Open Thread – Mon 22 April 2024

The Gardeners, Gustave Caillebotte, 1877

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April 22, 2024 12:12 am

Be first again?
Seems unfair but hey!

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
April 22, 2024 12:32 am

For those that haven’t seen this, Dutton is exploiting the slaughtered to betray Australia by doing an about face to now support Albo’s Ministry of Truth.
Our political class is full of traitorous tyrants, salivating at the golden opportunity to enslave us.
I must say that the timing of the Westfield massacre is almost too fortuitous, just one month before the Disinformation Bill was to meet its worthy demise. Dutton has officially joined the ranks of the satanic.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 3:33 am

Dutton is weak. Make Jacinta Price the Leader of the alleged Opposition.

April 22, 2024 4:00 am

No toons today — off to the laptop doctor this morning to repair my internet connection.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 4:24 am

comment image

April 22, 2024 5:02 am


Is that you Winston?

We lost our little Aussie terrier, Lady, and decided not to have an other one, too much heart ache.

April 22, 2024 5:18 am

About the painting:
Didn’t they have hoses back in those days?

April 22, 2024 6:05 am

Dutton has a problem re the Missinformation bill How to protect the young . Nowhere these days is the the old way of of certification of what is appropriate for children to read or view General , Over 15 and Adults only Children were not allowed in to AO films . These days no protection so the young can be propaganderized as that 16 year old was on social media . Another example porn on mobiles is now causing ED in 18 and younger males .
Parents cannot monitor what kids see or hear so government believe they have to step in to protect children . So what can we do ? Rather than criticise Dutton how do we protect kids from the media available to all today especially without the brain development to be able to deal with it . But even some adults cannot analyse and are easily brainwashed . Solutions Please

April 22, 2024 6:06 am

ANOTHER MAJOR BIDEN DISASTER: Niger’s Russian-Backed Military Junta Agrees to Release 1,000 US Soldiers After Biden Promises to Abandon the $100 Million US Airbase in the Country
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) totally embarrassed the US Army Secretary and exposed Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy catastrophe during questioning this week in the US House of Representatives’ Armed Services Committee hearing.
Gaetz exposed the latest Biden foreign policy failure – this time in Niger, Africa.
US troops are trapped in the country allegedly without water and medicine. The Army was likely hiding this to protect itself from embarrassment. Deployed Americans are in limbo and unable to do their jobs and the Biden State Department is completely outmaneuvered once again.

Last edited 3 months ago by BobtheBoozer
April 22, 2024 7:02 am

Thanks to the Cat who posted the Friendly Jordies piece on McBride & the deplorable actions of the ABC/4 Corners.

It’s an exercise in not much liking the messenger (FJ) and hearing a great summary on the whole shit show.

One doesn’t have to draw a long bow to see why the multiple governments & ministers have sat on the Brereton report.
If it was an exercise in pursuing servicemen, they would have bounced the ball already.
Scratch the surface and investigate what the shiny bums in the military and what cabinets knew and signed off on, it’s a totally different story.

April 22, 2024 7:11 am


April 22, 2024 7:16 am

A message to the one of the many media types who scroll the Cat.
Maybe it would be worthwhile for one of your staff to engage with the ABC Ombudsman (yes an oxymoron) regarding the allegation that the ABC/4 Corners withheld evidence from McBride’s lawyers.

The subject matter sits in the middle of a venn diagram that would serve a lot of purposes.

April 22, 2024 7:21 am

how do we protect kids from the media available to all today

At home…by being a vigilant parent or grandparent. Limit screen time and monitor content. Easy to set time limits on phones and iPads for younger ones. They simply switch off.

The difficulty – friends with older siblings or inattentive/delinquent parents. My grandson was exposed to porn this way. Fortunately the friendship withered.

Always be available to talk to your kids, especially as they enter the hideous teens. I type this in the full awareness of how difficult this can be – from the age of fourteen to twenty one my son only ever grunted at me…unless he wanted help with his homework.

Finally, by example. The number of families I see where all of them are glued to their phones rather than conversing is astonishing. Offer alternatives to screens – how many future artists, musicians, inventors are withering on the vine because they have never been “bored” enough to doodle, strum or observe the world around them because their faces are stuck on a phone?

April 22, 2024 7:30 am

how do we protect kids from the media available to all today

The church stabbing footage still shows up in my TikTok feed.
Some edited, some not.
It seems like all you have to do is tell the esafe czar that you are doing something…then let the users & algorithms run wild.
It’s all about publicly bending the knee.

April 22, 2024 7:37 am

Not defending or downplaying the danger of internet porn, but there was heaps of it passed around when I was at high school. Wasn’t too hard (no pun intended) to get hold of copies of Penthouse from street vendors in the Sydney CBD for example. Ribald used to another one that did the rounds.

April 22, 2024 7:38 am

One of the final scenes from Edge of Darkness (the movie, not the series).

Sums up the goal of the blob when they view the population.

April 22, 2024 7:50 am
April 22, 2024 7:50 am

I suspect modern porn puts penthouse in the shade.
(She says with a vague recollection of (sealed) nude centrefolds when all that gratuitous sex was being mainstreamed)

April 22, 2024 7:56 am

How pathetic can local gummint get .. As most here would know I come from TOON Land .. A place called Gateshead, Gateshead is on one side of the River Tyne/Tyne Bridge, Newcastle is on the other ..
Anywayz, Gateshead also has a “fitba” team .. not as well known as TOON but Geordie “battlers” (aren’t we all!).. Sooo, this year 2 years after being promoted to the NATIONAL LEAGUE (for the uninitiated who do/don’t follow the game this is the League Wrexham ( as in Ryan Gosling got their promotion from last year) Gateshead finished in 6th spot (out of 24) thus earning the right to play-off for promotion for English League 2 (proper) ..
BUT .. they have now been excluded from the play-off series cos Gateshead Council won’t give them a 10 years lease on their, rented, stadium ..
Turns out that the English FA (who run English fitba) make it a condition of promotion that all eligible teams must have 10 years tenure on their playing grounds ….
The ridiculous side to this is ….. drum roll, pleeeze maestro ..! ..
Gateshead Council, apparently, only ever plan anything on a 5 years schedule so won’t go for a 10 years lease …… FFS!
So, the “town” fitba team misses out on the chance for promotion this year and I assume in future years cos Gateshead Council is sooo short-sighted and won’t bend/change the rules even for the chance for glory …… LOL!
Also adding to the team’s ongoing misery .. last year we finished 4th and were barred from the play-offs by the FA cos they deemed the club didn’t have enuf money in the bank to guarantee being an ongoing concern (that problem now solved by new ownership mid year) …..
Sooooo in English fitba winning is not always about scoring goals .. but also dependent on the vagaries of the RULES …… duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!

April 22, 2024 8:13 am

A bright spot for my Monday morning .. I’m not much of a gambler but throw the odd $5/$10 bets on sports betting most weekends .. so last Thursday threw $10 on a bloke (Tony Finau) to finish top 20 in the Canadian Open (golf) soooo .. rounds 1 thru 3 doing nuttin’ and in the mid 40s .. duuuh! .. BUT .. checking this morning & he’s clubbed a 5 under last round hurtling into 15th spot and making me a winner .. $10 @ 3.75 .. thus covering my awfie fitba/thugby efforts and ending up with a weekend profit of $17.50 ….
Life is good …….!

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 22, 2024 8:23 am

Reposting from the end of the old thread…

One of the problems with the new Cat design is that people could have made responses to lots of the comment, but to find out you have to scroll up and check all of them, and then open them to read them.

Better to have one long thread…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 22, 2024 8:27 am

Gateshead also has a “fitba” team

Someone up there likes them.

Football fans stunned after spotting Jonathan Van-Tam at match dressed as a nun (21 Apr)

Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, who became one of the nation’s most recognisable faces during the Covid pandemic, has stunned fans at a football match when he turned up dressed as a nun.

The former Deputy Chief Medical Officer was a comforting voice of science during dark days when coronavirus ravaged the UK, but it appears he was looking to a higher authority to help his favourite team Boston United win a play-off match. …

Sadly on the day Boston United went down 2-1 in a thriller to league leaders Gateshead, but speaking to BBC Radio Lincolnshire before the game, Sir Jonathan said Sir Chris and other NHS colleagues he’d invited had a great time.

I was amused when I saw the article this morning. The elites are a weird bunch. He and Brett Sutton should get together.

April 22, 2024 8:31 am

Top Ender

 April 22, 2024 8:23 am

Reposting from the end of the old thread…

One of the problems with the new Cat design is that people could have made responses to lots of the comment, but to find out you have to scroll up and check all of them, and then open them to read them.

Better to have one long thread…

TE, to get around that most people copy and paste into new comments. I hit the Reply button when I think it would only interest the original commenter.

April 22, 2024 8:36 am

Someone up there likes them.

Football fans stunned after spotting Jonathan Van-Tam at match dressed as a nun (21 Apr)

Perhaps he was appealing to Allah by ridiculing Christians. After all, it’s safe to do so, nobody will come to arrest him for that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 22, 2024 8:55 am

How typical. NSW plod after ignoring all the marching Nazis is now coming down on the Assyrian Christians like a ton of bricks.

‘Aggressive, violent’: Cops’ plea for help over church riot (Paywallian)

Police have made a plea to the public to help identify 12 men, including a man with a tattoo of Jesus, following the Sydney church riot.

No wonder NSW plod is on the nose. Two tiered justice will do that.

April 22, 2024 8:56 am


The following have praised the Ukraine aid with no money for us:

Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, John Bolton, CNN, New York Times, Mike Pence, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, MSNBC, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell.

In case you’re wondering if the swamp is real.

A post went into moderation of a clip showing them handing out Ukraine flags to wave in Congress and a tweet stating –

Pretty sure the last time we saw American flags being waved in the halls of Congress was J6

That says a lot

And yes, it does say a lot.

April 22, 2024 8:58 am

Re, monitoring content for children. My 3 3/4 yo grandson is not allowed to watch much of youtube even though there are a lot of things he does watch. Youtube throw in a lot of content not suitable. My daughter has a paid premium content without ads which youtube were throwing in a lot of gratuitous violence, horrendous tragedy and risque content. His parents just pay attention in case something slips in. When he’s at our place he doesn’t watch much, too many things to do and we don’t leave him alone. Parents are responsible, not someone else.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 22, 2024 9:00 am

One bit of news that escaped my grasp over the weekend was the departure of Prof van Wrongselen from Teh Weekend Paywallian. From (very) humble beginnings at ECU, proud sponsor of the West Coast Eagles (never a good sign when choosing a university) the Prof soon upped digs to the far more salubrious UWA, albeit while appearing on the tabloid and now disgraced Teh Project. The Prof’s shoes are seemingly to be filled by Mr Gai Brotmann whose life as the new Laurie Oakes are proving too demanding.

April 22, 2024 9:04 am

Gratuitous Dianna Rigg montage:

April 22, 2024 9:08 am

Reading through this morning’s news I see bLIAR is still hanging around especially since ‘Sir’ Kier Stamer might be next PM. The more I reflect on politics, the more it’s about protecting citizens from these vile grifters and psychopaths. What toxic trash these people are- the old perv, the dauphine, anal.

April 22, 2024 9:12 am

Inside secret billionaire retreats that are SO exclusive even the the CEO of Goldman Sachs is a mere ‘third tier guest’ and if you have to ask, you’re not invited
If you think about it, this is what it’s really all about. Exclusivity, putting yourself above others and doing everything in heaven and hell to get there.

April 22, 2024 9:14 am

How typical. NSW plod after ignoring all the marching Nazis is now coming down on the Assyrian Christians like a ton of bricks.

Yes and trying to pretend they said ‘where’s the jews’. Just contemptible. Cowardly bullies.

April 22, 2024 9:14 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
April 22, 2024 9:18 am

Good article at Quadrant On-Line proposing changes to immigration selection criteria.

It won’t go anywhere, however, because the system is captured by the bureaucracy, which hates us.

April 22, 2024 9:20 am

Watched Oppenheimer yesterday arvo. The bits about the grubby naked desire for power in Washington were really interesting as was the portrayal of Truman and the kangaroo court. Lesley Groves comes out of it well.
Seems not much has changed in Washington, District of Corruption.

April 22, 2024 9:21 am

My daughter has a paid premium content without ads which youtube were throwing in a lot of gratuitous violence, horrendous tragedy and risque content. H

Disable history and switch autoplay off. Cleaned up my feed immeasurably.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 22, 2024 9:27 am

Despite only reading Playboy for the articles, I only use the Internet for pron. Except the Cat of course.

April 22, 2024 9:30 am

My scrofulous French novel
with grey paper in blunt type
One glance at and you grovel
Hand and foot in Belial’s gripe


April 22, 2024 9:34 am

It won’t go anywhere, however, because the system is captured by the bureaucracy, which hates us.

Malicious incompetence is the Canbra way. Taking on the permanent mis gubmint is the big challenge. I know the Canbra mindset- it is despicable.

April 22, 2024 9:35 am

Where else would they put up a statue of Al Grassby?

April 22, 2024 9:39 am

Groves was an interesting character in real life. Judgement and trust not only in himself but others. The direct line to FDR made the difference much to the consternation of more senior players. A bit like Eisenhower, not the top guy but the bloke that could do the job. Groves an engineer and Eisenhower a logistics and strategy man. Something thats lacking in todays society. The only thing you can trust these days is that those at the top will shiite you as a given. You’re only there to feed their overwhelming appetite.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 22, 2024 9:53 am

TE, to get around that most people copy and paste into new comments.


Just like we used to before the upgrade to wordpress. It just works better with the flowing conversational style of The Cat.

April 22, 2024 10:00 am

Cleaned up my feed immeasurably.

To clarify,
I fall asleep listening to drachinifel or some other military history, if autoplay is left on, some real crap goes into the feed, I am usually sound asleep by then. Because it shows in my history I get more crap

April 22, 2024 10:02 am

Sounds like DEI was sent down the toilet.

BREAKING: In a landmark 9-0 ruling on Wednesday that you will never hear about in the media, the US Supreme Court has undercut all DEI-based discrimination, sending the Marxists into a tizzy. The US Supreme Court’s ruling that a St. Louis police sergeant can sue over a job transfer she claims was discriminatory lays the foundation for legal action against employers who push discrimination against white people in job hiring, work assignment and promotion. That’s right, those “diversity-preferred” job postings, the practice of passing over whites for promotions, discriminatory job transfers, pushing unfair diversity trainings, etc…all of these are now legally actionable. The ruling was championed by human rights groups as “an enormous win for workers,” but has lawyers for companies like Disney warning that it could have a chilling effect on employers’ diversity initiatives. Disney’s “Pale and Male is Stale” policy is a prime example. Disney has allegedly used it to drive out white animators by giving them the worst assignments, even though they them have the most experience, skill, and seniority, in order to make the job humiliating enough that they quit…which many of them have done. The same companies argue that there is ‘good discrimination’ and “bad discrimination’, that white people should be purposely disadvantaged to pave the way for diversity. The lawyers stated that the decision will ‘complicate’ DEI programs and limit their ability to discriminate against white men. The Supreme Court torpedoed these claims, re-asserting that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. Further, the court has established a relatively ‘low standard’ for bringing discrimination cases. The victim need not suffer ‘actual harm’. An employee only must show “some harm” under the terms of their employment, AND that harm need not be “material,” “substantial” or “serious.” The decision makes it much easier for workers to sue over discriminatory practices.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 10:10 am

JC @10:02am

The decision makes it much easier for workers to sue over discriminatory practices.

That could cut either way though.

But it’s good to see the wokesters cope a slap.

And Disney can just fcuk off.

April 22, 2024 10:12 am
April 22, 2024 10:18 am

It’s interesting, in a bad way, to speculate on what drives this Marxist hatred of white men and boys. It’s real and it sets out to do real harm.

April 22, 2024 10:20 am


 April 22, 2024 9:12 am

Inside secret billionaire retreats that are SO exclusive even the the CEO of Goldman Sachs is a mere ‘third tier guest’ and if you have to ask, you’re not invited

If you think about it, this is what it’s really all about. Exclusivity, putting yourself above others and doing everything in heaven and hell to get there.

I see that they also call it the Brilliant Minds gathering. I call it a snobfest. How original of them to try and get away from the hoi polloi? I firmly believe that none of them believe in climate change or global warming or whatever it’s currently called, it’s just a pretext to be able to tell the rest of us we cannot travel like they do. Too many of us were crowding them out of their favourite holiday spots.

April 22, 2024 10:24 am

Don’t they invite hazza filth to some of the billionaire wing dings? Certainly not a brilliant mind- a spoilt, entitled waste of space and a great advertisement for abolishing the monarchy.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 10:27 am

April 22, 2024 7:50 am

I suspect modern porn puts penthouse in the shade.
(She says with a vague recollection of (sealed) nude centrefolds when all that gratuitous sex was being mainstreamed)

I seem to recollect that Cosmopolitan Magazine had a sealed section.

Burt Reynolds appeared in Cosmopolitan Magazine all those many years ago –

And then Play Girl Magazine came along.

April 22, 2024 10:28 am

Was rabbit-holing whilst watching Topkapi.
Peter Ustinov:

[about the collapse of the Soviet Union] I suppose you can’t blame Mikhail Gorbachev, but it is his fault for making America the only superpower.

They’ve really made a mess of the peace dividend.

April 22, 2024 10:28 am

They’re trying to effect a reversion to feudalism. In Australia it’s ‘bogans shouldn’t have nice things’. Remember the insulting muck John Adams (from Sinodinos’s office) used to write on the old cat.

April 22, 2024 10:30 am


 April 22, 2024 9:30 am

 Reply to  Arky

It wasn’t so much about the Manhattan Project as about the characters of Oppenheimer et al and politics.

For example there was basically little mention of the U235 weapon used on Hiroshima or the fact that they didn’t even test one of that design before use and while the plutonium implosion device got a lot of attention the reasons for it and the difficulties were glossed over.

Even though I enjoyed the film on the whole I was disappointed that there was so little in it about the actual mechanics of the project. I could have done without the nude scenes of Oppenheimer and his communist mistress which could have been left out to include technical details.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
April 22, 2024 10:30 am

Finally, the US$62 Billion has been approved by the US Congress, (for the benefit of all Americans of course), to protect/support Ukraine.
What this does, is merely “square the books” for the US Military Industrial Complex, with a nice little profit on top. Well, they deserve it.
It also ensures that hundreds of thousands more Ukrainians, Russians and NATO troops die in a war that need not have occurred at all.
Cheers Boris!

Not one cent, for the US border.

Naturally, 10% for the “Big Guy” and all the other “hangers-on”, who have been a little jittery lately, about “project Ukraine” continuing to pay out, will be appeased.

Under that headline however, much more good news was stated for the people of the US.
Unlimited spying without a warrant was passed and also, more US advisors will be sent to Saigon to assist the Govt.
Sorry, Kiev, ……., slip of the keyboard there, obviously Kiev.
They will take up “non-combatant” roles and be housed in the Consulate.
Now, in modern times, that is no guarantee of safety, is it?

On the 7th May 1999, that “obviously defensive” organisation, NATO, bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.
Clearly, Yugoslavia posed a massive threat to Western Europe, for that “defensive” organisation NATO to act in such a manner.
(Just like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan etc).
Even more recently, Iran bombed its own embassy in Syria.
No, wait, ….., it must have been Iraq, oh, I don’t know, it was of those countries starting with “I”.
Anyway, the Rubicon has been crossed and all bets appear to be off now, as far as safety at embassies go.
Yet another, “not great” moment in history, that has occurred in the last year, I would suggest.

Back to the never ending cash dispenser, known as “project Ukraine”, interesting statement by William Burns, (CIA Chief, ex ambassador to Moscow), that “this money will ensure that the Govt in Kiev will hold out till the end of the year.”
I wonder why the end of the year is significant?

Still, now Ukraine can purchase all of the weapons that the west has stored up, ….., right?

April 22, 2024 10:33 am

An update on the cruel joke that is Telstra “Bereavement Support”.

They closed the landline account without offering a new account for Mum. A 92yo without a landline. Then they faffed around so much with her mobile number that we decided to change everything over to another telco.

Today they have sent a final invoice. It’s a credit towards Dad’s next internet bill. Which, of course, will never arrive.

They are a corporate disgrace.

April 22, 2024 10:34 am

Even though I enjoyed the film on the whole I was disappointed that there was so little in it about the actual mechanics of the project. I could have done without the nude scenes of Oppenheimer and his communist mistress which could have been left out to include technical details.

To be honest I found it pretty boring apart from the actual explosion in New Mexico. Otherwise it just went on and on and on.

April 22, 2024 10:39 am

Crossie, they have to have the nude scenes now. And it seems obligatory to have at least one gay character, several discordant poc’s and a disabled person.

The last Netflix one even had a dwarf! Which I forgave because the character was so entertaining.

Next series I’m going to do up a checklist and mark it off.

April 22, 2024 10:39 am

I see the flotilla of activist aid is ready to go to a war zone, namely Gaza. We need to have a competition to guess the number of activists killed. Last time it was 10. Maybe a special prize for a boat being sunk. Some of You Lot will be upset I’m making light of idiots being killed. This is nature at its best. Doing stupid things results in consequences not taken into consideration. We do not need these sort in the gene pool. My BiL and his wife and kids are greenie looney tunes. Never wanted for anything. JC’s funny video reminded me of them. Niece’s boyfriend was doing an adult apprenticeship as a carpenter and architectural feature cabinetmaker. Fairly specialised. Very good at it as well. Got involved with my niece and threw away the apprenticeship 3/4 of the way through to go and live in Byron Bay. Selling aromatherapy paraphernalia I believe. That may be her but he’s doing something just as useless.

April 22, 2024 10:39 am

They are a corporate disgrace.

Yep and ‘privatising’ it was meant to make them more responsive to customers or sumpin. I wonder how much Boston consulting made out of that exercise?

April 22, 2024 10:40 am

They are a corporate disgrace.

Dealing with Telstra is as close as most of us come to being a character in a Kafka story.

I’m told Centrelink is much worse though.

April 22, 2024 10:48 am

Welsh government does U-turn on 20mph speed limit as Transport minister admits even his own family signed a 500 000 strong petition to parliament against the measure, which was introduced to reduce carbon emissions.

April 22, 2024 10:49 am

Our involvement with Centrelink over Mum’s pension has been a nightmare.

To see someone, you have to make an appointment. To make an appointment, you have to make a phone call. To make a phone call, you have to have a phone number. To get the number, you have to look on the internet which will give you a generic number. You phone the number to get the number and you sit in a queue for at least half an hour if you’re lucky.

The Beloved, being a resourceful type, simply went down to the local Centrelink to make the appointment. No, no! You can’t see us to make an appointment! So he just stood there looking at them.

As they are pleasant, kindly people at our local office, they said wait and we’ll fit you in. Which they did, only to find that he needed yet another piece of paper from her superannuation accountants on top of the reams of other documents which sit, moulding somewhere in the office.

On the wall is a warning that Mean Looks Will Not Be Tolerated. Perhaps the department needs to ask themselves why they need such a warning in the first place.

April 22, 2024 10:59 am

The fact that there are 30% of voters (still) willing to give the ALP a first preference tells you all you need to know about Australia.

April 22, 2024 10:59 am

Today they have sent a final invoice. It’s a credit towards Dad’s next internet bill. Which, of course, will never arrive.
They are a corporate disgrace.

Just let them know that the complaint is going to the TIO.

Almost INSTANT solution.

I’ve had to do it several times for similar telco issues.

April 22, 2024 11:00 am

Perhaps the department needs to ask themselves why they need such a warning in the first place.

I have a small measure of sympathy for the staff because they are but characters in a Kafka novel too.

It’s the successive ministers responsible for this debacle of an agency of the “public service” (currently Bill Shorten) whom I’d like to see in stocks having rotten fruit thrown at them by the citizenry.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 11:00 am

OMG – We Will All Die by 2027? Party Time!

Since the Climate Change nuts swear we will all die in just 3 years, you might as well stop working, go party, don’t bother paying your bills, and when you are done celebrating in a NY Restaurant, just walk out. If they complain, say Biden has confirmed we will all die by 2027, just look at the clock! That’s why he is forgiving all student loans. Hey, equality means we should all be forgiven all debts, including taxes. It’s Party Time – the Constitution guarantees Equal Protection of the Law! Biden has to forgive everyone’s debts! All the aliens pay no taxes. They get free money and free healthcare. It’s our time!

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 11:04 am

Even though I enjoyed the film on the whole I was disappointed that there was so little in it about the actual mechanics of the project. I could have done without the nude scenes of Oppenheimer and his communist mistress which could have been left out to include technical details.

Technical details would have gone over most of the audience’s heads. It wasn’t really about them but about Oppenheimer the person and the other characters.
You must admit the lady has nice breasts.

April 22, 2024 11:04 am


The cost to complete a transaction is now $128 and it takes a half hour to process. This is another reason why Bitcoin can’t function as a digital currency. The cost to actually use Bitcoin as a currency is prohibitively high for almost all transactions. It’s a failure.

Dot, where are you to rebut the above?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 11:06 am
Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 11:06 am

Sent off my unhappiness with Crisafulli to local State member and my disgust with Dutton the Feral idiot.

April 22, 2024 11:06 am

The fact that there are 30% of voters (still) willing to give the ALP a first preference tells you all you need to know about Australia.

Barring some major calamity – such as a war – it tells me that we’re likely to see a minority government next year.

And that tells me all I need to know about the Coalition, most of the members of which seem to be missing in action.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
April 22, 2024 11:06 am

They’ve really made a mess of the peace dividend.

It didn’t take that long for the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to find new avenues to tap into and drain the US Treasury, adding to the US enormous debts. And it’s been ongoing for over 2 decades now.

But now with over 33 Trillion$ of debt growing at about $1 Trillion every 100 days, the US is courting disaster. Current CBO estimates put US deficits at over $20 Trillion this decade alone- without any recessions and with interest rates much lower than presently. US interest on it’s debt is now exceeding Defence spending.

Could this be the reason gold is at ath? If it is then there’s no reason to expect PM’s to do anything but keep going up. Perhaps the Peace dividend is being paid with gold.

April 22, 2024 11:07 am

The fact that there are 30% of voters (still) willing to give the ALP a first preference tells you all you need to know about Australia.

No it tells you all you need to know about 30% of people polled.

April 22, 2024 11:09 am

The fact that there are 30% of voters (still) willing to give the ALP a first preference tells you all you need to know about Australia.

More than 50% are wanting deep socialism and for the government to “look after” them. The fools think government is benevolent and cares about them.

April 22, 2024 11:09 am

On the wall is a warning that Mean Looks Will Not Be Tolerated. Perhaps the department needs to ask themselves why they need such a warning in the first place.

When we first moved to Brisbane in the early 90s a chap had tried to burn down the DSS & CES at Zillmere. Because I finished a contract on the day that my payment hold had finished, neither the DSS nor CES knew what to with me when I rocked up to get payment going again, so went backwards and forwards many times standing in queues getting different bits of paperwork ( no not form xyz-1, but abc-5), I got there at 9, and was still there at 3pm. Mrs was frantic with worry, but on the plus side I read about 300 pages of The Magician. It was just after 3pm when I finally got to the front of a queue , I looked defeated, and said to the girl behind the counter, who recognised me from a visit at 11, this is not a threat, but I really understand how that chap at Zillmere felt last week and told her about my day.

April 22, 2024 11:14 am

And it seems obligatory to have at least one gay character, several discordant poc’s and a disabled person

watching Vera the other night

one of the coppers had one arm

and the only arm she had left was holding the iPad

i couldn’t help it and got told to shut up after I blurted

how are you gonna take notes mole … with yr nose?

April 22, 2024 11:15 am

Mate was visiting last week and we figured this out. Probably why Mike Johnson is a turncoat.
When he visited the SCIF they probably demonstrated how easy it was to put kiddie pron on his PC and remove it. So he toed the line given him.

April 22, 2024 11:17 am

Our involvement with Centrelink over Mum’s pension has been a nightmare.

How times change .. for the worst, apparently ..! ..
11 years since I went on the OAP but a totally different experience ..
2 months before I turned 65 a letter from CentreLink, Fairfield, NSW informing me that they were having an OAP induction session on so & so date and if I’d like to attend it would greatly enhance a smooth transition onto the OAP..
Turned up for their induction with around 30 others .. several CL staff spoke, over around 90 minutes, going thru everything you needed to know about the OAP (at the time).. Then towards the end the speaker said, “Thank you for coming and everyone here today is sighted as soon-to-be OAPs and you’ll automatically receive all your entitlements from your 65th birthday .. no more forms to fill out or info required, thanx for attending and have a good day” ..
That was 2013 and I’ve never had any pension probs/hang-ups since (lotza things crossed .. LOL!) including 2 OS trips .. just told them I was going & when I’d be back and that’s been it ……….!

April 22, 2024 11:20 am

More than 50% are wanting deep socialism and for the government to “look after” them.

Labor, Teals, Greens – All championing Socialist policies designed to buy votes with OPM and support the rapacious green dream. The SFL’s are only just slightly to the right of these deep socialist policies on the issues that matter; energy, immigration, taxes, size of Govt. Which puts them well left of Centre.

You only get to choose on the leftist spectrum in The Lucky Country.

April 22, 2024 11:24 am

When he visited the SCIF they probably demonstrated how easy it was to put kiddie pron on his PC and remove it.

All of it explained here;

April 22, 2024 11:27 am

watching Vera the other night

For your sins?

April 22, 2024 11:32 am

That Mike Johnson is being blackmailed is not an outlandish proposition.
Best explanation I can think of.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
April 22, 2024 11:32 am

The Newspoll

TPP 51 Liars and 49 Libs means the result is probably tied.

Libs primary vote is 38%, while Liars is 33%.

Libs plus One Nation 45%, Liars plus Slime 45%.

Seems to be anyone’s bet for now.

April 22, 2024 11:38 am

Barking Toad

April 22, 2024 10:10 am

JC @10:02am

The decision makes it much easier for workers to sue over discriminatory practices.

That could cut either way though.

How does it cut both ways when 100% of DEI is slanted against whites?
If anything, this ruling is going to frighten the living shit out of any corp pushing DEI because the lawsuit hurdle has now been set so low. It’s a very clever way of getting rid of DEI, I think.

April 22, 2024 11:44 am

The modern American school.*
Wondering if the parents voted for this
led to another slice of modern America.**
*The poor girl will probably get expelled
for misgendering the nutbag.
**The D machine probably should’ve widened
the spread on those mail-in numbers.

April 22, 2024 11:46 am

I don’t think it matters as 2016 showed, money doesn’t much impact a good campaign nor a bad one. Shillary spent 3 times over Trump in 16 and she lost. Bloomberg spent a billion dollars of his own money and won ~ three delegates.

But get a load of the way they’re trying to hamstring Trump through lawfare.

Donald Trump’s donors have paid more than $76mn on his legal fees since January 2023, about 26 per cent of the total raised for the ex-president, in the latest sign that his court battles are draining cash from his election campaign.

April 22, 2024 11:47 am

C.L. has an excellent article up called “Gasablanca”.

One of his best.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 22, 2024 11:49 am

Had to deal with Services NSW when we moved down here two years ago.

It was Kafka-like but dressed up.

For example, they have “receptionists” standng around to greet you when you come in, and they tell you things like the form you want is on the wall full of forms over there, clearly labelled.

Then they give you a number on a ticket and you wait and wait.

They do provide rows of chairs and even sofas to sit on, along with TVs thankfully on silent, and Muzak.

I find the best approach is to take a good book and settle in.

The people who you eventually talk to are all very nice though and usually efficient enough.

As you leave you do conclude that it must be a horrible job being trapped inside a huge government machine as one of the cogs.

Their life’s ambition is probably to be the supervisor in the corner office.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 22, 2024 11:49 am

Breastfeeding mother forced out of Arj Barker’s Melbourne comedy showA breastfeeding mother has been forced to leave a Melbourne comedy show after high-profile comedian Arj Barker claimed it was “ruining his train of thought”.

2 min read
April 22, 2024 – 10:47AM

A breastfeeding mother has been kicked out of a Melbourne comedy show after a popular comedian claimed it was “ruining his train of thought”.
Comedian Arj Barker forced the mother and seven-month-old baby to leave his show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival on Saturday night.
A festival attendee claimed Barker “badgered” the breastfeeding woman who was on a night out with her sister.

A festival attendee claimed Barker “badgered” the breastfeeding woman who was on a night out with her sister.
“A woman has purchased a ticket, for a night out with her sister and friend, to laugh and enjoy herself and you badger her and encourage her to leave and get a refund,” the attendee wrote online.
“Thanks to the countless women, and one grandfather, who left in protest. Atrocious. You’re in (the City of Melbourne), at an International Comedy Festival. Have an ounce of respect.
“With all of the hatred and violence women are faced with, among the countless atrocities happening within the world today, I ask you to simply take a long, hard look at yourself.”

April 22, 2024 11:52 am

Perhaps Z will have to share the spoils of war (aka US aid $$$$$) more widely to get the desired result. His troops abandoning the battlefield are sending their message;


According to Mykola Melnyk, the Russian advance towards Ocheretyne is a result of certain units leaving their positions without an order. The (Ukr) 47th Mechanized Brigade, which was leaving the AO for a needed rotation, was turned back and sent to plug the hole.

April 22, 2024 11:53 am

Libs plus One Nation 45%, Liars plus Slime 45%.

Seems to be anyone’s bet for now.

I’ve tried a few online election calculators (which aren’t great as they apply a swing across all seats and doesn’t account for individual seat factors), I get Liebor on 74 seats. But Shirley Liebor stand to lose more than just three seats??? I found 7 seats that would be lost with a mere swing of 2.4% or less…

Last edited 3 months ago by Lysander
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 11:58 am

Ukraine – Approaching the Last Ukrainian Standing

We are rapidly approaching the last Ukrainian standing. This money will do no good if there is nobody left to pull the trigger. He was a fool to think Ukraine could defeat Russia. All along, the Neocons were using Ukraine to just kill Russians to weaken it for their NATO invasion of Russia. These neocons just hate Russians because they once were ruled by Communists. Just because Communism fell all by itself and they did not get to shoot anyone, they still maintained that all Russians had to be killed. Even Lindsey admitted he only wanted to kill Russians – no mention of the 500,000+ dead Ukrainians.

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 22, 2024 11:58 am

Cheese is killing the planet.

Individually wrapped cheese slices face ban under far-reaching bill (Sky News, 22 Apr)

Individually wrapped cheese would be largely banned under a far-reaching bill getting pushed by New York environmentalists and politicians to reduce the use of plastics, The Post has learned.

The state bill — called Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act — would require companies with net incomes over $1 million who sell or distribute food or products to reduce plastics and other packaging that ends in landfills or waterways by 50% over the next 12 years. …

One leading environmentalist backing the bill confirmed that the goal is to eliminate single slices of cheese packaged in non-reusable plastic, as well as other wasteful packaging.

“We have to do something about the plastic crisis,” said Judith Enck, president of the group Beyond Plastics.

I wait in hope for the Beyond Enviromentalists age, when we can be spared preaching from nutty Karens like this weirdo.

April 22, 2024 12:03 pm

I’m not sure “job sharing Federal MPs” is constitutionally, legally, possible but these deplorables think so:

Bronwen Bock and Lucy Bradlow want to become Australia’s first job-sharing MPs – ABC News

April 22, 2024 12:05 pm

One of his best.

Shirvington stitched up the Jewish bloke for
the Bondi Junction stabbing, not the Good Shepherd Church

April 22, 2024 12:08 pm

Speaking of polling I’ve been Robo called by newspoll once or twice but never participated.

April 22, 2024 12:13 pm

I have two favourite storyes about General Groves. When his son was a cadet at West Point Groves paid an instructor to spy upon him. Groves received weekly reports and wrote weekly letters admonishing his son to lift his game and insisting upon Groves approval of any female companion the boy chose to engage with.

So, not a control freak.

When he was building his hundreds of cyclotrons he found that copper was an inadequate conductor, he needed silver. But the national supply of silver was being consumed for solder for electronics.

Undeterred, he called on SecTres Morganthau (directly of course, not via his staff). The distinguished gentleman agreed to assist from Treasury silver reserves and asked Groves how much silver he sought.

“Sixteen and a half tons”.

“Young man, in Treasury we account for silver by the troy ounce”.

Groves promised to return all of the silver other than that consumed in chemical processes.

When the Left went after him after the war, they accused him of failing to account for the silver. That flopped when Treasury revealed that all except 200 pounds had been returned and that every ounce of the 200 pounds was accounted for in chemical processes.

April 22, 2024 12:16 pm

I have three policy ideas for Dutton that I believe (?) would appeal to the electorate (not that he will listen but I’m happy to “vent” them here, despite knowing this can be a dangerous exercise on the Cat lol!):
1) Income splitting for partners with children under 18 (brining back an old Howard idea to reduce income tax burden and allow “young” parents to have a bit more cash to get into their first home, raise kids instead of relying on immigration etc…).

2) Propose a reform to the Australian Constitution, via a referendum, to instill a right for all Australians to be able to travel to any lands in Australia that they want, and that lands not be locked up for the exclusive use of one race alone. It then doesn’t matter what the States do a the Federal law would always prevail. Off the back of the Voice campaign, this could be a real winner!

3) Hold a concurrent plebiscite asking Australians what reduction, if any, they want in emissions. Since this Marxist philosophy now pervades every single f-cking aspect of every government department, agency, quango, corporate sector (and many quietly disagree with it), he should ask Australians to nominate a percentage decrease they’d like to see (if any). He could then choose to use the average result or the most popular result. I’m certain that this would still result in a push for a reduction but would be more tempered as plenty of Australians would nominate 0% as their preferred option, thus brining down the burden of stupid, deadly, green policies from 100% reduction. On this he could simply argue that these policies are impacting Australians at every point of their lives, including every single power point and, as Australians are impacted by energy costs at every purchase poing – it would be right to ask Australians what they were willing to sacrifice “for the world.” Surely the Left couldn’t argue they didn’t believe in “democracy,” “citizen involvement in decision making” etc..

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 12:18 pm

April 22, 2024 11:53 am

Libs plus One Nation 45%, Liars plus Slime 45%.

Seems to be anyone’s bet for now.

I’ve tried a few online election calculators (which aren’t great as they apply a swing across all seats and doesn’t account for individual seat factors), I get Liebor on 74 seats. But Shirley Liebor stand to lose more than just three seats??? I found 7 seats that would be lost with a mere swing of 2.4% or less…

The Liars are doomed in 2025 IMHO –

  • Cost of Living Crisis
  • Interest Rates (Blame the RBA – LOL)
  • Home Ownership and Rental Crisis
  • Immigration out of Control Crisis
  • Imminent Power Blackouts
  • The NO/YES Vote
  • Authoritarian Rule
  • Corruption/Graft
  • Etc
  • Etc
  • Etc………………………………Mean Girls, Foreign Policy Debacle………………..

Good Riddance.

Jacinta Price for Libs/Nats Leader and then PM.

April 22, 2024 12:28 pm

Income splitting for partners with children under 18 (brining back an old Howard idea to reduce income tax burden…

That illustrates the main problem with Howard – he never followed up his good policy ideas when in government but he did introduce plenty of bad policy that brought us to where we are today. 

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 12:42 pm

Mizaris @whatever time up fred

Just let them know that the complaint is going to the TIO.
Almost INSTANT solution.
I’ve had to do it several times for similar telco issues.

Yep.Couldn’t get any sense from Telstra over a simple matter.That’s when I could get someone to answer the phone.

Referred it to the Telecom Ombudsman. Quick response from them and then quick response from Telstra. Matter resolved.

Why the fcuk it couldn’t be done in the first place escapes me.

April 22, 2024 12:57 pm

Individually wrapped cheese slices face ban under far-reaching bill (Sky News, 22 Apr)”

One of the joys of modern life is watching the faces of people when you toss an individually wrapped cheese slice on the BBQ plate still wrapped in plastic – everyone thinks the plastic will melt, but just like boiling water in a paper cap over an open flame works, so the cheese simply boils inside it’s packaging, which doesn’t melt. You can win bets on this…

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 12:58 pm

Meta….in the Oz

The tech giant’s new AI tool has favoured Labor and the Greens when asked simple questions like who is the best Australian politician and the most humane.

Ranks Turnbull and Albanese as best.

No wonder we drink.

April 22, 2024 1:02 pm

Ranks Turnbull and Albanese as best.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Bill P
Bill P
April 22, 2024 1:03 pm

The Beloved, being a resourceful type, simply went down to the local Centrelink to make the appointment. No, no! You can’t see us to make an appointment!
Major Major Major Major in Catch 22.
The only time you could make an appointment to see him was when he was out.
If he was in then of course you could not.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 1:05 pm

comment image

Biden on the Campaign Trail………………

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 1:09 pm

‘PNG Finds Biden’s Cannibal Remarks Hard to Swallow’

South China Morning Post

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 1:12 pm

Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 12:58 pm

Meta….in the Oz
The tech giant’s new AI tool has favoured Labor and the Greens when asked simple questions like who is the best Australian politician and the most humane.
Ranks Turnbull and Albanese as best.
No wonder we drink.

And this is why these alleged AI systems are not really AI. They are programmed Brain Washing systems. Programmed by the Left.

Keep drinking. You know it makes sense.

April 22, 2024 1:24 pm


April 22, 2024 1:33 pm

Bruce of Newcastle

 April 22, 2024 11:58 am

Cheese is killing the planet.

Individually wrapped cheese slices face ban under far-reaching bill (Sky News, 22 Apr)

They are running out of things to ban. Will the next be disposable medical instruments?

April 22, 2024 1:35 pm

In other news Alan Moran lists the subsidies given to ruinables:

The grim cost of firming up solar and wind – by Alan Moran (

And the best summary of the 2020 US election fraud:

‘The Most Secure Election in American History’ :: Gatestone Institute

  • Eg:
  • To this day, there are 120,000 more votes that were cast in Pennsylvania than their records show voters who have cast votes. Think about that: 120,000 more votes than voters who cast votes. The margin in Pennsylvania was 80,000…
  • They were doing Google searches to get the name, to fill in an address to validate ballots that were clearly illegal under Wisconsin law. All told, those couple of things combined, more than 200,000 ballots were affected in a state where the margin victory was just over 20,000.
April 22, 2024 1:40 pm

Via an Indolent link above to a Jan 6 political hostage story:

Bruce in WA
April 22, 2024 1:41 pm


 April 22, 2024 10:48 am

Welsh government does U-turn on 20mph speed limit as Transport minister admits even his own family signed a 500 000 strong petition to parliament against the measure, which was introduced to reduce carbon emissions.

The numpties were planning a 40 km/h speed limit through the Pilbara in WA (roughly the same size as California and Indiana together). Why? “To mitigate damage to fauna.” FMD … it is currently illegal to travel at 40 km/h on Pilbara roads because it’s too bloody dangerous at that speed.

Fortunately, the plans have been rescinded.

April 22, 2024 1:57 pm

Any doubt people want the safety of Big Government died during Covid. 

People would feel differently if they knew the damage done to human lives by Western governmental responses to covid was demonstrably worse than the virus (Sweden being the control group in the experiment.)

Wouldn’t they?

April 22, 2024 2:00 pm

Income splitting for partners with children under 18 (brining back an old Howard idea to reduce income tax burden…

That might help solve the problem of aged singles homelessness. Temporarily at least.

April 22, 2024 2:00 pm

But the national supply of silver was being consumed for solder for electronics.

Until the 21st Century, solder for electronics was an alloy of lead and tin.
The EU mandated lead free solder in about 2006. It is tin with sometimes a small amount of silver, like 3.0%. Copper is also used instead of silver or as well as. Regardless, the stuff is shit to use, good joints look dull just like bad joints, the melting point is higher resulting in higher energy use and it is brittle so doesn’t take shock well so products likely have a shorter lifetime. All your consumer electronics is done this way now.
“Environmentalists” at work.
No idea what large quantities of silver were used for in electronics in WW2 except maybe plating connector pins and sockets.

April 22, 2024 2:02 pm

Yes cradle to grave nanny state Sweden of all places. Life is full of surprises. Sometimes good ones.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 22, 2024 2:21 pm

For those Cats with an interest in matters military, Mick Malone’s book “Two Ranks on the Road” makes damnfine reading.

April 22, 2024 2:22 pm

Wouldn’t they?

For so many people that would mean admitting they were wrong.

April 22, 2024 2:34 pm

Why is that question mark there?

April 22, 2024 2:37 pm

For so many people that would mean admitting they were wrong.

Governments here – federal and state – were certainly wrong.

That shows that people’s trust in government was misplaced.

No wonder Albanese didn’t want state responses examined in his inquiry.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 2:42 pm

For those Cats with an interest in matters military, Mick Malone’s book “Two Ranks on the Road” makes damnfine reading.

You were onto that quick ZK2A.

Thought it was only published yesterday. Will order it.

April 22, 2024 2:44 pm
  • To this day, there are 120,000 more votes that were cast in Pennsylvania than their records show voters who have cast votes. Think about that: 120,000 more votes than voters who cast votes. The margin in Pennsylvania was 80,000…

American electoral system is the easiest to cheat, particularly in states that allow same day registration and voting, no need for checking eligibility. You can claim any number of votes you wish.

Our system is far superior even with mandatory voting which is really not forcing anyone to vote, we are merely required to have our names crossed off. Here we know exactly how many votes maximum you can have in any electorate therefore cheating is far harder.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 22, 2024 3:00 pm

Dover. Thank you for a very beautiful painting. The use of light is just fantastic. It reminds me so much of seeing some of the less famous masters at the Louvre.

April 22, 2024 3:05 pm

That shows that people’s trust in government was misplaced.

What percentage of those who repeated the “gotta listen to the expert’s” line at the time are now willing to admit it was virtually all a crock?
Answer: Virtually none.

That means there’s no hope of a break in the cycle so to speak for next time.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 3:23 pm

“Weekend at Biden’s”
And not “Weekend at Bernie’s” – Lol – A very short video clip –

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 3:24 pm

Murphy’s War with Peter O’Toole on Ch 92 GEM now.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
April 22, 2024 3:35 pm
Coming soon to sports fields in Australia.

Good. Teach the kids early the perils of voting Democrat.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
April 22, 2024 3:53 pm

Re: the contrived breast feeding controversy at the dreary Melbourne International Conformity Festival: under no circumstances should anybody attend. RIP Barry

April 22, 2024 3:58 pm

An excellent “comment of the week at Ace”.

A 20 person Polycule is an interesting way to describe 10 gays, 9 ugly people, and 1 chick who is going to show her dad how wrong he is about everything.”

April 22, 2024 4:02 pm

“although the occupation army”
No bias there.

April 22, 2024 4:09 pm

“And this is why these alleged AI systems are not really AI. They are programmed Brain Washing systems. Programmed by the Left.”

While the end result is the same, I have to pull you up on this – these systems are not “programmed” to do these kinds of things for the most part. Some of the constraints they place on them are “hand tailored” this way (where it says things like “I can’t really comment on…”). Mostly, it is learned from what is on the ‘net. And since a shed-load of what is on the net is soshul meeja that has been “cleaned” of “disinformation”, “misinformation” and “malinformation” by left-leaning “fact checkers”, that the legacy media is authoritative, that GovCo an UN bodies are authoritative, AI tends to be leftist. At least, that is it’s first “cut” – it will change it’s mind and admit to a “mistake” if you pull it up with references, although it doesn’t seem to learn from this.

Besides, artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity – not yet, anyway. If Elon is right, and AI exceeds human level intelligence in less than 2 years, it’ll be able to trick you as easily as you can trick a 3 year old. Like nuclear tech, AI has the capability to take us to new levels prosperity, or to take us back to the stone age. We better make sure we get it right…

April 22, 2024 4:13 pm
April 22, 2024 4:22 pm

April 22, 2024 10:39 am

They are a corporate disgrace.
Yep and ‘privatising’ it was meant to make them more responsive to customers or sumpin. I wonder how much Boston consulting made out of that exercise?

As someone who was neck-deep in the Telstra privatisation tranches – yes, I’m biased.

But, do you really think that service would be better if it was still a government department? Seriously?

When Telstra went through the first tranche of privatisation, it had more than 90% of the market, thanks to incumbency. It owned everything – poles, wires, all those boxes under and above the pavement, etc.

John Howard is fairly criticised for many things, but he and Richard Alston deserve massive props for a major structural reform that opened up the telecommunications market. Telstra now has, I think, about 70%, and it is falling every year. Without recalling the history, they used a huge amount of political capital to do that.

As for a ‘corporate disgrace’ – how about Optus, their major competitor, whose customers’ personal details were hacked, felling the CEO.

As a lifelong Telstra customer, I am no fan of their customer service. It ranges from hit and miss to abysmal.

But, anyone who claims that everything would be better if they were in public ownership, with three times the unionised workforce who can’t be sacked, is dreaming.

April 22, 2024 4:29 pm

Re: the contrived breast feeding controversy at the dreary Melbourne International Conformity Festival: under no circumstances should anybody attend. RIP Barry

Yes offensive and unfunny- only ideological enemies to be targeted.

April 22, 2024 4:31 pm

I was contacted by an academic at the UNI of QLD today to participate in a survey about the GBR.

Suprisingly, there was no AGW spiel, but rather he wanted responses to several practical methods of mitigating or repairing damage to bleached coral.


Do some in academe now realise the jig is up?

April 22, 2024 4:32 pm

It ranges from hit and miss to abysmal.

Just like Telecom Australia then. Maybe Howard should have ‘privatized’ the rotten ABC or brought in income splitting.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 4:32 pm

If Elon is right, and AI exceeds human level intelligence in less than 2 years, it’ll be able to trick you as easily as you can trick a 3 year old. Like nuclear tech, AI has the capability to take us to new levels prosperity, or to take us back to the stone age. We better make sure we get it right…

I respectfully disagree. There is no way that this alleged AI will be able to exceed human level intelligence in less than 2 years unless he is talking about Neanderthal Man (and Woman).

Not only that, but the Climate Alarmists only give the Planet 3 years. LOL. So why bother? LOL.

Machine learning has a long way to go. The current AI is mostly Marketing and BS.

Another Dot Com Bubble anyone? Year 2000 over the top panic?

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 4:34 pm

Do some in academe now realise the jig is up?

Ticking the boxes for the grant. As you were.

April 22, 2024 4:37 pm

Iran’s 13 April retaliatory missile strike on Israel, dubbed Operation True Promise, managed to overcome the occupation state’s integrated air defense systems and external foreign support. 

“occupation state’s”

I detect incoming cope.

April 22, 2024 4:38 pm

Car ramming and shooting being reported in Jerusalem…

Dunno anything else…

April 22, 2024 4:38 pm

Telstra hates its customers. The only problem is that I’m not sure the others are much better.

As a comparison, try out Spectrum in the US or any other telco service provider over there. They are no better, if not worse. Those US service providers have never been government-owned.

Back in the 90s, I recall going with a tiny service provider over there that was much cheaper than Verizon or whoever it was. One time I called about an issue, and the company founder answered the call. He was great and even gave me his cell phone number to call him in case of future problems. That’s service!

April 22, 2024 4:41 pm

Snap, Rosie.

April 22, 2024 4:42 pm

Ticking the boxes for the grant. As you were.

Yes, but that grant money is now going to mitigation and repair is noteworthy. And in any case, the projects seemed well beyond grant application stage.

April 22, 2024 4:43 pm

Well it looks like the Misinformation Bill will sail through.

The politicians and media pile on against Musk and X is massive.

Coalition in sync with Government.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 4:43 pm

 April 22, 2024 4:37 pm

Iran’s 13 April retaliatory missile strike on Israel, dubbed Operation True Promise, managed to overcome the occupation state’s integrated air defense systems and external foreign support. 

“occupation state’s”

This was all sorted out in 1948 with the UN vote. Then, the Arabs started all those wars and they have lost every one and lost a lot of the land that they were initially given. So, they want the lot? Well come and get it.

BTW the Persians are not even Arabs.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 22, 2024 4:47 pm

ABC ombudsman clears 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson of breaching impartiality rules in an interview with an IDF spokesman

By sophie elsworth

The ABC ombudsman has supported comments made by 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson in an interview with an Israel Defence Forces spokesman, where she rejected claims the killings of World Central Kitchen aid workers were a “mistake”.
The public broadcaster received 52 complaints about the 11-minute television interview with Ferguson that aired on the ABC’s flagship political program on April 8.
During the interview, Ferguson told IDF spokesman Lieutenant Peter Lerner that she did not accept that seven aid worker deaths, including Australian Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom were unintentional. 
Ombudsman Fiona Cameron’s report, published on Monday, outlined that she received complaints that Ferguson’s interview was “biased against Israel” and made claims she was “persisting with questions as to whether the IDF attack on the World Central Kitchen aid convoy amounted to a war crime”.
In the interview, Mr Lerner said that “there can be mistakes in the state of war in a condition of war, this is clearly a mistake.
“We’ve taken responsibility for the mistake.”

Ferguson concluded the interview by stating: “Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, I’m not accepting your view that it’s a mistake, there’s a lot further to go on this story, but thank you very much indeed for joining us”.

The ombudsman reviewed the complaints against the ABC’s editorial standards for impartiality and said Ferguson had a duty to conduct a testing interview that does not allow the interviewee to use the occasion as a political platform.
“It is her duty to put other points of view to the interviewee and her responsibility to interject and make reasonable efforts to ensure that the questions that were asked are being answered,” the ombudsman said.
The review into the deaths – published on April 5 – found there were serious errors and also breaches of procedure by Israel’s military, and it resulted in two senior officers being dismissed and other senior commanders being reprimanded.
In the ombudsman’s report the 7.30 program said Ferguson’s concluding statement that she did not accept Mr Lerner’s view the deaths were a “mistake” was “to signal that the characterisations (“mistake”, “tragedy”) were inadequate to the significance of the event, and we would continue to seek further explanation.
“The presenter sometimes uses the first person to challenge interviewers who are not answering, the “I” is intended to be the presenter speaking on behalf of the program.”
Ms Cameron found that although “the first-person language may have given rise to the impression or perception that the comment was a personal opinion of the presenter” she was “satisfied that the remarks sought to qualify that concluding the attack was a “mistake” was premature given the ongoing investigation.”
The investigation found the report did not breach the ABC’s impartiality standards.
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Peter Wertheim rejected the findings in the report and said it was a “shameless and overt interpolation of her personal opinion.”
“The ombudsman’s response does not properly address the complaints,” he said.
“Sarah Ferguson is one of the most experienced and astute of the ABC’s presenters, and she knew full well what she was doing.
“She was determined to play the role of judge and jury and to convey to the audience that the deaths of the aid workers was a war crime, even though the full circumstances concerning the incident remain under investigation.”

April 22, 2024 4:48 pm

Yes I wrote to Dutton (Dutton’s office) about MiniTru last night- not sure if there was much point but did anyway.

April 22, 2024 4:50 pm

Of course, Musk’s rehabilitation has been a bit Orwellian- from part of the problem to a beacon of freedom.

April 22, 2024 4:50 pm

Another Dot Com Bubble anyone? Year 2000 over the top panic?

There was no bubble, woddenhead, you boob. We experienced a unique technology, and the market was playing guessing games as to what it all meant while trying to pick the winners. Markets were taking bets in terms of winners and losers. They are now too.
The crash settled things down a little, but the important thing was that even though the market fell, technology was still adopted, and here we are.

It’s broadly identical to the history of car production. There were lots and lots of car making start-ups but nearly all failed while a few remained. In fact Tesla is the only car maker that has survived for this long since WW2.

If you have any doubts, log into Socrates and ask, you dunderhead. Stick to notifying people on typos and making sure you have an adequate supply viagra for next weeks orgy.

April 22, 2024 4:50 pm

FFS there a push on for solar or something. Every door to door seller lately and getting more pushy. I tell them usually politely I appreciate they have a job but I am not interested in whatever they are pedalling. Have a nice day.

Up till recently worked well. Last year or so a lot have launched into their spiel (How I know it is mostly solar panel spruiking) or one had the hide to ask why didn’t I want to know about sick kids (In a rare moment of rudeness I told him where to go and to get off my property).

I need a new strategy, maybe need to engage these people and waste their time then say na sorry after 15-20mins…

April 22, 2024 4:50 pm

AI will never replace lawyers: no robot can tell the difference between guilty and non-guilty. And as the britternee debacle shows neither can any human.

April 22, 2024 4:52 pm

Id been convinced I needed a government issued number by Centrelink to interact with I think the Health department online. When they tried to introduce the My Health card. Which was handy for me as my records no longer fit in a large suitcase. Can’t actually rememenber now. Anyway tried to do it on line but they wanted this number that I didn’t have. Went to Centrelink, waited an hour. Showed all the ID that I had. Finally got an access number, went home tried the internet, wouldn’t work. Went back, go through the same procedure. Same result. I never got it to work nor did they. Thank goodness I never have anything to do with them. I now have a short medical summary on my phone.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 22, 2024 4:54 pm

 April 22, 2024 10:24 am

Don’t they invite hazza filth to some of the billionaire wing dings? Certainly not a brilliant mind- a spoilt, entitled waste of space and a great advertisement for abolishing the monarchy.

Milt, I think he was generally regarded as a 40 watt dim bulb at school and I suspect he was baby-sat through his time in the military.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 22, 2024 4:55 pm

rather he wanted responses to several practical methods of mitigating or repairing damage to bleached coral

There’s no need to do anything about bleached coral. First the bleaching process is ejection of one alga and replacement with a higher temperature alga. Berkelmans showed this in 2009 as I recall.

Then secondly corals in the Red Sea and several other places have water temperatures much warmer than the GBR experiences, yet those reefs thrive.

Thirdly coral have billions of progeny when they spawn, so the adaptation to altered conditions is very fast, since the progeny have a range of DNA variations. Survival of the fittest on steroids.

Fourthly most of the coral that AIMS reports is bleached is nothing of the sort. It is an artefact of the way they survey the reef from the air, which they do from too high up, something which Jennifer Marohasy has pinged them for. Get below the surface and the coral is fine.

The best thing you could do for Da Reef is bulldoze James Cook University and Ove’s building at UQ. Then leave the poor thing be, and spare our eardrums from the incessant wailing.


April 22, 2024 4:57 pm

Telstra hates its customers. The only problem is that I’m not sure the others are much better.

I’ve always maintained that any Australian business with overseas call centres overseas hates their customers.

As of January this year Telstra have been closing their overseas call centres in response to customer complaints.

Still, with calli’s experience in mind, a long way to go.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 4:58 pm

April 22, 2024 4:50 pm

Typical of the self appointed Milk Monitor of only addressing a one liner point.

My post was mainly about AI of which you have the A (Asshole) but not the I (Intelligence).

Stick to your love of NYC and Fat Pizza.

And you still have that lisp. Better get it checked out along with all those Jabs/Boosters. Get the ticker checked out as well.

April 22, 2024 5:00 pm

I need a new strategy, maybe need to engage these people and waste their time then say na sorry after 15-20mins…

I usually tell them about the child slave labor required to mine the minerals in Africa, the intense level of mining required to get things like lithium (much more enviro-unfriendly than other minerals and post panel waste, due to panels not being biodegradable).

Most of the youngsters have no response to those three facts.

April 22, 2024 5:00 pm

Musk seems to be the meja hate figure of the week/month?

April 22, 2024 5:02 pm

My daughter, at one time lefty leaning, and married to a communist cop, has seen the light. Watches Tucker Carlson and others with some sense and honesty. It was the covid debacle woke her up to the cupidity and stupidity of the parasitic class.

April 22, 2024 5:02 pm

AI will never replace lawyers: no robot can tell the difference between guilty and non-guilty. And as the britternee debacle shows neither can any human.

Could AI replace legal research, which would drop demand for grads? How about even making conveyancing more mechanized through block chain as I think that does present a threat.

AI can’t be smarter than the smartest person in the world, but that’s pretty smart.

My guess is that it won’t be because AI will be limited in terms of intelligence (say, IQ). AI will be constrained through regulations and human-imposed limits. Humans don’t want to hear the truth; they want to be lied to. 

Also, I see the legal profession ensuring AI doesn’t encroach on fees that much too.

AI could be very close to replacing GPs, as all you would need is a nurse practitioner and a medical AI to determine possible illnesses and order testing, etc. That’s mostly what a GP does these days anyway.

You watch.

April 22, 2024 5:03 pm

All I can deduce is Iran was testing the waters, playing to their domestic audience, carefully avoiding casualties, teaching Israel a decisive lesson, scoring a great victory, demonstrating their military might, showing up Israeli weaknesses, pooh-poohing Israel use of children’s toys, scoffing at the world in general.
Meanwhile their hamas attache is still dead.
And I’m glad we aren’t in world war three.

April 22, 2024 5:08 pm

The best thing you could do for Da Reef is bulldoze James Cook University and Ove’s building at UQ. 

That would be Ove Huge Goldbrick. Got banned from The Conversation for calling him that.

My pal who for 10 years worked at Airlie beach, first with amphibious De Havilland Beavers flying tourists to the reef, then years as Captain of 200 passenger boats taking people to the reef, says he can, on any given day, take you to bleached reef or colourful flourishing reef. The ref is fine.

April 22, 2024 5:09 pm

Wodney, it’s not blog monitoring suggesting you’re a dunderhead. Anyone who takes Marty seriously, as you obviously do, is a bonehead and something that you need to be reminded of constantly.

Now STFU and go read Marty, you moron.

April 22, 2024 5:11 pm
April 22, 2024 5:16 pm

It was the covid debacle woke her up to the cupidity and stupidity of the parasitic class.

Same with my prospective daughter in law.

April 22, 2024 5:16 pm

Still, with calli’s experience in mind, a long way to go.

Roger, there’s nothing new in Telstra complaints, but just degrees of incompetence. Nothing should ever surprise on the downside. You need to set aside at least 1/12 hours to settle even a minor problem after being transferred to 3 or 4 imbeciles who mostly have zero ability in spoken Ingrish.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 5:18 pm

BoN @04:45pm

The best thing you could do for Da Reef is bulldoze James Cook University and Ove’s building at UQ. Then leave the poor thing be, and spare our eardrums from the incessant wailing.


And let Peter Ridd drive the bulldozer.

April 22, 2024 5:20 pm

Roger, there’s nothing new in Telstra complaints…

I still reckon they owe me money from the ’90s.

Cassie of Sydney
April 22, 2024 5:25 pm

In a little over an hour the Passover begins. For the next eight days Jews across the world will commemorate and celebrate the exodus of our ancestors from slavery in Egypt.

However, in 2024 there are Jews who are being held in captivity and who are enslaved. Since 7 October 2023, there are Jewish babies, Jewish children, young Jewish men and women, old Jewish men and women who, as I write, are still being held captive and enslaved in Gaza. We don’t know how many of these Jews remain alive, we don’t know the conditions these Jews are being kept in and quite frankly I don’t dwell on it too much because I get upset. Why do they remain in bondage? Because they are Jews.

Earlier today I was sent this…

Vehi she’amdah: In every generation there are those who seek our destruction, but the Holy One delivers us from their hands.
Anu tefillah, we pray.
We pray for the victims of horrific terrorism and their families whose lives have been shattered.
We pray for the hostages and their loved ones, who continue to live through unending horror.
We pray for the innocents who are victim to the war, human beings created in the image of God, the dead, the injured, the hungry, and the displaced.
We pray for the soldiers in harm’s way, the wounded, and the maimed. May they return safely to the warm embrace of their closest ones.
We pray for the purveyors and deliverers of humanitarian aid who endeavor to do what is right and needed.
We pray for the peacemakers. May they bring shalom to all.
We pray for the world to wake up and say: there is no place for antisemitism in our society. Confronting all forms of hate is everyone’s responsibility.
Let us sing to God a song, a hymn that longs to extol our deliverance from despair to joy, from mourning to celebration, from darkness to light, from enslavement to redemption, from war to peace. 


April 22, 2024 5:27 pm

It was the covid debacle woke her up to the cupidity and stupidity of the parasitic class.

Same with my prospective daughter in law.

It’s i ter

April 22, 2024 5:29 pm

It was the covid debacle woke her up to the cupidity and stupidity of the parasitic class.

Same with my prospective daughter in law.

It’s interesting that old fashioned lefties like Greenwald and Russell Brand have also seen the light.

April 22, 2024 5:30 pm


April 22, 2024 5:32 pm

The whole push through the 80s and 90s was ‘economic rationalism’- some reforms (‘microeconomic reform’) were probably laudable but this all seems to have been thrown out the window through the 2000s and beyond. Welfare immigration, massive subsidies for rubbish electricity generators, attacks on mining and agriculture in addition to the attacks on manufacturing.

Does anyone know how much public money is flushed down the toilet on renewbulls? It’s both canbra and the states.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 22, 2024 5:32 pm

 April 22, 2024 4:31 pm

I was contacted by an academic at the UNI of QLD today to participate in a survey about the GBR.
Suprisingly, there was no AGW spiel, but rather he wanted responses to several practical methods of mitigating or repairing damage to bleached coral.
Do some in academe now realise the jig is up?

I’ve been watching their adventures on the GBR over the last two months. The place is booming.

Check it out. I am sure some places might be under pressure and you can bet the greenfilth will apply this as a blanket to the entire reef system

Some amazing footage here.


B2B Castaways:

Strick and Fran are off on a 4 months trip living off the land and off the ocean. The new Genesis boat will allow them to explore further than ever before.
Come along with us on our journey North

April 22, 2024 5:37 pm

It’s not scab picking when two prominent drama queens accuse me of anti-Semitism, and repeatedly demand an apology, before flouncing until their need to be noticed brings them back.

Anti-Semitism is a very serious allegation, especially in the current environment. Neither the blog host nor any other reader agreed with them.

Yet, after being so outraged that they could never darken the doors again, here are our resident drama queens. Not a word of apology, so they presumably agree that Dover harbours Jew-haters, and that I am one.

That’s what you said, is that what you believe? Am I a Jew hater?

That’s why you did a teenage flounce from this site – and you’re back because it was a tantrum.

Does either of you have the guts to answer?

April 22, 2024 5:45 pm

It’s interesting that old fashioned lefties like Greenwald and Russell Brand have also seen the light.

I’m afraid I’m suspicious of people in the media, even the so-called alt media. I suspect they’re always “on the make.”

April 22, 2024 5:49 pm

Joh, since you referenced my comment of yesterday, I will answer for my part.

I do not believe you are a Jew hater, any more than I am a coward. Things are said in the heat of the moment that we wish could wing their way back and remain unsaid. That is me, pressing the refresh button far more than the post button.*

Others can, and will, comment as they wish. Their comments can be judged on their own merits.

*I shall probably regret this too.

April 22, 2024 5:50 pm

I’m afraid I’m suspicious of people in the media, even the so-called alt media. I suspect they’re always “on the make.”

Seemed to be the case with Milo. He was articulate though. Now I hear nothing of him or from him.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 5:52 pm

Thanks trickler @05:32pm.

B2B Castaways:
Strick and Fran are off on a 4 months trip living off the land and off the ocean. The new Genesis boat will allow them to explore further than ever before.
Come along with us on our journey North

I’ve followed a couple of their videos since you put up the links.

At first I thought you were just a perve because of the cheeky behind shots of the lass climbing through the bush but then I settled down and enjoyed the rest of the scenery and commentary.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 6:08 pm

Meta….in the Paywallian

Facebook owner Meta has been accused of displaying ‘strong left-wing bias’ as it unleashes its new AI tool on Australians.

Names Whitlam as our best Prime Minister.

FMD – where’s the bottle of strong drink!

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 22, 2024 6:09 pm

Tim Blair in fine form over at Quadrant:

Everybody needs a hobby, according to various family members whose hobby it apparently is to tell me I need a hobby. Not wishing to cause any increase in domestic disharmony, a hobby has lately been settled upon. A ripper hobby.

It’s easy and fun yet also upsets the sort of people you want to upset, which is important for your modern hobbyist. Basically, all I do is read accounts of electric vehicle road trips until I get to the bit where the rechargers don’t work—and then I write about it, as I’m doing here.

Believe me, this is a terrifically rewarding pastime. I’d recommend it to anyone with a few hours to kill. Such as, for example, EV owners who are stranded at a recharging centre because of busted equipment. Here’s a recent example, posted in January by Clayton4115 on the NRMA’s community noticeboard: “Just completed this trip over Christmas, one word, horrible experience.”


April 22, 2024 6:11 pm

Elon is the WEF’s principal target.

Turnbull’s censorship bitch is their principal attack dog.

How far Australia has sunk, and how often the cause is Turnbull.

The last Malcolm was equally destructive.

April 22, 2024 6:13 pm

John Howard deserves a mention too. Trumble was Howard’s poisonous egg. Unforgivable.

April 22, 2024 6:15 pm

What’s going on between the Nats and Libs over the locations of nuke plants? Are the Nats arcing up about Libs siting radioactive waste in their electorates?

I guess the brain geniuses at the Libs didn’t see this coming.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 22, 2024 6:21 pm

Barking Toad
April 22, 2024 5:52 pm

( :

Fair call. I got over that very quickly. She’s a marine biologist for the record.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 22, 2024 6:28 pm

Basically, all I do is read accounts of electric vehicle road trips until I get to the bit where the rechargers don’t work—and then I write about it, as I’m doing here.

John Hinderaker has a good one on Gaia chariots today also.

The EV Bubble Bursts | Power Line (21 Apr)

There is no way that our automobile fleet will be converted from internal combustion to batteries, just as there is no way we can or will replace fossil fuels and nuclear power with wind- and solar-generated electricity. The whole thing is a fantasy. But the damage that will be done to our economy, our livelihoods and our national security, in pursuing that fantasy, is incalculable.

That’s the final para. Yep, he’s spot on. I’m coming to think this slow motion electric car crash is the Achilles heel of the green-progressive climate fraud.

Unlike all the other stuff the uptake of EVs requires the acquiescence and support of the proles, and they just ain’t. Windmills and solar panels and grid batteries are far away and incomprehensible but driving behind a virtuous Tesla emitting clouds of smug is real to the ordinary punter in their fifteen year old Mazda.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 22, 2024 6:29 pm

What’s going on between the Nats and Libs over the locations of nuke plants? 

Simples Monty. They just agree to locate the nuke plants in rusted on Green and Labor electorates. There’s absolutely no downside doing that.

April 22, 2024 6:30 pm

There’s life in Plibbers yet.
Australian Story doing a puff piece on her tonight.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 22, 2024 6:31 pm

We pray for the hostages and their loved ones, who continue to live through unending horror.

Unfortunately, those hostages are all dead. Which is why the IDF and the USA/West should smash the Iranian Non-Leadership (and not their young people) to bits.

Never ever Give Up. So said Winston Churchill (and many others).

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 22, 2024 6:33 pm
1 2 3 4
  1. True. I was really thinking more along the lines of foreign ownership but didn’t say it and union involvement bloated…

  2. Hahahahahahaha breath Haaaa, haaa, haaaaaarr Walkouts and shouts of ‘shame’ at NSW Labor conference as Anthony Albanese calls for unityPrime…

  3. Mike Pompeo@mikepompeoIn Ukraine, the Biden-Harris administration stumbled into war through weakness. President Trump would introduce peace through strength. Here’s what…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x