Open Thread – Tues 27 Sept 2022
Duelling Thread
Let this be the thread where recent or longstanding feuds can be undertaken without disturbing the peace of the OT or any other thread. Anything that makes it on them, accidentally or not, will be deleted, and any further action is at my discretion.
Open Thread – Weekend 24 Sept 2022
Weekday Reading #23
Mark Movsesian in Compact discusses the geopolitical situation of Armenia. Will Charles III be the Perennialist King we are hoping for? Esmé Partridge makes the affirmative case at UnHerd. Dan Simons picks over the remains of Britain following the death of QE2 at IM-1776. While at Quadrant, Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple) discusses the role…
Meme of the Day #56
Open Thread – Tues 20 Sept 2022
Weekend Reading #5
Over at The Lamp Magazine, Peter Hitchens reflects on the Christian background of the British (and European) monarchy and why it inevitably is a sign of contradiction to all moderns. Mark Granza interviews Darren Beattie about the next stage of Populism in IM-1776. Stone Age Herbalist discusses the metaphysics that underlay the Aztec’s justification of…
Open Thread – Weekend 17 Sept 2022
Weekday Reading #22
Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Aris Roussinos discusses the mythic power of monarchy and the field of action available to King Charles III. Michael Anton looks at the The Godfather with the eyes of The Prince. Helen Andrews on Why Women Can’t Have it All. Edward Feser reflects on the political disorder that…
Open Thread – Tues 13 Sept 2022