Time we faced the future

The following is a guest post by Cassie of Sydney

Hi Cats,

A few months ago in Sydney, just before the second great lockdown, I attended a panel hosted by the Menzies Research Centre.  One of the panel’s subjects was “free speech” and one of the panelists was Stephen Chavura who currently lectures in history at the private Catholic Campion College and prior to that he lectured in history at Macquarie. You might remember Stephen Chavura, back in 2017 he courageously spoke up against SSM and for his free speech he was hounded, smeared and vilified by the progressive Stalinist left as a “bigot” and a “hater” and they attempted to get him sacked from Macquarie. As we are always told progressives are such a tolerant mob.  

Having personal experience of cancel culture lynch mobs means you’re in a good position to talk about it, such as how the progressive left operates and what that means for those of us who refuse to subscribe and submit to their dictates, whether that be about SSM, transgenderism, language, climate change, abortion, sexuality, race and so on. Chavura said something that has struck a chord with me and something I’ve been thinking about a lot since then; namely, the left has now captured everything, education, academia, entertainment, politics (including so called conservative parties across the west), the MSM, social media platforms, most corporations, to the point where those of us, whether we be centre-right, right, conservative or libertarian are finding ourselves increasingly marginalised and frozen out of mainstream debate and this will only get worse, leading to full marginalisation. The likelihood is that soon there will be no place for us in the mainstream.

The scenario Chavura described was that we on the right will become like “recusants” in England before Catholic Emancipation back in the 1830s.  Whilst we will be allowed to exist, barely, we will be denied participation in mainstream society, just like Catholics, Jews and non-conformists were denied participation in mainstream English society from the late 1600s to the 1830s; specifically we will be denied entry into politics, education, academia, the MSM and so on because our beliefs will no longer be tolerated and we will rightly refuse to submit and swear oaths of allegiance to progressive nonsense such as “men can give birth” or “sex is assigned” or “climate change is entirely man-made” or “it is the state who are custodians of children, not the parents” and so on.  Throughout history there have been other similar scenarios…Christians in eastern Europe during Communism also existed on the fringe.  Rod Dreher writes and speaks about this, particularly in his book “The Benedict Option”.  Jews in Soviet Russia, who dared to practice their religion and celebrate their culture, were called “refuseniks”.  

So am I being a doomsday prophetess?  I no longer think so.  I think we need to face reality.  This is very likely our future and we need to start preparing for it or at the very least, we need to acknowledge that such a scenario will emerge, and because we on the right know and understand history, we can use this in our favour.  We need to separate ourselves and build resilient communities apart from the progressive mainstream.  There are others on the centre-right and right who, like Chavura, are speaking up about this more and more. Last night I listened to a great Youtube discussion between Will Knowland and Dr Michael Robillard.  You might have heard of the name Will Knowland, he was sacked late last year from Eton College, yes Eton College, for uploading a Youtube video called “The Patriarchy Paradox” where he questioned current radical feminist orthodoxy.  Robillard is a practising Catholic, who studied and lectured in moral and political philosophy at various universities, and he recently wrote and uploaded a piece on Substack called “How I Left Academia, or How Academia Left Me” where he describes how academia is now completely lost to the far left (something Peter Boghossian and Jordan Peterson also write about) and that the only solution for universities is their complete destruction.  In the discussion, both Knowles and Robillard discuss and elaborate on what Chavura and Dreher talk about, how we need to separate ourselves, how we need to become self-sufficient, how we need to build up our own community infrastructures and they give modern examples, such as the Muslim community in Dearborn, Michigan, which is a completely self-sufficient community.  
Please listen, it’s a great discussion.  Here, also, is the link to Robillard’s Substack essay…

BTW, Will Knowland, as of two days ago, was cleared of any professional wrongdoing by the UK Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) which found that his comments in the video did “not amount to any unacceptable professional conduct” and the TRA ruled the case should be closed.  Knowland, who now tutors privately, is taking Eton to an employment tribunal.  Let’s hope he wins. 
Also, please subscribe to Knowland’s Youtube channel, it’s called “Knowland Knows”.  Such things are worth supporting.

Cassie of Sydney

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Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 11:41 am

Thanks DB

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
August 19, 2021 11:53 am

Thanks, Dover & Cassie.

One of the things that concerns me most is the complete lack of concern so many have about the totalitarian statements coming from our ‘leaders’ and the rules and regs that follow. Our government is telling us to believe only what they tell us and any other information is called misinformation or ‘conspiracy theory’ – ie. shut up.

As you say, Cassie, if you know your history that should freeze your very heart. God have mercy on us.

August 19, 2021 12:03 pm

We blew past this scenario when the largest companies in the world threw a President of the United States off their platforms.
That they decided they could do so without a major backlash, financial consequences and without other “conservative” politicians being able to do a thing about it, tells you with whom the power lies and their nature.

August 19, 2021 12:03 pm

Check your e-mail Dover.

August 19, 2021 12:04 pm

Great post Cassie. There are a lot of dimensions to this coming separation- economic- education for our kids – entertainment and culture – the key is to be smart about it – be in society but apart – but not like the preppers etc. At my wife’s suggestion we watched A Man for all Seasons with the kids during Easter. He walked the line incredibly carefully – and chose his words wisely – but was ultimately too high profile for them to leave him alone for good. But they had to perjure themselves to get him – and everyone saw it. A handbook with suggestions on what to say and do to minimise the discrimination and interference by petty bureaucrats – using the protections remaining in our institutions, bureaucratic processes (in particular inertia/laziness and risk aversion inherent in most government workers) and the legal system – would be helpful for average families who don’t have time to figure out strategies for themselves.

August 19, 2021 12:10 pm

“Chavura and Dreher talk about, how we need to separate ourselves, how we need to become self-sufficient, how we need to build up our own community infrastructures”
Parallel societies.
But more than for the sake of our own preservation, also to preserve some of the capacity the nation may require in future.
Like Rick buying and restoring old machine tools.
We need to begin securing a lot of things that will otherwise go offshore, and store them in the hands of trusted individuals and institutions.

August 19, 2021 1:28 pm

Interesting post.
“ Parallel societies.
But more than for the sake of our own preservation, also to preserve some of the capacity the nation may require in future.”

I think it’s always been thus.
I find old reference books on science and technology a fascinating escape into the life and times past of practical people who almost always have a good handle on the human condition of the time. It gives an understanding of the history of technology and a way of thinking. The march of technocracy and bureaucracy is a political creature that is easily turned from server to tyrant.
Of course, none of this is new, just the individuals involved turns over and the urgency of the present often blinds us to the past.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 19, 2021 2:41 pm

I left academia on retirement nearly twenty years ago now, when the pressure to conform to ‘progressive’ ideas was already very strong in my Arts Faculty but also elsewhere within the institution, especially in its Chancellery. I resisted the litanies of the left where I could, in teaching and curriculum development, as I changed in my outlook more towards a conservative vision even then. I can see that the sorts of pressures I felt for doing so then, a level of shunning and displeasure from colleagues, have only got worse. New appointments are now nearly all Marxist appointments and deplatforming is common in academia.

I think the most useful thing many of us can do concerns offering an alternative perspective to our children and grandchildren. A discussion of history, of Hitler, Stalin and Marxism, can be introduced into dinner table talk as well as incidental conversation about current events and democratic freedoms. We sowed those seeds with our children, and it now seems that our adult children, privately schooled but not immune to the leftist zeitgeist, are becoming less ‘progressive’ now they have children of their own. They see too the absurdity of leftist ideas as they play out in the political sphere evidenced in the US since 2020 and Biden’s obvious capture as a puppet President producing chaos.

Conservatives do need to meet on fora such as this and connect via other organisations such as the IPA and support functions with international gravitas like CPAC by attending them. Hoving off to sites of dubious origin and with hysterical conspiracies and denunciations should be avoided; it does the conservative cause much harm. Some of us will be more Libertarian than Conservative, and vice versa, and it should not matter. We need to present any good alternative vision with historical credibility and hold the fort against Marxist-led madness, especially in the rush towards economically dangerous ‘solutions’ for a likely non-existant problem of climatic ‘change’ (which covers everything with an unfalsifiable hypothesis). Covid has shown the left how to take over our freedoms; we should fight for them still.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 3:20 pm

“That they decided they could do so without a major backlash, financial consequences and without other “conservative” politicians being able to do a thing about it, tells you with whom the power lies and their nature.”

Correct…and the centre-right and right-wing politicians and commentators, so called conservatives and libertarians, have stood idly by for years and allowed this to happen…they haven’t lifted a finger and sometimes they’ve even allied themselves with the left……just look at Bettina Arndt’s censure motion last year….a political act of bastardry by the Liberals. We witnessed the final coup de grace in the aftermath of January 6 when Donald Trump was kicked off Twitter and Facebook and the Twitter alternative Parler was de-platformed and shredded to bits…both were unprecedented acts of free speech vandalism. The Parler de-platforming was particularly sinister because, as we’re all aware, for years conservatives, libertarians and even those on the left have all parroted by following BS….”if you don’t like the big tech platforms and their rights to censor then build your own” which is exactly why Parler was created…only then to be destroyed by big tech. If I ever hear another conservative or libertarian utter such craven and hollow words I’ll have trouble refraining myself physically. For years the GOP stood by and did nothing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….first they came for Milo, Alex Jones, Laura Loomer and others and everyone laughed, shrugged their shoulders and did nothing. Then they came for the sitting President of the United States..no one’s laughing now. Meanwhile the Taliban are on Twitter.

It’s no better here…just look at what happened to Bettina Arndt, Craig Kelly, George Christensen and Alan Jones….Jones was booted from the Daily Telegraph three weeks ago for his views. Pauline Hanson was booted from Channel Nine last year. We’re fortunate here in that we have Sky News…which is far from perfect and in the US they have Fox News whilst in Britain they now have GBNews but we should never underestimate just how much pressure these media outlets are under from the left. Everyday they are attacked by progressive scum who target their advertisers in order to get them shut down…..because you see…..we’re not allowed a voice.

I suppose, to cut a long story short, the marginalisation is happening.

August 19, 2021 3:48 pm

Let’s face it conservatism is dead, it has no real power based left. The left have cheated and suppressed at every level. They have indoctrinated an entire generation who have a fervour like the first wave of little red book waving maoists.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 3:54 pm

“Let’s face it conservatism is dead, it has no real power based left. The left have cheated and suppressed at every level. They have indoctrinated an entire generation who have a fervour like the first wave of little red book waving maoists.”

I agree Zip…which is why in the future religious and conservative people will need to separate themselves, as much as possible, from the world run by progressives…..if they are able to.

August 19, 2021 4:34 pm

I agree Zip…which is why in the future religious and conservative people will need to separate themselves, as much as possible, from the world run by progressives…..if they are able to.

We may be given no other choice.

On the upside, conservative and religious folk tend to have much higher birth rates than progressives, so in a generation or two we may find ourselves in quite a different world.

Besides which, the inanities of the prog-left ascendancy will not be able to be sustained in the long term. They are a feature of post-modernity in rapid decline, not the harbinger of a bright new world. In the meantime things are most likely to get worse as God hands our idolatrous culture over to its inevitable demise.

The apostle Paul in Romans 1 may have been writing about our time.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 19, 2021 4:48 pm

That’s the best idea I’ve heard for a long time, Cassie: please, go ahead and piss off to some poor island state where you can continue your always whining, catastrophising panic attacks, and leave the rest of us to deal with the real problems you’ve stupified yourselves into thinking do not exist?

Would cheer me no end, at least.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 4:58 pm

“Steve from Brisbanesays:
August 19, 2021 at 4:48 pm
That’s the best idea I’ve heard for a long time, Cassie: please, go ahead and piss off to some poor island state where you can continue your always whining, catastrophising panic attacks, and leave the rest of us to deal with the real problems you’ve stupified yourselves into thinking do not exist?

Would cheer me no end, at least.

Thank you for your feedback. We will look into it.”

Oh gosh, look who comes out of the woodwork…..they say there’s a rodent plague coming and it’s arrived…..a nasty mediocrity who isn’t interested in engaging in civil discussion or critical debate.

Now whilst I don’t believe a low life like you belongs here on this forum, that’s up to DB to determine. Telling someone to “piss off” says everything we need to know about you and why you’re here. And I can safely say that most of here would be “cheered up no end” if you….how do you say it…..actually I’m a little more refined that Steve the peasant from Brisbane….went away.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 19, 2021 5:40 pm

“….actually I’m a little more refined that Steve the peasant from Brisbane….went away.”

Oh how amusing: so lah de dah Lady Cassie is now above telling people to f… off as you used to frequently do at the former Catallaxy? Well I suppose I should welcome the change, except for the rank hypocrisy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2021 5:43 pm

Both Steve from Brissy and Homer. The collective IQ here has dropped markedly.

Are you like munty, do you come here for the company because no-one comments on your blogs?

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 5:45 pm

Oh and another thing Stevie from Brisbane…who comes on here and tells the writer of this piece to “piss off“….perhaps you should read the banner of what this blog is about…

“New Catallaxy is a discussion forum concerned with issues of culture and politics from a Right perspective”

Note…”right perspective” not libertarian. You’re a guest here so perhaps next time you comment you could display some civility and politeness when you engage…I’m sure you’re up to it.

And remember Stevie, Sinclair the libertarian is no longer the Doomlord of this site. There’s another Doomlord. Sinclair was very tolerant of trolls like you….I’m not so sure you’ll find the same level of tolerance with the new Doomlord.

Remember to be polite Stevie….I’m sure you’re up to it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2021 5:48 pm


You referred to a “world run by progressives”. So-called “progressives” are incapable of organising a beer in a brewery or a root in a brothel. Best to keep away from anything they attempt to “run”, as it is on a path to inevitable disaster. See the USSR, Warsaw Pact, the Great Leap Forward, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Cambodia Year Zero and many other examples.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 5:49 pm

“Lady Cassie”

Oh I like that description Stevie……and yes I can tell people to “f*ck off” when and where necessary but in your case I’ll leave that to the proprietor of this site.

Poor Stevie…he’s clearly looking for attention. Best ignored I think.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 5:51 pm

“So-called “progressives” are incapable of organising a beer in a brewery or a root in a brothel. “

True BJ…but they’re capable of organising mass murder.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2021 6:23 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
August 19, 2021 at 5:51 pm
“So-called “progressives” are incapable of organising a beer in a brewery or a root in a brothel. “

True BJ…but they’re capable of organising mass murder.

Another reason to keep away from anything they organise. Not only no beer or rooting, but random murder also.

August 19, 2021 7:06 pm

Don’t be distracted by the trolls, good people.

That was something that marred the old Catallaxy.

We’re altogether more civilised here 😉

And I’m sure doomlord dover will exercise his omnipotency as necessary.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 7:21 pm

“We’re altogether more civilised here ?”

Quite so Roger.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 19, 2021 7:49 pm

You’re not only a hypocrite, you’re chronically insecure, Cassie: always calling on the owner of whichever blog you happen to be on to ban people who come here to call out your stupidity, so that you can feel unhindered in calling the rest of the world evil Marxists plotting the destruction of everything good in the world, and longing to line you up against the wall with machine guns unless you use the right gender pronoun.

If you had sincere dedication to free speech and disagreement, you wouldn’t be such a whiner, always calling on protection from the blog owner.

If you want specifics of your hysterical stupidity, here we go. Your post claims:

how the progressive left operates and what that means for those of us who refuse to subscribe and submit to their dictates, whether that be about SSM, transgenderism, language, climate change, abortion, sexuality, race and so on. Chavura said something that has struck a chord with me and something I’ve been thinking about a lot since then; namely, the left has now captured everything, education, academia, entertainment, politics (including so called conservative parties across the west), the MSM, social media platforms, most corporations, to the point where those of us, whether we be centre-right, right, conservative or libertarian are finding ourselves increasingly marginalised and frozen out of mainstream debate and this will only get worse, leading to full marginalisation.

On four of those issues you listed: SSM, climate change, abortion and sexuality – you’re the ones who have let an obsession with viewing everything through a culture war lens put you into Right wing absolutist corners in which you completely unable to be reasoned with.

On SSM – that horse has bolted, and I haven’t noticed that society is crumbling due to it being allowed, even if my preference would have been to call it civil unions and not marriage. “Oh! but just you wait, civilisation will fall soon enough. ” Yeah, sure. That’s just Right wing (and old age) catastrophising. There is plenty I don’t like about gay culture – excessive promiscuity is not great for a long list of reasons – but freaking out that those who want to live their gay relationship within a conservative style of institution (as surely most people, gay or straight, do not marry if they really want to live an “open” lifestyle) is the least thing to criticise about it.

Abortion: mainstream conservatives used to be able to live with the compromise deal what was Roe Vs Wade, and live in hope of encouraging women to never need an abortion by abstinence education, etc. Well, that all changed when absolutist Catholic and Evangelical reasoning got the upper hand in US Right wing politics, and decided it was their way, or the high way – such that a completely irreligious woman could be forced to carry a chronically deformed fetus which would die immediately upon birth to full term, because that’s what God would want her to go through. Again, there is no reasoning with that – it’s a culture war thing because to concede complexity is (so you think) to allow that women should be able to stab a healthy new born baby in the heart if they don’t want it. In fact, I say both are bullshit positions, and the complexity of what can happen in the course of pregnancy (and the potentially competing interests of women and their fetus/baby) just obviously leads to complex cases in which absolutist positions are bad, nonsensical ones.

Sexuality: see comments regarding gay marriage. The open acknowledgement that same sex attracted people (who have been with us always) can have a loving relationship and be good people despite the way they like to get off, however, is one that is culturally overdue. By all means, I have no problem with conservatives being critical of the excesses of identity politics: I too am bothered by the modern obsession with people identifying a “true self” in sexual or gender identity as if that is
the most important thing in life (no – being a good person is the most important thing); but going as if acknowledgement of gay sexuality as a potentially legitimate part of a loving relationship is a disaster is (again) culture war catastrophising where it isn’t warranted.

Climate change: the Big One: the one where you have written yourself out of deserving to be heard from your stupid corner of the Culture War telling you it can’t be true. Science is never going to back you up, because it has studied the subject with increasingly sophisticated measurements, instruments and computer modelling over the course of 60 odd years and found that what was predicted more than a 100 years ago is now definitely confirmed, and real, and presents a massive change to the entire globe within the lifetime of our children. As with anti vax, there are always going to be a handful of contrarians, but sensible people look at the consensus and make judgement based on the strength of it amongst the vast majority of experts in the field, and their studies, and what other professional bodies think of them, and know that it is real. What’s more, the damage it causes is now before your eyes – I personally consider flash flooding caused by the long predicted increase in rainfall intensity is the best example – you’re just foolishly denying reality on culture war grounds.

So whining about how you won’t be listened to on climate change because Leftists are meanies – just an absolute nonsense caused by your own culture war-ing.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 8:25 pm

“You’re not only a hypocrite, you’re chronically insecure, Cassie: always calling on the owner of whichever blog you happen to be on to ban people who come here to call out your stupidity, so that you can feel unhindered in calling the rest of the world evil Marxists plotting the destruction of everything good in the world, and longing to line you up against the wall with machine guns unless you use the right gender pronoun.”

Oh dearie Stevie…..calling me insecure…LOL…your whole petulant screed above reeks of your own adolescent insecurity. Here’s a thought for you Stevie, go and learn to think critically like an adult and when you do I might stop whining about mediocrities like you.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2021 8:30 pm

Oh and by the way, anyone else notice the nasty aggression and mansplaining that reeks from the oh so tolerant progressive Stevie boy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2021 8:42 pm

Science is never going to back you up, because it has studied the subject with increasingly sophisticated measurements, instruments and computer modelling over the course of 60 odd years and found that what was predicted more than a 100 years ago is now definitely confirmed, and real

Got a bridge to sell you Stevie.

August 19, 2021 9:17 pm

The climate is changing… who knew? Let’s all make the climate stop and stand still.

We can start by putting a plastic bag over anything that reeks like marxism.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
August 19, 2021 9:48 pm

Amazing how Steve of Brisbane has gone and perfectly illustrated Cassie’s point.

To the point of trying to silence and chase her off her own platform and post.

What is it about Leftwits and being self-unaware?

August 19, 2021 10:21 pm

Great thread Cassie o’Sydney… picked up on it when you made a mention of your attendance on another thread and found it impressive.

August 19, 2021 10:25 pm


Hopefully CO2 increases to at least 800ppm and temperature does increase by 2.5C.

Think of the extra food production alone.

August 19, 2021 11:07 pm

Stevie, so good to see you back! Remember me, after more than a decade? You used to say that JC and I were the most distasteful people on Catallaxy.

Anyway, good to see that you are still faithful to the Climate Cult after all these years of lack of empirical evidence. The End is Nigh! say the third-rate Climate Modellers. You want to believe it, so you do.

August 20, 2021 12:18 am


what level of world population do you think is appropriate stevie?

August 20, 2021 8:36 am

Steve from Brisbane says:
August 19, 2021 at 4:48 pm
That’s the best idea I’ve heard for a long time, Cassie: please, go ahead and piss off to some poor island state where you can continue your always whining, catastrophising panic attacks, and leave the rest of us to deal with the real problems you’ve stupified yourselves into thinking do not exist?

Would cheer me no end, at least.

People , please make note. This abuse is coming from the human dildo who thinks he’s going to find seawater swirling around his bed after suddenly waking up one day. He’s accusing someone else of having panic attacks.

August 20, 2021 8:38 am

You used to say that JC and I were the most distasteful people on Catallaxy.

Did he? Is that what he said.

That’s it, no more Mr Nice Guy with this pansy.

August 20, 2021 9:02 am

Thanks for a well reasoned post, cassie.

I noticed that slob from brisbane didn’t address your points, merely reiterated his articles of faith.

August 20, 2021 9:59 am

FlyingPigs says:
August 20, 2021 at 12:18 am

what level of world population do you think is appropriate stevie?

One less. Him!

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 11:39 am

I noticed that slob from brisbane didn’t address your points, merely reiterated his articles of faith.

No, you arrogant moron.

I pointed out at length that in 4 of the key areas our new gracious Lady Cassie listed as being case of the “progressive Left” demanding she subscribe to their “dictates”, it is actually (in the time honoured phrase) you lot who have run away on your own to your own unreasoning corner because “Culture Wars”, and sit there whining about how unreasonable and mean the Left is.

This is exactly what has happened with Climate Change in particular; but I explained how on abortion the Right has moved (well, the American political Right) of its own accord to a more extreme political position; and with respect to SSM and sexuality more generally, there are perfectly reasonable grounds for society to have changed its attitude towards them.

I would also add that the conservatism of Lady Cassie appears to be highly situational: she’s not so conservative as to have any embarrassment about (apparently) having a bf she’s (I assume from the way she giggly speaks about it) bonking. This would have been freaking controversial in a conservative family up to about 1970. But hey, we’re all more open about it now. Just like – you know – young people don’t freak out about da gays or da gay marriage.

Cassie of Sydney
August 20, 2021 11:49 am

“I would also add that the conservatism of Lady Cassie appears to be highly situational: she’s not so conservative as to have any embarrassment about (apparently) having a bf she’s (I assume from the way she giggly speaks about it) bonking. This would have been freaking controversial in a conservative family up to about 1970. But hey, we’re all more open about it now. Just like – you know – young people don’t freak out about da gays or da gay marriage.”

Poor old nasty Scab from Brisbane……those that know me here would never describe me as “giggly”…..oh and as for “bonking”……are you jealous? Clearly that’s something missing in your life. Have you thought about purchasing a plastic doll? I’m sure Grigory on the old Cat could offer you advice in that area.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 12:08 pm

You’re not real good at engaging with argument, are you, Lady Cassie?

The example of your personal disclosure, in the context of it illustrating changing attitudes towards sex within our lifetimes which suit you, is an entirely valid one to raise if you’re going to spend all day being outraged at how bad it is that other people’s changing attitudes haven’t just stopped at precisely the point you want it to stop.

Cassie of Sydney
August 20, 2021 12:14 pm

“You’re not real good at engaging with argument, are you, Lady Cassie?”

LOL…talk about projection. Oh and interesting that we have a poster here who’s obsessed with someone else’s sex life….something I’ve never discussed either here, on Dash Cat or on Sinc’s Cat. I have said I have a partner…so Scab from Brisbane is obsessed with other people’s sex lives. Go order yourself a plastic doll because you clearly need one…just make sure it’s age appropriate.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 12:20 pm

Lazlo: I remember your name, but nothing else about you. What about your views particularly offend me?

FlyingPigs: population generally takes care of itself. I think it’s good for people to have some children, it’s a great experience. Wanting governments to move urgently towards clean energy has nothing to do with that, apart from trying to leave the children we already have with a recognisably similar world, rich in wildlife and liveability.

The people who don’t believe in climate change against the clear science warnings are the one who don’t care about their descendant’s problems.

August 20, 2021 12:22 pm

What a pig.
No one, but no one on any Catallaxy blog of a conservative bent has indicated they want to pry into the personal lives of anyone, gay or not, the way you just did.
In my personal experience, the more left someone is, the more likely they are to be judgemental about people’s private lives, just like you have today.
An inability to discriminate between the personal, the private and public policy, while at the same time holding all the disgusting bigotry that one projects onto others for political gain, is the hallmark of the marxist pig.

Cassie of Sydney
August 20, 2021 12:26 pm

Anyone else notice the anger reeking from Scab of Brisbane? It’s palpable. I think he needs to rein it in. As I said yesterday, he’s a guest here…..and the new proprietor is not a libertarian.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 12:28 pm

Oh, so it’s a chaste relationship, Lady Cassie? I dunno: if people over the age of 18 refer to someone in public as their boyfriend or partner, who visits their abode, and they seem very happy about how its going, the usual assumption is that they are lovers. I am running with that unless you specifically deny it, as would 99.9% of other people. And God knows, it’s not for the sake of personal interest in your life; it’s just for its relevant illustration of conservative hypocrisy if you’re going to complain about the Left and its present “dictates” on sexuality.

August 20, 2021 12:30 pm

Oh, so it’s a chaste relationship, Lady Cassie?

It’s none of your business, you dirty pig.
Does your spouse, employer or children know you are asking females online personal questions about their sex lives?

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 12:31 pm

Lady Cassie, I understand how a person commenting with an angry tone is so upsetting to you. Your good grace and moderation is response to people not of your opinion is legendary. I am bowing to the waist repeatedly as I walk backwards out the door.

August 20, 2021 12:32 pm

Steve from Brisbanesays:
August 20, 2021 at 12:31 pm
Lady Cassie, I understand how a person commenting with an angry tone is so upsetting to you. Your good grace and moderation is response to people not of your opinion is legendary. I am bowing to the waist repeatedly as I walk backwards out the door.

Filthy grub.

August 20, 2021 12:51 pm

When do I order the skip? A four cube should suffice. Plus tongs.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 1:04 pm

Are people hitting the “report comment” button like mad?

Gee, who would have thought that pointing out to conservatives that them being happy about having sex out of wedlock doesn’t put them in all that great an intellectual position to be going on about how outrageous it is that most of society is OK with gay relationships and gay marriage now.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 1:05 pm

sorry… to finish that comment …

“….was such a controversial point to make.”

August 20, 2021 1:10 pm

Slob from Brisbane, you probably started out as a basically decent bloke who’s a social imbecile. So they said to you, we should be nice to homos because they’re just people, and you agreed. Then they said we should let them marry because love is love, and you bought it. Then they said trans men who think they are women shouldn’t be harmed or laughed at, and you bought that too. All kindly, decent positions, all eminently defensible for someone with a kind heart, and something we’ve actually all been doing for years. Long, long before you took the same positions to manifest your virtue.

Now they’re letting four year olds choose their sex, fifteen year old girls have their breasts hacked off and teaching toddlers that being buggered is perfectly natural. And you didn’t see it coming, did you? Face it, you were conned, and like most people who’ve been conned, you can’t admit it and get angry with the people who point it out to you.

You’re not a bad person, just dim.

August 20, 2021 1:12 pm

No BG, He’s just a grub.
Shines through.
Like a radioactive turd.

August 20, 2021 1:24 pm

No BG, He’s just a grub.
Shines through.
Like a radioactive turd.

I’m hoping that he is at least smart enough to recognise that he’s been conned and that he’s not one of the conners, Arky. It’s a hope, not a belief. If I were the praying sort, I’d pray for his redemption.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 20, 2021 1:35 pm

Stevie Baby

The people who don’t believe in climate change against the clear science warnings are the one who don’t care about their descendant’s problems.

There is a major difference between models (reflections of the modeller’s biases) and empirical science (real world measurements.

August 20, 2021 1:53 pm


If we’re regurgitating old memories…..

Recall back in 2007 you were telling us that unless we stopped emitting the carbon, we’d be dead in a decade? Recall that spastic attack? How’s that working for you doofus.

You were the first Greta.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 2:10 pm

Ha! The atheist Bogan who still manages to be sanctimonious. Quite a talent.

I made it clear in my original comment that I have no problem with people wanting to argue about gender and sexuality identity issues – yes, societies’ ideas about these (and other psychological issues) morph and move around and are subject to intellectual fashions which sometimes deserve to be called out. Notice that suddenly there is a surge of teenage girls think they would be happier as boys? By all means, question that: it has the smell of social contagion.

But what you do is run away and build it into a ridiculous all encompassing bogey man of It’s Marxist Theory That Wants to Destroy Everything, which has led you into disbelieving the results of normal physical and biological sciences on really important issues – like climate change and COVID – as well into incredibly gullible nonsense conspiracy that is actually damaging to democracy – that The Left is so powerful that it can hide a massive conspiracy to flip hundreds of thousand of votes in the US.

You’ve become so stupified with your Grand Theory of Evil Leftism (sold to you relentlessly by Right wing media figures who know how to make money from bolstering belief in an all encompassing culture war) you’ve become a danger to the entire globe – you don’t see anti-democratic authoritarianism staring you in the face, as long as you see it’s on your side of a stupid imagined culture war. Your preference (which you are old enough to know you won’t see if you are wrong) being to doom coastal cities in rich and poor countries alike to being water worlds because you know in your bones that scientists are in on a vast conspiracy to fool the world into converting clean energy. It’s bullshit and you’re too arrogantly up yourself to admit you have no expertise in these fields and your positions are built on shit conspiracy sold to you by shysters.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 2:18 pm

Recall back in 2007 you were telling us that unless we stopped emitting the carbon, we’d be dead in a decade?

I don’t, because that is absolute bullshit. How old you now? Alzheimer’s setting in?

August 20, 2021 2:38 pm

that The Left is so powerful that it can hide a massive conspiracy to flip hundreds of thousand of votes in the US.

nothing conspiracy about it, zuck and friends chipped in half a billion and silenced social media. Even with all this interference they had to cheat on the night.

we saw it in black and white, maybe an AI made up the video, you reckon?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 20, 2021 3:13 pm

Steve from Brisbanesays:
August 20, 2021 at 2:18 pm
Recall back in 2007 you were telling us that unless we stopped emitting the carbon, we’d be dead in a decade?

I don’t, because that is absolute bullshit. How old you now? Alzheimer’s setting in?

A measured response, logically argued.

That’s sarcasm, Stevie, in case it is too subtle for you.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 3:29 pm

A measured response, logically argued.

So I’m supposed to put up logical responses against invented claims of what I said in the past? Great! I get working on my arguments about how I thought Stalin was a misunderstood gentleman, and Sinclair Davidson the greatest economist Australia has seen, whose caution against stagflation in 2011 was unwisely ignored!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 20, 2021 4:09 pm

Steve, this is not the blog for you. Take it to the Dash-Cat and let them maul you properly.

I know Cassie. She is a religious woman who lives her life by the tenets of her religion. She is also fun, a modern woman, who hasn’t always had the luck in the past with relationships that she deserves. I am very happy that through Catallaxy she has found a devoted friend and helpmeet. And what’s more, that is none of your business.

Dr. BG put it well about taking the left on trust for their ‘reasonable’ positions, which you try hard to put as your entree into this serious blog, but always with an air of sanctimony. Very soon you find yourself caught in a hideous swamp of the very worst that the left can serve up, in sexuality, in religious abandonment and in familial destruction. Take your attacks upon women (which you have made greatly upon me over the years on the Cat) and have a good review of your personal mode. You prefer to attack Cassie personally rather than debate the substantive issues she raises. Nothing new to see about you there.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 4:34 pm

Very soon you find yourself caught in a hideous swamp of the very worst that the left can serve up, in sexuality, in religious abandonment and in familial destruction.

What? You mean like what happens when a staffer sleeps with their Catholic boss who promptly leaves his wife and 4 kids for the younger model who then turns up to give free conservative culture war advice at this blog? Is that what you mean happens when you go down the Leftist path?

Thanks for the warning.

August 20, 2021 4:43 pm


The last I heard the IPCC report is ‘suggesting’ that by the end of the 21st century the mean global temperature will have increased by 2degrees Celsius….. Yes or No?

August 20, 2021 4:44 pm

Steve from Brisbane says:
August 20, 2021 at 2:18 pm

Recall back in 2007 you were telling us that unless we stopped emitting the carbon, we’d be dead in a decade?

I don’t, because that is absolute bullshit. How old you now? Alzheimer’s setting in?

You’ve been peddling the view that seawater would be swirling around your bed (one morning) for the past 18 years, you zonk head.

Stop lying, Greta from Brisbane.

Cassie of Sydney
August 20, 2021 5:04 pm

Does anyone else feel the anger that’s emanating from Scab of Brisbane? He’s clearly deprived of something. I think we should all encourage him to order online that plastic doll because he’s clearly obsessed with “bonking” and other people’s intimate lives. The doll might help him.

August 20, 2021 5:15 pm

Oh yea Cassie. Steve (Greta No.1 ) From Brisbane was once in the market for a sex doll. I wonder if he ended up buying one.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 20, 2021 5:28 pm


So I’m supposed to put up logical responses against invented claims of what I said in the past? Great!

No, stupid, you are supposed to be smarter than having to simply throw abuse, like “Alzheimer’s setting in”.

Now look what you made me do, your Mum’s upset.

Steve from Brisbane
Steve from Brisbane
August 20, 2021 6:20 pm

Now look what you made me do, your Mum’s upset.

I don’t even get what that means. It’s no match for my exquisite (but accurate) sarcasm.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 20, 2021 6:41 pm

Nothing about you is ‘exquisite’, Steve. Bugger off and enjoy transgender fairy-story time indoctrinating four year olds and other things that are made LEGAL so that we can’t complain about them; that’s your swamp.

As for Barnaby, he answers for his own conscience, we do not. His second wife is his second wife. End of story there. Trust you to bring personal attacks into a discussion which should be about issues.

August 20, 2021 7:02 pm

No Change at all since the old days. Stepford begins squabbling with the cat Ladies. Just sad.

August 20, 2021 7:06 pm


No kidding, sheilas really don’t like you. They can’t themselves to be hostile toward you.

August 20, 2021 7:11 pm


Cassie of Sydney
August 20, 2021 7:21 pm

“No Change at all since the old days. Stepford begins squabbling with the cat Ladies. Just sad.”

Yes…..Scab of Brisbane is an all round misogynist.

Professor Higgins
Professor Higgins
August 20, 2021 7:56 pm

Have you noticed that those doing all the marginalising and cancelling are, without a hint of irony, running “Festivals of Dangerous Ideas” and producing “Questions You Can’t Ask” TV shows, casting themselves as the victims.
As if being pro transgenderism, wearing a BLM t-shirt or loudly declaring a climate emergency is going to get you chucked out of a goat’s cheese triangle cafe.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 20, 2021 9:10 pm

Steve from Brisbanesays:
August 20, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Now look what you made me do, your Mum’s upset.

If you don’t know what that means you should get out more, rather than groveling all day and night in climate disaster porn.

And your sarcasm doesn’t even reach the unsubtle scale, much less the exquisite.

Cassie of Sydney
August 20, 2021 9:12 pm

“If you don’t know what that means you should get out more, rather than groveling all day and night in climate disaster porn.”

Yep….Scab of Brisbane is an incel….which explains why he’s obsessed with other people’s sex lives. He’s sad.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 20, 2021 9:47 pm

SFB the initials say it all.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 21, 2021 4:43 pm


I had a passing thought during the day.

Incel, white male: Isn’t that the ASIO profile of a “far right” extremist? Is Stevie of European descent? We might have a winner!

Delta A
Delta A
August 21, 2021 5:53 pm

Very sad that Cassie’s excellent post was successfully hijacked by a pathetic troll.

Not preaching, but I find it saves my sanity (and my blood pressure) to simply scroll a disgusting troll as soon as I identify it.

  1. Zelensky has to set an election date and stick to it. Newsweek says the quiet part out loud. https://x.com/Newsweek/status/1892189345945149943

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  3. Black ball Johnny Rotten great results in the premier league this week with all of the lower teams winning. Bad…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x