Open Thread – Weekend 28 Sept 2024

Lunar night on Capri, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1841

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Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 28, 2024 12:09 am


This thread dedicated to elderly snivellers.

And Miata owners.

Oh, wait. They’re the same.

Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
September 28, 2024 3:48 am

Hello from Aix en Provence. Need a stiff drink after driving to Cassis and back. Lucky I purchased a 3.9 € bottle of plonk from Aldi yesterday.

September 28, 2024 4:00 am
September 28, 2024 4:01 am
September 28, 2024 4:01 am
September 28, 2024 4:02 am
September 28, 2024 4:03 am
September 28, 2024 4:04 am
September 28, 2024 4:05 am
September 28, 2024 4:05 am
September 28, 2024 4:06 am
September 28, 2024 4:28 am

Professor Pascoe come on down.

You should read the comments approving of this crap.
No I’m not linking.

September 28, 2024 4:30 am

They even beat the Flintstones at the car caper.
Just look at this!

September 28, 2024 4:33 am

First I’ve read about this in Huckleberry Finn, looks like an old tradition.

May not do any good but can’t do much harm for the little courtesy and effort.

September 28, 2024 4:35 am

The perfect and natural roundabout, why try beating nature eh?

September 28, 2024 4:38 am

Nice painting Dover.

Last edited 17 hours ago by Beertruk
September 28, 2024 4:40 am

September 28, 2024 4:30 am

They even beat the Flintstones at the car caper.

Just look at this!

Oops, pic.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 5:18 am

I’ve said it before. If any wild animal were to attack Kevin, his CATS would spring into play. Gabby would go mental.

They love him.

Meet the Characters: A Friendship with LIONS | The Lion Whisperer

September 28, 2024 5:22 am

Bit of hilariousness in today’s Sat Tele under World News 🙂 :


Los Angeles:

Bumbling US cops who raided a medical diagnostics centre thinking it was a cannabis farm got a gun stuck to the powerful magnets of an MRI machine, a California lawsuit has alleged.

The owners of the facility are claiming damages against the Los Angeles Police Department for an operation their lawyers describe as “nothing short of a disorganised circus”.

Their lawsuit details how a SWAT team swarmed the centre because it was using more electricity than other shops.

Last edited 16 hours ago by Beertruk
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 28, 2024 5:32 am

 September 27, 2024 10:57 pm
Canada is fining the Amish $300,000 for not downloading a COVID app

Very well put, Indolent.

The book’s point is that all modern totalitarianism, including Hitler’s, comes dressed in the guise of loving care. 

The government is your friend. The government will make your life better. Listen to the loving government. Do what the government tells you. Anyone who doesn’t listen to the government is bad. Indeed, they’re so bad they must be destroyed. 

The trajectory is always the same.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 5:41 am


God, I love this dog,

September 28, 2024 5:50 am

Thanks Tom.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 28, 2024 5:56 am

Beautiful painting dover_beach – thank you

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 5:57 am

Stevo can drop the leash in public. That’s trust.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 28, 2024 6:02 am

The principle is always and everywhere the same: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims are expected to conform their behavior to Islamic sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims are expected to conform their behavior to Islamic sensibilities.

And yet some continue to say that Islam is not a threat to us.
There comes a time when this belief is not only ridiculous but becomes ‘giving aid and comfort to the enemy’.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 28, 2024 6:27 am

From the Oz.

Israel has targeted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in its most aggressive strike yet on Beirut, flattening six buildings with what is believed to be 5,000 pound advanced bombs.

It is unclear if Nasrallah has survived the attack on Beirut’s southern suburbs, which destroyed the Hezbollah command headquarters in the southern area of Beirut.

However amid growing speculation the strike had killed Nasrallah, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel: “It’s very hard to imagine him coming out alive from a strike like that.”

Penny will be more sad now.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 6:36 am

Not allowed Today.

Dickwads with their dogs screwed it up for everyone.

Cash 2.0 Great Dane and Rowdy at Home Depot (4k)


Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
September 28, 2024 6:57 am

Trump’s Latino supporters targeted with what might be an invisible high powered infra-red laser, skin and eye damage ensued after rally. The USA is in deep trouble.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 7:01 am
Top Ender
Top Ender
September 28, 2024 7:05 am

Jailing them all progressively should stop it:

?Three Just Stop Oil supporters have thrown soup over two of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings just hours after fellow activists were jailed for doing the same thing to his famous Sunflowers masterpiece.

Pictures show three Just Stop Oil activists stood in front of the Sunflowers painting in the ‘Poets and Lovers’ exhibition at the National Gallery after covering it in soup again this afternoon at around 2.30pm.

Phoebe Plummer 23, and Anna Holland, 22, were jailed earlier today for the same stunt that they performed in October 2022, as they came close to ‘destroying’ the masterpiece.   

One of the paintings – ‘Sunflowers 1888’ was the same one targeted by Plummer and Holland. 

After covering the paintings in soup, the trio took off their jackets to reveal Just Stop Oil t-shirts and one said: ‘Future generations will regard these prisoners of conscience to be on the right side of history.’

Daily Mail

September 28, 2024 7:10 am

Farewell Miss Jean Brodie.

Dame Maggie has left us.

September 28, 2024 7:13 am

A real keeper

September 28, 2024 7:17 am

Can’t believe “plenty wrong” passed up the chance to “shirt-front” Bibi after his UN spanking speech ..
Typical Labor .. all bravado, no action .. Lotz to say from the UN lectern but didn’t turn up for “Benny’s” appearance .. all mouth in front of her “maaates” .. no show in front of her “target” .. !

September 28, 2024 7:18 am

Found out about her death before I made that comment on the vandals.

Her character in Downton spawned a thousand memes. One of my favourites…

September 28, 2024 7:19 am

You can tell Israel has the upper hand in Lebanon from the “sob” stories littering “our” ABC news online .. They squeal, loudly, when their Hamarse & Hadbollocks “heroes” are on the receiving end ……. LOL!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 7:24 am
September 28, 2024 7:30 am

Major articles in the Oz about the Voice and Covid and comments not going well for our political leaders.

Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 7:34 am

I would urge everyone to read the piece in today’s Oz on Steven Lowy. It’s titled…’Australia is sleepwalking into a social spiral‘.

I’m happy to post the piece. Lowy doesn’t pull any punches, and it’s a not so thinly veiled attack at the inertia of our police and courts to enforce laws, at the spineless quisling leadership exhibited by leaders of our public and private institutions….such as by that rodent Mark Scott, and it’s a brutal assessment of our current and very grotesque federal government, head by the Jew hating grub from Grayndler and the Jew hating Senator Pong, and ‘pong’ is apt because she stinks.

Lowy said he believed the current levels of anti-Semitism were reversible, but only with leadership. “I grew up with politicians like Neville Wran, Bob Hawke, John Howard and Paul Keating, leaders from different sides, but we saw them tackle tough issues with conviction. It doesn’t feel like that today.

“Things will only be reversed with recognition of the problem, with the enforcement of laws where laws are broken, with enforcement by police and courts with political backing for enforcement. If the situation is not changed, where does that lead us? Am I here because I’m Jewish or because I can contribute to society?”

We are just a little over one week away from the anniversary of October 7. Israel and Jewish communities across the globe will hold commemorations and there will be many here in Oz. But we all have a heavy heart. Over 100 Jewish men, Jewish women and Jewish children are still held hostage in Gaza. How many remain alive? Well, we should never give up hope but who knows. I suspect Israel knows most are dead hence the decision to deal with Lebanon. But Lowy’s words about ‘enforcement of laws’ remind me of Monday night 9 October, when I personally witnessed the scene at Sydney Town Hall, when Sydney’s CBD was declared ‘Judenfrei’, and then I later watched in horror the scene at the Sydney Opera House where hundreds of frenzied frothing Jew haters rioted on the Opera House steps, the whole time screaming ‘f*ck the Jews’, ‘gas the Jews’ and chillingly, ‘where’s the Jews’ whilst the NSW Police stood by and watched, like they were attending a matinee performance of Kristellnacht, not once did any of those police intervene despite the flares set off, despite the Israeli flags being set fire to and despite the unhinged Jew hatred on display.

In fact, the only person arrested that afternoon and evening was a JEW. That JEW was dragged off by the NSW Police before he could say and do anything. Not one person who participated in those scenes at the Opera House, one of whom is the son of a NSW Labor minister, has been charged….NOT ONE.

Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 7:50 am

Vale Maggie Smith.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 28, 2024 7:52 am

The chutzpah from this bloke in the Daily Telegraph:

Labor heavyweight Tony Burke has come out swinging in defence of his southwest Sydney seat, accusing activists of bullying community organisations, and the Greens of using misinformation to “throw petrol on the fire” of local tensions.

Speaking for the first time about the new “Muslim Votes” threat to his seat of Watson — an electorate which is almost one-quarter Muslim — Mr Burke said the Greens and other activists were trying to weaponise the Gaza conflict for domestic political gain.

In a no-holds-barred interview with The Saturday Telegraph, the Home Affairs and Immigration Minister said he was actually working to improve and save the lives of Palestinians, while the Greens and others engaged in “performative” outrage that achieved nothing.

The national security supremo said he was “completely” confident the refugees he had helped relocate from Gaza would not pose a threat to Australia.

In contrast, he said there was a “direct line” between rising attacks on both Jewish and Muslim Australians and the inflammatory rhetoric of the Greens and the Coalition.

“(Greens leader) Adam Bandt makes those rants, and they’ve never protected a single Palestinian,” he said.

“The Greens move motions in Parliament routinely. You get similar motions being moved by the Opposition, and the only purpose of them is domestic politics.

“None of them have any impact on the region.

“When we provided aid, that has mattered. When we voted in the UN General Assembly, that has mattered. There are things that we’ve done that do matter in terms of international pressure, and there’s a whole lot that’s happening at the moment which is performative games which just throw petrol on the fire.”

Mr Burke – the leader of the government in the lower house – said there had been a clear escalation of both Jewish and Muslim Australians being targeted since October 7 last year, and that inflammatory rhetoric from the Greens and their activist allies only fuelled those attacks.

“Since October 7, the nature of the debate has meant if you’re a Jewish boy wearing a yarmulke, or you’re an Islamic woman wearing a hijab, you are more likely to receive abuse in the public square than you were 12 months ago,” he said.

“That has happened, and every time we raise the temperature there might be politicians thinking they’re harvesting votes on either side of the debate, but the raising of the temperature means those vulnerable people cop it worse every single time.

“And that’s real and it’s immediate, and it’s been happening for nearly a year now.

“I think there’s a direct line between how the Greens have used the parliament and how Peter Dutton has used the parliament and the increased bigotry that’s happened in the country.”

Key among the “misinformation” he says is being circulated by the Greens is the fake claim that Australia provides arms to Israel.

“A whole lot of people in the community, because of the misinformation put out from the Greens, think that we are sending weapons to Israel,” he said.

“For at least the last five years, Australia hasn’t sent any weapons to Israel. It’s just not true.”

He also took aim at social media platforms, whose algorithms deliberately amplified and spread that misinformation.

The veteran MP, who has lived in and around Punchbowl all his life, has been the most senior and outspoken minister in raising concerns about Gaza publicly, while also working behind the scenes.

Yet he said activists had tried to turn community organisations against him.

“There’s been a bit of bullying – I don’t know who’s behind it, so I can’t speculate – but there’s been some bullying of different organisations saying, you know, don’t you dare deal with the government, or don’t you deal with him and this sort of thing.”

However these efforts were short-circuited by a spontaneous campaign launched by respected community leader Jamal Rifi.

Burke, a lifelong Catholic who still attends mass, also questioned the wisdom of overtly making religion a political issue.

He said he did not expect Catholics to vote for him because of his faith, and likewise the self-proclaimed “Muslim Votes” should not claim to be representative of all or even most Muslims — and questioned how much or how widely they had even consulted the Muslim community.

As for his own Muslim support base – now overtly championed by Dr Rifi – Mr Burke said he had not asked for any assistance nor even knew it was in the offing until the Belmore GP and others went public in T-shirts emblazoned with “Friends of Tony Burke”.

“It brought a very grateful smile,” he said.

FMD. Is this not the same bloke who said he was proud of the Palestinian flag being flown over a town hall in his electorate?
Has he had anything to say about the filth marching on the Opera House the Sunday after the atrocities in Israel?
And just how many times Mr Burke has any Muslim woman been harangued for wearing a hijab? Compare that to the weekly protests in any city.
It is you and your lot Mr Burke that have actively fomented anti Israel behaviour, the Wong Chap chief on that miserable list.
Disgusting people.

September 28, 2024 7:55 am

Wife officially unemployed. Yahoo. Not for long lest she suffocates me having an afternoon nap. They offered her everything she wanted on the last day. No thanks, you had your chance. This from a position where most of the young staff have Phd’s and the senior staff are just that, senior, with years of experience getting it right. None of the senior staff give a rat’s about being sacked, that’s why they do such a good job. A 76yo is the oldest she knows about so far. Her father worked until he was 82. Her mother’s uncle worked his farm until 94, so it runs in the family.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 28, 2024 7:56 am

Oh yeah rules are followed by terrorists

Last edited 14 hours ago by Tintarella di Luna
September 28, 2024 7:57 am

Great painting.

Gutfeld and The Five were noting the heavy security supplied by the yank SS to the iranian foreign minister who was going to the UN to vomit antisemitism and anti West bile at the same time Trump’s security was being reduced. While this was happening it was also revealed that the iranians were interfering in Trump’s election campaign and actively trying to assassinate him:

Irangate: Iran’s Plan to Stop Trump and Elect Kamala | Frontpage Mag

The golden obuma is pro iranian and I reckon he has has been running the show for the last 4 years. If by some miracle Trump does get back in he should turn iran into glass and find a nice wall for obuma.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 28, 2024 7:58 am

So Cassie, compare the words of Lowy and Burqa. Lowy wants action taken against anti Semitic behaviour but Burqa is trying to blame the Greens and appease the Muslim vote in his quest to stay on those plush green seats.
Time for a stiff drink yet?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 28, 2024 8:09 am

Speaking for the first time about the new “Muslim Votes” threat to his seat of Watson — an electorate which is almost one-quarter Muslim — Mr Burke said the Greens and other activists were trying to weaponise the Gaza conflict for domestic political gain.

No, no, Burka.
That isn’t the real problem, is it?
Because that is precisely what you have tried to do.
It’s just that the Greens are better at it than you are.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Sancho Panzer
September 28, 2024 8:11 am
Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 8:20 am

Just further to the communal October 7 commemorations planned for Sydney, there will be a big communal event on October 7, it’s being organised by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. Thousands of people have already registered and apparently Peter Dutton and other Liberals and Nationals plan to attend. Whilst NSW Premier Minns will probably attend, there’s no word of anyone from federal Labor planning to attend and besides, given what’s ensued since October 7 last year, anyone from federal Labor who does show up will be hissed at and booed, and rightly so. I think most Australian Jews are over being polite and nice….this Jew certainly is.

September 28, 2024 8:25 am

Friends of Tony Burka

Do phone booths still exist? They’d make a grate place to hold their meetings.

September 28, 2024 8:29 am


BREAKING: Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner says 13,000 known illegal immigrants who were convicted of homicide and 15,000 convicted of sexual assault have been released into the country.

We really want four more years of this?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 28, 2024 8:33 am

Families of NSW prisoners slam inedible food, ‘ridiculous’ commissary pricesFamilies of NSW prisoners claim “inedible food” is being served behind bars, forcing them to fork out hundreds of dollars a month so their loved ones don’t go hungry.

Daily Tele. What’s wrong with bread and water – the bread might be stale, but they give you all the water you can drink.

September 28, 2024 8:36 am

For those who don’t have an online subscription I would have to say to today’s The Weekend Australian is one of the most interesting reads across many subjects.
2 pages on Yes campaigners complaining and who they blame.
A page on Covid policies.
Plenty on the Middle East and China
If you are someone who only buys it a few times a year my opinion is you will get your money’s worth today.

September 28, 2024 8:38 am
Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 8:43 am

For those who don’t have an online subscription I would have to say to today’s The Weekend Australian is one of the most interesting reads across many subjects.

It’s pretty good most weekends. Worth buying.

September 28, 2024 8:43 am

Today’s Sat Tele:


28 Sep 2024

Beirut: An Israeli strike on Beirut’s southern suburbs has killed the head of Hezbollah’s drone unit, the militant group and the Israeli military said.

The Iran-backed Hezbollah said in a statement that the strike killed Mohammed Srur, who was born in 1973.

The Israeli military earlier said in a statement that its fighter jets had “targeted and eliminated” Srur, identifying him as “the commander of Hezbollah’s air unit”.

It was the fourth attack in a week targeting Hezbollah commanders in the densely populated area, one of the group’s strongholds.

Lebanon’s health ministry said in a statement that two people were killed in the attack and 15 wounded.

Srur studied mathematics and was among a number of top advisers sent by Hezbollah to Yemen to train the country’s Huthi rebels, who are also backed by Iran, a source close to Hezbollah said.

Lebanon’s official National News Agency said “three missiles” targeted “a residential apartment in a 10-storey building”.

Meanwhile the Israeli military said yesterday it intercepted a missile fired from Yemen, as its bombardment of Hezbollah in Lebanon raised fears of all-out war in the Middle East.

Sirens went off in several areas of central Israel “as a result of a missile that was fired from Yemen”, the Israeli Defence Forces said on the messaging platform Telegram.

“The missile that was fired from Yemen was successfully intercepted,” it added.

The leader of Yemen’s Huthi rebels, Abdul Malik al-Huthi, said in a televised address earlier the Iranbacked group “will not hesitate to support Lebanon and Hezbollah” as cross-border fire between the Lebanese group and Israel intensified.

Since November, the Huthis have targeted Red Sea shipping with drones and missiles, saying the actions are in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza war which was sparked by Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel.

Israel has also rejected a push led by its key backer, the US, for a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon, vowing to keep fighting Hezbollah militants “until victory”.

Israeli bombing of Iran-backed Hezbollah strongholds around Lebanon has killed hundreds of people this week, while the militant group has retaliated with rockets.

“There will be no ceasefire in the north. We will continue to fight against the Hezbollah terrorist organisation with all our strength until victory and the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes,” Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a post on X.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said he had “not even responded” to the truce proposal, and that he had ordered the military “to continue the fighting with full force”.

The US, France and other allies called for a 21-day halt, after President Joe Biden and his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

The situation in Lebanon has become “intolerable” and “is in nobody’s interest, neither of the people of Israel nor of the people of Lebanon”, their joint statement said.


Black Ball
Black Ball
September 28, 2024 8:44 am

Do phone booths still exist? They’d make a grate place to hold their meetings.

Aye Rabz

Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 8:45 am

In contrast, he said there was a “direct line” between rising attacks on both Jewish and Muslim Australians and the inflammatory rhetoric of the Greens and the Coalition.

Burka’s a weasel. A nasty, snivelling driveling lying weasel.

Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 8:47 am

3/6 for today’s Wordle….’impressive’.

September 28, 2024 8:49 am
September 28, 2024 8:51 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 28, 2024 8:33 am

To give them something to really whinge about, issue the prisoners either 24hr or or ten man rat packs for the duration of their sentences.

September 28, 2024 9:02 am
September 28, 2024 9:05 am

Six policies for an Australian Libertarian movement

Drew Roller, The Spectator (Oz), 28 September 2024

The Coalition is having an existential crisis. With the threat of a Double Dissolution election looming and the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill at the gates, Labor has effectively wedged them into a position they’d rather not be in. What position is that, you ask? Well, having to advocate for the values espoused in the opening statement on their website.

‘We Believe … in the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples.’

Pretty emphatic, right? Apparently not. The smell of more surveillance and policing power has proven alluring, especially for Opposition Leader and former policeman, Peter Dutton. You can take the man out of the police, but can you take the police out of the politician?

This cataclysmic betrayal of Liberal ‘values’ has opened up a lane for a new form of politics to move into the mainstream. The ‘Greens on the right’, as some are calling it. In short, the Libertarians are in play. Having sprung onto the scene after a stunning result in the NSW council elections, the Libertarians are a party with freedom as its guiding principle.

This opportunity will not be without its challenges. With an adversarial media landscape, rabid authoritarianism rising on the left, and a conservative Coalition seeking to disrupt any challenge to its majority-building powers, the pitfalls for Libertarian candidates will be plentiful and bad faith attacks numerous. They will be hit from all sides. On the flip side, they will be able to build unexpected legislative partnerships. These predicted adversarial conditions aren’t only external. Perhaps the biggest challenge to the movement will come from within.

Often compared to ‘herding cats’ – if the cats were feral and on the spectrum – Libertarians are unsurprisingly renowned for being horrible collectivists. Fiercely intransigent and principled, they are awful organisers, poor communicators, and are known for being less lawmakers and more law breakers. In short, they are horrible politicians, while their perennial messaging of ‘No Government’ has been a failing policy position in Australian politics for decades and for good reason – it’s not a great bumper sticker. It fails every time to capture the imagination or cultural zeitgeist. It doesn’t unite us in a shared belief or our common traditions. Libertarians understand that it’s sound fiscal policy, but doesn’t inspire anyone – not on a spiritual, cultural, or national level. How can Libertarians translate these philosophies and ideals into a language Australian voters will resonate with and how can we send a message less Ayn Rand or Milton Friedman, and more Crocodile Dundee and Barry Humphries?

One way is to build a suite of policies that are brash, abrasive, and downright antagonistic. Policies that cut through the nonsense and noise and connect with voters in tangible ways. Policies that resonate in the context of their homes, families, and communities. The goal should be to build a new brand of cultural Libertarianism that overcomes the limitations of philosophy and idealism with a set of policies that are rooted in culture and community, not economics and monetary policy. Here are six policy ideas that attempt to do just that.


Libertarians should propose tax-free status to independent grocers earning under a million dollars in revenue. This is a policy designed to shake up the Australian grocery market, long dominated by giants like Coles and Woolworths. By giving small grocers a financial free pass, the policy would boost local food production, supporting regional farmers and offering them fairer prices. This locally sourced food would be more sustainable, cutting down on long-distance transport and large-scale farming practices. This move could inject much-needed competition into the sector, benefiting both producers and consumers.

This policy not only promotes Libertarian ideals, it provides a talking point that cuts across politics. From the cost of living crisis to anti-monopolistic practices, this is a policy that even the Australian Greens would struggle to resist. When half the job of being a Libertarian will be pushing through constant bad faith attacks accusing them of racism and misogyny, it is this kind of policy that can neutralise divisive actors, cut through the media machine, and forge unheard-of alliances in Australian politics.


#Repeal140A A policy described in a hashtag. Ironically, this policy should be a no-brainer for the Australian Greens also, but it is highly likely to go down like a solar panel at midnight so no paradigm disrupting alliances here but the policy is very simple – end the ban on Nuclear energy.

As Libertarians our policy should not be to oppose renewables. The Libertarian wet dream should be a power source on every house free from centralised control and climate dictates. Solar panels aren’t just compatible with Libertarian ideals, they are the embodiment of them. This is not a zero-sum game, with one losing or the other. Put Nuclear on a level playing field with renewables and let the market for clean, reliable energy run safe and free.


The Libertarian housing policy should be to dismantle the ABC. You heard that right. To dismantle the already failing ABC and SBS brick by brick. To decommission, privatise, and sell off the national broadcaster and build the future for young Australians with the proceeds. To take the profits from the sale and the 1.5 billion a year spent on the ABC and ‘Build The Rail’. Rail, you say? Yes, high-speed rail. Spend the 1.5 billion a year the ABC uses to lecture us about white privilege and toxic masculinity to roll out high-speed rail infrastructure into regional Australia servicing and supporting families to spread out around the nation and most importantly to prosper. This is a policy designed to bring hope to the young at the expense of the ABCs Boomer viewership; to alleviate the pressures on the capitals and last, but not least, to get people’s attention with its provocative stance. Oh… And end immigration until housing affordability is back to 1990 levels not a moment sooner. Enough is enough!


Let me set the scene. It’s summer 2025, the hot Aussie sun beaming down, Australians stand on their sun-soaked lawns, ready to take a ride on what’s looking more and more like a deeply authoritarian slippery slide. Those who lived through Covid know our elites can’t be trusted with this power and that our ancestors didn’t fight and sacrifice their lives just so a group of kindergarten teachers turned politicians could take away our right just so they could stop young men reading Andrew Tate tweets.

And while the Libertarian approach to this might seem simple, ‘oppose censorship’, a crucial opportunity to win this war on speech is being somewhat overlooked. This is again another chance to join forces with policymakers on the other side. To come together with the flag burners, keffiyeh wearers, and man-haters. To fight for the rights of those whose ideas are also deemed ‘regressive’. Alliances such as these might just be the difference between success and failure.

In the words of the great Ricky Gervais, ‘The point of free speech is that you can say things I don’t like. If you can only say things I do like, then it’s not really free speech.’


With our political class on both sides salivating over the dystopian new tools of tyranny coming online, it is incumbent on us as citizens to put their ambitions for 1984 becoming a nonfiction book on ice. To that effect, Australia should legislate a data policy that would enforce severe penalties on any government employee that uses, stores or shares the personal data of Australian users outside the realm of standard police investigations involving real crimes derived from real laws being broken. If the government wants to mine, store, or archive personal data on its citizens, it should be forced to seek permission first. It should never be granted freely.


Anthony Albanese might not be able to ban words like isolationism and non-interventionism, but he sure would struggle to pronounce them. These are the words that have been at the core of Libertarian thinking since its inception. Emphatically pro-peace, and adamantly self-defence, the Libertarian approach is simple. No war. Stop funding it, supporting it, condoning it, or endorsing it. Just stay out of it. We are done sending our young to die in counterproductive attempts to remake the world in our own image. Enough!

In the words of Jeffrey Tucker, President of economic research nonprofit Brownstone, ‘I’ve always believed that libertarian ideology should be to a well-lived life, what scales are to a symphony: essential to know but not the music itself.’

Australian Libertarians, your time has come. Time to stop the doodling and write some tunes.

September 28, 2024 9:05 am

Trump meets with Zelensky after all and thanks him for ending ‘impeachment hoax’

Following the meeting, Trump posted on Truth Social a pledge to end the war in Ukraine if elected.

“If I’m elected President, the war with Russia and Ukraine will end quickly,” he wrote. “If not, that war will never end, and will phase into WORLD WAR III. Comrade Harris will NEVER BE ABLE TO END THE WAR, and hasn’t.”

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 28, 2024 9:08 am

Re the comment by Tinta at 0756 and the nested response by RokDok.

RokDok is not entirely correct.

There are Geneva Conventions that cover what is termed “irregular warfare”. That include four principal requirements:

The irregular force must have a clear chain of command;

That chain of command must enforce the Laws of War;

Personnel must wear a recognisable uniform or distinguishing insignia; and

Weapons must be carried openly.

Other Conventions that must be followed to gain the protections of the Conventions cover matters like not using, storing weapons or ammunition in, or attacking places of cultural significance, including religious buildings.

Where your mate is correct is in the application of these rules, which Lessbollocks, Hamarse, al Quaeda et al are only very rarely criticised for failing to follow.

September 28, 2024 9:11 am
September 28, 2024 9:15 am

Kill the misinfo bill! — The Opposition Podcast No. 22

Avi and Rukshan catch up with Senator Alex Antic to discuss Australia’s Orwellian misinformation and disinformation bill as public submissions draw to a close at the end of the month.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 28, 2024 9:16 am

Rita Panahi before I must away:

The rise of the Right, from Europe to South America, is seeing a new breed of leader emerge.

These men and women are an antidote to the lily-livered, performative socialist types the media has long adored, including the likes of Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern.

This week we saw Argentina’s Javier Milei who media outlets have described as “far-Right, ultra-conservative and the Argentinian Trump”, and El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele variously described as “far-Right and authoritarian” give firebrand speeches at the 79th United Nations general assembly.

Also in New York, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, who the media labelled a “fascist, extremist and far-Right” received the prestigious Global Citizen’s award from the Atlantic Council. Far from being the destructive forces we were warned they’d be, all three have thus far achieved enormous success in their respective countries, and in relatively short periods of time.

Meloni’s zero tolerance approach to people smuggling has seen a 64 per cent drop in the country’s illegal immigration numbers. She’s been so successful that Britain’s hard Left Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer met her earlier this month to learn how she has managed to tackle illegal immigration.

Meloni has not only been highly effective, she is also consistently one of the most popular leaders in Europe.

Milei came to power promising to reform Argentina, which went from a nation with an enviable living standard to one that was plunged into poverty and economic chaos by Socialist/Peronist rule.

His radical reforms are already bearing fruit but rather than boasting about his record, he used his UN address to slam the organisation for going from one that “pursued peace to an organisation that imposes an ideological agenda on its members.”

Referring to the UN’s support of Covid-era lockdowns he labelled the organisation as “one of the main proponents of systemic violations of freedom”.

In his first address before the UN General Assembly he also slammed the organisation for allowing despot nations to sit on its human rights council and lecture democracies in particular Israel.

“I’d like to issue a warning here we are coming to the end of a cycle: Collectivism and moral posturing and the woke agenda is coming up against reality,” he said.

El Salvador’s wildly popular president, who was re-elected earlier this year with more than 80 per cent of the vote, also addressed the UN with some pointed remarks for the Biden administration about regimes that prosecute and seek to imprison their political opponents.

President Bukele who has copped heavy criticism from the Western media for his hard line approach to crime reduction was unapologetic about the policies that have seen a dramatic drop in the country’s homicide rate.

The new breed of Right-wing leaders are conviction politicians who unashamedly pursue an agenda that sees them maligned by the establishment including the bulk of the mainstream media.

And yet despite the hysteria and doom-saying, they have proved to be enormously effective and popular.

Coalition, take note.

September 28, 2024 9:32 am

Coalition, take note.

The Coalition has retreated so far from its principles that Peter Dutton is prepared to pass Labour’s draconian misinformation legislation if it just “strikes the right balance.”

The leader who preceded him wanted to make covid vaccinations mandatory – and practically did for those in the workforce – and closed the borders to Australians wanting to return home at the time, among other attacks on our traditional freedoms.

John Howard replaced economic productivity with a population ponzi that is changing Australia irrevocably, not least by making us all poorer.

I could go on.

Abandon all hope, ye who vote Liberal.

Last edited 12 hours ago by Roger
September 28, 2024 9:32 am

From where do Labor draw their focus group head nodders?

While they pander to a few muzzies, Gucci missies, and kaftans, the nation shudders and turns away.

Calling massive tax hikes ‘reforms’ obviously resonates in trougher and union land, but have they learned no lessons from the Sl-pper and Tits experiences.

Campus adolescents. It’s the vibe. Consequences are irrelevant, or actually don’t exist.

I am going to stick my neck out here. The Left are dividing like a melting ice field. Each chunk is being forced to be ever increasingly radical to avoid being overwhelmed by the other broken bits. We will never see another Labor government that is not in a dangerous coalition.

Oh, and PS. Whilst I am developing a view that Mx P Wong might just be a ………, she is the best thing that conservative Australia has going for it. She needs to be encouraged in her ‘no consequences’ recklessness.

It is an impossibly long time since my not terribly meritorious uni days, but I would never have imagined that my senior years would be spent living in a national refec with levels of debate even more stupid than that babbled by the humanities bludgers of that era.

September 28, 2024 9:41 am

 Black Ball
September 28, 2024 9:16 am

President Bukele who has copped heavy criticism from the Western media for his hard line approach to crime reduction was unapologetic about the policies that have seen a dramatic drop in the country’s homicide rate.

Some of that approach would do a world of good in Alice Springs and in the NT in general

September 28, 2024 9:45 am

I loved the skating thread OT. What memories.

Being bushies we didn’t have access to swish city rinks, but we were allowed to skate on the school quadrangle each weekend. Obviously that was in the days when no parent would ever contemplate suing the school because their idiot kid busted himself up.

But skating left me with a permanent depression. Those bloody girls were just so elegant, always in inseperable groups, and made us boys look like the klutzes that we were. Thank God skateboards were invented.

September 28, 2024 9:46 am

Not much need for Gastarbeiter when you’re Net Zeroing manufacturing to extinction.

September 28, 2024 9:56 am

Campus adolescents.

Correct- they’ve never grown up, never done a real job where you have to actually work (and face consequences if you stuff up) and been given everything. Not just the ALP neither- look at Scott and Fifield.

September 28, 2024 10:03 am

I thought Dutton was going to oppose MiniTru. Dutton just needs to pushed in the right direction.

Mmm…like he was pushed in the right direction on the voice.

That’s the problem…he’s meant to be the leader, yet he can’t seem to apply the Liberal Party’s clearly enunciated principles to the practical political issues that come before him. And he’s surrounded by wets in the party room for whom Dutton is simply their best chance of sitting on ministerial leather again.

In Canada, meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre has just taken a left-liberal Toronto seat from Trudeau’s party in a by-election. He didn’t do it by hiding what he believes or sacrificing his political principles to entice progressive voters but by explaining to the electorate how his policies could make their lives better.

I don’t see anyone in the Liberal Party attempting to do this outside of one or two senators who aren’t in the main game (and one of them is leaving the party to run as an independent after being demoted to an unelectable position on the QLD ticket in favour of a faceless party drone).

Last edited 12 hours ago by Roger
September 28, 2024 10:08 am

The other thing in Dutton’s favour is Trumble was implacably opposed to his becoming PM. The only way forward that I can see is elect the LNP (Nationally) and make sure they govern for us. With Latho and Pauline fighting they’s not really any alternative.

September 28, 2024 10:13 am

Mmm…like he was pushed in the right direction on the voice.

Yes but we got the result that was good for Australia. I’ve given up on minor parties particularly now Latho and Pauline are fighting. Better to focus on the LNP and mold it into something better.

September 28, 2024 10:16 am

Regarding Canada, how was rubbish like Justine even elected in the first place? The guy who lost to the dauphine was quite good iirc. I think the Tides Foundation had a lot to do with it.

September 28, 2024 10:19 am

Australian Libertarians, your time has come. Time to stop the doodling and write some tunes.

A good piece of Drew Roller, Roger. Well, I am about to find out – at the demonstration called by the Libertarians against the modified ACMA bill embodying censorship of social media – in the Sydney Domain in a little over an hour.

That result of the Libertarians in the local elections in Sydney was interesting, though it may not translate into state or federal elections – but who knows? It may drag some critical votes from the Greens, but may also take them from UAP and One Nation.

Last edited 11 hours ago by Vicki
September 28, 2024 10:23 am

Bourne 1879 @ 8:36

For those who don’t have an online subscription I would have to say to today’s The Weekend Australian is one of the most interesting reads across many subjects.

Better be quick.
Rupert’s vanity project is in decline.

September 28, 2024 10:35 am
Last edited 11 hours ago by Makka
September 28, 2024 10:36 am

Rupert’s vanity project is in decline.

That reminds me, how’s the PhD coming along, Bob?

September 28, 2024 10:37 am

Even the Victorian Lieboral party has some good people like Bev MacArthur and Moira Deeming.

September 28, 2024 10:41 am

The disability royal commission is split on the issue of special schools –

Special Schools exist simply because regular schools are not yet ready to support all students. Unless resourcing, support and training for teachers, and public attitudes change, I can’t see their demise in my lifetime.

We’ve come a long way – when I started teaching, there were still children who were considered “unreceptive to education” . (This was a quote from an orthopaedic surgeon of my acquaintance who defined education in the most narrow of terms – generally what used to be called classical education). At the time we were fellow members on the board of the Cootharinga Society.

To my way of thinking, the only child who can’t learn is dead. The attitude so clearly expressed by my learned friend persists in many quarters, and particularly in many private school communities.

This was emphasised over and over again by parents who would bring their child with a disability for enrolment at my Special School in Toowoomba, bitter because they had been turned away from their private school of choice on the basis that “this school doesn’t cater for your son/daughter”. Toowoomba had (and still has) a plethora of these schools.The fact that parent had the money, and was making a clear choice cut no ice at all.

I found an instant conversation stopper at principal’s meetings I attended in Toowoomba. I’s approach a private school principal and ask (as a special school principal) whether the individual’s school had any students with disabilities in attendance. The answer was always almost “no”, and was usually followed by the statement that “we don’t cater for them”. I would then remind said principal that they were in receipt of Commonwealth Education funding precisely so they could cater for these students. That almost always ended the conversation.

I’d recommend that any private school that turns a student away on the basis of a presenting disability should have its public funding removed immediately. In the end, these schools run on taxpayers money, and many of these taxpayers are people with disabilities.

These wealthy schools could then spend the necessary funds on facilities for students with disabilities, and training and resourcing specialist teachers. Then they would be able to “cater”.

Maybe a little less spending on facades and artwork and a little more on education for all would have a better national result.

September 28, 2024 10:50 am

Good grief! Just scanned The Australian & found the most disturbing article I have read in a while. In an article entitled :Act now before “pandemic amnesia” sets in, we are reminded that Albanese promised to establish an equivalent to the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) that exists in the USA. This is now being supported by the Australian Medical Association, the CSIRO, the Public Health Association of Australia. Within this article, it is noted that “Vaccine mandates should be carefully considered and used only as a last resort when uptake was low.” (!!!)

So…..I read that as…this new CDC would actually enforce people to be vaccinated against their will when uptake was low!!!!!

Have the bureaucrats learned nothing??? Clearly, they have not.

September 28, 2024 10:52 am

Even the Victorian Lieboral party has some good people like Bev MacArthur and Moira Deeming.

They expelled Moira from the party room 19-1, milt.

Case in point.

September 28, 2024 10:55 am

So…..I read that as…this new CDC would actually enforce people to be vaccinated against their will when uptake was low!!!!!

A moonbeam from the larger lunacy:

Northern Ireland is passing health emergency legislation that will facilitate compulsory vaccination among other nightmarish powers.

September 28, 2024 10:57 am

Last night somebody posted a link to this…

The Greatest Lie ever told. . Haven’t seen this video yet, but the anthropology of the Left and right was very interesting.

I only stumbled across this channel yesterday after watching this “Civil war is inevitable” on Tom Bilyou’s channel. The thesis is that economic conditions today are similar to those around the time of the fall of the Roman republic ( note republic , not Empire), the English Civil war, 30 years war and the US civil war others. Also he draws parallels with the Black Death ( calling the parallel a psychological Black Death) and conditions in the mouse utopia experiment.

I ended up on Tom Bilyou channel because one of his interviews with Patrick Bet David popped up on my feed. Some other eye opening interviews on there as well

September 28, 2024 11:08 am

Agree the Vicco liberal leadership clique seems to be on another planet- as if anyone with a smidgin of good sense would worry what the Aged thought of him.

September 28, 2024 11:19 am

Special Schools exist simply because regular schools are not yet ready to support all students. Unless resourcing, support and training for teachers, and public attitudes change, I can’t see their demise in my lifetime.

Parents need the choice and not be victims of “do gooders” with political theories who do not know our kids!

Our son started off mainstream while his condition allowed it, but we moved him to a special school when he and the school could no longer cope. Mrs D had to go to the school every day to feed him( he had a gastrostomy tube) as none of the aides were prepared to accept the liability if something went wrong.

September 28, 2024 11:22 am

Sir Keir Starmer has admitted that Lord Alli gave him £32,000 to pay for clothing, double what he previously declared.

The Telegraph (UK)

£16,000 was previously “declared” as “private office expenses.”

Bear in mind that ordinary citizens in the UK & here can be prosecuted and fined by the tax authorities for such unfortunate accounting errors.

Last edited 10 hours ago by Roger
September 28, 2024 11:24 am

Have the bureaucrats learned nothing???

In the aftermath of Covid and knowing now all that has been perpetrated and exposed, as well as the dreadful US experience since the stolen election under Biden/Harris and their cabal of traitors and deviants, I think it is not in anyone’s interest or their family’s to even consider Govts and their beauracracies give any thought whatsoever to the public’s wellbeing or benefit. Clearly, they are our enemy.

So yes, they have learned- plenty. Surveil, censor, silence, oppress, threaten, lie, jail, cancel, murder – whatever it takes to take and remain in power in order to fleece every last penny they can from us.

September 28, 2024 11:28 am

A tenured, female Professor to be proud of.
Academia world wide needs more Amy Wax.

September 28, 2024 11:41 am

“I have no idea what that word means, as don’t most who use it here.”
If you don’t know what it means how can you claim those who use it don’t?
You really aren’t good at logic Mr Hardroadtohoe.

September 28, 2024 11:45 am

There were only two choices in Toowoomba then, private schools and special schools.
How very odd.

September 28, 2024 11:47 am


The U.S. supported groups aligned with Massoud’s father, who were not religious jihadis. If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

That said, the U.S. was backing anti-Soviet forces, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing at the time.

You’re applying present-day perspectives to historical events, expecting people of a different era to fully grasp the long-term consequences of their actions. Harry Hindsight is 100% right every single time. Amazing.

Argue with the book about US actions along the North African coast line in which the piracy was described as acts of Jihad.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 28, 2024 11:56 am

Coincidence news:

Sixty women have come forward alleging they were sexually abused by the now-disgraced Mohamed Al Fayed.

Sixty. Geez. That’s put Weinstein back in the amateurs.

“The response has simply been enormous… We can confirm that we now represent 60 survivors as part of our claim, with more to come,” the lawyers representing the women said in a statement on Friday.

Probably nothing at all to do with Al Fayed’s billion dollar estate.

September 28, 2024 12:00 pm

Its also bizarre to claim that private schools that are funded per student should divert funding from individual able bodied students to individual disabled students.
In any case there are a few private schools in Australia with special needs programs.

September 28, 2024 12:06 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 28, 2024 12:07 pm

Everyone should do it. The Free Speech Union make it dead easy to send a protest about the Shut You Up Bill coming before the Senate next week.
Go to FSU, where they helpfully compose a letter which is tailored according to your expressed beliefs as you’ve prioritised them with clicks to the FSU’s list of reasons. They will then send that for you if you wish. They advise though for you to send it yourself to garner more attention. To do this, click for them to send you the letter via email. When the email arrives you there’s one just click for your letter to be set up for you on your own email (presto!) with the right address already inserted, and then you click on submit for it to fire a blast at the obscenity of this bill.
One email from every Cat and Kitteh – NOW.

September 28, 2024 12:08 pm


If you have evidence the sub story is bullshit then present it. There’s no real point to this discussion.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 28, 2024 12:08 pm

Roger/September 28, 2024 9:32 am

Coalition, take note.

The Coalition has retreated so far from its principles that Peter Dutton is prepared to pass Labour’s draconian misinformation legislation if it just “strikes the right balance.”

The only difference between Labor and the Liberals is the size of the unlubricated pineapple they are striving to shove up our quoits.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 28, 2024 12:09 pm

Here’s the FSU link.

No excuses. Do it now.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 28, 2024 12:16 pm

I see that Burke is just now beginning to glimpse out the corner of his eye the all to predictable folly of their slobbering courtship of the Muslimist vote: Labor thought they were playing the Muzzies while the Muzzies thought they were playing Labor.

But only one of these was motivated by conviction. The other just thought they were too clever to fail.

September 28, 2024 12:16 pm

The Australian is by far the best newspaper in the country for its in depth coverage and they allow articles from both points of view.
Which is why The Australian and mention of Rupert Murdoch is like kryptonite to the Greens, and lefties like numbers who would prefer we had to read The ABC or Guardian.

September 28, 2024 12:26 pm

There’s a lesson here for all of us. Or perhaps not. Wretched picture loader.

Last edited 9 hours ago by calli
Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 12:29 pm

Rupert’s vanity project is in decline.

As usual from the resident racist moron, this statement is incorrect. The Oz’s subscription numbers are up, unlike the SMH. And this year The Oz celebrated its sixtieth birthday, not bad for a ‘vanity project‘. We’ll see whether The Guardian is around in sixty years, my hunch is that it won’t be.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 28, 2024 12:49 pm

From the Beertruk extract from the Tele at 8:43.

Meanwhile the Israeli military said yesterday it intercepted a missile fired from Yemen, as its bombardment of Hezbollah in Lebanon raised fears of all-out war in the Middle East.

There’s that boiler-plate phrase again.
Anything Israel does “raises fears of all-out war in the region”.
How about this …
“Unprovoked attacks by feral rag-heads on Israel raise fears of all-out war in the region”.

September 28, 2024 12:53 pm

Who had ” embittered old fossilised teacher whines” on their bingo card for today?
Or are we just considering that a free box nowadays?

Idiotic fads like mainstreaming people with intellectual disabilities through 12 years of tick a box advancement at the cost of every other student is stupidity on stilts.

As usual the lifelong pubic serpents cure is unlimited monies…

September 28, 2024 12:57 pm

Of course there will be ten Nasrallahs popping up tomorrow to replace him.

September 28, 2024 1:04 pm

North African piracy in the Mediterranean was certainly Jihadist. They took Christian slaves, they didn’t take Muslim slaves. They relentlessly raided the Christian settlements along the Mediterranean, and they were backed by and operated with the blessing of North African sultans and the Ottomans. A period of history that goes largely unmentioned in the rush to bash European colonialism.

And what of the Anatolian Christian Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks massacred, expelled or forced to convert to Islam? That absolutely had a Jihadist component.

September 28, 2024 1:04 pm

The US supported jihadis. The idea that these weren’t ‘religious jihadis’ is just too silly for words or that the money being funneled into Afghanistan from US, Pakistan, and Saudis was only going to Massoud or that if were even the case it made a difference. It reeks of ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria.

Here we go again, Hindsight History! (abrev HH)
If you’re going to play this game, consider this: if the Soviets hadn’t tried to stage a coup and invade Afghanistan to prop up their puppet regime, the Americans wouldn’t have backed the anti-communist groups, and maybe the Taliban wouldn’t be in power today. So, blame the Soviets for messing up Afghanistan in the first place—but that doesn’t quite fit with your new ideology, does it?

This is just cope. You don’t need to have ‘Harry Hindsight’ special powers to see that helping jihadis in Afghanistan is going to generate a future response when there are already jihadi groups operating in other nations.

Aren’t you overusing this “cope” nonsense? Like I said, the Cold War was in full swing in the ’80s, and militant Islam wasn’t even on the radar as a major threat. Sorry people weren’t psychic enough to meet your “Harry Hindsight” standards. Funny how you’re not sparing even a shred of blame for the Soviets, who, in case you forgot, invaded Afghanistan in the first place.

September 28, 2024 1:17 pm

Rosie @ 12:00 pm

Its also bizarre to claim that private schools that are funded per student should divert funding from individual able bodied students to individual disabled students.

Private schools also receive funding for students with disabilities under commonwealth NCCD programmes in addition to per student funding. The bizarre aspect is the disproportionate nature of this funding.

Public school students eligible for a disability payment receive an average amount from the commonwealth of $2,941, while private and independent schools receive on average, in excess of $10,000 per funded student.

In any case there are many private schools in Australia without any special needs programs. According to the Independent schools website, there are 172 with special needs programmes in Queensland (for example) out of a total of 454 schools.

The government assistance payment for students with disabilities in private and independent schools is up to six times higher than that received in the public system.

And yet, they’re called “private” rather than “subsidised” schools. That’s the most bizarre aspect of all.

(Source – Australian Schools Directory; National Consistent Collection of Data 2023)

September 28, 2024 1:29 pm

It seems to me that test submerging a sub at the construction dock before sea trials might be a good idea.

September 28, 2024 1:30 pm

Do I have evidence? Aside from the fact that this was reported in a respected outlet like the Wall Street Journal? Sure, it’s not AJ or Pravda, so it’s far from perfect. 🙂
But let me clarify: I don’t need to provide any evidence. It was you who called it ‘amazing’ that anyone could believe the WSJ story. ‘Amazing’ goes beyond personal disbelief—it’s a bold assertion that requires backing up.

September 28, 2024 1:30 pm

AFL GF pre game entertainment, zaaap.

That normally is reserved for Eddie Dingos incarnation of a serious ceremony.

September 28, 2024 1:35 pm

Half way through the Joe Rogan interview with ex SEAL and podcaster Shawn Ryan. Lots of discussion about internet censorship and X and YouTube etc.

When discussing eating cats and dogs Ryan says “Kung pow chicken is not always Kung pow chicken”

With apologies to those planning on having Chinese food tonight.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 28, 2024 1:38 pm

Leaving the Hezbollah arrangement in northern Israel aside (although there are similarities), I prefer to view the Gazan situation through the lens of World Wars 1 and 2.

Germany put their hand up and finally said ‘barley’ in November 1918, which led to the Treaty of Versailles the following year.

Among the outcomes were that the Chermans had to pay reparations to the Allies, make territorial concessions (Alsace-Lorraine and colonies in Africa and the Pacific), extradite war criminals, disarm most of their armed forces and agree to put the Kaiser on trial.

Most importantly, it also compelled Chermany to admit that it was responsible for the war.

Now – although the handpatters of the time said the boxheads had been treated too harshly (a British general whose name I can’t remember said ‘This is not a peace. This is an armistice for twenty years’), Germany was not happy with it, it wasn’t pacified and it was not permanently weakened.

Consequently, without fear of serious consequence the Chermans were able to ignore most of those provisions and rearm all three of their armed forces, plus create and equip the SS.

It was handpattery and appeasement that directly resulted int he deaths of over 52 million people in World War 2.

September 28, 2024 1:44 pm

Lets try a new topic, Dover and see if you can progress this.

Let’s dive deep into the dark and pervasive influence of the Soviet Union and how its relentless global meddling corrupted the course of history.

The Rise of the Soviet Union and Its Global Ripples of Destruction

The Soviet coup in 1917 unleashed a catastrophic chain reaction that still haunts the world today. The rise of Soviet power wasn’t just a revolution—it was a gateway to the systematic distortion of political, economic, and cultural landscapes across multiple continents. The question isn’t how much history has been impacted by Soviet interference, but how deeply the course of human development has been sabotaged by it.

China—A Lost Opportunity for Freedom

Soviet interference in China fundamentally altered the trajectory of the country’s political future. Without Soviet intervention, China would have most likely evolved into a thriving democratic republic similar to Taiwan today—a beacon of free-market principles, individual liberty, and a respected player on the global stage. Instead, Mao’s Communist revolution—backed by Soviet arms, funding, and ideology—led to one of the most oppressive regimes in human history. The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution led to the deaths of tens of millions, setting China back decades. Had the Soviets not meddled, the Chinese people could have embraced democracy and avoided the iron grip of Communist rule that persists today.

North Korea—A Nightmare That Shouldn’t Exist

North Korea is another brutal creation of Soviet imperialism. Without Soviet intervention in the Korean Peninsula, the division between North and South Korea might never have existed. The Korean War, fueled by Soviet ambitions, split the country in two, leading to the establishment of a ruthless dictatorship in the North. The Kim dynasty’s reign of terror is directly tied to Soviet support, creating one of the most isolated and totalitarian regimes on Earth. Millions suffer in silence, their lives dictated by a brutal, hereditary regime—all thanks to Soviet interference.

Eastern Europe—The Crushing of Democracy

Soviet control over Eastern Europe after World War II turned vibrant, culturally rich countries into puppet states trapped behind the Iron Curtain. Countries like Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, which could have thrived under democratic systems, were instead subjected to brutal crackdowns on dissent, rigged elections, and economic ruin. The Soviet Union’s iron-fisted control suppressed entire generations, stifling innovation, freedom, and economic prosperity.

Afghanistan—A Nation Torn Apart

Afghanistan’s modern history is steeped in Soviet blood. In 1979, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan plunged the nation into a brutal decade-long war that destabilized the region and led to the rise of extremist groups like the Taliban. Soviet intervention decimated Afghanistan’s infrastructure, killed countless civilians, and left a power vacuum that continues to fuel violence and extremism in the region to this day.

Africa and Latin America—Soviet-Fueled Proxy Wars

The Soviet Union’s influence spread beyond Europe and Asia, fueling bloody civil wars and revolutions in Africa and Latin America. In countries like Angola, Ethiopia, and Nicaragua, Soviet-backed regimes and insurgencies plunged entire regions into chaos, leaving legacies of corruption, poverty, and political instability. The Soviets used these regions as pawns in their Cold War chess game, leaving lasting scars on nations that are still struggling to recover.

The Long-Lasting Impact on Global Security

The Soviet Union’s global meddling didn’t just reshape individual countries—it also exacerbated tensions that persist to this day. The Cold War arms race, nuclear proliferation, and the creation of global blocs of influence have all led to a world that remains on edge. The rise of authoritarianism, the destabilization of the Middle East, and the ongoing tensions between the West and authoritarian states like Russia and China can all be traced back to Soviet interventionist policies.

The tragic reality is that the Soviet Union didn’t just meddle—it planted seeds of destruction worldwide. If Soviet interference had been neutralized or limited, we’d likely see a vastly different world today: a more peaceful, prosperous global order with fewer authoritarian regimes, less human suffering, and a more balanced international system. The cost of Soviet meddling is immeasurable, and its legacy continues to erode the fabric of global security and prosperity.

I’m sure you an add to this list of accomplishments.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 28, 2024 1:45 pm


In 1918, Germany had only been a country of its own for 48 years.

What the Allies should have done was break it back up into the various duchies, baronies, principalities and provinces of the Holy Roman Empire, thus preventing effective rearmament and reunification, and also preventing such a threat from emerging again.

In other words – put their foot on the Cherman throat and leave it there until it expires, as one would cage a mongoose and then throw it into the ocean.

But they didn’t.

In the ME, constant ignorance of the threats posed by Pali retardos combined with appeasement and handpattery from those with no skin in the game resulted in events like 7 October. For this reason alone, Israel has every right to ignore the dickheads (looking at you, Wong) and ensure that its people have the ability to survive and thrive.

September 28, 2024 1:48 pm

Oh shut up Bob.
You went to Catholic schools and you sent your children to them too.

September 28, 2024 1:52 pm

I’m not playing any game. I’m just acknowledging that the US has repeatedly used jihadis as it played the Great Game. It’s just funny watching you pretend that it didn’t or that it ifit did it was the other guy’s fault.

But not quite as funny, hilarious in fact, as you skipping over the Soviet invasion, which started the ball rolling in the first place.

September 28, 2024 2:00 pm

Which GF will The Houso blight with his freeloading presence? It’s an interesting argument whether these pollies are just massaging their sense of entitlement by turning up at sporting events, or believe that it will win votes, make them ‘one of the boys’.

I like to think back to West Coast 2018 GF when the cameras spent so much time focused on the Julie Bishop fossil that she lost enormous credibility. Viewers were scathing.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 2:04 pm

September 28, 2024 9:45 am

I loved the skating thread OT. What memories.
Being bushies we didn’t have access to swish city rinks, but we were allowed to skate on the school quadrangle each weekend. Obviously that was in the days when no parent would ever contemplate suing the school because their idiot kid busted himself up.
But skating left me with a permanent depression. Those bloody girls were just so elegant, always in inseperable groups, and made us boys look like the klutzes that we were. Thank God skateboards were invented.

My last memory of skateboarding was me cracking my head. BANG!

Last edited 8 hours ago by Steve Trickler
September 28, 2024 2:06 pm

Bons the houso is guaranteed to be sniffing around the MCG today. Wonder which scarf he will sport today?

I’ll be back in front of the box at 2:30pm when it starts after the usual crap is done. Saves my blood pressure.

September 28, 2024 2:15 pm

Oh, so a report in ‘respected outlet’ is now 

evidence. I would have thought that what was included in the report was the evidence, and therein they had an inconclusive satellite photo and anon sources. 

Ummm, you go with less if it fits your bias. And yes, it is evidence. which you confuse with proof.

September 28, 2024 2:22 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 28, 2024 12:07 pm

Everyone should do it. The Free Speech Union make it dead easy to send a protest about the Shut You Up Bill coming before the Senate next week.

Thank you for the heads-up Lizzie.

September 28, 2024 2:26 pm

Bons the houso is guaranteed to be sniffing around the MCG today. Wonder which scarf he will sport today?

Depends on who wins.

September 28, 2024 2:35 pm

And yet, they’re called “private” rather than “subsidised” schools. That’s the most bizarre aspect of all.


It’s the antonym of public.

Only an inebriated wombat could fail to grasp the meaning in the context of Australian schooling.

You’re not an inebriated wombat, are you, Bob?

September 28, 2024 2:40 pm

September 28, 2024 1:35 pm

When discussing eating cats and dogs Ryan says “Kung pow chicken is not always Kung pow chicken”
With apologies to those planning on having Chinese food tonight.

Last week, some kindly Cat linked to The Pajeet Documentary on Rumble.. Brilliant David Attenborough-like voice, and truly nauseating visuals.

I, for one, will never eat Indian again.

September 28, 2024 2:44 pm

From a Tweet posted at Michael Smith
Interesting observation

Jordan has fired ZERO rockets at Israel.
Number of Jordans dead? ZERO

Egypt has fired ZERO rockets at Israel.
Number of Egyptians dead? ZERO

Simple but effective.

September 28, 2024 2:45 pm

Wife put out bread for birds. Still there from 3hrs ago. Birdies obviously prefer live food, insects, spiders, lizards, frogs, possums and bunnies. Occasionally other birds as well.

September 28, 2024 2:46 pm

Any bets on which of the personality disorders numbers is blessed with? Cluster B obviously.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
September 28, 2024 2:50 pm

Maybe it’s a WA thing- and maybe usage has changed recently- but it’s always been Public and State schools here.

September 28, 2024 2:54 pm

“I, for one, will never eat Indian again”

Many years ago I was eating curry with a large group in a very well known Indian food venue (not in Australia). The owner came to our table to take our order. We noticed he had a wet hand and as he walked away we noted the rear of his trousers was also wet.

Not something to make you feel comfortable dining there.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 28, 2024 2:55 pm

Any bets on which of the personality disorders numbers is blessed with?


September 28, 2024 3:07 pm

Its started although I didn’t see it. Apparently the Ernie’s incarnation was booed by a section of the crowd. Good!

Great close game, SYD lucky to have an extra goal IMO with seeing what the umpires ping these days though.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 28, 2024 3:27 pm

For those who don’t have an online subscription I would have to say to today’s The Weekend Australian is one of the most interesting reads across many subjects.
It’s pretty good most weekends. Worth buying.

Gemma Tognini’s article today was evocative and filled me with the nostalgia for what was my life as a child even though I was born in Australia, I just didn’t know it or appreciate how much like a little Italian village was what surrounded me in the little country town where I was raised.

I guess it is because i am closer to the end of my life that I long for the beginnings of it. But boy am I glad of it.

September 28, 2024 3:29 pm

The Libertarian rally in the Domain (opposing the new ACMA Bill) was quite well attended – a few hundred by my estimate. However, in my view it was ruined by the decision of the organisers to allow the usual Commies that have always inhabited the Domain to speak in alternate sequence to the Libertarians. Some were wild and stupid but when one made reference to the dreadful “Zionists” that was my cue to leave. A shame.

One good point was made being – why trust the LNP to oppose the legislation when Abbott’s government reneged on the promise to repeal the dreaded 18C. Damn good point!

After the Zionist remark I departed and walked over to the new Art Gallery pavilion. Hadn’t been there before. It is absolutely stunning. Will go back for a longer visit.

Then a long walk back to the ferry terminal to get ferry across the harbour. Back home in time to see 2nd quarter of the Swans/Lions match.

September 28, 2024 3:29 pm

A pair of Fuglies in the US are wetting themselves by stating that Donald Trump would place all comedians in jail if he became President.
The Donald should answer this by stating, “only the ones that aren’t funny”.

September 28, 2024 3:29 pm


September 28, 2024 2:29 pm

Reply to  JC

What bearing does it have on whether or not the US supported jihadis in Afghanistan?

Really, you’re asking this question ignoring what caused the move to second base?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 28, 2024 3:30 pm

Why is the terror of tents, the projector’s prince, the folded-blanket wrangler, here of a sudden and so persistently?

Has he lost access to the last place where he could unstopper his spleen and wring the bile from his liver? Or has something happened which has prompted this sudden outburst of spiteful stupidity?

I would ask him but I simply would not trust the answer.

September 28, 2024 3:30 pm

Crikey, I needn’t have bothered hurrying back for the AFL final. Swans getting thrashed.

September 28, 2024 3:39 pm

Türkiyes getting crunched!

Last edited 6 hours ago by Rabz
September 28, 2024 3:49 pm

Brisbane dominating. I reckon the boundary umpire missed an out of the full at one stage but it didn’t seem to affect anything.

Couple of observations as it has been decades since I played but:

  • Does anyone man up anymore? (Players everywhere in the centres unmanned on both sides and it’s not working for the Swans)
  • When did they start stopping the clock for ball ups and boundary throw ins? (Seems to prolong things more than it should)

Ch7’s coverage is to shove as many ads in a humanly possible, the replays cutting over the ball ups at the start are annoying too and the commentary crew seem heavily Brisbane biased.

See if Sydney can pare this back but I’d say at first glance na unless Brisbane falls off a cliff.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 28, 2024 3:56 pm

Parents need the choice and not be victims of “do gooders” with political theories who do not know our kids!

Our son started off mainstream while his condition allowed it, but we moved him to a special school when he and the school could no longer cope. Mrs D had to go to the school every day to feed him( he had a gastrostomy tube) as none of the aides were prepared to accept the liability if something went wrong.

100% – how many children must been sacrificed on the altar of inclusion? – a question posed by a mother of an intellectually disabled son who was being advised by the usual busy-body ideologues to mainstream her boy when she knew he would be humiliated, teased and bullied.

No thanks and good for her and good for her son who was happy and thriving in the educational setting which was right for him.

Last edited 6 hours ago by Tintarella di Luna
September 28, 2024 4:09 pm

Bongino on the latest threat/rumour about a Trump Assassination: iran using STA missiles against his plane:

Another Serious Threat To Trump’s Life? (Ep. 2338) – 09/27/2024 (

I’ll say it again: the world would be a better place if iran was turned to glass. I don’t care by who: Israel, Trump, as long as it is done.

September 28, 2024 4:16 pm

I’m done, too one sided, sh%$ commentary and too many ads.

Brisbane will flog this one in.

Neexxt, NRL next weekend.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 28, 2024 4:18 pm

Eyrie: It seems to me that test submerging a sub at the construction dock before sea trials might be a good idea.

Usual procedure with a new sub is to do a test dive “in the basin” of a port with all sorts of attendant vessels to hand.

Whether the Chunk sub had done that I do not know, but they have had a cavalier attitude in the past to safety and paid the price.

In 2003, they lost a Ming submarine, a copy of a Soviet Romeo-class boat, with 70 lives. It was found drifting almost completely submerged, probably with some sort of air problem leading to the gassing of all on board.

Apparently there have been other disasters, but the usual PLA-N approach is to say nothing. One suspect was a boat with a surface fire which was likely never seen again.

September 28, 2024 4:18 pm

Katy Perry’s yartz makes a cameo appearance

September 28, 2024 4:47 pm

Have been watching Curtis Stone make scones.
I have never baked, or seen anyone else bake a scone that has a domed top like a cup cake. They really looked weird.
They most likely tasted good, but they did not look like a scone.
More like a rock cake with a face lift.
Not knocking rock cakes. A good one is sublime.

September 28, 2024 4:57 pm

Son has got a bottle of 40yo Lagavulan for me and I can’t have any till I’m off the antiseizure medication. Another 2 weeks.

September 28, 2024 5:05 pm

Brisbane Lions coach Chris Fagan, 63, is about to become the oldest premiership coach in AFL history.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 28, 2024 5:08 pm

Just over 100,000 people at the G watching the Sydney Mancravers get bent over the ute.

In the absence of the Pies winning (yet) another one, that’ll do.

September 28, 2024 5:18 pm

Another magnificent grand final effort by the Sydney Türkiyes.

When too much auto-asphyxiation is barely enuff.

September 28, 2024 5:21 pm

One of the Brisbane Lions assistant coaches celebrating today’s premiership win is Stuart Dew, who was sacked this year as senior coach of the Gold Coast Suns.

That’s what you call swings and roundabouts.

September 28, 2024 5:24 pm
September 28, 2024 5:26 pm


September 28, 2024 5:26 pm

There was kerfuffle recently in the US when a bunch of JD Vance’s emails were leaked. The answers to his emails were not made public in the fervent hope of course of skewering the info against Vance.

The identity of the leaker has been revealed. He is a higher-up at Deloitte.
Deloitte handles a lot of Government contracts. oops!

September 28, 2024 5:31 pm

“Meet Abu Huzaifa, a proud Palestinian terrorist from Gaza who seeks to please his Muslim mother and sacrifice his soul as a martyr for Islam to kill Jews for the sake of Allah (God of Islam).”

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 28, 2024 5:43 pm
Your man on the inside @InsiderTakes 11h

People don’t realize that Canada is about to witness the first election in postwar Western Liberal democracy in which young people vote en masse to the Right of old people. This is absolutely unprecedented. Can’t imagine a more damning indictment of the country’s elites.

No word on whether this demographic is enough.

September 28, 2024 5:47 pm

Good Boy!!!

comment image

September 28, 2024 5:52 pm

Is Gayfl the only cough sport cough that you get a point for trying hard to score a goal and failing?

September 28, 2024 5:56 pm
September 28, 2024 5:56 pm

No word on whether this demographic is enough.

We’ll see, but Pollievre’s polling puts him ahead and the Conservatives took a seat off the Liberals in a recent Toronto by-election.

This despite the Canadian press portraying him as a Trumpian with Canadian characteristics.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Roger
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 28, 2024 6:05 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 28, 2024 6:15 pm

BREAKING NEWSHezbollah chief ‘is dead’: Israel says terror group’s boss Hassan Nasrallah has been killed in massive airstrikes on Beirut
Daily Mail.

September 28, 2024 6:21 pm

“I, for one, will never eat Indian again”

I haven’t eaten curry since the mid 80s.

The fitters and turners ( aka the Catering Corps) did a curry so bad, that even today just the smell of curry makes me feel nauseous.

September 28, 2024 6:23 pm
September 28, 2024 6:38 pm

This is an absolute must watch. Simply unbelievable. And, guess what, the WEF!

Andrew Bridgen has discovered that the U.K. justice system is also completely corrupted.

The Dark Art Of Lawfare | Clip

Last edited 3 hours ago by Indolent
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 28, 2024 6:56 pm

I determined to have pizza last night. I went to Goddamn Murphy’s for some piss – as you must do when visiting smaller towns.

I settled upon a bottle of wine that I was confident would be at least or better than telephone pizza would be.

Barolo. A great expression of Piedmont Nebbiolo. I discovered that I was deliberately avoiding drinking with the pizza so I would have more of the Barolo uncorrupted.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 28, 2024 7:15 pm

Calling all keyboard warriors. As well as the Free Speech Union writing a letter for you, you can sign a simple petition “It is not 1984” at the website of Advance Australia

September 28, 2024 7:16 pm

I went to …Murphy’s for some piss – as you must do when visiting smaller towns.

The deprivations we regional folk must suffer often come as quite a shock to denizens of the big smoke.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Roger
Delta A
Delta A
September 28, 2024 7:24 pm

I haven’t eaten curry since the mid 80s.

No, No Diogenes. The simple secret to superb curry is: make it yourself from scratch. Easy peasy and so enjoyable.

Make it as mild or as bitey as you like. Add yummy homemade sides: banana/coconut raita, easy flatbread and bought papadums.

All the spices are readily available. Keep them in your pantry: the cumin and paprika will spice up your home made tacos and souvlakis.

Life changers!

September 28, 2024 7:30 pm

Israel claiming they have nailed Nasrallah. And here I am without any champagne.

September 28, 2024 7:30 pm

And the ABC is up and running with its first story about Australians “stranded” in Lebanon:

Rosemarie said she “hopes to return” to Australia and called on the federal government to help citizens “stranded in Lebanon with nowhere to go” to get back safely.

“It escalated so quickly.”

DFAT has been advising them since at least July to leave the country.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Roger
Delta A
Delta A
September 28, 2024 7:34 pm

The fitters and turners ( aka the Catering Corps) did a curry so bad, that even today just the smell of curry makes me feel nauseous.

Oh. That’s different.

Best Man said that Sunday’s passable lamb roast leftovers became sandwiches on Monday, some sort of casserole on Tuesday, patties on Wednesday and something else on Thursday and, green and smelly by Friday, the fitters and turners curried the remains.

He, ex-tankie, won’t eat curry today.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 28, 2024 7:53 pm

BREAKING NEWSHezbollah chief ‘is dead’: Israel says terror group’s boss Hassan Nasrallah has been killed in massive airstrikes on Beirut

Minister Wong devastated at senseless murder of a Partner for Peace. DFAT has opened a Condolences Book in Western Sydney.

September 28, 2024 7:54 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 28, 2024 7:56 pm

And yet, they’re called “private” rather than “subsidised” schools. That’s the most bizarre aspect of all.

Confused again.
Subsidised schools are Government schools.
Most of those who pay private school fees also pay taxes, thereby subsidising the free-loaders who attend Government schools (and, by extension, the leeches who “teach” there).

September 28, 2024 7:59 pm

Apparently Charlie Cameron Bris Lions player is too good to shake the young fans hand who gave him his medal. Only one not to from the Lions. Pretty poor form mate.

Why does this stand out because he was the only player today that stuck out to me as a gob trying to illicit a response at each breakdown of play which I thought was unnecessary as he was a handy player without need to.

Don’t know anything about him but I saw shades of Goodes towards the end of his career.

Cassie of Sydney
September 28, 2024 8:01 pm

Confused again.

The old Commie is permanently confused.

September 28, 2024 8:02 pm
September 28, 2024 8:03 pm

Emigrating from Iran to Lebanon wasn’t such a good idea.
Iran still going to do something?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 28, 2024 8:07 pm

And the ABC is up and running with its first story about Australians “stranded” in Lebanon:

A quick search on shows me 1057 economy seats from BEY to LHR today – cheapest £513 (admittedly only two left at this price).

But, still, probably cheaper again to wait for Albanese Airlines to provide passage and accommodation on the Election Express.

  1. Having been incommunicado for the past two days, I’m now catching up on what Minister Wong actually said at the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x