Open Thread – Mon 22 April 2024

The Gardeners, Gustave Caillebotte, 1877

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April 24, 2024 6:09 pm

“Building industry needs more women” according to detached dog box builder boss at Metricon. Why?

Because men mustn’t have their own spaces, whether at work or play.

April 24, 2024 6:15 pm

It’s the marxist-lesbian attack on men and boys. You can have girls in Scouts but they still have the girl guides. Just one example. You can’t have men’s gyms but they allow lezwood. Another example.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 24, 2024 6:16 pm

Now I am sceptical but you cannot have an appointment of a bloke who is supposed to be in charge of our intelligence agency, then only enunciate the talking points of the Left.
Race war, Grampian Nazis, Islamophobia. It’s a load of khuntery Mr Burgess.

April 24, 2024 6:17 pm

Dunny Brush

 April 24, 2024 4:18 pm

Bishop Mar Mari has backed Musk. My body my choice! Chortle.

The bishop has a good sense of what is right and wrong in political terms as well as Christian theology. Hopefully he lives long to guide his flock.

April 24, 2024 6:18 pm

Is that what Burgess said? Geez the Babylon Bee coulda written it. A canbra mediocrity so what else would you expect.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 24, 2024 6:18 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 24, 2024 6:19 pm


the NT has the highest homicide rate in Australia with 9.3 per every 100,000 people


Of course, that doesn’t count the multitude of people who go ‘missing’ here every year, and who are of course just having a sleep.

In a little elongated hole. With a dirt blanket.

Great times.

April 24, 2024 6:21 pm

You really wonder what makes anal’s mean little mind tick.

April 24, 2024 6:26 pm

Michael Smith has a clip of Elbow indulging in some shprooking.
What is really funny is the first comment in the thread asking where did Elbow pick up the Freddy Kreuger hat.
Once you see him in that context, you can’t see him any other way. 😀
Albeit, a very low rent Kreuger.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 24, 2024 6:27 pm

Frequent flyer Miles.

Qld Deputy Premier defends Steven Miles’ ‘efficient’ decision to take two private jets on tour of Queensland to make crime announcements (Sky News, 24 Apr)

Do these hypocrites realize the damage they’re doing to their credibility? The punters see it. Either behave as you preach or give the whole stupid game away.

April 24, 2024 6:29 pm

‘Haughty’ is word which accurately describes the modern political class. From macaroon to anal.

April 24, 2024 6:35 pm

Bugger. I’m back in internet prison so, unless something changes tonight, no ‘toons again tomorrow.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 24, 2024 6:39 pm

A good news story for Anzac Day! Maybe Macbeth is a mate of his.

101 year old War Veteran honoured with medallion (Ncl local news, 24 Apr)

A 101 year old Murwillumbah veteran has been honoured for his service…on the eve of ANZAC Day,

Ronald Spence today awarded a medal..for his tour of duty in Papua New Guinea during World War 2.

Signals guy in the PNG campaigns. Well done LCpl Spence.

April 24, 2024 6:41 pm

Exposing Greta Thunberg’s True Face That You’re Not Supposed to See

April 24, 2024 6:43 pm

About the spears Captain Cook took to England, if he didn’t take them with him the current aborigines wouldn’t have had any of them. It took a white, English man to preserve their history. If it was left to their ancestors the spears would have been burnt when no longer useful.

Kim Howard
Kim Howard
April 24, 2024 6:47 pm

Teachers for Palestine have a problem with ANZACS, I have a problem with Teachers for Palestine, give them a one-way ticket to Gaza and get the hell out of Australia! scumbags, disrespecting ANZACS can not ever be allowed!!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 24, 2024 6:53 pm

 April 24, 2024 12:33 pm

There will not be a repeat of 6/1/2021 in the first week of 2025. The insurrection ringleaders that day are all in gaol. You can tell that there is nobody waiting in the wings, because Trump is getting practically nil support at his trial. Two men and a dog, almost literally.

They were FEDS! you f-wit and roam free today.

Pi55 off.

April 24, 2024 6:55 pm
April 24, 2024 6:55 pm

One of Makka’s comments from 11:08 a.m. this morning deserves repeating:

The idea that the LNP are our representatives for freedom and liberty is a farce.

(I believe that ‘farce’ is too kind a word, but you get the drift).

April 24, 2024 6:57 pm

The left has cans it likes to kick- ANZAC day has been under attack all my life. Remember the lesbian attacks at the Shrine in Melb in the 80s for example. Their latest can to kick is Israel- no doubt this is coordinate world wide. So they combine the two. What poisonous, sick minds.

April 24, 2024 6:58 pm

Yoram Hazony | A Drastic Change in How Democracies Function | NatCon Brussels 2

April 24, 2024 7:00 pm

The real insurrection in the District of Corruption was when they burnt down the that church near the White House and Trump had to be moved to safety. Monty pox you are a despicable waste of space.

April 24, 2024 7:07 pm

This disgusting bint went a good way to destroying America and she receives an award for doing so.

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi receives honorary degree for lasting legacy to public service

Dons aren’t normal people and are part of the problem.

April 24, 2024 7:15 pm
April 24, 2024 7:18 pm

I agree with Rowan Dean, currently on Sky with Andrew Bolt. Dutton must change direction on internet, or more accurately, X being censored at Albo’s government’s demand. Liberals will lose the next election if Dutton does not change his stand. It is not a matter of censoring lies, it is the truth the government is stopping all Australians from seeing.

April 24, 2024 7:18 pm

Scientific American Claims It Is “Misinformation” That There Are Just Two Sexes
I think they mean malinformation, i.e. inconvenient truth.

April 24, 2024 7:19 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 24, 2024 7:22 pm

Lisa Wilkinson hits back at Ten over ‘impermissible’ costs bid
By stephen rice

  • NSW Editor
  • 7:11PM April 24, 2024

Lisa Wilkinson has fired back at the Ten Network over its continuing refusal to pay all her legal bills in Bruce Lehrmann’s failed defamation action, accusing her employer of “impermissibly seeking to reagitate” the claim she won against the network ­earlier this year.
On Wednesday Wilkinson filed a fresh submission to the Federal Court after Ten told Justice Michael Lee earlier that The Project host should be liable for any “duplicative or wasteful” work by her legal team.
With the jobless Mr Lehrmann unlikely to be able to foot even a fraction of the estimated $10m cost of the case, Ten wants its former star presenter to pay for all aspects of the case where it wasn’t necessary for her to have separate representation.
After a successful cross-claim by Wilkinson, Ten earlier this year agreed to pay “reasonable” costs for her team, led by top defamation silk Sue Chrysanthou SC. In October, those legal costs had already exceeded $700,000 and have since ballooned to estimated $2m.
Wilkinson’s cross claim against the network allowed into evidence documents that showed Ten’s lawyers approved her controversial Logies speech.
Other documents described Wilkinson as “almost hysterical” that she might have to sell her harbourside mansion if the network didn’t cover her fees, according to Ten chief Bev McGarvey, who had called her.
“(I have subsequently confirmed … so far we have invoices for 20k from her lawyers and she is still getting paid by us on full salary and lives in a lavish multi-million dollar home with a pool and a tennis court and harbour views so I hope this is not a real risk),” Ms McGarvey said in her notes of the call.

Wilkinson is still on Ten’s payroll but has not been on air since the defamation case began.
In submissions released by the Federal Court this week, Ten’s barrister Matt Collins KC argued Wilkinson “was not entitled to incur costs in respect of her separate interests as she pleased on the assumption that Network Ten would ultimately pick up the bill”.
Dr Collins agreed Wilkinson had legitimate “separate interests” in relation to her Logies speech and questions around whether she had acted reasonably in preparing and broadcasting the story, but said other aspects of the case, such as the truth defence, involved “common interests” which were ­almost entirely handled by Ten’s legal team. But Wilkinson’s lawyers say Justice Lee has already ruled in the cross claim against an assessment of her costs based on a distinction between “common” or “non-common” issues, which “could not sensibly be maintained and was not”.
Ten’s new submissions “impermissibly seek to reagitate that issue”, her lawyers said.
Wilkinson agreed that the issue should be considered by a referee appointed by the court.
In his judgment handed down last Monday, Justice Lee found Ten and Wilkinson had made out their truth defence in the defamation battle, ruling that on the balance of probabilities Mr Lehrmann had raped Brittany Higgins.

April 24, 2024 7:23 pm

I don’t trust the system, but I’m back online. Hopefully, it’ll last until cartoon time at 4am!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 24, 2024 7:29 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
 April 23, 2024 3:14 pm

 Reply to  Steve trickler
Invincible ignorance.
I’d love to engage him on climate data, I suspect his eyes would cross over after a minute or two. And that’s even before you get to the silly economics of renewables and stuff like that.
These people think they are awesomely intelligent yet any time you engage them with actual data they run away like Sir Robin. It’d be great fun except for the ghastly amount of damage they’re doing.

No doubt you could. I’d still like to see Tony Heller come back to OZ with his photogpraphic memory and churn out d*ckhead journo’s.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 24, 2024 7:49 pm

Everyone getting ready for the dawn service tomorrow?

April 24, 2024 8:02 pm

Yep. American foreign policy is laser focused under Senile Joe:

The Senate approved a $95 billion foreign aid package for both Ukraine and Israel, days after it was passed in the U.S. House of Representatives.Members of the U.S. Senate voted 79-18 to approve the foreign aid package, sending it to President Joe Biden’s desk.
The foreign aid package primarily consists of $61 billion in aid for Ukraine, roughly $26 billion in military aid for Israel, $9 billion for humanitarian efforts in Gaza, and roughly $8 billion in foreign aid for Taiwan and efforts to counter China’s threat in the Indo-Pacific.

Does anyone know what this mishmash means?

It’s scary. Henry Kissinger must be mixing concrete in his grave – and I’m not a fan.

April 24, 2024 8:03 pm

Everyone getting ready for the dawn service tomorrow?

Even the woke zombies of the AFL celebrate Anzac Day — what separates us from the Third World trash we are currently inviting in record numbers to share the freedom.we won through the hundreds of thousands of lives we were prepared to sacrifice in two world wars.

Delta A
Delta A
April 24, 2024 8:06 pm

a vile and patently anti-Semitic slur was made by Johanna to Cassie

Elizabeth, this is not true.

Many Cats, including our esteemed Dover, posted that, while the comment might not have been tactful*, it was not anti-Semetic.This, too, is my opinion.

You have to let go of this; admit that neither the comment nor Johannah is anti-Semetic. Carry on with your squabble however you choose, but cease with that tired old chestnut.

+Nearest that I can recall to Dover’swords.

Last edited 4 months ago by Delta A
April 24, 2024 8:10 pm

In his judgment handed down last Monday, Justice Lee found Ten and Wilkinson had made out their truth defence in the defamation battle,

They obviously did no such thing. They decided Britney was, initially, less of a liar than the bloke. As did Lee. That doesn’t make either ten or Lee right. It’s still he said- she said and there is no evidence to determine whether the alleged rape occurred.

April 24, 2024 8:16 pm

Barnard Gaynor doing good work getting councils to remove trannie porn books from their libraries:

Bernie’s Bad Book Bash #8 – Two more councils remove child porn comics! (

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
April 24, 2024 8:17 pm

“I think I have done enough to make it clear where I stand, and I prefer to comment mainly on CL’s site now”

Even Lizzie flounces, don’t forget her birthday is approaching. She’ll have to come back as she does every year and remind everyone it is her birthday so we can all wish her a happy birthday.

April 24, 2024 8:22 pm

Titus Groates
April 24, 2024 8:17 pm

“I think I have done enough to make it clear where I stand, and I prefer to comment mainly on CL’s site now”


April 24, 2024 8:24 pm

 April 24, 2024 8:10 pm

In his judgment handed down last Monday, Justice Lee found Ten and Wilkinson had made out their truth defence in the defamation battle,
They obviously did no such thing.

Unfortunately they did. On the Civil standard the rape was proved. Lehrmann’s credibility was simply less than anyone else’s according to Lee. That cannot be appealed. The issue now is Reynold’s and perhaps Brown’s defamation claims. These will muddy the costs issue. Legal costs are incredibly complex. The toad is now disputing whether 10 covers all her costs. That dispute may be moot since Lehrmann is impecunious. And Reynolds and Brown may and indeed should join 10 and the toad with their claims against britterny, both of whom are not impecunious.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 24, 2024 8:25 pm

Elizabeth, this is not true.


You have to let go of this

Also correct.

No commenter, and I mean no commenter, is so invaluable to the very existence of any particular blog that it will wither and die without them.

Without wanting to get right into a pile-on, it is apparent that some are waiting – in vain, I would suggest – for a tsunami of ‘nooooo, please come back’ comments which may never eventuate. Instead, it’s:

‘Still here. Mainly commenting elsewhere now.’

‘Here I am.’ (followed by a quick snipe)

‘This is what you’re missing should I not be here all the time.’

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 24, 2024 8:27 pm

Delta A
April 24, 2024 8:06 pm

a vile and patently anti-Semitic slur was made by Johanna to Cassie

Elizabeth, this is not true.
Many Cats, including our esteemed Dover, posted that, while the comment might not have been tactful*, it was not anti-Semetic.This, too, is my opinion.

You have to let go of this; admit that neither the comment nor Johannah is anti-Semetic. Carry on with your squabble however you choose, but cease with that tired old chestnut.
+Nearest that I can recall to Dover’swords.

According to the new rules being laid down by me as the Commissar Supreme. And I am Mr Albo Sleazy and you better believe it.

This Blog or Bog is now to be shut down. ASAP. So STFU all of you.

There is no more freedom of Speech………………


Last edited 4 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 24, 2024 8:31 pm


 April 24, 2024 7:20 pm

Schoolchildren are converting to Islam ‘out of fear’ in German schools: Study warns Christians feel they are outsiders and are desperate to try and fit in since huge migrant influx

I am not surprised one little bit as West Europeans as a whole and Germans in particular are not teaching Christianity to their children who are then at the mercy of a more vehement religion. I’m sure there is a parable about it but I can’t think of it at the moment, something about weeds.

April 24, 2024 8:36 pm

April 24, 2024 7:23 pm

I don’t trust the system, but I’m back online. Hopefully, it’ll last until cartoon time at 4am!

Maybe I am missing something, you seem to be able to post even when your ‘hotspot system’ is down, why do you have to rely on the phone hotspot?

I tried it myself a few times when the main Internet connection was down, and it never was very successful, not worth the effort.

Puzzling that’s all.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 24, 2024 8:37 pm

This Blog or Bog is now to be shut down. ASAP. So STFU all of you.

Quiet, whiny. Get the ladyboy to pay you some attention.

There is no more freedom of Speech

Once more, and yet again:

This. Is. A. Private. Blog.

April 24, 2024 8:49 pm

There it is: the Trump lawfare is not succeeding so the vile corpse is proposing this:

ALERT: Media reporting Biden about to issue CLIMATE LOCKDOWN forcing you to stay home – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

Seriously biden and the immediate 1000 or so slime-bags propping him up should be nuked.

April 24, 2024 8:52 pm

April 24, 2024 8:10 pm

In his judgment handed down last Monday, Justice Lee found Ten and Wilkinson had made out their truth defence in the defamation battle,
They obviously did no such thing. They decided Britney was, initially, less of a liar than the bloke. As did Lee. That doesn’t make either ten or Lee right. It’s still he said- she said and there is no evidence to determine whether the alleged rape occurred.

I agree, how do you distinguish between the two liars’ lies?
I think the call by Lee about him being a ‘rapist’ was wrong, but I also have to take cohenite’s words him being a lawyer and having a more intimate knowledge of how these things work.

Doesn’t make it right but.
What I can’t understand is, how had his lawyers let him get away telling porkies?
If the judge picked it up why didn’t they?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 24, 2024 8:53 pm

‘Soldier’s soldier’ Keith Payne backs accused war criminal and fellow Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith


By jamie walker

Keith Payne says the Victoria Cross he earned in Vietnam in 1969 was the signal honour of his long and decorated life.
At 90, he is the doyen of Australia’s living VC recipients, the soldier’s soldier who never doubted where his duty lay.
“What happens in war, stays in war,” Mr Payne ­insists, and on this day of days for our veterans and service personnel he has come out with guns blazing in ­defence of fellow VC holder Ben Roberts-Smith.
Until now, Mr Payne has kept his distance from the claims and counterclaims swirling around Mr Roberts-Smith’s conduct in Afghanistan that led to him launching an ill-fated Federal Court defamation case against the Nine newspapers last year and being branded a war criminal by the trial judge. Mr Roberts-Smith is appealing the decision.

While Mr Payne won’t be drawn on the detail of the devastating civil finding against Mr Roberts-Smith, he told The Australian he wouldn’t turn his back on a fellow soldier either, just as he refused to abandon the 40 wounded or cut-off comrades he was credited with saving all those years ago in Vietnam.
“In Ben’s case, I am very, very sorry and a little angry that that sort of thing happened to him,” he said ahead of a round of Anzac Day appearances in Melbourne.
“Because what happens in war, stays in war. There are many, many things that happened during the First World War, the Second World War and the campaigns since that have never been mentioned because it belongs to war and it should remain in the war.”
Asked if he counted Mr Roberts-Smith as a friend, Mr Payne said: “Of course. If I could, I would offer him a job … I wish Ben all the best of luck.” Contrary to some accounts, Mr Roberts-Smith, 45, is not Australia’s most decorated ­living soldier.
That honour ­belongs to Mr Payne, who holds four medals for gallantry, including the VC, and 27 other military decorations, against Mr Roberts-Smith’s still impressive tally of three bravery awards and 11 ­decorations.
Mr Payne also holds the distinction of being the last Australian to receive the VC as an imperial honour; the other three surviving VC holders, Mr Roberts-Smith and fellow Afghanistan veterans Mark Donaldson and Daniel Keighran, were awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia, ­instigated in 1991.

April 24, 2024 9:08 pm

How is possible for channel 10 and Wilkinson to go after Higgins for costs?

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
April 24, 2024 9:21 pm

Just think. Right at this moment, Brendan O’Neill is getting his ear chewed off about rude and cranky bloggers, growing up in Mt Druitt, cruise ship holidays and cats.

Last edited 4 months ago by Titus Groates
April 24, 2024 9:30 pm

Sydney Sting: 7 Teens Arrested for ‘Extremist Ideology’Last updated 23 minutes ago
In a significant counter-terrorism operation, over 400 officers from the Australian police force conducted raids across Sydney and Goulburn, arresting seven teenagers suspected of holding an extremist ideology. The operation, a part of a Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT) investigation, was a response to a church stabbing incident. Authorities have expressed concerns about an ‘unacceptably high risk’ posed by these individuals to public safety. The raids were a coordinated effort to dismantle a ‘youth terror cell’ believed to be operating in Sydney’s southwest. This comes in the wake of heightened security concerns following the stabbing incident involving a Christian Bishop.

April 24, 2024 9:52 pm

Wuhan Lab Could Disguise Coronavirus as ‘Natural’: Report | China In Focus

Dr. Anthony Fauci and an over $4 million grant are back in the spotlight. Newly uncovered emails say some of those funds helped the infamous Wuhan biolab with a study on how to “leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation” of coronaviruses—and that the FBI knew about it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Zippster
Black Ball
Black Ball
April 24, 2024 10:16 pm

Now I shall watch football and rugby league so happy days

April 24, 2024 10:28 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 24, 2024 11:18 pm

Wuhan Lab Could Disguise Coronavirus as ‘Natural’: Report | China In Focus
Dr. Anthony Fauci and an over $4 million grant are back in the spotlight. Newly uncovered emails say some of those funds helped the infamous Wuhan biolab with a study on how to “leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation” of coronaviruses—and that the FBI knew about it.

Wuhan? It was Fort Detrick!

Natural Instinct
Natural Instinct
April 25, 2024 12:22 am

Yo can’t see it because it is too violent.
You can’t see it because it IA a terrorist act.
You can’t see it because someone has been charged.
You can’t see it because it’s before the courts

You can’t see it because it has hurty fake pictures of the PM.

That was quick!

And that is why the SFL should oppose the legislation from the hilltops.

P.S out of interest went to the e safety Commissioner website. First a bit confusing that the person and the organisation havIng the same title. Second what a cesspool of woke socialist propaganda. I think I could argue against 90% of the dot points, starting with vision,goal and KPI’s

April 25, 2024 6:46 am

Ronald McDonald called .. He wants his clothes back .. LOL!

April 25, 2024 7:24 am
April 25, 2024 7:40 am

Re the US providing funds for the Wuhan research. I have known this for some time & have posted material here re the role of Peter Daznak’s EcoHealth Alliance in collaboration with the lab. It is slowly becoming better known. It still is beyond my comprehension. But the evidence is there. US Defence knew about it. Many of those across the world who opposed the vaccines tried vainly to publicise this connection but mainstream media banned it.

Similarly we know that the “bat lady” research scientist visited the CSIRO here. The purpose of the research in determining the possibilities of zoonotic viruses was understood. Astonishingly stupid.

Not sure if we will ever know the truth – though many of the amazing dissident doctors and researchers – like Dr. Robert Malone & others are still trying to get the truth out. Similarly US pollies like Rand Paul & others.

April 25, 2024 7:42 am

It’s gone, mainly, unnoticed in this morning’s Oz media but last night Central Coast Mariners qualified for the final of the AFC Cup with a 3-0 win over Abdish Ata of Kyrgistan ..
Becoming only the 2nd Oz club fitba team to make an Asian final following the 2016 AFC Champions League win of Western Sydney Wanderers …..

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 25, 2024 8:27 am

a vile and patently anti-Semitic slur was made by Johanna to Cassie

Elizabeth, this is not true.

Many Cats, including our esteemed Dover, posted that, while the comment might not have been tactful*, it was not anti-Semetic.This, too, is my opinion.

You have to let go of this; admit that neither the comment nor Johannah is anti-Semetic. Carry on with your squabble however you choose, but cease with that tired old chestnut.

+Nearest that I can recall to Dover’swords.

*sigh* Delta, dear, this is true.

Any Jewish historian will tell you that the meme of Jewish docility in the face of terror was used historically, and is still used historically, to shit on Jews.
Johanna. used. that. meme. It is not a tired old chestnut.

She was also brutally cruel and unkind to a Jewish woman while using it. That is the salt in the wound. Using the meme itself was ignorant and ill-judged. The brutality which surrounded it was appalling. Calling it ‘lacking tact’ is a cop out. I am not calling Johanna anti-Semitic, I am calling her a user of an anti-Semitic slur. There is a difference, to me anyway, though I am not Cassie and perhaps don’t have her sensitivities. She can speak to these.

You once said I slurred you re your wooden leg. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I had said, for apparently it was long ago, but I immediately apologised. It was the only decent thing to do. I wouldn’t knowingly slur anyone for a disability. Nor for their ethnicity.

Dover kept Johanna’s comment.

His view is not the only one possible. I respect his right in his blog but I also think in the name of free speech I can’t, and never will, pass by the anti-Semitism on display on that day, including by the uptickers. The comment came from nowhere and Cassie felt hated. How bad is that?

Delta, please look back thread at the sub-comment I made early this morning to Bourne. You are not an unkind person, so please let me manage my own comments as I see fit. I somehow think I am old enough for that.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 25, 2024 8:42 am

Andrew Bolt:

It’s becoming scarily clear that a multicultural society needs heavier policing and more censorship.

Ian Kershaw, head of the Australian Federal Police, gave that game away at the National Press Club on Wednesday when supporting a ban on videos of the stabbing of Assyrian Christian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.

People could be “inspired”, he said. Inspired? Who would see a bishop being stabbed and want more?

Sure, Kershaw might also mean Assyrian Christians could get angered into violence themselves. But that wasn’t the only sign of multicultural stress in Kershaw’s appearance alongside ASIO boss Mike Burgess. Burgess warned extremist Sunni Islam was the “principle” source of ideologically motivated violence, but quickly added Christian extremism was also a problem, given the riot after the bishop’s stabbing. One riot, and Christians get mentioned alongside Islamist terrorism?

You see the game exposed. Our government and security agencies not saying things that could offend Muslims, for fear of what a radical few might do.

The government can’t even mention our obscene levels of anti-Semitism without immediately deploring the almost invisible Islamophobia, too. Kershaw also grieved that “respected leaders of faith (he wouldn’t say which) tell us the interpretation of religion is being purposely distorted on social media” and “their communities and religious beliefs are tarnished and blamed for violent acts carried out by those who have been radicalised”.

Oh, blame social media again. Convenient. Face facts. Today’s terrorism sponsors include the Islamist leaders of Iran, Gaza and the Palestinian Authority.

In Australia, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilal, when he was our Mufti, called the September 11 terrorism “God’s work against oppressors”.

When John Howard created a Muslim Community Reference Group, a third of its 14 members supported Hezbollah, notorious for its terrorist wing.

Yes, Islam’s main leaders in Australia today seem far more moderate, yet not one condemned the Hamas terrorism of October 7 – the slaughter of 1200 Jews, the rapes, the kidnappings. Few, if any, have publicly challenged the Sydney hate preachers calling Jews “rats” and quoting holy scripture about killing them. No, safer to demand censorship of us all, and police and politicians – equally frightened – agree.

That Burgess and Kershaw said this at the National Press Club long lunch for Chardonnay sipping Leftist journos giving each other wristies tells you all you need to know. They are not serious about their jobs.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 25, 2024 8:52 am

Now for goodness sakes, I’ve said my piece often enough about what happened to Cassie here, and the lack of apologies not just from Johanna, and repeats have only been to respond to those extending the commentary on this issue.

Last night we attended a fund-raising dinner with Brendan O’Neill, from Spiked Online. For a fund-raiser it was a fairly intimate affair so there was no speechifying, just a good and wide-ranging discussion in a circular setting, which took in issues familiar to those here and at CL’s blog, which is pretty much kindred to this one. What struck me is that for some of the attendees there was less grasp on current events than regulars here have, so both of these blogs must be doing something right in raising public perceptions; which was something everyone agreed had to be done.

Brendan, in a later personal discussion I had with him, was very sceptical that our Liberal Party and its politicians, with some of whom he has shared platforms, can ever realistically mount the game-changing sort of opposition that this country needs; nor can Britain, of course, he admits.

So resistance has to be beyond the level of party politics, with pressure from various internet sources, which is not news to many who comment here. It is a challenging message, but keep up the good work, bloggers.

April 25, 2024 9:44 am


 April 24, 2024 8:49 pm

There it is: the Trump lawfare is not succeeding so the vile corpse is proposing this:

ALERT: Media reporting Biden about to issue CLIMATE LOCKDOWN forcing you to stay home – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

Seriously biden and the immediate 1000 or so slime-bags propping him up should be nuked.

Now, now, Cohenite. That sounds like a call to violence.

April 25, 2024 11:15 am


May 1, 2024 9:14 am

Bungonia Bee, I have a very tasty recipe for pigeons.

  1. Sky Outsiders has just reminded me I forgot to post the latest Please Explain cartoon on Friday. It’s very good.…

  2. … in support of a war which involves rockets bought from Iran. mUnty, with a trifecta of fallacies as usual…

  3. Difficult lessons here. The Commander in Chief has checked out. He’s now in Aged Care under commissar nurse Jill at…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x