Bondi is a big letdown.
Bondi is a big letdown.
Germany: Knife-Wielding Afghan Migrant Shot Dead by Police After Threatening Innocent Bystandershttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/germany-knife-wielding-afghan-migrant-shot-dead-police/ Special units from the State Criminal Police Office,…
My idea is still for the UN to be moved to Gaza.
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
For Harris Pro-Choice Does Not Include Cars and Appliances
Unifil, no mandate as long as Hezbollah operate on private property
It’s time we got out of the whole UN disaster.
Why Women Should Vote for Trump
You Will Not Believe What James O’Keefe Found
Since this seems to be a controversy, I’m upgrading a reply I made to Rosie:
Did look like he’d completely lost his wanking hand.
Not terribly coordinated throwing that stick at the drone with the other one, so I suspect he was right handed.
The reporting is the extra tank round is what got him, not a sniper. Doesn’t really matter though, either way he’s in Hell.
Watch: This is the tank shell that killed Sinwar (Arutz Sheva, 18 Oct)
If you’ve seen the footage he was in an armchair. Then after that he was dead in a heap of rubble. Tank munitions do that to buildings, and squishy humans.
From last page.
He is seen in a drone sitting in a lounge chair, looking concussed and wounded.
Possible scenario. Another HESH round then the dismounts clear the building, likely they or a sniper delivered the coup de grâce.
Sinwar killed by single gunshot to head acc. to reports of the Israeli autopsy.
Okay, that still fits with the link, since it says:
So it was the MG that actually got him just before his corpse was blown into the rubble where they found it.
The sniper will never buy a beer again- God willing.
He’s dead, the details don’t matter.
“Did look like he’d completely lost his wanking hand.”
No he didn’t. There are very clear post mortem pictures of him in situ circulating on the net.
Also with the clearly visible gaping wound in his head.
The tanks may have collapsed the building around him, but he was shot.
No right hand. Blood. He wasn’t in good shape.
Worse shape a few minutes later of course (see Leak’s toon).
One for the road?
gaping wound in his head.
So fcuking sad. Pity the hole didn’t get there years ago
October 19, 2024 7:26 pm
A timely warning that most accidents happen at home.
A bloke isn’t even safe in his Jamal Recliner.
October 19, 2024 7:31 pm
He clearly isn’t on the top level NDIS home-care package.
It’s wrong to gloat at another’s misfortune.
In this case I’ll make an exception.
The Hidden Agenda that Powers Western Decline
Absolutely agree.
Did anyone else see one single witches’ hat? A safety officer? I didn’t.
I feel ripped off. I still don’t need glasses. sigh…
The electorate in this shit hole is partially insane: Epping and Hornsby by elections will go to the fuking libs but the teals look to have taken Pittwater. The filth looks to be in line to retain the ACT.
Pittwater is just an extension of the Manly to Mona Vale La La Land.
No shit, Sherlock.
Victoria is in a very deep hole. And they haven’t stopped digging. You can’t build an economy and support a burgeoning public sector with abo industry spending , ruinables and union domination. The future here is grim.
Victoriastan is out of the game for possibly the next 20 years. It will just get worse and worse. The ratings agencies don’t get it.
Never mind, we will have a useless, enormous undergound rail loop around the city which will blow out by billions of dollars.
Thanks, Dictator Dan, you POS.
IFM Investors = union super funds. Part of the problem.
Japan: This is a Warning
The women can work, or they can marry and have babies.
The government wants the tax money so they’re destroying Japan to get it.
And it’s all short term advantages – no planning beyond the next election.
“Did anyone else see one single witches’ hat? A safety officer? I didn’t.”
And note the complete absence of high viz.
What were they thinking?
And no helmet!
Liberals lead in ACT as first votes countedRhiannon Down
9 minutes ago
The Liberals have experienced a swing of support as vote counting gets underway in the nation’s capital, but it may not be enough to end 23 years of Labor rule in the ACT.
Almost 42 per cent of the vote has been counted in what is shaping up to be a tight race between incumbent Labor ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr and Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee, as they both fight to increase their share of the Legislative Assembly’s 25 seats.
After polls across Canberra closed at 6pm, early voting results began to trickle in showing an early swing towards the Canberra Liberals of 1.9 per cent.
The first figures show the Liberals to be slightly ahead with 35.7 per cent of the overall vote, compared to 34.2 per cent for Labor – which has experienced a 3.6 per cent swing against it – and 11.1 per cent for the Greens.
In an arrival that could shake-up the ACT political landscape, a new independent party inspired by the teal movement that gained six seats at the last federal election, has run 20 candidates across the Territory. Independents for Canberra has so far gained 8.2 per cent of the vote.
Teals shake up the ACT political landscape? They will be as happy there as anywhere there’s a loopy left voteherd.
And if you are ever over Sydney way (I know it’s a trek) I do have some Glenlivet and Laphroaig for your after-dinner drams.
Laphroaig, mmm
I introduced the elixir of life to my ex over thirty years ago. Before that, he was sucking on JW, or the occasional cheap version of Glenlivet. Later, he denied I had introduced him to it. I was not surprised. 😀
“No right hand. Blood. He wasn’t in good shape.”
He had an attached right hand. A chunk missing from his forearm, a string tourniquet around his upper arm.
Unless you think the IDF put it back for the post mortem photo op.
I can link the photo if you like.
Actually he might have lost his fingers, hard to tell.
I’m going off the footage of him sitting in the armchair…with a rather shortened arm.
Fairly moot at this point though, isn’t really worth your or my time. He’s frying in Hell either way.
To me, it looked as though he had lost fingers, or a decent part of his hand.
One finger on his good hand was removed for identification
EU’s Urgent Warning to the U.S.: “Control is Slipping Away…”
Poor ol’ profoundly dead sinwar and his monumentally pathetic last moments.
Kiddies – don’t be like the sinwar. 🙂
I do hope his 72 virgins are old and ugly..
And Trannies.
Trump’s Plan for Revenge on Dems Should Scare Them | Dinesh D’Souza
This guy better be careful, real careful.
Elon: “I’d love to see the crossover of (Biden’s and Harris’) puppet masters and the Epstein client list.”
Even more utterly insane collectivist crackpots in quite possibly the most collectivist crackpot infested constituency on the planet.
Shake it, baby, shake it up!
Anthony Albanese is in Perth, patting himself on the back over the resumption of the trade in crayfish to China.
Unkind souls want to know why exporting live crayfish is all well and good, but not live sheep?
You can’t root a crayfish.
Crayfish don’t vote labore.
Just saw footage of some Hamas leader (probably one of the billionaires safely hiding in Qatar or Turkey) saying that Sinwar’s death means the Israeli hostages will never be returned.
I guess that means Israel really doesn’t need to play nice anymore then. What would be the point?
Any muslim prisoners they have should never be released or exchanged. There will probably be a rush of Hamas ‘fighters’ wanting to surrender so they can be safe for the rest of their lives in an Israeli jail.
I suspect the hostages are all dead and that Israel knows it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Kfir and Ariel have been sold to some filthy slavers.
Line them up for hanging like they did with the Nazis. Not one of them should survive.
Um, it has nothing to do with the public interest. It’s about how many seats Labor will lose to the Greens at the next election because the Greens want Australia to become a 19th century hippie colony where agriculture doesn’t exist.
Mattias Desmet: Are you suffering from mass formation psychosis?
ssor and expert on mass formation psychosis, discusses the psychological dynamics behind societal responses during crises, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. He explores themes of loneliness, individualism, propaganda, and the nature of mass movement. Desmet highlights the role of mass formation in creating collective narratives that can lead to totalitarianism, urging individuals to remain loyal to sincerity and ethical principles in the face of manipulation. He expresses cautious optimism for the future, noting that an awakening to propaganda’s effects has occurred among some segments of the population. ### Key Points: **Introduction:** – Desmet’s expertise in psychology and totalitarianism. – Concept of mass formation psychosis observed during the pandemic. – Importance of understanding this phenomenon to prevent its recurrence. **Academic Observations:** – Initiation of interest in mass psychology during the replication crisis in science. – Recognition that many academic papers cannot be reproduced and highlight groupthink. – Susceptibility of educated individuals to conform to absurd narratives due to educational indoctrination. **COVID-19 Crisis Response:** – Desmet’s early warnings about the overestimation of COVID-19 mortality rates. – Initial backlash faced for critiquing the mainstream narrative. – Shift to exploring psychological processes after statistical arguments failed to penetrate public consciousness. **Nature of Mass Formation:** – Explanation of how loneliness contributes to susceptibility to mass narratives. – The link between the rationalist view of human life and increased feelings of loneliness and anxiety. – Description of how a unifying collective narrative can momentarily alleviate feelings of isolation. **Collective Action and Isolation:** – Modern masses are characterized by extreme individualism leading to collective engagement. – Dynamics of totalitarianism necessitating a minority (20-30%) to drive a unified collective response. – Consequences of mass formation leading to dehumanization and ethical erosion within societies. **Historical Analogies and Resistance:** – Reflection on historical examples where resistance to mass formation has mitigated totalitarianism. – Importance of vocal resistance to prevent the escalation to violence and oppression. – Emphasis on the need for sincere speech and conscientious articulation of individual truths. **Philosophical Reflections:** – An overview of potential chaotic futures and stating that ethical principles will guide humanity. – Discussion on balance between rational understanding and emotional resonance in science and religion. – Exploration of the dilemma between traditional religious structures and modern rationalist approaches. **The Role of Sincerity:** – The significance of sincere speech as a counter to mass formation. – Expression of human connections as a foundation for resisting collective delusions. – A call to prioritize honesty and ethical behavior despite societal pressures to conform. **Conclusion:** – Desmet’s optimism about the potential for individuals to resist totalitarian impulses through sincerity. – Suggestion that the awareness gained from the pandemic could help individuals approach future crises differently. – Reflection on the resilience of those who break from mass formation psychology. Overall, Desmet’s insights serve as a warning about the psychological underpinnings of societal behavior during crises and the importance of individual ethical integrity in resisting manipulation.
Zippster, no offence, but it would be easier to read your posts if they were separated into paragraphs. 😀
Zippster TL:DR.
I’m watching Jewel on the Nile on FTA. I haven’t seen it for about twenty years. Watching it though, brought forward an idea I have had simmering over the last few months.
The idiot western sheilas that have gone over the top for the Hamas butchers, have most likely, at some time in their vacuous lives, seen or read, a romanticised version of the Camel Jockeys.
I almost fell for it when I was in my late teens. Desert, Arabian Horses, wind-blown silks. I used to read a lot. 😀
Well, I still do, but my tastes have evolved.
Israelis and Jews in general, have never been depicted this way. The romanticism of the sand shufflers goes back to the silent movies. Rudolph Valentino in “The Sheik”, the earliest, I think.
Even fat, blue-haired lesbians, have dreams of being ravaged by a dirty, flea-ridden beardo wearing a sheet.
My two cents worth.
I read a few years back where Nordic women were attracted to the notion of being ravaged by the incoming swarthies. Now they have it, so to speak, in reality it isn’t quite so appealing.
Rudolph Valentino?
I’m watching the Jewel also. Danny De Vito never disappoints. I enjoyed the way they parked the donkey’s bottom on his head to prevent escape.
Kathleen Turner was a knockout in those days.
Perplexed of Brisbane
October 19, 2024 8:16 pm
Because the late unlamented Sinbad was moving heaven and earth to get the hostages back.
Don’t make me larf.
After seeing very few snakes in the past couple of years, saw two today – a black on the house lawn & a brown (the ones I don’t like) in the paddock feet from where I got out of the Gator. Didn’t see the damn thing initially. Will have to keep the eyes more alert on my daily walk around the farm.
Spring is thus far alternating between hot & cold here…no sightings yet; I think the snakes are confused.
Killed my first snake of the season in the front yard two weeks ago.
Trying to hack its head whilst keeping an enraged chihuahua from doing the job was an interesting experience.
You should have stood back and let the dog do its job. Killing snakes IS it’s reason for existence instead of putting yourself at risk. The dogs reflexes and teeth are sharper than yours.
Actually, cats reflexes are better. My psycho chihuahua is getting on in years. Not as fast as he used to be. You’d know about that Winston. 😀
As long as I have a good rake, and a sharp shovel, I’m fine.
I got 2 copperheads this week in our 2 acre house paddock. 2 days apart, about 1 metre long each and within 3 metres of each other. One struck out at me when I first saw it but unfortunately the house paddock is forbidden and they both met their maker, minus their heads.
The only good snake is a headless snake.
October 19, 2024 8:10 pm
Shake it, baby, shake it up!
Here you go Rabs.
It had to be posted after your comment.
Complete with 1980s hair:
Shake it, baby, shake it up!
Looooooooooooove The Cars. My era. 😀
Interesting factoid.
Even my wife laughed and she has no sense of humour.
hehehehehe, nearly peed!
Flew into Perth airport on Jetstar Flight 98 from SIN some 32 hours after leaving Roma. Landed, taxiing and “click” … “Welcome to Perth Airport where the local time is 8:05 pm. We acknowledge the original guardians of the land and their leaders, past, present and emerging”.
My response was straightforward and to the point.
I hope you smashed the speakers.
Nope; but my reply was brief … the second word was “off!”
Good enough.
Wagyl country baby.
AAAAyyye? Will ye wagyl my lubbock then ay?
Bibi and Sarah must have a home in Caesarea. Dover was correct earlier, it does seem that a drone was launched against the Netanyahu’s home. The official residence of the PM is in Jerusalem (the capital of Israel). Perhaps the home in Caesarea is their holiday home. Caesarea is on the water and is half way between Tel Aviv and Haifa.
Damn, that’s awful.
A day in the life at Arky’s house.
Heh. I just had office twisty bulb starting to flicker. Flicker, flicker. Then after a few minutes of this: poof, no more photons.
I was reading book so went for battery lamp. Clicked button. No photons.
Undid all the bits of the battery lamp to see where I could plug it in. Nope, no sockets.
After ten minutes of this I finally pulled the battery out of the lamp and there you go, a tiny USB socket! On the end of the battery! Now charging. But I am sitting in the dark typing this. I suppose I could go find a bulb to put into the socket, but that would be hard at nine o’clock, so I’ll go to bed instead.
Sook. 😀
Abso-fooking-lutely!!! sigh…
Another fantastic song for the Cars fans out there …
She’s driving away with the dim lights on
And she’s making a play, she can’t go wrong
She never waits too long
She’s winding them down on her clock machine
And she won’t give up ’cause she’s seventeen
She’s a frozen fire, she’s my one desire
I don’t want to hold her down
Don’t want to break her crown
When she says, “Let’s go
I like the nightlife baby”
She says, “I like the nightlife baby”
She says, “Let’s go”
RIP Ben Orr
Another Teal pinches another Liberal seat in Pittwater.
Extenuating circumstances with the outgoing Lib discovered under a rock, creeping away on his eight hairy legs.
Libs making it a habit to lose safe seats, nevertheless.
I wouldn’t need a rake and shovel to cut off your head Gimp.
My aging chihuahua would easily snap your neck.
How are the Liars managing against the Slime?
Anal really is the worst and that’s some ‘achievement’ looking at rubbish like Trumble. Gillard and Rudd.
The result in Pittwater more proof that the goodness and future of this country is the outer suburbs and the regions
Yeah good luck with that strategy. It might bear fruit in ten years. Or not.
Piss off, Nazi.
Anal really is the worst and that’s some ‘achievement’ looking at rubbish like Trumble. Gillard and Rudd.
Little johnnie is the worst: Paris and the whole global boiling bullshit, ruinables, anti nuke legislation, dearmed Australia, did nothing about the abc when he had thumping majorities in both houses; kept turdball on, gave the chunks 25% of our gas reserves in a 2000 contract with no price adjustment clause so chunks buy gas at 2000 prices and then sell it back to us at 2024 prices.
I view John Howard in the same way I do Malcolm Fraser…
There is a strong argument that is indeed the case.
The Gimp’s weekend with the Milko’s kiddies.
Guess which one is the Gimp.
I see the Nazi has been defecating a lot here today, and tonight he seems to be gloating about the Liberal loss of Pittwater. I mean seriously, the Nazi lives in Melbourne and yet he’s obsessed about a by-election here in Sydney. His life must be so empty and boring, here’s a thought, perhaps he should broaden his reading list from Mein Kampf and the Protocols.
Not surprised the liberals have lost Pittwater, that disaster was another legacy of Harpoon Harwin and his merry gay men who’ve run the NSW Liberals into the ground. Anyway, the Liberals have comfortably won Epping and Hornsby. In Epping they have a real conservative.
Relative of mine visited Jordan on holidays some years ago – the “Protocols” were on sale at the airport bookshop.
Hah, interesting reading through the cast of Jewel of the Nile.
The actor who portrayed The Jewel, is Avner Eisenberg. Doesn’t sound like a goat shagger, does it? hahahahaha
And there’s been a big swing against the Australian Nazi party in the ACT.
So much for their ridiculous delusion of increased power.
Christopher Cross – Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do)
Has anyone heard, or read about this offshoot of John Wick?
It seems as though it MAYBE, ok.
If you like horror films, Cuckoo looks pretty good.
What’s the bet she wouldn’t pass a DUI test?
Burt Bacharach was on a plane stuck in a holding pattern around KJFK when he came up with that song.
Boxing Hall of Famer Thomas ‘Hitman’ Hearns joins Trump on stage at Detroit rally: ‘This can’t be real’
The swings at the ACT elections foreshadow what is coming for Labor at the coming federal election. The Qld results will confirm it.
Labor is farked.
That’s why the Trot handsome boy cashed up and bought the cliff side mansion. He knew it was a one-off government chance and he had no hope of getting a second run.
The useless coulda beens, Chalmers, Marles, Blabbersack, Burqua etc would be spewing because Albo didn’t even give them a chance.
But he might invite them up to the cliff with his new missus, shiny teeth and hat
New teeth. New house. New wife. Goodbye houso.
But he’ll make it BYO coz he dedicated his life to fight Tories.
Whatever that means
Let’s watch the Australian Nazi party pick off safe inner-city Labor seats later this month in the QLD election and next year at the federal election. Oh, and further to safe Labor seats, let’s not forget how Labor lost the once safe seat of Fowler in 2022 to a independent.
Yep, the two party system has a lot of problems.
At least Labor is trying to address them, albeit poorly. Dutton is in the middle of making the Libs unelectable for a generation.
And, the gimp still playing “you sunk my Battle Ship”.
Piss off, Nazi.
Andrew Barr’s Labor holds on to power in the ACT as Greens vote collapsesRhiannon Down
3 hours ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr will hold on to power in the nation’s capital with at least 10 seats, as the Greens vote collapses in the progressive political stronghold of Canberra.
With the Liberals on track to win eight seats, Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee has conceded defeat, declaring that Canberrans had “voted for change, but perhaps not quite enough to get us there”.
Ms Lee addressed Liberal supporters shortly before 9.30pm on Saturday, after her party enjoyed an early swing on election night that failed to materialise into the numbers required to end 23 years of Labor rule.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 19, 2024 10:30 pm
Awaiting for approval
Andrew Barr’s Labor holds on to power in the ACT as Greens vote collapsesRhiannon Down
3 hours ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
The Voice Failed Because It Was a BAD Idea, NOT Because We’re Racist
A couple of single malts, and reading Paul Ham.
Mention of Wilfred Burchett – the Australian journalist who reported the Korean War from the Communist side. He fabricated stories of United States “germ warfare.” He described North Korean prison camps as “one long holiday”, and played down any incidents of North Korean brutality.
Burchett spoke openly of his admiration for Pol Pot (!), scripted “Hanoi Jane ” Fonda’s broadcasts from North Vietnam, and arranged for his old mate, the New York Times reporter Harrison Salisbury to visit North Vietnam, the first U.S. reporter to do so.
Old age, and a liking for strong drink may have dulled my memory, but from memory, the horrible, nasty Liberals stripped Burchett of his Australian passport, and the Left wing slobbered over Gough Whitlam for restoring said passport?
Wilfred Burchett was the uncle ( I think, maybe great uncle?) of Don Watson, Paul Keating’s speechwriter.
Said Burchett was a thoroughly vile piece of work.
Pentagon’s New Plans To Use Lethal Force Against Americans!
In 2011 Vietnam celebrated Burchett’s 100th birthday with an exhibition in the Ho Chi Minh Museum in Hanoi.[51]
“Keir Starmer tried to put me in JAIL!” David Starkey SLAMS UK PM and says the rioters were “right”
My sources are very good. I’ve heard the house has been severely damaged. Military censor is heavily vetting reports.
My sources are very good. I’ve heard the house has been severely damaged. Military censor is heavily vetting reports.
Just terrible. I hope the Israelis respond in kind. From The Oz…
Netanyahu’s office said the Israeli prime minister and his wife were not in Caesarea during the drone attack and “there were no injuries”. Earlier the military said a drone fired from Lebanon had “hit a structure” in the central Israeli town.
I think they need to have an underground shelter for this family right now.
Perhaps they already have one.
Yippenyahoo responds to the drone hit.
Doesn’t seem overly perturbed by it.
So, this was a quite amateur attempt to take out Bibi in the same vain as the professional hits by the Israelis on Hamas and Hitz B’Allah snake heads. Tough sh*t, losers.
Why would Arnaud have to spell out something he doesn’t believe? The idea that China has ‘aggressive tendencies’ is an illusion of proponents of the GAE. As for those boats, the US wants them in the Western Pacific to prop up its dying hegemony in East Asia. But we aren’t going to get those boats. We’re going to get a steaming pile.
I don’t see it as a threat because it isn’t. There is no reason and little capability of conquering those resources without enormous expenditure of economic and military resources. Moreover, it can simply acquire what it needs through trade.
This may have been the drone on route. We don’t know if he was there but left shortly before. Drone flying unmolested past Haifa to Caesarea from south Lebanon doesn’t appear amateur.
No, just the new reality of drone warfare. It’s a new attack weapon, and defences have not yet caught up, but they will. It was still an amateur effort compared to the clinical exterminations carried out by Israel on Iran’s proxy terrorist leaders in Gaza, Beirut and Tehran.
You’re comparing it to efforts that very likely involve the ISR assets of multiple countries. They’re both professional.
My observations between the ACT government, the quality of their public institutions and Our Brittany fall foul of Teh Weekend Paywallian moderators.
I wouldn’t use the term ‘professional’ with regards to Hamas or Hitz B’Allah. Crazed, death-cult, zealots is more appropriate.
The Tommy Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard bout was without doubt the greatest fight ever.
Oh yeah, true. Arnie Bertrand had New Guinea in mind as Australia’s prime threat and the reason we’re going into the hock trying to buy several nuke subs.
Lol. The idea China doesn’t have aggressive tendencies is an allusion of Chinese proponents. Then I’d expect this to be coming from someone who supports Chinese claims for 90% of the South China Sea.
But who does the Australian public believe are it’s greatest threat?
Frankly, I was a little concerned the will to power thing you’ve got going hadn’t been making a show of late. But:
Yep, dying.
You should be heading the military establishment then.
LOl. If only tyrannical regimes thought the same way.
So who goes on a four-week Mediterranean cruise aboard Queen Victoria … and loses 2.5 kg in weight?
Why, little old moi! Shows what willpower can do. (OK, perhaps I’ll concede the Wegovy helped just a teensy bit.)
Different Brand name, same as Ozempic.
I guess you can walk a fair bit around such a big ship too.
Onyer, Bruce, keep healthy for us!
I intend to use will power on our next cruise, Bruce.
I have a script for Ozempic and some in the fridge but I have decided not to use it as I didn’t like the possible side effects. I have lost three kilos on keto diet and haven’t been hungry once. Will lose another two kilos and I think my doc will be pleased.
I don’t want to get too thin. 🙂
And you didn’t come back pregnant either!!!
I agree with Dover about China getting nasty about getting our resources.
We are bending over backwards to sell it to them, what we have to worry about is, they not wanting to buy.
They could be all sorts of things but stupid they are not, unless there is a total turmoil in the world order I can’t see any reason for them to invade.
Taking into account their demographics, room they don’t need with their shrinking population.
Besides, we are accommodating them in that regard anyway by the looks of that immigrant list someone posted above.
Well that settles it. Kevin agrees with Dover.
If they control the sea lanes they will control Australia, you dope.
Its not as though there’s no history of this happening before… oh hang on there is, right now with China wanting to control 90% of the South China Sea.
Bit of a history of the development of radar, rather long I’m afraid, just scroll.
War history buffs can tell us if it was effective in reducing damage and shorten the war or not.
Original description from RAF Museum page:
“Chain Home: WAAF radar operator Denise Miley plotting aircraft on the CRT (cathode ray tube) of an RF7 Receiver in the Receiver Room at Bawdsey CH. Her right hand has selected the direction or height finding and her left hand is ready to register the goniometer setting to the calculator.” 1945
RAF Bawdsey was originally an experimental system set up at Bawdsey Manor, home of Robert Watson-Watt’s radar development team. When the team was moved away from Bawdsey, the radar station became a part of the operational Chain Home (CH) network.
The main display is a large CRT, partially masked off by a metal box so only the lower half of the CRT remains visible. In earlier versions a scale running across the top of the opening allowed the range to the target to be measured. In this later version, a knob is used to move a cursor line across the screen to lie over a selected return. The cursor is driven by the same timing electronics as the rest of the radar, ensuring it is properly calibrated at all times.
The large knob on the left of the image is the goniometer control. Unlike later systems, CH used separate transmitters and receivers. The transmitter broadcast a semi-directional signal in front of the station, known as the “line of shoot”, filing space with the signal. The receiver was a radio direction finder that searched that space for echoes.
The goniometer knob changed the directional sensitivity of the receivers, allowing the angle to the target to be determined. This was a trial-and-error process of hunting for the maximum (or minimum) return in a noisy signal. Like most RDF systems, the antennas were equally sensitive in two directions; the small push-button to the upper left of the knob, the “sense button”, mutes down one of these directions to determine which one is correct.
This button is not visible in the cropped but higher quality version of the image seen here, it can be selected below.
A series of switches near Miley’s right hand are used to select among several antennas on the receiver masts. Selecting a pair of these allows the goniometer to determine vertical angles instead of horizontal azimuth. With some calculation effort, this could be used to determine altitude. Additional crewmembers known as “plotters”, normally located behind the operator, were sent a stream of angle and range information and had to calculate the map location of the targets being measured.
These were then reported up the Dowding system’s telephone network to Fighter Command headquarters in London. Due to the noise caused by the different plotters calling out calculations to each other, the radar operator was connected to the main plotter via the intercom Miley wears around her neck.
This version, from later in the war, has been equipped with sensors to automate the plotting of the aircraft. One of these sensors can be seen attached to the goniometer control, the box-like object to the right of Miley’s left hand.
After measuring an angle with the goniometer and setting the cursor to measure the range of the selected “blip”, the button under Miley’s left hand was pressed to send these settings to a mechanical computer known as the “fruit machine”. It carried out all of these calculations internally and then directly output the map location and altitude of the targets. This greatly reduced workload and allowed the stations to have smaller crews.
The metal box covering the CRT is also a later addition, a simple anti-jamming system. The Germans could jam the CH stations by broadcasting false echoes when they received a pulse from the CH station. These false signals were only partially synchronized, deliberately, so they jumped around the display and cluttered it up.
The CRT was originally supplied with a fast-acting phosphor of a light blue color, but was later modified by placing a second layer of slower-acting, less-sensitive yellow phosphor on top.
Signals that stayed in the same location long enough would cause the yellow layer to begin glowing in that location. When encountering jamming, the operator would pull the small metal tabs on the left side of the metal cover to move a yellow-coloured gel in front of the tube, filtering out the now noisy blue layer and leaving only the stable (but slower reacting) yellow signals visible.
The marks on the metal cover suggest it has been used as an impromptu chalkboard.
In this example, the radar receiver system and display are co-located. In later setups, the display was removed from the receiver and placed beside the plotting boards. This provided a much more compact layout and allowed the plotters to see the display directly. Although it cannot be seen in this photo, the shaft from the goniometer runs out the bottom of the display cabinet and into the receiver chassis, and can be seen to be at a slightly different angle than the display itself.
The later systems combined this into a single cabinet.
Can’t say you were not warned!!
Guardian Angels had their work cut out here, but done a good job of it.
Week In Pictures.
Thanks, Tom.
This takes me back in time-1980/81. We only had the ABC in Carnarvon so when visiting Oma in Perth we got to see all these shows. This intro theme has never left my head.
Great cover.
Hill Street Blues | TV Theme | Piano Cover
Never seen it. What was it about? Some kind of music show?
Police procedural that was also a bit of a soap opera. Well regarded.
Great plod show .. alongside 3rd Watch ..
Cash and Steve:
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Rodeo Drive Concours d’Elegance 2024 in Beverly Hills (5 of 6)
Speechless. Hun:
Methodist Ladies College. Sounds very Christian.
So this Christian school has its teachers asking students to remove any sign of jewellery with Christian symbols, namely the cross on which Jesus died.
So what do the brass at the school tolerate?
Er, what? How can this be?
I see. FMD. Except for respecting the individual belief of those that wear a cross on the necklace. At a Christian school.
Teacher union here pushing for a 4 day week. Just get back to the basics and teach. Maths, science, English.
Just another front on the war with the West. On Christianity and the Left’s desire to erase it.
If you don’t like it girls, piss off.
I wonder if they’re going to try to enforce the same type of rules on the Islamic Schools?
Sack the teacher who made the demand.
I assume MLC Kew is like MLC Burwood in Sydney- under the auspices of the Uber Woke theologically liberal Uniting Church.
That is not a Christian school, it’s a snob school and the prevailing snob opinion is that Christianity is a no-no.
Furries are like Goths and other teen dress-up cults.
They have no place whatsoever in schools.
Far too many ‘Catholic’ schools and welfare agencies are no better. They are strongholds of the bureaucratic, philistine and secularist bilge that dominated the waste of space known as the Plenary Council.
I’ve said it before. I would like Stevo to walk Cash into a Hospice.
“My friend was wearing a cross and there was another girl in our class who said she found the cross really offensive and so the teacher told her to take it off,” she said.
Why would a child who found Christian symbols offensive be at a Methodist Ladies College?
The uniting Church, like the Anglican Church, is no longer church is no longer Christian.
I’d expect a Methodist Ladies College to be exclusive to Methodist Ladies. It ought not to be inclusive of those who are neither Methodists nor ladies. So it should not allow furries or members of any other faith.
I reckon the kids are playing up teachers who subscribe to loony ideas.
Agreed DBG, kids are not stupid, showing up the idiocracy of the school for hiring teachers with an agenda. My kids were doing it years ago. They recognised double standards at a young age. Brought them up pretty well I think.
MLC (as many here know) is located in Claremont between Stirling Highway and the River, adjoining Christchurch, a rock’s throw from Scotch College and just a little upstream from St Hilda’s.
These are major feeders for the faculties of Law, Medicine and Barbagallo Jaguar dealerships.
It would be very hard to find anywhere more soaked in the general culture, and the girls are more likely to be little enforcers than any teacher however woke.
Patrick Carlyon:
Excellent piece Mr Carlyon.
I am not sure what they mean by the part that is in bold. Would they respect a Jewish student wearing a Star of David? Or other visible signs of ones faith?
Somehow, I doubt it.
Give it a try, girls.
(Rule 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”) Rules for Radicals.They get away with this shit because we don’t pull them up on it.
From MLC Melbourne’s website:
“MLC students benefit from an evidence-based wellbeing approach across all year levels, providing students with the personalised support and a network of support necessary to thrive at school. We pride ourselves on supporting, nurturing and safeguarding our students’ emotional, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing.”
Correct. Tell them that removing your cross necklace is damaging to your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well being.
They’ll find themselves in a maze of dead ends as they try to figure out the victim hierarchy on the run.
Of course it’s hate speech if you point out what islam does according to the Lying Labor scum. Its not islamophobia to be fearful of weirdbeards threatening to chop off your head if you don’t convert to the death cult. Its not hate speech when they say “from the river to the sea”. I think nobody is listening to Luigi, the worst PM Australia has ever had and that is saying something, except for the mutley voters of which we have a plethora of.
This is Kamala’s base
And they call us weird
I loved WIP especially the one of Bibi with the trophies on the wall. Also the beautiful Israeli women behind the flag at the end.
I liked that one too and thought there should have been a fifth and empty mount behind Netanyahu for the ayatollah who is enabling most of it with weapons and money,
The Arabists in the Foreign Office tried the same with Haj Amin.
The consequences of that particular piece of pandering are still playing out today.
Just spoke w/ the 2 Lacrosse University students,
who were kicked out of Kamala’s Wisconsin rally for saying, “Jesus is Lord.”
It’s real — it’s corroborated.
Meet @lukepolaske & @GrantBeth4.
They have a story to tell.
Best parody account on X.
She’s an out and out psychopath.
Kamala Close With Dem Who Tried To Make Child Porn Possession A Non-Felony
Thanks Tom. My favourite has to be
I wonder what she had to say about October 7?
Canadian professor calls for investigation into murder of Sinwar
Yet another ‘intellectual’ who doesn’t understand the rules of war.
A wounded enemy is not automatically hors de combat and thereby immune to being attacked.
Sinwar was carrying a pistol therefore was an armed terrorist and a legitimate target. And he had an opportunity to surrender when the drone spotted him. He did not surrender, rather he tried to destroy the drone.
Our Gangreens leadership still seems to be in mourning.
My sources are very good. I’ve heard the house has been severely damaged. Military censor is heavily vetting reports.
I’m good with leaders targeting each other and leaving the rest of us out of it.
It’s all our fault, of course. And what’s the solution? More centralised government, naturally.
The system that moves water around the Earth is off balance for the first time in human history
I take then that China will be made to decarbonise.
EXCLUSIVE Terrifying map reveals how bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has infiltrated America
SpaceX is years ahead of Europe
Elon’s Musk’s dream has become Europe’s nightmare
Rural California county’s fury over invasion of ‘radical liberal city folk who leave feces in the forest’
The bears are NOT going to like the competition.
The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030
They sound like slaves.
WAKE UP ENGLISH! The Government’s Hidden Agenda EXPOSED!
While Elon’s people are flying Starships, NASA can’t even get ground support equipment built on schedule or on budget.
The Cobra Effect: Why Good Intentions Don’t Solve Problems – Konstantin Kisin
If the Melbourne bunch are the same as the Sydney ones, they are mostly not Methodist nor ladies!
The rules are what they’ve alwayz been .. pay the fees on time .. nuttin’ else matters ……!
And the last contact I had with the Uniting Church, it was well on the way to pagan earth worship.
HOEFLATION: A DISASTER for Human Civilization?
Black Pigeon Speaks
The video discusses the concept of “Hoeflation” within the context of societal changes affecting women and family structures. It critiques the influence of social media and modern dating culture on women’s perspectives regarding relationships, career choices, and motherhood. Through the lens of a specific influencer, Cornelia Sliski, the video addresses the long-term implications of prioritizing career and personal fulfillment over starting families, leading to regret and social consequences. The host argues that this shift is detrimental to society as a whole, leading to declining birth rates and family structures in developed nations. ### Key Points: **1. Dating Expectations:** – The speaker rejects casual date options like coffee or walks, emphasizing the importance of dinner to assess a potential partner’s manners and choices. **2. Personal Struggles with Fertility:** – Cornelia Sliski, a Croatian influencer, shares her emotional journey regarding fertility, including the challenges she faces after undergoing ovarian surgery and discovering low egg counts. **3. Influence of Social Media:** – The video critiques how social media platforms, particularly TikTok and Instagram, promote a culture of narcissism and unrealistic expectations among young women. **4. Regret and Consequences of Lifestyle Choices:** – The narrative reflects on women who prioritize careers and self-indulgent lifestyles over family, leading to regret as they face difficulties in conceiving later in life. **5. Impact of Feminism and Cultural Shifts:** – The video discusses the unintended consequences of feminist ideals promoting a child-free lifestyle, resulting in many women being childless later in life. **6. Childlessness Statistics:** – It warns that around 45% of women aged 25 to 44 are projected to be childless and single by 2030, highlighting concerns about the future of society. **7. Demographic Changes and Social Consequences:** – Elon Musk’s concerns about declining birth rates and the subsequent need for immigration to support economic structures are mentioned as indicators of a societal crisis. **8. Societal and Cultural Reflections:** – The video elaborates on the cultural implications of valuing individualism over family structures, implying that nature favors natalism. It warns that societies ignoring this may face decline. **9. Maternal Projection:** – A theory is proposed that women who missed motherhood opportunities may project their maternal instincts onto other individuals or their audiences.
Sitting with my American guest discussing having babies, as we were literally watching the birds and the bees getting it on in springtime from our verandah. She’s now fifty, and I looked after her often when she was a child. You wanted babies, had two, then two more with Hairy, she says. You always said it was a gift to have babies, and I’ve always remembered that.
She has two teenagers now, is married to their father, and doing well in life.
We both agreed – we absolutely loved being pregnant.
I don’t think young girls today get enough of this sort of message.
My own daughter has three children, the youngest is now three, the oldest is ten.
The IDF really don’t muck around.
Using over 100 tons of explosives: Central Hezbollah ‘Radwan Force’ tunnel route destroyed (19 Oct)
As anything else would be pretty expensive I assume they used ANFO. A hundred tonnes of it going off would make for quite a kaboom.
I presume all of this was built within coo-ee of the UN “peacekeepers”.
What a waste of space they turned out to be.
Eire troops are in Lebanon to qualify their gummint for lotza UN money not for humanitarian purposes ….. why are folk surprised ..?
Had they used the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator the would have got an Earth shattering kaboom!
They may have access to enhancer explosives discovered in the tunnels
Chinese Elites Bid on Next US President; New De Facto Taiwan Embassy in India | China in Focus
01:12 Harris or Trump? Chinese Elites’ Bids on Next U.S. President
03:53 Yellen: High U.S. Tariffs on Imports Would Raise Prices
04:45 Will Trump’s Tariffs Resonate with Americans?
07:04 New De Facto Taiwan Embassy in India Angers China
08:11 North Korea Labels South ‘Hostile State’
09:12 Why Are North-South Korea Tensions So High?
11:35 WSJ: Western Countries ‘Overwhelmed’ by CCP Espionage
13:58 EU Tariffs on Chinese Cars Concern German Carmakers
15:32 ‘Never-Ending:’ Lee on CCP Social Media Weaponization
18:43 Bloomberg: Xi Bolsters Control Over China’s Legislature
19:41 Chinese Universities Monitoring Students on Camera
I often watch Jimmy Dore clips. Often he is quite insightful but strewn among these insights are moments where he displays his progressive creds – little chains that keeps him bound to the left.
Two new ones I heard this morning: Obamacare was a right-wing style health system. It must have felt a sort of betrayal that the right did not want it but that the left clapped and cheered it along – especially forcing nuns to pay more for abortion access. It is a weird thing, is it not, the way that abortion advocates cannot bear the thought of a place or a time where abortions do not exist. It is as if they are confronted by a region of 5-dimensional space which confounds their senses and intellect, except they don’t have to see it to be appalled by it – they don’t think it should even exist in a 5-dimensional universe. The Little Sisters of the Poor must have abortion coverage.
Second, people losing their homes in the GFC rather than the banks was a Wall Street scheme. My understanding was that the genesis of the crisis was the Community Reinvestment Act requiring banks to loan money to people they would otherwise assess as unacceptable risks and the only way to get it moving was for the government to guarantee the loans. For all their faults, the GFC weas not the banks’ fault.
Yes but only the literate and non-leftists found those explanations; for the rest, it was greedy banks packaging and selling bad loans.
It’s the curriculum. Yes, teachers tend to be leftards but it’s the abortion of the woke leftist curriculum that is doing the enormous damage to our young. Filling young heads with woke green prog garbage.The LNP in power has done NOTHING to reverse the march into left green wokeness in the national curriculum- set in Canberra.It’s a national disaster.
Hahaha, I didn’t realize this when another Cat posted the story about the German fire station burning down.
It turns out the fire station with no fire alarms and no sprinkler system burned down because an electric fire truck‘s battery caught fire whilst it was being charged overnight. Even Joseph Heller couldn’t’ve thought up such an irony.
Brand New Fire Station That Had no Fire Alarms Destroyed by Fire in Germany (17 Oct)
Monty Python couldn’t have dreamed up a better story 🙂
Vicco is commissioning an electric fire truck, made in Chermany, in Feb 25.
al Zaquari,
al Bagdadi,
bin Laden,
al Zawahiri,
al Mazri,
Australian Isis terrorists and their lady friends,
various peace prize winners,
bin Obama,
and more.
Yep. Islamophobia is irrational, eh Mt Albanese.
Wonder what she had to say about October 7?
Canadian professor calls for investigation into murder of Sinwar
Killing terrorists is now a “crime” .. sez it all, really .. LOL!
She dreamed of being ravished by a man in flowing robes in a tent, except in her dream, he was washed and scented with alluring scent, not the unwashed sweat of 300 days, with the associated deposits in nether regions.
Her words sounded like the geopolitical equivalent of inviting two grand final teams to accept a draw.
Haha last time that happened Nick Riewoldt got a touch up from Heath Shaw the following week in 2010.
Penny Ping Pong should just stick to what she does best – munching carpet.
The name is merely historical.
The schools are owned by the Uniting Church, which was formed in 1977 by liberal Methodists, Presbyterians and Congregationalists.
The church grants the schools de facto independence with governance via boards.
It doesn’t surprise me at all that Christian students would feel discriminated against at these institutions.
True. Dad, who was an old Methodist, would have been hopping mad over the banning of crosses. As would have been his parents before him.
He never set foot in a “Uniting” church.
Wise man.
The Uniting Church gave up on God fourty years ago.
They are a cultural pressure group of flexible (wobbly?) ideology.
They are very nice people.
And they have Works to show for it.
Just seek self-approval for modern values as well.
Protesters gather ahead of King’s church arrival
Joanna Panagopoulos
Protesters are gathering outside St Thomas Anglican church in North Sydney where the King is set to arrive in the next few hours.
The activists, some wearing Keffiyehs and ‘I stand with Palestine’ t-shirts, are holding a sign that says ‘Empire build on genocide’.
Off with their heads!
I presume they mean the Ottoman Turks?
Knowing such a thing would require functioning brains which are not in evidence.
Australia really needs a Tower. Or just turn Tasmania back to a true penal colony, not just an economic and social backwater.
Tassie is rich in agriculture. The penal colony needs to be a waste land.
That’s a lovely old church; my neice, adopted from Sri Lanka, was married in it. I hadn’t been in it before. It is classically gracious.
Decades ago when the bulletin was a cracking good read, the was an article ‘the radical left s new power base’. This included the uniting church. Apparently the Methodist bureaucracy had been infiltrated even before the union. Of course the uniting church can’t even bring itself to call it a church any more. Consider Brian Howe.
I think you’ll find MLC stands for “Melbourne Lesbians College”.
“Moll’s Last Chance.”
Was known Man’s Last Chance to all the nearby schoolboys in the 80s
Do they have a video?
My sons, at another nearby private school, claimed the school consensus was that if pigs could fly MLC would be an airport.
Of course, I chastised them appropriately for their naughty inappropriate remarks.
To me the Perth MLC seemed to have many of the non-religious middle-class families struggling to pay their daughters’ school fees.
Not my milieu, but one sorted into my friendship group at UWA and she was fine.
As much as I dislike chilla, the rabble protesting against him again show that the international lefts yearning for the destruction of Israel is a trial run for the destruction of countries like ours. Gubment by the UN is what this is all about.
He’s been behaving a lot better than when he was just Prince Chuck.
Maybe he doesn’t want to go down in history as the last King of England.
Which he will do if he keeps on alienating righties with climate caterwauling. The Left will vote to abolish the monarchy in a trice, so his only actual supporters are the people who he is pissing off with green rubbish.
PETER VAN ONSELEN: Anthony Albanese has spent a lifetime living off the public teat. Here’s how YOU have paid for every stage of the PM’s life. .. and he’ll have an amazing retirement in his $4.3m cliffside mansion, too
Daily Mail.
Hawke and Keating were the same.
Very true and I’ve always disliked both of them. Anal’s assault on Australians has been much greater though I think. I certainly don’t forget the recession of 91 and the tariff cuts that wrecked so many lives. Remember too Richardson shutting down the Ravenshoe timber industry.
We live in waterfront mansions for the good of the working class?
Is PVO waking up to reality?
Weird isn’t it?
Evil old men like the Portuguese turd and soros are driving this.
Knight of Malta and Shield of Europe
There was a time, a far healthier time, when the heroism of those who defended Malta from the Islamic onslaught was lauded by the whole Christian world.
Perhaps a man who has had a capital city named after him can hardly be considered unsung. He is, however, little known in our own time, falling victim to the collective amnesia of an age that neglects the past or “cancels” it with contemptuous disdain.
2,500 unknown defenders of Malta, those other shields of Christendom, who died under his command.
But it was Valetta’s leadership that saved all the other lives. who would have been killed or sold into slavery had Malta not prevailed.
Methodists were often at the forefront of movements for reform of conditions and political representation for the working classes.
Keir Hardie was a Methodist lay preacher.
A generation or two before him we had the Tolpuddle Martyrs.
Over time the religious impulse was diluted by the socialist dogma.
Years ago built a database which included landholdings of religious organisations in WA. Extensive to say the least. What amazed me most was the number of different cough, religious bodies,cough. Had to engage with the more “out there” ones to see if they were still operating. It appeared to me many had been expelled from the main stream churches due to their weirdness of a very small group. Far be it for me to say but it did seem some of them were scams as they included residences on the same property as the church.
Nothing strange about residence adjoining the church. Historically the house was provided as part of the employment offer to the minister/priest.
More recently starting a small church as my grandparents did (about 1960), the church meets in the founders’ house, then perhaps in the garage of the house until the congregation grows and can buy or rent a disused Methodist or Presbyterian church, and if they keep growing build a place like Hillsong.
Now that homes are so disconnected from workplaces its far more normal they be unconnected.
Maybe that was it but it appeared that only the ones I’d never heard of but intimated in the name they had been part of the mainstream church once.
Yes, splits are waaay too common.
Been there, run a mile now.
Another seen to be believed moment.
Kamala Harris’ ‘obscene narcissism’ exposed after clip resurfaces
She’s was a lot whiter back then.
Drunk again. She must hit the piss before she gets out of bed.
Even Churchill didn’t get as affected by his drinking as much as she does!
Mak Siccar October 19, 2024 12:13 pm
I’m pretty happy with what Lyle Shelton’s doing with Family First so, unless you’re strongly anti-christian or know the candidate is a moron, that would be a good number one.
Then One Nation, with a similar moron clause
If the Legalise Cannabis candidate is more libertarian than socialist (and not a moron) then 3.
Followed by Libs (in case my earlier preferences get eliminated), the Liars and then the Watermelons.
So: 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3 subject to the above. In case of morons, balance somewhat-flakey individual moronicality, that may be open to input, as opposed to baked-in moronicality per the party leadership.
Dave’s not here, man (cough).
Don’t agonise too much. Compulsory preferential voting means in most cases your vote will end up with the UniParty. You can deny the Lieborals electoral funding putting them down the page. I don’t know how much of this holds at State level.
Having written a thesis on historical sea levels I find this fascinating: due to previous historical lower sea levels New Zealand was once bigger than India. Just imagine their rugby teams if they were still that size:
First map of Earth’s lost continent has been published | indy100
Here in Australia 25000 years ago, a geological blink of the eye, sea level down the East coast of Australia was 135 meters BELOW what it is today and the GBR did not exist. 6 million years ago sea level was 110 meters ABOVE what it is today. That’s climate change for you.
Sahul Time – Monash University
I call bullshit. The cephalopods would never have stood for it, they would have raised taxes until the sea level stabilised.
The schools are owned by the Uniting Church, which was formed in 1977 by liberal Methodists, Presbyterians and Congregationalists.
Which seems to be so useless that they are still “uniting” after 47 years and not yet “united”
Did the Methodists retain a separate identity, and thereby own assets like MLC?
It seems unlikely, given the school’s policy on this issue.
No; for all intents and purposes the Methodists & Congregationalists ceased to exist thereafter.
About 25% of Presbyterian congregations stayed out of the merger.
Anyone with M & A experience would find that unremarkable.
It’s not “scientific”, it’s purely a gut feeling borne out by experience. If you want to know the focus of a school, particularly a “Christian” school, you need look no further than the words of that school’s anthem (hymn).
The children and teachers sing it at least once a week and often daily at chapel. These lyrics really do get in, not for all, but for a good wodge of the school cohort.
Which is why the progressives have replaced the Lord’s Prayer with welcome to country.
The Internationale?
Lol! I wouldn’t send a child to a school that had that as an anthem!
Just the latest word. They throw it around with an abandon but have no idea what it actually means.
Like ‘Nazi’.
All they know is the effect, the reaction it elicits from more thoughtful people who know what these words do actually mean. Hearing them so misused is galling, and these morons are utterly impervious to learning or shame.
Left wing politicians were content to let the pro-Pali mob carry on when they thought it was building them a new client demographic of voters, but yet again they misunderstood the relationship. They weren’t using the mob. The mob was using them. Hence Kamala, at one of her carefully staged events, had a protester calling her out for supporting genocide – an mischaracterisation of events in Gaza she was glad to hear in accusations levelled at Israel and its supporters (who are mostly on the Right), but having allowed it to become true-through-mindless-repetition she cannot use facts to defend herself.
Sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind, and all that.
One thing has been bothering me about Albo’s claim that his mother lived in the housing commission house for her entire 65 years due to financial struggles. This means that she or her family were too poor to move out and get their own place yet she had enough money to go on an extended European cruise. I must be missing something.
The story is she saved for the cruise while working as a cinema usherette.
Perhaps ABC Fact Check could run the numbers.
Before 1960 state housing was just housing, not restricted to poor but making up the gap for employed families.
In 1960 travel was not by jumbo jets but by ocean liners. Sure it was expensive, but people saved up for their visit to ‘hewm’, ie England.
Daddy could’ve paid for it?
Crossie, you’ll find it if you sift carefully through the bullshit.
But it’ll be a Big Job.
Can anybody guess what’s missing from this story about how you can avoid power outgages by living off-grid?
Hint: it’s the thing that is always missing from these stories.
OK, I give in. 🙂
Capital cost, length of useful service, disposal. Not to mention average ambient temperature inside in the depths of winter, cost of insulation and cost of repairs/replacements if something goes wrong – like a massive hailstorm or a tree falling on your solar panels.
Rich hippies give me the proverbials.
our holiday shack was off grid. Then we retired and lived there permanently.
We’d only been there a couple of months when the controller box on our solar system shorted out. First week in December, no local supplier (Darwin) had a replacement, 6 weeks on generator.
Connected to the grid by late February. We have more outages, but they only last hours, not weeks.
There’s no picture of the stove, but there is a stovepipe from the roof on the video.
So they need wood too, don’t they? That must be behind the shack, which isn’t shown either.
I’d bet when they binge on TV – as they claim – it isn’t on “Better Homes and Gardens”.
Why are these places so cluttered with shit that provides no function – just decoration like the two rotten lumps of wood next to the wheelbarrow mixer? How on earth would you fit 12 smug gits into this temple to idiocy?
And I bet the Smug Gits are on public money and grow their own dope.
Living off grid is so self satisfying.
As usual, what isn’t shown is the important information.
Uh oh, he is coming back.
“Brisbane Japanese restaurant Sushi Room has allegedly attracted Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates as a guest of its special Australian Open pop-up eatery in Melbourne next year”.
no doubt to give further instructions to the PM.
He was in his Jason Recliner.
The Israelis offed him.
(No cats were harmed in the making of this video).
I wonder if he left a last will? The kids must be after the billions in stolen loot.
I’m Chris, and I approve this message.
Nazi scum protesting outside a church. Well, they’ve done similar outside synagogues. Two tier Dhimmi policing allows it.
You know, leftist Nazi scum love parroting the word ‘proportionality’. I think it is high time that Jews and Christians, in the name of ‘proportionality’, were given police protection to protest in front of a mosque and harass the mosque Nazi attendees.
Fair’s fair, don’t you think? But I am sure our Dhimmi NSWaffen police would put a stop to that.
NSW plod are too busy monstering artisanal alcohol producers.
‘Treated like gangland criminals’: Sydney couple share story behind viral sign (20 Oct)
Worshippers have had to slink into St Mary’s cathedral by the side door because the main west door was blockaded by a rabble of skanks screaming ‘we will fight, we will win, put the foetus in the bin’ while the police just stood by and watched.
Cuba In the Dark
Among the poorest of the poor is Cuba, now experiencing mass blackouts:
Read on…https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/10/cuba-in-the-dark.php
From Courier Mail online Lifestyle column. Headline of column refers to a comedian joining NOVA and then below had this relating to the helicopter crash in which 4 crew died.
“An inquiry into the tragedy heard damning evidence from test pilot Major Ian Wilson who said he “knew with certainty this accident was going to happen” and told army officials they could face a case of industrial manslaughter.
TV presenter Jim Jefferies, host of The 1% Club and the late Lt Maxwell Nugent’s uncle, praised Major Wilson.
“Industrial manslaughter. I’d like to know why after 15 months it has taken this long for this information to come out,” he wrote on Instagram.
“We still haven’t heard the black box! We deserve more”.
Only gets a mention because Jeffries was uncle of one of crew.
I saw an article recently saying that Qld Police who prepare the report for the Coroner still have not received the answers to 13 questions or even statements they asked the military for soon after crash.
I have to agree with Wilson. Night low level over water on NVG leaves no margin for safety.
This typifies the risk management obsession of the contemporary Army that focuses on
process rather than reality. Fill in the risk assessment and all will be well.
In which I praise a basic tenet of libertarianism, with a reservation.
Arky on the free movement of peoples.
In the early to mid 19th century one of the main trade goods from New Zealand was flax.
Even while I was a lad the stuff would grow anywhere that was unimproved and undrained land. The local mill was a twine factory that had started out on processing the local wild flax.
180 years ago the ships would arrive from England looking for trade. A cargo hold full of flax was a valuable commodity. Negotiations with Maori chiefs to fill those holds would ensue.
Was the thing that the chiefs had to trade the flax? No it was not. The flax was everywhere for anyone to take. Was it their control of the territory that the chiefs were trading for muskets and rum? Did they hold some claim or present a warlike threat over the sailors? No, it was not exactly that. It was slaves. The chiefs had the slaves who could harvest the flax and fill the holds. The chiefs possessed the economic bottleneck necessary for the trade. Inter tribal warfare involved the taking of meat and slaves. The slaves did the work the warriors didn’t wish to do.
One must not hold the Maori responsible for being slave holders. Because to do so is impolite to modern ears, and anyway, everywhere at every time, every successful civilisation is a slave based civilisation. Only some, more than others effectively cover the fact.
Why did Nixon go to Beijing? Because the Chinese communist party had complete control nationally and in every locale over nearly a billion humans, and was prepared to sell their labour in return for what the communists needed to retain that control.
America could not hold people in slavery after the civil war, so the slavery was outsourced.
The evils of slavery is a discussion for another time, it suffices to say that anywhere people are unable to move away from a tyrannical situation they might become slaves. Wars produce an impressive number of candidates. But there is always a market. In some circumstances, people might simply be economically trapped in a circumstance of effective slavery or servitude.
One antidote is the ability of people to move away. Free movement. The ability to seek out better circumstances.
It is upon this fact that the libertarians rightly hold that people should not be impeded in their movements, even, or maybe especially across borders.
Before the civil war, movement of ex slaves to the North provided labour for the factories. The factories provided the industrial muscle to beat the South. Beating the South provided a couple of generations of beaten down and impoverished southerners to work in the factories.
Eventually, post WW2 this cycle had played out.
There will always be work that no one will do at an economically viable price. There will always be slaves. And there will always be the “chiefs” who find themselves in a controlling position over a labour bottleneck. At least, we can’t point to any time or place in history when, with a little digging we don’t see the involvement of slavery or harsh servitude. It might be outsourced, but it’s always there.
Most tyrannies control the outflow of their people. Simply put, they won’t let the slaves leave. So while we might wish to allow the free movement of people across borders as an antidote to the enslavement of populations, really it is more likely to spread slavery. The people you get coming from totalitarian tyrannical regimes tend not to be fleeing, but expanding their reach.
“It’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.”
Milton Friedman
Outstanding WIP. The tampon tim memes are almost as good as the cackles; eg
Demonrat senator supports Trumps energy plan in Pen.
This takes me back to the ’90s. Some friends invited us to their rural place in Pennsylvania. There were small pools of water, mixed with what looked like oil, scattered across parts of their land. I asked about it, and he told me there were oil deposits there, but back then, it wasn’t economically viable to tap into them.
Now…why would the state want ready access to such information?
Ask Henry VIII.
The killing of Yahya Sinwar
Melanie Phillips – Oct 18, 2024
The evil he represented has not died with him
Sinwar didn’t create this evil. He was the product of it, and was one of its many diabolical avatars. What created him was fanatical, genocidal Jew-hatred, the desire to remove Israel and the Jewish people from the face of the earth as an Islamic religious duty — the evil that animates the Palestinian Arab cause, the evil that has taken thousands of Jewish and Israeli lives without remission for the past century, the evil that has infused what the Palestinian Arabs have taught their children for generations: that their highest and most sacred calling is to kill Jews and take all their land.
This evil has not just corrupted the Palestinian Arabs but has also taken monstrous root throughout the west. Its media outlets pump out Hamas propaganda and blood libels demonising and delegitimising Israel through the Palestinian cause.
I would add to that:-
“It’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state which is subject to activist judicial review.”
This was the perennial argument with Dot, who argued you could have open borders but restrict access to welfare for new immigrants.
Just doesn’t work unless it is embedded in a Constitution which also explicitly prohibits judicial over-ride.
I think one European state (Switzerland?) prohibits first and maybe second generation immigrants from receipt of certain benefits.
In Germany, it used to be you could not get benefits (pension) unless you had worked for a certain time. A good friend’s mother who had worked in the family business, unpaid, had to tax receipts, so could not prove she had worked, thus no pension.
I think he eventually saw the light.
Magic footage from over here in West Oz.
B2B Castaways (Strick and Fran)
Day 14 at Sea: GIANT LOBSTER Catch & Cook
Ex- friends whose 16 year old lectured us loudly on abortion “rights” unbidden across the dining table found that school a better fit.
Beware, very few of these “Christian” schools are anything but progressive woman’s nattering clubs.
Even the few overtly conservative ones left are now ideological battle grounds. The mainstream ones are long lost to progressivism. The far left might not win every time, but they’re always and everywhere fighting.
South Asian population of Canada at 7 % we are at 3 %, same coming our way when they get in critical mass.
I note even the here muslims are pushing the stolen land BS now.
Which Indo foreign minister candidly mentioned about taking the sugar off the table again?
October 20, 2024 11:42 am
He had to be hit over the head with the torch numerous times.
You got the feeling he enjoyed it just a little too much.
Tribalism. It is ubiquitous & seen in both the animal and human species.
I have mentioned before that my combined herd of Belted Galloways and Angus live together in a somewhat unholy alliance. Their basic herd instinct promotes a moderate amount of cooperation and familiarity.
But there are limits. It is a warm Spring morning up here and the herd are settling down under trees for their siesta and cud chewing of this morning’s grass. A while ago I observed a Beltie heifer peacefully lying under the ample shade of a large gum with two of our Angus. But another Angus (Ava, a voluptuous cow named after Ava Gardner) walked over to join them. To my astonishment, our big Angus steer got to his feet and hustled the little Beltie heifer out of the shade so that Ava could take her spot! Beltie heifer wanders off into the hot sun and the Angus enjoy group siesta.
At the end of the day, blood affiliations matter – at least in the cow world.
It’s having insufficient resources, in their case nice shady spots!
It was wet earlier today at the Cafe and I had a long queue of noisies and blue faced honeyeaters come to my front door. They’d line up together on a branch of the camellia and I’d give them bits of bread.
Why that is noteworthy is everywhere else in Australia noisies and blue faces are utter enemies, since they live in the same niche. And the Cafe noisies used to persecute the blue faces here too. But one day they stopped.
That I think is because all the local noisies are now so ingrained into the idea that there’s enough for everyone that they don’t waste energy bashing up their evolutionary opponents any more.
Has implications for human society too, since with abundant everything there’d be no incentive for various groups to fight over stuff. Which is probably why the Left makes sure that there isn’t an abundance of everything.
I don’t know BoN. During the big drought of 2017/8 we used to ration hay – preparing enough mounds of hay and cattle nuts for each member of the herd. We would then let them into the paddock with their rations and all hell would break loose with individuals gobbling as much as possible before raiding their neighbour’s pile!
Yet every day they could anticipate that their daily ration would be put out. All of our herd survived in good condition.
But you are right – the Left are mean spirited individuals who assume everyone else is the same.
Observational zoology is always fascinating, Helen.
From birds to cows, the life of animals is a boon to share.
I was distraught to read that the popular author and linguistic scholar suffered pain and anguish in his LaZee Boy for six hours before the IDF war-crimed him.
No, really.
What’s this I’m hearing about Trump spending ten minutes at today’s rally discussing the size of Arnold Palmer’s schlong?
Makes a fresh change from the right’s weird obsession with Hunter Biden’s nine-inch hog, I suppose.
cohenite will be along shortly to remind you of your penis envy, dickless.
At least he wasn’t discussing the size of your schlong.
Count your blessings!
Fixed it for you. 😀
Monty is in the top 5% of intellectuals of the Left.
And it shows.
Paging Dr Freud … Dr Freud.
Perhaps if the powers that be insist on full preferential voting, someone resourceful could argue that a vote of 3,3,1,2,3,3 (i e.: with all of the non-preferred candidates equally last) displays a clear-enough intention that the vote should count for as long as one of the unambiguous preferences stays in the count.
Any sharp lawyers willing to take on that challenge?
Be nice to have two votes.
Then when counting is done the total for (2.) would be deducted from that candidate’s (1.) total.
It would be a lot of fun! Greens in particular would end up with hefty negative total votes.
Tried years ago. A lefty mathematician worked out that you could put the number 2 against your favoured candidate, and 2 against all the others. A court ruled that it was valid, and the UniParty immediately changed the law to protect their mutual interests.
Paul Ham’s book has a couple of interesting chapters on the anti – war movement in Australia.
“They did not overtly support the Viet Cong,but they sympathised with the communist forces, who they tended to portray as a barefoot peasant army, wielding shotguns and machetes against “American imperialism.” They persisted in thinking of the Viet Cong as a spontaneous nationalist uprising, in a defensive war against Saigon despots (and not, as proved the case, cannon fodder for Hanoi’s invasion of the South.) (Page 480.)
You might find a bit more in Tony Thomas’s writings; Perth CPA were at the forefront of the ‘peace movement’.
I took Moratorium papers to school for stir, but our tech drawing/woodwork teacher Marco (To Think I Saw it On Bleeker Street, yes, that Marco) wore an actual Moratorium badge to school when the Minister had threatened to fire teachers who did so.
I didn’t copy his politics, but I sure admired his integrity. Top man actually.
As I recall, a major thrust of their written style was saying that we were slavish to America, and our forces were just acting as part of theirs.
Paranoid flowcharts proving that Liberals had brains subservient to the IPA (OH NO!) and BHP had made a PROFIT!!1! (OH! NO!) from their activities were typical of CPA output back then.
I recall visiting in 1979 and seeing a pile of booklets they had to distribute explaining to Party members the line on why the USSR invading Afghanistan was nothing like the Americans going into Vietnam.
It’s rather interesting reading, what’s been written about that war, in the past twenty years, and with access to the North Vietnamese archives. The North Vietnamese made total and utter fools out of the anti – war movement..
You could have admired it while he was swinginging from the gallows, Chris.
Isn’t that the traditional punishment for treason?
I was at Nippers this morning. So what?.
The first so what was the hundreds of young families cooperatively devoting themselves to their families and communities with no bureaucratic or nanny involvement
The second so what is that this is the real Australian community. Successful and positive but the target of the venal and ignorant outcasts who occupy our parliaments and who harness alien ‘cultures’ to destroy this beautiful Australian society in the interests of their personal gain.
I saw no cultural place on the beach for a Feruqi, a Lambie, a Burke or even an Albanese, but I did witness two muzzle thugs threatening the lifesavers when they closed the beach due to rips
These wonderful young families need to think more carefully about their voting if they wish to bequeath their treasured culture to their children.
Calli: you asked for a report on the FinnAir business class seats for tall people.
The seats on their A350 service are odd.
The back doesn’t recline at all, however the footrest comes right up and, combined with a padded ‘tunnel’ stretching forward beside the seat in front, allows you to slump forward on a comfortable (albeit narrow) flat bed – providing you are not claustrophobic. (I took a picture, but I’m not sure how to post it.)
I’m 6’1” and not claustrophobic so the setup worked OK for me. But I’d say that anyone over 6’4” would likely max out the arrangement.
Sitting upright is less satisfactory – the fixed seat back is set at a compromise not-quite-upright angle that I found slightly uncomfortable.
Thanks for that. We’re doing Haneda-Helsinki next year. Beloved is 6’3” (he has lost half an inch due to his venerable 72 years). 😀
Have you tried seat guru web site?
Oh yes. Once FFP seats become available we always check to make sure we aren’t next door to the loo!
What’s this I’m hearing about Trump spending ten minutes at today’s rally discussing the size of Arnold Palmer’s schlong?
Makes a fresh change from the right’s weird obsession with Hunter Biden’s nine-inch hog, I suppose.
Once again dickless shows dick envy. Back to the milko’s kiddies dickless and be useful wiping arses.
Beware This Dishonest Tool Modern Socialists Are Using Against The Automobile
CL has still not returned to his blog.
I hold grave fears that he may not have survived some medical procedure, or that one has totally incapacitated him; or worse, that some other event has taken him. It is out of character to show every intention of keeping his blog going, saying he’s departing for a short while, and then never return.
If he just needed a break, I am sure he would get word to us somehow.
The departure comment could mean anything from “Back in a week or so” to “Real life intrudes, back in a while, could be a year or so, depending how things go”
Of “Taking a break from this hobby, back when the batteries are recharged, however long that may be”
I hope he is okay and comes back.
If nothing else, he’ll put a lid on the two Kamala arselickers who have taken over the board.
I’m surprised he doesn’t have moderators working for him due to the legal minefield running a blog can be.
Personally, I think he is seriously ill or even worse, dead.
I sincerely hope I am wrong.
He may be busy with campaigning for the LNP in Qld. If he wins his seat, he may not return until after the next election.
This is at the end of ten minutes of material on Arnold Palmer in what is supposed to be a campaign speech in the last weeks of a tight Presidential race. Trump is almost as obsessed with dicks as cohenite.
He obviously misses playing golf, he should retire and get back to his routine.
What’s this I’m hearing about m0nty getting his leftist talking points wrong again?
He’s just written two contradictory statements, both of which he believes.
(Awesome BBC miniseries!)
‘She is disastrous’: US is ‘doomed’ under Kamala Harris
Trump is almost as obsessed with dicks as cohenite.
In a healthy, manly way dickless. Dickless leftoids’ dick obsession is a compensatory neurosis twisted into a functional envy and hatred of normality based on a subconscious realisation they are dependent on men like Trump and me; and maybe head prefect. Maybe.
Nobody is dependent on JC. Anyone could have made out like bandits putting their money in index funds during his stint as a day trader.
As for Trump, he is dependent on his Depends. It is amazing how many of his recent photographed appearances feature a black mat strategically placed under his body to capture stray liquid leakages.
Credit where credit is due dickless; when you pisstake you do a reasonable job.
Trump certainly knows what he is working with.
Cohenite, that’s exactly what I was going to say!
Why the fcuk is the King of England making an address in NSW Parliament with just the boong flag behind him.
Nice little set-up from one of the backroom children who failed to get an Arts degree
I object to your language.
The King of Australia (and a few other places) stands where he damn well chooses.
If he chooses to stand on what appears to be horseshit leftism, well more fool him.
Reposted for excellence, and from the nested comments:
I am still amazed that we can fire a rocket into space then drop it into a slot the size of an average lounge room.
“I shot a rocket into the air,
It fell to earth I know not …
Oh, here it is now”.
I missed seeing a Saturn V blast off in person.
It is now one of my ambitions to witness an Elon-Rocket take off (and return)
Calling it ‘Methodist Ladies College’ is obviously cultural approriation.
1 hour agoChloe Maher
Albo hands over $6 million donationPrime Minister Anthony Albanese has inflated the Telethon tally with a mammoth $6 million donation on behalf of the Australian government.
The generous donation has tipped the total tally to an impressive $28,788.617.
“The best thing is the kids themselves. They are so uplifting, they’re full of joy and going through hardship,” He said.
“The spirit of the whole of WA. This is the largest per capita fundraising, not just in Australia but the world. That’s something West Australians should be very proud of.”
Mansion? What mansion?
Please explain? What is telathon for as I am getting zilch from online searches.
Who gets the money or what cause?
The WA Telethon is an annual event. Mr Channel 7 is the organizer. It does good stuff.
Baz’s chance to shine.
WA definitely in play this time. QATAS Chairmans Club taking a hammering.
Boambee John October 19, 2024 3:38 pm
Just turn it off. They’ll be a setting somewhere and you can still get suggestions.
Things you learn: Darcy’s estate, Pemberley in the 2005 version of our Jane’s Pride & Prejudice was Chatswood House;
Pride and Prejudice (chatsworth.org)
However, that famous scene, when Darcy makes his first grudging proposal was actually filmed at Duncombe Park which has its famous Doric Temple:
The Doric Temple – Picture of Duncombe Park, Helmsley – Tripadvisor
The proposal the the temple was (in theory) near his Aunts house. In the book it is in the Horrible cousins house. Pemberly is elsewhere as Darcý’s house.
Pemberley was meant to be up near the Lakes District. Rosings Park was in Sussex.
Best proposal ever. Tell her you love her against your inclinations, insult her family…and, by the way, will you marry me? Then he coaches his pal on how to propose. 😀
Far out. The house across the road has decided to use corrugated iron as a boundry for their council verge and garden on the fence line. There is no ridge capping. Walk along the foot the footpath and fall for whatever reason …call a Ambo. You’d be sliced open.
It stands about 10cm out of the ground.
Some people have sh*t for brains.
I had the misfortune to be on duty at Willcannia when one night the Local Constabulary brought in a dusky lad who had been helping himself to someone’s belongings. He tried to get away by leaping over fences and one of them was of the corrugated variety.
He managed to lacerate the base of his fingers to the bone – imagine a knife drawn across the fingers of both cupped hands – twice.
I just sewed most of it together like a welder does with spot welding, and got the coppers to bring him back after his court hearing.
He didn’t attend.
He came in a couple of weeks later because the sutures were giving him curry. So we took them out, and he had healed almost perfectly, no contractures, no loss of sensation or blood flow, some scar tissue.
Young people heal so damned well.
‘Schlong’ is a Yiddish word.
I do not like Nazis appropriating Yiddish words.
What a schmuck.
I thought it was an onomatopoeia.
Especially for one so unqualified to use the word…
Talk about chutzpah!
I love yiddish words. Especially when describing imbeciles or clumsies.
Schlemile (spelling?), Yutz, Putz etc.
Theater CANCELS Comedian Andrew Schulz Show After Trump Interview!
Snoop Dog. Some of the worst music IN THE WORLD!
That’s why I like Kool Keith. He took the piss out of the rap community with gusto. I’ll pick a clip later. So much to choose from.
SC Reviews:
He’s a murderer, or an accessory to it. Nothing more needs to be said.
The examination continues
I like the part that states “he suffered greatly in the hours before his death”.
The Australian Anthem at Philip Island was…. a shocker.
Sorry, Albo?
Whose money was it?
Not his.
A lesson about littering
Betrayed by his own snot! Now that’s a first.
Waiting for return of serve.
I do wonder if this has been set-up as a lure for Iranian assassins.
Catch ’em alive. No need to torture, they’ll give up everything they know as soon as the IDF grabs them.
I’m getting a bit tired of those promos that go “the two leaders will be questioned by a hundred undecided voters.”
If they haven’t been paying attention to date they are idiots, and one session of superficial showmanship is hardly going to improve their approach to politics.
Undecided voters is usually a smelly description too.
No-one is undecided now unless they intend to toss a coin or are stupid enough to wait for a how-to-vote on the day.
Nevertheless, I’ve seen people change their minds if you talk briefly to them on the day, which is why I’ll be handing out for the Libs in Wentworth when the time comes in order to get rid of Allegra Spender.
Kool Keith gave the middle finger to record labels.
I understand if people do not like the tunes.
Kool Keith Backstage Passes
Sinwar’s bunker
Loved the array of bottles of men’s perfumes. Men of such taste ….
Any Aussie dollars?
It’s over six weeks since his last post on The Currency Lad.
Surely someone, somewhere knows something.
Gab and Philippa M were big fans of C.L. when they used to write on catallaxy.com.
I have CL’s email address and have communicated with him in the past, but I haven’t bothered him on this occasion.
His decision to restart his blog was in reaction to Sinclair Davidson shutting down the Cat two years ago.
Running a blog — especially one of such high standard — is a lot of work. Therefore, I assume CL has simply tired of the effort involved, especially now that Dover Beach has filled the gap in the market for rational thought.
I guess, like the Bunyip, he could just gracefully disappear from the blogosphere.
It’s just that we are all so fond of him and hope he is OK.
Over on YouTube I espy an ABC clip titled “Will King Charles apologise for colonialism in Australia?”
I didn’t watch the clip – don’t need to. It is a clipped clip from their
freetaxpayer confiscated-to-air drippings. And they are going for the big story – Colonialism!You know that, for them, colonialism was a uniquely European affair from the 18th century on. They don’t even have a problem with the Portuguese or Spanish. They are at war with Australia and need to delegitimise its history
Has there actually been any movement among our indigenous brethren to return to a pre-colonial existence? Have any of them even tried? Maybe they tacitly accept that colonialism was a net positive even for them.
Their ABC shows little interest in recent colonial settlements in western Sydney and parts of Melbourne.
And if course the hejira was either a progressive experiment in multiculturalism or an innocuous social call.
Re CL, there is a contact box on his site, if anyone knows him well enough to try it.
I don’t know CL at all. But I sent an email and my address.
I’ll let youse all know if he returns the email.
He told me he was praying for my son and I emailed to thank him. This was before he disappeared, but the email did get through and he responded. I will try to email now too.
After visiting Mum in hospital I thought I’d go into the CBD to collect some stuff I’d ordered online. On the bus, nearing the city, I then remembered it was Sunday, the day for the NSW Labor government approved and mandated weekly Jew hating festivals and sure enough I saw lots of Nazi scum congregating in Hyde Park and lots of Nazis walking around with keffiyehs. Once in the CBD I quickly collected the goods I’d bought, I also rushed to the Nut Shop in the Strand Arcade to buy Mum some dark chocolate ginger and I then rushed to Elizabeth Street to get the bus out of there. I have only just returned home. Getting off the bus I ran into a friend and her partner. She told me that Lewis Continental Kitchen (a cafe and caterer), a kosher institution in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, had been attacked overnight.
There is nothing up on the Telegraph or Oz websites. I am trying to gather more information. I actually hope it is not true.
Lewis Continental Kitchen is what we grew up with, chopped liver, herring, gefilte fish, chicken soup, kugels, babkas, and the best bloody honey cake on the planet. It’s a cafe and they do catering, pure Ashkenazi food, scrumptious!
I want more information, I am quite distressed about it. After the last year, after seeing for myself the Hamas triangle daubed on Avner’s Bakery last Sunday, it is pretty clear to me that they’re hunting Jews now.
As I wrote earlier this morning, in the interests of proportionality, I want Jews and Christians to have the right to stand in front of mosques and harass worshippers, I want to daub Magen Davids on Muslim/Arab bakeries, I want to organise a convoy of cars where Jews, with police protection, drive through ‘Muslim’ suburbs chanting intimidatory threats and so on.
But of course I would not do any of the above, because to do so would be wrong and because I am better than that, because Jews and Christians do not behave like that. Our culture is better than than.
I remember how, over four years ago now, I wrote a comment on Sinc’s old blog about two women who were physically fighting over toilet paper in a supermarket. This was at the beginning of the first Covid lockdown. One of the women involved in the fight looked middle eastern, the other women looked Africanish. I recall describing them as ‘scum, peasants, trash’. Because the behaviour was the behaviour of scum, peasants and trash. Those descriptions had nothing to do with their physical features. Oh no but it had everything to do with their behaviour. However I recall how one or two here took umbrage at my colourful descriptions and accused me of being racist. No, I am not racist, I don’t care about the colour of a person’s skin, the shape of their eyes and so on but I do care about cultures, so perhaps then I am a culturalist. That’s a label I am happy to wear. You see, I do not believe that all cultures are the same or equal, I believe some cultures are better, much better, than other cultures. I believe the Western Judaic Christian culture is infinitely better than Islamic culture or the culture of the progressive left. We don’t harass Muslims in their houses of prayer, we don’t graffiti their businesses, we haven’t taken over this country’s CBDs every Sunday chanting genocide. No, our culture is better than that, perhaps it is time we started working to protect it.
I can now confirm that Lewis Continental Kitchen was torched early this morning, at approximately 4.00 am. Police have established a crime scene. Let’s see if the NSWaffen Police put the same amount of work into establishing the cause of this fire like they did recently when they tracked down an 82 year old Five Dock woman who’d telephoned a mosque and said ‘go back to where you came from‘.
By the way, I happen to agree with that 82 year old woman from Five Dock. Does that make racist? I think not.
Very sad to hear that Cassie.
Unless the NSW government gets a spine we are in deep excrement.
The never stop, they never surrender, they will just keep on coming and coming until the authorities wreak justice upon them. And I’m not seeing the authorities displaying any gumption to do that.
Fixed it for you, BoN.
We have been cursed by the most cowardly set of leaders the West has ever had.
Those words will be engraved on the mass grave they will find themselves in when the rest of us have succumbed to the hordes they forbid us to resist.
I also agree with the 82 year old from Five Dock. Very much a “I’m Spartacus”, emotion and belief.
Yes, I’m Spartacus too, and I am 82 just like that lady.
Cassie was longing for an Older Australia. Like the one I grew up in and loved. It’s long gone, but the spirit still lives in odd corners of the internet, like here.
I love this joke, if mum could read English, I’m sure she’d have done something similar. 😀
The Saturday Night Joke
80 year old Rebecca, who has never married, lives in Golders Green and is much admired by the community there for her kindness and her charity. One spring afternoon, Rabbi Levy calls on her. She welcomes him into her house and invites him to sit down while she makes for him “a nice glass tea.”
As he is waiting, Rabbi Levy notices a Hammond organ against the wall. On the organ is a cut glass vase filled with water and he’s shocked to see a condom floating in the water. “Oy veh,” he says quietly, “she’s gone meshugga.”
Rebecca returns with tea and buttered matzo and they begin to chat. Although Rabbi Levy tries hard not to mention the vase and its content, he just can’t avoid raising the subject. “Rebecca,” he says, pointing to the vase, “Vos is dos?”
“That’s my miracle,” she replies. “I was walking down Hendon Road last November when I found a little packet on the ground. When I opened it, the instructions said it would prevent disease if put on the organ and kept wet. And guess what, Rabbi? I haven’t had a cold all winter.” (H/T Ron)
I wonder if the Mullahs realise they have escalated Israels right to target their own Mullahs homes and families – which no doubt Israel has the grid coordinates for.
Google signs deal to build seven nuclear reactors to satisfy AI energy hunger | DW News
At those the type of reactors that Blackout Bowen assures us do not exist, and even if they did, they would be too expensive and slow to build?
Funny how an internet company can do it but a country as rich and big as ours cannot.
Nukes for me, but not for thee?
Arnaud has no country in his mind as Australia’s prime threat. What he had in mind is the illusion that Celestials are scheming to take over Australia’s north-west.
China wants to exert its influence in its near abroad and remove or neutralize the presence of the US in that area. That isn’t aggressive, that is what any great power does when faced by another great power.
OMG, I poll conducted by the Lowy Institute has found that the work of the media and political elite over the last decade or more has been a success.
Not sure how that reply has anything to do with what you quote.
Anyone with their eyes open can see it.
‘Tyrannical’ regimes are not incapable of seeing the situation realistically and acting prudentially.
For anyone who likes watching science fiction turn into engineering fact, SpaceX has another launch happening in about 10 minutes time. Which you can watch live here:
Well, you know what they say about a stopped clock.
They’re not going to control the sea lanes of the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. These fever dreams need to stop. So far as the South China Sea nonsense is concerned, again, why would they blockade trade between Australia and China? In fact, why would they even blockade trade between Australia and other nations adjacent to the South China Sea? What would China gain from reducing trade through the South China Sea? Nothing. These are just fever dreams and/or rationalizations given to support US maintaining its forward bases in the Western Pacific.
Jesse Lee interviews an 86 year old Tommy Chong.
Tommy: “I came from the most racist, segregated town in North America”.
Jesse Lee: “Nice”.
1. Melbourne, VIC – Police sergeant accused of doing Nazi salute twice in front of new recruits; 8-year-old tries to hold up supermarket with butter knife; couple rooting in stairwell dislodge sprinkler, flooding city rail loop and evacuating 2 stations
2. Adelaide, SA – Maniac tries to hijack bus full of tourists before assaulting cops and dog; suspected illegal tobacco store ram-raided and firebombed
3. Tamworth, NSW – 10-year-old bashes 5-year-old with golf club
4. Sydney, NSW – Taxi driver charged after allegedly stabbing passenger in the face
5. Mount Gambier, SA – State MP who stole $430k from kids’ charities refuses to resign
6. Corowa, NSW – Neo-Nazis gather to protest about their tiny little penises
7. Katherine, NT – Deadshits pelt ambulance with rocks after robbing servo
8. Port Hedland, WA – Drongo council calls for suspension of covid vaccines based on ‘DNA-altering’ bullshit
9. Rockhampton, QLD – Hillbillies brawl with weapons on side of road; grub shits himself while fleeing police and tries to wipe it on cops
10. Maryborough, QLD – Grubbette shits in cop car and smears it on window
11. Wagga Wagga, NSW – Gronk allegedly stabs bloke with scissors, gets shot, then swims away from cops
12. Toowoomba, QLD – Feral teen steals disabled kid’s bike and tries to sell it back to him on Facebook
13. Darwin, NT – Pack of 20 feral teens drive into city on stolen bus to steal cars
14. Townsville, QLD – Grub busted wanking in women’s bathroom at shopping centre; prison guard caught on CCTV wanking in front of female colleague
15. Cradle Mountain, TAS – Drongo rescued after trying to climb mountain in bare feet in sub-zero temperatures
16. Gagebrook, TAS – Buses suspended due to rock attacks, again
17. Mansfield, VIC – Plumber fined after locking apprentice in toolbox
18. Kempton, TAS – Weirdo wearing nothing but balaclava seen walking along highway
19. Warrnambool, VIC – Drongo lights bong while cops search his house for drugs
20. Port Pirie, SA – Still shit
LOL Townsville keeps it presence in the rankings…
Too many wankers? Literally.
I laughed so much I cried.
Except for the dog. The four legged one. I hope it’s okay.
I must speak up for Port Pirie. Last I looked, Port Augusta still existed!
That has been happening for the last year. I’m not sure how Friday’s attempt can be considered an escalation.
Paging a Mr Khomeini.
Ok maybe not with a pager.
The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei house has been hit with IAF bombs?
News to me, DB.
Lewis Continental Kitchen does all the kosher airline food and most of the kosher hospital food.
I should also add that on top of the business there are some flats where people live. Thank God nobody was hurt (or worse) in the attack this morning. Lewis’ is located right on Old South Head Road, next to Mizrachi Synagogue, where Old South Head Road meets O’Sullivan, Blair and Birriga Roads. Of course, that’s exactly where (as we found out last week), 10 years ago, the Jew hating owner of Nomad Restaurant was found to be lurking suspiciously by police with a car full of water bombs.
I hope the Lewis family can quickly resume trading.
Haven’t seen it mentioned in any newspaper today Cassie.