Freedom Day aka Discrimination Day

The great conservative Christian hope, Dominic Perrottet fails at his first hurdle. He becomes the first Australian political leader to ever mandate medically-based discrimination. Those infected who’ve been vaccinated can mingle in pubs, cafes and gyms. Those uninfected who haven’t been vaccinated can’t. Go figure.

My first day on Monday of being unclean. Passed my local pub, the Oaks Hotel Neutral Bay. Quite crowded. Mostly youngish people who faced no risk from Covid yet are all vaccinated. Status checked at the door. Can’t go in, not credentialed.

I broke the law today (Tuesday). Sat in an oft-frequented café – the owner doesn’t check. But I ordered my coffee in a takeaway cup so that I could scarper if I saw the fuzz. It’s a $1000 fine. And probably more for the café owner. Strange times.

I’ve noticed how little media conservatives care about medical apartheid. They just rabbit on about Freedom Day in NSW. Freedom for some; hang the others.

Andrew Bolt is disingenuous. Argues that the unvaccinated can stay at home if they like but shouldn’t be allowed to prevent everyone else from being free. I almost vomit at this duplicity. Doesn’t want to own his previous comments that the unvaccinated should continue to be locked up. Ergo he twists his argument.

Of course, his argument is twaddle. The unvaccinated largely form a cohort who never wanted anyone locked up at any time. What a ponce Covid has made of him; as it has of so many putative conservatives.

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October 12, 2021 3:29 pm

Andrew Bolt is disingenuous. Argues that the unvaccinated can stay at home if they like but shouldn’t be allowed to prevent everyone else from being free.

I used to agree with Bolt on most things up until 2-3 years ago, but now he can get stuffed.
“Freedom” is not Bolt’s or Dictator Dan’s (or anyone else for that matter) right to grant or take away at their whim.

October 12, 2021 3:38 pm

The ex colleague I spoke to yesterday was complaining that he is free to travel from the Central Coast to Wollongong, but cannot travel 3km to his dojo or see his kids – some freedom hey?

October 12, 2021 3:38 pm

The dreaded unvaxxed aren’t preventing a single person from being free, only politicians and their health officials are.
Bolt is gaslighting.

October 12, 2021 3:42 pm

It’s very cheering to see how the whole wuflu episode has brought out the swampies. Their real natures are now on display for all to see.

You might be disappointed to discover how many are abject conformist cowards, but it’s better to know these things.

Keith Bates
Keith Bates
October 12, 2021 3:43 pm

What is particularly galling is that under Gladys it was announced that churches would be free to welcome unvaxxed members, but that was somehow removed when the orders came out last week.

As you say, he failed at the first hurdle

Major Elvis Newton
Major Elvis Newton
October 12, 2021 3:45 pm

Blot is a flog. The worst kind of conservative turncoat when it comes to individual liberty and personal autonomy.

Much of the Sky Sans Soleil cohort have drunk the vaxxer freedom kool-aid too. Presumably at the behest of their masters and sponsors.

They are not to be trusted either.

October 12, 2021 3:58 pm

Andrew Bolt is just another Turnbull, Fraser, Hewson etc. He lost all credibility years ago.

Which brings me to another topic. Why is Australia building all these COVID Villas for overseas travellers? If everyone who can travel is vaccinated, why would they need to isolate?

So what is the purpose of these facilities? Could they perhaps be internment camps for the unvaccinated?

John Bayley
John Bayley
October 12, 2021 4:08 pm

Yes, there is a strange kind of blindness out there among many ‘conservatives’.

A case in point: Some of you here may occasionally read the blog of one of the former Cat commentators, ‘I am Spartacus’. More often than not, he comes across as a sensible person.

Yet in his recent missive, he states he is against mandatory vaccination, but he then proceeds to say that the vaxxed should not ‘subsidise’ the unvaxxed by affording them the same rating in private insurance (as applies to smokers, obese individuals and everyone else), or even allow them the ‘first in & first treated’ principle.

While he knows, and even states, that the ‘vaccination’ does not stop one from getting sick or passing the illness on, he clearly chooses to ignore the fact that in countries where the vaxx campaign is much longer running than in Australia, there are more vaxxed patients than unvaxxed in hospital, and more often than not with more severe symptoms.

In other words, that the ‘vaccines’ are not only dangerous, but that they do NOT work.

And, he proudly announces that he’s had his own kids vaccinated. That would be the young who are at no risk from Covid whatsoever, but at a significantly higher risk of heart problems etc from the toxic non-vaxxed.

I am currently in the EU, in a country where the vast majority (~80%) have been ‘vaccinated’. They still have thousands of new ‘cases’ a day and they have just started the third round of the frankenvaxx.

If even otherwise sensible people cannot see that this will NEVER stop unless more of us say ‘NO MORE’, I fear the West as we knew it is over.

‘Vaccine mach frei’, indeed.

I do not understand why otherwise apparently intelligent people get to come up with such utterly stupid arguments.

October 12, 2021 4:22 pm

I should be surprised, but I’m not anymore, that an educated population can swallow such complete drivel as an unvaccinated person poses a ‘threat’ to the vaccinated. It does not even pretend to logic, and merely makes a mockery of advice from so-called health experts. It is worth noting that Covid is rarely fatal, and is not even listed among the ‘deadliest infectious diseases’.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 12, 2021 4:25 pm

“Freedom” day is by no definition about freedom.
The mandated “vaccines” are by no definition vaccines.
It’s not about safety.
It’s about control.

October 12, 2021 4:29 pm

I too am disgusted with society at the moment.

As the meme goes; It is ironic that the very people who were arguing to keep businesses open are now the very ones banned from them.

Not much different to the medical staff – once heroes, now (dismissed) zeros.

Cassie of Sydney
October 12, 2021 4:30 pm

“Andrew Bolt is disingenuous. Argues that the unvaccinated can stay at home if they like but shouldn’t be allowed to prevent everyone else from being free.”

Andrew Bolt is not a conservative.
Andrew Bolt is a fair-weather person
Andrew Bolt wants to be liked
Andrew Bolt is no warrior

I’ll give him one thing though, he did stoically defend Cardinal Pell and copped much abuse for it.

October 12, 2021 4:37 pm

duncanm says:
October 12, 2021 at 4:29 pm

I too am disgusted with society at the moment.
Not much different to the medical staff – once heroes, now (dismissed) zeros.

I’ve met many medicos who were/are undisguised sociopaths, most gravitate towards bureaucratic positions within Health.
A toxic Nomenklatura hell-bent on improving their definitions of “safety”, while destroying team morale among the proper troops.
Evil vermin.

October 12, 2021 4:39 pm

“I’m all right Jack”

October 12, 2021 4:44 pm

A little listen to the radio and at least 1/2 of the advertising was government.
It would be an interesting exercise to find out what % of supposed private media funds are government.

Today I was serenaded to “it’s a wonderful world” by a breathy ho informing me if I get jabbed all will be well.
Followed by another telling me how wonderful the Snowy battery would be for climate change.
Long “ money is on object” ads which would be a dream for a small business. Prices pushed out of reach for them thanks to papa government filling the slots available.
You want a reason for the complete absence of journalism during covid.
There’s a large part of it.

Also caught the tail end of a revealing conversation between a couple of ladies on site.
“ fancy being silly enough not to think vaccines wouldn’t be mandatory for mining”…..

We have a sick and broken mob of sheeple, ruined by fear and anxiety to be made “ safe” at any cost.

October 12, 2021 4:47 pm

I’ll give him one thing though, he did stoically defend Cardinal Pell and copped much abuse for it.

A true defender is only effective if he meets the next cause head on. His defence of Pell was admirable but his weak performance since says volumes.

October 12, 2021 4:49 pm

I consider Andrew Bolt to be an absolute cunt. Hypocrite of the highest order. Now. Makes me puke.

Cassie of Sydney
October 12, 2021 4:50 pm

“A true defender is only effective if he meets the next cause head on. His defence of Pell was admirable but his weak performance since says volumes.”

Agree….well said.

October 12, 2021 4:54 pm

Andrew Bolt wants to be liked

Spare me from conservatives or those on the right who want to be “liked” (ScoMo, a supposedly Liberal PM is a case in point).
I’d far rather one who sticks to his or her principles and guns, and who never, ever apologises for it or shows moral cowardice in the face of the enemy.

October 12, 2021 4:55 pm

I love the ”scientism” that says an unvax can visit homes, get coffee and go shopping on Sunday, but not on Monday.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
October 12, 2021 5:19 pm

When i think Oz can’t go any further down the path of insanity, i get proven wrong again.

What the fvck have you allowed your petty tyrants to do to you.

To the people who endorse making your own citizens a class of untermensch, i hope you enjoy sucking on the governments greasy cock because be under no illusions, you will find yourself on the outer one day.

You should be in the streets protesting about politicians who have magically exempted themselves from these mandates, but no you’ve allowed the Karen Corps to set the agenda.

Ozganistan, a great place to FOAD.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 12, 2021 5:22 pm

Bolt lost me when he apologised to Marr regarding a comment made by me on his column. That was ages ago. Haven’t missed him since.
Peter, you dodged a bullet not going into the Oaks at Neutral Bay. Full of arseholes.
Told a specialist I had to see this morning that, having had a look at the whole running of this shamdemic, I reluctantly realise that my Pater did not kill enough Nazis.
Fascists can kiss my arse. Keeping them down is like whack a mole. Worse than Patterson’s Curse.

October 12, 2021 5:33 pm

Just popped into my inbox.

From Tanya Davies, Member for Mulgoa


Thank you for taking the time to write to me to let me know your opposition to the forced vaccination mandate policy. I wanted to touch base to share a few things that have been happening.

Having spoken to many of you I know that your situation is extremely difficult; many have lost work, many are uncertain about their future and many are disillusioned that as a society we have gotten to this point.

Yesterday we celebrated “Freedom Day” in NSW. But it wasn’t freedom day. Freedom day will be when all people, regardless of medical status, are treated equally.

I will continue to fight for this freedom.

Keep reading for information from the Fair Work Commissioner, my advocacy on behalf of thousands of healthcare workers/teachers/emergency personnel who are losing their jobs and an update on my petition for Rapid Antigen Testing.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 12, 2021 5:39 pm

These idiots are gloating that they have been bribed with their own freedoms.

They have no sense of what freedom is. It is just always…there. No matter what happens in Australia it will always be there. Not like those backward countries. Not like those communist countries. Not like those poor countries. Whatever freedom is, and they are assured it is a good thing, it will be hanging in the air like a smell.

Same with economic wealth. Australia will always be a rich country, not matter how much taxation and regulation they heap on it, we will always be able to holiday in Noosa, take a trip to Europe, afford big TV’s and buy the latest fashions.

October 12, 2021 5:44 pm

Oaks Hotel Neutral Bay. The Doug Walters Bar. Probably long gone I imagine.

October 12, 2021 6:02 pm

Why is it we insist on calling those who will NOT fight for conservatism, conservatives?

Would you call a boxer who lost their first bout, a six-time winner?
Would you call a penguin an award-winning children’s author?

Then why the firetruck do we insist on complimenting people who either actively work against what we believe in, or at the very least, do nothing substantial to support our cause (while claiming the opposite)?

October 12, 2021 6:07 pm

The fucking of Australia only ever pauses momentarily to allow the Elite to adjust their grip on the pipe.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 6:09 pm

Six out of ten Australians are insane.

A survey has found almost six in 10 Australians are concerned about working alongside colleagues who are not vaccinated against coronavirus, with 70 per cent of respondents supporting workplace vaccine mandates.

If you have been vaccinated either (a) you are protected or (b) the vaccine doesn’t work. If (a) then you shouldn’t give a flying fruitbat if someone in your workplace is unvaccinated, that’s their worry. If (b) then there is zero difference between your vaccinated and your unvaccinated coworkers, and you should be buying ivermectin on the internet. There really isn’t much in between those two basic science positions.

Increasing number of Aussies are concerned about working alongside unvaccinated colleagues, study finds (12 Oct)

Our country is inhabited by a horde of vaccinated morons.

October 12, 2021 6:18 pm

Bruce, I find that survey difficult to believe. It’s all agenda driven. And I suspect run on the push-polling template.

One thousand workers? A huge sample.

a reader
a reader
October 12, 2021 6:22 pm

I know of a university that had something like 80% of staff concerned about working with the unvaccinated. These people are nuts

October 12, 2021 6:24 pm

It is pretty obvious that the Australian electorate is not prepared to accept a high death rate, that has to be a risk opening up, like it or not.
Perrottet is still acting like a premier not a dictator like Dan, at this point, not knowing how much this rule relaxation will effect hospitalisations and death rates from covid why shouldn’t he give things a couple of weeks to settle?
I know if you’ve convinced yourself it’s only this and that and vaccines are useless nothing is going to be good enough.
As an outsider looking in I’m going to give him a couple of weeks.
That he is abandoning hotel quarantine for Australians returning from overseas, probably on the 1st of November is a good sign.
And t hat doesn’t mean I’m endorsing vaccine passports, I don’t.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 6:52 pm

And I suspect run on the push-polling template.

Which still makes them morons Calli. Gullible ones.

October 12, 2021 7:24 pm

The great conservative Christian hope, Dominic Perrottet fails at his first hurdle.

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.

Psalm 146:3-5 (AV)

October 12, 2021 7:52 pm

Peter, this is an extract from your latest piece in Quadrant – it is incorrect.

As I read the complex rules, the unvaccinated will be compelled to wear masks outside while they, the privileged majority, will be free of this useless mandate. Might as well give out yellow stars.

As an “anti-vaxxer” who detests face nappies with a passion and who currently exists in one of Sydney’s notorious “LGAs of Obsession”, I monitor the (stupid, complex and infuriating) rules regularly and checked them (again) after reading your piece above. They clearly state that people in Greater Sydney do not need to wear face nappies outside regardless of their “vaccine status”.

From the NSW government bat flu website:

(From 11 October 2021) People in Greater Sydney will no longer be required to carry a face mask with them, or wear a face mask outside, except in limited circumstances.

See also here:

Please note I am not in any way, shape or form defending any of this hysterical insanity. As far as I’m concerned, face nappies are worse than useless and the wearing of them in any public setting should be banned.

As for now effectively being a second class citizen, I can barely contain my hatred of and contempt for spineless backsliding two faced politico/meeja mongrels like Perrottet and Bolt. Utter scum.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 12, 2021 8:01 pm

I tried to make an appointment with a specialist for mid December; the office said that they will not take any unvaccinated patients. When I said that December 1 is the date presumably for the end of the health orders and the return to “normality”, the response was that the surgery had checked with its solicitors and there was no impediment to this decision. It was left open whether a review of this policy would be done post the December 1 date.

Previous to that call I had telephoned our GP for a referral to be informed that the doctor was closing the surgery at the end of November after about 40 years of service to the community. I asked the office staff whether a new doctor would be taking over the practice but was told that the surgery would close; and was the doctor providing the contact details of other doctors for his patients; “no” was the answer.

(Incidentally, the other half had been to the doctor earlier in the year and in passing he’d been informed the doc would keep working for a few more years – I do understand that people change their minds).

I then called a friend to see who her doctor is. She said that she had just found out that her doctor was retiring asap. I realise that this could all be coincidental, but it has left me wondering.

October 12, 2021 8:11 pm

Yes, nothing says healthcare like checking with your solicitors to ensure you can exclude those whom you consider undesirable…

sounds like it may be time to find another specialist, though I expect they will all be the same.

a reader
a reader
October 12, 2021 8:22 pm

The freedom muzzles are not required outdoors in NSW at all which is a slight blessing. What amazes me is how many people are still voluntarily wearing the bloody things outdoors.

It is very pleasing to me to see nearly everybody in the supermarket around here with nose and/or mouth exposed

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 12, 2021 8:24 pm

Where are all our organisations for Civil Liberties? They certainly are keeping their powder dry.

October 12, 2021 8:31 pm

I then called a friend to see who her doctor is. She said that she had just found out that her doctor was retiring asap. I realise that this could all be coincidental, but it has left me wondering.

Coincidentally, I went to a medical appointment tonight, and during the conversation I was told it is happening everywhere. Practices closing down all over. The reason wasn’t pinpointed, but it was raised when discussing the unethical nature of the vaccine mandate, so I can only assume it’s significant factor.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 12, 2021 8:52 pm

October 12, 2021 at 6:24 pm
It is pretty obvious that the Australian electorate is not prepared to accept a high death rate, that has to be a risk opening up, like it or not

Compare the annual ‘flu season – in 2017, 1183 deaths were recorded. In relation to the general timeframe of a ‘flu season, the covid-19 mortality rate seems no more worrying. In fact it is less so, given that since the pandemic began on 25/1/20 in Australia, which so far is just over 20 months, there have been 1461 deaths.$File/2019-Influenza-Season-Summary.pdf

As to the public not being prepared to accept a high death rate; as noted above, there hasn’t been one, no matter what the government, the public health officials and the media keep saying.

Perrottet is still acting like a premier…at this point, not knowing how much this rule relaxation will effect hospitalisations and death rates from covid why shouldn’t he give things a couple of weeks to settle?

1) Being prepared to give things a few weeks suggests that segregation is no “biggy” for you.

2) see previous answer to the number of Covid deaths vis-à-vis the 2017 ‘flu season.

3) Until Monday of this week, all citizens of Australia living in NSW had the same rights, including the right to make their own choices about what medical treatment they would or would not have. Now there are effectively two classes of citizenship. As to the couple of weeks to settle – remember the two weeks to flatten the curve?

I know if you’ve convinced yourself it’s only this and that and vaccines are useless nothing is going to be good enough

Again, it is about the right of the free person to make their own decisions without reference to anyone else. It does not worry me in the least that you decided in favour of the jab; I would appreciate it if you would grant that same courtesy to others.

That he is abandoning hotel quarantine for Australians returning from overseas, probably on the 1st of November is a good sign. And that doesn’t mean I’m endorsing vaccine passports, I don’t


October 12, 2021 8:59 pm

Just call it what it is, an old fashioned ‘run them out on a rail’ mob, ginned up by a lunatic media, ordered to turn contempt to hate by a corrupt premier fighting for her life and trying to save her own neck.

October 12, 2021 9:05 pm

Certainly, twostix.

When I have watched Channel 7 and Channel 9 in recent weeks, I have had my mind blown by the psychopathy shown on these “news” reports.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
October 12, 2021 9:08 pm

I am married to a Russian born and educated earth scientist and her take on all this is –welcome to a modern Soviet union–

October 12, 2021 9:46 pm

Sheep let out into a bigger pen are not free. They are still penned, and can be yarded again at the whim of the farmer.

A dog on a longer leash is not free. He must still respond to the hand on the otger end.

It is not freedom, until the fences have been torn down and the leash removed.

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 12, 2021 10:05 pm

But I ordered my coffee in a takeaway cup so that I could scarper if I saw the fuzz. It’s a $1000 fine. And probably more for the café owner. Strange times.

I’m pretty sure that I heard the NSW Rum Corps Commander state that the NSW Plod won’t be policing in clubs, pubs, cafes etc. He said that the police would only get involved if a business owner said that he or she was have problems with a leper who wouldn’t go away.

The policing requirement seems to be on the business owner and if they don’t want to enforce the restrictions, i.e., if they like the colour of your money whether you are vaxxed or not, then you shouldn’t encounter any problems.

It will very quickly degenerate into the q-code, sign-in requirement, that’s the business owner’s responsibility to manage and if they don’t bother, then no one else will either.

October 12, 2021 11:30 pm

Bruce, I find that survey difficult to believe. It’s all agenda driven. And I suspect run on the push-polling template.

One thousand workers? A huge sample.

I’m sure that’s part of it but I’m also sure that the last two years of propaganda is behind it too.

October 13, 2021 1:49 am

What a ponce Covid has made of him; as it has of so many putative conservatives.

They were always ponces. This has been the great revealing.

Winston Smith
October 13, 2021 6:34 am

Major Elvis Newton:

Blot is a flog. The worst kind of conservative turncoat when it comes to individual liberty and personal autonomy.

Bolt never fails when the going gets tough, to revert to his socialist past.

Winston Smith
October 13, 2021 6:43 am


One thousand workers? A huge sample.

All from one building in Ultimo…

October 13, 2021 8:07 am

Peter Smith says:
October 12, 2021 at 11:51 pm
Thanks Rabz, it’s not the first time I’ve tripped over the Covid rules.

I concur and thank Rabs also.
As an unvaxed, non-masker, I read the new rules on that execrable DT website (ex-paywall, of course, so webadmin costs but no income for the fuckers), it implied that current rules for the unvaxed will only change on 1st December. They can’t even get basic grammar right, the dogs!

On the move yesterday in Western Sydney, and only saw a couple of people sans-mask.
The Pavlovian response needs time to readjust, I suppose.

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