Open Thread – Mon 12 Aug 2024

Street in Venice, John Singer Sargent, 1882

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Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 7:10 pm

Australian taxpayers in the grips of a cost of living crisis have been left fuming after learning Olympic breakdancer Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn received government funding to study the artform.

Raygun’s failed routine at the 2024 Paris Olympics has been pilloried after she failed to score a single point and was mocked globally on social media.

The Sydneysider took up the sport in 2012 and obtained a PhD in ‘breaking culture’ prior to her highly ridiculed routine at the Games. 

Raygun is a lecturer at Sydney’s Macquarie University in the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature.

Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick quoted Raygun’s official Macquarie University profile in a Facebook post after she went viral, pointing out that she received taxpayer subsidies to study breakdancing at the institution. 

‘Lots of discussion about the Australian breakdancing representative at the Olympics,’ Senator Rennick posted.

‘I’m more interested in her actual profession. She attended Macquarie University for her bachelor’s degree in contemporary music, graduating in 2009, and for her PhD in cultural studies, graduating in 2017. 

Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn (pictured) has been competing in breaking since 2012 and holds a PhD on the topic from Macquarie University

Gunn received widespread criticism for her breaking routine at the Olympics and became a worldwide viral sensation

‘Raygun’s PhD thesis focused on ‘the intersection of gender and Sydney’s breaking culture’ … her publications include:

The ‘systems of relay’ in doing cultural studies: experimenting with the ‘Body without Organs’ in b-girling practice

Nocturnal Paradox: How Breakdancing Reveals the Potentials of the Night

Where the #bgirls at? politics of (in)visibility in breaking culture

‘In the same way breakdancing doesn’t belong in the Olympics it’s fair to say taxpayers shouldn’t be subsidising Universities to study or teach it,’ he continued.

‘Nothing against break dancing by the way. By all means it’s a fair recreational activity, but that’s it. It shouldn’t be subsidised.

‘It also begs the question – just how many obscure and pointless courses do Universities offer that are subsidised by the taxpayer?

‘It also goes to show just because you have a PhD in something doesn’t mean you are any good at it.’

Daily Mail

August 12, 2024 7:12 pm

100% correct.


The new psyop hoax by the globalists in the UK is the entirely flawed notion that people carry out violent acts because they read something on social media. This is the entirely FALSE government disinformation! Needs to be called out as a BIG LIE! They want to arrest the opposition influencers that’s all!

August 12, 2024 7:14 pm


‘English Fascism, when it arrives, is likely to be of a sedate and subtle kind. Probably a slimy Anglicised form of Fascism, with cultured policemen instead of Nazi gorillas and the lion and the unicorn instead of the swastika.’ — George Orwell, 1937

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 7:15 pm

Just watched Firebrand, the new movie about Katherine Parr, Henry VIII’s sixth and final wife.

Beautifully filmed, and the lighting designer is worthy of an Oscar. But don’t bother with the rest (spoiler alert)…

Of course there have to be a few black people in it, but the worst feature is the manipulation of history. Katherine is of course a feminist/Marxist type. In the end due to Bishop Gardiner’s plotting she is locked up in the Tower (didn’t happen), but is out in time to help Henry’s death along. Which also is totally without foundation.

I simply cannot stand this deliberate distortion of history. It make me physically sick, like having a black actress play Anne Boleyn and Queen Charlotte, the long suffering wife of George III. I want to throw bricks at the television.

Hear this, there were no black people at Henry’s court, NADA, ZILCH, NONE. There were one or two Marrano Jews. There are no historical records to say there were black people, such a person would have stood out like a sore thumb.

As for Katherine Parr being a feminist/Marxist….LOL. She married Henry when she actually wanted to marry Thomas Seymour (Jane’s brother). Katherine wanted more than anything to be a traditional wife and have children. Thomas and Seymour and Katherine Parr were in love but Henry wanted her, because he wanted a woman to look after him. She was considered safe, except whilst not a feminist (there was no such), rather she was into what Henry, Gardiner and Norfolk regarded as suspect and dodgy “religious reform’.

She didn’t help Henry’s death along, she nursed him.

I will not watch such garbage.

August 12, 2024 7:16 pm
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 12, 2024 7:17 pm

Anne Aly (PhD) is another useful rube, lecturer in the “Literature” of… deconstructing Islamic extremism, which of course is concentrated on right-wing nabobs.

August 12, 2024 7:18 pm


By now, you must immediately recognize this pure Grade-A unpasteurized bullshit as just a calculated pretext to unleash the full force of the counterintelligence divisions of your most powerful spy agencies against your domestic political enemies.

August 12, 2024 7:19 pm


Just imagine this kind of sadistic shit being posted on their official gov’t account to do home roundups of London BLM rioters in 2020. They can only get away with this for the same reason their targets were protesting — they’re society’s only totally, utterly, unprotected class.

August 12, 2024 7:21 pm
August 12, 2024 7:25 pm

I really despise the pommy establishment- again I where’s the ‘king’?

August 12, 2024 7:27 pm

The Gimp is becoming increasingly hysterical. He has taken to bombing Melbourne with “Harris 2024” leaflets hoping to sway opinion the cackler’s way. The fact that we can’t vote in US elections matters not to the Gimp.
Here is the latest NPC leaflet.

comment image

August 12, 2024 7:29 pm
August 12, 2024 7:58 pm
August 12, 2024 8:04 pm

Lay down Sally makes way for net zero Raygun

August 12, 2024 8:23 pm

My response to Blackball’s 4:14pm post:

Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007 and were responsible for the October 7 attacks in Israel, which left almost 1,200 people dead and hundreds of others kidnapped.

… the October 7 attacks …

Note the lack of adjectives such as ‘unprovoked’. Not even the garden-variety ‘controversial.’

…which left…

Mysteriously, ambiguously ‘left’ people dead.

…1,200 people dead…

Two-thirds of whom were innocent, unarmed citizens, including foreigners, several of whom were apparently hacked or beaten to death: ‘Butchered’ and ‘slaughtered’ seem to be highly applicable in this context. But not to the elite’s info-miltia.

… hundreds of others kidnapped…

Again, a large number of whom were unarmed citizens, including foreigners. Aside from Israeli efforts, there has been a deeply disturbing conspicuous silence from other major governments and international organisations regarding the fate and wellbeing of these hostages. The media, by and large, has assigned these hostages – of whom an unknown number have been subsequently murdered – a value considerably less than the average Gazan terrozen (terrorist-citizen).

I will continue stating this until people scream into their Weetbix for me to stop: The majority of the legacy/dinosaur media are willing enablers and active supporters of/for these h@m@nimals. They are international proxies and should be seen as … hmmm, I need to watch my language here, don’t I?

These media enablers/proxies are NOT the neutral observers they claim to be. Their deceit by either omission or commission contributes measurably to the overall aims of the subhuman vermin. Without this support network, the crisis would have remained largely local or regional.

The self-professed ‘gatekeepers’ have benefited enormously from this human misery and trauma; psychopaths live and breath among us, smug in the knowledge we won’t identify them as what they truly are.

Last edited 1 month ago by Muddy
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2024 8:32 pm

Excellent article in Conservative Woman (see Johanna’s comment mentioning it at 5pm) on Ozempic, the new weight-loss drug so popular these days. It is restricted to pre-diabetic and diabetic people but is sought after and often prescribed for simple weight loss without diabetes or anything incipient. I think it is a series of class action lawsuits in the making – they have already started.

Most drugs have problems and Ozempic may be ok for some people who are very obese, but its problems are too many for comfort or wide use. They include gastrointestinal disorders causing nausea or constipation, gallstones, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer risks, thyroid cancer risks, diabetic retinopathy, loss of sexual function, psychiatric depression and suicidal ideation, loss of lean muscle mass as well as fat (bad for the elderly) and general dehydration. OK, some of these things are exacerbated by full blown diabetes, and some of these things seem trivial and like many side-effects lists, they don’t affect most people or if they do they are controllable effects.

What is not trivial are those effects that are irreversible, and this is where the lawsuits are beginning. Number one is due to the way Ozempic works, i.e. it removes insulin spikes and slows up digestive processes while removing appetite – all good you may think. But, a major irreversible effect is that Ozempic can cause a gastroparesis (stomach paralysis, also called ‘frozen’ stomach) where the stomach will never again empty properly and thus it will cause dietary problems for life, requiring surgical intervention and in some cases causing death. Another irreversible effect is optic nerve damage, which can cause blindness. You don’t have to be diabetic to get this.

This game is not worth the candle. Do not take this drug unless your obesity is so bad you will die from that first.

Try a glucose-limited carb-limited diet instead. Spend the money on steak (red meats and chicken) and salads and some fruits and other vegies. Good results are obtained by a sensible diabetic diet limiting carbs.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 8:33 pm

‘Zero points on purpose’: Megan Davis slams Raygun’s Olympic displayMohammad Alfares
2 hours ago.
Updated 1 hours ago


Megan Davis, right, has slammed Raygun’s performance in Paris.
Indigenous leader and sports administrator Megan Davis has blasted viral Australian Olympic breakdancer Rachel Gunn as a “disgrace” and claimed she got “zero points on purpose”.
Dr Gunn became an internet sensation over the weekend for her bizarre performance in Paris as Australia’s representative in the divisive breaking category.
Professor Davis – an NRL commissioner and a key architect of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – said the attempt by her academic fellow was a “disgrace”.
“Getting zero points on purpose in three rounds for an academic study subsidised by the taxpayer both at a university and Olympic level isn’t funny and isn’t ‘having a go’,” Dr Davis said on ­social media. “(It’s) disrespectful to other competitors.
“I’m glad most ­Aussies aren’t buying the Kool-Aid.

Can we see Megan Davis breakdancing?

August 12, 2024 8:48 pm

Talking about movies. There’s a really good French movie on Prime called The Wrong Victim. Without going into much detail, it’s about a rape and a murder and how the two crimes are intertwined.

French criminal law is very interesting. A judge also acts as the prosecutor.

August 12, 2024 8:49 pm

Battle of the Doctors for doctors they are

August 12, 2024 8:50 pm

Excellent article in Conservative Woman (see Johanna’s comment mentioning it at 5pm) on Ozempic, the new weight-loss drug so popular these days. It is restricted to pre-diabetic and diabetic people but is sought after and often prescribed for simple weight loss without diabetes or anything incipient. I think it is a series of class action lawsuits in the making – they have already started.

Liz, there was a report on the drug this morning, on a podcast. It’s supposed to increase libido, especially for octogenarians. True.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2024 8:54 pm

John Pike’s book tells the story of one Herbert Bleyer – veteran of Stalingrad, with the German Army, served with the Foreign Legion at Dien Bien Phu, wounded three times during the final fighting at the hill strong points, and was spared the death marches and the P.O.W. camps by being one of those repatriated from the battlefield after the French surrender..

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
August 12, 2024 8:57 pm


The conversation between Trump and Musk is at 10am AEST tomorrow, supposedly on twitter on @realDonaldTrump account.
Here’s hoping it is copied to other places where you won’t need a twitter account to watch it.

August 12, 2024 8:58 pm

Drive-by post. Apologies if you’ve already seen it.

Elon memes.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 8:59 pm

Blind Freddie could have seen this coming:

Share hire e-scooters are set to be booted from Melbourne’s CBD following a surge in complaints from city residents and businesses, who called for the scheme to be scrapped.

The Herald Sun understands that Lord Mayor Nick Reece will on Tuesday move an amended motion at a Future Melbourne committee meeting to cancel the contracts with e-scooter providers Lime and Neuron, which operate in the City of Melbourne.

The motion is expected to be carried with the support of a majority of councillors.

Then again, it is Nick Reece who we’re talking about:

Last week, Mr Reece said that while the scheme had been popular in Melbourne, there had also been “serious issues”. 

“I admit I was a supporter of the e-scooters when they when first started, but I am fed up with the rule breaking and seeing the scooters strewn all over the city like rubbish, cluttering our footpaths and creating a trip hazard and mobility challenges,” he said on Friday.

“Riders continue to break the law, endangering others and themselves, creating a nuisance on our streets.”

He added: “Most riders do the right thing — but some continue to break the law. They endanger themselves and others by riding on footpaths, riding without helmets, double-dinking and leaving e-scooters thrown across the city like rubbish.”

The comments beneath the Herald-Sun article are amusing.

August 12, 2024 9:02 pm

On the subject of the weight loss drug and increased libido. I reckon that’s science in reverse. If a 200 kilo slob loses say 100 kilos by using the weight loss drug, of course libido should rise. It’s not the drug itself causing the tingle, it’s as a result of the weight loss.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 9:09 pm

French criminal law is very interesting. 

Yep, very different to our criminal law.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 9:13 pm

Share hire e-scooters are set to be booted from Melbourne’s CBD following a surge in complaints from city residents and businesses, who called for the scheme to be scrapped.

They’re dangerous. A few months ago, I nearly got knocked over by a share bike.

August 12, 2024 9:22 pm

“Can we see Megan Davis breakdancing?”

She’s absolutely on the money that Gunn deliberately performed a rubbish routine.
Have a look at her winning a local competition.
Still rubbish but not as rubbish as Paris.

Last edited 1 month ago by Rosie
Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 9:28 pm

Further to Tudor England and ‘blacks’, almost two years ago I saw a very good Danish movie called Margrete, Queen of the North. It was based on a true story, about Denmark’s last Queen to reign in her own right in the early 1400s. Her reign was marked by considerable bloodshed, war and succession turbulence, and after her reign ended Denmark then introduced salic law which remained in place for the next six hundred years, until the 1950s when the law was finally changed so Fred’s mum (and our Mary’s mother-in-law) Queen Margrethe could ascend the throne in her own right (she was one of three sisters born to King Frederick).

I love history, and this historical film was truly excellent. What was even more excellent was that the script writers, director and producers etc did not play with history to suit modern wank tastes. They didn’t woke wash the film, there were no black actors used because it would have been ridiculous, ludicrous and grotesque. Medieval records, particularly royal, aristocratic and church records, actually provide us with some deep and penetrating insights into the medieval world. I can assure all there were no black men and women in medieval 1400s Denmark nor were there any black people in Tudor England.

August 12, 2024 9:30 pm

It was more like a weird interpretive dance.

Comrade Montgomery is an educated person and thus knows of such things, he can tell us what it was about.

August 12, 2024 9:32 pm

JC watch Spiral series on SBS on demand. Cop and French legal system on display. We loved it.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2024 9:34 pm

It’s not just putting black people into situations where they never were, it’s inserting modern woke ideas into historical situations. I wrote here recently on giving up on the movie Lady Jane for that reason. Lady Jane Grey and her husband were depicted as campaigners for more dosh for the peasants etc.

Then again that was a 1986 movie, so before the Woke period was supposedly upon us.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 9:40 pm

Andrew Lawrence has just uploaded this….

Message from the Archbishop of Sanctimony…

August 12, 2024 9:40 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Share hire e-scooters are set to be booted from Melbourne’s CBD following a surge in complaints from city residents and businesses……

They’re dangerous. A few months ago, I nearly got knocked over by a share bike.

I’ve mentioned on the Cat previously that I own/use an e-scooter and regret to confirm that many ‘casual’ riders of the rental scoters, in particular, are a menace. I think scooters have a place in the broader context of personal transportation but the current free-for-all doesn’t work.

Sooner or later, I won’t be surprised if other cities follow suit.

August 12, 2024 9:52 pm

Paris banned e scooters last September.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 12, 2024 9:53 pm

 August 12, 2024 9:22 pm

“Can we see Megan Davis breakdancing?”


She’s absolutely on the money that Gunn deliberately performed a rubbish routine.

And, more to the point, Davis knows that there are scores of black kids who would have smashed it out of the park but got excluded because they didn’t know their way around the Olympic selection scam.
A scam that Gunn was a part of.
Gunn actually drank her own bathwater to the point where she thought she would meet with universal acclaim for her bunny hop routine.
However, she made a massive miscalculation and she is now going to cop the “cultural misappropriation” whack.

August 12, 2024 9:55 pm

“but got excluded because they didn’t know their way around the Olympic selection scam”

August 12, 2024 9:58 pm

She went so far as to include the ‘sprinkler’ in her routine, that’s how far her up yours went.

August 12, 2024 9:59 pm

Great description of what that bastard starmer and the other relites are doing in Britain:

Dhimmi Britain Sinks into Authoritarianism, Death to Free Speech
They are doing this for 3 reasons:

1 The left have classified muzzies as downtrodden victims so they must get special treatment to prove the lefties are virtuous

2 The muzzies are vote herds for the left. But we see the folly of this in tony burqa’s seat where a muzzie dr is now running against him

3 They are scared of muzzies:

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2024 10:00 pm

And, more to the point, Davis knows that there are scores of black kids who would have smashed it out of the park but got excluded because they didn’t know their way around the Olympic selection scam.
A scam that Gunn was a part of.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 12, 2024 10:07 pm

Nicholas Reece …

“I admit I was a supporter of the e-scooters when they when first started, but I am fed up with the rule breaking and seeing the scooters strewn all over the city like rubbish, cluttering our footpaths and creating a trip hazard and mobility challenges,” he said on Friday.

No shit, Sherlock?
This is about the third incarnation of similar schemes in Melbourne, and all have ended in disaster. A lot of bikes/scooters ended up in trees or the Yarra.
This latest round was the brain-fart of former Mayor Sally Capp. Reece sees it as a good chance to break from the stupidity of Capp. But more likely the scooter companies are losing money and want to withdraw.
It is interesting that left wing governments love regulating everything to death but when it comes to ideas they want to push (e.g. scooters, injecting rooms), the regulatory process is out the window.
They call it a trial (like they have an open mind) which apparently gives them cover to ignore existing laws, design rules, local by-laws, whatever.
Every time I come across one laying on the footpath, I trip on it and unfortunately the scooter invariably suffers damage.

August 12, 2024 10:24 pm

Everything on my Irish list to do now done.
Finally managed to tick off seeing forty something year old bald man with Downs syndrome, sporting a nose ring and wearing a long skirt and blouse.

August 12, 2024 10:27 pm

And another thing, Irish female drug addicts look exactly like the ones that used to hang around near my shop, even down to the hair tree up on the top of their heads.

August 12, 2024 10:30 pm
August 12, 2024 10:31 pm
August 12, 2024 10:32 pm

Mark Steyn

Bullet Points

August 12, 2024 10:33 pm

Victor Davis Hanson

Our Three Silent Mice

August 12, 2024 10:39 pm
August 12, 2024 10:42 pm
August 12, 2024 10:44 pm
August 13, 2024 12:10 am

Stabbing in Leicester square. Police not given out details of arrested person. Choices :
Somebody who knew the victims ie. Some sort of domestic violence.
Or total stranger.
Police saying not terrorist but if known or unknown to victims they should say so.
I am going with culprit is person of colour as of was white would have said so.

August 13, 2024 12:30 am

“A witness, who performs as Darth Vader, said he saw a young, white, skinny male dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans putting the girl in a headlock and stabbing her.”

August 13, 2024 12:42 am

Thanks for that Rosie. Daily Mail when I looked had no details on culprit.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 13, 2024 12:43 am

Stevo is the fourth owner of Cash.

Drop his leash, no problem.


Woof Bark Growl:

August 13, 2024 12:57 am

Nothing a few months in a Russian prison won’t cure.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 13, 2024 1:09 am

Leicester Square attacker is reported to be an East European.
Video of Plod slapping the bracelets on him would support him being white race, lean, straight hair, albeit cropped.

August 13, 2024 1:18 am

Another Monet.

August 13, 2024 1:23 am

Pencil it in.


The modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The magic material that was so appropriate for the purpose was the form of pure carbon that we call graphite.
It was first discovered in Europe, in Bavaria at the start of the fifteenth century; although the Aztecs had used it as a marker several hundred years earlier.

Initially it was believed to be a form of lead and was called ‘plumbago’ or black lead (hence the ‘plumbers’ who mend our lead water-carrying pipes), a misnomer that still echoes in our talk of pencil ‘leads’.
It was called graphite only in 1789, using the Greek word ‘graphein’ meaning ‘to write’. Pencil is an older word, derived from the Latin ‘pencillus’, meaning ‘little tail’, to describe the small ink brushes used for writing in the Middle Ages.

Conte’s original process for manufacturing pencils involved roasting a mixture of water, clay and graphite in a kiln at 1,900 degrees Fahrenheit before encasing the resulting soft solid in a wooden surround.
The shape of that surround can be square, polygonal or round, depending on the pencil’s intended use — Carpenters don’t want round pencils that are going to roll off the workbench.

The hardness or softness of the final pencil ‘lead’ can be determined by adjusting the relative fractions of clay and graphite in the roasting mixture.
Commercial pencil manufacturers typically market 20 grades of pencil, from the softest, 9B, to the hardest 9H, with the most popular intermediate value, HB, lying midway between H and B. ‘H’ means hard and ‘B’ means black.

The higher the B number, the more graphite gets left on the paper. There is also an ‘F’, or Fine point, which is a hard pencil for writing rather than drawing.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 13, 2024 2:07 am

So nearly 24 hours now, and kamikaze helo pilot in Cairns not yet identified…

August 13, 2024 4:00 am
August 13, 2024 4:01 am
August 13, 2024 4:02 am

Oh dear. Michael Ramirez has J.D. Vance derangement.

August 13, 2024 4:03 am
August 13, 2024 4:04 am
August 13, 2024 4:05 am

Gary Varvel. Brilliant.

August 13, 2024 4:06 am
August 13, 2024 4:07 am
August 13, 2024 4:08 am
August 13, 2024 4:08 am
Top Ender
Top Ender
August 13, 2024 5:05 am

Three white police officers win discrimination claim after judge rules they were unfairly passed over for promotion due to their race
Daily Mail

August 13, 2024 6:53 am

Sam Clench at News displaying his best TDS by trying to nit pick over Walz stolen valour scandal:

Sammy as normal not allowing comments.

August 13, 2024 6:55 am

EU Sends Letter To Musk Demanding That X Censor President Trump’s Interview Tonight

The globalist tyrants in control of the European Union sent a letter to Elon Musk on Monday demanding the X owner censor President Donald Trump during their interview tonight.

Sooo, the EU passes a Digital Services Act and every digital platform has to bow down to them regarding censorship? Yeah, it doesn’t work like that folks.

If they want to grow a ball and try to block X from the EU they better be ready for the backlash from their own people. Then they better send out the Gestapo to round up all the Starlink receivers because those satellites will still be there.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 13, 2024 7:15 am

I just knew that kangaroo-hopping routine was cultural appropriation somehow.

That stupid Raygun woman, eviscerated by the worst possible combination of person – a) female, b) indig and c) a fellow academic (the Hun):

Olympic breakdancer Dr Rachael Gunn has been accused of aiming for “zero points on purpose” and being “disrespectful” to other Australian athletes by an Indigenous leader and sports administrator.

The withering criticism is in contrast to growing calls for people to lay off Gunn, who is known as “Raygun” in competition, despite her poor performance in Paris.


…fellow academic Professor Megan Davis hit out at Gunn and claimed her chief objective in going to Paris was for a “subsidised academic study”.

That was Professor Davis just clearing her throat.

“Getting zero points on purpose in three rounds for an academic study subsidised by the taxpayer both at a university and Olympic level isn’t funny and isn’t ‘having a go’,” Prof Davis said on social media.

“(It’s) disrespectful to other competitors. I’m glad most Aussies aren’t buying the Kool-Aid”.

Whack. Right on the tracksuit.

Prof Davis added that Gunn’s rehabilitation was driven by “mainstream media” which has recast her as a “fun Aussie gal”.

“Affluent, comfortable life, educated, not a care in the world, nothing matters really, what fun, what a fun Aussie gal, chortle chortle.”


The Australian Olympic Committee did fund Gunn’s travel to Paris.

The City of Sydney Council gave Gunn and $20,278 grant in 2022 to research “Spaces for Street Dance”.

Nailed it, Professor. A perfect 10.

August 13, 2024 7:32 am

I’d never heard of Prof Megan Davis before. Whatever she’s said in the past gets a well maybe from me due to being spot on about the World’s Worst Breaking Sad Dancer. I’d like to know is Interpretive Breaking Sad Dancing a hands on thing so even the blind can get to laugh at someone else’s misfortune. I’d like to apologise to the blind in the manner of the Scottish Police Commissioer apologies. Look it up on upyoutube.

August 13, 2024 7:34 am

Musk found the perfect meme in response to the EU

August 13, 2024 7:41 am

I’ll pay back Rayguns flight costs to Paris myself ( fukn chump change) if it means all the grifters of digiknee handouts and NDIS spives give back their fraudulent gains.
Why blame Raygun , look at the criteria for Lympic enterance and if you think the black kids were disadvantaged why aren’t people like Prof Davis going into bat for them.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 13, 2024 7:43 am

Prof Megan Davis declares a turf war with Raygun.
The academic grants pie must be getting smaller.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 13, 2024 7:47 am

Is Ol’ Joe still alive?

August 13, 2024 7:54 am

Nothing to see here.
Move along.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 13, 2024 8:03 am

The academic grants pie must be getting smaller.

Possibly not Gez. Here’s Davis’ grants, from her Sydney University bio:

ARC Discovery Indigenous, 2018 – Professor Megan Davis and Professor George Williams – $399,600: Recognition after Uluru: what next for First Nations?

ANROWS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grant Round, 2017 – Professor Marica Langton, Professor Megan Davis and Dr Kristen Smith – $199,415: Improving family violence legal and support services for Indigenous women.

UNSW Major Research Equipment and Infrastructure Initiative, 2015-16 – Megan Davis – $97,672: Australian Indigenous Law Library.

ARC Discovery Indigenous, 2013-16 – Dr Kyllie Cripps, Professor Megan Davis and Associate Professor Anne Cossins – $230,000: The role of cultural factors in the sentencing of Indigenous sex offenders in the Northern Territory.

A leading advocate of Teh Voice where she would have commanded top billing at the table of 20 Aboriginal ‘advisors’.
Not having read these papers of which she and other people received great sums of money to do, I can only assume but would government act on what was written? If so, I think what would be in those papers, particularly to incarceration of sex offenders written close to a decade ago, would be littered with hand patting approaches to them.
Davis might be spot on about Ms Gunn (let’s not use RayGun, only giving her more gravitas) but don’t get too excited.

August 13, 2024 8:05 am

Cairns Airport CEO – “We have conducted a review this morning and initial findings show there has been no compromise of the airport security program or processes”.

…. other than a missing helicopter?

August 13, 2024 8:17 am

Then again that was a 1986 movie, so before the Woke period was supposedly upon us.

TE, “woke” has been around a lot longer than that. Late 1960s and really got going in the 1970’s.
For example, Murdoch University in Perth got going in 1975. The Humanities department was called ” The School of Social Inquiry”.

August 13, 2024 8:21 am

Whn you read these sort of gummint “economy” stories I wonder how many folk, actual voters, are aware the your average, very average, Oz politicians get a minimum of $250 a day, tax free allowances/freebies 365 dayz a year add to that the “joke” $310 a night sleep-over allowance and that’s not adding in all the extras for additional to electorate lerks on, two bob watch, commitees or “assisting” ministers ……. You start to realise why there are NO poor pollies when their retirement rort/jerbs fer the boyz turn comes around .. Their entire time in Parliament comes down to NOT having to put their own hands in their pockets … to get thru a normal day ……!

August 13, 2024 8:21 am

I unequivocally withdraw my previous comment about Prof Megan Davis. Yes she was right about Gunnnñ. Wrong about everything else. I’m sorry, does anyone have ammo for a Webley. I seem to have run out after all the previous times I’ve been wrong.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 8:24 am

First they came for Tommy Robinson, and people shrugged their shoulders and looked the other way.

Then they came for Katie Hopkins, and people shrugged their shoulders and looked the other way.

Now they’re coming for Nigel Farage, Matt Goodwin, Mahyar Tousi, Douglas Murray, Lozza Fox, Calvin Robinson, Dan Wootton, Carl Benjamin, Leo Kearse, Andrew Doyle, David Starkey, Peter Whittle, Emma Webb, Neil Oliver, Rafe Heydel Mankoo, Patrick Christys, Andy Ngo, Richard Tice, Mark Dolan, Amy Gallagher, Dr Philip Kiszely and many, many others.

And next? They’ll come for you and me

One of my favourite UK commentators is Professor Matt Goodwin. I subscribe to his substack. He uploaded this a few hours ago…..

Matt Goodwin

I need to clarify a few things about my work

In recent days, a combination of left-wing journalists and disgruntled left-wing former colleagues have been trying to imply I’ve been forced out of academic life because of my political views

This is completely false

They are bad actors

The truth is that my university, the University of Kent, like many other universities, is massively in debt, and has been for a while

It has been shutting courses and offering academics voluntary severance to cut costs

About 50 – 100 academics have taken this

I am one of them

The deal was negotiated about six months ago. It has nothing to do with my political views or recent events

The two are being linked by shoddy, resentful, and politically-motivated journalists like James Ball, who did not bother to call me to confirm basic facts …

.. and disgruntled, left-wing, former academic colleagues, many of whom I have not socialised with for more than a decade and who, as is instantly obvious on here, resent my success and/or oppose my politics

Personally, I don’t feel like I need to justify myself but after multiple academic books with Oxford, Cambridge, dozens of articles, awards, grants, a professorship at 33, two Sunday Times bestselling books, I feel like I’ve done all the things I wanted to do

For me, after 20 years of studying and teaching in the legacy universities, the time was right to take the money

Life is short. I am 42. I want to do something else.

So, for now, I am Honorary Professor at Kent and write the 2nd biggest Substack in the UK and the 5th biggest politics Substack in the world (

I am delighted this is giving voice to many people who feel they’ve been shut out of the national conversation and the legacy institutions.

I will never stop speaking for them

I will be announcing other (academic) affiliations and projects next month, which are all very exciting

Lastly, if visibly bitter, resentful, and typically unsuccessful academics and journalists want to frame this as something it is not then, well, good luck to you

I wish you the best


Some people on the right, even here, refuse to acknowledge just how unrelenting the left are and instead prefer to tiptoe around so as to not make ripples and waves. They refuse to understand that the left will not stop until people like us are cancelled, silenced and destroyed.

So, it is time for us to be as unrelenting, it is time for us to stand up, it is time for us to make not just waves but…….tsunamis.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2024 8:25 am

The new Australian nonsense strategy is out.

Australian science strategy centres on defence, Indigenous knowledge (Paywallian)

The first National Science Statement and Priorities in almost a decade prioritises Indigenous knowledge and Future Made in Australia objectives.

If those are the headline objectives I hate to think what the rest of this tome says.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 13, 2024 8:27 am

This is the text of a tweet from an account called Autism Capital.

The story of how the Australian women’s breakdancer, Rachael “Raygun” Gunn, who scored a literal 0 in the Olympics is fascinating. How did she get there?

TLDR: The Olympics outsourced the breakdancing qualifications to a third party called the WorldDance Sport Federation who didn’t know anything about breakdancing, they wanted to do Ballroom Dancing. The Olympics said NO to Ballroom, so WorldDance said FINE we’ll oversee Breakdancing instead.

WorldDance didn’t know anything about Breakdancing so THEY outsourced to other smaller orgs local to the country, in the case of Australia, an organization called the Australian Breaking Association which was FOUNDED by Raygun and her husband. Who advised them to partner with this org? Rachael Gunn.

Starting to see it?

The Australian Breaking Association (AusBreak) runs a competition every year that only has 10-15 women show up, and obviously Rachael “wins” this and her husband becomes the team coach.

Basically, Rachael elects herself as the Australian Olympic breakdancing rep, and the rest history.

A nice fat 0 for the history books.

If verified, Ms Gunn should be fired.
Sydney Morning Herald added context at the bottom saying that the Gunn’s didn’t found the breaking association, rather someone called Lowe Napalan.
I’d be checking, considering Peter FitzSimian was effusive in his praise for this non performance by Ms Gunn.

Last edited 1 month ago by Black Ball
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 13, 2024 8:31 am

B-girl Ray Gunnn for sure, from now ’til her epitaph.
We have an obligation- nay, responsibility- to refer to everyone by their most ridiculous handle, and if it’s self-inflicted, all the better.
Also I’ll remind the reader that Davis’ official title is “Auntie Professor Davis”, although “Professor Davis, Auntie Megan” is also apcceptable in written correspondence.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 8:49 am

Starting to see it?

Oh yes, and I think many of us suspected similar. Sometimes stuff stinks before it even starts to smell.

I’d love Chris Lilley to do a sketch on ‘Raygun’.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 8:52 am

The new sport to be included at the Brissie games is that Aussie favourite ” Budgie Smuggling”. The French polevaulter has already been awarded the gold.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 13, 2024 8:54 am

If you navigate around this site, you will find that Lowe Napalan is president of the organisation. Doesn’t say who founded it
They helpfully provide rankings which Ms Gunn finished top of the pops once in the last 3 years and not anywhere for this year in the top 15.
Obviously training (stifle your laughter) for Paris. But I would have thought still competing against the best is the best training. Not unlike the swimmers who qualify only a couple of weeks before the main gig.
Something isn’t right.

August 13, 2024 8:57 am

Wow, the left must be REALLY concerned about the Musk/Trump interview coming on soon.

The sic-ed the EU on Musk and now a White House reporter asks:

One more, Elon Musk is slated to interview Trump tonight on X. I don’t know if the president is going to — feel free to say if he is or not — but I — I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It’s a — you know, it’s an America issue. What role does the White House or the President have any sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that or sort of inter — intervening in that?

That would be NONE you jackbooted Stalinist propaganda stenographer.

August 13, 2024 8:57 am

Meanwhile, in Airstrip One.
At this point it might be easier to list what isn’t
grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character.

August 13, 2024 8:59 am
August 13, 2024 9:00 am


This POS just recommended some books. One is called “Headshot” another is named … “Martyr”

This traitor loser piece of dogshit is sending out signals.

There’s no doubt about it.

August 13, 2024 9:02 am

Former Immigration Minister Andrew Giles misled to parliament on 15 November when, in response to a question from Dutton, he asserted that all immigration detainees released into the community as a result of the HCA NZYQ decision had bridging visas with strict conditions attached.

Five days previously he had been informed by his department that at least 83 of said detainees did not have bridging visas and were residing in the community as unlawful non-citizens.

The following day, 16 November, Deputy PM Richard Marles repeated the lie in parliament. Presumably he was following Giles’s advice.

Source: The Australian 12 August 2024

Giles should not have been moved to Skills and Training, he should have been sent to the backbench.

August 13, 2024 9:02 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 13, 2024 9:17 am

 August 12, 2024 10:24 pm

Everything on my Irish list to do now done.

Finally managed to tick off seeing forty something year old bald man with Downs syndrome, sporting a nose ring and wearing a long skirt and blouse.

m0nster’s on holidays?

August 13, 2024 9:17 am

So, it is time for us to be as unrelenting, it is time for us to stand up, it is time for us to make not just waves but…….tsunamis.

“One raindrop might be nothing but no one can stop a wave”

Here’s a nice little anthem:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2024 9:30 am

It’s amusing that the fiascos of the “women’s” boxing and the breakdancing have resulted in the collapse of both sports (ok only one is a sport, the other is just weird.)

Two sports set to be axed for next Olympics ( mainpage headline, 12 Aug)

Breaking is out, boxing is likely gone too but that’s just the start of what will be a dramatically looking Olympics in LA in four years time. …

Boxing is also on the cusp of going missing altogether – after being part of the Games for more than a century.

Boxing has long been one of the core sports of the Olympics, the launch pad for Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Oscar de la Hoya, Lennox Lewis, Sugar Ray Leonard and many others.

Great work Olympics people by going woke you just broke one of the longest running sports of the modern Olympic Games.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 13, 2024 9:33 am

Reforms would prohibit Youth Parole Board from considering the views of victims of crimeThe Allan government’s controversial Youth Justice Bill is set to explicitly ban victims and their families from having a say over whether young offenders are released on parole

From the Hun.

August 13, 2024 9:35 am

Don’t interfere with our PURGE!
Take your Soma and be mindless.

You complained about the complexity and noise of life;
We made the choice simple for you:
Conform and be accepted.
Dissent and be outlawed.

Love The Parent(TM).

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 13, 2024 9:35 am

Further Olympic news. Scott Gullan reports on the marathon runner:

Australian record holder Sinead Diver had been battling plantar fasciitis in the lead-up to the Paris Olympic marathon where she lasted just 1km but blamed extreme cramping for her embarrassing early exit.

There had been concerns about Diver’s health in recent weeks and that ramped up over the last few days in the village with questions being asked as to why the 47-year-old didn’t withdraw earlier.

The selection of the women’s marathon team was clouded in controversy after Athletics Australia opted to leave out four-time Olympian Lisa Weightman in favour of Diver, Jess Stenson and Genevieve Gregson.

Athletics Australia high performance manager Andrew Faichney said the medical team had cleared Diver to run and that she’d experienced “bilateral cramping in both quadriceps”.

“I am comfortable with the decision to race,” he said. “She and the medical team cleared her to run. Today was completely unrelated to the plantar fasciitis in her right foot.

“She cramped in both quads and it started before the race so obviously for her to have to finish so soon it was extreme (cramping).

“It had nothing to do with the plantar fasciitis as she was completely cleared to run for that. She said her foot was fine, it was her cramping quads that were the problem.”

So going into the big dance with a plantar fasciitis injury isn’t ideal. But Gullan in partnership with Peter Badel report on Diver’s opinion:

A shattered Sinead Diver has revealed her mental-health struggles and says weeks of social-media “vitriol” was a factor in her stunning breakdown in the Paris marathon.

Breaking her silence amid a firestorm of criticism, Diver hit back at critics, telling of her devastation at being forced to pull out just 1km into the Olympic marathon due to severe spasms in her quads.

Diver’s Parisian disaster was compounded by a turbulent build-up in which Athletics Australia came under fire for snubbing Lisa Weightman, who was overlooked for the final three despite having the third-best time during the qualifying period.

Former Australian track athlete David Culbert lashed Diver for her performance, but the Ireland-born marathon star believes online trolling took a toll on her physically.

“I’m absolutely devastated to have had to DNF at my second Olympic Games,” Diver wrote in a social-media post.

“The vitriol online has had a significant impact on my mental health and I have no doubt that has played a part in my body breaking down in this way.

“The culmination of stress over the last few weeks has finally taken its toll.”

I have left some paragraphs that had no bearing on the tenor of what I believe pertinent to this shitshow.
So you see haterz, wasn’t the foot injury. Those questioning why Diver was included at the expense of Weightman are the real villains of this tale of woe.
Weightman incidentally won the Sunshine Coast half marathon the weekend just gone and had the third fastest qualifying time among the Australian ladies. And a 4 time Olympian.

August 13, 2024 9:41 am

She wasn’t elected for her public opinions on Gaza or anywhere else outside Oz .. She wa selected to serve the Oz folk on domestic issues ….. FFS! Too many of “our” politicians think their opinions on “everything” are of interest to the rest of us .. They aren’t .. Period ..!

August 13, 2024 9:50 am

Can’t quite believe the level of PAIN I’m going thru over a minor infection..! Yesterday morning a cold sore started forming on my lip by lunchtime it was so large I had to “pop” it .. The, actual, pain level was incredible .. 2 hours of agony and a coupla pain-killers later and down to toothache pain level .. Can’t chew/eat down to sipping soup/water and still taking pain killers .. Lip is about 2 maybe 3 times its normal size and untouchable .. duuuh!
Applied cream but whether it’s doing any good no idea! .. All I can do is dab it on and grit my teeth …..
TV/movie superhero material I definitely ain’t .. LOL!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2024 9:53 am

The vitriol online has had a significant impact on my mental health and I have no doubt that has played a part in my body breaking down in this way.

Australian Olympic Committee policy should be to ban social media in the lead up and during the games. Mental preparation is as important as physical.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
August 13, 2024 9:55 am

A couple of months ago, I mentioned that I thought I was living in a Country and Western song… Mum died, sister scammed, robbed, Father-in-Law died. You name it, it happened from mid-March.

I’m now sure of it. Dad died Sunday night… 93. As with Mum, it was short, peaceful and painless. And he now has an eternity to add to those 72 years of marriage.

August 13, 2024 9:57 am

Trump is now flying the Lolita Express. He bought Jeffrey Epstein’s plane. You can’t make this stuff up.

August 13, 2024 9:58 am

Lotza angst this morning on “our” ABC relating to the plight of civilians in Southern lebanon as Israel responds to Hezzie rockets .. Of course, its all israel’s fault for not puttung up with the Hezzie “friendly’ overtures……
?Yesterday they (ABC) were bleating on about Gaza casualties and Israel bad for killing civilians & terrorists BUT never any mention, anymore, of casualty figures for Ukraine/Russia ..
?Apparently, Ukraine/Russia a GOOD war so figures acceptable but Israel. Hezzie/Hamas a very BAD war … !

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 13, 2024 10:00 am

 August 13, 2024 8:05 am

Cairns Airport CEO – “We have conducted a review this morning and initial findings show there has been no compromise of the airport security program or processes”.

…. other than a missing helicopter?

What this probably means is the pilot had a 24 hour access card.

August 13, 2024 10:14 am

Giles should not have been moved to Skills and Training, he should have been sent to the <strike>backbench gallows</strike> spend more time with his family

I fixes it !

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 13, 2024 10:17 am

Mark from Melbourne
 August 13, 2024 9:55 am

Marc sincere condolences, you certainly have sustained a barrage since March, I’m sure you want to see the back of 2024. Kind regards

August 13, 2024 10:31 am

Trump’s livestream with Musk on Twitter is not happening. Technical difficulties.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 10:33 am

Gosh, a UK politician blames Israel (translation…..Jews) for the ‘far-right’ riots in the UK over the last two weeks.

Hmm, you might ask, what is the name of this UK politician? You might ask, what is the party affiliation of this UK politician? Well, I can inform you all that it wasn’t Nigel Farage, it wasn’t Lee Anderson, it wasn’t Richard Tice, it wasn’t Tommy Robinson, it wasn’t Lozza Fox, it wasn’t David Starkey, it wasn’t Darren Grimes, it wasn’t Douglas Murray, it wasn’t Leo Kearse, it wasn’t Suella Braverman, it wasn’t Jacob Rees-Mogg, and it wasn’t some very white skinned yob from Rotherham or Southport or Sunderland, NO, NO, NO, the person who made these anti-Semitic comments doesn’t come from the ‘right’ of UK politics or commentary, rather this person who is blaming Israel (code….Jews) for the ‘far-right’ riots in the UK is a UK Labour politician by the name of Clive Lewis.

Let’s wait to see if Mr Lewis is charged for ‘incitement’. I warn you though, don’t hold ya breath!

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 10:33 am

Yeah, they are scared.

Massive DDOS attack on the Musk/Trump interview. Live feed down as of 8:13 US Eastern time.

X is working on getting it cleared.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
August 13, 2024 10:34 am

This article about Weirdo Walz by Bloomberg, could have been written by the Gimp.
It is hysterically wrong in every way. 😀

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 13, 2024 10:39 am

Daytime Sky seem quite pleased that the Trump/Musk interview on X is not going well, having “technical difficulties”, most probably in the form of DDOS attack.

Strangely, in all the years that Joe was President and Kamala was VP, I never heard any of the Daytime Sky people give any inkling that either the Prez or the VP were “not-fully-functional”, which quite obviously they were.

August 13, 2024 10:42 am

Lord Dover.
With respect, might I suggest that Monty’s 10:23 a.m. reply to his own 9:57 a.m. comment be reviewed as potentially edging toward bringing the blog into disrepute? (Yes, that’s my long-winded way of saying ‘Could this be potentially defamatory?’).

August 13, 2024 10:53 am

Dickless goes full retard again:

Trump is now flying the Lolita Express. He bought Jeffrey Epstein’s plane. You can’t make this stuff up.

Even the shit rag, the NYT, is not flying with this miasmic vomit:

Trump Flew on Charter Jet Previously Owned by Jeffrey EpsteinA Trump campaign official said that the aircraft was provided by a charter jet service after his own jet had a mechanical failure, and that the campaign had been unaware of the plane’s previous ownership.

Trump Flew on Charter Jet Previously Owned by Jeffrey Epstein – The New York Times (

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 13, 2024 10:56 am

Olympic Boxer gold medalist welcomed back to Taiwan:
“Go you good yu-ting!”

Last edited 1 month ago by Bungonia Bee
August 13, 2024 11:05 am

703 “migrants” crossed the channel to England on Sunday, a record since Starmer came to office.

Little wonder the Home Office is asking local councils to identify tens of thousands of new beds for these putative asylum seekers.

Meanwhile, Housing Secretary Angela Rayner has scrapped Tory plans to prioritise long term British residents over recent migrants on social housing wait lists.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 13, 2024 11:11 am

The Trump livestream on X is now underway, finally. They are faffing on and on and on about immigrants. Yawn.

August 13, 2024 11:18 am

Trump is the most investigated and examined candidate in history.
The absolute gargantuan stupidity you would need to think that at this point anyone is swayed by random mentions of Epstein and Trump in the same sentence. Colossal idiocy.
Like those thumbnails to every mainstream media Epstein news vid at that time, that always, always, included Trump’s image, even though the content of the vid has nothing about Trump.
It’s called click bait Monty.
And at this point in history everyone over the age of eight knows about it and compensates their viewing to take it into account.
Basically, you are responding to something that relies on children and morons to gain clicks.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 13, 2024 11:20 am

The Oberon Class submarines had a service life of about 30 years. The Collins Class are nearing their end of service life, but in view of the uncertainties about the new Nukes, they will need to be progressively refitted and life extended – which they would be anyway given the long lead times for the new ones.
The “opt-out” clause that’s in the news now might indicate that the USA and UK are worried about WW3, and that they will need every sub they can get or hold on to.

August 13, 2024 11:20 am


 August 13, 2024 11:11 am

The Trump livestream on X is now underway, finally. They are faffing on and on and on about immigrants. Yawn

But he has even you listening.
The man is a genius.

August 13, 2024 11:25 am

Colossal idiocy.

The full monty.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 13, 2024 11:33 am

Trump chartered/purchased an aeroplane which has previous owners, one of those previous owners was Jeffrey Epstein.

And…………. ???????

Finish the story, please.

August 13, 2024 11:35 am

Trump is lisping and slurring all over the place. Spittle all over his phone. He should probably stop talking to wipe his mouth, but that would mean Musk talking and he has nothing at all to say.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 13, 2024 11:37 am

Trump chartered/purchased an aeroplane which has previous owners, one of those previous owners was Jeffrey Epstein.

Kamal-toe stayed in a hotel where the Boston Strangler worked.

August 13, 2024 11:41 am


So you are saying that everyone knows Trump is a rock spider

This golden arse nugget of dribbling simplicity deserves a thread of its own.
So the FBI, every Democrat prosecutor in the country, the entire mainstream media and all the other three letter agencies, as well as the US congress, the Justice department, after unceasing investigation after unceasing investigation, impeachment and searching the entire world for evidence, including other countries intelligence agencies, have prosecuted the man for… over pricing an asset.
But you know for sure he’s a ped because he was once, among all the thousands of celebrities he has met, photographed with Epstein.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
August 13, 2024 11:44 am

Okay this is just boring. It’s all whining and victimhood by a couple of billionaire dickheads. A snapshot of our Second Gilded Age.

Thankfully, Trump is getting smashed in the polls. Six point swing in three weeks, no signs of slowing down either. The poll averages are out past the point where the Electoral College gerrymander can deliver office to Trump.

August 13, 2024 11:49 am

LOL, Trump claims bacon has gone up in price by 400% in the last few years, and mentions “shhticker shhhock” with a terrible lisp, like the Twelfth Man as Kenny Callender backing home Shhilver Shhovereign.

Last edited 1 month ago by m0nty
August 13, 2024 11:50 am

Electoral College gerrymander

Does this need to be explained yet again?
The President of the United States is not elected by popular vote. He represents the vote of the individual states that make up the United States.
He is elected by electors selected by the states under the rules those states legislate.
The USA has other branches of government that reflect the popular vote. It also has separation of powers.

August 13, 2024 11:50 am

Arky at 11.20am on Trump:

The man is a genius.

Trump has a personality that makes him mesmerising for lefties:

a) He’s an alpha male, which gives him a large ego.

b) He’s exceptionally intelligent, which makes him immune to lefty politics, which is aimed at children.

Because of a) and b), he doesn’t take sh*t from idiots — i.e lefty trolls.

Lefties are used to intimidating people with threats and bullying, which don’t work on Trump.

So lefties are mesmerised by him because they can’t control him.

Trump Derangement Syndrome explained.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 13, 2024 11:56 am

Daytime Sky has a story on the importance of forests in absorbing CO2. Where were they when Tony Abbott was advocating forestation as a sensible way to go, as part of a soundly based approach?
The media was simply anti-Abbott.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
August 13, 2024 11:59 am

Scroll the Troll.

August 13, 2024 12:01 pm

Sancho Panzer
 August 13, 2024 11:37 am

Trump chartered/purchased an aeroplane which has previous owners, one of those previous owners was Jeffrey Epstein.

Kamal-toe stayed in a hotel where the Boston Strangler worked.

Obuma is rooted by a bloke.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 13, 2024 12:02 pm

Monty, Epstein is one of your lot. Accept it, move on.

August 13, 2024 12:05 pm

Dickless oozing about polls favouring cackles:

August 13, 2024 12:08 pm
Black Ball
Black Ball
August 13, 2024 12:26 pm

Killer cop update:

A former police officer accused of killing Channel 10 presenter Jesse Baird and boyfriend Luke Davies with his service firearm inside an inner-city Sydney home has had multiple charges dropped.

Beau Lamarre-Condon, 29, appeared before Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday via AVL from custody as he faced two charges of murder and DV-related murder and one charge of break and enter.

Police allege the former NSW Police constable killed the couple inside their home in Paddington in February before their bodies were later found in surfboard bags in the Southern Tablelands.

Returning before the court, Mr Lamarre-Condon’s lawyer, John Walford, said police had certified the former officer’s charges and would be withdrawing the murder charges and proceeding with two charges of DV-related murder and the break and enter charge.

Magistrate David Covington told the court that general access had also been granted for a subpoenaed USB device, with the matter due back in court in October following a case conference next month.

Asked about the progress of the case outside court, another lawyer representing Mr Lamarre-Condon said he had no comment, including about the USB, before adding “next time”, without elaborating.

Mr Lamarre-Condon was seen on the video link in a prison green-coloured hooded jumper and did not apply for release on bail. He spoke only briefly, telling Mr Covington, “Thank you, Your Honour.”

Police allege the murders occurred after a pattern of “predatory” behaviour by Mr Lamarre-Condon, a senior constable who had been in a brief relationship with Mr Baird months before his death.

Following his arrest, Mr Lamarre-Condon provided information to police that led to the discovery of the couple’s bodies following a widespread search. He has since been dismissed from the force.

So charges downgraded I assume reading this article.
Obviously it’s not a murder when indeed it was? I’m confused

August 13, 2024 12:28 pm

Trump should have asked for someone other than Musk to do the interview.
Musk comes off as a monorail salesman attempting to cover his bases in case Trump wins.
If Trump doesn’t win, Musk will just as happily continue with the Democrats and building stupid things to mitigate a global warming problem that doesn’t exist.
It’s not the best spectacle, a billionaire carbon scammer floating all his worser ideas like f***ing tunnels to the main candidate. Smells bad.
Just stick with drill baby, drill, Donald.
Musk has that ADHD spergy aspect that makes him a bad fit to interview Trump.
Still, interesting and kind of historic interview.
Musk is the best of a bad lot out of all those tech billionaires, all of whom would happily instigate the same surveillance police state on us that they happily go along with to do business with the CCP.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
August 13, 2024 12:56 pm

Arky, you have not paid much attention to Musk over the last couple of years have you? He’s been severely red pilled.
I doubt he’d still be on the global warming bandwagon if he didn’t have the large investment in the cars now. At that, while electric cars are stupid he’s managed to make them a mass market commodity and producible. Tells you something about how gullible the public are. In fact I haven’t heard him say much about global warming lately. In a mature industry, he’s actually brought great innovation in how to make cars which can be applied to IC ones. He probably realises he made a mistake on global warming but made billions in the meantime. Wish all our mistakes were as successful.
Then there is the unique and magnificent SpaceX. He’s eaten everyone else’s lunch in the space launch business. Compare with ULA, Roscosmos the Euroweenies, the Chinese (who have said even they can’t compete with SpaceX in price) and Jeff Bezos’s hobby space program that he’s spent a billion dollars a year on the 24 years which is yet to launch a single gram into orbit. Have you heard him speak on why he’s going to Mars?
I think most SpaceX employees would share the vision. It is clear that the incomparable Gywnn Shotwell (SpaceXemployee #6 or 7) does. She’s a lesson for all the women who complain about the glass ceiling.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 13, 2024 12:58 pm

The wreckage of a Nautilus Aviation helicopter has been removed from the rooftop of a Cairns hotel after an early morning crash that killed the sole occupant of the chopper on Monday.

A number of items have been retrieved from the R44 Robinson helicopter, which will be used to help inform the Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigation.

Nautilus Aviation confirmed a camera or go-pro was not fitted to this particular chopper.

The ATSB appealed for any eyewitnesses or people with video or photographs of the helicopter flying prior to the crash, to contact the bureau via their website.

The sole victim of the crash, who is yet to be named by police, was believed to be a current or former employee of Nautilus Aviation with access to the hangar at Cairns Airport.

Nautilus Aviation owner Chris Morris said the company was co-operating with the investigation, and was unable to comment further.

On Monday, chief executive Aaron Finn said all of Nautilus Aviation’s pilots were “safe and accounted for” but was unable to rule out if another employee of the company was responsible.

He revealed the flight was “unplanned and unauthorised” and said it appeared there had been no forced entry to the area in which the helicopter was stored.

A review of the area in question by Cairns Airport also found no compromise of airport security processes.

It remained unclear if the collision with the top floor of the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel on the Cairns Esplanade was deliberate or accidental.

The ATSB confirmed the helicopter had flown for just 4 to 5 minutes prior to impact, with witnesses suggesting the flight appeared “low and erratic”.

After taking off from Cairns Airport about 1.48am, the chopper flew over the metropolitan area then out to sea before returning and crashing into the hotel.

Cairns Esplanade is a “no-fly zone” and no flight plan was submitted for the early morning outing.

Locals said it was raining at the time and visibility would likely have been poor.

Authorities remained incredulous that no-one else was killed or badly injured in the incident, with police suggesting it could have had a much worse outcome.


Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 13, 2024 1:16 pm

Bruce of Newcastle August 13, 2024 10:34 am

That the person targeted a busy hotel is the key thing. Seems to have been on purpose.

Too early to tell.

August 13, 2024 1:29 pm

Left-wingers are quite emotional when someone makes fun of them or one of their own. They will stop at nothing to punish Trump because of this.

Due to the efforts of Newsom and the Democratic state representatives to devastate California, people are fleeing the state.

Trump summarizing Newsom during the conversation with Musk.

“u-haul salesman of the year”:

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
August 13, 2024 1:31 pm

The Monty perspective on the Trump rental:

August 13, 2024 1:31 pm

Seriously, how do you beat this? LOL

“u-haul salesman of the year”:

He’s such a NY motor mouth.

August 13, 2024 1:42 pm

He once claimed that only Pell and the choir boys knew what really happened in that room after Mass. The evidence shows beyond any doubt that there was no six minute period when they could have been alone in the Sacristy. The idiot has never acknowledged this truth.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2024 1:52 pm

Then there is the unique and magnificent SpaceX.

Stephen Green has a nice article today addressing the mission yesterday.

SpaceX Ties Another World Record Set by… Yeah, SpaceX (12 Aug)

On Sunday, a Falcon 9 rocket carrying two spacecraft of the Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission (ASBM) for the U.S. Space Force launched for a record-tying 22nd time. The original record was set in June by — you guessed it — a SpaceX Falcon 9.

Twenty two times. And the Starlink mission they launched earlier that same day was a 21 timer. Really is amazing what they’ve managed to do.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 2:31 pm

Mark from Melbourne
 August 13, 2024 9:55 am

A couple of months ago, I mentioned that I thought I was living in a Country and Western song… Mum died, sister scammed, robbed, Father-in-Law died. You name it, it happened from mid-March.

I’m now sure of it. Dad died Sunday night… 93. As with Mum, it was short, peaceful and painless. And he now has an eternity to add to those 72 years of marriage.

Mark, my sympathies. I know this is probably small comfort and will sound trite but I know what you’re going through. I have had a tumultuous year, it began last year with my stepfather’s fall, and his subsequent hospitalisation and then his placement in a nursing home, this was followed by my oldest nephew and his wife losing their unborn child, followed by my mother’s serious health issues, then my brother-in-law’s father passed away (with his own mother placed into care, she has severe dementia), then my mother’s serious fall, her subsequent hospitalisation for 5 weeks, then my stepfather’s death in late June, and now I’m dealing with a grief stricken mother who’s emotionally and physically fragile and who, at times, doesn’t know whether she’s Arthur or Martha, rambling on about things that happened in the mid 1940s and the mid 1960s. Last week my sister and I took her for lunch at a trendy inner-city restaurant, it came on the heels of the Haniyeh assassination by Israel and Mum was babbling on about the killing over lunch, how marvellous it was, how wonderful Israel is, both of which we were in full agreement with but then the corker, she started talking about how handsome Haniyeh was. Whilst I laughed out loud, my sister was not amused, her face went white and she verbally slapped Mum down by saying that if she said similar again she’ll find herself in a nursing home!

But thankfully the wheel of life keeps turning, and after all the bad news we finally had some good news on the weekend when my younger nephew and his wife told us they were expecting a child. The tree of lie keeps growing, as it should, as it must.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 2:38 pm
August 13, 2024 2:40 pm

Cassie – it is indeed the wheel of life. Things can trundle along very well, then it all collapses in a heap. The latter almost always involves the health or trials of relatives – & sometimes friends. Our grandchildren have caused us great angst over the last few years. The granddaughter has finally emerged in control of her life and is on top of her game. Grandson is still recovering (emotionally) from the awful attack (bloke now in gaol) which resulted in jaw broken in two places and resultant intricate microsurgery. And so it goes….

August 13, 2024 2:41 pm

Now that is defamatory.

August 13, 2024 2:45 pm
August 13, 2024 2:47 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 13, 2024 2:47 pm

The Beanie is very pessimistic regarding Orange Hitler’s prospects in the face of surging support for The Cackler – which I think is far exaggerated and people are currently responding to the fact she is not Biden.

I think the debates are the key. The MSM can fawn and paw over her as much as they wish (and so they have) but the debates are a testing ground that saw Joe dispatched. She will doubtless be prepped, probably coached on answers to questions that have been quietly slipped to her team, so she may have answers prepared, but Trump will raise issues she is not prepared for. She cannot think on her feet. I suppose she did not advance her career on her feet so why the surprise.

Even if they give her an earpiece she will receive an answer but she will still stumble trying to listen and speak at the same time and garble it – then cackle.

At present she is coasting along with a Praetorian press ringed around her for protection but I think in even the least one-on-one contest with Trump she will disintegrate.

And once again the MSM will be revealed to have been covering for the Democrats rather than informing the people.

August 13, 2024 2:51 pm

Left-wingers are quite emotional when someone makes fun of them or one of their own. They will stop at nothing to punish Trump because of this.

They are remarkably humourless and take ridicule badly. And being accused of “intellectual dishonesty” sends many of them into a rage.

August 13, 2024 2:54 pm

Not the Bee

Brits are setting up “decoy” protests to lure in Islamist counterprotesters that the police then have to deal with

Things are heating up in the UK, and some clever Brits have come up with a new tactic: Setting up fake “far-right” protests to lure in Islamic counter-protesters, causing some heated interactions with police.

This week, a large crowd of leftist and Muslim protesters gathered in North Finchley, London, after hearing rumors of a protest against an immigration business. However, when the police arrived, they found no sign of the alleged evil “fascist,” “racist,” and “zionist” protesters.
Instead, they were met with an angry and armed Islamist mob, ready to confront the non-existent threat.
The mob, clearly frustrated that their supposed opponents didn’t show up, ended up taking out their anger on the Metropolitan Police. The officers had to deal with abuse and harassment while trying to manage the chaos, all because of a setup designed to get these Islamist protesters all riled up.

August 13, 2024 3:01 pm

Musk has that ADHD spergy aspect that makes him a bad fit to interview Trump.

I like him. I didn’t expect to.. and I hate EVs….but Musk just has that weirdness and super intelligence that just could make a difference as this world descends into darkness.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 13, 2024 3:01 pm

It is one of the more galling postures of the ABC that they take our coin, pose as speaking on behalf of the Australian people and to the benefit of the Australian people, yet all their ‘news’ on YouTube has the comments turned off – protecting them from Australians who may have something to say about what is done in their name.

We know the reason why of course. The ABC is a laughable sheltered workshop. It is a gaslighting operation. The last thing they could bear is for people – the great unwashed – to point out the intellectual pretensions, the twisted tortured tendentious logic, or for a comment to reveal that most Australians disagree with the ABC’s take.

If politicians are not going to step in and bring the rogue media behemoth to heel, they could at least pressure them to allow comments – the the normies could put them in their place.

August 13, 2024 3:04 pm
August 13, 2024 3:06 pm

Random but… they used to tell me not to fall for the “God-of-the-gaps” argument.

Until I recently discovered that we have only seen 4% of the entire universe. The remaining 96% is “dark energy” and “dark matter” (of which, literally, nobody has any idea what that actually is)…

August 13, 2024 3:13 pm

On POTUS, I also think (FWIW), the less Kharmala talks, the less votes she loses.

Perhaps they’ll lock her up in a basement?

August 13, 2024 3:14 pm

The Musk conversation. It was delayed because of a severe DDOD attack. Meme

Donald J. Trump’s Space

August 13, 2024 3:19 pm

 August 13, 2024 2:39 pm

 Reply to  Arky

You really are ignorant, willfully so.

Nobody had a gun held to their head to buy an electric car. Turns out there was a market and he filled the demand.

Good way to introduce insults into what was until then a reasonable discussion.

 August 13, 2024 3:05 pm

 Reply to  Eyrie

Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support

There was no market for electric vehicles before governments introduced subsidies for them and penalised ICE vehicles with increasingly ridiculous emissions regulations, increasing both the cost and complexity to ludicrous levels, all along the life of the vehicle, from manufacture, purchase and servicing.
No one wanted electric cars because they’re shit.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 13, 2024 3:27 pm

One bizarre thing about the MSM is that they seem not to have realised that a Trump Presidency will, just like last time, provide them with endless occasions of faux shock, umbrage, incredulity, and other verbal suppurations, to beam out to their audiences (such as they are).

With Cackles and Mao Tse Tim they will cluster about shivering outside the White House press briefing room hoping for some small crumb of carefully calibrated copy to be dropped among them.

Turkeys voting for Christmas.

August 13, 2024 3:29 pm

Trump is working his arse off to offset the cheat.
He is leaving no stone unturned, reaching out to every possible group.
Black journalists.
Crypto idiots,
Musk fanboys.
RFK supporters.
He is scraping up every possible vote.
His work rate and energy is incredible.

Bruce in WA
August 13, 2024 3:34 pm


Iraq proposes lowering legal age of marriage for girls to NINE

August 13, 2024 3:35 pm

Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support

SpaceX bid for and was awarded contracts for services by the government, on a fixed price basis with milestones to be made before payment. They have saved the US Government BILLIONS. Just look at the Boeing Stayliner currently docked at the ISS. Boeing got 4.2 billion for that fixed price contract and hasn’t delivered an operational spacecraft. SpaceX got 2.6 billion and has been flying for years. Not only that but the US has a space capability it hasn’t had before and wouldn’t have because the rest of the industry was incapable of doing it. That capability is about to be VASTLY increased with Starship
Tesla got a few hundred million as a loan after 2008, like a lot of the auto industry but paid it back in full, early. Subsidies for electric cars was a government initiative. You expect him to leave the money when it is offered? The money went to the buyers anyway. Subsidies for solar were available to any players. Solindra anyone?

August 13, 2024 3:39 pm

Teachers are one of the main advocate groups for alarmism:

Many teachers fear climate change ‘too controversial’ to tackle amid calls for more climate education (

Look at the moron media idiot doing the reporting.

August 13, 2024 3:41 pm

It’s getting to Bernard Gaynor. Poor guy, he is dealing with a system stacked against him and up the rancid arses of the perverts:

Bernie’s Bad Book Bash #12 – Govt agency wants to legalise porn depicting minors, NSW govt officially comes after me, more library battles – and wins! (

August 13, 2024 3:44 pm

You cannot drive internal combustion cars around Mars, not practically anyway.

They are going to be making rocket fuel anyway (liquid methane and liquid oxygen). A properly set up IC engine should run just fine on those. I suspect the larger longer range exploration vehicles will use that. Mars gravity is 38% of Earth’s so you’ll be able to carry the weight of oxygen required.
However I think you are correct about the overall plan. Electric will work on the Moon also. I can see Cyber trucks running around there and on Mars.

August 13, 2024 4:24 pm

Sonic booms over Lebanon .. You’d have to laff if they weren’t sooo serious .. LOL! .. These folk give the impression they have never heard of Oct 7 before .. FFS!

“We are concerned about the reported use of sonic booms by Israeli aircrafts over Lebanon that has caused great fear among the civilian population,” said Ramzi Kaiss, a Lebanon researcher for Human Rights Watch. “Parties in armed conflict should not use methods of intimidation against a civilian population.”

August 13, 2024 4:28 pm

“Parties in armed conflict should not use methods of intimidation against a civilian population.”

Like launching rockets across the border at the civilian population with a view to killing or maiming them? That type of intimidation?

What a dick.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 13, 2024 4:40 pm

“We are concerned about the reported use of sonic booms by Israeli aircrafts over Lebanon that has caused great fear among the civilian population,” said Ramzi Kaiss, a Lebanon researcher for Human Rights Watch. “Parties in armed conflict should not use methods of intimidation against a civilian population.”

Boy Ramzi Kaiss has a sense of humour really made me laugh — This Human Rights Watch is full of rich busy-body Karens and their noodle-armed soyboy husbands/partners/friends — I know some of them at arms-length — they have nothing better to do and think they’re saviours of humanity — indeed a bunch of dickless dicks and dickettes.

Last edited 1 month ago by Tintarella di Luna
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 13, 2024 4:42 pm

JC earlier:-

Trump summarizing Newsom during the conversation with Musk.

“u-haul salesman of the year”:

No doubt the fact checkers will be all over that one.
“Fact-check – False. Newsom has never worked for U-haul, does not own U-haul stock and has no commercial relationships with U-haul.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 13, 2024 4:45 pm

Reynolds not pressed for apology over ‘lying cow’ remark
Paul Garvey
Scott Morrison says Linda Reynolds’ description of Brittany Higgins as a “lying cow” was “absolutely outrageous” and “out of character” for the senator, but said it played no part in his decision to remove her from the Defence portfolio.
Ms Higgins’ lawyer Rachael Young SC is asking Mr Morrison about the incident, which drew a public rebuke from the then-prime minister at the time they were made in 2021.
“That wasn’t appropriate language to be using about a member of your staff, let alone in these circumstances,” Mr Morrison said.
“That was very out of character or Senator Reynolds, extremely out of character, and so I saw that as quite an exception to her normal behaviour.”
He said he did not recall ever asking Senator Reynolds to apologise for the slur.
He denied the incident had any influence on his decision to replace her with Peter Dutton as defence minister soon after.
“It played no part whatsoever in her ongoing performance in that role,” he said.

Truth not a defence, then?

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 4:48 pm

I like him. I didn’t expect to.. and I hate EVs….but Musk just has that weirdness and super intelligence that just could make a difference as this world descends into darkness.

The UK under Da Fuhrer Sturmer is leading the way into this black abyss.

If Kamaltoe wins, and I suspect she will, it will be lights out across the West.

August 13, 2024 4:52 pm

From the Oz

“Scott Morrison says Linda Reynolds’ description of Brittany Higgins as a “lying cow” was “absolutely outrageous” and “out of character” for the senator, but said it played no part in his decision to remove her from the Defence portfolio”.

Actually it was not outrageous if you are Reynolds and she has just been falsely maligned on national TV. Too me it was always obvious that this was a major sign that there was something wrong with Higgins account and her motivation.

The staffer who reported the outburst is a low level scum bag.

It is sad to hear Reynolds may lose her home due to the costs involved in the case. I hope she gets the justice she seeks.

August 13, 2024 4:55 pm


Sancho Panzer

August 13, 2024 4:42 pm

No doubt the fact checkers will be all over that one.

“Fact-check – False. Newsom has never worked for U-haul, does not own U-haul stock and has no commercial relationships with U-haul.”

Snopes will be onto it first thing in the morning.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2024 5:14 pm

You want to know how to deal with screaming, screeching, baying progressive, leftist, Marxist, Nazi, feral lynch mobs? Well, overnight Spectator columnist Fraser Nelson has penned this for the UK Spectator….

In defence of Douglas Murray
Even by its own standards, Twitter has been an asylum of late, with a lynch mob going after our associate editor Douglas Murray. An interview he gave months ago has been selectively edited and republished to misrepresent him and, in effect, make out that he was encouraging riots. This is how Twitter works. I don’t follow Alastair Campbell, but it seems he has been telling me that unless I condemn Douglas then I myself would apparently ‘stand condemned’. By no less a moral authority, it seems, then Campbell himself.

Andrew Neil has rightly pointed out that hell really will freeze over before a Twitterstorm makes The Spectator turn on a star columnist who has brought so much to the magazine over so many years. The idea that we would do so now, at Campbell’s behest, or that of his fellow trolls, is laughable.

Andrew has also banned advertisers who complain about our columnists.

Hopefully the message has gone out by now that The Spectator isn’t edited by Twitter.

The Spectator will not be bowing to the mob. Not now, not ever.

I never normally refer to Twitter madness in articles here: acting on the advice of Douglas himself. ‘Never waste time bouncing off the effluent of morons’, he wrote in one of his superb Spectator columns. ‘So, for instance, it is a rule among British columnists never to use the term “Owen Jones” in an article. It is too easy. Every couple of hours there will be another gaseous eruption.’ We have a house rule in The Spectator: not to run articles on people who live on Twitter: Katie Hopkins, Campbell, Jones, etc.

But this time is different. When I went through my inbox this morning, I found emails from many readers who could see a character assassination attempt in the offing and who wanted to defend Murray. We only print letters in the magazine in response to articles, but we had so many here that I thought I should publish one. It is from Justin Stebbing, a renowned oncologist, and resonated with me because it sums up my own feelings – and, I suspect, a great many of our readers.

I am writing to express my unwavering support for Douglas Murray, whose insightful and articulate commentary has been a beacon of clarity and reason in today’s complex political landscape. His contributions to The Spectator have consistently demonstrated a profound understanding of global issues, particularly the intricacies of Middle Eastern politics and the defence of Israel.

His steadfast support for Israel is not only commendable but also essential in an era where misinformation and bias often cloud public discourse. His writings provide a balanced perspective that champions truth and moral clarity, qualities that are increasingly rare yet desperately needed. His ability to dissect and articulate the nuances of geopolitical conflicts with precision and empathy is a testament to his intellectual rigor and commitment to justice.

In his recent works, including his speeches and articles, he has eloquently defended Israel’s right to exist and protect its citizens against terrorism. His stance is rooted in a deep understanding of historical and contemporary contexts, which he conveys with both passion and reason. As he aptly stated, ‘It’s moral hygiene to try and clean some of this up. When 99 lies are being told and one truth, the truth will eventually win.’

This commitment to truth is what sets him apart as a commentator and public intellectual.

His broader contributions to political commentary, such as his critiques of western self-laceration and his defence of western values, highlight his role as a crucial voice in contemporary debates. His ability to engage with a wide range of topics, from the rise of extremism to the cultural and political challenges facing the West, underscores his versatility and depth as a thinker.

The attempts by political figures like Campbell to silence him not only undermine the principles of free speech and open debate but also seek to deprive the public of a valuable perspective that challenges prevailing narratives. 

It is imperative that we stand by commentators like Murray, who courageously speak the truth, even when it is unpopular. His brilliance, clarity of thought, and unwavering commitment to truth make him an indispensable asset to your publications and to the broader conversation on critical global issues.

Amen to all that. Douglas wrote the definitive piece about Twitter lynch mobs when he exonerated Roger Scruton by securing the raw footage of the interview that had been so egregiously misrepresented by George Eaton. His scoop and cover piece changed the debate: it was the high water mark of Twitter character assassination because Murray had calmly taken this madness apart and it stood exposed. So did those who get sucked into them. We saw how partial quotes can be maliciously assembled to smear – and how easily a mob is assembled to condemn.

His column last week, incidentally looking at the deprivation levels and local economic dysfunction in rioting areas was thoughtful, original and generated more new subscriptions than any other article we published this year. That’s proof of just how utterly detached these pointless Twitterstorms are from the real world.

It’s almost exactly 15 years since I first became editor and was told about Douglas by the writer Ruth Dudley Edwards who said he was one of the best young essayists thrown up by our country for quite some time. I’d remove ‘one of’. So, sorry, Alastair Campbell et al: The Spectator will not be bowing to the mob. Not now, not ever.


Firstly, I second everything Andrew Neil, Fraser Nelson and Justin Stebbing say in the piece above about Douglas Murray

Secondly, once again this is what you do when the leftist mobs start baying for flesh, you don’t quiver, you don’t tremble, you don’t stumble, you stand up, you straighten up, you stare the scum in the face and you say to the scum, politely of course…….


August 13, 2024 5:20 pm


FAUCI IN 2021: “When people are vaccinated, they are not going to get infected.”

FAUCI NOW: “I got infected about two weeks ago. It was my third Covid-19 infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.”

How much more evidence do we need to prove that this monster has gaslighted the global population for the last three years and even lied before Congress?


August 13, 2024 5:24 pm

Pulling this reply to Bruce out of the embedded answers so people can inspect the maths.
Have I errored anywhere?
 August 13, 2024 5:15 pm

 Reply to  Bruce in WA
I suspect the numbers.
Half the worlds electric vehicles (20 million) are in China.

According to statistical data from China’s National Fire and Rescue Administration, the rate of spontaneous fires in NEVs increased by 32 percent in the first quarter of 2024. This means that currently, an average of eight NEVs catch fire in China every day — nearly 3,000 a year.29 May 2024

That would be 3000/20,000,000
Which is 0.015% per year.
Not 0.0012% with no time specified.
Given the assumption that most electric vehicles in China are still relatively new, and guessing that old EVs explode randomly at twice the rate of new ones (but who the hell knows) call it 0.03% per year.
So if you keep your Chinese EV for ten years and charge it at home, you have a 0.3% chance (3 in 1000) of a catastrophic fire that can’t easily be put out raging in your home.
Or if their are 300 homes in your town or suburb, the inhabitants of one of them can expect a good chance of being incinerated by Chinese EV before the year 2034.
if my maths is correct and there were 100% Chinese EV penetration.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
August 13, 2024 5:26 pm

Elon Musk Takes Down GARM and Why It Matters

Since 2019, the WEF-linked Global Alliance for Responsible Media—GARM—has worked behind the scenes to trigger a massive advertiser boycott of conservative media including Breitbart, The Daily Wire, Rumble, and Elon Musk’s X by the world’s biggest brands. Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News Alex Marlow and PragerU CEO Marissa Streit discuss how GARM dissolved just 48 hours after Elon Musk filed an anti-trust suit against the organization and what this means for free speech.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 13, 2024 5:28 pm

Very odd. You celebrate further after your send off and promotion by stealing one of your employer’s helicopters:

The man killed when the helicopter he was flying without authorisation crashed into a Cairns hotel, was a ground crew employee at Nautilus Aviation who had recently been promoted.

In a statement released late Tuesday, the helicopter tour company said the man aged in his 20s, joined Nautilus about four months ago.

Although he held a New Zealand commercial pilot’s licence he had never flown in Australia or for Nautilus, and was not authorised to fly their helicopters.

In a tragic twist, Nautilus confirmed there had been a gathering of some employees on Sunday night, including off-duty pilots to “send-off the individual involved in Monday morning’s incident”.

It was revealed he had recently been promoted to a ground crew position at another of Nautilus Aviation’s bases, on Long Island in the Whitsundays.

“This was not a work event and was co-ordinated by friends,” said the statement.

“We offer our heartfelt condolences to the individual’s family and all who have been affected by this tragedy and continue to offer our support to our employees during this very challenging period.”

The function attended by the victim ended about 11.30pm, and was not held at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel where the crash occurred.

The statement went on to say the company had provided his details to police, and had completed interviews with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Nautilus Aviation CEO Aaron Finn said the young worker was a “great employee” who was excited about his future.

“We are all devastated,” Mr Finn added.


August 13, 2024 5:36 pm

They use the pretence of foreign involvement to enable turning the full weight of Britain’s spy agencies inwards against domestic political enemies. Which is exactly what happened in the U.S. with Russiagate.


UK Government “RussiaGate-ing” Nigel Farage’s Political Movement And Tommy Robinson’s Street Movement

August 13, 2024 5:37 pm

That is true, but I suspect on Mars the engineering and financial equation flips – electric via solar panels or nuclear probably makes better sense for small scale travel and transport. Keep in mind that on Mars with an ICE engine you are throwing away the combustion products – which you need. On Earth that isn’t important. If you have to include a way to collect and recover the CO2 and H2O for regeneration it all gets very complicated. Much easier to just do electric.

Musk has acknowledged the need for nuclear on Mars and on Earth.

Umm, Bruce as the combustion products are CO2 and water, just return the CO2 to the Martian atmosphere from whence it came. That’s how they are making the rocket fuel, from Martian atmospheric CO2 and water ice deposits + solar or nuclear electricity. Should not be too hard to condense the water from the exhaust and store it for reuse including drinking on board.

August 13, 2024 5:38 pm


Why is the House Foreign Affairs Committee dead silent today, with no statement leaping to X’s defense against the EU? @HouseForeignGOP, will you commit to a hearing on a foreign country interfering in US elections, threatening a US corporation, threatening a US business leader?

  1. I just waved good bye to my compasion when I flushed. Yes, I’m awful. I blame the Jews. 🙂

  2. Some more brilliant comments. Forgot to add earlier, these are under a Mail article. “All their future messaging will be…

  3. Her “I’m a victim, where is the calm and reasoned dialogue” response was so idiotic that it was heart warming.…

  4. Comments under an article about the ball bangs have some gems. Look for the Acme brand on the pagers. Beep…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x