Open Thread – Mon 12 Aug 2024

Street in Venice, John Singer Sargent, 1882

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August 12, 2024 12:33 am

Dare accepted. First.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 12, 2024 1:13 am



Paul van Dyk – Nothing But You vs For An Angel LIVE at Transmission

August 12, 2024 1:49 am

Remember her?

August 12, 2024 1:56 am

A grand old lady, survived.

It is worth reading the account of The Battle of Trafalgar . Lots of it written by the men who were there . The English gunners could load , run out , and fire their guns at 3 times the rate of other nations . The way that Victory and other ships broke the enemy line. By sailing through it. Firing their guns along the length of the ships. From stern to bow and bow to stern. Not sailing parallel to the enemy and exchanging fire.


HMS Victory at Portsmouth in 1884.

By this time, Victory was largely a local attraction at Portsmouth, having remained idle there since since the early 1830s. Without funding, the ship began to suffer from the effects of her age and lack of maintenance. She actually sank in 1854 and was raised shortly after.

However, the ship’s fortunes began to turn as the public became more aware of her Illustrious history. The number of visitors to the ship continue to grow. However, the additional traffic from tens of thousands of people and the continued lack of maintenance continued to take their toll.

In 1887, HMS Victory almost sank a second time though emergency repairs ultimately saved her. Following this, the Admiralty began providing annual funds to provide upkeep for the ship. However, the battle was not over yet.

Victory continued to rot away for the next couple of decades. It wasn’t until the 1920s that efforts got underway to restore the ship. Even so, it seemed like everything was conspiring against HMS Victory. Funding, pests, rotting wood, getting bombed by the Germans, it seemed that for every two steps forward HMS Victory took, she had to take one back.

Still, work on the old ship continued. Today, the most important repairs have been carried out, but shipwrights continue to buzz about the ship, making further repairs and figuring out new preservation methods. HMS Victory is rapidly approaching her 250th year in service. Thanks to the efforts to preserve her, she should see many more happy years ahead.

August 12, 2024 3:05 am

JD Vance takes on CNN

Dana Bash attempts to ambush him but merely feeds him the opportunity to crushingly go after the Dems.

Bash: “but, but, but”

Psst, Harris and Walz, that’s what’s known as a press interview.
You know, the activity you refuse to participate in for some reason.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
August 12, 2024 4:00 am
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August 12, 2024 4:10 am
Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 4:19 am

Thanks for the HMS Victory post Kevin. We went to see her yesterday – actually was to see the Mary Rose, as I’ve been on board Victory several times, but the Tudor warship display is right alongside.

Victory is covered in tarps on both sides at present, due to maintenance, but here’s a shot of one of her sides with the old paint removed for preservation of the timber work.

August 12, 2024 4:32 am
August 12, 2024 5:09 am

But the British totalitarian state is different. Its goal is to weaken the British state by strengthening the ideology. What defines the parameters of that ideology is anyone’s guess, as I doubt even its proponents could clearly explain it for inquiring minds. It seems to be a contradictory mix of pseudo-Marxism, nanny statism, multiculturalism grounded in misplaced guilt, and the managed decline of both national regeneration and national will that is the inevitable result of each of the preceding factors.

But the idea that Britain could force a sovereign nation to extradite one of their own for an action that was completely legal in that nation would be comical if it wasn’t so arrogant. Britain couldn’t coerce Fiji to give someone up, and they think it’s gonna happen in America?

Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State – PJ Media

Disgusting country

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 5:31 am

Helicopter crashes into the top of a hotel in Cairns, sparking mass exclusion zone and evacuation

Daily Mail

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 12, 2024 6:48 am

Has neo-breaking usurped planking yet?

Last edited 1 month ago by eric hinton
August 12, 2024 6:56 am

And just like that, it was the good old days again.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 12, 2024 7:00 am

Old and in very poor taste but here goes.
Nightclub is running a break-dancing competition and they eventually select their winner and haul him up on stage.
DJ : “What inspired that performance?”
Winner : “Nothing really. I am epileptic and I was just heading up to the bar to buy a bag of chips when I had a seizure.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 12, 2024 7:05 am

ALP primary vote at 32%.
Can Luigi the Unbelievable get it into the 20’s?
Fighting Torries is hard.

August 12, 2024 7:31 am

Trump’s latest talking point: Harris’s crowds are fake, you can tell it’s AI from the lack of reflection from the plane.

He is literally demented.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 12, 2024 7:32 am

I watched ”Dancing With Stars” last night. Not by choice, if you know what I mean.

And was just praying for Ray to drop in and show us the Pride of Erin as its phd

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 12, 2024 7:38 am

RayGun was reportedly crying in her room because hurtful things were said.
This is what happens when someone reaches the age of 35 without ever being told “You’re not that f-cking good”.
A product of the Participation Ribbon generation.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 12, 2024 7:51 am

Sweden’s ‘snitch law’ immigration plan prompts alarm across societyYeah righto Grauniad, because all of the r*pes and bombings haven’t prompted any alarm, at all…

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 7:52 am

Fluffy Annaliese does it again. Doing a series of vox pops she comes up with a man who says he thinks Trump will win but wishes he’d keep his mouth shut.
Why should he? It’s his job, his task, to explain his policies and to get stuck into the opponents verbally. One of the most telling things he said in that famous debate was “I don’t know what Joe was trying to say then; maybe he doesn’t either”.
Another said that Kamala was really capable!
It’d be refreshing if Sky Daytime people could suppress their never-Trump reflexes for long enough to do their jobs properly.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 8:02 am

You can read more about that “AI crowd shot” (that even the demonrat activist who posted it didn’t want to say where it came from) at Gateway Pundit. Democrat Lackeys and Snopes Busted! Tests Show Crowd Shot Image at Campaign Stop in Detroit Was AI and Digitally Enhanced | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
The other tactic that seems to work for lacklustre democrat candidates (apart from the complicit media that is!) has been the use of high profile entertainers/singers to open the show and bring the crowds in. They are reported as often leaving again after the show moves on to those boring candidates. Bussing in assorted people who need a feed might work too.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 8:06 am

This is what happens when someone reaches the age of 35 without ever being told “You’re not that f-cking good”.

Loudmouth smartarse knowall Rachael Gunn has no talent at all except knowing it was possible to exploit the West’s self-hatred to acquire her 15 minutes of fame at the Paris Olympics, which turned out to be a festival of Western self-hatred which gave participation medals to duds like her.

As Calli says, she’ll always have Paris – a trivia question in the making for lesbian cat ladies everywhere.

August 12, 2024 8:16 am
August 12, 2024 8:18 am

Pogria, “ouch! It hurts. You could have done a better performance when you fall over and attempt to get up.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 8:19 am

This is what happens when someone reaches the age of 35 without ever being told “You’re not that f-cking good”.

Yep, and in her case it’s worse than that, she was just so f-cking bad.

I have zero sympathy for her. Let’s applaud Jess and Noemie Fox, Matt Wearn, Saya Sakakibara, Keegan Palmer, Kaylee McKeow, Ariarne Titmus, Jess Hull and all the other medallists and non-medallists, coz they’re just so ‘f-cking good‘. 

August 12, 2024 8:23 am

Albanese knows best…

Childcare pay rises won’t help nation’s families one jot

Nick Cater, The Australian 11 August, 2024

“Come on, mate,” responded Nova’s Nathan Morris. “You can go and have a crusty roll here and there, can’t you?” “Have you seen what happens to people in this job?” Anthony Albanese replied. “You’ve got to have some discipline. You’ve got to have some rules.” The exchange offered an insight into the complex character of the Prime Minister. His resistance to tempting bakery products is not matched by his resistance to special pleading from vested interests such as the United Workers Union, whose campaign for better pay for childcare workers has secured a $3.6bn commitment from Albanese’s government.

Won’t that be inflationary? Peter Stefanovic asked when Albanese appeared on Sky News to spruik the deal. “No,” he replied. “Because what it will do is keep costs down, importantly.” Stefanovic persisted, citing Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock’s concern that government spending is feeding inflation. “Yeah, that’s very different,” Albanese replied.

It turned out not to be very different after all. Break open one bread roll and before you know it everyone wants a slice. Albanese’s generosity to childcare workers prompted a demand for a similar deal from the Australian Services Union on behalf of 300,000 disability workers.

This is how inflationary wage spirals start and why decisions on public service wages are best left to tribunals, rather than stitched up in piecemeal deals between Labor prime ministers and unions.

Setting aside the questionable proposition that governments can stop the march of inflation by throwing money in its path, the ever-growing government spending on childcare raises far more important family policy questions that few are game to ask.

Is it sensible, for instance, to skew assistance in favour of working couples and away from single-income families? Is it fair that working couples with one child in care received an average subsidy of $8181 last year while the 30 per cent of mothers or fathers who chose to stay at home received nothing?

The growth in federal government spending on childcare took off under Julia Gillard’s government, driven by an enticing narrative about breaking glass ceilings buttressed with the superficially respectable economic argument that greater workforce participation boosted productivity and economic growth.

It does not. That’s because outsourcing household responsibilities does not create fresh economic activity. It simply brings it on to the books.

The most contentious argument in favour of professional childcare was that it was in the best interests of the child. Albanese persisted with this flawed line of reasoning in his round of radio and television interviews at the end of last week.

“Of course it’s good for kids,” he told Triple M Perth. “Ninety per cent of human brain development occurs in the first five years.”

Many experts in early childhood development would draw the opposite conclusion based on the salient fact that time spent building a stable, bonded relationship with their children is the best investment in a child’s future that parents can make.

In her 2017 book, Being There, US psychoanalyst Erica Komisar assembles a convincing body of evidence to show that excessively long periods spent in an institutional setting is, to put it mildly, a subprime option.

Yet childcare is more than just childminding, Albanese told listeners to 6PR on Friday. He cited the evidence of his own eyes, gathered during a fleeting visit to a childcare centre in the Perth suburb of Dayton. “There they were learning about the letter ‘L’ and the letter ‘U’, with a whole lot of little blocks about how to do that,” Albanese said.

The idea that preschool children must be institutionalised to learn the alphabet is an insult to generations of conscientious parents. An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare survey in 2017 found 79 per cent of children aged 0 to two years had been read or told stories by a parent on three or more days in the previous week, while 44 per cent of them had libraries of between 25 and 100 children’s books in their home.

Institutional early learning can accelerate the development of children from bookless backgrounds with inattentive parents, but children from low socio-economic groups and non-English-speaking homes are less likely to be at childcare centres, which draw their clients disproportionably from English-speaking, educated, professional homes.

The result of increased federal government funding has been a substantial migration of children from so-called informal care, most commonly grandparents, to professional care. While informal care halved between 1999 and 2017, professional care increased by around 70 per cent. Transferring familial obligations to the state and robbing children of the benefits of forming bonds with their grandparents is the unintended consequence of government interference in the market.

Sadly, a Labor government is probably incapable of fixing this expensive policy mess, just as it is incapable of fixing the National Disability Insurance Scheme where costs will blow out even further when the government caves in to the latest pay demand. It will fall to the next Coalition government to restore sanity to family policy. It will be a delicate conversation. Nothing will be gained by making parents feel more uncomfortable about the conflict between their twin responsibilities as parents and breadwinners.

Childcare centres provide an invaluable service and must be supported by government since an under-resourced, unregulated sector would be far worse. The dedication of childcare professionals must be encouraged and rewarded since, like good teachers, they are the hope of the side.

The Coalition might start by revisiting the intention behind Family Tax Benefit Part B, John Howard’s solution to the challenge of assisting parents without discriminating against those who chose not to work. It might seek to balance the level of subsidies with out-of-pocket costs for parents to ensure full-time parents were no worse off. It might consider family-friendly reforms to the tax system, including incentives to increase the birthrate. Australia is not the only country that has tried to kick this can down the road by encouraging migration. Yet, as we are beginning to learn, there are undesirable consequences to that approach – even in a well-adjusted country such as Australia.

Reforming family policy, with its entrenched subsidies and vested commercial interests, will be among the most difficult challenges faced by an incoming Coalition government. It will require the investment of substantial political capital. Yet for a party focused on the long-term interests of Australia, as a nation of well-balanced individuals living where possible in stable family units, there is surely nothing more important.

Nick Cater is a senior fellow at Menzies Research Centre.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 12, 2024 8:25 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 12, 2024 8:25 am

Well said and right en pointe, Cassie. We should focus on the traditional individuals, the more we focus on made-up noise and toys and team sports, the more we might come to realise that the modern olympics are fake and gay.
On the upside, an appeal over an appeal has re-awarded bronze to the Romanian gymnast who was shafted for bronze on the floor… don’t get me wrong tho, like the Sydney-Hobart, endless avenues for appeal and video review suck the life out of sport.

August 12, 2024 8:26 am

Is the official Cat position that all the Harris crowds are fake AI, and there is actually no one there at her rallies?

Also, did you know that modern iPhone and Android phones often insert little AI enhancements to photos to add extraneous detail, but that doesn’t mean that the scene being photographed is fake?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2024 8:27 am

Another trick (apart from using AI to “fill in” empty seats) used by the KamelToe campaign is to hide the empty tiers in indoor venues. The upper tiers are screened with black curtains, so they are not readily visible.

The idiot j’ismists of the MSM, however, forget to lower the sight lines of their cameras, negating the effect for those who, unlike mUnturd, use their eyes rather than the DNC talking points to find out what is happening.

Last edited 1 month ago by Boambee John
August 12, 2024 8:37 am

Only Trump can save Britain.

August 12, 2024 8:38 am

Trump is reactivating his X account. It would be nice though if the symbol for X didn’t show here as a question mark. It has to be changed each time.


BREAKING: President Trump // @elonmusk X Space will actually be hosted by @realDonaldTrump on his account.

Trump is back!

Last edited 1 month ago by Indolent
August 12, 2024 8:39 am

Trump pulls in massive crowds but Harris is unlikeable and is a terrible speaker.

How would you know, Bruce? Trump isn’t doing big rallies nowadays. One small event last week in Montana, that was all.

Harris and Walz are pulling rock star crowds every day in swing states.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 12, 2024 8:40 am

First thing a dictator does is ban private ownership of guns. Chavez did this in 2012, so the people couldn’t fight back.

This looks like blowing up into a problem for Harris, possibly even before the election.

US Floating Maduro Amnesty for Ceding Power (11 Aug)

The United States is attempting to broker a deal with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro — relinquish power in exchange for amnesty.

The U.S. has floated pardons for strongman Maduro and top lieutenants who could otherwise face Justice Department indictments, reported The Wall Street Journal.

A member of the Biden administration said the U.S. has “put everything on the table” in an effort to get Maduro to vacate the presidency before his term ends in January.

Laughable. Maduro would never do such a thing, not in a million years.

Which then begs the question why is the White House doing this now? I suspect there are now so many Venezuelans that came in illegally that they represent a serious voting bloc problem for the Democrats. So they have to be seen to be doing something however limp and stupid. And it’d be hard to be limper and stupider than this lame attempt at persuasion.

August 12, 2024 8:42 am
August 12, 2024 8:45 am


Secret Service broke into a Massachusetts hair salon during a Kamala event. They covered the cameras with duct tape and broke inside to use the bathroom, let other attendees use the bathroom, and took candies off the desk.

They reportedly left the store unlocked and left the tape on for the rest of the day.

August 12, 2024 8:51 am
eric hinton
eric hinton
August 12, 2024 8:53 am

What do you call DEI selections for the Olympics?


August 12, 2024 8:54 am
August 12, 2024 8:56 am
August 12, 2024 8:59 am

Does this remind you of something? This is from the WSJ, so partly paywalled. Rather surprising, though.
Kamala Harris: Mystery Commander in Chief

Kamala Harris is all but telling Americans they’ll have to elect her to find out what she really believes, as the Vice President ducks interviews and the media give her a free ride. This is bad enough on domestic issues, but on foreign policy it could be perilous. The world is more dangerous than it’s been in decades, and Americans deserve to know how the woman aiming to be Commander in Chief Harris would confront these threats.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 9:00 am

Senator Linda Reynolds’ husband Robert Reid to give evidence in Brittany Higgins defamation trialEmma KirkNewsWire
Mon, 12 August 2024 4:14AM

Senator Linda Reynolds has finished giving evidence in her blockbuster defamation trial against Brittany Higgins, with her husband expected to be next up at the witness stand.
The WA politician spent a week in the witness box and faced intense questioning from Ms Higgins’ lawyer Rachel Young over what she knew about Ms Higgins’ alleged sexual assault in the senator’s ministerial office.
Senator Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins and her husband David Sharaz in the WA Supreme Court over posts shared in 2022 and 2023 which were critical of Ms Reynolds’ handling of Ms Higgins’ allegation she was raped in Parliament House in 2019 by her then-colleague Bruce Lehrmann.

August 12, 2024 9:01 am

This is an actual poll, not the Bee. It’s hard to tell sometimes.

Most voters believe Trump will make them richer, but they trust Harris more on the economy: poll

Last edited 1 month ago by Indolent
August 12, 2024 9:03 am
August 12, 2024 9:03 am
August 12, 2024 9:07 am

We’ve seen this before but it’s worth repeating.

MR.BEAN (Rowan Atkinson) – Communist Britain?! Freedom of Speech?!

August 12, 2024 9:17 am

A wind farm that was proposed for north-west New South Wales is one of many that may never be operational, according to an energy expert.

Ark Energy, which was behind a bid to build a 55-turbine Doughboy Wind Farm, 50 kilometres east of Armidale, said in a statement last month the decision to withdraw the project was made “following a change of mind” from some of the nine landowners whose properties took in the project’s boundaries.

ABC News Rural 12 August 2024

Meanwhile, the UK’s renewables fanatic Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has reversed the Tories de facto ban on onshore wind farms and has also decreed that there shall be no height limits for turbines, meaning new generation 260m tall turbines could soon dot England’s once green and pleasant land. In an insult to the notion of independent checks and balances, he will also have the final say on all projects.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 12, 2024 9:17 am

Watching Ray trying to do the “Garrett Pride Of Erin In Trakkie Daks” Olympic event reminded me of the video of the Labor skanks on stage doing disco, with Juliar leading the pack.

Please don’t anyone link it! Please don’t.

August 12, 2024 9:24 am

The jurdge has spake – from the Oz:

Jurdge explains Raygun zeroes, Aussie’s mental health monitored
Breaking judge MGbility has explained why Aussie dancer Raygun received no votes during her viral outing. It comes as the Aussie’s mental health is being monitored due to online backlash.

August 12, 2024 9:32 am

Harris and Walz are pulling rock star crowds every day in swing states.

Thanks, Monty. I burst out laughing.

PS: you’re not meant the believe the daily talking points. That’s for the NPCs.

August 12, 2024 9:33 am

When this hydrogen filled condom that is the Kamala balloon pops it’s going to be quite spectacular.
I think they’ve picked the wrong populist horse to ride on.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 12, 2024 9:33 am

Old and busted: the woke Olympics
New hotness: the even woker Olympics…

Democrat L.A. Mayor Decrees 2028 Olympics Will Be ‘No-car Games’ (11 Aug, via Lucianne)

The Summer Olympic Games scheduled for Los Angeles in 2028 will be car-free with spectators expected to leave their private vehicles behind and only use public transport to access events, Democrat mayor Karen Bass decreed Saturday. …

“We’re already working to create jobs by expanding our public transportation system in order for us to have a no-car Games,” she said. “And that’s a feat for Los Angeles, as we’ve always been in love with our cars. We’re working to ensure that we can build a greener Los Angeles.”

Bass said public transportation will be the only way to access the city’s Olympic venues. Her plan to address traffic includes using 3,000 buses borrowed from other U.S. cities, and asking businesses to allow their employees to work from home during the Games, the Guardian reports.

I calling it already, it’s going to be an epic faceplant which will make Paris look like a bunch of DEI amateurs. Pity there will be no breakdancing, it would fit right in.

August 12, 2024 9:37 am

Quite a few learnings could be garnered from Ms. Raygun’s adventures in Paris.

Perhaps the inevitable 60 Minutes exclusive might draw them out.


Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 12, 2024 9:41 am

Promo documentary on the first Ford Falcon’s introduction to Australia.

A fascinating insight into what goes into manufacturing what is a simple design by today’s standards and one that was largely designed in the US but for which local manufacture had to be stepped up.

Also shows what we have lost in terms of our capabilities since. (23:13)

August 12, 2024 9:41 am

And Trump needs to concentrate on her record, forget the stupid insults and ad homs.

August 12, 2024 9:45 am

New event for LA olympics, extinguishing an EV battery fire.
While break dancing.

Last edited 1 month ago by 132andBush
August 12, 2024 9:51 am

I received an interesting email on Saturday from a former close friend. She enclosed photos of them with their three kids in Dubai.

She announced that they were selling their places in Hampshire and Cornwall and moving to Dubai “to be near the kids”.

No big deal, thousands of upper class poms are cashing out and running from the chaos that they created. Treason has been a long standing British ruling class tradition.

What was extraordinary was her tirade against the British working class who she blamed for the riots, Labour’s election and of course Brexit. She indulged in the strange ruling class phenomena of being agressively pro-muslim.

I believe it was Starkey who said recently that “what we are witnessing is what would have occurred in 1939 in the absence of Churchill”.

August 12, 2024 9:52 am

The Stupid Frigging Liberals never learn. The ABC reports the two candidates for today’s vote for the leadership of the SFLs in South Australia, Josh Teague and Vincent Tarzia, are both “moderates” — i.e. leftwingers.

That is the Zac Kirkup option to reduce the SFLs in the SA House of Assembly to half the seats of a Toyota Tarago.

Memo, Stupid Friggings: people don’t vote for parties pretending to be the ALP when they can vote for the real thing.


August 12, 2024 9:54 am

AI-powered smartphone cameras are changing the way we see reality

Smartphone cameras now use artificial intelligence to completely transform the pictures we take, and it could change the way we see reality

That New Scientist article is from 2019.

Google and Samsung phones, in particular, will add AI details to photos as a default setting these days. Yes, including arms and legs in crowd shots sometimes.

Given the large amounts of photos and live videos of the crowd at events Trump is claiming never happened, the only sane conclusion is that he is experiencing dementia.

You lot are further beclowning yourselves by pretending the Emperor has no brainrot.

August 12, 2024 9:56 am

Trump isn’t doing big rallies nowadays. One small event last week in Montana, that was all.

He was shot in the face in Butler. Remember that?

Of more concern to him was that a supporter was murdered and two others critically injured. Then he was advised by his so called protection units to have no more big outdoor rallies. Indoor events only.

And this is how it works. Big outdoor rally…gunfire…death, anyone’s death because they just don’t matter…Trump’s fault.

Seems that Kamala can do as she pleases, even if the attendees are NPCs. Perhaps she has nothing to fear regarding her security. Can’t imagine why.

August 12, 2024 10:06 am

Street in Venice, John Singer Sargent, 1882
Interesting brushwork. Is the lady Oriental? I like the dress detail and composition.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 10:10 am

He was shot in the face in Butler. Remember that?

Nazis always forget.

August 12, 2024 10:13 am

The Summer Olympic Games scheduled for Los Angeles in 2028 will be car-free with spectators expected to leave their private vehicles behind and only use public transport to access events, Democrat mayor Karen Bass decreed Saturday. …

Of course, it only applies to the hoi polloi – paying spectators. The Mayoral limo will be flat out ferrying Her Worship and her celebrity guests to the most desirable events.

And, while competitors will probably be ferried around in buses, you can be sure that senior sports bureaucrats, sponsors, politicians, and other members of the nomenklatura will not be subjected to such indignities.

BTW, the logistics of getting spectators to events via public transport will be challenging in car-dependent LA – but as we know, that never stops aspirational green targets from being adopted by cynical/stupid politicians.

local oaf
August 12, 2024 10:16 am

Monty ponders existence

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 12, 2024 10:22 am

 August 12, 2024 9:37 am

Quite a few learnings could be garnered from Ms. Raygun’s adventures in Paris.

Something of a mystery.
If this was a plumber from Perth who wangled a trip to Paris as a pisstake there would be a bit of sneaking admiration.
But this was her career.
She says she knew she had no chance of winning so did the “whimsical bunny hop” improvisation.
I don’t think so.
She has lived in a bubble of her own ego devoid of any criticism her entire life.
I think she thought she would be acclaimed as a dance revolutionary, followed by the triumphant lecture tour.
Hence the current meltdown after receiving a lifetime of criticism in one dollop.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 12, 2024 10:39 am

Didn’t win a medal but won our hearts apparently. Crash Craddock writes:

Raygun didn’t pick up a vote in competition but she got 300 before the Olympic closing ceremony.

The wounds of a zillion taunting tweets were sweetly soothed a couple of hours before the ceremony as the Australian team wrapped its arms around Rachael “Raygun’’ Gunn, the breaker who broke the internet and became the Games most surprising breakout celebrity.

Raygun even put on an impromptu late afternoon breaking performance for the team before they left for Stade de France and the closing ceremony before 80,000 fans.

And – blow me down – she actually looked a bit sharper than she had in competition a few days earlier when she didn’t score a vote.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 12, 2024 10:43 am

Most surprising breakout celebrity? FMD what a low bar for celebrity status.
I am imagining a Project interview is in the pipeline.

Last edited 1 month ago by Black Ball
August 12, 2024 10:53 am

Keir Starmer building his police state upon the blood of those three little girls.

August 12, 2024 10:53 am
August 12, 2024 10:54 am

Don’t worry. By Wednesday lunchtime, “Raygun” will be a massive star. No mention of skill. It will be the usual DEI and that “Youse was cruel and mental health and and and and”.

All the athletes bowing before her. Puke inducing.

Be staying with Adele by the weekend. Not bad for a victim.

Last edited 1 month ago by Aaron
Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 11:02 am

Trump was not shot in the face. Shrapnel nicked his ear. Very different.

Trump was shot in the face, the bullet missed, he nearly died. You’re just unhappy the bullet missed, Nazi.

He gave no shits about the guy who died. Didn’t ring his widow for days, and only did the day after Biden made contact.

Not true, Nazi. And by the way, the man who died that day, who stood in front of his wife and children to protect them from the bullets, the man you disparagingly refer as ‘the guy’, well his name was Corey Comperatore, 50 years old, in the prime of his life, happily married with children. And Corey’s widow refused to take the call from the rotting corpse called Joe Biden

He wanted outdoor rallies because he didn’t want to pay indoor venues. Not that he pays them anyway, most of them he stiffs on the bill.

Given the vomit above, it’s clearly YOU who is ‘demented’.

Oh and what was that line you wrote only a month ago…

Biden can govern

Now that’s a corker, one for the ages.

Lastly, just piss off, quite frankly you’re a fetid disgrace.

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 12, 2024 11:09 am

Raygun thought she was the next Eddy the Eagle.

August 12, 2024 11:10 am

“Moderate” Vincent Tarzia is the new parliamentary leader of the Stupid Frigging Liberals in South Australia.

Tarzia is headed for a two-day strategy session in Port Pirie, after which he will announce his strategy to reduce the size of the party’s parliamentary representation by pretending to be the ALP.

August 12, 2024 11:14 am

Seems the Louse Nilligan Fork Orners “exclusive” on the seven network is already ruffling a few feathers in the “industry”.

Is there a braindead FTA television station in this country that isn’t stuffed to the gills with staggeringly stupid sociopathic sex pests?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 12, 2024 11:26 am

I indulged in looking at Elon’s latest SpaceX launch just now. Nothing special, only another bunch of Starlink satellites. Still awesome Star Wars level science fiction…without the fiction.

Had to pause the video due to persistent bouncing off my screen door.

Blue faced honeyeater demands to be fed!

Ok I do that, plus the other accumulated Cafe customers: a couple of currawongs, some noisy miners, my eccentric crested pigeon, one of the nesting magpies and finally the grey butcherbird male.

I made him work for his mince but. Yesterday for the first time he landed on my knee as I was sitting on the front steps, and collected some mince. Then he did it twice more over the day. And again just now.

After enjoying my birdies I went back to enjoying Elon’s birdie. That Falcon 9 booster has done 21 launches. Fill ‘er up and launch her again.

For anyone interested in such things he’s got another launch in 20 minutes time.

August 12, 2024 11:31 am

I mean, I guess it’s a good thing for the Democrats that Trump is hiding in his basement toilet during the campaign, “truthing” about how Kamala’s crowds and poll leads and all fake. That means he is not going to do anything about it.

He is relying on partisan ratlovers in Georgia and elsewhere to repeat the fake electors scheme of 2020 and do it right this time, with SCOTUS in on the steal. His ragtag army of boomer patriarchs, bush lawyers and bourgeois cultists will try to take down the Kraken again.

Didn’t work last time. The courts held firm. We shall see if Roberts, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett have totally lost their sense of shame and are ready to implement fascism.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 11:39 am

Starmer (as was Sunak) is just the front man and the police state was already operating beforehand. It’s just kicked up a gear.


August 12, 2024 11:41 am


We argue that breaking’s institutionalization via the Olympics will place breaking more firmly within this sporting nation’s hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialized and gendered hierarchies.

August 12, 2024 11:41 am

Starmer (as was Sunak) is just the front man and the police state was already operating beforehand. It’s just kicked up a gear.

Was it bobtheboozer who once talked with an old German and asked him where the Gestapo and SS came from. The answer was that they were always there, they just had the opportunity to come out.
In truth, they are everywhere. Look at our Dan and his police thugs, the pommy police thugs and gutless police commissioners who should be saying to the politicians: ” we don’t work for YOU, we work for the people to keep them safe from murdering raping, thieving villains. Our job is not to oppress the people and if you don’t like it, here’s my resignation. Then make sure it gets the maximum publicity.

August 12, 2024 11:42 am

Party that Opposes Voter ID Laws as Racist Required ID for Participants to Enter Harris Arizona Rally

An email sent to the RSVP list for the Harris-Walz rally in Arizona on Friday said participants must present a matching government-issued photo ID to be admitted to the venue

No govt issue photo ID needed to vote, or cross the border, but you must present one to attend a Kamala Harris political event.

Puzzling isn’t it?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 12, 2024 11:47 am

Scroll the Troll.
C’mon cats, I know it’s an election year, but seriously, this is the App Cat- memes and links and vids, don’t encourage Monty to keep dunking his bum in your headspace.

August 12, 2024 11:51 am

What is interesting about the “shot in the face” claim is that it was repeated many…many times during the enquiry into Secret Service Karen’s dereliction of duty.

Not a single Democrat there took issue with it. *

Only shitweasels in the press and their downstream mouthpieces have ever questioned it.

Just like today.

*I imagine the image of a blood smeared, angry face concentrated their minds.

August 12, 2024 11:55 am

Point taken, Wally.

Meanwhile, on a beach in heaven…

Last edited 1 month ago by calli
August 12, 2024 11:55 am

comical mont is a barrel of laughs.
( a very big barrel)

Bruce in WA
August 12, 2024 12:05 pm

Stories beginning to circulate that the helicopter in Cairns … which was reportedly stolen … was aimed directly into the roof at high speed.

Bruce in WA
August 12, 2024 12:11 pm


X-ray staff ‘told to ask men if they’re pregnant’ after updated inclusivity guidance issued

New inclusivity guidance instructs X-ray operators to ask men if they are pregnant before conducting scans.

X-ray operators have been instructed to ask men if they are pregnant before conducting scans, it has emerged.

Inclusivity guidance that covers multiple hospitals in the UK states that radiographers must check whether all patients aged 12 to 55 are pregnant, regardless of their sex.

It was issued by the Society of Radiographers (SoR) following an incident in which a trans man who was unknowingly pregnant had a CT scan.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2024 12:15 pm

Silly me, didn’t see the new fred.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2024 12:17 pm

Oh oh oh I found a 30 second clip of one of Raygun’s Olympics performances on Rumble. You won’t find this anywhere on YouTube!

Look, to be fair, she can stand on her head. That is a pretty good party trick. The rest is…well…see for yourself.

I love the gloriously understated commentary: “Mika knows…you can see Mika knows she is probably at a slightly higher level”


August 12, 2024 12:20 pm

That Cairns helicopter thing sounds more like a jilted lover trying to crash into the room where his squeeze was fooling around.

August 12, 2024 12:20 pm

Pogria, ” breaking sad”. Snork.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2024 12:21 pm

The ABC appears to be falling back in love with the ALP despite the Makaratta betrayal:

The appointment of Housing and Homelessness Minister Clare O’Neil has sent a message to the homelessness sector that business as usual is over and that deeper intergenerational issues will be acknowledged and perhaps even tackled.

Oh right. The appointment of a minister who failed miserably and embarrassingly in her previous portfolio sends such an obvious message that this government really wants to shake things up with a competent and dynamic replacement. Got it.

This week, O’Neill spoke off the cuff at the launch of homelessness week and told the audience she got it and she wants to fix it. While acknowledging what she described as “enormous” work by her predecessor Julie Collins and the government, she sent an unambiguous message that spruiking the stuff that was already announced was not going to be the end of the matter for her.

Did a politician just make a promise to fix some problem? My goodness, this is remarkable! So bold! So innovative! What a paradigm shift! This is exactly the kind of out-of-the-box thinking we need to solve all of the issues and crises our nation faces. I say make Clare O’Niell the Minister of Everything and she can just promise to fix all of the problems – and, simple as that, problem(s) solved. It’s genius!

The rest of it is just the ABC cooing gently to the ALP that it can never stay mad at it for long. How sweet.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 12:22 pm

Muslim independent candidate set to take on Burke in WatsonAlexi Demetriadi

An independent candidate will launch on Tuesday to take on Tony Burke in the minister’s southwest Sydney seat of Watson.
The candidate is running as an independent and while it’s understood is from the southwest Sydney Muslim community they are not – at this stage – part of or backed by any formal alliance, like The Muslim Vote or Muslim Votes Matter.

Set to launch their candidacy on Tuesday morning in Greenacre, it would be the first independent candidate announced to take on Mr Burke, whose seat has been politically targeted alongside Education Minister Jason Clare’s neighbouring Blaxland by pro-Palestine campaigns, given the community’s frustration with Labor’s handling of Gaza.

The Australian has previously reported how Lakemba-based Dr Ziad Basyouny had been approached by one of the pro-Palestine political alliances and had been receptive to the idea.

While the Muslim Votes Matter campaign has said it would focus on how to vote campaigns to support pro-Palestine MPs, The Muslim Vote had opened applications for prospective candidates who it would endorse and back.

Although Mr Burke’s elevation to Home Affairs Minister was met warmly by the area’s formal Islamic and Muslim bodies, and given delays in The Muslim Vote locking in candidates, the electoral threat to his seat will persist until the completion of the next federal election.

August 12, 2024 12:23 pm

“the enquiry into Secret Service Karen’s dereliction of duty.”

I have come to the conclusion that this even was more than dereliction of duty.
Think about it – do you really think that “failure is not an option” places like the USSS, have NO backup plans, that it is NOT understood that mistakes happen, so things are double and triple checked?
Either this was a deliberate choice of an entire team of incompetents or it was designed to happen some other way.
At best it is criminal negligence, at worst a plot to assassinate DJT on live TV.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 12, 2024 12:32 pm

A phone call from mum. She’s coughing up blood.

It hits you hard.

August 12, 2024 12:35 pm

Yes it does Steve

August 12, 2024 12:36 pm

Look I am not one to mock the delusionally pathetic… well I am. Check out the comments on our dance sensation
If you haven’t got time, here is just a few:

  • Not what Ancient Greeks had in mind when they started Olympics!
  • If breakdancing is meant to look like you choking on a chicken nugget while being on fire, she nailed it
  • This is why you shouldn’t tell your talentless friend that they are really good at something they are lousy at just to make them feel better about themselves.
  • Someone took “Dance like no one’s watching” to another level.
  • I think she went to the wrong Olympics. The Special Olympics is next month.
  • this young lady has perfectly expressed the state of Australia in 1 minute of interpretive dance , behold
  • When you come home drunk, drop your door keys, fall over and then spend the next 5 mins looking for them.
  • somewhere there’s a tree that’s tirelessly producing oxygen for this person and I think they own it an apology
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 12, 2024 12:47 pm

Yoga pants are killing the planet.

Eco-conscious fashionistas hampered by geographical barriers to return clothing (, 11 Aug)

“For our study, we examined 17 ‘eco-friendly’ activewear companies based in Europe and the US that had a post-consumer circular economy policy, such as returning clothing for mending, store credit, recycling or donation. We wanted to see how geography impacted these ‘Waste Reduction Networks.’ These networks might be configured locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.”

Researchers found that each company had a different Waste Reduction Network to keep its products out of landfills. For example, US firms éclipse and Girlfriend Collective have a program where customers return old clothing for store credit or money off their next purchase. On the other hand, Swedish manufacturer Filippa K has created a second-hand market for consumers to resell used garments.

But if you return or resell your used yoga pants you can redeem your climate sin! I wonder who it is that buys someone’s used yoga pants?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 12, 2024 12:54 pm

Bruce in WA
 August 12, 2024 12:35 pm

Reply to  Steve trickler
Don’t waste time posting on here then!


This place is family.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 12, 2024 1:01 pm

Raygun went to touch itself at night.

And missed.

August 12, 2024 1:05 pm

Re the Cairns helicopter: You need an ASIC to be on those kinds of airports where RPT operates.
Great, now we’ll all be subject to more security bullshit.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2024 1:14 pm

Democrats going on about the rediscovery of ‘joy’ with all commenters waxing lyrical about it. ‘Joy’ is thus what you have when you don’t have anything else you want to talk about.

I would simply point out that Hitler ran a big fitness movement in the 1930’s called ‘strength through joy’. Joy was used to blind the populace to what was really going on.

Democrats for joy. It figures.

August 12, 2024 1:18 pm

miltonf that PJ Media article. Very harsh but fair and the gauntlet has certainly been thrown down.

As for the Brit Constabulary, Emperor with no clothes perhaps?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 1:21 pm

How to damage your reputation (such as it is) as a serious current affairs and news channel, Sky Daytime: keep interviewing airhead Steggall (like now) as if it has any value at all – except to her.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 1:25 pm

The appointment of Housing and Homelessness Minister Clare O’Neil has sent a message to the homelessness sector that business as usual is over and that deeper intergenerational issues will be acknowledged and perhaps even tackled.

I suspect “intergenerational issues” is poli-speak for wealth redistribution via taxes on property…e.g. an “empty bedroom tax”.

Meanwhile, Chinese immigrants in Box Hill are wondering why they came to Melbourne when the state government’s plan is to turn it into a lifestyle poor Chinese-style megacity:

Jin Zi has enjoyed life in Box Hill for more than a decade.

A few years ago, Ms Jin, who is in her 60s, purchased an apartment opposite Box Hill Gardens, a popular green park, close to shops and public transport, to enjoy her “golden years”.

Now, everywhere she turns, she is surrounded by construction.

“It is extremely inconvenient at the moment,” Ms Jin said.

“Finding a parking spot in the area has become nearly impossible”…

“With the amount of construction that’s going on in Box Hill, I’m concerned about a generation of kids that will grow up knowing large parts of Box Hill as just a construction site,” Box Hill Cr Barker said. 

“We are just the first municipality to go through this.”

ABC News

Melbourne needs 2 million homes high-rise apartments within 2 decades to accommodate projected population growth. That means doubling the exiting housing stock in the city at the expense of green space and houses with backyards.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 1:41 pm

‘Anxious Reynolds felt level of injustice over Higgins compo claims’: psychologistPaul Garvey

The court is now hearing from a psychologist who had multiple sessions with Linda Reynolds in the wake of Brittany Higgins going public with her allegations that she was raped by a co-worker in the senator’s office.

April Jones first came in contact with Senator Reynolds after she was referred to the senator through Parliament House’s Employee Assistance Program.

Ms Jones told the court how he begun speaking to Senator Reynolds shortly after she had had “an incident” in Parliament House in which she had felt anxious, shaky and dizzy.

She then held several sessions with the senator over the next two years.

During one of those, Ms Jones said the senator was feeling a heightened sense of anxiety and was feeling like she wasn’t functioning at her best when she went into the parliamentary chamber.

She said the senator had also talked about the stress of Ms Higgins’ compensation claim against the Commonwealth, saying the senator had said she hadn’t had chance to express herself, that she felt there was “a level of injustice”, and that it was affecting her mental health.

She said the senator had also raised some social media posts made by Ms Higgins, which Senator Reynolds said had “made her feel very stressed and were causing her anxiety to increase”.

Anybody, who has ever had dealings with Department of Veterans Affairs, felt injustice over the magnitude of Oggins claims, and the speed with which they were settled.

August 12, 2024 1:45 pm

 Reply to  Bruce of Newcastle

Raw mince?


Bruce of Newcastle

 August 12, 2024 12:16 pm

 Reply to  Arky

Yes of course. Earlier this morning I went out and the female spotted me. She’s nesting in a big fig tree about 50 m away, she flew over and landed on the fence. Collected a lump of mince, and dismantled it on my neighbours’ driveway. Then back to the nest! They like to fill up as fast as possible when there’re eggs to sit on.

I’m in two minds about this.
On the one hand I don’t want to encourage freeloaders, on the other it could just be good neighbourliness.
Feeding the Maggie’s. Socialism or neighbourliness?
I still want to see if I can get them to do something useful in return.

August 12, 2024 1:47 pm

The Cackling Kamel and Waltz’s new campaign anthem.

August 12, 2024 1:53 pm

I have a new theory I’m exploring.
Our politicians are the way the are because no one ever punched them in the face.
If true, I propose a new swearing in ceremony with a lottery beforehand which people can enter to be selected to punch the new politician full in the face.
My question for you: should the punch be scheduled in the proceedings, or better if the winner just gets to run up any random time and smack the bastard?
This would all have to be official and legislated of course, you can’t have people freelance just popping pollies in the head.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 12, 2024 2:02 pm

Feeding the Maggie’s. Socialism or neighbourliness?

Feeding the Magpies is good – friends for life.

Bloody big fat currawong just emptied my birdbath for the second time today.

Where are my little mates the peewees that hound them offf?

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
August 12, 2024 2:10 pm

I’d rather Clare O’Neill put her shiny brain to work fixing housings than following through on her quiet-part-out-loud Lizard People speech at the Museum of Oz Democracy.

August 12, 2024 2:33 pm

Barking Toad…whatever you do, don’t open this.


August 12, 2024 2:40 pm

Daily Mail has article about Senator Rennick having a go at Ray Gun over her PhD.

Perhaps somebody could do a PhD on whether Ray Gun position as a Uni lecturer gave her more opportunities to travel to compete compared to some more skilled break dancers. Are we looking at an actual example of white privilege?

August 12, 2024 2:44 pm

Naftali Bennett is a very impressive Israeli leader. This is a good interview disclosing some interesting information. (from Powerline):

Naftali Bennett was Israel’s 13th Prime Minister from 2021 to 2022. He has also served as Israel’s Minister of Economy, Minister of Education, and Minister of Defense, among other highlevel posts and positions in the Israel Defense Forces. Before entering public life, Bennett enjoyed a successful high-tech entrepreneur and executive career. Bennett was the keynote speaker at this year’s American Experiment Annual Dinner Gala. 

John Hinderaker: Talk a little about your background. You served with some distinction in the Israel Defense Forces. What was your role?  

Naftali Bennett: I served as a fighter in the Sayeret Matkal, which is Israel’s highest elite unit. Later, I served as a platoon commander and a company commander in another commando unit called Maglan. My main focus throughout the years was leading combat operations against Hezbollah deep behind enemy lines. That was sort of my expertise, and primarily in the 1990s. I finished my service — my basic service of six years — then I entered reserve service in which I fought in the Second Intifada in Operation Defensive Shield, I believe in Judean Samaria. Later, I commanded a commando force on a search and destroy mission during the Second Lebanon War. It was a very meaningful experience because in Israel, at a very young age, when I was 22 years old — and this is not uncommon — I found myself planning and leading complex combat operations and coordinating with artillery and air force and leading soldiers. I feel it was a privilege to be able to do these things at such a young age. 

After your military service, you began a highly successful business career in America. 

That’s right, though before I hit success, it was a very rocky road. I founded, together with three friends, a high-tech startup that sold large security systems to American banks. I operated from the United States for six years as CEO of the company until we finally sold it. It was a great opportunity to see all parts of America — from California and New York to Nebraska, Georgia, and Alabama. It was a wonderful experience. I was in New York on 9/11 and felt part of this nation that was going through such a huge crisis that we in Israel are familiar with. So, I very much respect and love the American people. 

You had another successful startup back in Israel. Is that right? 
Yes, but I was not the founder. I was brought in as a professional CEO and ran it for a while. Ultimately, it was sold, but then I pivoted into politics, which was a huge change. I don’t recommend it to anyone. 

You were highly successful and, just a couple of years ago, served as prime minister of Israel as part of a coalition government. What did you take away from that experience? 

 Leading the state of Israel is different from any other nation because all other Western nations — such as the United Kingdom, France, and America — are not under an existential threat. As prime minister, the huge responsibility of ensuring the security and eternity of the state of Israel weighs heavily, and I took it very seriously. I also learned — what I believe is the right way in politics in 2024 — to create bipartisan partnerships. 
comment image

I’m a right-wing guy. In America, I’d be considered a moderate Republican. But I’ve learned how to work with folks on the other side of the aisle to get things accomplished for my nation and for my people. My government is considered one of the most effective governments in the past generation, and even my detractors agree that it was a very effective government in terms of the economy. We drastically reduced the deficit, increased jobs, and increased security, among other things. I’m humbled to have had the privilege to shape and be part of the chain of leaders of the Israeli nation. 

Regarding the war that is currently going on with Hamas and Gaza — a war obviously started by Hamas with the horrific massacres of October 7. Yet despite that fact, Israel has come under widespread criticism around the world for trying to defend itself. Why do you think that is?  

Israel was attacked in a deliberate, horrendous terror attack, which included the burning of entire families, the rape of women, killing of babies — events that we all witnessed. We have a terror organization on our border. Imagine Al-Qaeda on America’s border post 9/11. We have no choice but to eliminate that terror organization because it’ll happen again. We’re taking more precautions than any other nation in the history of urban warfare. There are about 15,000 terrorists that we killed and, unfortunately, 15,000 civilians that Hamas is hiding behind and deliberately sending into harm’s way. The way Israel is being judged by people all around the world is by our detractors. 

Sometimes, it’s very tough to deal with. Some of it is simply holding Israel to a different standard, which in my lexicon, is antisemitism. People don’t want Israel to be able to fight back. Had we not cared about reducing civilian collateral damage, we could win the war in three days. We could just carpet bomb Gaza. But we didn’t do that and we’re fighting in a very cautious way. We’ve sent out millions of text messages, millions of pamphlets, which no one does before you attack a certain area. But we’re doing it. We moved over a million citizens away from harm’s way, and then we’re blamed for moving them by the International Court of Justice. So, whatever we do, we are criticized. That’s why we have to defeat Hamas. That’s the most resounding element of all of this. And then we take it from there. 
Israel’s goal of this war is to destroy Hamas, just as in World War II, America’s goal was to destroy the Nazi state, which we did.

Do you think that goal can be achieved?  

Absolutely. I have been told Hamas is an ideology; it’s an idea, and you can’t kill an idea. I disagree. Nazism was an idea, and once the Nazis were defeated in totality, it was gone. And then you can begin the reconstruction of a positive Germany. The same goes here. If our hands are not tied behind our backs by us or our friends, we can do the job fairly quickly. 

There has been talk about cutting back on aid to Israel, and Pres. Joe Biden has made various demands on your government. How big a problem has it been for Israel?  

Our enemies — especially Hamas and Iran — see that we are being stopped by countries around the world and it encourages them and gives them hope. Israel never asked anyone to fight our wars. We never asked Americans to come over. We’re up for the job. In fact, we’re fighting the world’s war, the free world’s war against radical Islam. We are sending our boys into harm’s way. What 9/11 has taught us is that if we don’t eliminate the sources of terror in the Middle East, they’ll go to Paris, Madrid, and the streets of New York. We expect the free world certainly not to bother us and, if possible, to help us. 

At the time when Hamas started this war, it seems that Hamas enjoyed very broad popular support in Gaza. Is that right?  

Yes. Roughly two-thirds of Gazans support Hamas and the October 7 massacre. I wish this were not the case. I wish I could say it’s only one percent, but it’s about almost 70 percent. Hamas has been poisoning and brainwashing the minds and hearts of Gaza children from a very young age. By the time they grow up, all they know about Israelis and Jews is that we are a Satan and we need to be killed and murdered. 

Once we defeat Hamas, we need to immediately stop this brain poisoning in schools, in Palestinian media, and in mosques, and we need the Palestinian Authority to stop providing money for murder. It can change. I don’t believe that when a baby is born, the baby is evil; I believe the baby and, later on, the child and the adult, are educated to hate. 

The culture that has developed in Gaza is one of hatred for Jews and for Israel, and the United Nations has played a dishonorable role. What do you think is the future of the United Nations in Gaza?  

The United Nations Agency in Gaza — UNRWA — is a horrible organization. They invited Hamas terrorists to be part of the organization. We know of endless events where UNRWA employees participated in the massacre under UNRWA facilities; they’re hiding terror bases. It has to be closed and we need a new agency that will work to actually solve the problem. UNRWA not only facilitates terror, it also wants to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee problem. 

Observers in the U.S. would say the Biden administration is meddling in Israeli politics by trying to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. What’s the reaction to that among Israelis?  

Every country needs to define its own destiny and choose its own leaders, and I think we should keep it that way. It’s no secret that in Israel, there’s a massive debate and divide regarding how Israel should be led. That’s legitimate; that’s what democracies are about, but ultimately, it’s Israel and Israeli citizens who will define our future.
Israel certainly can defeat Hamas — do you think the Israeli people have the will to see this war through to a conclusion, a successful victory, and destroy Hamas?  

That depends on having the right leadership. Leadership in war ought to be very candid with the people to not overstate things and needs to unite the nation. That’s the leadership we need in Israel, one that will unite everyone behind these objectives. I can tell you that the soldiers and the reserves, who are paying the highest price — and their families — are determined to follow this through. I hope the political leadership doesn’t let us down. In war, if you want to win, you can’t let up. 

What do you think the post-war landscape looks like? 
The parameters are fairly simple. From Israel’s point of view, there are only two goals. One is Israel’s security, and the second is we don’t want to govern Gaza. We have no desire to govern Gaza. Given these two guidelines, what we need to do is put together an interim technocratic governance of competent Palestinians, Egyptians, and, from the Emirates and Saudis, put together a technocratic appointed government to begin the first phase of reconstructing the civilian infrastructure and ending the incitement. Then, we can explore other directions for the foreseeable future. While we don’t want to govern them from a civilian standpoint, we do need to retain overall defense and security responsibility for Gaza until we feel comfortable otherwise.

The U.S. State Department and various political factions in the United States have long wanted to bring about what they call the “two-state solution” for the Middle East. Where do you think that stands today?  

It’s totally divorced from reality on the ground. Israelis supported the idea of a Palestinian state back 30 years ago during the Oslo Accords. We tried it once in Judean Samaria, and it backfired, and we got the Second Intifada and 1,600 Israelis murdered. Then we tried it again in Gaza and what we got was 18 years of hell and tens of thousands of rockets from the very place that we provided them to build their own future. 
Israelis don’t want to hear about a Palestinian state, certainly not in the foreseeable future. I have four children; my oldest son is joining the elite commando unit in three months. We’re the ones paying the price. We know what’s right for us, and this would be a huge mistake and mainstream Israelis on the left and right oppose that for now. 

There is another front in this war in the northern part of Israel with Hezbollah firing rockets. What’s the status there?  

All of that is from Iran. I coined a doctrine several years back called the Iranian Octopus of Terror. So we have an octopus of terror whose head is in Tehran standing with its tentacles all across the Middle East into Lebanon with Hezbollah into Gaza, with Hamas and Islamic Jihad into Yemen, and into Iraq and Syria. What these arms do is inflict terror and chaos wherever they can and are trying to hit Israel. It would be a mistake for us to fight individually each of those tentacles because that’s exactly what Iran wants us to do. What I suggested as a new doctrine is that we should focus our national security energy on the Iranian regime. It’s a rotten, incompetent, radical regime despised by Iranians, and it’s causing most of the problems in the Middle East, including Hezbollah. I believe that just as the Soviet Union was an empire of terror, which was rotting, so is Iran; it’s destined to fall, and the Iranian people will be free again. 

There was a news story stating that the Biden administration was urging our Western European allies not to take various actions against Iran. Are you seeing that kind of hesitancy from our government? 

I never criticize another government. I’ll just say that it’s in the interest of the United States — if we want to reduce global terror, if we want to reduce the threat on the U.S. and Israel and our allies — there are actions that we can take that will dramatically help. And it’s primarily choking Iran’s regime of funds. That way, their ability to conduct terror will degrade dramatically, and that’s what we need to be doing. 

It’s believed that Iran is close to having nuclear weapons. Does that change the calculation dramatically, or is that more irrelevant if the approach is mostly economic?  

It’s all the more reason to accelerate the toppling of Iran. We want to topple the Iranian regime before they acquire nuclear weapons. They have acquired a great deal of highly enriched uranium, enough for eight to 10 nuclear weapons. However, they’ve not gone through the entire weaponization process, but I would call them a threshold state. We don’t want them to go nuclear like North Korea, so the time to act is now.
What role do you see yourself playing politically in Israel’s future? 

I’ll be at the place where I can help my nation the most. I finished serving as prime minister. I was going to take 10 years off of politics, but little did I know that within a year and a half, our country would be under so many disasters, and beyond my family, the most important thing for me is to serve my nation. 

Last edited 1 month ago by Vicki
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 2:45 pm

The face of a man who just lost his $9MILLION bonus: Shattered ex-Qantas boss Alan Joyce is spotted looking glum on a park bench after receiving devastating news
Daily Mail.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 12, 2024 2:57 pm

 August 12, 2024 1:10 pm

Reply to  Steve trickler
Can you go to see her, or is she far away? Can you do a facetime call?

I am staying a few days with her … perhaps longer.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2024 3:01 pm

Shattered ex-Qantas boss Alan Joyce is spotted looking glum on a park bench after receiving devastating news

Why is he still here? Can’t he go home?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 3:03 pm

Old white guy …
There’s your oft used (by the left) trifecta of hypocrisy.
Ageist, Racist, Sexist.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2024 3:04 pm

If it were up to me, he still wouldn’t have been calling Australia home some time ago.

August 12, 2024 3:17 pm

The OnslaughtMedia’s Full Court Press

“Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a coordinated effort by the media, and especially in social media, to show that Kamala Harris is popular and can beat Trump. It’s designed to break the spirit of Trump voters who were very fired up after the botched assassination attempt. They want you to think there is no chance and you should stay quiet and especially stay home.”

“Democrats are hilarious. Everyone, them included, thought Kamala Harris was embarrassing. Now she is a mix of Angela Merkel and Margaret Thatcher.”

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
August 12, 2024 3:20 pm

From Powerline Blog- one of the online Free Trinity- pointing out the link between the forcible transfer of wealth and the global warming hobgoblin.
*i don’t agree with everything Hinderaker rites, and i don’t agree that the industrial revolution was neccesarily a transfer of wealth- it was only an explosion of wealth.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 3:22 pm

Naftali Bennett is a very impressive Israeli leader.

He’s also very sexy.

August 12, 2024 3:27 pm

Thank you for the stunning Space X clip Bruce.

Lego kids running rampant.

August 12, 2024 3:31 pm

Greg Gutfield explains Trump.

Excellent 2:35 minute summary of why Trump is so successful as a national leader.

August 12, 2024 3:56 pm

Elon Musk tweeted this fine prose earlier today.
Hat Tip, Michael Smith.

August 12, 2024 4:06 pm

Today it has been 24 year since the sinking of the Kursk.
I remember that time.
Those poor mothers who were being injected with sedatives whilst they were standing and crying for answers.

August 12, 2024 4:09 pm

Well well well “good old” Dave Kelly, CFMEU Member for Bassendean in WA has his big committee report on child abuse coming out on Thursday.

I’m 100% certain it will focus on all institutions equally and not, say, place one single organisation in the sh!te….

(However, based on his “prelim” advice in an interview to 6PR last week, the monstrous three eyed insidious Catholics are going to be to blame again*.

This is the same guy who asked why Pell got a funeral in the Vatican last year, oh, and the same guy who feigned a punch at a female Nationals MP year before last…

*I’m not saying some Catholics aren’t to blame but when only 5 govt schools were reviewed by the Royal Commission, something’s a bit suss…

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 12, 2024 4:14 pm

Mike Burgess is a prick. But you know that. Sky News:

The Coalition has demanded the Albanese government raise the threshold for the granting of visas for Palestinian refugees from Gaza in a bid to prevent Hamas sympathisers entering Australia, following remarks from the country’s top spy chief.

Over the weekend, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) boss Mike Burgess said Palestinians who expressed “rhetorical support” for the terror organisation would not be immediately blocked because they “want their homeland”.

“If it’s just rhetorical support, and they don’t have an ideology or support for a violent extremism ideology, then that’s not a problem,” he told ABC’s Insiders.

“If they have a support for that ideology, then that will be a problem.”

The comments have raised eyebrows, with shadow home affairs minister James Paterson describing the situation as “deeply disturbing” there is “no guarantee” from the government that Hamas supporters were not being brought into Australia.

Mr Paterson stressed zero supporters of the terror organisation should be brought in, but stopped short of criticising the ASIO boss who the Senator believed “very accurately described the current situation under the Albanese government”.

“Now it’s not a matter for a director general of an intelligence agency to set policy. It’s up to the government to set policy,” the Liberal Senator said on Sky News Australia.

He then urged the Albanese government to be transparent and reveal how it would ensure Hamas supporters would not be granted a visa to live in Australian communities.

It is understood about 1,300 Palestinians have been so far granted temporary visas to stay, with the government set to announce a path for permanent residency.

Some of the refugees are unable to work due to the conditions on their visa.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007 and were responsible for the October 7 attacks in Israel, which left almost 1,200 people dead and hundreds of others kidnapped.

Mr Paterson also flagged there appeared to be an “unseemly” rush by the government to get people out of Gaza, raising concerns appropriate testing was not being conducted.

“When we brought other cohorts like this out of the Middle East for example… they were taken to third countries for very careful vetting and screening before they came to Australia so we could be assured they didn’t pose a risk to the community,” he said.

“I don’t see any evidence that same care has been applied in this case and it’s up to the Albanese government to explain why there was such a rush and those checks didn’t happen as they should have.”

There’s a bit more in the article. But yet to hear a peep from Burgess over the tweet from the Iranian ambassador last week. Which was very explicit and straightforward.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 4:16 pm

The matter of Linda Reynolds’ lost Carla Zampatti jacket has had yet another airing in the senator’s defamation battle against Brittany Higgins.

Senator Reynolds’ partner Robert Reid has discussed a meeting they had with Bruce Lehrmann’s lawyer Steve Whybrow before the start of Mr Lehrmann’s rape trial.

Mr Reid said Mr Whybrow showed them video footage of Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann entering Parliament House on the night of the alleged rape, as well as footage of Ms Higgins leaving the building.

Ms Higgins left the building wearing a black and white striped jacket that she was not wearing when she arrived.

He said the footage of Ms Higgins leaving triggered a response from Senator Reynolds.

“There was a discussion about the jacket,” Mr Reid said.

“Linda saw Brittany leaving, my recollection is Linda said ‘there it is, there’s my jacket’.”

The jacket was mentioned several times during the trial last week, with Senator Reynolds describing how she was angry that Ms Higgins had not returned the item of clothing.

August 12, 2024 4:21 pm

I just realised that Jane Hansen – who is singularly responsible for poisoning hundreds of thousands of babies in Australia – has died.

I hope Monty doesn’t get anything similar.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 12, 2024 4:27 pm

Shattered ex-Qantas boss Alan Joyce is spotted looking glum on a park bench after receiving devastating news

It should only be a matter of time until he is spotted looking glum, muttering to himself in an animated manner, eyes darting this way then that, wearing what must once have been very fine trousers but are now visibly frayed, smeared with dirt and grease, and hanging loosely from his waist.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
August 12, 2024 4:34 pm

Just on the break dancing professor and the criticism of art degrees up thread. I got my BA in 1993 and have found it useful. Don’t get me wrong, the relativism creep was on back then but I managed to get the wisdom of a few tweed-jacket types. The rot was set in though: I remember some idiot tute saying Toni Morrison’s unreadable Beloved was on par with Shakespeare. Glad I got out and didn’t go back for my hat and do an MA

August 12, 2024 4:41 pm

Banker’s hours.

Yuliya Lavysh was thrilled to accept a job offer from Bank of America
while a student at Smith University. She quit in 2022 after three years in the Chicago office, where senior bankers kept her and her teammates at their desks until 5 a.m. and instructed them to lie about their hours. Once, she said, she worked until 4 a.m. in the office and was on her way home in a taxi, only for her boss to request more changes for a proposal to a client and to leave a printed copy for senior staff to review later that morning. She asked the cabdriver to turn around. 
Roy Wang worked as a junior investment banker for the bank in Tokyo. He said he meticulously logged his overtime hours. But when human resources told his bosses he was working too much, a manager told him to report only as many as were allowed by the bank’s policies. He said he continued to work at least one all-nighter every week—saying it wasn’t unusual for junior bankers to catch a few hours of sleep in a bathroom stall or a conference room. He left after his doctor flagged his cholesterol and other indicators had spiked to unhealthy levels.
An analyst on the Latin American finance team in New York collapsed last year after working long hours, prompting his colleagues to call an ambulance to the office. 
Another New York banker, currently a vice president, checked into a hospital this year after he felt rundown and sick from working around the clock—yet he chose to continue fulfilling tasks and took client calls from his hospital bed. 
Then in May, a Bank of America associate died. He had been putting in over 100 hours a week to finish work on a $2 billion acquisition. 
The Wall Street Journal spoke to more than three dozen people familiar with the working conditions at Bank of America, including former and current investment bankers ranging from junior to executive level in offices around the world.

August 12, 2024 4:42 pm

Black Ball
 August 12, 2024 4:14 pm

Mike Burgess is a prick.

Over the weekend, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) boss Mike Burgess said Palestinians who expressed “rhetorical support” for the terror organisation would not be immediately blocked because they “want their homeland”.

“If it’s just rhetorical support, and they don’t have an ideology or support for a violent extremism ideology, then that’s not a problem,” he told ABC’s Insiders.

On the basis of that comment I’d say the dominant mental trait is idiocy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 4:43 pm

PM pressed on Makarrata commitment
Anthony Albanese has been avoided outlining his government’s commitment to Makarrata after he made comments described as “confusing” by key architects of the Uluru statement.

Liberal MP Melissa Price asked the Prime Minister during question time on Monday why public money was still allotted for the creation of a Makarrata commission if he had ruled out one.

Mr Albanese spoke at length about the need to forge a way forward to “close the gap” by addressing key challenges facing Indigenous Australians, including high suicide and incarceration rates.

But even after the Speaker directed him to “return to the question”, the Prime Minister did not address the question of aMakarrata commission or funds to set one up.

“Makarrata is the Yolngu word … for a coming together after struggle,” he said, adding that his government was “seeking” forways “in which we can come together”.

Mr Albanese gave his response to a chorus of interjections, including by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, who said: “You are a disgrace.”

Refererendum? What referendum?

August 12, 2024 4:57 pm

Re Tim Walz…

Neighbourliness is preparing a meal for your neighbour when they’re sick.

Socialism is the government putting its hand in your pocket to feed a dozen people you don’t even know.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 12, 2024 4:59 pm

I hope Monty doesn’t get anything similar.

We are all familiar with the idea of Heaven – a paradise where the righteous and the virtuous dwell for eternity in the presence of God.

Hell…well, most people see that as the place that holds the vicious, the malign, the cruel, those who consciously visited misery on the world away from God.

But there must be some other realm where the malicious but stupid are to spend eternity – for people with 5 gram souls who wrought (or tried to) 50 megatons of ruin. Whatever entity it is that serves as warden of that terrible place you can be sure every time Monty flirts a little casually with annihilation (sticking his todger in a power point because a conservative electrician said “Don’t dick around with electricity” perhaps, or when he is on the verge of splitting open because he reckons that even when full there is room for more donuts because the ones he has eaten have holes that can be filled) then that entity breaks out the planks of wood and nails and boards the place up, turns the lights off, and bids his charges shut up or else.

That Monty is still in the land of the living can only be accounted for through the swift and determined actions of some unseen entity to bar the portal through which he should properly relieve our world of his presence.

Well, that is enough theology for today.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mother Lode
August 12, 2024 5:00 pm

Re the helicopter crashing into a Cairns hotel last night – does anyone know what a helicopter would be doing hovering over Cairns CBD at 2 am? How did this happen? Da meeja are not showing much interest.

I commend Zatara’s link at 3.31pm about why Trump is the guy you want on your side. He wishes that Trump was his agent.

Arky should keep homing pigeons, which could be useful in wartime.

Finally, this article at the excellent The Conservative Woman site highlights some of the issues around the latest wonder weight loss drug. If it looks too good to be true …

Nearby is another article about Molesworth; when Nigel opines on seaside holidays during school breaks he kno of what he speek.

August 12, 2024 5:00 pm

Raygun is a privileged white settler colonialist arguing that making breaking an Olympic sport will take it away from the rightful owners, underprivileged minority indigenous.
Which is exactly what she did.

August 12, 2024 5:00 pm

“If it’s just rhetorical support, and they don’t have an ideology or support for a violent extremism ideology, then that’s not a problem,” he told ABC’s Insiders.

So, “gas the Jews” is not a problem then?

Lovely country we used to have.

August 12, 2024 5:01 pm

Update on the phony polling between Trump and cackles:

And the huge crowds (not) flocking to cackles; very amusing:

August 12, 2024 5:07 pm


All this is just to make her look like a winner, so the cheating looks less suspect.

Pennsylvania as you obviously read is now guaranteed to cheat and likely so are most of the marginal states.

Watch, they’ll boost her popular vote to 88 million votes.

August 12, 2024 5:08 pm

Subsidised child care increases the advantages of the already advantaged.
They should definitely stop all that reading and level the playing field.

August 12, 2024 5:10 pm





JD Vance is doing the Sunday shows taking interviews. Tim Walz is dodging them like it’s a deployment.

August 12, 2024 5:11 pm

We are all familiar with the idea of Heaven – a paradise where the righteous and the virtuous dwell for eternity in the presence of God.

What degree of righteousness or virtue would I need to get into this heaven of yours, ML?

Because God’s Heaven requires perfection.

Something to ponder if we’re talking theology.


Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 12, 2024 5:17 pm

 Harris’s crowds are fake,

They aren’t even her crowds. She does guest walk ons at rock concerts and calls them her rallies. Just for the photo op. The pathetic nutty bint.

No wonder you fell for it , m0ron.

August 12, 2024 5:24 pm

Can Harris and Walz Keep Hiding Who They Are?
How long can “Harris and Waltz continue to hide their true selves as what is left of a broken media covers for them”?

August 12, 2024 5:27 pm

All this is just to make her look like a winner, so the cheating looks less suspect.

Establishing plausibility.

August 12, 2024 5:31 pm


Pennsylvania just informed us they are going to cheat. Those two arseholes don’t have to do a single interview.

August 12, 2024 5:33 pm

Mike Burgess is a prick.
Over the weekend, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) boss Mike Burgess said Palestinians who expressed “rhetorical support” for the terror organisation would not be immediately blocked because they “want their homeland”.

Burgess is highly regarded by many whose opinion I would normally listen to. But of late I am less confidant. Burgess may be caught in a difficult position with this government – as may be indicated by his exclusion from the inner discussions on security. This has recently been revised by Albanese’s mob.

The latter may have affected his public opinion on the Gazan refugee intakes and opinions on Hamas – but it damn well should not. As a consequence, I am losing confidence in his ability to advise the government on the security issues involved in the whole support for the Palestinian cause in this country.

Would like to know what he actually advised individual state governments on the disgusting “protests” of the supporters of the Palestinians. Most probably – “don’t react” since it may invite more serious responses.

I very much doubt if that is considered a wise reaction by most Australians. But, these days what we think is not considered relevant.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 12, 2024 5:38 pm

Some of these dance moves are bonkers!

Newcleus – Jam On It 1984

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 5:39 pm

Fatal tourist chopper flight in Cairns ‘unauthorised and unplanned’Robyn Ironside
3 hours ago.
Updated 34 minutes ago

The Australian Business Network

A man who stole a helicopter from Cairns Airport in the early hours of Monday morning and flew it into a waterfront hotel full of people, ending his own life, was believed to be an employee of Nautilus Aviation.
The R44 Robinson helicopter belonging to Nautilus, was taken from a general aviation hangar at the airport about 1.48am, and flown low and erratically for a mere 4 minutes before crashing into the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel in the no-fly zone of Cairns Esplanade.
The sole occupant of the chopper was declared dead at the scene.
An elderly couple whose room was below the point of impact, was taken to hospital suffering shock and minor injuries as a result of windows shattering.
Nautilus Aviation chief executive Aaron Finn confirmed the flight was unplanned and unauthorised.
Mr Finn said all pilots who worked for Nautilus were safe and accounted for, but he could not rule out the possibility someone else in the company was responsible.
“We have quite a lot of staff in the organisation. We can’t identify (the person responsible) from CCTV footage, it’s very dark,” he said.
The crash caused a fire on the roof of the hotel, and up to 400 guests and staff were evacuated as emergency services swarmed the scene.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2024 5:43 pm


 August 12, 2024 10:50 am

 Reply to  Bruce of Newcastle

I have a dad bod, no shame in that even though you lot try your best. My fitness levels have improved on the ADHD meds such that I run out a game of hockey much better these days. Turns out, amphetamines are performance-enhancing! Whodathunkit. ?

Much is explained. The frenetic posting is because mUntyfa is on the meth.

It might improve the physical performance, but the problem with mental issues seems to be exacerbated.

August 12, 2024 5:53 pm


August 12, 2024 5:49 pm

Reply to  JC

They say lots of things JC.

It was a close call last time and the Dems shot their fraud wads doing it.

The election is 3 months away. Covid isn’t an excuse to violate the voting laws this time, the fraud tricks are (mostly) known, and they are actively being fought this time.


Every shithole country is able to count the votes on the same day. Pennsylvania threatens it may not have the result on the evening. This is an attempt to cheat. There’s no other reason.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 12, 2024 6:00 pm

Whoever stole that helicopter in Cairns, they knew how to fly one.
Until their identity is discovered, it won’t be known what was their level of experience or recency.

August 12, 2024 6:06 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 6:10 pm

Whoever stole that helicopter in Cairns, they knew how to fly one.

Well, they’d completed the course as far as take-offs go, and a little bit of flying…

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 12, 2024 6:16 pm

How long can “Harris and Waltz continue to hide their true selves as what is left of a broken media covers for them”?
It’s “Mars Attacks” all over again.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 12, 2024 6:18 pm

Cats, the word of the day is ento-veganism!

Eating Ze Bugs Is Vegan’ – What The Rise Of “Ento-Veganism” Really Means (12 Aug)

The latest “Dude, eating insects is so hip and cool” article dropped this week, this time from The Guardian, and with a little twist thrown in.

It’s pushing the idea of “ento-veganism”, that is to say “vegans” who won’t eat animals…except insects. …

Last year, eating lab-grown meat became “vegan”…

Okaaay, meat is now vegan so long as it is cultured in a vat. And insects are vegan. Yum!

August 12, 2024 6:21 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
August 12, 2024 6:22 pm

BoN should go back to the stadium “AI” tweet he was squawking about yesterday.
Some additional “context” has been added by Community Notes.

I counted 3 images during the last 24h claimed by some here to be AI fakes from the Harris campaign and so far none of them have turned out to be fakes from the Harris campaign. I have no doubt that if Harris Co are audacious enough to try such a move I’ll be rapidly informed about it from the eagle eyes here. Just a shame about the false positives.

Regarding the Salty video showing the black curtains around the 2nd tier of the stadium, okay that one looks authentically bad.

August 12, 2024 6:46 pm
August 12, 2024 6:48 pm

This is in response to Arky.
I’m for bringing back a cream pie smack in the middle of the face.Here’s how to do it by the Great Buster Keaton

August 12, 2024 6:51 pm

db, what are your trusted bloggers saying about reports that Ukraine and Russia are both fortifying their lines in Kursk? Sounds like Putin might not organise an immediate counter attack to retake Russian land. Amazing if that happens.

Last edited 1 month ago by m0nty
August 12, 2024 6:54 pm

In Christianity, as in the West generally, the elites always betray base Western/Christian values:

The Archbishop of CantJustin Welby is siding with those who have abandoned civilisation for the surrender to barbarism
The Archbishop of Cant – Melanie Phillips (

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 6:59 pm

Just watched Firebrand, the new movie about Katherine Parr, Henry VIII’s sixth and final wife.

Beautifully filmed, and the lighting designer is worthy of an Oscar. But don’t bother with the rest (spoiler alert)…

Of course there have to be a few black people in it, but the worst feature is the manipulation of history. Katherine is of course a feminist/Marxist type. In the end due to Bishop Gardiner’s plotting she is locked up in the Tower (didn’t happen), but is out in time to help Henry’s death along. Which also is totally without foundation.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 7:07 pm

On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 55% of 58 critics’ reviews are positive, with an average rating of 5.6/10. The website’s consensus reads: “Divorced from the historical record with little to show for it, Firebrand is a period piece whose revisionist aims are at odds with its stultifying approach.

August 12, 2024 7:08 pm
August 12, 2024 7:08 pm

 have a couple of 10 L plastic trays on the carport and the shed roof. Have to be refilled sometimes twice a day on busy washing days. Currawongs, noisies, blue faced honey eaters, rainbow lorikeets especially, but also the magpies and kookas sometimes as well.

I use an old toilet cistern to keep the fountain/bird bath topped up. Just have a return from the bird bath to the cistern. Cistern is mounted below the level of the birdbath. The automatic water on/off mechanism keeps the cistern full when birds empty the bird bath and not as much returns to the cistern. Mine’s been working for so many years I have forgotten, You need an immersible pump with at least 2m lift though.

August 12, 2024 7:10 pm



“NO freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his freehold, or liberties, or free customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will we not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either justice or right.”

1 2 3 4
  1. Hezzies got hezzed .. LOL!

  2. I just waved good bye to my compasion when I flushed. Yes, I’m awful. I blame the Jews. 🙂

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x