Bob King’s Roundup
Please distribute to your network those sections which may be relevant. Regards, Bob King QUICK SUMMARY OF WHAT IS OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS:- LOCATED or ADVISED THIS WEEK 29/2/24 Moah Creek Wind, Rockhampton 6/4/24 Tasmania’s Climate Change Plan PREVIOUSLY 19/2/24 Gelliondale Wind, Vic 19/2/24 Senate Protecting the Spirit of Sea Country Bill 2023 23/2/24 Offshore Storage 24/2/24 Punchs Creek Solar, Toowoomba…
WolfmanOz at the Movies #94
The Man from Malpaso (Part 1) Clint Eastwood turns 94 on May 31st and he’s still making films as he’s currently directed the film Juror No.2. His career has spanned over 65 years whilst being movie superstar for close on 60 years whether it be acting in over 60 films, directing over 30 films, producing…
On a trivial trial of aging
Age and indignities go together. In the grossly overregulated state of NSW I’m now required to have my doctor sign off on my fitness to drive each year. Hoons on the road requiring institutionalisation are however free of medical or psychological restraints. Anyway, I learned to my shock that my doctor had retired at Christmas.…
The Bob King Report
Please distribute to your network those sections which may be relevant. Regards, Bob King QUICK SUMMARY OF WHAT IS OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS:- LOCATED or ADVISED THIS WEEK 21/2/24 Brigalow Peaking Plant, QLD 4/3/24 New Vehicle Emissions Standard PREVIOUSLY 12/2/24 IPCN Hills of Gold Wind Farm 14/2/24 Gippsland Offshore Marine Survey 16/2/24 Draft ISP 16/2/24 Victorian Transmission 19/2/24 Gelliondale Wind, Vic 19/2/24 Senate Protecting the Spirit…
Some questions” Who is this company and why were they chosen?Why did the AEC behave as if they were running…