Flying Blind
Just read this pro-vaccine article about booster shots on the BBC’s website. Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at University College London, is extensively quoted. Quandaries abound. Are booster shots necessary, how well do they work, when should they be given, to whom, should the booster vaccine be different from the original, does the order matter…
Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – Privacy, IBM, Genocide & Covid
A few days ago, I was on a work zoom call. My boss asked casually if we were all “vaccinated’. I was shocked at his question, I didn’t respond (even though I’d received my first AZ jab) because it’s nobody’s business. I’m sure my workplace hasn’t yet mandated vaccines for its workers, so I don’t…
Guest Post: Vikki Campion – Kristina: ticket to ride
In the pantheon of political heroes there are those who win new seats, removing an incumbent from their opposing side, and those who fight from the unwanted third spot on the Senate ticket and win against the odds. Senator Ursula Stephens was one such Labor hero who won an election from the No.3 spot on…
Mater’s Musings #28: Why Would The ABC Do This – I Wonder?
One of the most telling statistics about Covid-19 is the breakdown of deaths and cases into age brackets. Having tried to do some thorough analysis on the situation, I can tell you, the authorities make it exceptionally difficult to obtain data connected with age. It’s almost as if goes against the narrative, and must be…
Is China really threatening to attack Australia with nuclear weapons?
What is one to make of this? Furious China issues bone-chilling warning subs deal could ‘make Australia a potential target for a NUCLEAR strike’. Chinese state media has warned Australia will become a ‘potential target for a nuclear strike’ after it acquires nuclear-powered submarines. As part of a new three-way alliance with the UK and…
Open Thread – Weekend 18 Sept 2020
Mater’s Musings #27 – Don’t Catch Cancer
According to their own website (which can be searched here), prior to the AstraZeneca vaccine receiving Provisional Approval on 9 Oct 2020 and since the introduction of this pathway for medications was established, it appears the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has only ever granted approval under this provision to Cancer Treatments (body, blood or lymph).…
Just because it never ever worked before is no reason not to try it again
Both of these are about public spending as the road to economic growth, as in there is no such thing. GREAT MOMENTS IN CENTRAL PLANNING: Watch: Insane footage shows China blowing up 15 skyscrapers that had sat vacant for nearly a decade. Flashback: 34 Unforgettable Photos Of China’s Massive, Uninhabited Ghost Cities. Plus this. Amity Shlaes on Biden…
How accurate is this!
This is at genius level. Meanwhile, on the front page of The Oz today are these. How to deter China from invading Taiwan And ‘Irresponsible’: China blasts nuclear subs deal in Australia, UK, US ‘forever partnership’ It’s a dangerous world out there and it’s not getting any safer.
Guest Post: Mem – Taking the piss out of cows
I read yesterday in The Conversation, that we are to toilet train cows for the benefit of the environment. Now, I come off a farm where we ran 200 milking cows and a roll over of 200 fattening black angus vealers for the meat industry. These guys actually think that spending 15 hours per beast…