Open Thread – Mon 19 Aug 2024

The Conversion of Saul, Tintoretto, 1545

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Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 19, 2024 12:33 am

Gold Medal.

August 19, 2024 12:33 am

I cannot be first. No, no. You go first.

August 19, 2024 12:34 am

I tried, don’t say I pushed in.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 19, 2024 12:34 am

As you wished, GreyRanga.

August 19, 2024 12:35 am

I’m only awake coz of the raging great headache.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 19, 2024 12:37 am

I feel for you. I’m awake coz I’m still at work. About two & a half hours to go.

Bruce in WA
August 19, 2024 12:39 am

Jeez … it’s only 10.45 pm here. Looks like I’ll have to go to bed!

August 19, 2024 1:18 am

I am bit confused here. I got this picture from a trusted friend, and out of curiosity I followed the link and found that a lot of commenters said it was a fake and AI generated.

I know AI had been around a lot longer but if I recall it was only less than a year since it became a prominent topic.
Now a lot of people claiming AI for all sorts of things text and picture.

Tell me, is it a fake?

Some reference; even a reference to the Aust war memorial, can that be faked?

4th Aust Armoured Brigade Group, (not Division). The unit was 2/4th Aust Armd Regt Workshop, which was co-located with C Squadron, 2/4th Aust Armd Regt at Aitape in PNG at the time the image was taken.

RAEME (Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) field Workshop, ingenuity and ability to adapt and overcome being a necessity of the times.
Corps motto “Arte et Marte” (By Skill and by fighting), Soldiers and tradesmen.

Lightweight trailers also used with similar lathes and Machine shop equipment mounted.
Larger engineering kit mounted on 3T vehicles. 

August 19, 2024 1:21 am

Italians in NY, early days.


In the early 1900s, Mulberry Street in New York City’s Little Italy was a bustling hub of activity and commerce. The Mulberry Street Market, situated in the heart of this vibrant immigrant neighborhood, epitomized the lively and densely packed streets of the area.

During this period, Little Italy was characterized by its Italian-American community, with street vendors and market stalls offering a range of goods, from fresh produce and meats to imported goods and local delicacies. The market would have been a colorful and noisy place, filled with the aromas of various foods, the sounds of haggling vendors, and the chatter of residents and visitors alike.

The streets of Little Italy were narrow and often crowded, lined with tenements and small businesses. This snapshot of downtown Little Italy in the 1900s captures a moment of cultural and economic vitality, reflecting the rich tapestry of immigrant life and the central role that markets played in community interactions and daily life.

August 19, 2024 1:25 am

Another graphic puzzle I can’t work out.
Instead of a simple “Women- Men” we have this.

I suppose why do simple if someone pays for the obscure.

These designers must know someone, no?

August 19, 2024 4:00 am
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August 19, 2024 4:08 am
August 19, 2024 4:41 am

The U.K. has just sentenced Carer Wayne O’Rourke to 3 years in prison because of his X posts.

After three little girls were butchered to death in Southport, O’Rourke allegedly tweeted, “People of Southport where the f**k are you, get out on the street.”

If the Poms put up with this, they deserve the Fascist/Communist Government they’re going to get – good and hard.

Last edited 30 days ago by BobtheBoozer
August 19, 2024 4:55 am

UK Man Gets 3 Years for Islam Tweet, Muslim Gets Suspended Sentence for Threatening Jews w/Knife

This isn’t about cracking down on racial hatred, it’s about terrorizing people into keeping quiet about Islamic violence and any opposition to the Starmer regime.

August 19, 2024 5:10 am

What happens when the public keeps voicing concerns, but politicians not only ignore them but insult them? In a recent discussion, Douglas Murray dives deep into the frustrations brewing in British cities. For 20 years, British citizens have consistently voted for less immigration, only to see it increase. Murray highlights the economic strain, noting that since 2008, 74% of jobs created have gone to people not born in Britain.

It’s pretty bloody obvious, is it not? The British are being replaced by Muslim Africans – with the connivance of the ruling class who do not have the wit to understand they will be forced out by the replacements as well.

Last edited 30 days ago by BobtheBoozer
August 19, 2024 5:24 am
The Police Have Turned Their Back On The People — Former Detective on UK Police?

August 19, 2024 5:25 am

Went to a place called ‘Honey Falls’ today. About 40kms from Kislovodsk. Interesting and absolutely packed. Hundreds, if not a couple of thousand, assorted tourists.

The most memorable part was the drive there and back. We went with a friend of Mrs Speedbox who, although being in her 40s, has only been driving for a couple of years. She was, without any doubt, the most dangerous driver I have ever had the misfortune to share a car with.

Appalling car control and inattentive, she let the car wander within her lane and sometimes edge into the path of oncoming traffic while she continued with her animated conversation, sometimes taking both hands of the wheel. Her phone rang a couple of times and she answered it (not hands free) and all the while, no seatbelt for her. Never wears one she said.

I was actually nervous on the drive home – we were an accident looking for a place to happen.

I’m still stressed. I need a valium and a lie down.

August 19, 2024 6:01 am

Matt Goodwin:
Nigel Farage is the only one talking about 6.1 Million Immigrants over the next 12 years.
We are watching the absolute failure of Centrism in politics – and Britain is not going Left – it will go populist Right.

Last edited 30 days ago by BobtheBoozer
August 19, 2024 6:24 am

So reading this free State Rail “advert”, courtesy of “our” ABC, for the soon-to-be Metro line which doesn’t go anywhere where I, usually, go I’m considering myself very “lucky” .. !
Cos, apparently, it ain’t been designed with OAPS in mind .. very little seating and strap hanging at 100kpm just ain’t on my 76years old agenda … LOL!

August 19, 2024 6:32 am

Australians slugged with world’s second most expensive passport

What do you expect when it is a prison colony? You need to bribe the warders to be let out.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2024 6:49 am

It’s now six weeks since the UK election and the UK Torries, instead of finding a half decent leader, sharpening their knives and attacking Fuhrer Sturmer and his motley Islamist crew, are instead attacking Nigel Farage.

Can you find a more pathetic political party than the UK Torries?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 7:20 am

Irony award of the day so far.

French Far-Left Threatens to Impeach President Macron if Socialist Not Installed as Prime Minister (18 Aug)

The leaders of the French far-left have threatened to impeach President Emmanuel Macron over an “institutional coup against democracy” for so far refusing to nominate a leftist to become the next prime minister.

The irony being that they pulled off an institutional coup to shut Marine Le Pen out of a majority. Now Macron has an actual totalitarian overtly antisemitic bunch coming after him. Having shafted Le Pen it would be sweet revenge if she voted with them to impeach Micron.

August 19, 2024 7:26 am


August 18, 2024 10:44 pm

The group calling themselves Women Will Speak are aligned with several known neo-Nazis

Please elaborate dickless, sparing no detail of the no doubt copious evidence you have dutifully compiled to substantiate this slimy slur.

It’s his MO and has been for years.
Absolute slime sack.
Here’s a link to that protest he’s rabbiting on about, easy to see where the violence is coming from.

Like I suggested somewhere in nested comments yesterday, one day one of these pos will fill a balloon with something like paraquat.

August 19, 2024 7:36 am

Anyone with a Paywallian sub who can tell us where Plibbers is stopping a one billion dollar gold mine?

August 19, 2024 7:49 am

Further to the above, you have to wonder what sort of “radar” or instincts monty is instilling in his daughter (I’m remembering he said he has one), if not the principle will still apply to other comrades.
Is the child being taught to be very wary and get out asap if a bloke dressed as a woman comes into her toilet or change room?
Or is she being taught that if she thinks this way she is no different to the mob who slaughtered 6 million Jews and millions of others not that long ago?

If it’s the latter I fear the outcomes for the daughters of monty and his (educated) craft beer drinking comrades.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 7:55 am


Report: California’s Plastic Bag Ban Produced More Plastic Bag Waste (18 Aug)

California’s 2014 ban on thin plastic grocery bags caused more plastic bag waste, not less, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Breitbart News covered the fight over the plastic bag ban — the first by any state in the nation — in 2014, noting that the ban was a regressive tax on consumers that would benefit large grocery chains, who could charge ten cents per bag for heavier, government-approved plastic bags that were, in theory, more reusable than the thinner ones.

Ten years later, the amount of plastic bag waste per California resident has risen by almost 50%, the Journal notes

Same here of course I strongly suspect. Coles has now stopped using the thick plastic bags too, replacing them with paper bags – which have an even bigger environmental footprint. It’s almost as if environmentalists are trying to destroy the environment rather than save it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2024 8:08 am

Here is a tweet discussing the real effects of Kamala’s price control.

It starts:

People need to stop overreacting about Kamala’s plan to reduce food inflation, as if it would lead to communism, mass starvation, and the end of America.

Make sure you read to the end before pummelling me with rotten (price controlled) fruit.

August 19, 2024 8:10 am
August 19, 2024 8:11 am

Dim Chalmers must be the last sentient being on the continent to realise that China’s economic slowdown would blow a sizeable hole in our budget.

Even an inebriated wombat might have sensed the headwinds.

August 19, 2024 8:16 am

They seem to want a civil war.


The U.K. has just sentenced Carer Wayne O’Rourke to 3 years in prison because of his X posts.

After three little girls were butchered to death in Southport, O’Rourke allegedly tweeted, “People of Southport where the f**k are you, get out on the street.”

August 19, 2024 8:20 am
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2024 8:20 am

What is with the Morland cartoon?

Is he saying that Trump does not attract crowds?

I suppose everyone has seen that photo which is meant to show the crowd around Kamala’s plane. I do not default to assuming things are AI but that photo was very suspicious – the crowd was right up on the plane almost, but more interesting was to look at where the crowd should have appeared reflected on the side of the plane and the engine nacelle – nothing. Given the curve it is possible there was a smaller crowd much further back. I think she held some sort of rally in a hanger nearby and there were people there for that.

August 19, 2024 8:22 am

Tanya Plibersek’s gold mine veto will lead to sovereign risk and ‘hijack’ of Aboriginal Heritage Act, miners warn

Simon Benson The Australian 18August, 2024

Miners have warned of a new and unprecedented sovereign risk to resources investment in Australia after the Albanese government’s decision to effectively kill a $1bn goldmining project in NSW on contested Indigenous heritage grounds that have been challenged by a local Aboriginal land council.

The decision by Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek on Friday to override her own federal department and NSW planning approval for the Regis McPhillamy’s gold mine near Blayney has rocked the resources sector, which claims section 10s of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait ­Islander Heritage Protection Act is now being hijacked by green groups to block projects that have otherwise met all necessary state and federal development ­approvals.

The industry claims this section of the act, enacted by Labor in 1984 during the lands rights movement, is being weaponised by green activists.

Senior government sources have also revealed they have witnessed an increasing use of section 10s to try to stop projects after all other avenues have been exhausted. But this project marks the first time Ms Plibersek has used the power.

The minister’s decision ignores the concerns of the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council, which has legislative authority to speak for country. It claimed that there were not any concerns that could not be managed, and questioned the authenticity of those who were opposing the site on Indigenous heritage grounds.

“It is a matter of concern to OLALC that a range of claims have been made on this issue, by people and organisations lacking the experience, expertise and authority to hold themselves out as authorities on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage,” the land council submission said. “We question the motives of people and organisations who participate in pro­moting unsubstantiated claims and seek to hijack Aboriginal ­Cultural Heritage in order to push other agendas.”

Ms Plibersek said she was relying on the evidence from the ­Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people, who her office said also had legislative authority to speak to country in that local region.

The Regis McPhillamy project, which has been effectively denied based on a submission from a group of 17 people, is one of several major resource projects under challenge through this section of the Indigenous Heritage Act.

The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies has warned that the decision marks a dangerous precedent for projects in Australia, despite Ms Plibersek’s protests that her ruling was not a decision to stop the mine and was in line with concerns raised by other local Indigenous representatives.

Last week another project, the Bellevue gold mine in Western Australia, was subject to a section 10 objection lodged by a single complainant, a move that AMEC claimed had direct implications for already-approved mining projects across the country.

AMEC chief executive Warren Pearce said: “This is an incredibly disappointing decision that sets a truly terrible precedent for investment risk in Australia. This is the definition of sovereign risk.

“If any project, no matter how thoroughly consulted, negotiated, supported and assessed, can be knocked over by the objections of only a few people right at the end of the process, then how can any company or investor have confidence to invest in Australia.

“Section 10s (objections) have an exceptionally low bar to make an objection, and often cause significant delay.”

Mr Pearce said the Regis McPhillamy decision would likely encourage more activists seeking to weaponise the act against project developers. “It’s scarcely believable, that the federal minister could uphold this objection, when a comprehensive state inquiry found that there were no unacceptable impacts on cultural heritage,” he said.

The Regis gold mine had passed all the necessary development approvals under federal and NSW law including the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act. The company claims it has ­already invested $340m in the project.

For the NSW government – which approved the tailings dam for the mine, the key issue in dispute – the federal decision represents the potential loss of $200m in royalties.

Ms Plibersek said on Friday her decision to make a declaration under the ATSIHP Act did not kill the project as the company had claimed it had alternative sites.

“I have decided to make a partial declaration under section 10 of the ATSIHP Act to protect a significant Aboriginal heritage site near Blayney, in central west NSW, from being destroyed to build a tailings dam for a gold mine,” Ms Plibersek stated in her decision.

“The Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people, who traditionally lived around the Bathurst area, have significant spiritual and cultural connections to the headwaters of the Belubula River.

“The headwaters are of particular significance to Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people and are linked to ongoing cultural practices of the area. They have featured in many traditions practised for generations including by Aboriginal people transitioning from youth to young adulthood.

“Some of these traditions have been disclosed to me privately and must remain confidential due to their cultural sensitivity. If this site were to be desecrated, it would be an threat to the continuance of Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri culture.

“Because I accept that the headwaters of the Belubula River are of particular significance to the Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people in accordance with their tradition, I have decided to protect them.

“Crucially, my decision is not to stop the mine.”

This is disputed by the company which in June warned Ms Plibersek via the Environment Department that a section 10s application would prevent development of the mine.

In a submission to the NSW Independent Planning Commission last year, the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council disputed the application by other groups and claimed it didn’t object to the mine. The OLALC said it had been misrepresented in the section 10s application and that it had never opposed the mine.

“As stated previously, we are not against approval for the mine, but we’re not for it either. I suppose you’d say we are neutral,” the group said.

OLALC in its submission said that the development would not impact “any known sites or artefacts of high significance”.

It said of the currently identified items of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage that would be impacted, they could be properly managed and protected as long as conditions were placed on the project.

Minerals Council chief executive Tania Constable said the organisation had long warned about the “unclear, duplicative, and uncertain processes not only hurt the mining sector but also create barriers to much needed investment”.

“For Australia to remain an attractive investment destination, our regulatory processes must be transparent and based on clear, consistent evidence,” Ms Constable said.

“When transparency is compromised through shifting ­requirements, it not only undermines trust but also slows down vital projects integral to creating investment certainty, supporting regional jobs, businesses and the communities that benefit from minerals development.”

Ms Plibersek said both Liberal and Labor governments had previously made decisions under section 10s and rejected the warning of sovereign risk.

“Building a waste dump on that particular site would have destroyed the headwaters of the Belubula River – a place of particular significance for local Aboriginal people going back thousands of years,” said a spokesman for Ms Plibersek.

“The company is free to find another site for their waste dump. It’s understood there were more than four sites investigated with 30 options in the mix.”

Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley, when she served as environment minister, issued a section 10 decision involving the same traditional owner group (Wiradyuri traditional owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation) close to the Blayney gold mine site Ms Ley protected the site under section 10 for cultural significance to the Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people, including “local Aboriginal narratives, songlines, ceremonies and cultural heritage”.

Opposition resources spokesman Susan McDonald said Ms Plibersek’s decision was a “blow to investor confidence by stealth”.

“It makes it impossible for investor boards to make decisions in to invest in Australia,” Senator McDonald said.

“The uncertainty is crippling for decision makers.”

August 19, 2024 8:23 am
August 19, 2024 8:27 am

I’ll never forget him in Texas Across the River, one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen.
French actor and heartthrob Alain Delon dies at 88

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2024 8:29 am

Dim Chalmers must be the last sentient being on the continent to realise that China’s economic slowdown would blow a sizeable hole in our budget.


He has a plan.

Just increase government spending to pick up the slack.

August 19, 2024 8:37 am

Anal and bubbersack turning up the Marxist wrecking a few more notches. Evil people.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 19, 2024 8:42 am

the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council, which has legislative authority to speak for country
*scare quotes needed
legislative authority to “speak for country”
What could possibly go wrong?
Yeah, pander you b*tches, grovel even lower, tie yourselves in knots of shame. Drown in the hot tears of frustration as you beg to be told what the most correctest Roman letter to use for the English spelling for a dysfunctional “nation” which is only being kept alive by the Commonwealth Chthulu Coven. You want cultural relativism and endless revisionism, you gonna get it, good and hard.

August 19, 2024 8:43 am

Tania Blubbersack.

Some of these traditions have been disclosed to me privately and must remain confidential due to their cultural sensitivity.

This is literally: Source: Trust me dude.

August 19, 2024 8:44 am
August 19, 2024 8:44 am

Word is that after the nuclear fiasco Peter Dutton has decided differentiating the Libs from Labor on policy is too hard.

He’s going to make it a leadership contest between himself and Albanese, hence the focus on national security, where Albanese appears weak.

That’s tantamount to an admission that the Coalition has no compelling solutions to the bread and butter issues that are the major concern of Australians – housing affordability, real wage decline and healthcare. Either that or they lack the courage to prosecute their case. Which explains why Dutton’s shadow cabinet is missing in action.

As has so often been the case with the Liberals, Australia deserves a better alternative to Labor.

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 8:50 am


37 minutes ago
Do we have the return of “secret women’s business” ? Someone whispers something privately to the Minister, which can’t be repeated publicly, and suddenly a major project is stopped. $340 million in planning is flushed down the drain. Impossible for the decision to be overturned because no-one knows what was said – not even the local Aboriginal council. The authenticity of the statements can never be tested. Madness.

August 19, 2024 8:51 am

My usual response to “climate change” garbage is that if a volcano hiccups it put our more CO2 than humanity can in a year. I knew it was rubbish decades ago when they started measuring our measly 3% of CO2 emissions and totally ignoring the 97% natural output – even leaving aside the fact the carbon dioxide is an essential trace gas without which there would be no life on earth.



“The largest and highest injection of water into the stratosphere since satellites began taking measurements:

160,900 tons (146,000 metric tons) of additional water vapor had entered the stratosphere since the volcano erupted, reaching a maximum altitude of 33 miles (53 km), which is in the mesosphere, the layer of the atmosphere that extends from the top of the stratosphere to an altitude of 53 miles (85 km).”

August 19, 2024 9:11 am

So I’ve been dipping into the foundation document of the formerly united Kingdom’s two tiered policing and I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not meant to be read with a critical eye.
Instead, you’re supposed to wave it in the air whilst wearing sack-cloth and ashes and just accept all the recommendations (haven’t got to them yet).
Leaving aside the turgid hyperbole:
“We do not believe that PC Bethel consciously sought to attack Mr Brooks by this crescendo of criticism…”
“…never dealt satisfactorily with the other evil of unwitting racism…”
being just a small taste, it’s chockers with internal inconsistencies.

The term institutional racism should be understood to refer to the way the institution or the organisation may systematically or repeatedly treat, or tend to treat, people differentially because of their race.

Which is at odds with the call to treat people differentially because of their race about fifty pages earlier:

…there can be ” … failure to adjust policies and methods to meet the needs of policing a multi-racial society”. Such failures can occur simply because police officers may mistakenly believe that it is legitimate to be “colour blind”…it is no longer enough to believe “all that is necessary is to treat everyone the same…it might be said it is about treatment according to need.” 

It’s making my head hurt.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 9:12 am

Word is that after the nuclear fiasco Peter Dutton has decided differentiating the Libs from Labor on policy is too hard.

And here I was thinking about actually voting for him. Ah well back to the Artline texta.

Meanwhile Labor energy policy is looking worse and worse.

Wind drought a warning to hobbled green energy pipeline (Paywallian)

Australia must install about 40 wind turbines a month to meet a 2030 renewable energy target, but a winter wind drought showed the ambitious goal depends on a broader range of generation.

Good luck with that. Inflation, public opposition and the inability to build transmission lines to these remote locations is making it harder and harder to financially justify. Plus wind droughts are a regular occurrence, and naturally the companies built out all the best site first, so the yield on new projects is worse.

August 19, 2024 9:42 am

So much joy even the buildings have to be protected from it.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 19, 2024 9:46 am

miltonf on the old thread you asked who the genius former NSW treasurer was in relation to a comment I’d made:

‘Twas Michael Egan

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 9:47 am


22 minutes ago
If the indigenous claims were genuine they should have been lodged at the very beginning not at the end after all approvals .We voted No to special privileges based on race. Just imagine the mess if the activists for the yes campaign had fooled more people

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 19, 2024 9:47 am

thefrollickingmole — thanks the DNC Joy Panels – a joy to behold

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 19, 2024 9:50 am

Speaking of Joy — have you noticed that so many in the leftiverse are named joy — MSNB’s Joy Reid, the View’s Joy Behar, and even better Sunny Hostin also of the view — strange that talk about bring a beautiful word disrepute but then again the left turns everything to merda

August 19, 2024 10:04 am

Bought a bottle of Tea Tree Oil .. no mention of diluting in the instructions could someone post the least painful “safe” way to apply it to my facial disaster ..? Thanx …

August 19, 2024 10:06 am

“Word is that after the nuclear fiasco Peter Dutton has decided differentiating the Libs from Labor on policy is too hard.”
I have noted that Roger has repeated this “hearsay” without reference or evidence and using the oft used intro of “Word is that” to spread a damaging rumour.
“Peter Dutton’s nuclear fiasco”. Oh really, on the contrary since announcing his intended policy Dutton has risen in the polls and increased the overall numbers for the Coalition. See the most recent Newspoll.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 10:09 am

Nightmare neighbours: Public housing tenants terrorise Perth suburbBy Rebecca Peppiatt
August 19, 2024

Listen to this article
6 min
Welcome to the town where 10-year-olds are threatening people with knives, people are attacked with hammers at the local supermarket and the only way to go out after dark is if you’re carrying pepper spray and a cattle prod.
Not London, Mexico or the Middle East but Maddington, a small suburb in Perth’s south-east.

It took this homeowner two years to get these Department of Communities residents evicted after constant abuse, violence and drug taking.
And its residents have had enough.
Last week a community meeting attracted more than 150 people who claim they have repeatedly reported antisocial behaviour, violence, death threats, vandalism, theft and drug use from public housing tenants to the Department of Communities with zero outcome.
They shared their stories in what they say will be the first of many public forums as they call on action from the government and WA Police to step in and do something about what they have labelled an escalating “crime crisis”.

Horror stories
Katrina bought her Maddington home 15 years ago. Two years ago she took out a violence restraining order against her neighbours after repeatedly being verbally abused and threatened with violence, but it wasn’t until she hired a lawyer and threatened the Department of Communities with legal action that they were evicted.
She calls those two years, in which she made 47 official complaints, “complete and utter hell”.
Another local said her three children slept with baseball bats in their bedrooms because they had been broken into five times since December.
“What are we supposed to do?” she asked at the meeting.
“We’ve been to the police. We’ve given them our footage but every time their faces are covered, so they can’t do anything.
“They’re taking fingerprints but they’re always wearing gloves. So that’s my question; what are we supposed to do? We’ve had a gutful, and I’ll be honest, I put spikes around the inside of my fence because my kids are scared. They won’t go out after five o’clock. They don’t go anywhere anymore. They stay home with us.”
Locals told the meeting they believed it was a small section of Department of Housing tenants responsible for an increase in general crime in the suburb.

One attendee alleged he was attacked with a hammer at the local IGA two weeks ago.
He had been intervening in a dispute, trying to protect the store’s young staff when he allegedly got assaulted.
A street away, 62-year-old Esther Montgomery lives in an over-55s complex on Sheoak Road. She says the elderly residents there have been terrorised by groups of youths.
“I was robbed, my car was smashed. The kids who did it, one was 10 and the other was 15,” she said.
“They were caught and charged. The 15-year-old, two days later, went to Maddington Central and held a knife to a woman holding a baby.
“The very next day, he went to the shopping centre again, there was a man holding his baby sitting at the cafe, and he had a knife held to his throat too. It was the police who told me that.”

Another woman told WAtoday a group of youths defecated in her neighbour’s front yard then smeared it all over her fence.

Why aren’t they being evicted?Melanie Samuels, deputy director general of WA’s Department of Communities, attended the meeting with the Housing Minister’s parliamentary secretary David Scaife and Steve Martin, deputy leader of the Liberal Party, as well as numerous City of Gosnells councillors.
“What are you going to do to protect us?” one woman asked.
“What are you going to do to protect us from the people that you won’t deal with, that you won’t hold accountable?
“What are you doing for us? Because our lives are being ruined.”
Samuels, the deputy DG, told the audience the department did its “very best” to ensure tenants fulfilled their tenancy obligations.

She said a magistrate was the only person who could evict a public housing tenant, but locals retorted that the department’s too-narrow complaints procedure and an outdated Residential Tenancies Act needed to change.
“Communities does investigate all disruptive behaviour complaints in accordance with its obligations under the RTA,” Samuels responded.

August 19, 2024 10:13 am

I have noted that Roger has repeated this “hearsay” without reference or evidence and using the oft used intro of “Word is that” to spread a damaging rumour.

I have a party source, mem.

“Peter Dutton’s nuclear fiasco”. Oh really, on the contrary since announcing his intended policy Dutton has risen in the polls and increased the overall numbers for the Coalition. See the most recent Newspoll.

Correlation is not causation. His polling is nothing to do with his half-baked nuclear policy, which he hasn’t spoken about since June.

What you have to understand in regard to politicians is their primary interest isn’t solving your problems, it’s solving their problems, chief of which is how to get elected (h/t Thomas Sowell.)

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 10:20 am

At least Batman himself isn’t a tranny, there’s that.

‘Batman: Caped Crusader’ Animated Series Gender-Swaps Penguin Because of a ‘Lack of Good Female Villains’ (18 Aug)

The show, developed by Warner Bros. Discovery, was not released on WB’s streaming service Max but instead dumped on Amazon Prime Video this month. With this version of Batman, The Penguin, voiced by actress Minnie Driver, is a showy, over-the-top cabaret owner who moonlights as the head of a criminal organization.

The series kept its gender swapping of the Penguin under wraps with its first trailer, which only showed the long-time Batman foe in a silhouette. But it did showcase that one of the new characters would be a strong female police detective (Michelle C. Bonilla) who leads a Gotham City Police task force to capture and prosecute the Dark Knight as a criminal vigilante.

Feminist Batman has arrived, since it sounds like they’ve also gender swapped Detective Gordon too. Sure to be a massive hit.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 10:27 am

Some of these traditions have been disclosed to me privately and must remain confidential due to their cultural sensitivity.

Haha she really say this?
We’ve heard for years why important projects get delayed or canned altogether. Whether it’s Crocodile Man, birthing trees, middins, whatever. Yet she wants to remain silent.
Ms Plibersek, there is no cultural sensitivity which forbids you to comment. None.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 10:34 am

A week is a long time in politics.

Walz’s masculinity is terrifying to Republicans (Bloomberg, 9 Aug)

It’s Pretty Obvious… Liberal Reporter Suggests Tim Walz Has a ‘Different Kind of Masculinity’ (18 Aug)

This week he’s been flouncing with best, the photos have been rather funny.

August 19, 2024 10:41 am

The evil and stupidity of these people really is breathtaking. That’s why I want Dutton elected and we can work on him from there. Anal and co really have to go.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2024 10:41 am

I agree with Mem. As for….

Peter Dutton’s nuclear fiasco

What a load of cobblers. There was and is no ‘fiasco’.

Secondly, I’m more than happy to critique Dutton on issues, where criticism is warranted however his nuclear policy is not one of them. It’s good and it got people talking. He’s also on the money re. national security, Hamas and Gazan refugees.

Where I will critique Dutton is on such things as his rush to defend the E-safety skank after the Wakeley church stabbing and her stoush with Musk. Also, Dutton is still reluctant to speak up about cultural and social issues. I also think Dutton has a strong censorship streak, and I find that worrying.

There is actually a good piece in today’s Oz by Quillette editor Claire Lehmann on what Dutton should be doing, a la Pierre Poilievre in Canada.

When will the opposition take young voters seriously? Mr Dutton, it’s time you looked to Canada
Whoever is running the Liberal Party’s PR strategy is doing a woeful job. For some reason, our opposition party is unable to tell a story that would help young people understand why their standards of living are in decline.

Now Lehmann’s piece is on the money. Poilievre and the Conservatives in Canada are now, for the first time in a decade, very popular with young people, particularly young men. Dutton could learn a thing or two from this.

I have a party source, mem.

So what, I know lots of people in the party. Means nothing.

Dutton is far more forceful on stuff than the likes of Crisafooli and Sleazeman.

August 19, 2024 10:43 am

Will there ever be consequences for those who forced this poison on us?
New Oxford study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died

August 19, 2024 10:46 am
Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 10:48 am

As if the Logies have any real meaning to anyone. This confirms that:

The Logies pulled off a world exclusive coup, scoring a video message from Australia’s controversial breakdancing Olympian, Rachael “Raygun” Gunn.

After welcoming international guests Will Forte, a former cast member of SNL and D’Arcy Carden, a star of The Good Place, Pang told them Australia are world leaders “in mining, agriculture and, of course, breakdancing.

“Speaking of breakdancing, time now for a world exclusive, a message from the woman who represented Australia at the Olympic Games and has become a global sensation, Raygun,” Pang said huge cheers and applause in the room.

“Hello, Australia, Raygun here,” the breakdancer said in a prerecorded video.

“I just want to say congrats to all the Logie nominees and best of luck tonight.

“Please feel free to pull out one of my signature moves in celebration. Have fun and look after each other.”

An event for vainglorious popinjays with no clue as to how little they mean to Joe Public.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 10:59 am

The Logies pulled off a world exclusive coup, scoring a video message from Australia’s controversial breakdancing Olympian, Rachael “Raygun” Gunn.

I wouldn’t call it a coup (except maybe in the banana republic sense), it’s more like a weird example of ultimate cultural cringe. She was so awful that she’s going to be in memes for the next decade at least.

August 19, 2024 11:00 am

As if the Logies have any real meaning to anyone. This confirms that:

There is only one logies moment worth watching.
It can never be beaten.

August 19, 2024 11:03 am

Dutton is far more forceful on stuff than the likes of Crisafooli and Sleazeman.

That’s his public, political persona.

Behind the scenes he’s quite malleable.

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
Bill from the Bush
Bill from the Bush
August 19, 2024 11:10 am

Plibbercrap has canned one gold mine and now has to deal with another sec10 drama.

from behind the worst ozzie’s paywall

 Bellevue Gold says it is “fully committed” to the protection of Aboriginal heritage at Lake Miranda north of Leinster through its agreement with the local native title holders.
One of those native title holders, Colleen Berry, has applied to Federal environment and water minister Tanya Plibersek seeking protection of the lake, claiming its cultural heritage is “under threat” from Bellevue’s activities.
According to an advertisement in Thursday’s editions of the Kalgoorlie Miner and The West Australian newspapers, Ms Berry has made the application under section 10 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984.
In a statement to Kalgoorlie Miner, Bellevue said the protection of Aboriginal heritage at Lake Miranda was a key pillar of the legally binding native title agreement signed in 2022 between Bellevue and Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation.
The corporation is the prescribed body representing the 11 families — which has about 350 members, including Ms Berry — who the Federal Court has recognised as the native title holders of the area which hosts Bellevue’s $252 million namesake project.
Bellevue said its native title agreement included an extremely detailed and comprehensive cultural heritage management plan.

“Under the plan, the cultural heritage of the area under Lake Miranda was assessed by Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation and it was agreed that subsurface exploration and mining would not affect cultural heritage,” the company said.
“The plan includes specific, highly detailed management measures for activities on, around and under Lake Miranda, including access prohibitions, activity planning and ongoing environmental impact management.
“Bellevue is complying, and will continue to comply with, all requirements of the plan.
“No surface disturbance of the lake area is allowed under the native title agreement and plan, and Bellevue has not disturbed, and will not disturb, the surface of the lake.
“There is provision in the plan for mining under the lake.”
Bellevue said it had agreed at Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation’s request to undertake the clean?up, at Bellevue’s cost, of historic tailings that were deposited on the surface of Lake Miranda during operations by a company — not Bellevue — in the 1980s and 1990s.
“Bellevue is confident there are strong grounds to support a refusal by the minister of the application for a number of reasons,” it said.
Those included the native title agreement with Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation and the “extensive process” to put the agreement and heritage management plans in place.
The company said there were “significant protections provided to Lake Miranda” and the deal was unanimous.
Corporation chief executive Greg Ryan-Gadsden said the agreement with Bellevue provided comfort to the native title holders regarding protection to Lake Miranda from mining activities.
Mr Ryan-Gadsden said the cultural heritage management plan also provided clear and strong procedures for ongoing protection of heritage, including Lake Miranda.
“Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation recognises the mutual benefit that they and Bellevue both derive from their agreement and co-operation,” he said.
Ms Berry said she was passionate about protecting the country were she grew up and was worried the cultural site — the lake — would be damaged.
“My family had a long association with that country,” Ms Berry told the Kalgoorlie Miner.
“We’re custodians . . . we look after the lake.”
The newspaper advertisement said Ms Berry claimed drilling underneath Lake Miranda would “interrupt the Dreaming pathway of the snakes and destroy the Tjukurpa”.
“The applicant states that this will break the Tjiwarl people’s spiritual connection with Lake Miranda, and the traditions which relate to the lake will die out,” the advertisement said.
The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has authorised the advertisement, and in it Newcastle-based Alison Stone said she had been appointed to prepare a report to Ms Plibersek on Ms Berry’s application.
The ad said Section 10 of the Act gave Ms Plibersek the power to make a declaration “to preserve and protect an area where the minister is satisfied that it is a ‘significant Aboriginal area’ under threat of injury or desecration”.
A spokesperson for the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water said it would not be appropriate to comment on an active application.
But the spokesperson confirmed there were no provisions for orders to stop work under the Act.
It is understood the laws have no time frame for a response to be finalised.

This is not her first rodeo, so to speak.

The chair of the TAC has a contracting business that works on all the mine in the area, as well as being the Pastoral Lease Holder of three stations in the greater area. He will be annoyed so the question has to be asked as to who got in her ear and what did they promise?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2024 11:19 am

I wouldn’t call it a coup (except maybe in the banana republic sense), it’s more like a weird example of ultimate cultural cringe.

I would have gone with coup de grace. Something that was once quite vibrant and bright has finally been put out of its long drawn out misery.

August 19, 2024 11:19 am

Sacred lakes.

Sacred mountains.

Sacred estuaries.

Sacred seas.

What’s next…claims over the sky?

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 11:41 am

Rescued: Booktopia sold to online camera storeBy Jessica YunAugust 19, 2024 — 9.36am

Listen to this article
2 min
Booktopia has been rescued by the owner of online camera store digiDirect, Shant Kradjian, who is adding 100 jobs back to the collapsed bookseller.
The business and all its assets were transferred to Kradjian on Friday evening and the website has resumed trading.
Booktopia appointed voluntary administrators in early July after three straight years of unprofitability.Credit: Julian Andrews
McGrathNicol administrator Keith Crawford said he was incredibly pleased to close the sale and that the transition of Booktopia to another Australian e-commerce retailer was a great outcome for the business.
“The transaction will result in the retention of all remaining employees, the recruitment of some 100 additional employees and continuity of supply for Booktopia’s trade creditors,” he said.
“We commend digiDirect’s owner Shant Kradjian and his team, who moved quickly and professionally to complete due diligence and the transaction in collaboration with the Administrators and Booktopia’s staff and key suppliers.”

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 19, 2024 11:43 am

The only drought that will effect the renewable build is a cash drought. Cut the access to consumer power bills and the taxpayer then whole scam will fall apart.
Electricity is only a byproduct of the scheme.

August 19, 2024 11:46 am

Adherents of a culture who took delight in profaning the sacred now seek to sacralise the profane, by force of law if necessary.

And by doing so, imagine themselves to be progressive.

While remaining oblivious to the contradiction.

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 19, 2024 11:49 am

Had to turn off Sky Daytime again – the TDS of Richo and the Chinese lady was excruciating.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 11:58 am

Fatima Payman: Independent senator is not ruling out forming own political partyKatina CurtisThe West Australian
Mon, 19 August 2024 9:16AM


Katina Curtis
Independent senator Fatima Payman is not ruling out forming her own political party as she consults with her new chief of staff, Glenn Druery over the best way to spend the rest of her four-year term in the Senate.
The WA senator who quit Labor in July after crossing the floor to take a different public position on Palestinian statehood features in an Australian Story episode on Monday night.
Her husband Jacob Stokes also speaks about how he ended up quitting his job as a ministerial adviser in the WA State Government after Senator Payman left the party.
He says that once Senator Payman decided to publicly call Israel’s invasion of Gaza a genocide, “we knew there was no turning back”.
“She probably wasn’t going to be preselected again, that once you do something like that in the Labor Party, that that is the beginning of the end,” he told the ABC.
Mr Druery says the matter of setting up a new political party is “certainly a discussion we need to have”.
The political strategist has made a career of advising minor parties and independents across federal and state parliaments.

August 19, 2024 11:59 am

The Harris-Walz campaign left DC on their “drive to the DNC” in 2 big customized blue buses. Apparently they are accompanied by a contingent of paid actors in a fleet of white vans to pretend to be adoring locals at planned “spontaneous” stops.

A couple hours later they staged a stop at a convenience store so that Kamala could buy a bag of Doritos chips… as one does when they are an unpopular failing presidential candidate attempting to seem “normal”.

Next, a sandwich shop.

Joshua Herman


The Harris/Waltz campaign kicked out patrons at @primantibros at 4PM to bring in staged “customers” for Kamala’s visit tonight. Trump supporters gathered next door to properly welcome their fake campaign to Allegheny County.

August 19, 2024 12:16 pm

What’s next…claims over the sky?

Claims by the traditional caretakers of wind and sunlight used by renewable energy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 12:20 pm

So many many drones on the taxpayer teat.

Why Melbourne’s e-scooter ban is a wrong turn away from safe, sustainable transport (TechXplore, 16 Aug)

Mark Stevenson

Professor of Urban Transport and Public Health, The University of Melbourne

Ferdinand Balfoort

PhD Candidate in Law, Charles Darwin University

4 ways to cut down on meat when dining out – and still make healthy choices (MedXpress, 16 Aug)

Laura Marchese

PhD candidate at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University

Katherine Livingstone

NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University

Purest green propaganda. If some nice person bulldozed these universities would anyone notice?

August 19, 2024 12:32 pm

Honestly don’t understand how Liebor can appoint a Minister for Ag with absolutely zero farming experience and has prolly never been on a farm!

August 19, 2024 12:38 pm

“We’re custodians . . . we look after the lake.”

sure you do

The newspaper advertisement said Ms Berry claimed drilling underneath Lake Miranda would “interrupt the Dreaming pathway of the snakes and destroy the Tjukurpa”.

oh no wont someone think of the Tjukurpa!

“The applicant states that this will break the Tjiwarl people’s spiritual connection with Lake Miranda, and the traditions which relate to the lake will die out,” the advertisement said.

but for a handful of shekels all could be forgiven right

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2024 12:39 pm

Republicans are weird. Democrats are completely sane though.

comment image

August 19, 2024 12:39 pm

Fascist UK judges.

Like the camp guards, they have always lived amongst us, they simply needed an opportunity.

There does appear to be a significant increase in the propensity towards Judge Jeffreys arrogance amongst our contemporary esteemed ‘job for life’ wiggers.

August 19, 2024 12:49 pm

The party frightened about the ‘threat to our democracy’ is nominating a wannabe tyrant.

“I will snatch their patent, so that we [the American government] will take over.”

This is the evil witch who wants to establish price controls and put grocers out of business for “price fixing”.

Listen to the one moron in the audience clapping. The rest are still too shocked, but they are leftwing so they will vote for her anyway.

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 19, 2024 1:05 pm

Zulu, was John Walsh leader of the Farmers Union during the Forrest Place insurgency? I vaguely remember some cockies didn’t trust him because of his brother.

August 19, 2024 1:06 pm

On aboriginal BS.

Melville Caves near Inglewood Vic on weekend. Family I have in Bendigo know an ex-ranger who has done work out there. The below was what I saw and shown.

Parks Vic signs being replaced by some tribe’s signs with their name for the place. Absolutely nothing on why it is called Melville caves, hint Captain Melville a Bushranger had a hideout there. No toilet blocks apart from the picnic area at base of the granite formation, a partly excavated site at the lookout was halted due to finding ash (yes some sort of ash of unknown origin) in the dug out area. No attempt to find another spot due “cultural heritage.” Apparently Allen has slashed the Parks Vic budget so much that the Aboriginal bodies in these areas are starting to flex their muscles with their cash to do badly needed works but at a price, control.

Bendigo on the weekend, well saw something there I haven’t previously so overt. Got “youth” gangs. Didn’t go near Long Gully but I’d say from up there. Observation, the place is so hard left that things will get only much worse.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 1:11 pm

As we discussed Eyrie. More on the gold mine decision in the Daily Telegraph:

Ms Plibersek scuppered plans for the new gold mine on Indigenous heritage grounds, despite the local land council saying there was no ­sacred site at the location.

The move, after lobbying from a rival Indigenous group, also raises concerns other major projects could be axed.

Ms Plibersek’s decision, released on Friday, came despite the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council (OLALC) last year saying it was “not against approval for the mine”, and their research found it would not “impact any known sites or artefacts of high significance”.

Planning documents seen by The Telegraph state the ­proposed mine, which was ­approved by the NSW government last year, would have ­produced 520 construction jobs and 290 permanent roles, as well as $200m in taxes and royalties to NSW.

Ms Plibersek backed lobbying from the Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation, who said “sacred songlines” ran through the site.

Ms Plibersek released her decision to block the move using section 10 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act, the first time she has used it.

So we have the Orange co-op on board with this mine but the other mob, based in Bathurst have seen it in their, er, wisdom to torpedo it. FMD

August 19, 2024 1:17 pm

For those wondering how a rival group can usurp the established group..

I asked out Abo liaison lady onsite what happens to a native title claim what happens if a tribal group splits or feuds.

Apparently the answer is they have to be negotiated with same as the recognised group.

Good luck getting a project off the ground unless its already established.

August 19, 2024 1:21 pm

Oh noes, restricting student numbers would impact the research in Austfailian universities..

n this contribution, we provide a brief overview of the development of Hip Hop culture in Australia, looking specifically at rap and breaking (breakdancing). We show how Australian rap has for a long time been dominated by white Australian artists attempting to solidify an Aussie Hip Hop identity distinct from the United States. Because rap from Indigenous and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) communities did not fit the tropes of dominant (white) Australian culture, and were instead disregarded as simple mimicry of African American rap, the gatekeepers of Aussie Hip Hop for a long time locked out these minority artists. This created a divide in the rap scene that reflected broader Australian racial politics. In contrast, the breaking community has historically been more inclusive and reflective of a multicultural Australia, and has been more connected with the breakers of North America, Europe and Asia. In this contribution, we demonstrate how Australian Hip Hop has evolved over the past two decades to be more culturally inclusive, supported by key Australian artists, community radio, social media and finally validated by the Australian music industry as a distinct musical genre worth celebrating.

Let it burn.
Let it all burn.
Einstein will know his own.

August 19, 2024 1:23 pm

The only way the cackling kamel can win in November is courtesy of massive dumbocrat cheating. She is simply too much of an utterly incoherent imbecile to do so otherwise and the dumbocrats’ record over this term has been an absolute disaster, in every imaginable way possible.

It’s not as if the cheating in 2020 wasn’t obvious enough. In a perverse sort of way I’m almost looking forward to seeing how shameless the dumbocrats are about the required industrial grade cheating necessary this time – and it will be very, very necessary if that fat alcoholic drug addled cocksmoker is to blunder over the line and into the white house.

August 19, 2024 1:31 pm

Yet another reason not to shop at woolies. Seriously, they want you to shop, pack, ring up the price, and do everything yourself. No reduction in price of course. Watch the video.

August 19, 2024 1:33 pm

the breaking community has historically been more inclusive and reflective of a multicultural Australia

Exhibit A being the now infamous Ray Gun

August 19, 2024 1:49 pm

“Seriously, they want you to shop, pack, ring up the price, and do everything yourself.”

And this is different to the “standard” self-chekout how, exactly?
That’s been around for a while, and they are slowly reducing the number of “manned” check-out lanes.

Same path the banks went down with teller machines – first there’s a “bonus” to do it, then it’s required, then they charge you for it.

Last edited 29 days ago by kneel
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 1:55 pm

Dutton renews attack on PM for ‘misquoting’ ASIO chiefJack Quail

Peter Dutton has renewed his attacks against Labor in the House, attempting to move a motion requiring Anthony Albanese give a detailed explanation of the visa processing applied to Palestinian refugees fleeing war-torn Gaza.

The motion marks a further attempt by the Coalition to ratchet up pressure on Labor over its decision to grant some 3000 Palestinian visitor visas, rather than refugee visas with more stringent security checks.

Accusing the Prime Minister of misquoting ASIO director general Mike Burgess over the agency’s role in vetting visas, Mr Dutton accused Mr Albanese of being “duplicitous”.

“You might leave out a sentence for the purposes of brevity or to make a point, but you can’t leave out the middle of one sentence that you’re quoting and pretend that that is an accurate reflection of what has been said by the person you are quoting,” Mr Dutton said.

With Labor maintaining a majority in the House, Mr Dutton’s attempt to suspend standing orders was defeated.

August 19, 2024 1:57 pm

And the WINNA is …….. DRUM ROLL, pleeeze, Maestro ……! The WHITE SUBSTANCE …….. never sin-binned, never sent orf and never even mentioned by name in match reports yet a career spanning decades ..! .. A true servant to the GAME …….LOL!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 2:04 pm


13 minutes ago
The sheer stupidity just never stops.
Week in, week out.
Now Tanya P. has cancelled a project where a company has already invested 4 years and $340,000,000 based on a decision she made/announced last Friday stemming from an objection made by 17 people who told her ‘a secret’ that she cannot reveal to all Australians because of cultural sensitivities.
Say it after me, Tanya.
Stupidity = S O V E R E I G N R I S K.

August 19, 2024 2:07 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
 August 19, 2024 8:50 am
 August 19, 2024 8:51 am
I think it’s about time we started pressing charges of “Wreckers” on our politicians, and build the Gulags so they can expiate their guilt and stupidity in the Great Sandy Desert Vegemite Mines.

August 19, 2024 2:09 pm

You can’t make this shit up.

The Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Sex or Gender Changes) Bill 2024 which was introduced into WA Parliament last week, in its definition section, has no definition on “sex” nor “gender.”

Very strange to not include a definition!!!


August 19, 2024 2:51 pm

The sheer stupidity just never stops.

Tanya was sitting at her desk, splicing & dicing a line (of hubby’s finest) & seething over everyone else on the top trough getting media attention & she’d had none for several weeks . then up pops this “gold mine” memo
“GOTCH YA………..” she squealed as she snorted …!

Last edited 29 days ago by shatterzzz
August 19, 2024 3:00 pm

Sounds like the goldmine business is similar to what I Canadian guy I knew had to put up with. His job was negotiating with the local First Nations on behalf of the mining company he worked for. He’d get an agreement with one mob, then it was the other mob’s turn to be in charge and they would wipe the agreement and start over. They also used to complain that they were being jailed at 3 to 5 times the rate of the white people. As he said, it never occurred to them that they were committing crimes at 3 to 5 times the rate of the whites and they should stop.
The other deal was when a local indigene turned 21 he was given about $20,000. This would usually last about a week and included purchase of a large truck, which often resulted in a turned over truck by the side of the road with a drunken indigene underneath it, dead or alive.

August 19, 2024 3:06 pm

Deserves a wider audience .. LOL

August 19, 2024 3:13 pm

Waiting for them to take me to theatre. Got bumped when the helicopter arrived.

August 19, 2024 3:19 pm


Big week coming up in Parliament. Even bigger week for the 180,000 families every year who will soon earn super on their Paid Parental Leave.

Great, keep adding to business costs.

Last edited 29 days ago by JC
August 19, 2024 3:27 pm

Switzerland offers prize money to get munition out of lakes (

The Swiss defence department is offering 50,000 francs (£45,000) in prize money for the best idea to get it out.

What could go wrong?

The munitions pose two risks, he said. First, despite the fact it is underwater, there is still a risk of explosion, because in many cases “the army did not remove the fuses before dumping the munition”.

August 19, 2024 3:32 pm

A notorious policing failure in the UK leads to more powers for police:

Extreme misogyny will be treated as terrorism for the first time under Government plans to combat the radicalisation of young men online.

Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, has ordered a review of Britain’s counter-extremism strategy to urgently address gaps in the Government’s stance, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

It will look at tackling violence against women and girls in the same way as Islamist and far-Right extremism, amid fears that current Home Office guidance is too narrow.

This could mean teachers will be legally required to refer pupils they suspect of extreme misogyny to Prevent, the Government’s counter-terror programme.

It comes after warnings that misogynistic influencers are radicalising teenage boys online.

The move comes after Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said that violence against women and girls should be treated as a national security threat.

Speaking in the wake of a damning report into the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving Scotland Yard officer, he warned that hundreds of thousands of sex abusers and paedophiles were at large and tackling them would require more resources from future governments.

The Sunday Telegraph (UK) 17 August 2024

This Rowley chap is the same fellow who thinks he can extradite US citizens who made online comments about the Southport murders that he deems inflammatory.

And he gets a tad testy when asked about two-tier policing.

Did someone mention Muslim grooming gangs?

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
August 19, 2024 3:55 pm

So Zali has called Dutton a racist…. no big deal, right?

The idiot did it outside of Parliament, so no privilege.

(Apologies if posted earlier)

August 19, 2024 4:15 pm

The idiot did it outside of Parliament, so no privilege.

Isn’t she a lawyer by training?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 19, 2024 4:18 pm

Zali Stegall – a lawyer in the same way Teri ‘I’m a lawyer’ Butler is a lawyer who had to pay compensation to Calum Thwaites for defaming him on national television (Calum was one of the UTS students who were told to get out of a computer room because they weren’t aboriginal)

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 19, 2024 4:20 pm

I just hope Peter Dutton doesn’t turn the other cheek, if he takes his reputation seriously he will sue the stupid bint pour encourager les autres-

August 19, 2024 4:35 pm

Zali wouldn’t know a racist if she tripped over herself.

August 19, 2024 4:38 pm

he warned that hundreds of thousands of sex abusers and paedophiles were at large

I wonder why??
Judges have been told to delay the sentencing of convicted criminals currently on bail – including rapists and burglars – because prisons are full, the Guardian understands.
They were said to have added that the “biggest concern” was defendants charged with historical rape or rape of a child under 13 and other sexual assault, as even if convicted they were now likely to remain on bail.

then suddenly…
About 5,500 prisoners to be released early in England and Wales
Justice secretary says temporary scheme in September and October will ‘avert disaster’ in overcrowding crisis

August 19, 2024 4:41 pm

Leading to this…
Ministers have activated emergency measures to ease prison overcrowding as more rioters are sentenced for their role in the recent unrest.
The longstanding measures, known as Operation Early Dawn, allow defendants to be held in police cells until prison beds became available and could mean their court dates are delayed or adjourned at short notice.

The system was activated on Monday morning and means some defendants across the north of England waiting for a court appearance will be kept in police cells until prison space is available.
The government said that its action to “tackle violent thuggery on our streets” has “exacerbated longstanding capacity issues in our prisons”.

Because the proles must know their place.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 4:53 pm

Brittany Higgins’ rape claim threatened to DESTROY senator Linda Reynolds’ political career, trial told
Daily Mail.

August 19, 2024 4:56 pm

Black Caviar’s foal has also died. sob.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 4:58 pm

Black Caviar’s final foal dies days after champion mare’s deathBy Adam Pengilly and Chris RootsAugust 19, 2024 — 2.36pm

Listen to this article
2 min
The last foal of Black Caviar has died, only two days after the champion sprinter passed away.
Black Caviar’s ownership group confirmed the ninth and final foal from the mare died despite efforts to save him.

August 19, 2024 5:20 pm

You know what’s hugely ironic. Twitter is banned in these countries. You can add Brazil to the list.

As we think about fighting for Freedom, Free Speech, The Rule of Law, and Capitalism …remember where @elonmusk‘s @X free speech platform is BANNED already:

1. China

2. Iran

3. Russia

4. North Korea

5. Myanmar

6. Uzbekistan

7. Turkmenistan

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2024 5:36 pm

38m agoAugust 19, 2024Highlight

Higgins won’t give evidence at Reynolds’ defamation trial
Brittany Higgins’ lawyer says the former political staffer will no longer be called to give evidence in the defamation action brought against her by Senator Linda Reynolds.

Rachael Young SC made the bombshell revelation on Monday afternoon, citing Ms Higgins’ medical conditions and their expectation that they do not believe they need to call Ms Higgins to mount a successful defence.

Ms Higgins had been scheduled to spend a week giving testimony from Monday onwards, and was due to fly to Perth from her home in France.

August 19, 2024 5:41 pm


Here is a full hour from today’s stream for my X subscribers. I go over a formal CIA Rent-A-Riot manual from 1983, declassified in 2017, that teaches CIA officers how to organize street riots, make them turn violent, & manipulate the civilian populace to back the rioters’ cause.

August 19, 2024 5:58 pm

The Slovenian Hag has intervened to block the development of country NSW gold mine, even though the project has the approval of the local Aboriginal land council.

I think I know why: just as western Sydney electorates are being held hostage by muslims, Tania Plibersek is being held hostage by the Greens.

In 2022, Plibersek’s main opponent in her seat of Sydney, the Greens candidate got half of her primary vote 2PP and is within sight of taking the seat from Labor at the next election. Table here.

The Slovenian Hag is running scared of the Greenfilth communists, who hate any type of mining. So a gold mine near Bathurst is being blocked to help her win the 2025 election.

August 19, 2024 6:09 pm

I see Britnee’s taken the vapours defence again.

Does this woman not take responsibility for any of her actions?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2024 6:12 pm

Twitter is banned in these countries. You can add Brazil to the list.

Well, they say you are known by the company you keep.

And as for Elon, known for the company that reject him.

August 19, 2024 6:18 pm

Just watched Burke on his hind legs in parliament…shrieking at the Opposition.

My impression – he’s scared.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 6:26 pm

Don Harwin news from the Daily Telegraph:

Leaked text messages have added weight to allegations that Don Harwin was personally responsible for the Liberal council debacle, which resulted in the Party failing to register 140 candidates for the upcoming local government elections.

Several group WhatsApp messages of the Liberal Party State Executive show Mr Harwin providing updates as the deadline with the NSW Electoral Commission approached.

“A reminder our last local government elections ballot came out around 11:30pm last night, returnable at noon” Mr Harwin wrote on Tuesday August 13.

“No more replacements will be considered. All efforts will now be directed to finalising lodgement. Don H.”

When the Liberals then missed the cut off on Wednesday August 14, Mr Harwin sent a message at “suffice it to say after 3-4 days a week for the last three months working with the staff to get the endorsements done, I am beyond devastated at today’s disaster relating to nominations.”

The new text messages support claims made by former Liberal Director Richard Shields, who said Don Harwin had “volunteered to run the local government nomination process.”

Mr Shields was removed over the candidate blunder last Thursday.

However, Mr Harwin has not accepted any responsibility over the matter, and has blamed the failure entirely on Mr Shields.

The Daily Telegraph can also reveal Mr Harwin did not consult the State Executive before issuing a statement to Liberal members where he threatened legal action against the NSW Electoral Commission.

Mr Harwin’s message to Liberal members on Sunday read: “I assure you, the State Executive, and the Secretariat staff, are fully committed to pursuing every single option, including legal action, to rectify this situation.”

Separate text messages seen by this masthead show the State Executive quizzing Mr Harwin over the claim, with many members claiming they had not seen any legal advice and were not across the decision.

“These desperate attempts by Don Harwin to save himself by unleashing an embarrassing attack on the NSW Electoral Commission, without the approval or consultation of the State Executive, are distractions from his untenable position” said one senior Liberal.

Go Mr Harwin and go now.
The article comes with screenshots of aforementioned messages.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 6:28 pm

Screenshots here.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 6:29 pm

Couldn’t do more than one pic in one post.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 6:30 pm

And third one

August 19, 2024 6:34 pm

Thanks, BB!

August 19, 2024 6:35 pm

August 19, 2024 5:52 pm

Reply to  Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

Yet Pell, with a clearly diagnosed heart condition, had to fly home.

Our justice system has a lot to answer for, if only someone would do the questioning.

August 19, 2024 6:39 pm

Context for Burke’s shrill, high pitched berating?

Apparently Dutton has put Australia at risk by questioning the safety of importing randoms from Gaza on very flimsy screening. Apparently Dutton has “poured a bucket of kerosene “ on an already fraught situation.

It’s upside down world for Burke. Or more like the Blazing Saddles standoff. Only the very stupid would accept the premise of his argument.

As for scared, I wonder. He’s under a lot of pressure in his electorate.

August 19, 2024 6:47 pm

A lot of chatter about the third nations land grabs in QLD and plibber’s Gold finger crackdown because of third nations sensitivities. It’s enough to almost wish that the chunk takeover happen. The third nations will be then the fuked nations. Between the third nations, the ruinable hustlers, the trannie and alphabet freaks, the climate hysterics and sundry other woke grubs I reckon this shithole has more grifters per capita then any other Western nation.

August 19, 2024 6:51 pm

Thanks, calli.
Dutton is evidently getting some traction.
As I suggested earlier today, he’s making the next election a vote on leadership.
While it is his area of ministerial responsibility, Burke has evidently been called upon to bolster Albanese after the latter’s poor performance last week.

August 19, 2024 6:57 pm

This Rowley chap is the same fellow who thinks he can extradite US citizens who made online comments about the Southport murders that he deems inflammatory.
And he gets a tad testy when asked about two-tier policing.

The elites keep revealing their utter disdain for the punters. This POS should be shovelling manure in a dairy.

August 19, 2024 6:58 pm

Australia’s not a shit hole- just some very bad people need to be put in their place

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 19, 2024 6:59 pm

Yet Pell, with a clearly diagnosed heart condition, had to fly home

An excellent point.

A certificate from Doctor Howlong* evidently exempts you from everything, but if Pell had run the same line you’d still be hearing the screams from various floggerati.

*’How long do you want off work?’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 19, 2024 7:02 pm

Having been involved in some relatively high-end crikkiting activities over the last ten days or so, I can advise that there is at least one player, as a result of recreational socialising on evening where there is no play the following day, that is now referred to as ‘Raygun’ by teammates.

August 19, 2024 7:04 pm

An astroturf Jewish group is pitting its version of history against the holocaust museums version.

All to score a point against Dutton.
Shameless slithering turds.

Jewish Council of Australia

Peter Dutton’s disgusting op-ed in news corp tabloids today repeat far-right talking points that distort history. The suggestion that Nazis hid their crimes because they felt guilty, making them more moral than Hamas, is a form of Holocaust denial. Dutton should be ashamed. Dutton’s racism empowers the far-right endangering all racialised people including Jews.


 …The Nazis upheld a deeply veiled language, which they used to hide their vicious goals and deceive their victims, primarily Jews. To illustrate, “resettlement to the east,” was often used to deceive the Jews bound for extermination into thinking that they were being sent for slave labor in eastern territories. This particular euphemism, as well as referring to the gas chambers as “showers,” were methods used to prevent mass hysteria and potential rebellion amongst their Jewish victims….

August 19, 2024 7:05 pm

Does anyone actually believe Plibersek about these mysterious indigenous locals who are unknown to the other indigenous locals. And their secrety-secret business that has put an end to an already approved mine?

Unless she’s prepared to give chapter and verse on who it is and what they objected to about the mine I’m calling b/s.

A politician under the pump wouldn’t lie, would they?

August 19, 2024 7:09 pm

Tesco in Sligo offer scan as you go. You have to scan your tesco app to release the handheld scanner.
I’m assuming it’s a time saver, otherwise people wouldn’t bother.
At lease in Ireland all check out staff are seated, unlike Woolies and Coles which have never adopted that particular innovative.
I’m not going to visit Ireland again in the near future, unless things chang. Accommodation is too expensive.
Even a bed in a ten bed dorm is €47 a night (no I didn’t)
I’ve had really nice apartments to myself in Spain for that much.
I’m feeling ticked because some one night guests at my current location helped themselves to my food and drink. Even left me without a drop of milk as they took the carton with them, though I told them it was mine while they were helping themselves. They could have pinched the landlady’s stuff but no they helped themselves to mine.
I’d left rather then get more annoyed.
I never touch anything in the kitchen without it being made crystal clear it’s for general use.
Mind you it wouldn’t kill this particular tightarse landlady to have tea, coffee, milk available for guests.
(I’m paying €100 a night for a tiny room with a poor quality single bed mattress 2km from the centre.)

August 19, 2024 7:13 pm

A politician under the pump wouldn’t lie, would they?

I sense an early election in the offing.

Last edited 29 days ago by Roger
August 19, 2024 7:25 pm

secrety-secret business that has put an end to an already approved mine?

Reminds me of the secret women’s business. Hope it turns out the same.

August 19, 2024 7:28 pm

Sheridini bloviating on Blot: “I’ve always had a grate admiration for Duelling Banjos Burgess.”

August 19, 2024 7:32 pm

The silly old turd has always been an ‘intelligence’ agency groupie.

August 19, 2024 7:35 pm

Dutton’s racism empowers the far-right endangering all racialised people including Jews.

Dutton is Hitler redivivus.


Mind the rhetoric on your way out, now.

August 19, 2024 7:36 pm

I wonder if this has anything to do with the ALP being a pack of rabid huns today.

Apparently CFMEU donations to ALP have been blocked by the spud.

Bill From The Bush
Bill From The Bush
August 19, 2024 7:37 pm

From another article in the worst ozzie comes this

The notorious taxpayer funded Environmental Defenders Office provided legal assistance to the Wiradyuri Section 10 applicant, Nyree Reynolds, documents reveal. Ms Reynolds says she’s a Wiradyuri Elder, describes herself as “a bit eccentric”, and works as an Aboriginal artist.

Also a pic of the eccentric artist

August 19, 2024 7:38 pm

Hindmarsh Plibbers.

August 19, 2024 7:42 pm

Also a pic of the eccentric artist

Pate Biscuit on LSD. 😕

August 19, 2024 7:44 pm

We are being well and truly strangled by the administrative state. From the smallest project to the largest, they get tangled up in red tape, procedural problems , OH &S , meetings , all adding to costs and time to deliver .
Our local group wanted to put more seats on streets of our town. It has taken a year, many emails, four on site meetings to decide on our proposal to build and install ( for free) 13 seats. We were allowed two ( in parks but none in any street)
To install those seats we need to dig four holes and it will require four onsite meetings ( locatingseats, tree line inspection, Health and Safety induction and asset handover )
We are disappointed to put it it mildly .
But that is where we are Australia 2024

August 19, 2024 7:46 pm

Iron ore, back at the year’s lows. US$94.55

Incredible, our biggest export is sagging, coal looks like it’s in the doldrums too, and these complete morons turn down a potential gold mining operation when gold demand is hot. And to top it off, the big eared Queensland galoot is happily announcing further business costs on business. As mentioned earlier, maternity leave pay will also attract super accumulation.

I think we’re cooked.

Last edited 29 days ago by JC
August 19, 2024 7:51 pm

Iron ore , back at the year’s lows. US$94.55

And the Ozzie$ to track south with it?

August 19, 2024 8:01 pm

A little evening cheer.

comment image

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
August 19, 2024 8:08 pm

Also a pic of the eccentric artist

Thanks for that, Bill.

The screen protector on my tablet just shattered.

August 19, 2024 8:10 pm


August 19, 2024 7:44 pm

We are being well and truly strangled by the administrative state.

We’re also in the age of incompetence. It’s truly massive, and I experienced an example today,.
I knew it was going to end in an abortion, but I went along for the ride. Wifey cracked her iPhone, and because it’s old, she decided to get a new one. Mine is also of that vintage, so I went along with her to get a new one as well.
It took an hour for hers to be changed over. The sales guy then started to process mine, and he hit a snag. The head office flagged my purchase as a credit risk and told me it would take a few weeks to untangle. So, off we went, 11/2 hours from when we walked in.
As we were getting in the car, “Pash,” the Indian sales dude called me and asked if I could hurry back, as he had the approval to sell me the phone.
Back I went, and all was fine until I opened the box and saw it was a smaller phone than the one I wanted to replace (even though I said I wanted to upgrade the old one to the new one). They wouldn’t change it over because the complaints department has to approve the change, and the store can’t unilaterally do so. I now have a phone I don’t want sitting in the box waiting for complaints to call me.

August 19, 2024 8:13 pm

August 18, 2024 5:51 pm

Modern cars have (including 1999 Falcon) have fairly large parasitic loads of 0.07 to 0.15 amps for various parts of the electronics which don’t turn off completely. This will discharge a car battery inside a week.

It shouldn’t be drawing that much, Eyrie. There may be a few modules that stay awake foar a time after the key is turned off (perhaps 30 minutes) but even the body module should be under 10 mA, from memory, to keep the radio receiver alive for the remote fob. A weekly run of only 10 km is probably not enough to replenish the battery, or perhaps there’s aftermarket audio amplifiers?

August 19, 2024 8:23 pm
Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2024 8:28 pm

Well, I have just got back after accompanying my elderly mother to her building’s strata meeting, Mum is now quite frail and needs help.

Well, I’m now having a stiff whisky, a very stiff whisky. I was the youngest person in the room, full of elderly well-heeled eastern suburbs men and women, the committee is made up of mainly elderly gay men who just love to sneer and patronise the women. Many of these gay men are Clover supporters. The lifts are being replaced and my frail mother asked a question which was immediately smacked down so I piped up and an elderly gay man tried to smack me down. Big mistake. I raised my voice, and I politely said….

Please don’t sneer and ridicule my mother, she’s asking a legitimate question. She’s recently widowed and has had a bad fall.

Whilst I was speaking the above, one of the gay men on the committee then sneeringly tried to talk over me so I raised my voice even higher and I said…..

Do not talk over me and do not mansplain me.

Well, his jaw dropped, the other’s jaws dropped, they were gobsmacked. Another elderly gay man, sitting next to me, leant over and said…

‘well said’.

You see, like that famous Seinfeld episode, a lot of gay men are bullies, particularly towards women. I am not having it. There is nothing like using ‘woke’ to silence the woke.

I am my mother’s daughter!

Last edited 29 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2024 8:32 pm


Wouldn’t it be gaysplain instead of mansplain? Wouldn’t that be more appropriate in these times? 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 19, 2024 8:49 pm

an elderly gay man 


one of the gay men on the committee


Another elderly gay man

Well, it is Sydney.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 19, 2024 8:54 pm

Australia will end up as divided as the USA, UK and EU if we keep allowing too many bad actors in too many positions throughout society.
And that includes the MSM.

Last edited 29 days ago by Bungonia Bee
August 19, 2024 8:59 pm

Plibbers saving Pandora for the Na’vi.
She’s a hero in a movie in her own mind.

August 19, 2024 9:06 pm

Wow o wow, if true I hope no Australians are left in Comm War Graves in Gaza:

Threat uncovered 2 days old and our media haven’t touched this. Apparently Dutton has a racism problem for pointing out the bleeding obvious though.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 9:07 pm

Make it happen Jay Clark on superstar unrest:

Melbourne superstar Christian Petracca has addressed his premiership teammates about his frustrations with the club and the brutal physical and mental toll of his life-threatening injuries on King’s Birthday.

The superstar midfielder is exploring the possibility of a bombshell trade out of Melbourne and spoke openly with his premiership teammates about his situation at AAMI Park late Monday morning.

In particular, Petracca wanted to provide more clarity about the anguish and the considerable impact his injuries – including a ruptured spleen, punctured lung and four broken ribs – had on him and his family.

Petracca, 28, required emergency surgery after playing on with injuries in the second term of the Round 14 clash against Collingwood and spent one month in Noosa with his fiancee, Bella, to help recuperate.

Collingwood, which does not have a first-round pick in this year’s draft, is considered his most likely preferred destination, even though a deal looks enormously difficult to pull off.

Without a first-round pick, Collingwood would have to consider offloading a star player to have any hope of completing what would be arguably the biggest trade deal since Geelong handed over three early picks for ex-Giant Jeremy Cameron in 2020.

The Demons are set to take on the Magpies at the MCG on Friday night with both teams set to finish outside of the eight after disappointing 2024 campaigns.

Get it done Collingwood.

August 19, 2024 9:17 pm

August 19, 2024 1:49 pm
Same path the banks went down with teller machines – first there’s a “bonus” to do it, then it’s required, then they charge you for it.

Earlier today Mrs Speedbox and I went into our local Sberbank in Kislovodsk. We had some minor banking to do but also, the Sberbank app on Mrs Speedbox’s phone wasn’t working correctly. The bank teller spent almost 15 minutes reinstalling the app and checking its operation.

Can you imagine, in any circumstances, where a Commbank, Westpac etc employee would provide any assistance because the bank’s app wasn’t working properly on your phone?

There are ATMs of course with deposit facilities but if you need help, banking is still considered a service here.

August 19, 2024 9:17 pm

Time for some real cute owls, the saviours of Western society!

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2024 9:23 pm

The notorious taxpayer funded Environmental Defenders Office provided legal assistance to the Wiradyuri Section 10 applicant, Nyree Reynolds, documents reveal. Ms Reynolds says she’s a Wiradyuri Elder, describes herself as “a bit eccentric”, and works as an Aboriginal artist.

FMD. How about describing yourself as a tax payer Hoover you stupid woman.
This is where audits need to be undertaken to see if there be a link between the Office and the odious Greens. Or indeed Labor. And also the Bathurst co-op.

August 19, 2024 9:24 pm

Addition: Poss 360 Aussies there according to ABC. Also was damaged by fighting in May, though could have been both sides despite ABC bias:

HAMAS plan to snatch bodies as sort of hostages not mentioned in ABC July article.

Night all, busy the rest of week with surgeons in Melbourne.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2024 9:36 pm

Well, it is Sydney.

Worse than that, it’s the eastern suburbs of Sydney!

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2024 9:38 pm

Wouldn’t it be gaysplain instead of mansplain?

I’ll try that next time!

August 19, 2024 9:39 pm

Do you reckon we’ll see Britney Higgins in Australia ever again?

Well, maybe, if she decides the baby has to be born in Australia, French health care being expensive for non-French folks, then like a tax dodging tennis player, she’ll be back.

It just doesn’t end, and of course it can’t or the money has to go back and the Labor party has too many questions, ethical and moral questions to answer.

Is she being advised perhaps, to stay where she is and not come back and upend the whole show?

I guess if she does apoplgise it would end the current court action, but bring on another.

Consequences eh, who would have thought?

Davo Sharaz, what a guy, and what a mess Davo!

Will Davo be the weak point in all this?

He has managed to dodge everything so far, but under pressure, who knows who might slip him under an oncoming bus.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 19, 2024 9:52 pm

BobtheBoozer from the OOT.

Oats have been purchased for the psoriasis suggestion.

Will keep you informed …. but I forgot to buy a c clamp. Will do that tommorow. I hate these steroid creams I am using.


August 19, 2024 9:54 pm

August 19, 2024 5:46 pm
The thing that I find ironic is that you have people here telling us Twitter is about the only reliable source of news yet they rely on Twitter for news on the Russian invasion. and it’s basically banned in Russia. Hilarious.

Huh? Twitter is only one source. Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Telegram and WhatsApp are all in extensive use here. There are several others, including TikTok, but Russians have a wide range of reliable sources for news, information and chats.

August 19, 2024 10:13 pm

Man, watching the Liars slowly tanking in the polls is pure comedy. They must be losing their minds, thinking they’re born to rule. I can’t stand Mr. Potatohead, but honestly, at this point, I’ll take whatever scraps are on the table.
Slow and steady descent is driving them nuts.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 19, 2024 10:15 pm

I can tell it will be a serious monoluge just by looking at the clips thumbnail.

Mark Dice:

The Machine ( Mass Media )

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 19, 2024 10:18 pm

… monologue

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
August 19, 2024 10:24 pm

Governments Are Suddenly Shutting Down The Internet – Here’s Why [16m:50s]

Australia has an “internet killswitch” which can be activated by the PM and AG.[ ]

Last edited 29 days ago by Colonel Crispin Berka
August 19, 2024 10:28 pm
August 19, 2024 10:42 pm

Tom Cats, riddle me this, is this how most men would react? 😀

August 19, 2024 10:44 pm
August 19, 2024 10:47 pm
August 19, 2024 10:54 pm
August 19, 2024 10:56 pm

It’s obvious but still it needs to be stated:

Rule of Law” for Everyone…Right?One of four counts in Smith’s January 6-related indictment of the former president is 18 U.S. Code § 241, conspiracy against rights. The statute reads:
“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States; they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years.”
Smith once again relied on the vague language of a federal statute to argue that Trump’s claims about voting fraud in the 2020 election and plans to delay the certification proceedings on January 6 denied the rights of the (haha) 81 million Americans who voted for Biden. Smith’s indictment accuses Trump of conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate one or more persons in the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States—that is, the right to vote, and to have one’s vote counted.” (Emphasis added.)
In announcing the indictment in August 2023, Smith described the conspiracy charge as Trump’s attempt to “disenfranchise voters.”
Well, well, well.
Using Smith’s logic, that law now should apply to Congressional Democrats, the corporate news media, and White House officials including Biden himself for violating the rights of 14 million voters who selected Biden during the Democratic primary. By every measure, those parties collectively “disenfranchised” voters by first freezing out potential Democratic primary opponents last spring and officially clinching the nomination in March only to later succeed in strong-arming Biden out of the race when it was clear he would not win.
The criminal conspiracy to violate the voting rights of 14 million Americans began shortly after Biden’s disastrous debate performance on June 27. 

Democrats Broke the Law by Pushing Joe Biden Out of the Race (

1 2 3
  1. I just waved good bye to my compasion when I flushed. Yes, I’m awful. I blame the Jews. 🙂

  2. Some more brilliant comments. Forgot to add earlier, these are under a Mail article. “All their future messaging will be…

  3. Her “I’m a victim, where is the calm and reasoned dialogue” response was so idiotic that it was heart warming.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x