John Thune: Senate Republicans to Hold Senate Open ‘Nights, Weekends, Recesses’ to Confirm Trump Nominees
John Thune: Senate Republicans to Hold Senate Open ‘Nights, Weekends, Recesses’ to Confirm Trump Nominees
Surely someone will be FIRED from the Gold Coast Council staff for approving flags Aussie one side and Abo in…
FMD. Victoria’s premier Jacinta Allen — and federal Labor minister Catherine King — say it’s “divisive” to admit there are…
We have the video. I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t imagine any human alive today has seen anything…
Where is she? I can’t see her.
So Boeing’s UAV ‘s from Toowoomba will be stamped ‘Made in Queensland’.
She is so inpenetratebly stupid.
Like all dictators she believes that she will be around for ever, and that the future will conform to her dictates.
About par for the course for the Boeing morons from my experience. Corporate whores.
This place has been getting a bit nasty and I have other things to do.
Apparently, I’m due for a ‘collaborating female’ 1945-style haircut.
I didn’t know it was mandatory here to sign up to Riccardo’s latest Edict.
I am on record (Quadrant, June 2020) publically questioning the proportionality of the governmental responses to a pandemic that I had judged for myself to be no reason to stop my travels in March.
Proportionality is something worth bearing in mind here too re the vaxx passports, which will die their natural death in a few months, as they must. Most Australians do not want to live by divide and rule and I along with others will be saying that loud and clear in daily activities.
I will never forget the threat of the 1945 haircut though. That is obscene.
A compulsory read. Beau experiencing a core meltdown.
“I didn’t know it was mandatory here to sign up to Riccardo’s latest Edict.”
Lizzie, it isn’t and I would advise against it.
More than seven decades on the planet, by her own description one of the finest minds of her generation, an academic and scholar ditto, but still can’t spell “publicly.”
Your stocks have fallen a lot in the last few years, Lizzie. No amount of boasting or twee-ness or sucking up is going to bring them back.
Next time you mouth obscenities about someone, remember what happened last time.
I consider my work done.
They ignored me?
At the start of this episode, I stated the ‘vaccine’ was my hill and I wouldn’t compromise.
That remains my position.
Que sera, sera.
Rand Paul is great.
Yeah but it’s only 2 weeks to flatten the curve and the Passport isn’t forever, in NSW, at the moment, and so what if WHO & CHO’s said, ‘DON’T Jab Kids!’, now it’s be proud to have your kids Jabbed because all those reports of permanent serious damage done to them, all of them, were just comorbidities, that no one knew they had, until after they were Jabbed, and besides, you best get used to it because soon it will be your perfect little babies getting Jabbed to, if you want to take them anywhere with you, ever …