Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
This isn’t going to cost you anything then.
It’s entirely honest milton.
I never claimed there wasn’t coercion and pressure being put on people.
Why dont you all direct your energies towards the people doing the coercing?
You have to start wondering when politicians start couching the jab in terms of “sacrifice” and “hard work”.
Words have meaning.
That idiot Lambie let the cat out of the bag with her “we’re coming to get youse” b/s. This is seeding fertile ground in the vaccinated to resent the unvaxxed. They have “worked hard” and “sacrificed” and others haven’t. If the vaccine is a “good”, then they have done no such thing. They have believed and had the shot in their own self interest.
Their hardships have been created artificially by others who have prolonged them, just long enough to point to the hapless and say, “Don’t blame us. Blame them!”. You can see it happening a mile off.
I predicted that most vaccinated people would necessarily not be able to resist the siren song of ‘passports’ and a New Normal for long. Not a hot take the authorities know it too, it’s why there’s such a mad rush on to get every man and his dog ‘jabbed’ no matter what.
Once you accept that cocktail into your body, as the threats increase and the new way of living rolls out the idea creeps into your mind: why should I not just show the screen to this person. What good is it to limit myself for no real reason, no benefit to me? I just want to have a beer! I need to travel to SA. I’ll just show it this once but will still be against them…
There’s a lot going on there but it is what it is.
A norm mcdonald quote
That said the rare jewel of a vaccinated person who wholly shuns the ‘passport’ and condemns themselves to the life of the normal will show admirable moral character.
Peak TDS reached.
I want out, and if a vaxx percentage is the only way for politicians to save face , that will have to do.
Replace a vaxx percentage with the dystopian decree of your choice.
It might cost you something to stand by your principles.
September 11.
Some people did something.
I’m looking forward to flaunting my vaccinated objector status.
As opposed to the “caring” health experts allowing the elderly in care to rot in isolation, I think moral superiority is easily attained.
Something the epidemiologists didn’t factor into their precious modelling.
The only people more foolish and short-sighted atm are the politicians relying on them.
Wow! The dumb is not just burning this morning. It’s a full scale conflagration!
Obviously doesn’t understand the concept of quitting while youre behind.
And Mater, Bush et al – great work in clearing the underbrush for us to see the flames.
And you believe them?
Norm Macdonald was one of my go to comics when I needed a laugh.
Sad day.
I want out, and if a 65% marginal tax rate is the only way for politicians to save face , that will have to do.
I want out, and if mandatory electric vehicles is the only way for politicians to save face , that will have to do.
I want out, and if an estate tax is the only way for politicians to save face , that will have to do.
From “The Age.”
The WaPo reporting on the Biden administration’s continuing ineptitude:
Americans turned away from northern Virginia hospitals due to demand for services from Afghan evacuees.
Biden’s plan to resettle 94 000 Afghan evacuees will cost US tax payers US$6.4bn.
On present estimates, that is.
And there will be no carbon tax under a government he leads.
Apart from being somewhat woke, the plotting in Vigil is fairly poor, and the technical inaccuracy bad.
Not only are the set corridors and compartment sizes about double the size of a real submarine, there are numerous clumsy howlers which defy real life. The two most outrageous in episodes one and two are a body stored in a torpedo compartment, with the inner door left open for a lengthy time; and the surfacing of the submarine in front of an approaching tanker. Given WWII boats could hear ship screws many miles away this is poor to say the least.
One ponders how they manage to spend the millions necessary without doing a better job. An ex-RN in a folding camp chair supplied with coffee and burgers and $500 a day would have been a very worthy spend. Given the many thousands of retired RN personnel (albeit submariners) in the UK it’s a wonder….
‘good practice, for shrewd operators’.
Oh my wordy lordy yes. A record of what happened and who said what at which time. Very useful in quite a few fields of endeavour.
Also proven, time and again, as an impenetrable bulwark against ‘I never said that’.
Well done Clive. Seems on top of his brief.
Can’t believe I’m saying this, but the big fella might just get my vote next election.
BTW, how good a job would being one of Clive’s lawyers be? He’s got bags of cash and loves a legal stoush.
It’s not creepy, it’s about being accurate.
From Zulu’s link above:
Part of the shake-up will also give South Australian senator Sarah Hanson-Young responsibility for electric vehicles…
This should be $100 a minute in entertainment value every time Sarah Sea-Patrol puts out a media release.
People who are granted an ‘exemption’ from vaccination will have their passports say what?
That they are unvaccinated but you have to treat them as if vaccinated? The supposed threat is still there so they should be treated as such.
Or will it say that their status is secret, which more or less means unvaccinated since there is no one demanding vaccinated people be kept out to which only unvaccinated people be allowed.
I begin to think that all the times I thought we had third rate leaders I failed to notice they were standing on stacks of boxes to reach even that high.
“The future of our country should not be just dictated by yet more old, white men.”
So…Bandt is ageist, racist and a misandrist.
Perhaps soem introspection is in order?
Ahem ?
There are exemptions but they are so vague; the lower fatality rate in 2020 proves we’re not threatened from COVID.
You don’t own a dog house, do you?
calli, “the gun” is actually the entire state apparatus. That is what government always comes down to – putting a gun to someone’s head to make them do something they don’t want to do. If it wasn’t for the gun nobody would take the slightest notice of them.
Even better would be is AZ or Pfizer were caught out under the puffery of the Modern Slavery Act motherhood statements (unlikely).
I get the feeling that some were not as well informed as they thought they were.
Misery loves company.
They brought the bullshit and now they want to drag everyone else into their mess.
Yes Roger those Liar promises need to be treated with caution. With the Lieborals you know what you are getting – Liar policies and a dash of lemonade.
Unsightly Covid?
Why not try our new Social Conditioner.
Remove all those unwanted moral objections with every use.
Scott Morrison attests:
“I used to have a full head of ethics, now look at me, clean as a whistle.”
I would think the likes of Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest more then capable of telling Adam Bandt and the Greens where to go and how to get there, in some detail.
It doesn’t take much to get the average punter to suspend disbelief these days.
Easy promise.
Massage Man knows exactly how long he would last as Leader of the Parliamentary ALP after not picking up a majority against The Magnificent Scummo and Team Success.
One Caucus later, Bruvva Bill, or something equally self-serving, would be raking through the ashes of National Despair looking for an angle.
Anyone who believes the statement above is an even bigger fool than the lying imbecile who made it.
What does it matter anyway? We end up with the greenfilth’s ridiculous destructive and misanthropic policies being foisted on us regardless of which of the major blocs forms government.
Democracy (if it could be dignified with such a term) in this country is as dead as a dodo.
Morning Faulty!
Despite all the hype not a single western country is apparently dragging unwilling patients down a hall.
a ridiculous and dishonest comment. Sharks are circling me at work too.
Same here.
The unvaxed are getting calls from multiple managers and senior managers. I have had multiple conversations with people who are feeling the pressure to help them try and thread a needle through this.
They haven’t called me yet, but my guess is they’re leaving me to the end. They know I have been vocal on the complete BS of this and that I will give them a spray when they come pressuring. When my time comes they want to ensure that I’m as isolated as possible.
Fuck them, they are in for one hell of a fight.
Gina has bigger balls than Adam Bandt. I don’t think she’ll lose any sleep.
I’m just praying that the general incompetence of the State will mean that the Vaxxination Passport System is as effective as the CovidSafe App.
You assume Bandt has balls?
He’s not a Liar Senator’s wife.
Home grown, organically raised on 100% self-interest – no need to invoke the Hand of Soros, or the New World Order in piling up the boxes.
Interestingly Trump said that Milley calling China is ridiculous. And that Woodward makes shit up…
There probably are layers and layers of lies overlaying any truth. Again – I suspect that Milley’s been scapegoated for Afghanistan (esp so after Blinken’s very poor testimony in the last two days). Also – a good distraction monkey for the Cali election.
US citizens trapped behind enemy lines in Kabul and Sydney.
I wonder if the US Marines could set up a secure zone at Mascot to rescue their citizens.
I’m just praying that the general incompetence of the State will mean that the Vaxxination Passport System is as effective as the CovidSafe App.
It’s part of the Medicare tech ecosystem, with is totally different.
The goal is to phase out the physical medicare card & have it all app based.
The stated goal for this has been to rub out Medicare fraud.
But now the vaccination status is linked to it, look out.
Medicare has several contracts with the Microsoft universe of companies.
Off the top of my head I can think of 3 companies that are part of the M12 ecosystem (Microsoft’s VC arm) that have contracts with Medicare.
High probability that your prayer will be answered.
Jimmy Dore has an hour long video up interviewing Robert Malone.
I imagine Jimmy is about to spend some time in the internet gulag.
“The future of our country should not be just dictated by yet more old, white men.”
Really? I thought old c*nts were ‘in’- the old thief, anal schwab, attenburger, that foul old Portugese marxist at the UN.
Seat warmer of note.
1948 to the end of time in 20 seconds.
No it’s creepy because the person doing so accused me, without any basis, of being the sort of person who who make accusations of this and that about him, to some sort of authorities.
And just because I’ll accept a vaccine percentage or (as I suggested very early on an opportunity to vaxx, beforeDan) that our idiot in charge Andrews has grasped as a way out of the mess he made over a never ending cycle of lockdowns because he thought covid zero was realistic is some sort of an indictment of me?
Context is everything and I wasn’t making a prediction.
As soon as they made it 70 percent of people over 16 (another world first) they made themselves a new tarpit.
Now it took more and more like like the only way out will be to vote the clown out.
And if anyone is looking for actual asinine look at those pretending that vax pressures are a re-enactment of the Shoah.
And if you don’t link Medicare to mygov?
Greenfilth idiocy in a nutshell. The sheer absurdity of the statement above is mind boggling.
It is linked already.
Just like your ATO records.
Don’t confuse what you see on your app or when you log in with what the real level of permanent linking of your federal & state run applications/websites are.
A simple solution has presented itself regarding the golf “fours”.
The Beloved, who is double jabbed, will elect to play with any unjabbed person in a “two” should they have no partner.
OMG, the whole vaccination passport thesis falls apart if individuals don’t log in & link their government records.
Seriously, you are dull.
calli, that is the only way to exist.
If the state is going to exclude people from society, the courtiers will participate in the exclusion.
The good people will ensure those who the state excludes are still welcome.
It has always been the Christian way. Odd that it finds its expression in a game of golf! 🙂
Any evidence of this?
Perhaps consult your notes.
I caught you out lying the other day about what you said about Nursing homes, so you’ll forgive my desire to have you prove that I actually did what you are accusing me of.
Please do so. I’ll apologise if I did.
I don’t think you can.
When throwing a Molotov cocktail a straight arm is recommended.
Would it be too much to ask Mr Bandit what constitutes ‘fair’?
It is probably impossible to imagine a place without imagining yourself in it – the point in space that we are viewing it from.
For Bandit good, bad, fair, unfair, etc are much the same. He sees something and calls it fair, and knows that is the same ‘fair’ for everyone else. From this he concludes that the mining billionaires know that they are paying unfairly low taxes, which means they are bad. And he hates them. A righteous hate.
And it is the same for everything else. Climate change and climate justice, gender quotas, racism etc. It is why he needs to control everyone and everything – because everyone thinks they same way as him but they are doing it wrong.
This is how a child thinks.
Is Mr. Bandt paying his “fair share” of tax?
Perhaps he could share the details of his income tax return with the general public?
The data linkage that happened as a result of the poorly conceived robo debt collection is one of the most dystopian in the western world.
Around 90% of the punters that were robocalled, were overpaid, but 2020 was the best year on record to owe the government money because so much of it was wiped.
Now, because of how much linkage & machine learning that is used, you’ll never see such a blunt tool used again.
Instead, all roads lead back to the ATO who will do exactly what the robocalls were intended to do, but this time with a scalpel, not a sledgehammer.
Voting the clown out.
Naivety, thy name is……
What does the freedoms for the jabbed really look like?
Why did they submit?
So they can enjoy the freedom of showing their passport everywhere they go to see if the government allows them to do whatever they are attempting to do that day.
To enjoy the freedom of keeping up to date with every utterance of totalitarians to know what they and only they are allowed to do and not do that day.
To enjoy the freedom of knowing the jab won’t give you these permitted activities (they like to call freedoms) for very long as without boosters they will once again be deemed to be of the unclean and banned.
To enjoy the freedom of knowing that once they have their passport they will be able to comply with whatever else the government dictates they do or say, who they associate with and to pay any monies dreamed up by totalitarians so as to gain specific so called freedoms others are banned from.
To enjoy the thrill of sitting in a near empty and dying restaurant feeling the special privilege of being jabbed, while being harassed three times over a dinner by the stasi cops coming in demanding to see your passport.
Later, for the good of the planet, they will enjoy the freedoms of having more roast bugs rationed to them than others who will receive nothing.
Once the resistance is crushed and killed, they will have the freedom to “own nothing and be happy”
Top doctors pen urgent letter to Scott Morrison (paywalled)
A dozen leading doctors groups have written to the PM urging action on an environmental issue that could be as deadly as Covid-19.
The move is on to transfer the chunk virus rules and regs to the climate emergency; for instance carbon tracking:
Climate Lockdowns: New CO2 monitoring credit card enables tracking of ‘carbon footprint on every purchase’ – ‘Monitors & cuts off spending when we hit our carbon max’ – Mastercard & UN join forces
And AGL is requesting feedback about it’s decision to close Liddell and replace it with fucking batteries, pixie dust and fairy floss. Anyway here’s agl’s reasons for closing Liddell which is why scomo and taylor are going flatstrap to build a new peaking gas plant:
He would see that fairness dictates some people pay, and others receive.
He is of the latter. And if he is like all good socialists he will consider he deserves more fairness for the important work he does.
What we need are some nice Russian hackers to scramble the government health and covid databases. Might as well add in state firearms registries too, even though I’m sure they have been sold to certain people.
September 15, 2021 at 9:55 am
Mr Bandt will ask Senator Cox to “tear into” West Australia’s mining billionaires and demand they pay “their fair share of tax”
Is Mr. Bandt paying his “fair share” of tax?
Perhaps he could share the details of his income tax return with the general public?
No deductions claimed? Ha ha ha ha!
Ah…you mean like “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
General Milley Accused Of Treason For Warning China Of US Military Plans, Staging Coup Against Trump
I want out, and if building a road the length of the country made from the twisted little bodies of fluffy wuffy bunny wabbits, unicorns, orphaned baby deer and talking cartoon dalmatians is the only way for politicians to save face, that will have to do.
Playing catch up here.
No he did not.
You have a bad habit of just making stuff up when you are losing an argument.
I’m sure she will adopt the Scalextric model. There will be a lot of green jobs in laying all those tracks.
1. Vaccine passports don’t need to rely on government records. I will get a vaccine passport in France without any records other than my vaccination status.
2. People who get jabbed want a vaccine passport. If that requires linking to government records they will be only two happy to do so.
We’re gonna have to build some type of gigantic abattoir to process all those kindly childhood animals into road base material.
We’ll also need a name for the road.
“The Road to Freedom”
(This road to freedom project was a joint venture between the Federal government, the states of Victoria, W.A., NSW and Queensland, and the bone material was supplied by Civil Construction Bone and Childhood Dream Resources Australia)
According to some sources the most reliable measure of vaccine side effects is Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s knackers.
Yeah, I know.
I had to look her up too.
Question on vaccine records.
Do you have to ‘opt in’ to My Health Record to get access.
I opted out in the early days.
“You build that road to freedom you fickers. I don’t care how many fluffy bunny wabbits you have to tear out of little girls arms. Do it. And I want a coat made out of those spotted dogs”.
Greenpeace has been advertising incessantly on WUWT that AGL are evil incarnate. It’s amusing since AGL are already green as grass. Just goes to show you can never been green enough for Greenpeace.
Not comparing for one second to the Holocaust or Holodomor but the fundamentals are well and truly there.
No, it’s not going to lead to genocide or anything like it (just in case you choose to misconstrue my point)
The fact that the government and others in parliament (The Lambie mong), are actively, or at the very least, tacitly “othering” people, along with the coercion to have the vaccine which is inherent in all the regulations and permits being created and the inevitable two tier society which will result, is utterly obscene in what once used to be a Western Liberal Democracy.
Mark A’s Lame Pics have moved to Memory Vault’s site, haven’t they?
It is one of those things you have to opt out of. You are out until such time as you decide to opt back in.
Tricky slimey little turds, our government, aren’t they?
Airlines warn nsw may reopen to international travel but with few planes to service huge demand, from the Gaurdian
Just received an email from the school titled “End of year 12 Roadmap”.
Everything is a bloody roadmap now.
TE, I’m quite enjoying Vigil for a look at the work of some good British actors (Sean Evans, Martin Compston) and what I assume is a realistic portrayal of living and working conditions on board an huge submarine.
I can put up with the annoyances which come with watching far fetched and woke plots.
Mark A’s Lame Pics have moved to Memory Vault’s site, haven’t they?
I don’t know where the fuck they are. I miss my morning tittie, flowers and cartoons; it’s a heady mix.
rita says dictdan shamed into road map by Gladys
Yup – and he and his claque will decide ability and needs.
It is an odd formulation though, isn’t it?
Our needs are quite easily met – thanks to capitalism food, clothing, and shelter are easily met. Perhaps not the finest, but that is beyond needs. And as for our abilities, well our utmost abilities would have us slogging it out like Trojans. We all could probably work harder or longer, but we arrange to keep some of our energies for our own indulgence.
So the gap between the great amount of what could be produced and the rather smaller amount that we need to consume, goes where?
He’ll pay $1.1 billion to not have a road map.
You read it here first.
I am unsure if Cats have seen this. On the Burning Platform site, which was linked to recently for another article.
Very much apropos the situation with vaccine passports and where it is leading and brings in the psychology and history nicely.
I found it quite on the mark and frightening. Interested in any comments.
That’s part of it, but it is a whole of government initiative demanded by enterprise too. The dream is a single central id verification service for everyone in Australia. Which anyone with access to – including non-gov 3rd parties can authenticate any individual against in real time using biometrics or, initially, also a pin or password in real time. Most major apps FB, Ebay, Gumtree, Coles etc will use it when a user signs up, some will be forced to by law. Banks are salivating at the idea – they already pay to use FraudIQ, IDPlus, etc, or their own internal services for the same and cannot wait for it.
There’ll be an app that also doubles up as your physical id – the Service NSW app for example will physically prove you are who you say you are to anyone who asks, e.g at check in to a shop, or a cop on the street if you’re out and about during ‘lockdown’. The app itself necessarily will prove that you really are the owner of the ‘passport’ and really are J Bloggs, in real time. So is immediately a defacto government id card, that also can produce pertinent citizen data like vaccine compliance.
There’ll be various private social credit platforms that spring up around it. Then eventually they’ll be amalgamated and drawn into the government who will regulate and manage social credit scoring in the same way as financial credit scoring. You’ll be able to see your score.
And that’s how it will work. Because that’s how China did it.
Don’t forget Andy Capp, luv.
The problem is, based on your million or so posts, in 1930’s Germany though, notafan would have been saying the same stuff then too.
Not that realistic OSC, but anyway….
Most major apps FB, Ebay, Gumtree, Coles etc will use it when a user signs up, some will be forced to by law.
Look to the US and Social Security numbers, which very soon became the defacto identifier for, well, everyone
Even with all of this deceit and manipulation, there is something uniquely disturbing — creepy even — about becoming accustomed to seeing political and cultural elites wallowing in luxury without masks, while those paid small wages to serve them in various ways are forced to keep cloth over their faces.
The pleb lepers wearing their “face bells” to signify their status.
The goal is to phase out the physical medicare card & have it all app based.
The stated goal for this has been to rub out Medicare fraud.
And in 20 years time you will be denied medical treatment as is shows you had more than the standard “safe” drinks on 4 occasions.
And a packet of bacon in a week.
Now get back in your pod
Eat the bugs.
Own nothing and be happy.
2020, the year of the putsch by the elites really stinks of betrayal- the lieboral-nats, the meja particularly people like Andrew Bolt and Tom Elliot and the Windsors (formerly Saxe-Coburg Gothas). No need to pretend anymore (so they seem to have decided). Gingermegs are in a class of their own (without any class) but consider Wills who says he’s kept awake by climate change. A normal, decent person would perhaps be more horrified by the abortion rate in England.
Thats right twostix.
You have me down pat, as always.
Wealthy and privileged, I raced out to be the first vaxxed so I could coffee club and cruise to my hearts content.
Look we can all see that being pressured to get vaccinated so we don’t die of covid is exactly the same as being loaded on a train and sent to the gas chambers because of our race.
No, its just ALP hubris and a glimpse of the mindset generally among our ruling classes – “Your choices are from what we provide, not from what you want”.
Good businesses and good householders. I said here the other day that our front door will have no QR Vaxx passport on it, and we will not be asking anyone their vaxx status to come inside. I think many businesses will do likewise, and they do so at more risk than householders, because some idiot jurisdictions may attach fines to those businesses who don’t discriminate. We should all support them rather than the Vaxx compliant ones wherever possible.
As for what the State is doing, we can all only firmly object and politicially mobilise re mandatory vaxx imperatives. I believe that in some circumstances, such as with health and aged care workers, a quick Covid test should be taken by all workers regularly, vaxxed or not, in order to protect the vulnerable. Testing is the answer, not two categories of citizens. The vaxxed can be carriers too. Income support for workers excluded from work on the basis of a test result should be available till they are no longer positive.
Britain has led the way to avoid vaccine passports. We should follow it adding our own safeguards.
I’m had my second AZ jab yesterday, woke with aches around my neck and shoulders, less than with the first one though. Still feel a little less good than usual, but it is an excuse to catch up here rather than work on other things. So I’ve just read backthread. 🙂
I haven’t always seen eye-to-eye with Rosie over the years, but I don’t think she deserves the pile on she has received today about politics and the Covid vaxx – although she is a strong defender in fighting back and doesn’t need me or anyone else to do it for her. It seems to me you don’t have to approve of the vaxx nor take the vaxx and you can condemn the State imposing it in ways that almost force people to have it, without knocking out Rosie’s right to free speech and her views. As I see it, Rosie tries to explain rather than approve why so many people have gone along with the State’s ‘vaxx and be free’ appeals. I think personally that the vaxx is imperfect but probably not seriously damaging population health overall (so far, vs Covid risks, but NOT suitable for children). For some, like me, it is wise to take it against my one-in-ten chance of dying of Covid at my age and with my high blood pressure and previous tendency to a DVT. Sometimes family members, even husbands and wives, are split on the matter. I am glad that Hairy and I are not, but I respect those who are, for each is obviously making an individual decision. My neighbour is in that position, it may not be unusual, as is Calli and likely others here.
You are a prince of the realm with money and reputation to protect.
Are you pro or anti abortion?
46,000 adverse health reactions and approx 800 deaths due to “vaccines” according to the TGA’s own documents are a mere piffle.
What the hell happened to “First do no harm”.
They didn’t start by loading people on trains.
They started by requiring a class of people to register and comply.
And by breaking down the taboos of killing people starting with the disabled (out of “kindness”).
Once they start loading people on trains it’s way too late to do anything about it because way too many people are complicit with all the little steps they took to get you there.
Is it time that the “medical” professions (including drug companies) are restricted to CURES only and prevention is assigned to the dustbin of history as an unwarranted intrusion into peoples lives.
You are willfully misinterpreting.
What we are facing today is closer to the Gleischaltung and Die Nuernbuerger Gesetze from 1935 to ‘unperson’ the non-vaccinated which is exactly what happened to the Jews, Roma, Jehovahs Witnesses, socialists, gays, the feeble-minded, mentally &/or physically disabled, or those who did not wish to fight for the Reich. If you had asked a typical German in 1935 if these laws would result in Aushwitz they would have laughed at you.
More precisely: by requiring a group of people they had systematically demonised to register and comply.
This is designed to sweep all of that away, using SS numbers, drivers licences or medicare cards (completely mad) to id people which has always been a fraud nightmare, and replace it with an actual single, final digital ‘identity’. Here in Aus you will soon go through a final process of authenticating yourself to the government, proving your identity, to claim your already-existing digital id (my gov and medicare and the ATO already use it but pretty badly), and that will be more or less the last time you do it. From then on you are your digital id to the world.
You’ll probably be able to verify a social security number against a person’s id, or lookup a person’s id based on their SS number, like you can verify their vaccine status, or various other information about them. The SS number itself wont’ really their identifier.
That’s the dream which is quickly becoming a reality anyway.
I am quite disgusted by this remark.
rosie and her ilk have yet to work out that there are 2 sides to this ledger.
at least we know where to send the bill
And that test would be….? Name any test as long as it’s diagnostic. I’ll wait.
It is a disgusting remark. If you have family responsibilities standing by your principles and having the bank turning up and changing the locks on your house is not an option.
Mother Lode says:
September 15, 2021 at 10:31 am
Mark A’s Lame Pics have moved to Memory Vault’s site, haven’t they?
Yes they are there, click on “Home” on the menu bar and it’s the top thread.
But I don’t think it’s MV’ blog NFA is the owner I think, actually MV is a bit of a pariah there.
Most of the ‘adverse’ reactions are shown to be trivial or not due specifically to the vaxx. My reaction today to the second AZ jab is less strong than the first jab and completely trivial. I could report it to make it sound dreadful, but it is not. The death rate for AZ is around one per million. Given the millions of jabs worldwide of course the raw figures seem high. This is similar to the death rate for other medical drugs, vaccines and procedures, and better than quite a few of them. I wish there was a lower death rate, and it is lowering due to better treatment of adverse effects, but the death rate from Covid is also high, especially in the third world when it is untreated. Medicine knows that death is a part of life, so it is do no harm relative to prevention of other harms.
‘A suggestion’ if you don’t like it, don’t take the jab and fight mandatory impositions. I will be with you on that and only hope that we go down the British path of no vaccine passports. But I am also with anyone who feels they want to take a vaxx, risks known to be very low indeed, to protect themselves.
Who ever thought we would have a fight on our hands just to enjoy everyday life and make an honest living. Of course it’s all a softening up for ‘climate’ lockups. I suspect we won’t be able to vote our way out but it’s worth a try. I don’t trust Palmer but then I once trusted John hoWARd.
Rapid antigen is about the only reliable one for the Nosferaflu.
But it is probably far too accurate for reliable scaremongering and coercion, and doesn’t have several lines of screed from the WHO stating it is officially ‘endorsed.’ So the rampant credentialism of our age would never permit it to be used en masse.
But it is what has been quietly used in schools amd industry to permit people back in…
The ABC is still fanning the Porter legal fees issue with the help of guess who? Lord Turdball of Waffleworth.
almost as low as the risk of death from The Coff
Are Howard and Trumble still buddies I wonder?
But I don’t think it’s MV’ blog NFA is the owner I think, actually MV is a bit of a pariah there.
Most folk just use the colloquial name .. simpler .. The Furniture Store .. LOL!
I know several old bush types for whom the digital revolution might refer to switching from the right to the left hand when using a shearing hand piece.
Not everyone owns a smartphone or wants one.
The vision of broad sunlit hi-tech uplands could come a cropper for all sorts of wonderful human and non-human reasons.
I had my AZ jab yesterday with a group of four others, all given a little talk first by a doc as with the first jab too. She offered a medical certificate for the next day if anyone emerged a little under the weather from the jab. She also enquired about reactions to the first jab. The three others seated in the room with me were all as I judged it, under thirty-five. One young man, and two young women, all part of that crowd of young people who ten or twelve weeks ago, like my youngest son, said ‘fuck it’ I’m sick of this lockdown, and turned up for the AZ. The young women reported no reaction other than a slightly sore arm, the young man, like me, reported that he had felt as if he had a mild ‘flu the next day, and had rested at home. The doc went through the list of things to watch out for and jabs went ahead. I didn’t feel a thing. Very practiced nurse there. My arm not sore at all today.
MV has a site?
He comments on sites.
He doesn’t have one nor is an administrator or anything on any I know of.
How do you know that? Doctors report to the TGA, not patients. I’m am quite confident that Doctors would only report for significant events, not a headache or “trivial” event.
I find your easy dismissal of the suffering of those who have taken the jabs quite disturbing.
If the deaths from the jabs and health events exceed those from the disease, would you be willing to say that the “prevention” policies have caused more damage than good and the policies should be reviewed?
Vax Macht Frei.
Where freedom is activities asked for and either allowed or denied by government.
In another words,no freedom at all.
Until the booster is needed.
Until the other compliances are needed……..
And then you won’t even get those little carrots dangled.
An emasculated nation of submissives with no religion and turning to government for it.
Little steps indeed, Arky.
‘No it’s creepy because’
I didn’t want to be reminded of what I actually said.
Lizzie, are you suggesting that QR codes are being put up on people’s doors?
I know they are there for tradies on building sites, being a “place of work”, but not on private residences. When did this happen?
Hutt River Province……went there in 2011. My notes at the time
Hutt river Website
Like Mater, I’ve had heaps of vaxxes over more than 75 years of travel and also childhood exposure to diseases for which there was no option but to gain immunity. Recently I had the Yellow Fever Vaxx, although at an older age where I could have travelled without it. I was thus prepared to risk a range of nasty reactions including a four in a million risk of death due to this vaxx. Some of the other vaxxes I’ve received over the years were also dangerous, as Mater notes re his vaxx history.
Life is a fatal condition. I don’t anguish over it too much. The current Covid vaxxes work well enough.
Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency seems unlikely on current experience and pathology. I hope for better Covid vaxxes in future, more acceptable to many and more suitable for children if necessary.
all part of that crowd of young people who ten or twelve weeks ago, like my youngest son, said ‘fuck it’ I’m sick of this lockdown, and turned up for the AZ.
So restricting an individuals movements, social life and ability to make a living is fine because the jab is still ‘voluntary”?
Coercion removes consent.
Doesnt matter who is doing the coercion or if they sidestep laws making it mandatory by outsourcing it as OH&S or big business initiative.
Big companies must be allowed to mandate ladies take birth control as they may die in childbirth.
Motorcyclists must be banned.
Everyone must be restricted to one bottle of Victory gin per fortnight.
Informed consent is a person’s decision, given voluntarily, to agree to a healthcare treatment, procedure or other intervention that is made:
Following the provision of accurate and relevant information about the healthcare intervention and alternative options available; and
With adequate knowledge and understanding of the benefits and material risks of the proposed intervention relevant to the person who would be having the treatment, procedure or other intervention.
And a little paper on consent from America.
To respect autonomy is to give weight to autonomous persons’ considered opinions and choices while refraining from obstructing their actions unless they are clearly detrimental to others. To show lack of respect for an autonomous agent is to repudiate that person’s considered judgments, to deny an individual the freedom to act on those considered judgments (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1974, part B 1).
No, not at all, Calli. I am just being metaphoric there, comparing how we act a home to how we are expected to QR everywhere away from our residence. I don’t think anyone has suggested that level of personal intrustion (yet?) and I think it would be totally unacceptable and unenforcable. As I hope the whole vaccine passport idea will turn out to be everywhere too.
I suspect the British and US experience and the tremendous French resistance (the French do enjoy getting on on the streets, and good on them for that) all show that this is a pig that won’t fly.
Wow, the yanks are really setting up their Marie Antonette moment arent they?
Not AOC but another Dem at the gala ball.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
We won’t know that until the long term effects of the vaccine become apparent. The whole population is being forced to participate in what is nothing less than a medical experiment.
I know they are there for tradies on building sites, being a “place of work”, but not on private residences. When did this happen?
I live in a small HC enclave, just out of Fairfield, 69 houses and a block of, originally, old folks units( not anymore but!) and the Housing Commission has stuck up QR Codes & must-wear-masks posters all over the units walkways/access areas .. no one takes any notice but they are there ……!
As Indolent posted at 8.09am, the Fat Bastard’s media conference (reproduced via the Gab website — it would have been banned from YouTube) — is a must watch.
Unlike everyone else in politics, Palmer is across his issues in surgical detail. I think he has figured out he can be more effective backing winner like Craig Kelly rather than bumbling through his own shortlived parliamentary career.
And I have seen nothing like the sanctimonious speeches masquerading as questions, from journalists since Trump’s White House pressers.
Anyone can report to the TGA.
In Australia, I received with my first AZ vaxx a sheet of possible adverse reactions, how to recognise them, and how to make an individual report myself personally to the Australian TGA about any adverse effects I felt that I had suffered, as well as advice to report my adverse reaction to my GP as well.
I mentioned it on the last page of this thread, but thought it worth placing on this page too.
Helps explain and understand what is going on with the demonisation of those who choose not to take the vaccine. Good to read some history mixed with psychology.
I have every sympathy with those who suffer adverse effects from any jabs, Covid ones especially. I also have the deepest sympathy for those who have suffered very badly from Covid itself plus its after effects and those who have died or lost loved ones due to this disaster of an engineered virus.
Don’t come that sort of raw prawn with me.
Do you have to ‘opt in’ to My Health Record to get access.
Whether you opted in or out, whether you have access to it or not, you have a My Health record.
Feeding the beast.
lol. I hope you have reserved a little bit of your boundless compassion for me today too as I suffer my aches in upper body sitting here valiantly responding to those who would see me fall off the twig with my lungs turning to glue from a light case of Covid. Now there’s ‘A Suggestion’.
I demand sympathy, and I demand it now. 😀
If Palmer runs on NO LOCKUPS I’ll probably vote for UAP in the Reps. If we still have 12 votes to cast in the senate it would probably be UAP/PHON
Yes, Tom. I noticed that too. Also, those journos’ questions could barely be heard. You had to interpret the question from the answer Clive gave. Were they wearing masks?
Also, there was one greedy to air his own thoughts and wasn’t a tad interested in Clive’s answers. Do you know who he is?
I don’t trust Clive. He’s a chancer. But I don’t trust any of them any more, so it’s all a matter of degree now.
Clive Palmer Press conference – Freedom of choice (youtube)
Well done Clive.
Identify a rich vein of voters who are not being serviced.
That’s the dream which is quickly becoming a reality anyway.
You spelled “nightmare” incorrectly.
I don’t trust Clive. He’s a chancer. But I don’t trust any of them any more, so it’s all a matter of degree now.
Is Clives ambition..
A: Let kids mutilate their genitals and start taking body altering hormones for ideologies sake?
B: To allow Turnbullites to feel important as they implement Labour policies slightly slower?
C: Shut IT DOWN!!! (any productive activity) and shift to a full blowjob economy?
D: To eat all the sheep in Australia, with double gravy?
E: To raise power prices so high it cripples industry and further impoverishes people.
If the fat bastard wanted to win he should call for the full repeal of all “sin” taxes, climate, beer, ciggies the lot.
Tom, is the long winded question not so much to air the questioner’s own political opinion, but a device to trap the prey in a “gotcha” in case they misinterpret the question?
Also, to make them give an equally long-winded and sometimes preposterous answer?
“Let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No.” sounds like excellent advice when dealing with these snakes.
Imagine if Clive wedges Pauline Hanson on exemptions.
That 5% rusted on Hanson voters, plus that additional 5% that ebbs & flows from Hanson depending on the election will dump Pauline if they think she’s been talking out both sides of her mouth.
Apropos of exactly this, here is a man in Canada complaining loudly that a lab is refusing to do an antibody test on his blood as requested by his doctor.
So don’t expect a genuine, effective test any time soon.
Definitely “D”.
Also with mint sauce.
I have no idea, since I don’t know any of the current federal press gallery personally. But I’m guessing the loudest loudmouth is David Crowe, who left the Paywallian a couple of years ago to work for the SMH. He sounds a lot like the press gallery kingmakers of old.
The jab & why you need it ……… LOL!
The doctor who brought Covid back into Newmarch House, which is now locked down…were they vaxxed? I can’t find anything about it.
Rapid antigen tests will detect most cases of COVID-19, but are not as accurate as the standard test (PCR).
So, less accurate than the non-diagnostic PCR? Newer, better they told us.
I’ve seen them on a few blocks of flats. Nothing is enough for some people.
Exemptions in the lead up the Federal election will be like Section 44.
Every single politician.
Lib, Labor, National, Green, PHON.
It’s going to be glorious to watch that spoiler Clive put the acid on every single one of them.
It takes 4-10 months to develop an app. Things they are suggesting today were agreed upon months or lomger ago. Likewise the millions of QR code things in every window, on every counter and more besides, you can’t just turn them out overnight. It takes a long time to get them all made and delivered.
Actually patients can report suspected side effects directly to the TGA.
Whether doctors only report “significant events” probably depends on your definition of ‘significant’. My wife had a sore arm and a slight temperature the day after her first jab, which was duly reported by her doctor.
I diagnosed that as trivial myself at the time – only to have my medical credentials questioned fairly harshly.
Apart from Frydenberg & Dastyari who were caught up with Section 44 issues due to the decrees by nations overseas, I loved the Section 44 shenanigans.
Every day, the actions of politicians cause administrative grief for people & businesses that can destroy the victim.
That politicians had to meet an administrative standard & that it was causing them grief was glorious.
Hopefully, Palmer, Kelly & co can really cause some personal discomfort for politicians that have run dead on what has happened in Oz over the past 18 months.
It takes 4-10 months to develop an app
Wasn’t it amazing how quickly the “COVID safe” app was rolled out.
Then wasn’t it amazing how quickly it was dumped into the forgetery.
The government was warned about that ecosystem.
The commission on that contract for the consultants would have bought some harbour side mansions.
Karl Denninger has done some analysis here of the possible consequences of the vaccines.
The problem is that the government isn’t about to provide useful data on reactions so we have to look for alternative data.
I want out, and if throwing Rosie into a volcano is the only way for politicians to get out of the mess, then I can live with that.
The Cali results are starting to roll in… While the final certification will not be known for weeks. [Unlike Florida / Texas etc where the vote is done and dusted by midnight]
The No are running strong so far about 70%. The results include San Diego and LA though – but not orange and most of the rural (traditionally GOP) strongholds. Whether it’ll tighten up enough…? Maybe. But there are the “postals” yet to come in the next week or two! So – it would have had to be VERY strong Yes at this early point…
remember the good old days ?
you know … when that saying ‘Vax Macht Frei’ was just a joke in bad taste
it aint so funny anymore
Calli, dropped into a mates place last week, he wasn’t home but there on his front door was the covid scan thingy, with he and his wifes name. He’s a nice enough bloke, doesn’t have a sense of humour and only uses mainstream media for info. I haven’t had a chance to ask him about it yet but I think it’s serious. This is in a small rural community in NE Vic.
Someone should email Kelly and Palmer that there are millions of votes in exemptions. It’s possible they haven’t realised or that Palmer has cut a deal with some corrupt lobbyist. There will be no hotter hot button issue in 2022 than rules for thee, but not for me. Even Morrison is now in that club.
Interestingly, Palmer says he’ll target Labor-held seats in his 2022 campaign — the old working class who no longer have a voice in Canberra, the battlers that Morrison has now also sold out to do the bidding of Big Pharma.
This is an issue for sure and lets hope it doesn’t eventuate.
The main point with all this is the violation of individual rights viz loss of autonomy over ones health decisions.
These vaccines could very well be the best ones ever invented. Or they could be the opposite.
So what?
The principle will still remain ( or should ) that no one should be forced into taking them, period.
Woops. Quote format fail.
The gall. Who paid their legal fees? Oh that’s right. We did.
In other words lets try not to get too far into the scrub and stick to what is, I would hope, the undeniable base for an argument.
You might mean this link, Figures
On the main site go to the top right and click on “what the media does NOT want published
Denninger is very good. I’ve been reading his site since 2009.
“I want out, and if throwing Rosie into a volcano is the only way for politicians to get out of the mess, then I can live with that.”
I’m told it works better if you use virgins, Dr BG. I somehow don’t think rosie is one.
LDP for the Senate.
UAP in the House.
Feels good man.
Meanwhile, in the “nothing to see here” section of MSM outlets,
China dispatched a task force of warships led by the pride of Beijing’s fleet to patrol US waters off Alaska, raising tensions between the two rivals for maritime dominance. (The Oz)
Just as well we have a new fleet of subs arriving soon. Christened with the best Dom Pérignon of course.
I’m gonna be a diamond someday.
I sometimes feel a bit sorry for Psaki – after Kayleigh McEnany handled press briefings with such aplomb against a press corps that was so openly hostile, Psaki has almost no answers and stumbles like a dunk trying to walk up the steps to the wrong apartment even while the press is hoping and wishing for her to come of well.
And she does this in front of the whole world.
She must nightly go home and pray whatever stinking imp she draws strength from for ever speedier change to renewables so she might be saved her daily humiliation by power outages.
But there I hear what she does say and I don’t feel sorry at all.
If only I could be sure Fat Clive won’t become a grandstanding dickhead if he gets a few candidates up.
I will wait until nominations are closed and see who is running for which Minor.
If only I could be sure Fat Clive won’t become a grandstanding dickhead
Say hello to PM Antony Albanese… flanked by the 3 fates (worse than death ) KK, Wong and Pillsbezerk.
Fat Clive could do naked star jumps on live TV as the national anthem plays and it wouldnt be as awful an image as that.
I ran into someone this morning who would be right at home here, about on the same page re the vaxx and the government response. We had a long chat about everything Dan and covid.
He was very clear after being a long time liberal voter he would be voting UAP.
I mentioned David Limbrick but he had never heard of him or, it seems the LDP.
Wanted to know if they had the same financial backing.
I’ve seen a lot of people on Twitter complaining about being bombarded with UAP texts but they are appear to be working.
Protein from the liver may cause Alzheimer’s disease in the brain
They found that the toxic protein, a-beta, travels from the liver to the brain and caused neurodegeneration in the mice. The result reminds me of a study 20 years ago which found that stripping a-beta from the blood resulted in a reduction of a-beta from the brain. From that study I speculated the stripping was promoting a diffusion of a-beta from the brain to the blood. This study suggests I was wrong about that. Difficult to know if it is either\or because impaired clearance of a-beta from the brain to the blood or cerebral spinal fluid has also been implicated as an issue.
Still scanning the “news” about that Newmarch House doctor who tested +ve for Covid.
So far, all we are told is that the three patients seen had been fully vaccinated and that the doctor wore a mask during the visit. Nothing at all about the doctor’s vaccination status.
My spidey sense tells me that, if the doctor was unvaccinated, every man and his dog would know about it. Assumption – doctor vaccinated and still had the thing.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer hypocrite.
Don’t think the UAP gives a shit about any this.
This is just the way for Clive to get some payback.
And good on him.
It’s a shame that in Australia you need a billionaire getting iron ore royalties (anyway between 350 & 550mill per year) to have any pushback.
99% of his litigation is not to win.
It’s to put opponents through the wringer.
A dodgy concoction administered by a dodgy individual on a dodgy basis with the implicit threat of your professional life ending on the spot if you do not comply…
2 things to say here, Cats:
1) Far, far too many uncomfortable parallels here for me to be too flippant.
2) Is it too soon to be making such quips?
Here’s the thing.
When the state with it’s unlimited resources have a crack at you, it’s the process & the financial drain.
When Clive has a crack at a range of these people, including the big cheese at the TGA, those guys don’t have to worry about the financial impact as tax payers pick up the tab.
But most will go to water because having any level of accountability is so foreign to them.
Discovery would be a bitch too.
Discovery is like a glazed donut to Clive, it causes a physical reaction with him.
Kung Flu hysteria was about power-hungry politicians using the media to tell you they were confiscating your freedom to keep you safe.
Well Allan Joyce, the poison dwarf who runs Qantas, will find out how much you value your safety when he asks two to three times more than pre-Kung Flu fares to fly long-haul in his idle 787s (Paywallian):
Qantas’s first commercial international flights in almost two years are set to takeoff on December 18, to London, Los Angeles, Vancouver and Singapore.
The services will depart from Melbourne and Sydney, and in the case of the London flights go via either Perth or Singapore.
The next day, more destinations will come on line including Tokyo and Fiji, as well as flights from Brisbane to Singapore and Los Angeles.
Then on December 20, flights from Sydney to Honolulu will recommence potentially signalling a return to some semblance of normality for the travel industry.
Flights to New Zealand are also on sale for dates prior to Christmas, on the assumption the trans-Tasman bubble will restart by then.
According to the Qantas booking site, seats remained available for most flights although in the case of Sydney-London on December 18, the cheapest fares had all been snapped up.
Travellers should expect to pay between $1600 and $2300 one way for London and LA services, and slightly less for the return legs.
Two years’ pent up. unmet demand should be enough to sustain 1-2 years of unbridled price gouging to compensate for the fact that Qantas’s international network will be a fraction of its former size for 5-10 years.
This could be the death knell for Pauline Hanson.
The fact that her grift has been going for over 20 years means she gets a golden trough on her exit.
Tom, what’s interesting with the price gouging is that it extends to FFPs as well. I have over two million of the things and went to book BC SYD-LHR.
The points required were astronomical. A quick scan at others is the Star Alliance has me on Cathay BC for less than half.
I’d tell the disgusting virtue-vulture to take his points and jam them but he’d probably enjoy it.
He’ll be reckoning without Sandgroperstan’s lucrative Bali market, I’m afraid.
No plague hordes in, no plague hordes out.
All praise Uncle Sneakers, the TRUE 8th LockDan…
Yes, international travel is the new BDSM.
Pay a lot.
Get treated like shit.
Keep in mind, if Clive gets his damages case up against the WA government, he could be number #2 on the rich list after Gina.
Calli the Age stated yesterday that doctor was fully vaccinated.
Which makes it outright blackmail, not mere coercion.
If anyone has a different word for it, I’d like to know.
I’m at the point that regardless of his actual politics and character, anyone who dishes out a bashing sufficient to rattle Sneakers’ governmental machine and upset his howler-monkey shills is doing everyone a power of good.
Especially to all the ministers and bugmen who all went to sleep at the wheel as soon as they felt the ‘right’ people were in charge of the State again.
They ran themselves on a platform of fixing the massive problems within WA’s service provision. Instead, here we are…
Thanks Gab.
Fat lot of good it did him/her. And Newmarch, now locked down yet again for deep cleaning.
It’s a classic case of “protect the vulnerable” and vaccines available for those who want them and just get on with life. If the hospitals are overstretched…it won’t be for long.