Meme of the Day #26
Double helping. This is too good to wait for tomorrow:
Meme of the Day #25
Meme of the Day #24
Guest Post: Speedbox – Reds under the beds and beware the yellow peril
When I was a young child at school in the early 1960s we were warned of “reds under the beds” and “beware the yellow peril”. I doubt these were the official policy of the Education Department in South Australia but I recall at least one teacher earnestly stating those maxims to our impressionable young minds.…
Open Thread – Tues 15 March 2022
Guest Post: Speedbox – What do Russians really think?
Over the past couple of days I’ve been canvassing relatives (in law) and numerous friends in Russia on their opinion of the invasion and local impact. Whilst the results of my enquiries are really no more than a straw poll, they do provide some interesting insights. In summary, approximately 75% of the sample (35 people…
Open Thread – Weekend 12 March 2022
Meme of the Day #23
Guest Post: Speedbox – Money money money
I’ve always liked, and believed in, the phrase: follow the money. Almost every good and bad thing that happens in geopolitics has a dollar sign behind it. It isn’t always obvious but money, and people scheming how they can get it, or how to keep it, is usually lurking in the background. Money is the…
Meme of the Day #22