More Mainstream-Media Mediocrity
I know, I might have mentioned it once or twice before. We have no decent mainstream newspaper in Australia. The Australian is the best of a bad lot, having to do very little to scale to the top of the pile (of leftist mediocrity). The biased vindictive coverage of Trump said it all really. But…
Post-Christianity, and then what?
A Christian minister condemns same-sex sex and abortion as being sinful. Cue outrage. Bigoted and hateful says the supposed Catholic Premier of Victoria. “I send my kids to Catholic schools. My faith is important to me. It guides me every day…It also guides me in my sense of what is right and what is wrong,…
Weather telling a climate tale
The hurricane season in the United States goes from June to November. Prior to Hurricane Ian, the season had been “remarkably quiet.” Strange business when climate change is roaring about causing havoc to human populations; and goodness knows how our cousins the animals are faring. Dying out, like polar bears, I would guess. Hurricane Ian…
War without an end game, what do you think?
Liberals, using the U.S. nomenclature, are in favour of renewable energy, against fossil fuels, promote abortion on demand up to the time of birth, promote gay marriage, promote transgender rights (including the right of men in frocks to compete with women in sports and enter women’s change rooms), promote teaching critical race theory to schoolchildren…
Don’t judge our performance, we’re central bankers
I see Philip Lowe didn’t resign. Said he’d no intention of resigning. Claimed credit for low unemployment. I would have thought Morrison might claim credit for that? In any event, whatever the Reserve Bank’s total mission in life we all know that keeping inflation in check is its raison d’être. All else is embroidery. Could…
Think of the GDP
At the Jobs Summit, Minister for Finance, Women and Public Service Senator Katy Gallagher reportedly said, “as a country we simply can’t afford to leave women’s talent on the shelf. If women’s workforce participation matched men we would increase GDP by 8.7% or $353 billion by 2050?. Talked to my eldest daughter today. She takes care…
EV illusions and delusions
Saw Chris Bowen (minister for a contradiction in terms; namely, climate change and energy) some time back, with a crazy-eyes look, talking about emission standards being applied to conventional cars to encourage the take up of electric cars (EVs). He had the same look when inviting people to vote against Labor if they didn’t like…
Life’s tough, pretending it can be otherwise helps no one
Meandering through my Sydney Sunday newspaper- The Sunday Telegraph – (poor fare, why do they bother) two things struck me. One concerned the sad suicide death of rugby league player and coach Paul Green. A terrible thing for his family to deal with. Enough said. However, according to the writer of an article on the…
Gender dysphoria among famous women
I read this morning that some wokester academics working for Shakespeare’s Globe theatre, have cast doubt on the gender identity of Queen Elizabeth I. Apparently her claiming to have the stomach and heart of a man was plain-speak for I’m non-binary before my time gimme some testosterone. And Joan of Arc was much too butch…
The 43 percent law spells the end of new fossil fuel developments
There was a case last year. Australian Federal Court judge Mordy Bromberg sided with a group of eight female teenagers and their litigation guardian (an eight-six-year-old Catholic nun), intent on stopping a particular mining development in New South Wales. They brought a class action arguing that the federal minister for the environment had a common-law…