Guest Post: Mem – Taking the piss out of cows
I read yesterday in The Conversation, that we are to toilet train cows for the benefit of the environment. Now, I come off a farm where we ran 200 milking cows and a roll over of 200 fattening black angus vealers for the meat industry. These guys actually think that spending 15 hours per beast…
Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – Jabba Dabba Doo
There are many reasons why I love the Cat but perhaps the most important is that we have a forum where we can engage in robust and vociferous disagreements. Here on the Cat there’s been a lot of debate about whether “to jab” or “not to jab”. Whilst it’s a personal decision and I don’t care…
Guest Post: Muddy – Coerce and Comply
I recently stumbled upon an intriguing historical document (source and link at provided at the end of post) that I believe has a loose parallel with the social and economic situation we now find ourselves trapped within. It consists of notes for a lecture on Communist Interrogation Methods by Royal Australian Air Force Intelligence, and…
C.L. on Pandemic Conservatives
C.L. has a great piece on PandaCons over at his place: In epidemiology, however, this sort of pro rata flimflam just won’t do. Unlike Australia, America is not an island continent with an oceanic moat; it doesn’t have nine governments but more than 50. Precisely because the United States isn’t largely unpopulated – New York City alone…
Open Thread – Tues 14 Sept 2021
Guest post: Bar Beach Swimmer – Vaccine Passports? A ‘new’ Australia awaits
A growing fascism in Australia is becoming evident and alarming. Based on the new health status controls of vaccine passports for Covid-19 – we can forget what the Prime Minister would prefer to call them, for these are government mandated identity and travel papers – Australia is dangerously close to authoritarian rule. From media reports…
Guest post: Cassie of Sydney – Betrayed by hollow men and women
On Saturday, Vikki Campion’s piece, Let our PM be human, rightly attracted a lot of condemnation. My indignation and anger at reading Vikki’s piece has made me think about how inept and useless our state and federal Liberal governments are. The always superb Professor James Allan has written very well over the years about how supine…
Guest Post: Vikki Campion – Let our PM be human
Attacking ScoMo for visiting his kids sets a new low for Labor Are we talking out of our backside when we talk about mental health or are we fair dinkum? When a father — in this case the Prime Minister of Australia — follows the state-prescribed health orders to return home to see his kids,…
Open Thread – Weekend 11 Sept 2021