Open Thread – Thurs 23 May 2024

Camille Monet in the Garden, Claude Monet, 1873

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May 23, 2024 12:55 am

Hmm, foist again?

May 23, 2024 12:56 am

From The Australian People’s Front of Political Insanity

May 23, 2024 1:36 am

Foist evah podium .. tho I’d rather be asleep .. having one of those nights ..
The morning after ..
Along with my son I took one of my Danistan domiciled Grandee’s to watch TOON,the holiest fitba team in football heaven, last night ..
Kid luvs his fitba (not quite as much as Parra Eels, but .. wonderful lad) ..!,
So, anywayz, it getz to half time & he looks at me, in amazement and sez, ” You know, Grandad, all my life” (all 14 years of it ..) “I’ve got used to you talking “funny” but in here it’s me talking “funny” cos everyone else, except Uncle David, sounds just like you .. it’s weird ..”
Grandees ya noze ya luvs ’em .. LOL!

Last edited 1 month ago by shatterzzz
May 23, 2024 2:06 am

“tho I’d rather be asleep”

So would I, but chronic insomnia, can’t be cured only treated which I don’t like. Sleeping at odd times I do, lucky I can pick my working hours.

One of those things we put up with, like politicians.

May 23, 2024 4:00 am
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May 23, 2024 5:33 am

Good idea.

May 23, 2024 5:34 am

Hey Zatara, I listened to a bit of the Cover 3 podcast on the Rashada lawsuit.
I remember when Bryce Young was the first one to break a mill on NIL deals.
This lawsuit over $US13mill+ for a guy who’s now the backup for Georgia.
I wonder what Arch Manning is getting all up.

May 23, 2024 5:39 am

My Italian travellers tales have been missing in action as I have returned to the 1950s with a smartphome that is not at all smart. Ably aided and abetted by an uncooperative and downright useless international roaming pack from Coles Mobile via Optus that lasted less than half a day. I gave up in frustration after the first 24 hours but I finally have WiFi at least and have returned to communication with the big wide world.

Can’t say I missed much on the AlboLazy front and am suitably outraged by the ICC decision which is definitely harshing my Italian mellow.

We had to move apartments as our original booking promised a WiFi service it spectacularly failed to deliver and the office staff were equally spectacularly disinterested in delivering said service or figuring out why we were in a comms black hole. So we repacked our gear and stomped out to the Milanese suburbs where the scenery is Industrial Brutal but the WiFi is reliable allowing me to install my esim and bring my smart(?)phone back to the future.

Fuel is expensive, great coffee is €1.10 and the Prince has whiled away the wet afternoons watching the Giro. We braved the rail system today and took ourselves out to the far end of Lake Como and the charming lakeside village of Bellano. The surrounding mountaintops are still snow covered but the sun was out and the locals friendly. Spent a wonderful day exploring the village which is a hub for creatives and did not have the huge hordes of tourists swamping Bellagio and Varenna.

It does have a 12th century church and an abandoned cotton mill which used the natural geology to channel the roaring snow melt into a mill race to provide the necessary water for production. Called The Orrido di Bellano, it is the main tourist attraction and is an important feeder stream for Lake Como.
It’s a natural gorge created 15 million years ago by the erosion of the River Pioverna and the Adda glacier which, over the centuries shaped the rock into gigantic potholes, various caves and dark ravines. An impressive display of the power of water.
It now provides an interesting walk around the gorge with iron footbridges anchored into the rock walls.The SP was more interested in the three storied pentangonal tower near the entrance named Cà Di Diavol. It’s origins ate unknown but has been there since the 17th century and got its name from the frescoes of mythological creatures and the devil. But also because of the legends that describe it as a site of numerous satanic rites, parties and orgisatic meetings.
We took the train back to Milan Centrale from the local station and, as expected, it was 30 minutes late arriving. On the platform we had an amusing encounter with an Indian bloke and his somewhat, ahem, interesting looking partner who attempted to find out about the trains arrival time addressing the Prince in excruciating pidgin Italian. After a few minutes of exceedingly slow attempts to understand each other, the Prince thought to ask where they were from. Ah, London. Much hilarity ensued when all concerned realised they could have had a more intelligible conversation in English.

I’m still battling jet lag which hits hard in the mid afternoon. I’ve eaten a years worth of home cooked pasta and risotto Milanese. Things will have to change or I will run out of clothes that fit before the end of the month. Ciao, tutti!

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 23, 2024 6:20 am

Postcard from Cape Town

Our start into South Africa was delayed by heavy fog. The Coral Princess crept along, and eventually came to a halt as the pilot had decided we could go no further. Once we got moving again and came alongside we encountered the worst port handling officials ever. Immigration was very slow, so it was 130pm before we got off the ship. Our planned and paid for excursion had been lost because of the timing. 

Making the best of things we took the Hop-On-Off bus tour around the town. We went up to Table Mountain by cable car. There were spectacular views – the fog had lifted and it was sunny and warm. 

Anyone wanting to start a business in Cape Town could do no better than go into fencing. Actually, it’s probably swamped by entrepreneurs already, as every house had protective fencing around it: razor wire, sharp upright poles, barbed wire etc, but the most prevalent was triple electric wire on top of a substantial wall and often backed up by razor wire. There were lots of signs warning “Armed Response” and similar. 

Apparently, unemployment is very high – 30-40%, youth higher like 60%. We saw some shanty towns made up of recycled galvanized iron. Lots of political placards, with an election due in a month. One said “A Job for every Household” as a slogan. Another said: “The Death Penalty for Murderers.”

Most of tours took us around the seaside suburbs – the rich areas. The sea is so strong, the waves are so powerful and the kelp forests so thick, you are unable to swim in lots of areas. The wind is a huge factor where to live – expensive suburbs shelter from the prevailing winds which are omnipresent. There are white sandy beaches to swim and very good surfing in places.

For some strange reason on our return the South African officials decided they had to count everyone on the ship. All passengers and crew – even passengers who had no intention of going ashore – had to go into the port terminal and have their passports checked. The staff in their housekeeper uniforms, cooks from kitchen with hats etc everyone had to go. What lies behind SA’s strange port procedures is unknown…

Back on board in the evening we had the most energetic show we have ever seen. An African folk band and dancers performed frenetic dances in national costume and the drums/xylophones were incredible.

The next day was somewhat better….more to come.

May 23, 2024 6:43 am

There’s now a 36 hour window for the security state to have some of the most odious legislation passed.
The bank spying laws will be top of the list.
At the stage where the UK gets what it deserves.
Like Illinois, if you continually vote for policies (regardless of what brand of uniparty “wins”), why complain when the policies come to fruition.

Cassie of Sydney
May 23, 2024 6:52 am

Sunak has called an election. The spineless, craven, supine Tories are about to be obliterated after fourteen years of do nothing governance. Good riddance.

Overnight the countries of Ireland, Spain and Norway recognised ‘Palestine’. So, now the murder of Jews, the kidnapping of Jews and the wholesale rape of Jews is rewarded. Spain, the country that chose neutrality in World War II, Ireland, the home of de Valera, the same de Valera who signed a condolence book on learning of the death of Hitler and Norway, the home of Quisling. An unholy trinity.

And this country can’t point any fingers, we have Albo the Slug as PM, who’s lack of moral fibre is plain for all to see, Spooner’s cartoon today perfectly captures the slug of Grayndler.

May 23, 2024 6:55 am

The CIA now tells the IRS what it can & can not do?

Jason Foster

From IRS SSA Shapley’s newly released affidavit:

The CIA “summoned” prosecutors to Langley, VA for a classified briefing on Hunter Biden’s sugar brother/balcony bong lawyer.

After that, it was hands off w/o telling investigators why.

Cassie of Sydney
May 23, 2024 6:55 am

if you continually vote for policies (regardless of what brand of uniparty “wins”), why complain when the policies come to fruition.

Yep. This is also what Peter Boghossian says.

May 23, 2024 7:04 am

Re the electric buses for Sydney.
Can’t wait to see how far they don’t go on hot summer days with an aircon system running flat out.

May 23, 2024 7:04 am

It’s a shame Jewish people aren’t as omnipotent as their haters believe.
Because the feckin’ republic’s financial services industry disappearing overnight would be hilarious.

May 23, 2024 7:12 am

Last year Glenn Greenwald had a former CIA chap on talking about how the US put resources into literally hundreds of Labour activists in the UK.
Essentially they knew the Tories would do what ever they wanted, but they had to ensure that Labour would also toe the line when they inevitably were in power.

The movie the Ghost Writer was the story of how the CIA had their claws into Tony Blair from a young age.
The CIA chap said that Keir Starmer attracted the same attention & resources.
Keep in mind that when push came to shove, every DPP in the UK since Sept 11 has been a very safe choice for the security state even though they may have sounded woke.

May 23, 2024 7:16 am

For those that can watch. The IDF teenager hostages.

May 23, 2024 7:16 am


May 22, 2024 8:02 pm

Apparently that video footage was found a while ago.

That will include footage of Naama Levy?

I believe a couple of those girls are missing limbs.

I’m not watching.

According to the screeching brain dead, making suspected combatants strip to their underwear and sit on the ground, is far far worse.

May 23, 2024 7:19 am

There are two rules that one must adhere to when you are the UK PM.
1) You must be subservient to the US security state.
2) You must never change the existing tax regime regarding assets.

Everything else, knock yourself out.

Harlequin Decline
May 23, 2024 7:21 am


Believe it or not we also stayed in the MaisonAilleurs , Charles V suite (just checked my old booking to make sure) with a rather damp garden at the back accessible for guests. 

We were the only ones there until the owner turned up a couple of days later.

 However my understanding is that MaisonAilleurs was built for a wealthy merchant and since the 12th century the Bishop’s lived in what us now the museum, about 100m to the rear of the cathedral.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 23, 2024 7:31 am

What Cats and Kittehs have known since day one.

PM’s lack of moral fibre is now beyond dispute

Peta Credlin

It’s no longer premature to say it: Anthony Albanese is simply out of his depth as our Prime Minister. 

In terms of judgment, character, leadership and the intellectual heft required to grapple with the complex challenges of these times, Australians are waking up to the sad reality that this emperor has no clothes. 

At one time his support for the voice might have been put down to an excess of goodwill; his support for re-regulating the workplace the result of union paymasters calling in their debts; his energy follies, in part, the result of his faction’s long war with the Greens; his inertia on national security exposed by his own admission as opposition leader that he would never have the fortitude to turn back boats, hence his preference for open borders and Big Australia. 

But taken cumulatively with his refusal this week to state a position on the International Criminal Court’s moral equivalence between the actions of liberal democratic Israel in self-defence and the atrocities of the designated terrorist group Hamas, it shows a damning deficiency of judgment and character. I might have disagreed with his predecessors from time to time, but this is the first time I’ve genuinely become embarrassed that our national leader is just not up to the job.

When the ICC’s chief prosecutor recommended issuing war crimes arrest warrants against Israel’s Prime Minister and Defence Minister, even Joe Biden was quick off the mark, saying this was “outrageous” and there could never, ever be any even-handedness between a country responding to a great atrocity and the terror group pledged to repeating it. 

The best our Prime Minister could offer was the lame justification that he never commented on cases before courts, even though he did just that shortly afterwards with a view on the ongoing legal woes of Julian Assange. It’s a telling commentary on our Prime Minister’s fitness for office that he felt more solidarity with a low-life who’s largely the author of his own misfortune than leaders of a fellow democracy unfairly arraigned.

Our Prime Minister must really think that Israel and Hamas are as bad as each other, or he’s too worried about the Muslim vote in key Labor seats to express a view. But regardless of his underlying motivation, it shows a lack of moral judgment that ultimately goes to character. How could the leader of a democracy not appreciate the moral difference between a polity such as his own and a terrorist group; or, if he did appreciate it, subordinate it to crass electoral calculation? Especially a Prime Minister who claims to model himself on Labor’s greatest leader, Bob Hawke, who famously declared “if the bell tolls for Israel … it will toll for all mankind”. 

For Hawke, unlike the current generation of Labor leaders, the mistakes liberal democratic govern­ments sometimes make never obscured the fundamental distinction between democracies and dictatorships. 

The Prime Minister and his colleagues have basically been sitting on the fence ever since Hamas broke the ceasefire on October 7 last year by butchering 1200 innocent Israelis and seizing more than 200 hostages. Notwithstanding the disgrace that echoed around the world, of protesters before the Sydney Opera House bellowing “F..k the Jews”, government ministers have not once condemned the now rampant anti-Semitism without bracketing it with an all-but-non-existent Islamophobia. 

They’ve never clearly condemned the now routine protests disrupting our big cities or the intimidatory encampments disfiguring our universities. Led by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, the government has broken almost eight decades of bipartisanship by voting in favour of Palestinian UN membership in what looks like reward for terrorism. And to show just how weak and perfidious Albanese is, just days before Australia voted to walk away from supporting Israel he fronted the Central Synagogue in Sydney in a staged photo opportunity with a community desperately wanting a show of support from their leader. Instead of being upfront with them about what his officials were negotiating in New York, the Prime Minister used these Jewish leaders for propaganda purposes; a media stunt intended to portray solidarity and counterbalance what he knew was to come out of the UN.

The contrast between Biden’s moral clarity and Albanese’s “no comment” is stark. Labor spinners have put this down to the fact the US does not recognise the ICC’s jurisdiction while we do. But this actually gives us a responsibility that the US doesn’t have, to arrest Bibi Netanyahu if he were to come here. This makes the Prime Minister’s handwashing of the issue even more of a cop-out; or perhaps another case where he just doesn’t do detail.

On top of everything else, this latest piece of moral myopia suggests that our 31st Prime Minister has hardly grown out of the Trotskyism he espoused as an undergraduate. He’s got older and luckier but hardly more mature or wiser. And this latest and most egregious dereliction of leadership crystallises every one of his previous failures into the damning judgment that he’s just not up to it.

Eventually, almost every prime minister loses the benefit of the doubt and is judged no longer worthy of office. The time comes when an incumbent, however worthy, can do almost no right and a challenger, however flawed, almost no wrong. For an illustration, look at John Howard and Kevin Rudd in 2007. That this is coming so early in Albanese’s term, and with almost no fanning from internal rivals, reveals the paltriness of his credentials for office.

True, post budget, his net approval rating has limped out of negative territory and he’s still Newspoll’s preferred prime minister. But no budget in a quarter century has rated as badly for the economy or has left voters as underwhelmed.

Even comparatively small things now seem to confirm the larger inadequacy. Like his decision to evict his tenant from his Sydney investment property in the middle of housing crisis that he has directly fuelled with record high migration. Or the big things, like his repeated failures to man up to Beijing over dangerous conduct by Chinese military towards our own. Like his inability to act against ministers who manifestly are also out of their depth or mismanaging their responsibilities.

Albanese only scraped into office in the first place, almost without declared policies and with a record low Labor primary vote, on the back of the electorate’s disdain for Scott Morrison. The record number of independents now in the parliament testifies to voters’ disenchantment with politics as usual from both sides. Still, the tendency to give first-term incumbents the benefit of the doubt makes a teal-Greens-backed minority government the most likely option from an election that could well happen this year. Almost certainly that would only reinforce the tribal leftism of this beyond mediocre Prime Minister. 

This is where there is a real opportunity for Peter Dutton. Forget the commentators who think slick delivery and clever lines are what will win over voters. Right now, given the worries people face and their fears about the future, an opponent with moral clarity and trustworthiness is the biggest contrast with Albanese, and the greatest risk to Labor. Howard was mocked for being dependable; Dutton wants to wear that as a badge of honour.

May 23, 2024 7:37 am

It’s a shame Jewish people aren’t as omnipotent as their haters believe.

A video showed a little Jewish child kidnapped and transported to Gaza. He is surrounded by Arab children who tease and humiliate him. They were smacking him on the head. The young child seemed perplexed and didn’t seem to understand what was going on. I wish I had never seen that because it’s something I will never forget.

Cassie of Sydney
May 23, 2024 7:38 am

As I wrote yesterday, it takes a lot to make the Amphibian of Mosman’s other half look half decent but the creepy Craig Foster has done that.

Nova has written this today for the Oz….

Craig Foster’s Mid East call has divided the republic movement
Like so many other institutions across this country, the Australian Republic Movement has become embroiled in the politics of the Middle East. I have chosen to step down as co-chair of the ARM because I cannot stand by and condone Craig Foster’s divisive and inaccurate comments on the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

While we are aligned on the issue of the republic – a cause I have felt passionately and deeply about since I was a participant at the 1998 constitutional convention – we hold very different perspectives on the Gaza war. I was deeply troubled by Foster’s public message to FIFA last week, urging the suspension of Israel’s membership. I do not believe the exclusion he advocates leads to dialogue and reconciliation. And I believe his incendiary comments have compromised the Australian Republic Movement. It has made my position untenable, divided the movement and likely set back the cause we both care so much about.

Foster has claimed the International Court of Justice made clear on January 26 that the atrocities occurring in Gaza amounted to plausible genocide. But this is wrong. In a widely publicised BBC interview the (now former) president of the ICJ confirmed as much when she said the ICJ “didn’t decide that the claim of genocide was plausible” or that there was a “plausible case of genocide”. It’s concerning that Foster’s emotive statement was so incorrect on this crucial legal matter, especially as he has a law degree.
He also suggests the ICJ found Israel to be guilty of apartheid. Again, the ICJ has made no such finding. On my recent trip to Israel I learnt there are two million Arab citizens in Israel and I witnessed it with my own eyes. They have the same rights to social security, public schooling and other benefits as Jewish citizens. Many volunteer for the IDF. How is this apartheid?
What is happening is that Israel is responding to Hamas’s barbaric incursion on October 7 last year.

In Australia, we live far away from many of the world’s conflicts, and we could bring constructive leadership. Sadly, Foster’s example demonstrates how we are doing the opposite. The trend of importing foreign conflicts into Australia now seems embedded. Everything has become binary. There is only right or wrong, oppressor or oppressed. In this debate, the most unimaginable person is someone who supports both Israel and Palestine. (I’m one, as are most Jewish Australians.) But fair-minded Jewish citizens who support a two-state solution are being labelled as genocidal “Zionists” merely because they support Israel’s existence.

Criticism of Israel’s government or of the conduct of the war is legitimate, and millions of Israelis are doing this every day. But labelling anyone who believes Israel has a right to exist a “genocide supporter”, or calling for the destruction of the only Jewish state, or imposing a higher standard on Israel than on any other country is hate speech. Hate speech is rampant. Pro-Palestinian agitators have stormed the Victorian Labor Party conference, they have occupied university buildings, they have disrupted commerce and they continue to make demands outside the democratic process. This is a mob rule mentality. This is not the Australia I love.

This trend is a serious concern for the overall stability of our liberal democracy. Australia Palestine Advocacy Network leader Nasser Mashni recently said: “Israel and Australia share two things in common, aside from being a shithole racist, settler colony … they also have the highest incidence of skin cancer. Their skin is designed for northern Europe, where there is not much sun.”

Any person, particularly any Aboriginal Australian, who hears a leader using skin colour as the basis of determining indigeneity should have a hard think about the movement they are following. Unlike Mashni, I am an Aboriginal woman, a First Australian. My family has a long experience of racism and settler colonialism. But I do not hate this country. I love it and I would never call it a “shithole”. I’m well aware there’s racism, a history of genocide and occupation in this country. Yet I do not support radical responses.
All my life I have been working for equality and reconciliation. It should concern all Australians that some people are suddenly siding with a barbaric terrorist organisation and denying that Jews are indigenous to Israel, while hypocritically occupying Aboriginal land and following someone who calls Australia a racist shithole.

This atmosphere makes Foster’s statements even more irresponsible. As a dual Olympian, Olympic gold medallist and the first Aboriginal woman elected to Australia’s federal parliament, I have been fortunate enough to participate in both sport and politics. I believe in the ancient Greek tradition of the Olympic truce that allows for the safe participation of all athletes and spectators. I don’t have all the answers, but as an Olympian I point again to the tradition of the Olympic truce. Let’s not divide and polarise any more.”

Outstanding piece by Nova.

A few further points, I note that most of the usual suspects in the MSM, particularly at the Malchurian Guardian and their ABC, have pigeonholed the racist comments by the unsavoury and sinister Mashni. The fact that this creep is given a media platform shows how debased this country has become. Mashni’s criminal record warrants more scrutiny but it is his Aryan type comments about skin colour that should render him persona non grata.

Here’s the thing, no MSM outlet would give a media platform to a prominent Nazi so why are they giving Mashni a platform? There is zero difference. Why is there not more outrage at Mashni’s comments? Well done to Nova Peris.

Whilst we here have long known the far-left to be no different to the far-right, at least now the far-left are shedding their protective skin and are exposing just how racist they are. The other day I listened to a podcast interview with Andy Ngo about the Palestine protest movements across the West. Ngo has observed and reported on far-left radicalism in the UK and US for years now, in fact he bears the physical scars, having been beaten up and hospitalised by Antifa in Portland in 2019. He goes to the protests and films them. He hears what they scream, shout and screech. It is worth remembering that those in attendance at these protests aren’t shouting in Arabic ‘Israeli’, no, no, no, they are shouting “Yahood, Yahood, Yahood. But in the podcast Ngo said something interesting about the militant pro-Palestinian mantras being espoused across the West by Muslims and idiotic leftists…this ultra Palestinianism is actually a mirror of the same ideology that the far-right espoused at Charlottesville, it’s a ‘blood and soil’ narrative, that the land of ‘Palestine’ is only for the Arabs and that the interloper Jews need to get out.

Mashni is this country’s very own David Irving. His obsession about ‘skin colour’ is pure distilled Nazism.

May 23, 2024 7:42 am

With countless passengers a day going through LAX, they found my suit bag and I’m getting it back in the next few days. Even though it was left on the plane, because the flight attendant didn’t return it on arrival, Qantas didn’t give a shit. I contacted lost&found LA airport and they located it. Great work LAX. This place can be very efficient when it wants to be.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 23, 2024 7:46 am

Vegans, still turning everything they touch to shit (the Hun):

A vegan dog food manufacturer is being sued over claims it produced a toxic batch of biscuits which killed seven dogs and caused illness to more than 60 others.

Veganpet dry dog food was recalled in October 2020 after it was linked to an outbreak of megaesophagus, an incurable condition which causes lifelong eating difficulties or death.


According to court documents, expert testing found toxic levels of fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2 linked to a contaminated corn-derived ingredient.


The toxic batch of dry biscuits was manufactured in June 2020 in a volume of 22,155kg at a facility in Western Australia.

Veganpet, based in the Gippsland town of Nar Nar Goon, was made aware of associated pet illnesses four months later following correspondence from The Pet Food Industry Association of Australia (PFIAA).

Dear vegans. Stop projecting your stupid meat-free fantasies onto omnivores.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 7:58 am

Sunak has called an election. The spineless, craven, supine Tories are about to be obliterated after fourteen years of do nothing governance. Good riddance.

Tory back benchers aren’t happy.

Tory MPs ‘launch plot’ to oust Rishi Sunak and revoke snap General Election (22 May)

Tory rebel MPs are submitting letters of no confidence in Rishi Sunak, in a desperate attempt to prevent the snap General Election.

According to the report by GB News’ political editor, one senior Tory MP has warned that today’s announcement is “not irrevocable”, and suggested there is still time to launch a coup to oust Rishi Sunak.

Earlier today it was reported Tory MPs were indeed submitting letters of no confidence to the 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady, before Mr Sunak’s Downing Street announcement.

Now a senior MP has told Chris Hope: “Today has clearly been an absolute disaster but the election is NOT irrevocable; up until the point of the Dissolution of Parliament – when the writs are moved to begin the contests, it can still be aborted.

“In other words, if enough Tory MPs, who are clearly going to lose their seats in this already utterly shambolic campaign, write to Sir Graham Brady, tomorrow, the election could still be revoked.”

It’d be fitting if Mr WEF gets booted before the election writs are issued and the election called off. He’s been a disaster. Not a single country shopper has gone to Rwanda yet as far as I know. No boats have been stopped. He’s all hat and no substance, except Davos canapes.

May 23, 2024 7:58 am

BoN, magpies are smart. Day before yesterday, middle afternoon, one was drinking from the bubbler in our back lawn. Being stalked by the stealth grey cat from next door (Smudge). Maggie flew away. Yesterday about same time maggie drinking from bubbler again but this time surrounded by 3 forming a defensive perimeter with another on overwatch. No cat.

May 23, 2024 8:06 am

Not a single country shopper has gone to Rwanda yet as far as I know.

The Rwanda plan has worked after a fashion.
Country shoppers have been nipping across to Ulster and thence to the feckin’ republic, much to the hamas fanciers’ discomfiture.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 8:09 am

Nigel puts the boot in.

Nigel Farage erupts at ‘most farcical General Election launch in history’ (22 May)

Nigel Farage blasted Rishi Sunak’s general election announcement as the “most farcical in history”.

The Prime Minister confirmed he will go to the country on July 4 in an address outside 10 Downing Street.

Mr Sunak spoke at a lectern without an umbrella as Westminster was hit by heavy downpours on Wednesday afternoon.

He also had to contend with New Labour anthem Things Can Only Get Better blaring out as he spoke.

Mr Farage wrote on X: “Rishi Sunak and his speech notes are both soaking wet outside No 10. This is the most farcical general election launch in history.”

In a video, the honorary president of Reform UK added: “Look at it, the lack of professionalism is unbelievable. To stand there getting soaked in the rain, to read from the notes like a robot without passion, without belief, without vim, without vigour.

“But it sums up 14 years of Conservatism, why they are going to get wiped in this election.

“But what he has done, he’s chosen suicide over total obliteration because as the months go by it will get worse and worse and worse. No planes will go to Rwanda whatsoever.

“I’ve got to tell you I don’t like the look of a Labour government one little bit but this lot, having betrayed Brexit, having betrayed everything I gave them in 2019, deserve everything that is coming to them.”

Sunak can’t even manage an election announcement without looking like an idiot.

May 23, 2024 8:18 am

“For those that can watch. The IDF teenager hostages.”

And it’s not even the worst of it. Show it after 9pm with a warning to wake up Leftie ‘feeling’ voters. These barbaric islamic men are a bunch of rabid dogs who proudly film what they did. Albanese the man without a shred of moral decency continues to import men from Gaza. Thanks to the hostage relatives living a nightmare,
who allowed the footage release.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 23, 2024 8:20 am

Ireland, Spain and Norway considering recognition of Atlantis.

May 23, 2024 8:24 am

The Conservatives had so much goodwill from the results of the past election and they turned that into badwill over 5 freaking years. They deserve to get slammed, but the problem is that the alternative is just so ugly.

I heard Peter Hitchens say, that if there was an election the UK Liars should have won, it was the election around 2013 (?) when they couldn’t have done much damage. He said, the current election is the one the conservatives needed to win because Labor will likely destroy the place at the worst possible time.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 23, 2024 8:27 am

ALP reconsidering its recognition of Albo, with a leading powerbroker saying “able was I ere I saw Albo”.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 8:32 am

She says she’s middle class…

Photos: Actress Cate Blanchett Wears Pro-Palestine Gown at Cannes Film Festival (22 May)

What you are wearing lady tells us all what you are.

May 23, 2024 8:38 am

Hamas apologists are all over twitter explaining it away. The translations are wrong, they are soldiers blah blah blah.
The same ones crying over the treatment of terrorists by American troops.
These pyjama clad teenage girls were conscripts in non combatant roles who were never issued a weapon.
I think they were blurring an already raped Naama.
And remember, it’s three minutes of an ordeal that lasted a lot longer than that.

May 23, 2024 8:40 am

Has Nova Peris been red pilled?

Last year the former Labor senator (a Gillardian “captain’s pick”) was advocating for the Voice and reparations.

Her independent thinking should extend to reviewing divisive indigenous policies.

May 23, 2024 8:40 am

This comment was rejected by Herald Sun under article that mentioned ransacking by protesters at Melbourne Uni. I guess we can suggest arrest.

“Ransacking seems like theft to me. Surely grounds for arrest”.

May 23, 2024 8:54 am

The Rwanda plan has worked after a fashion.

Country shoppers have been nipping across to Ulster and thence to the feckin’ republic, much to the hamas fanciers’ discomfiture.

One of the biggest political own goals of recent times.

May 23, 2024 8:54 am
May 23, 2024 8:55 am

via Zerohedge re the Iranian helo:

Iranian state media reported that the helicopter that crashed in Iran was a Bell 212 model. It is a civilian version of the ubiquitous Vietnam War-era UH-1N “Twin Huey”. Such helicopters are in wide use globally by both governments and private operators.
It was developed for the Canadian military in the late 1960s and introduced in 1971.
I doubt the Iranians had any trouble sourcing spares. They may even be manufacturing their own.
Sometimes accidents happen. Mountains, cloud and bad weather are a deadly combination. Add in “gethomeitis”.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 23, 2024 8:56 am

I am feeling rather non-plussed this morning. Seeing Cate Blandshitt making a statement has me rather peeved. Whoever reckons she’s beautiful should go to Specsavers quick smart. That glass of milk with a mouth large enough in which to hold an auction just confirms what that she’s ugly on the inside as well. Stay in Manhattan Cate close to where the action is you gawdawful hag

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
May 23, 2024 8:56 am

Mr Dover, it is of course up to you to approve or otherwise for posting, the text wall below (source: Citizens Party email). It concerns Dan Duggan and his appalling treatment. This subject has been mentioned a few times at the CL site, as many will be aware.

Support Dan Duggan—demand Mark Dreyfus uphold Australian law and sovereignty
Australian citizen and former US Navy “Top Gun” pilot Dan Duggan faces an extradition hearing in Sydney this Friday, but only because Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has hitherto refused to uphold Australian law.

Duggan, who has spent 18 months in solitary confinement in Lithgow Correctional Centre away from his wife Saffrine and six children, should not have spent one day in prison because the Attorney-General should never have approved his arrest on the request of the United States.

The reason why is that Duggan’s case does not meet the most important condition of Australia’s extradition treaty with the United States.

That condition is “dual criminality”—the crime for which an extradition is approved must be a crime in both countries—but the alleged crimes for which the US Department of Justice has indicted Dan Duggan are not crimes in Australia, period.

The DoJ is accusing Duggan of passing on US military secrets by training Chinese military pilots in South Africa in 2012—which he denies, saying he (and the dozens of other top gun trainers who haven’t been arrested) only trained civilians—but the specific charges in the indictment are breaches of the US Arms Export Control Act, which are not breaches of any Australian law.

Corrupt subservience to America

The fact that, knowing this, AG Dreyfus approved Duggan’s arrest in October 2022, shows that Duggan’s is yet another case where the Australian government is choosing to put its strategic and frankly pathetic subservience to the USA ahead of the law and the welfare of an Australian citizen.

In the case of Julian Assange, Australian governments have not objected to the Americans seeking to apply US law extraterritorially against an Australian citizen who does not live under US jurisdiction and wasn’t even present in the United States when the alleged crime was committed (although, belatedly, because Australian public opinion has swung behind Assange, the Albanese government has advocated for his release, whilst still not objecting to the principle of extraterritoriality).

In the case of war crimes coverup whistleblower David McBride, Mark Dreyfus’s refusal to use his power to end the prosecution on public interest grounds led to the November court hearing in which the judge took away McBride’s defence on national security grounds, to protect information related to Australia’s dealings with the United States.

No confidence in rule of law

Given that Dreyfus did not block the US extradition request on the basis of it not meeting the black-and-white requirement of dual criminality from the get-go, the Australian public can have no confidence in the legal process to which Dan Duggan is being subjected, which appears to be riddled with corruption and dirty tricks to rig the outcome the Americans are demanding.

Examples include:

Duggan’s arrest despite no dual criminality;
Duggan’s treatment in prison, including his solitary confinement, being shackled and dressed in an orange jumpsuit when moved, and not being allowed to use a computer to work on his defence, not even one not connected to the internet, despite being on remand and the only prisoner at Lithgow Correctional Centre not convicted of a crime;
The AG’s office officially not commenting on the case, but discreetly backgrounding journalists to read the US indictment so the reporting of the case is coloured by the US allegations as if they are true;
A court ruling for the Americans to freeze the sale of his wife’s farming property as “proceeds of crime” to stop it funding his defence—despite the property being worth many times more than the $180,000 Duggan earned in total from the South African flight school work for which he’s been indicted; and
The hostility of the magistrate handling his case, who upheld the US freezing his wife’s asset so it can’t be used to fund his defence, and ruled against Duggan receiving legal aid, saying [paraphrase] “he’s a smart guy, he can defend himself” (consequently, Duggan’s core legal team is working pro bono for now, against the full legal might of the USA).
Why Dan Duggan?

After 18 months of such treatment, and facing his final hearing which may see him extradited to the USA and jailed for more than 60 years, Dan Duggan has finally revealed information that explains the mystery of why, given the number of former military pilots who worked at the same South African training school as Duggan, only he has been arrested and treated this way.

The information Duggan has just revealed in a letter he hand-wrote from prison is that after he worked at the South African school, but before he started his airline industry consultancy business in China, Australia’s spy agency ASIO and the US Navy Central Intelligence Service contacted him to ask him to spy for them in China.

According to Duggan, the spy agencies indicated no problem with what he did in South Africa, but were keen on him to start his business in China.

Duggan was taken aback, but as a patriotic military-trained person, he agreed to cooperate, except he didn’t do any spying, and the relationship broke down when US actions caused Duggan to come under suspicion in China, resulting in him being blocked from leaving China for seven years.

After the relationship broke down, the US DoJ indicted him in 2017, which wasn’t acted on until 2022, when he was finally back in Australia.

Australian Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick broke the news of this stunning revelation in a 16 May 2024 YouTube interview with Daniel Dumbrill: Breaking Info: The US Punishes Their Unwilling Australian Asset & His Family, New Dan Duggan Details:

Robert Barwick [Citizens Party] questioned whether the entire action against Dan Duggan is some kind of payback by the intelligence agencies, and called on Australians to support Duggan and his family:
by demanding that AG Mark Dreyfus uphold Australian law; and
by supporting the family’s legal fighting fund.

May 23, 2024 8:57 am
May 23, 2024 9:04 am

Crate Blandchick claiming to be “middle class” is one of the more staggeringly stupid and ridiculous utterances* from a Hollyweirdo I’ve heard in recent times.

*With the exception of just about everything emanating from the cakeholes of Braindead Bette Midler and Whoopsie “rape rape” Goldberg.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 23, 2024 9:05 am

Labor Politicians have solved the power disaster by deferring Eraring’s closure until after the next election.

May 23, 2024 9:06 am
May 23, 2024 9:08 am

Actress Cate Blanchett Wears Pro-Palestine Gown at Cannes Film Festival (22 May)

‘Actors are pretty stupid people [whose] opinion is not worth anything….’

Anthony Hopkins, when asked why he doesn’t publicly comment on political issues.

May 23, 2024 9:12 am

Never thought I’d say anything good about Nova “TimTam” Peris ever, but there you go. Pretty much smarter than any Liar politician and the majority of SFL’S.

May 23, 2024 9:17 am
May 23, 2024 9:19 am

Saw Alex Antic on Credlin last night. Impressive! Someone with a brain in the Liberals and comes from SA. Trying to think of any pollie from SA who wasn’t dripping wet. How did he get in. I thought they filtered out talent.

Last edited 1 month ago by GreyRanga
May 23, 2024 9:21 am

Senator Alex Antic. This is from a month ago but I don’t think it was posted here. There is nothing voluntary about it. It will catch everyone.

You Won’t Hide From Digital ID

May 23, 2024 9:31 am

hahahahaha Foster has also quit the Republican mob.

Probably worried about pee in his coffee. Lol.

The Mail has the story.

May 23, 2024 9:31 am

Crate Blandchick claiming to be “middle class” is one of the more staggeringly stupid and ridiculous utterances* from a Hollyweirdo I’ve heard in recent times.

It wuz that “free” Oz edukashin that dun it & sittin’ on the floor wiv the Milky Bar Kid didn’t help, either …… LOL!

May 23, 2024 9:34 am

hahahahaha Foster has also quit the Republican mob.

I was just thinking last night that he’s probably made his position there untenable.

May 23, 2024 9:36 am

Actors are pretty stupid people [whose] opinion is not worth anything….

Apparently Brad Pitt was once asked his opinion on something and and said “why are you asking me, I’m just an actor”.

May 23, 2024 9:40 am
May 23, 2024 9:42 am

Never thought I’d say anything good about Nova “TimTam” Peris ever, but there you go. Pretty much smarter than any Liar politician and the majority of SFL’S.

And along the same lines slightly impressed by this GRACE TAME snippet this morning … Pity she never used the smile or loosened the, tightly knotted, hair when she was in the media spotlight ……..

May 23, 2024 9:42 am

Apparently Brad Pitt was once asked his opinion on something and and said “why are you asking me, I’m just an actor”.

Now that’s interesting because Hopkins’s words were reportedly spoken during an interview with Brad Pitt.

Pitt seems to have taken them onboard.

May 23, 2024 9:42 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 23, 2024 9:43 am

Over at the Oz – not allowed to sneer at the mighty warriors of Allah, making war on Israeli women.

May 23, 2024 9:49 am

“Marriage Is Modern Death Sentence For Men” | Pearl Davis vs James Whale

That would depend on the woman you marry.

Repeated studies have shown that married men have, on average, better health and a longer life expectancy than unmarried or divorced men.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 23, 2024 9:50 am

Cassie at 7:38.
There is a brighter take on Craig Foster’s foray into ME politics.
Firstly, he is singing to the choir of likeminded ferals on the Palestine issue and is unlikely to sway anyone else.
Secondly, his strident support of nut-job causes will likely kill the Republican movement stone dead. Why do you think he was handed that poison chalice by Bandana Man? Even he saw it as having no hope within the next 20 years, but Foster will sink it before that.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 23, 2024 9:53 am

 May 23, 2024 7:42 am

With countless passengers a day going through LAX, they found my suit bag and I’m getting it back in the next few days. 

Including the tasseled loafers?
I am shocked that your ensemble wasn’t stolen by a mincing Qantas flight attendant.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 10:02 am

Nuther one.

Family home gutted by flames in suspected e-bike fire (Tele, paywalled)

A family home in Sydney’s north has been gutted by fire after a suspected e-bike blaze.

In other news Albo wants to build incendiaries in Australia.

PM’s $550m battery-powered vision (Paywallian)

Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda.

A ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’? That is so not going to happen. Whatever he’s smoking atm must be really good stuff.

May 23, 2024 10:04 am

“Progressive” Attacks on Capitalism Were Key to Hitler’s Success:

Unless we are utterly oblivious to the facts, we must realize that the German workers are the most reliable supporters of the Hitler regime. Nazism has won them over completely by eliminating unemployment and by reducing the entrepreneurs to the status of shop managers. Big business, shopkeepers, and peasants are disappointed. Labor is well satisfied and will stand by Hitler, unless the war takes a turn which would destroy their hope for a better life after the peace treaty. Only military reverses can deprive Hitler of the backing of the German workers.

Ludwig von Mises, writing in 1940, having just relocated to the United States from Austria.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 23, 2024 10:11 am

FMD. Just heard over the airwaves that the Wong Chap is off to Singapore to get a briefing on the plane that hit turbulence. Yet she can’t go to Israel to see the carnage Hamas inflicted.
Goodness gracious me.

May 23, 2024 10:15 am

That was an extraordinary performance by LAX, JC. And of course right on form by QANTAS – the ABC of the airways.

My first foray with Emirates was a surprise. I broke my rule of never travelling with a coat given my propensity to leave the bloody things in every airport on the globe. Of course I did leave it on an Emirates aircraft.

I didn’t realise that I had lost it until they texted me. Brilliant, but more so that they sent it to their Brisbane office for convenient pickup by me. QANTAS would have sold it!

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 23, 2024 10:25 am

BHP advertisement: “Iron ore is vital to the energy transition.”

Eh? It’s vital to just about everything. Copper is also touted as vital to the energy transition. The whole charade, with “the energy transition” being used to justify whatever, will not end well.
The main energy transition to be visited upon us will be the change already underway which delivers (i) higher costs, and (ii) intermittency (aka blackouts).

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 23, 2024 10:30 am

Saw Alex Antic on Credlin last night. Impressive! Someone with a brain in the Liberals…
Yes, he has been worth listening to for years.

May 23, 2024 10:31 am

Roger, you piece on von Mises and people not looking at facts reminded me of a fatal accident I arrived at shortly after. Police not in attendance yet. Others had already taken control of the scene and I was most impressed with the people involved. Just the other day I saw a bit on facebook, how it came up in my search but it did, of the feral locals giving their account of which none were present yet somehow managed to know exactly what happened when all of them were wrong. They assumed one of the drivers who was known to be a pisspot on occasions was to blame and the other other a pillar of society who in fact was on the wrong side of the road rendering his chidren orphans. People invent things to be in the know or prejudge based on hearsay. Today we only have to look at the successive government’s we’ve had to be aware of the absolute crap spouted about all snd sundry. The waiter’s bastard being the worst. People are too willing to believe what thy want hear.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 10:38 am

Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda.

He was advised by Bonehead Blackout Bowen that if Australia became a Battery Manufacturer Superpower then Australia could then become a Superpower in raising Battery Chickens.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 10:43 am

Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda.

I remember may years ago where Australia was going to become a World Leader in making computer chips (semi-conductors, etc.).

Never went anywhere of course and the only chips we can make go together with fish.

Last edited 1 month ago by Johnny Rotten
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 10:45 am

You really can’t make this stuff up.

Pentagon Says None of Food Aid Moved Through Gaza Pier Has Made It to Palestinians (22 May)

I wonder: was that a bug or a feature?

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 10:45 am

comment image

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 10:53 am

Justice impacted individuals news.

Illinois legislators set to change ‘offender’ to ‘justice-impacted individual’ (22 May)

Coming to a city near you, like Townsville. I wouldn’t mind if they were actually ‘justice impacted’ but wet lettuce tends not to have much of an impact.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 10:59 am

Klaus Schwab is NOT Leaving the WEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me explain something. Klaus Schwab is NOT retiring, nor is he leaving the WEF. Because of all the toxic hatred hurled at Schwab personally, he has only stepped down from the executive position. That is no different from the Chairman of a Board, who is also the CEO, steps down from only the CEO but retains the Chairmanship to which the new CEO is subordinate. You are NOT getting rid of Schwab so easily.

May 23, 2024 11:02 am
Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 11:04 am

Justice impacted individuals news.

Illinois legislators set to change ‘offender’ to ‘justice-impacted individual’ (22 May)

Yes, these changes to words that have been used for many many years is quite strange. I mean if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it.

Reminds me of the new wording for a ‘rat catcher’. Try ‘freelance rodent operative’.

May 23, 2024 11:07 am

“For those that can watch. The IDF teenager hostages.”

I havnt watched that, but I have watched the heartwrenching “Screams before the silence”.
EVERYONE should watch this to see and hear evidence that cannot be denied about 7 October.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 23, 2024 11:16 am

Ha ha.
“Justice impacted individuals”.
We already use similar language here.
The phrase “long criminal record” is used sparingly, and only for the right people.
Certain other types are referred to as having “extensive previous interactions with the justice system”.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 11:17 am

Spectacularly bad optics award of the day.

Germany says it will arrest Netanyahu as Israeli envoy appeals to Berlin to defy ICC (22 May)

German pollies do seem to have trouble learning from their own history.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 23, 2024 11:41 am

Reading John Kelly’s account of the Irish potato famine “The Graves are Walking.” More then one million men, women and children died and another two million would flee the country – the famine claimed twice as many lives as the American Civil War. Good reading.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 11:45 am

Certain other types are referred to as having “extensive previous interactions with the justice system”.

I always larf’ when the Media Minnows and Plod state – ‘He was known to the Police’.

Well, not known very well at all as you let him do more nawty stuff again. FFS.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 11:49 am

Bronze Age tanks.

Ancient Mycenaean armor tested by Marines and pronounced suitable for extended combat (, 22 May)

One of the oldest known suits of European armor is a 3,500-year-old suit found near the village of Dendra, a few kilometers away from ancient Mycenae.

Since its discovery in 1960, it has been unclear if this was a ceremonial suit or if it was suitable for battle. …

The authors recruited 13 volunteers from the Marines of the Hellenic Armed Forces, equipped them with replicas of the Dendra armor and Bronze Age weapons, and ran them through an 11-hour simulated Bronze Age combat protocol. This combat simulation was developed based on historical accounts from Homer’s Iliad along with additional physiological and environmental evidence to create an approximation of typical diet, activities, and maneuvers of the Mycenaean military.

The experiment found that the replicated Dendra armor did not limit a warrior’s fighting ability or cause severe strain on the wearer.

These results suggest that the Dendra armor was battle-worthy, implying that the Mycenaean’s powerful impact in Mediterranean history was due partly to their armor technology.

Experimental archaeology! Sounds like it was a lot of fun for the Greek Marines.

May 23, 2024 12:00 pm

Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda.

Albo is all for it as long as it doesn’t use any energy in the production of the batteries or any chemicals and doesn’t produce any waste.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 23, 2024 12:05 pm

Some classics here.

I do hope the bloke who got stabbed is doing ok … he fought back well. Kudos to the lady who helped by pounding the stabbers head into the road.


Steve Inman:

Latest Non-essential Commentary Highlights

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 12:06 pm

Comfort cows.

Study reveals cuddled cows who work as therapy animals show a strong preference for women compared to men (, 22 May)

A new study, titled “Cow Cuddling: Cognitive Considerations in Bovine-Assisted Therapy” published in the Human-Animal Interactions journal, reveals that cows who are cuddled as therapy animals showed a strong preference for interactions with women when compared to men.

In turn, the research, which opens a new era on whether some therapies may be initially stronger based upon gender and not procedure, highlighted that the women also reported greater attachment behaviors towards the steers.

Dr. Katherine Compitus, Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University, and Dr. Sonya Bierbower, Associate Professor at United States Military Academy West Point, conducted the research using the Human-Animal Interaction Scale (HAIS) as a measurement tool.

I have to wonder why West Point is researching cow cuddling. Maybe they think it will win wars.

May 23, 2024 12:07 pm

Black Ball

 May 23, 2024 10:11 am

FMD. Just heard over the airwaves that the Wong Chap is off to Singapore to get a briefing on the plane that hit turbulence. Yet she can’t go to Israel to see the carnage Hamas inflicted.

Goodness gracious me.

How apt that our smartest woman is taking a plane to Singapore that could run into turbulence so that she can ask Singaporeans to explain mid-air turbulence.

Last edited 1 month ago by Crossie
May 23, 2024 12:08 pm

Roger, you piece on von Mises and people not looking at facts…

File it under ‘Hiter was a Socialist’, GR.

These sorts of quotes come in handy when debating progressives.

Well…those who are open to facts, that is.

I’ve got a whole pamphlet by Goebbels translated from the German on the subject of National Socialism too.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 23, 2024 12:12 pm

Oops. Here is the clip.

Steve Inman:

Victim gets stabbed then knocks out the stabber

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 23, 2024 12:16 pm

Royal artists news.

New Kate Middleton portrait painted for Tatler magazine enrages public: ‘Is this a joke?’ (Sky News, 23 May)

A new portrait of Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, by a British Zambian artist has elicited extreme dissatisfaction.

It comes just one week after a portrait of King Charles III was unveiled at Buckingham Palace and received mixed reviews. …

Social media users were enraged by the final product, firing off a litany of insults in the comments section of the magazine’s Instagram.

“Is this a joke?”

“Awful. Almost anti Royal putting this on [the] front cover of a magazine.”

“Wait, did lil Louis paint this?”

“Omg! HORRIBLE!!!!!!”

“Ghastly portrait.”

“The Princess of Wales is not even comparable to this picture.”

“Sorry but this portrait failed to capture the essence of Princess Catherine in every possible way.”

“Why make one eye smaller than the other? There is literally not a bad photo of her in existence. To make such unflattering portrait when you have all the time you need time to produce something amazing is quite incredible.”

“Catherine will not be happy and I can’t blame her.”

The artist, Hannah Uzor, told Tatler that she “spent a lot of time looking at [Catherine], looking at her pictures, watching videos of her, seeing her with her family, seeing her in diplomatic visits, seeing her when she’s rowing or visiting children in a hospice.”

After oodles of imperious royal portraits we suddenly have two consecutive weird ones. I suspect almost all of the Archibald Prize entrants could do better:

comment image

May 23, 2024 12:21 pm

I remember may years ago where Australia was going to become a World Leader in making computer chips (semi-conductors, etc.).

Never went anywhere of course and the only chips we can make go together with fish.

Why not invite TSMC to set up operations here like Arizona? Offer them the money that will be wasted on lithium battery factories.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 23, 2024 12:26 pm

Black Ball
 May 23, 2024 10:11 am
FMD. Just heard over the airwaves that the Wong Chap is off to Singapore to get a briefing on the plane that hit turbulence. Yet she can’t go to Israel to see the carnage Hamas inflicted.
Goodness gracious me.

All IT has to do is watch the Blancalirio channel on the subject.


This has already been posted here.

Singapore Airlines Extreme Turbulence Encounter 21 May 2024

May 23, 2024 12:30 pm

Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda.

Does Labor ever pick winners? (do the Libs?)

All the good ideas, NBN, NDIS climate stuff, all seem to be poor investments that you wouldn’t do yourself

May 23, 2024 12:33 pm

Crossie its a race to see who can be the worst minister. Front runners Blown, Chesty Blonde, Sgt Schultz Giles or Benny. Smart money is on Tennis Elbow.

May 23, 2024 12:39 pm

a race to see who can be the worst minister. Front runners Blown, Chesty Blonde, Sgt Schultz Giles or Benny. Smart money is on Tennis Elbow.

Don’t forget that utterly incompetent pompous waffling windbag Greypus. Teats Peanuthead also continues to work his magick. Or even this fat stupid f*ckwit.

May 23, 2024 12:55 pm

“All the good ideas, NBN, NDIS climate stuff, all seem to be poor investments that you wouldn’t do yourself”

Well, of course! If it’s a good idea* and no-one wants to fund it privately, then the only answer is GovCo funding, innit?

*It’s a good idea if it promises jerbs, sounds hi tech and futuresque, and aligns with existing policy.

May 23, 2024 12:59 pm

Does Labor ever pick winners? (do the Libs?)

No and no.

And what’s more, they shouldn’t. All they have to do to make our economy flourish is create reasonable conditions/incentives for commerce and get out of the fkg way. This constant need for Govt’s to “engineer” our economy has with few exceptions led to one failure after another- to the point now where we are hurtling toward developing world status thanks in large part to our importing it.

May 23, 2024 1:00 pm

ZK2A I read somewhere that the famine wasn’t caused by the potatoe blight but by the potatoes being sent to Europe for the wars going on. Higher prices.

May 23, 2024 1:02 pm

BoN at 11:49

based on historical accounts from Homer’s Iliad

Only somebody who had never read the Iliad could possibly believe that it contains “historical accounts”.

May 23, 2024 1:06 pm

Now you’re making it hard Rabz, the choice, that is. Melbourne Cup field.

May 23, 2024 1:06 pm

Does Labor ever pick winners? (do the Libs?)

That’s precisely the problem.

It’s the job of capital to pick winners.

The job of government is to set the legal framework in place to create the market conditions in which capital can operate most efficiently.

Governments are not without self-interest that influences their investment decisions. They also generally lack the expertise to make wise investment decisions in specific projects (Hello, Snowy 2.0!).Their injection of taxpayer capital also distorts the market and promotes a business culture of rent seeking rather than entrepreneurialism. It also exposes government actors to moral hazard, in that they personally don’t bear the cost of the risk – more money can always be borrowed, debt which the taxpayer has to service.

In short, it’s a terrible idea and we – or rather our children and grandchildren – will regret it.

May 23, 2024 1:07 pm

I see Makka got to it while I was drafting the outline of my paper. 😀

Thumbs up!

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
May 23, 2024 1:23 pm

“potatoe blight but by the potatoes being sent to Europe for the wars going on. Higher prices.”
Potatoes were not a cash crop for most Irish farmers, they were, in the main, subsistence farmers on very small farms.
You cannot sell what you needed to eat.
The potato crops failed in 1845, 46, 48 and 49 and these followed other lesser failures in 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36.
So it was well known the potato crop could fail but if you were farming 2 acres you could not plant grain and come anywhere close to feeding your family so people persisted..
My maternal ancestor leased two lots of two acres before emigrating to Australia in 34/35, you sold enough (not necessarily potatoes) to pay your rent if you didn’t own your land and that was that.
Another factor was that by law Irish Catholic farms had to be inherited equally between all male offspring which is why farms got smaller and smaller and potatoes became the only viable option.

May 23, 2024 1:32 pm

On picking winners (not one’s nose)

I think the “Charmer” budget is totally Whitlamesque in its aspiration to comprehensively intervene in, and nationalise, a market segment, prop up businesses that are otherwise totally unprofitable/untested and make the Australian taxpayer pay for all of these 1:1000 gambles.

Even Keating and Hawke would be worried about such a budget.

I remember, when doing my PhD on libertarian economics/politics (which sits at about 40,000 words and unfinished… for another day), I spoke to David Kemp a couple of times (I don’t know him nor had anything otherwise to do with him) and he always had an interesting question for me:

“What happened to the economic policies of the Labor Party between 1975 and 1983?”

It’s a very good question that I think not enough has been written about (yes I know the answer but I’ve ranted enough!).

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 23, 2024 1:40 pm

Have a look from Scott McLaughlin’s cockpit from Indy. 240 MPH! speeds at times when you look at the dash footage.

Scott McLaughlin becomes the FASTEST pole winner in Indy 500 history | INDYCAR. Intrigue sets in.

All the best to him.

May 23, 2024 1:43 pm

A new study, titled “Cow Cuddling: Cognitive Considerations in Bovine-Assisted Therapy” published in the Human-Animal Interactions journal, reveals that cows who are cuddled as therapy animals showed a strong preference for interactions with women when compared to men.

Having just nursed a steer for 6 weeks – bringing hay & water daily since he could not walk for that period – I can attest that concern and attention is appreciated by them. He was miserable and prepared to give up when we discovered that he had severe tendon damage to a hind leg. Daily food & water and a brushing lifted his spirits. Husband is amazed he is now walking (very slowly) with the herd.

Conversely, the heavy daily conveying of all this – especially the water – has done my back in!!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by Vicki
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 23, 2024 1:46 pm

Another factor was that by law Irish Catholic farms had to be inherited equally between all male offspring which is why farms got smaller and smaller and potatoes became the only viable option.
That’s interesting, Rosie.
The rest is rubbish.
The “Potato Famine” is a bollocks half-truth which has become like an “Albo the Houso” origin story for a lot of cod Irish mugs who can’t see the hazards, then and now, of mammon economics and monoculture agronomics.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 1:47 pm

“What happened to the economic policies of the Labor Party between 1975 and 1983?”

Nothing. As they had none.

May 23, 2024 1:52 pm

Hmmm I missed this from a few days ago:

Worldwide Caution (

Location: Worldwide

Event: Due to the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. The Department of State is aware of the increased potential for foreign terrorist organization-inspired violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events and advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. U.S. citizens should:

  • Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists, including Pride celebrations and venues frequented by LGBTQI+ persons.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive information and alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency overseas.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
Cassie of Sydney
May 23, 2024 1:53 pm

Please note that not one Jewish woman, man or child, kidnapped on 7 October 2023 and still held hostage since that date are yet to receive a visit from the ‘International Red Cross’.

Never, ever give a cent to this disgraceful organisation. It collaborated with Nazis during World War II and it is still collaborating with Nazis in 2024.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 1:54 pm

The “Potato Famine” is a bollocks half-truth which has become like an “Albo the Houso” origin story for a lot of cod Irish mugs who can’t see the hazards, then and now, of mammon economics and monoculture agronomics.

Exactly and as far as I know there was never a potato famine in the Andes in South America where the spuds came from (Peru?). Sir Walter Raleigh apparently introduced the spuds to England along with tobacco in QE1’s time..

There was never a potato famine in England, Scotland or Wales. Strange that.

May 23, 2024 1:55 pm

The Ohio General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday without addressing an issue that the state’s top elections official said would prevent President Biden from being placed on the ballot there, escalating a partisan clash that could result in the president not being on the ballot in all 50 states in November.

Frank LaRose, the Republican secretary of state, has said that he plans to exclude Mr. Biden from the ballot because he will be officially nominated after a deadline for certifying presidential nominees on the ballot.

More: Ohio Elections Official Says He Will Soon Exclude Biden From the Ballot – The New York Times (

May 23, 2024 1:59 pm

“The “Potato Famine” is a bollocks half-truth”
That might be your personal opinion Walli but decent, independent and objective historians like Cecil Woodham-Smith present well documented evidence to the contrary.

If the majority of a country’s population are subsistence farmers on tiny acreage and crops fail, whether because of drought, flood, disease or war then widespread famine is the result even if your skin happens to be white.
If you think the death and emmigration figures are fake perhaps you could provide some sources.
By the by Woodham-Smith mentioned Ireland’s bigger landlords continued to export grain during the famine. She also mentioned that when the English government did intervene to sent corn to Ireland their commitment to laissez-faire meant that the price of what corn landed went up so even those who had been given work building canals etc couldn’t afford it.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 23, 2024 2:01 pm

Craig Foster has announced his departure from the Australian Republican Movement after his co-chair counterpart Nova Peris quit the role earlier in the week amid opposing stances on the war in Gaza with the former footballer.
Can’t be fagged reading, but maybe- just maybe- the penny is dropping that these fifth column dhimmis shouldn’t openly talk pogroms-a-go-go in polite company.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 23, 2024 2:10 pm

Codswallop Wally
German tenant farmers suffered similar fate and migrated in large numbers to the US like the Irish.
If you read the accounts of the weather in the potato crop failure years, it tells the story of perfect conditions for a spore pathogen to devastate the crop.
Grain grown was sold for cash to pay rent on land that was suitable for cultivation. The average Catholic tenant didn’t have much arable land as it was distributed under force to the Protestant ascendancy who farmed the rich country in the East.
Even these farmers found the climatic conditions very difficult and asked for assistance in loan and rent relief.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 23, 2024 2:15 pm

when the English government did intervene to sent corn to Ireland their commitment to laissez-faire meant that the price of what corn landed went up so even those who had been given work building canals etc couldn’t afford it.
“Given work” eh?
Ditch-digging slavery, or death by gluten… hard life for Paddy O’Potato-Eater when the chips are down

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 2:16 pm

Wally Dalí
 May 23, 2024 2:01 pm

Craig Foster has announced his departure from the Australian Republican Movement after his co-chair counterpart Nova Peris quit the role earlier in the week amid opposing stances on the war in Gaza with the former footballer.
Can’t be fagged reading, but maybe- just maybe- the penny is dropping that these fifth column dhimmis shouldn’t openly talk pogroms-a-go-go in polite company.

It has been proven over many eons that the best form of Government is a Constitutional Monarchy, Why try to change something that isn’t broken?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 23, 2024 2:19 pm

We have a few of those Miner birds coming now, Bruce, as you mentioned on the last thread that you have. Also a pile of sleek young Currawongs and one older one (not old mum though). Natural pickings are quite slim due to the extended rain. Additionally, the Kookaburras have found us and they come in half-dozens now, which makes quite a crowd on the railing when they see the meat restaurant is open. They don’t like eating off the small area of limestone tiling outside the verandah glass fencing but will at a pinch. I feed their meat with a spoon, which one of them grabbed and flew off with. Their beaks are very awkward with mince if it isn’t compacted, which is what they mostly get when I place it directly on the steel rail where they can cling on, still precariously.

We are feeding the birds from the hoard of Fussy Cat Paks of Kangaroo meat we have left from poor darling Attapuss. He is there in spirit expressing his annoyance at this, I know. The lorikeets come only for the bread, the second course, but will also finish off any meat bits left over. Hairy is very taken with a small butcher bird who has just arrived. He ensures this little fellow gets his small, but fair, share. We are driving to Queensland tomorrow, staying over at our favorite Coffs resort, and will follow the visit to our daughter and grandchildren with a short stay on the Gold Coast before coming home to cold old Sydney. The birds will have to fend for themselves for a week. Luckily this is a well-wooded area with biggish gardens and others probably put feed out too.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 23, 2024 2:26 pm

The corn sent to Ireland was of US origin and had to be milled first as it was rock hard. Mills had a great deal of trouble grinding the maize.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 2:32 pm

What happened to the economic policies of the Labor Party between 1975 and 1983?”

It never happened until Bob Hawke and Paul Bleating came along with a quite excellent and skilled Cabinet.

Same in the UK when Margaret Thatcher came along in May 1979.

You do need change every now and then and not this constant ‘Reform Rubbish’. Reform what? FFS. Stop fiddling. Fix it and then just maintain it.

We had Howard and Costello. Now we have Tennis Elbow, Dim Chalmers. Bonehead Blackout Bowen, Tony the Burke, Tanya Plebersuck and many other dropkicks.

Change of Nappy time coming up very soon.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 2:36 pm

This is what the Woke and the Palli Twats and Trannies and Losers need. And they need it good and HARD,

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 23, 2024 2:37 pm

Alright, the Irish Potato Famine is a recursive stoush here, like a low level trucks v trains… without trying to craic jokes, I’ll simply state that the “famine” was by no means a shortage of food, Irish exports to the new world were as diverse as indentured labour, kelp, cod, salt beef and- the biggest by far and booming during the warm and wet blight years- butter. And subsistence farmers are distinct from cash crop speculators.
Sheesh, thank god Lizzie don’t drop round much, otherwise she’d pitch up about spuds being fattening and I’d have to really get fired up.

May 23, 2024 2:39 pm

After watching MTG doing snatches I’ve sent her a proposal:

(12) Marjorie Taylor Greene on X: “Yes my body is built and strong NOT with nips, tucks, plastic, or silicone, but through a healthy lifestyle. Soon turning 50 years old, God willing, I will continue to lift, run, swim, play sports, surf, ski, climb and LIVE this life to the fullest and enjoy every single” / X (

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
May 23, 2024 2:45 pm

The Oz announcing that Brittany and her tub of lard beau will wed in June. No doubt as part of the legal settlement, Linda Reynolds will be Matron of Honour, Katy Gallagher will be celebrant and the CEO of Cadbury will give the bride away will a complimentary pallet of Roses.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 23, 2024 3:05 pm

The growing number of subsistence businesses are in Victoriastan tracks the Irish famine.
Political and social elites, along with their paid cadres, sucking the life out of the average punter and leaving the economy wide open to a sudden catastrophe.
I won’t even give odds.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 3:08 pm

Sheesh, thank god Lizzie don’t drop round much, otherwise she’d pitch up about spuds being fattening and I’d have to really get fired up.

And I just love chips especially with fried fish and salad at the Rose Bay RSL at only $15 a pop.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 23, 2024 3:14 pm

Speaking of grub
Going to a pig on a spit BBQ tonight on the taxpayer.
A couple of federal pollies are seeking to gauge the mood of the great unwashed with a shindig. Who am I to refuse?

May 23, 2024 3:24 pm

“Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda”

I can’t keep up, being a Super Power is hard work.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 3:39 pm

 May 23, 2024 3:24 pm

“Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda”
I can’t keep up, being a Super Power is hard work.

Not really, as talk is cheap. Just like Elbow Sleazy.

Australia will never be a Super Power as long as the donkeys are in charge.

Eeeh Awwww/ Or was it Eeh Ore?

May 23, 2024 3:49 pm

This talk of “super battery provider” and “energy hub” are all BS. Every stupid State Government has promised, at some stage, to be an “energy hub.”

What? They reckon they can compete with Chinese labour (or Russian gas lol!)!!?

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 3:52 pm

 May 23, 2024 3:24 pm

“Anthony Albanese will unveil a new $550m strategy aimed at turning Australia into a ‘world-leading battery manufacturer’ as the next plank of his Made in Australia agenda”
I can’t keep up, being a Super Power is hard work.

Now this is a Plank Just like Tennis Elbow, ……………lol

Or maybe a Planker/Plonker………………lol

Last edited 1 month ago by Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:07 pm

Farmer Gez
 May 23, 2024 3:05 pm

The growing number of subsistence businesses are in Victoriastan tracks the Irish famine.

Sictoria is drowning in debt. Blame Dan the Desperate Man as well as many others, Of course, But also the stupid voters that erected them. Dropkicks all of them and serves them right,

The place is farked until they get back to using the State’s resources. Gas, Oil, Minerals, Meat, Wine, Fish and not the BS that the Greenies go on about.

Tossers all of them.

Last edited 1 month ago by Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:08 pm

 May 23, 2024 3:49 pm

This talk of “super battery provider” and “energy hub” are all BS.

We used to be an energy hub when Hazelwood was pushing out sparks for 0.5c per kWh and Liddell for 2c per kWh.

Last edited 1 month ago by cohenite
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 23, 2024 4:11 pm

Johnny Rotten
 May 23, 2024 3:08 pm

Sheesh, thank god Lizzie don’t drop round much, otherwise she’d pitch up about spuds being fattening and I’d have to really get fired up.
And I just love chips especially with fried fish and salad at the Rose Bay RSL at only $15 a pop.

All my local shops have closed.

May 23, 2024 4:11 pm

All you are doing Walli probably without realising is acknowledging that there were two Irelands, one of wealthy often absentee landlords and the rest.
I’ve already acknowledged that the cash croppers went on exporting their goods overseas, many also took the opportunity to get rid of their tenants by paying their fares to America.
The poorest tenants, living in a cabin on an acre paid their rents with labour.
It was their treatment by their landlords that was remembered vividly enough and handed down for later generations of Irish Americans to help fund the IRA.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 23, 2024 4:13 pm

Lady Gaenor Meakes v Bruce Lehrmann: ‘Damage’ caused to Balgowlah rental By ellie dudley

  • Legal Affairs Correspondent
  • 4:06PM May 23, 2024

Bruce Lehrmann allegedly caused “extensive damage” to a multimillion-dollar Balgowlah property rented for him on the Seven Network’s dime, to the point where his former landlord was unable to lease the apartment to future tenants, a tribunal has heard.
The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal on Thursday heard Lady Gaenor Meakes, the property owner who launched proceedings against the former Liberal staffer earlier this month, was unable to re-list the apartment when Lehrmann vacated it “because of the cleaning that had to be done”.
The tribunal also heard Lady Meakes has been unable to contact Mr Lehrmann in relation to the matter, despite reaching out to lawyers representing him in his failed defamation case against Network 10 and presenter Lisa Wilkinson.
Mr Lehrmann moved out of the Balgowlah property on Sydney’s northern beaches in early April. The Australian understands he left the property earlier than expected, cutting the lease short by about three weeks.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:17 pm

 May 23, 2024 1:32 pm

On picking winners (not one’s nose)

Guv’ments can’t even pick weiners………………………………

And they are small pricks,

Last edited 1 month ago by Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:20 pm

Steve trickler
 May 23, 2024 4:11 pm

Johnny Rotten
 May 23, 2024 3:08 pm
Sheesh, thank god Lizzie don’t drop round much, otherwise she’d pitch up about spuds being fattening and I’d have to really get fired up.
And I just love chips especially with fried fish and salad at the Rose Bay RSL at only $15 a pop.
All my local shops have closed.

That is Un-Australian

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:33 pm

 May 23, 2024 4:11 pm

All you are doing Walli probably without realising is acknowledging that there were two Irelands, one of wealthy often absentee landlords and the rest.
I’ve already acknowledged that the cash croppers went on exporting their goods overseas, many also took the opportunity to get rid of their tenants by paying their fares to America.
The poorest tenants, living in a cabin on an acre paid their rents with labour.
It was their treatment by their landlords that was remembered vividly enough and handed down for later generations of Irish Americans to help fund the IRA.

Rosie you are thinking and living in the past. Eire does not want to join with NI as it cannot afford it. Follow the money and the evidence.

There are 2 Irelands.

Last edited 1 month ago by Johnny Rotten
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 23, 2024 4:36 pm
May 23, 2024 4:37 pm

This alone is all the evidence you need to abolish public schools.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:43 pm

There are 2 Irelands.

Now about Gibraltar and the Brits. Spain wants the Brits to give it up. LOL

But does Spain want to give up Spanish Morocco?

Farking Hypocrites.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 23, 2024 4:47 pm

It’s early but Mutt of the Week- Rufus.
Looks verrrry verrrrrrrry good. I’m very tempted to haul him over west as a sheepdog, but by the look of his hips n toes he’s a lurcher too.
Verrry tempting.
Goood dog. Where’s that fox buddy? Where is he?

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 4:54 pm

 May 23, 2024 4:37 pm

This alone is all the evidence you need to abolish public schools.

In England I went to a Public Skool which was a State Skool. And so did the Beatles, But I couldn’t sing or play anyfink’ Except play Up, LOL.

May 23, 2024 4:54 pm

Looks like not all university students are enarmoured of the intifada encampments.

May 23, 2024 5:02 pm

BL ending the lease 3 weeks early, big deal.
If there was cleaning to be done, take it out of the bond.
At 2 grand a week, that’s 8k the old bat will have.
You tell the tenant you’re taking X amount for cleaning and it’s up to the tenant to dispute it.
Unless there is genuine damage, this sounds like the land lord is trying it on.
An end of lease clean for a house like that, in Sydney, absolute max would be 1500.
If there’s stuff to haul away, more depending on tip fees.

Not being able to let the place out for a period isn’t BL’s problem, nor is it grounds to make a claim on the bond.

May 23, 2024 5:13 pm

And it’s negative consent.
Ie you, your property manager tells the tenant you’re claiming part of the bond.
At that stage the tenant can negotiate an outcome.
If not, the admin gets sent through to that RBO service.
RBO informs the tenant of their right to appeal it, if not the owners claim is upheld.

Tenants losing bits of their bond for cleaning & hauling garbage happens all the time.
However, trying to get a tenant pay for a reno is viewed dimly so you better have a very strong case to proceed like BL’s former land lord.

Bottom line, it looks like BL’s landlord wants the bond (8k) plus more.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 5:28 pm

All the good ideas, NBN, NDIS climate stuff, all seem to be poor investments that you wouldn’t do yourself

We await the first Dividend. And then we wait, and we then wait, and we wait and we wait and then we…………die.

May 23, 2024 5:33 pm

This talk of “super battery provider” and “energy hub” are all BS. Every stupid State Government has promised, at some stage, to be an “energy hub.”

There are certain words or phrases that immediately confirm that the speaker is a gullible deluded fool and not worth listening to. “Hub” is one of them (unless used to describe the centre of a wheel), so is “green hydrogen”. We used to play a game called Bu**sh*t Bingo to make boring managerial meetings bearable where we would score a speaker who used such platitudes. Others might like to suggest more of them.

May 23, 2024 5:35 pm

I saw Furiosa today.
George Miller is a great director & a great story teller.
See it on the big screen because I don’t think the small screen will do it justice.
A couple of jaw dropping moments.
A couple of Easter eggs for people who have seen all five movies.
Only one plot hole of note.
& what would be lost on the international audiences is every minor role is an Aussie actor you’ll recognise.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 5:36 pm

All the good ideas, NBN, NDIS climate stuff, all seem to be poor investments that you wouldn’t do yourself

They are not investments, It is pissing our money up against the wall.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 23, 2024 5:42 pm

Andrew Giles.

Has there ever been a more pathetic, wimp of a person that God put breathe into?

I look at the pasty faced limp haired little nerd that can’t fill a suit or do up a tie.

Whenever I see his face on TV I can’ help but think – there’s some serious anal sex that’s gone wrong here!

May 23, 2024 5:49 pm

George Miller gets it.
Tom Cruise gets it.
There’s a market for movies where real people, real scenes, not CGI & green screens take up most of the movie.
Sure there’s CGI & green screens in Furiosa.
But there’s enough real live action for the big scenes.

May 23, 2024 5:53 pm

Re the ‘battery hub’ announcement – I read that while the details hadn’t been worked out yet (but the budget has), they would let us know in due course, after consulting ‘stakeholders’.

The ‘stakeholders’ are the tax hoovering, often overseas based, shysters who are licking their lips in anticipation of years of well paid executives doing lots of ‘study tours’ featuring desirable tourist locations.

In a few years time, they will sorrowfully tell us that, absent further infusions of cash, and given unfoseen circumstances, they will have to fold their tents and disappear.

Blind Freddie could see it coming.


Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 5:57 pm

Tom Cruise gets it.

Tom Cruise is a Wanker and a part of the Scientology Cult. I have known people on his Movie sets where he has told people not to look at him. And to sign paperwork not to look at him. Hello Camera Person. How do you do that and not look at the fark wit?

The Bloke is a Shit Head.

May 23, 2024 6:03 pm

Just on 6pm here in Victoria and not a breath of wind. Indeed for the whole AEM zone (Qld, NSW, Vic. SA. Tas) there is only !% wind and now no sunlight (solar). We had a black out this morning lasting a couple of hours. Just a taste of things to come I guess. We are running on a knife edge with our electricity grid.

May 23, 2024 6:08 pm

Andrew Giles.
Has there ever been a more pathetic, wimp of a person that God put breathe into?
I look at the pasty faced limp haired little nerd that can’t fill a suit or do up a tie.
Whenever I see his face on TV I can’ help but think – there’s some serious anal sex that’s gone wrong here!

A soft handed scion of privilege who has wanted for nothing. The anal administration has quite an effete, aristocratic air about it.

May 23, 2024 6:16 pm

“What happened to the economic policies of the Labor Party between 1975 and 1983?”

There was a paradigm shift in the anglosphere to economic neo-liberalism.

Hawke and Keating applied it with Australian characteristics.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 6:19 pm

 May 23, 2024 5:53 pm

Re the ‘battery hub’ announcement – I read that while the details hadn’t been worked out yet (but the budget has), they would let us know in due course, after consulting ‘stakeholders’.
The ‘stakeholders’ are the tax hoovering, often overseas based, shysters who are licking their lips in anticipation of years of well paid executives doing lots of ‘study tours’ featuring desirable tourist locations.

They will only change when we charge up the steps of the Parliament House that we own and have paid for and lop off their heads like chicken heads with our Pick Forks and axes.

Only then will they take any notice.

May 23, 2024 6:29 pm

They will only change when we charge up the steps of the Parliament House that we own and have paid for and lop off their heads like chicken heads with our Pick Forks and axes.

Can’t come too soon.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 6:35 pm

Has there ever been a more pathetic, wimp of a person that God put breathe into?

There is NO God so that is where you have gone wrong. Maybe it is a Dog and God is dyslexic.

And what part of God’s Plan did the Holocaust happen or October the 7th 2023 be a part of it? Please explain if you can.

All part of God’s Plan? Try another prayer.

I await your considered logical response. And so do the Hindus and Buddhists and even the Sun Worshippers,

May 23, 2024 6:42 pm

As I am sitting reading the Quran, I remember that I never heard anyone whistle in all the Muzjoints I worked. I asked and never got a straight answer. And there it is in da book. Evidently whistling was what the pagans did BEFORE Islam in Mecca. Allah was not impressed. I thought I’d share that, It could come in handy one day.

Last edited 1 month ago by johnjjj
Cassie of Sydney
May 23, 2024 6:48 pm

The state of the Liberal Party here in NSW, when the Minns Labor government is more proactive on keeping our lights on that the unlamented Parrothead Liberal government.

May 23, 2024 6:51 pm

Apropos of nothing.

Canned Heat at Woodstock. On the Road Again. Louisiana soul.

And then, the thrilling and powerful Santana’s Soul Sacrifice:

Forty one million views.

Almost as many as some purveyer of lip bloats and how to use a texta to shape your eyebrows. 🙂

May 23, 2024 6:53 pm

Off to the Sahara today. I’m on a small tour (14 of us), including a few whingers. The bus is too hot, I’m not taking my turn up the back…the usual stuff. It’s embarrassing.

Tonight the camels will be too smelly, the tents not fitted out sumptuously enough, the food no good.

Aussies seem not to be the happy go lucky travellers of yesteryear. Perhaps some should just stay home and nurse their arthritis.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 6:55 pm

Johnny Rotten
 May 23, 2024 6:35 pm

Has there ever been a more pathetic, wimp of a person that God put breathe into?

Yes and I await all of the God botherer’s here in this place to explain how there is a God and that everything that happens is part of God’s Plan. How many wars and famines does it take?

And does anyone here know what God’s Plan is? Did God tell only them and no one else?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 23, 2024 6:56 pm

We got Paramount so we could stream ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’ and then I noted they had the series ‘The Gilded Age’. I’d already watched the first series on various long flights, but here was the second series, just starting, so I asked Hairy to watch it with me, which he did with his ipad on his lap, as I briefly filled him in on the first series, which he had avoided. Much disinterest in the beginning for him, but as this second series has perked up with problems for the railroad owners with industrial strife, he’s dropped the ipad and is a bit involved.

Now we watch as the wealthy son of one of the fashionable ladies around whom the series revolves has lot all of his (and her) dosh in a bad investment, making Hairy recall the dotcom years around 2000 when he was involved with Microsoft duchessing us in high style in New York during the new internet world. Some people he knew of in New York pocketed a cool fifty million, for money was easily gained for not much duty of care back then (recall Ozemail in Australia, Cats). You remember him, little chap with a pony tail who came to that dinner we had in Sydney for that crowd, he recalls halting the show in remembrance, before I signal let’s at it again.

Gilded Ages come and go as technologies change. In Quadrant a few years ago I reviewed a book about this period’s social life – ‘The Husband Hunters – Social Climbing in London and New York’ by Anne de Courcy. Cash for Coronets was the talk of the age, as aspirant mothers pushed their heiress daughters into marriage with British aristocrats suffering a decline in landed agricultural fortunes. Needs were met. There’s a Duke in this series being pitched at by two competitive hostesses, mirroring well these times with people who are real (such as Mrs. Astor and her southern gentleman social adviser Mr. Ward McAlister) or modelled on other players in this book.

Worth a watch and a gape.

May 23, 2024 6:59 pm

My only contribution to the Irish famine discussion:

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 23, 2024 7:02 pm

Forgot to mention that one of the good things about ‘The Gilded Age’ series is that, unlike ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’ where African American characters are unrealistically cast, these characters are introduced into The Gilded Age in a realistic scenario of the growth of a strong and well-off black middle class. It is very refreshing to see this recognition being given in its proper context.

Johnny Rotten
May 23, 2024 7:04 pm

 May 23, 2024 6:59 pm

My only contribution to the Irish famine discussion:
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

Why did the Irish Lady take two birth pills?

To be sure, to be sure.

May 23, 2024 7:05 pm

Abbott on Credlin bemoaning the fact that the murderous muzzie scum who he protected (nothing to do with Islam) are not acting as the reasoned people of the book chaps he told us they were.

It is easy to almost understand people in politics or society who inspire you towards hate or mistrust, but Abbott Chamberlains are unforgiveable. Don’t impose your unreasonable reasonableness on society, priest.

May 23, 2024 7:06 pm

Funnily enough God’s existence doesn’t rely on any particular person’s belief.
Why do bad things happen to good people?

May 23, 2024 7:06 pm

There will be a full moon over the desert tonight.

There will be something wrong with that also. 🙂

Temps are climbing to 34 today, with a bit of wind stirring up the dust. I doubt there will be clear skies to observe the stars sans light pollution. But I live in hope!

I’ll do a brief Morocco snapshot when back in Spain. Speaking of which, their response to the ICC is gobsmacking. And then history makes itself felt – Fes received many…many Jews fleeing Spain. Walked through the Jewish quarter yesterday. Amusing story – no Jews left there, they all* moved to the comfortable new city, kept the real estate and rented it out. They are now restoring the buildings to their original charm and will no doubt lease them as holiday lets.

*also to Israel and return regularly to catch up with friends and family

May 23, 2024 7:08 pm
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  1. Labor scare campaigns usually fail since what scares them is not what scares average folks, in fact its the opposite.

  2. For those who are whining about the timescale and cost of nuclear, there are a lot projects that take longer…

  3. Love to know what the Liars internal polling is saying. Albo is having a shocking few months, Chalmers has disappeared…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x