Open Thread – Thurs 25 July 2024

Market Day at Trouville, Normandy, Eugene Boudin, 1878

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July 26, 2024 6:07 pm

Andrews is one of those persons I could not ever be in the same room as.

Last edited 2 months ago by Miltonf
July 26, 2024 6:09 pm

Come to think of it, why the RC church never excommunicated him because of his abortion record as health minister is beyond me too. I’m sure Mannix would have.

July 26, 2024 6:22 pm

Has anyone heard from . lately?

July 26, 2024 6:23 pm

Steve Price on Sky: Victoria has increased probate tax by 650%. That’s a death tax in any terms.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 26, 2024 6:23 pm

Filthy buggers from a certain country taking a sh*t on the beach and burying diapers.


Rebel News HQ – David Menzies:

Defecation on Wasaga Beach prompts progressives to label critics ‘racist’

Tell our governments to stop passing the buck and fix our cities!
David Menzies visits Ontario’s famed Wasaga Beach, where local residents have been complaining about Indian people defecating on the beach โ€” only to be labelled as “racist” by progressives.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 26, 2024 6:27 pm

The Glad Bag shows how tough it is to get things up on appeal. NSW ICAC claims another Lieboral. Although I didnโ€™t have the Glad Bag going in a sex scandal in my weekend Multi.

Last edited 2 months ago by H B Bear
July 26, 2024 6:46 pm

First they came for the green berets and then it was the sandy berets.
New Chief Defence is Navy so what does he care.

July 26, 2024 6:59 pm

The Glad Bag shows how tough it is to get things up on appeal. 

That very much depends on the merits of the case.

She chose to play the political game yet decided not to abide by its rules; rules which are intended to protect the public purse from the threat of corruption.

At the end of the day, she retains a well-paying position at Optus.

Others convicted in much less weighty matters never get a second chance.

July 26, 2024 7:09 pm

Been watching some interviews of Jim Morrison.

Morrison is much more thoughtful, educated and obviously well read than one might have assumed.
A genuine free- thinker, I doubt he would have had a bar of the woke stupidity of modern times.
Not at all the hippy- dippy commie radical as some of his contemporaries.
So, Iโ€™m claiming Jim as an anti- woke icon.
If we have Johnny Rotten and the ghost of Jim Morrison, we canโ€™t lose.
As an aside, in that second interview with Howard Smith of the Village Voice, Smith shows every sign of being the type of smarmy, not too bright, arsehole journalist we have come to know in recent years, and Jim befuddles, angers and confuses him with the same type of humour Trump deploys. The left just doesnโ€™t get it. They didnโ€™t get it then, and they donโ€™t get it now. They just donโ€™t have the humanity or wit to get it.

July 26, 2024 7:11 pm

Re Andrews,”โ€œI think Iโ€™m obliged to say that I do not at this time support a recognition of a Palestinian state,โ€ he said.” Note he leaves options open.He can change his mind whenever it suits him. Weasel words. Typical of Andrews.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 26, 2024 7:12 pm
July 26, 2024 7:15 pm

News here talking about an attack on French Eurostar in London?

July 26, 2024 7:17 pm

Roger that article by Adam Creighton you posted this morning had me thinking about it all day- the way our supposed representatives compete with each other to make our lives harder and more unpleasant, not the other way around. What a perversion of the Australian Constitution.

July 26, 2024 7:23 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 26, 2024 7:28 pm

News here talking about an attack on French Eurostar in London?

Is that this?

Sabotageโ€™ Hits Franceโ€™s High Speed Rail Network Hours Before Olympics (26 Jul)

Franceโ€™s national high-speed rail network was hit by โ€œsabotageโ€ on Friday that disrupted travel for tens of thousands of passengers. The malicious strikes came as travelers were expected to descend on the capital ahead of the start of the Paris Olympics.

A source close to the investigation told AFP the coordinated acts of โ€œsabotageโ€ were deliberate and targeted, adding many routes would be cancelled, with the national train operator SNCF adding the attacks affected its Atlantic, northern and eastern lines.

โ€œArson attacks were started to damage our facilities,โ€ the SNCF said, noting traffic on the affected lines was โ€œheavily disruptedโ€ and the situation would last through the weekend as repairs are conducted.

I’ve long thought that VFTs would be vulnerable – all it would take is one hijacked truck full of rocks on the tracks and a train going at 300 kph would be instant confetti.

July 26, 2024 7:35 pm

On my way to Waterford. Collected the mail for my hosts who are out for the day. They don’t bother with a house number or the road, just the town and the postie knows.
Couldn’t take me to the bus station so they put me on the three day a week service for shut ins, had to give the lady of the house’s name. All very well until the driver asked me the name of the road, I’ve walked back and forth often enough to feel like I know every blade of grass but not the name of the road, and how did he find it?
The only other passenger had a brogue on him I could barely understand.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 26, 2024 7:37 pm

Was involved in outdoor pursuits today.

Rufus T Troofer, at 8.35:

Are you still with me KD?

I’m not confident anyone’s still with you, Roofie.

So, your contention KD, is that in your โ€œspecial universeโ€, enough heat is transferred to the 65th floor, then the 55th floor, then the 45th floor etc, right down to the ground, to enable the towers to fall almost into their own foot print.

Your ‘contention’ is that an office fire (your words) brought down the WTC buildings.

This is simply NOT possible old bean. That is why hundreds of Engineers and Architects have pending legal action against the US Govt about 9/11, which, surprise surprise, has been continually delayed.

Pending legal action. That old chestnut. Or bean, if you prefer.


Please now expound on how your experience wearing a blue cap in airconditioning, and well away from nasty men allows you to comment with authority on this subject.

Last edited 2 months ago by Knuckle Dragger
July 26, 2024 7:59 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 26, 2024 8:07 pm


David Bowie – Absolute Beginners (Official Video)

July 26, 2024 8:11 pm

David Bowie Underground- even better

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 26, 2024 8:40 pm


The piano copped a hammering …. in a good way.

Henri Herbert:

July 26, 2024 9:01 pm

Look from a mate ex RAR on the Cdo Berets.

To wear the rifle green beret/skippy badge you must pass Corp Training at SOI and march out. Be posted to an RAR unit or be less than 2 postings outside an RAR unit but in an all Corps role like a HQ (Mate admits this one is abused). Posted logistics staff or attached arms corps cannot wear the skippy badge with rifle green beret.

Otherwise it’s the navy blue (Dark blue) beret and that includes ARes grunts. Mate has said unless there has been a change loggies wouldn’t dare wear the Sherwood Green Cdo beret but ARes were allowed after completing Cdo operators course.

Mate also said that rumours been abounding for years they will wind up reserve Cdo selection pathways and only allow separating members from Reg Cdo into the reserves apparently like the SASR does due to skills gap/fade. Possibility this is in progress now.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 26, 2024 9:09 pm

To wear the rifle green beret/skippy badge you must pass Corp Training at SOI and march out

Very few RAAFies have ever achieved this.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 26, 2024 9:14 pm

No great socio-political insights to report from Fiji, Cats, because we’ve not left the confines of this resort for four days. However one aspect of industrial relations did impinge upon consciousness, and not from the ‘staff’ servicing our every need either. Oh no. They are well paid and come with the territory we are paying for. ‘Twas when on our first afternoon on a sunny day we went for a swim in the Adults Only pool. Not many there because some winter renos were taking place, driving adult aesthetes to the two other pools given that it was post school holidays. We stayed for the length of it, a big twenty-five metre long pool where Hairy and I happily did our laps, me showing off my new teal blue-green swimsuit to replace to one stolen in Sydney. Shame about the colour – pace Hairy – but it is a stylish one-piece with a classy midriff buckle and fits well with some cross-over draping, a multi-size that fits well now yet suits future aspirational slimming targets, that’s the benefit, teal or no teal, so thank you Jantzen.

A small group of eight young Aussie chicks and four blokes from their group were having a pool cocktail party on and near the steps at the entrance end. Did I hear one cocktail being called a Climate Driver? I think I did. As I did my first lap I noticed the work going on up the far end to the left, which consisted of many workers removing a large expanse of old decking and replacing it with new stuff. They were still at the removal stage, but what impressed was that there were so many of them. Swimming back to base, I started my second lap and assuaged boredom by counting the men working on site. All Fijians, eleven wearing white hard hats and tradie company uniforms, ten wearing two different sorts of standardised gear but no headgear, and six in nondescript work clothes, one wearing a fedora with dreadlocks. So there were 27 men on site doing this one job, which though large I suspect could have been done by a team of six Aussie tradies in a morning.

These guys seemed to have been there most of the day already, because it was approaching 4pm knockoff time. I watched as a few of this crew desultorily picked up a few small planks each and wandered off, while others sat holding bits of string up, or swished a broom around or just looked busy doing nothing. Two Fijian men in white hard hats then wandered in and looked around, said a few things and disappeared. I also noticed two Fijian plumbers from the same company, no hats, working on pipes on the right hand side near my (unmarked) lap lane.

As I swam back to base again near the steps the young blokes and their girls were noting the activity and the numbers of workers. I heard one of them saying to the other blokes what were they doing over there, milling around, and how many were there, hard to tell from here.

Twenty-nine, I announced to them as I stood up before my next lap. I’ve just counted them. Plus two white-hat supervisors. On Fiji time and Fiji rules, though I didn’t say that bit out loud. The job was still only half done when we swam there today, two days later. We had really heavy rain last night, a real tropical downpour, which might have also clipped their work wings.

July 26, 2024 9:17 pm


Tell me! Promise me you’re not heading off on another cruise, because after the one tangled up with COVID I would’ve thought you had learnt your lesson. You were almost banned from coming back home for two years!

July 26, 2024 9:23 pm

Interesting to watch the news about the security for the Paris Olympics. What are they scared of? What does Paris have that worries everyone so much? mmmmmmm… quite a mystery.
Surely it has nothing to do with Faranji (Frank) the Muz word for the non believing enemy.

Last edited 2 months ago by johnjjj
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 26, 2024 9:37 pm

JC, tomorrow we are taking a short, very short, three day cruise to some of the nearby Fijian islands, including the one where Tom Hanks was filmed being inventive and going slowly bananas in ‘Castaway’. Since the Covid event we’ve done our Panama Cruise and a US road trip, then an Italian road trip and an Adriatic and Aegean cruise ending in Rome, we’ve also been through the Caribbean and up the Amazon on a cruise flying around South America afterwards, then there’s this little show tomorrow and we’re heading to South Africa in December to pick up a cruise up the Indian Ocean to the Arabian Sea, ending in Dubai (Hoothis notwithstanding, so far anyway). We’re then heading for Christmas in England and Hogmany in Scotland.

Just so’s you know I/we are packing as much into the remaining years as we feel we can manage and enjoy. As well as visiting up and down the eastern coast of Oz to visit our family. I think Bruce in WA is one of the big cruisers on the Cat. And Calli is catching up too. I find it a very relaxing way to travel though I also like to intersperse cruises with land travel, for variety.

July 26, 2024 9:53 pm

I guess the kids must be overjoyed watching the inheritance falling by the hour. ๐Ÿ™‚

July 26, 2024 10:02 pm

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Guy Ritchie

corny … but fun

July 26, 2024 10:06 pm

The White House offered no specific condemnation of the anti-American violence. Rep. Pelosi and many top Democrats instead blasted Netanyahu for refusing to surrender to Hamas.

That dirty old women.

Netanyahu Defends America Before Congress – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Geriatrics and adolescents (as mentioned in the Adam C article) What absolute filth both literally and figuratively.

Last edited 2 months ago by Miltonf
July 26, 2024 10:15 pm

Western society would enter its โ€œlate decadent phaseโ€ when the ruling hierarchy consisted of the โ€œsenile and the adolescentโ€. 

From this morning’s article

July 26, 2024 10:17 pm

Disgusting isn’t it when you think these vile old crooked pollimuppetts in the US can’t even control their bowels.

July 26, 2024 10:26 pm

Barack And Michelle Obama Release Video In Which They Call Vp Kamala Harris To Endorse Her

obama caves they are so devoid of talent they have to endorse this miserable wretch

July 26, 2024 10:29 pm

Went to see Deadpool and Wolverine.
Good fun. First movie been to for a while where cinema was full.
You have to stay untill last credit to see one of the funniest bits. The clue there was something to come after credits was the number of people still not leaving.

July 26, 2024 10:31 pm

I’m in the Waterford share house. A bit misleading as while the owner lives in he he has five rooms to let and one bathroom for us all.
And a lot more ‘lived in’ that the glamorous photos suggested.
It wasn’t particularly cheap so hopefully the other guests aren’t roudies.
It’s only 3 nights so I’ll grin and bear it.

July 26, 2024 10:33 pm

Conclusion on page 43.

That bloke is a deadset wanker, fool and bullshit artist. Anyone who believes anything he says has quite severe comprehension problems.

For a starter every floor of those two buildings weighted around 4,500 tons. A Boeing 767 weighs about 80 tons and both planes were traveling at about 500 mph and were carrying about 15,000 gallons of jet fuel.

If that is not enough data, how about the initial impact being equivalent to approximately 85 tons of TNT being detonated in each building. The structural damage caused by the aircraft hitting the buildings was catastrophic, then the burning fuel weakened the steel enough for the south building to collapse first because there was about 150,000 tonnes of building above the damage and there was 76,000 tonnes above north building impact zone.

The same people who believe the crap this goon puts forward probably believe that the windows blowing out were caused by explosives. How about each floor covering almost an acre (4046 sqm) in area and being 3.5 m high so there was approx 14,000 cubic metres of air in them. That air was instantaneously pressurised to almost infinity as over a million tons compressed it and it had to go somewhere. It blew out the bloody windows as it pressurised the lift and stair wells.

July 26, 2024 10:38 pm

That cackles is an evil kunt is beyond doubt:

Visibly Angry Kamala Harris Lashes Out At Israel After Netanyahu Meeting (

And the vile msm will be tongue lashing the bitch for the next 5 months.

As usual the real problem will be the number of brain dead useful idiots who will believe the msm and be directed to hate Trump and vote for cackles.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
July 26, 2024 11:41 pm

Vehicles ‘scrapped’ under London’s ULEZ scheme are not really being scrapped are going to the Ukraine:

So much for the planet!

John H.
John H.
July 27, 2024 12:33 am


 July 26, 2024 7:09 pm

Been watching some interviews of Jim Morrison.

Morrison is much more thoughtful, educated and obviously well read than one might have assumed.

Morrison was reading books in high school that his teachers knew nothing about. Thinking he may have been lying they confirmed the books by going to the Library of Congress. He was very well read. It is claimed he scored 149 on an IQ test. His grades weren’t good, not outstanding. That probably reflects that he was more interesting in following his thoughts than the syllabus.

There are other rock stars that are intelligent though very few in the category of Morrison. Ian Curtis of Joy Division was very well read, his lyrics contain allusions to a wide range of literature and he won writing competitions at school. Morrison was stupid and overdosed on heroin, Curtis committed suicide. Both were tortured souls. It has been suggested Morrison was sexually abused as a child\teenager, and Curtis had severe epilepsy that was destroying his brain.

John H.
John H.
July 27, 2024 1:03 am

Arky I don’t know why you were impressed. Even at 1.5 speed he is only speaking at a reasonable speed. There’s nothing substantial there. Too many drugs, too many parties, too much booze. Wrecked himself. Almost said as much when asked if he read a lot he said not anymore.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 27, 2024 3:12 am

Miltonf @ 10:06…..

apparently Nancie was quite the thing a century or so ago.

Rumours abound that JFK stirred the custard too..

  1. I almost more offended by the sloppy language.Given that we are carbon based life forms and everything around us is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x