Author: Rafe Champion

  • SA windpower fails, as usual

    It is time for the politicians, planners and commentator to face the fact that wind and solar power have failed in South Australia. This is the wind leader, the trail-blazing pioneer of the new age of “clean” power. It has become the canary in the coal mine, the red flag, a warning to all who…

  • Rossetti and the wombat

    Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington kindly reminded me that Dante Gabriel Rossetti loved wombats. The wombat was to become a principal obsession of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and his unofficial trademark. He wrote loving poems about the creature and captured it in paint and pen. He later bought two of them for…

  • Wombat does energy policy

    Real or surreal? A headline in a daily newspaper recently announced Australia’s “carbon cut challenge just got real.“ This is the move to require 215 “big polluters” to cut their emissions by some 5% each year to 2030 to help meet the 43% emission reduction program. The path to a 43 per cent emission reduction…

  • South Australia does it again

    Not to mention Victoria. At sunrise this morning SA was importing 40% of their power and two thirds of local generation came from gas. They are “independent” when the Capacity Factor of the wind is 40 or 50% or more, well above the average of 29%. This morning it was 12%. Victoria and Tasmania (the…

  • Support for the new energy narrative

    According to the new narrative, flagged here on the New Catallaxy, wind and solar power are unsustainable, dirty, expensive and catastrophic for the environment. The root of the problem is the fake science news that is put about by the collection of vested interests that apparently hate the western world and everything that makes for…


    BUSINESS AS USUAL Pressing on with the new energy story that was sketched here not long ago. The so-called green energy transition has hit the wall. Worldwide, trillions of dollars of investment have shifted the contribution of organic (hydrocarbon or fossil) fuel from about 82% of total energy use to 80 or 81%.  In Australia…

  • The Ivermectin scandal

    For 35 years, Ivermectin was hailed as a miracle drug.  It had an incredible impact on millions of people’s lives around the world who suffered from diseases like river blindness, scabies, and elephantiasis, without side effects and at an affordable price. The scientists who discovered it won the Nobel Prize: Mountains of data have emerged showing…

  • Jan 6 The Epoch Times Report

    People who were following events in Washington DC after the 2020 Presidential Election will know that Antifa gang members intended to join the march to the Capitol to create a “false flag” diversion. I recall a video supposedly made at the time showing the guards pulling obstacles out of the way of the crowd to…

  • Decarbonization: chemo for the planet

    Every day we read about the need to accelerate the exit of coal from our power supply in the interests of decarbonization to meet a target of emission reduction to keep the heating of the planet down to 1.5C, in case it matters. So much about that agenda is wrong that it makes my head…

  • Andrew Norton on higher education policy

    Andrew Norton (the only classical liberal in Carlton) has made a career out of keeping an eye on developments in higher education after a spell as the editor of the Policy quarterly at the Centre for Independent Studies. This is a meditation on 25 years in the business. Twenty-five years ago today I started my…