Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
Globalists making final push for depopulated one world order • How we resist
Although to be more realistic I’d say Tom Cotton, not Palin much as I like her style.
Mr Sulu:
Look crotchless, I’ve advised you not to try to be clever. The whole playground will shift once the blackouts begin.
Unless you were on the jury, or have good contact with someone who was, how do you know this?
You’ve been spouting vile opinions on the Case for months, yet being pig ignorant about it didn’t seem to bother you.
So, try to process this?
If you don’t like my opinions, try to imagine how I feel about yours.
Where is Custard? He is needed to decode this message.
I’m convinced of that too.
But she’s making shit up about a period she has no memory of – so I still have no real idea about Lehrmann’s state of grace.
“But she’s making shit up about a period she has no memory of –
Please, no exciting Groogs at this time of night.
Mr. Sulu:
It’s only a couple of generations ago [60 years] that people didn’t turn the lights on at night, because of the cost of electricity.
The vast majority of the domestic fruit crop was canned, because electricity is expensive.
Many people cooked on Gas, because electricity was so expensive.
Most people cooked with Dripping, because it didn’t require refrigeration.
Those days are coming back.
We’ll survive.
Richard Cranium
Had you taken more notice of my commentary, you would not come across as so stupid.
Now, what is the evidence for your allegation about the specific juror?
Anchor What:
I want to see the whole ‘Use By’ scam ripped out by the roots.
Tried years ago with gamma sterilising and something stuffed up – a couple of moggies died, and now we throw out millions of dollars worth of food because OOD.
Only the rich, and government corporations like Health can afford to take the expiry date scam honestly. And the poor can never afford to keep food long enough for expiry dates to matter.
Any comment, Albo?
Personally I think L did what he said he did, went back to get his keys and stuffed around in the office for twenty minutes
And I think if H woke up, remembering what she claimed to remember and found evidence she had been assaulted she would have sought immediate assistance.
Instead she started convincing herself it must happened a few days later when she realised she too might be summarily dismissed from her job.
And in the highly unlikely event he did do something, it still needs to meet the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. H seems to think beyond a reasonable doubt can be established merely because she said so.
Witness her outraged comments on the courthouse steps.
Brittany has convinced herself that she was raped. That is why we … or rather Bruce … is why we are here. If the ACT town council DPP was doing its job properly the whole thing would be buried in a filing cabinet somewhere.
As moronic as sta ting the (presumably) Aboriginal group (probably not Turveys)
You don’t know that, so why say it?
that smashed the murderers car
Gee, Presumption of Innocence disappeared quickly once Labor Party narratives took hold.
was obviously racially motivated.
It may have been, that wouldn’t be unusual in Perth.
He was picked because he resembled the people who wrecked the car.
How do you know that?
If the people who had wrecked the car were a group of soulless gingers then they would have been attacked.
But they weren’t gingers, and you’re being silly now.
The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset
DeSantis would be a terrible idea for VP. You always want a VP to be a grade lower than the president in terms of perception. DeSantis is the guy to run in 24 , if not Trump or in 28.
The prosperity is directly proportional to the cost of necessities:income ratio.
Expensive energy will send us very quickly to 3rd world status. Carbon is plant food. It’s not a poison.
“Let this sink in!”
I really like his style.
Betcha Parag doesn’t.
The Firings Begin: Twitter CEO, CFO, & Top Censor Escorted Out (28 Oct)
Escorted out is such a nice phrase.
Only the rich, and government corporations like Health can afford to take the expiry date scam honestly. And the poor can never afford to keep food long enough for expiry dates to matter.
Whenever any of my kids rummage thru the pantry and tut, tut with the, “Dad, this is way, way past it’s date” rubbish I just tell ’em, “I was born long before use-by dating and it ain’t killed me yet so if your not happy don’t eat it” …..
In recent times when terrorists carry out massacres the frequent response of both politicians and the co-operative media is to censor the name of the perpetrator to foil any fame motive for copycats. A wise choice.
So here’s the ABC’s *news* article about the people demanding political change and threatening famous artworks with defacement if they don’t get their way (i.e. borderline terrorism):
The art assassins and their aristocratic sponsors are not only named, but printed in bold.
The differential treatment speaks to the publishing bias.
Yes, it’s 3%.
And 3 missed meals.
Mole at 5:39.
I once suggested to a senior airline person that they charge excess weight charges on the combined weight of the passenger and bags.
He didn’t think the ponytails in marketing would have it.
We did a ‘back of the pantry’ can donation thing a few weeks ago.
Our oldest – a tin of water chestnuts dated October 2011.
(Went in the bin. Nobody eats water chestnuts.)
It is close to miraculous that the ABC reports offences by a state school teacher, although they are careful not to advertise the fact that the perpetrator was one of the Stalinist comrades from the public-sector teachers’union:
Another story today about an IT worker in a Catholic school in Tasmania screams ‘CATHOLIC’ in the headline.
A certain military unit in Perth ran self defence courses specifically designed for women. Their teaching was to go for the face, with the fingernails. Scratches help identify the ropist, and enough D.N.A can be retrieved from under the fingernails to make an identification.
@JackPosobiec@Timcas and I all agree: Trump 2024 is inevitable.
There isn’t a single Republican who would be able to garner enough grassroots support to defeat him in a primary.
I shall have the satisfaction of knowing I did the right thing. And set a good example. If nobody follows my good example, they have to live with themselves.
I’m not afraid of being put in gaol for being rude to the government. Yes, it could happen. But I’d be my usual cheerful self in solitary confinement. I’d miss the cigars, but I’d survive.
Stick the water chestnuts in some spring rolls. They’ll be fine. Deep fried anything is good.
Senator Malcolm Roberts. Absolutely devastating.
Data Emerges
It’s only a couple of generations ago [60 years] that people didn’t turn the lights on at night, because of the cost of electricity.
The vast majority of the domestic fruit crop was canned, because electricity is expensive.
Many people cooked on Gas, because electricity was so expensive.
Most people cooked with Dripping, because it didn’t require refrigeration.
Those days are coming back.
We’ll survive.
Richard Cranium
We might well survive, but I fear for the futures of the politicians responsible for this gross reduction in living standards. And for what purpose? The whole Gerbil Worming farce is built on foundations with less strength than dry sand.
Home made karaage chicken is worth the time and mess.
Wolf at 7:01
+468 and a dozen upticks.
Her $340k+ book deal and lucrative speaking engagements depend upon it.
Cohenite :
I’m going to take a deep breath, Cohenite, and give it to you both barrels.
Tulsi is a Trojan Horse.
She wasn’t even on the bloody radar 6 years ago, and now people want her in the same position as Pence. Right behind Trump with a knife.
Didn’t any of you learn anything about VP Pence?
The Left keep putting up these bright and shiny things and the right just goes “Oohh. Bright Shiny.” And every time the Trojan Horse does the same thing. It looks harmless until the one time it needs to turn right, it turns left.
And the Left puts away the laser pointer they’ve mesmerised the Right with until the next time it needs to play the same game.
There must be something supremely clever about the Left, or extremely stupid about the Right that they are able to pull this trick on them time after time after time.
Fuck this, I’m off to bed with a book. Work it out yourselves.
Anyone who interprets the equations written in blood on the walls of the cell gets the Fields Medal.
By “healing”, the left wants the same thing that muslims want when they say they want “respect”.
They lost my vote (forever, after a lifetime of Liberal voting) at both state and national level for overseeing the atrocities of the last 2 years. NOTHING they can do will bring me back.
“Restore Democracy Sack Dan Andrews Party”.
That works a lot better if you don’t wait two years before making a police report.
The High Court really needs a book pulping subsidiary. Or at least a panel of preferred contractors.
So where is the gas coming from, and what makes you think it’s going to be any cheaper than electricity? Have you been hibernating this winter and not watching the news?
People will be chopping down the National Parks that they are currently being banned from…and every other tree they can find. Gaia is really going to love the thoughtless gits. Carbon Dioxide will be the least of her problems.
Huey saves Australia from further humiliation, this time at the hands of the Poms.
The good news is the Alintastralians are ahead of Afghanistan in their pool group.
The bad news is that Afghanistan are the only team they’re ahead of.
Back when young ladies wore wooden platform shoes, one damsel repelled her attacker by whipping off a shoe, and hitting her attacker on the side of the head…
The Little Lie That Grew.
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
– V for Vendetta
Yep, that’s the problem when the ex-boyfriend is hawking a sexual assault equivalent of the Steele dossier.
People will be chopping down the National Parks that they are currently being banned from …
They won’t be doing that, even if the Government doesn’t ban burning wood in stoves, which they will do.
I’m ok that the CFMEU hierarchy are reminding their people what a “prick” Dan is, even if it’s in an attempt to push his barrow.
It’ll put Dan’s mendacity back at the forefront of their minds, and remind them that it was the CFMEU head shed who supported his mandates. It wasn’t that long ago that the same CFMEU hierarchy had to take refuge in the HQ from their own members.
It could badly backfire as a strategy. Maybe they should go back to bad mouthing Work Choices.
Not a particularly smart move, IMHO.
The British Parliament has debated vaccine safety and determined that they are safe!
Mother won’t let you use chainsaws will she?
And that will be the beginning of mass civil disobedience.
Bread and Circuses may have worked during Covid, but no energy means no Bread and no Circuses.
That is when it will begin. Be warned.
Ed Casesays:
October 28, 2022 at 9:21 pm
People will be chopping down the National Parks that they are currently being banned from …
They won’t be doing that, even if the Government doesn’t ban burning wood in stoves, which they will do.
Richard Cranium
When people are faced with the choice of raw meals or burning wood to cook said meals, the burning will happen. And since (unless the government has all public “authorities” in a protected enclave, supplied with food, energy and comfortable housing), the “authorities” will not do much. They will be too busy looking after themselves and their families.
Lt Gov Fetterman (D, VA) is an elaborate character played by Norm MacDonald – a Tony Clifton like character, but with an epic level of commitment.
“The British parliament also applauded Neville Chamberlain when he signed the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler in 1938.”
Employed memorably in the fun movie Iron Sky, except she had stiletto heels. 😀
I love Finns, they overachieve tremendously.
You said it more succinctly than I did.
I find Ed’s multiple, often conflicting, messages weird at best, manic at worst.
After two years of grandstanding and posturing, the Vicco DPP drops manslaughter charges against the boss of the “Chicken Man” truckie who killed the four coppers on the Eastern Freeway, the day before trial.
Judge is pissed off.
Now, if you listened to Neil “Laura Norder” Mitchell, you would think that the judge thought the trial should proceed and was furious at the charges being dropped.
Well, no.
Let’s go to the tape …
Lex isn’t pissed off that he has missed out on potting a dastardly crim.
He is pissed off with VikPlod and the DPP pursuing everyone connected with this case right down to Dick Pussey’s cleaning lady on trumped up charges they wouldn’t dream of laying in any other case.
Chamberlain’s problem was that he didn’t think anyone, in their right mind, would ever plunge Europe into the horrors of another war…
He’s not here for the hunting.
Thinking about getting a firebox installed and burn lots of wood just to annoy the greenies.
Pre vaccine fatality rates
The Lad goes nookular and mediaeval on various house sized backsides.
It’s not so much prose as poetry … 🙂
Overseas commentators and academics like to identify Labor as a Social Democratic party.
But of course they are not. Ignoring a few incompetent forays into civil society by Whitlam and Keating, they have always been exclusively a union party. They are unique. Nowhere else on the globe has a union conspiracy overwhelmed civil society as it has in Australia.
The brilliant union conspirator was Fat Sharan who, anticipating Blackrock and Vanguard, implemented the union super fund scam. (Sorry, Industry Fund, make an incy wincy spider symbol).
Weak Abbott actually intended to knobble them, but of course the Turnbull and fellow plutocrat conspirators realised that our Sharan had established a genius shakedown and jumped on the wealth transfer bandwagon.
Now it is too late. Does anyone seriously believe that the corporates mouthing endless woke bullshit has anything to do with ‘the thing’ rather than the certain knowledge that the Superthugs can and will bring them down if they don’t comply to the thug narrative.
Net zero in Australia has only one single aim. Union control of the economy.
It’s going to be satisfying watching the woke corporates brought down once the superfunds establish unchecked rule.
PS. Irrelevant; but I think I saw the saviour of our hard working and repressed teachers emerging from a Geneva patisserie a couple of years ago. She ain’t lookin any better.
CONVID is a complete scam. Remember the corrupt media showing Chinamen collapsing in the street?
Where is justice for those perpetrating this scam.
What if you piss off the Yakuza instead?
Usually true. But try deep fried mini pizza; especially when it has come out of the fish fryer – then come back on that one.
Technical Note: Special reference for Calli; in Glasgow, always avoid the Blue Lagoon chippies.
Large European vaccine orders
60 years ago I was a 22yr old trainee nurse in a large Sydney metropolitan hospital. No restriction whatsoever on lights. Even on my two days off a week at home no worries in this regard.
In 1949 and into the early 50s I experienced “Bunnerong Out” a few times a week on a regular basis. We were fortunate to have gas for cooking and bath/shower. We had a kerosene lamp for the kitchen/dining room and a metho lamp for carrying around to the other rooms.
We coped fine.
Sacré bleu – for those Cats among us who’ve not yet become aware of the Steyn’s new Dutch correspondent on GB News, the latter of which just I’ve discovered is a free to air app on my brand new 65 inch UHD tele! 🙂
Miss Eva … 😕
Pub chips only for me Faustus.
I’m suddenly interested in … what was she talking about again?
Those days are coming back.
We’ll survive.
Easy for you to say, sustained by crotchless panties.
She could be reciting the penalties for overloading, under the road traffic act, for all I know…
He was correct.
Unfortunately our elites aren’t in their right minds either.
Power leads to insanity, often.
Q post 4 October 29 2017
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated – any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate – what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Yes, I have to keep reassuring my wife that I am only watching steyn for the articles.
hey sancho, tell us the story of Plato’s Cave from the perspective of the cave.
we love that one
I knew it!!
The “power” that these idiots assume they possess is ultimately illusory.
It was a tragedy for humanity that ‘itler and Joe the Fish weren’t acquainted with this fact at the height of their reign.
Both dinosaurs went out on their own terms, instead of going out like Benito.
fuck … that was quick
its almost like you never heard of 4chan
I’d love you to be right – but the patriots must be hiding their power real well custard.
The sitting President is not a patriot yet he holds the reins of Executive Orders.
The FBI, DoJ, and IRS are not run by patriots yet wield enormous power.
Schools across the USA are run by marxist totalitarians and I see very little in the way of patriotism from them.
I don’t see any signs at all of patriots controlling things in the US.
Q post 100 November 5 2017
Who is the Queen of England?
How long in power?
With power comes corruption.
What happened to Diana?
What did she find out?
Why was she running?
Who did she entrust to help her flee?
What was the cover?
Why is this relevant?
Why now?
Bad actor.
London Mayor.
Connection to Queen?
British MI6 agents dead.
What was reported?
What really happened?
Why is this relevant?
Secret society.
Why are migrants important?
What are assets?
Define assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
Who follows?
What political leaders worship Satan?
What does an upside down cross represent?
Who wears openly?
Who is she connected to?
Why is this relevant?
Spirit cooking.
What does Spirit Cooking represent?
What is a cult?
Who is worshipped?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White
Godfather III
I knew this had something to do with Keanu Reeves movies.
To understand the situation you need to understand that there is no 46th President of the USA
Once you reset to that reality it’s much easier to join the dots
Did she believe you, when you said you read “Playboy” only for the articles?
Indoctrination Works – Massive Spike In Children Identifying As LGBT
h/t David Thompson
You’ve lost it.
Bonkers, off the planet, barking, stark staring, clad in a straight jacket, residing in bedlam, making the Fetterman look like he’s aware of what day it is and what planet he’s on, talking more gibberish than thousands of monkeys on typewriters might inadvertently write …
What set you off, Squire? 😕
Trigger warning: Vile monstrous fraud
Rabz I’m just fine
People are not paying enough attention
things aren’t right
that’s for sure
custards approach is no worse than any other at this point
There is no way on earth Donald J Trump would hand over the keys to the WH to a demented pervert who cheated in the 2020 election.
Look through a different lens
Surely this turns on the insurrection act?
Custard, you have acute apophenia. It’s the Q cult that’s got you into this. You are busy joining the dots, and it’s utterly meaningless. It’s not that I haven’t been paying attention, it’s that I’m naturally sceptical, like most here. Rabz is right, you’ve gone bonkers, and you need to get out of it, quicksmart.
I guess that feeling you have more knowledge and insight than the rest of us is satisfying, but it’s all bogus. You test your insights by making predictions and checking to see if they come true. If the predictions are vague enough they are pretty much bound to come true. This is how Nostradamus made a living. And Q is a latterday Nostradamus.
I’ve met you, you know me, only briefly.
I’m not bonkers
Let’s wait and see what happens
Spotlight on China
0:24 Xi to launch a mechanism for regulating wealth accumulation, has triggered uncertainties
2:26 China’s pharma giant Pien Tze Huang lost nearly $20 billion in market value in one year
5:37 French pilot: CCP is recruiting foreign pilots to gain experience in fighting against the West
groundhog day, we’ve been through all this in 2020. its all larping
The Q posts are the greatest sting operation in the history of the world!
Custard, you’re a good bloke, although you trusted Cory Bernardi more than I did.
How long do we have to wait? There needs to be a time limit on this. And it’s a good idea to have a clear notion of what it would take for you to abandon Q type stuff. If there’s nothing that would make you give up on Q, you’ve been sucked in to a cult.
Rabz’ Friday Night Pop Tartz …
Miss Maggie – the Purest Piece of Pop this year
Miss Planet – Pointing out the bleeding obvious – she is a woman
Miss Stanley – Red earth Dirt
Enjoy, Cats! 🙂
There’s a claim that certain politicians and other elites have been given a completely different vaccine. Sounds like more conspiracy theory or russian disinformation, but these days nothing would surprise me.
I haven’t been sucked into anything BG
You have my number
We’ve talked before
I’m happy to talk again
No big deal
Weekend music.
Any Game of Thrones fans here? I’m not, but our daughter in Sydney is a h-u-g-e follower.
So I sent her this link … and she just couldn’t believe it’s just one person! (It is.)
Look up some of his other posts. He is amazing!
if there was this 10 dimensional sting operation stretching over many years, why would they post about it?
wakey wakey
If Lasry has a problem with VicPlod and the DPP bringing made-for-TV charges before him he better start looking at interstate movers.
But he did, no matter what lens you ask me to look through.
There was an inauguration ceremony. Biden took the oath of office. He is the President.
Certainly he is a senile, corrupt puppet but he IS the President of the USA. Since the office was established in 1789, 45 men have served in 46 presidencies, Biden being the 46th.
No amount of wishin’ an hopin’ changes that reality.
Spend your energies on convincing people to get a Trump wave going for the next Presidential election.
‘We’re in danger’: Hot mic catches Schumer, Biden worrying about midterm chances
The human races battle for survival on this planet has led us to develop solutions and technologies to create our own environment, independent of nature as best we can. Houses, fridges, vehicles, you name it.
And now it seems we are creating an energy system completely dependent on variable nature. Absolute madness. Setting ourselves for failure for sure. One volcanic eruption in which we get another ‘year without summer’ its game over.
Random late night thought:
Does the government really want the power to go out for days at a time?
People will have to start talking to each other in real life, and not get their updates from the prescibed news sources.
Do they really want that?
It doesn’t matter what Custard believes or doesn’t believe.
Any more than it matters if you cheer for “your” footy team or vote at one of these silly compulsory bogus elections for “your” party or get hot under the collar for “your” side of politics in the latest social outrage atrocity.
None of it matters a damn, but mass media works it’s little tail off to make you think it does.
Votes = clicks = eyeballs = bums on seats = money.
The world is full of mugs, and there is a species of scam to capture every single way of being a mug.
Let him do the Q thing. It’s no more stupid than getting excited over a football or cricket match.
Bro, Q is a CIA op to keep you distracted.
Arks – what’s your view of the CFMEU appeal to the rank and file to vote for the “rank” and “vile”?
They want us living in 24/7 surveilled government pods, eating bugs.
Indeed they do.
Just who are “they”, so I can (surreptitiously) pursue them in an almighty righteous fashion?
They don’t get away with it, for anyone wanting the short cut to the end of the tail*.
*Deliberate. 🙂
I think union members want the union to negotiate pay and conditions. That’s what they are there for. Not to give advice on who to vote for.
Just like we would all like the fricking council to shut up and just pick up the garbage every week.
Arks – thanks for the reply – agreed.
However, what the Vic CFMEU did was among the most monstrous betrayals I’ve seen in my lifetime.
The sort of betrayal that results in members of the rank and file wandering off the reservation and angrily onto the West Gate Bridge.
Presumably we won’t see that “regrettable incident” included in the labore pardee’s “grate moments in Ozzie industrial disobedience”.
Tails did well in those days. He’s since been denounced as a “vile common worker with an uncouth mouth and unfashionable views about other personages”.
He did not deserve to be treated like that.
He is a very affable bloke.
For shame! Your local council shouldn’t fly the Aboriginal flag outside their offices?
We’ve since talked on the phone, and custard has said that the sting will happen in two weeks. I told him that I’ll give him three, to be on the safe side. If there hasn’t been a brilliant chess move by then, custard will admit he was wrong, and if there has, I’ll admit I was wrong.
I sincerely hope that custard is right and Trump brings down the deep state, but I’ve been trained not to believe the things I want to be true. It’s all to easy to fool yourself.
Custard and I both reckon that biden cheated to get in. I reckon that Trump wasn’t prepared for the extent of the cheating or the depth of corruption. Neither was I. Custard believes there’s a magnificent sting in the works. I hope he’s right but I don’t believe it.
Thanks to communist imbeciles (BIRM) I’ll never get to play pool with yourself or Tails in a bar in Melbourne.
I used to love the place and would head down there frequently, flying or driving, as well as for work. One of my best mates lived there around the turn of the century in Bridge Rd Richmond. I’d park the car in the Hospital carpark after an epic drive from Sydney or the Snowy mountains. Then we’d head over to Barassi’s for a feed and some cold ones.
Haven’t been down there since about 2019 for a work event.
Never again.
He did.
Is Andrews more of a prick than Brad Hazard?
too bloody right
love your rants CL, they’re like comic surgery
Bruce O’Newk:
How about
It even contains my favourite word.
Doc Beaugan:
Certainly there is that personal vs public aspect and I quite agree with you.
I’m wondering if the process of baking a cigar into a cake will alter the taste of either. I have a suspicion that even leaving the cigar in its aluminium tube may not entirely isolate each component from cross contamination.
The spray last night at 0856 was NOT directed solely at you. I apologise for my poor wording.
The whole spray was directed at the Right who seem determined to be seen as the good guys at all costs, when that ploy has been ruined by the Left.
Nevertheless, I do stand by the whole laser pointer/kittens remark.
New thread…
That lump on his neck. I initially understood it to be due to an overuse of steroids but I’m wondering now that it’s not.
What the hell is it?
No, not you, you twit.
throw away the cake and smoke the cigar
which is more important?
What are you talking about Cronkite.
We’ve gone from acid batteries to lithium and now we’re about to see incredible inroads in solid state battery technology. No biggie though, right?
Communist China: A police drone comes toward you in the highway…you need to quickly scan the QR code. If it doesn’t come back green, you can’t pass the checkpoint. Free movement is being restricted