I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…
Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
Rhubarb crumble with custard?
Air hellair!
5th but 1st with MAGA nostalgia ..
but remember if you’re not first then you’re LAST!!!
That painting is horrible. The devil on his throne in hell.
It looks to me like the king’s portrait artist was fantasising about killing him.
Hands look a little weird on that pic of Chaz.
I guess its some sort of comment on the evils of late-stage capitalism … and the double plus evils of the patriarchy.
From the previous OT;
Another symptom of Sicktoria. After the tyranny inflicted on Victorians by Vikplod during covid, a reasonably sane population would have hated them deeply since 20/21. But only now some 3 years later does their performance become an issue.
Ridiculous statement. How do you know people didn’t feel the same way on 21?
You are ridiculous. Sure, “some” people feel the same way. A minority. But the evidence is all around you most don’t. Yet you keep fantasizing about it and getting offended by the reality. How many state Labor elections and polls do you need to see before the clue bat hits you? Until this state (where I live and happen to like very much) decides to eject this horrid Labor outfit, there is no other evidence other than the majority are retarded when it comes to good governance in Vic.
Chairman Dan Xi Man has, tellingly, done a runner before the full consequences of his misrule hit home.
It has indeed. It’s a Marxist insanity in league with Islamic barbarism.
Take the picture of the four women, and put it within ANY other context, and the world would just about universally condemn it.
But because the perpetrators are Muslim, it is accepted and even encouraged by some.
Pauline Nails it. Thredbo at Michael Smith’s site https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/pauline-hanson-please-explain-the-man-from-snowy-hydro.html
I don’t need any opportunity to engage in yet another anti-ALPBC pile-on, you stupid arrogant bovine bint. Its mere existence is opportunity enough.
She really is a foul old slag. A very highly paid foul old slag
An interesting one to watch:
Swiss renewable energy battle moves to the ballots (TechXplore, 6 Jun)
The elites in Bern and Zurich vs the proles everywhere else…get out popcorn! Rarely do the poor put-upon voters get asked about such things, so like Brexit the chance of a nice surprise is real.
Can you imagine the Swiss voting to destroy their sublime landscapes with hideous windfarms?
For those feeling the urge to engage in yet another anti-ALPBC pile-on …
Sydney chemicals manufacturer Indorama to close its Botany plant.
How are we going to be a “renewable energy superpower” without an industrial base?
The quiet, but constant sounds of “Are you listening?” emanating from the peasants may just be breaking through the “Cone of Ignorance” that the media continues to employ.
Broome astronomer, tour guide and TV star Greg Quicke, known as ‘Space Gandalf’, dies aged 62.
Far too young.
That could have been a decent portrait, given that the artist at least produced a likeness of his subject (fat fingers and all) – something few Archibald entrants seem capable of doing – before mixing up the crimson.
…and it will be yet another nail in the coffin of patience in a long suffering people.
“How does one go bankrupt? Slowly at first, then all of a sudden.”
“How does one enter a civil war? Slowly at first, then all of a sudden.”
And those who have continually pissed on the people, thinking that they would do nothing, are still surprised every time they get thrown into the tumbrils, or propped against a wall like that Ceausescu chappy and his missus. They never learn.
Please Explain: The Man From Snowy Hydro.
“That could have been a decent portrait”
My thoughts exactly Roger, it’s a good likeness, unlike the dreadful amateurish portrait of the Princess of Wales.
So simple
Unfortunately not so simple.
Whatever the law might say the courts are full of progressive beaks.
They always rule the perp cannot be deported because his origin country is “not safe”.
The lawmakers all know this, they are just snowing the voters by been seen to “do something”. Hypocrites. Sunak in the UK is a perfect example of this craven cowardice.
Not enough. Supporting Islam should be grounds for deportation because it is incompatible with a Democratic State.?
And surprise.
When people call for a ceasefire they really just mean for Israel to lay down its weapons and if they are lucky, get back the bodies of the remaining hostages in exchange for all the hamas terrorists they have captured, then the west can rearm hamas so they can do a bigger and better 7 October.
And the UAE
Ftb, you asked yesterday or the day before whether the strike on the Iron dome battery was old news, real news, or fake news. It appears it’s real news.
Not especially important, Iron Dome is just an AA missile battery albeit an amazing one.
More important is that the Hezbie have spiffy AA missiles of their own and have downed several large IDF drones in the last few weeks. Which suggests the Iranians have been giving them these batteries.
I suspect that is why the Israelis are seriously considering declaring war on Hezbollah. Plus of course Hezbollah have been constantly attacking northern Israel. Same equation as with Hamas: the only way you can stop such aggression is by killing all the terrorists. There’s no other way.
Yes, it’s real fake news.
If the video doesn’t show aftermath then it didn’t happen.
Not even haaretz said it’s a cert.
No, it’s real news, Rosie. If you see video of the drone incoming on the battery and then the following picture its confirmed.
One of the comments suggests it is a decoy and not the real mccoy.
Welcome to WA … where the police now make the law as well as carry it out.
When you make the former commissioner of cops the governor. any fantasy of a separation of powers is exposed as one.
thanks Mc Shitstain
I despise these blights on Australian democracy.
The time and effort to comply with their useless laws is way out of proportion, even if the application fees for additions were not completely disproportionate.
As Augusto Zimmerman reported in Quadrant we just spent YEARS going through the Law Reform Commission to update the gun laws based on all stakeholders input only for Labor, the inheritors of the ethical standards of the Brian Burke years to just put their boot on the face of their class enemies, the ordinary people of WA.
I repeat my original claim, made about five years ago, that the Police Sheepdog has – in order to have a quieter life while still drawing its rations from the boss – made common cause with the wolf.
It allows a small amount of the flock to be taken in return for them being taken in a way that allows plausible deniability to the claim the Sheepdog is asleep on the job.
“ It is incumbent upon the WA Police Force, as the responsible regulator under both the existing Act and the impending Bill, to ensure that existing licences and new applications are assessed appropriately and that consistent decisions are made that achieve the required public safety outcomes.
You are currently licensed to hold [More than 5] Rec/Hunt/Shoot and applying for an additional one.
Your application is of a nature that will be directly impacted by the provisions of the Bill and its associated regulations. If your application was granted, the Bill, when passed into law, would highly likely result in the immediate reversal of any decision to grant this application.”
Dear Sir,
I have proposed legislation that would reduce your pay by 50% when passed. Please be assured that treasury will be taking this impending legislation into account when paying your salary – we would not like to have to demand a refund from you for any potential over-payment, and will therefore be immediately reducing your salary as paid.
Not happy about that?
Don’t really blame you.
Perhaps you can understand then why I want you to do your duty under the law as it pertains at the time, not as it may pertain at some future and unspecified time, and certainly not before all the appropriate rules and regulations associated are finalised and in place.
If you should refuse to accept my application without a valid legal reason under the current legislation, be assured that this will result in appropriate legal actions, which may include disciplinary action against you personally.
If you wish to play stupid games, you can certainly win stupid prizes. I would prefer that you did not play such games and simply follow current law, as is your duty under the oath you have taken.
Thank you and have a nice day.
I promise you the painting merely stylistically reflects his avowed wish to be Camilla’s tampon. ?
To the naughty corner immediately, Mother!
The artist got the hands right. I noticed their shape at the coronation when Charles was signing something. I think it indicates some medical condition or disease though I can’t think of it at the moment.
Charles III’s sausage fingers have been a topic of speculation for some time. It happens, he’s not young. Doesn’t appear to be linked to the cancer he is being treated.
Bloke is just getting old .. Hate to say it cos nuttin’ wrong wiv her maj but she should have quit when he was closing in on 50 and given him a bit of a run ..
No, she hung on as long as was humanly possible to keep her climate crazy Koran-reading son away from the big chair as long as she could. Memo to Poms: don’t ever name a royal son “Charles”. It never goes well.
I have unashamedly copied this from Jo Nova’s blog. The news is too good not to be seen by our bloggers.
Major fight against cashless revolution threatens Aussies with $25,000 fine
Australian businesses and companies could soon cop huge fines if they don’t accept or carry cash. Politicians Andrew Gee and Bob Katter have introduced a bill that aims to keep physical money in circulation.
With the rise of digital payments and wallets, the use of cash has been declining rapidly over the last few years. But plenty of Aussies still love and depend on cash and they’ve told Yahoo Finance the slow transition to a more cashless society is impacting their ability to pay for essentials.
Gee and Katter’s bill hopes to prevent that from happening.
The Keeping Cash Transactions in Australia Bill 2024 was submitted to parliament this week and the MPs believe it’s “crucial in protecting the availability and acceptance of cash payments across the nation”.
“Many people, across both my electorate of Calare and around our great country, hold concerns and fears that the use of cash for transactions in Australia is being phased out and will soon disappear,” said Gee said.
Could everyone who agrees with this legislation please contact Bob or Andrew Gee to give them some encouragement? So often bold action gets little support.
Why hasn’t Pauline come out for this? .. You want to win votes you support stuff the vote-herd wants ….. FFS!
God save the King.
I have to agree with that, but it isn’t looking likely. On the other hand as head of the Anglican Church he’s on the vibe, unfortunately.
Justin Welby accused of net zero hypocrisy for racking up 48,000 air miles on global trips (25 May)
God will save His church, but guys like Charles and Justin may not be in the deal.
“Australian businesses and companies could soon cop huge fines if they don’t accept or carry cash. “
I was under the impression this was already the case – that a public facing business cannot refuse to accept legal tender (cash). Am I wrong?
I havn’t tested that – but we were certainly refused when we offered cash when paying the bill for accomodation at a fancy hotel last year. I recall I did some googling – & it seemed that they were within their rights as long as it was displayed – and it was when we arrived (but not on the ad on the internet).
I was in Sydney several months ago and my daughter booked us into a Mexican Restaurant in Surry Hills.
(Don’t recall the name, the food was “tres average!”).
They did not accept cash.
I refused to order anything.
“God save the King.”
Because nothing will save the Prime Minister!
Vivat! Vivat Rex!
Although he has lived pretty long already. But still, if he makes the likes of Pirate Pete groan and squint in constipated pain then, yeah, long live the King.
I actually think the portrait is pretty good. Maybe a different background would have worked better, but I think the face and hands are really well done, as is the uniform, livery, sword, etc. And the butterfly is a nice touch too.
Yeah, I agree. I don’t mind it at all.
As they say in the classics, “Ditto”.
I said that as well, but obviously both you and I are outliers.
And without taste in the finer things in life.
Dover, are you trying to give us nightmares with that “painting”?
I posted a few items at the end of the old thread, before noticing the new one, if anyone is interested.
Always interested in your posts, Indolent. And thank you.
Thanks Indolent. Appreciate your links. Usually very interesting.
Someone earlier was incredulous that Victorians are only now becoming hostile to their police force. But I don’t doubt that – even if it is astonishing.
We have well educated and delightful friends (even if they are lefties!) who last night told us that they were unaware that there was an epidemic (so to speak) of home invasions in Qld and Victoria. Well, blow me down. And they quite sceptical when we said thousands of people had protested in the streets of Brisbane over the issue.
Honestly, some people live cocooned lives and just don’t read the news.
Retiring Defence Chief Campbell Leaves Military in a Mess – Malcolm Roberts (malcolmrobertsqld.com.au)
How about green instead of red?
It was fun that the artist got Chinese painters to do all those leaves. Subcontracting artists are a thing! Maybe that’s a service Archibald artists could draw upon.
Meanwhile the artist himself is in the wars:
Obama presidential portrait artist accused of sexual assault in Instagram post (21 May)
There you go, not only was Obama’s portrait artist a Chinese-exploiting black guy, he also is gay. My PC bingo card just melted.
And not to be outdone, this pustule in the US:
The Silent Insurrection: General Milley’s Hand on January 6 (declassified.live)
Terrible Obama portrait. It’s way too photographic. Just compare the above to Obama’s. The skill of the former is an order of magnitude or two above Obama’s.
Didn’t Earn It artist.
it’s a Kehinde Wiley’s thing
Dad used to call him a “butterfly watcher” when all the fawning stuff started about his green leanings.
His expression reminds me strongly of the old Duke. The red background is a stupid distraction – the artist had a gazillion choices and just got lazy.
He accidently ordered 100 tubes of Quinacridone Crimson, instead of 10. In the extra large size.
I like the portrait.
Crankee is a contrarian …
That’s why I like her.
Rosie I think in places like the UAR and Saudi are only one firebrand Imam away from the rulers being deposed. The general populace are pootly educated and pay more attention to the Imams than the rulers. Its in the rulers own interest to keep a lid on them.
Gotta remember the media gives the Saudis & UAE a free pass when reporting cos .. oil.. they very rarely go into background details …….!
Where is Michael Mosley? A real whodunnit. However, I suspect that as with the late actor Julian Sands, who disappeared in the San Gabriel Mountains whilst hiking, Mosley went for a long hike alone, slipped and has died.
I took six months before other hikers stumbled upon the remains of Sands.
I’d say there is a very high chance he either fell into the water or went swimming and got into trouble. So sad.
When the Gulf War was over and the Iraqi’s left the oil fields aflame they tried to get Red Adair to put out the fires. He wasn’t available so sent his Irish cousin, Green Adair instead. His Lockheed C130 landed in the desert near the fires, the loading door came down and Green Adair drove his Landrover out over to the contingent waing for him. He drove straight past into the flames over the well and put out the first fire. When he drove back to the waiting contingent they were absolutely amazed and asked what he was going to to next. “Get the brakes on the Landrover fixed”.
Opinion polls showing another Labor victory in Victoria.If I could I would leave
Opinion polls showing another Labor victory in Victoria.If I could I would leave
Might help if there was an opposition in Victoria.
What happened to the Victorian Liberal Party?
Surely you mean labor lite
Turned into the Gutless Coward’s Party. Like other Victorians, I’d leave if it were not for all my family still living and working here. Although youngest is making move to NSW Central or North Coast noises, he’s the childless one.
Too hard for me not to see my grandees regularly. My grandparents were a once a month visit in my childhood, plus school holidays. I love being able to pick them up from school and take them out for milkshakes or a movie on short notice.
I must be one of the only ones that doesn’t mind the portrait of King Charles. Reds a strong emotive colour if I interpret it as encompassing the history of the Monarchy but not so much Charles his back drop should have been windmills and solar farms a weather vane and a brussel sprout.
Or a tampon.
When I see the Charles portrait I am reminded of the 90’s movie Spawn.
Heading to the football at Docklands later and they only do EFTPOS
“No, it’s real news, Rosie. If you see video of the drone incoming on the battery”
Really israel havent confirmed any damage but someone with access to a secure area released a photo?
seems likely.
My dentist left Sydney during the COVID years.
Since then I’ve been using the BUPA dentists.
I went today for a check up and clean, all covered by my policy.
I don’t know how a new dentist can start up today and not work for one of the health insurers or one of the dental chains.
My dentist of 35 yrs retired during covid. Replaced by group practice of four South Koreans and 2 Aussies, brand new building, signed with my health fund therefore I go twice a year now and chat about chilli growing and High Country motorcycling. Its fabulous. Next month they will repair hubby’s old fillings and cap something, he was impressed also.
If only we could find a new GP to replace the 35 yr one who also retired in 2021. We can get in to see anyone in the group practice but so far none meet my standards as a GP I would want to share my health with.
Sicktoria indeed. In set your jaw on the floor noos, Hun:
I’d put it on the Ambos to dispense of these animals. Then bill these idiots for wasting their time.
A call out in Wilcannia – Health Care Wukka too drunk to put eye drops in, wants us to do it.
Got his name and address (of course) told him he’d be billed for the callout at 0200.
“Don’t care. The government will pay it.”
My optometrist has given everyone notice that he’s leaving Sydney too.
I suppose I’ll give the BUPA optometrist a go as well.
Same goes with a new optometrist.
How do you start if you don’t work for the big guys.
I have a good optometric, Bern.
Remarkably light damage if it were the real macoy.
Regarding Blondie, you might like this photo of Ms Harry singing( you may have seen it before).
I recall parasites on the welfare gravy train in NSW were using Ambos as taxis
Answered the door at Laverton Hospital near midnight.
Aunty Someone standing – sort of.
“I’m fitting!”
Wanted a sandwich and a lift home via the ambulance.
Next time she turned up, brought in by ambulance call out – witnessed fit by daughter, been drinking ManLady In Boat for 36 hours. (Carton white wine with photo of man and lady in punt, with parasol*.) Not known how many cartons consumed.
OK, she’s probably pissed enough to compromise her airway or something. Gets out airway kit and IV set.
She wakes up, looks at the Iv cannula – #14 – that’s a big bugger.
Jumps off bed and staggers out of Resus bay.
“You’re not shoving that thing in my arm!” and takes off.**
So much for the witnessed fit and volume of alcohol consumed.
*Perhaps the parasol makes it a more cultured drink.
** No, I didn’t make her a sandwich.
Certain grifters in certain outback communities were in the habit of using the Royal Flying Doctor Service as taxis.
Drones don’t have large payloads but the damage to the tubes of that launcher is considerable. And I’m not surprised Israel isn’t rushing out to confirm the strike.
It looks like a glancing blow followed by the cell contents rupturing. Perhaps the missile warhead didn’t detonate but the missile fuel inside did.
End of an era.
The salubrious Cafe penthouse has just fallen off the tree. The plywood support plate rotted, and the Indian Mynahs had filled it full of sticks and rubbish, so the extra weight was too much.
Good run, the nest box gave rise to five kooka kids, including these two. Then the kookas lost interest and the mynahs moved in last year, having five kids of their own.
Thus endeth the great war between the Mynahs and the Kookas, which was pretty full on at times.
Great pic BoN.
Time for a rebuild, BoN. Like the Vic Big Build.
Oh, wait. No.
There Is A Fatal Flaw At The Heart Of The Left’s Lawfare Strategy
Dinesh D’Souza
That cartoonish portrait of Tim Winton won the Archies.
Thats OK; Tim Winton writes cartoonish portraits of his neighbours in country WA too.
Never read him.
Seems I’m not missing much.
Perhaps it’s all symbolic of the arts in Oz becoming an unfunny joke.
I tried reading Winton.
All I can remember is some little kid squashing baby chicks.
Could not make head nor tail of it.
He reminds me of Thomas Keneally. They both smoke some weird shit.
Some of the best Tim Winton stuff appeared on the Worst on Perth website (RIP).
A showcase of the worst examples of architecture, design, culture and humanity in Perth Western Australia.
Perth culture should get a handicap for being the most isolated capital city in the world.
Sadly, at this stage of life it doesn’t look like I’ll ever sup from the cup of its delights.
Well a Tim Winton play put on by Black Swan at the State Theatre Centre will see you right.
I’ll bear that in mind if I win an all-expenses paid holiday to Perth!
See Perth and die. One for the WA tourist commission when the world wrestling stuff wears off.
Never mind the subject, the portrait is pretty good.
Cheeses JC I was just about to have tea!
Eye bleach won’t fix this one.
Heavy duty Toilet Duck is the only way to go.
Fair dinkum the woke left are scum. Poor Gaynor:
So what is my crime?
Well, in November last year, a Greens candidate at the recent Brisbane City Council elections threatened a large family because they opposed a gay pride parade through the local children’s park on a busy Sunday afternoon (as it turned out a gay pervert exposed himself to children during the parade – this occurred right in front of police yet no action was taken). This Greens candidate published photos of the family’s home and address online and urged gay activists from all over South East Queensland to show up at their house before the ‘Pride March’.
Please note that all of this has to do with stuff that happened in Brisbane. Which is in Queensland.
I helped to organise local men to defend this family’s home.
While ‘Dykes on Bikes’ did show up at the family’s home, the gay mob was scared off by the Rosary beads and prayers of about 50 men who stood guard outside it.
For sharing a video about this, I now face a $100,000 fine in New South Wales.
Yes, the rainbow New South Wales ‘Thought Police’ seemingly don’t have the time or inclination to do anything about the Islamic extremists publicly calling to ‘Gas the Jews’ outside the Sydney Opera House. But they are prepared to invade Queensland and harass Catholics because they stop gay mobs turning up at family homes.
Like I said: this is cuckoo land.
He needs financial assistance:
I need your help.
On Wednesday I was back in court. For the 43rd time. At the hands of the NSW ‘Thought Police’ and a vexatious gay activist Gary Burns
This latest complaint is crazy and I provide details below.
But right now, I need you to know that I am facing defeat for the first time. Not because I have done anything wrong. But because I can no longer afford to defend myself. After beating 42 malicious complaints designed to bankrupt me, I am now at the edge.
I have no ammunition left for this battle. I simply have no money left. Next week I do not know how I will feed my family or pay my rent, let alone pay for my ongoing legal fees.
I cannot explain fully how stressful the last few weeks have been for me and my wife.
It was with your help that I was able to defend myself from the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal all the way to the High Court of Australia.
So I turn to you again with hope. It is all I can do. If I am to defend myself against this latest complaint it will once again be because of the generosity of people like you.
Donate via Direct Debit
Donate via Cheque/Money Order
Serious how is this dude not a vexatious litigant.
Friends in places of influence.
Even the high court order was ignored by NSW.
Which should have elicited a contempt proceeding but didn’t. Maybe he should have converted to Islam…
$500 sent his way. Anyone care to match it?
IIRC, you also matched my donation of $1k a few years ago.
For a site that has a membership of people who sound to me like upper middle class, and who have a bit of spare change, I hope we’re batting beyond the average.
This poor bugger is doing what we all think is the right thing and is getting hammered by the State.
It goes to show just what happens to all of us ‘little people’ who get caught up with a government that thinks their ideological agenda is more important than our God given rights.
It also shows just how easily we can be crushed by an out of control State Government who refuse to play by the rules.
I found Tim Winton’s stuff unreadable.
You would not be Robinson Crusoe. The fat fvck dropped in on me one day surfing south of Cottesloe. Appalling behaviour.
He probably did too.
Ditto. Turgid prose.
I can still get OAN on Google
Gary Burns is the serial (pest) litigator who has been targeting Bernard Gaynor for years now.
Truly, Burns is sewer scum.
Hillary Clinton blasted over ‘sick and disgusting’ D-Day anniversary post
Daily Mail.
Just when you think the lesbian bitch can’t go any lower,. there’s that.
You wonder what sort of a home could incubate such a foul creature
Delta A
Strap in. ( :
Oh,my goodness, Steve! I think I would faint if strapped in to that little blue car.* Or throw up – chances are 50/50.
BTW, what car is it? Looks like a Camry from what I saw of it, although my old Camry never performed like that.
poor Ambos
so hard-done-by
the local Ambos, while we were locked down and they were still getting paid,
got together and themed a new cafe in the local village shopping strip
they put it under management
styled the food
and staffed it with tattooed Arts Grads
just the concept of it gives me indigestion
I wonder what they’ll do with their $5600 dollar gift from Vik Govt?
…poor struggling Ambos can hardly concentrate on their jobs
Don’t forget their very public stand against the last Vic state Liberal government, because Labor do health better. Apparently.
I was in Vic recently. They are still pining how hard done by they are on public property sans Party funnily enough.
Anyone in the private sector would be at Centrelink tomorrow if they did that with their bosses property even if it could be rubbed out.
Franchising. Strangely, he’s sticking to the Obama model.
Opinion: Congress agreed on something bipartisan — and Biden vetoed it
June 7, 2024 5:18 pm
That’s AI generated, though looks better than some you posted before.
AI, Cronkite.
cronks should have gone to specsavers
The Victorian Liberal party is NOT an opposition party, it simply consists of a motley group of MPs that are a reflection pond to Victorian Labor. To be fair though, this ‘reflection’ is a common problem endemic to state Liberal parties.
The Oz has a column up on Albo & Bowen approving small scale modular reactors.
But for other countries.
Not Australia.
they hate Australia
Danger Dan Reviews:
I’ve been so busy! Anthony Albanese
Further to Burns and Gaynor, just like the cock in frock aka ‘Roxanne Tickle’ in the ‘Tickle v Giggle’ case, Garry Burns uses taxpayer funded statutory organisations like the AHRC and state equivalents to pursue legal action against people like Gaynor and Sall Grover. He (and Tickle) have doing it for years.
You couldn’t make this shit up, except it’s real.
And you might ask what successive state and federal Liberal governments have done about this problem and these perverts? Instead of shutting down these mendacious and malicious organisations, no, nup, nyet, they’ve indulged them, particularly under that sleaze bucket here in NSW, the now opposition leader called Mark Sleazeman. He was Attorney-General under Baird and Gladslag for years, and he did nothing to rein in the likes of Burns.
Peter Dutton us the first LNP leader in a decade who actually believes in Menzian principles and the aspirational quiet Australians.
No wonder the Liberal wets are white-anting the LNP’s only hope of being returned to the treasury benches any time in the next decade.
Dutton is one of a minority in the parliamentary party who doesn’t secretly want to be in the ALP like Lord Trumble, who staged a party room coup after being rejected as a Labor recruit and set about destroying the Liberal party as an act of revenge
Indeed, Cassie. Speakman had the power to apply to the supreme court to have someone declared a vexatious litigant, but chose not to use it.
Little Wednesday?
Cottesloe is for the more genteel Perth surfing experience. A couple of captains of industry discussing their latest capital raising or some private school boys dropped off by Mum in the Range Rover. Not too hard core.
From the Old Thread
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2024 12:12 pm
June 7, 2024 7:41 am
I disagree.
The fact that he couldn’t stand up to JW and Hyacinth Howard and challenge means he didn’t have the balls for the job.
I understand the thinking behind these type of comments on Peter Costello.
In Paul Keating’s case he demonstrated to the caucus that he would stop at nothing to dethrone Hawke, including destroying the government. Which led to Button and others to go to Hawke telling him his time was up.
IMO, a pretty usual state of affairs in governments of both sides.
Perhaps a way of viewing Costello’s decision to not destroy the government over the top job was his joint contribution (with Howard) to the success of the government over a number of years. Also, the party room made it clear to Costello that they believed the myth the Howard had won all those elections off his own bat, and so would never vote for Costello.
So my alternate view is that Costello was loyal to the government and that he wasn’t prepared to wreck the government just because Howard started to think it was Howard that had won all those elections.
I’d say it will work out just fine.
Right up until the very first team gets slaughtered by a methed up looney.
Come on Bob. That is the part I’m looking forward to!
Cambridge, which is basically Harvard University and MIT.
Why am I not surprised?
It’s indescribably awful, yet still sums up that preposterous inbred collectivist Bourbon style imbecile ‘orribly well.
As for the cronks and his owls, enough – here are some real young womanages, shaking their taut li’l derrieres … 🙂
Hehe, YouTube wanted me to sign in to protect the virtue of the internet or something.
So I switched VPN server to NZ. Ok says YouTube! Kiwis obviously have more educated and refined tastes than Aussies.
Here in sunny QLD, the LNP’s alternative premier has just endorsed Labor’s upcoming budget despite not having read it.
In the interest of stability, he says.
Stability in this case means a predicted $3bn deficit “going forward”.
What’s the point of an election then?
I’m in a Katter seat and know my vote will mean zip anyway so I’m glad I don’t need to make the choice between the factions of the Uniparty.
My first preference won’t be going to the LNP, RD.
It’s the only way to send a message.
“democracy” is a bust, Rog.
Opining on this for many, many years, I have been.
Humans are incapable of governing themselves.
Sooner or later, it all goes ‘orribly wrong.
If that failure doesn’t end up in mounds of skulls, the threat is always there.
Democracy not being the solution, but the problem.
The “voting for some other wallee’s stuff conundrum”*.
Not to mention that “thou shalt not covet thy neighbore’s woife** 😕
*ad infinitum
*Yeah, good luck with that …
“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”
Mike Tyson.
A Friday Night R ‘n’ R blast, Cats
Turn it up to eleventy … 🙂
Did so! Aunty Entity at her bestest!
Funny the things you notice, I worked out the lead dancer is the only one with a ponytail. Mesmerising.
Used to drive me nuts when this was played. Everyone suddenly became an automaton and danced in unison. Love the song, but always sat this one out.
Pogs – Ike’s licks at the start of the song, are, rock ‘n’ roll.
And surprise.
When people call for a ceasefire they really just mean for Israel to lay down its weapons and if they are lucky, get back the bodies of the remaining hostages in exchange for all the hamas terrorists they have captured, then the west can rearm hamas so they can do a bigger and better 7 October.
All of the terrorists involved in an exchange, need to spend 20 minutes each with the Elastorator, so they can never again feel the urge to rape.
Will they be damaged by it, sure, just like the hostages are being damaged, do you think they will be returned in pristine condition?
Consequences ..
Go to eleventy one for an anthem:
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (1975)
Paul McCartney leads tributes as legendary music mogul who discovered Queen dies aged 78 (5 Jun)
He will do the fandango no more, but thanks Tony for all the wonderful music you brought to us.
That was brilliant, BoN.
Wish you had been at my last birthday party – just family, but all manic BH fans. At one point, three teens and an over forty’s were dancing on the table, gyrating with their air guitars. Such good, wild and energetic fun.
We’re pretty good with Rime of the Ancient Mariner, too.
I’m reminded of the State Departments spokeswoman replying:
“At this point what does it matter?” as if it was yesterdays news and not worthy of our attention.
This rolling boulder continues to gather extra coatings…
According to the resident experts my last cute owl was AI generated. She was flawless but here is the real deal; even her flaws are tops:
(2629) Pinterest
“democracy” is a bust, Rog.
Opining on this for many, many years, I have been.
Humans are incapable of governing themselves.
Sooner or later, it all goes ‘orribly wrong.
If that failure doesn’t end up in mounds of skulls, the threat is always there.
Democracy not being the solution, but the problem.
The “voting for some other wallee’s stuff conundrum”*.
Not to mention that “thou shalt not covet thy neighbore’s woife**.
*ad infinitum
**Yeah, good luck with that, which I cannot go with, I tells ya … 😕
I disagree, Rabz. Democracy is the solution, not the problem. The task is to fortify democratic voting from the institutional cheating that we have seen, for example, in the USA since 2020.
Thankfully Australia is relatively immune from institutional cheating, but not from the misuse of journalism, which is supposed to be a bulwark against corruption, but in Australia has been a corruption enabler because most journalists see their role in instructing the stupid proletariat how to think through propaganda on behalf of their favourite anti-social political causes.
Tom – we’ve been virtual mates for many moons, but I must disagree with you about democracy – it always reaches its lowest common denominator, whereupon it severely impedes human progress and enables totalitarian authority figures.
As much as I hate to admit it, a military dictatorship without a parliament appears to make the most sense*.
That way, the market can work its magick, unimpeded.
*For example, Thailand 2019 – I was there – the place was awesome. Not a soldier to be seen, as well. 🙂
I think democracy is done. Once you have the sort of march through the institutions as we are now subject to, I can’t see any political party with the will to do what is needed to clean up the mess.
There is going to be change of such magnitude over the next decade that what will emerge is unlikely to look anything like we have today.
I laughed
Flamin’ Groovies Slow Death
That was fun! I had never heard of the Flamin’ Groovies, which is really saying something. I’m pretty good with bands, I could even talk Nina Hagen with that Bolton guy.
Knew his way around a turntable that centripetally minded fellow. I was impressed when he spun Old World
Alien: Romulus | Official Trailer
another franchise ruined
All they had to do was a sequel to Alien 4 when Sigourney becomes one.
Tom – we’ve been virtual mates for many moons, but I must disagree with you about democracy – it always reaches its lowest common denominator, whereupon it severely impedes human progress and enables totalitarian authority figures.
As much as I hate to admit it, a military dictatorship without a parliament appears to make the most sense*.
That way, the market can work its magick, unimpeded.
*For example, Thailand 2019 – I was there – the place was awesome. Not a soldier to be seen, as well. 🙂
Cohenite made me do this:
Hong Kong Money – that precious territory and the industrious western Chinese residing there as well – handed over to the evil chinese communists (BIRM) with barely a whimper, by those stupid english labore shitheads, ignoring the inevitable human rights abuses …
But yeah, western democracy … 😡
Well there’s always this option.
The Man Who Would Be King – Maurice Jarre (1975)
Just don’t let anyone called Charles onto your throne.
I’m just rewatching last night’s Sharri Markson show on Sky News.
It turns out the Paywallian’s Liam Mendes, who physically clashed with former treasurer and Nine network chairman Peter Costello, was a researcher on Markson’s last book, so Sharri is all in defending Mendes.
Markson has roped in the Paywallian’s media reporter Sophie Elsworth to agree with her, but these media types are in denial about how poorly journalism and journalists like Mendes are regarded by the great unwashed.
The Paywallian blocked reader comments on the Costello story earlier today because it instinctively knew the plebs would side with Costello.
Once again, journalism and journalists have been exposed as not giving a shit about the public interest, in my opinion, but are simply trying to defend their status as official arbiters of political truth.
The plebs shouldn’t be allowed to make up their own minds about the stories of the day without the guidance of journalists.
Tom, I’ve mentioned this before, Sharri Markson is Australia’s version of Ben Shapiro.
Most people wouldn’t piss on a j’ismist if they were on fire. Cuddly might have an issue depending on feelings around the Nine board table. Any Paywallian and Fauxfacts coverage can be expected to be worse than useless. Ditto the ALPBC, although that goes without saying.
It’s Friday so some titles for the jaded with an historical flavour:
An Essay upon Wind, Cramps and Turgidity, with Curious Anecdotes of Eminent Persons’ Flatulence and Sly Victuals. (1787)
The Adventures Of An Irish Smock, Interspersed With Whimsical Anecdotes Of A Nankeen Pair Of Breeches and a Soiled Leglet. (1783)
Moles and their Meaning: Being a Modernised and Easy Guide to the Ancient Science of Divination by the Moles of the Human Body (1807)
How to Ride a Velocipede: Straddle a Saddle, Then Paddle and Skedaddle (1869)
Who knew Vogons were around in the 18th Century?
Vogon Poetry
Mighty shoulders and generally sound on most topics.
She especially detests labore politicians*.
*As we all do.
What? Of course they shouldn’t.
Pearls before swine, and all that. Now, if one doesn’t mind, I must direct Jenkins to retrieve another Chateau d’Yquem from the cellar, the dozy commoner.
Be grateful Knuckles, if you’d had a basement Jenkins could have appeared with a Mutley.
err, are we allowed to viscerally hate both entities described above?
I certainly do.
Tom, this is from 1981…
Here Is the News – ELO
Al the women at the time wore huge, square-rimmed specs. Made them look like Fearless Fly. 😀
Here’s an example – sacre bleu! 😕
Melanie thinks WW111 will start in Israel rather than Ukraine; although I think it’s an even bet:
The Middle East’s fateful moment – Melanie Phillips (substack.com)
Alternate lyrics to the Bee Gees songs. 😀
Speaking of mis hearing the lyrics;
“Paul Young: “Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you.” (Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you.)
ABBA: “See that girl, watch her scream, kicking the dancing queen.” (See that girl, watch that scene, diggin’ the dancing queen.)
The Eurythmics: “Sweet dreams are made of cheese” (Sweet dreams are made of these.)
Johnny Nash: “I can see clearly now, Lorraine is gone” (I can see clearly now the rain is gone.)
Bon Jovi: “It doesn’t make a difference if we’re naked or not” (It doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not.)
Selena Gomez: “I’m farting carrots” (I’m 14 carat.)
Queen: “Kicking your cat all over the place” (Kicking you can all over the place.)
Kings of Leon: “Oh, dyslexics on fire” (Oh this sex is on fire.)
Sister Sledge: “Let me just staple the vicar” (Let me state for the record.)
Will Smith: “Kick a chicken with it” (Getting jiggy with it.)
Elton John: “Hold me closer, Tony Danza” (Hold me closer tiny dancer.)”
Off and up the yellow brick road, Cats – we don’t need no re-Ron, I tells ya!
Going down for the third time under the third degree, like a Saturday morning cartoon show, featuring this young womanage … 🙂
Postcard from Rome
Rome has one of the problems of some big cities, which is that the detractions it brings upon itself almost outweigh its attractions. Here it’s beggars and (warnings of) pickpockets, and sadly graffiti everywhere, as well as those horrible big garbage collection “tanks” which sit everywhere on the streets surrounded by rubbish either not put in them properly or which has overflowed.
We are right in the middle of central Rome – about a kilometre’s walk from the Colosseum; six from the Vatican. Our apartment on the second floor has a tram line right outside and they are old and thunderous (but our windows are double glazed). Added to that are the local drivers who match their enthusiasm for zippy driving with their happiness at leaning on the hornin including the ambulance. Our building is old and handsome – ex-family home with their paraphernalia and furnishings.
The weather is perfect – sunny about 25-30 in the daytime with no rain, falling to maybe 20 at night. There are cafes with fair to excellent food everywhere, and we are a minute’s walk from what apparently is Rome’s best gelato. It is in an echoing huge hall-like enterprise from 1880 where you pay a bloke for your choice and he gives you a ticket. Mrs TE paid for one in a cone – which turned about to be 2 huge scoops for 2 euros. I got a cup of two flavours and surprisingly, the waitress took mine to a mixer and blended them together before I knew what was happening. As there were about 100 flavours presumably that is to allow the customers to experiment for years on end.
We have toured the Colosseum and the Forum fairly extensively, paying extra “skip the lines.” The guides were very knowledgeable. As I am doing a ship-talk on “How the Colosseum worked” I was hoping to do a tour of the subterranean sections. However, should have investigated earlier. The authorities have cut many of the specialized tours by 75% – due to safety and continuing archeology digs – so they are well booked up. Apparently, there is a vigorous discussion going on about how tourism damages all these places. At 22,000 visitors a day to this one it’s understandable.
Mrs TE noted at the supermarket the staff all wore white coats – very quaint. You have to weigh your own fruit and veg – quality very good. Prices reasonable, but wait till we move on to Switzerland…
Vatican to come, and then on a ship to Athens via Crete and Turkey.
Perfect lead into this one:
Alex The Seal – Spiderbait (1996)
Remarkably they never included this excellent track on an album. Maybe they were afraid of being sued by the Go Gos.
Correction – looks like it’s on “Sounds in the Key of J”, but that album isn’t covered on their wiki.
If you strike me down, I shall come back even stronger.
That’s not Spiderbait.
It’s a Baitspider.
Anyway, all the best to most of you, on the Cat.
An excellent meal – Mme Zulu is taking an interest in cooking and food, for the first time in some time – washed down with a couple of glasses of very fine Shiraz, a log fire, a leather armchair, a decanter of single malt and a good book.
Life as a self funded retiree is HELL!
Many, Many well wishes to Madame Zulu.
Thank you, Pogria.
Every moment is a good moment.
Make sure you have sound.
Almost peed myself. 😀
one move, one square … https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/2562124
Black to move, are you kidding?
Very long time since I’ve played the game but the problem makes no sense unless it is white’s move.
oops, it seems the puzzle doesn’t play unless logged into chess.com
black to move after Qg3
The white king is in check from the black queen, so if black is to move then it is QxK, which is impossible.
If it is white to move then it’s RxQ and black is now done for since white just keeps putting the black king into check until finally cornered. It’s messy but black can only stave off checkmate for a while.
The confusing factor is the board is upsidedown, so the black pawns have to move upwards.
rook h3 …checkmate
it’s because yr playing as black
hey, BoN – Superstylin‘ … 🙂
Nice Jamaican rhythms.
Bill Shorten getting satirised in the Hobart Mercury:
Draft speech for Bill Shorten’s by his new (much cheaper) speechwriter
Dear Australia,
I really, really love the NDIS. But what I really, really don’t like are all those spivs and shonks in the system ruining my life and this wonderful scheme.
The NDIS has been a lifeline for all those with a disability – regardless of how many crooks enjoy a luxury lifestyle on the back of your hard earned dollars.
But what I want you to know is that for the past two years I have been getting the NDIS back on track. That was until this annoying John Dardo guy, chief of integrity or something, told everyone how really, really bad it is.
Apparently, NDIS cash is being spent on heroin and ice and every other drug available.
‘You name it, you can get it,’ he says.
And, if that’s not bad enough, taxpayers’ money is also being splurged on alcohol, prostitutes, holidays and new cars.
That’s outrageous. It is illegal. It must stop.
People say I should have known how bad it was, but it’s not my fault.
For one, it wasn’t in any of my speeches, so how was I to know? All I know is that I am getting the NDIS back on track. (Editing note – emphasise the repetition).
Some people may say I should have sorted this out by now. Yes, I have been in the job 24 months.
But I want to make it very clear, this is all the fault of the Coalition.
It is very unfair to blame me.
Again, as I have said hundreds of times since starting the job 738 days ago, I am getting the NDIS back on track and I will put an end to these rorts, which now appear to have risen to $2 billion a year.
That’s nothing compared to the $40b a year it costs to run the thing.
And don’t try and link me to that very expensive speechwriter. I’ve now got a new, much cheaper one.
Bill Shorten? Wasn’t he the pollie, whose wife saw him, at the footy, with his new mistress?
Anythings possible with that piece of shit.
Topical soccer match coming up on 11 June.
Australia vs Palestine.
You can see where I’m going with this already, can’t you.
At full time better check the Aussies still have all their eye sockets intact.
Maybe some mobile SAM sites to watch out for Paramotor M0nty.
Okay, fine, #notallpalis
Many thanks to Michael Smith.
Tom Jones sings a ballad at Normandy.
Damn good for an 84 year old.
I have some dust in my eye…
Dear Ozzies,
I really, really love the NDIS. But what I really, really love is bonking my my mistress, who is the CEO of a not for profit that receives hundreds of thousands dollars in taxpayers’ money per year!
But yeah, we’ll soon be off to Paris on a fully taxpayer funded sinecure, for evah!
Sucked in wage slaves! 🙂
Teats Peanuthead
But isn’t that the sort of thing that Tories do?
He likes them blonde and fertile, doesn’t he?
FFS, Emily, that is an awful photograph – you look so much better in this one…
Just look at that stupid goil … 🙂
Adam Creighton has good article up at The Oz. Comments open.
Former CDC chief Dr Robert Redfield has blasted Covid-19 vaccine mandates, lockdowns as a ‘terrible mistake’.
Don’t tell mUnturd.
Cats might like to prepare themselves for the planet axis altering denials.
I am not a liar, not a hypocrite, a very flawed human being and fed up with ignoring blatant hypocrisy.
If that renders me a supposedly bad or dangerous person, then here I am not giving a rodent’s backside … 🙂
Trying not to lie and/or be a hypocrite has presented the main challenges in my existence on this planet, cats.
You can’t lecture young peoples about being a hypocrite or engaging in criminal activities if they know who you are – they have that sixth sense.
Which they deserve …
Opinion polls showing another Labor victory in Victoria.
The last opposition leader in Victoria with a skerrick of media presence was Jeff Kennett in the late 1990’s.
The Liberals in Victoria are a non entity and deservingly so…
Is she really going out with him?
Named – you braindead lamestream meeja morons (BIRM) …
Helping Disadvantaged People News:
Nooooo. They would never.
No need for Allied health to rort, they just charge travel time and double their fees.Our OT effectively charges $400 per hour by the time she finishes.
Miss Maggie
Miss Emily
The top one has it all over the other …
Miss Ellie – blasting imposter goils into outer space … 🙂
Neil Oliver: ‘…a storm is coming!’
If we refuse to confront this hideous travesty of murderous intent, we’ve lost the moral right to differentiate ourselves from the Nazis and Communists.
Floating down the Hudson
The man at his bombastic best … 🙂
We don’t get time to watch Rita at 11.30 weeknites but do catch up with extracts from her show at 9.30 Friday if we are home for Lefties Losing It. It’s mingled with some non-lefties doing well etc.
Tonight she showed the Trump footage from his visit/s to New Jersey. The scene where the black boxer races straight to Trump to give him a big tick of approval as he picks his winning self up from the canvas is one for the ages.
Hope they use it in the campaign ads. New Jersey workers, males especially, black and white, overwhelmingly for Trump, hero of the working class now.
You just get the feeling that the NDIS heat on Short’n has come at just the right time for Giles.
Although it would be a perfect alignment of Labor cock-ups if it turns out one of Giles “tag and release” country shoppers is running an NDIS scam.
I see the signs of a lifetime …
What if it’s not meant for me … ?
Delta A
June 7, 2024 8:05 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
Oh,my goodness, Steve! I think I would faint if strapped in to that little blue car.* Or throw up – chances are 50/50.
BTW, what car is it? Looks like a Camry from what I saw of it, although my old Camry never performed like that.
Toyota Corolla my dear. Running on methanol.
WILDEST Burnouts Ever, in a 600hp Corolla!? Lynchy Goes Insane With Help from ULEGAL
Thanks, Steve.
Canada takes the lead in the race to peak human stupidity.
Canadian Cancer Society Apologizes to Alphabet Soup Brigade for Using ‘Cervix’ Instead of ‘Front Hole’
Wot! The Canadian Cancer Society doesn’t know the difference between a vulva, a vagina and a cervix? FMD
Yes, extraordinary nonsense in the name of ‘gender diversity’.
A ‘front hole’ is an ugly term, as ugly as any physically inverted penis pretending to be a vagina (and one without a cervix too).
Apparently these inverted penises tucked into the perineal area of males once a penis is cut off and the testicles thrown away (although the scrotum may be used to create pretend flaps as a vulva) can then revert to form as exterior male skin and start growing some male hair inside this ‘front hole’ which gets tangled into fluids and tissues produced as the body attempts to close this artificial ‘hole’ which must be constantly artificially dilated to remain open. What a mess it all conjures; no wonder men savaged in this way often revert to suicide later, regretting what has been done to them.
Doing this anyone, let alone to children under 18 (as has been done), is in my view criminal behaviour masquerading as medical treatment. Mengelian. Similarly, so is the creation of an artificial ‘penis’ from skin tissues sliced from elsewhere on the body (usually the forearm) on females deluded that they are males.
Sexual function in these sad cases of ‘treatment’ is usually severely compromised if not altogether lost.
Wonder how the Cancer Society is going to explain to some “woman” that he has prostate cancer.
From my inbox
By Lisa Kristine
It took over 2,000 years and countless human lives sacrificed to construct The Great Wall of China that winds across the country’s deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus.
Unfathomably stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers (4,163 miles) from east to west, the ancient, serpentine structure is like a dragon or snake that slumbers undisturbed upon the land.
That is, until it was fractured, when two people in the Shanxi province were arrested for allegedly using an excavator to dig a shortcut in the wall. Attempting to reduce their daily commute, they caused what officials have called “irreversible damage” to the Ming-era wall.
Which caused me to think about this wall that was originally built to prevent enemies from Mongolia from invading northern regions in China. Instantly, the wall was more than a structure between two dynasties at war. Its meaning expanded beyond a barrier that is, remarkably, a pure, artistic, iconic landscape sculpture I had visited while making images to share with the world.
The wall, revealing its vulnerability, became a symbol of fragility and precious in its value. Like trust, which takes so many years to build, both can be destroyed in mere minutes.
A historic landmark like China’s Great Wall represents also a source of security, durability, ever-present beauty. It is a demonstration of human commitment and cooperation that leads to impossible dreams becoming realities. Have we become so shortsighted that we devalue such splendor for simple convenience?
If interested to find out about the misdeed, here is a link to various sites.
And rabbit proof the joint .. LOL!
Hi TE! Just got into Rome also!
We’re staying at a hotel on the Via Nazionale up near Plaza della Republica.
I dropped some coins in the Trevi back in 2001 and again in 2008. Must have been just the right amount because here I am back again.
The traffic hasn’t changed.
Off to the Vatican tomorrow. Think I’ll catch a cab and walk back.
I stayed at a small hotel on the same street in early Feb. The Artemide.
I was a little peeved that at the conclusion of our Italian sojourn last October, when our Adriatic/Ionic/Agean cruise dropped us off at Rome, that Hairy wouldn’t stay a day or two before heading towards the airport for home. Fancy being in Rome and declining to see any more of it, I argued, but he just said he’d been there three times and had ‘done’ it.
How can you ever be ‘done’ with Rome? But home we went.
Although it would be a perfect alignment of Labor cock-ups if it turns out one of Giles “tag and release” country shoppers is running an NDIS scam
Please, please, please let this be the case.
Tom must have slept in.
Hi Calli…I don’t mind the traffic but I reckon a big cleanup is needed with graffiti and street rubbish in Rome. Seems to have gone downhill.
We’re off tomorrow for a one week cruise and then have four days on a Greek island. I hope that bloke Michael Mosley who’s gone missing on Symi turns up!
It is difficult. I go a husband and wife team that set up a new practice in 2021. From what I hear it is a struggle. The spiraling regulations take their toll. Said they pay the equivalent to a mortgage for advice from an outfit that helps dentists with their businesses.
Why don’t the Dentists’ or Medical Guild set up their own cost effective insurance co-operative. The threat would most certainly drive the costs down?
Good idea. I heard the regulations are a killer. The wife was listing all the things they need to follow including where the air-conditioning vent is meant to be located.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Mark Knight #3.
Brett Lethbridge.
Christian Adams.
A.F. Branco.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks Tom
Apparently the old perv pooed his pants again Europe. The old perv and ‘dr’ Jill, the foulest of the foul.
Creepy Joe is Von Schitzenpants? Tell mUnturd.
How diminished the us has become.
Do you really think a wall, or a fence, prevents ingress? Do you think your enemies cannot scale it?
No, the Great “Wall” is actually a road: note how wide it is. It is a road to get troops to where they are needed for battle quickly and provide a height advantage.
It is also a public works program, that typically rewards your supporters with lucrative contracts and demonstrates to the people your commitment to their security, even if it doesn’t really help much.
Fun fact: Sticky rice was also used to bind sections of it together.
The South Park great wall/mongolians episode was one of their best.
Similar in function then to Hadrian’s Wall, which kept the troops busy and not anointing Imperial usurpers while stationed against the northern barbarians, allowed the monitoring and taxing of trade between the two regions separated by it, and provided a high platform to fend off sporadic invaders and quickly ferry troops there for ground conflict. It also defined the boundaries of the Imperium, its rule of law and its administration.
It also makes it rather hard for the Northern barbarians to get bulky loot over it.
The Great Wall has many reasons for its existence.
Amazing isn’t it that people like John Howard and Dubya seem to think the old perv is preferable to Trump.
Boomer-cons gunna boomer-con.
Something to do with no wanting to be shown up?
I despised Dictator Daniel Andrews however I respected his canny, Machiavellian leadership. The man was a genius politically. He understood the essence of politics and he was ruthless in how he applied that understanding.
Dictator Dan was succeeded by a mediocrity named Jacinta Allan. Whilst Allan is also, like Andrews, from the hard left of Victorian Labor, she lacks Andrews’ political nous, plus she’s uninspiring, prosaic, dull and mundane.
Given Dictator Dan’s sudden retirement and the elevation of this mediocrity, an opposition party, one half decent that is, could be and should be romping ahead in the opinion polls.
But not in Victoria.
Dictator Dan excelled at Machiavellian politics, as you say, Cassie, but he was a one-trick pony.
His electoral trick was removing railway level crossings in the Melbourne suburbs — politically very popular as level crossings drive motorists mad. Some of them can close main roads for up to 10 minutes at a time.
That helped him win his first re-election, but after that, he had no ideas. However, after the GFC in 2008. interest rates fell to historic lows and borrowing money became very inexpensive.
So, having a Montyesque ignorance of economics and finance, Dictator Dan began looking around for ways of spending cheap borrowed money. Voila! Andrews’s brain fart was the suburban rail loop — a railway to nowhere with no business case that’s now costing billions in borrowings Victorian can’t afford as interest rates rebound.
Suddenly, Victoria is Australia’s most indebted state, in the hole for $188 billion.
So, having ridden his one-trick pony into the ground, Andrews resigned to go and play golf — except no golf club in Victoria will have him as a member after what he did to golf clubs in his mad Kung Flu lockdowns.
55-45 is not romping?
Ha. The ‘break’ below where that Vlamingh memorial is now? Was it always called that?
Apparently there used be a bakery convenient for after your surf. Its name was ‘Dutch Inn’. Before my time though.
Thanks. Inspired me to do a bit of fossick.
1960s Cottesloe Beach – A trip down memory Lane
Cordingley… Len Dibben – a friend bought a board off of Len that looked like one of them. Think his shop is a wine cellar now. Long time no been North Fremantle.
Will the wall was built to keep the horsemen out. The Mongolians are brilliant horsemen.
I am not that surprised with the Bushes seeing as they are much like the Roosevelts, the elites, but John Howard’s animosity is inexplicable. Coming from the middle class you would think he would understand another such, even if nouveau riche, and to at least appreciate the good he did while in office. I can only ascribe it to old age dementia.
My view is Howard was a Bush globalist who liked mixing it with the globalist elites.
Remember, John Howard got a tongue bath from the media class by stomping the face of gun owners – again and again over years.
In retirement, he has the opportunities Malcolm Fraser took; to be a Statesman by going along with the media narrative.
I doubt he is going to lose his pants in Memphis – but who knows?
Which caused me to think about this wall that was originally built to prevent enemies from Mongolia from invading northern regions in China.
Rabbits .. you forgot the rabbits .. LOL
Leak’s characterisations are getting better and better. Bowen and Albanese as two rabbit-hares burrowing around the stuck-once-again Florence are perfect pictures of anthropomorphised stupidity. Their little rabbitty faces are so perfectly evoked.
Unfair to animals though.
Bill Mitchell’s Hawke era Bustards of the Bush were great.
Lizzie, is that the successor to Atapuss? Very sweet.
I think people have the right to be wary of any vaccine moving on from that intolerable covid era. Daily Telegraph:
Wouldn’t have thought it misinformation to say that the covid vaccine rollout was the most destructive brainfart to hit Australia, aided by a spineless SloMo and abetted by an incurious media.
Unfortunately the ‘trusting relationship with your GP’ bit went out the window when Government inserted itself into that relationship during Covid, coercing GP’s to push the jab, and only the jab, at threat of deregistration.
How many refugees have come into the country unvaccinated? Are they the source of these new infections, Aussie kids vaccinated or no?
Gee. So, our next question is “Is he lying? Does he have shares in a Health Supplies Company?”
That’s the outcome of the Covid farce, and it couldn’t come more quickly.
Spent a bit of time in Victoria over the summer, was there for a week in May. My observations.
Only reason I know who the opo leader is because he has disgraced himself with the Deeming matter. His front bench I would have a clue. As for news you would think it is a one party state, only ever see the ALP.
The place unfortunately is irredeemably woke anyway. Even the country areas up to 100km out from the northern suburbs seem to have gone the way of Daylesford.
Feel free to correct me as always.
I think people have given up.The Libs are unelectable even in the face of the monstrous ALP.
I think easily half of the public service, certainly the senior ones, are working from home in places like Daylesford.
Big is beautiful.
Obese Woman Wins Miss Alabama And People Have Questions (8 Jun)
Not exactly a cute owl.
They left out a word on that sash.
To be clear, she isn’t the Miss Alabama of the traditional pageant, who is Diane Westhoven.
She is the pick of a click bait ‘fat is beautiful’ organization.
Notice the media has very, very quickly dropped the story that the Public Service “watchdog” has shelved any prosecutions over ROBODEBT .. ?
Not, apparently, cos no one is GUILTY but cos PS & Parliamentarians are both “protected” species .. FFS!
NY v. Trump: Judge reveals Facebook post implying juror discussed guilty verdict before trial concluded
As predicted on Sinc’s Cat.
Seriously, folks…we should be running the country.
Amazing isn’t it that people like John Howard and Dubya seem to think the old perv is preferable to Trump.
Dubya isn’t all that bright and is part of the old establishment. Howard also isn’t all that bright but thinks he is and has zero belief in liberty. The prissy little shit.
Dubya was a trained military pilot, had degrees from two Ivy league universities, owned a baseball team, spoke fluent Spanish.I reckon the folksy dumb act was just that.
Now, where have I heard this before?
BREAKING: New York Democrat Paula Collins suggests Trump supporters need a “reeducation camp” after the election.
I saw the interview with one of the Weathermen about 50 years ago, where he stated that they would need enough camps to re educate about 40 million Americans after the Revolution.
Does anyone doubt that any more?
Former Trump Aide Steve Bannon’s Unprecedented Prison Sentence Explained
All above board sez they.
Except when it isn’t. Monty may want to put his dick away for the foreseeable future.
“Danish police have arrested a male suspect”
Danish PM attacked and beaten
Attacker not named so either a leftie or muzzie.
This is proof that even though the Borg may be all encompassing it doesn’t mean that all of them are even remotely smart. X (Twitter) is ruining their Big Brother approach.
See my reply to Indolent (BobtheBoozer June 8, 2024 12:37 pm) above.
Not really.
Odds on they also think Meloni is a Fascist.
The regime is cooking up its biggest and bloodiest election plot yet and Americans are sleepwalking right into it…
Crime stats disappear from public view amid LAPD records system overhaul
DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care”
U.N. to Blacklist Israel — with Hamas — as Threat to Children; Netanyahu Responds: ‘Delusional’
When do they ever do anything else?
Frankly, I’m suspicious of this judge doing anything halfway decent after the way he behaved during the trial. This information could lead to a mistrial. Perhaps he’s nervous about sending Trump to jail and wants to tie him down for another month or so with a new trial.
BREAKING: Merchan Warns Prosecutors, Trump Defense Team There Might Be a Problem in Manhattan Case
Like Festivus is to George, so monty is to this
Remember how the turd defended cocks in frocks reading to kids? Strangely doesn’t urge his Muslim brotherhood to do the same.
Not mentioned here is Bandt’s own past as a hardline Marxist activist who once advocated for Trotsky’s ‘entryism’ strategy – the infiltration of milder leftist parties by radicals.
Merchan Sends Out Letter Indicating Possible Juror Misconduct in Trump Trial
It remains my opinion that the Robodebt was malicious compliance by the public serpents, aiming to harm the Liberal Government.
Why weren’t the solicitors-generals for the period covered called before the RC ?
That might be more plausible if the Liberal government hadn’t been advised that the scheme was not lawful. One of the biggest ministerial cock ups in recent Australian history, up there with pink batts & Direction 99. Politicians blaming public servants is a cop out; it’s their job as ministers to ask difficult questions of their departments before signing off on the implementation of legislation and to keep on asking those questions as reports come in their inbox.
Shows that I know too little about what actually happened then.
My employer is ‘woke’ and all sorts of insulting propaganda is fed through the it network on a daily basis. The employees mostly are not.
Sounds like the basis of a human rights complaint
Miltonf, is it your employer or your Personnel department equivalent?
Remind the bosses of just what happens when your ‘Bud Light PD’ starts making decisions that reflect on the whole business.
People used casually to believe that being vaccinated meant their kids would not catch diseases, but during COVID vaccines and their efficacy was much discussed with the ‘experts’ explaining how it all works.
They told us that vaccines do not protect the vaccinated but somehow instead protects other people. At the same time they have heard how (Covid) vaccines can have dangerous, even lethal, side effects.
So here is the proposition for parents: vaccinate your kid and they may still catch diseases and also risk side effects. Or let other kids get vaccinated, thus protecting your kid from diseases and from side effects.
Well, I don’t really imagine many people really think about it to that degree of granularity, but the old value proposition has been corroded and people are more nervous now.
Add to that the reexamination of the once ridiculed notions that vaccination of expectant mothers and infants may cause neurological disorders such as on the autism spectrum. Certainly the proportion of autism type disorders seems to have increased significantly over the past few decades.
The bastards lied to us, Mother Load, and we don’t trust them.
Funny how that works, innit?
mUnter’s favourite part of Festivus is the Airing of (‘legitimate’) Grievances.
See if this works
1960s Cottesloe Beach – A trip down memory Lane
Thanks for that. memory lane indeed.
Brilliant – thank you.
Oh the 60’s.
Actually, I saw a Jordan Peterson clip where he very forcefully (even explosively) denounced the mRNA doses as not being vaccines at all, insisting they work in a completely different and unprecedented way. Vaccines trigger your natural immunological system to preempt possible large scale infection, but it is a natural biological response.
The mRNA ones co-opt cell functions.
Previously with vaccines the first of the processes cited above was synonymous with treatments to block future infection. Now there are two touted processes, so the question is whether they should both be called vaccines or whether there should be a new term to make clearer the distinction.
If the mRNA cocktails were not called vaccines, would they not have been harder to sell to the public?
How different from GMO’s – I love asking mRNA lovers to explain !
Gene therapy seems a more accurate description.
Well, it provides a justification for the Appellate court to overturn the conviction without having to go into grotesque malfeasance of Merchan’s conduct.
Perhaps the Democrats have also twigged that law fare against Trump helps rather than hurts him. I hear that he has now raised $400 mill since the verdict. Take away the conviction and take away cause that is firing people up and stop them talking about just what a farcical political trial it was. And the Democrats can still keep saying he got off on a technicality but that essentially he was still ‘a felon’.
Yes, although whatever reason he gets off they’ll say it was a technicality – remember m0nty saying Pell 7-0 in the High Court because zero evidence was getting off on a technicality LOL.
Albo’s speech the other day was the usual grab bag of platitudes, flim-flam and downright b/s. The quote that took first prize in my book was we are “repairing the damage that climate denial did to renewable energy investment”.
Johannes Leak has dealt very well with the Rabbit Hole comment!