Tucker on the absolute state of this country
Guest Post: Gab – “No jab, no job?” There is some hope
On 27 September, 2021, the Fair Work Commission handed down its decision in the matter of Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd(C2021/2676). While the case concerned the ‘flu injection’, the Commission in its Decision, focused on COVID-19 mandatory vaccinations. The following verbatim excerpts taken from the Decision and brought to the public’s attention by Tanya…
Rowan Dean’s “J’accuse…!”
Pitch perfect.
Guest Post: Gab – Notes from ‘Dealing with ‘No Jab, No Job’ abuse’
Just to give you an idea of the interest in these no jab, no job issues, around 4,500 people watched live today. (Youtube linked above). There were two
Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – The Forgotten People
Over the weekend I heard the news that Scott Morrison is preparing to sign Australia up to zero emissions by 2050. It’s yet another slap in the face, coming after eighteen months of Covid and Morrison’s spineless and craven leadership. I detest the man. Once again, we have a situation where the Liberal Party of Australia, whether…
Open Thread- Monday 27 Sept 2021
RazörFist on the Arizona Audit
The best and most amusing summary I’ve seen so far.
Guest Post: Muddy – Seeing and Looking
At 10.19 p.m. last night (20th of Sept.) on the Open Thread, twostix provided a link to footage of the recent fracas at CMFEU HQ in Melbourne, prior to the physical damage being done to the façade of the building. It was a brief, but very interesting audio-visual record. What piqued my interest, however, was…
Victoria’s ‘Finest’
The following is a compendium of incidents involving Victoria Police attempting to uphold COVID orders following the large protest in Richmond on Sept 18, 2021. This is really only portion of what is probably available so please
Guest Post: mem – “We have come too far to go back now”
I read a press statement from Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, “We have come too far to go back now”(21/09/2021) which included in it a paragraph comprised of only one sentence; “We have come too far to turn back now”. My first reading of the statement was that Andrews is saying that regardless of what…