• WolfmanOz at the Movies #48

    Yipee-ki-yay, motherfucker Was the catchphrase used by New York police detective John McClane in the action thriller Die Hard. Since it’s release back in 1988, Die Hard has stood the test of time to be considered one of the best action thrillers ever made. And because of its’ Christmas setting it has become a favourite…

  • Open Thread – Tue 6 Dec 2020

    Mary and Joseph on the Way to Bethlehem, Hugo van der Goes, 1475

  • A new Winslow Boy case

    The Brittany Higgins sexual assault case – now aborted – has left in legal limbo the accused, Bruce Lehrmann. This is unacceptable in a country that has the common law doctrine of innocent until proven guilty at the heart of its justice system. Lehrmann’s current difficulties remind me of another case. Though of very different…

  • Callow Pipedreams ahead? Already here

    I see that Jacinda Ardern is intent on lowering the voting age to sixteen in New Zealand. It’s a developing trend. Let’s face it, nobody remotely believes that the voting age will be restored to twenty-one from where it should never have been lowered. All the impetus, from the left and from the greenies, is…

  • Roundup 4 Dec

    Roundup of Partners and Fellow-Travellers Drop in and see what they are up to! IPA         Climate and energy program  CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre  Mannkal Economics Education Foundation           Advance Australia  Taxpayers Alliance  Australian Institute for Progress Save these dates 15 December at 6.0 Sydney time. Menzies Research Institute webinar forum for representatives of rural communities…

  • Rabz’ Radio Show December 2022: Covers and the Covered

    It’s always “interesting” to discover that a song you may have assumed was written by a certain artist or band turns out to be a cover. A classic example of this is posted below as the first of the intro tracks. Another interesting aspect of covers relates to the lively discussion/arguments/shouting matches that might arise…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 3 Dec 2022

    The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #47

    Men of Harlech The Battle of Rorke’s Drift between a small British army contingent and a huge army of Zulus in January 1879 was memorably presented in the splendid 1964 film Zulu which depicts how 150 British soldiers successfully held off an army of 4,000 Zulu warriors. The battle followed on after the Battle of…

  1. Speaking of misinformation, this in from Reuters and blazed on ABC. The man accused of hiding out with a gun…

  2. It’s also very obvious that so-called “environmentalists” are hypocritically selective about which bits of nature should be saved, and which…

  3. Traffic must be very slow over at the Jelly Beans in the Jungle blog. NumbNuts is trying to become Blogmeister…

  4. In agricultural news. As Bush posted earlier, the impact of below zero temperatures last week on crops is continuing to…