Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney -The destruction of Christian Porter and Monstrous Women
On Sunday 19 September 2021, after enduring a seven month pile on of vicious, ludicrous, and unhinged smears, fabrications and outright lies, Christian Porter has resigned from the ministry. His political destruction is complete. Thanks to an out of control far-left feral ABC, a cacophony of vile far-left feral progressives, many of them women, the…
Open Thread – Mon 20 Sept 2021
Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – Privacy, IBM, Genocide & Covid
A few days ago, I was on a work zoom call. My boss asked casually if we were all “vaccinated’. I was shocked at his question, I didn’t respond (even though I’d received my first AZ jab) because it’s nobody’s business. I’m sure my workplace hasn’t yet mandated vaccines for its workers, so I don’t…
Guest Post: Vikki Campion – Kristina: ticket to ride
In the pantheon of political heroes there are those who win new seats, removing an incumbent from their opposing side, and those who fight from the unwanted third spot on the Senate ticket and win against the odds. Senator Ursula Stephens was one such Labor hero who won an election from the No.3 spot on…
Open Thread – Weekend 18 Sept 2020
Guest Post: Mem – Taking the piss out of cows
I read yesterday in The Conversation, that we are to toilet train cows for the benefit of the environment. Now, I come off a farm where we ran 200 milking cows and a roll over of 200 fattening black angus vealers for the meat industry. These guys actually think that spending 15 hours per beast…
Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – Jabba Dabba Doo
There are many reasons why I love the Cat but perhaps the most important is that we have a forum where we can engage in robust and vociferous disagreements. Here on the Cat there’s been a lot of debate about whether “to jab” or “not to jab”. Whilst it’s a personal decision and I don’t care…
Guest Post: Muddy – Coerce and Comply
I recently stumbled upon an intriguing historical document (source and link at provided at the end of post) that I believe has a loose parallel with the social and economic situation we now find ourselves trapped within. It consists of notes for a lecture on Communist Interrogation Methods by Royal Australian Air Force Intelligence, and…
C.L. on Pandemic Conservatives
C.L. has a great piece on PandaCons over at his place: In epidemiology, however, this sort of pro rata flimflam just won’t do. Unlike Australia, America is not an island continent with an oceanic moat; it doesn’t have nine governments but more than 50. Precisely because the United States isn’t largely unpopulated – New York City alone…