Open Thread – Thurs 6 Feb 2025

Portrait of Chaliapin, Konstantin Korovin, 1911

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Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 6, 2025 12:51 am

I really don’t care, Margaret.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 6, 2025 1:09 am

Link on the old thread on USAID funding a UK organisation called the “Centre for Information Resilience” which claims to “fight misinformation”.
Our very own DFAT appears on the list of donors as well.
Here’s how the international gaslighting game works.

  • Penny and Luigi cut the cheque.
  • Luigi introduces a Misinformation Bill.
  • ABC gives a soft interview to Luigi on the Misinformation Bill for five minutes.
  • They then beat up on the Shadow Minister for two minutes.
  • In the interests of balance they give five minutes to Mr 11% Arse Bandit
  • As a closer … “We have on the line, Felicity Margaret-Karen from the independent Centre for Information Resilience in London …”
  • Felicity has the Liars talking points in front of her and assures us in a plummy Oxbridge accent that Luigi’s legislation is world class, totally balanced and reasonable and only garage Nazis would oppose it.
February 6, 2025 1:28 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

The RAND Corporation in the U.S. has been researching ‘Truth Decay’ for some years now, presumably at least partly taxpayer funded. All these drink-tanks (not sic) provide acadumbic (h/t Faye) legitimacy for the desired policy outcomes. Rule by ‘Spurts.

February 6, 2025 1:44 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

What thoroughly repulsive people they are. Not a touch of integrity between them all.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 6, 2025 2:33 am

A very long but informative article. Excerpts follow.

Utterly beyond the comprehension of the malicious Pong and Airbus Elbow.

The growing advocacy of a fraudulent two state solution
Leslie Stein

In response to Israel adopting defensive measures in the wake of an unprovoked massacre undertaken by Hamas, a notion is gaining widespread international currency – that all would be well, if only the Palestinians were granted a state of their own. Supporters of such a view, be they individuals or nation states, generally look upon Israel as being responsible for the unfortunate lot of the Palestinians. That being the case, they maintain that the provision of statehood to the Palestinians is long overdue. The Palestinians would certainly welcome such a state provided they need not recognise the legitimacy of Israel and that they remain free to engage in an ongoing campaign to undermine and eventually destroy it.

Their obsessive desire to bring about the downfall of Israel is fuelled by two intermingling factors. One relates to their belief that Israel is uniquely responsible for their chronic statelessness. The other relates to their holding of an extreme, Nazi-like version of anti-Semitism. However, the historical records indicate that the current plight of the Palestinians is exclusively due to their outright rejections of proposals, submitted at various times, by Britain, the UN and Israel, all of which if adopted, would have facilitated the formation of an independent Palestinian State.


Maliciously turning a blind eye to the true nature of the Palestinian leadership in both in Gaza and the West Bank, the United Nations General Assembly, on December 3, 2024, called upon Israel to fully withdraw from both Gaza and the West Bank as a prelude to the creation of an independent Palestinian State. To facilitate the formation of that putative state, an international conference is scheduled to convene in June, 2025, in New York. Nonetheless, given the current aspirations of the Palestinians, the chances of them accepting any statehood which obliges them to live peacefully side by side with Israel, is most implausible. For if truth be told, the Palestinians’ preference is for a one state solution, that is, a state located between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean devoid of Jews. Given the Palestinians’ insistence on securing such a state, those who wilfully or naively lend them support, are effectively accomplices in the undermining of Israel’s security.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mak Siccar
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 6, 2025 3:34 am

Why the f*ck! is she allowing the legacy media hacks to dominate the press pack?

Tell them to f*ck off!….. Oh, I get it it. Let the enemy tie themselves up in knots.

Trump’s New Press Secretary SMACKS DOWN Woke NBC Reporter During Heated Deportation Debate

Last edited 10 minutes ago by Steve Trickler
  1. Why the f*ck! is she allowing the legacy media hacks to dominate the press pack? Tell them to f*ck off!…..…

  2. A very long but informative article. Excerpts follow. Utterly beyond the comprehension of the malicious Pong and Airbus Elbow. The…

  3. The RAND Corporation in the U.S. has been researching ‘Truth Decay’ for some years now, presumably at least partly taxpayer…

  4. Link on the old thread on USAID funding a UK organisation called the “Centre for Information Resilience” which claims to…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x