago that some “on our side” would find themselves praising Stalin?
Would you want me to admonish Stalin because he purportedly reversed “the revolutionary era anti-family policies, imposed bans on abortion and a fine for divorce and introduced a bevy of financial policies aimed at subsidising family life” simply because…Stalin?
There is more than enough to criticise him for, totally offsetting whatever few “good” decisions he might have made.
When weighed in the balance, he remains a grotesque, murderous, sociopath. But he might have loved his daughter, though her defection after his death suggests otherwise.
just to be a stirrer –
Source: https://congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116957/witnesses/HHRG-118-AS35-Wstate-PattD-20240313.pdf
and –
“RUSI Report Quietly Validates Russia’s Strategic Superiority: A Breakdown”
China’s hackers targeted our MPs. We need to talk about this relationship | The Strategist (aspistrategist.org.au)
Come down off the ledge Dover.
For sure that Pol Pot was a mass murderer, but some of his policies were really family friendly and based:
I’m not on any ledge. Noting such a reversal doesn’t mean I’m going to be cheerleading for Stalin from herein, but it is interesting to note Stalin was able to reverse a policy when he noticed the reality on the ground and then to compare that with liberal Western leaders that generally simply double-down because they find the ideology and the illusion irresistible.
Stalin just wanted more people to control and murder.
I’m not concerned with his motives, I made a statement about his reversing a policy that was practically counterproductive and contrary to Marxist ideology. That is the point.
Motive is everything.
The farmer cares for the livestock, yes, but only in order to take them to slaughter.
His motive isn’t the welfare of the animals, but the value of their carcasses.
Lenin and Stalin and the imitators they spawned were monsters.
If a monster is doing something “nice” or “good” you must stop there and think. “What is he up to and why”?
When you see Ted Bundy showing care and concern for a woman, you can bet your arse motive counts.
Motive isn’t everything but it isn’t nothing either. So far as the child in the womb is concerned, for instance, the motive of Stalin is neither here nor there if the change in policy means they aren’t killed in utero. And so far as I’m concerned, that is a step in the right direction. You can then move towards crafting a situation in which further changes in policy become practically desirable for people with less than conducive moral dispositions.
When dealing with psychopaths and psychopathic regimes, motive is everything, unless you have some way to deny them opportunity.
They see people as tools. If you are under such a regime it is essential to understand motive in order to know what end they have in store.
It just isn’t. If I was under the rule of such a regime I would receive news of such a policy reversal as blessed relief. One less thing to worry about.
If they want more families and children in order to feed them into battle, or harvest their organs, then your “relief” is kind of insane.
Counterproductive to producing the type of monstrous state he wanted to rule.
No one claims any of these monsters aren’t also capable of rational and practical policies in pursuit of their goals.
Just that their goals are monstrous.
Sure they do, the whole idea of being an ideologue is someone that pursues a policy despite its results.
You are stuck at a bus stop in the pouring rain with no sign of a bus coming.
A car stops and offers you a lift.
Does motive count?
Maybe not so much. But if you knew the driver was Jeffrey Dahmer, now his motive for offering you a lift IS everything.
Stalin and Dahmer are the same: psychopathic murderers. In either case, their motive for whatever they offer you is paramount.
A carefully curated image for the consumption of gullible Westerners.”
Indeed – as one might say about any politician who claims to “care” about “the people”, regardless of whether they are eastern, western, northern or southern.
What’s your point?
Dover @1:06
100% correct and yet we see pollies of all ilk wasting our money trying to change “Da Putes” behaviour.
I taught my children a version of this.
You can’t change what other people do or think, but you can change how you react to them.
I’m not being critical, but I think that India has to have one of the most complex (and probably inconsistent?) foreign policy outlooks
Promotes the Taliban in Afghanistan, as they both don’t like Pakistan, but also funds Indian soldiers to quash freedom fighters in Myanmar… and that’s only one of many “complications.”
Burma is a great game mess. The Chinese are heavily involved, the Rohingya are muzzos, the Christian militias aren’t friends of India, and India has a big ethnic fight going on in their provinces on the border at the moment. Then there’s all that heroin. I suspect the Indian intelligence fraternity knows what is what but the soup is ‘way too soupy for me to know who is what.
IDF has begun evacuating people from Rafah…
He certainly realised that the Soviet Union was facing an existential crisis at the time.
The revolution needed to adjust accordingly to survive.
Similar to Lenin’s New Economic Policy of 1921/22, which permitted free markets and capitalism in order to boost some life into the severely flagging post-WWI/postCivil War Russian economy.
And similar to Communism with Chinese Characteristics.
Communists can be pragmatists because the end always justifies the means.
They could never have seized power if they were not capable of practical and rational thought.
They are rational monsters, but monsters none the less.
From my perspective, Communism is demonic.
That doesn’t excuse its practitioners from moral culpability, but it does explain where their capacity for destruction comes from.
And something tells me, given the economic situation in Ukraine, that 6 coats isn’t in everyone’s wardrobe.
Only in Zelenzky’s. He has the money (other peoples millions and millions of US dollars) and the ‘bolt hole’ in Florida.
As I posted the other day. Give Putin what he wants and take NATO back to where it was in the early 1990s.
LOL, yes, yes, forced pregnancies are family-friendly. Brought to you by Gilead University Press.
Realpolitik, Lysander.
I’m not weighing into the whole RUS V UKR on purpose; as I still contend that both Zelensky and Putin are evil arseholes.
(I do, however, concede that NATO pushed too hard)
If I had my time again Roger, I would study Indian history.
A huge market to tap into!!!
Even with half of them unemployed.
People who were dudded by QANTARSE selling tickets on flights that had already been cancelled get $225 for domestic, $450 for international. The gubbmint gets $100 million.
Now we know who is at the top of the compensation foodchain:
The top of the compensation foodchain is not the punters who were dudded and inconvenienced, but the prosecutors.
For a lot of people, $225 or $450 is a pittance compared to the expense and inconvenience caused by this scam.
The ACCC is not a friend of consumers.
I have to say, I’m planning on starting a series looking at Adam Curtis docos from the 1980s and 90s and one of them looks at the work of the CIA which is really mindboggling stuff, but I’m not going to begin with that one. That will be the one on the transatlantic relationship.
Not to mention, Johanna, that flights during covid were extremely expensive due to the lack of aircraft!!!
“The ACCC is not a friend of consumers.”
To paraphrase Sir Humphry Aplleby: “The ACCC is the headstone on the grave of competition in this country.”
There are some Israeli accounts on X saying Israel and Hamas were close to an agreed ceasefire but Hamas’ demand for Barghouti to be released was a step too far for Israel.
Barghouti, a Hamas leader, is serving five life sentences for terrorist attacks in Israel (and was serving his 19th year in a four-year term).
Islam – The Eternal Victim.
Given how woeful our leftist indoctrination machine education system is at history, and in particular the horrors of 20th century communism, it is incomprehensible to me that anyone on the right would make any sort of apology for Stalin.
Myself, I never realised the extent of the horror until I studied Chinese history under a lecturer who had personally witnessed Mao’s cultural revolution.
The 100,000,000 victims of communism must be remembered.
Western media at the time these events were occurring often misreported, being both less than well informed, and of a leftist leaning.
It is all too possible to imagine that many youths today could imagine Stalin as a “good” leader who had to take tough, practical decisions and who has been subsequently maligned. Instead of as the monstrous mass murderer he really was.
Sancho Panzer
May 6, 2024 1:32 pm
A carefully curated image for the consumption of gullible Westerners.
Oh, yes.
But, he is also one of the smartest politicians, not only at home but internationally, of his generation. When he took over, the place was a heading for a broke shambles.
The fact that the US is worried about a small and distant country with a GDP less than that of California indicates that he is a serious player.
Not saying he’s a good or bad guy. My point is that strong, smart leaders can make a big difference.
Look at Vladi compared to Albo. Can you imagine Flabbo barechested on a horse? Brain bleach required.
As for brainy stuff like managing Chechens and relations with NATO, Muzzies and the US (oh, and China) I rather think that our local dickhead would be way out of his depth.
As I’ve said before, our mediocrities are not in the same class as politicians in places like Indonesia, India and now, Russia.
Where’s the victim of the terror attack?
Usually the cameras are allowed into hospital to show people that have been king hit or half eaten by a shark.. yet no word on this bloke?
Israel begins evacuation of Rafah, warns ‘powerful’ operation nearBy Galit AltsteinUpdated May 6, 2024 — 3.56pmfirst published at 8.03am
Listen to this article
4 min
Jerusalem: The Israeli army has told Palestinians to begin evacuating eastern Rafah, according to an Israel Defence Forces statement, sparking fears that a ground invasion is imminent.
People were told to move to Muwasi, an Israeli-declared humanitarian area near the coast. The army said it had expanded assistance into the area, including field hospitals, tents, food and water.
The announcement comes amid fragile ceasefire talks and ahead of a highly anticipated ground offensive that Israel has been vowing to undertake for months to weed out the remaining Hamas militants.
Israel and Hamas, through intermediaries, are working towards a deal that would involve the release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
On Sunday, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant claimed Hamas wasn’t serious about a deal and warned of “a powerful operation in the very near future in Rafah”.
His comments came after Hamas attacked Israel’s main crossing point for delivering assistance, killing three soldiers.
Israel last week briefed Biden administration officials on an evacuation plan for Rafah, according to US officials familiar with the talks.
The officials, who were not authorised to comment publicly and requested anonymity to speak about the sensitive exchange, said that the plan detailed by the Israelis did not change the Biden administration’s view that moving forward with an operation in Rafah would put too many innocent Palestinian civilians at risk.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to carry out a military operation in Rafah despite warnings from US President Joe Biden and other Western officials that doing so would result in more civilian deaths and worsen an already dire humanitarian crisis.
The Biden administration has said there could be consequences for Israel should it move forward with the operation without a credible plan to safeguard civilians.
Doing some research online sparked by the HECS squealing from over-credentialed young twenty somethings with zero workplace experience with expectations well above reality.
The link to the news corpse article said it all, why does a physiotherapist need a masters degree? Then there’s the bint making all the noise that did a useless arts degree that may have got her a decent job with a teaching certificate that obviously was too mundane. Sooo she spends another 3-4 years doubling down on Global Media Communication and a Journalist diploma, obviously with one eye on her passport and a departure lounge.
Honestly who breeds these snots? They seem to be woefully lacking in any expectation management.
Even the BBC is reporting the ‘Truth’ on the UKR/Russia conflict –
“Ukraine’s commander-in-chief has said the situation on the frontline has worsened in the face of multiple Russian attacks. Oleksandr Syrskyi said Ukrainian forces had withdrawn from positions in the eastern Donetsk region.”
Maybe the ABC will be next with the ‘Truth’. But, don’t hold your breath.
Our Barcelona hotel has a rooftop bar – you can sit and sip and enjoy a fine view of La Sagrada, a stone’s throw away.
Two weirdo twenty-somethings were “doin’ it for the Gram”, prinking and preening and posing against the glass fence with the glorious spires as a backdrop. What a floor show!
Talked to a couple of American girls “doing Spain”. It was remarkable how little they knew about their own country, even in an election year. They were simply deprogrammed and uncritical. I suspect this is widespread throughout Western culture. We see the radical nub, while the enormous lump just get on with it. I sometimes think I’m part of a conservative tribe of The Chattering Classes.
Western youth is a slowly boiled frog that is enjoying the pleasant temperature of the water. They will also be the ones to bear the brunt of their disconnectedness.
We had the penthouse room*, I wouldn’t call it a suite, and also could sit on our balcony and watch the cathedral only a few streets away. One day it was so windy that one of the cranes was swinging wildly I thought it would demolish one of the towers.
*We booked a normal room but were given the penthouse as the place was less than half full in November.
Heavens, Roger states that Stalin “reversed the revolutionary era anti-family policies, imposed bans on abortion and a fine for divorce and introduced a bevy of financial policies aimed at subsidising family life”. I note this as a welcome change, even based, and this is transformed into a complete and wholesale apologia for Stalin. Welcome to the internet.
They were raised on the mantra of “you can do anything.”
They’re getting a lesson in reality.
At least their HECS payments will be paused if they lose their job due to recession or technology.
If you’ve got a six figure HECS debt, a BA and a Dip J’ism I’d say you’re about to be mugged by reality.
Big time.
Great idea.
The Century of Self– one of his (if not the)best series . Should be standard viewing and curriculum study for all HS students. Adults too. Decoding the world we live in – the hows and whys.
Well, since I’m being quoted, that certainly wasn’t my intention, in case anyone is imagining that.
Making those observations about Stalin is acknowledging historical facts, not making an apologia, and it was done in the context of explaining Putin’s alleged “traditionalism”.
I mentioned Solzhenitsyn above; it’s notable in the context of comparing Stalin & Putin that he was variously accused of sympathising with Hitler and being a Banderite (his mother was Ukrainian)! The characters change but the script remains.
And I don’t know what “based” means.
And I don’t know what “based” means.
Not flagrantly insane.
The hierarchy of sins in modern schools.
A group of kids are engaged in spoldey Muslim stuff known to the school over 18 months, then one of them disrupts the sausage sizzle big time, with predictable results.
Meanwhile, in Victoriastan heinous things have been discovered:
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has said she is “devastated” by the behaviour of boys at a Melbourne school who compiled an offensive dossier on female students.
Three male students at Yarra Valley Grammar in Ringwood in Melbourne’s east have been suspended after compiling the highly offensive spreadsheet rating the attractiveness of their female peers.
Warning: This story contains offensive language and references to sexual violence.
The students were reprimanded after staff discovered a screenshot of the document.
The Premier is ‘devastated’ by a bunch of kids doing what they have always done? Let’s hope nothing serious ever comes her way.
I have to agree with you Jo, storm in a tea cup that could have been handled much more discreetly and privately instead of media grandstanding.
It went on when I was a teenager and when caught (We had no social media) was dealt with quietly by usually a male giving one of those you are going to be men soon etc… talks.
Bloke enslaved a good portion of the country and worked them to death. A model subsequently used by every other communist state. Worth mentioning.
Ahmadiyya Muslim community of Perth
Of course. The Sunni hate them. ISIS kills them like they kill Shia.
The Ahmadiyya pretend to be the real Muz and the press laps it up.
The young man claimed he was an al Qaeda Jihadi, he wrote it in his note.
The inevitable and debilitating ignorance of the press, coppers and politician in Oz.
There were some reports that the terror attack victim was “arguing about religion” with said Muesli….
Perhaps he’s currently being re-educated?
This is going to sound weird, but has anyone seen a photo of the Perth Jihadi with the knife? They hold it in a special way so they can strike the neck as per the Koran. ( see the Assyrian Church attack). Obviously there were plenty of cameras but nothing in public that I can find.
“Public schoolboys in secret heterosexual plot”
…we’ll keep you informed as this tragedy unfolds
Missing out on the real benefit of a private school education. Particularly in the UK.
Putin, doesn’t win elections. Like Hiden he has to cheat. However, if Hiden can’t cheat enough, he’ll have to leave the White House. Putin is a dictator and not a politician.
This is beautiful
Danger Dan Reviews – Stan Grant’s wife just ended Albo’s career live on air. Tracey Holmes
On ABC Q+A – since Ms Holmes is of & from the ABC, and (was) connected to ABC hero sTan Grant, they can’t stop her as they would anyone else
Revealed preferences is the best way to examine motivations and similar facets of human behavior.
How many westerners emigrated to the old USSR, and now to Russia or China from the US and Western Europe. How many would want to even now?
If the US opened the gates to the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans or Iranians, the US population would explode to upwards of 1 billion in a year. The number is a little exaggerated but not by much.
This shows that even though there are some big issues in the West, people would still rather live there.
If you look at surveys of where people would like to live, it is always the same 15 or 16 countries. All in the West. The SBS/ABC types never ask why this is so.
Sure, there are no politicians without elections. Solon was not a politician. Nor Caesar or Augustus. Etcetera.
This one’s for the Cat (Makka?) who recommended the John Bishop title “Spitfire – A Very British Love Story.” Damnfine reading, indeed. The incident of the ninety year old veteran, who hadn’t flown a Spitfire for seventy years, sitting in the rear cockpit, grinning like a schoolboy, of a two seater version that had just landed, is causing some reflection….
“Usually the cameras are allowed into hospital to show people that have been king hit or half eaten by a shark.. yet no word on this bloke?”
Maybe he’s opted not to.
He was stabbed in the back so might not want to face the cameras.
I don’t know why junior jihadi chose the Bunnings carpark but it does appear to be random.
Chandragupta Maurya was an amazing guy. Neck and neck between him and Temuchin for the greatest empire builder ever. Alexander was probably a better general, but he was a prince who’s dad gave him a finely crafted army. Chandra appears to’ve learned stuff from Alexander, having been in Alexander’s retinue as a teenager. Both Temuchin and Chandra came from much lower down the pecking order.
If only Stalin knew!
It is all too possible to imagine that many youths today could imagine Stalin as a “good” leader who had to take tough, practical decisions and who has been subsequently maligned. Instead of as the monstrous mass murderer he really was.
40 years ago I did two years of Russian Literature at uni. Scared the living daylights out of me, and enough to research “is it really true?” It certainly was.
Solzhenitsyn’s books were the most alarming. First Circle and Cancer Ward, and of course Ivan Denisovich.
Bet you Albo and Co have never read them.
Albo and Co have read them and thought they were really good stuff.
Albo and Co HAVE read them, and regard them as a manual on “How To Run A Country.”
Not sympathetically, anyway.
I’m messing around with flight bookings.
Qantas have some decent deals for Japan for when I went to go.
All I’ve booked so far is an early June hop to Canberra.
Was thinking late June and July to the UK or Ireland but it’s a bit expensive.
Decisions. Decisions.
Don’t know if you will catch it open Calli but you should try to visit Europe’s smallest cloister up the back of El Raval, attached to a Romanesque church from the 900s iirc.
It might be open some mornings.
Dover, you have to go back approximately 2,000 years to scrape up a counter? Caesars are generally referred to as dictators even now.
In the modern context, or at least in the way we use language now, an individual who runs a country from his office, while the executive, judiciary, representative chambers, and military are basically rubber stamp operations, is generally referred to as a dictator.
As repulsive as the Albanian is, he’s in the big seat because he won an election fair and square. He’s correctly regarded, in modern language, as a politician, or in some less polite corners as a vomitous, dumb prick.
“Hotness chart” horror deepens: girls ranked on health, personality
Year 11 Sienna* has expressed exasperation to learn, via instagram screenshots, TikTok, tumblr and text messages from friends, that she was top ranking for “good skin” and “gorgeous laugh”.
“Ermegerd, it’s almost like they, like, just look at you and then draw conclusions about your life choices and mental health”, she posted as part of a 45 minute livestream on her teen fitness YouTube channel, which at time of press had already gained 35 million views mostly from the Indian subcontinent
Indeed. We are all shocked **SHOCKED** to hear that a group of people are rating another group of people using tools provided by the big tech companies (EVIL). This kind of activity should be banned ASAP.
‘Intent to defraud’: Linda Reynolds says Brittany Higgins tried to shield assets
By janet albrechtsen
and stephen rice
In a major escalation of her defamation case against Brittany Higgins, Linda Reynolds has alleged Ms Higgins intended to “defraud future creditors” by setting up a trust to protect money she received in her $2.4m commonwealth compensation payout.
Senator Reynolds on Monday began legal action to set aside the trust so she can access any assets still held by Ms Higgins if she wins her upcoming defamation case against her former staffer.
The former defence minister is proceeding with the defamation case against Ms Higgins and her fiance David Sharaz, saying that their false allegations that she was party to a cover-up of Ms Higgins’ rape destroyed her reputation.
The move follows Justice Michael Lee’s judgment that Bruce Lehrmann raped Ms Higgins, but that Senator Reynolds had not been a party to any cover-up and that Ms Higgins made untrue representations when settling a deed with the commonwealth in return for the $2.4m.
In an application filed in the WA Supreme Court on Monday Senator Reynolds demands a copy of the Brittany Higgins Protective Trust deed, set up in February last year, to ascertain who is the trustee – and who to sue in the event Ms Higgins claims not to be able to meet any costs or damages awarded.
The trust should be set aside as it was “made with the intent to defraud future creditors” when Ms Higgins made representations to the commonwealth knowing the particulars “especially in relation to the handling of the allegations of sexual assault by my office, were false,” Senator Reynolds says in an affidavit filed with the application.
Poor Brittany won’t have a pair of knickers to her name…
Dover, you have to go back approximately 2,000 years to scrape up a counter? Caesars are generally referred to as dictators even now.
If I, as a Julius Caesar type, had just won a Civil War with my Army then I would take charge as a Dictator. Why now hold an Election? No need.
Of course, I would be a Benevolent Dictator. Promise. LOL.
Never stand between an embattled pollie and an available squirrel.
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan blasts schoolboys at Yarra Valley Grammar over ‘disgraceful’ ranking of female classmates (Sky News, 6 May)
She’s probably unhappy for being ranked last.
Didn’t Facebook start as some sort of boy’s frathouse ranking of the girls?
The ACCC is not a friend of consumers.
Hallelujah! Another awakening to the fact that government is a scam.
May 6, 2024 3:28 pm
Meanwhile, I will look at the Pravda exposé of the KGB.
Oh, wait, there isn’t one.
Why would that be, I wonder?
May 6, 2024 5:18 pm
Ex Melbourne?