Open Thread – Weekend 7 Dec 2024

On The Beach At Trouville, Claude Monet, 1871

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John H.
John H.
December 7, 2024 12:02 am

Microsoft Sucks. I saw the “download and install 24H2 but clicked “Not now” and it installed the OS anyway. Soaked up 35G of SSD space which I have to recover, reduced my volume levels which I managed to fix but others have no sound at all.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:19 pm
Reply to  John H.

I have just replaced a rickety old laptop with a new one with Windows 11. I carefully set a password. I do not have senile dementia, I was not drunk or on drugs, and I know perfectly well what the new password is. But @#$&ing Windows 11 keeps telling me that the password is incorrect and keeps locking me out. I googled ( on my phone) for solutions and found that another 354 people have had the same problem and that Microsoft’s recommended solutions are utterly useless.

A mechanical engineer once said to me that if Ford and General Motors put a car on the road with as many bugs as a typical Microsoft release, the entire senior management would be in jail.

John H.
John H.
December 7, 2024 12:04 am


The title is clickbait. Ignore it. Interesting discussion with Sam Harris.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 7, 2024 12:05 am


December 7, 2024 12:09 am
Reply to  Wally Dali


December 7, 2024 12:10 am


Bruce in WA
December 7, 2024 12:12 am


Louis Litt
Louis Litt
December 7, 2024 12:15 am


December 7, 2024 12:20 am
Reply to  Louis Litt

Oooh! Posh!

Bruce in WA
December 7, 2024 12:20 am

Made a four-ingredient Christmas cake/pudding in the slow cooker. Results blew me away and even my other half was impressed.

1kg dried fruit
500 mL Choc milk
200 mL Bailey’s (or the MUCH cheaper Aldi alternative)
2 cups self raising flour
(Note: I also added some chopped glacé cherries and a handful of mixed nuts)

Soak the fruit overnight in the milk and Baileys

Fold in the flour, cherries and nuts

Line a slow cooker with baking paper.

Spoon in the batter mix and smooth.

Cook on LOW for 7 – 8 hours with a tea towel underneath the lid. Check for “doneness” with a skewer.


December 7, 2024 12:35 am
Reply to  Bruce in WA

Thanks Bruce. Just what I needed, Does your slow cooker have a circular bowl? Or oval?

Bruce in WA
December 7, 2024 12:50 am
Reply to  Megan

Oval, Megan.

This was before it cooled.

December 7, 2024 7:14 am
Reply to  Bruce in WA

Excellent. Mine’s an oval so it should work as well as it has for you. Yum!

December 7, 2024 8:03 am
Reply to  Bruce in WA

My baking “skills” have alwayz been the packaged mix variety but now ended .. Over the course of 2024 Woolieshave upped the price of Green’s brand mixes 6 times ..! It is now cheaper to buy a ready made cake than DIY from the packet …..

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 1:01 am

Loosely following the krikkit. 

It’s being sold to the world as Mike Tyson (age 35) vs Muhammed Ali (age 35).

It looks like Nederlands vs Ireland.

December 7, 2024 3:36 am

From Newt Gingrich.

Just how deluded can politicians be?
No wonder we are where we are with our elected wastrels.

You can spend any amount of money promoting rubbish policies and get nowhere.

After such a resounding VICTORY for not only President Trump, but also for Republicans in both chambers of Congress, I’ve decided to work hand-in-hand with the National Republican Senatorial Committee to audit the 2024 election and uncover exactly what led us to such a landslide victory.
Early reports and investigation indicate that one of the BIGGEST factors in this election – particularly in battleground Senate races – was, quite simply, money.

“…all-time record set this year in Ohio – $421 million, and likely closer to a half-billion once the final bills come in.”

[Source: Cronkite News]

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 7, 2024 3:52 am

Laughing my box off.



If Superwog was on the First Fleet

December 7, 2024 4:00 am
December 7, 2024 4:27 am
Reply to  Tom

Brilliant but also frighteningly true.

A loathsome miscreant – as is everybody who votes for him.

December 7, 2024 5:52 am
Reply to  Tom

I can’t see Lu Wigi any other way, not that I want to ever see him again anyway.

December 7, 2024 8:09 am
Reply to  Tom

Surely one of his best but he should have added that Wong chap leading him by a lead attached to a ring through his nose.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 10:02 am
Reply to  Vagabond

My helpful observation on kd wrong, Australian foreign policy, the Liar Left was deemed to have breached community standards and not approved.

December 7, 2024 4:01 am
December 7, 2024 5:41 am
Reply to  Tom

He forgot a rhino horn.

December 7, 2024 4:02 am
December 7, 2024 4:03 am
December 7, 2024 4:04 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2024 4:04 am

Richard’s Bay

This port is in Natal, aka Zululand, near Durban in South Africa. As we enter it up a narrow channel it seems riverine, edged with pleasant beach strips and woodlands, which temporarily sooth until the bay is apparent, revealing a huge industrial landscape, acres and acres of a moonscape, large peaked mounds composed entirely of stored coal all set in a bustling coal-dust black universe. It’s 10.00am and atop the mounds and at the base of each diggers are at work endlessly shifting the coal into other situations, into loading areas, and some of it is being dumped immediately in a dock where a Chinese coal-carrier is filling its empty belly with this quality dark energy.  This is the largest coal-loading port in South Africa and the export engine of what is left of the country’s economy. This is where the good coal South Africans are denied using goes to other more privileged Africans in Mozambique and onto the coal-hungry open market. In the distance are other mounds of taupe-coloured earth, bauxite for the large aluminium smelter that exists here. Also here is a large paper mill, where the thousands of neat rows of the eucalypt forests we see later out of town are turned into another major export.

But we, the tourists, are off to see crocodiles and venomous snakes, in a purpose-built reserve for the care and rehabilitation of these animals. So onto a bus we pick our way, white shoes in puddles of coal water, into an older bus and one of the few with working aircon, so we are lucky; we settle in for the two-hour drive there. And here’s where it gets interesting. Our tour guide is a young Zulu woman in her early thirties, with bleached blonde locks curling in profusion, and impeccable English. I know nothing of crocodiles, she assures us, and so for the next two hours I will tell you stories of Zulu life, for I am an expert on being a Zulu girl. I was born into a polygamous Zulu family and I am married but I am my husband’s only wife. I do not want him to take another wife, though many men do, paying bride price for the sheer experience of having a young virgin girl, which in my view is a great waste of resources, and so I tell him that, because after one night only she is simply a burden. A fairly instrumental approach I guess.
These men are vain, she confides, so many of them chase young girls and the wives are always told they must smile and not complain. Young wives must never complain, that is what we are taught, she emphasises, adding that she has learned to complain because she is a modern girl whose father thought she was his ‘precious’, paid for her education above her seven other siblings and told her to complain, and even come back home if her husband beat her, an unheard of thing in a culture where the bride price of eleven cows purchases a woman who should never return home. AIDS, a solved disease in most of the Western world, is a heterosexually transmitted and dangerous disease still here in Africa, for which our guide blames the rampant male culture of machismo and failure to use condoms. She also blames ‘young girls’. These young girls are so silly, she says, they are taken in on social media by the smart talk and money of older men, and they end up pregnant and no one will then pay a bride price for them so they never marry.

I nudge Hairy. You should have read Alexander McColl Smith’s novels of the redoubtable Precious Ramotswe, a similar tale of traditional African mores. The failings of ‘beautiful girls’ is especially redolent in this regard, as readers of those gentle stories will recall from an earlier and more hopeful time (set in Botswana not South Africa).

Our guide, herself a ‘beautiful girl’ who has romantically caught her man, and is caught herself between her polygamous family origins and her marriage today, now proceeds to tell us of the privations of the once-were-middle-classes in Zululand.  Things are very bad in our country as you see around you, she says, gesturing at roadside humpies and piles of litter. We pass by a disused railway terminus, overgrown, and she notes that South African railways no longer operate, especially electrically run ones. We have no electricity, she emphasises. No electricity. The first thing we ask each other when we visit is what are your load-sharing times this week. We have to work our lives around that. It is very hard on the poor people, she says, who now cook with kerosene or use cow dung again, and they have lung problems from this in the huts. Their children also use candles at night for study and we have many fires and deaths of children from candles at night. Study is so important, she says, for it means a job. Though jobs are hard to find. You see me, she says, I am a trained electrical engineer, but I cannot get a first placement to gain experience. There are not many placements and politics matters in getting them. So we take any work we can, so I do these tours.

We bump over some roads, overtaking double coal trucks on the way from mine to port. Our roads are so wrecked by these trucks, she comments, which are owned by politicians, who don’t care what happens to the roads. We have so many accidents with them, because drivers who accept any sort of pay come in from Mozambique and they are not trained. You have to take whatever pay is offered these days with all of these migrants. Many Zulu have now gone back to the land from the cities and live growing vegetables and by the old ways, sharing meat from cattle. There is a set routine as to who gets what within the village. Not everyone is married as it is costly to marry and many girls are also ‘spoiled’. Such outcasts as eternal bachelors and ‘spoiled’ girls sit at the back and get whatever food they are lucky to get. I am working hard to stop beautiful girls being spoiled, she says, I do education of beautiful girls.

See those round metal cooking pots along the roadside, she points out. They are cooking meals for the truck drivers who love the boiled cows’ heads in those pots. They make a tasty stew, she says, but it is thought good mainly for men, not for women. These are the ways of our ancestors, she says, we believe in our ancestors; every round hut you see has a shrine in it to the ancestors. My father consults the ancestors for my future, and I also bring special food gifts for the ancestors which the people share the day after the offering ceremony. We believe in God but also in the ancestors, she explains. Christmas, coming soon, is still a big occasion for the Zulu, when no one gets turned away from a meal. She then proceeds to teach us some Zulu words, and demonstrates how the vowels of a, e, i, o and u are pronounced in linguistic clicks, with the tongue flapping on the front of the hard palate. Extraordinary, though dying out slowly as a communication mechanism.

You notice the litter everywhere, she says. We nod, because we do. My house doesn’t have litter in the yard or in front of it, but then people say to us why do you want to be like Europeans. We Africans like to litter, they say, and it is colonialist to not litter. We throw things aways so that creates jobs for someone to pick them up. Strangely, our girl doesn’t see the false logic in this – that you have to pay someone to pick litter up, and that money comes from taxes. They love to litter, she says. Always, they throw things out of cars. We need to educate the people not to litter. I mutter to Hairy that it takes more than ‘education’. When we were in Tanzania a few years back a strongman in charge there didn’t see tidiness as colonialist. He refused to allow shops to open before they had cleared away street litter in front of them and put heavy fines on litterers. The country was pin perfect. Nothing colonialist at all about that. Colonialism provides a ready excuse for any unpleasant reality.

Eventually we arrive at the crocodile reserve and have a great time watching many, many crocs of all sizes being fed, plus receiving a good talk on venomous snakes, illustrated with real snakes (including a ‘spitting’ snake who spat at us into the sides of his plastic container). The very competent young Africaans European man leading the tour and part of the management then held up a snake whose one strike of venom, he said, could take out a whole Rugby team. Rather him holding it than me.


Top Ender
Top Ender
December 7, 2024 5:47 am

Very interesting on the Zulus.

December 7, 2024 5:58 am

Coming to Ausfailure under lying labor policies assisted by the communist greens.

December 7, 2024 9:51 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

Agreed – no longer totally different from some of the descriptions on
“ Shit towns of Australia”.
The export of most of the quality coal, failing power grid, disintegrating roads and immigrant cheap labour certainly resonate.

December 7, 2024 10:36 am
Reply to  Foxbody

Oh, and super interesting post, Lizzie, Thankyou.

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
December 7, 2024 6:38 am

Rehabilitating venomous snakes! Reminds me of the line in Annie Hall, when Woodie kills the spider in her bath and she says “ew! You’ve killed it!” He replies “What did you expect me to do. Rehabilitate it?”

December 7, 2024 6:56 am

held up a snake whose one strike of venom, he said, could take out a whole Rugby team

Black or green mamba?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 10:49 am
Reply to  will

Kiwi or Australian Rugby team?

December 7, 2024 4:04 am
December 7, 2024 4:05 am
December 7, 2024 4:06 am
December 7, 2024 4:07 am
December 7, 2024 4:08 am
December 7, 2024 4:08 am
December 7, 2024 4:09 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 7, 2024 4:13 am

Sorry Tom, didn’t mean to strike during the middle of your toons run.

Hard to tell with this top of page commenting when one’s comment is going to appear.

December 7, 2024 4:25 am

Imagine trying to explain to someone born before 100 years ago that an army could attack another country and then hide behind its *own* citizens for protection.

They’d think you were mad and say “wouldn’t that just make it easier for the country they attacked to respond by enslaving their women and murdering all their children?”

And then you would have to explain to them about “feelz” and “social justice” and “moral restraint” and “proportionality” and, of course, the all-important “Western Sydney voting patterns”.

And then they would be absolutely sure you were mad.

Israel needs to stop being pussies and respond the same way any country would have done prior to our Era of Retardation.

December 7, 2024 6:58 am
Reply to  Figures

then hide behind its *own* citizens for protection.

not so much hide behind, as use them as cannon fodder to increase the number killed

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 10:51 am
Reply to  Figures

…another convert to the Winston Way of War.
You only win when you drive your enemies before you, and make their women cook lamingtons.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
December 7, 2024 11:23 pm
Reply to  Figures

It’s just no cricket Figures

December 7, 2024 5:08 am

Israel needs to stop being pussies and respond the same way any country would have done prior to our Era of Retardation.

After what Hamarse did on October 7, turning all of Gaza into radioactive glass would have been a defensible response.

December 7, 2024 5:09 am

Thanks Tom.

December 7, 2024 5:20 am

Horse psychology.

December 7, 2024 8:30 am
Reply to  KevinM

Ahh, Jollife. Some of his drawings would be absolutely persona no grata these days. Dad has a whole stack of his books in the shed.

December 7, 2024 5:27 am

The ,lettuce is back Leak had been on holiday surfing so I was told by Bellla

December 7, 2024 5:43 am

And after the burning of a synagogue, the sensible response would be to deport every muslim in Australia. Then they might learn to keep their loonies under control instead of admiring them for being outstandingly devout.

I know this is tough on decent and law abiding muslims, the overwhelming majority. But if one in ten thousand is a homicidal lunatic and we don’t know which one, there’s no real alternative.

Last edited 2 months ago by DrBeauGan
December 7, 2024 8:37 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

My leb Christian friends warned me about Muslim immigration 40 years ago.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 10:56 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Doc BeauGan:

 decent and law abiding muslims,

No such thing – your hypothetical “decent and law abiding muslim” is one Imam away from a Jewish Synagogue Arsonist”.
As was made pretty bloody obvious yesterday.

December 7, 2024 5:50 am

December 7, 2024 5:08 am

Israel needs to stop being pussies and respond the same way any country would have done prior to our Era of Retardation.

After what Hamarse did on October 7, turning all of Gaza into radioactive glass would have been a defensible response.

I don’t know, but I have a notion that since we sanitised war, we have more wars and more prolonged at that.

December 7, 2024 6:03 am

I don’t know, but I have a notion that since we sanitised war, we have more wars and more prolonged at that.

The objective of any war is to make sure that your enemy is never in a position to repeat his attack, and to discourage similar attacks from potential enemies.

December 7, 2024 6:13 am

Conan the barbarian;

““The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him …”

December 7, 2024 8:31 am
Reply to  KevinM

I think that might have actually been Ghengis Khan.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 6:18 am

Gillead Triggs once lamented that “we don’t know what is said around the kitchen table”.
If Luigi could hear it right now it would make his puffy ears burn.
Yes, cost of living – which voters assign to Blackout, Jug-Ears and Luigi anyway – is top of the list. However, people clearly see Luigi running a protection racket for his Pyromaniac base in Western Sydney.
But guess what?
They won’t be posting that on Soshul Meeja or saying it too loud in the workplace.
However, come polling day …

December 7, 2024 8:25 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

“Cometh the hour, cometh Pauline” … if only ….!

December 7, 2024 1:22 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Seawater “flavoured” with mango saccharine. Aaahhh Plenvu…

December 7, 2024 6:29 am

Conan the barbarian;
““The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him …”

You left out the bit about eating the lamingtons of his women.

War is a barbaric business. Wars should be avoided wherever possible, but if you are attacked, as Israel was on October 7, then you have to utterly destroy your enemy. Anything less is defeat.

December 7, 2024 8:26 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Elinimating terrorists isn’t “war” it’s a “civic duty” ………!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 6:36 am

Questions have been raised as to whether I enjoyed having a colonoscopy.
Well, having attended an all-boys boarding school and, being a choirboy and a scout, there is nothing new under the sun.
The real joy is in the preparation. If you’d like to replicate it, clear your diary for a full day, mix up four litres of bilge water from a container ship with a good dollop of vetinarary-strength laxative, drink the lot and … voilá … wait for the magic to happen.
But don’t stray to far from the porcelain.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 7:11 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

you should turn professional

December 7, 2024 8:26 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

They told me it would taste like lemon. I’m sure it’s designed so that you don’t want a repeat.

December 7, 2024 10:05 am
Reply to  amortiser

When asked for a description of the purifying elixir, I say it is like a weak mix of lemon cordial made with seawater.

December 7, 2024 8:40 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Been there. Done that. And as the lord said “you will be cleansed”. With a vengeance.

December 7, 2024 8:48 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Had one back in May. Yes the prep was surprisingly worse than some of the explosive Bali belly doses I’ve had.

Not to mention the loss of sleep.

December 7, 2024 10:42 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

If you are taking 4 litres you gave the wrong surgeon.The usual dose now is 3 l arge glasses of water with the stuff

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 10:59 am
Reply to  Morsie

I remember when it was 10 liters.

December 7, 2024 1:24 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Seawater “flavoured” with mango saccharine. Aaaahhhh Plenvu…

December 7, 2024 6:50 am

Aaaah ..! The Oz multi tiered justice system .. It’s not what you do but who you know that counts ……..!

December 7, 2024 7:15 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

Every possible stereotype of excuses was trotted out to justify his criminal behaviour. And the coup-de-grace? But of course, he is likely to be attacked in jail so no jail time.

December 7, 2024 7:16 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

Oh come on, the judge has vast experience in the world. She did law at Uni, became a corporate lawyer, then became a prosecutor then a magistrate and now a judge. /sarc.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 7:34 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

Shirley NSW has proceeds of crime legislation to mop up unexplained luxury houses.

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 7, 2024 8:03 am
Reply to  Dr Faustus

What?? And risk the “property portfolios” of politicians and other members of the great and the good being confiscated?

Shirley you cannot be serious!

Last edited 2 months ago by Boambee John.
December 7, 2024 7:22 am

Bibi has noticed Australia now has a pro-terrorist government (Paywallian):

Labor’s “extreme anti-Israel position” is to blame for the firebombing of a Melbourne synagogue and increasing anti-Semitism throughout Australia, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said in an extraordinary intervention.


Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2024 7:32 am

Pardon my schadenfreude. I read last night about the very revolting Chikoroll and her ghastly son. I was reminded of her unlamented appearances on Sky once upon a time where she would mouth off Teal like crap. I used to shake my head wondering ‘no wonder the NSW Liberals are a motley far-left cesspit’ but then I remember that Chikoroll was and remains a north shore mummy, and of course now I would describe her as a the epitome of Tealism.

Last night, reading about her hideous druggy son, I was also reminded that this same execrable Chikoroll was heavily involved in the near collapse of NSW Rugby, and I remembered her very nasty opinions on Israel Folau back in 2019.

I’m not aware of Israel Folau ever having been involved in any major drug deals, nor does he live a decadent drug fuelled high life. In fact, Folau and his wife are the very models of propriety and decency, unlike Chikoroll’s son.

Like with Nobody’s Girl and her awful son, methinks Chikoroll should, henceforth, keep her very ugly gob shut.

December 7, 2024 9:03 am

Like with Nobody’s Girl and her awful son, methinks Chikoroll should, henceforth, keep her very ugly gob shut.

As an amateur psychologist my take on both these instances is ambitious mothers whose careers were more important than their children.

December 7, 2024 7:39 am

Tony Abbott the terror excuser has not responded to my question whether the Melbourne attack had “nothing to do with Islam”.

It matters not whether these traitors are inspired by venal self interest like Albanese and Wong, or misplaced idealism like Abbott, they have placed our beautiful nation under seige and deserve to be constantly and publically abused.

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2024 7:50 am

Bibi has noticed Australia now has a pro-terrorist government

Methinks Bibi is right.

Apart from the fact that even before October 7 this hideous federal government headed by the grub from Grayndler and his ghastly sidekick, Putrid Pong, had seized every opportunity to lash Israel, on Sunday morning 8 October I woke up to read that Pong had sent out a tweet urging Israel to ‘show restraint’. This tweet was sent when we were seeing images of raped and dead Israeli girls, when there were still terrorists roaming southern Israel and when the bodies of murdered Jews were still warm.

This federal government is a quisling government, they side with Nazis.

Speaking of Nazis, where’s our Nazi? He’s oddly, strangely and weirdly quiet. Given his fixation with Nazis, I would have thought that given the events in Melbourne early yesterday morning, when a synagogue was torched, Torah scrolls burnt, two Jews taken to hospital, he would have been here opining on and condemning that monstrous attack on Australian Jews by Nazis, but could it be that he’s a tad selective about which Nazis he doesn’t like? Oh I know, in his world….

Far-right Nazis = bad
Leftwing and Muslim Nazis = good

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 7, 2024 10:04 am

There are far, far, more leftard and Mooslime Nazis in Australia than there are “far-right” ones.

The gutless worm goes with the actual, real, threatening Nazis, rather that with the play-acting ones.

December 7, 2024 7:50 am

mix up four litres of bilge water…

That’s “lemon” flavoured bilge water, if you don’t mind.

December 7, 2024 7:55 am

Laura Tingle at the ABC counsels (propagandizes) readers to back-off from criticisms of the Labor Party and Greens for fomenting anti-Semitism. She just puts it a different way. The headline reads, “Complex Middle Eastern politics is not the forum for scoring a domestic political point.” Oh really Laura! ‘Won’t link the article as it disgusts me.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:28 pm
Reply to  mem

Tingle is a loathsome excuse for a human being. Hence the ABC is her element.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
December 7, 2024 11:33 pm
Reply to  mem

Tingle – the worst
most stupid foul mouth

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 7:56 am

The article on ChikoRoll the Younger makes no mention of how he was financing his lifestyle before he “dabbled in drug dealing” to pay a relatively minor debt.
Is it possible he wasn’t a Johnny-come-lately “dabbler dealer”?

December 7, 2024 7:58 am
December 7, 2024 10:14 am
Reply to  lotocoti

I wonder if the cancer might have been related to the uplifting, transforming drug cocktail?

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2024 8:00 am

Oh really Laura! ‘Won’t link the article as it disgusts me.

Laura Tingle doesn’t just disgust me, she’s like something from a horror movie. She looks like Nosferatu’s wife.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 10:16 am

She looks like Nosferatu’s wife.

Worse. Alan Ramsay’s ex.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:29 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

And she chucked Ramsey when he was diagnosed with dementia to go after Hollywood celebrity. Loathsome.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:02 am

 December 7, 2024 7:50 am

mix up four litres of bilge water…

That’s “lemon” flavoured bilge water, if you don’t mind.

Well, having done this a couple of times now, I am becoming something of a connoissewer (snort, cackle) of these sluice opening concoctions.
Previously I had taken PicoPrep which didn’t taste too bad. This time it was a brew called Golytely (?) which was allegedly lemon flavoured.
All I could taste was slimy sea-water.

December 7, 2024 1:30 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Colonlitely I recall.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:04 am

“Complex Middle Eastern politics is not the forum for scoring a domestic political point.”

So why is Luigi doing it then?

December 7, 2024 8:28 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer


They always accuse others of doing exactly what they’re doing.

December 7, 2024 10:19 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Exactly my first thought.

As a side observation I note the Hamas selected lifetime visitors are now to stay under a “ 786” visa.
This is a significant number, especially to those from India, Pakistan and nearby – it is used to denote the name of the all powerful and merciful one.
Surely not a visa number chosen at random?

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2024 8:09 am

“Complex Middle Eastern politics is not the forum for scoring a domestic political point.” 

Translation required of Mrs Nosferatu’s far-left guff….

‘let’s not discuss the synagogue torching because it doesn’t suit my far-left narrative and I won’t tolerate the reality where it is Jews who are victims’

She really is a putrid disgrace.

December 7, 2024 3:24 pm

Predictably, that rancid, lying piece of filth (Numbers) is running cover for Albosleazy and Wong re Israel and attacks on Jews over on Michael Smith’s blog.

He is using whataboutism and even bringing in the Cronulla Riots to exculpate Muslims for the firebombing of the Melbourne synagogue.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 8:11 am

Great Britain is the classic example of how “Entryism” and the “Long March Through The Institutions” works. There are now no representatives of the people in the Parliament, the Judiciary, and the Police Forces. They have been quietly weeded out and the remainder are members only of the Marxist university class, ready and willing – Oh so willing! – to punish and gaol the peasants and kulaks who resist the communist overthrow of the once great nation.
You realise when the gaols are full, they’ll have to set up camps? Looking forward to it? Well, some of them are.

December 7, 2024 8:11 am

Just in time for Chrissie .. LOL!

December 7, 2024 8:47 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

I recall a rape case which turned on the fact that the alleged perpetrator had very every small c%ck. Defence described it as “de minimus”.

December 7, 2024 8:50 am
Reply to  shatterzzz
December 7, 2024 3:44 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

Are you referring to Chrissie Pyne?

December 7, 2024 8:13 am

There’s actually people on the Daniel Penny case willing to convict him.

I can’t believe that for decades people on the Right thought that leftists were “good people who just needed to hear better arguments”.

We don’t need a Trump and a Milei we need a Pinochet and a Franco.

December 7, 2024 8:15 am

Turns out the healthco CEO’s company is under investigation. And has rep and history for denying claims.

The perp sought retribution it seems.

December 7, 2024 8:17 am


BREAKING: Today the FBI nabbed a new January 6th Political Prisoner.

A 57 yr old grandma who just had eye surgery, practically blind. She is being driven by the FBI to court to be charged with committing misdemeanors almost four years ago.

FBI are domestic terrorists.

December 7, 2024 3:26 pm
Reply to  Indolent

I can see Trump handing mass pardons for January Sixers.

As he should.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:18 am


 December 7, 2024 7:58 am

Test failed.

Testicular cancer is not that uncommon in “persons with convex wedding tackle” aged under 30, and is eminently treatable if discovered early enough.
Although I guess they are not going to be looking for it if you tick the “woman” box on the form.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:23 am

I know this is tough on decent and law abiding muslims, the overwhelming majority.

This “myth” like “welcome to country” is still strong with leftards .. FFS!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 8:26 am

In Baubles on the Electoral Christmas Tree news:

Home deal closer for Bali Nine prisoners
[Unlinkable OZ]

Indonesia expects more than the “return of a small-time fisherman” as a reciprocal measure for the transfer to Australia of the remaining five Bali Nine prisoners, a ruling coalition MP revealed on Friday.

Mr Aditya told reporters Indonesia and Australia were “discussing the detailed regulations and reciprocal actions from the Australian side” in relation to the proposed transfer of all five Australian men. “We don’t want to release someone who’s only a small-time fisherman,” he said.

On Tuesday Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke travelled to Jakarta to discuss the legal mechanics of the transfer with Indonesian counterpart Yusril Ihza Mahendra, who handed over a draft legal proposal for the deal.

While no formal prisoner transfer treaty exists between the two countries, Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto has said he would like to see all five prisoners transferred to Australian jails by Christmas. In return, the Australian government must agree to formally recognise Indonesia’s court ruling, cover the transfer costs, agree to transfer the men to Australian prisons, and agree the deal be reciprocal.

Home Affairs has portfolio responsibility for National Security and in particular countering extremism and terrorism.

Intriguing that, with Australian antisemitic extremism developing into an international shitstorm and actual synagogues burning, the responsible Minister is able to take a couple of days to travel to Jakarta to urgently negotiate the release of a handful of convicted drug smugglers who have been in the can for the past two decades.

Not sure which constituency other than the Greens would applaud this priority. But at least Burke doesn’t have to risk upsetting the Muslim voters of Watson by getting involved.

December 7, 2024 8:39 am
Reply to  Dr Faustus

All a bit confusing .. Oz media often describes Indo jails as “hellholes” yet the pix of the “Bali ladz” on offer thru the “Mail online” show laffing, joking and, apparently, well-fed OZ druggies enjoying life “behind Indo bars” …..

December 7, 2024 9:38 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

Exactly, part of the bleeding heart media sympathies for these low lives.

Like Bang Kwaan aka Bangkok Hilton or Khlong Prem whichever one handles foreigners these days, the foreign long term prisoners are treated better than the Thai locals, a few Christian groups do outreach as well.

I’d say Bali would be no different.

Last edited 2 months ago by Rockdoctor
December 7, 2024 9:15 am
Reply to  Dr Faustus

So let me get this right. 9 people caught dabbling in drugs overseas are caught and sentenced to prison in a foreign land which that country has to pay the bill for their confinement. Deal made to return the said 9 back to an Australian prison so we have to pay for their incarceration???

December 7, 2024 8:27 am
December 7, 2024 10:07 am
Reply to  Indolent

Should be more of Trump’s choice picks doing the same

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2024 8:31 am

they have placed our beautiful nation under seige and deserve to be constantly and publically abused.

Yep, which is why I was delighted to see Avi and Menachem Vorchheimer take on and confront the ghastly Jacinta, who arrived at the scene thinking she’d get an easy photo op in front of the charred synagogue.

No, enough with being nice. It’s time to take them on. As Vorchheimer said in a tweet yesterday…..

‘Message to Australian PM Albanese….

you and your government bare ultimate responsibility for today’s firebombing

you have presided over the worst hatred for Australia’s Jewish community in living history

That’s the truth.

Oh and I remember how Jacinta Allan, back in May of this year, attended an Israeli Independence Day function where she refused to toast the state of Israel…..

Jewish leaders were left fuming after Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan did not propose a traditional toast to Israel at a function to celebrate the anniversary of Israel’s independence.

The Premier’s office contacted Jewish organisers of the Independence Day function at Melbourne’s Windsor Hotel to request that the champagne toast to Israel be left off the running sheet for the program this year.

It is understood that the Premier’s office believed such a toast would be inappropriate given the current high community passions surrounding Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza.

Allan, the grub from Grayndler, Putrid Pong, all of them, can F*CK OFF. All of them bear responsibility for yesterday’s attack.

December 7, 2024 8:35 am


BREAKING: Vice President-elect JD Vance has just arrived in Western North Carolina to check on Hurricane relief efforts

Meanwhile, these victims have been TOTALLY ABANDONED by the Biden regime.

Thank you @JDVance and President Trump

To North Carolina: HELP IS ON THE WAY! Hang in there!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 8:36 am

Previously I had taken PicoPrep which didn’t taste too bad. This time it was a brew called Golytely (?) which was allegedly lemon flavoured.

Spare a thought for promiscuous party pooves. Apparently PicoPrep Thursday is a necessary part of getting ready for the weekend festivities.

December 7, 2024 12:29 pm
Reply to  Dr Faustus

‘Well, that’s just gone to the top of my ‘things I didn’t need to know list’


Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:35 pm
Reply to  Kel

Just what I was about to say!

The Nobel prize for medicine should go to the genius who came up with the blood test for prostate cancer and spared us the old physical check.

December 7, 2024 8:38 am
December 7, 2024 10:16 am
Reply to  Indolent

That’s how you play the game, none of that RINO rubbish will work any more.

December 7, 2024 8:40 am


Ben Garrison Cartoon

Left to right, Biden, Fauci, Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney, Eric Swalwell, Bill Barr, Lisa Page..etc..etc

’Tis the season to be jolly, and Christmas has imbued Joe Biden with the spirit of giving. He won’t be giving anything to average American citizens, of course. He takes from them and treats them with contempt. Especially those in the south who are homeless after the hurricane. Instead, Joe’s gifts are going to those who make up the Deep State Swamp. He is giving the gift of pardons….

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:44 am

Spare a thought for promiscuous party pooves. Apparently PicoPrep Thursday is a necessary part of getting ready for the weekend festivities.

Every Thursday?
Well, that puts paid to any thoughts I might have had of turning gay.
(At least in a receiving capacity anyway).

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 9:32 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Do the ghay boys have to wait till the weekend? Not joining that club in that case.

December 7, 2024 8:44 am
December 7, 2024 8:53 am


NEW TODAY: Group launches major ad campaign in Iowa to support @PeteHegseth’s confirmation as Secretary Defense.

This is airing on national TV along with digital platforms in Iowa – home to a potential holdout vote, Senator Joni Ernst.

“America needs a Defense Secretary who knows what it means to fight, and understands the price of freedom. Pete Hegseth is a patriot, a decorated combat veteran and a warrior who will stop at nothing to keep America safe.”

December 7, 2024 8:55 am

Makka on the Health Care CEO, this popped up in my inbox this morning.

Anonymous claiming they did it:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:57 am

Dr Faustus

 December 7, 2024 8:26 am

In Baubles on the Electoral Christmas Tree news:

Home deal closer for Bali Nine prisoners

Surprised they’ve been in so long.
I mean, with the tag “Bali Nine” they got their branding right, using that tried and true nomenclature of {Place of Crime}{Number of Participants}.
Think the “Birmingham Six” or the “Guildford Four”.
Electoral baubles, though?
I’m not so sure.
As you say, this might play well with Greens supporters, but I think the remainder of the electorate can be broadly categorised as sitting on a spectrum defined by the end points,
– F-ck ’em. Let them rot; and
– Yeah. Probably done their time, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry.
If there is a whiff that any of them get a “60 Minutes” payday, this will end up all over Burka.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 9:00 am

WUWT via Climate Etc has a good article on the Broken Hill blackout debacle.

Wind and Solar Can’t Support the Grid (6 Dec)

In October of 2025, the isolated small city of Broken Hill in New South Wales, Australia with a 36 MW load (including the large nearby mines) could not be reliably served by 200 MW of wind, a 53 MW solar array, significant residential solar, and a large 50 MW battery all supplemented by diesel generators.

I hadn’t realized the sheer amount of renewables that were plugged into the local Broken Hill grid, yet despite much more generation capacity than the town needed the grid just wouldn’t stay up because of the lack of sufficient spinning reserve. The article really should be essential reading for AEMO and all pollies and their staffers, but they won’t.

December 7, 2024 10:31 am

The nameplate capacity of the “renewables” including domestic solar, must have approached 10 times the power needed – and the lights went out and stayed out?
Paging Mr Shitweasel, Minister Shitweasel to the red phone please!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 11:37 am

In October of 2025,

Perhaps they should get the date right? But only if they want to be believable.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 9:04 am

Kel December 6, 2024 3:24 pm

Advice sought from any Jews please – would this be appropriate.

Thinking of buying some Kosher biscuits or something from a Kosher shop and dropping them off at a Jewish meeting centre.

I buy from the shops that do online sales, and use them for gifts. My problem is that I forget the names of the shops.
So. Can someone remind me of the chocolate shop that had the Mass Murders protest outside it a few years back? I’ve bought several boxes for sisters, the shop sells a small case called a chocolate Red Cross Emergency Supply or something similar – or perhaps not even that similar.

December 7, 2024 9:43 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

Can someone remind me of the chocolate shop that had the Mass Murders protest outside it a few years back?

Max Brenner.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 11:39 am
Reply to  rugbyskier

Hims the one.
I can’t be at Family Christmas dinner this year, but I’ll send a Great Big Fat Chockie box for later.

Drat! They don’t do the Red Cross Emergency box no more.
Any other Jewish Chocolatiers that need a hand?

Last edited 2 months ago by Winston Smith
The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
December 7, 2024 9:45 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

Max somethingorother?

December 7, 2024 12:46 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Thanks Winston, but after some feedback I’ve decided to go with flowers.

December 7, 2024 9:05 am
December 7, 2024 9:07 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 9:11 am

Makka on the Health Care CEO, this popped up in my inbox this morning.

If he is a righty it’d be all over the MSM. It’s not, they’re keeping schtum even though his name is now known to the NYPD.

Fmr NYPD Detective to Newsmax: Police Know Identity of CEO Killer (6 Dec)

Retired New York City Police Department detective Bo Dietl said police investigating the killing of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson on Wednesday already know the identity of the suspect.

“I’ve spoken to people, just not too long ago, they actually know who the person is, and it’s a matter of time until they arrest them,” Dietl said Friday on Newsmax’s “Wake Up America.”

If they’re not releasing a name, and no one is leaking to the press, it suggests he’s yet another special person.

December 7, 2024 9:12 am
December 7, 2024 9:13 am

Bruce, my high school physics isn’t up to understanding all the terms and capabilities surrounding “spinning reserve” and renewables. It was covered in a program on Broken Hill a couple of weeks ago but remained obscure to me. Is it an Alternating Current issue?

Is it possible that battery storage can supply this, or is it the wrong type of delivery system? I want to keep your answer in my back pocket for New Year greenie meet-ups.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 9:30 am
Reply to  calli

Someone said (Faustus?) that they had to tell residents to turn off their solar panels because they kept on tripping the diesel genset. And whenever it tripped the grid would crash again.

The article suggests that non-spinning methods of maintaining AC frequency aren’t good enough yet to maintain grid stability. The tolerances are very tight, it has to be 50 Hz almost exactly.

Per the article Broken Hill has a big battery already: 100 MWh capacity, which would be enough for three hours storage. But obviously it couldn’t support stability of the grid since the town was pretty much blacked out for the ten days it took until Ausgrid managed to replace the fallen high-tension towers.

I defer to Dr Faustus and Matrix Transform for a more accurate commentary. I only know enough about electricity to get by, since some understanding was needed for my job as a chemist.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 10:02 am
Reply to  calli

The AC grid system is based on 50Hz. The frequency is maintained by a large rotating mass at the power station that creates an almost “infinite” resistance to load, hence the term base load generation. Think fan belt squealing when the headlights are turned on.

The power is DELIVERED through the grid via transmission lines and, importantly, transformers. Losses through the grid are calculated on current (Ampres), so the output from power stations are of a very high voltage and low amperage which is stepped down by transformers to usable power at your outlet (low voltage, high current). Transformers require a stable frequency to work efficiently and are installed to work one way: step down.

Renewables require a DISTRIBUTION system which is totally incompatible with a delivery system. So when a Broken Hill occurs 1000Mw of RE generation would not have made a difference because there is no base load to power the grid. This is also why solar is bad for the grid because it overloads the supply side of a transformer, which can cause rapid failure. Especially if the fed in power is out of phase.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 7, 2024 9:16 am

Judge Dismisses Manslaughter Charge Against Daniel Penny, Orders Jurors to Consider Lesser Charge

Judge Maxwell Wiley has dismissed the manslaughter charge against former Marine Daniel Penny and has ordered the jurors to consider a lesser charge of criminally negligent homicide.
On Friday morning, the jury informed the judge that they could not come to a unanimous decision regarding the manslaughter charge.

The judge told them to keep working towards a unanimous decision, but they quickly informed him that they were deadlocked.

At approximately 3:30 p.m., Assistant District Attorney Dafna Yoran moved to dismiss the manslaughter charge.

“We move to dismiss the top count of manslaughter in the second degree,” Yoran said, according to a report from the New York Post.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2024 9:20 am

December 7th – Anniversary of the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor. Did Roosevelt withhold warnings from the commanders on the spot – Kimmel and Short – for the purpose of getting the United States openly into the European war…

December 7, 2024 9:54 am

Annd not one commercial channel has Tor Tora Tora or later made Pearl Harbour on. When I was a boy they used to run these movies once a year on the anniversary.

Can find plenty of bulls&%$ minor sports being telecast like gridiron, women’s soccer, ice skating, horse racing (Really my regional network has a whole channel devoted to that).

Then there’s the Test Cricket which is normal for this time of year.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 7, 2024 12:44 pm

I dunno Zulu.
Did Roosevelt withhold warnings from the commanders on the spot?

December 7, 2024 9:21 am

A bishop stabbed in the pulpit.
A synagogue firebombed with people inside.

Curse those extremists of unnameable ideology!

December 7, 2024 11:13 am
Reply to  Anders

Mueslies are a bit slow of the mark on this one ,, No reports of hijab “pulling” reported, as yet ……. LOL!

December 7, 2024 1:22 pm
Reply to  Anders

I thought the bishop was stabbed in the eye?

Boom boom!

December 7, 2024 9:34 am

Thanks to whoever linked the Danby and Danica video – I lasted about two minutes before shouting at the screen and then turning the bloody thing off.

He’s a clueless idiot and too stupid to be Jewish.

December 7, 2024 10:24 am
Reply to  Rabz

He was a Labor MP, what do you expect?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 9:41 am

One for Chris Bowen.

Nobody Wants To Build Wind Farms In The North Sea (6 Dec)

The Danish Energy Agency has not received a single bid for any of the three offshore wind farms in the North Sea, the agency said in a statement.

Thursday at 14:00 there was a deadline if energy companies would give an idea of whether and how they will build Denmark’s largest supply of offshore wind turbines in Danish history.

But no one has signed up.

I don’t like his chances of getting offshore bird munchers built here. If no one is bidding to build them in the windy North Sea it suggests the project financials are beyond awful, even with subsidies.

It was nice that Dutton this week promised if elected to cancel the Hunter windfarm project. On the other hand that might be unnecessary if no one wants to, like, actually build it.

December 7, 2024 9:46 am

Thank God for Trump.
Surely this is the end of this codswallop!

December 7, 2024 10:09 am

AS someone who grew up in County Durham with the constant gales blasting across the North Sea I’m not surprised there are no takers .. From what I’ve read the “bird munchers” prefer the more genteel breezes than full blown gales for “smooth” operation ………

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 9:42 am

If they’re not releasing a name, and no one is leaking to the press, it suggests he’s yet another special person.

It suggests a number of more plausible possibilities to me, including:-
1. The author is a blowhard who claims insider knowledge he doesn’t have but, when an arrest is made, will claim he knew who it was all along;
2. The author is protecting his source by not naming the suspect and tipping him off that Plod is about to knock on his door.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 9:45 am

Sanchez, I’d go with 1.

December 7, 2024 9:45 am

Thanks for your answer, Bruce.

I need a simple explanation, not reams of graphs and obscure scientese to prop up the argument. This is how these warmie have won the argument while the people who have real expertise surround themselves with almost impenetrable walls of text.

Keep it simple so low intelligence people like me can make a cogent argument. That way we win.

The only other understandable argument will be ruin, and that will be too late.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 9:58 am
Reply to  calli

The grid will crash without enough large spinning electricity generation turbines, since they and only they can keep the grid at 50 Hz AC.

The only spinning generators are hydro, diesel, coal, gas or nuclear.

Greenies don’t like any of them. But there is no alternative but to have them, otherwise the grid will collapse into massive blackouts. Broken Hill shows that batteries can’t do it, nor solar or wind.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 10:15 am
Reply to  calli

Read my earlier reply. Delivery vs Distribution. Fairly simple.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 10:18 am
Reply to  calli

Apology, I’m also terrible at writing simple explanations!

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 7, 2024 10:29 am
Reply to  calli

The 50Hz frequency is the key one.

Large steam or hydro generators provide it by the inertia of the spinning mass. Solar and wind need to “fudge/synthesise” it in less reliable ways.

No inertial mass, no reliable 50Hz, no reliable electricity.

Contrary to Maolcolm Turdballs, the Laws of Physics beat the laws of Australia.

Any the warmies will not even understand that simple reality.

Last edited 2 months ago by Boambee John.
December 7, 2024 3:52 pm
Reply to  Boambee John.

The left, especially Labor, Greens and Teals don’t think the Laws of Physics applies to them.

And that they know more on the subject of energy production and transmission than electrical engineers.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 11:52 am
Reply to  calli

Calli, any facts you give a greenie will be deliberately confused and lied about.
Stop trying to convert them. Just tell them they learnt it in school, but were too stupid to understand it now.
Then reinforce the lesson with a punch on the snout.
It’s the only way.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 9:55 am

Makka December 6, 2024 6:02 pm

Don’t worry. Jim has got our backs…

Public sector to blame for Australia’s poor productivity

Australia’s economic story has become dominated by public rather than private activity as politicians spend crazy amounts of money to buy votes.

The Union tail wagging the Labor dog.
Unions have been the driving force behind Australia’s inability to advance at any more than a glacial pace since Federation.
The growth of the bureaucracy only benefits one sector – the Unionised one.
Now they have their filthy mitts on the Superannuation, it’s only a matter of time until they proclaim “This Strategic National Asset” as theirs.
Unions are the ultimate parasite in Australia, and they will not stop feeding on it’s ever weakening corpse until it dies.

Take the Liberal Party – they refuse to move against the Unions even though Union power rests on three words in the legislation – “may conveniently belong’. It prevents any group of wukkas from starting their own union, and if it was removed from the legislation, the wukkas would move away from their current Union Masters and form their own.

December 7, 2024 12:00 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 10:07 am

Insurance companies are starting the grow balls big enough to defy the Left.

Wind and solar are fragile (6 Dec)

“As a result of hail and other weather damage, insurance premiums for solar facilities are skyrocketing, in some cases up by as much as 400%. In addition, policy coverage is being capped at as little as $10-15 million, requiring system developers to obtain multiple policies to try to cover their projects.” …

In May 2019, a massive hailstorm in West Texas destroyed 400,000 solar modules of the Midway Solar Project, about 60% of the facility. The project was only one year old. The system was rebuilt, costing insurers more than $70 million.

On June 23, 2023, the Scottsbluff solar system was destroyed in western Nebraska. Baseball-sized hail falling at up to 150 miles per hour smashed most of the 14,000-panel system. The system had only been operating for four years of its 25-year lifetime and had to be completely rebuilt.

Solar loss insurance claims from hail damage now average about $58 million per claim. Hail damage claims have increased to account for about 54% of solar insurance loss claims. …

To date, most offshore wind systems have been deployed in China, Europe, and Vietnam. These systems are prone to weather damage. Turbines deployed in Asia coastal areas suffer typhoon wreckage. Eighty percent of the turbines installed in Europe’s North Sea have required repairs due to weather damage.

The London Array, east of England, the world’s largest offshore wind system, required extensive repairs after only five years of operation. Danish wind operator Ørsted needed to repair undersea cables to offshore wind systems in the North Sea at a cost that exceeded $100 million.

So these projects with headline lifetimes of 25 years are being destroyed only after a few years? I could just imagine what a Pasha Bulka style east coast low would do to a Chris Bowen™ offshore wind farm.

December 7, 2024 10:11 am

Many thanks to Bruce and White Robot for the info. Copied and saved to my Notes for easy regurgitation.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 10:52 am

All together now: awww.

New blow to sale of Brittany Higgins’ French abode (Tele, paywalled)

The former Liberal staffer has faced an uphill battle trying to sell her French countryside abode and has been forced to significantly drop the asking price.

That $2.4 big is rapidly depleting. Maybe she will need to learn the French for “fries with that?”

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 12:38 pm

Our Britt better get a wriggle on with her book too.

December 7, 2024 3:52 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

…. and a New Idea baby exclusive.
No doubt Katy Gallagher is knitting a kangaroo as we speak.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:40 pm

Has happened to other people I know. Real estate in the south of France is temptingly cheap, but hard to sell if you need to.

December 7, 2024 11:01 am

This is truly outrageous. Thank goodness the jury was tied so the manslaughter charge against Penny was dismissed.

penny for your thoughts

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 12:00 pm
Reply to  Indolent

The man is a hero, the people who charged him are scum.
And so is the Jury for not demanding immediate dismissal of the charges and a cash payment to Penny.
Oh, and ten years for the Judge who wanted to retry him.
(Did I forget anyone?)

December 7, 2024 4:02 pm
Reply to  Indolent

You can’t blame people for not wanting to get involved in a potentially dangerous situation.

Neely was a violent career scumbag.

December 7, 2024 11:01 am

Off to Canberra for a week.

December 7, 2024 2:26 pm
Reply to  Roger


December 7, 2024 11:04 am

South Australia spent $166 million building extra synchronous condensers to maintain grid inertia, which have to be paid for via our electricity bills*. Coal and gas create grid inertia by default – and let me guess, they don’t get paid for doing so, the system just takes it for granted.

*They reported the construction of these things as saving money on people’s bills because AEMO does not need to intervene in the market as much. Now imagine how much we’d save if we didn’t have unreliable renewables at all!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 11:07 am

Many thanks to Bruce and White Robot for the info. Copied and saved to my Notes for easy regurgitation.

White Robot correctly points to the rotating mass of a steam turbine controlling the frequency of the AC electricity sent out into the grid.

‘Spinning reserve’ relates to the energy stored in the large rotating mass of the steam turbine. This energy is directly coupled to the generator unit and is immediately available to balance the constant fluctuations in electricity demand (big motors being switched on, thousands of a/c units being turned on simultaneously etc). Think of a flywheel keeping a motor running smoothly.

This is a feature of coal fired power stations and their 100 tonne turbines.

The suggested alternative is to crank up a gas turbine (which is far from instantaneous) – or switch in battery power or a spare windmill or Snowy 2.0 (also ‘laggy’ and not smoothly instantaneous).

The outcome: an unstable power supply, flickering lights and inefficient electric motor operation.

December 7, 2024 11:32 am
Reply to  Dr Faustus

The outcome: an unstable power supply, flickering lights and inefficient electric motor operation.


The hippies who designed our electricity grid don’t understand the difference between alternating current and direct current as they only have arts diplomas because physics was too brain-hurty.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 11:07 am

People lining up around the block for a croissant.

Massive queues down the street as world-famous Lune Croissanterie opens in Sydney (7 Dec)

World-famous cult bakery Lune Croissanterie has opened its flagship bakery in Sydney, with fans forming massive queues down the street to get a taste of the shop’s phenomenal pastries.

Video from the Lune Sydney store shows hundreds of excited patrons lining up around the block. …

Reid had always enjoyed her morning croissants when she travelled to France for work trips as an engineer. When she decided on a career change, she travelled to Paris to study under a top pastry chef and applied her engineering background to making the perfect croissant.

There you go, if you want something done right get an engineer. Well done lady!

December 7, 2024 11:14 am

Worked for one of the F1 teams no less.

IMHO their croissants are overrated — had them in MEL and BNE. They are in BNE now and you can finds better croissants than Lune’s.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 11:14 am


 December 7, 2024 11:01 am

Off to Canberra for a week.

I’m sorry to hear that.

December 7, 2024 11:17 am

Good laughs from Sancho and Cassie this morning…

Chikoroll ha ha

December 7, 2024 11:20 am
Last edited 2 months ago by Aaron
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 11:21 am

Lune Croissanterie

A word I doubt you will actually see in France.
You might see Pattisierie or Boulangerie, which would include croissants in their repertoire (another fancy Frog word) but I think it would be considered shameful if a French baker only made one thing.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 11:26 am

Technocracy’s last stand – spiked

The loathsome, soulless, bloodless Stamer. Another effing lawyer.

December 7, 2024 11:31 am

I do not care for crossants.

December 7, 2024 12:40 pm

Too messy to eat.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
December 7, 2024 11:31 am

The fetishism of commodities croissants

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 11:32 am


 December 7, 2024 11:17 am

Good laughs from Sancho and Cassie this morning…

Chikoroll ha ha

Chikoroll was all Cassie’s work, but too good not to re-use.
It used to really bug me when Paul Murray would call her “Chicka” in his best Ocker matey-mate accent.

December 7, 2024 11:35 am

Interesting doco on Pearl Harbour on unauthorised history of the Pacific war. Great channel if you are not already aware of it.

December 7, 2024 11:55 am
Reply to  Diogenes

Saved for later

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2024 3:37 pm
Reply to  Diogenes

Bookmarked, thank you.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 11:36 am


 December 7, 2024 11:31 am

I do not care for crossants.

Nor I, mon ami.
Of all the Frog baked goods they are my least favourite.

December 7, 2024 11:49 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

I prefer the kipferl.

December 7, 2024 12:42 pm
Reply to  Diogenes

Aren’t they German?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 12:44 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

A good one is worthwhile. Needs to be a bit chewy and the good ones use French butter. We have a great French guy near here but thanks to Instagram is usually a 10 or 20 person line. A variety of variations are good too.

December 7, 2024 11:42 am

It seems to me as a complete numpty in the field of electricity, that the systems we have evolved sorta naturally.
The alternating current is due to the type of generators that were easiest to make in the early days.
Swapped out for direct current generation when that was able to be done and the major use was local lighting.
Then that was abandoned as Westinghouse realised that induction was key to transmission over longer distances as high voltages, (and I’m out of my league here and just regurgitating half remembered but not understood things) as higher voltage has less losses and AC is required for that when you need induction coils to step down at the end of transmission lines.
So when power stations were local and for limited use, DC is better and simpler, but once long transmission distances are required and the systems scale to efficient levels, induction requires AC, and AC requires an old style spinning generator and synchronisation of the phase of alternation.
It seems similar to what occurs with transportation over the same period of time.
When getting people around was fairly linear, Tram lines, rail lines and canals were optimal for local use. But if you need to move people around independently in three dimensions, then you need a road system. Our roads are the result of a particular type of fuel and system winning out over others. Roads networks require tar. Tar is a byproduct of hydrocarbons. At scale a system that utilises tar and hydrocarbon fuels wins out over steam and electricity once you scale it in three dimensions over long distances.
Breaking both the hydro carbon scaling in transport and the alternating current scaling in electricity distribution are huge problems.
We’re attempting to force both simultaneously and it will end disastrously.

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
December 7, 2024 1:28 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Yes! One of my faves.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 1:47 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

And will keep you satisfied until 10:00 when you need a top up to last you until 13:00 Then 1700….
See the problem?
Stuffing yourself to the gills with carbs/sugars demands snacking all day.
Now, if you’d had eggs and bacon, then your tummy would be happy until 1300, repeat at 1800 for teatime and while you’ve been snacking all day, then a decent teatime will keep you going until breakfast.
Don’t believe me?
Look around you and check out the fatties grazing all day.
The High Carb diet and the Food Pyramid has been a disaster for public health.

John H.
John H.
December 7, 2024 1:55 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Big sugar spike and then big crash, compounded by low thiamine and\or chromium. Emerging evidence indicates protein intake recommendations for folks over 60 is too low. With age better to shift to more fats and proteins. Ancel Keys killed millions.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 11:46 am

Darwin Award.

Actress dies after consuming amphibian’s venom at spiritual cleansing retreat (5 Dec, via Instapundit)

A Mexican actress is dead after voluntarily participating in a spiritual cleansing ritual during which she reportedly consumed poisonous Amazonian frog venom. …

Police are investigating a shaman’s involvement in the incident.

Ok actors and actresses are notoriously not too bright (except James Woods) but the religiosity of this sort of thing is interesting. As I’ve said previously: when lefties decide to become atheists they just fill the spiritual hole with weird stuff instead. Like Amazonian frog venom.

Last edited 2 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 4:00 pm

Probably not said by Chesterton as is frequently repeated, but as true now as it was 100 years ago –
When a man no longer believes in God the problem is not that he believes in nothing- it is that he will believe in anything.
( from memory, maybe not word perfect.)

December 7, 2024 11:49 am

Solar is DC, and as such a throw back to the earlier Edison systems of small, local generation and use.

December 7, 2024 11:51 am

Pleased to see the Oz has not held back in its condemnation of the synagogue terrorist attack. Quite a number of individual pieces by senior journalists – all expressing outrage that anti-semitism has been allowed not merely to smoulder – but to set this place alight – now literally.

Last edited 2 months ago by Vicki
Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 7, 2024 12:22 pm
Reply to  Vicki

The platitudes must cease. Now we need to see real action by the State and Fed pollies and cops to clamp down severely on anti-Israel demos, intimidation and crimes.

December 7, 2024 1:16 pm
Reply to  Vicki

Most Australians are outraged because the act itself is utterly outrageous.

Smacked down like naughty puppies when they were symbolically pissing over everything on the steps of the opera house last October would have sent a clear and unequivocal message to these ugly morons. Instead they were pandered to by all levels of government and law enforcement.

Now scrambling desperately to figure out the political engineering required to bolt the stable door.

Losers and leeches at every level.

Last edited 2 months ago by Megan
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 11:52 am

The article on ChikoRoll the Younger makes no mention of how he was financing his lifestyle before he “dabbled in drug dealing” to pay a relatively minor debt

Made poor choices.

‘Fell in’ with the wrong crowd.

Somehow ‘got caught up’ in commercial drug trafficking.

‘Complex’ childhood.


Mental health.

Victim of an ice cream theft in 1985.

December 7, 2024 1:06 pm

Bullied at school.

December 7, 2024 11:53 am

I am holding this on my hand, and it is a good easy read of the early days of electricity production.

December 7, 2024 11:54 am

Modern grids, ones that work, use an ‘infinite bus’- sinusoidal AC at 50 cycles per second with hardly any deviation. Transformers like sinusoids because d/dx(sin x)= cos x.

December 7, 2024 11:57 am

You can synthesize AC from DC with modern inverters- BassLink is DC and so is the Frog-Pommy link across the Channel (or it used to be iirc).

December 7, 2024 12:07 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Yes but it requires a rotating magnetic field to stabilise the frequency after it has been converted back to AC.

December 7, 2024 12:19 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

Hence the infinite bus

December 7, 2024 1:15 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

Just don’t cross the streams. That would be bad.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:47 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

The Frog-Pommy link would regularly get called in twice a day, so I understand, when millions switched on their electric kettles to make a cuppa before East Enders and Match of the Day.

December 7, 2024 12:05 pm

Thanks guys for explaining all this so simply and in easily digestible morsels. Too many words have been wasted by the “smartest” people in the room displaying their smartness.

In my experience, the cleverest people can explain complex concepts simply.

This is why I despise many…many words. It’s usually squid ink and filler.

December 7, 2024 12:22 pm
Reply to  calli

We should imagine that scientists are good at concepts.
You or I might be either verbal or visual.
Scientists (the real ones) “see” concepts.
They are good at manipulating and applying concepts.
I doubt any of them can explain how they do that or translate it for normal people.
The notations they invent aren’t, as I used to think, in order to “communicate” their ideas to us.
They are for themselves as they explore how the concepts they are utilising relate to other things, other concepts and other objects real or imaginary.
I, for example, have to translate their notation into words, as in instructions or steps. Because I’m almost totally verbal. I “see” their concepts in only the most vague shifting outline.

John H.
John H.
December 7, 2024 1:12 pm
Reply to  Arky

On the mark Arky. Below is an old joke about that.

An immunologist and a cardiologist are kidnapped. The kidnappers threaten to shoot one of them, but promise to spare whoever has made the greater contribution to humanity. The cardiologist says, “Well, I’ve identified drugs that have saved the lives of millions of people.” Impressed, the kidnappers turn to the immunologist. “What have you done?” they ask. The immunologist says, “The thing is, the immune system is very complicated …” And the cardiologist says, “Just shoot me now.”

John H.
John H.
December 7, 2024 1:44 pm
Reply to  calli
December 7, 2024 12:06 pm
December 7, 2024 12:07 pm
Reply to  Makka


December 7, 2024 12:15 pm
Reply to  Makka

I think so.

Willie Wagtails don’t do that. They just sit on the babies and get drenched. I’ve watched them. 😀

December 7, 2024 12:17 pm
Reply to  Makka


Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 7, 2024 1:55 pm
Reply to  Makka

Any reason to believe they’re the mothers? Is it because we believe fathers wouldn’t do that?

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 7, 2024 12:08 pm

Innovative. Agile.
Plus, i fully support cocking a snook at the frogs and their stilted language.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 12:25 pm

Third World brothel keepers wanted. Urgently!

Oh wait (the Tele):

Brothel keepers have been axed from a new list of key workers deemed desperately-needed in Australia, in an eleventh-hour intervention by immigration Minister Tony Burke following inquiries from The Daily Telegraph.

The Australian Government’s Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), released earlier this week, revealed that foreign brothel workers were among those eligible for temporary skilled migration to Australia – while cafe and restaurant managers were cut, triggering outrage from the hospitality industry.

Restaurant managers? Pfft. Surplus to requirements, thank you very much. What we really need – apparently – are people who can keep those uppity hookers in line.

However on Friday afternoon, following inquiries from The Daily Telegraph, immigration Minister Tony Burke’s office confirmed brothel keepers would be expressly excluded from the CSOL.

This list of required occupations was said to have been compiled by a group calling itself Jobs and Skills Australia. This requirement for brothel keepers was contained in the list sent to government, which then promptly published it.

Evidently nobody bothers reading this stuff before it’s published. Perhaps ‘Proof Reader To Stop Government Making A Dick Of Itself Yet Again’ should have been on that list.

December 7, 2024 12:27 pm

How far have Australians fallen, when they can no longer pimp out their own women.
I told everyone that the idea of “comparative advantage” was bogus, and once you lose the ability to compete in any one field, eventually you give it all away.
But I never imagined you all would lose the ability to run a brothel.

December 7, 2024 12:32 pm

Yoga instructor & Martial Arts Teacher are still in.

December 7, 2024 4:10 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Probably brothel keeping skills, come to think about it.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:49 pm

What would you expect from the Academics Lawyers and Perverts’ party?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 12:25 pm

Electricity is sorcery.

December 7, 2024 12:33 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Electricity is saucery.

Would you like fries with that?

December 7, 2024 12:57 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Electricity is sorcery.

So is fire.

December 7, 2024 1:24 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

frites avec ça?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 12:35 pm

Evidently nobody bothers reading this stuff before it’s published. Perhaps ‘Proof Reader To Stop Government Making A Dick Of Itself Yet Again’ should have been on that list.

I wouldn’t assume this is a mistake or a smartarse (ahem) insertion by some (ahem) dick with access to the list.
It is probable that someone who owns a string of brothels with all the ladies in his/her employ being of a similar ethnicity found it advantageous to import a madam of the same ethnicity who was cheap and knew which buttons to push to keep the ladies in line.
And lobbied the Gummint to get that category on the list.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 1:25 pm

Albo has got Low Wattage Watt out doing media on the Liars antisemitism problem. You suspect high level support is getting thin on the ground. They must be missing KK at times like this.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 1:26 pm

After launching 3 rockets within 30 hrs now this:


Flight 7 Super Heavy booster moved to the pad at Starbase for testing

comment image

10:04 AM · Dec 7, 2024

Fly well little birdie.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2024 1:42 pm

The fetishism of commodities croissants

Croissants are so fecking gay.

Chiko Rolls, however, are not.

Last edited 2 months ago by Barking Toad
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 1:47 pm

Croissants are so fecking gay.

Chiko Rolls, however, are not

I have two ambitions in life.

One is to win a $20 million (or higher) Powerball jackpot.

The other is to eat a Chiko Roll without the arse falling out of it.

I will almost certainly die alone and unfulfilled.

December 7, 2024 3:45 pm

Most likely to win the 20 big.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 7, 2024 1:51 pm

The other is to eat a Chiko Roll without the arse falling out of it.

I cannot be done

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
December 7, 2024 1:57 pm

It would take me 40 hours to answer that question.

I always said this would happen if you let a voice like that near a microphone.

December 7, 2024 2:00 pm

KD, the Chicko Roll was designed to have the arse fall out of it just as the hot meat pie was designed to burn your fingers as you juggle it in the outer.

Chicko Rolls and hot meat pies were designed to inflict physical injuries. It is unAustralian to complain about this.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 7, 2024 2:03 pm

The Chiko Roll was developed by Frank McEncroe, a boilermaker from Bendigo, Victoria, who turned his clever hands to catering at football matches and other outdoor events. In 1950, McEncroe saw a competitor selling Chinese-style chop suey rolls outside the Richmond Cricket Ground. It was here that his craftsman’s mind saw an opportunity…

Bendigo is very proud of this fact and had a great display relating to its origin at the magnificent old Post Office building.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 2:05 pm

The Chiko Roll was developed by Frank McEncroe, a boilermaker from Bendigo, Victoria

Frank McEnroe. History’s greatest monster.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 2:05 pm

Getting messier in Syria.

Second front opens up in southern Syria, as Druze militias clash with fleeing regime forces (JPost, 6 Dec)

A second front opened in the Syrian Civil War on Friday following several uprisings in southern Syria, which led regime forces to flee several key cities in the region.

At least four people were killed and 16 injured in clashes between Druze militias and regime security forces in Sweida, according to local media.

Militias took control of the main police station and the biggest civilian prison hours after hundreds of people protested in a main square demanding the downfall of President Bashar al-Assad. Later in the day, the major military headquarters in the nearby town of Harek was captured.

Hezbollah massacring those 11 Druze soccer kids probably resonated. Other news is the jihadis have reached the northern suburbs of Homs, although the Russian AF has now blown up the main bridge between Hama and Homs.

December 7, 2024 2:08 pm

WIP had a entry for killing French vampires. They need to be killed by a bread stick through the heart.


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 2:14 pm
Reply to  alwaysright

Très bien.

Bruce in WA
December 7, 2024 2:38 pm
Reply to  Dr Faustus

Oui, c’est vrai … très intéressant, mais stupide! (H/T Arte Johnson)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 2:43 pm
Reply to  alwaysright

Garlic baguettes, yum!

December 7, 2024 2:15 pm

Now that we’re being silly…

Musk may have rockets, and intelligent countries have nuclear…

If Australia’s electricity grid was a chair, it would look something like this.

December 7, 2024 2:17 pm

Well that worked well. At least there was something there in preview. Format fail, which is as good a metaphor as any.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 2:20 pm

This one has just gone up as well.

Iran evacuates personnel in Syria as rebels further advance – NYT (JPost 7 Dec)

The Islamic Republic of Iran began evacuating its personnel and military officials from its Quds Forces from Syria into neighboring countries such as Iraq and Lebanon, The New York Times reported late Friday, citing regional officials and three Iranian officials.

The officials said that within their Quds Force, two of their top generals fled to Iraq. This move comes as rebels who oppose Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad have been seizing cities that are a threat to his rule. …

The report also cited prominent Iranian analyst Mehdi Rahmati, who claimed that Syria’s army doesn’t want to fight, and that the Islamic Republic [ie. Iran] doesn’t want to fight as “advisory and support” despite their previous backing and military support to Assad. 

I read elsewhere that the Russian fleet has left the port of Tartus, and that the Russians are moving their S-400 batteries to the coast to avoid being captured, Interesting times, as they say.

December 7, 2024 2:23 pm

This could be written about Australia with a couple of tweaks.

There are more Indians who own property in London than Englishmen, and the country of Qatar owns more property in London than the Crown and TFL combined

Foreign investment is treated as an unalloyed good by many policy makers, but there is all the difference in the world between a Japanese company opening a car factory, and overseas oligarchs buying up our housing stock. The former adds skilled workers, productivity and exports, the latter depletes our national assets, and makes it harder for business to open or professionals to rent and buy in London. Some international investors are genuine entrepreneurs creating meaningful partnerships that mutually enrich both parties, whilst others are little more than rent-seeking predators, despoiling the dying carcass of the British economy. As well as ruining life for Londoners, the money is often the product of graft and corruption, which we facilitate by warehousing ill gotten gains in the London property market.
It is not only cash that is parked in London, but hundreds of thousands of recent migrants placing intolerable strain upon its housing and infrastructure, further driving up the price of property. Many of these people are not contributing substantially to the city, and are in irregular work, seeking to exploit the benefit system, or are even involved in organised crime. They treat London as a VISA mill and a bank machine to send cash home from. Twenty two per cent of households in London live in socially rented accommodation, far higher than all but the most deprived areas of the country, yet only half of those households are economically active, and half are headed by an individual born overseas. 

December 7, 2024 3:06 pm

Go to any western Sydney suburb, the Western Union transfer is doing roaring business if even small convenience stores can run as an agency.

Unsure about other capital but I’d imagine it would be similar with areas high in overseas demographics.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 3:34 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Overseas remittances keep a number of 3rd world economies going. Everywhere is Dubai now.

Last edited 2 months ago by H B Bear
December 7, 2024 4:15 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Forget taxing the family home – can we tax cash being moved o/s?

December 7, 2024 7:01 pm


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 2:36 pm

A slightly earlier story:

Syrian rebels say they have reached the city limits of Homs, taken over Daraa (6 Dec)

Syrian rebels reached the city limits of Homs, making last call for Syrian forces to defect, rebels said on Telegram.

In a parallel setback for Assad, a US-backed alliance led by Syrian Kurdish fighters took Deir el-Zor, the government’s main foothold in the vast desert in the east of the country, three Syrian sources told Reuters on Friday.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Assad was still in Syria on Friday. His children and his wife went to Russia last week, and other members of his family left for the United Arab Emirates, Syrian and Arab officials told the WSJ.

The sources said that Egyptian and Jordanian officials are imploring Assad to form a government in exile

I’m putting this up because of that last fairly astonishing sentence. I can scarcely believe it, so maybe it isn’t true. But if Jordan and Egypt are telling Assad to bug out then this is the biggest ruction in the Middle East since 1948.

December 7, 2024 3:14 pm

And a nice little middle east land mine for Trump.

Can’t see the US or Turkey being able to control this area. It will be Libya on steroids. 4 times population. Turkey, Iran, ISIL/Al Qaeda, Kurds, Russia and Israelis all vying for influence, going to be a mess.

December 7, 2024 3:22 pm

Is it just another Sunni /Shia battle? The Shia were forced out of Homs the last time. Perhaps the hay’at tahrir al-shams mob are taking advantage as the main roaming Shia force (Hezbos) have lost their core operational leadership. Just guessing.

December 7, 2024 5:36 pm

Shirley, gummint in exile is the worst possible solution .. FFS!
If one side or the other winz you’ve got some sort of result, which might lead to stability, but a GinE meanz endless confrontation ……..

Last edited 2 months ago by shatterzzz
December 7, 2024 2:42 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 3:37 pm
Reply to  JC

The AUD falling out of bed is always the beginning of the end.

December 7, 2024 2:46 pm

Adding my two cents to the Pastry issue.
Much prefer Danishes, sweet or savoury.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 7, 2024 2:57 pm

Chicko Rolls and hot meat pies were designed to inflict physical injuries. It is unAustralian to complain about this.

I try Chicko Rolls on visitors from the UK – home of shite food – hoping to see cross-cultural delight and enjoyment.

The response is usually a variant on:

Fokin Hail
Fakkin Ell
Faarking Hell

Then I tell them about 8m sharks, drop bears and 12” spiders…

December 7, 2024 2:58 pm


comment image

December 7, 2024 2:59 pm

Chiko Rolls were called “hot snot”, rolls when I was in school.
I still enjoy them. 😀

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 3:20 pm
Reply to  Pogria

I always preferred Spring Rolls, which were the same size.
Full of greasy cabbage and strange lumps of mystery meat…

December 7, 2024 3:40 pm

Can you tell me what’s in a Chiko roll?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 4:13 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

Lots of textured proteins, carbohydrates and fillers.
The inside is sort of icky and grey.

December 7, 2024 4:42 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

Chick peas are involved.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 3:05 pm

H B Bear

 December 7, 2024 1:25 pm

Albo has got Low Wattage Watt out doing media on the Liars antisemitism problem. You suspect high level support is getting thin on the ground. They must be missing KK at times like this.

Bwah ha ha ha ha.
PM: “We need someone to get out there and tell the punters they will be getting a shit sandwich instead of a tax return this year … Someone? … Anyone?”
PM: “What about you, KK?”
KK: “No way.”
PM: “It’ll be the lead on Nein News and you’ll get on 730.”
KK: “I’ll just see if my hairdresser can fit me in.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 3:08 pm

Knuckle Dragger

 December 7, 2024 2:05 pm

The Chiko Roll was developed by Frank McEncroe, a boilermaker from Bendigo, Victoria

Frank McEnroe. History’s greatest monster.

I knew it!
Someone who runs the oxy-acetylene torch across his forearm and thinks that isn’t a serious burn.

Bill P
Bill P
December 7, 2024 3:16 pm

Now I have to go out just to get a Chicko Roll.
Also, cross ants need to lighten up.

December 7, 2024 3:38 pm
Reply to  Bill P

Make sure you get a couple of scallops to go with it.
NSW scallops.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 3:21 pm

Dr F

Then I tell them about 8m sharks, drop bears and 12” spiders…

Huntsman spiders are simply the best beast ever for dramatic effect.
We had ze Cherman visitors a few years ago and Harry the Huntsman appeared from behind a picture frame.
Average size (about the size of the palm of your hand with legs extended).
They were petrified.
“You want it gone?”
“Ja. Most definitely. Make it go.”
So I did the old plastic container/sheet of cardboard trick to gather him up and take him outside.
“You are not afraid it will bite you?” they ask.
In my best Crocodile Dundee voice I said, “Yeah, it might. But we all gotta die sometime”.
They looked at me in awe like I was some sort of big game hunter until Mrs P rolled her eyes and said “They’re harmless. They kill flies and that’s about it”.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 3:22 pm

Noice, semi monsoon starting to show form over Arafura and Timor Seas.

Going to spin up some lows over he next week… All expected to keep clear of the coast at the moment.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 3:34 pm

Had a Huntsman bite me on the hand the other day pulling a driveshaft out. It crawled off and died. Blood Bank not getting my juice for free. The terrifying thing about spiders is the newly minted mechanic removing them with a blow torch.

December 7, 2024 3:36 pm

How nice to turn the tv on to see Sookey McCheat go for 2.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 3:47 pm

Huntsman spiders are simply the best beast ever for dramatic effect.

Saved a huntsperson yesterday.
Cafe butcherbird turned up and sang his song to get me to come and feed him. But when I went to open the door butcherbird flew up above the door.
Fortunately he narrowly missed the huntsman, which was trying to make itself invisible right up in the corner of the porch ceiling.
I then bribed the butcherbird with mince and he went away.
Which proves that mince is tastier than huntsman spiders.
He arrived twice more in the arvo, and more fast bribery work from me kept it from being eaten.
A lucky spider.
In return for this charitable act my request to the nation of huntspeople is please, please, please stop going into my car.
Twice I’ve had them land in my lap whilst driving in traffic. They like to sit between the visor and the roof, and unfortunately driving vibrations tend to dislodge them, whereupon they slide down and go plop onto my lap. Which is a very fine way to generate lots of adrenaline. And once I went to fill my petrol tank only to find an enormous one between the cover and the tank’s screw cap.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 3:53 pm

How nice to turn the tv on to see Sookey McCheat go for 2

He’s done. They’ll give him the rest of this series, but that’s it – and he’ll probably call it himself before the axe swings.

Other countries’ bowlers have worked him out. In these, his latter years, he has become both predictable and vulnerable.

He has his millions from both the IPL and his Chinese mattress sponsors (Koala), and should in early 2025 pursue a six month career in podcasting before doing ads for used car yards and furniture shops.

Last edited 2 months ago by Knuckle Dragger
John Brumble
John Brumble
December 7, 2024 5:22 pm

Don’t know about “worked out”. They’d have done that much earlier if that were the case. Seems to me his technique was just always garbage and even the very small deterioration in eye sight at his age makes “see ball:hit ball” insufficient.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 7, 2024 4:03 pm

The Chiko Roll…

Food of the gods.

That is all.

December 7, 2024 5:12 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Being a god is the only thing that’ll save you any ill effects.

December 7, 2024 4:12 pm
John H.
John H.
December 7, 2024 4:14 pm

Knuckle Dragger

 December 7, 2024 12:25 pm

Third World brothel keepers wanted. Urgently!

Oh wait (the Tele):

Brothel keepers have been axed from a new list of key workers deemed desperately-needed in Australia, in an eleventh-hour intervention by immigration Minister Tony Burke following inquiries from The Daily Telegraph.

The Australian Government’s Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), released earlier this week, revealed that foreign brothel workers were among those eligible for temporary skilled migration to Australia – while cafe and restaurant managers were cut, triggering outrage from the hospitality industry.

Craig Thomson will be devastated.

Craig Thomson fraud trial: Prostitute’s witness statement reveals union official was ‘regular client’ – ABC News

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 4:47 pm
Reply to  John H.

Thomo’s days as a Liar are over. Resumes life as a whore mongering thief.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:55 pm
Reply to  John H.

Lionel Murphy used to get mate’s rates from the establishments run by his good friend Mr Saffron, didn’t he?

December 7, 2024 4:29 pm

A backpack found in the hunt for the gunman who killed a health insurance boss belonged to the suspect, police have said.

Backpack found in hunt for gunman who killed health insurance boss – as FBI offers $50K reward

Of course it does.

December 7, 2024 5:11 pm
Reply to  Kel

Everything is a neat for me. Makes me think he has an alibi.

December 7, 2024 5:47 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

We’re being led by the nose with extra large breadcrumbs. This was so smelly right from the beginning. But I fear not as the intrepid Forever Bureau of Lies is on this.

December 7, 2024 5:05 pm


10x ratio by Catturd on Senator Joni Ernst.

I think she is walking on very thin ice for her 2026 re-election campaign. MAGA world is ready to go nuclear on her.

December 7, 2024 5:11 pm
Reply to  Indolent

She’s disgusting.

December 7, 2024 5:10 pm

I need a simple explanation, not reams of graphs and obscure scientese to prop up the argument.

The problems come from combining sources of alternating current, in which the electrons don’t go steaming down the wire, but go first one way, then rurn around and go the other way, 50 times a second. This still heats filaments, which don’t care which direction the electrons are moving, as long as they are moving. If there are applications where it does matter which direction the electrons are going, you can (at some cost and inconvenience) turn an alternating current into a direct current, basically by ignoring the half the time the electrons are going the wrong way. Which is wasteful.

Now suppose you have two sources of alternating current and you want to combine them. It matters a lot that when one source is pushing the electrons one way, the other isn’t pushing them the opposite way. The two sources need to be in lock step, or in phase as we say. If they were exactly opposite in phase, so one was pushing and the other pulling, they’d cancel out and produce no net electricity at all.

The same need for lockstep applies to the frequency. Suppose that one source changes at fifty swaps of direction a second, (50 cycles per second or 50 hertz), and the other at 50.1. Suppose they start off in phase. After ten seconds, one has gone through 500 cycles, and the other has gone through 501. And they are back in phase again. But five seconds earlier, they were completely opposite, and so no net electricity was produced. So you go from getting the sum of the currents to zero electricity every ten seconds. You wouldn’t like that.

The conclusion to which this leads is that to combine two sources of alternating current, it is vital to have them exactly in lockstep on both phase and frequency. It is relatively easy to do this with massive spinning coils in a magnetic field. It is much harder to do it with solar panels or wind turbines. To synchronise not just two but tens of thousands of sources and keep them synchronised for hours, let alone days, is a hell of a job.

There are good reasons for preferring alternating current to direct current, but once you’ve decided on alternating, then synchronising different sources becomes a big issue. We’ve been used to working with a few sources of massive inertia, where it can be handled. The ignorant have tried to replace this system with literally millions of sources and electronic smart systems to try to keep them all in phase. It seldom works for long.

Hope this helps.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 6:04 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

you know i said this already. wind turbines need power to maintain bearing temperature. So the solar panels feed dormant turbines. DISTRIBUTION.

People on this site are squishy or squishy adjacent.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 7:34 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Transformers are frequency dependent. Even synagogues need reliable power Jews don’t like Christians getting on their back legs, saying enough.

December 7, 2024 5:44 pm

 turn an alternating current into a direct current, basically by ignoring the half the time the electrons are going the wrong way. Which is wasteful.

a bridge rectifier addresses this problem.

December 7, 2024 6:00 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Only for turning AC into DC

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 7:21 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

GreyRanga is right. you’re describing a Whetstone Bridge which is low power and not scalable.

December 7, 2024 8:44 pm
Reply to  Miltonf
December 7, 2024 5:56 pm

I think they use/used oscilloscopes to sync hydro power when bringing it onto the grid.

December 7, 2024 6:08 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

You can use two lamps in series across the phases, slowly changing the speed of the generators until the lamps go out or very dim then flick the switch and they’ll synchronise. This only works on diesel generators.

December 7, 2024 6:30 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

This works on any rotating synchronous alternator no matter what the prime mover is. You can also use a cool instrument called a synchroscope (which is not an oscilloscope).

You don’t need such a setup for devices such as solar inverters that don’t produce output unless they are connected to an “infinite busbar” .

December 7, 2024 6:32 pm
Reply to  Vagabond

sorry yes synchroscope

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 6:00 pm


 December 7, 2024 5:56 pm

I think they use/used oscilloscopes to sync hydro power when bringing it onto the grid.

You’re getting ahead of yourself.
We need to get Florence into an un-bogged state first.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 7, 2024 6:07 pm

FMD. According to Ten News, the motive for the synagogue fire remains unknown.
Then next report, Israel are illegally occupying Gaza.
Strong drink required.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2024 6:32 pm
Reply to  Black Ball


December 7, 2024 6:12 pm

Read this comment in response to an article on USA Gateway Pundit.

The strength of the Democrat Party has always been in their ability manipulate how people think and feel based upon fabricated false narratives!

When the truth about those narratives are revealed they no longer impact how people think and feel!

This comment was given the highest ranking by readers at that time. I’ve been exercising my brain wondering if the same could be said about the Labor Party in Australia. I’m thinking of the fabricated narratives; climate change, transgenderism, renewable energy is cheap and reliable etc. Yes all fabricated false narratives. The problem is exposing the truth here in Australia.

December 7, 2024 6:21 pm
Reply to  mem

This is why they’re called the Liars. They have nothing but lies. Politics of envy.

December 7, 2024 6:13 pm

Channel Ten is dying I hope and I look forward to the day when it’s just a bad memory.

December 7, 2024 6:15 pm

The poisonous 730 Project seemed to be at the hight of its power 10-15 years ago. Much diminished now I think.

Last edited 2 months ago by Miltonf
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 6:34 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Just as Snowcone was the kiss of death for Lateline, Mrs Snowcone will do the same to 7:30. The ALPBC is a shadow of even 15 years ago.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 6:39 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Quadrant has carried a number of good stories on the undermining of the ALPBC which can be traced back to TDT in the 1970s.

December 7, 2024 8:11 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Also people like Julie Rigg and the ‘Alan Ashbolt kindergarten’

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 6:25 pm


 December 7, 2024 6:13 pm

Channel Ten is dying

There are two problems with Australian media:-
1. The ABC; and
2. The vast majority of commercial media who know their sector is dying and treat every utterance as an audition for an ABC gig, with it’s “well earned breaks”, massive production teams and vanity projects for the annointed ones (hi Louse Nilligan!).

Last edited 2 months ago by Sancho Panzer
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 7, 2024 6:43 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

See former Perth ALPBC tv newsreader Karina Carvalho has popped up as a reporter on Channel Stokes. A true unicorn event.

Last edited 2 months ago by H B Bear
Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 7, 2024 8:58 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

And a former Four Corners hack is standing on the WA Greens’ senate ticket at the next election. Quelle surprise!

December 7, 2024 6:26 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 3:47 pm

They like to sit between the visor and the roof, and unfortunately driving vibrations tend to dislodge them, whereupon they slide down and go plop onto my lap. Which is a very fine way to generate lots of adrenaline. And once I went to fill my petrol tank only to find an enormous one between the cover and the tank’s screw cap.

Yikes!! Not the Mazda? Infested with Huntsman spiders – buy a Tesla, I hear they don’t like electricity. 🙂

December 7, 2024 6:29 pm

Sitting here watching A Hard Days Night which I saw when I was at high school. Realised I’m watching social history. Just brilliant.

December 7, 2024 6:29 pm

I understand that not one Labor Party sitting member has come out and distanced themselves from Albanese, Wong, Bourke et al on the ant-Semitism that has been allowed to foment on behalf of the ALP. Do they not have a conscience? Where are the mass resignations? This is possibly the worst Labor failure in living memory. Certainly the most ugly in my time. As an Australian I am ashamed. Truly ashamed.

December 7, 2024 6:45 pm
Reply to  mem

Conscience? ALP?


December 7, 2024 6:51 pm
Reply to  mem

a conga line of suckholes

December 7, 2024 6:39 pm

It is shameful but I think they’ve outsmarted themselves and are now between a rock and a hard place. Their willingness to sell out the Jewish Community is on full display and I believe most Australians are disgusted.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 7, 2024 6:42 pm

Seems Romania’s local Lizard People have thrown over the recent presidential election because… something something Russian spambots something.

December 7, 2024 6:45 pm

 December 7, 2024 6:29 pm

I understand that not one Labor Party sitting member has come out and distanced themselves from Albanese, Wong, Bourke et al on the ant-Semitism that has been allowed to foment on behalf of the ALP. Do they not have a conscience? Where are the mass resignations? 

If there’s one thing the liars excel at it’s harsh and unforgiving discipline over their political troops. None would dare go against the rulers on pain of instant expulsion and being labeled a scab for ever. Their lives would be made a misery by their former colleagues, the unions and the media. Even retired members live in fear of that happening

It takes exceptional courage or the insulation of aboriginality (think Warren Mundine, Nova Peris) to go down that path.

Danby is too much of a coward to make the public resignation that he should and the the few court Jews in the parliamentary ALP (Burns, Dreyfus) are class traitors of the worst kind. They must have to put up with a lot of baiting and derision from their “mates”.

December 7, 2024 6:47 pm


Black Pigeon Speaks

Summary: The video discusses the rise and fall of a social media personality, Haley Welsh, also known as the “hawk tuah girl,” who became famous for her explicit content and subsequently became involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The video critiques the societal obsession with such figures and the financial exploitation of their followers through dubious crypto projects. It highlights the dynamics of internet fame, financial irresponsibility among her fans, and the potential for Haley to evade accountability by leveraging gender dynamics and societal narratives about misogyny. ### Key Points: #### Introduction – Sophie Rain claims to have earned $43 million on OnlyFans while claiming to be a virgin and a devout Christian. – Haley Welsh, “the hawk tuah girl,” achieved viral fame, contributing to the internet culture of objectification and exploitation. #### Rise to Fame – Haley’s fame began with viral TikTok videos promoting explicit content. – She transitioned her notoriety into a business venture, earning significant money from “hu” merchandise. – The launch of her meme coin, “my hawk mcoin,” created massive hype but led to a disastrous crash. #### The Crypto Scam Incident – “My hawk mcoin” experienced a rapid rise, reaching a $500 million market cap, then crashing by 95% shortly after. – Allegations emerged regarding single ownership of the majority of coin supply, pointing to a classic “rug pull” scam. – Haley addressed the backlash but was criticized for her apparent lack of knowledge about the situation. #### Community Reaction and Criticism – Many investors filed complaints with the SEC following the scam. – In the face of criticism, Haley canceled a scheduled public forum to discuss the issues, claiming she needed rest. #### Social Commentary – The video critiques the mentality of those who invested in the scam, dubbing them incompetent. – It emphasizes the cycles of exploitation within online communities, especially towards women who capitalize on attention. – Highlights the possibility of Haley escaping accountability due to societal perceptions about women and potential allegations of misogyny against her critics. #### Conclusion – Ultimately, the video raises questions about the ethics of internet fame, financial literacy, and the dynamics of gender and responsibility in the online world. – Invites viewers to share their thoughts on the situation, highlighting audience engagement while discussing the implications of such controversies on broader social dynamics.

Last edited 2 months ago by Zippster
Black Ball
Black Ball
December 7, 2024 6:47 pm

Sharri Markson giving the bastards a nice kick in the arsecrack:

The fire-bombing of a busy synagogue in Australia in 2024 is heart-wrenching and deeply shocking.

The mere thought that Jewish Australians aren’t safe praying peacefully in our place of worship is unfathomable and unacceptable.

Australia is meant to be the epitome of a successful multicultural society but we have watched that erode before our very eyes as racism against jews has been tolerated.

The Jewish community has warned repeatedly that antisemitic incidents are exploding.

We have begged political leaders and police to take this more seriously.

I personally have implored the prime minister on Sky News virtually every night for the past 14 months to take action on this despicable trend before it’s too late.

Yet, as little action is taken, antisemitic terrorist incidents, like these, have only escalated in frequency and severity. Australia’s Jewish community is being terrorised and intimidated.

In response to the firebombing of the Adass Synagogue in Melbourne, the Prime Minister uttered condemnation of the attack on Friday at a press conference, in a voice that lacked emotion and heart.

He also said this:

“Antisemitism is something that has been around for a long period of time, of course. But antisemitism has been on the rise, we’ll call it out wherever we see it.”

It’s a statement that infuriates me and should anger every Australian because, for our beautiful country of Australia, it’s simply untrue.

Yes, antisemitism has been around for thousands of years, but not in Australia it hasn’t. Not in my lifetime, it hasn’t.

We are experiencing an unprecedented rise in Australia in antisemitism since October 7 2023. It’s on Albanese’s watch.

Fifteen months ago, it was perfectly safe for Jews in Australia. We didn’t live with daily fear and anxiety of what may unfold next.

For Albanese to say that antisemitism has been around for a long time, in response to questions about the firebombing of a synagogue, downplays the severity of what jewish Australians are experiencing.

He is also washing his hands of responsibility for this racism crisis and abdicating his leadership on this issue.

He has been the prime minister through the entire period where antisemitism has arisen, been tolerated and condoned, festered and then exploded to reach a genuine crisis point.

It’s been at a crisis point for months.

As Jews, we know it. We feel it.

We feel this threat intensely and deeply. It’s devastating because, as a community, we want to live in peace and in cohesion with all races and nationalities, with the deepest respect for all political views.

While a synagogue on fire is the most severe incident we’ve seen, it’s far from isolated.

On Wednesday, the Great Synagogue in Sydney was in lockdown after pro-Palestinian protests gathered outside.

Two Jews holding the Israeli flag outside the synagogue were outrageously detailed and then moved on by police.

Not the protesters who were protected by police and allowed to intimidate and antagonise jews gathered inside the synagogue.

There hasn’t been strong enough political leadership to unequivocally say that protests won’t be tolerated outside a synagogue; this sort of protest is only against Jews at their place of worship – it’s nothing to do with the middle east and it cannot be tolerated. It is wrong and unAustralian to simply protest the jewish faith.

But when no action is taken, one thing leads to another and you can see how a synagogue is firebombed.

Everyone could see we were in dangerous territory, including Peter Dutton.

He said that he would like to “pretend that this wasn’t expected, or that it couldn’t be predicted, but I can’t do that to the Australian people.”

And even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Albanese publicly that he was inviting terrorism with his foreign policy changes including votes at the United Nations.

Not only has the Albanese Government failed to tackle this crucial social cohesion issue but Albanese and Penny Wong have, I believe, emboldened the pro-Hamas protesters.

In my strong view, they need to tone down their language.

Wong criticises Israel more than she does Hamas.

She demands Israel recognise a Palestinian state, even though a terrorist group, Hamas is the current governing body in Gaza.

She continues to support anti-Israel United Nations resolutions, but where is her UN resolution for the hostages to be brought home?

It seems this government has an unhealthy obsession with criticising Israel when there can be no equivalence between the democracy of Israel that abides by the rule of law and the barbaric and bloodthirsty terrorist group Hamas that slaughtered babies, children and gunned down teenagers at a music festival.

The Albanese government could have changed its language; it could have publicly said over and over again that the war would end if Hamas returned the hostages.

It could have publicly supported Israel in its existential fight for survival as it endeavours to defend itself from terror attack on seven fronts.

Instead they’ve allowed moral confusion to reign supreme and allowed sections of the public to confuse Israel with the terror regime they seek to eliminate.

This moral confusion has emboldened the pro-Hamas agitators, rather than calmed the situation down.

The Prime Minister’s view may be that voters don’t care about this issue, that they think the crazies on both sides have been killing each other for centuries.

But if he thinks mainstream Australians don’t care about the antisemitism and lawlessness that’s unfolding in our country, he’s dead wrong.

Australians hate that our peaceful, accepting, tolerant, inclusive country is being torn apart by radical racists bringing the hatred of Hamas to our beautiful streets.

The horrendous moral confusion of the Albanese Government has to end.

We just want to live in peace, safety and security.

Anthony Albanese, this shouldn’t be too much to ask of you.

It’s all over for Labor.
Too many people see this inaction and are incensed.
Well done cockface Albo.

December 7, 2024 7:11 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

Too polite to Wong.

She is the most reprehensible politician I have seen in my lifetime.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 8:02 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

We are a Christian nation. The jews, arabs, sheiks, muslims, buddists, zoastrians, wefare queens,hindus, quantifarians can get f_cked.

And the Ambo chicks with big arses. That I totally don’t want to smash.

December 7, 2024 6:48 pm
December 7, 2024 7:06 pm
December 7, 2024 7:13 pm



The Biden regime has done more to destroy the rule of law and our constitutional order — aimed against political opponents (most prominently Donald Trump) and for the empowerment of the Democrat Party — than any past administration I can think of.  And it’s not done.

The phrases “preventive pardons” or “prospective pardons” corrupt the language as they corrupt the law.  For example, imagine the following: a president pardons himself not just for past or present federal offenses or possible federal offenses, BUT for any and all possible future federal offenses, then the president has effectively immunized himself from all criminal exposure of any kind — including personal.

I thought the Biden regime, the Democrats, their media and their academics, were very upset that the Supreme Court ruled that a president has LIMITED IMMUNITY relating to his official acts, not for purely personal acts.  BUT what is being discussed by the Biden regime is the possibility that a president could, indeed, with his own signature, immunize himself from all federal offenses into the future, including when he is no longer president!  That is certainly possible.  What would stop him?  The Supreme Court?  Maybe. But the pardon power is as general as it gets.  The Court would have to come up with its own test and rationale, not one that currently exists in law, in an attempt to draw lines and create limits where none exist.   

Or imagine a president handing out such pardons for all family members, friends, administration officials, donors, and/or political allies and party members — or a large number of cronies, etc.  What then?  Again, what would be the limiting factors once this tyranny is unleashed?  Notice, this has been a pattern throughout the Biden regime’s term — constantly usurping on constitutional norms followed by litigation and court decisions.

I am not big on another impeachment spectacle.  I also want congressional Republicans to advance the agenda that has been promised.  But if Biden creates a precedent of the kind that is being discussed by his staff, his party, and others, then I believe there is little choice.  Would he be impeached with the House nearly equally divided.  I don’t know.  It depends on how many virtuous members are now serving.  But if this is not an impeachable offense — that is, a high crime that damages the civil society and the body politic — then the impeachment clause is a dead letter.  Would he be convicted by the Senate?  Very unlikely, given that his party, as reflected by the Senate Democrats, are more power hungry than adherents to law and order, and a super-majority is required to convict. Nonetheless, an effort must be made to officially and constitutionally confront, expose, and condemn such a grave and systemic abuse of power and prevent it from becoming routinized without a fight. It can be done efficiently and with an eye on the calendar, so as not to take months. 

Cassie of Sydney
December 7, 2024 7:15 pm

Yesterday, in response to the terrorist attack in Ripponlea in Melbourne, the grub from Grayndler said the following…

“Anti-Semitism is something that has been around for a long period of time.”

Imagine if the grub from Grayndler, in response to the rape of a woman, said….

‘Rape is something that has been around for a long period of time’.

Imagine if the grub from Grayndler, in response to the bashing and murder of a woman by her partner/husband said….

‘Bashing and murder is something that has been around for a long period of time’

The grub from Grayndler is beneath contempt.

White Robot
White Robot
December 7, 2024 8:36 pm

How about sending all our wealth overseas and making Anglo Aussies a minority., you shit stain. We created the best country in the world, you and your ilk destroyed it. You are contempt personified.

We are a Christian nation. The jews, arabs, sheiks, muslims, buddists, zoastrians, wefare queens, hindus, quantifarians can get f_cked.
And the Ambo chicks with big arses. That I totally don’t want to smash.

December 7, 2024 8:41 pm

At the end of the day, Albo is a not-too- bright time server who has earned enough credits within the Party to get where he ended up. The trouble with that pedestrian process is – if times get tough your man is just not up to the job.

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 7, 2024 7:39 pm

To quote Sharri M, “as a community, we want to live in peace and in cohesion with all races and nationalities, with the deepest respect for all political views.”

Would anyone ever expect a Muslim leader to say these words? Who would believe them if they were to be said?

We now have a growing population of Muslim “settler colonists”, who make no secret of their intention to become the dominant political and religious force in Australia. And a political party in government that lacks the courage to reject this ambition, because it sees short term political benefit.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 7:48 pm

“Anti-Semitism is something that has been around for a long period of time.”

This is, in my view, a Government-defining moment.

Elbow’s just waving this off. ‘Yeah, y’know, water’s wet, the sky’s blue…’

He’s made the remarkable journey from a Rudd-lite alleged battler from the burbs (and Torie-fighter), to a reinvented attempted statesman with better teeth and clothes (and missus), to Mister Bland hoping he can hang on and not get knifed by his own people before the full benefits of his pension kick in.

Teh People will be thinking: ‘If you can’t keep one part of the community safe, can you keep anyone safe?’

December 7, 2024 7:50 pm

Andrew Lawrence

Lying twunt…

December 7, 2024 7:58 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 7, 2024 8:14 pm

Straya done for 338, a lead of 158.

Perfect timing. The call centre operators will be subject to two hours of a new pink rock swinging around corners.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 7, 2024 8:17 pm

Hopefully no beer snakes and blackouts for the rest of this night session…

December 7, 2024 8:18 pm

Boland started running off the field as soon as his stumps were rattled. If they can get Jaiswal cheap again, Game Over!

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 7, 2024 8:15 pm

Albo is Brennan off Step Brothers

Last edited 2 months ago by Black Ball
December 7, 2024 8:42 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

More information please BB.

December 7, 2024 8:19 pm

Currently in Udine, North-West Italy. A very different experience to Sydney, to say the least, and not just because of the sub-Arctic temperatures at this time of year.
For example: like Aldi, ethanol in enological or spirit form is sold at any corner shop or supermarket. Even a crappy corner store has a range not much more limited than a Dan Murphy’s… at half (yes, slightly less than 50%) of the good ol’ Oi Oi Ozzie! price.
A pleasant surprise when buying a Chrissie present for a cousin.
One of the many consequences of Oz’s expertise in providing for all those special kleptocratic oligopolies.
Just a preliminary observation, more to follow.

December 7, 2024 8:25 pm
Reply to  Gilas

not just because of the sub-Arctic temperatures at this time of year

If it’s any consolation Squire, the weather in Sydneystan is currently diabolical.

December 7, 2024 8:49 pm
Reply to  Gilas

Gilas if you weren’t paying all that tax on booze how would Lu Wigi afford all the properties he has being the most disgusting scum PM Ausfailure has ever had.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 8, 2024 12:12 am
Reply to  Gilas

Good to hear you are there and enjoying the pleasures of Italy, Gilas.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 8, 2024 10:21 am
Reply to  Gilas


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 7, 2024 8:22 pm


 December 7, 2024 6:39 pm

It is shameful but I think they’ve outsmarted themselves and are now between a rock and a hard place. Their willingness to sell out the Jewish Community is on full display and I believe most Australians are disgusted.

I think when the cost-benefit of going all-in for the terrorists is done after the next election it won’t be pretty.
Setting aside the fact that it is a disgusting thing to do, the pure politics of it won’t stand up.
They might save – not gain, save – a couple of seats in Western Sydney, but I predict it won’t play well in outer suburbs, particularly among groups who are smart enough to know that they will be eventually targeted by the rampant Muesli mob (e.g. Indians of various faiths).

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 8, 2024 10:22 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Here’s a list of the Religions that Islam is not at war with:


Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
December 7, 2024 8:26 pm

Elvis Presley Blues

Gillian Welsh

1 2 3
  1. The old guard of the GOP are going to be very very unhappy with these numbers… The results of CPAC’s…

  2. But then – “Does Islam permit Muslims to lie? Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each…

  3. Poilievre is showing definite JD proclivities. MSM. “People are claiming that you …… blah blah. How do you respond”? Poilievre.…

  4. The UNiparty continues Australia’s population ponzi. An example of why all moslem immigration must cease and deportations started. Once moslems…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x