• Rafe’s Roundup 6 May

    Drop in and see what the usual suspects are up to Bettina Arndt and Alexandra Marshall are now on the list of usual suspects. CIS  The Energy Realists    The Conservative Vagabond Jo Nova   Quadrant on line  The Free Press IPA Climate and energy program            The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre   Mannkal Foundation           Advance Australia   Taxpayers   Australian Inst…

  • Environmentalism vs “green” power

    How much longer can people who claim to care about the health of the planet put up with the wind and solar power industries? Public opinion in the US appears to be trending our way. An overwhelming majority of Americans say that conserving local land and wildlife is more important than building new sources of…

  • Whats wrong with Australia

    In a single job advertisement.

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #69

    Good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor they are all equal now Based on the 1844 novel The Luck Of Barry Lyndon by William Makepeace Thackeray, Barry Lyndon (released in 1975) recounts the exploits and later unravelling of an 18th-century Irish rogue and social climber who marries a beautiful rich widow to assume her…

  • Snowy2.0 update

    Today there is a report in The Australian on the latest official news about Snowy2.0. It is still going on, so we can expect more bad news for some years to come:) My comment was published on line, with a reference to our briefing note 22.8 which shows that it is a dog of a…

  • The people’s vote

    This week in The Spectator Mike Ryan revived the idea of the citizen-initiated referendum. This is a welcome suggestion and it recalls the memory that in 1987 the Centre For Independent Studies published a very well researched book on the various forms of the citizen’s vote, including the provision for recalling politicians who don’t take…

  • Why Tucker Had To Go

    No one at present has been a thorn in the side of established liberal regime than Tucker Carlson. On any range of issues, whether immigration, gender ideology, endless war, COVID policy, Tucker has been relentlessly providing a platform to heterodox opinions across both the left and right, and by doing so, has done the most…

  • Captain Cook, seaman

    We read in The Spectator this morning that Captain Cook has been effectively cancelled in the National Curriculum for schools. To set the record straight, there is a stirring account of Cook’s career in the very first edition of Quadrant in 1956 which appeared in 1956. This is the article, with the editor’s introduction to…

  1. Brian Quinn. Diverting company money to renovate his house in … Templestowe. I know, right? Apparently his wife Trenna ran…

  2. H B Bear  September 25, 2024 12:08 am  Reply to  Dunny Brush I drove past Battlestar Galactica a few times. Just…

  3. Biobots arise from the cells of dead organisms ? pushing the boundaries of life, death and medicine (theconversation.com) Biobots arise…

  4. I drove past Battlestar Galactica a few times. Just bizzare. Didn’t a Coles Myer CEO do time for fraud?