Guest Post: MatrixTransform on Abundance

They don’t expect you to swallow the big lie; they just want you to accept the small ones … for now.

Bundled together and streamed from near on every media station is a big smorgasbord of apparent ‘facts’, ‘science’ and self-serving opinion. The poor old punter who is a plumber, schoolteacher, architect, or whatever, can’t easily discriminate the facts from the fiction because there’s too much to choose from and none of it is verifiable. This works for Covid panic, climate panic and for the various guises of the post-structural panic, like intersectionality and race theory.

Mr or Mrs Average aren’t schooled in the arcane rites associated with these information churches and even if they were, people don’t have access to the raw data or the formulations that derive from it. They can’t scrutinize the predicates that were leveraged to gather the info and mould it into press releases or rushed variations of Emergency Legislation.

So, given a whole sea of info, Joe and Joelene Average tend to be sceptical of the big lies but easily rationalize and accept the small ones.

I was walking with the missus yesterday and she said, “they’re planning on mass vaccinating high-school kids”

I remarked, “well, they did say in the presser that they were coming for the kiddies”

The missus, and it just fell out of her mouth, she says, “well they ARE spreading the virus!”

My head spun, “WTF? how could you possibly accept that as true?”

No answer of course. She just accepted and internalised the small lie.

It is my argument that this subtle opinion shifting was the intention the whole time. Some people somewhere, individually, and sometimes collectively want to shift your opinions in a direction that favours their worldview. Brings them power, money, or tenure … all they need to do is get everybody else to normalise their propositions.

This shifty thing and its methodology are what they wrap in an even bigger noble lie. The meta-lie and they call that lie, Progress. The Progressives, no matter what the ideal they’re chasing, all use this meta-variation of the noble lie. Why? … because it works that’s why.

It is manipulation on a grand scale, and they’ll never ever tell you outright that their motives derive from their deeper agenda. Nope, it’s always dressed up as good and proper and just. All you must do is believe better.

Has anybody reading this ever met a congenital liar, a fabricator, a gaslighter, a Borderline Personality? Rhetorical, of course you have, even if you can’t locate one in your memory.

They’re sneaky and deceitful and no matter what the confabulation in their heads, there’s often a nugget of truth to every lie or construction. They honestly, and deeply, and convincingly believe their own bullshit, even as they switch from pole to pole. The nugget of truth is conveniently used to gaslight everybody else.

Your heart goes, “what a horrible bitchy thing to say.”

And the head goes, “yeah, but what if it is true?”

And like a sucker, you give them the benefit of the doubt and so it goes … just like that.

I was married to one. A complete psychopath who hid it well for about 7 years before wheels started falling off. She was a PhD in post-structural feminist politics and right now she holds a senior management position in a Govt Department. Beware … government is full of them. So is the media, and so is the police force. I don’t mean psychopaths, I mean cultural-Marxists, though they could be both I suppose.

You’ve all heard this before … sounds like a massive untrue-ish construction, right?

Yeah well … the wolves, like the sheepdog, and especially the farmer, they all rely on that response.

They expect it.

How does Matrix loop together The Femistas, The Climate-Doomers and the New-World Orderers??

Because their outward constructions (lies) all take the same form and without communicating directly to each other they implicitly know that a win for one camp is also a progressive shift for their own. Right now, across Australia and the world the cultural-Marxists which, I’ll just call them Commies for brevity (and because foundational to their belief systems is Marx and Engles)…right now they’re mobilising on not just the small lies, but probably the big one as well.

It was always both lies, and they know you’ll reject the big ones but little by little internalise the small ones. We got here because everybody else sat back and went, “yeah…nah…sounds a bit farfetched mate”. The whole time you’re going nah … sounds like a conspiracy. RUOK?

For climate change, the average punter couldn’t differentiate between a Boltzman and a Stefan-Boltzman? So sure, when you wind the car window up and it gets warm inside then it rings true that the Earth is like a car and CO2 is the windows winding up. Are we all gonna die in a fiery earth-tesla-combustion event soon? Nah … but then maybe yeah, because…Science.

Sounds reasonable to rearrange economies and make humans eat bug meat? Nah…but then maybe yeah, because…Science.

For Covid, a positive test relies on a variation of the PCR test which can be deployed and get different results every time it’s run. Especially when it’s run on the sewage.

The Averages (Joe and Joelene) are losing their collective shit, so to speak, and those info-priests are reaching for a faulty measurement tool. Diligently testing the average of all the Average’s shit. Allegedly on a region by region basis.

Because destroying the middle class and drafting a nascent command economy is keeping us safe now, and into the future? Yeah/Nah/Maybe … better be safe than sorry right?

Plato’s Noble Lie served as a figurative foundational myth for the establishment of a good city. He didn’t name it as such so much as proposed the concept. I’m sure the principle preceded him by centuries too.

Is that what we have here in Victoria? A good city? No. We have a fractured and economically divided one that is bifurcated by believers and non-believers.

It has got to the point where the Bat Eared Mong Dan Andrews speaks…no, he holds forth, like a kindergarten teacher over unruly toddlers. It’s getting difficult not to see the anger and impatience on his face during his oratories.

In desperation, he and his party and some ‘lubricated’, dirty, self-serving independents have torn up and destroyed due process so that they can all go harder and faster. Do people really believe that the direction we are heading in is Progress?

Gawd knows what today’s edicts are, I’m sick and tired of hearing the shit drip from his lips. All of it shit too, both big and small. All deceit. I’m personally hoping he goes full “Downfall” one of these days because if he did it would be both the funniest, and scariest, thing I’ve seen on TV for ages.

We are criminalised right now for undertaking any normal trivial behaviour. Even going for a loaf of bread requires masking, timing, Cartesian mapping and QR coding. At any point, there is potential to be harangued by a Nanna for letting a mask slip or interrogated by the polis … for your welfare.

Polis: why aren’t you wearing a mask?

Matrix: I had pneumonia as a 6yo and I have scarred lungs. Can’t breathe mate.

Polis: Did you get a certificate from your doctor?

Matrix: Nah, he’d probably be dead now since it was 50 years ago.

Polis: You’re done smart-arse … summary fine and fuck off home

Matrix: But I just want to make some toast.

Half of you readers have already normalised the message that all this is necessary and are still comforting yourselves with the conceit that you’re an incorruptible freethinker. Your mind is a fortress, right?

Sure, knuckle-down and grudgingly accept more restrictions out of an abundance of caution.

Phht! that phrase, An Abundance of Caution…every time I hear it, I think, “more like an Abundance of Bullshit”.

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August 22, 2021 7:39 am

Beware … government is full of them. So is the media, and so is the police force. I don’t mean psychopaths, I mean cultural-Marxists, though they could be both I suppose.

They gravitate to these positions and the trouble is most people of good heart have trouble believing these people exist.

I was picking up a sizeable part from town the other day and got to talking about things with the forklift driver who loaded it. Turns out his parents escaped Poland shortly after WWII and instilled into him what happened over there and he sees the shadows here now.
It’s exactly the same for other Polish people I know who only managed to get out in the early 80’s.
The same with the Russian ex-pats I’ve met.
The same with the Ukrainian wife of a local farmer.
They tell me no-one listens to them.

Sleepwalkers don’t listen.

Did Matrix type this? It’s capitalised !

August 22, 2021 8:15 am

The government has been engaging in “shaping” opinions for decades. Limit what people can say and you limit what they can think. Control social media and the herd follows suit.

Wokeism is a core of evil disguised by layers of bleeding hearts, sticky beaks and other do-gooders. Wokeism must be destroyed by any means.

August 22, 2021 8:46 am

Good stuff, Matrix. Every. Single. Word.

Has anybody reading this ever met a congenital liar, a fabricator, a gaslighter, a Borderline Personality? Rhetorical, of course you have, even if you can’t locate one in your memory.

And once met, easily recognised.

Now it’s on an industrial scale. Possibly the only “productive” industry left in Australia. The Borg goes mainstream.

August 22, 2021 8:56 am

For the Andrews public service cartel – where he gets his executive authority and the taxpayer cash to fund it – endless Kung Flu lockdowns are the logical extension of all its Year Zero communist mantras, like abolishing the road toll using the Victorian Transport Accident Commission insurance monopoly as its Trojan (funding) Horse to try to change human behaviour with billions of dollars a year in media advertising backed by Australia’s most penal and expensive system of traffic fines and penalties.

It’s run by the same people who believe the junk science of climate change is real and not a post-Christian religious substitute for nihilists who believe in nothing.

Since 1970, the Victorian road toll has been cut by 75% (from 1100-plus to around 300 per year), even though the population has doubled. But that’s not enough for the Year Zero communists of the TAC, who dream with other people’s money that it can be zero.

If you believe that humans can be perfected, you also believe the common cold can be abolished, in which cause Daniel Andrews’ public service cartel is enslaving Victoria’s people and destroying its economy.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
August 22, 2021 9:12 am

Back in the day before the term “personality disorder” was coined we used the word “psychopath”. 3 types with common features “loveless, guiltless, pathological lying”. Chronically impaired judgement and no capacity to reflect on their wrongs or change. “Failure to learn from experience” too. You and I learned what was right and wrong from mum and dad, teachers and cops, bigger people. Not perfect but maybe as good as it gets. Now we have a system with an in-built mechanism, no immediate pain from which to learn, to ensure young ‘uns don’t learn. So they grow up with psychopathic traits.
This from WIP comments nails it.
Won’t happen in my lifetime.

August 22, 2021 9:34 am

Glad to know I’m not the only one whose gorge rises when they hear the workshopped ‘an abundance of caution’.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 22, 2021 9:49 am

“Abundance of caution” has as little (or as much in the “correct” circumstances) meaning as the evil “Precautionary Principle”. Tools in the service of a particular ideology.

August 22, 2021 9:49 am

dover, it’s become increasingly difficult to draw a straight line between ‘the words’ and the ‘outcomes’. That is exactly why I am viewing pretty much everything as a Citadel of Lies.
This is Babylon

bushie, I have a rule: only capitalise sentences between 0600 and 1159 … oh, and not on sundays

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
August 22, 2021 9:50 am

I studied the rise of fascism when I went to Uni.
The parallels are frightening..
Someone here should do a thread on it.

August 22, 2021 9:50 am

an abundance of caution

The first time I ever heard the phrase was when a President was hospitalised. Can’t remember which one. Was it Trump, or earlier with one if the Bushes?

August 22, 2021 10:46 am

Some people thrive on fear – so long as it is slightly abstract and not TOO close to home. It’s a distraction from the daily blah, and gives them a role to play in the greater scheme. By talking about/disseminating the new fear, they are ‘raising awareness.’ We now know that ‘raising awareness’ of something is a more valuable contribution to the fragile world and fragile humanity than ANY other act ANY other human has EVER performed in history. By clicking on that Like icon to send a message to someone to consider telling some organisation that someone should be sending an email to Kony to, you know … You can rest easy that you have contributed tot he world around you, and can now safely spend the remainder of your time focusing on what REALLY matters; You.

O.K., so I’ve forgotten what I started writing about now.
Ummm, go SupaScience(TM)!

Or something.

August 22, 2021 10:48 am

Can we have a post-edditt button pleuse?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 22, 2021 1:50 pm

The poor old punter who is a plumber, schoolteacher, architect, or whatever, can’t easily discriminate the facts from the fiction because there’s too much to choose from and none of it is verifiable

Hence the myriad of punters who focus on the easy stuff – discussing the daily numbers of cases, and the detail of the latest restrictions.
I wonder if the premiers are flooding us with case numbers and multiple restriction changes in order to hide the truth of the Wuhan flu situation.
Real news is not presented, and lies submerged underneath irrelevant statistics. No politician has had the courage to release information about the low number of deaths amongst young people, the number of comorbidities in those who died, and results from overseas which contravene the Australian narrative.
And on top of that the police are authorised to shoot protestors.

August 22, 2021 1:51 pm

. By talking about/disseminating the new fear, they are ‘raising awareness.’

Otherwise known, as I’ve said before, as exporting your neurosis.

Winston Smith
August 22, 2021 7:51 pm


The government has been engaging in “shaping” opinions for decades. Limit what people can say and you limit what they can think. Control social media and the herd follows suit.
Wokeism is a core of evil disguised by layers of bleeding hearts, sticky beaks and other do-gooders. Wokeism must be destroyed by any means.

South America is what happens when people get the Socialism they demand. Ruin and despair.
Helicopter flights is what is necessary to root out the contagion.
Be smart – don’t vote for Socialism.

September 9, 2021 3:42 pm

shy ed.once you meet a border line,you become very jaded and astute!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x