Gaza-Israel Thread #1
As promised, given recent developments and the threat of the Gaza situation spiraling into a regional war its probably best to concentrate news and discussion of them into a single thread.
Keeping the Peace in the State of NSW
On Monday night, as is the case on every other night of every other week here in NSW, the police were charged with keeping the peace. But the peace was not kept despite law enforcement being aware of and in the presence of those who were intent on violently disturbing the state’s peace. A large…
Israel’s Tet Moment?
Shortly after midnight on January 30-31, 1968, during celebrations of the Lunar New Year (Tet) , NVA and Viet Cong (VC or NLF) forces launched the Tet Offensive in South Vietnam. The intel.gov site(*) includes pages on declassified Tet documents, and a 50th anniversary retrospective on the Offensive. According to the latter, 70-80,000 troops in…
Rabz’ Radio Show Rocktober 2023 – Protest Songs
The big problem with protest songs, Cats, is if they refer too explicitly to a cause du jour, they will date. Badly. See just about every Midnight Oil song, ever – with the possible exception of Wedding Cake Island, given it’s an instrumental. That’s why the best protest songs are not obviously hitched to a…
Me and My Aboriginal Cousins, Sharing Race and Ancestry
The marvels of modern technology allow us to restart a TV program which is already well underway. So it was on Wednesday that I rewound Bolt, so to speak. Bolt bled into Kenny. Swap channels? I kept watching for a bit, wondering what specious arguments du soir he’d come up. He didn’t disappoint. So far…
Guest Post – The Drowning Voice
The Beer Whisperer My first ever referendum was as a bright-eyed and bushy tailed young man, albeit naive. Yet I was sufficiently trained in scepticism by my father to quickly see the distortions from both sides. I consequently read the actual constitutional change, and made up my own mind that it was a trojan horse…
Yes, even for a grub like Burqa it did seem a curious line of attack. Running out of mud?