Week In Pictures.
Week In Pictures.
All you need to know about Snow White : The Karening. To all accounts, a multimillion dollar company with rocks…
Mama Mia!
Acyn@AcynWatters: We don’t need friends. If we have to burn down a few bridges with Denmark to take Greenland. We’re…
The next time your bank interrogates you about why you wish to withdraw your own money … this is what…
Lucky ducky me.
“Lucky Ducky” ?? Where does this come from?
Nice painting again, Dover. Can’t remember what the ancients call those stone-topped graves…
… rocks
… tish
Ah it’s a dolmen.
Another distraction wombat from our suckhole PM.
The comments under this US article are a hoot.
I’ll also take this chance to dedicate the Thread to the Great Specific Garbage Patch, which- like Obama’s birth certificate, Covid deaths, and Sasquatch- has never been actually confirmed by a photographed sighting.
Oi, I represent that.
Also explains why the photos you see are close up, and have no geo indicators.
Doesn’t explain why the UV light and bacteria break them down after a few years. Which is rather inconvenient to the story.
Remember the Torrey Canyon disaster? The oil was supposed to be covering the ocean and beaches for decades. It was largely gone in 3 years – being made worse by the efforts to clean the spill up. ‘Detergents’ that were toxic to sea life were used.
The RAF being brought in to bomb the wreck was a PR disaster.
Did they miss? ?
They used napalm, at a time when its use in Vietnam was very controversial
Napalm was controversial because it worked.
Just like Neutron Bombs were effective against crews in armoured vehicles.
Anything that worked, the GRU/KGB Operatives and their allies in Western Parliaments made “controversial”, and dangerous for kittens and puppies.
IIRC, about 40 bombs were used with a hit rate of 90%.
Important Caveat: The following excludes all Kittehs – past, present and emerging.
Theorem: Gurls are Evil
For Gurls to be happy, they need both Time and Money. (If either one is zero, Gurls are not happy.) Hence,
Gurls = Time x Money. (1)
Now a well known principle of business is that
Time = Money. (2)
Substituting Eq (2) into Eq (1), we have
Gurls = Money x Money = Money^2 (3)
The Bible tells us that Money is the root of all Evil. That is,
Money = Sq Root (Evil) (4)
Substituting Eq (4) into Eq (3), we get
Gurls = [Sq Root (Evil)]^2
= Evil
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
I’ll show myself out.
Grrrrr – Format fail.
Woken by torrential rain.
That doesn’t happen often here.
Or as a person I used to know said “ drench all rain “
John Spooner.
And he might not.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
Mark Knight.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
The ‘religion of pieces’ is not happy with their next door neighbour’s business establishment’s future renovations.
Today’s Tele:
Mosque battles brothel Parlour’s plans rile faithful
27 Mar 2025
Members of a Sydney mosque have hit out over the expansion plans of a nearby brothel amid claims it will have a detrimental “moral and ethical” impact on the community.
The Redfern Mosque is on the warpath with Surry Hills brothel the Ginza Club over its proposal to more than double its capacity for clients attending the venue.
Plans for the Cleveland St brothel – which is just 45m from the mosque – show two adjacent terraces would be converted into sex service rooms, boosting the brothel’s capacity from nine to 19 rooms.
Redfern Islamic Society and Redfern Mosque treasurer Hank Evecek said the development was “morally and ethically” incompatible with the local streetscape.
“It’s a big concern because we already see a lot of men sitting in cars waiting for their time to get into the brothel and activity in backstreets with people coming and going,” he said.
“We have women and children attending the mosque that have to walk past the brothel and we don’t know what kind of people that are going in and out of that premises.
“We have young boys that might get curious about what’s happening in the building and that’s a concern as well.
“It’s incompatible with our culture and morals.” Mosque member Ergul Uybadin said the brothel expansion could have particular impacts during the holy month of Ramadan which sees reigious activities held at the mosque at night. “
During Ramadan we finish our final prayer at 10pm and when we leave it’s the same time that people are coming in and out of the brothel,” Ms Uybadin said. “There’s probably a need for it in the community but why does it have to be so close to our building?”
Julie Bates, a planning representative for the brothel, defended the proposal and rejected suggestions the expansion would be detrimental to the local area.
Ms Bates, speaking at a meeting held by the City of Sydney to discuss the plans, said brothel staff and clients would be indistinguishable from other members of the public because they “want to protect their privacy”.
“From the exterior, the development looks like nothing other than a normal residence and there will be nothing there to identify it as a brothel,” she said. “It will have no adverse effects on the area.”
Ms Bates also pointed out that the NSW government had decriminalised prostitution.
However, the council has also received multiple submissions from residents opposing the brothel’s plans due to parking congestion, noise and the brothel’s proximity to Inner Sydney High School.
Despite their objections, the City of Sydney Local Planning Panel voted to support the development last week.
Ms Uybadin said members of the mosque had organised a meeting with concerned residents to discuss other avenues to challenge the approval.
The renos could be filmed by Nein’s ‘The Block.’
Contestants judged on rooms with ‘themes’ and ‘décor.’
Great game show: Guess Where I’m Going
How about Men Making Mischief
“We have young boys that might get curious about what’s happening in the building and that’s a concern as well.
As opposed to ?
Islam is incompatible with OUR Culture and Morals, Mister Uybadin, so maybe you should just go to another country that tolerates your culture and be happy there.
Fit In, Or Frak Off.
or FIFO for short.
Goodness, one of my sons lives in public housing quite near to both of these places in Redfern.
I hope he has no need of the services of either.
Almost opposite the old Church which is now a mosque (which has in recent years removed from public view the separate entrance signs for ‘men’ and ‘women’, the existence of which excited much comment) is an excellent picture framing and mirror shop which I am intending to call in to next time I can drive. I have quite a lovely print of Old Sydney Town (the harbour) circa 1805 that I want to get framed. Said son found it in a disintegrating frame on Council pick up one rubbish day and passed it on to me.
This small business did an excellent job restoring and repairing then framing Hairy’s battered old Jesus College photograph of many very hairy young men in 1970 (no girls there in those days). His old College friend in Copenhagen has it in pride of place in the study. So I decided to do the same for Hairy who had kept it in a pile of junk in a cupboard for years.
LOL. This is audacity from a religion that requires women to be completely covered from head to toe because their men can’t keep it in their pants and might fall to temptation.
I’d also hazard a guess that anyone who can afford hookers doesn’t need to mug you for cash.
Does the Ginza offer One Hour Marriages? That would be ok.
NIMBYs. Whoda thunk?
Perhaps the Mosque should move.
SpaceX is miles ahead of BYD on numbers of satellites deployed.
Holy hell.
That will be a money pit.
I just had a minor root canal op@$1800.
Imagine all those meth mouths who need bulk billed dental for mental health reasons.
You ever seen a poor dentist?
That story says checkup at $67.
BS I have a check and clean every 6 months @$250.
“Good morning, hmm. Right you need 3 out, a partial plate and a root canal”.
$67 please. See you next year.
Every friggin part of society needs a reset.
Two implants plus crowns cost me 10k over 3 years ago. Dentists are not cheap. I can’t see how applying Medicare will save much . And it will still cost a bomb.
If we covered 1 checkup a year for all punters then we are up to $5bn at a minimum. Probably more. And if everyone went we probably would need far more dentists and dental nurses. Crazy number if you go further.
Don’t we have Dental Hospitals that look after those that can’t pay?
You normally die of old age. Only learners and only emergencies, I think.
Crowns, checkups and cleaning. Good luck.
Some things in life you have to manage your self.
Shocking, I know.
Six years.
The left have long loved to lecture us, the great unwashed, about the need for forgiveness, about ‘moving on’, except of course the left never ever practice what they preach, especially when you might have offended them with a thought or ideological transgression. You will be sentenced to life, no parole.
Six years……nowadays you can spend less than six years in prison for killing someone, you can spend less than six years in prison for a sexual crime, you can spend less than six years in prison for stealing something that did not belong to you.
However, if you’d committed a thought crime against the left, particularly if you happen to be a unapologetic Christian, your sentence is life, no parole, no forgiveness.
It’s coming up six years since Israel Folau, perhaps our most gifted rugby player, was silenced, cancelled and hounded out of the country. You might have forgotten his crime. Was it a sexual crime? No. Was it a crime of theft? No. Did he kill someone? No. Was it drug related? No. Folau’s crime was that he uploaded online a biblical post on homosexuality (along with other sins). And remember what happened back in 2019? The left, the MSM and all the rest of the scum went ballistic.
This morning I read this headline on The Oz..
Let Folau play: Why it’s time for Rugby Australia to move on
Six years ago, Jamie Pandaram demanded Israel Folau be sacked after posting homophobic content on social media. Now, he thinks Folau deserves a farewell during the Lions tour. Here’s why.
I’m not going to bother reading the rest because ‘Pandaram’ was one of Folau’s hounders back in 2019. I will just say this, Folau should never ever have been sacked.
Perhaps we’ve forgotten the hysteria that happened in 2019, it seems so long ago because it was pre-Covid. The left even went after Folau’s wife, Maria, a talented sportswoman herself. She chose to stand by her husband, the left wanted her to denounce her husband. We forget just how vicious the anti-Folau bandwagon was that year.
In the face of the lynching of Israel Folau, I remember the general silence of so called Christian Scott Morrison and his ministers, who ALL should have stood up and supported Folau’s rights, instead they remained silent in the face of the baying lynch mob. Remember the hysteria, remember how Izzy and Maria set up a FoFckMe site to raise money and how that site was shut down by far-left rancid Jew hater Sally Rugg and the baying left, all because Izzy and Maria’s fund page quickly raised over a million dollars within hours?
Thankfully the ACL (Australian Christian Lobby) stepped in and set up a site to assist Folau and it was a joy to see how, within forty-eight hours, the site raised almost two million dollars. Normal Australia was cheering (and donating money). As for Australian rugby, it never recovered.
Hear this, there is no reason to forgive Israel Folau because he never did anything wrong in the first place.
By the way, many of those same men and women who lynched Folau have come out to support the rapists and murderers of Jews on October 7. Just saying. The hypocrisy is eternal!
The downdicker is up early!
So are the tick-curators. It’s all those pesky visitors.
Most people here commenting are ‘visitors’. This has been already explained.
How many upticks would you like for the above comment. I can ask Doge2 and he’ll give you as many as you want. 50, 100? Let me know and I’ll pass it on.
Do you log in to comment?
I am a bit puzzled by the frequent complaints about the downticks.
At this time you have 19 approvals and 0 dis-approvals on your complaint post.
Some say the negative ticks are all conspiracy and cheating, why is the positive legit then?
I have seen dozens of positives on posts of all members when they posted something interesting and lots of negatives when it was controversial. Not everyone likes every opinion, why not just live with it and ignore?
Sure there must be at least a couple of deranged people, but hardly representative of “us lot”.
I’m surprised you worry about the “worriers”.
If naughty Armadillo is out and about roombah-ing and scattering little teasing red herrings, good luck to him.
I understand the expression on my face will automatically annoy lefties. Dropping a little plop in response is to be expected. 😀
Not exactly worry about the ‘worriers’ just surprised that none of them complain about the upticks they receive.
By their logic it should be just as suss as the downs.
Is all. But this is the last I mention the topic so peace people, as they keep saying.
That number is not a total of upticks. It’s the total of up minus down.
I just like the little reflex of approval I feel when I give a tick to something.
Must be a hangover of years and years of marking student assignments. Tick beside the good stuff, squiggle and question mark on the hopeless, write comments at the end, always.
Now I just enjoy the ticking. I do it to signal to myself that I have read and enjoyed something, maybe to signal that to others as well. As for my own comments, I never make hereculean numbers and just count my blessings that I have at least enough supporters to cancel those who are not.
I rarely use the downtick unless I really disagree with something.
Gabor, you only see the overall result, not the number of thumbs up and down.
ScoMo’s Christianity was along the lines of Gladys Berejiklian’s “deeply personal” faith. It proved to be so deep that it couldn’t even surface to object to abortion until birth bill.
I remember when the devout Rudd used to pose on certain steps on Sunday morning.
The Folau controversy – a beat up for the Yes campaign with the added sly bonus of targeting Christians (not a peep about that other and openly vicious anti-gay religion).
After 2019 the same “activists” reared their ugly heads again during the Covid hysteria. That’s when I realised they had no true convictions, just a hankering for tyrannising others over the latest cause du jour.
Now they’re rabbiting on about renewables and parading their virtue in the silliest ways.
And this is just the microcosm of family. Multiply that nationwide.
Australian Rugby was the first in our country to FAFO.
They and the equally spineless pollies like scummo threw rugby supporters under the leftist bus.
Perhaps they should try and get sponsorship from Bud Light and Gillette to help them regain any relevance.
Excellent post by the way.
Super good post. Bravo!
A lot of useful data in this article:
Bjorn Lomborg: Solar and wind power are expensive (25 Mar, via Climate Depot)
Bowen and Albo are literally trying to do the impossible. I’ve included the CD link in case Cats hit a paywall – I didn’t. Here’s one of the headline graphs in the story:
So where is Australia on that Chart. Up there next to Denmark or off the Chart?
The blue dot just below Italy. You can see it in one of the other charts in the story.
Thanks Bruce. That is shocking though.
Even more shocking when you realise Australia is roughly the size of the whole of Europe.
That’s a lot of supporting infrastructure.
Especially when you compare the populations to pay for this madness.
Fish farming in Tassie is an environmental disaster according to the Greens.
Clearing huge tracts of land with bulldozers and digging innumerable quarries and mines for renewables is tickety boo.
I repeat, Hegseth is outstanding.
One more time…
I see war plans every single day. No one is texting war plans.
Sound familiar?
NPR’s Katherine Maher admits it’s ‘concerning’ that 100% of her editorial board—87 members—are registered Democrats, with zero Republicans.
NPR’s blatant partisan imbalance is unacceptable—taxpayers should not be forced to foot the bill for a one-sided echo chamber.
fire the lot!
Could be quite high at WSJ too.
*not a financial analyst, anyone wanna interpret?
CNBC’s Joe Kernen reminds a hyperventilating Mark Warner of the Biden admin record:
“You remember the Biden administration started with the biggest F up in history with Afghanistan and 13 dead Americans. Let’s not get too sanctimonious and high and mighty about screwing up.”
Warner: “You’re not going to just throw that in…”
Kernan: “I just did.”
Elon Musk’s X is poised to achieve its first year of advertising revenue growth since he acquired Twitter.
X is expected to see US ad sales reach $1.31 billion in 2025, a 17.5% increase from the previous year, according to Emarketer.
Globally, the platform’s ad revenue is forecasted to climb to $2.26 billion this year, reflecting a 16.5% rise, according to Emarketer estimates.
The Signal story is now a legacy media test to see if they still have the power to get scalps like they did in Trump’s first term. The answer back needs to be an emphatic denial of that power.
An Obama-appointed judge just threatened Trump with arrest if he doesn’t restore every dime of paused funding.
Do It!
Do It!
Do It!
Notice the narrative shift.
First it was “top secret”, then it was “classified”, now it’s “sensitive”
I think Dorian Grey’s picture just burned.
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) broke party lines yesterday, voting ‘YES’ on an amendment to defund DOGE, Elon Musk’s government efficiency initiative under Trump. The only Republican to do so, she joined Democrats in a failed 48-52 vote.
She is an evil kunt.
If there is any legal way for Trump to throw her under the bus, he should do so.
43 years old and in great shape.
Former Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin disappeared for days to have surgery and did not inform the White House.
Who called on Lloyd to resign after that?
Hakeem Jeffries?
Mark Kelly?
Ruben Gallego?
Well that escalated last night,
Done some digging on B2B,Jack is very cagey about his background apart from being born in Samoa & spending some of his childhood in PNG. Seems he finished school in Oz and I suspect from an interview I saw of him it would have been Brisbane. The guys lifestyle exudes mummy & daddys money, not that there’s anything wrong with that but swanning around on a boat he has never had a real job by the looks and engineers are in short change. He’s the last person I’d take advice from.
Francesca, her only Bio is private on Linkedin. JCU Marine biology. Probably one of thee most extreme faculties out there. Look at what happened to Peter Ridd in the Earth Science Dept. She also was a part of a failed company by the looks MBD Energy, one of those “renewable companies” probably mostly funded at the fiat of the taxpayer.
Further google searching on B2B (Castaways) has assessments from others these guys are very well into self promotion and grandstanding. She was educated by a mob that has form for overstating environmental damage and as I said another Euro blow in throwing her weight around.
Attached is sea currents from Asia that would move surface garbage. Asia has plenty of it and I refuse to go near Bali but I have seen Thai beaches just after dawn and the workers clearing it up before the tourists arrive. However barring possibly a tiny area of the Gascoyne Region near Exmouth the current send anything floating in it away from the Oz coast and especially NQ where currents are in the opposite direction.
Anyway insults aside Fran is dead wrong.
Don’t blame stickler for posting about it.
He is easily influenced by offerings on the interwebs, Facts not so much. After all he is fascinated by a dog walking about and posts the same ad-nauseam.
I was actually mildly amused when the irritation wore off at the over the top reaction.
I do actually enjoy some of the mach loop vids and fully blown drag cars.
No no no no no NO NO NO NO NO.
Ignore the people that actually live in those parts and can provide first-hand experience and factual information.
Can’t you see there is a self-serving Youtube channel to take into account?
Gidday KD,
Mate when I was doing boat patrols in the late ’90’s with 51FNQR in the upper end of the Gulf there were endless miles of plastic junk washed up at the high tide marks.
An over-representation of rubber thongs in their thousands as well as plastic bottles and assorted plastic detritus.
It used to really piss us off as we were in what most would consider remote areas and otherwise the coastal views were epic.
it was all blamed on Indon fisheries (rightly or wrongly).
Very scant population around there as you know. So it had to come from somewhere. Just my two bob’s worth.
There’s already a “Signals” case and guess who’s presiding over it.
Judge James Boasberg is a corrupt judge who is basically doing the work of the DNC.
The fact this guy is dictating American foreign policy is blatantly insane and probably unconstitutional.
We cannot allow 77 million voters and the legitimacy of the Electoral College to be subverted like this.
And if the Supreme Court rules against President Trump – which is not a null chance – what can he do about it?
Ignore the ruling?
This would lead to Impeachment and the swamp would probably get it through despite the long odds.
What then?
This whole show is precisely what the 2nd Amendment was written for.
I’ve no idea, does anyone have any?
“We are NOT going to be lectured about national security and American troops by Democrats and the mainstream media who turned the other cheek when the Biden administration, because of their incompetence, left 13 service members DEAD in Afghanistan – and not a SINGLE person in the previous administration was held accountable for that botched withdrawal.”
“Joe Biden said, in fact, it was a ‘great operation.’ THAT is despicable. It’s unacceptable to this president and this Secretary of Defense @PeteHegseth.”
“The National Security Advisor has taken responsibility for this inadvertent number being added to the messaging thread. But above all, we take the lives of our troops, safety, security, prosperity around the globe with the utmost seriousness.”
You’re already surplus to requirements.
Bill Gates: Within 10 years, AI will replace many doctors and teachers—humans won’t be needed ‘for most things’
Yep, on ya Billy, and it is well to remember that A.I. will be able to commit the perfect fraud.
Not looking good for newsreaders and breakfast show hosts either
They’re down to 26% favourability now.
Democrats, lacking popular support, resort to judge-shopping and more lawfare
Full Signal Text Thread Has Been Released by Hoax Peddler Jeffrey Goldberg — Mike Waltz and J.D. Vance Respond
The whole thing is a beat up and a nothing burger.
Democrats, is that all you got? Pathetic.
Mark Steyn’s Last Laugh Isn’t Over Yet: The Latest Twist in the Hockey Stick Legal Saga
Every halfway educated person knows that Steyn was right and Mann is a fraud. The hoax has gone on long enough. The hockey stick was an artefact of bad methodology.
Apply the right kind of filter to random noise and you find any “signal” you want.
The methodology was created to make the hockeystick. One tree in Yamal was the basis for the fraud. I recall when the original scientismist discovered he’d inverted the axis, the others in the group told him to leave it.
From last night for JC. You might find interesting:
Those plastic rubbish zones you mentioned off Hawaii, seems they are being colonised by sea organisms like anemones etc…
Interesting that what humans foul up our environment mother nature just adapts and a new niche is born:
To paraphrase Bertrand Russell, idealism is often a disguised drive for power over others.
(One of the few things he was right about! I suspect it dawned on as a result of spending a lot of time associating with self-styled progressives.)
A Canadian father who campaigns against giving puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to children has been fined $806 and “forcibly removed” from Brisbane’s Queens Street Mall over a sign that reflects current Queensland law.
Sounds worthy of taking to court and contesting it for a refund plus costs
Just shows you that the coppers were never your protector – they’re the governments protector.
And protectors of criminals. Same thing anyway.
In this case they’re not even protecting the government.
Put the message front and back on T shirt.
“children cannot consent to puberty blockers” T shirt
Grossly overpriced – $20 delivery for each of 5 shirts.
I’ll go with Vistaprint.
Order placed….
Ya want one, Wivenhoe?
For you it’s a freebie.
I need the tax loss.
Watched it on Bolt, charged with obstructing people in teh mall.Totally ludicruous hardly anyone there except for 6 coppers.
Yes saw Billboard Chris on Bolt last night. Standing there with a billboard on himself not bothering anyone. Happy to engage with people if they approach.
Such a blatant injustice and a no brainer to pursue through the Courts. So maddening to see such authoritarianism.
Remember when leftards screeched “Stop police verbals”? Now they demand them.
Buy that man the t-shirt above and stand with a group in the same mall chatting to him. See what happens.
Is he going to be there Sunday 6th? I’ll be in Brisbane, just hoping the Tshirts arrive by then.
Leaving the Mall cops to one side, the thing that intrigues me is who sent the BCC local laws officer to move Billboard Chris along, with a solid administrative fine right off the bat.
The Queen Street Mall is a big space and he was clearly not obstructing traffic in the slightest – so, someone with authority was presumably offended by the message.
Isn’t the premier the top authority in the state? So where is Chrisafulli?
That’s a big philosophical question.
Sensible (the NT News):
This would be the stupid ‘target’ put in place by a Labor government in 2016.
Lucky you, KD. 😀
NT electricity price increases are still capped at CPI or thereabouts I do believe.
Have any Cats seen Michaels Smith’s great pic of how Monique Ryan treats Public Property?
Sure have. You would think the more people that see that visage, the less votes. What a horror. Wouldn’t like her to be treating me or mine.
Oh, at first glance it looks like a dumpster. Where it belongs
I note on the poster she gives herself the title “Doctor”, but I can’t find any record of her PhD. She was a paediatric neurologist of some note, but “Doctor” for medicos remains a courtesy title. Some would consider it bad form to apply it to one’s self.
Our local Federal Liars member does the same.
I never used it when flying. I’m not a physician, and didn’t want to be asked to assist in an emergency.
What? Like Dr Rudd, Dr Chalmers and Dr Emerson?
FMD. What absolute tossers they are.
“Oh hello”
“Dr eh? Gp or are you a specialist”?
“Specialist in Paul Keating”…
“Taser” who comments frequently there, is a smug, adolescent troll who thinks he should be running the blog, not Michael.
Under the heading “Sign of the times”.
Located on the front of the Griffith fire station;
”If there’s a fire exit the building before posting on Facebook”
When I was Captain of an Adelaide Hills CFS station,we failed an OHS audit for having insufficient fire extinguishers…. we had 3 trucks, each with extinguishers aboard, and a grand total of 17,000L of water.
That painting looks like an eclipse.
2 white liberal skank judges uphold boasberg’s injunction against Trump deporting gang members:
Divided federal appeals court rules to keep order blocking Tren de Aragua deportation flights in place
One of the skanks says Nazis were treated better than the gang members. Fuking idiot. What is it about the left and Nazis. The idiots should Have Godwins Law stamped on their pointy heads.
These gang members would as soon cut your throat as talk to you.
An update on the B52J Project.
I wonder if they could do the Loyal Wingman thing to help it as a penetrating bomber?
They’d need to carry some extra fuel for them with automatic aerial refueling, but…
The new RR engines provide for better fuel consumption which means a longer range is now possible.
And I think those Loyal Wingman drones don’t use much fuel anyway.
One refuel would see it travelling with a B52 on a mission, adding a lot of survivability to the pilots etc.
Just on our beloved feral abacus wallet wizard dim chambers, the credulous swamp donkeys in the braindead lamestream meeja would be advised to be a little bit more skeptical about the lies he blatantly spouts when engaged in a bit o’ “chook feeding”.
Kroges* last night picked chambers up on a complete fabrication the latter had been claiming regarding the budget position since labore won government. It was blatantly incorrect, as Kroges demonstrated by citing the relevant budget papers.
The observation about labore politicians, lies and their lips moving proves correct, again.
*Yes, I know …
We attended a terrific address at the Sydney Institute last night by Israeli journalist and expert of ME affairs, Ehud Yaari.
He not only spoke about the war in Gaza, but various developments in Turkey, Syria and Iran. It was good news, I thought, in relation to Israel. In particular, he talked about the greater involvement of the Saudis and the Gulf states in normalising the troubled areas – in particular normalising the reactions with Israel and improvement in trade relations . There were many questions from the audience about the role of Qatar and other players.
I believe that the address is recorded by the Institute and can be accessed.
This is an interesting article on the increasing aggression from China. ASPI provides good analysis , though it seems to be losing support from the Albanese government. A good reason to support it!
Pressure Points:
China’s air and maritime coercion
New research from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute reveals a range of nations are increasingly willing to challenge China’s excessive claims in the South China Sea.
The analysis, detailed in ‘Pressure Points’ —a world first online resource tracking the activity and behaviour of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the South China Sea and beyond— was released this morning.
The website highlights almost a dozen recent incidents of unsafe military behaviour by China against countries including the United States, Australia, Canada, the Philippines, the Netherlands and others, and finds these unsafe incidents have ramped up in recent years, after first beginning in 2021.
The research also analyses the Chinese military’s use of air and maritime coercion to enforce Beijing’s excessive claims and advance China’s security and defence interests in the Indo-Pacific.
As outlined on the website, the PLA employs a variety of risky and dangerous tactics to try to deter others from operating in areas of the South China Sea and East China Sea, including through the release of flares, the use of lasers, sonar bursts and other dangerous manoeuvres.
Through a detailed examination of which countries do or don’t use their military forces to challenge China’s excessive claims, the research also finds that not all countries are regularly publicising the challenges they are engaged in.
While the US, Canada, France and the United Kingdom regularly publicise such challenges, Australia, Japan and New Zealand are among the countries that do not.
The project also provides governments, as well as regional and global militaries, with policy recommendations to help push back against China’s ambitions to reshape the regional order.
These focus on enhancing transparency through regular public statements to reinforce the importance of their military actions, building and strengthening networks between like-minded countries and demonstrating perseverance.
This new ASPI project fills an information gap regarding the PLA’s regional activity, and through greater data-driven transparency the project aims to deepen and inform public discourse on important defence and security issues.
It provides the public with a reliable and accurate account of the PLA’s regional activity by highlighting and analysing open-source data, military imagery and satellite footage and official statements. Future expansions of the work will occur in 2025-26.
I wonder what event or events happened in 2021 that might have convinced the Chinese that they could push the margins a bit further with little immediate risk.
What military posture by the Chinese would please ASPI?
What does ASPI expect China to do in the face of US containment strategy?
Cutting out the risky and provocative behaviour would be a good start.
Not for China.
ours or theirs?
Not just Labor politicians.
That being said, iirc, Chalmers stated that government debt would peak at c. 37% of GDP within 3 years.
Interesting, as the IMF has us at 49% to date.
Perhaps it’s not a lie if it’s a Treasury forecast.
I suspect that Wallet Wizard was referring only to Commonwealth government debt.
Deceptive conduct had a big business CFO made a similar statement about the business.
Without checking the figures I suspect you are right. Real debt at State level (particularly Vic & Qld), off balance sheet fiddles like the NBN and quangos such as Snowy Hydro. The degree of risk to the taxpayer varies case by case but at law the position is clear.
It looks like the Gross Debt vs Net Debt issue.
A problem with looking at net debt in Australia is that the cash at hand in the various hollow logs (ARENA etc) is hypothecated for boondoggles to do with various government policies.
Nice of Treasury to point that out.
Victor Davis Hanson: Keep Your Enemies Close…But NOT In Your Groupchats
New Zealand Hits Panic Button as Adverse Events Skyrocket Among mRNA-Vaxxed
safe and effective!
A Royal Commission in Australia please.
no one could have predicted this
They are absolutely determined to commit economic suicide.
Watch: Germany demolishes its most advanced coal plant after only six years of operation
Amusing you’ve linked India Today for that story…amusing because of this story.
What climate agenda?! India boasts it has reached ‘1 Billion Tonne of Coal Production’! – ‘A historic milestone’ (26 Mar)
They seem quite proud of this achievement! I would be too.
Now that IS Nation Building. And on to the next Billion………….
Looks like the buggers are building themselves another Nation.
They even have a Ministry of Coal. Good old King Coal.
Is that King Kohli that you see signs for at the cricket?
Treasury “forecasts” bearing as they do, absolutely no resemblance to reality, accidentally/coincidentally or otherwise.
Kennedy explains how Canada could fend off U.S. tariffs: “Reduce your tariffs to zero”
And stop throwing your garbage over the fence into your neighbour’s yard.
Like fentanyl and country shoppers.
Cassie of Sydney
March 27, 2025 7:43 am
Six years.
The six years that really worries and disgusts me is the prospect of the liars being returned at the next election.
Even worse if the slime gets a leg up.
“The SHOCK Of Their Political Lives!” | Brits ‘Won’t Accept Hardship For Ukraine’
cultivating contempt
Quite insightful on explaining the hysterical behaviour of Leftards ever since Donald Trump gained the Presidency.
THIS IS GLORIOUS! DHS Secretary Kristi Noem is currently in El Salvador visiting the illegal alien gangsters President Trump deported under the Alien Enemies Act.
They’re all locked up in President Bukele’s maximum security prison.
The Tourette’s footballer; if anyone is interested
I have a Nephew who has Tourettes syndrome.
Nothing got in his way – he formed a band, and they all think he’s awesome.
🙂 🙂
Not really.
If he gets a kick, well done.
Which he may well get plenty against Essendon, who may well finish with the wooden spoon.
My new Free Press Hero.
Ask Edgar.
This is a hoot. I reckon Edgar is a regular reader of the Cat.
That was absolutely bloody hilarious, Pogs.
“Why do all blondes run away from me?!”
I loved the part where he told her to wipe the John Howard foam from the sides of her mouth. Lol.
Ahaha! This is volunteer work. It’s part of my probation!
He’s quick!
It reminded me of Stimpson. Strange, but entertaining.
I. just. didn’t. get. it.
From the oz
The Department of Parliamentary Services has confirmed more than $35,000 was spent on a single “prototype” standing desk for sitting MPS.
Following controversy earlier this year over a nearly $20,000 desk being commissioned and built by members of DPS for the department’s deputy secretary Cate Saunders, it was confirmed in senate estimates today another $35,000 in taxpayer dollars had been spent on a separate desk.
“I just want to get this right. Over $35,000… was paid for one desk?” Liberal Senator Jane Hume asked the department.
DPS secretary Jaala Hinchcliffe confirmed that was the case.
“The current prototype desk is here in the onsite storage (in parliament),” she said.
Senator Hume extrapolated that giving just half of parliamentarians such a custom desk would come to $4m.
Ms Hinchcliffe said “these are issues that we’re thinking through”.
“I agree… that the numbers for the cost of this are large and we will need to look through our capital works program at issues like this to see if that cost is something that’s sustainable and does it provide something members and senators want and need,” she said.
Ms Hinchcliffe said there had been requests for sit-stand desks in the past.
“Because the furniture that they’re replacing is specifically designed for senators and members to ensure the dignity of the house and in relation to the particular design of the building, we’ve gone down that path again in terms of these sit-stand desks,” she said.
Tis only OPM so how could anyone dent this hooman rite!!
Hubris on steroids or as we mere plebs would say
Arrogant out of touch wankers.
Decent quality powered sit-stand desks are available in the $1,000 to $2,000 range – depending on size and finish.
The “dignity of the house” is manifestly sub-IKEA (with a few screw thingos missing).
Are we to believe that the DPS employs its own joiners?
Is this cost effective?
The $20K price tag would suggest not.
Deny not dent FFS
A posting of The Mocker is imminent.
The story of the “plastic island” in the Pacific is a total bust.
Whenever you ask someone for the lat-long coordinates of the video or photo they post, they become very coy.
It’s like the Wilderness Society photos of a sad-face Koala (is there any other kind?) sitting in front of acres of cut tree stumps … except they are farmed pine trees, and Koalas don’t eat pine needles.
By now the underneath would be encrusted in growth and a natural nursery for fish.
Artificial reef on steroids.
Agreed on the so called plastic island, from what I’ve read whatever is there is in higher concentrations but still fairly well spread out. What I do like however is how nature has exploited the debri fields to bring normally shallow littoral species to deep ocean areas they normally aren’t found.
Testing times when law has lost its faculties?
THE Mocker
Following The Australian’s scoop that law students at Macquarie University were forced to conduct an acknowledgment of country or lose marks, The Mocker takes a sneak peek at the faculty’s upcoming exam questions for this semester.**
1. In 2020, the High Court ruled 4-3 in the case of Thomas v Commonwealth of Australia that the plaintiff, a New Zealand national born in that country who had been imprisoned for criminal offences here, could not be deported because he had First Nations ancestry and thus was not an alien. What does it say about our judiciary that the three judges who were on the wrong side of history were allowed to remain on the bench?
2. In the 2023 referendum, 60.06 per cent of Australians rejected the Albanese government’s proposal to amend the constitution to provide for a First Nations voice to parliament. Discuss with reference to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 what legislative amendments are necessary to publicly disclose the names of No voters should the same proposal go to referendum again.
3.The South Australian Hindmarsh Island Bridge case (“Secret Women’s Business”) was a longstanding and controversial legal battle throughout the 1990s and early 2000s over claims the development would compromise the fertility of Ngarrindjeri women. The developers alleged the women had fabricated that claim. Why do settlers refuse to recognise that truth-telling is inherent in First Nations culture?
4. James is a law student at Macquarie University. He tells Associate Professor/Aunty Natalia, a Gadigal lecturer, that he is here to learn law and “not be repeatedly subjected to this ‘always was always will be’ and ‘sovereignty never ceded’ crap”. What section of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 has James breached and how much compensation should be awarded to Natalia?
5. Bartholomew, a proud Dharawal trans-man, and Omolara, a Nigerian lesbian and asylum-seeker, sue each other for breach of contract. Who should the judge find for?
6. “Given the British illegally invaded Australia and given that First Nations sovereignty was unceded, it follows that all colonial laws, regulations and instruments are invalid, except for the Macquarie University Academic Staff Enterprise Agreement 2023.” Discuss.
7. Women comprise eight per cent of Australia’s prison population. Provide additional examples of structural misogyny in the criminal justice system.
8. You are a solicitor specialising in criminal law. Tom has been charged by police with assaulting Pamela, his former partner. He wants to contest the matter and for you to represent him at hearing, saying he has evidence the allegation is malicious. Detail how you would convince Tom to believe women and to reconsider his plea.
9. During the COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria, Premier Daniel Andrews gave the green light for riot police to fire rubber pellets at citizens protesting lengthy lockdowns and vaccination directives. In retrospect, were even stronger laws needed to contain these illegal uprisings and help Dan to continue saving the lives of Victorians?
10. “Judicial notice” is a legal term for a court’s accepting without formal proof a self-evident assertion. What claims would you like to see included in that category?
a) Climate science is settled
b) All masculinity is toxic masculinity
c) Every claim in Bruce Pascoe’s book Dark Emu
d) All of the above
11. One of your fellow students, Max, tells you privately that he is frustrated with the approach of lecturers, saying he instead wants to be taught “black letter law”. What other racist expressions have you heard on campus?
12. “Trumpian disinformation is a threat to the rule of law. If the 1967 referendum were held today, the proposals would not have been carried, and First Nations peoples would still be non-citizens classified under the Flora and Fauna Act.” Discuss.
13. You volunteer to be a mentor and are assigned first-year law students Barry, Rocky, and Gary. Outline how you will use your experiences to guide the three young women.
14. In Alice Springs, young and self-motivated First Nations peoples are reacquiring connection with land, driven by their desire for self-determination and economic empowerment. Why then do police insist on using the pejorative term “home invasions” for this behaviour?
15. Incorporating lengthy and incessant acknowledgements of country into day-to-day work will transform law practices for the better. Discuss with reference to six-minute billing increments.
16. Mahmoud, a Palestinian activist, studies sociology at Macquarie University. He intends launching his illuminating and lucid book of poetry, An Ode to Cleansing the Middle East of Israelis, on campus. With reference to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, specify the university’s statutory obligations to ensure Zionist disruptors do not encroach upon Mahmoud’s safe space.
** According to The Mocker, who can never be taken seriously.
maybe not such satire: I recall a report on a public defender in the US who needed to persuade her J6 defendant that he was racist.
Sounds like it’s curtains for Perth’s favourite spider that it never even knew about:
Last dance for striking spider as Perth estate moves into its home
This is the spider that is so essential to biodiversity that we only discovered its existence in 2022, because…well…it lives only in a tiny patch of land the size of a few back yards, and nowhere else on the planet.
Now, firstly, I’ll happily go on record as saying it’s a beautiful and interesting creature. It’s a pity that it’ll be driven extinct.* I’ll also say that, if your evolutionary path has relegated you an evolutionary cul de sac – essentially a large children’s sand pit – your species was kinda teetering on the edge of survival and ya weren’t really all that long for this world anyway,
But if course the Greens are up in arms:
Ugly monoculture of sprawl? That’s where people live, you disgusting misanthrope. People need houses. Sorry, not sorry.
Nope! You can enjoy your Northbridge dogbox if you like (or wherever the hell you live in the inner city), but I – like the vast majority of the population – want my kids to grow up with a backyard. I view it as their birthright as Australians, should their parents choose this for them. I think most would, and we, as a society, should make this as affordable as possible for families. Stick your “sprawl” where it fits, Brad. You would never live in these places or dream of even visiting them (developed or undeveloped) – but for a charismatic spider, perhaps.
You know what? I think the “sprawl” residents should start demanding the end of inner city high density living. Brad and co need to be turfed out of their trendy townhouses and apartments and forced to live in suburban paradise for their own good. We just don’t like the idea of people living in tiny dwellings with no access to their own personal green space. It’s just not healthy. Whatever next, are we to live in pods? Sorry, what was that, Brad? Sounded like you said “obviously” but maybe you have a speech impediment.
Anyway, it’s time for the ‘sprawlers’ to start demanding an end to high density inner city living because, well, reasons. It’s bad and stuff. Causes problems. We can just gin up some equally weak arguments that folks like Brad routinely use against the people contributing to their hated ‘sprawl’, and employ these to demand Brad and co be driven out of their neighbourhoods. We need to call it something scary. Ghettoisation. That’s what it is. I’m anti it! Clear the ghettos! Sorry, gotta go, Brad. We’ve decided this place isn’t fit for human flourishing. The demolition vehicles will be stopping by in the afternoon.
Because that’s the thing about the ‘sprawlers’ – there are a helluva lot more of us than there are the social engineering types like Brad. So maybe it is time we used that weight of numbers to start engineering the lives of Brad and his ilk to force them to align more with our values.
* I also believe there are many very similar species of this spider kicking about, but let’s not go there today.
Hard to enjoy a walk around Northbridge after a light summer shower after a few weeks dry spell.
Surely the Greens could start up a breeding program for this spider. They seem to be very good at breeding spiders. Poisonous ones.
Pay that BoN!
Bob Murphy has led 3LO to its lowest ever breakfast ratings. Good job Bob.
Plenty of underperformers out there. The new Ita off to an inauspicious start.
ABC problem: We’re too woke and haemorrhaging audience.
ABC solution: Let’s hire a woke footballer. Nobody will notice.
ALPBC now being run by menopausal and post menopausal Karens. And that’s just the blokes.
Never heard of him.
And I live in Melbourne.
Verbose middling footballer. Down hill skier and receiver if memory serves.
The other remarkable thing about this spider is that it shows how weakened the environmental movement has become in the face of the housing crisis, and perhaps in general. (One can only hope.) Ten years ago, I don’t think this development would have had a snowball’s chance of going ahead, once it was discovered that it would drive a fancy rare spider to extinction. Now, I don’t think anyone who has any sort of public profile is demanding the developer’s permits be pulled – it’s just crocodile tears and lamentation about the spider’s impending doom from the usual suspects. They don’t have any juice in the face of this relatively insignificant housing development. A critical mass of the public is just not with them, when they once would have been.
With a few personal exceptions, I prefer spiders to human beans. The former catch and eat mosquitoes which I detest.
So I want to know before taking sides, does this nearly extinct species of spider eat mozzies?
I like mud wasps best. They control all spiders, and many other bugs plus, they don’t come after me. win win!
They are fearsome looking things, but quite harmless. We recently had a pair making a nest under a cane lounge on our verandah at the farm. Urban visitors sitting on said lounge were horrified, and very difficult to convince that they were not threatening.
On the other hand, they have a very annoying habit of making mud nests in hoses, and even in engine components.
I’m a fan, too.
Also, paper wasps, the kind that build triangular/diamond shaped nests on your eaves or verandah, are benign creatures. I don’t know what they eat, but their diet does not include humans. Quite likely it includes garden pests.
I suspect that Waspophobia stems from fear of wasps in other countries, often justified.
So Dutton reckons he will reduce excise on fuel.
Gutless. Why not abolish excise? On everything.
Didn’t little johnny promise this in exchange for a GST?
All stamp duty was supposed to go. However, all State Guv’ments still have stamp duty on property transactions as they are hooked on the money that it brings in.
Now trying to add land tax as well.
And after that an inheritance tax.
You are confusing the Fightback proposal with the actual tax reform that came after the 1998 election. There was never any intention or policy to abolish duty.
There were a couple that were supposed to go with the GST but didn’t. Can’t recall whether stamp duty was one of them.
Plus stamp duty and GST on insurance contracts the bastards.
It’s income taxes he needs to reduce. Consumption taxes like excise are the least worst option.
Excise might not worry the EV rich. Ask a alcoholic delivery driver.
Australia way too reliant on personal income tax. Too much complexity and welfare churn.
Don’t forget – GST is levied on the fuel price including the excise.
So it’s a tax on a tax.
Gruinaid on the side of big property developers against the common man…
Peter Fegan, a host on talkback Brisbane radio 4BC, quoted forecasts that 260,000 migrants would “flood into Australia” by the end of this financial year.
“I don’t know where 260,000 new migrants will go. I know that they’ll work. But we’re in a housing crisis. It doesn’t make sense to me,” he said on Wednesday.
With this kind of emotion*, Peter Dutton is keen to capitalise on fears the recent jump in migration has pushed up house prices and rents.
*Its called basic math you innumerate mongs..
Overseas migration surged to 535,000 in 2022-23, or roughly double the average pace of the decade leading up to Covid. The figure was 435,000 in 2023-24.
Treasury’s projections are that net overseas migration – or Nom – will fall by 100,000 in this financial year to 335,000.
That’s a hefty 1.3m in just three years.
The budget predicts Nom will drop again to more usual numbers of 260,000 in 2025-26 and then settle at a lower 230,000 a year from then.
And they base this on….. something…
But has the recent pace of migration made the problem worse, as Dutton & Co have argued?
The chief economist at the Centre for Independent Studies, Peter Tulip, is unconvinced.
Peter tulip is also an innumerate mong who does not understand how scarcity will drive up prices.
Brendan Coates, an economist at the Grattan Institute, calculates that were the Coalition to permanently cut net overseas migration to 160,000 a year, from 260,000 a year, that would reduce rents by about 6% after a decade.
But, those gains would come at a cost.
“Migrants contribute greatly to Australia’s prosperity and shape our diverse society. Skilled migrants in particular lift the productivity of local workers and boost government budgets, raising Australians’ incomes,” Coates says.
“Cutting migration, and especially permanent skilled migration, may make our housing a bit cheaper. But it would definitely make us poorer.”
Challenge accepted – your warning is duly noted and dismissed as no more than the witterings of a senile old village idiot.
Recent stats showed that many of Australia’s recent intakes of skilled migrants are working in minimum wage jobs.
Either their skills didn’t stack up or we were prioritising the wrong occupations. The system is broken.
Define “skilled”, and being able to recite the Koran from memory doesn’t count.
Neither do fingernail painters.
Or dog walkers.
The jury is out on phone cleaners.
What you lot don’t understand is that the larger the population the greater the unmet demand for nail polishers, dog walkers, and phone sanitisers.
And unmet demand is a deadweight on productivity.
“Migrants contribute greatly to Australia’s prosperity and shape our diverse society.
So he admits that shaping our diverse society doesn’t of itself contribute to Australia’s properity?
So why aren’t they at home contributing to their own nations prosperity and shaping?
Why, no opportunity to “lift the productivity of local workers and boost government budgets, raising Australians’ incomes” – of course.
You do sound very Far Right.
But, those gains would come at a cost.
“Migrants contribute greatly to Australia’s prosperity and shape our diverse society
AS someone who lives in a majority ethnic “houso” estate I get amused by “experts” who never meet any “immigrants” knowing how they contribute ..
90% of parents where I am do not speak English, have never worked (in OZ) and I’m talking 30 years ago “boat-folk” not recent arrivals ….. FFS!
White House intruder caught by WH cops.
Did he have a 500 gm Plastique brick in his jacket? 😀
From the comments:
You don’t have kids – especially boys. I can tell. They can run out of sight in 2.3 seconds, hide under a coffee mug, get into mischief tied up like Houdini, wrapped in cellophane and put in a cardboard box – which is then welded shut.
2.3 seconds? That would be the fat kids. 😀
How many readily employable carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers and roofers among them?
Albanese has a c. 400 000 domestic dwelling backlog requiring attention.
If you believe governments build houses, that is.
It’s war!
Australian federal budget 2025: Nation’s biggest builder says the housing crisis needs a ‘war-time response’ (25 Mar)
Maybe he means declaring war on all the invaders coming into the country? Or perhaps declaring war on beautiful spiders, lesser spotted newts and other critters the Greens seem to like more than humans.
Imagine the cost to tthe home buyer after the builder factors in all the double/triple/public holiday money needed to speed up the build .. LOL!
Federal Housing Dept responsible for all these “homes” has over the past 3 years spent (to date) $A15million on admin & ancillary costs (excluding wages) .. number of “houses” built since formed by Luigi …. Nil …….
Doesn’t matter how many homes we build it will never keep up with the current immigration rate.
If there is a shortage of laborers to build homes why are able bodied people on the dole?
Stop paying people to do nothing and you will be amazed at how productive they suddenly become.
Hunger does that.
We have governments and political parties so dysfunctional as to declared National Disasters just for existing.
A shadow Immigration Minister could cause some mischief by asking the Immigration Minister how many immigrants in each priority skills group arrived in the previous two calendar years.
Then ask for the total number of immigrants in each of those years.
That would mean…work. And research.
Don’t be silly.
I’m fast coming to the conclusion that the fat buttocks are well and truly happy sitting on the Opposition leather. They have no desire to govern, just to collect their pay.
Being in the “priority skills” group =/= they must have a priority skill.
Dependents are counted in the same stream as their primary visa holder.
There have been years when (say) from an intake of 20,000 in the (say) priority skills group, 16,000 possess no skill whatsoever, will not be working, or in unskilled (i.e. waitress) will be using schooling, university & be big users of hospitals.
I’ll take that question on notice, Senator.
Somebody put up a link the other day which showed that building costs in Australia were up to 3x to 4x higher than anywhere else in the world.
I put it down to union graft and corruption and government red tape.
The Albosleazy government is flat-out lying when it promises to build 1.2 houses.
For $32 billion ‘invested’ in various housing related schemes, rorts, and hollow logs. In rough terms, an investment of $27,000 per boasted about new Albohouse.
Nobody seems curious as to where the other several $100 billion is supposed to come from to actually complete and deliver the 1.2 million ‘well located’ homes promised in the National Housing Accord.
Tedious details, meet untruth.
1.2 million!
Saw a picture of the high vis crowd around a bit of road construction recently, the caption was they were all on 2 or 3x what a nurse or police officer is in Vic.
Carlson’s father died. The obit sounds like he was CIA for a time.
Yes I believe so.
We have to wait for mutley to declare a clown show.
speaking on
Click on the links below
I’m not going to spend an hour watching whatever it is, Vicki.
What’s the guts of it?
Oh Winston! I promise you it is worth it! I was fixated with what he had to say. But it was dense in facts and scenarios. Indeed – what he said last night re the Gazans have had enough is borne out in the last 24 hours with Gazans protesting against Hamas. An amazing development. He said there are very very few Hamas commanders left standing.
In other matters, he said that the Saudis are very keen on getting trade reestablished with Israel, as are other Gulf States. He talked about the devastation that Iran has suffered from Israel’s retaliatory bombardment of strategic assets. He talked about the situation in Syria and Turkey. Great info – fills in the vast gaps of the MSM.
But Winston – get a grip! These matters are important!
I watched all of it. Thanks Vicki!
Very interesting viewing on the dynamics of the entire ME.
In other matters, he said that the Saudis are very keen on getting trade reestablished with Israel, as are other Gulf States.
This has been developing for 6 or so years now, due to the Abraham Accords overseen by Kuschner. Very under the radar, but I suspect ready to act in many ways.
Oh, all right.
Nag nag nag.
Nagity nag nag.
Arky has a point.
Winston grabs a tinnie, a comfortable chair, and watches…. sulking every minute.
I know they’re important, but there is no longer any point in talking to Islam. They lie, cheat and steal, and idiot Westerners fall for the ‘cease fires’ and ‘negotiations every time.
Islam has NEVER lived up to any treaty they have signed but the useful fools of the West want to give them yet more chances.
I’ve stopped listening to the naive among us because they and their naivety actually endangers me.
Look at Great Britain and see where this has gotten us.
It is all readily reduced to money.
And you will hear me ask a question at the end!!!
Recruiting a police force from the families not directly associated with HAMAS?
Hezbollah finished? I don’t think so! Iran is determined to just keep on feeding in more of its terrorists. It sees itself as the leading power in the Middle East, and it is not going to give that up. That’s why it wants nukes.
No, the ME is a great big mess because of Islam.
The only peace the ME will ever have is the peace of the mass grave. The issue is who will fill it.
Ehud thinks he can negotiate with Islam.
The truth is that we can’t. He’s a dreamer.
The Muslim problem is only solved when the last copy of the Koran is burnt, the last mosque has been bulldozed, and the last Muslim is dead.
I don’t want that, but they have given us no alternative.
“Staff at debt-ridden Australian National University (ANU) have passed a no confidence vote in Chancellor Julie Bishop and Vice-Chancellor Professor Genevieve Bell.
Ms Bishop – the former Foreign Minister who earned the unofficial nickname of Minister of Fashion for her numerous gala appearances – was the first woman appointed to the top job at the university when she took the role in 2020.
But the position is now under a cloud according to Lachlan Clohesy, the National Tertiary Education Union ACT secretary, after more than 800 of the university’s 4200 staff participated in the vote, with 95 per cent supporting the no confidence motion.”
More at the Daily Mail.
What else would you expect from an institution riddled with leftist academics voting on a former liberal politician as chancellor. No matter how wet she was as a minister.
Trumble himself couldn’t get any love from there
Despicably disloyal woman.
No love for Skeletor.
Pining for Biggles.
They want what Cheryl got.
Just stop.
As the US DemoRats are DONKEYS then this is quite appropriate –
The donkey said to the tiger:
– “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied:
“No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit it to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.
Even before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout:
“Your Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied:
“True, the grass is blue.”
The donkey hurried and continued:
“The tiger does not agree with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him.”
The king then declared:
– “The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence.”
The donkey jumped happily and continued on his way, happy and repeating:
– “The grass is blue”…
The tiger accepted his punishment, but first he asked the lion:
“Your Majesty, why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green.”
The lion replied:
“Indeed, the grass is green.”
The tiger asked,
“Then why are you punishing me?”
The lion replied:
“That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and then come and bother me with that question.”
The worst waste of time is to argue with the fool and fanatic who does not care about the truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time in arguments that make no sense… There are people who, no matter how much evidence and proof we present to them, are not able to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not.
When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more.
I won’t flatter you with a response.
Qui tacet consentire videtur
The German EU is at it again.
Slapping a $1b fine on Meta because, well because they are American.
Good luck with collecting that Hildegard.
The EU have been slapping gigantic fines for false offences on US Tech for decades. They never collect but the victim company has to face the agony of corrupt EU courts.
Presumeably these terror attacks will increase in response to Trump.
Julie Inman-Goebbels is in strife.
Elon Musk’s X challenges finding social media company had to comply with Australian online safety notice (26 Mar)
Get her in court for a month giving “evidence” and generally screeching. That would be most entertaining. Then tell her to go jump.
Is it just me or has the Judicial arm of humanity taken a giant leap off Mount Sanity?
From Old Fred.
Eh? Hoax? Ooookayyyy.
Here is Mike Waltz telling you in his own words that the leak happened and that ultimately he is responsible.
At 11:30 in this press conference stream, Leavitt begins talking about signal-gate and denies any classified material or war plans were in the Signal thread, then refers to the whole incident as the “signal hoax”.
In the Signal thread log [ telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2025/03/26/read-all-leaked-white-house-signal-messages-in-full/ ] Hegseth posted at 11:44ET that the F-18s would launch to commence strike at 12:15ET, which is a war plan leaked 31 minutes ahead of launch. The scheduled timing of a warplane launch has always been classified information.
It was a NSC staffer who made the “mistake”. Amazing how staffers keep on making “mistakes” like this. It’s a mystery.
Ah well, he she or it will just about now be settling into they/them’s brand new igloo in Alaska, where they will be writing press releases for the local polar bears for the next twenty years.
When given the choice between conspiracy and stuff up – go with stuff up every time.
Like the timing of the Afghanistan withdrawal?
More evidence that the left are the enemy of the West:
Visas for Terrorists, No Visas for Israelis | Frontpage Mag
When a government refuses intelligent and fair treatment for victims of terrorism, it leaves them with few alternatives.
One of those is terrorism itself.
Former foreign minister Julie Bishop’s leadership of the Australian National University has been called into question after a revolt by hundreds of staff at the Canberra institution.
The National Tertiary Education Union on Thursday revealed union members “overwhelmingly supported a vote of no confidence” in Ms Bishop, the ANU Chancellor, and the university’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Genevieve Bell.
The union said more than 800 staff at the ANU cast their vote to the question “Do you have confidence in the leadership of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor?”.
Of the union members who took part, more than 95 per cent answered “no”.
I do wish the media would focus more. The real question is what sort of shoes was Jules wearing when this happened?
She’s the chancellor. It’s a purely symbolic job, chancellors don’t do anything except shake hands with ‘important’ visitors. Her shoes are the important part of her work.
It’s the vice-chancellor who has to actually do stuff. Chancelling all that vice.
So just like the Foreign Minister then?
The Chancellors’ job does come with a Travel allowance. That there could be extremely lucrative.
The dramacrats are trying to
make Signalgate, which about .5 on the scandal scale, into a 10. It’s just not working. As someone said, demonrats are just a theatre group.
Not politically correct, but there you have it.
VAERS lit up like a Christmas tree when the COVID shots rolled out. The CDC looked the other way.
FMD. Watching the video from last night, Sky News’s resident lefty Sharri Markson has declared that JD Vance shouldn’t run for president in 2028 because he’s an “isolationist”.
Like the rest of News Corp, Markson is an ignorant clown on US politics.
As a former Marine, JD Vance represents the military families that have been fed into the sausage machine of the US military-industrial complex.
Like Trump, he’s happy to see the US military as the world’s policeman because no-one else can be. But like Trump, Vance also believes the US shouldn’t be in the business of trying to export American civilisation.
That is not isolationism – just a rejection of the rest of the world’s bludging off America’s military strength.
Even though her experience should have taught Markson that leftism is the reason Jews are being persecuted around the world, she remains instinctively a lefty political lunatic.
This really is a must watch. Tucker Carlson with Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong.
8 and 10 year olds with colon cancer.
A 13 year old with pancreatic cancer.
Absolutely unheard of… and it’s not from food dyes. This is a must watch.
Does happen. One of my friends in year 7 got abdominal pains. Appendix! Routine stuff. But when they opened him up it turned out to be galloping cancer. He died on the table.
Wasn’t a nice thing to experience at age 13.
His parents were both members of Catholic religious orders before they left and married.
It’s a crying shame they broke their chastity vows to give us that pompous, hectoring lefty.
Mary Fowler’s parents too. She’s seem alright though.
I doubt she knows the meaning of the word.
BREAKING: Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett claims that the Democratic Party is losing popularity because they care too much and show empathy.
Jasmine Crockett is what happens when a headless political party creates a leadership vacuum, which is filled by the party’s ratbags.
Crockett — and AOC and Bernie Sanders — are making the Democratic Party unelectable for at least the next two decades unless they cheat.
Jasmine should take a crack at the party nomination for 28. It would a riot in so many ways.
Jasmine makes bug eyes appear intelligent.
Where? Evidence please and not a claim/opinion.
Delusional or what. Please keep it up.
Impartial analysis of VAERS death reports in kids under 18 shows 75% were “highly” or “likely” related to the COVID shots
Time for a cute owl, in space with pink hair!
Sarah H-Y has lost a lot of weight.
No possible combination of diet, exercise and surgery could have SHYs nether region looking like that.
West-Coast Judges Say Trump Admin Must Take In Refugees and Pay for Their Housing
Dr Wielicki shows that the satellite measurement of sea level rise, reputedly the most accurate is entirely dependent on each now update in the satellite modelling:
JUST IN: Judge Beryl Howell RIPS Trump’s DOJ, Rejects Motion to Disqualify Her From Perkins Coie Case
Since we’re doing memes:
(Extra elephant stamp if you know who this is from.)
There’s nothing new under the sun; so I will guess Confucius
No elephant stamp for you! The clue is in the url. Blog post is from 26 Mar.
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”.
Ecclesiastes 1:9.
Ayn Rand.
Elephant stamp!
I recognise that – it’s from Winston Smiths Big Book of Truths, Volume iii.
“The man is an utter genius”,
Winston Smiths mum.
The NDIS and other parts of the welfare system have infiltrated TV ads and shops in malls.
Has anyone noticed the ads for home delivery meals which include the information that part of the cost is covered by the NDIS?
In typically Orwellian style, it is alleged that this causes the recipients to be ‘independent.’
Well, when your meals are shopped for, prepared, delivered to you and paid for by somebody else (taxpayers), that is the opposite of independence. The test is, what happens if the service stops? If you rely on it, it is not making you independent. You are dependent.
At a couple of malls I visited recently, spruikers are trying to get me in for a ‘free hearing test’ – a recent development. I don’t know which boondoggle this comes from, but no doubt it involves a new handout to the entrepreneurial class that is the fastest growing in Australia.
That would be the leeching taxpayer money class.
When the touts offer me a free hearing test, I put a hand up to my nearer ear, and say loudly “What?”, and keep walking.
After a while they get to know me, and stay silent.
All boondoggle roads lead to Canberra.
Some Uni kid is being paid by the hour, but probably makes nothing if they factor in their own transports costs – early lesson in basic economics.
Has anyone noticed the ads for home delivery meals which include the information that part of the cost is covered by the NDIS?
Oh, yes.
Why they are shown on regional tv where I live is beyond comprehension, since they do not/cannot deliver to this region economically.
If you are a self-funded retiree and elect to use any of these services, you are required to make a significant contribution to their cost. They are by no means ‘free’.
Hearing tests are covered by your Medicare card .. always have been .. The spruikers are after retired folk cos basic is “free” (OPM) for OAPS & the spiel is to get you conned into one of the, bloody, expensive aids available ..
Al Jazeera latest: Israel kills Hamas ‘spokesman’ in Gaza. Poor bastard just doing his job.
Noice. 😀
A few interesting tid bits from the talk at The Sydney Institute that Vicki went to and linked above.
Gee…I wonder why?
And thanks for the summary, Lysander.
Bibi is not corrupt. The Israeli mini-me deep state is corrupt. Read Caroline Glick’s forensic articles on this subject.
The righty Israeli government are biting the bullet and moving against the far-left AG, the politicized Shin Bet boss and the unaccountable lefty Supreme Court. Consequentially there are squawks of civil war aaargh in the Israeli news today. Bring it on lefties.
I’m agnostic about internal Israeli politics, Bruce.
Just reporting back what I heard. 🙂
I’m not too bad with the other points but the last is a stinker. Pure lefty propaganda. Understandable I suppose, since the wonks don’t obsessively read Arutz Sheva and JPost like I do. 😀
Very glad you added the bit about Netanyahu NOT being corrupt.
If President Trump can crash the price of oil, it will be interesting to see how long the Big oil producers can keep funding the terrorists without diving into their respective piggy banks.
But refilling the strategic Reserve will keep the price up.
Sounds so optimistic, I can only pray.
Prayers are never wasted.
Sounds like Bibi has been learning from western leftards, who have made that a standard practice.
Thanks Lysander. Glad you listened. A fabulous and informative talk by Ehud. I have heard him talk at the Institute before. Always great value.
Oh, and one final important point from the talk at TSI:
For those who think it is a conspiracy and Israel wanted to start a war and “orchestrated” October 7…
Israeli intelligence had become so arrogant that they couldn’t believe Hamas could do anything other than launch the odd rocket;Despite reports from some officers on October 6, IDF and Intelligence disbelieved the reports and withdrew IDF from the South as they did not want a build up of forces which would have resulted in conflict;The October 7 leader (I think al-Sayeh) delayed the October 7 attacks by half an hour because he thought Israel’s lack of IDF presence was a trap.
There’s a darker hypothesis. Which is that the deep state figured the attack would be minor, but would make Netanyahu look bad.
It of course wasn’t minor. But spooks will be spooks. Did I mention they rang up Netanyahu in the middle of the night 10 minutes before the attack kicked off? Covering their arses without giving him time to do anything.
Sounds like the faux campaign coming to an end. Not before time.
Arguably the worst government since Whitlam stopped governing some time ago.
For my money, this rabble is even worse than Whitlam ever was.
Bowen possibly so. Whitlam a high bar to beat – multiculturalism, spending, family law …
Whitlam made structural changes that will plague us in perpetuity…e.g. the Family Court.
If you include WA Labor, absolutely
Given R-G-R, that’s quite something.
Local no-hoper Labor candidate has his corflutes out today, I noted.
We’ve got a Chaney one next door. A great temptation every time I leave the house.
Don’t touch it!
They likely have a security camera on.
It’s not worth the aggravation.
Not being a Teal you’ll be given no mercy in the courts.
From the Oz.
War veteran Ben Roberts-Smith has filed an eleventh-hour application in his defamation appeal against the Nine newspapers after journalist Nick McKenzie appeared to admit to unethical behaviour in a secret recording.
Roberts-Smith, in the interlocutory application, claims there had been a miscarriage of justice in his defamation case against The Canberra Times, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald in light of new revelations McKenzie had allegedly obtained information relating to his legal strategy during trial.
He says he was unaware of this until after the initial hearing and the hearing of the appeal, and the result of the trial could have been different if he had known.
Roberts-Smith’s intervention comes after Sky News Australia on Monday published a recording of McKenzie in which he appears to tell a witness he had access to part of the soldier’s legal strategy during trial.
Bombers keep angling for the Leb community love.
This bloke follows on from;
* Bachar Houli (dual runner-up Norm Smith Medal with Richmond) and,
*Adam Saad (All-Australian with Carlton)
who couldn’t GTFO fast enough.
Liberals Against Nuclear
Serious dickheads.
Given that Dutton’s nuclear plan is predicated on the fallacy of net zero, will be incredibly expensive, and will likely never see the light of day given the opposition of the senate and the states, leaving us facing energy poverty in as little as ten years time, I welcome their disruptive narrative.
Put the coal back in Coalition!
Exactly. Whenever I see a Dutton post on X I mention clean cheap coal.
Who let these photios led twits into the party?
Are they actually in the LNP?
No apparently from what I’ve found. One of them is an ex-Party Director in Tas but openly states he is no longer a member.
2 nobodies one in the Sunny Coast hinterland, the other in Tasmania is a failed candidate and another lawyer.
Meh. Go pound sand.
When I was there, there were 4200 students, including post graduates. There were maybe 2-300 staff, tops, in the Chancelry building. There were a few hundred who maintained the grounds and buildings.
Who are the ‘staff’ in this report?
Be that as it may…
Word is Bishop chalked up a record in chancellor expenditure last fin year despite her & the ANU board directing the uni staff to implement an austerity program.
Little wonder the Libs didn’t regard her as leadership material.
Probably the academics only, they wouldn’t care much for the likes of clerk’s and cleaners and gardeners.
Alas yesterday my Kindle 3 died, after nearly fifteen years of faithful service.
I bought another one today, it’s due to arrive Sunday. Meanwhile I’m reading dead tree books, to whit Three Hearts and Three Lions by Poul Anderson. Thinking I might do The Forge next by David Drake and S.M. Stirling.
The difference between dead tree books and Kindles is that dead tree books don’t randomly turn into bricks.
The main difference between ebooks and dead tree books is that the former take up ridiculously small amounts of space. I only buy ebooks these days because any more of the dead tree books and there’d be no room for me. And the kindle app can be on your phone.
True. I bought one when I was doing a lot of long haul stuff, and would always come home with more books than I could handle.
Still got my old Kindle. Thought it had died the other day but a reboot fixed it.
Three Hearts and Three Lions is great. Poul Anderson’s retelling of the Danish Holger Danske legend. The hero who fought alongside Charles Martel at Tours Poitiers and beat the Muslim invasion of Europe.
It is said he sleeps in a room deep under Kronenberg Castle and his beard has grown in to the table but he is ready to awake when Denmark and Christendom are threatened.
There is a nice Hans Christian Anderson story here:
I often read the Kindle reviews on Amazon of books I have (or am thinking of getting) and it’s staggering the number of them which get bad or negative reviews, mainly due to poor formatting or typos.
Personally, I would never buy a Kindle.
Seeing rather more than I need of Mrs Snowcone, but dare I ask: What news of the Snowcone himself?
(I do miss the rough-and-tumble of Interruption Lotto …)
As long as he is no longer polluting the airwaves, who cares?
Probably not even Mrs Snowcone.
The Indonesian flow through transports some of the plastic run off from our Northern neighbours. I remember steaming into Tonga from the East in 2009. The plastic pollution was visible for several hours before we saw the island.
Tell me why the uni of Sydney should not, tomorrow, be turned into a sheep paddock.
Cunning linguist; rediscovering phlogiston and the Philosopher’s Stone.
No amount of defunding is enough.
The indigenous were such fountains of knowledge yet they couldn’t work out how to boil water.
I’m not a chemist per se but spent my professional life steeped in REAL science and technology for a very satisfying career. You can have no idea how inexpressively sad and angry this sort of thing makes me. It’s as if all the benefits to humanity from the Industrial Revolution, the enlightenment and civilization itself are carelessly, thoughtlessly and ignorantly being discarded. I fear for the next generations. They are blissfully unaware of the horrors that lie ahead.
I’m usually considered to be an optimistic jolly fellow but gee, it’s getting hard to keep it up.
Me too, V. It is very demoralising.
Booga booga nonsense.
I wouldn’t dignify it with the words “science” or “rationalism.”
Students at some American universities have to put up with this sort of garbage, even in fields such as medicine and engineering where a mistake can be fatal or catastrophic.
I am a chemist and a graduate of the UniSyd Chemistry Department. I’ve mentioned in the past how the Department’s mail out glossies show that most of them are now doing climate rubbish. Adding fake indigenous crap just makes it worse.
I’m sad. The whole place should be erased and turned to rubble, not one stone upon another.
I remember Roger Franklin writing something very similar about the ABC HQ on Quadrant several ago.
This is an intellectual and moral disgrace. The problem is that HR and the administration generally cannot see anything wrong with it. On the contrary, they think recognition of ‘Aboriginal Science’ is a fine, inclusive thing. That’s because they have not the faintest knowledge of what science is. Neither, of course, do the aborigines.
I gave up when UQ’s VC gave out holidays for ‘grieving’ staff after the Voice defeat.
Druck Loses $3 billion dollars and what did he learn from it?
Never heard of him, but a Google search reveals he once worked for George Soros.
Enough said!
So did the current treasury secretary. Druckemiller has a great feel for market turns except for the tech crash when Soros fired him for big losses.
Speaking of markets copper is on a bull tear. I guess it’s stockpiling because of tariff scares.
The fact that every 155mm artillery shell has about half a kilo of copper in the driving bands that is not substitutable or recoverable after use is also a modest factor.
How Trump can beat the judges:
WAYNE ROOT: Mr. President, Here is How to Stop Radical, Communist, Treasonous, Deep State “Resistance Judges” Dead in Their Tracks: Officially Declare War! | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor
Love the idea of wedging the Democrats and RINOs into voting against America’s best interests.
johanna, just upthread:
As a small boy in my unusually awesome wheat and sheep town in country Vicco, I remember tagging along behind Mum and/or Dad as they delivered Meals on Wheels to a few of the oldies around town.
Knock on door. Old man or ladeee slowly opens it. Polite conversation, Slowly make way to kitchen or dining table. Set the feed out. Make sure they’re okay. Next.
Funnily enough, I don’t remember either of my parents receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing it.
It used to be a community service. Now it’s a scam and rort, in equal part.
Much of today’s government activity represents a displacement of civil society. Aided and a abetted by NGOs, the modern church and Big Consulting.
Nothing good comes out of canbra
Something does, every time I go somewhere else. Ha!
Mum and I had a similar conversation the other day.
She was a volunteer for MoW in rural Victoria after her retirement.
She cooks & cleans still but feels guilty for having a DVA contractor come around and mow her lawn as in her late 70’s and knees needing replacement she can’t do it anymore… We rightly tell her rubbish.
There are companies getting in. I heard about one SaaS that is working on this. NDIS and similar government services are attracting them
Earlier this week Cassie recommended the movie Flow.
On that basis I thought I’d give it a try and went to see it today.
Even before the movie had started I was telling myself I probably wouldn’t like it. I’ve seen very few animated movies in my time, certainly nothing as whimsical as Flow sounded like it would be.
I changed my mind about 10 minutes into the movie.
What you have to appreciate about this movie is that, because all the characters are animals, the producers had to tell a story without using any words. They’ve done a pretty amazing job using only music, visual composition, and the behaviour, sounds, and body language of animals.
My only quibble is that I was frustrated with how many times the clumsy cat accidentally falls into the water. Talk about contrived excuses for drama. On reflection I realised it is a total double standard to try to nitpick unrealistic events in this movie because other mainstream movies are full of unrealistic events that we’re expected to just gloss over and suspend disbelief. Like in an action movie when the hero takes on five bad guys at once and somehow wins. Well this movie is fantasy for a start, so you have to go into it with a willingness to…. heheh…. just go with the flow. See what I did there.
On a technical note, at about the halfway mark I wondered if the animation had been done with Blender. Yep at the end the credits confirmed it. So pretty amazing what free open source software can do these days. And the animation is super well done by the studio in Latvia. Interesting style choice is that the environment backgrounds are rendered pretty realistically whereas the animated characters have a less photorealistic slightly more stylised appearance, which helps characters stand out from the background. The animal movements are lively and convincing.
I had been worried the movie might bore me. Not a chance. The script writer produced endless quirks, discoveries, and interesting character interactions to keep the narrative fascinating.
In a few words, Flow is a magical adventure.
And don’t leave the cinema while the credits are rolling or you will miss a surprise scene right at the end.
I join with Cassie in recommending Flow.
I have given up on going to the movies, probably for good.
The most recent Bond movie was a travesty and the last straw.
The last Indiana Jones film was also a travesty, but I didn’t see that.
The online trailers and the Critical Drinker’s review put me right off it.
After Lord of the Rings, the Dotage of Denethor i want to see an animated horse that doesn’t move like a coffee table.
I’d like to go occasionally but the sound is always overpoweringly loud , so I stopped bothering with cinemas long ago.
Sarah H-Y has lost a lot of weight
Do you mean Sarah Hanson-Dung aka Sarah Hanson the Whale? I watched the clip last night of Senator Hanson-Dung in parliament pulling out the big salmon wrapped in plastic and I thought she looked like a big ugly bear from Alaska caught pilfering a salmon from a fisherman’s catch!
The woman is an ursine attention whore.
I also feel the same about Jacquie Lambie.
Both objectionable in their own way. Didn’t Sarah Hyphen-SeaPatrol marry some Ponds Institute soy boy? More Canberra inbreeding.
Always manages to scrape back on the red leather with the final place from Mainland Tasmania.
The night before she was to be deployed, Lambie hobbled into the Regimental Aid Post, complaining of a sore back.
The mildly alcoholic gang of heavily armed sex maniacs that comprised the old A.D.F. had a number of choice phrases to describe such conduct – none of them particularly flattering.
I wonder who’s paying da dosh behind the shoddy “Liberals against Nuclear” adverts. I smell dosh from the same pimp propping up da Teals.
Yes, it is also noted both currently aren’t members of the party either. I’d have to redig for the links but just what I found before.
As political ads I would have thought whoever paid for them would have to declare themselves.
They just have to be party authorized, at the end, who payz, makes them doesn’t matter …..
That’s the big question: were they party authorised?
Pretty sure Dutton would strongly disapprove of them.
A number of people spring to mind.
Trumble, Hewson and Kean?
Probably all of them.
remember the golden rule of Oz politics .. pay for nuttin’ yourself .. that’s what OPM is for ………!
Couldn’t see Hewson or Kean putting their hand in their own pocket.
I haven’t been following this in any detail (I often feel the need to ‘unplug’), but if G@z@ns were serious about not wanting h@m@s, they’d do more than protest.
Surely everyone knows who is whom in these organisations – at least at the lower levels? If they were truly serious about ridding themselves of their own limbs … they would SHOW rather than tell, their true intentions.
The fact that demonstrations have been allowed to occur and be publicised suggests that either (a). The cancerous limbs of G@z@ have truly and completely lost control, or (b). This is part of the propaganda battle. This blunt pencil would place his money on the latter.
I agree with you, it’s a snow job.
Hamas getting desperate as the media attention switches back to Ukraine ..
No chance whatsoever of dissent in Gaza ……..!
I wonder if this is a longer-term strategy for the remnants of h@m@s (the mid to high rankers, at least) to hide, to go to sleep for a while under the diversion of a civil uprising, only to re-emerge and ‘wake’ the sleepers who were inserted into any new civil authority?
Certainly that’s ambitious, but for a minority, it could pay off. Can they escape detection, blend-in, and ‘sleep’ for long enough though?
It’s bullshit theatre.
It may not be.
Could be from seeing Hamas regularly get it’s latest star IDF’ed.
Strong horses and all that.
I’m late to this but you are in good company.
The Fake ‘Anti-Hamas’ Protests in Gaza (Daniel Greenfield, 26 Mar)
Remember when the people tried to get to the aid trucks and were shot down? No way could this happen without approval from Hamas.
When a leftie whines .. answer..!
Thanks Berka, I’m very skeptical of most of the movies on offer nowadays so I always temper my praise but I really enjoyed Flow. I’m glad you did too.
These days I don’t expect to watch perfect movies. I suspect the days of perfect movies are over, there’ll never be movies again like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, Some Like it Hot, The Great Escape, Jaws, The Conversation and so on.
Next week I’m off to see a French film called The Deluge. I’ll let you all know what it’s like!
Disney version .. Snow White & the 7 Dwarves .. LOL!
pressed the wrong button & missed the pix .. LOL
After The Deluge…
So, I’m reading Military Maverick” – Selected Letters and War Diary of Eric “Chink” Dorman -Smith. The man had a towering intellect, and couldn’t suffer fools.
The author finds it necessary to warn readers that “Everyday language for soldiers in the Second World War is often unacceptable today. If seeing those words in print is a shock, I apologise in advance.”
Words fail me, they honestly fvcking well do..
Bradley Pen Dragon: Notorious paedophile fighting for life after self-harm incidentThe West Australian
Thu, 27 March 2025 6:05PM
Give him a scalpel and let him finish the job.
Give somebody else the scalpel to finish the job.
JUST IN: President Trump calls for an “IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION” as activist Judge Boasberg gets a FOURTH Trump case
Trump points out how corrupt DC’s courts are, and that it’s “statistically impossible” for Boasberg to be chosen “at random” over and over again.
“He seems to be grabbing the Trump cases all to himself, even though it’s not supposed to happen that way.”
Bill Clinton had 8 years of highly classified audio recordings of his presidency in his sock drawer—and kept his diaries of military secrets.
Hillary setup an illegal and unsecured home server of highly classified emails, including Benghazi, to hide her Clinton Foundation foreign-corruption schemes.
James Comey brought home classified materials to share with a reporter.
Joe Biden had six stashes of stolen classified records going back to his Senate days, moved several times, accessible by his Chinese agent, likely used by Hunter for foreign corruption, and shared with Biden’s ghostwriter to publish in a book.
And Biden mass-imported terrorists, gang members, robbers, kidnappers, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers.
But Democrats pretend they now care about national security.
Sandy Berger springs to mind too.
Another one.
Berlin crash: Car ploughs into pedestrians on city street as mass casualty incident declared
Quite prepared to believe this. They’re also promote infertility by means of the trans madness, which they did so much to initiate and spread. They seem to hate people.
Illinois Pro-Life March Calls JB Pritzker the Most Radically Pro-Abortion Governor in America
Pity his mother didn’t share those beliefs.
Lying is their stock in trade.
Dem lawmaker suggests females athletically equal to males while voting to keep trans athletes in girls sports
The answer is for a bloke to go up and punch her. She’d soon find out that she’s wrong.
Anyway, “Sliante” to you mob. One payday for self funded retirees was today, so I’ve invested part of the loot in a couple of good books, and some single malt.
but, but … don’t you need unsolicited tax or investment advice?
like dude, are those books still an instant write-off ?
how about some help with the whisky?
… you know it’s bad for yr liver right?
Psycho hour arrives.
stfu JC … yr just making a complete dick out of yourself again
Let me think about it for a sec.
Just thought about it. No!
I’m serious in saying this, you need a psychiatric evaluation, Fredo.
g’night dick-head
Pleasant nightmares, Fredo.
Which books? More importantly, which single malt?
(One can always settle for a Bison western, however one can never exchange single malt for blended grain whisky, or even worse, some cheap yankee bathtub whiskey – that takes the enamel off the bathtub)
Teddy bears picnic … Yellowstone National Park, early March 2025 ..
Scientists baffled as to why so many bears appeared in the one place for several hours before wandering back into the woods ……..
The wonders of AI.
You can’t trust the evidence of your eyes now.
I’m even having doubts about Elon Musk and Donald Trump grooving together with Stayin’ Alive.
Haven’t been able to for quite a while, since PhotoShop came along
Can’t help.
the road was warm?
They probably thought Extinction Rebellion meant them.
Let me say this, before anything else. I don’t like the idea of tariffs.
Unlike the US, they would be far more damaging for Australia because of how we’re structured. The US has right to work states which allows firms to avoid the crippling impact of union meddling and centralised labor costs. No one in their right mind would set up in Australia.
Inspiring stuff found via Rebekah Barnett’s substack:
Cynical me says that the political world changed a lot after 2001 and we’ve seen the rise of phenomena such as cancel culture and more recently government-run cancel culture also known as hate speech laws with law enforcement. The formation of a mass movement is made more difficult when you can’t even say what you want to say.
OTOH, since 2006 we have smart phones and social media which should make it easier logistically to organise protests – assuming the technology doesn’t get cyberattacked.
Perhaps delcons should stop doing what doesn’t work, which is voting, and start doing what has routinely worked, which is mass protests.
They’d have to first get organised, which presents a high degree of danger to anyone doing the organising and where the protests could be most easily nipped in the bud. Secondly they’d have to throw off the stigma that protests are something only the progressive left does. Thirdly they’d have to actually show up and protest.
How did it go for Canadian truckies?
Roughly the same number as picked up guns and shot at Redcoats back in the day.
Who was complaining about the lack of rain in NQ?
Coober P
The water currently coming down from Qld into the Copper Bulloo and Paroo catchments is pretty epic.
And Bourke. and many others.
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
Crazy Old Bernie is now a moderate.
A,F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Tom Stiglich.
Thanks once again Tom.
Thanks JR. Excellent.
The Oz:
US toddler’s miraculous survival after prayers to George Pell
Tess Livingstone
9 hours ago
The miraculous recovery of an American baby boy who stopped breathing for 52 minutes after falling into a swimming pool is being credited by senior Catholic clergy to the intercession of the late cardinal George Pell.
In a speech at Campion College near Parramatta on Wednesday night, Cardinal Pell’s successor as Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, said he received a report last week about a baby, Vincent, who had just been discharged from hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.
“He’s 18 months old and fell into a swimming pool,’’ Archbishop Fisher told the gathering. “He stopped breathing for 52 minutes. His parents prayed for the intercession of Cardinal Pell.
“The boy survived and came off life support free of any damage to brain or lungs or heart. He’s fine now and his doctors are calling it a miracle.’’
Vincent spent about 10 days in hospital and was discharged a few days ago.
His mother’s brother, a Catholic priest, contacted his friend, Father Joseph Hamilton, the Rector of Domus Australia in Rome and Pell’s former secretary, asking for prayers during his recovery.
From Rome, Father Hamilton told The Australian on Thursday that the boy’s parents had prayed for the late cardinal to intercede for their son because they were impressed when they met him in Phoenix in December 2021.
Pell was in the US on a book tour promoting his three-volume Prison Journal, which he handwrote during his 404-day imprisonment, largely in solitary confinement.
“He said the White Mass for medical professionals in Phoenix,’’ Father Hamilton said.
The Catholic News Service reported that Pell told his audience that his ordeal had enabled him to understand suffering as a redemptive process that allowed people to identify closely with Christ.
“All this only makes sense if we accept in faith that suffering can be turned to a good purpose when united with Jesus’ suffering and death,” Cardinal Pell said in Phoenix.
“It is through his suffering and death while a powerless victim that the Lord redeemed us; released the grace so that our sins and the worst crimes could be forgiven.”
Pell’s fight against Vatican incompetence and financial corruption when he was prefect for the economy and his trial and conviction on charges of historic child sexual abuse in Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral, that were overturned unanimously by the High Court, sparked major interest in the US. He had a big following among Catholics in parishes and many US cardinals, bishops and priests.
Archbishop Fisher was speaking at the Australian launch of a new biography – George Cardinal Pell, Pax Invictis, published by Ignatius Press.
If the boy’s recovery were to be cited in future as one of the two miracles necessary for canonisation in the Catholic Church, that process would not normally start until after January 2028.
Consideration for canonisation normally begins at least five years after the subject’s death.
Cardinal Pell died in Rome on January 19, 2023, when he suffered a heart attack in Salvator Mundi hospital after hip-replacement surgery.
The long, complex process often takes decades or centuries.
However the late Mother Teresa died in September 1997 and was declared a saint in 2016, while the late Pope John Paul II died in April 2005 and was canonised in 2014.
Australia’s first saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop, founder of the sisters of St Joseph, died in August 1909 and was declared a saint by Pope Benedict in October 2010.
The Dicastery for the Causes of Saints closely scrutinises all candidates nominated for beatification and sainthood, assessing their lives for “heroic virtue’’.
It also assesses any miracles attributed to them, drawing on the expertise of several members of a team of 60 doctors and medical specialists.
Tess Livingstone is the author of George Cardinal Pell, Pax Invictis, published by Ignatius Press
Cue the George Pell pile on haters heads exploding if the Cardinal becomes a Saint.
Especially 7-Nilligan.
Beertruk – I’m especially looking forward to the pile on, even if it’s poor repayment for the 400+ days of solitary.
If the Left were capable of shame and embarrassment, this would be the perfect opportunity, but it won’t.
Winston, I think that 7-Nilligan will be 8-Nilligan if Cardinal George Pell’s Sainthood gets up.
That would be so lovely, I would be in paroxysms of delight.
Winston would be doublegoodhappy.
It’ll be long time before he is canonized. The current Vatican isn’t a fan of Cardinal Pell.
‘Animal Farm’: Vatican Judges Instructs Former Auditor-General To Drop ‘Immoral’ Misconduct Evidence (24 Mar)
Very fishy.
The Vatican’s name hasn’t been good for a long time. This is no longer about the Church reputation – it’s about justice for the victims of its moral corruption.
Sounds like the cold water triggered the diving reflex. It has happened before.
Also the female para glider pilot some years ago that got sucked into a thunderstorm to high altitudes, well beyond normal and was OK.
47th trip around the sun completed today.
Finish work, have lunch with the daughter who is also having her birthday, then off to a bowls tournament for the weekend.
Happy days
Keep it up, BB. 🙂
Happy birthday, BB. Make it good one.
Best wishes and Happy Birthday, BB. Hope you have a great day.
Happy birthday, BB. It’s all about the celebration. And cake!
I repeat my earlier statement:
Germany is run by a cabal of communists who are determined to destroy Germany for the crime of refusing socialism.
You missed this one Tom 😉 :
It is a little blurry if I enlarge it Can’t tell if boat is full of money or lettuces a albo is going to need a lot of lettuces .xe
Min, just click on the image.
Thanks Beertruk no lettuces today bottles but As usual brilliant
Bottles, min. Empty bottles in an empty vessel containing two vacuous fishermen.
I think it alludes to spending like drunken sailors.
Thanks Beery. The slackers at the Paywallian hadn’t posted the latest Leak until after 4am and had yesterday’s Spooner in the daily ‘toon slot.
Ahhh…No worries Matey.
BBC is offering special counselling to employees who may be having difficulty coping with the Trump presidency.
This is why the leftards will lose eventually. No mental stamina.
They protested and infiltrated continuously over 30 years until they had taken over every major institution in society from education and political parties all the way through to banking and video game development.
No stamina? What?
That’s not true. The leftist in charge of the insitutions are people who were brought up to believe in the broad leftist liberal mindset.
But those leftist beliefs are a mile wide and an inch deep. Just look how unis in the US are already caving into the Trump administratio, or how big tech linedup to kiss Trump’s ring.
There was no march through the institutions.
No real opposition until recently. With no competition, winning is easy.
I’ve offered them one of my lines of a new product at bulk prices. Called Copium, comes in an empty vessel. Ideal for the Beeb.
It is the same sad old thing.
The Germans are so scarred and stunted by war guilt that the words ‘far right’ and ‘fascist’ can be used like a cattle prod to propel them in any direction the left wishes.
Even the East Germans seem to have lost some of their experience as to how terrible ‘far left’ is – I suppose because no one says it.
No Pavlovian response without the Pavlovian stimulus.
Today in Too Many Bad Actors …
Another case of the stacked leftist judiciary taking away/usurping the president’s power to act.
And there’s your trigger for Roberts to destroy the Trump Presidency.
If the Supreme Court doesn’t back the Constitution, it will be on for young and old.
I’m guessing most of our own media will have more nitpicks with Dutton and the coalition than they had with Wallet Wizard.
We watched the Dutton reply, the whole thing. I thought he was good, a carefully judged and quite heartfelt performance with some very winning policies leaving room to manoeuvre into stronger positions once in governance. At first Hairy was fairly dismissive, saying Dutton was only half-pregnant. As the speech went on and concluded very strongly Hairy had to grudgingly admit that Dutton had improved in his estimation. Three quarters pregnant, he said.
We now have something to work towards against the terrible rule of a woke and spendthrift and wrong path Labor. I will be handing out for the Libs in Wentworth. In our postbox was an excellent anti-Spender leaflet from them, pointing out Wentworth voted 6% Green but that Spender had a record of voting 66% Green.
Im thinking of hading out for the Libs in Wentworth too.
In the past I have handed out in marginal seats miles away from home, because we din’t need much help in Wentworth.
Vote Spender get Labor and Greens.
The Abalone is meeting the Amoeba at Yarralumla even as we speak.
It’s finally got off the pot! Now for five weeks of the sweet fragrance of sh*t.
Hamas’s own statisists confirm they are using child combatants, just like they used young boys to build tunnels and manufacture IEDs.
Howls of outrage from our ‘ooman rites activists in 3, 2, …
Oh, forget about it!
Jo Nova lifts the lid on Bankers abandoning Net Zero. They must have assessed it as a loser. Took too long.
Abalone’s gone to meet his good mate, the hideous and repulsive Sam Mostyn, to call an election.
I can’t take another three years of these Jew hating grubs but don’t worry they’ll fall into minority government and then do a deal with the Australian Nazi Party. Shades of Germany 1933.
I await my knock on the door.
Clennell (Sky) exposes his bias again. Successive sentences…
-We’ve been predicting the election would be called today since early this week.
-The PM wants to catch Dutton on the hop by calling the election just after his budget reply.
It’s hard to imagine the contortions that brain must have gone through to produce such pathetic tripe. Oh and also, Dutton will be tired this morning because post reply meetings.
When Monty went to Malmo.
Thanks, Beery. For those who’d like to see the original, today’s Johannes Leak.
Thanks Tom Unfortunately there may not be enough wind for Dutton He has the anchors of net zero and debt holding him from sailing away .
Teh Paywallian have the Lieborals needing 22 seats. It’s a big ask (more than Howard or Abbott) yet I’ve always felt Albo is so bad it’s just possible. I’ll take credit on the Voice. We’ll see.
I’ll give them 2 or 3 Teal seats at the get go.
Albo and co are unbelievably bad but unlike most Cats the average Barry Battler does not have the time or interest to follow politics as we do so can get sucked in by the lollies handed out. The millennials are sucked in by the algorithms on social media I had hoped for a few blackouts to kick sense into them.
Been my argument against compulsory voting for ages.
Most of this group wouldn’t bother. Of course as we’ve seen in the US with the shenanigans there it would need to be backed by robust voter ID laws.
At best we should have at minimum OPV and somehow ringfenced so it can’t be changed at a whim by far left parties.
What if we had a vote on the maximum level of taxation first and then, once the government is elected, they have no control over how much to spend – only what it is spent on?
Take the median figure from people’s vote (let’s say 20 per cent of GDP) and regardless of whether the Green party or One Nation are in charge, they have to stick to that budget.
Pork barrelling is basically a thing of the past. People living in non-marginal electorates will always vote as low as possible on taxation levels unless the government treats them fairly.
Needless to say we would need to get rid of the RBA (no loss) and keep money supply constant.
Love this image from the protests in Turkey.
Cutest protester evah!
Grossly overpriced Chinoleum, and Chinoleum produced in other Asian companies.
Jayzus. Look at the yuppee prices.
Ontario Premier Makes a Cruel Vow in Response to Trump’s Most Recent Tariffs on Canada: “We’re Gonna…Inflict as Much Pain as Possible on The American People”
There are few things nastier than a bludger who has just been told by the people he’s been bludging off, to piss off.
Good morning.
All Cat boffins, here is something that is cool for you to try.
The ‘net is exploding with Ghibli Studios Anime replicas of Famous Trump Moments.
The pix are so great. How about adding a few Cat versions?
This weather prediction brought to you by Winston’s Weather World:
It looks like the rain is starting to ease off, and the road to Brisbane won’t be cut off.
Mind you, I’m packing an extra pack of noodles and baked beans plus my sleeping bag.
…and a camp stove and gas bottle, and extra coffee.
…and a tent.
…and a rifle to keep the looters at bay. When you’re the only person who can produce hot coffee, you never know what the degenerates will do.
Catturd has a way of hitting the nail on the head.
Three commie countries with weak woke commie leaders.
He is comfortable saying this because he knows that nobody, no other country, is going to touch “America’s hat”. They are hiding behind the US and can afford not to care.
Wait until Alberta becomes the 51st state, and splits Canadia in two.
Serious question,
wtf happened to California…!?
It will be interesting to see if the new “conservative” Qld government can go the full DOGE here:
Arts organisation QMusic faces losing its public funding due to controversial comments made at an awards night by a pro-Palestinian jazz composer — who has since been stood down from her teaching day job.
Arts Minister John-Paul Langbroek has issued a please explain to QMusic — which receives $450,000 in state government funding a year – over “divisive commentary” at the Queensland Music Awards as he warned “actions have consequences”.
QMusic has already lost $25,000 in Brisbane City Council funding for the annual Queensland Music Awards, with Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner sensationally questioning if the event had been “hijacked by extremists”.
It can now be revealed the musician at the centre of the furore — jazz composer Kellee Green — has been asked to go on leave by Brisbane private catholic girls’ school Brigidine College where she works as the arts director.
Ms Green won the top jazz gong at the QMA’s for her seven-minute instrumental song “River to Sea”— a phrase used by militant group Hamas that Jewish groups say is anti-Semitic as it suggests the erasure of Israel as a state.
She then used her acceptance speech to accuse the federal government of helping Israel “kill innocent Palestinian men, women and children”.
Pretty much what you would expect the trout to look like.
Teachas. Ugh.
Mark Levy was all over it yesterday when I was out & about.
Says more about ‘fooli’s priorities that if this hadn’t been highlighted his government would have done nothing about it. I reckon if I dug this body would have form and the wouldn’t be the only one.
However we have to get used to a government more interested in feeding the developer maaates with olympic largesse than little things like this.
QMusic of course go the Full Monty:
It is the only significant and established not-for-profit organisation in Queensland dedicated to delivering sector development and major music events including the Queensland Music Awards and BIGSOUND to stimulate and grow the state’s music sector.
and inevitably:
Our Values
• Fostering collaboration amongst an innovative, inclusive and creative sector.
• The preservation of Australia’s First Nation’s culture remains a priority for QMusic via the continued development of First Nations artists and overseen by QMusic’s Management Committee.
• Gender equity.
• Engagement and inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse music industry professionals.
• Regional and remote participation.
• Promote sustainability across all levels of the music industry.
Looks like they have a full-time staff of four. If they lose all their funding that means their jobs are gorn…
QMusic has already lost $25,000 in Brisbane City Council funding for the annual Queensland Music Awards, with Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner
I did hold my nose when voting for him, with his net zero and sustainability and DEI obsessions, but at least he has some limited value.
Wild video of fired Freddie Mac employee threatening to bomb the building amid DOGE cuts
NEW: Las Vegas Metro Police say a search of Tesla firebombing suspect Paul Kim’s social media shows him with potential communist & pro-Palestine affiliations. They say they have a DNA match and showed video of him using a rifle to shoot out surveillance cameras before attack.
Stiglich’s cartoon today makes a good point, in fact one I meant to post but hadn’t gotten around to – those characters bitching about the inside knowledge of US cabinet discussions on Signal are the same ones usually asking for Transparency.
I suggest they drop Signal like a hot potato.
SIGNAL SCANDAL: Katherine Maher, the leftist NPR CEO, is currently the Chair of the Board of Signal!
Yes. Things change, and what was ok for the Obama Destructagon and the Biden Puppetocracy is no longer ok.
They’re still blaming the weapons.
Ninja swords now banned in the UK. If you are caught owning one you potentially face 6 months in prison.
Sooner or later they’re going to come for my edged weapon collection.
Machetes wielded by headloppers not included.
Of course they won’t be. That would be ‘Slamophobic.
surely all thats needed is some sort of training and licensing system?
Oh yes, very droll.
Collectors and hobbyists are low hanging fruit for the police state.
Not the actual thugs and murderers, who are usually “minorities” or Mueslis.
A set up and a trap from the very beginning.
WSJ and NYT now directly targeting Pete Hegseth
The op is so obvious
Fair enough, that was to be expected, but did the Trump camp see it and were they prepared for it with countermeasures?
Or is it going to be the same again, a lame president?
Well this is interesting. Explains a lot.
HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just announced he is shrinking the agency.
He’s cutting 20,000 employees from the agency and cutting down several divisions.
RFK is also creating the Administration for Healthy America.
The same people screaming “National Security” about the Signal Scam let this happen…
Millions of people streamed into America.
We still have no clue who they are. Where they came from.
They don’t care about “National Security”.
March 28, 2025 7:53 am
Reply to Tom
I think not being Albo will be enough for Dutton, he is not a practical politician or listening to the wrong people.
Getting rid of net zero and reducing woke rules, and most importantly advocating for the latest and best in coal fired power stations would do it.
By all means talk about nuclear, but only as an option for the future, in the current social climate in OZ it just has no traction, and not necessary.
“Thanks to the FBI, we got one of the worst of the worst of MS-13 off the streets this morning.” – @AGPamBondi
Send him to GITMO.
Seems under Kash Patel, the FBI have the ability to get the scum off the streets.
@RogerJStoneJr: “After a couple of cocktails…I asked [Nixon] directly, ‘who killed Kennedy?’… He said, ‘let me put it this way: Lyndon and I both wanted to be president. But I wasn’t willing to kill for it.’”
It could make sense, after all it happened in Texas, Johnson’s home state.
And deep blue in those days.
…and a couple of Arkancides in Johnsons early political career, IIRC
Months before Trump took office, Norm Eisen and Marc Elias laid out the Democrats plan to stop Trump’s second term agenda.
Federal judges with bogus lawsuits to tie him up in the courts for 4 years.
It’s the Republic or judicial tyranny!
IGNORE THE JUDGES and move forward!
Supposedly the RICO Act is meant for this sort of conspiracy.
I haven’t used ChatGPT yet.
I want this Ghiblified.
What is it about politicians doing dressups. One is a tribal chief, the other an idiot.
I concur.
Outstanding idea.
Hasn’t it?
Lotz of ’em .. LOL!
the davos devolution
Missed Dutton’s budget speech last night. So decided to view the live coverage on UTube .Other’s wanting to do same can see it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFxPOe29l9w
I’m tough, but I’m not that tough.
It was actually quite good especially some of the grim looks at times on the faces of the LayBore Front Bench (Abalone especially) when the camera panned Parliament from behind Dutton.
Nothing that Cats don’t already know but the article was fun, so I’ll put it up.
Al Gore Is Still Wrong About Everything (27 Mar)
Don’t miss the zinger from Tulsi Gabbard right at the end, she’s infuriating the Democrats rather nicely.
Damping down mass hysteria is a big job.
Amazing he still has the nerve to appear in public!
This appears to be the FB account belonging to Paul Kim, the dude who was arrested for allegedly setting a Tesla location on fire. He advocated for people to donate to help get violent BLM rioters get out of jail.
The Democratic Party is the party of violence.
Big Pharma and Media: Partners in Profit
The Jew hating slug from Grayndler has once again ‘teared up about his Mum‘.
She died in 2002, over twenty years ago.
The slug has no shame.
Albo calculates that tearing up about his mother on TV will help him win an election.
Whatever it takes. FMD.
No word about Dad?
If he mentioned Carlo the ABC hologram his media minders would tear up.
Albosleazy proves yet again he is no man but a sniveling weasel.
House Republicans claim Biden used funding to ‘undermine’ Netanyahu government
‘Studio Ghibli’ Memes of Donald Trump Break the Internet
Does This Shocking Revelation Prove a Conspiracy in ‘Signalgate’ Controversy?
That’s a stunning piece of journalism – doing what it’s supposed to be do – investigating corruption.
US Pauses Contributions to WTO as Spending Cuts Efforts Intensify
One for
trucks vs trainsoops BYD vs Tesla Cats.Five Things To Know As BYD’s 5-Minute EV Chargers Juice Up Next Week (27 Mar)
Really impressive innovation and engineering! However the article only briefly touches on one big problem, which is the grid connections will have to be massive to support 1 MW fast chargers. Each charging service centre would just about need its own substation. And no mention of where all that electricity is coming from – which of course isn’t a problem in China as we all know it is coming from coal plants.
That’s a lot of power going into a battery. Every time you “fill up” you would be hoping there were no shorts!
Do these people actually think they’ll be able to lift the connecting cable or will it have a special docking station. Don’t believe it. More vapourware.
The article covers this. Rather than one cable there’re two of them, which hook into plugs on either side of the car. Each does 500 kW. It’s a neat idea…until someone comes along and steals the copper. That won’t happen in China of course.
MGuy had a video about that.
1 MW is about the output of a mid WW2 fighter engine.
Ukraine Is FURIOUS As EU Admits DEFEAT And Changes The Narrative
There won’t be any agreement while he’s there.
Zelensky Rejects Any Peace Deal That Surrenders Territory.
I guess he’s angling for the Causcescu solution.
ELON MUSK: “If a commercial company is operated the way the federal government does, then it would immediately go bankrupt. It would be delisted. The officers would be arrested.”
Tomatoes are racist.
USDA Trashes ‘Woke’ DEI Tomato Seeds After Bizarre Discovery: ‘This Is What We’re Fighting’ (27 Mar)
What on earth has agriculture to do with menstruation in trannies? Sounds like the Biden Dept of Agriculture was fruity in all senses of the term.
So, a May 3 federal election. A short five-and-a-half-week campaign.
Albo must be getting some good feedback from focus groups about the budget. Pressure will be on Dutton to backflip and support the tax cuts. Which he probably will.
Not even a cup of coffee a week and then not until 2026. Oh frabjous day!
Piss off rabid Nazi.
Nearly the last possible date, which would’ve been 1 July.
Not exactly a sign of confidence.
It will be interesting to see if Labor’s vast spraying of munni works, or whether the voters have wised up.
Focus Groups in ONE DAY after the Budget. Montypox Virus, you are demented.
Most Focus Group attendees would have said “Wot’ Budget?”. LOL.
Luigi Abalone getting advice from mutley.
Advice from the King of Wrongology. What could possibly go wrong.
PS, did KamelToe win Iowa, as was so confidently predicted?
TBF, winning an additional 22 seats for the Dutton against a first term government, no matter how bad, is unlikely.
Here he is folks
Tax cuts are half a tin of cat food a day.
That would have to be the home brand variety.
What a surprise. Why is it that the really rich always use OPM.
Shocking Revelations: Gov. Pritzker Tied to USAID Fraud Scandal!
That’s how they get and stay really rich.
Claire blames the housing crisis on the University visa mills and on Abalone and Dim for caving to the uni demands.
Video 7m37s.
The difference between immigration and new dwelling construction is a shortfall of 77000 per year. Jayzuz.
Take a drive round Aitkenvale in Townsville and what’s left of the housing is chock full of cars. Like upwards 6 a house. Few off duty taxis too.
Aitkenvale is just down the road from JCU, I know for a fact a lot more students are enrolled at JCU and Pimlico TAFE than actually attend and that “international students” are flipping classes for menial work.
A friend mrs of Thai background who immigrated at more sedate intake levels of 70,000 a year on a mariage visa has worked with them. She has said they are open at what they are doing, using loopholes to get PR then bringing more of them, including parents across.
Pink batts on steroids.
And there is Bishop and Shorten both Chancellors. The Uniparty getting their reward for keeping the international students flooding in.
Germany had a Chancellor some years back.
A young bloke from work has just moved into a share house with his girlfriend. A six bedroom McMansion with two master/ensuite bedrooms. They’ve got one, and in the other is a married couple! They are paying $400 pw for the room with bills included. What a shit show.
Back in the 90’s we had wo blocks of flats close to a Uni. 15% return less rates.
#BREAKING: Pam Bondi says the DOJ will NOT enter into plea negotiations with the Las Vegas Tesla Firebomber
“We are seeking 20 years in prison. They are setting off bombs, huge, massive fires in residential neighborhoods.”
“They better cut it out. Because we are coming after you. And at my direction there will be no negotiating on these people.”
Babylon bee has this sorted:
Democrats Estimate They Are Only One More Arson Away From Being Popular Again
Elon Musk Disguises IRS Building As Tesla Dealership So Democrats Will Burn It Down
Leftist Smashes Tesla After Seeing Terrifying Image Of Fascist In Window [she is shown looking in through the window and gets a reflection]
Liberal Tesla Owners Paint Rainbow Colors On Car Doors In Hopes Violent Mobs Will Pass By [I doubt leftists would be comfortable with a Jewish allusion]