Open Thread – Thurs 17 Oct 2024

Stroll at Albano, Karl Bryullov, 1833

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October 17, 2024 8:40 pm

Preserving religion takes priority over preserving life.” Thus peace, which would preserve life, is not the ultimate goal; Islamization is.

Islamic Scholar Lets Slip the Truth: ‘If Preserving Life Had Priority, There Would Be No Jihad’.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 17, 2024 8:40 pm

I’ll say it again. The Tuckey family looked after us with meals at the Port Hotel in Carnarvon.

The Wilson family were lovely people.

October 17, 2024 8:47 pm

Take some responsibility zippy.
Lots of women AND men both reject marriage and family and lots of men that do marry/have children are very happy to contracept and just have one or two.
(Apparently 25% of Australian men over 40 have had the snip).

October 17, 2024 9:04 pm

Australian Archbishop: Synod on Synodality Cannot ‘Reinvent the Catholic Faith.

Archbishop Fisher told EWTN News Nightly he is “very concerned” that Catholics “hold on to the deposit of faith, the apostolic tradition, that we don’t imagine, in the vanity of our age, that we are going to reinvent the Catholic faith or the Catholic Church.”

“In fact, this is a tremendous treasure that we’ve received from generation after generation before us, all the way back to Our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles. And we are here to transmit that faithfully to the next generations after us,” he said.

From the Comments:

Sadly, you can see why he didn’t get the red hat !

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 17, 2024 9:07 pm

Rita Panahi:

The miserable moaners have been out in force this week.

Greater Western Sydney’s ‘wacky Wednesday’ antics had the easily spooked football world in a tizz and the clueless, joyless Karen brigade, who think they speak for all womankind, were similarly triggered.

Never mind that the end of year celebration for the Giants was a private affair, behind closed doors and away from the public.

It seems a bar staff member feeling aggrieved is grounds for massive fines, suspensions, heck why stop there, how about we tar and feather the leadership team just to drive the point home.

Causing offence is an unforgivable sin in the eyes of Leftist feminists, the type who can’t tell you what a woman is, would never say a word about the levels of domestic violence in Indigenous communities and who think sex work is empowering but feel outraged on behalf of a blow-up doll.

Apparently, an off-colour skit, involving a player dressed up as Jarryd Hayne, who had his rape convictions quashed and charges dropped in June, and a blow-up doll is the grievous offence that should see multiple players punished.

The perpetually outraged argue that the act sexualises women and is therefore unacceptable. Would they prefer the Giants have their ‘wacky Wednesday’ at a strip club with real women being sexualised?

There’s unconfirmed scuttlebutt that the aggrieved bar staff wasn’t even present for the skit and saw it on the CCTV footage which would make the whole saga that much more ridiculous. Folks have to learn that being offended doesn’t necessarily mean you are right, it just means you’re offended. People get offended by all sorts of things; indeed some hypersensitive souls live to be offended.

For the record I am not defending the behaviour of the Giants mainly because, right now, we still don’t know precisely what happened other than it was legal and in poor taste.

People are allowed to behave in poor taste at a private function where nothing illegal took place.

The AFLPA must take a strong stand for the GWS players or be condemned as spineless and completely beholden to the AFL.

Considering the president of the Players Association is Patrick Dangerfield, expect sanctions to stand
6 blokes were suspended and another 7 fined 5k.
Simply outrageous and this shit must be challenged. Andrew Dillon is a far quit.

October 17, 2024 9:10 pm

“Sadly, you can see why he didn’t get the red hat !”
Is there some suggestion that the Ukrainian rite cardinal elect isn’t orthodox in his beliefs?
He had a nice interview on the front page of the Catholic weekly last week.

October 17, 2024 9:15 pm

Bolta, posted back on page one by Black Ball:

Back when he was running against Bill Shorten to be the Labor leader – back when we still spoke – I told Albanese to give more speeches mentioning he was raised in a housing commission flat by a single mother on a disability pension.

Sorry for that. He’s since overdone it to prove he really is a man of the people who understands battlers and their struggles to buy groceries and a house.

At least someone in the public eye can confess to their mistakes occasionally. 😀

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 17, 2024 9:20 pm

I also see that the India Test side were dismissed for a grand total of 46. Brilliant fielding by the Kiwis and also line and length bowling.
Still expecting the curry lads to give the Aussies a pull through however

October 17, 2024 9:22 pm

Would it be cruel to send aid to Gaza but limit it to bottled water and sandwiches?

If they’re nice, we could hold the ham.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 17, 2024 9:24 pm

Lol. Courier Mail alerting the populace of some bloke shutting the gates after the horses have bolted:

Ten new police beats will be launched across the state under the government’s latest pledge to reduce youth crime, as new data shows youth offending has started to decline.

Premier Steven Miles, if elected, will spend $30m on 10 permanent police beats in locations yet to be announced – all staffed with two officers and two police liaisons or school support officers.

I won’t waste my time or yours kind reader posting the rest of the article.
What a dingleberry Miles is.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 17, 2024 9:42 pm

Any of the whisky connoisseurs ever heard of an Australian single malt called “Archie Rose’? My local pub has it on the shelf, and I’ve never heard of it..

Kim Howard
Kim Howard
October 17, 2024 9:49 pm

So Albo says to Jo we have decided to fix the roads up where you want to Live, Jo says well that’s just perfect as the cliff top Property is what I am wanting, Albo, well I will put my property on the market and then we can buy the new place, Oh wait the have to kick out the tenant, finance is Guaranteed I am the PM , anyway Jo we can rent it for a year or two as I am PM and negative gear it, Oh Albo (Jo Says) what about the negative gearing, talk in the media, Oh I will just say not on the agenda, problem solved, (Albo continues ) besides we can rent it out for at least a year and then when the road comes through we will make at least 20% on what we paid, all courtesy of the Job, Where the f**k is the ACCC

October 17, 2024 10:01 pm

I see Patrick Beth David has had on Trump as guest. About to drop and promo on X.
Interesting as previous PBD podcast they discussed Trump going on Rogan. PBD said Trump on Rogan would be big but has been diluted by him going on so many podcasts recently. When he said that he would have known Trump going in his popcast.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 17, 2024 10:29 pm

Troy Bramston
King Charles’ letter to John Kerr on Whitlam’s dismissal undermines his integrity
2 hours ago

As King Charles arrives in Australia for his first visit here as our head of state, he is yet to address the grave error of judgment he made in supporting the dismissal of Gough Whitlam’s government in a handwritten letter to John Kerr in March 1976.
“Please don’t lose heart,” Charles wrote to Kerr months after Whitlam’s dismissal in November 1975.
“What you did last year was right and the courageous thing to do – and most Australians seemed to endorse your decision when it came to the point.”
This letter, sent without Queen Elizabeth II’s knowledge or approval, is a statement of support for the dismissal by a member of the royal family.
It is an embarrassment to the monarchy and undermines their non-interventionist stance in political affairs, breaching longstanding protocol and convention.
I discovered the letter in Kerr’s papers in the National Archives and it was revealed in The Australian in October 2020, and in The Truth of the Palace Letters (MUP).
It was not vice-regal correspondence released as a result of the High Court case nor was the letter mentioned at all in Jenny Hocking’s book The Palace Letters (Scribe).
The dismissal of the Whitlam government over the failure to secure supply was a convulsive event that divided Australians.
Labor lost the subsequent December 1975 election but polls never showed support for the dismissal.
Kerr terminated the commission of a prime minister who commanded the confidence of the House of Representatives.
He failed to follow Walter Bagehot’s well-known rights of the sovereign: to be consulted, to encourage and to warn. Rather than counsel or warn, the governor-general ambushed Whitlam with a surprise dismissal.
For Charles to step into this controversy and state an emphatic position, knowing he would one day be our king, showed an extraordinary failure of judgment.
The letter does not demonstrate he or anyone else in the royal family knew of or approved the dismissal in advance.
Charles was distant from events. His mother would never do what he did.
Kerr raised potential use of reserve powers to resolve the crisis with the Queen’s private secretary, Martin Charteris. (Paul Hasluck also raised using reserve powers in vice-regal correspondence.)
Charteris warned Kerr days before he acted that these powers should be used “only” for constitutional and not “political reasons” and only “when there is demonstrably no other course”. Charteris and his deputy, William Heseltine, thought Kerr acted prematurely.
Charles compounded the blunder of writing to Kerr by refusing to address it before becoming king. He rejected a request from The Australian to comment on it and, perhaps, recognise his youthful indiscretion.

Of all the utter hogwash, I’ve ever read…..

October 17, 2024 10:30 pm

Information about North Carolina and the hurricane/flood response: Wendy Patterson on X/Twitter

Once again, I will post this in its entirety for those who are not following Wendy on X/Twitter (she is @wendyp4545). This gives us a look into conditions prevailing in NC before the hurricanes and floods decimated the western part of the state, as well as eastern Tennessee. This also offers a look at the behavior of the state and federal governments, and especially North Carolina’s DemocRat Governor, Roy Cooper. Frankly, this is disgusting. Your government is working against you.

October 17, 2024 10:53 pm

This is where we’re at, and unless we can as a nation get a divorce and males and females go their seperate ways, this is the battle we must fight for our young blokes.

Arky, you give off some of the strongest divorcee energy on this site, which is saying something, but there no need to make it so obvious.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 17, 2024 10:53 pm

In the markets Trump’s lead occasionally nudges +15% but it has not been stable there. More like +12.8%.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 17, 2024 11:44 pm

Had the TV on for company…
Seaview Albanese is fronting up to the hard hitting prime time ABC program… for a bruising knee-trembler encounter on-
The 7:30 Report!
Four Corners!
Hard Quiz!
Grand Designs!
…no, wait for it…
Spicks and Specks!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 12:45 am
Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 18, 2024 12:57 am

Looks like the Israelis, in the last hour or two, mighta terminated Sinwar.
This is at least the 2nd time he’s been in the “pending” dept.

Hope it really is him this time.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 12:59 am

Pardon the pun, the guy was a JET.

CAPTAIN JOE meets KENNEDY STEVE – The interview!

October 18, 2024 1:01 am

I believe in a forgiving God.

But May Sinwar burn for all eternity.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 18, 2024 1:18 am

Photos look very similar alright. Though the “after” photos reveal he’s now a very open-minded chap.

October 18, 2024 1:25 am

You can always rely on Trump to add finesse.


Breaking: President

@realDonaldTrump confirms that Yahya Sinwar was eliminated “He died like a dog”

Last edited 12 hours ago by JC
Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 18, 2024 1:31 am

No official confirmation yet – however no end of credible sources saying Sinwar has been sent to hell by the Israelis, though apparently not the grey matter, which they operated on a few years ago.

October 18, 2024 1:32 am

The Simulation is indisputable.

Sinwar – Sin War.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 1:43 am


To have a dog like this and share it with people. Class. I reckon if I owned such a dog and walked him down the street, car accidents would ensue.

Cash 2.0 Great Dane at The Grove and Farmers Market in Los Angeles 83

Last edited 12 hours ago by Steve Trickler
October 18, 2024 4:00 am

Johannes Leak. Kapow!

October 18, 2024 4:01 am

Mark Knight classic.

October 18, 2024 4:02 am
October 18, 2024 4:03 am
October 18, 2024 4:04 am
October 18, 2024 4:04 am

Haha. Matt Margolis.

October 18, 2024 4:05 am
October 18, 2024 4:06 am

Lisa Benson. Brilliant.

October 18, 2024 4:07 am
October 18, 2024 4:20 am

Sinwar’s death confirmed.
Photos circulating on twitter, also DNA confirmation, he had medical treatment in Israel for his brain tumour after all.
Shot by a nine month IDF veteran.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Rosie
October 18, 2024 4:35 am

Not a film buff and never seen the film but this was of interest, looks like the industry had some scruples way back.


During the filming of *Taxi Driver* in 1975, 14-year-old Jodie Foster portrayed the role of Iris, a young girl caught in the grim underbelly of New York City.

The film, directed by Martin Scorsese, delves into complex themes of loneliness and alienation, and Foster’s character is pivotal to the story. However, due to the explicit nature of some scenes, particularly those involving adult themes, Jodie’s older sister, Connie Foster, stepped in to serve as a body double during these moments.

This decision was made to protect Jodie, who was underage at the time, and to adhere to industry standards regarding the portrayal of minors.
Connie Foster’s involvement as a stand-in highlighted the careful consideration taken by the filmmakers to navigate the sensitive aspects of the film.

While Jodie was incredibly talented and delivered a powerful performance, the presence of her sister allowed for the necessary adjustments without compromising the integrity of the scenes. This protective measure ensured that Jodie could focus on her acting while Connie managed the more challenging requirements of the role, allowing for a seamless integration of both sisters’ contributions in the final product.

*Taxi Driver* went on to become a critical success, earning numerous accolades and solidifying Jodie Foster’s reputation as a gifted actress. The film’s impact was felt throughout the industry, and it raised important discussions about the portrayal of youth and the ethical responsibilities of filmmakers.

Jodie Foster’s performance, complemented by the support of her sister, contributed significantly to the film’s enduring legacy, illustrating the complexities of family and the need for safeguarding young talents in the arts.

October 18, 2024 4:38 am

mizaris was complaining about furious activity achieving nothing in the hospital she was staying.

There is a word for that.

October 18, 2024 4:40 am

Past or the future?

October 18, 2024 4:45 am


Khaled Mashal is Yahya Sinwar’s likely successor

He is currently in Turkey and I am certain that the Israelis will try to assassinate him there”

October 18, 2024 4:53 am
October 18, 2024 4:59 am
October 18, 2024 5:17 am

“As an offhand, marginal footnote, Israeli media reports that one of the two #Hamas seniors killed together with #Sinwar worked as a teacher for #UNRWA .”

October 18, 2024 5:34 am

Congratulations to the IDF. They remind me of the Pantene ad Rod Stewart’s ex did. ” It won’t happen overnight but it will happen”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 18, 2024 5:49 am

 October 18, 2024 4:20 am

Sinwar’s death confirmed.

I really shouldn’t be getting into the Bollinger at this hour of the day.

October 18, 2024 5:54 am

This was the Teddy Bears top number in 1958 and they could never recover after.
They soon disbanded.
The song is still very nice and picked up by countless artists.

If you are off the net for a while, you get mildly interesting but irrelevant
IT feed.

October 18, 2024 6:27 am

My pessimism is telling me that Trump will become president but the demoscum will have control of the upper or lower house, thus thwarting him. Thoughts?

October 18, 2024 6:59 am

Another curious link I got, Ricky Nelson 1958 Poor Little Fool.

October 18, 2024 7:01 am

Trump Will Never Make This Mistake Again | Dinesh D’Souza

In this episode of “The Rubin Report,” Dave Rubin interviews Dinesh D’Souza, who shares his evolving views on Donald Trump. Initially skeptical, D’Souza discusses how he came to see Trump as a champion of the marginalized against a backdrop of elite disdain. He argues that Trump underestimated the extent of governmental corruption and institutional betrayal, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. D’Souza suggests that if Trump returns to the presidency, he could correct past mistakes by assembling a broader coalition and bringing in individuals who genuinely aim to reform compromised institutions. **Key Points:** 1. **Initial Skepticism Towards Trump**: – D’Souza and Rubin share their initial hesitations about Trump’s candidacy, focusing on the unclear ideological background and their preference for other candidates like Ted Cruz. 2. **Importance of Trump’s Appeal**: – Trump is seen as a voice for those ignored by the cultural elites, symbolized by his descent down the escalator at Trump Tower. – This action represented a break with the elite and an alignment with the “Pitchfork people.” 3. **Underestimating Government Corruption**: – D’Souza argues that Trump underestimated the widespread corruption in institutions like the CDC and NIH, trusting them during the COVID-19 pandemic. – The choice to prioritize public health led to significant consequences for his presidency. 4. **Lessons from Trump’s First Term**: – The importance of personnel and institutional trust issues in Trump’s administration are emphasized, suggesting that many traditional institutions had become compromised. 5. **Potential for a Second Trump Term**: – D’Souza expresses confidence that Trump could successfully navigate a second term by enlarging his coalition and appointing the right individuals to tackle institutional corruption. 6. **Broadening the Coalition**: – Recognizing figures like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, D’Souza suggests that Trump should aim to include diverse voices and perspectives to strengthen his political base. 7. **Restoration vs. Victory**: – Even if Trump wins, D’Souza contends that this would not be the end of the struggle against entrenched powers; rather, it would mark the beginning of a longer restoration process. 8. **Power Dynamics**: – D’Souza speaks to the difficulty of overcoming the entrenched forces that ousted Trump in 2020, highlighting how systemic coordination among institutions can manipulate electoral processes. This discussion centers on the themes of political transformation, institutional trust, and the need for broader political coalitions in contemporary conservative politics.

Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 7:02 am

Sinwar snuffed, Sinwar dead, Sinwar kaput. May he rot in hell.

The Israelis have even released a picture of his dead corpse.

What wonderful, wonderful news to wake up.

And this has vindicated Bibi, after the wholesale disaster and destruction of October 7 2023, after being constantly vilified and undermined by western media and by the current weak American administration, by other pathetic western leaders and politicians including our own grub from Grayndler and Pong, even by his own ideological enemies within Israel, Bibi knew that there can be no ceasefire until Sinwar is kaput, Hamas surrenders and whatever hostages remain alive are returned.

Like Churchill, like Eisenhower, Bibi knows there can only be unconditional surrender.

Bibi is the epitome of…..Fight, Fight, Fight.

I now wait to see the pictures of grief stricken leftist and Muslim Nazi scum across the West mourn their misogynistic racist Jew hating hero.

A few years ago, when he was still imprisoned in Israel, Sinwar the Jew hater’s life was saved a Jew, it is fitting, very fitting, that Sinwar the Jew hater’s life was terminated by a Jew.

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
October 18, 2024 7:03 am

The latest from Clickbait Central (aka News):
Escort agency reveals upward trend in wives booking for threesomes.

October 18, 2024 7:03 am

Dante failed to mention that the Sixth Circle comprises boiling pork fat.

October 18, 2024 7:08 am

Looks like Sinwar was killed. Awaiting confirmation.

cover it in pig fat and burn it

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 18, 2024 7:18 am

Michael Ware comes on Sky to display his anti-Netanyahu syndrome which matches his TDS.

October 18, 2024 7:22 am

Parody in the “austere religious scholar” vein from the Washington Free Beacon

Editor’s note: The Washington Free Beacon has exclusively obtained the final draft of the New York Times obituary for Yahya Sinwar. The Hamas leader and architect of the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack is believed to have been killed Wednesday in a firefight with Israeli forces. 

Yahya Sinwar, a formerly incarcerated novelist and scholar known for his mastery of the Quran and Semitic languages, was martyred Wednesday while resisting Zionist bullets with his formidable brain in the southern Gaza Strip. He was 61.

An Arabic Studies major and father of three, Sinwar assumed leadership of Hamas, the anti-colonial activist organization, in February 2017 and was promoted to chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau following the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh in July 2024. A passionate planner, Sinwar spearheaded one of the most widely discussed hang-gliding excursions into the Palestinian territory sometimes referred to as “Israel” on Oct. 7, 2023.

Born in the Gaza Strip in 1962, Sinwar dedicated himself to the Palestinian cause and cofounded the Munazzamat al Jihad w’al-Dawa, commonly known as Majd, an anti-snitching collective known for its strict moral code and innovative interrogation techniques. He encountered the Zionist criminal justice system in 1989 and served 22 formative years in prison following his conviction for alleged crimes. While incarcerated, Sinwar taught himself Hebrew, extensively studied Jewish history, and authored a novel based on his life. Fellow inmates admired his resourcefulness and the zeal with which he continued to hold snitches accountable for their actions.

Sinwar became unhoused following the Zionist invasion of Gaza, but he continued to oversee resistance forces while residing in the Hamas tunnel network, widely renowned as a marvel of structural engineering. There, he cultivated a diverse group of companions, including a number of Jewish civilians visiting from the Occupied Territories.

The reformed inmate’s loss will be mourned with excruciating sorrow at America’s elite universities, where Sinwar was embraced as a symbol of anti-colonial resistance and beloved for his tenacious commitment to solving the Jewish Problem. “He had such a beautiful mind,” Ashlyn Croddy-Resnick, a sophomore feminist studies major at Columbia University, told the New York Times. “Now there’s a gaping hole. In his head, like, literally, but also in the world now that he’s gone. Peace be upon him.”

October 18, 2024 7:23 am
October 18, 2024 7:34 am

There’s a spring in my step this morning! Perhaps I don’t need that painkiller after all.

My heart is light, but my head tells me that Jews in our cities will have to be very vigilant for the next little while – there are some severely deranged zealots out there looking for revenge. The threat has not evaporated by magic.

Our clowns in government are still importing and feeding it.

October 18, 2024 7:34 am

After his latest self-inflicted disaster, I’m now wondering whether the Faceless Men panic RGR-style and replace Elbow before polling day next year.

PS: the replacement wouldn’t be Chalmers or Marles as their ALP right faction doesn’t have the numbers and I don’t think the left’s Slovenian Hag would accept such a poisoned chalice. Perhaps the Right’s Tony Burke would accept the hospital handpass on his way to retirement.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 7:37 am

She’s spinning and turning like a drunk dervish.

Kamala Harris Celebrates Hamas Chief’s Killing, After Loudly Opposing Operation That Got Him (18 Oct)

And now for the latest glaring contradiction, here’s Harris back in March:

Israel could face “consequences” if it launches a ground assault on the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, the US vice president has warned.

Vice President Kamala Harris said in an interview that aired on Sunday that it would be a “huge mistake” for the Israeli military to move on the city. The comments appear to underscore the continued strain in relations between Washington and Israel as the latter’s war in Gaza continues.

Below: But here she is today, offering a celebratory congratulations to Israel on the Hamas chief’s death, while trying to appear ‘presidential’ as a potential future commander-in-chief…

“Justice has been served, and the United States, Israel and the entire world are better off…”

So they got him exactly where a long line of craven leaders told Israel not to go. Including Bad Penny and Albo.

Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 7:39 am

Parody in the “austere religious scholar” vein from the Washington Free Beacon

I thought I was reading Strap on Pong’s morning press release.

October 18, 2024 7:40 am

Brendan O’Neill has a brilliant column on the death of Yayah, and what it tells the rest of the world.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 18, 2024 7:43 am
Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 7:44 am

Remember how a few months ago leftist and Muslim Nazis were spreading the meme…….’all eyes on Rafah‘?

LOL, sorry, I just can’t stop laughing…coz….coz…..coz Israel certainly heeded that meme, it had its eyes on Rafah and it didn’t take its eyes off Rafah!

October 18, 2024 7:46 am

I don’t follow AFL so have no idea who Dane Swan is. However, I do like the cut of his jib. He is demanding jail time for the dobbing bar tender. I agree.
So do most of the commenters.

October 18, 2024 7:48 am

Having an obituary for Yahya Sinwar ready to go to print would seem to be a no brainer.

Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 7:53 am

O’Neill doesn’t mince words…

It was during a ground operation in Rafah in southern Gaza that the IDF killed three terrorists. One was Sinwar. Rafah, of course, is the city every virtue-signaller in the West told Israel to leave well alone. ‘All eyes on Rafah’ went the social-media cry a few weeks back. Yet it turns out the man who green-lighted the rape, kidnap and slaughter of more than a thousand Jews was there. Listen, if your campaigning entails putting a moral forcefield around a fascist overlord, if it involves the protection of a Jew-killer from the Jews looking for him, then you might not be as virtuous as you think.

Thank God Israel had its eyes on Rafah.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 8:04 am
October 18, 2024 8:05 am

I’m grateful that it now more possible that the hostages might be released and that might be peace in Gaza but I can’t celebrate the death of anyone, no matter how wicked.
These people have convinced themselves evil is good and now face reality, what will it take for muslims to see that they are member of a human sacrifice death cult?

October 18, 2024 8:07 am

As a former lefty, Brendan O’Neill nails the Jew-hating modern left over its embrace of terrorist Yahya Sinwar:

Listen, if your campaigning entails putting a moral forcefield around a fascist overlord, if it involves the protection of a Jew-killer from the Jews looking for him, then you might not be as virtuous as you think.

One of the few voices with a media megaphone who understands the courage and cleverness of the Israel Defence Forces.

October 18, 2024 8:07 am

Can you imagine an islamic regime performing life saving surgery on any Jew let alone a serial murderer who wishes them only death and destruction?

October 18, 2024 8:11 am

“Drone footage of an injured Sinwar moments before he was Eliminated”

October 18, 2024 8:12 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 8:13 am

Drones are amazing.

Wounded and alone: Drone footage of Sinwar’s final moments (Arutz Sheva, 17 Oct)

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari published on Thursday drone footage showing mass murderer Yahya Sinwar’s final moments before his elimination. …

The soldiers fired at the terrorists who were wounded and began to disperse. Two entered one building and Sinwar entered another. A tank fired at the building where the terrorists hid. Sinwar was alone in the other. He climbed to the second floor. The tank fired two rounds at that building and the soldiers threw two grenades.

The drone operator saw a wounded and masked individual sitting in the room. The individual saw the drone approach and threw a piece of wood at it. An additional tank round was fired at the building.

Badly wounded and hunted down. And followed by drones to see if he was dead yet. A small measure, perhaps, of what he did on Oct 7 to a thousand Israelis.

October 18, 2024 8:13 am

“Maps of previously unknown tunnels were found on Sinwar’s body.

What if this leads to our 101 precious hostages?”

October 18, 2024 8:14 am
October 18, 2024 8:17 am
October 18, 2024 8:18 am


The internet reacts to Kamala’s Fox News interview:

“How can somebody never shut the f*ck up and still never say nothin at the same time?!”

“She would not shut the f*ck up but she ain’t say nothin!”

October 18, 2024 8:20 am
October 18, 2024 8:23 am
October 18, 2024 8:23 am

 was during a ground operation in Rafah in southern Gaza that the IDF killed three terrorists. One was Sinwar.

And one of the other pair was an UNWRA school-teacher, apparently, monnlighting as his bodyguard ……..!

October 18, 2024 8:24 am

What she’s actually saying here is that the Border Patrol is not entitled to government support. The reason she’s not prepared to actually say anything is that they’re well aware that her real opinion would send people fleeing. That’s why she’s constantly obfuscating.


Baier: “Border Patrol just endorsed President Trump and called you a failure.”

Kamala: “I get it. They want support.”

That’s why they endorsed Trump

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 8:26 am

With Sinwar gone the Hamas guys had to work out what to do next. So they held a meeting…

Dozens of Hamas, Islamic Jihad terrorists targeted in airstrike (17 Oct)

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced on Thursday afternoon that with the direction of IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF conducted a precise strike on an operational meeting point for Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists earlier today. The terrorists were operating inside a command and control center embedded inside a compound that previously served as the ‘Abu Hassan’ School in northern Gaza.

At the time of the strike, dozens of terrorists from the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations were present in the compound

Twelve terrorists are named in the story, although how many of them are lining up for their 72 virgins right now isn’t known yet.

October 18, 2024 8:30 am
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 8:35 am

HeavyD Sparks wanted to help out with his Blackhawk with Hurricane victims. It would have cost him 150k to do it. He had to pay his staff, fuel costs and another certified pilot … you can not fly a BH solo. Then he finds out so many private heli pilots were left idle because of FEMA.

You can bet that skank in the WH played her part.

This will all come out in the future.

October 18, 2024 8:36 am

She was a wonderful dancer with a charming personality.

Mitzi Gaynor, star of ‘South Pacific,’ dies at 93

October 18, 2024 8:36 am

All the muzzie scum terrorists when killed need to be put through a wood chipper then fed to the fish. No body for the rest of the muzzie scum to wail over.

October 18, 2024 8:43 am
October 18, 2024 8:44 am
October 18, 2024 8:52 am
October 18, 2024 9:00 am

Very good movie here in full for anyone having a lazy day.

Shadow of the vampire, Dafoe is great as the vamp.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 18, 2024 9:07 am

Returning by train to London from Newcastle on my way back to Australia.

Standard class single fares booked online range from $80 ($43 was the very cheapest offered) to $190, depending on time of day, carrier, and the number of carriages the service company decides to put on the train.

Much more if you just rock up to the station to buy a ticket – sometimes double.

Plus, booking doesn’t guarantee a seat or that the service won’t be cancelled (about 10% are dropped, with no notice, for ‘logistical reasons’).

As with the main highways (essentially joined up roadworks) travel in the UK is an expensive and unreliable nightmare.

As is pretty much every public service.

I haven’t been elsewhere in Europe this trip, but things must be pretty dismal if the UK is the destination of choice for country shoppers.

Perhaps it’s the welcome mat.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 18, 2024 9:07 am

 October 18, 2024 8:20 am

Before Monty gets here.

Last week’s talking points:- “It is futile to attempt to kill the leadership of Hamarse/Hez-ball-less. For every one they kill, there are ten to replace them“.
This week:- “OK. So all the Hamarse/Hez-ball-less leadership is dead. Continuing on with the war now would be nothing more than a land-grab”.

October 18, 2024 9:10 am

And for those with ADD heres the latest please explain – possibly the best one yet.

October 18, 2024 9:11 am

Rick Beato interviews history’s greatest musician.

The Tori Amos Interview (

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 18, 2024 9:12 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha  October 17, 2024 9:42 pm

Any of the whisky connoisseurs ever heard of an Australian single malt called “Archie Rose’? My local pub has it on the shelf, and I’ve never heard of it..

Neither have I, but I just bought

  1. Double Malt Whisky
  2. Single Malt Whisky
  3. Single Malt Whisky & 2 Glencairn Glasses Gift Pack
  4. Single Paddock Whisky
  5. Complimentary 200ml Birthday Single Malt Whisky

Get them in 10 days time, enough time to celebrate the US elections.
I’ll let you know what they’re like.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 18, 2024 9:15 am

The Gazans mourning and regretting the demolition of Sinwar confirms my thoughts that there are plenty of pro-Hamas people being portrayed as innocent civilians. One said “who will negotiate for us now?”
Easy, he just said no, repeatedly.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 18, 2024 9:19 am

Pro-Palestine protester and academic who claimed Oct 7 anniversary was a ‘good day’ has visa revoked by Australian government

A drop in the bucket to make it look like the government is ‘tough’ on the scum who celebrate the slaughter.
It will have NO effect on the Muslims – they know what game is being played – theirs.

October 18, 2024 9:22 am

Nuclear ‘inevitable’ as regional Aussies treated ‘like second class citizens’

Noah Yim, The Australian, 17th October 2024

Peter Dutton says regional Australians are being treated as “second class citizens” and that nuclear energy in Australia is “inevitable”. “I’ve approached the energy debate from a business perspective and I don’t hold a candle for any particular energy source – including nuclear,” the Opposition Leader told the BeefEx summit. “My desire is to see an input cost in a country where we have an abundance of natural resource be as low as it possibly can be.

“I want to see us decarbonise because as a trading nation we’re not going to be able to trade and we’ll have tariffs etc. applied to us if we don’t take the decarbonisation seriously so that is essential and obviously we need reliability…

“I’m sort of guided by Bill Gates’ description of this issue and I think it’s really really powerful — that is, that you should try and yield the maximum amount of energy for every square metre of environmental impact.

“It’s not controversial at all and if you can yield off a footprint that the small modular reactor takes up what takes a hundred thousand acres of solar panels, well why wouldn’t you contemplate that?”

Mr Dutton said that the new transmission lines required with an entirely wind and solar energy rollout was “completely untenable”.

“I think the social license for many of those projects has been lost and why are we treating people in regional areas as second-class citizens compared to those who live in the city,” he said.

October 18, 2024 9:27 am

I haven’t been elsewhere in Europe this trip, but things must be pretty dismal if the UK is the destination of choice for country shoppers.

Perhaps it’s the welcome mat.


Labour’s kiboshing of Sunak’s Rwandan offshore processing plan (which the Germans are reportedly now considering) effectively means the UK is one of the few European countries where irregular arrivals can hope to stay indefinitely and receive housing and income support.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Roger
October 18, 2024 9:35 am

Sinwar brown bread

October 18, 2024 9:37 am

Negotiations? Lots of people don’t understand 100% of nothing is not winning. Exactly the same as the Gangreens, 100% renewables yesterday, with absolutely no idea of the consequences. They screw up their nose at 5% improvement. Muzzies are generally uneducated. They learn to read by quran as an instruction book. Nothing to comprehend, follow blindly.

October 18, 2024 9:37 am

And I would add, Dr Faustus – the great UK parking scam.

Very easy to spend 100 pounds per day if travelling to various municipalities.

The ‘peoples’ local govermments view the people as nothing more than a revenue source.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 18, 2024 9:40 am

‘Sinwar died alone wrapped in blankets like a rheumatic housewife’: Jewish body

Australia’s peak Jewish organisation has welcomed the news of Yahya Sinwar‘s death, saying the terrorist had been “wrapped in blankets like a rheumatic housewife.”
Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said Sinwar planned the October 7 atrocities to ignite the world against Israel politically, economically and militarily.
“Today, Sinwar died alone wrapped in blankets like a rheumatic housewife,” Mr Ryvchin said.
“Hamas is reduced to small batches of terrorists incapable of waging war or ruling Gaza. Only Hezbollah materially joined the Hamas war and its leader is also dead.
“Everything has been laid bare and peace now beckons.

October 18, 2024 9:41 am

mizaris was complaining about furious activity achieving nothing in the hospital she was staying.
There is a word for that.

Still there and they are still SPUDDLING and putting my obs onto someone else’s file. Complete incompetence.

On a brighter note – I’ve been offered drugs I’ve never heard of because of the mix up in notes. A try before you buy opportunity!!!

October 18, 2024 9:43 am

Watched “A Lion in Winter” last night. Production not very good but acting great. We need anothr Richard the Lionheart. Maybe it is Bibi? The Jewish lefties in Israel seem to be quiet with all the success of the IDF.

October 18, 2024 9:44 am

The reality of the rising cost of my/your electric bill …. October 2024

October 18, 2024 9:47 am

Looking for something to watch? .. Try NIGHT SLEEPER .. the plotline is ludicrous but the cast & writers do a great job of keeping you interested thruout its 6 episodes …. 8/10

October 18, 2024 9:53 am

Hard to believe the A League “fitba” season kicks off tonight if you follow the, official, web site .. Hardly a mention all week .. No wonder folk don’t follow the “game” .. Gotta be one of the most boring sites on the web …….

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 18, 2024 9:56 am
Dad and daughter do Halloween…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 18, 2024 9:59 am

Bruce Lehrmann wants ‘seven figure’ payment to compensate for rapist finding: courtBruce Lehrmman’s lawyer says he should be awarded a seven-figure sum if his defamation suit loss to Network 10 is overturned on appeal.

From the Hun.

October 18, 2024 10:01 am

Apparently, Homebush is now part of “inner” west Sydney .. LOL! I’m old enuf to remember when anything beyond CENTRAL STATION was classed as going bush (media-wize) LOL!

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 18, 2024 10:04 am

Dutton said

“I want to see us decarbonise because as a trading nation we’re not going to be able to trade and we’ll have tariffs etc. applied to us if we don’t take the decarbonisation seriously

The difficulty of stopping and reversing all this nonsense is made all the greater by the international trade dimension to it. It’s not just a case of fixing things in our own country.
Thanks for nothing Howard (RET) and Turnbull (Paris?).
How to stop the nonsense?

October 18, 2024 10:10 am

How to stop the nonsense?

We’re a small player.

We have to wait for the US & EU to see the light.

Either that or join BRICS.

(That should stir up some debate!)

Last edited 4 hours ago by Roger
Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 10:17 am

I’m grateful that it now more possible that the hostages might be released and that might be peace in Gaza but I can’t celebrate the death of anyone, no matter how wicked.

Wise words. I will go to synagogue tonight and no doubt the rabbi will remind us that whilst it is good Sinwar is with Allah and the virgins, we Jews do not and should not celebrate the deaths of our enemies.

As for

These people have convinced themselves evil is good and now face reality, what will it take for muslims to see that they are member of a human sacrifice death cult?

Indeed, I just don’t know. The problem is a weak West, weakness empowers evil. We are reaping what we have sowed over the last few decades where everything has been politicised and debased by the Nazi far-left.

I believe Israel has intelligence that most of the hostages are now dead. But that won’t stop Israel. We need to retrieve every Jewish body, so that they can have a Jewish funeral and their souls can be at peace. Israel will not stop. Bibi will not stop.

By the way, where is our Nazi this morning? No doubt mourning Sinwar.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 10:20 am

Peter Dutton says regional Australians are being treated as “second class citizens” and that nuclear energy in Australia is “inevitable”.

Jo Nova today.

Google, Amazon, give up on national grid, ignore renewables, and buy their own nuclear plants (18 Oct)

Microsoft too as the story says. I wonder what Bowen thinks of those three companies?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 18, 2024 10:24 am

Anthony Albanese issued a statement welcoming the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, declaring it a ‘significant moment’, as Liberal senator James Paterson said Sinwar would still be alive had the PM’s ceasefire calls been heeded. 

real estate boy still calling for a cease fire – the great appeaser

October 18, 2024 10:27 am

Just finished BARBAROSSA by Alan Clark and you realise the effect lack of intelligence has on battle plans .. If the Germans had of had some inside intel what a difference it might have made .. So many, documented, incidents that went wrong cos no idea of Russian movements /strength …
Tho Hitler’s final effort in appointing Himmler to oversee Eastern operations would have, conceivably, rendered any, possible, earlier inprovements pointless ..!

October 18, 2024 10:28 am

Liberal senator James Paterson said Sinwar would still be alive had the PM’s ceasefire calls been heeded. 

Pay that!

October 18, 2024 10:28 am
October 18, 2024 10:37 am

Lies, damned lies, and greenwashing…

Electricity from the UK’s largest solar panel array in Kent, approved on the basis of a social license claim that it would power 100 000 homes, has been contracted to corporate giants Tesco & Shell.

October 18, 2024 10:37 am

The most remarkable thing about the scum sinwar’s death is that the grub was treated and cured of an aggressive brain cancer in an Israeli hospital in 2008. He was subsequently captured after being involved in terrorist attacks and released in a prisoner exchange in 2011 with another 1000 hamas grubs for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit.

What a horrible thing for the Israelis after 2011 when hamas then knew they had great leverage from taking Israeli prisoners.

I still think the Israelis should nuke the pallis, hezbellah and the iranian mullahs. You’re never going to have any peace with these mongrels running around.

October 18, 2024 10:38 am

Just turned on Sky news.

Who the F is Rusty Bowers and why is a former politician of a minor US state having a go at Trump even newsworthy in Oz?

Notice Albo’s Pork Barrelling of the windy road from Terrigal to Copacabana has been dropped.

October 18, 2024 10:40 am

a glimpse of a masked figure with a wounded arm sitting inside a room.

And so Hersch Goldberg Polin, wounded horribly used as a human shield, starved and finally murdered on this man’s orders is avenged.

October 18, 2024 10:43 am

Does hamarse have a “Donitz” who will now surrender whats left and hand over the hostages??

October 18, 2024 10:51 am

Morriswine nearly redeems himself.

Scott Morrison

It’s not the time for cease fire but for Hamas, their supporters and fellow travellers to surrender and release the hostages. That is how this conflict must end. Ceasefire would have let Sinwar prevail. He has gone the way of Bin Laden. Am Yisrael Chai.

Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 11:03 am

Sinwar’s body guard worked for the UN. What a joke of a world we live in.

I also think that this is why Bibi and many other Israelis are giving the middle finger to the UN and the Jew hating West, of which I include the grub from Grayndler, Strap on Pong, Burqa, the wolf in sheep’s clothing Husic, the Australian Nazi party (aka the Greens) and all the rest of the far-left scum.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 18, 2024 11:06 am

From the Oz…

With Israel’s military accumulating tactical wins against Hamas and Hezbollah and preparing to strike their backer Iran, the question is whether Benjamin Netanyahu wants to stop.

It’s a lay-down. Put on the hobnailed boots and go for the “world kicking in the carnt record” (h/t Derik & Clive)

Last edited 3 hours ago by Barking Toad
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 11:11 am

There’s a sort of karmic inevitability about stories like this one…

Major Woolies, Coles food supplier collapses (17 Oct)

Fears were held that customers could face food shortages of the products and perishable goods were at risk.

I wonder what they were supplying? You can’t tell from the headline or the quoted summary.

A major Australian supplier of plant-based and meat-free products to supermarket giants Woolworths and Coles has collapsed with fears that customer could have faced product shortages.

The Queensland-based company called Fenn Foods went into liquidation on October 9. It employed 32 staff.

Launched in 2015, Fenn Foods claimed on the its website it was the first certified carbon neutral, plant-based food producer in Australia.

It was founded by Michelin star chef Alejandro Cancino who led the company’s recipe development, as well as his wife.

Fenn Foods merged with competitor All G Foods’ plant-based division in 2023, with its Veef and Lovebuds brands stocked by Woolworths and Coles.

The meat free sector has been hit by falling sales and an inability to find investment in recent years.

Ah yes, there you go. When you are a pair of greens trying to make a profit selling to 5% of the population it’s a hard ask. Let them eat Veef!

October 18, 2024 11:12 am

I also think that this is why Bibi and many other Israelis are giving the middle finger to the UN

I suggest that the only people who think the UN has moral authority in this matter are those in its employ and those who one day hope to be.

October 18, 2024 11:17 am

Cassie of Sydney

Theres whole Uni departments with courses designed to grease the skids to send brainwashed kids straight from the halls of learning to a UN sinecure without ever being contaminated by an opposing worldview.

If the UN were to cease tomorrow where would all these useless eaters go?

Career opportunitiesWhether you want to work at the UN, your government, NGOs, think tanks, or in academia, the degree provides exciting career options by equipping you with knowledge and real-world skills to effectively make a difference in the field of peace and conflict studies.
You will have the necessary skills to advance your career in a wide range of fields such as:

  • International organisations
  • Diplomatic / Foreign service
  • Humanitarian organisations
  • Government and public service
  • Intergovernmental agencies
  • International development and aid
  • Journalism
  • Think tanks, policy institutes, and research centres
  • Not-for-profit organisations

They would have less experience in conflict resolution/violence than your average nightclub bouncer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 18, 2024 11:19 am

Early morning coffee and Paul Ham’s book on Australia in Vietnam.

By 1967, (Phouc Tuy) province seemed secure. Elections held for presidency of South Vietnam were free and fair, with 91% of voters in Phouc Tuy turning out to vote.

“The National Liberation Front responded with more terror. In Phouc Tuy, women and children were the victims of shocking attacks. Five children died of horrific wounds sustained during an M16 mine attack, in retribution for their parents accepting Australian medical and dental aid: two civilians were found, face down, dead, on a road in Hoa Long, their hands bound with wire – punishment for having accepted Australian aid. They were two of thousands of examples of examples of the methods of an enemy bound by no rules of engagement and no military law, for whom civilians were expendable, For Hanoi, a Marxist victory over South Vietnam justified any act of terror. This was the regime to which Western peace groups donated money, medical aid and “moral support.” (Page 333.)

And who Western peace groups regarded as a bunch of gallant Robin Hoods, fighting for their independence, in the face of the Yankee imperialists..

October 18, 2024 11:20 am

Any details on where the yoof facilities that Chrisifooli has announced are going?

All I hit is paywalls articles with no details.

Cassie of Sydney
October 18, 2024 11:22 am

I suggest that the only people who think the UN has moral authority in this matter are those in its employ and those who one day hope to be.

I suggest that our federal government, the Australian Nazi party (aka Greens) and Simon’s whores (aka Teals) also think the UN has moral authority, and they’ve thrown our hard-earned dosh at the UN.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 11:28 am

The eventual King Willy is not looking promising.

Prince William praises Jacinda Ardern’s environment advocacy as he officially presents former NZ leader with her damehood (17 Oct)

Prince William has praised former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern’s environmental advocacy after awarding her a special honour.

The Prince of Wales officially presented Ms Ardern with her damehood at a ceremony held at Windsor Castle this week.

Ms Ardern was made a Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the King’s Birthday honours last year, just months after quitting as prime minister.

Why would a socialist like Mzz Ardern accept an imperialist-colonialist office like this? Knights and dames are supposed to be elitist enemies of the proletariat.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Bruce of Newcastle
October 18, 2024 11:30 am

Another mind picture, courtesy of Pauline Baynes, one of literature’s finest illustrators. It came to me on considering Sinwar’s fate.

October 18, 2024 11:42 am

I seem to recall Hadley had staffing issues himself.
During Covid he was the Witchfinder General trying to find unvaccinated in workplaces. Hopefully on his 8th jab by now because you know, “effective”.

From Courier Mail.

“Furious broadcaster Ray Hadley demanded that ‘cover-ups must end’ in the wake of the damning report into the toxic culture of bullying and sexual harrassment at Channel Nine.

“I can think of a case that I mentioned recently where someone in power is abusing young staff, and I don’t care whether it’s the biggest name in the business or someone a bit down the pecking order, there can’t be a cover up simply because someone is a powerful person, be they a presenter or a manager, there can’t be a cover up anymore.” Hadley said on 2GB on Friday.

“It’s got to end.”

October 18, 2024 11:42 am

Why would a socialist like Mzz Ardern accept a imperialist-colonialist office like this? Knights and dames are supposed to be elitist enemies of the proletariat.

Skinsuit, Bruce.
And Wills is dumb enough to oblige.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 18, 2024 11:45 am

And Wills is dumb enough to oblige.

Reeks of Tampon Charlie

October 18, 2024 11:45 am

Dear Prophet Mohammed.

I wish to write to express my disappointment with the afterlife.
There are far fewer virgins and lakes of milk and honey and a lot more imps with pitchforks and boiling lakes of excrement than I was led to believe would be the case.
The silken garments seem suspiciously like vermin filled sackcloth, and the promised throne is a sharp baboo stick.

Yours in perpetual burning piss Yahya Sinwars immortal soul.

October 18, 2024 11:48 am

Skinsuit, Bruce.
And Wills is dumb enough to oblige.

Wills is very dumb; and he is the smarter son. Years of inbreeding will do that. The Royal family has produced 3 worthwhile humans: Henry V111 for initiating the separation of church and state; Liz 1 for initiating English colonialism; Liz 2 for keeping it all together during emerging wokeness in the West. An honourable mention to Victoria.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
October 18, 2024 12:02 pm

Apology if already posted. Enjoy.

Megan Davis, Australians have spoken. Respect their verdict
The Mocker

The first-year anniversary of the voice referendum is upon us, and it would not hurt to begin this week’s column on a positive note. Accordingly, I would like to acknowledge and pay my respects to the framers of our constitution.

I pay tribute to their wisdom and foresight and thank them for their wonderful gift. I also acknowledge our constitution is the supreme instrument of sovereignty in this country. In addition, I extend my respects to the founding fathers’ descendants, past, present and emerging. 

Our country is not only a longstanding democracy. It is also one of the most stable nations in the world. And it is no mere coincidence the constitution which ensured this is one that cannot be amended at whim. 

If you propose to change it, you must bring the country with you. If you fail to do so, you have two choices. You can state for the record that Australians have spoken and that you respect their verdict. That is the sensible and dignified option, particularly if your case for change was so unconvincing you failed even to carry a single state. 

Alternatively, you can screech incessantly and insist that sinister forces conspired to nobble your campaign. To do so, even spontaneously, is both unedifying and embarrassing. Imagine how much more ridiculous you would appear if you still persisted with this behaviour a year down the track.

That brings me to Professor Megan Davis, Referendum Working Group member, Cobble Cobble woman, and University of NSW pro-vice chancellor. As reported last week, she has called for misinformation legislation to protect future referendums from the “Trumpian” lies she claims thwarted the voice campaign. 

“We want freedom of speech, but we need to balance that with upholding principles of democracy and democratic rights,” she told a UNSW audience. 

I understand perfectly well, Megan Davis. There is no better way of upholding principles of democracy and democratic rights than by deplatforming and muzzling those you personally deem to have spread misinformation. I would go even further and say it would be misinformation to claim your proposal is undemocratic. In no way does it curtail or infringe the rights of those who agree with everything you say. 

Davis’s argument is not an academic rationale, but that of an activist. What passes for logic is a flawed syllogism. First premise: The only thing that can prevent a noble and justified referendum proposal from succeeding is Trumpian misinformation. 

Second premise: The voice was a noble and justified proposal that did not succeed. Conclusion: The voice campaign failed due to Trumpian misinformation.

If you think I am exaggerating, consider a few examples of what Davis posted on her X account during the referendum campaign. She rubbished the claim the voice was “divisive”, saying it was a “Trumpian tactic” employed by the No campaign. 

So too was political commentator Michelle Grattan’s “gloves off” metaphor that characterised the robust exchanges between Shadow Indigenous Australians minister Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Referendum Working Group member Marcia Langton. “This ‘both sides’ reductionism is Trumpian,” protested Davis. 

Liberal senator Matt O’Sullivan had also disseminated “Noalition misinformation”, said Davis. His sin? He observed the Albanese government had not endorsed a model of the voice.

Likewise national security think-tank Australia Defence Association incurred Davis’s reprimand. It had pointed out even left-wing academics had said the wording of the referendum question raised concerns about justiciability. “Don’t spread misinformation,” responded Davis curtly. 

You get the picture. “The entire ‘No’ case is based on misinformation,” Davis proclaimed. Her robotic responses vindicate constitutional scholar and Referendum Working Group member Greg Craven. 

“Large swathes of the Yes campaign were obsessed with the idea of misinformation and disinformation,” he wrote last week. They “would characterise any contrary argument as misinformation or disinformation,” thus building the case that those responsible “should be effectively banned from the referendum.”

It say a lot about Davis’s skills as an advocate, or lack thereof. To see her let loose in a courtroom would be a cringeworthy spectacle. Judge: “Ms Davis, what are your grounds for appeal?” Davis: “Your Honour, everything the other side said is Trumpian disinformation.” Judge: “What is your basis for that claim?” Davis: “Your Honour, that is exactly what Trump would say!” 

Writing in Guardian Australia last week regarding the referendum, Davis was oblivious to spreading a little misinformation of her own. This concerned the argument the electorate’s rejection of the proposal extended to treaties and welcome to country ceremonies. 

“The republic movement lost at referendum to an even greater degree than the voice but there is no public discourse as to its evisceration from Australian aspirations for future structural change,” she said. 

This is nonsense, and I am not just referring to the turgid prose. Like the voice, the republic referendum was resoundingly defeated, but it fared better. Around 45.13 per cent of Australians voted for a republic as opposed to the 39.94 per cent who voted for the voice.

This is not Davis’s only own goal. She claimed she had come across the beginnings of a misinformation campaign against the voice in November 2022 and that she had lobbied the Albanese government to legislate against it.

“I’ve had a lot of contact from Queenslander mob … who are saying the Queensland Electoral Commission put out all of these ads about misinformation so that Queenslanders can distinguish between what is fact and what is not,” she said. “We’d asked for that”.

In other words, Queenslanders, thanks to Davis’s lobbying, were far better equipped to distinguish between fact and fiction in deciding how to vote. But this puts a big hole in Davis’s conspiracy theory. Queensland, of all the states and territories, recorded the biggest percentage of No voters in the referendum. 

Notably, Davis relies entirely on isolated and anecdotal accounts of misinformation to justify her calls to introduce sweeping legislation. Given the absence of any credible empirical studies to corroborate her demands, her agenda is one of punitive revisionism. 

That said, I do not think Davis should be silenced, as she would her critics. We should welcome the opportunity to expose the shallowness of her arguments. Trumpian disinformation, you say? The word you are looking for is ‘projection’, professor.

October 18, 2024 12:06 pm
October 18, 2024 12:14 pm

As with the main highways (essentially joined up roadworks) travel in the UK is an expensive and unreliable nightmare.

Had to drive Warwick – Byron Bay on Wednesday via Killarney -Kyogle-Lismore. Lost count of the number of roadworks but must have been about 27.
Australia now has a RoadWORKS network not a Road network.
I think this is all part of the plot to keep us all at home.

October 18, 2024 12:18 pm

From ol’ ‘fred: “Looks like sending the apprentice to the shop for a metric shifting spanner is not on:”

Friend of mine got asked for “striped paint”, so he told the guy to wait.
Took lid off paint tin, allowed skin to form.
Put tint on skin in stripes.
Refit lid.
Tell guy to be very careful to keep tin upright and not shake it etc.
Epic response from those who sent someone for “striped paint” and actually got it! 🙂

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 12:22 pm

A nice feather to have on your cap. A Blackhawk licence.


Cleetus and HeavyD Sparks:

This last week I was blessed with the opportunity to do my Blackhawk Type Rating with ?@HeavyDSparks? . He let me use his Blackhawk and I arranged for the training. Needless to say, it was AMAZING!!!

I Got My Blackhawk License… The Most INCREDIBLE Machine I’ve EVER Operated!!!

October 18, 2024 12:43 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 12:59 pm
October 18, 2024 1:13 pm

Labour’s kiboshing of Sunak’s Rwandan offshore processing plan (which the Germans are reportedly now considering) effectively means the UK is one of the few European countries where irregular arrivals can hope to stay indefinitely and receive housing and income support.


Starmer poised to grant asylum to more than 60,000 after scrapping Rwanda scheme

Refugee Council forecast comes as Home Office reviews reopening hotels to refugees because of spike in Channel crossings

The Telegraph (UK) overnight.

Meanwhile, Ursula von der Leyen has announced that the EU will adopt offshore processing in countries outside the union.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Roger
October 18, 2024 1:16 pm

Um… why has the UNRWA website got a black armband across its logo today?

UNRWA | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 18, 2024 1:25 pm

If you don’t have a smile on your face after watching this, there is something wrong with you.


Country Life Vlog:

The Rustic Lunch: Simple Village Lunch with Fresh Ingredients

October 18, 2024 1:27 pm

Having read a more in-depth review of Sinwar’s lifetime activities, I still can not identify a single redeeming feature of the man.

I recommend spending the time to read the article.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 18, 2024 1:46 pm

 October 18, 2024 9:41 am

mizaris was complaining about furious activity achieving nothing in the hospital she was staying.

There is a word for that.

Still there and they are still SPUDDLING and putting my obs onto someone else’s file. Complete incompetence.

On a brighter note – I’ve been offered drugs I’ve never heard of because of the mix up in notes. A try before you buy opportunity!!!

Once it goes on your chart it is Gospel.
I had a bit of minor slice ‘n dice earlier this year and for some reason someone entered atrial fibrillation on my chart (which I do not have).
Two days wired up in Cardiac ICU until my surgeon – a man not to be f-cked with – came in Monday and announced loudly “He doesn’t have AF. Move him to the general ward”.
They tried to give me a prescription drug which the surgeon had withdrawn because he thought it might be contributing to another problem.
I refused.
“But it’s on your chart”.
“Ask Mr Jones (the surgeon)”
We decided to have another look rather than front the formidable Mr Jones.
“Oh, yes, here it is. Wasn’t carried forward from the previous chart.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 18, 2024 2:03 pm

Cassie of Sydney

 October 18, 2024 11:03 am

Sinwar’s body guard worked for the UN. What a joke of a world we live in.

I also think that this is why Bibi and many other Israelis are giving the middle finger to the UN and the Jew hating West, of which I include the grub from Grayndler, Strap on Pong, Burqa, the wolf in sheep’s clothing Husic, the Australian Nazi party (aka the Greens) and all the rest of the far-left scum.

Re Rosie’s link to Cenk Uygar earlier today “Now you’ve killed all the leaders it is just a land-grab if it continues”.
Scratch the surface of this and you unearth his main fear.
That Israel will have supervision of Gaza and the activists at UNWRA won’t get a look in.

  1. Nephew was seeing several different specialists, each one prescribed him drugs without reference to the other specialists. They just about…

  2. Never mind that trying to govern without supply breached not only the text of the constitution (no monies may be…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x